#dsmp firefly au
thewolfparadox · 7 months
You Can't Take the Sky From Me
Fandom: Dream SMP Category: Gen Rating: Teen and Up (language and violence) Chapters: 37 Status: Incomplete Relationships: Crimeboys; L'Manberg ensemble Additional Info: Firefly AU
Wilbur and Tommy are on the run from both the law and their own past. Unfortunately for both themselves and the crew of L'Manberg, both begin to catch up with them at the same time.
Read on Ao3
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arcaneglitch · 2 years
Seven Up Tag Game
Thank you to @utlana for the tag!
Rules: Post seven sentences from a current WIP then tag others
These are from my DSMP Firefly AU (yet to be posted)
The panic was infectious and Tommy knew he would catch it himself unless he figured something out.
Not for the first time, he wished Wilbur or Techno was there.
Either of them would have a better idea of what to do than he did right now.
But like it or not, he was the first mate and until Wilbur got back, he was in charge.
Knowing that he couldn’t afford to fail the crew by letting the situation devolve into chaos, Tommy cast off the pack of supplies and clambered onto the hood of the Mule.
Drawing a deep breath, he boosted his voice to the maximum volume.
tagging @collapsingintojupiter @houseofmcallister @featherfang and any of my writer mutuals that see this and want to participate
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Hero au with Hero Dream, who has a pocket dimension where he can store people and things, and villain clingy duo, who use said dimension as enrichment
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bleue-flora · 3 months
Before becoming a ctommy apologist [I'm one of the good ones] I used to depise him specifically because he burned down ctubbos house bcuz I used to be the biggest ctubbo apologist and loved firefly duo. Then when cdream called ctubbo a dumb president 😭 bro did not have to do him like that I didn't enjoy that duo anymore as much although I still find a protege au with ctubbo as enjoyable as one with ctommy or even cpurpled
[are there any good ones? - XD lol just kidding.] I understand feeling less passionate about ctubbo and cdream after that, though I do believe (not 100% sure though) cdream also says later that ctubbo was the best president L’manberg ever had, and in Daedalus he says that ctubbo is one of the only people who hasn’t really done anything wrong. In cdream’s mind I suspect his biggest wrong was siding with ctommy and later letting cquackity push him into targeting ctechno and cdream. I mean that particularly was pretty dumb to be fair.
Honestly, as I rewatch lore I’ve grown rather fond of ctubbo. He seems to really care about people and not want to be involved in conflict but allowing himself to be pushed into it because he can’t say no and he’s above all else loyal to his friends. Though I think many of the dsmp members (csapnap, cdream, cpunz…) felt betrayed with him siding with L’manberg since - weren’t they his friend too?… huh it’s no wonder he and cranboo ended up together. He is definitely a character I would have loved to see in a season two. Because the basic change of who he sticks by could change everything for him…
Anyways, I didn’t mean to get distracted there oops, what I’m really curious of is how you went from hating ctommy to being a ctommy apologist? What changed? Like I honestly don’t get it, he just seems like such an asshole to me. [also I’m not super surprised you are one of the good ones since you knew about ctommy burning down ctubbo’s house, because I suspect that that piece of lore (along with ctommy repeatedly killing cdream when he had nothing) plays a big part in separating the ‘good’ ctommy apologists from the more unreasonable ones.]
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listenheresweaty · 1 year
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image ain't mine
if you want to read my works and avoid Wilbur content, here are your options:
(link to be added)
all content is SFW and usually with a gender neutral reader (I can’t think of anything I’ve written without a gn reader but idk there may be one)
*I accept xreader headcanon requests for Mandela Catalogue Characters: Mark, Cesar, Adam, Jonah. If any such are sent to me I’ll make a separate master list for them*
C!Quackity (romantic or platonic)
c!technoblade (preferably platonic but I can add romantic undertones ig)
C!purpled (PLATONIC!!!!)
c!tommy (PLATONIC!!!!!)
c!wilbur (Lmanbur, Pogbur, limbobur, revivebur, utahbur)
Clinic!bur (supervillain siren)
Sirenbur (literal siren 🧜‍♀️)
Spook!bur (bur that is a ghost, not ghostbur from the DSMP)
if there are any more burs you’d like to add, let me know.
QPR’s for platonic characters are accepted, as long as they have no sexual or explicit romantic themes. I will NOT write: cc!wilbur, simpbur/incelbur, ghostbur, q!wilbur, c!dream, any NSFW content, pregnancy/parenthood (I might make small exceptions but I will be the judge of what I write— keep parenting stuff out of any asks you send me), yandere stuff, ongoing self harm or abuse (allusions to past experiences is okay but let’s be respectful).
Limbobur general headcanons
Revivebur angst
Pogbur Alphabet
That one revivebur thing that turned into a series:
Part one
Part two
Part Three
Part four
Part five (coming (?) soon (?))
Revivebur with a magma cube hybrid reader: part one, part two
Siren/Clinicbur x reader: coming soon!(?)
Dead as Disco (Revivebur x reader): here
Revivebur fic from 2021: here
Food For thought/ Chefbur au:
Part One
Part Two (kind of)
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credit for the divider goes to @firefly-graphics
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cielcreations · 1 year
Godly Powers - Prologue [DSMP God AU]
A long time ago, three gods ruled over everything. There was the God of the End, the God of the Overworld, and the God of the Nether. All three of them were extremely close, so close they were lovers. They helped one another out, helped one another create their worlds, helped one another make their realms more lively with plants, creatures, and even used their power to make portals  for the creatures to pass through.
However, with more creatures came more work. The gods had to make sure the creatures had enough free will and intelligence so they wouldn't just be some zombie like creature, but they couldn't have too much that they tried to overthrow them.
"Why don't we make our own gods that were below us!"   The God of the End suggested.
"What? I don't think-"
"That's a great idea!" The God of the Overworld exclaimed, "We're all both so tired all the time, having other people help us would ease the load! We'll even have more time, just the three two of us!"
"I really don't want-"
"We will all both still be together, that will never change. However, with extra hands around, it will be more lively!"
"Nothing bad will come of this I promise!"
"Great! Let's get to work!"
And so, the three gods began to make more. At first, the God of the End and the God of the Overworld were the only two to make multiple gods. Meanwhile, the God of the Nether only made one. The system worked for awhile, until the God of the Nether noticed something.
An affair.
The God of Nether never, never, ever, EVER, agreed to this. He, of course, confronted them.
"I don't like how close you both are getting with your gods! I-"
"You're overreacting." The God of the End reassured.
"It's all just platonic!" The God of the Overworld chuckled.
"B-But I saw you both-"
"It's okay, we're still together, it's not a big deal!"
"We promise, my firefly, it's okay!"
Is it okay? The God of the Nether thought. However, he just sighed.
The God of the Nether just smiled sadly, "Okay... I trust you." He didn't, but he couldn't say that.
The God of the Nether made more Gods, just like the other two. However, while the other two were extremely happy, having fun, having an affair and cheating, and making gods that were stable and happy... the God of the Nether couldn't. He was upset, he was hurt, and he was angry. The gods he started to make were a bit unstable, they had a temper, they reflected his emotions and what was in his heart. While the God of the Overworld and God of the End had fun, while they smiled, and continued their "secret" relationships, the God of the Nether suffered remained silent.
His heart was breaking everyday, seeing the way his boyfriends acted. While he remained loyal, they didn't. He grew to hate their gods, to the point he would make their gods cry and not feel any remorse. He secretly hopes and prayed they would come back. That they would hug him and love him again.
But that never happened.
One day, the God of the End proposed an idea.
"We should have an open relationship!"
"Ooooh, good idea!" The God of the Overworld agreed, "We can all still be together, but be able to go out and explore!"
"Exactly! What do you say, S-"
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" The God of the Nether screamed.
"W-We didn't-"
The God of the End reached out to him, "F-Firefly-"
"DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT! YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT!" The God of the Nether pulled his hand away. He turned around and began to stomp away, fire erupting from where he stepped, "You both are going to pay for the torture you put me through."
The God of the Nether didn't take it well.
He started a war. With the Goddess of Death, God of Blood, God of War, God of Time, and many other powerful gods on his side, the God of the Nether should have won. The war between them lasted for two weeks, the God of the End and the God of the Overworld teaming up. The God of the Nether and his gods were backed into a corner and, caring about them more than his own health, he used his power to retreat them to safety.
The God of the Nether screamed as the God of the End stabbed him. The god coughed up golden blood and fell to his knees.
"S-Step back!" The God of the Overworld separated them.
The God of the Nether just looked down, staring at his own blood.
"...Firefly, you're too unstable."
I just want you both to come back to me... The God of the Nether thought.
"We don't have a choice." The God of the Overworld said.
The God of the Nether looked up and watched the two hold their hands up. His eyes widened and he reached out to stop them, but it was too late. With heavy hearts, they used almost all their power to lock the other deep into the Nether, his realm. Netherite chains wrapped around his wrist and ankles as he was taken deep into the realm, hidden under lava, under the endless Netherack, unable to be accessed by anyone but them.
The minor gods who fell under the God of the Nether were ordered to choose who they now wished to follow. All of them refused to follow the God of the Overworld or the God of the End, demanding their true ruler back. Both of them simply said it was impossible. Everyone was forbidden to speak of the God of the Nether, no one was to utter his name.
He was unstable.
He was a problem.
But you don't really believe that.... do you? After all, you can see the text they tried to hide. So tell me, young godling, if you want to figure out who you're connected to... you know where to look, don't you?
Who am I?
There's no need to rush things. After all, you have a story to read.
Flip the page and, when the time is right, you will know who I am.
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the-final-sif · 2 years
"Is the baby asleep?"
Technoblade's voice was quiet, but it still startled Tubbo, who was on the verge of passing out on the kitchen table. His entire body jolted and his heart almost gave out before he managed to take in a quick breath. Recovery took several seconds, but Tubbo pulled himself together enough to hiss out words.
"Not cool, big man! You can't jumpscare me like that!"
The fact he was staying quiet was answer enough. Techno rumbled out a huffy laugh, shrugging off his heavy outer cloak and setting down a bag that was filled with... potion brewing stuff? Tubbo was pretty sure that was what Techno'd gone out for. It'd been quite awhile. Nearly a full day now that Tubbo thought about it.
"Gotta stay alert at all times! You never know when I might strike!"
Despite Techno's words, his voice was still hushed and the slump to his shoulders indicated he was exhausted from his trip. Still, he had a good mood about him. Tubbo rolled his eyes, but grinned all the same.
"You find something cool?"
As he asked, Tubbo pushed himself to his feet with a yawn, reaching for Techno's bag to put away the ingredients, only to stop when Techno moved it away.
"Got a surprise for the piglet. I swung by the bastion that took him in to let 'em know he's alright, and they sent me off with some treats for him. I'm gonna put them with the nether wart, you can give 'em to him tomorrow after breakfast. No more than two though."
The idea was exciting. Tubbo couldn't help but wiggle a bit, still careful to keep his voice low.
"Oh! That's awesome! Me and Boo tried to make some nether food ages ago, most of it didn't turn out great, I'm not sure how well translated our receipts were, but the one that was edible Michael really liked. I'm sure he'll love these! Are you sure you don't want to give them to him though?"
As Tubbo rambled, he'd followed Techno down to the storage area, where the piglin had started putting away the ingredients. The man laughed again.
"Nah, I'm putting this stuff away and then passing out for the next 24 hours. No need for him to wait that long for 'em."
"Fair. I'll tell him you brought 'em back then."
Techno nodded, finishing up his sorting and giving Tubbo a pat on the back back as he slid past to head up to his bedroom. Right. Sleeping. That was a thing people did. Tubbo found himself suddenly very tired, and made his way over to the huge couch that took up half the living room. Sometimes he went over to Ranboo's place to sleep, but most nights he found himself here. Honestly, the couch was so big that it was basically the same size as a bed for him anyways.
Grabbing a few of the blankets to pull over himself, Tubbo settled down for the night, excepting to fall asleep quickly.
Only, something was wrong. A gut feeling that he was missing something.
Not something life threatening. Not like they were about to get attacked. Just that something important was off, and he'd been forgetting it for awhile now.
Tubbo couldn't seem to pinpoint what was bothering him, and it kept him up until his body finally passed out.
The morning was no better. There was an itch in his brain he couldn't seem to scratch, even as he went through the motions of preparing breakfast and bringing it up for Michael and Dream. Even as he sat in the chair and tried to make conservation, he found his mind drawn back to this puzzle he couldn't make out.
It hit him right when he gave Michael the treats. The boy recognized the candies, making grabby hands as he bounced with delight. Tubbo had laughed and handed them over, explaining it to Dream as he did so.
"They're from the bastion, Techno visited-"
And with that sentence, Tubbo got hit over the head with what he'd been missing. The realization stunned him into silence for several seconds. Dream tensed, glancing around for danger before Tubbo finally managed to collect his thoughts enough to speak. Words slow as he tried to assemble his thoughts.
"I- sorry- it just hit me. We've been so busy and-. Michael was at a bastion. They took him in. He's not- He's better. There's no bone, or fungi or- We haven't given him one potion. What- It's not- Everything Ranboo and I found find said it was incurable. I mean- Was it Sam?"
Admittedly, none of that was a question, and it was accompanied by a series of half aborted gestures as Tubbo desperately tried to communicate what had somehow slipped his mind in all the chaos. Michael was no longer half dead. Somehow.
Dream relaxed his shoulders a bit, taking a breath before replying.
"Nah, the- Sam." A pause, Dream shook himself slightly and restarted. "Sam didn't do shit to help. Wouldn't even let me have harming potions or take the fucking time to treat it himself. I don't think he understood how serious it was. Maybe he just didn't give a fuck. It got- It got kinda bad. So I used the book."
Oh no. No, no, no. Tubbo would've seen the message. Right? There would've been- Michael couldn't have-
"Oh fuck, not like- he didn't die. It's not-. The book, it works- So, XD, he's a weird motherfucker, but he'll show up and it's only supposed to be for revivals, but sometimes he'll bend the rules. I summoned him, asked him to patch Michael up, and he did what he could. Michael's still, uh, sort of infected? It won't get worse, but healing and harming are still flipped for him. Was the best XD could do without changing him too much."
Dream quickly explained, and it eased the panic in Tubbo's chest. That- It still wasn't good that Sam hadn't given Michael any medical treatment. Fuck, Tubbo was tempted to hunt the man down and take his last life for that alone. Another time, maybe. But at least Michael didn't die. That was something.
Tubbo nodded quietly, eyes turning to watch Michael as the toddler stayed distracted by his candy. Intently focusing on picking it apart to eat it in a very particular manner. He wanted to scoop the toddler up and never let him go again, but Michael was still very wary about being held. For anyone but Dream.
A few minutes ticked by, and before long, Tubbo found himself processing a lot of the implications of what Dream had said. A lot of it was good. Michael's infection had been a constant struggle, even with medical treatment, there was only so much that could be done. Michael was happier now. No longer in constant pain, and having regained some mobility. The lack of exposed bones was nice too. It would reduce his risk for other infections and help protect him when he ran into things as young children do.
Still, there were parts of the story that left Tubbo with questions. None of which he could ask. Tubbo had already been firmly told by Techno that he was not to ask Dream any questions about the revival book. The older piglin had been deadly serious about it, and even if Tubbo didn't quite understand why, even he could see how Dream's shoulders tensed at the mere mention of the book. Still, he had to ask something. The tense silence in the room was killing him.
"Wait- you called XD a 'weird motherfucker', isn't he like, your god? Like Techno with the blood god?"
Despite the mask covering Dream's face, Tubbo could tell that he was getting a Look for that.
"Fuck no. I mean, we've got some stuff going on, but he's not my patron. Honestly, I dunno if he even does that stuff."
That caught Tubbo off guard, he'd been assuming- well, a lot of things apparently. Dream wasn't wrong though, XD was a rarely worshiped god, known for not responding to those that did attempt to communicate with him. Which made it all the stranger that he was apparently willing to show up for Dream. Still, it was odd for Dream to be so willing to speak ill of him. XD was still a god, an old and quite powerful one at that.
"If he's not your patron, then why do you dress like him? I thought that was it? Do you just happen to dress like the god who lets you revive the dead?"
Dream snorted, not even offended at the accidental near accusation.
"Hell no, you've got it backwards. I don't dress like him, he dresses like me. When we met, he looked totally different, but he liked the way I looked so he copied it. Actually copied my mask too at first, but I drew the line at that shit. Made him change it so people can tell us apart."
Seconds ticked by, as Tubbo's brained stalled out. Long, long seconds.
Oops. No sooner had he shouted, then he remembered there was someone still asleep in the house. Michael finally startled, looking up in alarm first at Tubbo, then over to Dream with one wide little eye. Dream was also startled for a moment, before he doubled over laughing, barely managing to half shrug his shoulders in response.
Only several seconds in to Dream's laughing fit as the man started to sound genuinely out of breath, did Tubbo remember that Dream's lungs were still weak, and Phil had specifically told them all not to make him laugh since it could trigger a coughing fit. Too late for that now. What was he supposed to do again? Something about water breathing and strength? Tubbo's brain was still dead from finding out that a god was apparently copying Dream of all people.
Luckily, a very sleepy Technoblade chose that moment to appear in the doorway, glaring at the occupants of the room (not Michael thought, Michael got a half-grin). Despite his tired state, Techno quickly noticed that Dream's laughter had in fact, turned into a coughing fit.
With a sigh, the piglin shuffled across the room to a cupboard where he snagged a purple looking potion. The potion was splashed onto a washclothing, and Tubbo quickly moved out of the way so that Techno could shift up Dream's shirt and apply it to the man's chest as he tried to get his breath back.
Once that was done, and Dream no longer sounded like he was dying, Techno turned to Tubbo with a single raised eyebrow. Clearly wanting answers. Tubbo had none, he could only wave his hands helplessly. Something Techno was decidedly unimpressed with.
Tubbo endured a staredown for nearly half a minute before Dream finally managed to speak up and save him.
"Tubbo just learned that XD's the rip off."
That got a bit of a face journey from Technoblade as he processed then acknowledged the point, finally landing on what seemed like understanding.
"Ah, so you finally learned God's a Dream kinnie. Fair enough, and welcome to my life."
And with that, Technoblade shuffled back out of the room to go back to bed, uninterested in explaining anything more.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
I was going to say it's been a while since I've come to this blog to absolutely derail or ruin an AU, but looking at the archetype au, someone's managed to absolutely derail it before me. That being said, I've emerged from the void for a quick spell to offer up some additions to the derailing. If you've seen any of my other posts you know exactly what I'm about to do. 
Alright, we've canonized Tommy being Kristen's kid, right? So here's an interesting thought. Tommy being a phoenix because of Kristen. Fundy is also a phoenix, as are a couple other characters I'll get into later. A phoenix isn't actually a hybrid in the biological sense as much as a spiritual sense, so Fundy is still a phoenix even if he can't manage to summon his wings right now as an Unaware and he looks like a fox. Tommy who looks like the token human at this point is similar. You can biologically be one thing and still be a phoenix. XD chose Tommy to be his protagonist because of what he is, and also the fact XD really hates Kristen [who if she's the God of Death I purpose her real name be >:)]. It was generally a win win for XD. That's also why XD bullies Fundy, to keep him from ever figuring out what he is.
Now, there's one other phoenix that XD didn't even realize was a phoenix and honestly still hasn't because you wouldn't be able to tell right off the bat. Our buddy boy Jack who pulled himself out of hell deserves it. A funny thing about phoenixes, their minds and bodies don't heal like regular people. Not as quickly, anyway. Much like we need to sleep in order for our bodies to fulfil their required biological processes, a phoenix actually needs to die. 
If a phoenix sees another phoenix, and that phoenix seems sick, they'll try to kill the other phoenix until they seem better. A bit like making your sick family member sleep off a cold. A common method being lava since if the phoenix is sick enough they stop being fire proof and if they're not sick enough the lava just kinda helps and feels nice. This is why Tommy pushed Jack into the lava during his second exile. He was so out of it that the hind brain started popping off. The phoenix brain understood what XD was doing, and saw Jack for the Unaware that he was. It was trying to kickstart the process but just once wasn't enough due to the strength of XD's hold. This is also why he tried to jump into lava himself during exile. Any death will work but it's the difference between trying to start a fire with friction methods vs. starting a fire with a flint and steel. Lava's easier and takes less time. For a phoenix, it's about kindling that spark.
And Tommy? The farther he sinks under XD the more noticeably sick he gets to any phoenixes on the dsmp. For Tommy, the control XD exerts is more dominant and pronounced than anyone else on the server. 
Maybe it isn't a member of the SBI who saves Tommy. Maybe it can't be. Maybe he's too hurt and too desperate and too sick to ever be saved by a member of the SBI. But... Jack's know Tommy for years, been a phoenix for years. Aware or Unaware, this is a Jack who'd want Tommy dead (even if the reasons varied a bit.) So... The thing that actually brings Tommy back and grounds him is an absolute wall of death messages. Tommy and Jack tied up and stuck in a lava death loop until we finally get the something that clicks. Maybe Jack is already an Aware at this point and doing his best to save his fellow phoenix. Maybe he's still an Unaware, but comes back to himself during the process and drags Tommy along with him. Either way, it was always destined to be the fingers of Kristen brushing through Tommy's hair between respawns and her whispered encouragements that dragged him back. 
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
hey, i came up with a new au - tommy becomes the president of l'manberg when he's asked by wilbur, and stays one. /dsmp /rp
techno attacks him instead of attacking tubbo. tommy is now government in his eyes; he's the traitor.
after the 16th, with tubbo's support, they rebuild new l'manberg. dream sees tubbo as the vice president and decides to take advantage of the situation.
since taking the disc and destroying l'manberg is his objective, he could isolate tubbo and get the disc from him, all while keeping tommy in check as the president with pretended politeness and crushed under the stress of a country on his back without his best friend's support.
it's not efficient to attack the president directly, which is why things go differently this time around.
but this time around, long story short, things go very, very wrong.
dream threatens tommy with walling l'manberg in if tubbo isn't exiled - naturally, tommy doesn't listen because it isn't fair. obsidian walls go up to block limit, guards orbiting outside and every broken piece rewarded with a quick death (not canon, but all of the person's items are taken; if they have nothing on them, their house is ravaged).
tubbo sees l'manberg's citizens suffer, sees tommy panic from the pressure, and he asks sapnap to see dream in secret one time.
without anyone knowing, he escapes to exile (in the opposite direction of tommy's) during the night, and in the morning, all the citizens know is the greater smp is taking down the walls, and tubbo is gone. no one knows where he is, and dream says he wouldn't come back if they went looking for him. they do anyways, but it's futile.
tommy is literally forced by quackity and everyone else to not piss dream off. he yells and is still a prick to him - he almost ends up burning spirit in front of him at one point, to which dream threatens to hurt tubbo and shuts him down. he's caught in between a rock and a hard place - protecting tubbo and protecting l'manberg, wilbur's legacy - and is desperate.
it's not as bad as exile for him, but tommy in this au is really not doing well, because dream doesn't care enough to pretend to like him or l'manberg.
he's just biding his time, because if there is no l'manberg to protect, tubbo won't stay in exile, and he needs the disc from him.
tubbo himself on the other side is alone in exile, stuck with dream visiting him daily.
that's pretty much the story so far but i am genuinely still thinking of ways exile could've gone with tubbo there instead of tommy, how/if dream would treat him differently if he wasn't trying to keep him in exile, rather get to the point where he could take the disc - if, without quackity, tubbo would fall into believing dream is his friend as well. if anything would've happened with dream and his actions if he spent time with tubbo. how their personalities would contrast each other.
feel free to send ideas i'm on creative juice rn!! this au is honestly such a fun concept i am so interested in what y'all think. c!tubbo is my favorite of the benchtrio and firefly duo are so fascinating to me :]
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autisticlalna · 4 years
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thewolfparadox · 5 months
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designs for Fundy and Niki
it was kind of weird designing a fully human Fundy tbh, I'm used to giving him fox traits
mainly lifted Kaylee's outfit (including that one jacket she wears that I really like)
he's rarely seen in anything outside of his mechanic jumpsuit
Inara has a ton of outfits in the show and while I wasn't going to draw Niki in nearly as many, I wanted to give her a selection
the middle is the only one directly referencing one of Inara's
the ones on the right and left are more casual and would be used when she's just hanging out on board the ship or in her shuttle
More Designs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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arcaneglitch · 9 months
tagged by @baronetcoins (tyyy)
rules: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like) and share the lines where they show up in your wips
my words: desire, reluctance, behavior, meeting
desire | DSMP Firefly AU
He had no good memories of Hera and no desire to ever return.
reluctance | CF12
Jesse knew their Ghost was looking forward to showing them the Tower, yet that didn’t abate their reluctance as they raised their arm to call the elevator down.
behavior | DSMP Firefly AU
Wilbur was no longer sure what game he was playing, as sometime between yesterday and when he’d entered the cell ten minutes ago, the commander’s behavior had shifted.
meeting | CF12
The shop’s latest location sat in a small meeting room between the Courtyard and the Hangar, colloquially known as “the secret room.”
tagging @houseofmcallister @utlana @collapsingintojupiter @featherfang and anyone who sees this and wants to participate
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bloodcrownedking · 3 years
trying to decide between writing a spellslinger or a firefly dsmp au, both very obscure pieces of media that im sure like 3 people know about 
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thewolfparadox · 5 months
Crew of L'Manberg
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Design breakdowns:
Ranboo, Eret, and Jack
Fundy and Niki
Tubbo and Techno
Tommy and Wilbur
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Design breakdowns:
Phil and Dream
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thewolfparadox · 5 months
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designs for Tommy and Wilbur
originally inspired by Zoe's outfit before I ran wild with it lmao (also took some inspiration from the colors of his mc skin)
patch on his sleeve is the symbol of the Independent Planets
he's matching with Tubbo by having green fabric tied around HIS shoe
the first iteration of his outfit was a lot more similar to Malcolm's but I decided to branch back toward the DSMP bc I didn't want it to be one-to-one
like Tommy, he wears dogtags and the Independent patch except his has corners to denote a higher rank
the inside of his coat is bluish-purple (was originally going to be bluer but I didn't like how it looked). It symbolizes his connection to the Alliance (his and Tommy's father)
More Designs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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thewolfparadox · 6 months
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designs for Jack, Ranboo, and Eret
pretty straightforward, it's the Shepherd look
I shifted the shirt color slightly toward purple/lavender since it's technically the Church of Prime
obviously had to keep his iconic glasses -> might have significance to being a Shepherd of Prime (since blue and red make purple when combined)
pants are slightly short, indicating that they were borrowed, likely from Eret (technically Wilbur would've made more sense since they're the same height, but Ranboo isn't really comfortable enough with him to borrow clothes)
wears socks around the ship (if he left the ship he'd probably wear slides with them bc I'm a slides and socks believer)
the Hawaiian shirt is borrowed from Tubbo
originally was going to keep the vest that Simon wears but I'm a sucker for corsets + I wanted to bring in a more feminine touch
if they weren't wanted by the Alliance, they'd absolutely go dress shopping with Niki
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