As a young child I was afraid of the dark .. I'm not sure where that fear came from but I know it was not something that came from within my being .. As an adult I look forward to laying in my bed in darkness or just meditating or manifesting in darkness.. We are surrendered by darkness with speckle of light
. When we were conceived we were conceived in darkness , before you turn your computer on you see a dark screen .. The darkness is the foundation of all that you see .. That darkness is where all subatomic particles come from .. Don't believe me check it out .. Oh and there are reasons you have been led to believe the darkness is evil or should be feared, it's to keep you from understanding who and what you are and your true capabilities.
In the darkness you are still you are quite you can not see with your eyes therefore you tend to allow your mind to create your surrounding ( imagine ) Some people imagine scary situations while others are not really bothered. Then you have those that use the darkness as a space to create through vizulisation they pull from sources (darkness) and manifest into the physical ( light) The darkness can be your peace and a space to disconnect from the physical and step into your mind self or your spiritual. The darkness is where you can initiate healing ..
Try this
Turn of all lights sit in the darkness allow yourself to visualize that which you want to manifest, taking form from the darkness. Visualize it growing and expanding, when it is fully expressed leave the vision and know that it will come to light ( the physical ) ..
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