#women and holsitic health
Day 23 Self care Why you should exercises
Most of us know the physical benefits of exercises but not many of us fully understand mental benefits. Exercise releases endorphines ( happy hormones) in the brain , which have a role in reducing stress and managing depression as well as decreasing stress hormones such as cortisol which is linked to weight gain and fatigue if over used..
A good dose of daily exercise can also be a great outlet for frustration and anger .It can take your mind off of problems and troubling thoughts just by placing you in a different environment and forcing you to focus on breath (moving meditation)
Research shown that even a 10min walk is better than none and can increase your heart beat. If you do not have a regular exercise routine, how about you start one today with a 10 min brisk walk .
If you are interested in starting a exercise routine that will get you into fantastic shape why not inbox me for some tips and ideas #exercise #selfcare #womenwhoworkout #selflove #28daychallenge #selfcarechallenge #benefitsofexercise
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What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a treatment which helps to remedy an array of conditions.  The ancient Egyptians and Chinese practiced reflexology and have documented instructions on how to perform the practice. The practice includes the reflexologist applying pressure to specific areas in the hands, feet, and ears that affect certain reflex areas of the body.
The areas in the hands feet and ears which also store the extremities of nerve endings are manipulated with pressure and the pressure then stimulates the corresponding area in the body .
When doing treatments I also like to visualize the healing energy of the universe flowing through my hands , So for me reflexology is not just about acupressure it's and energy healing tool .
Acupressure is used also to remove blockages from the body so the body's life force Chi or Qi can flow freely and norish the body
Conventional medicine does not officially recognize reflexology as a treatment or preventative tool of disease in the body, however, I do know General Practitioners who do refer patients to have accupuncture and accupresure as complimentary therapies.
Reflexology has so many health benefits. Listed below are just a few
Relaxation. ...
Improvement of Your Nerve Functions. ...
Improvement In Your Brain Power. ...
Increased Blood Circulation In Your Body. ...
Eliminating Your Body's Toxins. ...
Boosting Your Metabolism & Energy Level. ...
Reducing Your Headaches. ...
Relieving discomfort from Menstruation & Pregnancy.
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Most people fall in "love" based on how a person makes them feel. They fall in "love" with expectations (they have) placed on that person ..They fall in "love" with the possibilities of the pleasure that person can bring .. Very few fall in love with the actual person .. Don't confuse love with the lust for pleasure .. 💚💚💚Happy sunrise
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As a young child I was afraid of the dark .. I'm not sure where that fear came from but I know it was not something that came from within my being .. As an adult I look forward to laying in my bed in darkness or just meditating or manifesting in darkness.. We are surrendered by darkness with speckle of light
. When we were conceived we were conceived in darkness , before you turn your computer on you see a dark screen .. The darkness is the foundation of all that you see .. That darkness is where all subatomic particles come from .. Don't believe me check it out .. Oh and there are reasons you have been led to believe the darkness is evil or should be feared, it's to keep you from understanding who and what you are and your true capabilities.
In the darkness you are still you are quite you can not see with your eyes therefore you tend to allow your mind to create your surrounding ( imagine ) Some people imagine scary situations while others are not really bothered. Then you have those that use the darkness as a space to create through vizulisation they pull from sources (darkness) and manifest into the physical ( light) The darkness can be your peace and a space to disconnect from the physical and step into your mind self or your spiritual. The darkness is where you can initiate healing ..
Try this
Turn of all lights sit in the darkness allow yourself to visualize that which you want to manifest, taking form from the darkness. Visualize it growing and expanding, when it is fully expressed leave the vision and know that it will come to light ( the physical ) ..
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Happy Spring All 💚💚💚🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐🌳🌳🌳
So we are one day into the spring season and this is a very creative time for us
The sun shines directly on the equator bringing us into alignment and balance with one another. This is one of the best times for all beings on planet Earth ( in the northern hemisphere) as spring is symbolic of newness , rebirth rejuvenate
Our days will be longer , the earth will be greener , flowers will blossom the birds will sing and the insect's start to surface again ..This tells us that creative energy is at its most potent.
As you look around you and see what spring looks like in your your natural environment , the same creative energy is within you making it an awesome time to transition from one state to another. This is a time to set intentions, plan and manifest .. This is a time to clean out the old and bring in the new
People what are your plans ?
What are the changes you plan to make for your transformation from who you are now and what you will become ?😎
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I'm a big fan of journaling, It forges a way for me to bring clarty to struggles I might be going through, track my growth and development and pick up on bad habits and so much more .. I think Journaling gives you the opportunity to understand what your mental wellness balance is, and allows you to formulate a way to deal with struggles when they arise because of the introspection, and possibly picking up on patterns that may have an adverse effect on you . If you have thought about journaling for mental well-being here are 4 journal prompts to get you started 💚💚💚
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Introduction to Intermittent Fasting
The info Shared will interest
1. Anyone who wants to give intermittent fasting a try
2. Anyone who wants to lose weight
3. Anyone who wants to build lean muscle
4. Anyone who wants to optimize their key hormones like insulin, ghrelin, growth hormone
5. Anyone who wants to get super-healthy
6. Anyone who wants to literally save a LOT of time planning, preparing and cooking their meal
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Day 4 Meditation and Stillness
Some people associate meditation with a religious belief or spiritual practices and though they may be right, meditation can also be used as a simple tool to keep you focused and centered.
It can be used as a time to check on self and what is going on within. It's an opportunity for you to lessen your attention externally and focus on the internals of all the levels of your being.
I use meditation for many reasons and practice it in more than one way, however , I use it predominantly as a time for stillness and a chance to just be, Allow myself to observe thoughts as though I am watching a movie and they are not connected to me but just passing through my consciousness.
How this helps me in my day to day everyday living (EDL) is it allows me to bring that same stillness and consciousness observations of thought to the realities of my interaction with other people and situations.
When faced with a challenge I intentionally call upon a stillness within and sometimes externally.
Then with my minds eye ( visualize )I assess the situation as a third person to that situation or as
a higher consciousness, one could say. I watch the challenge being played out in my head with a solution or possible outcomes. I resolve by accepting this is the solution or not, what is within my control I can change and what is not I put it aside until it is .. This has helped me to become more of a responsive person rather than a reactive one. This ultimately has a knock on effect on my ability to thrive. By not trying to tackle things which I can’t change and focus on what I can, this is energy and time saving. #meditation #stillness #28daychallenge #selfcarechallenge #womenwellness #womensholisticwellness
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With our current situation , I think we are all looking at ways we can boost our immune systems. After studying Intermittent fasting I came across a study carried out by scientist at the university of California . In which it states a 72 hour fast can prompt stem cells to create brand new white blood cells which is essential to regenerating the immune system.
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Own your thoughts, own your purpose, own your body, own your health
Own your opinions, own your words
Own your finances , own your value ..
Don't allow others to control any aspect of your life.
Not their words, not their actions, not their wants or ideas of who they want you to be ..
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What are your Holisitc wellness goals
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LIlly Rose Holistic Wellness Wellbeing Dimensions
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As a certified intermittent fasting advisor I can say this
If you are having issues with losing fat this is the healthest way to lose weight there many health benefits. Over the next week I will be sharing info and tips on how best to go about creating a fasting program that works for you ..
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I really don't like to do crunches at the gym. What works for me is knowing how to breath while contracting my muscles throughout the day .. I've been doing it for a while now and I think it works ..
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