#dua for getting married to the person you want
quranicwazifa · 5 months
Unlocking the Power of Dua: Manifesting Marriage with Divine Guidance
In the labyrinth of love, the heart often seeks the companionship of a specific soul, yearning for a union ordained by destiny. At ReciteDua.com, we believe in the transformative power of dua, the sacred invocation that bridges the gap between human desires and divine will. Today, we delve into the realm of marital aspirations, exploring the profound efficacy of dua in manifesting marriage with…
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namazdua · 2 months
Dua To Get Married To The Specific Person You Love
Are you yearning to marry the person who holds a special place in your heart? The journey to a blessed and harmonious marriage can sometimes seem daunting, but with sincere dua and unwavering faith in Allah, nothing is impossible.
In this blog, we will explore powerful duas that can help you unite with the person you love, step-by-step procedures to follow, and the benefits of turning to Allah in this heartfelt quest.
The Power of Dua in Seeking Marriage
Dua to get married to a specific person is a profound way to communicate with Allah, asking for His guidance, blessings, and support in all aspects of life.
When it comes to matters of the heart, making dua to get married to the person you want can open doors to endless possibilities.
Remember, Allah is Al-Wadud (The Most Loving) and Al-Mujeeb (The Responsive). He listens to our prayers and knows what is best for us.
Steps for Making Dua to Get Married to the Person You Want
Perform Wudu (Ablution): Cleanliness is essential before starting your prayer. Ensure you are in a state of purity.
Find a Quiet Place: Choose a peaceful spot where you can focus without distractions. This helps in maintaining a deep connection with Allah.
Pray Tahajjud Salah: The time of Tahajjud (the last third of the night) is highly recommended for making dua, as it is a blessed time when Allah descends to the lowest heaven and answers prayers.
Raise Your Hands and Make Dua: With a sincere heart, raise your hands and call upon Allah. Recite: "Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a'yunin waj'alna lil-muttaqina imama" (Our Lord, grant us from our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous) from Surah Al-Furqan (25:74).
Be Specific in Your Dua: Mention the person you wish to marry by name and ask Allah to bring you together if it is best for your faith and future.
Consistently Make Dua: Patience and consistency are key. Keep making dua regularly, showing your dedication and trust in Allah’s plan.
Different Duas for Marriage
Dua from Surah Al-Qasas (28:24): "Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer" (My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need).
Dua from Surah Taha (20:25-28): "Rabbi ishrah li sadri, wa yassir li amri, wahlul 'uqdatan min lisani, yafqahu qawli" (My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance]; And ease for me my task; And untie the knot from my tongue; That they may understand my speech).
Personalized Dua: "Ya Allah, if [person's name] is good for me in my faith and my life, please unite us in marriage and make our union a source of blessings."
The Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Dua
Strengthens Faith: Regularly making dua strengthens your connection with Allah, reinforcing your faith and trust in His wisdom.
Brings Peace and Comfort: Knowing that you have placed your desires in Allah’s hands can bring immense peace and reduce anxiety about the future.
Increases Patience: Dua teaches you to be patient and trust in Allah’s timing, understanding that He knows what is best for you.
Guides Your Decisions: Through dua, you seek Allah’s guidance, which can help you make the right choices in your journey towards marriage.
Fosters Positivity: Dua instills a sense of hope and positivity, as you believe in the power of Allah to bring about the best outcomes.
How to Perform Dua for Marrying the Person You Want
Performing dua with sincerity and faith is crucial. Here’s a detailed procedure to follow:
Sit in a Clean Area: Find a clean and peaceful place to sit. Being in a pure state helps you focus better.
Recite Bismillah: Begin by saying "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah) to invoke Allah’s blessings.
Praise Allah: Start your dua by praising Allah with phrases like "Alhamdulillah" (All praise is due to Allah) and "SubhanAllah" (Glory be to Allah).
Send Blessings Upon the Prophet: Recite "Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala aali Muhammad" (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad).
Make Your Request: Raise your hands and ask Allah to unite you with the person you desire, if it is good for both of you. Be specific and sincere in your request.
End with Salawat: Conclude your dua by sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) again.
Making dua to get married to the person you want is a powerful way to seek Allah’s guidance and blessings. By following the steps outlined in this blog and reciting the specific duas mentioned, you can strengthen your faith and trust in Allah’s plan.
Remember, Allah is always listening, and with sincere dua and patience, your prayers can be answered. Embrace this spiritual journey and let Allah’s wisdom lead you to a blessed and happy marriage.
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Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice
we will discuss one of the Powerful Dua To Marry Someone of your Choice if you love someone truly from the heart. And you want to marry them badly. Then you are in the right place. A lot of times, it happens that you love someone, but that person is unaware of your feelings. They don’t want to be with you. But you still love them truly from the depth of your heart. In the second situation…
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
i was just minding my business like scrolling to find new fics to read since i was so so bored and while i was finding some delicious fics (ahem ahem: yandere big brother bakugou x little sister reader) ur post suddenly idk the word (lumitaw (its a filo word)) and i was screaming and immediately dropped what i was supposed to read to read yours 😭😭😭
i got the worst memory ever to exist because i keep forgetting their names but i think i'll grasp them once the next chapter is out (hopefully) but yeaaah!!! baris reminds me of abbas in a way but ig he's a bit more.. brute yk what im talking about????? ig he's ok..
OH! and i have a theory about the painting, y/n's face getting smudged maybe because baldwin or SALAUDDIN decided to smudged it to forget how they look due to heartbroken (prob not baldwin,, but i feel like salauddin would do that ??) i guess im getting married again 😔😔 i feel like im betraying my pookie salauddin 💔💔💔🙏🙏 BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE SNOW!!!! AMAZING AS ALWAYS!! can't wait for the next one already!! 😭😭😭 i think i'll send more of my thoughts if something crosses over my mind (prob when im in the shower)
ooohh i like your theory(portrait pictures at the end). i like it a lot. expanding on it:
Baldwin would probably cause the painting to be smudged because he's kissing it, kissing your lips, drunk off his mind, tears streaming down his cheek as he spends hours sitting in front of it, talking to the painting as if u still exist, begging u to come back from heaven, even apologising for all he's done, just please- come back, angel...
Meanwhile Salauddin would probably be staring at your portrait angrily. He understands why you had to leave but.... you couldnt have told him where you were goinh? Do you not think he couldve protected you? He wouldve used his whole army, gathered Muslims from all around the world to protect you. Did you... did you not have the least bit faith in him? deep down, he knows u did this to prevent a war between him and baldwin but.... Salauddin wouldve gone to war for you. Happily. This wasnt your decision to make alone. Now, he stands in front of your portrait, he has it in his palace now, and he doesnt say voice it out like baldwin, but he has complaints. HE keeps them inside, mentally talking to you, telling you just how stupid you were for sacrificing yourself, for jumping off that stupid cliff. How u shouldve just- just asked him for help ONCE, and he wouldve fought until his last breath if it meant keeping u safe. In his mind, u sacrificed yourself to protect Baldwin from murdering innocent muslims or anyone else u wouldve seeked help from.
And now? All Salauddin can do is pray for you. He wakes up late into the night and sits on the prayer mat, making dua for you for hours, reading Quran for you, has animals slaughtered on eid on your behalf, even doing charity and hajj (pilgrimage) on your behalf, just so that you can have more good deeds in your name. He still has the chess board u gifted him, but he's stopped playing chess. He never played the game again, it was only a painful reminder of you. The one person who he could never beat.
As for your painting, why it was smudged? Salauddin didnt want anyone to see your beauty, thats why he kept the portrait hidden in his room, but then he feared that one day when he's not around anymore, someone will see you. So, he used a rag soaked in turpentine to smudge your face, but couldnt do more than just the bottom half of your face. He thought that was fine, after all, thats how u did often appear when you were around, wearing a niqaab, a veil that covered your face.
Now that he looks at your eyes, he realises his mistake. He heard the wise tell him-
"Eyes are the windows to the soul."
He now knows it to be true.
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This is what I think the portraits look like:
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Notice that this is the earrings Salauddin gifted Y/n when she was in the market with him:
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How Baldwin's been:
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the5thcellar · 3 months
The only reason why people are against the perspective of Luke and Nicola having it, it's the internal fat phobia for me. Same thing for the group 'no chemistry' in the series. Anons wouldn't say all that shit about one sided crush from her, if she was indeed a woman with a skinny body, not a mid size one. The thing is she doesn't need it, cause she is ethereal and perfect in her way. She is a beautiful woman. She is gorgeous, while people project much of their own insecurities on her. Luke, though, is just the other typical male celebrity. If they'll ever jump on the train, it will certainly be him asking her out, not her following him. I don't see this woman in her golden retriever stage for anyone. She knows her worth and is sure to be aware of impulsive decisions of his.
OH CLOCK IT OMGGGGGGG. 193829293912% !!!!!!!!!!
I would like this post a hundred times if I could. I've been pretty much silent about the issue of fatphobia in the fandom because the arguments I've witnessed / been involved in on twitter ALWAYS get the same dead end responses - "not everything is fatphobia they just have no chemistry" / "you have to admit that Nicola isn't that attractive it has nothing to do with her weight".
It's LITERALLY fatphobia. Most of the times it's not even internalised - people are literally saying the quiet part out loud by insisting Nicola doesn't look good enough to warrant attraction from a "hot guy" like Luke.
LIKE BE SO FUCKING FR RN OMG ??? I've had to sit through people shipping SO many weird ass pairings that I personally felt were completely absurd - pairings that the mainstream audience ate up just because it was a skinny girl with a hot guy.
(Truth be told - and on a more relevant note - I literally felt like Phoebe and Regé had no chemistry. both of them were so absolutely compelling and gorgeous as individual characters but they didn't work together for me)
Isn't it strange how no one really said much about the previous two Bridgerton pairings where aesthetics were concerned... and were lauding the couples for all having such GREAT chemistry with one another ... but when it came to Luke and Nicola they were all suddenly so insistent that there was no chemistry at all and that their views are completely objective? Nah. Pack it the fuck up. All these people are fatphobic as hell.
What's made it worse is the bloody ozempic obsession that has swept over Hollywood in the past year. Suddenly celebs who used to advocate for body positivity are all skinny - doing a hypocritical 180 on the self love ethos they were preaching.
But anyway that's diving more into social commentary and I don't want to veer too far from the original content on this post.
So 100% yes - a HEFTY MAJORITY of polin antis and lukola antis are blatantly fatphobic. If you cannot imagine Luke Newton can EVER have feelings for Nicola but think him and A are obviously a great fit - you're fatphobic. You can pretend you're objective all you want ... but think about why you're so FUCKING QUICK to defend Antonia and say she'll be together with Luke forever / she's totally his type when 1) she's barely been in the spotlight - she's done no interviews or anything for y'all to even get enough of an idea of her personality to stan her or bat for her 2) y'all don't fucking KNOW his type you just assume it's skinny women because his celeb crush is dua lipa and everyone loves hot and skinny women right? newsflash guys my celeb crushes are Zac Efron and Mads Mikkelsen and HELL YEAH I'd fall over myself to date either of them... but in a fuck marry kill contest I'd still choose to marry Jack Black.
What you think is attractive as a fantasy is not always what you find attractive in a long term partner.
You're here on my page defending Antonia and insisting she's a better fit for Luke not because you know her, or like her, or even because you respect Luke. You're here on my page because you're using her as an excuse to come for Lukola. You're here on my page because you cannot imagine that a fat girl can be together with a "hot man."
Now check that.
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spacebaby1 · 8 months
Can you do sukuna x Muslim reader? Where he is going through a hard time and she prayers for him(Arrange marriage but sweet kinda of relationship) it's okay if you don't want to write it. Love your writing:)
Yes! Omg I'd love to! Hope you like it!
It was an arranged marriage between you and you father's friends eldest son; Sukuna. You were having dinner one day with your parents and your dad had asked you if you'd be interested in an marriage with a nice man. You blinked at that question and shrugged, "I mean as long as you know he's a nice man I guess it's not bad in meeting him," you replied with a small smile.
After a week both your families decided to go out for dinner at a fancy restaurant and you saw him for the first time; he was not a talkative type, he was a gentleman and very well-known for his devotion to his work and family. You both talked then and there; he was charming not once he said something to make you mad or upset. He was very soft spoken to you. Your father had informed you after that dinner that Sukuna agreed to the wedding and he also said that if you reject him he'll understand and it's not pressure on your side to agree but you already decided that wanted to marry him; he was nice, gentleman and respectful and every other person that knew him said kind things about him.
Once you both agreed to get married Sukuna had texted you asking about what are your requirements for the wedding venue, cake, dress and everything else to which he also added that you shouldn't look at the price of anything; whatever your heart desires he'll agree to it. He wanted you to be happy, as of that didn’t already captured your heart, you both picked everything for the wedding together; nothing extravagant but very classy wedding with few of your friends and families.
Sukuna had bought you a home and it was not less than a castle; after the wedding he still spoiled you with gifts, and handed you all his credit cards to buy whatever you need. However you'd refuse to use his money on random things even though he said his money is your money from now on. He's been nothing but kind to you but also a bit shy some might say cold hearted; but he just didn't want you to fell uncomfortable around him. He'd often walk past a room and see you praying and would just stand at the doorframe to watch you and leaving before you see him.
One of the days he had a rough day, nothing seems to be in his favour that day, his meeting ended badly, the clients were complaining about some services and few stakeholders were arguing about something in the company. He got home with a heavy headache and saw the hot dinner you prepared for him, you entered the room and saw him, with a smile you took his bag and coat greeting him, "how was your day?" You asked and he just smiled not trying to bother you with his bad day, "it was good, I'm hungry." You nodded "come, let's eat, I made your favorite today." He was very grateful to have you at this moment, he ate his dinner and showered before going to sleep with a headache. Unfortunately the headache caught up to his sleep and he woke up in the middle of the night to find you not in bed, rubbing his temple he got up knowing where you are; in the prayer room.
Unlike everyday he didn't just stand by the doorframe to watch you pray. You werr done praying when you started to say the dua, "Dear God, thank you for all the blessings you gave me, thank you for the health and thank you the most for sending me such an amazing husband. He's very kind to me and caring towards me, I pray you bless him with health and well-being and a long life where we can be together always and honour each other, I really appreciate and," you paused with a smile, "I love him so much, I just wish he'd be less shy," you chuckled before continuing, "please God , keep him happy and safe, Ameen." Sukuna felt his heart melt at your words, he waited few minutes before knocking and walking in the room, you turned to smile at him as he took the seat beside you on your prayer mat. "Did I wake you up? I apo-" He cut your sentence short by placing his head on your shoulder as he sat beside you, "I've been feeling down all day, I had a very bad day-" he couldn't speak further without tearing down and you immediately wrapped your arms around him protectively so did he, holding you for dear life as he spoke and cried while you rubbed his back, "I don't know what to do, I want to just hide away and do n-nothing I'm just so so tired from today, I- I promise I'm not l-like this always b-but-"
"You have been working so hard lately, you need to rest, Husband," you softly spoke gently caressing his pink hair with your soft hands, "please, can you take few days off of work? You need to rest, it's not good to work and feel such pressure. Can you?" He nodded in you embrace, "y-yes I can take few days off." He slowly removed himself from your embrace chuckling as he whipped his nose and you whipped his tears with the end of your hijab before he placed his head on your lap and taking your hand and placing it on his forehead, "Sweetheart, would you please pray for me everyday?" He asked and you smiled down at him as you gently massaged his head, "with my whole heart, Husband." He blushed.
"Call me by my name," he chuckled, Now it was your turn to blush, "No!" You replied, and he chuckled, taking your other hand and placing his on his chest, "come on, just once, say my name." You rolled your eyes and spoke, "Sukuna." He blinked at you, "Again? Please?" He asked this time softly, and you tried hard to hide your smirk as you called his name, still massaging his head, "are you feeling better now? Sukuna?" He smiled and nodded eagerly, then closing his eyes, letting you massage his head some more.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Wrong Harlow
(Pairs with Lose You to Love Me Part 2)
Requested by: my honey @hoodharlow 😘💕
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Liked by theshaderoom, hollywoodunlocked, justjared, justjaredjr, popessence, balleralert, and 1,276,092 others
popcrave: latest news on the block is that jackharlow and dualipa are reportedly dating after it was announced just three weeks ago that the wedding between jackharlow and wife y/ninsta was called off. The two were seen together backstage at her one night only concert in Atlanta this past weekend
jackharlowsource: 😳
jackandy/naremyparents: what the hell is this!? jackharlow dualipa GET YALL ASSES IN HERE AND EXPLAIN!
allthingsy/n: oh so apparently we need to kick jackharlow's ass and dualipa's 🤬
urbandjack24: so you mean to tell me dualipa talked all that shit to jackharlow and that's who she wanted the whole time? shits all fucked up
jackharlowsource: if jackharlow or y/ninsta doesn't say anything then I don't think it's true. I mean they've been together since they were fifteen. Love like that doesn't go away overnight
jackandy/naremyparents: this is a hot ass mess and my heart just dropped out of my ass, they need to get on here and confirm or deny this IMMEDIATELY
druski2funny: oh
mortirolo: druski2funny don't you muthafuckin start
druski2funny: mortirolo I just find it funny how....
danivalentine: druski2funny not one got damn thing is funny about this
claybornharlow: you think you know somebody
danivalentine: claybornharlow NOT NOW
claybornharlow: y/ninsta should have married her favorite Harlow child to begin with
lilnasx: druski2funny you just don't know how to mind your business do you?
druski2funny: lilnasx isn't your ass on here too trying to find out the tea or no?
lilnasx: druski2funny my parents are my business
druski2funny: lilnasx they were mine first
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Liked by jackharlow, dualipa, urbanwyatt, danivalentine, mortirolo, softtcurse, ellezbby, 2forwoyne, quiiso, and 2,985,043 others
y/ninsta: I'm betting on me all of '23
sza: soooo we not gonna talk about it?
allthingsy/n: you clearly need to just bet on you all 2023 because you sure can't bet on your so called husband
claybornharlow: my time has finally come
danivalentine: claybornharlow no.
y/ninsta: sza talk about what sis?
sza: y/ninsta don't play dumb with me 😐
saweetie: get in the fucking group chat NEOW
y/ninsta: saweetie why? there's nothing to talk about
normani: jackharlow count your fucking days
jackharlowsource: we support you queen. it's on sight if we see your husband in public and he had the nerve to like this pic 🙄
jackandy/naremyparents: shit has been popping off all year for these two in good ways and bad ways and I'm going to need both of them to chill in 2023
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Liked by y/ninsta, jackharlow, druski2funny, privategarden, champagnepapi, estgee, lilnasx, saweetie, and 1,974,032 others
dualipa: yall know me better than that, WRONG FUCKING HARLOW 🙄
saweetie: I am over here SCREAMINGGGG 😭
jackharlowsource: OKAY, but this doesn't confirm or deny anything. so who is dating who?
urbandjack24: yall making my head hurt with this y/ninsta: put that tongue away unless you plan on using it sza: OH SHIT 😲 dualipa: y/ninsta come over here and find out 😉
jackandy/naremyparents: OKAY SO WHAT IS THE TRUTH?!
druski2funny: now ms. dua.....
dualipa: druski2funny no. reserved for y/ninsta only.
normani: okay soooo do we have to fight jackharlow or not?
theestallion: normani if we do post it in the group chat and I'll pull up
lilnasx: druski2funny now you know good and well ever since dualipa laid her eyes on y/ninsta that that was the only person she wanted lol
druski2funny: lilnasx doesn't hurt to try
sza: dualipa get your ass in the group chat too and tell y/ninsta
dualipa: sza we're busy, maybe later 😘
saweetie: dualipa BUSY DOING WHAT?!
dualipa: saweetie take a wild guess
jackharlowsource: oh so do we have to fight y/ninsta? I am so confused
mortirolo: jackharlowsource yall won't win lmao
danivalentine: can't we all just get along for five minutes?!?
claybornharlow: dualipa count your days
dualipa: claybornharlow I'll take you and your big forehead ass brother on. BRING IT.
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Liked by urbanwyatt, druski2funny, y/ninsta, mortirolo, privategarden, balleralert, estgee, lilnasx, saweetie, and 2,953,521 others
jackharlow: bringing the pressure all '23
saweetie: somebody needs to address the elephant in the room and stop us from running around in circles
jackharlowsource: all I know is that yall BETTA NOT divorce. work that shit out. You bringing pressure and she's betting on herself? I DON'T LIKE THIS. FIX IT.
jackandy/naremyparents: jackharlowsource I second that
dualipa: oh, you look nice ����
lilnasx: hell must have frozen over. she never compliments him, they always too busy fighting
druski2funny: oh, so I have a chance?!?
lilnasx: druski2funny don't be stupid
allthingsy/n: dualipa BACK OFF, HE'S Y/N'S!!!!
urbandjack24: oh she liked this
jackharlow: dualipa that's all you have to say? 😏
jackharlowsource: oh hell nah, what is that smirking face for? y/ninsta GET IN HERE!
dualipa: jackharlow for now 🥰
allthingsy/n: what the actual fuck is happening? now she's flirting with jack?
claybornharlow: dualipa see you next week
dualipa: claybornharlow prepare to get your ass kicked
jackharlow: saweetie what elephant?
saweetie: jackharlow oh so you're going to play dumb just like your wife?
jackharlow: saweetie you should already know what the answer is seeing as you are one of her best friends
saweetie: jackharlow imma catch the next flight out if your ass doesn't stop playing with me urbanwyatt get your ass in here
urbanwyatt: saweetie I'm innocent and you cannot make me talk
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jiniwae · 11 months
According to LoreMaster (the person on the Just dance team who answers the lore of some dances) Chitsuki (Kill Bill) possessed Michiya (Zenit) to purify his soul. Night Swan probably learned from Chitsuki how to have coaches
I really like the lore in general, so when I saw the story of 24 I was very happy, but at the same time with a feeling of trepidation And honestly, I hope the ending is a season, I don't want to wait a whole year to see how it ends -
I think that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will somehow try to contact Wanderlust's father (since Traveler can travel through the Danceverse) to warn him of what happened to his son and they will both go after the mother of Wanderlust and a few other Just dancers.
I still think that if wanderlust's parents stay together for too long their power could collapse the danceverse they are in (which didn't even almost happen in save your tears)
I literally couldn't sleep with this hook that Ubisoft made in JD2024. I imagine that in JD2025, Jack Rose will actually be able to find someone to help him save everyone. But here come two of my theories: Either the story ends in JD2025, or Ubisoft makes another cliffhanger in JD2025, continuing the end of the story only in JD2026. That's what I say
I had understood from the director's interview with Dina that she tore up the poster at the beginning because only she and Nightswan have the ability to use flow, but Nightswan decided to use this for evil, which disappointed Mihaly, implying For me too, in the past they were united in some way
I think that Night Swan was actually famous in the Danceverse, and that's why Jack rose there has this desire to be famous, because his mother inspired him by being
I have to say the betas Sweet Dreams and Lose Yourself that were removed would have gone well with the lore
-Usually, Odette (white swan) and Odille (black swan) are played by the same dancer. Sara and Night Swan are played by the same dancer
-The wizard Rothbart bewitched Odette to become a swan. In you should see me in a crown, Night Swan bewitched Sara to become evil
-It might just be a coincidence, but Sara has four letters and starts with "S" (swan)
-Sara in Hebrew means "lady, princess, noble woman". Odette is a princess
-Odille pretended to be Odette to deceive Prince Siegfried and get his hand in marriage. In Canned Heat, Night Swan pretended to be Sara to trick Wanderlust (who also has the title of prince) and steal the Discoball.
Ending 1-Siegfried dies trying to defeat Rothbart and Odette remains with the swan curse forever
Ending 2-Odette and Siegfried drown together, their souls are freed from the curse and they can finally be together in the afterlife
Ending 3-Siegfried defeats Rothbart, Odette has her curse broken and they get married
Which ending do you think you will choose for Just Dance 2025?
I would choose 3, the happiest ending. Night Swan defeated once and for all, the Danceverses at peace, and Wanderlust abdicating his responsibilities as the
"Chosen" to live happily on Earth with Sara.
So, I think a song that would go super well with some music for 25's lore would be 'Swan Song' by Dua Lipa, it would be awesome
Yesssss! This song is an anthem, one that Ubisoft could use. I imagine it as being a new solo map for Siha Nova, sad and horrified by what happened with Wanderlust but little by little finding the courage to face her own son and break Night Swan's spell over him.
I still can't believe that the rock your body coach brutalized the levitation coach and left
Went to get a cigarette and disappeared lol
Next year the story should start with lose yourself and after this song he tries to recruit more people in eternyx even maybe
 think that in jd25 the first two songs will show that jack rose became a drug dealer lol with lose yourself and the next one (or even before lose yourself) is sweet dreams showing the past of night swan and the next ones I don't know
which is also part of the story, but this song is the beginning of the future, so I don't know if it will be in the continuation of the next game or if it is part of this one, because there are also 2 more songs from the lore
I saw a theory that says that in Just Dance 2025, Jack Rose will save the other coaches with the help of The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating). Or maybe with a new coach maybe Jack's father
speaking of which, another theory is that Jack Rose's father is Crimson (Sail).
-They both have red hair
-They have similar dance moves (Jack may have learned from his father)
-Probably he and Night Swan had a very troubled relationship and they separated....
I have a theory that's a little heavy but it's valid, at the beginning of sail Crimson wakes up tied to the ground and following this theory maybe the night swan trapped him in the boat and also towards the end of Sail the boat starts to pick up and he wasn't the one who put it since he was dancing so maybe the night swan wanted to kill her own
what happened to Night Swan trying to kill her own husband?
I think it's because Crimson and Night Swan had different dreams and goals and he didn't agree with her plans to dominate the
Danceverses and create a perfect universe
What I think could happen: Jack Rose finds three more powerful coaches to defeat Night Swan
I've seen two theories:
-The Traveler (Rock Your Body) and Si'Ha Nova (Levitating) will help Jack
-Jack will have the help of his father (probably Crimson de Sail, but it has not been confirmed until now who his father is)
I think Wonderley's father will come back The way Ubi likes to recycle, they will probably come back
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fenrisisms · 2 months
the lovely @lastlightinternet tagged me in ye olde six song soundtrack for my ocs, presumably to cause me lasting psychic damage but unbeknownst to them i'm the Sound of my ocs Guy. so anyway they picked some guys and i made some soundtracks. i was really unwell about this. some of them escaped containment and got seven songs, even. i even annotated the playlists. enjoy.
i'm not tagging anyone specific but if you see this and you want to have a crack consider yourself tagged by me c: i linked all the songs on youtube but everything is available on spotify as well if thats more ur speed.
1. an event that defines their past: knock me down - youngblood hawke [circle. enough said.] 2. how they see themself: i was born, i have lived, i will surely die - young guns 3. how others see them: don't stop me now - queen 4. their closest dynamic: see you in a bit (i still care) - teen jesus and the jean teasers [in the context of origins i think many of his closest relationships are in a state of change and he is at a point of disillusionment with them & struggles to accept that he can be hurt by the actions of people he loved and trusted and still hold that love for them. many such cases for him, mostly people he knew in the circle.] be that as it may - herizen (the get down soundtrack) [the natural conclusion to the aforementioned arc. to me] 5. fight scene music: if u seek amy - britney spears 6. closing credits: blackbiird - beyoncé ft tanner adell, brittney spencer, tiera kennedy & reyna roberts
1. an event that defines their past: o death - amy van roekel & jeff grace (until dawn official soundtrack) 2. how they see themself: labour in vain - mac the knife [she is depressed and angry but she has a job to do so she can't really care about all that rn. but she does <3] 3. how others see them: smile - wolf alice 4. their closest dynamic: physical - dua lipa [the way this absolutely does not fit on this playlist but it is The eira x alistair ride or die dynamic mental amv song to me. personally. also kind of doubles as a fight song to me because the play on physical (boinking) and Physical (beating the shit outta somebody with ur boyfie) is fun. to me.] 5. fight scene music: raise hell - dorothy 6. closing credits: i hope you dance - lee ann womack
1. an event that defines their past: second chance - shinedown [there are not a lot of songs about your whole family being murdered by a trusted family friend. so mostly for the twins i did this based on their mental state Before That.] 2. how they see themself: broadfields - young guns 3. how others see them: i won't back down - tom petty 4. their closest dynamic: he ain't heavy (he's my brother) - the hollies [bronson is more shaped by bryant than the other way around so he gets this one. everything he does in origins is for the good of his brother. even some of the more bonkers things. he is not coping] because the night - patti smith [i had So many bronson/zevran songs in mind. ultimately this one made the cut because the Sound of it just works for the emotions they evoke. guys who remember the will to live together.] 5. fight scene music: gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight) - abba 6. closing credits: a beautiful life - dorothy
1. an event that defines their past: caught up - chapel [this one stumped me for the longest time because So so much the cousland murder drives his whole character arc but uh. this sums up where he was Right before that pretty well!] 2. how they see themself: landslide - the chicks 3. how others see them: changes - david bowie 4. their closest dynamic: romeo and juliet - dire straits ["hey i know ur husband just died and also we had a screaming affair breakup like 10 months ago right before i was presumed dead but is now a good time to talk about getting married" is basically the same thing as "you and me babe, how 'bout it?" right? anyway bryant x anora song.] 5. fight scene music: holding out for a hero - jennifer saunders (shrek soundtrack) 6. closing credits: that's life - t-pain (live from the sun rose)
1. an event that defines their past: rest in peace - dorothy [again there are not many songs that encapsulate the exact circumstances of her background and i refused to put a six60 song on this playlist so this works well enough <3] 2. how they see themself: missile - dorothy i like it heavy - halestorm [at this point i was just like there are So many dorothy songs in this lineup. i should throw something else in there. so i did. but i couldn't get rid of the other one it works too good] 3. how others see them: we will rock you - in this moment ft lzzy hale, marina brink & taylor momsen 4. their closest dynamic: black sheep - dorothy [inside her mercenary company that i invented from scratch are her chosen siblings so. this song is about them and their dynamic <3] 5. fight scene music: enter sandman - rina sawayama [this was so hard for her because so many of the songs on this playlist could double as fight scene songs. so for the last two i just picked songs that Sonically vibe since the lyrical heavy lifting was done earlier LOL] 6. closing credits: poison - starbenders
1. an event that defines their past: fuyu no hanashi - given (given soundtrack) [contextually this song is about grieving/moving on from a dead lover but without knowing the full nuances of the language it's vague enough that it COULD work about a dead sibling. see the vision] 2. how they see themself: towers (on my way) - young guns 3. how others see them: now come on now (mell hall remix) - KYE ft mell hall 4. their closest dynamic: if i fall you're going down with me - the chicks [again. many such bull x syracuse songs vying for the title but this one is just So funny and exactly how syracuse approaches that relationship. if he's experiencing love for the first time so are you. bitch.] 5. fight scene music: 365 - charli xcx 6. closing credits: this hell - rina sawayama
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lindszeppelin · 5 months
Do you have any predictions for the next generation of nepo babies? This generation (late millennial/Gen Z) hasn't done great things imo, with a few exceptions. A previous anon talked about the people like Austin, Callum, Dua Lipa and others who came from ordinary backgrounds and had to work hard to get where they are. How do you think the kids of 'first-generation' (i.e. non-nepo) celebrities will turn out, assuming the celebrities themselves choose either self-made or non-famous partners? Do you think the self-made late millennials and Gen Zs will do anything differently in raising their own children?
Just throwing this out there because I'm interested in the nepo baby phenomenon in general. I feel like a lot of the current nepo babies were raised by parents who wanted to distance themselves from their middle-class or working-class beginnings, and viewed being extravagant with their children as a status symbol. I think this is what's led to a lot of the issues with kids of famous parents not acknowledging their own privilege and not doing much or anything to make the world a better place. I personally hope that the next generation would be more mindful, compassionate and proud of their roots, although you never know. Do you have any thoughts?
Thank you for writing in! This is a very thought provoking question so I took my time on what I was going to say. You worded everything beautifully, and it helped me to piece my thoughts together.
So, I can understand maybe why some celebs from yesteryear who grew up middle class, didn't come from wealth, when they got famous they basked in that. So when those celebs had children, they wanted to raise them the Hollywood way, which arguably would be way more privileged than their upbringing. The problem with that though is that they are so blinded by the fame they have that they get used to the weird behaviors, and the grey area boundaries, and things that normal people shouldn't have to deal with (paps for example, basically selling yourself/your image to magazines etc). But they are so deep in the sauce that they don't see it as a problem.
Hollywood made them famous. All their wildest dreams came true. Their families back home would be proud they made it out of the boondocks. But it comes with a price. They might enjoy the life, but they force their kids into it. So someone like Johnny Depp who grew up middle class is deeply engrossed in his fame (even if he is shy and might reject it...still though), and then Lily-Rose has no other choice but to live in that Hollywood system. And the problem goes DEEPER. Johnny Depp doesn't know what it's like to be born and raised in that kind of Hollywood lifestyle as a child. He got into it when he was a young guy who chose Hollywood. His children didn't. But yet, the late millennials and Gen Zs that enjoy their nepo-baby privilege are jaded by what they experienced growing up. Therefore they don't see any issues, and their parents don't see it either. And the toxic cycle gets repeated and trauma happens and the family cycle is forever ruined, basically.
Now, i can see a couple of young actors today that are making names for themselves like Zendaya and Austin and Callum, etc. They are the light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't perpetuate the harmful environment Hollywood produces, especially if born into it. If one of them gets married to a non celebrity, like you suggested, then I think there is some hope that instilling good morals will be a parenting tool for them. Reminding their kids where their parents came from, etc. And with luck I think we can see a brighter future for Hollywood. Because it needs to be reconstructed. It's foundation is too out of touch and not keeping up with the changing times. Celebs are expected to bend to the will of Hollywood or they risk not having careers. But that's not true. Hollywood should bend to them.
While im sure there will be children of "first generation non nepo celebs" that will inadvertently be thrown headfirst into the Hollywood life and live by that privilege (it's unavoidable, not everyone can be better for their kids or themselves sadly), i think there will be a lot of them that will be raised on the value of a dollar, the roots of their self made celeb parent and non celeb parent will be instilled, and they will grow up having the best of both worlds...true privacy and enough privilege that they don't have to worry as much about things like college tuition etc. If these celebs want to protect their future kids when/if they have them, they have to be better. And celebs like Zendaya, Callum, Austin, I can see that if they choose to have kids that they will be beautiful little angels.
I hope that answered your question! <3
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naramdil · 7 months
Salam hafsah 💕
I hope you’re well. I wanted to reach out to you bc i always have admired your perspectives and thoughts on matters of the heart, seeing you have a naram dil. This is a lot so i understand if you don’t feel comfortable answering but would appreciate your insight.
I’m currently in a relationship with someone and recently i discovered something painful. I found out that he was in love with someone when we first started talking. We began as something online and weren’t in a committed relationship. I never approached him for the purpose of marriage (which i usually do) so we were definitely undefined. i did end up asking him to speak with the purpose of marriage and so we did. But during that period when i asked, he was already trying to pursue someone he loved and when she refused, he had decided to move on and pursue me.
Finding out now, i feel like i was left in the dark. He told me he didn’t tell me because at that time we weren’t committed and it would only hurt me. But he still needed to see if anything could happen with her before giving me his full attention. She was in a relationship and had just broken up and he took that opportunity to drive to her state and ask. It was a grand gesture, but she refused.
So then he and i began. But now that i’m thinking about it, i feel like he was still in love with her while talking to me. I asked him what she meant to him. He told me that this girl was an instant connection for him. You know how our souls have met other souls in a different realm before we meet physically in this dunya? She was one of those people for him. He knew immediately that he wanted to marry her without even fully knowing her. It was that kind of love. it hurt to hear about it. It hurt that i didn’t know. It hurt that that person wasn’t me.
We broke up a few months into the relationship for reasons which had nothing to do with his feelings for her. We reconnected a month ago. For some reason, i started talking to him again and we only recently started truly making the intention to talk for marriage and not just because we like each other. But he actually told me that last month, she reached out to him and he was put in a similar position as when we first started talking. Again we were in a situationship this time again and not fully committed because i didnt feel like i was ready to do this again. He told me she reached out to me before i reached out again (the second time i reached out after we first broke up) and she finally sent him a message saying it wouldnt work with them. So this has happened two times.
I don’t know if it’s bad timing with two girls reaching out to him around the same time but now I’m thinking if he’s still in love with her. That kind of love he had for her doesnt just disappear like that. He told me it’s rare to find that kind of love. He told me two weeks ago was when she texted him that it wouldnt work out. They havent talked since then.
I just don’t know what to do now because i still like him. Despite it all. Despite the anxiety i feel. Despite the hurt and my tendency to compare his love for her for the love he can have for me. He said that although it wasnt an instant connection when it came to me, he is still willing to build it with me. Build the love since most people grow i to love and choose each other every day and that’s how bonds are made. What he experienced is rare. But it just all hurts. It hurts to feel like he is just settling and getting married because he has faced rejection and the woman he loves doesnt want him. I feel like a second choice. I feel like i’m the logical decision, which is to find a person to marry and have kids. I didnt give him that cosmic, spiritual, instant connection like she did.
I dont know if this is something i can repair. He told me that he isn’t in love with her but he still has love for her and will always make dua for her. he wants to build a connection and grow into love with me. But i feel myself comparing and hurting. It was only two weeks ago that she sent him the rejection message so it’s not like she’s part of his past and it’s been years. It’s recent
But I’m still here. I almost broke up with him again because i felt like i couldnt handle this. But i’m still here. How do people love like that, get rejected and then marry? Wouldnt it feel like they settled if they chose you? I’m so sorry! I just have no one that would possibly understand what predicament i’m in. I appreciate it all anyway 💕
hey honey, I think that you should let him go. genuine love will not make you question anything. sure you could "grow into love" but ultimately he is telling you that he didn't feel that connection with you and that this other girl will always be on his mind (if he is gonna continue to pray for her....) he seems like a flake and you deserve someone who is sure about you and chooses you for you and not because you are conveniently there. it seems like you have made yourself too available to him and he doesn't view you as something he could "lose" but rather a fallback. you should never marry someone in that circumstance.
if you have so many struggles and heightened emotional lows now, before you are married? it's only going to continue. and if how you are feeling now is not how you want to continue feeling then you are going to have to let go and move on with your life. you seem religious so I will say that you should pray on it and ask that if he is meant to be in your life, to clear the path and make it easy. and if he is not meant to be in your life, to remove the emotions and make you feel nothing so that it is easier to move forward. inshAllah things get better for you, please look out for yourself. you are allowed to seek the kind of connection that you described, that cosmic connection that you just feel is right and that is easy to come together and build a life. if you broke up once it was for a reason, remember that.
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rueyam · 9 months
Salam girls<3
Yes, I have definitely learned from this, and as rueyam said, I am also closer to myself, alhamdulillah.
Bless him though, he tried very hard. He is a good guy, and I hope he finds someone who can give him what he is looking for. I appreciated what he has done, and I told him that. Not gonna lie, from the outside, we looked good together lol. Like a random uncle who would send his blessing when we were walking, and another uncle from the last meeting gave us free drinks and blessed us. I could feel the people around us.
Anyways, unfortunately, I just couldn't vibe with him. I never felt a true attraction towards him. Thinking about our future as a married couple was hard for me to imagine: like living in the same house, our conversations still lacking a vibe, things feeling very formal, and even simple intimate gestures like a hug would put me off. I know myself, I can be talkative and laugh easily if I feel like I'm on the same wavelength as another guy, and everything comes naturally. I'm not saying a guy needs to be perfect, I'm definitely not perfect either and have my own personal problems. Everything happens for a reason. Alhamdulillah.
No, thank you both<3<3 Thank you for giving me this space to write with you here and for encouraging and supporting me. It makes me so happy. May Allah bless you both. BarakAllahu feek for both of yours beautiful duas, and a BIG ameen to them. May Allah ease all your hardships and make your affairs clear for you. May He grant both of you happiness and success in this world and the hereafter, with your loved ones. Ameen.
If we still use Tumblr in the future and I get married, inshaAllah I will let you know haha and maybe reveal myself too lol. But for now, I'm gonna focus on myself and pray, pray, and pray and let's see what Allah has planned for me. Khair inshaAllah.
Salam <3
aw inshAllah that’s really cute of you haha, khayr!! @sseol the way she started to mention us both 🥹💗
imagine marrying someone you don’t vibe with, who will you laugh with till your stomach hurts? who will understand you in all ways? who will look at you and know how to act right? who will know your love language? ofc nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws but we have to find someone to complement these flaws with. everything happens for a reason and behind every obstacle there lies a deep wisdom we will find out later, if Allah wills!
i would love to hear from you and find out who is hidden behind the wonderfully worded texts, but only if you want to. big big ameen to your duas and thank you my dear! i also pray for the kind-hearted man you talked about, i hope he will find a spouse who brings him happiness. take care 💕
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Dua To Make Someone Agree For Marriage
In Islam, marriage is a holy communion between a man and a woman and is a sacred practice done to declare love and loyalty to one another. If you have been in a long-term relationship and believe that it is time to make your significant other into your husband/wife, then the dua to make someone agree to marriage is for you. The marriage will only be a happy one if both partners agree to be with…
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jumeratnabila · 9 months
A beautiful read, that will boost your Iman.
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told us to read Surah Kahf on Fridays, and on some Fridays, you breeze through it. It doesn't seem to relate. You read it and vaguely remember the stories. You get the big picture, and just like that, you move on. It's Friday after all. You have plans after work, or are excited for the weekend.
But there will be Fridays where you need Kahf. Because it will hit you.
There is a part in Surah Kahf where Khidr is destroying a boat. Utterly destroying it. Breaking it apart. And this boat belongs to a group of poor individuals. People who are just getting by and need this boat for their livelihood, to fish and to travel, perhaps even to live in it.
Musa AS asks Khidr - why? How on earth does that make sense?
Imagine that you are that poor person, with a boat. And it is destroyed. And you wonder to Allah why? I am in need of this promotion, this grade, this job, this home, this spouse. I am in need of this dua being answered and I do not have a silver spoon. How can you destroy my boat Allah? MY BOAT.
Why not destroy the boats of the ungrateful, the boats of those out drinking and partying and not once caring about your existence ya Allah. Why did you destroy my boat, my weak little boat, that carried my dreams. Why is it shattered? Did I not take care of it enough? Did I not worship you enough? Did I not wake up for fajr? Did I not do my fasts?
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But the story is that there was an evil King coming and if the boat was intact, the King would take the boat from these poor people and the people will not have a means of sustenance anymore. But a broken boat Allah knows that the poor people can fix and once again be okay, and the King would not be interested.
So your boat broke, but Allah knows He will help you fix it. He will help you find a way. But He knows a bigger picture, and something bigger He is protecting you from.
It doesn't make sense to you right now. You cannot see the evil King, you cannot see what Allah protected you from. All you can see is your hard work in front of you broken. All you can see is the effort it will take to move forward, to move on from this calamity.
So, if the one you wanted to marry was taken away from you know that it's because Allah knows what would have happened years down the line, and it maybe wasn't the right person or the right time.
If the grades didn't happen the way you wished - know that it may be Allah protecting your imaan. That the grade would've lead you to a place, a program or a graduate school where your imaan would fall and you wouldn't have enough support to get back up.
If the job didn't happen then maybe that job would've lead you into a person you weren't meant to become. Maybe it would've deterred you from your family needs and maybe in a month or two, there's a job literally designed for you that will enable you to pray your sunnahs with ease and give you more barakat. And after that, another job, with more benefits.
Look beyond the destroyed boat.
Remember that you did make dua, that you did put in effort, and that you are loved by Allah and just as a child does not understand why his mother won't let him have the sugary drink at 6AM - Allah loves you more than that mother. Allah loves, and Allah knows.
Try fixing the boat, or look another way - for another door.
You are capable of passing the broken boat test.
You have the sabr: the patience is within you. Allah wouldn't put you through it if you weren't capable.
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lovclies · 2 years
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[ dua lipa , cis woman , she/her ] - it looks like aria sula is late to class once again . how do they expect to get their degree in film by skipping class ? it’s a wonder that the twenty two year old made it to their senior year . then again , i heard that they were + ambitious which may give them a pass with professors , but they are also - distant so maybe not . i heard they were blasting self by khalid before class . all i know is that they remind me of dried flowers between book pages, tired eyes from lack of sleep, closeted smiles laying on glossy lips .
background :
       the  day  the  sula  family , formed  by  a  successful  couple  in  most  aspect  of  their  lives , discovered  they  would  finally  be  able  to  have  a  child  of  their  own , it  appeared  that  the  entire  world  lightened  up  to  the  news  of  this  miracle  baby  —  which  they  hoped  would  be  able  to  maintain  the  future  parents  happily  married , since  so  far , when  it  was  just  the  two  of  them , that  didn't  seem  to  be  possible .        they  gladly  welcomed  the  baby  &  gave  her  everything  a  child  could  wish  for . it  all  occurring  perfectly  until  the  couple  was  left  alone , obligated  to  face  the  problems  between  both  of  them , which  wasn't  something  they  could  hide  from  their  daughter .        however , there  wasn't  much  aria  could  complain  about  her  childhood . her  parents  believed  they  could  raise  her  having  love  &  respect  as  the  base  of  their  relationship , showing  her  that  this  should  go  for  any  relation . they've  always  lived  under  excellent  financial  conditions  as  she  grew  up  with  a   father  teaching  her  that  it  was  the  consequence  of  hard  working  &  that  she  should  always  remember  that  you  must  go  after  what  you  want , never  taking  “ no “  for  an  answer . aria  was  also  taught , with  actions , that  whatever  didn't  happen  according  to  the  expected , could  be  fixed  by  pretending  there  was  nothing  wrong , just  like  they've  always  done  with  the  family — that  was  a  lesson  her  parents  demonstrated  on  a  daily  basis  by  excessive  caring  about  what  other's  might  think  &  trying  to  please  everyone  but  themselves .        aria  was  never  a  people  pleaser  though , that's  why  she  always  cared  about  doing  what  her  family  wanted  from  her  until  a  certain  point . in  school , she  was  an  average  student , discontenting  her  grandparents  that  wanted  her  to  have  the  best  education —  however  there's  no  point  in  attending  the  finest  schools  if  the  problem  is  the  student … well , but  they  say  there's  nothing  money  can't  buy , right ?        her  father  wanted  her  to  archive  a  successful  career  just  like  he  did , but  the  man  didn't  want  aria  to  simply  do  anything  she  desired , he  wanted  her  to  follow  his  steps . he  wished  for  his  daughter  to  be  able  to , one  day , inherit  the  family  business . that , however, was  not  what  she  wanted  for  herself , &  since  aria  isn't  someone  to  give  up  her  own  desires  to  please  others , she  proceed  to  study  film  in  a  prestigious  college  but  one  that  no  one  from  her  family  has  ever  attended , going  against  the  expectetions  once  again .
personality :
     the  type  of  person  that  knows  many  people  but   keeps  a  very  short  list  of  those  who  are  allowed  to  truly  know  her , aria's  personality  might  depend  on  who  you  ask . she  has   this  way  where  she  can  talk  a  lot  about  herself   without  actually  revealing  much , it might  seems  like  she’s  opening  up  but  if  you  think  about  it , you  probably  don’t  really  know  who  she  is . 
      her  personality  might  depend  on  who  you  ask . some  might  say  she's  a  charming  &  sweet  person , others  could  describe  her  with  not  so  nice  adjetives , such  as  liar , selfish , manipulative …  she  never  caused  such  different  impressions of  herself  because  she  goes  around  creating  fake  personalities , nor  she  pretends  to  be  someone  she  isn’t . but  you  can't  please  everyone , and  those  are  usually  the  negative  opinions  people  who  don't  like  aria  have  on  her . she  can  understand  why  it  might  happen , there  aren't  many  people  that  got  to  see  more  besides  the  cold  facade . she  hides  her  most  vulnerable  side  from  whoever  she  doesn't  trust , after  all , she  grew up  surrounding  herself  with  mean , hypocritical , entitled  people  who  would  never  trust  each  other . reality  is , aria's  just  someone  afraid  of  getting  hurt .        a  person  known  to  be  naturally  charming ... maybe  it's  her  flirty  way  of  speaking , or  how  she  bats  her  eyelashes  while  maintaining  long  eye  contacts , or  maybe  they  way  she  smiles  during  a  conversation  with  someone  she  likes … it's  probably  a  combo . either  way , aria  enjoys  leaving  good  impressions  of  herself , so  it  all  comes  almost  naturally  for  her .        when  you  meet her , she's  usually  a  friendly , extremely  charming  person . in  fact , she's  never  rude  for  no  reason , she  despises  people  that  think  being  mean  &  rude  out  of  nowhere  equals  to  having  a  “ strong  personality ” . she  doesn't  treat  everyone  very  nicely  as  if  she  likes them  and  they're  her  friends , in  fact  she  probably  does  not  like  a  good  amount  of  people  she  meets , but  she'll  only  act  bitchy  or  mean  to  who  she  thinks  deserves  it  from  her , &  even  so  she'll  always  be  poised  &  controlled , as  she  likes  to  consider  herself  a  classy  person .        constantly tries  to  avoid  acting  out  of  impulse . being  an  impulsive  person  is  just  not  who  she  is , it's  not  smart  to  act  this  way .  there  are  consequences  for  everything , whenever  she   can , aria  wants  to  consider  if  she's  willing  to  deal  with  them .        she  loves  to  have  control  over  every  small  thing  in  her  life , otherwise  she  doesn't  know how  to  deal  with  it .        incredibly  loyal  and  for  her , loyalty  goes  beyond  small  daily  situations —  it  means  protecting  those  she  cares  about , helping  in  needed  situations , being  there  for  them  when  she's  required , and  in  some  cases , even  when  she  isn’t .
       although  being a loyal person , she’s  not  always  very  reliable  because  aria  tends  to  put  her  needs  before  others .        aria  is  completely  driven  by  her  ambitions  and  desires . she  won't  go  as  far  as  doing  whatever  it  takes  to  get  what  she  wants , but  she'll  be  willing  to  a  lot .
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muhtesemz · 1 year
Assalamu Alaikum! I want everyone to make dua for me that I get married soon and with the righteous man. May Allah bless you 🙏🏾
Waalaikum Salam. May Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala make everything easy for you. May Allah bless all of us with a rightful companion, a best friend in this world and hereafter. May He accept our prayers and grant us all the best of both worlds, ameen.
* If anyone knows any specific a'mal or dua for this purpose, please let me know.
*from islamqa:
Our advice to you is apart from the efforts put in by your elders in finding a partner for you, you may read the following Du’aas:
اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة و في الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار
Oh Allah! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire (Bukhari, #6389, Muslim, # 2690)
لا اله الا أنت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
There is no deity besides You, You are glorified, indeed I am from the oppressed.
This is the Du’aa that Hadhrat Yunus (Alayhi al- Salam) had made while he was in the belly of the whale. Rasullullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said that this is such a Du’aa that no Muslim person recites it except that Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) will accept his Du’aa.
(Tirmidhi, # 3500, Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol.1, Pg.505, Al- Adhkaar, Pg. 196)
اني لما انزلت الي من خير فقير
Indeed I am in need of goodness.
Moosa (Alayhi al- Salam) read this Du’aa at the time of difficulty and was relieved of his difficulty.
Also recite abundant Salawaat everyday and make Du’aa with a positive heart.
May Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) grant you a suitable marriage partner. Aameen.
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