#dual ghoul chill show
fitsofgloom · 1 year
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subjectsix · 2 years
3, 6, 17, & 29 for the AO3 wrapped ask?
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
answered here as well! to pick another, probably Important or Hope, As Necessity. Important really tapped into a personal feeling for me, despite how short it was, and I liked the interpretation I had of Morgan Yu. Hope was a spur of the moment thing and my second time writing in second person, and I like how it came out for being something I spat out right then and there.
6. Favorite title you used
Oooogh hm. Maybe Three Strikes and You're Out, or Kon-Man-- I got Kon-Man's title because I finally got my hands on some Shadowrun source books and looked through all the slang. I like the pun of con man and kon (corpo) man. Titles are always really fun for me (I stress every time I have to pick one)
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
answered here-- to give another (or three), I think it's a tie between Dietrich and Blitz from Shadowrun and Vaclav Koller from Deus Ex. All three were really fun to try and figure out, and Dietrich and Blitz were challenging for me-- when I write dialogue I usually rely on whether or not I can hear what I wrote in the character's voice-- no voice for Dietrich and Blitz, so I gotta work harder.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
see here-- and another, for good measure :] (as a side note i found a formatting error in a fic while searching for this and fixed it, thank u anon <3) (ALSO this one never got posted, it was very short-- I'll post it when I have a collection of shorties like this, maybe):
“Wouldn’t it come from her sword?” Is0bel asks, coiling up a length of wire into a neat pile on the ship’s floor. “Like its nose. She’s… the goblin shark. Like a title, I guess.” .Gobbet pushes one of the coils up against the wall with her foot “Remind me how we figured out what ‘mitsukurina’ meant again?” “Well, we don’t know what it means.” Is0bel huffs a loose curl out of her eyes. “I got curious and looked it up, then asked Duncan why she picked it. He just… smirked at me and told me to ask her.” “We still can just ask her,” Gaichu says, holding his arms out in front of him, cords of different colors and sizes laid across them. Racter is busy labeling one Generator: DO NOT UNPLUG. “There’s no fun in that, though!” Gobbet grins. “I like guessing. And being hilariously wrong. Also, Iz, she didn’t use a sword until she’d been here awhile. She was a gun girl before that. So we gotta nix the sword idea.” “It’s possible she used swords when she was in Seattle,” Racter notes. “It’s just as possible it was her nickname back home for some reason.” “Kinda boring. I think it’s to represent her dual nature,” Gobbet trips on a cord and catches herself on the edge of Is0bel’s computer, then kicks the cord further under the desk. “Like how goblin sharks have those freaky mouths that show up when you’re not expecting. It’s like how she’s so chill but decisive and strong. Stuff like that.” Her back hits the floor and she vanishes underneath the screens and into the nests of wire. “Alright Nibbles, your turn. Why’s she use mitsukurina as her runner name?” “My theory?” The ghoul smiles. “I think she really likes sharks.”
ask game
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messerkampf · 2 years
"Wouldn't it come from her sword?" Is0bel asks, coiling up a length of wire into a neat pile on the ship's floor. "Like its nose. She's... the goblin shark. Like a title, I guess."
Gobbet pushes one of the coils up against the wall with her foot "Remind me how we figured out what 'mitsukurina' meant again?"
"Well, we don't know what it means." Is0bel huffs a loose curl out of her eyes. "I got curious and looked it up, then asked Duncan why she picked it. He just... smirked at me and told me to ask her."
"We still can just ask her," Gaichu says, holding his arms out in front of him, cords of different colors and sizes laid across them. Racter is busy labeling one Generator: DO NOT UNPLUG.
"There's no fun in that, though!" Gobbet grins. "I like guessing. And being hilariously wrong. Also, Iz, she didn't use a sword until she'd been here awhile. She was a gun girl before that. So we gotta nix the sword idea."
"It's possible she used swords when she was in Seattle," Racter notes. "It's just as possible it was her nickname back home for some reason."
"Kinda boring. I think it's to represent her dual nature," Gobbet trips on a cord and catches herself on the edge of Is0bel's computer, then kicks the cord further under the desk. "Like how goblin sharks have those freaky mouths that show up when you're not expecting a bite. It's like how she's so chill but decisive and strong. Stuff like that." Her back hits the floor and she vanishes underneath the screens and into the nests of wire. "Alright Nibbles, your turn. Why's she use mitsukurina as her runner name?"
"My theory?" The ghoul smiles. "I think she really likes sharks."
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bread-elf · 4 years
Where is Jiroki now?
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The wind bellowed across the snowy landscape and spurred it along the decaying corpses, frozen by now as remains of Scourge and Cultists lay in heaps. But new cultists always reappeared, and the dead always rise again with having no King to yield control. Leadership of the world gathered in Icecrown often, some having gone beyond the hole in the sky to places no mortals are meant to walk, on the hunt after the Banshee. Rumors often spread of strange lands in the beyond, how there is so much more than any thought possible, but Jiroki always had the personality of a skeptic. But such thoughts steered clear from her mind as she lined her sights, releasing her docked arrow and watching as it penetrates the skull of a ghoul. Quick as can be she pulled out the next one as more came at her, but she had nothing to fear as a large green figure rushed ahead of her. A large staff in hand, bearing a mask fitting for any well practiced Witch Doctor, the troll pummeled a wave of the oncoming corpses with a single blow. They fell in a heap, but more still were on route, and the ones before the Revantusk troll were beginning to piece themselves together again.
Coming from his left an Orc huntress joins him, dual wielding double bladed axes dripping with ichor, wearing her own skull mask more fearsome than the undead she faced, she aids her comrade in the slaughter of the Scourge, giving off an eerie shrill of a laugh every now and then. Jiroki had never dealt with those of the Laughing Skull clan before, but she grew appreciative that she wasn’t the one facing those blades right now. “Where the hell are they?!” Jiroki sneers out loud to herself as she glances around the blurry snowscape. She had sent some of her mercenaries to infiltrate a burrow where members of the Cult of the Damned lurked, and she started to think she should have gone with them with much time started to tick by. But as if on cue she not only hears but feels a distortment in reality near her, turning in alarm, and out pops a Ren’dorei male she had sent with the others. “Ow, my hip!” Ianasrial, also known as Ian, had bleeding gashes along his torso and arms, but favored his hip as he held a hand on it and nearly buckled at the knees, but he remains standing as he uses his free arm to give a mock salute towards his Shield Mother while nearly doubled over. “We got it, boss! The others are routing back!” “It’s about time.” Jiroki looks back towards the Scourge. Now she was starting to see that they were becoming less organized, not stitching together fast enough as they became feral in their ways. Still very much a big problem, but they can be culled and pushed back now. The Laughing Skull Orc had managed to push herself through the Scourge and descend further, getting too far away for Jiroki’s comfort, and the troll was starting to back track. “Rii’mah be havin’ a spree, I’ll fish for her latah.” Zim’bowa the Witch Doctor speaks, his voice piercing through the wind. “We should meet wit’ de others.” “Yea some of them are battered. But hey, it’s getting easier facing the Scourge each time!” Ian cracks a joke, but earns a glare from Jiroki. “Don’t joke about things like that.” “This is, what, third, fourth time I’m facing the Scourge now? I think I get a fucking pass for making jokes.” Jiroki could hear the lace of void amplifying in Ian’s voice; despite her prude nature, she didn’t need to question Ian’s distaste for the Scourge in the slightest. Without anyone even realizing it Rii’mah had made her return, blood and gore splattered all over her. The stench of death clung to the Orc, making Jiroki’s nose wrinkle, but she didn’t dare show distaste for it around the crazed one. Her head tilted side to side, cracking each way as she let out a breath of satisfaction, blood lust sated for the time being. “Let’s rendezvous with the others and head back, we still have a lot of work to do.” Jiroki is the first to turn and head back to one of the Argent outposts she and her Greyshields were assisting with, and the others followed. ~~~~~~~~ Jiroki carefully cleaned her armor and weapons inside her tent, mindful of the stain of the Scourge and not wanting to accidentally inflict their foul magic on herself. With her stood Drax’ara, doing the same with his own daggers, having gone with the other team that infiltrated and sought the Cultists. They shared the silence, just grateful for one another’s presence in these times. “How are the kids?” Drake ends up asking, the male Kaldorei sitting in a chair as he cleans his weapons, setting the cleaned ones down on a table beside him. “They’re fine, they’re with my sister in Shattrath. Did you want to see them soon?” Jiroki had chosen to stay standing in front of the table, her bow already cleaned but now addressing individual arrows she had retrieved, needing all that can be spared. “Yea, I do. When we have a bit more hands out here though, I don’t want to jeopardize anything.” Setting down his final dagger he stretched his legs forward, wiping his hands down on a cloth and then stretching his arms above his head. “I’m still waiting to hear back from my brothers.” “Hm.” Jiroki tried to keep her focus on her weapons, but her mind raced with current events, and she tried to remind herself to breathe. “Aztook should be back soon, he left to get something from the Black Temple. Once he’s back, you should go see them, before anything else happens.” As if yet again on cue there’s movement from the entrance of her tent. Jiroki half expected to be Aztook her mate in question, but coincidentally enough it was another Demon Hunter. Her half brother, Alldreas, pulled aside the tent flap to peer his sightless gaze in. “Jiroki, we need to talk.” Alldreas had always been prone to pestering Jiroki for fun when they initially first met and even when she had learned they were partially blood related, but that started happening less since Teldrassil burned. So now when he insisted they speak, she knew it was for something. As she turned and left her things there Drake remained in his seat, reaching over to claim one of her arrows to clean for her, and she stepped out into the chill. “What is it?” Jiroki peers up at the taller elf. “Your former enemy Zest and I have encountered some ‘unique’ individuals that you should meet.” Alldreas wore a blindfold that covered his eye, but the blazing fire of fel could be seen through them. “But they’re over in Stormwind, so you need to make haste.” “What? Why should I meet them?” Though Zest now partnered with the Greyshields, he was renown for siding with a Warlock during the Legion invasion who tried to eliminate all the Greyshields, now only running with them out of fear and so that Jiroki could keep an eye on them. “Why are you with Zest anyway? You know not to trust anything he says.” “I don’t trust him, but I implore you to go see these people, for I have seen them myself. They speak of the Shadowlands, and are looking to meet adventurers such as our ilk. This may be a way for us to get more involved and help.” There’s a flare in the fire in his eyes, as if expressing his inner emotions. “Wait, the Shadowlands? But…” Alldreas danced around the subject instead of describing these individuals bluntly. Jiroki grinds her teeth, but she lets out a sigh. “Fine, I needed to head to Stormwind soon anyway, I’ll see them while I’m there. But you’re coming with me.” ~~~~~~~~ Once in Stormwind Alldreas right away led his half-sister to where they had to go, walking to the more deserted and shady parts of Stormwind. Jiroki already started to get uneasy with where they were going, but she trusted Alldreas enough that he would not lead or astray. Or would in the least be the first to catch wind of trouble and alert her. Down an alley they walked until Alldreas stopped dead in his tracks, Jiroki nearly bumping into him as a result. She looks around, seeing no one and nothing out of the ordinary in sight, and she stands beside him to take a look at his face. All he did was just stare ahead. “What is it?” Jiroki asked, a brow raised high. “Is your demon struggling again?” “No, she is cooperating.” Alldreas speaks in return, still staring ahead. “They see us. They will make themselves known when ready.” The hairs on the back of Jiroki’s neck start to stand at that, glancing around now. They were both being watched, assumingly by these people Alldreas wanted her to meet, yet she still had no idea who or what they are. But that doesn’t take long to answer as a figure starts to come from the shadows. “Ah, it is you again.” A rich, exotic, otherworldly, and deep voice speaks towards the demon hunter. “I am impressed you found us so easily; perhaps we need a new approach to this city. Is this the one you had spoken of?” At first Jiroki thought she was looking at an Ethereal, but this was no ordinary one if that. A humanoid figure of clothing and armor with a blue flame flickering behind a floating face guard, taller and much more regal attire compared to the Ethereals that wore mostly wrappings to display their forms. But something stirred in the pit of her stomach, something that told her this thing wasn’t meant to be here, and it caused goosebumps to rise on her skin. “This is my half-sister, and the leader of the mercenaries I run with. She would be the one to speak with about the work you have.” Alldreas redirected the conversation to Jiroki, and the being gave a bow from the waist. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ma’dam. I am called Te’ani; I had heard some wondrous praise of your group of adventurers from your fascinating brother here. I am very much interested in procuring some items from your realm, and he reassured me that you and I could form a business relationship with one another.” Jiroki shot a quick glare towards Alldreas, the two already have spoken more with one another than she had been told, and she looks back to the strange being. “What is it that you have offer in payment? We’re very busy as is.” Her words didn’t seem to face Te’ani, though she couldn’t tell much from him anyway. “My partner and I are still learning the ways of your world’s currency and market value, but we have an assortment of items from where we’re from that should interest you. That, and we have means to guide you to even different realms where you can assist the heroes of your realm.” “What do you mean?” “I come from the Shadowlands. There is much, much, much, to do over there, many souls to be rescued, many planes of existence suffering from the drought that need aid. I know well enough that there is a notorious figure your world wants dead treading the Maw, and they have the upper hand as the Maw’s forces grow stronger. With the terms I discussed with your brother; if you help me procure items from this realm, I can assist with having a stable way for you and yours to go too and fro in the Shadowlands. But I am more than happy to discuss further details with you, since it seems he did not share anything with you.” Jiroki could almost hear the sass coming from the being if that was what it was, and Jiroki looked up to Alldreas once again to see the twitch of a smirk forming at his lips. She nearly growled, but kept herself quiet as she couldn’t deny the curiosity growing inside of her. “I think I’d like to discuss this more with you as well.” Jiroki tried to ease herself into this conversation with this strange being from the land of the dead, but her head already spun with ideas and possibilities, already deep down knowing she had made a decision for herself anyhow. This is a business opportunity she will not refuse.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 5 years
Hello! I'd like a match up please! I'm a 23 year old Gemini. I'm laid back and introverted but can be more boisterous and outgoing if I'm with someone who's extroverted. I LOVE dancing whether that's at home just by myself or being out and having a partner to dance with. Some of my hobbies are horse riding, drawing, writing and cosplay. Could I be matched with one of the era IV ghouls please. Thank you love your blog so much! ❤️❤️❤️
You have found love with our very own...
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Nameless Ghoulette Cumulus!! 
It’s only natural that two air types find each other! You both have been the perfect balance to each other. You have been the more introverted one that Cumulus brings out of their shell, and she is the extrovert you get to take breaks from social life. Over all, you two help each other have a very enriched life that makes you both incredibly happy. Even more importantly, you both enjoy every moment of each others company! Cumulus loves getting to see your more boisterous side and loves to encourage you to come out of your shell every so often. She very much enjoys your Gemini nature and you always keep her on her toes with surprises to your personality and demeanor. 
Cumulus LOVES when you indulge in your hobbies with her. Especially since a lot of them being so human are so different than what she’d find back home with other ghouls (Fun fact: Cumulus is absolutely enthralled by human culture and behavior.) She loves when you two have gone dancing! There have been several times she’s gotten you into popular night clubs only for you two to show off and bust a move. Cumulus can’t get enough of it, even if she sometimes can’t keep up with you. She’s familiar with art and writing, but this ghoulette finds herself so intrigued by your horse back riding and cosplay. Prepared to be ask about the two constantly when you bring it up! Don’t be surprised if she wants YOU BOTH to cosplay together! She has no idea what you are dressing up as but you both look AMAZING in her eyes! 
Cumulus loves that she can come home and you both can relax together, especially after touring seasons. Her favorite quiet activity is picking at her keyboard or cleaning while you write or draw. Next to that, she ALWAYS loves a good movie and to get to cuddle with you. She’s actually a very snuggly and clingy ghoulette when it comes to winding down for the day- so to know you are equally as chill really helps her calm down. Together, you two make for a rather dual natured couple! No one knows if you two are just going to be cuddly and quiet one day, or rambunctious and dancing down the Clergy halls the next!
Runner up for your love: Rain!   
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