#dude was like 40. die.
askblueandviolet · 8 months
What do you want to be in the future?
You'll live for a long time, right?
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duz-machines-87 · 1 year
i may not be very far into tmnt 87 yet. but every time the turtles are faced with even the smallest amount of resistance, Leo keeps going "at least we'll go down fighting!" and I think that's concerning of him.
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Answering (by far too many) questions about Phoenix to get a better feel for their character. There's no spoilers for 3 in this, either 💕 So the only thing there is to worry about is how comically long it is
Does your muse make decisions with their head or their heart? Perhaps a bit of both?
Phoenix doesn’t get much room to think with anything beyond their head on the job. And more often than not, they are on the job- or at least, they’re stuck in a similar headspace… That being said, during what little time they spend beyond their occupation, that completely flips. In the rare instances they’re allowed to be lax, they’ll be far more likely to let their emotional state guide their behaviors.
Would you say your muse lives up to their potential? Are they trying to, or could they care less?
They’ve surpassed their initial potential, really. They would never say it out loud, but Phoenix absolutely thinks that it’s only downhill from this point onwards. Sure, they survived a hell of a lot, but that doesn’t mean they know how they did it. They sure as hell would like to keep the reputation they’ve gained, but they don’t feel like they’ve earned it themselves. More like fate just tacked it onto them against their will.
Is your muse protective of those they care for? If so, how do they show it?
It’s been a while since Phoenix has even had someone that they’ve cared for. If you were to have asked them before they joined the Agency, they probably would have responded with a shrug. Nowadays though, the bond they’ve developed with their handler is probably the strongest one they’ve ever had. Taking a bullet for him is the least of what Phoenix would do for that man. Thankfully (for now, anyways), he hasn’t found himself in any sort of situation that would require Phoenix doing that.
Does your muse tend to judge others, or are they more open-minded?
No, Phoenix is absolutely a bit of a judger. Just about anyone who they meet for the first time, they’ve got some internal commentary stirring up in their head the second they lay eyes on them. It happens a lot with Zoraxis operatives especially. Normally it boils down to “ohhh, this guy’s weird”, while actively ignoring the fact that they, too, are very weird. They’re not above being a hypocrite in that regard.
Does your muse have any strange interests? do they keep these interests to themselves, or are they comfortable sharing them with others?
Straying from the somewhat obvious answer of their pyromanic tendencies, Phoenix has a habit of… ‘finding’ stuff out in the field and taking it back with them. It absolutely boggled the Agency the first few times they did it, but nobody stopped them while they had the chance, and they quickly made a habit of it. Sans the handler, they don’t really have great connections with most people in the office, so it isn’t something that comes up a lot. If someone asked them about it, they’d be happy to explain it, but more often than not they’d prefer it if people they didn’t know stayed away from their stuff. After SatL, Phoenix was devastated to learn that all of the souvenirs they collected were removed from the van- probably discarded somewhere by other faculty. Their handler was equally upset about it, though at the time that he learned what the Agency had done, he was still under the impression Phoenix was dead, so.
Has your muse ever been arrested? If so, what for?
Before embracing the life of an agent, Phoenix had gotten themself caught up in a criminal lifestyle far bigger than they were. They were on the hook for a lot of things, really. Trespassing, grand theft, breaking and entering, second degree murder, and, of course, arson, among a few other things. … It was actually the Agency who intercepted their arrest… Read over their files, saw their talent, and didn’t figure them enough of a threat to be against ‘hiring’ them for an agent position. Or maybe they were just looking for some cannon fodder who wouldn’t be missed. Phoenix didn’t really know. But between being an agent or going to jail, it was an easy answer.
Does your muse consider themselves a good person? Why or why not?
… It’s a question Phoenix thinks about a lot. They don’t really have an answer- though if they had to choose, they’d lean towards ‘no’. Their past certainly doesn’t help them think very highly of themself and their morality. They’ve left it behind, but that doesn’t mean they don’t think about it… They wouldn’t even be an agent without all the skills they honed during that time of their life. It’s inseparable from who they are now, whether they like it or not. Phoenix didn’t join the Agency willingly… Not really. Sure, they got used to it- maybe even grown to like it, in a strange sort of way, but they have coworkers who trained and dedicated their lives to their job because they wanted to help people. Because they wanted to save the world- protect the innocent. Phoenix didn’t have a choice. Do they want to help people…? Do they want to protect the innocent? They think they do- they’re pretty sure any rational person would. But they wouldn’t be here if the Agency didn’t snatch them up… Would they even care, if it wasn’t for them? It’s hard to consider being a good person when the good things you do, ultimately, stem from the debt that you owe.
How important is family to your muse?
Not very. They never really knew their mother, didn’t have a great relationship with their father, and keeping contact with him post joining the Agency wasn’t a very high priority for them. Add being an only child to the mix, and that doesn’t really leave much left.
Does your muse tend to blame themselves or others?
It depends, but normally it's much easier for the blame to fall on Phoenix if something goes wrong in the field. Originally, this was because when something went wrong, it usually was their fault- they touched something too quickly, or threw away something they actually needed, or accidentally gripped something too tightly with the telekinesis they were still adjusting to. Though they’ve gotten better at making less mistakes in the field, it's hard to shake the habit of blaming themself whenever things start to go awry.
What decisions have your muse made that they regret?
Regret is… a strange concept for Phoenix. Oddly, one they get particularly thoughtful about. Of course, they regret a lot of the actions in their past, but without it, they wouldn’t be where they are today… They’ve got a place to live they can call their own, an office full of people who… tolerate them, free lunch every day, and a friend they wouldn’t trade for the world. Not to mention all they’ve done since becoming an agent… They certainly don’t regret any of that. Ultimately, Phoenix tries not to dwell on things like regret to begin with. If they don’t think about the past too hard- if they enjoy the present for what it is, and leave everything else behind- then it can’t hurt them as much. Right?
What haunts your muse? Is there any event in your muse’s past that they can’t move past?
A lot… But to narrow it to just one, Rising Phoenix clings to them like a dead weight. Not because of the mission itself… Not because of Juniper, or the missile, or Zor (well, okay, maybe Zor a little bit)... But they can’t shake the memory of their handler crying out to them when the elevator cables finally snapped. With the earpiece tucked directly behind… you know, their ear, it felt as if the sound was echoing around in their skull. They could have died, then. And that wasn’t new, obviously- they nearly died just about every day that week… But having it sink in that even their handler didn’t trust their odds… It was a lot to think about all at once. That they might die. That someone else might care if they die. That his voice shouting their ‘name’ could be the last thing they ever hear him say… The last thing they ever hear period. Revelation after revelation hit in rapid succession, and plummeting to their would-be-death in an elevator certainly hadn’t helped matters much.
Does your muse favor nonviolence? Will they be violent if needed? Do they revel in violence?
Generally, if Phoenix can handle a situation without killing somebody, they will. Physical harm that doesn’t lead to murder is a completely different story, though. They’ll generally do just about anything short of murder to get someone off their back. Phoenix is a pretty big advocate for improvised weaponry, and partnering that up with their telekinesis is quite the dangerous combination. If it’s not bolted to the wall, you’re likely to get hit by it. Hope you have a particularly sturdy skull.
Does your muse prefer to keep the peace or rock the boat? Are they a mediator, or do they tend to make others upset?
Over the years of working for the Agency, they’ve certainly gotten better, but Phoenix has always been a bit of an instigator. It’s a habit they never quite broke. You give them five minutes and they can turn just about anything into an argument. It made them pretty unpopular during their first few months in the office. Nowadays, they’re a lot more playful about it, and they’ve gotten better about learning the limits of those around them (and they’ll only pass those limits if they’re a Zoraxis operative).
Does your muse have any specific fears? Is there a reason why they fear these things?
Phoenix has had a pretty bad case of paranoia even before they joined the Agency. Of course, turning to a life of secrecy pretty much only made that worse. They feel more comfortable meandering through the hallways of an Agency facility than they do walking down the street. They feel safer spending a late night at their office than they do in their own home. There’s a sense of security that comes from being surrounded by their peers that they only really notice once it’s gone… It’s one of the main reasons they’ve stopped asking for vacation days. Not like they’d be very relaxing anyways…
Is your muse happy with their job or career path? Why or why not?
When they started, they couldn’t have cared less about what it ‘meant’ to be a secret agent. They were onboarded to be a dispensable asset, and they knew that full well. Over the years, though, they’ve come around to it… They’re certainly proud of the work they have done (even if they barely know how they even did it), and the sense of community could be a hell of a lot worse. Not needing to fear for their life every time they wake up in the morning would be nice, but you’ve gotta take what you can get, you know.
Does your muse like to travel? have they traveled in the past? Where would they like to go?
Quite obviously, Phoenix travels for work a lot. Before that, though, they never really went too far from their hometown. The concept of traveling for leisure wasn’t really at the forefront of their mind at the time. They can’t deny, though, being an agent has sent them to quite a few gorgeous locations… Though they have no desire to recreationally travel as of currently, they can certainly understand the appeal.
Does your muse believe in an afterlife? If so, what do they believe the afterlife would look like?
They… try not to think about that. If there’s nothing left for them after they die… If everything just cuts to black, and they disappear into the thoughtless ether… Well, there’s plenty of worse things to wake up to, that’s for certain.
Is your muse cowardly, or courageous? what would it take for them to act heroically or selflessly?
It’s a complicated question. If you were to ask Phoenix themself, they certainly wouldn’t consider themself courageous, even despite all they’ve done. Just about every incredibly selfless thing they’ve done- the Death Engine, the stunt in Rising Phoenix, and everything else… Well, they were just about scared shitless the whole goddamned time. Some people would consider it brave to find something heart stoppingly terrifying and still be able to do it anyways. But Phoenix just considers it embarrassing. They don’t really… talk to other agents very much (they aren’t exactly the most popular operative, even despite their accomplishments). With their limited worldview, it’s kind of hard for the imposter syndrome not to creep in. Other agents would have probably done the same things they did, had they gotten the opportunity. And they probably would have done it faster. Probably wouldn’t have hesitated as much.
What are your muse’s most negative traits? How do these traits influence their lives? (ex. if a muse is aggressive, they may have trouble forming lasting friendships.)
Phoenix is an admittedly dangerous combination of standoffish and impulsive. They listen to themself, and act without thinking. Of course, they’ve been working on that a lot more after establishing a better relationship with their handler, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come back to bite them in the ass from time to time. … It’s so strange that people actually concern themselves about them now. That when Phoenix acts too irrationally, there’s punishments beyond the short term physical, or situational. They get hurt, and their handler gets… scared. They’re not used to that. Even despite their bond, they’ve gotten into a few pretty heated arguments about the matter from time to time. Phoenix still isn’t really used to their actions having consequences for people other than themself. But the world has been relying on them an awful lot, lately… It’s quite the weight on the shoulders.
Has your muse ever felt trapped? by what?
Ultimately- no matter how much they’ve grown used to them, and no matter how much they’ve adjusted to their life as an operative- the Agency is, and will always be Phoenix’s cage. They’re stuck there. They owe a debt, and they can’t really leave if they wanted to. Luckily, they don’t really want to… They’re not really sure what they’d be doing, if not for this… But like most things adjacent to their past, they try not to think too hard about the fact that they’re stuck in this particular career. 
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isa-ah · 1 year
what a fucking awful experience
#the cop outright lied on the phone about why my ID was confiscated and almost charged me another $40 for a new one#she called me sir when i sat down then realized i was there bc my male ID got taken away and she started using she#but she would drop her voice every time she misgendered me so my phone sitting on the counter recording couldnt hear her do it#there was a full lobby when i got there and they held me until literally everyone else had been cleared out#and then every cop at every desk came over and stood Around Me while i sat at her desk waiting. and waiting. and waiting.#it was just. nasty.blikr they were putting me in a situation to goad me into arguing#why else would they hsve taken up that posture Around Me. and made me wait for 30+ minutes for a supervisor#even fucking worse i wasnt the only one there getting harassed#the last other person they saw was this like 20yo dude who had the tall gangly thing going on#and 2 of the 40smtn cops were going back and forth hooting and carrying on about how skinny and hot he was#and the dude was so fucking uncomfortable it was palpable. lo came in as he left snd said his face was pale and upset#and thank fucking christ lo came in bc otherwise it would have just been my stupid tranny ass sititng there with a ring of cops around me#i get my female ID soon so we can finally get our fucking passports together at least#god. nightmare. nightmare that was awful#my mil bought me tacos on the way home and theyre in fucking flour tortillas i want to DIE
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#life#about me#shut up ilona#like yeah i know they’re there to save lives (allegedly)#but there’s so many there’s like only 2-3 whole intersections that i go through each day that DONT have speed cameras#like on the man roads and highways near my house and on the way to work#*main#not the main sort of back streets that i use to leave my neighbourhood#like bassisolt right at the end of my trip of getting to work in the morning EVERY set of lights has one#it’s a nightmare bc it’s an 80km/hr road but everyone literally slows down to like at least 60km/hr….#(and obvs not counting turnoffs and peak hour traffic times at 8-9am/5-6pm)#and it’s like dude why the FUCK do we need so many speed cameras for fuck sake#like yeah ok they do ~save lives~ and whatever other fucking rhetoric that goes around speed cameras#but sweet fucking baby fucking lord jesus i just want to get work without being slowed down about 10 times#to and from work every day all bc i’m obvs late for work and everyone slowing done for speed cameras#….. at nearly every fucjing intersection on the way to work is making me late and making me lose my temper lmao#and also on the way home too. i’m done with the day and slowing down for like 6 SCs on the way home……#….from work is i s2g going to give me jaw issues eventually bc of my teeth grinding when i get slowed down to 60 on an 80….#….or like 40/50km/hr on a 60km/hr road on the highway bridge near my NH#like yeah yeah it makes driving safer but i s2g i want to die lmao#i hate driving
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unloneliest · 1 year
i love looking at my dnp blog and going like. wow i was having fun but i was literally so unwell. not for enjoying dnp though like i was literally so so sick and instead of my chronic health issues being treated i was on an insane amount of adhd meds PLUS caffiene bc it's the only way i was functuonal but i was still falling to pieces.
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sundogscoops · 2 years
mom wanted to watch way of wah-er for her birthday and it was so fucking long and i hated it
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dreamingpine · 2 months
do you think my characters hate me for loving them and hateing them and putting them thru it?
#i wrote this and immediately thought#its not that serious go to sleep#but i noticed i have a kinda insert in a couple of my stories and the thought came to me#im like god in those stories but i hate having me in stories so i dont name them after me but deep down i know they are me#its werid. all of my ocs are me or someone i feel like i would like#like tobi i love that dude#idk im gonna sleep#this always happens when i go outside and then am forced to part with large sums of money because life#“im gonna go on my stupid walk for my stupid health”#“sure love that. btw you have to pay this btw. give me ur money. ur not using it right? promise i wont take it all”#*takes it all*#its so fucked too because i end up spending more because im so fuck it done#“i only have 24 dollars and 37 cents for the rest of the week even tho i got paid literally yesterday...i have to make it last...”#“whatever if i die i die im just gonna spend it on lunch idc anymore”#and lunch is like. chiken tenders. because i wanted hot food. and it sucks because i cant like. ask ppl for money.#because im sure there are ppl who need it more than someone who cant budget. i think they think i make more than i actually make.#i think thats why they keep taling so much. they dont account for taxes that get taken out because. i cant count. i will not lie. but i sai#i told them i get paid an amount hourly. and i timed that by the 40 not including what gets taken out. and then i#counted how much they keep taking from me and if i dont get taxes taken i would have a whole 100 extra to my name!#idk it would be awkward and difficult if i aired my grievance to them because then we wouldn't have a place to sleep anymore. or whatever h#whatever house we're supposedly saving for.#idk i dont procces my emotions deeply and im tired of sleeping in a hotel but its our cheapest option right now.#its better than staying in that house with the lights and water cut off because it was too expensive#idk. its not bad tho. i can get to work. i can take a bath. everyones crammed in one room but theres internet. i can go on my phone#lisyen to music or something. im sure i#thankfully. i dont want for things. so im not like ordering clothes and stuff we dont have room for. i just have a bed. which is nice.#oh no it turned into a vent
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lilgynt · 2 months
went to that horror thing at that dudes house - it was fine and i had fun but it was just a groups of older white dudes and what comes from that like mostly fun! but watch out
#personal#some comments or full on bits were like :0 i must leave. but mostly fun#and ten minutes in i was asked a woman’s perspective on something#ohhh and dude and i had completely different opinions of midsummer he was like#honestly? christen didnt do anything wrong#and it started from when he was drugged/raped and we agreeeded there#but i was like oh that’s straight wrong but he was an awful boyfriend#and he was like was he? yes he was ur insane#also got home and was like heyyyy#bc my mom just basically told me we’re going to this show on friday#which is fine i did have plans that night but i actually cancelled them before she told me#but it was like oh i gotta talk to her bc i do actively make plans and we can’t do this thing where she tells me to be somewhere and i#already bought tickets for something else#bc she has a bad habit of signing me up for things without speaking to me#which at 24 isn’t inconvenient but straight up detrimental#like i’m not 17 complaining my moms making me help clean out a house#i’m 24 and my mom is not respecting me as an adult with a full time job and life#so i’m like hey i already canceled before this and it’s for grandma#who btw is probably gonna die soon - i have no relation in serious with this woman#but she’s fine enough but i’m going to stuff with her and seeing her#to support my mom cause she just lost a husband and will lose her mom soon you know?#but i was she’s more important duh but in general in the future can you just include me in the plans#before speaking for me? bc if i bought tickets for my show that’s a waste of 40 bucks bc we didn’t talk#and during this she’s interrupting and telling me to stop bc she doesn’t want to talk about this#and she’s like stop fucking lecturing me ur not my mom#and i try to keep it calm and im like no i just want to communicate#and she’s like if you can’t go it’s fine just stop fucking acting like ur my mom#and keeps going and finishes with i don’t want to communicate with you#so i get pissed and i tell her fine if she can’t communicate don’t use my fucking name for anything#don’t loan money don’t say i’ll be there don’t use my name - extra bc she was like ig i can 50 bucks when i reminded her she owes me 260
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getgonebyfionaapple · 4 months
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bumpscosity · 7 months
if somerton deletes this response i hope he knows im just gonna reupload it with detailed archival information in the description just like i did with his apology
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celibibratty · 11 months
Ngl, would be kinda cool to imagine an idea of lis2 sifu AU(but this game(lis2) is so suck that It won't let It work😒specially on aspect of the villans idk who can be💦),(sigh), okay, lets think, the main characters I not even need to say who will be, do I?, this yang, his our main characters big brother...sooo It all points to sean(but its kinda weird taking in consideration we also have a "sean" in the game, tho sean doesn't look like neither of them, tho "I tired of this shit"(this a dialogue of this sean(sifu)) is a very sean(lis2 sean) thing to say😒, and the older version of this yang doesn't combine with the older version of sean(that could be him from bb I guess?), It doesn't need to be coherent to the original characters, lets pretend sean being this yang so It makes more sense with Daniel, the vengeance, like, Daniel would be avenging who? Because in the logic of the game, the main characters are avenging their father's death, so Daniel would be avenging...Esteban?😒(spongebob hawaiian cocktail playing in background), sorry!! I just don't like esteban(I respect him as sean and daniel's father, but I don't care about him), I mean this one kind makes sense, the problem is that I DON'T LIKE ESTEBAN💦(and the visual gets me too, our main characters father is an old man, I mean esteban is an old man too, but our main characters father looks like a grandpa and Esteban looks like "a daddy😩👌"or dilf(I don't like much this word), tho playing the opening again ngl I found the old man kinda good looking, he's an old man of respect, I prefer the old man than Esteban😒), this fajar, this one is easy, for me super combine to be the gangster/short dude that got fucked up both in bb and lw(cuz I feel this dude have a tension with daniel, the same way our main characters have a tension with this fajar because he is the one that killed them, so they have this fear, but also this hate/rage towards him), actually all the three First bosses could be portrayed by the gang members If you want, the short dude would be this fajar, the big bald dude this sean and the girl could be this kuroki, this one makes sense cuz those are characters I could Cleary see daniel messing with, its just funny cuz they are very random, okay, but if you want some important characters, this fajar for me super combines this dude, this sean unfortunaly idk, this kuroki if you want It could be lyla😒(the problem is that daniel likes this bitch and y'know... our main characters kill them!, so daniel would never😩👌, although daniel in the beggining also liked cassidy and then he almost killed her, so I kinda don't doubt It🙄, one of the things that make lyla combine with this kuroki for me, its that both of them combine with the word "bitch", I feeling kinda bad to associate this kuroki with this word 😅but it kinda combines with her, but ofc way more to lyla, ugh, I don't like this girl), the old lady I mean this jinfeng, tsc, its very obvious who combine to be, lisbeth!, even the way our main characters kill this jinfeng is exactly alike the way Daniel kills lisbeth and I never notice that, I mean I founded similar when I saw it, but its more similar than I thought(i always thought that our main characters killed this jinfeng by hanging her, but playing again and again now I see that they actually break/crack her neck, thats what kills her, which exactly what daniel's do when he kills lisbeth, and both deaths/scenes are kinda creppy, our main characters is a cool creppy, daniel's to me its a bad creppy(I have a trauma with this scene/episode 4 in general💦), but I will accept for the sake of coherence😓(jokes asides, what makes lyla have something in common with this kuroki is that both have some sadness/mental problem(like depression!? idk what this kuroki have, but she has/had something and lisbeth and this jinfeng are both very gredy old ladies)
#coitada dessa kuroki ser interpretada pela lyla(hmph se o Esteban fosse pra ser o velho essa mina já ia querer é dá o cú pra ele😒💢 isso sim#It's true what Marina said maybe this Sean can be this brett dude(its kinda random char too) yeah but just like in s1fu...#You can add some characters from daniel's past that combines to him have a grudge/go after#In nutshell characters that daniel would have a reason to kill☠️(yeah sean is one of those)#I forget that there is also the talisman mechanic (it's just that nowadays I play it so well that I don't even age our characters anymore)#at 25 years old Daniel transforms into him from R(that would totally be a game that I would try hard not to die💦(roman holiday playing))#but I'll be honest I don't believe BB Daniel would become him from R at 25...#I think BB Daniel would remain the same actually#Let's just focus on the Young look💦 (although I can really visualize BB Daniel wearing the 40's jacket(would be cute)#this idea its not even about lore😅it's more a visual aspect#i just think would be cool/neat see daniel as the main characters in sifu style#cuz i can cleary imagine a redraw of some of the scenes but with daniel#i can imagine the scene that they kill this fajar#i can imagine the rain scene of this yang fight(even tho i said older sean don't combine with this older yang visual#But now i can kinda see a BB sean using a tradicional clothe like this yang#Who wish I could draw this op💧#lis2 discussion#about s1fu
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tiredhermit · 1 year
Why do I get a crush on basically every other person that walks into my office???
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cipher-fresh · 11 months
💬 suffering-academy-student Follow
does anyone else wish u could regenerate but not change and not use up a regeneration. just like do a hard reboot
#i'm gonna call myself The Sufferer
💫 constellationon-kasterborous Follow
what is it even like to not be a time lord do you like get impaled by rebar at 45 years old and just die. couldn't be me
🚀 silvertraveller Follow
_____👶 timelordtoddler Follow
_____playing with a roentgen radioactive brick in the nursery rn
🔉 gallifreyballifreyshmallifrey Follow
i love this website because its the only place you can say you have interfered with the natural flow of time and you won't get investigated by the CIA
😉 winkles-wonderland Follow
who up lording they time
#no I don’t need to add any extra tags thanks I trust my audience will find it
👦 theresponsibilityavoider Follow
I was skipping school hanging out in a clearing and some guy exited a portal from a CONFESSION DIAL 😭 and he was like “Go to the city. Find someone important. Tell them I’m back. Tell them, they know what they did. And I’m on my way. And if they ask you who I am, tell them ‘I came the long way round’” 😭😭😭 what the hell
💬 oneofthegreathouse Follow
if you have a fetish for people being born through bodily reproductive systems KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!! nobody needs to see that on their dash
__♻️ callmeweaver Follow
__Ok Puriteen you need to get on my level. sexualize looms OR ELSE!!!!!
💫 thecurator Follow
the high council of gallifrey: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “the timeless child” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw some pre-Hartnell doctors
My buddy the Master pacing: the Time Lords are lying to us
🏠 somegrandolgallifrey Follow
I heard some kid crying himself to sleep in a cabin. COULD not be me
♾️ thatacademygraduate Follow
Went to a museum today! I saw a lot of really cool stuff but something I couldn’t stop thinking about was this horrifically busted up Type 40 TARDIS that literally looked like it was held together with duct tape, chewed gum and prayers 😵‍💫😵‍💫 girl kill that thing I’m so sorry….
#i think it was even still alive. please put it out of its misery for the love of rassilon
🥽 howsitgoinghowitgoes Follow
Bruh my best friend and I tried to play a prank on my brother but it went wrong and he hit his head so badly he REGENERATED i need to go into hiding
😐 the-hybrid Follow
Who am I
#please for the love of god help me
🔹 thetasigma Follow
Koschei and I skipped school today and went stargazing. We agreed to visit every single one together when we leave this stupid planet. I love them so much. We're going to be together forever.
💭 siblingofkarn Follow
Why do I keep having nightmares about Gallifrey being destroyed in like 5 different ways, that could literally never happen
🤖 pompousandstuffy Follow
I literally hate children soooo much like today some ninety year old tried to speak to me. KILL YOURSELF THIRTEEN TIMES ‼️
👽 cheapandnastytraveltime Follow
For a Time Lord I have such a bad sense of time. if chamelon arches were real i would make myself literally any other species
😍 starstartwinkletwinkle Follow
I have to stare into the untempered schism tomorrow. Any advice?
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dukecollinsbf · 1 month
gulp... darlin hcs... this is kinda long... i use he/they pronouns here. hes a cis dude in my eyes i just type they out of instinct.
hes called julius
mexican-asian! (their dad is mexican, their mom is cambodian. they were born in mexico but moved to washington when their dad got a better job opportunity.)
his dad has a teardrop tattoo and one of those "cut here" tattoos on his neck. he's also blind in one eye
their mom is beautiful but #evil. she always had her nails painted dark red
julius' favourite colour is dark red
he got 4 siblings!! hes the middle.
their older sister was the typical 2000s teen girl. ik yall are envisioning the hairstyle im talking about. she also brags about how she loved leopard print before it got popular.
also shes a kesha lover. now she listens to chappell roan. she IS casual.
as an adult, their younger brother works with animals! their older sister has an online job and their older brother is a mechanic. their younger sister is in college and julius hates her bf. the one sided beef is crazy. theyve never even met in person.
he did boxing as a teen and his little sister used to do dance
ik more of the fandom wants them to have happy childhood BUT NOT ME!!!!!!1
their dad sold their wii for drug money (am i projecting)
their mom is worst than their dad muahahahahah
they had a saint bernard called Pooch growing up and a yappy little chihuahua that his mom loved. that dog also refused to die. like im talking this dog got attacked by a bigger dog and had a tumor and got hit by a car and survived. by the time the dog died it had a leg missing and was blind. the vet bills were crazy
even tho their parents were shitty, they could never bring themselves to hate them even though they wanted to. when either of them would pass out on the couch, he'd cover them with a blanket and clean the living room and kitchen. when his mom would be upset, he'd sit and listen to her even tho she never did the same to him
he doesnt talk to his parents now and he makes jokes about what he went thru to cope, but he wonders if they're doing okay, if they got healed and became better people or if they passed away and they never knew.
the bond they had with their unempowered friend was the same bond asher, david and milo have. his friend was called trevor.
julius was trevors first kiss because trevor complained about feeling like a loser since everyone started dating around their teen years LMFAO
their first concert was a metallica one that they went to with quinn
they worked as a waiter for a while as a teenager and had a work bestie that was like 40
I STOLE THIS HC FROM A FIC IVE READ IF YOU FIND IT PLZ LMK SO I CAN CREDIT!! but they worked in a fighting ring at one point
my own add on to the same hc: during this time, they had a shitty little apartment and the most decorated space was a dresser dedicated to their fish, soda pop. that fish was spoiled as fuck and he cried when soda pop died
he frequented a diner to the point the lady behind the counter knew his order beat for beat
when they were teenagers, asher took inspo from their style. they used to wear those little black wrist bands with the little spikes (do yall know what im talking about) and thats where ashers love for his spiked collar came from
they do not have a single pair of blank socks. they all have some sort of stupid design on them
also ofc, the rubber duck, courtesy of domini.
they hate haircuts
they HATE the grocery store. they get overstimulated and wanna die immediately.
best meal theyve ever made for themselves is mac and cheese. from those little boxes.
aggro bit them one time and theyre still upset over it
TATTED AS FAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they have piercings GODDDD THEYRE SO FINE
they also have sharp canines (im bouta bust)
i know yall want asher to have heterochromia but i hc julius has it. HOWEVER! I hc asher has anisocoria (one pupil bigger than the other). they bond over having eye conditions
they also fell out of a tree in the middle of the woods one time and cracked their head open and broke their leg and had to limp home
the first ever scar he got was on his chin when he and his brother were pushing each other around (as brothers do) and julius fell and cut his chin open. its very faded now, but his brother brings it up somtimes
one time, out of boredome, he ran away from his brother at the store
his little sister would hide between clothes in the store and would need to be called for on the intercom
i have more. theyre my fav listener. all my hcs go to them.
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shijiujun · 1 year
Guess I’m back for another rec, you know I’m there when I get minimum two bromance dudes and historical and OOMPH if you liked The Blood of Youth this might be up your lane!! Slightly similar main character premise but super good, the trope never gets old!!
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- Stupid disciple + his (unknowing) shifu - Enemy bros “where is my shixiong’s remains?!” + “defeat me and find out” vibes who have to work together and form their deep friendship and get past misunderstanding and mystery blah blah love it - All-powerful legendary swordsman losing all his powers and becoming a legendary physician - Everything is about dead shixiong we don’t even know how the man looks like - Investigations and jianghu shenanigans, cases!!!  - Uwu puppy dog and good in martial arts disciple and his sickly, ex-legendary and still cool shifu who doesn’t know he’s a shifu LMAO - Yes uwu bromance, especially cuz shifu is DYING and he is WEAK and he gonna spit out blood and faint everywhere as they find cure for him 
Total episodes: 40
Premiered on: July 23
VIP ends: August 18
Can be watched from iQiyi
Airing schedule: 6 episodes on the first day, 2 episodes everyday after for 6 days, then 8 episodes a week except for the last week, that has 6 episodes with finale
Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi who was master of Sigu Sect, challenged Di Feisheng, master of the Jinyuan Alliance, to a fight on the seas, where they both end up critically hurt as Li Xiangyi tries to find out where his shixiong’s (Shan Gu Dao) corpse and bones went - his sect was attacked on the same day, and when he returns to the sect, critically injured, he sees some of his deputies blaming him for the attack, and instead of going in, he disappears after that.
Ten years later, Li Xiangyi is now Li Lianhua (Lotus Li LMAO) and he’s an eccentric but skilled doctor who has his eyes on earning money. By chance, he meets Fang Duobing (Fang Many Illness LMAO), a young, aspiring detective who’s super skilled in martial arts, but he’s been unable to enrol in Bai Chuan Yuan (the past Sigu Sect), a sort-of sect that plays an enforcer role in the pugilistic world and helps to solve cases, arrest wrongdoers, and the like. Fang Duobing’s dream is to get in, but as he’s the only son of two powerful people who’ve been refusing to let him be part of Bai Chuan Yuan, he’s failed the test 3 times despite being the most-skilled one there. On his third try, however, he tells the four masters of Bai Chuan Yuan that his shifu is Li Xiangyi, a Li Xiangyi who used to be a part of Bai Chuan Yuan and is still greatly missed by the four masters. They agree to it, but only if FDB solve three cases with arrests.
His first case leads him to meet LXY who’s now known as Li Lianhua, and their meeting doesn’t go off to a great start; FDB is idealistic and a rich, wealthy young master at heart who’s never suffered much hardship, and LLH drugs him after and scolds him for being too trusting of people and being too obvious, going around with two servants. LLH leaves him with parting words, only to meet him again later at the scene of the crime.
They solve cases together from there; LLH is still looking for his shixiong’s body ten years later, and decides to solve cases with FDB as a guise to get closer to the truth, making use of FDB slightly. Later, Di Feisheng recognises him, and the three of them are forced to become allies/friends to uncover a greater conspiracy. The clock is ticking for them as well, as Li Xiangyi was poisoned and injured ten years ago, and was given only ten more years to live. The story begins in the year that he’s meant to die.
*Fang Duobing met Li Xiangyi when he was young and still sickly, and Li Xiangyi encouraged him, and Fang Duobing held onto his every word and suffered a lot to become healthy again and as skilled as he is today, all because Li Xiangyi said those words to him that year ;-;
(1) Fight scenes are GREAT 
- Water water water
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- All female sect?!
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(2) Bromance, subtle for now, but greater later I assume - ZENG SHUNXI’S FACE HE SO PUPPY BLURBLUR AND SMILING?! AND CHENG YI SMIRKING?! Like Fang Duobing is just wagging his tail and running after a person he doesn’t know is truly his shifu as he claims LOL
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(3) Shifu Li Xiangyi not knowing he was shifu to Fang Duobing
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(4) Li Xiangyi being the reason for Fang Duobing to EXIST but Li Xiangyi ain’t around anymore (not) and he sad and Li Xiangyi can’t tell him who he is UWUUUU
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(5) Familiar faces hehe if you are a SNGX/The Blood of Youth and SHL fan 
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