#due south 3x10
eaion · 10 months
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sammaggs · 2 months
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3x10 Perfect Strangers | Distance
Unlike Americans, who measure colloquial distance spatially (eg. “I’m only 5 miles away,” “It took me an hour to drive 10 miles,” etc.), Canadians, for the most part, measure colloquial distance temporally (eg. “I live two hours away from Toronto,” “My house is three hours to the border,” etc.)
When the speed limits are 100km/hr on every highway, it gets real easy to divide distance up by hours instead of by clicks.
Fraser does it here in Perfect Strangers in a little throwaway line about the distance of the alleged perp from his victim at the time of the incident: he says Buffalo is “only two hours” from Toronto, instead of the American “only 100 miles.”
Fraser is closing the distance between himself and Ray here physically and conversationally, bringing Ray into his own way of thinking about distance and time.
Quiet Canadiana in due South [One] [Two] [Three]
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kreuzaderny · 2 years
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A Cool Accretion Disk around the Galactic Centre Black Hole
A supermassive black hole SgrA* with the mass ~4x10^6 Msun resides at the centre of our galaxy. Building up such a massive black hole within the ~10^10 year lifetime of our galaxy would require a mean accretion rate of ~4x10^-4 Msun/yr. At present, X-ray observations constrain the rate of hot gas accretion at the Bondi radius (10^5 R_Sch = 0.04 pc at 8kpc) to \dot{M}_Bondi ~ 3x10^-6 Msun/yr, and polarization measurements constrain it near the event horizon to \dot{M}_horizon ~ 10^{-8} Msun/yr. A range of models was developed to describe the accretion gas onto an underfed black hole. However, the exact physics still remains to be understood. One challenge with the radiation inefficient accretion flows is that even if one understands the dynamics there is no accepted prescription for associating emissivity (and absorption) with the flow. The other issue is the lack of model-independent probes of accretion flow at intermediate radii (between few and ~ 10^5 R_Sch), i.e. the constraints that do not assume a model of accretion flow as an input parameter. We report detection and imaging of the 10^4 K ionized gas disk within 2x10^4 R_Sch in a mm hydrogen recombination line H30alpha: n = 31 -> 30 at 231.9 GHz using the ALMA. The emission was detected with a double-peaked line profile spanning full width of 2,200 km/s with the approaching and the receding components straddling Sgr A*, each offset from it by 0.11arcsec= 0.004pc. The red-shifted side is displaced to the north-east, while the blue-shifted side is displaced to the south-west. The limit on the total mass of ionized gas estimated from the emission is 10^-4 - 10^-5 Sun at a mean hydrogen density 10^5-10^6 cm^-3, depending upon whether or not we assume the presence of a uniform density disk or an ensemble of orbiting clouds, and the amplification factor of the mm radiation due to the strong background source which is Sgr A* continuum.    
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay. well today was pretty good. I had set my alarm for like 9:35 because Jess and I were gonna meet up for breakfast at like ten, but I woke up like about an hour earlier than that because somebody was jumping on my chest again (and by somebody I mean my cat, of course) and wasn’t gonna fall back asleep so we said we’d meet in 15, so I got ready and walked over. Now, I’m very much a bread-based breakfast person, like pancakes, french toast, and waffles. A truly well done belgian waffle is my favorite, followed by french toast and the pancakes. This place as several types of french toast and pancakes which I’ve tried most of, but only one waffle that is just described as a “cheesecake stuffed waffle” and I really didn’t know what to think of it because like how is that even a thing??? but apparently I got curious enough to order it today. It came with eggs too, which I didn’t know and I’m not a terribly big egg person, but oh well. So it comes out and it’s basically a waffle folded in half with what pretty much just looks like a slice of cheesecake in the middle. well I guess that makes sense. It was pretty damn good, but of course it was super filling so I couldn’t even finish it and didn’t touch the eggs, which I ended up bringing home to see if the cat wants them (after checking that cats can eat eggs, which they can, just not raw ones) but she ended up not really eating them. But yeah, we finished up and paid then came back to my apartment as we had some binging to do. First up was the campy Christmas movie Nick Zano (the human, not the cat) was in called “Desperately Seeking Santa” and also featuring Laura Vandervoot, who played Supergirl on Smallville and the villain Indigo in s1 of Supergirl (the show). It was an abc family production and like, you know the type of super corny holiday movies they put out that it seems like every actor has been in one. This was pretty fucking hilarious, for more reasons that it should’ve been just as a romantic comedy, but Nick Zano of course was great and his character was pretty much identical to Nate, just a big softie lol who’s trying to get the girl. It was cute and entertaining, but also of course cheesy. After that we put on Love Actually because I didn't think I’d seen it before and Jess insisted I needed to see it. So we watched it and I recalled watching at some point like, two super specific scenes, so I’m not sure if I watched the entire movie before or just seen a few scenes because I didn’t really remember anything else lol. but yeah, that was very cute. After that we went back to binging Brooklyn 99 which is forever hilarious of course and honestly like I forgot about most of the jokes in season 1 so I got to enjoy them all over again. We did that until like 4:30 or so when we decided to go grab an early dinner, I had randomly decided I wanted italian food, just because I haven’t had a good bowl of pasta in a while, so we hit up one of the italian restaurants on main street that we hadn’t been to yet because it was kind of *fancy* lol but they didn’t mind that we weren’t exactly dressed up for the occasion. so we got pasta and I actually ate a good portion of mine lol and it was very satisfying. So that was nice. After dinner Jess headed back to her place to start backing for tomorrow, so I returned to my place to do the same. The unfortunate announcement that came today that threw a wrench into my cosplay plans was that Katie Cassidy had to cancel coming to HVFF NJ due to changes in the filming schedule, and that special cosplay I had been being very hush about but was also very excited for was going to be from the clip we see in the season 7 trailer of black siren pretending to be lawyer Laurel and like, that is just the ultimate cosplay for me because LAWYERS so I was grabbing everything I could for that and was really excited, but oh well, I’m sure I’ll get to use it at some point in the future because it was gonna be pretty epic. So I changed plans to just wear normal clothes on Saturday and go ahead with my cosplay plans for 3x10 Sara for Sunday in Portland, so that’s what I packed for. Just after I had finished packing, we got the announcement that Matt Ryan had been picked up last minute as a guest (certainly in an attempt to mitigate their losing Katie, because there really aren't many big people going) which is awesome because we love Matt Ryan, I just saw him two weeks ago at WW Chi and didn’t expect to get to see him again so soon so I’m excited. But with this news, I needed to reconsider my cosplay plans, and of course Constantine is with Sara in the hospital in 3x10, so I could really do that cosplay two days in a row, in NJ with Matt on Saturday and in Portland with Caity on Sunday and like....that would be so epic??? So my plans changed to that, which was easy because it didn’t involve any unpacking or repacking lol. Once I had all that finished I watched some great british baking show while also designing the little “hospital ID” card I was adding to the 3x10 cosplay that will hopefully give people a bit of a hint as to what the cosplay is because I know it’s gonna be a fairly obscure one, but tbh I don’t really care that much about other people recognizing them as I do about celebrities recognizing him, and I’m confident the right people will, so that’s good. I watched a few episodes of the great british baking show before readying clothes for my interview tomorrow morning, because that’s a thing!! I think I mentioned it the other day?? If I didn’t, it’s with the personal injury firm that is really my first choice out of my current possibilities (not including any child advocacy opportunities that are not currently available) which still isn’t what I really want to be doing but it’s a HELL of a lot better than workers compensation on the insurance side or real estate law, which frankly sound horrifically boring to me. The interview again is super on the south side, so I’m gonna have to uber there which is gonna cost a bundle, but if I did get the job I’d most likely be working out of their loop office thank GOD but might need to be flexible about traveling other places to take depositions and such. So I’m hoping that goes well. I may end up emailing OPG tomorrow and being like “just checking, you’re still not hiring right?” because while this is a good option I would not be happy if I accepted a job doing that when a job that I actually want to do becomes available right after. But yeah, hoping that will be good. After that I pretty much got ready for bed and now I’m here. It’s almost midnight (or past 11:30 at least) and I gotta get up at 7:45 so that I have *plenty* plenty of time getting ready and getting there because you know I do not play around with being late, I just don’t make it a possibility in any predictable situation (barring like, a car crash or something that I obviously can’t control), so I have to get up early and I’m now tired and going to go to bed. Goodnight lovelies. Happy Friday. 
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 7 years
Hi :) I just went trough Doctor Who's episodes where the 12º Doctor is blind and it turns out... now I have a craving! I can remember a few series where something like this happens (like Flash and Grimm), but not nearly enough. Do you know of more examples where the whumpee is blinded for some reason? Your tumblr is wonderful
Hello! Thank you my friend!  Some temporary blindness examples: Due South 2x01 (video), Legend of the Seeker 2x22, The Invisible Man 1x15, Stargate SG1 2x01, Smallville 3x10, JAG 2x03, The Mentalist 1x16, Grimm 2x15 and The Flash 2x05. (adding those two you mentioned for reference ❤) Also, in Covert Affairs 5x13, Auggie (who is permanently blind) is kidnapped. [x] :)
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Due to Electrical dams on the upper sources of water might cause drought in western South Vietnam, Vietnamese Can apply Quantum energy to solve problems; however, I cannot tell all in public Domains to prevent wrong doing or unexpect  problems------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As soon as you figure out the secret of this message  you will have sufficiency for Fuel or Energy for the rest of Earth Time, long as you know what you are doing with the secret, and you might even find the way to defeat Corona; however, Corona is not my expert, My expert is Energy in quantum form, and Quantum techs so just read-------------------------------------------------------------------------E IS NO LONGER MC^2 AT QUANTA LEVELS: FACTS: C=3x10^8m/s 1) E=MC^2         M=1kg-------> E= 1kg(3x10^8m/s)^2=9x10^16joule                                     E(Mass=1kg)=9.00x10^16joule 2) Quantum mass= electron mass=9.11x 10^-31kg          The number of Quanta in 1kg quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31 kg=0.10976x10^31 Quanta                                                                                    = 1.1x10^30 Quanta  3)Quantum in eV=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36 kg per eV=5.1094 x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5eV        Quantum(eV) =511,000eV   4) Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30eV           1eV= 1.602x 10^-19joule        E(1kg quanta)=562,100x10^30x1.602x10^-19joule=900484.2x10^11joule        E(1kg Quanta)=9.005x10^16 joule    5)Ratio from 1kg Quanta to 1kg mass is = 9.005x10^16joule/9.00x10^16joule=1.001times        Ratio R=1.001 times                   It meant 1kg quanta will produce 1.001times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2          it is E(1kg Quanta)=9.005x10^16 joule     6)Enery of 1kg Quanta with Quanta Bonds Energy QB(E):           I will observe about 3 cases of Quanta Bonds Energy between Quantum to Quantum, I supposed to draw the bonds between quanta; however, I will short the proof this time, I will do better next time with all details! 3 cases are:         (QB(E)=1/8 E)= 1/8 Quanta Energy in 1kg  of Quanta       I considered it is as Middle level of QB(E) in this proof           (QB(E)=1/2 E)= 1/2 Quanta energy in 1kg  of Quanta=9.005 x10^16 joule/2                      =4.5025x 10^16 Joule And       QB(E)= E=9.005x 10^16 Joule I considered it is as biggest QB(E) in this proof       7)Case 1: Energy of 1kg  Quanta with QB(E)=1/8Energy of 1kg quanta        QB(E)=1/8 E= 1/8)(9.005x10^16joule)=1.126joule              E(with QBE=1/8E)= 9.005x10^16joule+ 1.126 joule=10.131 x10^16joule                = 10.131x10^16joule----------->Ratio=R= 10.131/9.=1.126 times It means Energy of 1kg Quanta with QBE=1/8E, then 1kg quanta produce 1.126 time Energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2, then it is as Energy of 1kg Quanta= 10.131x10^16 joule        8) Case 2:Energy of 1kg quanta with Quanta bonds Energy(QB(E)=1/2 Quanta energy) QB(E)=1/2 Quanta Energy=9.005x10^16joule/2=4.5025x10^16joule E(with QBE=1/2QE)=9.005x10^16joule + 4.5025x10^16 joule=13.5075x10^16 joule Ratio R between 1kg quanta with QBE=1/2 to 1kg mass energy from E=MC^2 is R=13.5075/9=1.501times It means 1kg quanta with QBE=1/2 E will produce 1.501 times the energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2, then it is as      E(1kg quanta)= 13.5075x10^16 joule          9) Case 3: QBE=Energy of 1kg quanta energy=9.005x 10^16joule, then Energy of 1kg Quanta with Quanta Bond Energy, QB(E) = Energy of 1kg quanta is       E= 9.005x10^16joule +9.005 x10^16joule= 18.01x 10^16joule       E(QBE=1kg QE)= 18.01x10^16joule-------------> RATIO=R= 18.01/9= 2 TIMES It means 1kg quanta will produce 2 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2, then it is      E(1kg Quanta Energy)= 2(E=MC^2)= 18.01x10^16joule        10) QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH 1: Low the Mass keep the eV: Low the mass from: Quantum Mass= Electron Mass/7^9=9.11x 10^-31Kg/7^9= 9.11x10^-31kg/40,353,607                               =2.257542925x10^-38 kg Quantum Mass in low mass=2.26x10^-38kg And Keep the eV level at eV= 511,000eV level Number of Quanta in 1kg quanta low mass=1kg/2.26x10^-38kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38quanta                                        Number of QUANTA=4.43x10^37quanta Quantum(eV)= 511,000 eV Energy of 1kg low Mass Quanta=4.43x 10^37x 511,000eV=2263730x10^37 eV eV=1.602x10^-19 joule Energy of 1kg Quanta low mass=2263730x10^37x1.602x10^-19joule=3626495.46x 10^18joule=3.63x10^24joule Energy of 1kg Quanta Low mass= 3.63x10^24joule It is as Ratio of R= E low Mass/ E=mc^2=3.63x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.403333333x10^8times            Ratio R= 40,000,000 times It means Quanta Manipulation with low mass and keep eV at 511,000 eV will be 40,000,000 times the energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2, then it is E= 3.63x10^24 joule 1kiloton=4.2x10^12 joule Energy of low mass and keeping eV at 511,000eV in kilotons is: E=3.63x10^24joule/4.2x10^12 joule=0.864285714x10^12kilotons= 8.643x10^11 kiloton=864,300,000,000kilotons Hiroshima Bomb= 15kiloton, then E=  864,300,000,000kilotons/15kilotons=5.762x10^10 Hiroshima(15kiloton)= 57,620,000,000 Hiroshimas 15 kilotons It means you can low the mass 40,353,607 times and keep the level of eV  at 511,000eV you can produce an Energy equal to 57 billion Hiroshimas combined Note: The 7^9 =40,353,607 is as my secret Number to low the mass of Electron; perhaps, it has had origin from Hindu 5000 years ago or in Buddhism about 2600 years ago! I will not explain why divide by 7 and 9 times. Do not assume somebody or somewhere might have explanation  for 7^9,if Hiduism did not explain, then I will be as the only who tried to explain it;I knew there is no explanation in Buddhism, so far I did not see explanation in Hinduism either; however, I knew I did not know enough about Hinduism, so I cannot tell!!!!!! it is even more interesting, it is not as division number but it might play similar to DECAY, or MESON in Particles Physics! or Separation in  Physical Body, PB and  Space Body, SB I might explain later when it is as right moment in time!!!!! Unfortunately, Today Science,TSci, Today Physics,TP, and Today Scientists, TS said we cannot smaller Electron any further; however, I disagreed, because there are advance Ideas and Concepts those TSci, TS, and TP did not have yet!!!!!!!! Actually, I am talking about Time Radiation or Radiation time and Space Dynamics as non-matter on the otherside of Particles        11) QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH 2      This tech is as alternative way for Quanta manipulation tech 1, because you might have hard time to deal with Low Mass Electron, then this way will deal with higher eV keep mass the same at 9.11x10^-31kg     Opposite to TECH 1 Quanta Manipulation low mass by 7^9 =40,353,607 times; instead, we will higher eV, 7^9=40,353,607 times the origin eV=511,000ev up to 511,000eVx40,353,607times=2.062069318x10^13eV                                                                                                                           =2.0621x10^13eV Quantum=Electron= 9.11x10^-31kg Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31quanta= 1.1x 10^30 quanta Quantum(eV)= 2.0621x10^13 eV Energy of 1kg Quanta with higher eV= 1.1x10^30x2.0621x10^13eV=2.26831x 10^43eV eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta higher eV=2.26831x10^43x1.602x10^-19joule=3.63383262x10^24 joule                                            E     =3.634x10^24joule 1 kiloton= 4.2x10^12 joule it is as E=3.634x10^24 joule=0.8652x10^12 kilotons=8.652x10^11kilotons=865,200,000,000 kilotons=5.768x10^10                                                                                                                     =57,680,000,000 Hiroshima (15kilotons each) Ratio of tech 2 Quanta manipulation= 3.634x 10^24/9.00x10^16=0.403777777x10^8= 4.03777777x 10^7=40,377,777times . It means 1kg quanta tech2 produce 40,000,000 times the energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2, then it is E(tech 2)= 3.634x10^24Joule           12) THE MIX TECH         In this tech you mix within 1kg mass and 1kg Quanta together to produce and you do not have to deal with anything about low Mass or Higher eV E(1kg mass)= 9.00x10^16 joule E(1kgQuanta)= 9.005x10^16joule *****************************************then the MIX will be : E(MIX)= E(1kg Mass)xE(1kg Quanta)=9.00x10^16joule x 9.005x10^16joule           =81.045x 10^32 joule.joule It is Ratio R=81.045x10^32jj/9.00x10^16j=9.005x10^16jtimes It means the MIX might produce an energy 9.005x10^16jtimes the energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2, it is as E(MIX)=81.045x10^32joulejoule It might be equal to 81.045x10^32jj/4.2x10^12joule=19.29642857x 10^20 joule kilotons=1.286428571x10^20 Hiroshima=128,642,857,100,000,000,000Joule Hiroshima, it looks like a pocket SUN CONCLUSION: In this proof I have applied different ways than the ordinary ways:        1)Science leads to Technologies; in other words are Science to theories to applications        2) Theory to Mathematics to calculation        3) My way in this article Calculations lead to Mathematics equation:                   a) Einstein equation at mass level will be E=MC^2 with C=3x10^8m/s                    b) Tho Huynh Equation at Quanta level E= QeV with eV= 1.602x10^-19joule                    c) With more details I might have Energy Equation at Quanta level will be:                             E= (M/quantum mass)Quantum eV=MeV/QMass                    d) With additions of Quantum Bonds Energy QBE                             E=(1+n) QeV                                                                                                           Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Tech Initiator Space Science Founder (Do Not Be confused with NASA Space Program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg NOTE: there is another way applied Meson-Pion Yukawa Heideki (1935), Japanese Scientist to raise the Quanta to gain the  Energy at least 46 times the Energy from E=MC^2, due to meson Yukawa Heideki might produce Pions 230 times up to 283 times electron mass Energy at Quantum level is no longer E=MC^2, but E=1.602x 10^-19M/Quantum Mass or just E= 1.602x10^-19 Q                                   Or             E= (1+n) QeV eV=1.602 x10^-19 joule n = {1/8,1/7,1/6,1/5,1/4,1/3,1/2,1} Q are Number of Quanta It seem I have done same equation in different approaches for the last 100 years I have proved E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quantum level, it is as E=(1+n) QeV; on the other hand I might have proved Einstein Better down to Quanta developments-Tho Huynh 4/13/2020 at 9:42AM Florida USA 34602 Sincerely There is Vietnamese PhD in California has built almost finished an EV Battery last longer than 400 years, you can do it too, after that the secret in my message is within your reach!!!!!!!! Beside Energy and fuel from Quantum Techs, you can figure out Quantum Techs secret for FOOD, simply Tho Huynh Quantum Law said " Everything can be formed in Quanta Formation one way or the other ways"; however, I am talking about sometime of future of Quantum Food! First is  First Quantum Power Reactor in 27 liters volume, then you can use as Energy or Fuel depends on your appplication and where you applied it
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eaion · 4 years
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eaion · 4 years
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eaion · 4 years
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eaion · 4 years
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Asia and Asian will be even richer if they do this------Human can build 27 liters  volume( It is about 10 gallons) Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or just 27 kg Quanta Power Reactor, then Human can use it everywhere Human need or even use 27kg QUANTA POWER REACTOR to run cars, and never worry about Energy or OIL again and same time solve pollutions in environment, then Human can enjoy Life, beautiful life without war  and miseries and make Earth in cleanliness Beside, Quanta Power Reactor, Quanta techs can do many other things Human cannot do in normal conditions without Quanta techs-----Read my information to learn how to do QUANTA: NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND AFTER E=MC^2 FOR 2019-1905=114 YEARS BY THO HUYNH:              1)The energy from 1kg Mass in E=MC^2 with C=300,000 km/s=3x10^8 m/s, then E=1kgx(3x10^8m/s)^2= 9x10^16 kg.m/s2.m= 9x10^16newton .m= 9x10^16 joule             2 )The Energy from 1kg Quanta                      a)Quantum unit =Electron = 9.11x10^-31kg                      b)The Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31 Quanta                                                                                     =1.1 x10^30 quanta                      c)Quantum energy= 9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV=5.109366237x10^5eV                                                               =5.11x10^5eV                                                            =511,000eV                        d) eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta=1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30 ev                                            =562,100x10^30 x1.602x10^-19joule                                            = 900,484.2x10^11                                             =9.004842x 10^16joule Energy of 1kg Quanta =9.005x10^16 joule. then proportion from 1kg Quanta Energy to 1kg mass Energy is:      1kg Quanta energy/1kg Mass energy = 9.005x10^16 joule/9.00x10^16 joule=1.0005555556                                                                  =1.0006 times WITHOUT QUANTA BONDS ENERGY Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.0006 times Energy of 1kg Mass IF QUANTA BOND ENERGY=QB(E)= 1/8 QUANTA ENERGY, THEN: QB(E) IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY IS: QB(E)= 1/8(9.005X10^16 JOULE= 1.13125 x10^16JOULE= 1.1322 X10^16JOULE ENERGY IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY WITH 1/8 QBE IS: ENERGY=QE+ 1/8 QE= 9.005X10^16JOULE + 1.126X10^16 JOULE= (9.005 +1.126)x10^16JOULE                                  =10.131 x10^16joule RATIO ENERGY OF 1KG QUANTA/ENERGYOF 1KG MASS= 10.131x10^16JOULE/9.00X10^16JOULE                                                                                                            =1.125666667                                                                          RATIO(WITH QBE=1/8Q) =1.126 times IT MEANT 1kg Quanta energy might produce 1.126 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2 , then it is as 10.134x 10^16 joule In this proof that E=MC^2 is no longer the case, there are more energy at Quanta levels or NEW FORM OF ENERGY BESIDE MASS IS QUANTA ENERGY AND QBE, I WILL USE ONLY 2 CASES OF QBE TO PROVE THERE ARE MORE ENERGY AT QUANTA LEVELS AND NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND I USED ONLY 2 CASES TO SHORTEN THE PROOF, IT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE THAN 2 CASES, IT MIGHT BE UP TO 8 CASES or more CASE1: QBE= 1/8 QE IS I CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM IN THIS PROOF, THEN : 1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= 9.005X10^16JOULE WITH QBE=1/8QE, THEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY+ QUANTA BOND ENERGY= 10.134x10^16JOULE, THEN RATIO=1.127 BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY AND 1KG MASS ENERGY CASE2: QBE=1/2 QE, THEN 1KG QUUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY + 1/2 QUANTA ENERGY= 9.005X10^16JOULE+1/2(9.005X10^16JOULE= 9.005X10^16JOULE+4.5025X10^16JOULE= 13.5075X10^16 JOULE RATIO BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA WITH QBE=1/2 QUANTA ENERGY TO ENERGY OF 1KG MASS IS: RATIO=13.5075X10^16/9.00X10^16JOULE=1.500833333 RATIO=1.501times 3)THE ENERGY FROM MANIPULATION OF QUANTA OR QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH: QUANTUM=ELECTRON/7^9=9.11X 10^-31 KG/7^9(**)=2.257542925X10^-38 KG                                                                                                 =2.26X10^-38 KG QUANTUM (eV)=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV(**)= 5.109366237x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5 eV                                =511,000eV The number of Quanta in 1kg of Quanta N of Quanta= 1kg/2.26x10^-38 kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38 quanta                                                                 = 4.425x10^37quanta The energy in 1kg Quanta manipulation is: E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule   Ratio between 1kg quanta energy to 1kg mass energy is: Ratio=1kg quanta energy MANIPULATION/1kg mass energy=  3.6x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.4x10^8           = 40,000,000 times 1kg QUANTA MANIPULATION might produce 40,000,000 times energy of 1kg MASS energy from E=MC^2= 9.00x10^16 joule  . Ratio=R=40,000,000 times manipulation tech base on principle " you low the mass and keep eV levels to produce 40,000,000 times energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2", it might be more difficult than the MIX, because Electron mass cannot be lower, read my note READ MY NOTES AT THE END******************************** 4) THE MIX OF 1kg MASS ENERGY WITH 1KG QUANTA   1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY = 9.05 X10^16 joule MIX energy = 9.00x10^16 joule x 9.05x10^16 joule= 81.45x 10^32 joule.joule or j2 or J2 Ratio of the mix ENERGY of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA TO 1KG MASS ENERGY IS: RATIO= 81.45 x10^32 j2/9.00x10^16joule= 9.05x10^16 joule=90,500,000,000,000,000Joule times 2kg of THE MIX ENERGY is 90,500 trillion joule times- 1kg of the MASS energy ********************************************************************** NOTES: 1) 1.783x10^-36kg per eV is as x factor for converse unit from kg to eV or from eV to kg                 2) eV= 1.602 x10^-19 joule                  3) 7^9=40,353,607 is my secret number I used to low the mass of Quantum unit equal to mass of Electron 9.11x10^-31 kg, it meant i have to low the mass of electrons to smaller electrons Mass to raise the amount of Quanta at same time I have to remain or maintain the electron volts eV stayed same level when the mass go down The problems with this MANIPULATION TECH ARE:                       @1)Today Science, TSci, Today Physics, TP, Today Scientists, TS have said you cannot smaller Electron at 9.11x10^-31kg mass any smaller and it seems they did not have any way to do that either or any Idea to do that either. . . . . . . .!!!!!! I disagreed, at least on theories and ideas, because I have some more advance theories and Ideas than TS, TSci, and TP had or did not had. . . . . Actuallly, TS, TSci, TP did not understand Time Radiations or radiation times and Space Dynamics yet; however, I cannot tell where is final limits of smaller Electron yet; even though I used 7^9=40,353,607 as division number for smaller electrons, there is a story for 7^9 from Hindu in India about 5000 years ago!!!!!??? perhaps!!!!!!! But I will not volunteer to explain it yet!!!!!! until later when I need to, actually 7^9 is not a division Number, it is as DEcay or Meson NUmbers, if you know Particle Physics. . . And there are more with Advance theories and concepts those are missing in TP and TSci  and TS as I show below:                        @2): All Spaces are connected                             Space is as one of the only 2 factors that they are only 2 of continuums in the Universe, physical Conditions Universe PCU                       @3) Everything is in formations of QUANTA                       @4)"Smallest Particles are not smallest, but something else is" -Tho Huynh Paradox                       @5)    """"""As long as Spaces are available, then there are particles division to smaller Particles"""""" or for easier to understand and for easier to imagine or due to TSci, TS, TP and scientists complained about not seeing smaller particles after standard Model, then I rephrased my Statement for better description: """"""As long as there are spaces, then there will be divisions of Spaces to smaller Spaces to epsilon Spaces""""""-THO HUYNH FACTS OF SPACE PARTICLES FOR FINAL PARTICLES MFG                       @6) LHC, CERN, FERMI LAB, TS, TSci, and TP and Standard Model, SM have mistake mistakenly to ignore Gravity in Standard model that I have found there might be 85x2=170 more in smaller to Smallest particles and Then: """Higgs field is not Quantum Quanta field Quantum Quanta field is not Higgs field Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe Quantum Quanta fields gave mass to Particles, simply because Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe""""-Tho Huynh                         @7) With E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quanta levels, then you might run energy from very small sizes of power supplies; for example 1m x1m x1m =1m3 Volume of power supplies, or even 1/2mx1/2mx1/2m = 1/8m3 Volume, then you can do many things with such small power supplies, you can even use for your cars, you cannot do them before my proof of energy OR YOU CAN EVEN MAKEPOWER SUPPLY JUST ABOUT 27 LITERS VOLUME(10 gallons) or even 10kg power supply, THEN YOU CAN USE IT EVERYWHERE EVEN USE 27LITERS VOLUME POWER SUPPLY TO RUN YOUR CARS                          @8) There are 6 forces instead of 4 forces as TP, TS, and TSci have claimed in the last 375 years      I) Electromagnetic force     II) Weak Nuclear force    III) Strong Nuclear force    IV)Isaac Newton Gravity force or Isaac Newton Pull Force    V) Tho Huynh Gravity or Tho Huynh Push Force or Real Gravity   VI) the 6th force, temporary name called to keep my copy right                          @9) Push Gravity is Real Gravity, it is not as Gravity that Isaac Newton has claimed 375 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! TS, TP, Tsci should find out PUSH GRAVITY or THO HUYNH GRAVITY or REAL GRAVITY asap, then they can get a chance to observe GRAVITONS They have missed for 375 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          @10)TENTH TSci, TP, TS and Einstein have missed SPace time Quantum time since 1905, 2019-1905= 114 years , they should put them together Space- Time-Quantum time- Dilation-Oscillation, not observe them separately, to see the mechanism of the Universe in space and time                          @11)ELEVENTH Relative Mathematics and RElative Dynamics need to be found to work better for Einstein theories                          @12)12TH With proof of NEW ENERGY Quanta energy, perhaps, Human will no longer worry about ENERGY as Human had problems with LImited OIl capacities                          @13) "there are always 2 spaces to begin with, no matter what"-Tho Huynh Khai niem KHong Gian or Khong Gian Khai Niem, KGKN. I will use examples for general Ideas about Space in two: Front Space- Back Space,Above Space-Below Space,In space-Out space, North space-South Space, Top space-Bottom space, Right Space-left space, West space-East Space, up space- down space etc, etc, etc                         @14)There 2 more key statements for Space and Particles; however, I felt enough for today, I will review them some other time                         @15) QBE depended on how the connections between Quanta to determine the levels of energy of QBE, in this Articl I considered 1/8 Quanta Energy is as smallest level of QBE and 1/2 Quanta energy is as biggest levels of QBE FOR NOW, there are might be 8 more to go!!!!!!!!                         @16) Just in case Manipulation electrons are too difficult to deal with, then you can use alternated elements you might choose from 103 elements in periodic table PERIODIC TABLE. Fortunately, you have alternative way to make Manipulation work better; however, I will not offer my solutions in this article, may be somewhere else Any way, the MIX of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA is already the best alternative solution for the QUANTA MANIPULATION or MANIPULATION QUANTA' the difference between the MIX and the MANIPULATION is : Ratio of the mix is R of the mix = 90,500,000,000,000,000joule. times of the Mass ENERGY in 1kg mass Ratio of the manipulation =40,000,000 times of the Mass Energy in 1kg Mass                          @17) if you did not want the problems with MANIPULATION QUANTA THAT REQUIRED ELECTRON DIVISION, THEN YOU CAN MANIPULATE eV up to 511,000eVx 40,000,000=2.044x10^13 eV, then keep Quantum Mass at: Quantum (Mass)= 9.11x10^-31kg Quantum (eV)= 2.044 x10^13eV Then you can produce 40,000,000 times the energy of 1kg Mass from E=MC^2 without worry about Electron Divisions Do not think it is difficult, it might be easier than you can imagine . . . . . . .; however, I cannot write all details in this Article, you must observe my Information and think for yourself(selves), then build it!                            @18)Either keep the eV and low the MASS  Principle or keep the MASS and raise the eV Perinciple in QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH. I can say they are similar and familiar with Potential Energy P= MGH, you can adjust either M or H to raise the P or even G to raise the P in Gravitational field, the QUANTA MANIPULATION OF MASS OR EV HAPPENED IN ELECTRICAL FIELD OR ENERGY FIELD OR QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD, BUT THE MEANING IS SOMETHING SIMILAR AND FAMILIAR . . . . . . THEY ARE AS ANOTHER INFORMATION I CAN SUPPLY TO PROCESSING ENERGY IN QUANTUM QUANTA FIELD, with Quantum Quanta Manipulation techs . . . . . . . . . Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Initiator Space SCience Founder(Do not be confused with NASA Space program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg THEY MADE LIFE HARDER, I MAKE LIFE EASIER-THO HUYNH They made Technologies to control people, I made technologies to free people   I can show you more in Business meeting
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Human can build 27 liters  volume( It is about 10 gallons) Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or just 27 kg Quanta Power Reactor, then Human can use it everywhere Human need or even use 27kg QUANTA POWER REACTOR to run cars, and never worry about Energy or OIL again and same time solve pollutions in environment, then Human can enjoy Life, beautiful life without war  and miseries and make Earth in cleanliness Beside, Quanta Power Reactor, Quanta techs can do many other things Human cannot do in normal conditions without Quanta techs-----Read my information to learn how to do QUANTA: NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND AFTER E=MC^2 FOR 2019-1905=114 YEARS BY THO HUYNH:              1)The energy from 1kg Mass in E=MC^2 with C=300,000 km/s=3x10^8 m/s, then E=1kgx(3x10^8m/s)^2= 9x10^16 kg.m/s2.m= 9x10^16newton .m= 9x10^16 joule             2 )The Energy from 1kg Quanta                      a)Quantum unit =Electron = 9.11x10^-31kg                      b)The Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31 Quanta                                                                                     =1.1 x10^30 quanta                      c)Quantum energy= 9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV=5.109366237x10^5eV                                                               =5.11x10^5eV                                                            =511,000eV                        d) eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta=1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30 ev                                            =562,100x10^30 x1.602x10^-19joule                                            = 900,484.2x10^11                                             =9.004842x 10^16joule Energy of 1kg Quanta =9.005x10^16 joule. then proportion from 1kg Quanta Energy to 1kg mass Energy is:      1kg Quanta energy/1kg Mass energy = 9.005x10^16 joule/9.00x10^16 joule=1.0005555556                                                                  =1.0006 times WITHOUT QUANTA BONDS ENERGY Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.0006 times Energy of 1kg Mass IF QUANTA BOND ENERGY=QB(E)= 1/8 QUANTA ENERGY, THEN: QB(E) IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY IS: QB(E)= 1/8(9.005X10^16 JOULE= 1.13125 x10^16JOULE= 1.1322 X10^16JOULE ENERGY IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY WITH 1/8 QBE IS: ENERGY=QE+ 1/8 QE= 9.005X10^16JOULE + 1.126X10^16 JOULE= (9.005 +1.126)x10^16JOULE                                  =10.131 x10^16joule RATIO ENERGY OF 1KG QUANTA/ENERGYOF 1KG MASS= 10.131x10^16JOULE/9.00X10^16JOULE                                                                                                            =1.125666667                                                                          RATIO(WITH QBE=1/8Q) =1.126 times IT MEANT 1kg Quanta energy might produce 1.126 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2 , then it is as 10.134x 10^16 joule In this proof that E=MC^2 is no longer the case, there are more energy at Quanta levels or NEW FORM OF ENERGY BESIDE MASS IS QUANTA ENERGY AND QBE, I WILL USE ONLY 2 CASES OF QBE TO PROVE THERE ARE MORE ENERGY AT QUANTA LEVELS AND NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND I USED ONLY 2 CASES TO SHORTEN THE PROOF, IT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE THAN 2 CASES, IT MIGHT BE UP TO 8 CASES or more CASE1: QBE= 1/8 QE IS I CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM IN THIS PROOF, THEN : 1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= 9.005X10^16JOULE WITH QBE=1/8QE, THEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY+ QUANTA BOND ENERGY= 10.134x10^16JOULE, THEN RATIO=1.127 BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY AND 1KG MASS ENERGY CASE2: QBE=1/2 QE, THEN 1KG QUUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY + 1/2 QUANTA ENERGY= 9.005X10^16JOULE+1/2(9.005X10^16JOULE= 9.005X10^16JOULE+4.5025X10^16JOULE= 13.5075X10^16 JOULE RATIO BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA WITH QBE=1/2 QUANTA ENERGY TO ENERGY OF 1KG MASS IS: RATIO=13.5075X10^16/9.00X10^16JOULE=1.500833333 RATIO=1.501times 3)THE ENERGY FROM MANIPULATION OF QUANTA OR QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH: QUANTUM=ELECTRON/7^9=9.11X 10^-31 KG/7^9(**)=2.257542925X10^-38 KG                                                                                                 =2.26X10^-38 KG QUANTUM (eV)=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV(**)= 5.109366237x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5 eV                                =511,000eV The number of Quanta in 1kg of Quanta N of Quanta= 1kg/2.26x10^-38 kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38 quanta                                                                 = 4.425x10^37quanta The energy in 1kg Quanta manipulation is: E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule   Ratio between 1kg quanta energy to 1kg mass energy is: Ratio=1kg quanta energy MANIPULATION/1kg mass energy=  3.6x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.4x10^8           = 40,000,000 times 1kg QUANTA MANIPULATION might produce 40,000,000 times energy of 1kg MASS energy from E=MC^2= 9.00x10^16 joule  . Ratio=R=40,000,000 times manipulation tech base on principle " you low the mass and keep eV levels to produce 40,000,000 times energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2", it might be more difficult than the MIX, because Electron mass cannot be lower, read my note READ MY NOTES AT THE END******************************** 4) THE MIX OF 1kg MASS ENERGY WITH 1KG QUANTA   1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY = 9.05 X10^16 joule MIX energy = 9.00x10^16 joule x 9.05x10^16 joule= 81.45x 10^32 joule.joule or j2 or J2 Ratio of the mix ENERGY of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA TO 1KG MASS ENERGY IS: RATIO= 81.45 x10^32 j2/9.00x10^16joule= 9.05x10^16 joule=90,500,000,000,000,000Joule times 2kg of THE MIX ENERGY is 90,500 trillion joule times- 1kg of the MASS energy ********************************************************************** NOTES: 1) 1.783x10^-36kg per eV is as x factor for converse unit from kg to eV or from eV to kg                 2) eV= 1.602 x10^-19 joule                  3) 7^9=40,353,607 is my secret number I used to low the mass of Quantum unit equal to mass of Electron 9.11x10^-31 kg, it meant i have to low the mass of electrons to smaller electrons Mass to raise the amount of Quanta at same time I have to remain or maintain the electron volts eV stayed same level when the mass go down The problems with this MANIPULATION TECH ARE:                       @1)Today Science, TSci, Today Physics, TP, Today Scientists, TS have said you cannot smaller Electron at 9.11x10^-31kg mass any smaller and it seems they did not have any way to do that either or any Idea to do that either. . . . . . . .!!!!!! I disagreed, at least on theories and ideas, because I have some more advance theories and Ideas than TS, TSci, and TP had or did not had. . . . . Actuallly, TS, TSci, TP did not understand Time Radiations or radiation times and Space Dynamics yet; however, I cannot tell where is final limits of smaller Electron yet; even though I used 7^9=40,353,607 as division number for smaller electrons, there is a story for 7^9 from Hindu in India about 5000 years ago!!!!!??? perhaps!!!!!!! But I will not volunteer to explain it yet!!!!!! until later when I need to, actually 7^9 is not a division Number, it is as DEcay or Meson NUmbers, if you know Particle Physics. . . And there are more with Advance theories and concepts those are missing in TP and TSci  and TS as I show below:                        @2): All Spaces are connected                             Space is as one of the only 2 factors that they are only 2 of continuums in the Universe, physical Conditions Universe PCU                       @3) Everything is in formations of QUANTA                       @4)"Smallest Particles are not smallest, but something else is" -Tho Huynh Paradox                       @5)    """"""As long as Spaces are available, then there are particles division to smaller Particles"""""" or for easier to understand and for easier to imagine or due to TSci, TS, TP and scientists complained about not seeing smaller particles after standard Model, then I rephrased my Statement for better description: """"""As long as there are spaces, then there will be divisions of Spaces to smaller Spaces to epsilon Spaces""""""-THO HUYNH FACTS OF SPACE PARTICLES FOR FINAL PARTICLES MFG                       @6) LHC, CERN, FERMI LAB, TS, TSci, and TP and Standard Model, SM have mistake mistakenly to ignore Gravity in Standard model that I have found there might be 85x2=170 more in smaller to Smallest particles and Then: """Higgs field is not Quantum Quanta field Quantum Quanta field is not Higgs field Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe Quantum Quanta fields gave mass to Particles, simply because Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe""""-Tho Huynh                         @7) With E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quanta levels, then you might run energy from very small sizes of power supplies; for example 1m x1m x1m =1m3 Volume of power supplies, or even 1/2mx1/2mx1/2m = 1/8m3 Volume, then you can do many things with such small power supplies, you can even use for your cars, you cannot do them before my proof of energy OR YOU CAN EVEN MAKEPOWER SUPPLY JUST ABOUT 27 LITERS VOLUME(10 gallons) or even 10kg power supply, THEN YOU CAN USE IT EVERYWHERE EVEN USE 27LITERS VOLUME POWER SUPPLY TO RUN YOUR CARS                          @8) There are 6 forces instead of 4 forces as TP, TS, and TSci have claimed in the last 375 years      I) Electromagnetic force     II) Weak Nuclear force    III) Strong Nuclear force    IV)Isaac Newton Gravity force or Isaac Newton Pull Force    V) Tho Huynh Gravity or Tho Huynh Push Force or Real Gravity   VI) the 6th force, temporary name called to keep my copy right                          @9) Push Gravity is Real Gravity, it is not as Gravity that Isaac Newton has claimed 375 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! TS, TP, Tsci should find out PUSH GRAVITY or THO HUYNH GRAVITY or REAL GRAVITY asap, then they can get a chance to observe GRAVITONS They have missed for 375 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          @10)TENTH TSci, TP, TS and Einstein have missed SPace time Quantum time since 1905, 2019-1905= 114 years , they should put them together Space- Time-Quantum time- Dilation-Oscillation, not observe them separately, to see the mechanism of the Universe in space and time                          @11)ELEVENTH Relative Mathematics and RElative Dynamics need to be found to work better for Einstein theories                          @12)12TH With proof of NEW ENERGY Quanta energy, perhaps, Human will no longer worry about ENERGY as Human had problems with LImited OIl capacities                          @13) "there are always 2 spaces to begin with, no matter what"-Tho Huynh Khai niem KHong Gian or Khong Gian Khai Niem, KGKN. I will use examples for general Ideas about Space in two: Front Space- Back Space,Above Space-Below Space,In space-Out space, North space-South Space, Top space-Bottom space, Right Space-left space, West space-East Space, up space- down space etc, etc, etc                         @14)There 2 more key statements for Space and Particles; however, I felt enough for today, I will review them some other time                         @15) QBE depended on how the connections between Quanta to determine the levels of energy of QBE, in this Articl I considered 1/8 Quanta Energy is as smallest level of QBE and 1/2 Quanta energy is as biggest levels of QBE FOR NOW, there are might be 8 more to go!!!!!!!!                         @16) Just in case Manipulation electrons are too difficult to deal with, then you can use alternated elements you might choose from 103 elements in periodic table PERIODIC TABLE. Fortunately, you have alternative way to make Manipulation work better; however, I will not offer my solutions in this article, may be somewhere else Any way, the MIX of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA is already the best alternative solution for the QUANTA MANIPULATION or MANIPULATION QUANTA' the difference between the MIX and the MANIPULATION is : Ratio of the mix is R of the mix = 90,500,000,000,000,000joule. times of the Mass ENERGY in 1kg mass Ratio of the manipulation =40,000,000 times of the Mass Energy in 1kg Mass                          @17) if you did not want the problems with MANIPULATION QUANTA THAT REQUIRED ELECTRON DIVISION, THEN YOU CAN MANIPULATE eV up to 511,000eVx 40,000,000=2.044x10^13 eV, then keep Quantum Mass at: Quantum (Mass)= 9.11x10^-31kg Quantum (eV)= 2.044 x10^13eV Then you can produce 40,000,000 times the energy of 1kg Mass from E=MC^2 without worry about Electron Divisions Do not think it is difficult, it might be easier than you can imagine . . . . . . .; however, I cannot write all details in this Article, you must observe my Information and think for yourself(selves), then build it! Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Initiator Space SCience Founder(Do not be confused with NASA Space program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg THEY MADE LIFE HARDER, I MAKE LIFE EASIER-THO HUYNH They made Technologies to control people, I made technologies to free people  
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Asian can do this to free yourself(selves)-------Human can build 27 liters  volume( It is about 10 gallons) Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or just 27 kg Quanta Power Reactor, then Human can use it everywhere Human need or even use 27kg QUANTA POWER REACTOR to run cars, and never worry about Energy or OIL again and same time solve pollutions in environment, then Human can enjoy Life, beautiful life without war  and miseries and make Earth in cleanliness Beside, Quanta Power Reactor, Quanta techs can do many other things Human cannot do in normal conditions without Quanta techs-----Read my information to learn how to do QUANTA: NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND AFTER E=MC^2 FOR 2019-1905=114 YEARS BY THO HUYNH:              1)The energy from 1kg Mass in E=MC^2 with C=300,000 km/s=3x10^8 m/s, then E=1kgx(3x10^8m/s)^2= 9x10^16 kg.m/s2.m= 9x10^16newton .m= 9x10^16 joule             2 )The Energy from 1kg Quanta                      a)Quantum unit =Electron = 9.11x10^-31kg                      b)The Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31 Quanta                                                                                     =1.1 x10^30 quanta                      c)Quantum energy= 9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV=5.109366237x10^5eV                                                               =5.11x10^5eV                                                            =511,000eV                        d) eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta=1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30 ev                                            =562,100x10^30 x1.602x10^-19joule                                            = 900,484.2x10^11                                             =9.004842x 10^16joule Energy of 1kg Quanta =9.005x10^16 joule. then proportion from 1kg Quanta Energy to 1kg mass Energy is:      1kg Quanta energy/1kg Mass energy = 9.005x10^16 joule/9.00x10^16 joule=1.0005555556                                                                  =1.0006 times WITHOUT QUANTA BONDS ENERGY Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.0006 times Energy of 1kg Mass IF QUANTA BOND ENERGY=QB(E)= 1/8 QUANTA ENERGY, THEN: QB(E) IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY IS: QB(E)= 1/8(9.005X10^16 JOULE= 1.13125 x10^16JOULE= 1.1322 X10^16JOULE ENERGY IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY WITH 1/8 QBE IS: ENERGY=QE+ 1/8 QE= 9.005X10^16JOULE + 1.126X10^16 JOULE= (9.005 +1.126)x10^16JOULE                                  =10.131 x10^16joule RATIO ENERGY OF 1KG QUANTA/ENERGYOF 1KG MASS= 10.131x10^16JOULE/9.00X10^16JOULE                                                                                                            =1.125666667                                                                          RATIO(WITH QBE=1/8Q) =1.126 times IT MEANT 1kg Quanta energy might produce 1.126 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2 , then it is as 10.134x 10^16 joule In this proof that E=MC^2 is no longer the case, there are more energy at Quanta levels or NEW FORM OF ENERGY BESIDE MASS IS QUANTA ENERGY AND QBE, I WILL USE ONLY 2 CASES OF QBE TO PROVE THERE ARE MORE ENERGY AT QUANTA LEVELS AND NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND I USED ONLY 2 CASES TO SHORTEN THE PROOF, IT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE THAN 2 CASES, IT MIGHT BE UP TO 8 CASES or more CASE1: QBE= 1/8 QE IS I CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM IN THIS PROOF, THEN : 1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= 9.005X10^16JOULE WITH QBE=1/8QE, THEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY+ QUANTA BOND ENERGY= 10.134x10^16JOULE, THEN RATIO=1.127 BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY AND 1KG MASS ENERGY CASE2: QBE=1/2 QE, THEN 1KG QUUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY + 1/2 QUANTA ENERGY= 9.005X10^16JOULE+1/2(9.005X10^16JOULE= 9.005X10^16JOULE+4.5025X10^16JOULE= 13.5075X10^16 JOULE RATIO BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA WITH QBE=1/2 QUANTA ENERGY TO ENERGY OF 1KG MASS IS: RATIO=13.5075X10^16/9.00X10^16JOULE=1.500833333 RATIO=1.501times 3)THE ENERGY FROM MANIPULATION OF QUANTA OR QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH: QUANTUM=ELECTRON/7^9=9.11X 10^-31 KG/7^9(**)=2.257542925X10^-38 KG                                                                                                 =2.26X10^-38 KG QUANTUM (eV)=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV(**)= 5.109366237x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5 eV                                =511,000eV The number of Quanta in 1kg of Quanta N of Quanta= 1kg/2.26x10^-38 kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38 quanta                                                                 = 4.425x10^37quanta The energy in 1kg Quanta manipulation is: E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule   Ratio between 1kg quanta energy to 1kg mass energy is: Ratio=1kg quanta energy MANIPULATION/1kg mass energy=  3.6x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.4x10^8           = 40,000,000 times 1kg QUANTA MANIPULATION might produce 40,000,000 times energy of 1kg MASS energy from E=MC^2= 9.00x10^16 joule  . Ratio=R=40,000,000 times manipulation tech base on principle " you low the mass and keep eV levels to produce 40,000,000 times energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2", it might be more difficult than the MIX, because Electron mass cannot be lower, read my note READ MY NOTES AT THE END******************************** 4) THE MIX OF 1kg MASS ENERGY WITH 1KG QUANTA   1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY = 9.05 X10^16 joule MIX energy = 9.00x10^16 joule x 9.05x10^16 joule= 81.45x 10^32 joule.joule or j2 or J2 Ratio of the mix ENERGY of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA TO 1KG MASS ENERGY IS: RATIO= 81.45 x10^32 j2/9.00x10^16joule= 9.05x10^16 joule=90,500,000,000,000,000Joule times 2kg of THE MIX ENERGY is 90,500 trillion joule times- 1kg of the MASS energy ********************************************************************** NOTES: 1) 1.783x10^-36kg per eV is as x factor for converse unit from kg to eV or from eV to kg                 2) eV= 1.602 x10^-19 joule                  3) 7^9=40,353,607 is my secret number I used to low the mass of Quantum unit equal to mass of Electron 9.11x10^-31 kg, it meant i have to low the mass of electrons to smaller electrons Mass to raise the amount of Quanta at same time I have to remain or maintain the electron volts eV stayed same level when the mass go down The problems with this MANIPULATION TECH ARE:                       @1)Today Science, TSci, Today Physics, TP, Today Scientists, TS have said you cannot smaller Electron at 9.11x10^-31kg mass any smaller and it seems they did not have any way to do that either or any Idea to do that either. . . . . . . .!!!!!! I disagreed, at least on theories and ideas, because I have some more advance theories and Ideas than TS, TSci, and TP had or did not had. . . . . Actuallly, TS, TSci, TP did not understand Time Radiations or radiation times and Space Dynamics yet; however, I cannot tell where is final limits of smaller Electron yet; even though I used 7^9=40,353,607 as division number for smaller electrons, there is a story for 7^9 from Hindu in India about 5000 years ago!!!!!??? perhaps!!!!!!! But I will not volunteer to explain it yet!!!!!! until later when I need to, actually 7^9 is not a division Number, it is as DEcay or Meson NUmbers, if you know Particle Physics. . . And there are more with Advance theories and concepts those are missing in TP and TSci  and TS as I show below:                        @2): All Spaces are connected                             Space is as one of the only 2 factors that they are only 2 of continuums in the Universe, physical Conditions Universe PCU                       @3) Everything is in formations of QUANTA                       @4)"Smallest Particles are not smallest, but something else is" -Tho Huynh Paradox                       @5)    """"""As long as Spaces are available, then there are particles division to smaller Particles"""""" or for easier to understand and for easier to imagine or due to TSci, TS, TP and scientists complained about not seeing smaller particles after standard Model, then I rephrased my Statement for better description: """"""As long as there are spaces, then there will be divisions of Spaces to smaller Spaces to epsilon Spaces""""""-THO HUYNH FACTS OF SPACE PARTICLES FOR FINAL PARTICLES MFG                       @6) LHC, CERN, FERMI LAB, TS, TSci, and TP and Standard Model, SM have mistake mistakenly to ignore Gravity in Standard model that I have found there might be 85x2=170 more in smaller to Smallest particles and Then: """Higgs field is not Quantum Quanta field Quantum Quanta field is not Higgs field Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe Quantum Quanta fields gave mass to Particles, simply because Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe""""-Tho Huynh                         @7) With E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quanta levels, then you might run energy from very small sizes of power supplies; for example 1m x1m x1m =1m3 Volume of power supplies, or even 1/2mx1/2mx1/2m = 1/8m3 Volume, then you can do many things with such small power supplies, you can even use for your cars, you cannot do them before my proof of energy OR YOU CAN EVEN MAKEPOWER SUPPLY JUST ABOUT 27 LITERS VOLUME(10 gallons) or even 10kg power supply, THEN YOU CAN USE IT EVERYWHERE EVEN USE 27LITERS VOLUME POWER SUPPLY TO RUN YOUR CARS                          @8) There are 6 forces instead of 4 forces as TP, TS, and TSci have claimed in the last 375 years      I) Electromagnetic force     II) Weak Nuclear force    III) Strong Nuclear force    IV)Isaac Newton Gravity force or Isaac Newton Pull Force    V) Tho Huynh Gravity or Tho Huynh Push Force or Real Gravity   VI) the 6th force, temporary name called to keep my copy right                          @9) Push Gravity is Real Gravity, it is not as Gravity that Isaac Newton has claimed 375 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! TS, TP, Tsci should find out PUSH GRAVITY or THO HUYNH GRAVITY or REAL GRAVITY asap, then they can get a chance to observe GRAVITONS They have missed for 375 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          @10)TENTH TSci, TP, TS and Einstein have missed SPace time Quantum time since 1905, 2019-1905= 114 years , they should put them together Space- Time-Quantum time- Dilation-Oscillation, not observe them separately, to see the mechanism of the Universe in space and time                          @11)ELEVENTH Relative Mathematics and RElative Dynamics need to be found to work better for Einstein theories                          @12)12TH With proof of NEW ENERGY Quanta energy, perhaps, Human will no longer worry about ENERGY as Human had problems with LImited OIl capacities                          @13) "there are always 2 spaces to begin with, no matter what"-Tho Huynh Khai niem KHong Gian or Khong Gian Khai Niem, KGKN. I will use examples for general Ideas about Space in two: Front Space- Back Space,Above Space-Below Space,In space-Out space, North space-South Space, Top space-Bottom space, Right Space-left space, West space-East Space, up space- down space etc, etc, etc                         @14)There 2 more key statements for Space and Particles; however, I felt enough for today, I will review them some other time                         @15) QBE depended on how the connections between Quanta to determine the levels of energy of QBE, in this Articl I considered 1/8 Quanta Energy is as smallest level of QBE and 1/2 Quanta energy is as biggest levels of QBE FOR NOW, there are might be 8 more to go!!!!!!!!                         @16) Just in case Manipulation electrons are too difficult to deal with, then you can use alternated elements you might choose from 103 elements in periodic table PERIODIC TABLE. Fortunately, you have alternative way to make Manipulation work better; however, I will not offer my solutions in this article, may be somewhere else Any way, the MIX of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA is already the best alternative solution for the QUANTA MANIPULATION or MANIPULATION QUANTA' the difference between the MIX and the MANIPULATION is : Ratio of the mix is R of the mix = 90,500,000,000,000,000joule. times of the Mass ENERGY in 1kg mass Ratio of the manipulation =40,000,000 times of the Mass Energy in 1kg Mass                          @17) if you did not want the problems with MANIPULATION QUANTA THAT REQUIRED ELECTRON DIVISION, THEN YOU CAN MANIPULATE eV up to 511,000eVx 40,000,000=2.044x10^13 eV, then keep Quantum Mass at: Quantum (Mass)= 9.11x10^-31kg Quantum (eV)= 2.044 x10^13eV Then you can produce 40,000,000 times the energy of 1kg Mass from E=MC^2 without worry about Electron Divisions Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Initiator Space SCience Founder(Do not be confused with NASA Space program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg THEY MADE LIFE HARDER, I MAKE LIFE EASIER-THO HUYNH  
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Do this might make oil cheaper than sand----Human need no World War III or Nuclear War, If Human can build 27 liters  volume Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or just 27 kg Quanta Power Reactor, then Human can use it everywhere Human need or even use 27kg QUANTA POWER REACTOR to run cars, and never worry about Energy or OIl again and same time solve pollutions in environment, then Human can enjoy Life, beautiful life without war  and miseries and make Earth in cleanliness Beside, Quanta Power Reactor, Quanta techs can do many other things Human cannot do in normal conditions without Quanta techs-----Read my information to learn how to do QUANTA:NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND AFTER E=MC^2 FOR 2019-1905=114 YEARS BY THO HUYNH:              1)The energy from 1kg Mass in E=MC^2 with C=300,000 km/s=3x10^8 m/s, then E=1kgx(3x10^8m/s)^2= 9x10^16 kg.m/s2.m= 9x10^16newton .m= 9x10^16 joule             2 )The Energy from 1kg Quanta                      a)Quantum unit =Electron = 9.11x10^-31kg                      b)The Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31 Quanta                                                                                     =1.1 x10^30 quanta                      c)Quantum energ= 9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV=5.109366237x10^5eV                                                               =5.11x10^5eV                                                            =511,000eV                        d) eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta=1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30 ev                                            =562,100x10^30 x1.602x10^-19joule                                            = 900,484.2x10^11                                             =9.004842x 10^16joule Energy of 1kg Quanta =9.005x10^16 joule. then proportion from 1kg Quanta Energy to 1kg mass Energy is:      1kg Quanta energy/1kg Mass energy = 9.005x10^16 joule/9.00x10^16 joule=1.005555556                                                                  =1.006 WITHOUT QUANTA BONDS ENERGY Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.006 times Energy of 1kg Mass IF QUANTA BOND ENERGY=QB(E)= 1/8 QUANTA ENERGY, THEN: QB(E) IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY IS: QB(E)= 1/8(9.05X10^16 JOULE= 1.13125 x10^16JOULE= 1.1322 X10^16JOULE ENERGY IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY WITH 1/8 QBE IS: ENERGY=QE+ 1/8 QE= 9.05X10^16JOULE + 1.1322X10^16 JOULE= (9.05 +1.1322)x10^16JOULE                                  =10.1822 x10^16joule RATIO ENERGY OF 1KG QUANTA/ENERGYOF 1KG MASS= 10.1822x10^16JOULE/9.00X10^16JOULE                                                                                                            =1.131355556                                                                          RATIO(WITH QBE=1/8Q) =1.1314times IT MEANT 1kg Quanta energy might produce 1.1314 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2 , then it is as 10.2x 10^16 joule In this proof that E=MC^2 is no longer the case, there are more energy at Quanta levels or NEW FORM OF ENERGY BESIDE MASS IS QUANTA ENERGY AND QBE, I WILL USE ONLY 2 CASES OF QBE TO PROVE THERE ARE MORE ENERGY AT QUANTA LEVELS AND NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND I USED ONLY 2 CASES TO SHORTEN THE PROOF, IT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE THAN 2 CASES, IT MIGHT BE UP TO 8 CASES or more CASE1: QBE= 1/8 QE IS I CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM IN THIS PROOF, THEN : 1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= 9.05X10^16JOULE WITH QBE=1/8QE, THEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY+ QUANTA BOND ENERGY= 10.194X10^16JOULE, THEN RATIO=1.1314 BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY AND 1KG MASS ENERGY CASE2: QBE=1/2 QE, THEN 1KG QUUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY + 1/2 QUANTA ENERGY= 9.05X10^16JOULE+1/2(9.05X10^16JOULE= 9.05X10^16JOULE+4.525X10^16JOULE= 13.575X10^16 JOULE RATIO BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA WITH QBE=1/2 QUANTA ENERGY TO ENERGY OF 1KG MASS IS: RATIO=13.575X10^16/9.00X10^16JOULE=1.51 RATIO=1.51 3)THE ENERGY FROM MANIPULATION OF QUANTA OR QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH: QUANTUM=ELECTRON/7^9=9.11X 10^-31 KG/7^9(**)=2.257542925X10^-38 KG                                                                                                 =2.26X10^-38 KG QUANTUM (eV)=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV(**)= 5.109366237x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5 eV                                =511,000eV The number of Quanta in 1kg of Quanta N of Quanta= 1kg/2.26x10^-38 kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38 quanta                                                                 = 4.425x10^37quanta The energy in 1kg Quanta manipulation is: E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule   Ratio between 1kg quanta energy to 1kg mass energyn is: Ratio=1kg quanta energy MANIPULATION/1kg mass energy=  3.6x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.4x10^8           = 40,000,000 times 1kg QUANTA MANIPULATION might produce 40,000,000 times energy of 1kg MASS energy from E=MC^2= 9.00x10^16 joule  . Ratio=R=40,000,000 times manipulation tech base on principle " you low the mass and keep eV levels to produce 40,000,000 times energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2", it might be more difficult than the MIX, because Electron mass cannot be lower, read my note READ MY NOTES AT THE END******************************** 4) THE MIX OF 1kg MASS ENERGY WITH 1KG QUANTA   1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY = 9.05 X10^16 joule MIX energy = 9.00x10^16 joule x 9.05x10^16 joule= 81.45x 10^32 joule.joule or j2 or J2 Ratio of the mix ENERGY of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA TO 1KG MASS ENERGY IS: RATIO= 81.45 x10^32 j2/9.00x10^16joule= 9.05x10^16 joule=90,500,000,000,000,000Joule times 2kg of THE MIX ENERGY is 90,500 trillion joule times- 1kg of the MASS energy ********************************************************************** NOTES: 1) 1.783x10^-36kg per eV is as x factor for converse unit from kg to eV or from eV to kg                 2) eV= 1.602 x10^-19 joule                  3) 7^9=40,353,607 is my number I used to low the mass of Quantum unit equal to mass of Electron 9.11x10^-31 kg, it meant i have to low the mass of electrons to smaller electrons Mass to raise the amount of Quanta at same time I have to remain the electron volts eV stayed same level when the mass go down The problems with this MANIPULATION TECH ARE:                       @1)Today Science, TSci, Today Physics, TP, Today Scientists, TS have said you cannot smaller Electron at 9.11x10^-31kg mass any smaller and it seems they did not have any way to do that either or any Idea to do that either. . . . . . . .!!!!!! I disagreed, at least on theories and ideas, because I have some more advance theories and Ideas than TS, TSci, and TP had or did not had. . . . . Actuallly, TS, TSci, TP did not understand Time Radiations or radiation times and Space Dynamics yet; however, I cannot tell where is final limits of smaller Electron yet; even though I used 7^9=40,353,607 as division number for smaller electrons, there is a story for 7^9 from Hindu in India about 5000 years ago!!!!!??? perhaps!!!!!!! But I will not volunteer to explain it yet!!!!!! until later when I need to. . . And there are more with Advance theories and concepts those are missing in TP and TSci  and TS as I show below:                        @2): All Spaces are connected                             Space is as one of the only 2 factors that they are only 2 of continuums in the Universe, physical Conditions Universe PCU                       @3) Everything is in formations of QUANTA                       @4)"Smallest Particles are not smallest, but something else is" -Tho Huynh Paradox                       @5)    """"""As long as Spaces are available, then there are particles division to smaller Particles"""""" or for easier to understand and for easier to imagine or due to TSci, TS, TP and scientists complained about not seeing smaller particles after standard Model, then I rephrased my Statement for better description: """"""As long as there are spaces, then there will be divisions of Spaces to smaller Spaces to epsilon Spaces""""""-THO HUYNH FACTS OF SPACE PARTICLES FOR FINAL PARTICLES MFG                       @6) LHC, CERN, FERMI LAB, TS, TSci, and TP and Standard Model, SM have mistake mistakenly to ignore Gravity in Standard model that I have found there might be 85x2=170 more in smaller to Smallest particles and Then: """Higgs field is not Quantum Quanta field Quantum Quanta field is not Higgs field Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe Quantum Quanta fields gave mass to Particles, simply because Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe""""-Tho Huynh                         @7) With E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quanta levels, then you might run energy from very small sizes of power supplies; for example 1m x1m x1m =1m3 Volume of power supplies, or even 1/2mx1/2mx1/2m = 1/8m3 Volume, then you can do many things with such small power supplies, you can even use for your cars, you cannot do them before my proof of energy OR YOU CAN EVEN MAKEPOWER SUPPLY JUST ABOUT 27 LITERS VOLUME or even 10kg power supply, THEN YOU CAN USE IT EVERYWHERE EVEN USE 27LITERS VOLUME POWER SUPPLY TO RUN YOUR CARS                          @8) There are 6 forces instead of 4 forces as TP, TS, and TSci have claimed in the last 375 years                          @9) Push Gravity is Real Gravity, it is not as Gravity that Isaac Newton has claimed 375 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! TS, TP, Tsci should find out PUSH GRAVITY or THO HUYNH GRAVITY asap, then they can get a chance to observe GRAVITONS They have missed for 375 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          @10)TENTH TSci, TP, TS and Einstein have missed SPace time Quantum time since 1905, 2019-1905= 114 years , they should put them together Space- Time-Quantum time- Dilation-Oscillation, not observe them separately, to see the mechanism of the Universe in space and time                          @11)ELEVENTH Relative Mathematics and RElative Dynamics need to be found to work better for Einstein theories                          @12)12TH With proof of NEW ENERGY Quanta energy, perhaps, Human will no longer worry about ENERGY as Human had problems with LImited OIl capacities                         @13)There 2 more key statements for Space and Particles; however, I felt enough for today, I will review them some other time                         @14) "there are always 2 spaces to begin with, no matter what"-Tho Huynh Khai niem KHong Gian or Khong Gian Khai Niem, KGKN, General Idea of Space; I will use ezamples to say something about Space of General Idea: Above and Below  spaces, Left and Right Spaces,FRont and Back Spaces, In and Out Spaces,North and South Spaces etc, etc, etc . . . .                         @15) QBE depended on how the connections between Quanta to determine the levels of energy of QBE, in this Articl I considered 1/8 Quanta Energy is as smallest level of QBE and 1/2 Quanta energy is as biggest levels of QBE FOR NOW                         @16) Just in case Manipulation electrons are too difficult to deal with, then you can use alternate elements you might choose from 103 elements in periodic table PERIODIC TABLE. Fortunately, you have alternative way to make Manipulation work better; however, I will not offer my solutions in this article, may be somewhere else Any way, the MIX of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA is already the best alternative solution for the QUANTA MANIPULATION or MANIPULATION QUANTA' the difference between the MIX and the MANIPULATION is : Ratio of the mix is R of the mix = 90,500,000,000,000,000joule. times of the Mass ENERGY in 1kg mass Ratio of the manipulation =40,000,000 times of the Mass Energy in 1kg Mass                      @17) Manipulation Quanta might have worked in opposite way to Low the Mass; instead, raise the eV levels at 511,000 eV to 40,000,000 times and keep the Mass(Quantum Mass) at 9.11x10^-31kg to produce 40,000,000 times 1kg mass Energy from E=MC^2 Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Initiator Space SCience Founder(Do not be confused with NASA Space program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg  
0 notes
China-Japan-Suth Korea need no trade war; instead, they should do Quantum Poer Reactor or 27 liters Volume or 27 kg Quanta Reactor, then many other things you cannot do in normal conditions, but Quanta Field or Matrix field will help you to do: Quanta housing, Quanta Power supplies, Quanta road, Quanta electronics etc etc etc Human can build 27 liters  volume Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or just 27 kg Quanta Power Reactor, then Human can use it everywhere Human need or even use 27kg QUANTA POWER REACTOR to run cars, and never worry about Energy or OIL again and same time solve pollutions in environment, then Human can enjoy Life, beautiful life without war  and miseries and make Earth in cleanliness Beside, Quanta Power Reactor, Quanta techs can do many other things Human cannot do in normal conditions without Quanta techs-----Read my information to learn how to do QUANTA: NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND AFTER E=MC^2 FOR 2019-1905=114 YEARS BY THO HUYNH:              1)The energy from 1kg Mass in E=MC^2 with C=300,000 km/s=3x10^8 m/s, then E=1kgx(3x10^8m/s)^2= 9x10^16 kg.m/s2.m= 9x10^16newton .m= 9x10^16 joule             2 )The Energy from 1kg Quanta                      a)Quantum unit =Electron = 9.11x10^-31kg                      b)The Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31 Quanta                                                                                     =1.1 x10^30 quanta                      c)Quantum energ= 9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV=5.109366237x10^5eV                                                               =5.11x10^5eV                                                            =511,000eV                        d) eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta=1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30 ev                                            =562,100x10^30 x1.602x10^-19joule                                            = 900,484.2x10^11                                             =9.004842x 10^16joule Energy of 1kg Quanta =9.005x10^16 joule. then proportion from 1kg Quanta Energy to 1kg mass Energy is:      1kg Quanta energy/1kg Mass energy = 9.005x10^16 joule/9.00x10^16 joule=1.005555556                                                                  =1.006 WITHOUT QUANTA BONDS ENERGY Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.006 times Energy of 1kg Mass IF QUANTA BOND ENERGY=QB(E)= 1/8 QUANTA ENERGY, THEN: QB(E) IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY IS: QB(E)= 1/8(9.05X10^16 JOULE= 1.13125 x10^16JOULE= 1.1322 X10^16JOULE ENERGY IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY WITH 1/8 QBE IS: ENERGY=QE+ 1/8 QE= 9.05X10^16JOULE + 1.1322X10^16 JOULE= (9.05 +1.1322)x10^16JOULE                                  =10.1822 x10^16joule RATIO ENERGY OF 1KG QUANTA/ENERGYOF 1KG MASS= 10.1822x10^16JOULE/9.00X10^16JOULE                                                                                                            =1.131355556                                                                          RATIO(WITH QBE=1/8Q) =1.1314times IT MEANT 1kg Quanta energy might produce 1.1314 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2 , then it is as 10.2x 10^16 joule In this proof that E=MC^2 is no longer the case, there are more energy at Quanta levels or NEW FORM OF ENERGY BESIDE MASS IS QUANTA ENERGY AND QBE, I WILL USE ONLY 2 CASES OF QBE TO PROVE THERE ARE MORE ENERGY AT QUANTA LEVELS AND NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND I USED ONLY 2 CASES TO SHORTEN THE PROOF, IT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE THAN 2 CASES, IT MIGHT BE UP TO 8 CASES or more CASE1: QBE= 1/8 QE IS I CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM IN THIS PROOF, THEN : 1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= 9.05X10^16JOULE WITH QBE=1/8QE, THEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY+ QUANTA BOND ENERGY= 10.194X10^16JOULE, THEN RATIO=1.1314 BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY AND 1KG MASS ENERGY CASE2: QBE=1/2 QE, THEN 1KG QUUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY + 1/2 QUANTA ENERGY= 9.05X10^16JOULE+1/2(9.05X10^16JOULE= 9.05X10^16JOULE+4.525X10^16JOULE= 13.575X10^16 JOULE RATIO BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA WITH QBE=1/2 QUANTA ENERGY TO ENERGY OF 1KG MASS IS: RATIO=13.575X10^16/9.00X10^16JOULE=1.51 RATIO=1.51 3)THE ENERGY FROM MANIPULATION OF QUANTA OR QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH: QUANTUM=ELECTRON/7^9=9.11X 10^-31 KG/7^9(**)=2.257542925X10^-38 KG                                                                                                 =2.26X10^-38 KG QUANTUM (eV)=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV(**)= 5.109366237x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5 eV                                =511,000eV The number of Quanta in 1kg of Quanta N of Quanta= 1kg/2.26x10^-38 kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38 quanta                                                                 = 4.425x10^37quanta The energy in 1kg Quanta manipulation is: E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule   Ratio between 1kg quanta energy to 1kg mass energy is: Ratio=1kg quanta energy MANIPULATION/1kg mass energy=  3.6x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.4x10^8           = 40,000,000 times 1kg QUANTA MANIPULATION might produce 40,000,000 times energy of 1kg MASS energy from E=MC^2= 9.00x10^16 joule  . Ratio=R=40,000,000 times manipulation tech base on principle " you low the mass and keep eV levels to produce 40,000,000 times energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2", it might be more difficult than the MIX, because Electron mass cannot be lower, read my note READ MY NOTES AT THE END******************************** 4) THE MIX OF 1kg MASS ENERGY WITH 1KG QUANTA   1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY = 9.05 X10^16 joule MIX energy = 9.00x10^16 joule x 9.05x10^16 joule= 81.45x 10^32 joule.joule or j2 or J2 Ratio of the mix ENERGY of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA TO 1KG MASS ENERGY IS: RATIO= 81.45 x10^32 j2/9.00x10^16joule= 9.05x10^16 joule=90,500,000,000,000,000Joule times 2kg of THE MIX ENERGY is 90,500 trillion joule times- 1kg of the MASS energy ********************************************************************** NOTES: 1) 1.783x10^-36kg per eV is as x factor for converse unit from kg to eV or from eV to kg                 2) eV= 1.602 x10^-19 joule                  3) 7^9=40,353,607 is my number I used to low the mass of Quantum unit equal to mass of Electron 9.11x10^-31 kg, it meant i have to low the mass of electrons to smaller electrons Mass to raise the amount of Quanta at same time I have to remain the electron volts eV stayed same level when the mass go down The problems with this MANIPULATION TECH ARE:                       @1)Today Science, TSci, Today Physics, TP, Today Scientists, TS have said you cannot smaller Electron at 9.11x10^-31kg mass any smaller and it seems they did not have any way to do that either or any Idea to do that either. . . . . . . .!!!!!! I disagreed, at least on theories and ideas, because I have some more advance theories and Ideas than TS, TSci, and TP had or did not had. . . . . Actuallly, TS, TSci, TP did not understand Time Radiations or radiation times and Space Dynamics yet; however, I cannot tell where is final limits of smaller Electron yet; even though I used 7^9=40,353,607 as division number for smaller electrons, there is a story for 7^9 from Hindu in India about 5000 years ago!!!!!??? perhaps!!!!!!! But I will not volunteer to explain it yet!!!!!! until later when I need to. . . And there are more with Advance theories and concepts those are missing in TP and TSci  and TS as I show below:                        @2): All Spaces are connected                             Space is as one of the only 2 factors that they are only 2 of continuums in the Universe, physical Conditions Universe PCU                       @3) Everything is in formations of QUANTA                       @4)"Smallest Particles are not smallest, but something else is" -Tho Huynh Paradox                       @5)    """"""As long as Spaces are available, then there are particles division to smaller Particles"""""" or for easier to understand and for easier to imagine or due to TSci, TS, TP and scientists complained about not seeing smaller particles after standard Model, then I rephrased my Statement for better description: """"""As long as there are spaces, then there will be divisions of Spaces to smaller Spaces to epsilon Spaces""""""-THO HUYNH FACTS OF SPACE PARTICLES FOR FINAL PARTICLES MFG                       @6) LHC, CERN, FERMI LAB, TS, TSci, and TP and Standard Model, SM have mistake mistakenly to ignore Gravity in Standard model that I have found there might be 85x2=170 more in smaller to Smallest particles and Then: """Higgs field is not Quantum Quanta field Quantum Quanta field is not Higgs field Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe Quantum Quanta fields gave mass to Particles, simply because Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe""""-Tho Huynh                         @7) With E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quanta levels, then you might run energy from very small sizes of power supplies; for example 1m x1m x1m =1m3 Volume of power supplies, or even 1/2mx1/2mx1/2m = 1/8m3 Volume, then you can do many things with such small power supplies, you can even use for your cars, you cannot do them before my proof of energy OR YOU CAN EVEN MAKEPOWER SUPPLY JUST ABOUT 27 LITERS VOLUME or even 10kg power supply, THEN YOU CAN USE IT EVERYWHERE EVEN USE 27LITERS VOLUME POWER SUPPLY TO RUN YOUR CARS                          @8) There are 6 forces instead of 4 forces as TP, TS, and TSci have claimed in the last 375 years                          @9) Push Gravity is Real Gravity, it is not as Gravity that Isaac Newton has claimed 375 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! TS, TP, Tsci should find out PUSH GRAVITY or THO HUYNH GRAVITY asap, then they can get a chance to observe GRAVITONS They have missed for 375 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          @10)TENTH TSci, TP, TS and Einstein have missed SPace time Quantum time since 1905, 2019-1905= 114 years , they should put them together Space- Time-Quantum time- Dilation-Oscillation, not observe them separately, to see the mechanism of the Universe in space and time                          @11)ELEVENTH Relative Mathematics and RElative Dynamics need to be found to work better for Einstein theories                          @12)12TH With proof of NEW ENERGY Quanta energy, perhaps, Human will no longer worry about ENERGY as Human had problems with LImited OIl capacities                         @13)There 2 more key statements for Space and Particles; however, I felt enough for today, I will review them some other time                         @14) "there are always 2 spaces to begin with, no matter what"-Tho Huynh Khai niem KHong Gian or Khong Gian Khai Niem, KGKN                         @15) QBE depended on how the connections between Quanta to determine the levels of energy of QBE, in this Articl I considered 1/8 Quanta Energy is as smallest level of QBE and 1/2 Quanta energy is as biggest levels of QBE FOR NOW                         @16) Just in case Manipulation electrons are too difficult to deal with, then you can use alternate elements you might choose from 103 elements in periodic table PERIODIC TABLE. Fortunately, you have alternative way to make Manipulation work better; however, I will not offer my solutions in this article, may be somewhere else Any way, the MIX of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA is already the best alternative solution for the QUANTA MANIPULATION or MANIPULATION QUANTA' the difference between the MIX and the MANIPULATION is : Ratio of the mix is R of the mix = 90,500,000,000,000,000joule. times of the Mass ENERGY in 1kg mass Ratio of the manipulation =40,000,000 times of the Mass Energy in 1kg Mass                          @17) if you did not want the problems with MANIPULATION QUANTA THAT REQUIRED ELECTRON DIVISION, THEN YOU CAN MANIPULATE eV up to 511,000eVx 40,000,000=2.044x1013 eV, then: Quantum (Mass)= 9.11x10^-31kg Quantum (eV)= 2.044 x10^13eV Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Initiator Space SCience Founder(Do not be confused with NASA Space program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg
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VIETNAM CAN MAKE THEIR CHOICES OR THEIR MIND BETWEEN BUILDING "QUANTA POWER SUPPLIES, NOT NUCLEAR POWER SUPPLIES"OR " 27 LITERS VOLUME QUANTA POWER SUPPLIES" OR  BUILD QUANTA MANIPULATION BOMBS WITH POWER OF E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule POWER = 3.6X10^24 JOULE IT IS AS 3.6X10^24JOULE/4.2X10^12 jOULE= 0.86 X 10^12 KILOTONS(Note 1 kiloton=4.2x 10^12 Joule) POWER= 860,000,000,000  kilotons and it is as 5.7x10^10 Hiroshima bomb(15 kilotons) It is as 57,000,000,000 Hiroshima exploded at same time from 1kg of Quanta Manipulation Energy Either choice, Vietnam will defeat Chinese Communists I have some more to message to Vietnam, do not use Ngo Bao Chau Nobel prize in Mathe matics in wrong way, it might be wrong the same way western Mathematics have done to themselves, they might think Math is before everything else in Science; actually, Mathematics are in secondary or even thirdary in my opinion Right now, Vietnam needs no Ngo Bao Chau yet!!!!! Besides, he should know more Physics to work hand in hand with his Mathematical abilities Do not put the Horse before the cart like a Mathematician in Japan has tried to solve a+b=c conjectures for 20 years in 500 pages with all messy mathematics without realized that there is some things are wrong with foundations of Mathematics logics, noway you can solve Mathematics with wrong logics!!!!!!!!! Another example, you cannot use Mathematics before you build something Physically, then you need Mathematics after few physical tests or observe to see the weak points of your thing, then Mathematics to improve their weakness points.      Not Mathematics before ideas, logics, foundation, Information,or before your 18CEO Super Virtual Reality Goggles, 18CEO SVRG, that everybody wearing them without knowing or understanding, like Black Hole for example     You do not need Mathematics before you know what you are going to solve, to build and what you are going to observe. Then Vietnam need to distinguish between NEED MATHEMATICS AND WANT MATHEMATICS are 2 differences things in Mathematics, do not switch them NEED IS WANT AND WANT IS NEED Vietnam is not yet at moment of Mathematics yet!!!!!!! However, do not lighten the role of Ngo Bao Chau in Scientific and technologies development for Vietnam, American said " Right place and at Right time" Now my message for Quanta power Reactor: Poor Countries, weak Countries, small countries, and not developed countries need no trade war, because they will be come victims of trade war, or they have to pay for the expensive that trade war will create for poor countries, weak countries,and small countries, and under development countries to pay more and suffer more!!!!!!!!!, fortunately, there is solution for Poor Countries, Weak Countries, Small Countries, and under development countries can do easily, I called as: Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or 27 liters Volume Quanta Power Reactor or 27kg Quanta Power Reactor READ my information first, then think about it, and find out how to do it              Human can build 27 liters  volume Quanta Power Reactor (Not Nuclear Power Reactor) or just 27 kg Quanta Power Reactor, then Human can use it everywhere Human need or even use 27kg QUANTA POWER REACTOR to run cars, and never worry about Energy or OIL again and same time solve pollutions in environment, then Human can enjoy Life, beautiful life without war  and miseries and make Earth in cleanliness Beside, Quanta Power Reactor, Quanta techs can do many other things Human cannot do in normal conditions without Quanta techs-----Read my information to learn how to do QUANTA: NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND AFTER E=MC^2 FOR 2019-1905=114 YEARS BY THO HUYNH:              1)The energy from 1kg Mass in E=MC^2 with C=300,000 km/s=3x10^8 m/s, then E=1kgx(3x10^8m/s)^2= 9x10^16 kg.m/s2.m= 9x10^16newton .m= 9x10^16 joule             2 )The Energy from 1kg Quanta                      a)Quantum unit =Electron = 9.11x10^-31kg                      b)The Number of Quanta in 1kg Quanta= 1kg/9.11x10^-31kg=0.109769484x10^31 Quanta                                                                                     =1.1 x10^30 quanta                      c)Quantum energ= 9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV=5.109366237x10^5eV                                                               =5.11x10^5eV                                                            =511,000eV                        d) eV=1.602x10^-19joule Energy of 1kg Quanta=1.1x10^30x511000eV=562,100x10^30 ev                                            =562,100x10^30 x1.602x10^-19joule                                            = 900,484.2x10^11                                             =9.004842x 10^16joule Energy of 1kg Quanta =9.005x10^16 joule. then proportion from 1kg Quanta Energy to 1kg mass Energy is:      1kg Quanta energy/1kg Mass energy = 9.005x10^16 joule/9.00x10^16 joule=1.005555556                                                                  =1.006 WITHOUT QUANTA BONDS ENERGY Energy of 1kg Quanta = 1.006 times Energy of 1kg Mass IF QUANTA BOND ENERGY=QB(E)= 1/8 QUANTA ENERGY, THEN: QB(E) IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY IS: QB(E)= 1/8(9.05X10^16 JOULE= 1.13125 x10^16JOULE= 1.1322 X10^16JOULE ENERGY IN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY WITH 1/8 QBE IS: ENERGY=QE+ 1/8 QE= 9.05X10^16JOULE + 1.1322X10^16 JOULE= (9.05 +1.1322)x10^16JOULE                                  =10.1822 x10^16joule RATIO ENERGY OF 1KG QUANTA/ENERGYOF 1KG MASS= 10.1822x10^16JOULE/9.00X10^16JOULE                                                                                                            =1.131355556                                                                          RATIO(WITH QBE=1/8Q) =1.1314times IT MEANT 1kg Quanta energy might produce 1.1314 times energy of 1kg mass from E=MC^2 , then it is as 10.2x 10^16 joule In this proof that E=MC^2 is no longer the case, there are more energy at Quanta levels or NEW FORM OF ENERGY BESIDE MASS IS QUANTA ENERGY AND QBE, I WILL USE ONLY 2 CASES OF QBE TO PROVE THERE ARE MORE ENERGY AT QUANTA LEVELS AND NEW FORM OF ENERGY HAS BEEN FOUND I USED ONLY 2 CASES TO SHORTEN THE PROOF, IT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE THAN 2 CASES, IT MIGHT BE UP TO 8 CASES or more CASE1: QBE= 1/8 QE IS I CONSIDERED AS MINIMUM IN THIS PROOF, THEN : 1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= 9.05X10^16JOULE WITH QBE=1/8QE, THEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY+ QUANTA BOND ENERGY= 10.194X10^16JOULE, THEN RATIO=1.1314 BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA ENERGY AND 1KG MASS ENERGY CASE2: QBE=1/2 QE, THEN 1KG QUUANTA ENERGY= QUANTA ENERGY + 1/2 QUANTA ENERGY= 9.05X10^16JOULE+1/2(9.05X10^16JOULE= 9.05X10^16JOULE+4.525X10^16JOULE= 13.575X10^16 JOULE RATIO BETWEEN 1KG QUANTA WITH QBE=1/2 QUANTA ENERGY TO ENERGY OF 1KG MASS IS: RATIO=13.575X10^16/9.00X10^16JOULE=1.51 RATIO=1.51 3)THE ENERGY FROM MANIPULATION OF QUANTA OR QUANTA MANIPULATION TECH: QUANTUM=ELECTRON/7^9=9.11X 10^-31 KG/7^9(**)=2.257542925X10^-38 KG                                                                                                 =2.26X10^-38 KG QUANTUM (eV)=9.11x10^-31kg/1.783x10^-36kg per eV(**)= 5.109366237x10^5 eV=5.11x10^5 eV                                =511,000eV The number of Quanta in 1kg of Quanta N of Quanta= 1kg/2.26x10^-38 kg=0.442477876x10^38 quanta=0.4425x10^38 quanta                                                                 = 4.425x10^37quanta The energy in 1kg Quanta manipulation is: E= 4.425x10^37x 511.000eV=2261175x10^37eV=2261175x10^37x1.602x 10^-19joule(**)   =3622402.35x10^18joule=3.6x10^24 joule   Ratio between 1kg quanta energy to 1kg mass energyn is: Ratio=1kg quanta energy MANIPULATION/1kg mass energy=  3.6x10^24/9.00x10^16=0.4x10^8           = 40,000,000 times 1kg QUANTA MANIPULATION might produce 40,000,000 times energy of 1kg MASS energy from E=MC^2= 9.00x10^16 joule  . Ratio=R=40,000,000 times manipulation tech base on principle " you low the mass and keep eV levels to produce 40,000,000 times energy from 1kg mass in E=MC^2", it might be more difficult than the MIX, because Electron mass cannot be lower, read my note READ MY NOTES AT THE END******************************** 4) THE MIX OF 1kg MASS ENERGY WITH 1KG QUANTA   1KG MASS ENERGY= 9.00X10^16 JOULE 1KG QUANTA ENERGY = 9.05 X10^16 joule MIX energy = 9.00x10^16 joule x 9.05x10^16 joule= 81.45x 10^32 joule.joule or j2 or J2 Ratio of the mix ENERGY of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA TO 1KG MASS ENERGY IS: RATIO= 81.45 x10^32 j2/9.00x10^16joule= 9.05x10^16 joule=90,500,000,000,000,000Joule times 2kg of THE MIX ENERGY is 90,500 trillion joule times- 1kg of the MASS energy ********************************************************************** NOTES: 1) 1.783x10^-36kg per eV is as x factor for converse unit from kg to eV or from eV to kg                 2) eV= 1.602 x10^-19 joule                  3) 7^9=40,353,607 is my number I used to low the mass of Quantum unit equal to mass of Electron 9.11x10^-31 kg, it meant i have to low the mass of electrons to smaller electrons Mass to raise the amount of Quanta at same time I have to remain the electron volts eV stayed same level when the mass go down The problems with this MANIPULATION TECH ARE:                       @1)Today Science, TSci, Today Physics, TP, Today Scientists, TS have said you cannot smaller Electron at 9.11x10^-31kg mass any smaller and it seems they did not have any way to do that either or any Idea to do that either. . . . . . . .!!!!!! I disagreed, at least on theories and ideas, because I have some more advance theories and Ideas than TS, TSci, and TP had or did not had. . . . . Actuallly, TS, TSci, TP did not understand Time Radiations or radiation times and Space Dynamics yet; however, I cannot tell where is final limits of smaller Electron yet; even though I used 7^9=40,353,607 as division number for smaller electrons, there is a story for 7^9 from Hindu in India about 5000 years ago!!!!!??? perhaps!!!!!!! But I will not volunteer to explain it yet!!!!!! until later when I need to. . . And there are more with Advance theories and concepts those are missing in TP and TSci  and TS as I show below:                        @2): All Spaces are connected                             Space is as one of the only 2 factors that they are only 2 of continuums in the Universe, physical Conditions Universe PCU                       @3) Everything is in formations of QUANTA                       @4)"Smallest Particles are not smallest, but something else is" -Tho Huynh Paradox                       @5)    """"""As long as Spaces are available, then there are particles division to smaller Particles"""""" or for easier to understand and for easier to imagine or due to TSci, TS, TP and scientists complained about not seeing smaller particles after standard Model, then I rephrased my Statement for better description: """"""As long as there are spaces, then there will be divisions of Spaces to smaller Spaces to epsilon Spaces""""""-THO HUYNH FACTS OF SPACE PARTICLES FOR FINAL PARTICLES MFG                       @6) LHC, CERN, FERMI LAB, TS, TSci, and TP and Standard Model, SM have mistake mistakenly to ignore Gravity in Standard model that I have found there might be 85x2=170 more in smaller to Smallest particles and Then: """Higgs field is not Quantum Quanta field Quantum Quanta field is not Higgs field Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe Quantum Quanta fields gave mass to Particles, simply because Quantum Quanta fields are mass of the Universe""""-Tho Huynh                         @7) With E=MC^2 is no longer the case at Quanta levels, then you might run energy from very small sizes of power supplies; for example 1m x1m x1m =1m3 Volume of power supplies, or even 1/2mx1/2mx1/2m = 1/8m3 Volume, then you can do many things with such small power supplies, you can even use for your cars, you cannot do them before my proof of energy OR YOU CAN EVEN MAKEPOWER SUPPLY JUST ABOUT 27 LITERS VOLUME or even 10kg power supply, THEN YOU CAN USE IT EVERYWHERE EVEN USE 27LITERS VOLUME POWER SUPPLY TO RUN YOUR CARS                          @8) There are 6 forces instead of 4 forces as TP, TS, and TSci have claimed in the last 375 years                          @9) Push Gravity is Real Gravity, it is not as Gravity that Isaac Newton has claimed 375 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! TS, TP, Tsci should find out PUSH GRAVITY or THO HUYNH GRAVITY asap, then they can get a chance to observe GRAVITONS They have missed for 375 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          @10)TENTH TSci, TP, TS and Einstein have missed SPace time Quantum time since 1905, 2019-1905= 114 years , they should put them together Space- Time-Quantum time- Dilation-Oscillation, not observe them separately, to see the mechanism of the Universe in space and time                          @11)ELEVENTH Relative Mathematics and RElative Dynamics need to be found to work better for Einstein theories                          @12)12TH With proof of NEW ENERGY Quanta energy, perhaps, Human will no longer worry about ENERGY as Human had problems with LImited OIl capacities                         @13)There 2 more key statements for Space and Particles; however, I felt enough for today, I will review them some other time                         @14) "there are always 2 spaces to begin with, no matter what"-Tho Huynh Khai niem KHong Gian or Khong Gian Khai Niem, KGKN                         @15) QBE depended on how the connections between Quanta to determine the levels of energy of QBE, in this Articl I considered 1/8 Quanta Energy is as smallest level of QBE and 1/2 Quanta energy is as biggest levels of QBE FOR NOW                         @16) Just in case Manipulation electrons are too difficult to deal with, then you can use alternate elements you might choose from 103 elements in periodic table PERIODIC TABLE. Fortunately, you have alternative way to make Manipulation work better; however, I will not offer my solutions in this article, may be somewhere else Any way, the MIX of 1kg MASS and 1kg QUANTA is already the best alternative solution for the QUANTA MANIPULATION or MANIPULATION QUANTA' the difference between the MIX and the MANIPULATION is : Ratio of the mix is R of the mix = 90,500,000,000,000,000joule. times of the Mass ENERGY in 1kg mass Ratio of the manipulation =40,000,000 times of the Mass Energy in 1kg Mass                        @17) I have 3 incompleted Math equations to show you, I kept the other 3 equations for myself later on!!!!          I did not say E=MC^2 is wrong, but it is as "NO LONGER THE CASE"                                                                                                E   = (1+h)MC^2 +QB(E) )----------------------------------------------------->            E= (m+1)QC^2 + QB(E)                                                                                                           mE= (m+1)MC^2 +mQB(E) Keep In Mind Quantum techs will defeat Nuclear techs, as soon as you learn how to run Quantum field, then you can stop all kinds of explosion or reverse all kinds of Explosions; include, Nuclear explosion Tho Huynh Dark Matter Maker Quantum Initiator Space SCience Founder(Do not be confused with NASA Space program or any other space program) Final Particles Mfg
do not think western Mathematics are perfect either
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