#duke is like my friend and just comes up with nicknames for everyone until mayyybe one day they know the names lmao
breadandblankets · 7 months
duke is an excellent reader and a better writer, however he the things he remembers from books and movies are less direct quotes and more themes and messaging
if you ask him to name the characters from a book he just read he will just shrug at you, and he couldn't quote a line if he tried
he Will however use his powers to fuck with jason who Can quote things he's read by heart. jason an eighth of the way thru a college level lecture on the Lord of the Rings and PTSD and duke will interrupt him with: "How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand… there is no going back?"
jason will just stop in his tracks and LookTM (pride, exuberance) at duke, and duke will look blankly back, before jason realizes that duke just ghost visioned him and get soooo mad (he pouts dramatically for approximatly 0.5 seconds before duke asks a pointed question and the ramble continues)
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