#dumb idiot loves pizza and making his boyfriend(s) happy
cumbutton · 1 year
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he really should know better than to wear his good jeans by now
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hesesols · 4 years
of soap suds and broken dishes
Summary: There will never be a right time for some conversations. In which Rukia has some exciting news to deliver and the timing is ... less than ideal. 
Rating: T
Chapter 1: Timing Is Everything
Her hands started shaking even before her mind processes the gravity of the situation.
The plus sign on the pregnancy test stick is staring right back at her and no amount of heavy breathing; thigh-pinching; fervent prayer that this is all a bad dream she's ten seconds from waking up from; is going to change that.
She gulps.
Ichigo needs to know.
She needs to tell him and part of her is scared shitless of what he's going to say.
She doesn't tell him.
It's not intentional on her part- at least for the first few days after she found out.
It just slips her mind sometimes about her new condition and then there's the fact that she could never seem to find the right time to tell him. This doesn't feel like the sort of thing that is light enough to be shared over the breakfast table or when they're cuddling in bed with their bedclothes on, mind switched off, body wrapped around each other.
Outside these hours, their lives are bound to the vigorous demands of the mundane world and its limitations. Time is finite in this world. Him with his busy university classes and lab sessions, her with her odd shifts at the local coffee shop and double-life as a seated officer of Gotei 13 meant that dinner is sometimes take outs and pizzas served on cheap plastic plates, wine in everyday mugs, excuses they make to ignore the presence of the growing pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
That there are mornings when Ichigo will jump out of their bed with a curse and start throwing on wrinkly clothes from the day before, screaming about how he's late as he shuts the front door with a bang that's loud enough to rattle the whole building but not before he rouses her, barely awake and squinting from the brightness with a goodbye kiss.
That there are nights when she will come back after a week-long stint in Soul Society and the ache of separation hits her more than she would care to admit but Ichigo leaves the light on. He greets her with his pretty eyes and hungry kisses and they'll spend that morning and the next in bed, making up for the lost time in the coil of their needy bodies.
This is a snapshot of real life for the two of them living together in relative anonymity in the Human World. She loves Ichigo and he loves her. Society has come a long way since feudalistic times and what Nii-sama doesn't know won't hurt him.
Take away the Shinigami aspect of their lives- the crazy out-of-this-realm misadventures they get swept into, wars between worlds waged and won in the span of a summer holiday, the battle scars adorning their bodies and they're literally as normal as their next door neighbours, human and barely out of their twenties, trying to find their place in this strange cruel world, somehow made warmer with Ichigo's hand in hers.
Being with Ichigo just makes her happy- happy enough to live in the now and not think ahead. She doesn't want to ruin what they have, doesn't want to upset the resemblance of a normal life she's constructed and cocooned herself in within the confines of their tiny apartment.
They haven't even talked about the future in so much as to where they would live after he graduates from college. Springing this on him just seems cruel- cruel when his life is only just beginning, about to take flight and she's gone ahead and done the unthinkable to clip his wings.
What if he's disappointed?
What if he doesn't want the baby?
The last thought renders her physically sick. Sud-covered hands reach instinctively for her baby bump that's barely showing.
For now, anyway.
Give it a few more weeks and he's bound to notice something. He's not that dumb (or at least she hopes he isn't). There are only so many times she can say no to the casually-offered beer and wine or mumble something along the lines of that time of the month to disguise the however many trips to the bathroom before he catches on.
"I'm home."
The sudden noise makes her jump and she loses her grip on the slippery half-washed dinner plate. It clatters to the floor, broken.
Swearing comes entirely second nature when she cuts herself on the edges.
"In here," she calls out to him, holding the cut finger under the running water. Truth be told she's more upset about the broken plate- there were four in a set with matching bowls and now they're one short- than her injuries. The cut doesn't even look deep and the bleeding is bound to stop soon.
"Let me see."
Ichigo seems to think otherwise as he unceremoniously drops his bags and the heavy groceries by the door, eyebrows furrowing deep as he crouches down next to her, inspecting her wound.
Though calling it an inspection may have been a stretch.
He barely even glanced at it before he's hollering at her to stay put while he grabs the first aid kit.
"You're being ridiculous! It's just a cut!"
He should know better- what with his experience of violence and theoretical knowledge as a future physician. She's been through worse. They both have. Cuts that are deep enough to see gaps of bones in between, torn ligaments, broken bones, ruptured organs, a fist through the stomach- the memory makes her shudder now more than ever. He shouldn't be fussing over her for a flesh wound that barely registers on her scale of pain.
But he doesn't let go of her hand and merely grunts when she calls him a fool for making a big deal out of something as trivial as this.
"It'll heal quick. I don't s-"
She hisses, surprised by the sudden sting of antiseptic over broken skin. His gesture is uncharacteristically apologetic when he presses a kiss to her knuckle.
It doesn't make sense.
She's suffered much, much worse in her line of duty. He knows she has and she has survived, grew stronger and thrived. With every cut and blow that aims to knock her down, she rises up, bloodied and valiant to meet the next challenge. Yet she doesn't think she has ever seen him quite so serious, cleaning her cut and dwarfing her hand in his like she's soft, fragile like glass and twice as likely to break. Lord knows that she has never been neither of those things.
"I'm sorry. We don't have any bunny plasters but Yuzu left some Hello Kitty plasters in the first aid kit the last time she restocked it for us and I think you'd like them- why are you crying?"
She can't remember the last time she felt them running down her cheeks. Have they always tasted so salty?
Through the burn of them, she sees his panicked face. His fists clench tight and grip at her as he holds her- shuddering breath and all, waiting for her to still and quiet so she can tell him who to hurt and who to maim.
This idiot!
Look at what he's reduced her to- this teary-eyed walking bundle of hormones who tears up because her boyfriend/baby daddy gave her some Hello Kitty plasters when she cut her finger.
"I'm pregnant, you dolt."
Ichigo wears his heart on his sleeves and the vulnerability on his face- the sheer multitude of emotions- shock, awe, joy, love, above all, love- when he absorbs the impact of the news and embraces his new reality is enough to make even a hardened warrior like her choke on the waterworks.
His eyes widen and the grip on her tightens as he presses her deeper into his embrace.
"H-How long?"
"It's early."
She thinks she's barely passed the sixth week mark.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to!"
Her hands fist at his clothes. She has lost count of the number of times when she wanted to reach for his hand under the covers as they spooned against each other and whisper it soft and slow into the night and put it to rest.
But every time she wants to open her mouth and speak, doubt makes her swallow those words whole because-
What if this isn't what he wanted?
This isn't something that they've planned for and she is too in love with the tranquillity of the moment, the peaceful look on his face, smiling at her- like she makes this life worth living for, to even consider ruining it. Is it wrong for her to think that the news can wait for another day if only to make tiny beautiful moments like these last a little while longer?
"…There just doesn't seem to be a right time to tell you."
He deadpans, "and you think now is the perfect time for us to have this conversation?"
There are soap suds in her hair, dirty dishwater stains on the front of her shirt. He has dark circles under his eyes, stinks of alcohol sanitizers, looking tired like he hasn't slept well for days. In the background is a precarious mountain pile of dishes to be washed waiting in the sink, shattered pieces of a broken dinner plate on the kitchen floor that still needs to be swept away.
Them in the comforts of their own home- the very essence of their domestic mundanity stripped down to the bones- messy, loud, less-than perfect; but at its heart, once the initial embarrassment of her housekeeping skill or the lack-there-of passes, is love.
She sighs, resting her forehead against his chest. "This is all your fault. This would have never have happened if you listened to me when I told you it's your turn to do the dishes."
"You could have waited?" he challenges, "You know class ends early for me today."
Rukia rolls her eyes as she informs him rather drily, "We ran out of clean plates two days ago."
Laughter rumbles low and throaty from him, his heartbeat thrumming steadily from his chest- a symphony strung along with bits of heart and soul, hopes for tomorrow that sooth her.
When the laughter dies, he buries his face in her hair, soaking up the warmth of her tiny body with his. He holds her, drawing lazy circles on the skin of her bare arm, tentative as he asks.
"Rukia. Were you afraid that I'd be disappointed? Or angry?"
She squirms in his arms, ashamed almost when she tells him, "A little of both."
A snort followed by a fond exasperated "Idiot. I love you and I promise to love you and to love our child forever and always and-" his breath catches, his world whirling, and he's looking at her like she's made of starlight and moon dust and- "you're carrying our baby!"
The hard lines on his face soften, his hands clearly shaking and the disbelief from the happiness that threatens to leave him in tears as he presses kisses to her- "We're going to have a baby."
The heat of his open palm is reassuring on her still-flat stomach. She smiles, mirroring his joy, and keeps his hand there, holds it in place with her own.
"We're going to have a baby."
There is never going to be a right time she realizes.
But that's ok.
It's ok if he's there with her, holding her hand through it all. As long as he's there with her, she thinks, she is brave enough to do anything. They can take on the world and be none the wiser for it.
He is her rock and he grounds her. Now more than ever when her soul feels light enough that she just might float away.
"As far as your brother is concerned, this baby is conceived immaculately. Agreed?"
She snorts and kisses his forehead. As if Nii-sama is the person he should be worried about!
Clearly her absentminded idiot is forgetting about his overly enthusiastic father and the man's over-the-top antics and flair for drama during the bi-monthly Kurosaki family dinners, scheduled to happen sometime this week.
Rukia humours him anyway. He'll catch on soon enough.
Reblog, review, like or comment or even ask to send some love my way  :D
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
PR Stunt
Desc: Fake Dating AU. Celebrity AU. After pity posts for Sebastian skyrocketing, you two being seen together as friends a lot and with a big movie coming up, his management decides to pair you two for a PR stunt. You both agree, pranking the public seems fun and getting rid of pity tweets seems convenient. Pairing: Sebastian x Reader Warning: It’s not that good and one of my last real people fiction pieces I have left. Not beta read.
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+Pop Magazine - Articles: +Hot actors that are still on the market!+
*@lancebastian: Someone give this man a family!* *@stanfanfam: I feel so bad for him, he still isn’t with a woman or trying to build a family.* *@aliburger: Poor boy looks so alone. I’m volunteering!* _______ +Pop Magazine - Candids: +Sebastian Stan seen with his friend Y/N Y/LN in Manhattan, New York+
*@seabassbaby: I know they’re just friends but they’d make a cute couple.* *@lancebastian: Get her, Stan!* *@vanillaiceice: She’s cute af.* ________ “People are pitying you so much, it’s insane. What is so wrong with being single at your age?” you looked up from your phone at Sebastian sitting on the other side of the couch. “They’re just projecting their desires onto this.” he shrugged without looking up from his phone. “How does that not annoy you to some degree? I read it and get irritated by it.” you chuckled. “Sometimes I do, but at the end of the day it’s so unimportant.” now he looked up. “Yeah, but doesn’t that suck energy out of you to some level?” you two never talked about this specifically. “A bit.” another shrug with a small pout. “Well, let’s stop talking about that then. When’s press coming up?” you tried to change the topic. He looked at you for a second with a confused face before answering, “I think in two weeks.” “No, brunch meetings for weeks again.” you pouted like a child and got a smile back from him. “Poor baby.” he played into it and laughed. “You know they keep me sane.” you answered chuckling. “I know. I promise we’ll eat like three pizzas in one day when I’m back again, chaotic mess.” you looked at him offended. “I’m just telling the truth.” he held his arms up and grinned. “Ar-” you were interrupted by someone calling him and went back to checking your socials. You had a decent following and were friends with a few photographers, which gave you the opportunity to try yourself as a model and influencer. One of you photography friends is also how you two met and as soon as you two found your love for New York brunch meetings the friendship was sealed. “With Y/N?” you looked up at the mention of your name and saw him raise a brow. “Okay, yeah. Good, tomorrow at 11am. See ya.” he ended the call and finally saw your confused face. “Guess we have a meeting at 11am tomorrow and they also want you there.” his hand went through his hair and he exhaled a bit exhausted. “Why that?” you weren’t with his management or something. “She didn’t tell me. Maybe they want to sign you?” he was just as clueless as you and sat back down on the couch and you sat up. “That would be...sudden?” you said even more confused. “I feel like there’s something more to that.” his eyes narrowed. You shrugged taking your phone again, “We’ll find out I guess.”
___________ “We know you both don’t like paparazzi but this could benefit all of us and would be over after a few weeks.” the woman ended her little idea. “Wait, you want us to do a PR stunt, did I understand that right?” you said it out loud. A serious nod came back and a sigh from you. “Can’t believe I’m saying this but I think that would be hilarious outside of the paparazzi stuff.” he snorted beside you. “Excuse me, what?” you turned towards him and got a shrug back. “So...would you be on board?” the lady asked again. You let your head sink onto your arms on the table with an, “I guess.” You both left the office after you got handed a contract to go through to sign with the management and the comment, “I hate being friends with you.” “Did you mean being in a relationship?” he joked and got a stern look back. “Don’t take it too far, Stan!” you warned him. “Won’t. Promise.” he said with that boyish smile that guaranteed for nothing. “Idiot.” you muttered while walking out of the building onto the busy street. A hand was reaching for yours and you looked up confused. “What? Need to lay down the foundation for what’s about to go down.” he clearly loved the idea to mess around with you and the public for a while. “Dork.” a smile finally found its way onto your face and you shook your head. You didn’t mind holding hands with your other friends, so this wasn’t the problem. You weren’t so sure about the rest of what was about to happen in the upcoming weeks. “You love it.” he said nudging you lightly.
“Only if I get some good pictures for my Instagram and Twitter.” you chuckled. “I’m sure there’s gonna be some of your beloved photoshootings.” he grinned. “You’re gonna be an Instagram boyfriend, don’t you forget about that part of it.” you grinned back. “Oh god.” he had the realization hit him. “Yeah, didn’t think through that I might get back at you, huh?” you laughed.
“Lunch date?” he looked down at you after you both were finished with laughing and had walked for a block. “As long as I don’t need to play honeymoon phase love, yeah.” you bit your lip to stop the laugh that was making its way through your body. “Don’t worry, I think the eating each other alive part is one or two weeks in.” he wheezed and held the door to one of your favorite places open. “It’s gonna be hella obvious that it’s a stunt.” you pointed out. “That’s why I agreed. Why not have some fun and confuse people for a bit.” there was that boyish smile again. “Like that whole Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello thing.” you shuddered. That was obviously a stunt but there was that part where everyone kinda thought it might be true and they just wanted to get the extra publicity. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but I guess my answer would be yes.” he said before turning to the waitress that just arrived at your table. ___________ +Pop Magazine - Candids: Sebastian Stan seen having a lunch date and holding hands with Y/N Y/L/N*+ *@bellastann: I feel like our dreams start to manifest stanfam!* *@lancebastian: Not entirely sold, holding hands ain’t that special. They are friends for months now.* *@evanstackiee: Yeees! (Y/L/N)stan is real!!!* ____________ Your contract was signed, your game plan was well organized. There were appointments and activities planned out, what to do at which one and the paparazzi would be there for some of them. You kinda cringed when you looked at the little calendar in front of you but you also were about to have some fun with tricking the general public. “Just an insanely big acting exercise, right?” you looked beside you to see him read through the stuff too. “Uuh, yeah.” he said concentrated on reading. You were both extremely open with each other and rarely had any miscommunication. So kissing in public without starting friendship problems wouldn’t be so hard, but you still had a weird feeling about it. Not fear, just a feeling.
__________ The first thing you did was pretty mellow. Attending a small local event together. You did things like this before but this time you’d have to cuddle up a bit here and there and make a few Instagram Stories. “You comfortable?” he smiled down at you holding your body close to his arm. “You’re 6 foot and fit, I think there is no way in hell anyone would think this isn’t comfortable.” you gave a sweet grin up at him. “For a model you’re pretty good at this.” he joked and you poked him into his waist. “Hey!” he laughed. “You act like I wasn’t a drama kid in school. I might be good-looking but I’m also a nerd. You should know that best...space nerd.” you chuckled. “Stop calling me out like that or I’ll make you talk to that dude you find annoying over there.” he pointed at a man that had bombarded you with his boring business ideas months ago. “Don’t you dare, Stan!” you looked offended. “You wanna sit down with some wine then, madame?” he said in a posh accent. “Of course, it is incredibly instagramable.” you answered in the same way. A boomerang of your drinks with each other tagged in it and two glasses of wine later you officially had glued yourself to him. He had a very comforting vibe about him and you clearly helped with his anxious moments. A kiss was planted onto your temple and a black and white filter put on top of it. Followed by a funny selfie and a picture of your empty wine glasses. Shortly after you already left the party under the flickering lights of a handful of paparazzi. Holding hands and very close together. __________ +Pop Magazine - Gossip: Are Sebastian Stan and his ‘best friend’ dating?+ *@stanfanfam: Cause of death: That temple kiss.* *@vanillaiceice: Damn, is it the late 2000s? Seb leaving a party with a girl? Damn!* *@evanstackiee: For me it’s confirmed.* *@seabassbaby: It looks kinda staged but if it’s not I’m super happy for him!* __________ The second little thing on the list was a photoshooting together. Since you both had modelled for magazines before and with other models you were kinda in your element. It was for a mid-sized fashion magazine that published every month and you two were having fun all over the rented AirBnB. Some expensive yoga pants with a knitted oversized sweater and boots was the first thing you needed to wear for a scene depicting to come home. Falling into each other's arms multiple times definitely made you laugh because of the dumb faces he made. The next outfit was a sleeping outfit. Silk shorts and an airy white cropped shirt. Your socks were pink and had donuts on it. “Can I have them?” you gave them puppy eyes and the team laughed. Modelling while laying was hard. You needed to look realistic but also show of what you were wearing. Combined with a giant baby blowing air into your ear ended in him being pinched by you. He was clearly not prepared to see you in the third outfit. Lacey underwear and an open button-down mens shirt. You could literally see his brain work and giggled “C’mon, get it together.” He was wearing briefs and a white shirt, needing to embrace you from behind while you pretended to make scrambled eggs. “My eggs are definitely scrambled after this.” he whispered and you couldn’t hold back the genuine laugh, ending up in some good pictures. The last two outfits were a bit more editorial but still wearable and the pictures were taken outside. “Well, that wasn’t bad.” you said to him as you two walked out after changing back into your clothing. “For YOU.” he answered. “Poor baby, needed to see his friend in underwear.” you made fun of him. “Yo, it’s a different thing if I see an Instagram picture or the live version.” he defended himself. “Clearly...don’t you dare fall for me, dork.” you joked and he huffed. The walk back was silent but he looked down at you from time to time. You just couldn’t see his reaction every time he did. __________ +Pop Magazine - News: Sebastian Stan & Y/N Y/L/N modelling together. Check out these pictures!+ *@lancebastian: Damn, so this is really a thing, huh? Holy, that’s cute.* *@evanstackiee: Can they adopt me?* *@bellastann: That kitchen picture sent me into cardiac arrest!* _________ By now you were trained at sending each other stolen glances. No matter if you just needed to go to your management or when you had brunch together. But for the last three days he was in LA for the press junket of his new movie. There was this weird feeling again. It felt so close to fear but it wasn't fear. You couldn’t quite pinpoint it. *God, I’m way too used to being around you now.* *You miss not freezing to death in any given moment, admit it!* *No, real talk, I miss you.* *Realtalk: I miss you too...but admit it’s the freezing!* *D O R K !* You had taken a flight to LA the day after because an award show was next on your list. You were ten times more nervous for the dress sitting right than the man on your side. You also weren’t used to hair and makeup. You were an Instagram model, this was a luxury at experimental shoots. “You’d think I can smile on command and not look like shit...but I can’t.” you said to him before stepping onto the red carpet an hour later. “You’re looking good, stop worrying.” he said in his usual calming tone before gently pulling you forward. 10 minutes later the torture to your eyes was done and there were interviews. “What do you have to say about the rumors about your relationship status?” you were asked. “That people should care more about their life than mine...oh, and that he’s the best human being on the planet. Doesn’t matter in which way we are connected.” Sitting down at an award show with your hand being held was not were you thought you’d end up when you agreed to this but why not make memories? Your head naturally landed on his shoulder after a while. You really had missed him being in close proximity for those 4 days. His thumb softly wandered over the back of your hand. “What would you do if I’d win something?” he asked in a low voice. “Jump you?” your head went up again to see his eyes wandering over your face. “In a happy kinda way, I assume.” he had a lopsided smile on his face. “You’re thinking about that photoshoot again, huh? Literally a teenager.” you joked but saw his eyes wander to your lips for a bit too long before he concentrated on the host again. For the rest of the evening your mind went in circles about him playing that or being genuinely interested in you in that way.
__________ +Pop Magazine - Gossip: Mysterious answer to relationship question about (Y/L/N)stan+ *@vanillaiceice: They are boning, come ON!* *@evanstackiee: Look at how happy she is while she says it.* *@seabassbaby: Gosh, just say it!* __________ Today was the day you weren’t really prepared for. He had an off day from press and you were still in LA. Your plan was going to the beach and getting photographed. Well, it wasn’t your plan. It was the plan made for you. “I hate swimming in the ocean!” you mumbled. “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. You have two excuses to grab onto me, right?” he chuckled while watching you undress and revealing your red bikini. You both laid in the sun for a while, talking about his press junket and the social media reactions to this. “Wanna get wet?” you opened your eyes to a child in a man’s body wiggling his eyebrows. You punched his chest with a laugh and let him pull you up with him. Hand in hand you made your way into the ocean rather slowly, “And you didn’t want to admit that you freeze to death without me.” he chuckled. He got impatient and just grabbed your waist and jumped backwards into deeper water. After a squeak from your side and your nails clawing into his back a little bit too harshly, you got used to it. “Look. It’s fine.” he put some hair strands out of your face with his free hand. “I still hate the ocean.” you pouted, trying to overplay how fast your heart was suddenly beating. Oh hell no, you were not just slowly falling for your best friend...please? “I get that.” he put his hand onto your lower back and you put your legs around his hips. “You’re my floatie.” you giggled putting your head into the crook of his neck. “And you are...I can only assume a freezing rock.” you both chuckled.
Your head went up again to see a big grin on his face, “Fuck you.” “You love it.” he said like usual but this time you slowly nodded with a serious face and his eyes widened enough for you to notice. “Wait, I didn’t…” you exhaled deeply with attentive eyes on you. “I feel like we should just stop this. I don’t want to see this friendship break apart just because my body thinks close proximity is a good reason to send hormones out.” you got out of your system. “That’s an odd way of saying that you’re having a crush on me.” he smiled and put his other arm around you. “Yeah, well, I don’t wanna ruin this.” your eyes went down, you rarely made yourself this vulnerable. “You already did by, to say it in your nerdy words, making my body think it’s a good idea to send out hormones because we are in close proximity.” he answered with a nervous chuckle, hand going through his hair.
Your eyes met his again, “I stopped acting the moment it started, Y/N.” “Well, um, it took me till about approximately 5 minutes ago to realize that this odd feeling I have isn’t some suppressed fear.” you made fun of yourself to make the situation less awkward. “Wanna give them what they want?” his head nudged towards the beach with a smirk. “Do you mean give you what you want?” you joked and he remembered where he heard that before. “I hate being friends with you,” he bit his lip, “I’d much rather call you my girlfriend.” The reference made you melt, he remembered that dumb little conversation from two weeks ago. Your hands went from his shoulders to his head and his free hand pulled your head closer before your lips met. You didn’t care about the camera clicks in the background, you only cared about finally making out with the man that made you love brunch dates so much. It felt like an hour before you broke apart a little. Steel blue eyes were staring right into your soul and the most calming voice in the world said “I love you.” “I hope you don’t say that while thinking of me in underwear.” you joked. “Nah, don’t need to. You’re grabbing onto me in a bikini.” he said with his hands wandering down your body and a giant smirk on his face. “I love you too, dork.” ___________ +Pop Magazine - News: (Y/L/N)stan confirmed! Couple seen kissing at the beach.+ *@vanillaiceice: I’ll fistfight anyone that hates on her!* *@evanstackiee: Look at those SMILES.* *@seabassbaby: Maybe I’m crying.* *@lancebastian: She makes him happyyy.* *@bellastann: I think this gave me diabetes.* *@stanfanfam: Make babies! lol* *@Y/N: Gosh, @imsebastianstan we have heart eyes galore in these. Might need to go and get that checked out.* *@imsebastianstan: @Y/N, yeah, heard of that new disease called love. It’s attacking every part of your body and mind!* *@seabassbaby: For real...ADOPT ME!* _____________
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Love to Hate
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Love to Hate: A Winterhawk Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton
Word Count:  1768
Rating:  E
Square filled:  @star-spangled-bingo - Sex Injury, @buckybarnesbingo - Y2, surprise dancing, @clintbartonbingo - dancing.  Also for @until-theend-oftheline‘s  Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge with the prompt; “I’ve never been so insulted!” - “You don’t listen much do you?”
Warnings:  Smut(m|m, anal sex, frottage, a little bit of come play)
Synopsis:  Bucky hates how much he loves Clint.
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Love to Hate
It was one of those situations where all those things that you once found annoying, you also secretly loved.  Bucky kinda hated it.  He hated that he loved the way Clint always seemed to be half-assing everything.  He hated that he loved the stupid jokes.  He hated how much he loved how stupid Clint acted to try and get out of shit he didn’t want to do.  He hated how he loved the fact that despite how stupidly fit and agile the guy was, he was still prone to extreme laziness and uncoordination.   That last one annoyed him because of how much he was exactly the same.
It really annoyed him how Clint would do this ridiculous overly affectionate coupley things whenever Bucky was having a bad day and just wanted to wallow in it.  It annoyed him how he’d crack a smile every time Clint did it.  That he’d feel himself letting all of that go and actually being happy for a change.
It annoyed him now most of all because today had been fucking shit.  It was one of those fucking shit days where the mission had involved people getting killed.  He’d also tried to be a complete smartass and fallen down a manhole and bruised his hip so bad that it was still purple now.
He just wanted to sit in the dark and fume about it.  He wanted to be angry about it.  To sort through the shit he’d been through and been made to do and compare this to it.  To go over and over what he should have done differently.  Only he could already hear the music playing in the apartment.  Clint wasn’t going to let him.  He was going to get all up in his space and be all dumb and affectionate and Bucky was going to crack.  God, he hated how much he loved that Clint could do that.
He stepped through the door and shrugged off his coat.  “Does the music have to be this loud?”  He grumbled.
Clint was lying on the couch absentmindedly patting the dog.  There was a pizza box on the coffee table, but only a couple of slices were missing so it was likely still hot.  Pizza might be good.  The cat was staring at it, waiting to see if a moment would arrive that he could steal a slice and get away without being caught and reprimanded.
Clint sat up quickly and grinned.  “There’s my surly boyfriend.  Did you have a bad day?”
“I just wanted to know why the music was so loud,”  Bucky said, determined not to crack.
Clint jumped up and almost skipped over to Bucky, pulling him into his arms and starting to grind up against him in time with the music.  Not exactly dancing with him, more using him as some kind of stripper pole to dance on.  “You know my hearing isn't so great.”
“What are you doing?”  Bucky grumbled.
Clint wrapped his arms around Bucky’s neck and leaned back a little, basically dry humping Bucky’s leg as he did.  “I’m dancing with my boyfriend.  Can’t you tell?”
“I thought you’d picked up some bad habits from the dog,”  Bucky said.
Clint started laughing and he nuzzled at Bucky’s neck.  “Come on grumpy.  Dance with me.”
“You’re really fucking annoying you know that?”  Bucky huffed.
Clint dropped his jaw in mock shock.  “I’ve never been so insulted!”
That was when Bucky cracked.  Just a little.  He chuckled and shook his head and began to move with Clint.  Not in the same sexually suggestive way that Clint was.  More swaying with him and letting him leave.  “You don’t listen much do you?”
“I try not to,”  Clint replied and kissed him.
It was that last annoying thing that made Bucky crack.  He couldn’t be angry anymore, as much as he wanted to be.  He wasn’t going to be able to dwell on it.  He was just going to relax with his dumbass boyfriend, letting himself get dragged into his dumbass things.
He kissed back.  Slowly and deeply at first.  It didn’t last.  With the way Clint was grinding against him, and the beat of the music, it soon became hungry and animalistic.  Almost like they were trying to devour each other.  They nipped and bit at each other's lips.  Their tongues ran over each other's mouths and then circled around each other.  The whole time they danced grinding to the music.
The way Clint moved, his thigh rubbed against Bucky’s crotch.  His cock twitched and then began to harden in his pants.  Straining at the thick fabric as blood rushed to it.  He knew Clint was in the exact same position as him.  He could feel the archer’s cock rubbing on his thigh each time he swiveled his hips.
Bucky groaned and shoved Clint up against the wall.  “God, you are the worst you know that?”
Clint chuckled and pulled at his hair.  “Yeah, I know.  Don’t really know what you’re gonna do with me.”
Bucky sucked on Clint’s throat for a moment and began to unbuckle his pants.  “I can think of a few things.”
He pulled Clint’s cock out and wrapped his fingers around it, stroking it slowly as he sucked a bruise on Clint’s neck.  Clint groaned and clutched at Bucky’s back.  “Fucking, hell, Buck.  I just wanted to dance.”
“Yeah?  Is that right?”  Bucky teased as he slowly stroked Clint’s cock and rolled his hips in time with the music against Clint’s thigh.
“Mm… it was right,” Clint groaned.
Bucky reached over and opened the bedroom door and Clint shoved him forward through it, attacking Bucky’s throat with his mouth.  Bucky moaned at the feeling over the wet pressure on his throat.  It made his skin prickle and buzz.
They started to strip. Awkwardly jumping out of their pants and getting stuck in their shirts as they tried to hurriedly get them off so they could go back to kissing.  Clint had started to giggle as Bucky yanked his shirt free from his head.
“How do you even manage that?”  Bucky asked pulling Clint back flush against him and wrapping his hand around both their cocks and pumping them together.
Clint groaned and his head fell back.  “God, I love when you do that.”
Bucky sucked on his exposed throat.  He wanted a full map of bruises on Clint that weren’t from him hurting himself.
Clint moved back onto the bed and without even looking he opened the bedside table and grabbed the lube.  Bucky straddled his lap and took it from him, squirting it on both their cocks and slicking them both together.
“Wanna try something,” Clint said in a needy whine.
“What is it?”  Bucky asked.
“Put your ankles on my shoulders,”  Clint said.
Bucky did as he was instructed leaning back against Clint’s thighs and putting his ankles by his ears.  Clint pulled him forward and leaned up and kissed him as he teased his cock up and down Bucky’s ass, teasing the head over his asshole before moving it away again.
“Jesus Christ, you’re a tease, Barton,” Bucky growled sliding back a bit so that the head of Clint’s cock just penetrated his ass, stretching his ring muscle out and making him moan loudly.
Clint pushed up.  Slowly rising so he was in the bridge position.  Only his feet and hands touching the bed.  As he moved up his cock penetrated Bucky deeper, so by the time he was in full bridge pose, he was buried to the hilt.
“You really think you can hold this?”  Bucky groaned leaning forward a little and gripping Clint’s neck.
Clint’s head fell back, but his arms trembled.  “I can try.”
Bucky started to bounce on Clint’s dick.  The whole mattress rocked with each of his movements, making Clint stagger a little.  He held him up, through their joint moans and grunts and as much as his arms trembled, until with a loud cry his arms gave out and he collapsed back onto the bed.
“Oh, fuck!  I think I broke my arm.”  He yelped.
Bucky started laughing.  It was a pure and deep laughter.  One that took him over completely.  He shifted his position so he still had Clint’s cock deep inside him but he was able to look down at his lover better.  “You are such an idiot.”
Clint smiled up at him.  “Yeah, I know.  You love me though.”
“God help me, I do,”  Bucky said and kissed him hungrily.  He pushed Clint’s hands up above his head and pinned them there for a moment as he rode his cock hard.  Bouncing on it as his own cock slapped on Clint’s stomach.
He ran his hands down the archer’s arms, feeling the sinewy muscles Clint had developed, perfecting his art.  He looked down into the blue of his eyes, watching as the pupils blew out and he lost complete control.  “Oh fuck yeah, Buck.  Fucking ride me.”
Bucky moved faster.  Bouncing up and down, up and down.  Clint’s cock pulling out and then slamming back into his ass, pounding is prostate again and again.  He could feel himself getting closer.  A deep pressure pushing down somewhere in his abs as his balls tightened.
“You close?”  Bucky groaned.
“Fuck, yes,” Clint groaned and arched his back.
Bucky wrapped a hand around his cock and began to stroke it as he continued to move.  He gritted his teeth as he looked down at Clint and ran his prosthetic hand down his chest and pinched at his nipples.
Clint groaned and bucked up hard, coming deep inside Bucky’s ass.  The sudden thrust against his p-spot pushed Bucky over and he came in hot ribbons, splattering over Clint’s stomach and chest.
Clint hummed and relaxed back as Bucky slipped free and lay on his side next to him.  Clint ran his fingers through the cum, painting his skin with it before sucking his fingers clean and humming.  “I really hurt my arm you know?  I think I pulled something.”
Bucky chuckled and grabbed some wipes and began to clean Clint up.  “Why am I not surprised?  You’re an archer you idiot, how are you gonna work with a pulled muscle?”
Clint shrugged and rubbed his arm.  “You have a bad day?”
Bucky nodded.   “It’s fine.  I’m here now.  We should eat that pizza and take a bath.”
“You know that Pizza’s gone now right?  We just left it unsupervised with the pets.”
Bucky broke down into laughter, the mental picture of the dog and cat both stuffed with pizza was too good.  He nuzzled into Clint’s neck and kissed it softly.  God, how he loved how much he loved Clint.
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shans-fic-recs · 6 years
KnB Fic Recs
Yo, my lovelies! My Sterek rec list is so long, I had to take a break from it, sorry! There's like 400 fics to still rec, but in the meantime I thought I'd go with some KnB recs that I haven't touched in a while. They are all grouped according to the ships, with my favourite KnB ship at last.
On a sidenote, dedicated to @grettalks cuz she's into KnB if I'm not entirely wrong.
⭐ Favourites are marked with stars⭐
▶️ Akashi Seijuurou/Furihata Kouki
•  And He Embraced Them All (Because Kouki Is Worth It) : In which Teikou!Akashi switches places with his future self and meets Seirin!Furihata. Time skip AU.
•  Solitary Bliss : Akashi is away on a business trip, leaving Kouki alone and yearning for him, but when he finds comfort in a relic deeply linked to their past, his misery rapidly subsides. Fluffy smutty AkaFuri.
•  The Sun and the Mole Rat : Akashi Seijuurou was like thesun; beautiful, radiant and infinitely unreachable. It was an impossibly stupid thing that someone like him could ever be compared to someone like Furihata Kouki,who was so ordinary in everything, nobody would look at him twice should he walk down the crowded streets.
•  Who Are You? : It starts with an accidental love letter. Then friendship and relationship happen… for quite a while until something inside Akashi snaps and ends it one-sidedly. It’s a lot of hard work to get Furihata’s Akashi back, but it still works out in the end.
•  Anomalies : If there was one thing Kuroko hadn't expected when he ordered Furihata and Akashi to take their children on playdates, it was this.
▶️Aomine Daiki/Kagami Taiga
•  (Look) What You've Done : The one where Aomine is a cop and Kagami is a firefighter.
•  A Kitchen Window Like This ⭐: Kagami and Aomine start a long weekend off on just the right notes.
This is literally one of the sweetest domestic aokaga out there.
•  Cum Here Often? : Kagami’s team win the All Japan Intercollegiate Basketball Championship and they go out to “celebrate”.
•  Dumb Werecats Who Play Basketball : Kagami has a hard enough time being a madararui before his hot rival starts smelling really, really good. Sex Pistols crossover.
Okay,  I'm a sucker for anything even remotely ABO alright?
•  Corners : Mafia!Aomine is out to wipe out Kagami on his boss’ orders. Semi PWP. I suck at summaries, sorry.
•  Firefly Without a Light ⭐: Aomine Daiki is occasionally a shitlord and sometimes he figures that out without needing to be told. Other times, not so much. Porn + emotional rollercoaster.
•  First Time Fit For A King : "Yeah." Kagami rubs the back of his neck awkwardly."I don’t get it though. Why me?"
"Because." Aomine tilts his head up a little, and Kagami doesn’t know if he should feel insulted that Aomine is literally sticking his nose up at him. "You're the only one who has the potential to beat me at basketball. Maybe."
•  Jersey : “Oh my god,” Kagami says, and he’s grinning now, a sleepy, shit-eating grin. “Thisis a thing for you, isn’t it?”  , a.k.a, jersey porn.
•  Overexposed ⭐: AoKaga and taking shots off abs.
•  Packed Like Sardines : Train porn lol 😂 or whatever fucking in a train car is called.
•  playing pick-up ⭐⭐: Aomine comes to visit Kagami in the US except — “Hey, Kagami,” Aomine asks.“You live in Las Vegas, right?”
“What? No,” Kagami replies, readjusting his phone underneath his shoulder.
“Well, I’m in the airport at Las Vegas right now,” Aomine begins, and Kagami doesn’t even want to hear the rest.
•  Rewind > Pause > Play : Kagami threatens to leave when Aomine turns to alcoholism to cope with his career and has given up putting forth an effort in their relationship. Angst with a happy ending.
•  S.A.A : The idea of sitting in a room with a hand full of people discussing how sex makes them feel was not at the top of Kagami Taiga’s to-do list, but when that dark skinned, blue eyed stranger walked into the room, Kagami found himself editing that list and putting that man at the very top.
•  some kind of madness : Aomine picks a fight in a bar trying to protect Satsuki’s virtue (🤣🤣) and Kagami patches him up.
•  Strut : Kagami congratulate Aomine on a very flashy win in his own special way.
•  THE RISE OF ASIA: NBA EDITION ⭐⭐⭐: Aomine and Kagami, through the eyes of an interviewer. A masterpiece, truly. This is one of the very first AoKaga fics I read and I'm still very much in love with it.
•  The Power A Name Can Hold ⭐⭐⭐: Super long soulmate AU full of angst and hurt, but with a happy ending. Absolutely stunning.
•  The Care And Feeding Of ⭐: Halfway through his tenth burger and Aomine’s fourth, listening with only a half an ear towards that bastard’s constant grumble of thought with the occasional hurmph of ingestion thrown in, Kagami realized that he was,in fact, actually dating Aomine Daiki.
An all time favourite full of silliness.
•  The Hot Neighbour : It takes Kagami three weeks to move into his new apartment but only one day to start stalking the incredibly hot salaryman in a suit.
•  the pizza factory ⭐: Aomine gets accepted at the pizza factory where Kagami is a chef. Or so it goes. A very funny, snarky personal favourite.
•  thigh to thigh : Kagami's more experienced than Aomine is; that's not exactly saying much. PWP.
•  Twitter Project : Kagami's social studies class has a new project: Tweet a celebrity of your choice. Aomine has been on the receiving end of some hilariously awkward tweets recently.
➡️ sequel : TakaShin sidestory, very cute with a pinch of AoKaga from before.
•  underneath the cup in a black, marker pen ⭐: Kagami writes letters on styrofoam cups to hardworking salaryman Aomine. Coffee shop AU.
•  Wildcat Blues : In a world where shapeshifters, vampires, wizards and other preternatural beings walk the land, finding everlasting love can be a bitch.
•  Worst Kept Secret : In which Kagami Taiga is a werewolf and nobody is supposed to know. Key point - 'supposed to'.
•  Wrong Number ⭐: Aomine managed to score this busty babe's phone number, but when he texted her, the person who responded was everything but busty.  
•  texts from last night ⭐⭐: Kagami gets smashingly drunk and Aomine takes it upon himself to drive him home. Drunk sex ensues.  
▶️Kise Ryouta/Kasamatsu Yukio
Okay, so I saved my favourite KnB ship for the last! Have fun!
•  (500) Days of Kise ⭐: Wherein Yukio Kasamatsu's life is a romantic comedy. Office AU and so very cute. Mutual pining. Kinda, if I remember right.
•  The God of Small Things : Kise gets scratched by Kasamatsu's new cat. Cat fluff.
•  flower/s : Kasamatsu comes home from a work related trip, and Kise has something up his sleeve for Senpai’s return.
• KiKasa Week series :
1. he's got the answer it doesn't go away : It figures that the universe won't even give Kasamatsu the luxury of hindsight bias.
Okay. This is like, the best of Yukio that I've seen. Team dynamics and Kise joining Kaijou.
2. what you have tamed : First lesson in being team captain: you don't get a break.Ever.
3. slow down if you want to : It's been a week already, and Kasamatsu still can't let go.
4. in the face of these forces : Wherein Kise only started playing basketball in his third year of middle school, and Kaijou still scouted Teikou's small forward.
•  Perfect Coffee : Kise was a perfect employee– he had a sunny disposition and stunning looks who attracted the customers and he additionally had a real talent for making coffee. So he was a blessing that gods had bestowed upon Kurokocchi and his friend, no matter what they both said.
•  Of French Girls And Pretty Boys ⭐⭐: Kasamatsu takes up art class for extra credit, and Kise is the unfairly attractive figure model. College AU.
•  Narita Ground ⭐⭐⭐: Kise loves riling up Narita Ground's air traffic controller.
This is one of those “if you ship kikasa and haven't read narita ground, then you're living under a rock” kinda fics. I swear by it. Ultimate favourite.
•  KNB TFLN : College AU with multiple pairings besides KiKasa. Smutty.
•  First Impressions : But Kise Ryouta, damn his eyes, is beautiful., OR
Yukio looks over Kise’s profile before he comes to Kaijou.
•  Ten Things Kasamatsu Finds Annoying(ly Endearing) about Kise : Kise always smiles at Kasamatsu when he's finally done with his seemingly-interminable beauty regimen (there is no other word suitable for this) and says, "Thanks for waiting for me, senpai."
•  Fadeaway ⭐: Kasamatsu dodges. "You don't deserve that," he says, setting a slightly faster pace. "Inconsiderate, stupid, no-good first-year aces and their idiotic, inconsiderate, stupid, worrisome actions."
•  KiKasa Week series ⭐⭐⭐:
➡️  ️part 1 : “He's good-looking?” Kise demanded, before he could stop himself with the thought of how unattractive jealousy was.
Okay so this is at the end cuz it's super old and I couldn't find the active link, but nevermind. It's fucking awesome.
➡️  part 2 : Kise peeked at him. "But cute?" he said, trying to recapture the dutiful boyfriend adoration look.  
Kasamatsu stared at him. "Now that's just gross," he said.  
➡️ part 3 : "You do look kind of like him," said Kasamatsu, since obviously no one else was going to come out and say it.
"I really don't," said Kise, his mouth hilariously turned down.
"Maybe in a few years," said Kasamatsu. "You'll grow into it."
More to come! Stay tuned!♥️
Do tell me if any of the links don't open or are faulty, etc.
Last Updated : 12/07/2018
Feel free to send me your own recs and I'll include them in the list! Loves!!♥️♥️
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amnachil · 7 years
The High School Game part 3
Sam DAY 13 Monday – DAY 14 Thuesday
He sat down in the waiting room, annoyed by this situation. The high school direction imposed to student a check-up every month, to be sure they all were healthly. Years after years, those check-up became a competition between teenagers to see who had the most shaped body. Obviously, among 11th grade student, Sam was one of the best, and Finn the loser. Data were posted on a forum, but he barely watched it. He knew his condition.
"Sam Boiley." announced the nurse.
He entered in her office. As in walking in, the young boy noted something different. When he stared at the nurse, he realised why. This was a new nurse. Thin, with two beautiful breast and a wonderful face, she smiled at him.
"I'm Ms. Lovely, Anna Lovely. I will be your nurse for this year, because Ms. Keynes left the state for New-York."
He agreed and followed her instructions.
"Okay, let's measure you : 182 cm. Now, go on the scale : 73 kg. What are you doing for exercise ?"
Sam enumerated his routine, without mentionning the gym class skipped. Eyes wide open, she muttered :
"What the hell is this high school ?"
"What do you mean ?" he asked.
"Nevermind. You are in an olympic shape, Sam. Even..."
She hesitated, but his curiousioty was aroused.
"I'm listening."
"Well, this will be hard to heard but I think you should do less exercise. You know, grades are as much important than your health, and I saw yours... You have to study more..."
He wanted to say something, but she explained :
"You can maintain your good shape with less exercise you know. It's just a matter of nutrition, but most of the student are fine with one or two hours per week. Four if you are an addict."
Really ? Raphaël had been always telling him to workout every time and every day because it was the only solution. But if the nurse had said the truth, he could agreed with Shirley and pick her up some morning. It would be awesome... Keep his toned muscles and take advantage of the free time to see his girlfriend ? It's what I'm asking...
"Honestly, give it a try, Sam. Less time exercising don't mean less muscles. Do you trust me on this ?"
"I do."
He wanted to, of course.
Afternoon and evening passed in no time. He could not manage to see Shirley, because she was visiting some family this night, but he would pick her up the next morning. After his diner, he reached his bedroom, and played some videogames. He set the alarm to 6:30 am, and went to sleep. 30 minutes to be ready, 30 minutes to be at her home, and 30 minutes with her before the beginning of the day. Worth it... He woke up excited like a kid. He took his breakfast, two bowls of cereal, then get ready and left the house, without a word for his mother. As expected, 30 minutes later, he was in front of Shirley's home. He knocked at the door, and waited. Dan opened, in pajamas, and looked at him. The older brother of his girlfriend was, well... out of shape. With clothes, his weight gain would be invisible, but in pajamas, Sam could see his tummy hung over his trousers. Wow... I wonder what Raphaël think about that.
"Hey Sam. You are here for ?"
"For me." interrupted Shirley. "Picking me up."
She wore a red dress under her black jacket. She made herself up, enlignthening her face under her blond hair. As always, he started to erect, and to avoid the gaze of Dan, he asked :
"Shall we go ?"
"Of course. See you tonight bro'."
She followed Sam away, with a smile. She was pleased by his decision, he knew that. Maybe, maybe after she met her mother, she would agree to... have sex... He waited this with excitation. She asked :
"Hum, do you smell something ?"
Shaking his nose, he reconized the flavour.
"Donuts." he whispered.
"Hell, yes... Do you want some ?"
He could not decline. In fact, even if he was not hungry, eat some of these delicious donut was an excellent idea. He let her bring him to Ms. Liliano's bakery, happier than ever.
Shirley DAY 18 Saturday
Things were going well. Weekend came : Sam and her went to a pool for the afternoon. He agreed to skip soccer training (they got games every 2 weeks) for once, and she was glad he did. In fact, this little date got special reason. For two weeks now, she had been giving her imposed boyfriend donuts every morning, candies and chocolat bar during the whole day, and again, some donuts after gym class (when he did not skip to hang out with her). She had understood, with time, that Sam was not really mean. He was just idiot. Under social pressure, he made fun of Finn every day, but now, under his girlfriend pressure, he was skipping more and more exercise to see her. Only because he doesn't wake up earlier... Shirley, as for her, set her alarm to 6:00 in order to make her daily workout. Anyway, Sam so, overconfident about his metabolism and muscles, became lazier. And she could swear he ate more at noon. But, to be sure of his progress, she had to see him naked, or at least, shirtless. And because I want to avoid sex as much as possible... She had managed to invite him at a covered pool. The young lad polished his pizza (she made sure he was eating a lot of junkfood), and they went to the pool. Hurried by her own excitation, she changed in a two-piece swimsuit and went out of the locker room. Sam was here, waiting for her. She examined him, pleased. To be honest, it was barely visible, but Sam had lost some definition. His abs started to disapear, letting a flat stomach. He probably did not gain weight, but replaced muslces by fat. Not enough yet, but it was a good sign. She just hoped Raphaël, this evil boy, will not say anything, and let her achieve her plans.
"Okay, so... let's go ?" asked Sam while trying to cover his erection.
She agreed, entertained. They had fun, together in the pool, playing at some stupides games. She always keep a distance between them, at least to escape this permanent hardenning cock he got. It's probably painful. Anyway, everything went as planned, well... maybe even better. Sam, in love with her, was nice and kind, much more than in high school. And for the first time, she had a good time with him. At the end of the afternoon, when she left him to return at home, Shirley was confused. I felt something... but well... that's only a natural reaction. A fucking organic reaction, like this hard cock. She went home with this justification in mind.
Despite being diner hour, she found Dan with Raphaël. Her brother and she were alone this weekend at home, and she took advantage of this to see her imposed boyfriend. But she expected to be in peace once she reached her house... Fuck you, mister the devil. Shirley loved her brother : he was her confident, and her man-model since childhood. But she never understood how he could be friend with Raphaël. At this moment, they were comfortably sat on the sofa, playing videosgame together. When they saw her, Dan smiled.
"Hey sis', how are ya ? Date went well ?"
Of course, he knew. Whatever Sam did, Raphaël said it to every fucking one. Did this pain in the ass saw the transformation of his friend yet ?
"Wonderful." she answered. "We went to the pool, and had fun. It was wonderful."
"Yeah, Jessy saw both of you." approve Raphaël." And she told me you were cute together. Sam did a good choice, and I hope you appreciate that."
Is it a fucking threat ? This demonic boy was threatening her just under Dan's nose ? I understand why Sam is dumb... you're the brain uh. She always suspected something like that. Raphaël probably hated Finn for a reason or another, and just send Sam bully him in his place. I wonder why ? Is it only because my friend is fat ? Raphaël's logic was hard to get.
"I enjoy time spent with him." she diplomatically said.
The devil smiled. The worst ? He was handsome. Blond with blue eyes, his body was just perfect. He would said he was a top-model that she would not be suprised. Even Shirley, who preferred guys with some meat on their bones, found him attractive. He's the devil, I told you.
"I should let you together." affirmed Raphaël. "Dan, see you soon, enjoy college life. Shirley, see you on monday, after your... date with Sam I guess ?"
He knew that too... So this motherfucker knew Sam skipped his morning workout, or did Sam lied ? For her plan, she needed to let Raphaël in the dark. This sport-addict would ruin everything in the contrary...
"Sure." she stated. "Bye."
He left them, plunging Dan in a strange silent. Her brother and the devil were friend since severals years, without any particular reasons. Unlikely Raphaël, Dan never did a lot of exercise, and did not care about his body. His metabolism permitted him to stay thin, but in college, he seemed to gain some weight. Shirley was not complaining, but she was curious about Raphaël thoughts. The fanatic of shaped body. Well, I have some other priorities anyway...
Sam DAY 25 Saturday – DAY 26 Sunday
A week passed without any specials events. Days of class were annoying, but Shirley made every minute better. Sam teased Finn a lot, because according to the data of the nurse, Big Pig gained 2 kg (4 pounds), reached 89 kg (196 pounds). That was so funny. Every morning, Sam had picked Shirley up at home around 7:30 am, and he had met her two sisters, her dad and her mother. They all were nice people, and frequently, Mme. Vince (his girlfriend's mother) had given him some milk and cookies before they left the house. Right after, Shirley and him went to Ms. Liliano's bakery, and ate donuts. He loved those mini-cake, and because he woke up early, he was sometimes hungry around 7:45 am (cookies were not enough for a growing boy like him... he needed some energy to awoke his muscles, his breaskfast being at 6:30 am). Plus, he had dated Shirley four day this week, doing gym class only on wednesday (this lesson last 1 hour, and with soccer today, he would be at 3 hour, as advised by the nurse). Her girlfriend was obviously under his charm. Every time Sam saw her, she offered him some snacks, candy bar or donuts, to made him happy. Even at noon, she gave him her leftovers, for his delight (before, she gave them to Finn, but Big Pig seriously did not need this). And tomorow, on Sunday, she was ready to met his mother Nadia. And then... we will have sex... Even the thought made him erect. I'm so excited !
"Dude, hide this." whispered Raphaël. "You're in a locker room... You don't want anyone see you have an erection."
"Sorry, I was thinking about..."
"I know what you was thinking about dude, but our mates would probably imagine something else... You and I don't want them suppose we are gays ?"
Hell no thanks. Sam played with his crotch, trying to hide it under his sweatpants. He put his T-shirt, ajusted the wole thing and smiled :
"Is that fine ?"
Raphaël, shirtless and unveiling his perfect six-pack, rolls his eyes and mumbled :
"I guess it is. Don't do that again, I don't want pointless rumours."
He smiled too, and they went out for the game.
After 60 minutes, Mr. Litman decided to replace Sam by another player, less experimented, without any reason. The young lad was short-winded and exhausted when he sat on the bench. Why the fuck he replaced me ? I'm one of his best players ! Shirley, working as a volunteer to help the team, sat next to him and smiled.
"You did a nice job honey. We're winning."
I'm not. Raphaël scored the goal, and now I'm a fucking spectator. She hand him a bag with some food, and whispered :
"Trust me, you were good. Litman only want to test his news players."
He was not convinced, but well, being with Shirley helped. Less angry, he ate the donuts she gave him and then went back in the field, by encouraging his team. They had to win, for the qualifying rounds. When the referee announced the end of the game, Sam stood up and ran with his buddies to celebrate the victory. As two weeks ago, Tobias decided to make a party, and they all went to his house, happier than ever.
Beer after beer, the young lag forgot his replacement and started to enjoy the evening. He ate some pizza and pie, starving, and had fun with Tobias (drunk as hell after 9:00 pm). By the way, he saw Finn digging in the buffet, and Sam decided to approach him.
"Hey Big Pig, how are ya ? You didn't win, but you enjoy the victory as much as we do."
Heavily drunk himself, he finished by a belch. Finn turn towards him but did not answer, his mouth full of pizza.
"2 kg (4 pounds) wasn't enough for you, wasn't it ? You need to stuff yourself again and again, right ?"
Raphaël, sat down next to them, smiled. The blond dude was not drunk, because he disliked alcohol.
"I think you should let him full fill this big gut, buddy. You should concentrate on Shirley, anyway. Try to have some fun with her."
Sam shook his head with obedience. As always, his friend was right. His girlfriend was waiting him near to kitchen, speaking with somes chicks.
Next day, at 12:00, when he woke up, he felt an hangover in coming. But anyway, Sunday was a important day for his couple. He hurtle down the upstair and joined his mother in the kitchen. She was cooking, for noon, some spinachs with a flank steak. Ironically, she wore her cooking apron, like in old times, and seemed to have fun baking. God, she is weird. I hope she will not ashame me.
"Hi mom."
He had a headache, but wanted to be nice, this time. Nadia smiled to him.
"Hi. Lunch will be ready in a sec."
"Thanks, but I have something to ask before."
She smiled again and set the table. She bring some energy drinks for him and water for her. Sam understood she waited his development.
"You know Shirley is coming for diner... I thought you would be glad to make a real diner, for once."
"A real like... a real, or like brocoli with a special form ?"
He sighed. You're not funny. I just want to impress her, okay ? We're not bring back together for all that.
"A diner like you know, with an starter, a main course and a dessert. Could you do this, just for once ?"
"Sure I can honey, sure. It will be the best diner over centuries for your girlfriend, trust me."
Shirley DAY 26 Sunday – DAY 27 Monday
She knocked at Sam's door with apprehension. She knew this meeting would happen, but she expected it later. Because after this... he will become insistent. A little voice inside her was glad, but that was pointless. Her boyfriend opened with a big and cheerful smile. Dressed in a black shirt and a jean sized 28, she appreciated the thightness of his clothes. He probably intended to show his muscles, but his stomach was mainly flat now. Two weeks after the nurse check-up, his abs started to fade, replaced by some fat. He had not gained weight yet, but she got a plan to speed up his fattening. And by the way, she found him more attractive now... But our personalities are too different, of course. Sam let her came in, and introduce his mother Nadia. She was a wonderful woman, wearing a white dress and a lot of make up. Shirley could smell the good flavor of tasty food overwhelming the house.
"Shirley ! Sam talked a lot about you my dear.  God you're so beautiful. I understand why he loves you now. He always describe you with passion, but you seem even better for real."
Her son glanced at her, but Nadia ignored him. The young girl, as for her, smiled and complimented Sam's mother before they sat down at the table.
"Let me offer you some appetizer while we're discussing together."
Nadia brought the food and started to ask a few questions to Shirley. This one noticed Sam, bored by this situation, eating the whole tray of apetizer, and then dig in his first course with gusto. Nadia was suprised too, but too polite to make a remark, she gently talked with Shirley during the wole diner. After the main course (an awesome chicken with potatoes), Nadia left them to complete her dessert. My god... what is happening to me ? Shirley could not resist, and just stared at Sam struggling to keep his pants buttoned around his overstuffed belly. He ate so much, just listening the two women, without even notice. And for the first time in his company, Shirley felt aroused. Natural reaction. It mean nothing.
"Do you enjoy the dinner with my mom ?" he asked softly.
Seriously. Her imposed boyfriend, this fucking idiot which was the bully of her friend, was acting nice to her. And even worst, she knew he was sincere. He really tried to be kind. Shirley smiled, fighting against her feelings.
"Your mother his so sweet ! You shall be so happy to have meal like this one everytime."
"I have not." he grumbled.
"Why ? Is she less gently when you are alone ? That's so sad... You should have real diner, because your a growing boy honey."
Honey was the secret word. Every fucking time she called him her honey, he blushed, had an erection and let her do whatever she wanted. Right now, again, the magic word worked and he confessed :
"She don't want to cook because I have bad grades... But with our mathematics result, she would be glad to make an effort I guess."
Without any evidence, Shirley knew he was lying. Nadia loved cooking, but he declined because of Raphaël advice for a shaped body. He is lying for love... She did not know if she was touched or tired by his stupidity.
"I'm sure she will." stated the young girl.
Just after, Sam's mother came with a home-made big pie, and shouted :
"Dessert ! My speciality since decades ! Hope you will love it."
Well, Shirley loved it. She took 2 slices. 2 fucking slices. Well, Sam ate like... hum 4 slices before confess he was stuffed. Anyway, Nadia was an awesome cook. When came time to leave, Shirley was overthiking about the possibilities. Her imposed boyfriend would probably ask her mother for more diner like this one if his grades get better, in order to stay true himself. If I'm rather insistent and if he had succeed his exam, something can happen...
On monday, after their morning routine, Shirley, escorted by Finn, went to Mr. Pitts office, their mathematic professor. She had a plan to be sure Sam got a good grade, and ate huge diner just after. Finn would not approve, but well, she was doing that for him. He just could not understand it yet. After all, her boyfriend transformation, even in his tight clothes, was not noticeable. Shirtless, it was possible to notice the change, but that was not enough.
"Miss Vince, Mister Gates, I'm listening."
The young girl smiled. Mr. Pitts, depite being a good professor, hid a weakness. A big one, when you knew it. And fortunatly, she knew it.
"I'm here for Sam Boiley." she stated. "He needs a good grade on his mathematic exam."
The professor and Finn both blinked, surprised. They were not expecting that but well... she did not care. She wanted achieve her plan, and she needed Mr. Pitts cooperation.
"Gave him, well, let's say 12, and I will keep my mouth shut, as always."
"Shirley, for god sakes !"
Mr. Pitts was not discontent by her extortion, but he glanced at Finn, afraid. That's why he is here, Mister... Remember, you're in my hands. Since her first year at high school, she discreetly pile up information about her professors. And she found a really interesting thing about Mr. Pitts. Concerning prostitute. She agreed to not say it to the police (mainly because, well... a lot of people were seing the lady of the night) and did not use the matter at her advantage. Until today at least. She waited gently that the professor approve her demand (okay, her order) and left the office, followed by a confused Finn. But anyway, now Sam will have a 12 to his exam. I just have to be insistent, and the tasty food of his mother will do the main job... He can't resist to that.
To be continued
Note 1 : Hope you enjoyed. Next part as soon as possible. :)
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bucksnatalia · 8 years
for love
I’ve been trying to get this uploaded to AO3 but I guess too many people are trying to upload fics and drabbles at once for Valentine’s Day, so I’ll just upload it here and get you guys the AO3 link when it’s finally up. 
For now, I hope you enjoy this little bit of buckynat fluff, and happy Valentine’s Day! 
“You’re sure you’re alright with this?”
Bucky sat beside his sister, Becca’s, hospital bed, one of her grandchildren, Kimberly, seated beside him. He held a tiny box, nervously shuffling it between his hands.
Kimberly nodded with a little smile. “It was left to my dad after Great-Grandma passed, but he’d already gotten an engagement ring for my mom, so it hasn’t been used anyway. I think she would’ve wanted you to have it.”
“She certainly would have,” Becca said in agreement, “You got her hopes up with those letters about the German girl.”
A soft chuckle passed over Bucky’s lips. “I forgot I told her about that,” he said, wiping a hand over his face slowly, before opening the little box. Inside was his mother’s engagement ring -- an antique by now, but it must have been polished recently, because it looked just as he remembered it. It was as if it hadn’t aged at all.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” Kimberly asked.
Bucky looked up at her. “I guess we’ll find out.”
He stood, closing the box and tucking it safely away in his pocket. He was dressed nicely -- collared shirt and tie, a good jacket, shoes that weren’t sneakers or combat boots. “I should get going. I’m meeting her for dinner.”
“You had better tell me how it goes,” Becca said as Bucky leaned down to press a soft kiss to her wrinkled forehead. “And don’t forget the farmer’s market this weekend. We promised Mom we’d get her those apples she likes... what kind was it?”
“McIntosh,” Bucky said, looking at his grandniece with a sadness that looked all too familiar on his still young face. Turning his gaze away, he stepped around Kimberly’s chair and towards the door. “Don’t worry, Becca. We’ll get the apples for her.” He only paused once more on his way out to thank Kimberly again, and then promptly removed himself from the Alzheimer’s hospital.
Of course, he didn’t even make it to his car before a shout for help caught his attention. Looking around, he caught sight of a middle-aged woman struggling with a younger man who’d taken a firm hold of her purse and was attempting to wrestle it free of her grip.
As he began running in their direction, Bucky checked the clock on his phone -- he still had some time before he was supposed to meet Natasha. He could take care of this and still get to the restaurant early, no problem.
Natasha was busying herself with a second coating of red paint on her fingernails when her ringtone for James began to play.
Careful not to touch her wet nails to the screen, she tapped the answer button and set the phone to speaker. The Andrews Sisters voices abruptly stopped, and she quickly returned to painting her nails. “Hello, James.”
“Hey,” he said, and her brow furrowed. He sounded slightly out of breath, like he’d been running. “I might be a little late to dinner.”
“What happened?” Natasha asked, “I thought you were just going to visit your sister.”
“I was,” James said, “And on my way to the car afterwards I saw this lady getting her bag stolen. So I went to stop it, but the guy took off, so I chased him down. Turns out he had some buddies. Nothing I couldn’t handle, but one of them -- kinda stole something from me.”
“Stole something?” She sounded incredulous.
“Yeah, uh. One of them managed to trip me and it fell out of my pocket. They just grabbed it and ran, so now I’m running after them.”
“What did they take that was so important?”
“My pride.”
“It was, uh,” he said slowly, as if struggling with whether or not he should tell her. Finally, he relented. “It was your present.”
Her shoulders slumped. “James,” she said in a tone that might have been scolding if she wasn’t so endeared to him, “Sweetheart. We said no presents.”
“I know,” he said, “But I wasn’t sure if this was gonna be that type of thing where we say we won’t get each other presents so that we surprise each other when we actually do get each other presents or not, so...”
“Well, don’t be too late,” Natasha said, smiling a little to herself. “We have reservations.”
“I’ll get there as soon as I can,” he said, “I promise -- but I gotta go, I’m gonna try to cut them off. I’ll see you there.”
“Alright, see you,” she said, and hung up the phone with a shake of her head. Her boyfriend was a bit of an idiot -- but he was pretty cute, and thoughtful, so she would keep him.
Blowing on her nails to help them dry a little quicker, she stood and moved toward her closet to find something to wear.
Bucky was only running about five minutes late when he parked in the lot behind the restaurant where he was supposed to meet Natasha. He was... well, he was sort of a mess. His white shirt had been stained by the dirt when he’d fallen and half of it had un-tucked itself from his trousers, his tie was eschew, and his hair was tousled -- and there may have been a twig, or something, in it.
Rushing around the corner to the front, Bucky managed at least to brush whatever was in his hair out and tuck his shirt back in -- but Natasha already spotted him before he could fix his tie, and there was really no hiding the dirt. In one hand he held a heart-shaped box with a red ribbon tied around it -- something he’d picked up quickly on the way home.
Her green eyes widened as he approached, still slightly out of breath and a complete mess, and she raised a hand to cover her mouth. There was something in her other hand, but he wasn’t paying much attention to it. “Oh my God.”
“I know,” Bucky said, stepping up to kiss her temple. “Sorry I’m late.”
“You’re a mess,” Natasha said, pulling away to stare at him, eyes searching for injuries. “This is all from a few dumb kids?”
“A few,” he said, waving her off, “A dozen or so. What’s the difference?”
“James,” she said with a laugh, reaching up with her free hand to brush the dirt off of his shoulders and out of his hair. Her fingers paused on his face, and her eyes narrowed a little. “Did one of them actually manage to hit you?”
“Listen, when there’s twelve punches coming at you at once, there’s only so many you can dodge.”
“Oh, darling,” Natasha said, and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “You left them in one piece, right?”
“Deposited at the steps of the police station,” Bucky said, smiling down at her, “A little banged up, but not too bad...” He trailed off as he finally noticed what she was holding. “Did you get me flowers?”
“Well, you got me something, so I figured...” She held up a bouquet of about a dozen red roses, her gaze entirely affectionate. “Do you like them?”
“I love them. Thank you, Tasha,” he said, chuckling as he took the bouquet and leaned in to kiss her. As he pulled back, he handed her the heart-shaped box with an almost shy, sheepish grin.
She eyed the box questioningly, taking it from his hands with care. “Chocolate?”
“I -- I assume so. I didn’t actually check,” Bucky said, reaching up to rub the back of his neck with a soft laugh. “I was a little short on time.”
“As long as this isn’t what you chased down a bunch of dumb thugs for,” Natasha said, an amused gleam in her eyes. “You didn’t get it back? Whatever they stole from you?”
“Uh, no,” Bucky said, tucking his other hand into his pocket, where the little box was once again safe and sound, the ring inside unscratched. “Whoever had it must’ve dropped it, and I just didn’t notice.”
“What was it?” Natasha asked. She didn’t look or sound disappointed -- Bucky knew she didn’t care much about gifts -- but genuinely curious. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Just jewelry,” he said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t get it back. I can just get you something else another time, I guess.”
“It’s alright,” she said softly, “How about we skip dinner, get you cleaned up, and just watch a movie and order a pizza? And we can try out these mystery chocolates, while we’re at it.”
Although he knew she wasn’t upset or disappointed with him, Bucky still grinned apologetically at her. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
As if to prove to him that she wasn’t upset, she leaned up to kiss him one more time before saying, “Okay. I’ll let the host know, and we can meet at home. Deal?”
“Deal,” Bucky agreed, “See you at home.”
As he watched her go, she turned over her shoulder and added, “You’d better not start the shower without me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said as she disappeared through the door. Turning, he started back towards the car, lifting the bouquet to his nose to breathe in the sweet scent of the roses.
He would give the ring to her eventually -- with the chasing and the mess, it didn’t feel like the right time. But, as he patted the little box in his pocket and vendors along the street sang sweet, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”s to passerby, he wasn’t worried. There’d be a right time.
There was a bounce in his step as he returned to his car, and as he headed home, his smile could almost rival the city lights.
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