#dumb language fuckery is my favourite
rukafais · 1 year
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Before Entreri could respond, Kimmuriel came up to stand right before him. "Join with me," the drow psionicist said, lifting his fingers for Entreri's forehead.
The ever-wary assassin brushed the reaching hand away.
Kimmuriel tried to explain, but Entreri knew only the basics of drow language, not the subtleties. The psionicist's words sounded more like the joining of lovers than anything Entreri understood. Frustrated, Kimmuriel turned to Jarlaxle and started talking so fast that it seemed to Entreri as if he was saying one long word.
Sometimes I just think about this scene and crack up again
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icarus-suraki · 4 years
12, 46, 119 :)
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
In no particular order...
The Banjo Beat Yeah, I know it's a meme staple, but it's got the kind of sound I love and how cool would a bellydance choreography look to this?
Little Dark Age (slowed) Yes, I first heard this in one of the Angels & Demons tiktok compilations and I loved it, shut up. I love the 80s goth energy in the video too. Like, it just hits the spot, you know?
Tick.Tock.Magical.Idol.Time  Because sometimes you just gotta find a happy place, okay? If there's ever a lipsynch or idol show at a convention, this is gonna be what I perform in my cute cyclops kigurumi mask. Absolutely. (The Pripara animes got me through a very long winter a few years ago. I'd literally get up earlier than I needed so I could see the latest clips after a new episode aired before I went to work lol. And, yes, I love Yui, but Lalaa is best girl. They get to perform together, though.)
Lots of Zenbukimi and Not Secured,Loose Ends songs lately. I'll throw these here for an example: "Loud Asymmetry" and "独白園" ["Garden Monologue" or "Monologue Garden"?]. I have a whole YT playlist, lol. I'm kind of fascinated by the whole "underground idol" phenomenon and the CodomoMental label groups because they're both idols and anti-idols, which is kind of an interesting conflict within "idol-style" music in Japan...
Superman This is what I use for my alarm every morning in the hopes that high energy ska-punk will make me get up. It doesn't always work, but I like the song anyway. I've been on a real ska and ska-punk streak lately.
46. What are you paranoid about?
On the one hand, as a Thomas Pynchon fan, who has major themes of paranoia in, uh, all of his books, I have to laugh. But, at the same time, I'm so much less paranoid than I used to be. I put this down to my medications. In the past, wow, I've been paranoid about, uh, everything?
I think I'm kind of weak willed because any kind of "world's gonna end on x date" thing would send me into multi-day panic attacks. Nostradamus, obscure and dubious prophecies, biblical interpretations, Book of Revelations, political stuff, anything. I'd find myself believing all kinds of irrational things but not feeling like I could do anything about it (I mention this in particular because it’s markedly different from the Q-Anon fandom that is determined to Do Something about what they believe is happening; I felt informed but helpless, like there was an air raid siren blaring but nowhere to go and no shelter to be had, only inevitable destruction needling down from the clear blue sky). Like, all these terrible things are going to happen to us all and there's nothing we can do about it. Biblical stuff would always set me off in a major, major way. I'm rather proud I can shake off all the people talking about microchips in vaccines because a few years ago I would have been panicking about whether that was true and what the ramifications would be because, obviously, there was no way to get out of this inevitable fate or possible damnation and maybe it was the Mark of the Beast so what does that mean? Are there going to be people starving outside grocery stores now? Was xyz event really a sign? How much are we going to suffer??? What if I'm not good enough for God?????? Lots of religious anxiety in my past, as you can see. And some still, to be honest.
Yeah, it sucked. Glad I got most of that anxiety sorted before 2020 lol. (I sometimes think I could use a bit of anxiety because now I'll do dumb shit without fear because, eh, who cares? So I may have swung too far in the opposite direction.)
119. Favourite book? It's a three-way tie, baybee!
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: I wrote a bang-up college admissions essay on this book and why it's not actually about censorship (as is usually but incorrectly taught) but rather about a disinterest in books/reading or an anxiety about the intense emotions that reading can bring out in the reader and I want to major in English so please let me come to your school to do that. And, guess what? They did. I read this book and then I felt feverish for, like, a week after. That's how hard it hit me, especially surrounded by high school classmates who really didn't care about school or reading or anything. It was like "fuck, this is too close to possible!" Anyway, it's still not about censorship.
Ulysses by James Joyce: This book, this thing, has such a reputation of being Evil and Dirty. So I read it. Fuck it, why not? Actually, I had been assigned some stories out of Dubliners to read over the Thanksgiving break my freshman year and I was kind of like "why the fuck did no one ever tell me to read these before now?" So I went and read Portrait of the Artist. N.B.: I think I was ~18 or 19 at the time and that thing hit me like not just a ton of bricks but about six tons of bricks. Like, I know I'm part of the .05% of people who actually like The Catcher in the Rye, but I think that's because I read it when I was ~15 or 16, because I was the ideal age and in the ideal mindset to read it. (The older I get, the more I identify with Holden's teacher, Mr. Spencer, who essentially tells Holden that if you can just hang on, I promise it gets better and you can do the shit you want really soon. But I also know how badly that would have gone over with my 16 year-old self, so...) So, anyway, in internet parlance, I realized I was kin with Stephen Dedalus, right? The only natural next step after PotA was Ulysses, since that picks up after PotA, so I just jumped into that with a copy from the used bookstore and separate annotation book from my school's library. And, o my fuck, Jim, you fucko, how did you do this? Like "I'm gonna create so many references and so many layers that you're going to have fun picking at this for years." And he was right! I have never been to Dublin but I can navigate the older parts of the city thanks to this dirty, profane, vulgar, obscene piece of literature lmao. I finished it the first time when I was almost 22, Stephen's age in the book. I went to Europe that summer, 2004, which was 100 years after the events in the book (1904) and intended to play at being Stephen, but that shit did not work out as planned and ended up being more accurate to canon than expected: i.e. everything was terrible and I suffered very artistically. I had planned on going to Ireland this year, because I turned 38 this year, Leopold Bloom's age in the book. 2020 wasn't having it. So maybe 2021? Or maybe 2022, the anniversary of its publication. This thing hangs in the background for me constantly and it's like the most amazing running joke in my life. I dressed up as Stephen for Halloween in 2004 too. Just sayin’.
Gravity's Rainbow: When I was working at a major chain bookstore immediately after college, it was retail hell and I was extremely depressed and everything sucked. I had no direction, no plan, no nothing. I kind of wanted to go get a PhD in English, though. So I started using my employee's discount to buy and read all the books that everyone seemed to talk about but had never read. Among those was Gravity's Rainbow, which was a title that intrigued me but I had no idea what it was "about." And saying what it's "about" isn't all that easy but that's kind of not the point. Just know that it's a dirty little book about sex and rockets. The point is the fuckery that our boy Tom Pynchon does with words and language and imagery and little winking references to things. I fucking love it. It's like, yeah. It's set during World War II and immediately after and it's bonkers and the author wrote most of it while very, very high. I went on and read the rest of his books (The Crying of Lot 49 is pretty much tied with GR for my affections; I would cosplay a theatrical interpretation of a Tristero courier if I ever had the opportunity) and bought Against the Day literally on the day it came out because I had become that much of a dork. (I also read Finnegans Wake about this time, which I also really love, a fact which really unsettles some people.)
Why can’t I be normal? I have no idea. I blame my past and my proclivities. 
Ask me stuff! Put question in, get blathering out!
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collective-laugh · 5 years
Answer 21, Tag 21
Aaah I was tagged by the lovely @apprenticeofcups, so...here guys!
1. Nicknames: Back in high school, my friends would call me “Carless” because my name is Carly, and I didn’t have a car. I thought they were calling my “Carlus” and had no idea they were making fun of me
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer!
3. Height: 5′4″
4. Hogwarts 🏠: ravenclaw
5. Last Thing I Googled: "aesthetic music forties” for a piece I’m writing
6. Favourite Musicians: Mother Mother, Nicole Dollonganger, Natalia Kills (she be problematic but her music is fire), 
7. Song Stuck in My Head: “Me and Mr. Jones” by Amy Winehouse (what kind of fuckery is this?)
8. Following Now: 70
9. Followers: 673 (which is just...surreal)
10. Do I Get Asks?: Yep! They’re usually requests, but I’m open for requests and conversation starters/questions! 
11. Amount of 💤?: I actually have a really bad sleep schedule! Some nights I sleep 14+ hours, and then some I don’t sleep at all. It’s a toss of the dice.
12. Lucky Number: 2458
13. What I’m Wearing: buckled sandals, white tank shirt, grey cardigan, jeans, glasses, rings, hair in a clip
14. Dream Job: sugar baby (just kidding, I want to have my own practice as a substance abuse counselor)
15. Dream Trip: I want to go to Lisbon, Portugal! I knew a woman who went just after she left the Peace Corps, and she suggested it to me, and it’s intrigued me ever since. I’d also like to hit Puerto Rico on the way, but that’s mostly because I have family from there, lmao
16. Favourite Food: dinosaur chicken nuggets or hot dogs cut up in macaroni and cheese (my gf hates me)
17. Instruments: do instruments of torture count?
18. Languages: English, a miniscule amount of Spanish, and American Sign Language (I count myself as bilingual, but I’m not fluent in ASL)
19. Favourite Song: At the moment it’s Private Investigations by the Dire Straits! @dr-devorak-will-seeyounow suggested I listen to it and it’s inspired me to write my detective series!
20. Random Fact: I am shit at cooking. I once set a bowl of cereal on fire, and I was so tired one time, I took mac and cheese out of the fridge and put hot sauce on it with the intent of heating up the, like temperature.
I’m also a double major in psychology and addiction studies with a minor in English and I have a certification to be a legal assistant, so I’m not completely dumb guys.
21. Aesthetic: (I just threw this together but hey it’s me)
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Okay so 21 people (if you’ve already done this please ignore me)
@dr-devoraak @dr-devorak-will-seeyounow @vesuviass @spongieq-arcana @pageofcupsreversed @missrabbitart @vesuviansecrets @arcanedrabbles @tragic-magic-thot @marsbie @julians-chest-hair @devorak-titties @asrascum @mwriel @the-arcana-fluff-and-stuff @the-lazaret @the-arcana-hoe @i-dont-speak-wolf @everyonesfavoritelesbian @witchy-dude23 @hello--artbug
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isa-ghost · 5 years
The thomas sanders fandom for the ask thing?
Favorite character:
Deceit or Virgil
Least Favorite character:
I wanna say Remus, but the bastard is slowly growing on me and I hate it. xD I don’t hate any of them but Roman and Remus I’m least attached to. I don’t hate any of them at all though.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Yuck, no. They’re all part of Thomas, no shipping.
Character I find most attractive:
Deceit. >:T Godamn fancy slightly not-human looking villains are my weakness.
Character I would marry:
None, they’re all gay like Thomas and I respect that.
Character I would be best friends with:
Virgil for sure. Music and clothing tastes?? Love for Halloween? Fuck yeah.
A random thought:
Thomas & the crew are so fucking brilliant with their foreshadowing I’m gonna throw hands.
An unpopular opinion:
Deceit CAN be a villain while wanting to help Thomas. He can dislike/not get along with/be an ass to the other Sides without intentionally harming Thomas. In my opinion, he’s chaotic neutral or lawful evil. He’s not interested in being a good guy to the other Sides. He’s interested in being a good guy to Thomas. He’s doesn’t do things soft and sugary, he slaps down the cold hard truth that everyone wants to pretend doesn’t exist. Ironically, Deceit kinda exposes how deceitful looking at things in Only a good light can be. He exposes the bad/ugly just as much as the good. He’s ALLOWED to be called an antagonist towards the other Sides. He is undeniably that at least a little. What he ISN’T is the antagonist of the whole Sanders Sides Universe story.
My Canon OTP:
If shipping gets brought into the SSU canonically, I’m gonna stop watching tbh, just sayin’. :/
My Non-canon OTP:
N o. S h i p p i n g. T h e  S i d e s. They’re all part of Thomas.
Most Badass Character:
Honestly? Logan. This smart bitch has to put up with sO MUCH from the other 3 + Thomas + the Dark Sides, on top of not always grasping the concept of metaphors and all the other nonsense the others might say that’s not literal, and he somehow manages to tolerate all of that and keep the peace and slap down Facts so they all chill out. They’d all be a MESS without him. He’s honestly underappreciated.
Most Epic Villain:
Deceit. Again, not a villain to the story. A villain towards the other Sides. The way he can just pop in whenever the fuck he wants and play on their insecurities, call them out on something he thinks is bullshit, or just stir up fuckery for whatever reason he feels like, I love it. I love how he keeps Thomas in mind bc Thomas is just as important to him as he is to the rest of them, but still likes to fuck with the others just bc he’s a shitlord.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
All of them. Patton/Virgil is the worst bc they’re like father/son so like,,, eegh, but I’m not a fan of any of them.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
N O N E. They put so much effort and careful detail into all of them, down to the significance of name and character design, they are s o fucking good at intricately making each side unique and establishing really awesome dynamics between every character and another. I love how no two Sides have a similar dynamic with each other. Patton/Logan’s dynamic with each other is totally different to Patton/Virgil. Even the dynamics that don’t get a ton of attention/screentime are unique. I love Thomas & Co’s attention to detail, its so passionate and well thought out.
Favourite Friendship:
Patton and Virgil. I love how Patton just kinda “this is my son and I will THROW HANDS, DARN YOU”
Character I most identify with:
Even though I’m least attached to him, Roman. He’s flamboyant, energetic, gay as hell, Extra(tm), creative, always looking for new ideas, and kinda gets the short end of the stick sometimes. He needs reassurance/approval/validation more often than he likes to admit and he can be kinda hot-headed and impulsive. Naturally the leader type, and very animated with his body language, as well as his insults. xD He has huge Aries energy like me.
Character I wish I could be:
Thomas tbh. I wish I could summon 4+ people at will to talk my poor dumb ass through a situation bc idk what the f u c k I’m doing sometimes.
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