#duncan hobhouse slander
cursedonyx · 1 year
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skz-stay13 · 3 months
My first Hogwarts Legacy Fanfic
Hey guys my sister (crypticslytherin1) on Wattpad and I have been writing a fanfic series and we just posted the prologue to book one on AO3 if anyone is interested I'll link it here and make a masterlist for it on my page
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I don't know if this was here already but I hate
-talking shit
Nobody could possibly like that for real. Like c'moon.
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cranetreegang · 1 year
The Duel - Ominis x FemReader
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Summary: Jealousy is an ugly feeling. And Ominis finds himself having to deal with it.
Warnings: Puffskein Dunkein Slander
Word Count: ~3,300 words
Hogwarts Legacy Master List
Ominis heads down the stairs of Central Hall with an unmistakable smile on his face. It’s hard not to catch Ominis Gaunt without a warm smile playing on his lips nowadays, and people have taken notice. Most have wondered quietly as to what could be behind Ominis’ high spirits. Some whisper that it’s due to nefarious reasons - an evil ploy he’s plotting, or even a dark spell he’s mastered. Others watch him warily, unwilling to throw the Gaunt from his joy - lest they earn his brutal, cold wrath. 
Ominis ignores the not-so-quiet whispers and the feeling of eyes on him as he passes, and continues towards his destination. He hears the soothing trickle of water landing into the fountain’s basin - signaling his arrival at their meeting spot - but his smile falters. A familiar, grating voice pierces his ears, causing his brows to pinch. 
Duncan Hobhouse. A cowardly, spineless worm of a classmate.
Normally, this wouldn’t warrant Ominis to descend into such a foul mood. But, it’s who Duncan is currently speaking to which ignites the irateness brewing within Ominis. 
Her soft giggles as Duncan speaks makes Ominis clench his wand tighter in his hand. Questions whirl in his mind at what could Hobhouse possibly be saying to warrant her laughs - her smile. Something cold twists his belly in a cruel way and he scowls at the sensation. 
Ominis approaches her with a tense, but faux smile, and says, “Hello, darling.” 
She falls silent mid-sentence, her eyes wide in surprise. Ominis doesn’t normally use such terms of endearments in front of others - wanting to keep their relationship more on the secretive side so as to not draw attention from his family with unbecoming rumors. She sees the subtle pinch in Ominis’ dark brows and the slight frown weighing the corners of his lips. She wonders what’s gotten Ominis so frustrated as she steps closer to him.
“There you are, Ominis. Duncan was just catching me up on the latest in Wizarding gossip,” she says. 
Despite her close proximity to him, Ominis finds no easement from the coldness twisting his insides. Ominis turns his attention towards the other boy.
“Mhm, Hobhouse,” Ominis practically seethes in greeting.
“Gaunt,” Duncan replies warily then follows up with a slight cough as he looks towards her. “I-I was actually hoping to ask you something.” 
“Oh? What is it?” she wonders. 
Ominis bites his inner cheek, but it isn’t enough to restrain him from making his snide remark,
“Yes, what is it you require of her this time? Need her to retrieve another leaf for you? Or do you need something far more imposing to impress our peers? Perhaps a dragon’s scale would finally put all those nasty rumors to bed, Puffskein Dunkein.” 
“Ominis,” she chastises under her breath. 
Duncan squares his shoulders with a huff, “No, actually. I-I wanted to a-ask if you would-, if you would want to go to the library with me. And afterwards we-, we could go to Hogsmeade for a butterbeer.”
She stares at Duncan in a bit of shock. Duncan’s face is all but rosy red and he can’t even look her in the eyes as he awaits her response. Her mind fumbles with a way to gently turn Duncan down.
Meanwhile, Ominis’ lip curls in disgust. He all but nearly shatters his wand with how tightly he grips the handle. The coldness quickly transforms. It’s an ugly, hot feeling thrashing about in his chest and gnawing at his belly now. 
Ominis bitterly chuckles, “Oh, how quaint.”
She nudges Ominis while giving Duncan a more sympathetic smile, “I appreciate the offer Duncan, but I’m afraid I have prior obligations today.” 
Duncan nods with a frown, “Oh… okay. How about another time?”
Ominis’ heart pounds in his ears like an erratic drum. The audacity of Hobhouse, Ominis seethes to himself. Asking her on a date. Right in front of him!
Before she can reply, Ominis does first in a seething tone, “What makes you believe that you have any sort of chance to be with her, Dunkein? You’re obviously delusional to even consider the idea. Just because she’s nice to you - doesn’t mean she has any interests in the ilks of you. You’re nothing more than a passing thought. A thing to be pitied, and nothing more.”
Her mouth drops a bit at Ominis’ heated words and even more searing scowl.
“And what? She does with you, Gaunt?” Duncan hisses. “You aren’t a-a, thing to be pitied too?!”
She bites her lip as her cheeks flush, “Please, both of you, that’s enough.” She directs the last bit at Ominis. 
Ominis steps forwards anyways, “And what if she does? It’s not like you’re capable of doing anything about it.”
“Ominis,” she whispers to him as she places a hand on his forearm, “What are you doing?” 
Ominis turns his head towards her for a moment with a scowl plastered on his face. There’s a noticeable red flush tainting his pale cheeks and neck. She’s never seen him like this before. 
Slipping her arm into Ominis’, she turns to Duncan with an apologetic smile.
“We really must be going. It was nice talking to you, Dunke-,” she coughs, “Duncan.” 
Ominis doesn’t stop his smirk from showing as he begins to escort her away. 
“You think you’re so much better than me, Gaunt?” Duncan shouts. 
Ominis stops mid stride despite her trying to urge him to keep walking, turning his head back towards the outraged boy behind them.
“I don’t think such things. I know I am,” Ominis sneers. 
Duncan’s lip curls and anger flashes in his dark eyes, “You’re not! In fact, I-I challenge you to a duel.” 
Her mouth parts with an audible gasp. Ominis slips from her loose hold and turns towards Duncan.
“A duel?” Ominis cranes his head - his stormy gray eyes aflame with amusement. “And, pray tell, what are you hoping to accomplish in this ‘duel’?”
Duncan takes a heated step towards Ominis, “If I win, you leave her and I alone.” 
Ominis laughs, “And when I win? Will you do the same?”
“Yes,” Duncan spits between clenched teeth. 
“Very well,” Ominis stands taller with a smirk, “This afternoon. Three O'clock. Clocktower Courtyard. We’ll see if you gather enough courage to show.” 
Ominis turns on his heel and walks away, leaving Duncan fuming and her flabbergasted. She gathers herself enough to chase after Ominis. They walk in silence until they arrive at the Undercroft.
“What in Merlin’s name was that about?” she exclaims as soon as they step foot into the secluded damp space. 
Sebastian peeks up from his book and looks at the pair with an amused smile, “Are you two about to have a Lover’s Quarrel? Because I can leave.”
Ominis scoffs, “Please do.”
She rolls her eyes then turns back towards Ominis, “Why did you just accept a duel from Duncan Hobhouse? Of all people.” 
Sebastian stops shoving his papers into his bag and raises his brow, “Wait, Ominis accepted a duel? Better yet, someone challenged Ominis to a duel?”
“Yes to all counts,” she sighs.
Ominis sneers, “Doubtful there will be an actual duel. He’ll probably lose his nerve and not even show his cowardly face.”
“What is going on with you? Has Duncan done something to deserve this horrid treatment from you?” she wonders. 
Sebastian leans against the pillar while Ominis starts to pace between them. 
“I have many qualms with that imbecile,” Ominis hisses. “He’s delusional. Cowardly. The nerve! To think he could ask you out for a butterbeer,” he practically spits out the last word with lethal venom.
Sebastian lets out an obnoxious laugh, “Oh, wow. I have never seen you so jealous before, Ominis. Must say, it’s not a good look on you.”
Ominis whips his head towards Sebastian, “I am most certainly not jealous. Certainly not of something as pathetic as Hobhouse.” 
She crosses her arms, “Then why are you dueling him this afternoon?” 
Ominis remains silent, his brows furrowing while he continues his pacing.
“So, Ominis and Hobhouse are dueling? What for?” Sebastian questions.
She blushes as she says, “For my attention, it seems. Which I’m none too pleased with. Why on earth would you think I would ever want to spend time alone with Duncan?” 
Sebastian chuckles, “So, let me make sure I’m understanding this - Ominis and Puffskein Dunkein are both about to duel for your affection? Even though you and Ominis are already courting.”
Ominis’ ears turn a notable shade of pink and Sebastian laughs heartily at the sight.
“Oh, that’s rich,” Sebastian grins. “So, Hobhouse has no clue he’s in a lose-lose right now.” 
“Enough, Sebastian,” Ominis snaps. 
“No, I think there should be some stakes for you, Ominis. You’re the one who wanted to duel - it’s only fair,” Sebastian states. 
“What’re you suggesting?” she asks.
Sebastian has a wide, devilish smirk as he says, “If Duncan beats you, Ominis, she has to go out on a date with him.”
“What?!” The couple both exclaim.
“You heard me,” Sebastian replies with a cocky smile, “You need some actual consequences to this duel, my friend. Otherwise, you won’t take it seriously.” 
“And do I not get a say in this? Why am I the one that has to be punished with a date with Dunkein?” she frowns. 
“Do you not believe I’ll win?” Ominis questions with pinched brows. 
Her mouth parts in a bit of shock at his question then she sighs, “I’ve never seen you duel anyone before, sweetheart. Not even Sebastian.” 
Ominis frowns, “So you are doubting me then.”
Her brows furrow, “That’s not what I’m saying.” 
Her and Ominis seem to be locked in a staring match and Sebastian lets out a loud cough to break them from it.
“What time is this duel?” Sebastian asks.
“Three,” she looks at her pocket watch. “So, in twenty minutes.” 
Sebastian claps his hands together then heads towards the exit, “Well, we better head that way.”
Her and Ominis spare longing glances at one another - his blueish-gray eyes seemingly searching for hers - before he follows after Sebastian. She watches them leave for a moment, wondering how she ended up upsetting Ominis, then she catches up to the boys. 
The walk to the courtyard is silent, with Sebastian sparing glances at the silent couple behind him. Ominis appears troubled, but focused. His eyes, steely and his expression hardened. On the other hand, she looks far more turbulent. Worry, frustration, and anticipation are clearly written on her face. 
Sebastian halts his stride long enough to wrap his arms around both of their shoulders, squeezing them close to his sides.
“Cheer up, you two,” Sebastian grins. “It’s not everyday Ominis decides to show us what for with his impeccable dueling abilities.” 
Ominis snorts, “Seems my ‘impeccable’ abilities are in question.” 
She frowns, “Ominis-,”
She’s rendered silent as they arrive at the courtyard. It’s alive with a crowd of students all eagerly chatting to one another. 
“Looks like word got around, eh,” Sebastian says while he releases his hold on his two friends. 
There’s hushed whispers and lively chattering between the decent sized gathering of spectators. Duncan is already in position, twirling his wand in his palm. 
Ominis smirks for a moment when he senses Hobhouse’s presence, amused that the little coward actually decided to show. And with the sounds of several of their peers here, Ominis’ chest swells with eager confidence. It’s almost enough to drown out how his love doubts him. Almost. 
Rolling his shoulders, he begins to slip off his school robe when he feels someone approach behind him. Her soft scent reaches his nose, followed by her gentle touch on his shoulders. A harsh temptation of shooing her away crosses his mind, but the thought is fleeting. He lets her help him out of his robe, feeling her warm fingers glide over his arms as she does. She folds his robe over her forearm then steps closer to him.
“I do believe in you, Ominis,” she whispers. “So, I won’t even bother telling you good luck. You don’t need it.”
Guilt coils in his chest for a moment, but he refuses to let it tighten around him. He spares her a warm smile instead, and slightly bows his head towards her. She squeezes his hand, conveying all that she can’t say. And he squeezes her hand back, affirming he feels the same. 
Releasing her hand, Ominis strides towards his place opposite Duncan. She stands next to Sebastian on the sideline with their other eager classmates, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaits the duel to start. Ominis’ gaze is pointed to the ground, but his stance is tall and proud. He rolls up the sleeves of his white dress shirt to the middle of his forearms. A far more casual look than he normally sports, but it’s dashing all the same. She can’t deny how her breath hitches at the sight, earning herself an elbow to the ribs from Sebastian.
“You’re practically drooling,” he teases in a whisper.
“Am not,” she hisses back to him. 
Ominis swishes his wand out in front of him with an arm behind his back. He looks regal, calm, confident - similar to a panther waiting to strike his prey. She grips onto his robe, pressing the garment against her chest to ease her growing nerves.
“Ready when you are, Dunkein,” Ominis says with a sneer. 
Duncan’s lip curls at the nickname, “When I win, you can’t call me that again, Gaunt!” 
“Whatever you say,” Ominis smirks with a low chuckle, waiting for Duncan’s first move. Duncan gathers himself then shouts,
Ominis doesn’t even bother blocking, and instead steps to the side with utter ease. His wand movement is like a whip, casting out his first spell with incredible speed, and Duncan barely blocks it. Ominis doesn’t give Duncan any time to respond though. She watches in awe at Ominis’ graceful movements as he duels. It’s like a dance. With his wand striking out with deadly and ruthless precision. 
Ominis won’t deny how his blood sings and his heart races as he senses Hobhouse’s spells come towards him. The slight change in the air, the taste of electric metal, the sounds of magic as it flies towards him - it’s all rather invigorating. He also won’t deny that Duncan is a decent opponent, and he may actually pose a challenge in a few years. For now, Ominis relishes in their duel for what it is - an unmistakable message. 
Having enough fun, blue sparks erupt from Ominis’ wand, blinding Duncan. Then Ominis calmly casts,
“Everte Statum.”
Duncan is flung back with such force, his body flips through the air and he crashes into the wall with a resounding thud. Duncan lays on the ground, dazed. The duel - finished. The crowd cheers and claps while Ominis has a pleased smirk on his face. 
He hears her footsteps over the excited chatter and he turns towards her with his hand extended. Her hand slides into his, and he brings it up to place a soft kiss on the top. She blushes with a soft smile then whispers in his ear,
“You were magnificent, sweetheart.”
She presses a tender kiss on his cheek then steps away from him. Ominis smiles, his cheeks flushing a beautiful shade of red. 
Duncan is helped to his feet by his friends and they make their way over to Ominis. Hearing their approach, Ominis turns his attention towards them.
“I must admit,” Ominis says with a neutral expression, “I’m impressed you even bothered to show up. So, well done.” 
Duncan scoffs, “Save it, Gaunt.”
Duncan’s friends help him out of the courtyard while Ominis turns back to her. The guilt from earlier tightens around his chest and he clears his throat.
“I wouldn’t mind taking you to dinner, love. As a means of apology.”
She hands him back his robe with a sigh, “Well, you did win - seems only fair you get your prize.”
Ominis’ brows furrow, “That’s not why-,” he cuts himself off with a frown, his gaze low. “Please, let me make it up to you.”
She wraps her arm with his, “Very well.”
Sebastian comes up to them before they can depart. 
“Took your sweet time there, Ominis,” Sebastian pats Ominis on the shoulder with a grin.
Ominis smirks, “I’d hate to leave the crowd disappointed without a spectacle.” 
“You were toying with him?” she questions. 
“Taking my time,” Ominis corrects. 
Sebastian nods while backtracking away from them, “Whatever you want to call it, it’s safe to say Dunkein won’t be trying anything with your girl anytime soon.” 
Ominis holds her arm closer to him with a slight scowl, making Sebastian laugh as he turns and leaves. Ominis leads her from the courtyard and towards the rickety old wooden long bridge. Despite the blowing wind through the rafters, it’s rather peaceful out. 
He turns to her, grabbing both of her hands, and says, “I want to apologize for my behavior.” 
“Please do,” she smirks while squeezing his hands. “I’ve never seen you act that way before.”
“I know,” he sighs with a tight frown. “I like to think I’m more in control of my more… unbecoming emotions.” He falls silent, his brows pinching while he rubs his thumbs over the tops of her hands. “Hearing him speak to you - asking you to dinner - it evoked a rather nasty feeling within me. It made me angry that he couldn’t see how much love I have for you, or that he did and he was doing it in spite of it. Either way, I did not like Hobhouse asking to spend time with you right in front of me.” 
She looks down at their joined hands then back up to his distraught face. 
She lets out a soft sigh, “You know I have no interest in spending time with Hobhouse, right? He’s merely a friend. And I use the term ‘friend’ very generously.” 
“It may not be Hobhouse next time,” Ominis replies quickly. “It might be some other boy who fancies you. Someone… better.” 
Ominis’ face falls and a grimace drags down his handsome features. She rubs her thumbs along the tops of his hands with a worried frown.
“Do you believe my love for you is so fickle?” she asks in a quiet voice. 
He shakes his head earnestly, “No. That’s not at all what I think.” He falls silent once more before finally whispering, “But, it doesn’t mean that I don’t wonder if I’m good enough for you.” 
She cups his cheek with a soft smile, “Ominis Gaunt - you are more than good enough for me. Don’t ever think otherwise. A million boys could walk up to me with their interests in courtship, but I would pay them no mind unless it was you. I love you, Ominis.”
A warm smile overtakes him while he presses her hand closer to him - his eyes fluttering shut. 
“To hear you say that,” he chuckles, “makes this whole afternoon feel all the more foolish. I never should’ve let my emotions get the better of me. I deeply apologize, and I won’t let it happen again.”
She smiles, “Good. Although, you were quite amazing to watch. I wouldn’t mind dueling you sometime.” She reaches up and places a soft kiss on his lips, “But, for now, you have a romantic dinner to plan.” 
She giggles as she lets him go and heads back towards the castle. He listens to her walking away with a blushing smile and he wonders to himself - how did he get so lucky?
AN: sorry i haven't been posting much. im preganant and have been dealing with that and *looks at my hours on steam for Baldur's Gate 3* uhhh yeah let's not talk about that.
ANYWAYS, thought it would be fun to do a story with Ominis being a god at dueling. and also duncan slander hehe. i really love writing sebastian and mc and ominis banter. like they just goofball besties and i love it.
I may have let some Astarion leak all over Ominis (especially when he starts roasting Duncan) so that's my b.
hope to have more out soon! feedback always appreciated <3
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yimmy-poo · 6 months
If you guys are going to slander Duncan Hobhouse at least do it PROPERLY!!
Ominis isn’t the one who gave Duncan his nickname! Ominis doesn’t even hate Duncan and there is stats in the game files to prove it.
Ominis is actually indifferent to Duncan.
Everett and Andrew are Duncan’s Bullies.
Everett gave Duncan the nickname and Duncan says things during his quests twice to back that up.
And the “once a coward always a coward line” is Andrew’s you can tell because the line is said with Andrew’s accent rather than Ominis’
I love Duncan so much, but I get a lot of people don’t! But if you’re going to bully him, bully him properly!!
(Adelaide Oakes actually hates Duncan the most in the game files!)
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eggymf-archived · 1 year
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💕happy Sunday, sending love and good vibes.
Also ready for some Duncan Hobhouse slander
Happy Sunday to you too! Thank you for this. Certainly needed it after today's chaos. 🥲
I'm far from done but hope y'all will like pt. 12 once it's released. It's a bit light-hearted compared to future chapters that might be a bit lore-heavy in a way. 🥹🐥🖋️
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cursedonyx · 9 months
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Presented with a golden opportunity, Sebastian, Ominis and Dracaena decide to play a prank on their fellow students. Shockingly, Ominis wants to prank Duncan Hobhouse.
From an upcoming chapter of my main fic, links in my masterlist
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