witchlingcirce · 5 months
One thing I think will be a cool edition in TWP is the swords, lol.
We have Ash and Janus who obviously have Phaesphoros and Heosphoros. (phaesphoros on top and Heosphoros on the bottom. Both of these depictions our from the TMI graphic novels, Vol 1 and Vol 6 )
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I’d presume that Janus has Phaesphoros and that Ash has Heosphoros (or maybe just ash has both). I can definitely seeing them using these swords throughout the entire series. I think there’s a chance that Ash will get ahold of both swords at some point and maybe even give one away. Maybe too Dru or maybe even giving Clary one!
Also on a side note, I really like how the graphic novels depict them as Katana’s, I like how unique it makes it compared to the other swords we see throughout the series.
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There is also the sword of Durrendal. Now if this sword were to go to anyone, I definitely think it would go to Kit.
Now, of course we know that the sword faded after it had served its purpose butttt I don’t think it’s served all its purpose. I mean it IS a sister sword to Cortana.
Cassie has said that the plot of TWP will loosely follow Arthurian legend. While I am not familiar with this legend, I do know that Arthur does pull a sword called Excalibur from a rock. I know this is a common theory, but I could genuinely imagine kit pulling this sword out of a rock.
Anyways, can’t wait to see them all being badasses and kicking demons!
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viciousgracearc · 3 years
zisa isn’t just the goddess of the forest, she is the goddess of the deep, dark forest. the kind of forest so filled with trees, and moss, and other vegetation that sunlight barely permeates the canopy of leaves. she is the goddess of forested places that no man has walked in in hundreds maybe even thousands of years. zisa doesn’t take care of the trees or the animals ( she can, but there are other deities and forest spirits that do that job better ), instead she stands guard between mankind and those deep, dark, yawning spaces, and every malevolent creature that lurks there. zisa isn’t your standard nature deity in that sense. as the first woodwife, her goal is to keep some things in the dark, so those that live in the light can thrive there unharmed. 
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Jem deserves to wield Cortana (or Durrendal) at least once in the TWP battle. You know how Thor's hammer went flying to Steve? Like that
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sweetiesplum · 4 years
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Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale in The Twilight Saga
Graphtober 2020
Week 4 : Ambiance colorée
Day 27 : Eclipse
Pour ce jour 27, quand j’ai vu passé le thème, je me suis dit qu’il fallait que je graphe sur le troisième film de la saga Twilight qui se nomme si à propos Eclipse. J’assume totalement faire partie de cette génération ayant les livres et avoir vu les films au cinéma. En vrai, maintenant que j’y réfléchi, je rejoins assez l’avis de Durrendal concernant ces films : le background est super intéressant mais les personnages principaux (coucou Isabella et Edward !) sont à chier mais d’une force (sans compter toute la relation toxique qu’il y a derrière). Donc j’ai graphé pour le graphtober sur Rosalie où on apprend les circonstances de sa transformation dans le film.
Et en postant aujourd’hui, je suis officiellement à la bourre concernant le Graphtober ! x) Dire que j’avais bien commencé le truc en n’étant pas trop en retard ! x) Mais avec ce qui m’est arrivé à la fin du mois (à savoir mon accident de voiture), je me dis que c’est un moindre mal. Je tâcherai de le finir bien sûr ! :D (Surtout que je suis relativement contente de moi de ce que j’ai pu faire par exemple pour le jour 26 ou les créations sur la semaine des films/séries ! :heart:)
@graphtober @andthereisawoman
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