#I love swords can you guys tell
shadydirt · 4 years
Okay, but can we talk about how wildly WRONG people are interpreting how Rhodes handled Cinder? 
Rhodes was a hunstman, who found young abused girl who wanted to take things into her own hands. He did everything in his power to help Cinder, he took her under his wing, spent his own time whenever he was around to train her to fight for good and was gonna help her get to an acadmy eventually, which was what she wanted. 
No, Rhodes did not kidnap a 10 year old, because dispite being a hunstman that is still illigal. No, he didn’t go to the police, because they were in Atlas, a place that makes shock collar necklaces likely intended for faunus slavery. 
Hell, even if what the Mademe was doing was illigal then what happens to Cinder? She was traficked into Atlas, meaning she has no ties there, so she’d likely be put into the foster system in a very cruel city where she’d probably have faced more abuse or at the fery least been mistreated for having truma from her youth. 
Even when Rhodes watched her kill her abusers, after their fight, he doesnt try to kill her, he goes to comfort her. Sure, he would’ve brought her to the police after that, but even after she stabbs him, his final act in life was to comfort her, to show her that even if she was damaged by so many there was still love in this world for her. 
Rhodes was never the bad guy, he was a good man trying to help a hurt girl. It really upsets me that people aren’t getting that.
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
Not even remotely bbcm-related but im watching the 11th detective conan movie rn (yknow, the one with the pirates?) and i know it gets a lot of flack for being weird and mediocre, but uhhhhh. guys. this movie's Lesbian Vibes are off the goddamn CHARTS
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rewatched kalots tonight. are you still down to tell about that at the drop of a hat? tell me about how maggie is guinevere
my hand is fate, my word is law
“Appreciate it, Maggie,” Arthur had said, gripping her shoulder with a calloused hand, like she was any of the scruffy loyalists who stormed the castle on his word. “And it’s Arthur, by the way.”
“Of course, my lord,” Maggie had said.
And then she hadn’t talked to him again for a week.
Maggie learns the shape of her new reality, in the wake of Vortigern's death.
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clottedscream · 3 years
learning that there’s a small but dedicated fan base for prince/ss sapphire through the tags on my drawing is such a delight??? I really love going through life thinking you’re the only person who likes something and then finding out that there are other people who like it too
#not art#like oh my god. i love all of you immediately#points at the people who reblogged my drawing. youre my family now#i even found like a kin/roleplay blog like omg people really love this comic i had no idea#before anyone asks unfortunately no ive never watched the show ive only read the comics#and by the way i strongly believe sapphire should have ended up with the pirate.#like girl no. that boy tried to kill you several times and told you he hated you to your face.#date the sexy pirate who affirms your gender and wants you to be free to live as the person you are#but she still goes for the prince boy!!!#i guess sapphire just isnt into guys with facial hair#i mean i guess he did come on a little strong. usually only lesbians tell girls they want to get married on the first date#anyways i heard captain blood is a villain in the show so im not gonna watch it because hes my favorite character#can y’all tell i have a think for delinquent boy characters? have i made it obvious yet?#boy character: is a rebellious punk but has a heart of gold#me: oh my god he was a rebellious punk but had a heart of gold...#blood should have just stabbed aphrodite with a sword and then given sapphire both her hearts back.#and then they could have sailed the ocean together as fashionable queer pirate vigilantes. stopping other people from being abused#im not gonna write any fanfic for this or anything but if i was thats how i would end it#also i’d write out all the racism#and tink. because he’s annoying#id just replace him with like. a really loyal animal companion that doesnt talk
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strifesolution · 3 years
minecraft body language related things
- anything related to crouching. slowly going up to someone while crouching to be sneaky. spam crouching in “friend?? friend!!” crouching and looking down because you’re sad :(
- punching up in the air enthusiastically like “hey let’s go!!” punching the blocks underneath you rapidly as if moving your hands around in conversation. affectionately punching other players like you would pull someone’s ear.
- i dunno if this is just my group but full netherite players criting each other with axes and swords because it barely does any damage and it’s fun
- aggressive spinning to goof off
- almost-but-not eating something to make obnoxious noises
- that thing streamers/youtubers do when you can tell they’re staring at themselves in f5 to talk to an audience
- also, when you can TELL someone has paused to look at you in optifine zoom
- forcing yourself into swim/fly mode on land for maximum silly mode.
- waiting for someone to find where you are so you’re like. in a body of water going straight up and down with a riptide trident until they do. or just flying up and down with elytra
- getting in a boat on land and spinning in circles like “hey I’m bored let’s go”
- slowly swapping out tools either as a threat, or to dramatically reveal what item you have
- putting armor on as a threat, or taking it off as a “I’m relaxed” thing
- playing hot potato with a junk item neither player wants and chasing each other around with it
- i just think running around with a loaded crossbow out is really funny. you look like an oblivion npc
- loading up a trident throw but Not letting it go and holding it back as a threat
- rapidly flicking levers/opening chests/pressing buttons/etc to annoy the other person, especially while they’re talking
- closing a door in someone’s face
- playing a block in front of someone. they break it. you place it again. this continues for two more minutes
- jumping down at someone from a higher place like “HI I’M HERE NOW!”
- sitting in cauldrons. become soup.
- music disc dancing. moving around as much as possible for pigstep and slow crouching to cat
- being offended/sad etc and digging down a few blocks to sulk
- anything along the lines of a player taking time to make something for a joke. someone says “let’s talk” and the other busts out a crafting table and crafts a stair so they can pretend to sit
i love minecraft guys :)
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jerreeeeeee · 2 years
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balance is a love story
[id: ten screenshots of transcripts. 
“Lucretia: I can do this Magnus, please, [voice starts to become staticky and fade] please just lie down, I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself. I love you, Magnus, I love all of you. I’m sorry, it’ll be over soon.”
“Justin: And Taako walks over to Angus. Taako: Hey, um, cool knife. You know he has a sword that’s on fire, right? So, just before you get too excited, he did just give you a knife, I just want you to remember who’s your dude? Who’s your dude? Griffin: He runs over and he just grabs on to you, um, and also gives you a big, weepy hug.”
“Looking back, this performance is where that love that Barry and Lup cultivated quietly and cautiously over the last half century truly bloomed. There was romance in every measure, and longing in every note. And after the performance, they- they take each other’s hands high in the air, and they swoop down for this over-the-top bow, just laughing at- at the drama of it all. And the audience cheers. And Barry and Lup laugh, and they don’t let each other’s hands go. And then they stop laughing, and they don’t let each other’s hands go. And they keep not letting go. And Lup says,  Lup: Barry, do you wanna go talk somewhere for a while? Griffin: And Barry says,  Barry: [Wholeheartedly] Yeah.”
“Taako: Well I’m not leaving without Barry.”
“Magnus: I’m so sorry I forgot you, buddy. I’m so sorry.  Griffin: Um, it lifts up one of its tendrils and puts it on your shoulder. Travis: I lean my head in so that my forehead’s pushing against it and I start humming.”
“Taako: Am I...? I’m not going to lose you again.  Griffin: She says, Lup: Never. Never again, bud.  Griffin: And floats over and hugs you and says, Lup: Please don’t die.  Taako: I’d say the same to you, but that ship done sailed, eh?”
“Travis: I-I just stare at her. Not in a dumbfounded way, not in a I-can’t-believe-it way, but just. I can’t not look at her.  Griffin: She sets her tools down, and she smiles, and she says, Julia: You lived so much longer than I thought you were going to! Magnus: [tearfully] I know, I’m sorry I made you wait. Griffin: I think she starts running towards you, and you start running towards her, and you embrace in front of this house, and the two dogs are just kind of weaving around your feet as you stand there for what feels like hours, and- Travis: I whisper in her ear, Magnus: [tearfully] I tried to make you proud.”
“Lup: Barry already gave me a day. And... I love him, Taako, with all of my heart, but you... I needed a day from you, because you are my heart. You know that, right?”
“Griffin: She... smiles and she says,  Mavis: Well, you’re my hero too, dad, not just because you saved the world, but... because... I know how hard you’re trying.  Griffin: And she comes in for a hug, and she says, Mavis: I--I love you, dad. Merle: [softly] I love you too, baby.”
“Clint: Starbuck- okay. Um, if it’s about the finale, the one time I can remember crying was, um... was Merle’s last scene with, uh- stop looking at me, Juice- Merle’s last scene with Mavis, when, uh, she talked about how proud she was of how well he was doing, and he said “I love you, baby”, because that was- that was kinda me telling you guys the same thing.”
end id.]
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heartsiez · 2 years
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⌗ scaramouche, kaeya and gn!reader
⌗ swearing, kidnapping, violence, angst and fluff
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— scaramouche
as you sat tied up into a chair you thought, how did you end up in this situation again?
oh right, it all started when you agreed to a deal with the knights of favonius. the deal was easier said then done, spy on the fatui and find their secrets out, report it all back to the knights and be ranked up. but your heart apparently had other plans.
you became a fatui agent in training, your instructor being a fatui harbinger, the 6th one to be exact, his name was scaramouche. when your first training was in session you thought this would be easy peasy, and it was but scaramouche just had to make it a tiny bit more difficult just for you.
when he first laid eyes on you, you stuck out immediately to him. your face, your smile, your aura, the way you acted, everything he was intrigued about. this was the first time he’s been fascinated about a mortal, a human, and the harbinger didn’t mind but he did want to know if you were worth his thoughts. so, he made everything a bit harder for you in training.
always targeting you with harsh words, threatening only you if you messed up and putting more pressure towards you. you were a bit frustrated, why was he making this hard for you? did he know your purposes for being here? no there’s no way he could, you just gotta prove him wrong and that’s exactly what you did.
scaramouche had made it harder for you and easier for everyone else yet you, somehow, were the only one who was able to pass the first training session. oh, he was very interested now. you could see the amusement in his eyes and decided to ask him about it, maybe this could help you get closer.
“you know you’re meant to go easy on newcomers right?” you gave him a look which he returned. “don’t speak to a harbinger like that, i was merely testing you since you seemed to be weaker than most.” he replied “weaker huh? then why not give me private training lessons. i’ll become stronger.” you shrugged nonchalantly, though deep inside you were celebrating your victory.
he’ll definitely agree. then you’ll become closer to him and use him as bait to gain secrets, tell the knights and earn your deserved raise in the ranks, then-
“no.” was all he said giving a dead look. what? what a way to get your hopes up, “please my lord? i really want to raise ranks in the kn- fatui and be as uh.. powerful as you?” giving a sheepish smile. scaramouche gave a mocking laugh and then sighed. this was an opportunity to find out more about you.. maybe he can find out why he’s so intrigued. “alright, but don’t try any funny business.”
yes! everything was going to plan and you gave a content look. it’s going perfect right? you knew it would be, you're too good at this. maybe if you get good information you'll raise more than just one rank.
you went to the private lessons each time, but you could find yourself being intrigued with him, as he already, you. you both gained a close relationship, whenever you guys were spotted you could see cicin mages giving envious looks or other agents being confused on how you were able to be close with someone like him.
eventually you both had stupidly fell in love with each other. you were aware, you tried to avoid him but a second into it and you could find yourself beside him. you hated it so much, this wasn’t the plan. you didn’t want to do this anymore, you wanted to end the deal and just be happy with scaramouche instead. but how would the knights react? your best friend kaeya was cheering you on and for him to find out you betrayed mondstadt? for scaramouche to find out you betrayed him? god, this was so awful.
most of the time you totally forgot to do what you were supposed to do. maybe scaramouche had already told you all the secrets you needed to know but you wouldn’t know. you were too fixated on him every time you saw him.
during one of your lessons with him, scaramouche said you two should battle with swords and you swiftly agreed feeling excited you finally got to fight a harbinger. a few minutes into it, you were dodging more than attacking which made you feel dizzy from so much movement, causing you to trip the harbinger over, falling on top of him.
scaramouche instantly flushed, telling you to get off but you were frozen just staring at him. this was your chance, you kept thinking. you needed to make the move but you wouldn't stop freaking out inside.
fuck it. you put your hand on his cheek pulling him into a kiss. scaramouche froze, but fell into your lips, and closed his eyes. it was long and sensual, he loved it that when you pulled away you could feel him following for more making you laugh..
you got off him, standing up and giving him a hand too as well. “look scaramouche, i don’t know if you could of told from just then but i-” you cut yourself off. you and scara heard a camera go off but you couldn't pinpoint where they were.
scaramouche threatens the unknown person but it was clear they had already rushed off. you stood there, millions of thoughts going through your mind at once. your palms started to feel sweaty and your breathing got heavier. someone took a picture of you two kissing, what if it was someone in mondstadt? what if they showed the knights? what would happen to you? would scara found out? would he hate you?
you froze at the last thought, breathing pausing for a moment. scaramouche noticed how your body was acting when he turned around, a visible frown on his face. “y/n are you okay?”
“i’ve got to go, i’m sorry.” you ran off, not giving him time to respond. the harbinger stood there confused on why you ran off, worried about the way you looked,, angry at the person from before, and frustrated at you for leaving him right after you kissed. “idiot.” he muttered before walking off.
you started running to mondstadt, hoping to be able to explain everything if your thoughts were true. as you walked into the gates, the guards didn’t give you any weird looks so that’s a good sign, it made you ease up a little more.
you walked further into the city, up the stairs and until you found yourself in front of the headquarters. you gave yourself a few deep breaths, crossing your fingers, and walking in. you looked to see if there was anyone there, which there wasn’t so you knocked on jeans door. you heard shuffling and a quiet “come in.”
as you walked in you could see jean, lisa, amber, eula, klee, albedo, traveller, paimon and… kaeya. all of them were staring at you. at first it was a shocked face and then a glare from most of them. “well look who decided to show up!” paimon said in an angry tone.
oh god, they all know, everyone knows, kaeya knows. you felt your stomach twist and your heart drop. you’re an idiot, you should’ve stayed with scaramouche and ghosted yourself from them. should you lie? tell them it was a misunderstanding? no, you’ll just make it worse.
“so you know?” you swallowed hard, looking at the ground. “what do you think?” eula scowled, making you feel even more ashamed.
“look, i don’t have any excuses. i know what i was meant to do and i betrayed mondstadt, i betrayed you.” looking at kaeya for the last bit, “i was really planning to follow the deal and the harbinger wasn’t a part of the plan.”
jean stared at you a gave a sigh, “you will be removed from the knights, any privileges you have are revoked and we will tell everyone about what you’ve done to warn them of you. we won’t kick you from the city but it’s best if you don’t stay here."
kaeya perked up at the last message, “they can stay with me.” albedo looked at him, “y/n is banned from the headquarters which is where you resign.”
“right..” kaeya looked away, frustrated at something. all you could do is nod slowly. “i’m really sorry. please find someone better than me. but please, one last thing. can you tell me who took the picture?”
“i did.” traveller perked up. you gaped at them, feeling betrayed. you had been the one to help them around this city and they do this? though, you deserved it. not wanting to be in that room anymore, you ran off from with tears in your eyes.
as you entered your room, you packed everything you had up. when you were about to leave you saw kaeya standing at the doorway. you quickly wiped your tears away, “y/n i-”.
before he could finish you ran out of the room with your things leaving him there. he laughed to himself, “you’re the only thing i have left and you think you can just leave me for a man you just met?” his laughter died down and he eyed down your empty room. behind him, amber walked out of the office and an idea popped into his head.
as you left the bridge that connected mondstadt to the outside world you made your way to the whispering woods. how were you going to tell scaramouche all of this? should you just not tell him at all? i mean you didn’t betray him but that was your plan…
you could hear leaves crunching behind you and bushes rustling. at first you didn’t think much of it, just having the idea that it was an animal or the wind. though, as it kept continuing right behind you, you started to realise it wasn’t an animal or the wind.
“who’s there?” you asked, turning around. you couldn’t see anyone no matter where you looked. making matters worse it was night and you could barely see anything. “scaramouche?” you thought he might’ve followed you but when you heard an unfamiliar laugh you knew it wasn’t him.
you were about to start running until you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. feeling dizzy you fell to the ground, the impact of the ground causing you to hit your head hard onto the ground. “scara…” you whispered out before your mind blacked.
amber and kaeya emerged from the bushes. “why did you need me to shoot them? they don’t deserve this..” amber said giving a sympathetic look. kaeya held his sword up to her neck, “tell anyone about this and you’ll end up like they did but worse.” amber quickly nodded and ran off leaving kaeya alone with your bleeding body.
“oh y/n.. why did you betray me? silly. hope you didn’t think you could really get away with this.” he picked your body up and displayed you across his arms, “i can thank the traveller for following you and taking the picture.” kaeya smiled to himself.
3 days later
scaramouche paced around his tent. where the fuck were you? you ran off with no explanation. it’s been days and you still haven’t come back. he ordered all the fatui agents under his wing to look for you everywhere, but you weren’t found. no matter where they looked, in any nation.
was it because of the kiss? no, you were the one who initiated it. did you decide you didn’t actually like him? no, he shouldn’t think of the reasons right now, he should think of your whereabouts.
were his agents terrible at finding people or did you just disappear off the face of tevyat? scaramouche was insanely worried, he opened his heart up for someone and now they’re gone? what luck.
“i’m going for a walk, do not stop looking for them. i don’t care how exhausted you get or how much danger there is. find them or you’ll lose someone special too.” he gave a glare and was about to leave until an agent came up to him.
“s-sir, we’ve found movement in dragonspine.” scaramouche gave him a laugh, “good job sherlock! of course there’s fucking movement in dragonspine thats where fatui and monsters are at.”
“no i- we’re talking about y/n. we think we’ve found them!” the poor agent was terrified and stuttered like a mess. the harbinger gave him a sharp look. “good job. if you’re wrong i’ll have your head.” he said before heading off to the mountain.
a long journey that was 5 hours but it’s all worth it to him if you’re truly here. scaramouche trotted up the mountain, other fatui spotting him and bowing, a bit frightened but the harbinger wasn’t even paying attention to them. he was trying to see if he could hear any noises but none to be heard, he sighed.
as he walked further up, he started to hear muffled screams. thought they were far he could just hear them, it was you. and that's how you ended up in albedos abandoned lab, tied up to a chair with kaeya in front of you.
the wound from the arrow was still there, bleeding out slowly but kaeya had tied so much rope around your torso that no blood had come out because of the pressure. you were in so much pain, emotionally and physically. mostly physically.
you tried to scream even with tape on your mouth. you didn’t care if you attracted fatuis attention because they’d recognise you or if you grabbed the monsters attention. at least they’d be able to kill you swiftly instead of you slowly dying from the open wound.
“kaeya, please let me go or- shit.. heal my wound!” you sobbed through the tape that was now loose. “no can do n/n i’m sorry. i can’t let you go because then i might never see you again and if i heal your wound that means i have to untie you and that gives an opportunity for you to runaway.." he said pouting as he caressed your face.
“what do you even want me for, you’re not doing anything with me except for leaving me in pain.” you groaned at the friction of rope rubbing your open wound. honestly, death sounds sweeter.
“oh trust me, i plan to do many things with you. such as keep you.” said kaeya giving you a ‘sweet’ smile.
you heard a familiar laugh, which you thought you thought you'd never been so relieved to hear. “can’t keep something that’s already taken.” the harbinger said standing in front of the entry to the cave.
you tried so hard to get out of the chair but you just couldn’t. kaeya didn’t know what to do, you were very slowly getting out of the chair and there was a threat in front of him, where should he look?
kaeya kicked your chair making it fall backwards causing your head to hit a rock and you fell unconscious again, only your head bleeding out. scaramouche could see the wounds on your stomach, arms, legs and head. he looked at kaeya and saw red. shooting an elector bolt at him, slicing his arm. “you better leave right now or i’ll spill your guts out in front of everyone.”
kaeya gave a rough laugh, still recovering from the electricity that stroke his arm. “goodluck.”
the knight was about to attack scaramouche but the attack was dodged. “that’s all you got?” scaramouche said as he punched kaeya to the ground. kaeya got up instantly and tried to stab scaramouche with his sword but only cut a slit in the mans shirt.
the two were loud, the sword clashing, people collapsing, electricity blitz in the air and the grunts both made when they were successfully hit. scaramouche used his catalyst to push kaeya against the rock wall, creating electricity cuffs around his wrists and ankles, “should’ve done that in the first place.”
he moved to you swiftly and cut through the ropes, only to see blood start to pour out fast from the loss of pressure. scaramouche turned to kaeya and shot a strike to his neck. “you fucking bitch, rot in hell.” kaeya groaned and tried to get out of the cuffs but the electricity through his body put him into a daze so he was weak.
scaramouche ran through and out of dragonspine with you in his arms. he needed a doctor quickly but the fatui base was too far. he looked at mondstadt and groaned, shaking his head. he was about to turn back to move to the fatui base but he then looked down at you and sighed. “fuck it whatever.”
he was running as fast as he could and eventually made it to the gates. ignoring everyone who was looking at him and tried to look for the two fatui agents set up in this city.
when scaramouche spotted them he ran up to them. the two instantly looked at him then bowed, ‘g-greetings sir, how many we help you?”
“i need a healer, asap. i don’t care who i just need one.” the woman nodded and gave directions to the cathedral, telling him the safest person to talk to right now was barbara. the harbinger ran up the stairs quickly, trying to hold his hand down on your wounds to add pressure. when scaramouche made it to the church he busted into the doors grabbing everyone’s attention.
“is there a woman called barbara here? my partne- subordinate needs help getting healed quick.” barbara came out at the sound of her name, when she saw you her eyes widened. “y/n!” she quickly ran over and grabbed you, making scaramouche follow. she placed you down on one of the beds and said scara needs to wait outside. he scowled, does she not know how i am? and how on earth does that woman know y/n?
after an hour barbara called him in. when he saw you his eyes softened, it was nice seeing you not injured and safe with him. you looked at saw he entered the room and you smiled, “scaramouche.”
he sat on the bed and cleared his throat, “so, could you explain?” you widen your eyes, should you just tell the truth? if he doesn’t like you anymore that’s fine, you'll just sob after the sacrifices you made to be with this man and if he does still like you, well yay!
you started off at the very start explaining the deal and you coming to the fatui and all your true meanings, then continued and told the reason why you ran away and why you were with kaeya.
scaramouche just started at you in shock. you.. were going to betray him? you were just going to use him? but instead you ended up falling in love with him and… “even after you realised your feelings for me were you going to still betray me?” he looked at you intently.
“no, my original plan was to fully ghost the knights and just hide with you but i guess they had other plans…” you muttered, trying to still ease your loss of them. “well that’s okay then.. as long as you’re not a part of them anymore.”
you smiled at that comment and nodded. scaramouche nodded too and you two just sat there. you kept staring at him like you were waiting for an answer, “what? why are you staring at me like that?”
“i practically just confessed that i loved you and you didn’t answer…” you chuckled. scaramouches eyes widened and he gripped the bed blankets, “i uh..”
“love me too?” you cocked your head to the side.
he nodded and looked away, his face was practically all red.
you gave another smile and turned his head to look at yours. you pulled him in for a deep kiss which he complied. scaramouche pulled himself onto your lap and started moving on you.
you pulled away, “woah there cowboy. you that desperate? i'm still in recovery.” you smirked.
“shut up…”
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⌗ good lord bro, this is so bad and not proof read. it is 2 am and i haven’t slept yet.
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perpetual-stories · 3 years
Story Structures for your Next WIP
hello, hello. this post will be mostly for my notes. this is something I need in to be reminded of for my business, but it can also be very useful and beneficial for you guys as well.
everything in life has structure and storytelling is no different, so let’s dive right in :)
First off let’s just review what a story structure is :
a story is the backbone of the story, the skeleton if you will. It hold the entire story together.
the structure in which you choose your story will effectively determine how you create drama and depending on the structure you choose it should help you align your story and sequence it with the conflict, climax, and resolution.
1. Freytag's Pyramid
this first story structure i will be talking about was named after 19th century German novelist and playwright.
it is a five point structure that is based off classical Greek tragedies such as Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripedes.
Freytag's Pyramid structure consists of:
Introduction: the status quo has been established and an inciting incident occurs.
Rise or rising action: the protagonist will search and try to achieve their goal, heightening the stakes,
Climax: the protagonist can no longer go back, the point of no return if you will.
Return or fall: after the climax of the story, tension builds and the story inevitably heads towards...
Catastrophe: the main character has reached their lowest point and their greatest fears have come into fruition.
this structure is used less and less nowadays in modern storytelling mainly due to readers lack of appetite for tragic narratives.
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2. The Hero's Journey
the hero's journey is a very well known and popular form of storytelling.
it is very popular in modern stories such as Star Wars, and movies in the MCU.
although the hero's journey was inspired by Joseph Campbell's concept, a Disney executive Christopher Vogler has created a simplified version:
The Ordinary World: The hero's everyday routine and life is established.
The Call of Adventure: the inciting incident.
Refusal of the Call: the hero / protagonist is hesitant or reluctant to take on the challenges.
Meeting the Mentor: the hero meets someone who will help them and prepare them for the dangers ahead.
Crossing the First Threshold: first steps out of the comfort zone are taken.
Tests, Allie, Enemies: new challenges occur, and maybe new friends or enemies.
Approach to the Inmost Cave: hero approaches goal.
The Ordeal: the hero faces their biggest challenge.
Reward (Seizing the Sword): the hero manages to get ahold of what they were after.
The Road Back: they realize that their goal was not the final hurdle, but may have actually caused a bigger problem than before.
Resurrection: a final challenge, testing them on everything they've learned.
Return with the Elixir: after succeeding they return to their old life.
the hero's journey can be applied to any genre of fiction.
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3. Three Act Structure:
this structure splits the story into the 'beginning, middle and end' but with in-depth components for each act.
Act 1: Setup:
exposition: the status quo or the ordinary life is established.
inciting incident: an event sets the whole story into motion.
plot point one: the main character decided to take on the challenge head on and she crosses the threshold and the story is now progressing forward.
Act 2: Confrontation:
rising action: the stakes are clearer and the hero has started to become familiar with the new world and begins to encounter enemies, allies and tests.
midpoint: an event that derails the protagonists mission.
plot point two: the hero is tested and fails, and begins to doubt themselves.
Act 3: Resolution:
pre-climax: the hero must chose between acting or failing.
climax: they fights against the antagonist or danger one last time, but will they succeed?
Denouement: loose ends are tied up and the reader discovers the consequences of the climax, and return to ordinary life.
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4. Dan Harmon's Story Circle
it surprised me to know the creator of Rick and Morty had their own variation of Campbell's hero's journey.
the benefit of Harmon's approach is that is focuses on the main character's arc.
it makes sense that he has such a successful structure, after all the show has multiple seasons, five or six seasons? i don't know not a fan of the show.
the character is in their comfort zone: also known as the status quo or ordinary life.
they want something: this is a longing and it can be brought forth by an inciting incident.
the character enters and unfamiliar situation: they must take action and do something new to pursue what they want.
adapt to it: of course there are challenges, there is struggle and begin to succeed.
they get what they want: often a false victory.
a heavy price is paid: a realization of what they wanted isn't what they needed.
back to the good old ways: they return to their familiar situation yet with a new truth.
having changed: was it for the better or worse?
i might actually make a operate post going more in depth about dan harmon's story circle.
5. Fichtean Curve:
the fichtean curve places the main character in a series of obstacles in order to achieve their goal.
this structure encourages writers to write a story packed with tension and mini-crises to keep the reader engaged.
The Rising Action
the story must start with an inciting indecent.
then a series of crisis arise.
there are often four crises.
2. The Climax:
3. Falling Action
this type of story telling structure goes very well with flash-back structured story as well as in theatre.
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6. Save the Cat Beat Sheet:
this is another variation of a three act structure created by screenwriter Blake Snyder, and is praised widely by champion storytellers.
Structure for Save the Cat is as follows: (the numbers in the brackets are for the number of pages required, assuming you're writing a 110 page screenplay)
Opening Image [1]: The first shot of the film. If you’re starting a novel, this would be an opening paragraph or scene that sucks readers into the world of your story.
Set-up [1-10]. Establishing the ‘ordinary world’ of your protagonist. What does he want? What is he missing out on?
Theme Stated [5]. During the setup, hint at what your story is really about — the truth that your protagonist will discover by the end.
Catalyst [12]. The inciting incident!
Debate [12-25]. The hero refuses the call to adventure. He tries to avoid the conflict before they are forced into action.
Break into Two [25]. The protagonist makes an active choice and the journey begins in earnest.
B Story [30]. A subplot kicks in. Often romantic in nature, the protagonist’s subplot should serve to highlight the theme.
The Promise of the Premise [30-55]. Often called the ‘fun and games’ stage, this is usually a highly entertaining section where the writer delivers the goods. If you promised an exciting detective story, we’d see the detective in action. If you promised a goofy story of people falling in love, let’s go on some charmingly awkward dates.
Midpoint [55]. A plot twist occurs that ups the stakes and makes the hero’s goal harder to achieve — or makes them focus on a new, more important goal.
Bad Guys Close In [55-75]. The tension ratchets up. The hero’s obstacles become greater, his plan falls apart, and he is on the back foot.
All is Lost [75]. The hero hits rock bottom. He loses everything he’s gained so far, and things are looking bleak. The hero is overpowered by the villain; a mentor dies; our lovebirds have an argument and break up.
Dark Night of the Soul [75-85-ish]. Having just lost everything, the hero shambles around the city in a minor-key musical montage before discovering some “new information” that reveals exactly what he needs to do if he wants to take another crack at success. (This new information is often delivered through the B-Story)
Break into Three [85]. Armed with this new information, our protagonist decides to try once more!
Finale [85-110]. The hero confronts the antagonist or whatever the source of the primary conflict is. The truth that eluded him at the start of the story (established in step three and accentuated by the B Story) is now clear, allowing him to resolve their story.
Final Image [110]. A final moment or scene that crystallizes how the character has changed. It’s a reflection, in some way, of the opening image.
(all information regarding the save the cat beat sheet was copy and pasted directly from reedsy!)
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7. Seven Point Story Structure:
this structure encourages writers to start with the at the end, with the resolution, and work their way back to the starting point.
this structure is about dramatic changes from beginning to end
The Hook. Draw readers in by explaining the protagonist’s current situation. Their state of being at the beginning of the novel should be in direct contrast to what it will be at the end of the novel.
Plot Point 1. Whether it’s a person, an idea, an inciting incident, or something else — there should be a "Call to Adventure" of sorts that sets the narrative and character development in motion.
Pinch Point 1. Things can’t be all sunshine and roses for your protagonist. Something should go wrong here that applies pressure to the main character, forcing them to step up and solve the problem.
Midpoint. A “Turning Point” wherein the main character changes from a passive force to an active force in the story. Whatever the narrative’s main conflict is, the protagonist decides to start meeting it head-on.
Pinch Point 2. The second pinch point involves another blow to the protagonist — things go even more awry than they did during the first pinch point. This might involve the passing of a mentor, the failure of a plan, the reveal of a traitor, etc.
Plot Point 2. After the calamity of Pinch Point 2, the protagonist learns that they’ve actually had the key to solving the conflict the whole time.
Resolution. The story’s primary conflict is resolved — and the character goes through the final bit of development necessary to transform them from who they were at the start of the novel.
(all information regarding the seven point story structure was copy and pasted directly from reedsy!)
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i decided to fit all of them in one post instead of making it a two part post.
i hope you all enjoy this post and feel free to comment or reblog which structure you use the most, or if you have your own you prefer to use! please share with me!
if you find this useful feel free to reblog on instagram and tag me at perpetualstories
Follow my tumblr and instagram for more writing and grammar tips and more!
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From the au where Billy somehow manage to get taken in by Alfred as the new Wayne butler's apprentice, things went smoothly until Alfred decided to introduce Bruce to Billy.
Bruce and Billy (being co-workers who knows each others secret identity,) looks at each other with the 'tf u doing here?' face.
Now they both must work together to hide the fact that Billy is CM, while trying (and failing) to not act suspicious infront of the rest of the fam.
It doesn't help that Bruce's plan to help Billy involves the classic batman style of faking your own death. ( Billy looks at Bruce disappointingly)
As a sort of 'thank you' gift or an ' I'm sorry you have to deal with my children's shit ' gift, being the generous person that he is, Bruce decided to give Billy a loyalty present... In the form of a car.
Bruce: ...
Billy: ...
Bruce: ...
Billy: ... For me? Oh wow! Gee, thx mister Bruce! This is the best gift ever.. and a totally normal gift for a ten year old. ╭( ・ㅂ・)d
Bruce totally not understanding why Billy feel the need to be snarky, knowing that if it was Damian, Damian would probably be ecstatic: Billy, we both know you could get much older if you wanted too.
Dick: B! You can't force someone to just suddenly grow older!?
Billy: Yeah! And older me can fly so...
Dick, trying to ease the tension, thinking that Billy is just being sarcastic. : You can fly??
Billy looking vry guilty: (◎_◎;)!
Billy *looks at Bruce for assistance.
Bruce mouthing 'Don't worry' while pointing at a picture of a coffin.
Dick thinking that Bruce is treathening someone into liking Bruce's gift (again) : Omg, Bruce we talked about this-
Late night snack
Sometimes after patrol, batman and robin (Damian) would come upstairs to eat the light snack Alfred had prepared beforehand. Usually at times like this Alfred would remind Bruce and Damian to change outside of their costume first, but today in particular, the patroling took way longer than expected and Alfred had decided to clock in. This wouldn't be a problem persay, if Bruce and Damian had not been to tired to change out of their gear, and with no Alfred to tell them its a bad idea, they march upstairs.
Billy: Ah! Mister Bruce and Master Damian, Alfred told me that you would want a-
Bruce and Damian in their full costume.
Bruce: ...
Damian: sighs * takes out sword.
Damian: William, understand that your sacrifice is a great honour and out of necessity.
Billy panicked : Oh wow, I didn't know you are a Batman fan!
Damian: A batman fan?
Billy quickly: Yeah! It looked very convincing, did you guys go trick or treating together? Oh, what a lovely normal family, you must be hungry! I'm just ganna go ahead to the kitchen! Nothing to see here.
Bruce who is too tired to deal with this: *thumbs up
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hattiewritesalot · 2 years
Hello! I saw that you said your requests for The Hobbit were open, which made me very excited because I love your writing style so much. May I please request for you to write something with Gandalf telling Thorin & Co. he’s adding someone to the company and them being very annoyed, and then Mr. Gandalf—in his infinite wisdom—referring to y/n as “she” and them flipping the frickity frick out because women are fragile and dainty and need to be protected (cue eye roll). Then upon meeting her, she’s a wee bit unhinged and wild and overall just Morally Gray Slightly Insane Badass? I’m thinking of Harley Quinn’s fight scenes from Bird of Prey where she’s just super kickass and efficient, slamming people into the ground and twirling her bat around like a baton.
I’m sorry if this is too specific! I’d love to see what you would do with this prompt. You can add any pairings you would like. If it doesn’t interest you, then I respect that, feel free to ignore! Thank you!
THIS IS ABSOLUTE PERFECTION I think we need a little bit more badass (Y/N), come on guys
But yes, absolutely. This looks like it should have a part two, so if anybody wants that lemme know.
the company x fem!reader (platonic)
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Summary: Gandalf is adding somebody new to the company (albeit without telling Thorin), and the company are shocked when he lets one little pronoun slip.
Warnings: A bit of sexism (the dwarves think all women are quite meek and dainty), (Y/N) is an absolute girlboss so prepare for that
A/N: I'm rewatching the Hobbit atm. kili >>>>>>
Gandalf towered over the dwarves - and Bilbo - as he spoke rapidly to try and avoid the orcs within a nearby fortress. "I think now would be best to tell you of the newest member of the company."
The dwarves looked at each other, suspicious of the wizard's intentions. Thorin's dark brows furrowed above his eyelids.
"Go on." He said, voice firm and demanding.
"Well, I believe this person will be a very good addition. A trained fighter, a little crazy, albeit, but still a useful asset."
Thorin's crystal eyes glared at Gandalf.
"And how much of this did you care to inform me of?"
"Thorin, I assure you, this is all going to work out-"
"Can we, like, not be doing this right now? In a few seconds, a whole army of orcs is going to burst through those doors." Fili spoke up, pulling two daggers from his pockets.
Kili nodded at his brother's words. "Yeah, just cut to the chase, what does this 'new member' go by?"
"Well, if I am correct, her-"
An uproar of 'her?' and 'what is he on about's erupted from the dwarves, all of them waving their weapons mockingly, before Thorin raised a hand to silence them.
"You're trying to sabotage us." "Thorin-" "A woman? Really?" Gandalf's gaze averted to the fortress, listening intently of any sign of destruction, as Thorin continued ranting angrily.
"Women do not fight, they are more accustomed to sewing needles than they are swords, why would you- what in Mahal's name are you looking at?" The dwarf king turned, as did the rest of the company, to see the orc fortress burst into flames.
Fire covered the entire structure, but even in the blazing embers and smoke they could see a figure walking towards them.
"Who is that?" Oin asked, tilting his head to get a better look at the person walking.
Gandalf smirked a knowing smile as he watched the dwarves' awe.
"That, Master Oin, is the newest member of the company. I would like you to meet (Y/N) (L/N)."
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Everybody watched in pure shock as (Y/N) walked towards them, twirling a bat in her hand as if it weighed nothing, a sinister laugh falling from her lips.
"H-Her?" Bilbo asked, the hobbit clearly rather intimidated by this strange human, to which Gandalf sent him a comforting smile.
Finally, she stopped in front of them, blowing a large pink bubble with her gum before popping it with her teeth and chewing it, mouth open in a wide grin.
"Her." She said, leaning on her bat as if it were an arm rest. Mahal, this journey just got a lot more interesting.
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leossmoonn · 2 years
hang around the ice cream with steve during the summer and while you’re sitting there reading and eating ice cream and steve getting jealous
Idk what this is. I just love Steve and all I’ve been doing is imagining him being my husband. So enjoy this blurb
Warning: gets a little 😏😏 suggestive at the end (nothing major)
Steve doesn’t consider himself the jealous type. He’s Steve “the hair” Harrington. What does he have to be worried abt? I mean, the fact that he works at Scoops Ahoy and is basically a dad-mom to a bunch of 13 year olds is what makes him Steve “the hair” Harrington, right?
No, Steve was painfully aware of how uncool he became and the fact that a very cool guy walked in and set his sights on you made him crush an ice cream cone
“She looks like she’s bored, Steve. Don’t worry about it,” Robin says. “Um, how do you know? You’ve never flirted with a guy before,” Steve says.
“Disregarding that. Anyways, she’s not flirting. She looks so uncomfortable.”
“No, she’s smiling,” Steve says. “Yeah, fake smiling. You see how her eyes don’t squint and crinkle?” Robin points out.
“What? Have you been like, stalking my girlfriend?”
“Steve, shut up. Now look at her and tell me she’s enjoying the conversation.”
Steve looks at you and it looks like you’re enjoying the conversation. But you’re a nice person and it’s not like it was weird to have convos with random ppl in stores. You did it all the time. But this time it was different bc now you’re bc Steve was ruining his own day by being his own villain.
“Yo, Y/n!” Robin shouts. “What the hell are you doing!?” Steve exclaims.
“Steve needs to tell you something!” Robin pushes Steve out from behind the counter. She’s like 😁👍 and Steve know obvs is like 😡🖕🏻 but he goes over to you anyways.
“Hey, Stevie!” You grin. And now Steve feels so bad for ever thinking you would cheat. I mean, the way you smile at him just says it all.
“Hey, honey. How, uh, how’s it going?” Steve asks. “Good. Hey, have you met Frank?” You ask.
Steve paints on a tight smile. “Yeah, he’s in our uh, science class, right?”
“Woah, Steve, you’re dating her?” Frank asks. “Yeah, why?” Steve asks.
“That’s so cool! Man, after your downfall, we all thought you were such a nerd and a loser, but you’re with a total catch now!”
“Thanks, Frank. I appreciate it,” you smile.
While Steve tries to act friendly, he can see through Frank. He’s looking at you like how Steve used to look at girls before he learned some humility: like a piece of meat. It made Steve’s blood boil.
So Steve decides to be discreet and show Frank that you are Steve’s. He slips his arm around your shoulder and kisses your cheek.
“Yep, Y/n is the best!” Steve beams. It’s not like he’s lying bc well, you are the best. He just really wants to punch Frank in the face.
You can totally see through Steve. You look at him like 🤨 “don’t you have a job to go back to?”
“What? Scooping ice cream doesn’t take that much effort. Robin has it covered,” Steve says.
“Yeah, dude, it’s kind of irresponsible to leave your post. I can keep Y/n company,” Frank says.
“Oh, I’m sure she’d rather be alone. Right, sweetie?” Steve hums.
You’re like 🙄 and not bc you like frank or anything, but it’s so obvious was Steve is doing, and him and Frank are basically having a staring contest and probably like a sword fight in each other’s minds. So you decide to play into Steve’s words.
“Steve is right, Frank. You did kind of interrupt my reading,” you gesture to your book.
“Right, my bad. Next time I’ll make sure you aren’t reading,” Frank smiles.
“Good idea,” you nod. “Well, I gotta get back to work. I’ll talk to you later?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, have fu - Steve!” You gasp as he crashes his lips onto yours. You can’t help but just melt into him. He’s Steve “the hair” Harrington, after all, and he’s completely stolen your heart <3 (aw so cute)
Frank obviously leaves with a glare on his face. You swear he mutters “Stupid Harrington stealing all the hot ones.”
You leave after a little bit but come back after Steve’s shift to pick him up.
“You hungry? My mom saved some leftovers for you,” you say.
“Yes, please. I’m starving,” he groans.
“Great. Why don’t you sleep over tonight?” You ask.
“Sounds like a plan,” he smiles. He leans in to kiss you but you stop him. He pouts, “what? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, but we do have to talk,” you say. “I know, I’m sorry we’re out of your favorite ice cream. This stupid store sucks,” he says.
You smile, “it’s not that, Steve. Remember earlier with Frank?”
“Yeah,” Steve frowns. “Well, I wanted to ask you why you did all that. Were going jealous?” You ask.
“Pffft me, jealous? Nah,” he shrugs.
You raise your brows. “Really, Steve? Making out with me right in front of him?”
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t like it.”
“I did like it, but please tell me why were you jealous!”
He sighs. “I guess… I’m just not cool anymore. And I know that sounds shallow because I’ve been trying not to care so much, but I can’t help but care. I used to be this guy who everyone bowed down to. Now I’m just this guy who scoops ice cream and gets chocolate sauce all over him every time I try to drizzle.”
You can’t help but laugh. He’s like :(( “why are you laughing?”
“Honey, I know you miss being King Steve, but you have to know by now that all that was so insignificant and just stupid. Think about how you were a year ago: jackass, man whore, ass —”
“Must you go on,” he remarks. You grin, “sorry. Anyways, I know being popular was like the best thing ever, but think about what you have now. Best friends, who may be 13 year olds, but they’re all the best. You have a stable job, decent grades now, and a girlfriend who I recall is a catch.”
He sighs, “yeah, I know. I’m really thankful for you guys. I’m really happy that I’m babysitter Steve and not man-whore Steve, but I’m just afraid.”
“Afraid of what, baby?” You ask.
“You started dating me just after I became uncool. So you saw how cool I was and I’m afraid that one day you’ll miss that and end up going to someone cool like Frank.”
“Steve, are you serious?” You ask. “Yes, I am! I know it’s so stupid, but that’s how I feel,” he frowns.
“Hey, it’s not stupid, honey. I just don’t think you understand how cool you are.”
He’s like 🤨 “um, do you know who I am?”
“Yes, I do. You’re Steve “the babysitter” Harrington. The most caring, loving, tough guy out there. You’re a hero, Steve. Not only to me and the kids, but to the world. You’re so cool, and you know why? Because you gave up all that douchebag crap to be a great person.”
Ugh and he’s looking up at you with those big honey brown eyes with his cheeks painted pink. (I would die for him basically)
“Really?” He asks. “Mhm,” you smile. You wrap your arms around his middle and peck his cheek. “Not to mention, you, Steve Harrington, make a certain girl very happy in bed.”
He grins, “oh, yeah?” “Yep,” you giggle.
“Well, good, because I’ve heard that this girl is a real catch.”
“You’ve heard?” You scoff. “Yep, I’ve heard. I think I might have to take this girl out to really know, though,” he sighs.
“Oh, really? To where?” You ask.
“Her favorite restaurant at 7 pm tomorrow.”
“Are you asking me out but talking about me like I’m not here?” You smirk.
“If I was, would you say yes?” He asks. You giggle, “yes.”
“Great. Wear that little green dress, yeah?” He hums.
You roll your eyes. “You’re such a dork.”
“But a cool one, right?”
You sigh, “yes, you are a cool dork.” You kiss him sweetly, but then pull away. “But, Frank is pretty cool, too. I don’t know, Stevie, he might got you beat.”
Steve wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush against him. “We’ll see about that after I’m done with you tonight.”
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silverskye13 · 2 years
Hey i saw you had writing requests open! and ik you’ve just written about ren but if at any point later you’d like to write more about him or the red king,, i’d absolutely love to read it!!
"I'm telling you man, I don't like this," Doc says, as if Ren hadn't heard him the first thirty times he'd said it. "That guy probably almost killed you last time. Or dragged you to hels or something. That's not the sort of thing you invite to dinner you know."
"It's not dinner Doc, it's braai," Ren replies firmly as he lights the campfire, "and it's the solution to all our hels-based interdimensional tough-guy problems, baby!"
Ren claps the ash off his hands and watches to make sure the campfire doesn't sputter out. He is an expert at setting these up though, so it doesn't. The fire roars strong, accompanied by the bone-snap of dry twigs and timber lighting. 
"Braais were made to bring people together. As soon as The Red King sees this gesture of good faith, I'm sure he'll settle down long enough for us to chat this out. And even if he doesn't--" Ren gestures to Doc and Wels. The pair of them watch him with nervous concern. "--I have all the muscle I'll need right here. Oneexpert in hels-shenaniganry forged in the fires of fighting valiantly against his inner demons, and one big scary creeper hybrid with a channeling trident and full netherite in his inventory." 
Doc and Wels exchange a glance. 
"You're killing me here guys."
“Actually, I think that's The Red King’s job,” Wels pointed out humorlessly.
"Not that I don't have faith in my ability to protect you," Doc said, running a hand through his hair nervously, "but your Roterkönig could fight my prosthetic. You know this thing can halt pistons, right?"
"He just caught you off-guard, Doc."
"I'm sorry, what is your hels' name?" Welsknight blinked, bewildered. "Rote… what?"
"Roterkönig is The Red King in German," Ren shrugged. "Doc's just being superstitious about it."
"He said, and I quote: Wels spoke his likeness and he answered the call." Doc crossed his arms and scowled. "I'm not chancing that guy just leaping out of the nearest reflection. Besides, I'm not calling him King all the time. King of what? Bad horror movies?"
"But isn't Ro-- Rotor-- isn't it just the exact same thing but different?" Wels stammered, confused.
"It is a proper noun," Doc said insistently. "It's like giving him a nickname, but it's one he definitely doesn't know, because Ren doesn't speak German, so I doubt he speaks German."
Ren sighed and pinched the space between his eyes. Wels looked just as confused as he had before, but he nodded and pretended it made sense anyway. 
“None of that is going to be a problem, my dudes,” Ren insisted, crossing back to the campfire to make sure it was still burning well. He piled on a couple more logs. “The Re--” Doc cleared his throat loudly, interrupting him, “-- Roterkönig is going to be so impressed by this braai he’ll call whatever his beef is off. Believe in the braai guys. Now I’m going to get barbecuing. Doc, set up the mirror over there. Wels, you stand there and look welcoming but mildly intimidating.”
Welsknight blinked; the look of tired confusion he was sporting was slowly becoming a permanent fixture on his face. He settled on pulling out his sword and stamping the tip of it into the ground, using it as a convenient lean. He looked like he needed it anyway. Ren hadn’t realized when he’d called Wels over to help that he hadn’t been sleeping. Granted, he’d told Ren his hels kept him awake sometimes, but the man’s eyes were more bags than anything, and Ren thought he seemed to process things slowly. Hazy. That might be a good word for it. Wels looked hazy in that way people did when they were on day two or three without shut-eye. 
He should… probably ask him to go home. The evening was turning to sunset, and surely Welsknight would be falling asleep where he stood soon. But Ren was also kind of scared of he and Doc trying to deal with The Red King alone, given how badly they’d managed it the first time. He wasn’t quite scared enough to get the rest of the server involved yet, but having a knight like Wels on the team seemed like a step in the right direction.
Ren shook his head and flipped one of the steaks he’d been cooking over the campfire. If he thought about this, he’d start worrying even more than he already was, and if he started worrying about it more, he might convince himself this was a bad idea and call it off. That would make him a coward, which would make The Red King right, so he elected to just… stop thinking about it. For now.
With a clatter, Doc set up the mirror across from the campfire and pulled the sheet off that’d been covering it. It was one of those tall standing ones that tilted on stilted legs that Ren always thought looked oddly bird-ish, perching on the ground. Currently it reflected nothing but the sky colors of the sunset and the distant treeline of the birch forest hemming in the plains they’d randomly picked for themselves. It seemed a bit too dangerous to plan this rendezvous around a bunch of builds where anyone could stroll up and interrupt - or get hurt. Ultimately though if someone had to fly for help, they were only a few hundred blocks away from civilization. 
“So, question for the curious,” Welsknight hummed, leaning a little heavier on his sword. His cape caught in the breeze and fluttered like elytra wings around his shoulders, “why are we doing this? I get the olive branch. But what do you hope to gain by talking to uh…” Wels shot Doc a sideways glance. “Rotarkuning?”
“Close enough.”
“Well, honestly I figured we could just talk.” Ren said, dishing some of the finished barbecue out onto a plate. He offered some to Wels who held up a hand, quietly refusing. He passed it off to Doc instead. “I mean, it’s gotta be worth finding some common ground, right?”
Wels gave him a skeptical look.
“Haven’t you ever tried talking to Helsknight?”
“Many times.” Wels answered, his voice a sigh. “Without an audience. I like to think I can handle him on my own.”
“Oh. Well, did you make any progress?”
Wels raised an eyebrow at him, and the bags under his eyes darkened with the downward tilt of his head.
“... right.”
“I can see myself in him,” Wels allowed, noticing Ren’s discomfort. “It’s… you know, the dichotomy of a black and white knight. Sometimes I can’t really tell which of us is which. Don’t-- look at me like that. I know it’s not completely rational. I do try to empathize with him, or give some compassion. Sounds like whatever hels is like, it’s rough. It’s just… when he’s standing in front of me, and I’m faced with the things he’s doing and how he makes me feel…”
Wels scowled, “It’s hard to be the better person when you’re that angry.”
“Sounds like you need a good break,” Doc hummed, setting up a few chairs around the campfire.
“Probably.” Wels shrugged. “At any rate, we do a lot more killing each other than talking these days. I think the weariness is mutual.”
The three of them settled into a quiet vigil, filled with intermittent small talk, but too nervous for anything past that. Night descended, stepping down the stairs of color that marked the sunset until the moon was high in the sky and the sun was an afterthought of gray-blue clinging to the farthest edge of the horizon. A neat perimeter of torchlight kept the monsters at a distance, though occasionally Doc would get bored and take pot-shots at zombies with his trident. Wels traced the horizon line with his eyes, dwelling once or twice on a shadow that might look like a knight if you squint hard enough, but never moving his sword from where he’d planted it. Ren tended the fire, eventually pulling a chair over so he could rest his feet a little. The mirror reflected only the world in front of it, and Ren, when he glanced himself inside, was only ever himself. He yawned, leaned his head on his hand, and watched.
Ren jerked. His eyes felt heavy and he yawned again. Okay, maybe sitting down by the fire was a bad idea. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to fall asleep, and probably the worst thing he could think of was falling asleep right beside an open fire. That was a great way to lose some eyebrow hair. Ren shook his head, stood and stretched.
“Alright,” Ren grunted, arching his back until it popped, “maybe it’s about time we call this a night. The Red King’s not showing up.”
Ren looked to Wels still leaning on his sword. In the dim light, with only the campfire and the ring of torches to see by, his silhouette took on a red-orange hue, and his armor reflected the light like flickering embers. He didn’t move. Ren blinked, confused, and padded over to him.
“Hey Wels? Jeez I knew you were tired dude, but--” Ren stopped abruptly. Wels’ silhouette confused his tired mind, and at first, he couldn’t quite place what he was looking at. The oddness of it came to him first when he realized Welsknight’s cape was also reflective, despite it being made of cloth, a decidedly non-reflective material. Then the pale of his skin set strangely in his vision, and how close it looked to the pale shades of his armor and then… 
Welsknight wasn’t here. Or he was, but he was no longer Wels. It seemed to Ren like he was made of glass, or maybe ice, tinted red. His cape didn’t pull with the breeze, because it too was a thing frozen solid, and his chest didn’t move, because he was no longer a person who breathed. He was a sculpture, reflecting the light of the fire, wafting a small cloud of condensation around his feet, head bowed in sleep. 
Ren turned to Doc for some help, only to see his friend curled up in one of the chairs, his four creeper legs crossed together in an attempt to get comfortable, his head propped on his crossed arms against the back of the chair, asleep. He should be snoring loudly, the red lights of his prosthetic and his redstone eye blinking slowly in what passed for their power-saving rest mode. Except neither of these things could happen, because he too was made of whatever red-tinted ice that Wels was. A perfect replica of Doc, curled up in sleep, so carefully crafted that every detail was the same as his living counterpart. Ren became aware of his breathing, quickening with his growing panic. He looked between his two friends, and the silence left in their wake was so full and heavy it rang in his ears like warning bells.
Ren was alone.
Movement bloomed in the corner of his eye and Ren snapped his head towards the mirror. He caught sight of his eyes just as frost crawled up the glass to conceal them. The frost spidered its way across the surface, closing it up behind a wall of foggy red-gray. 
“It be a cowardly thing invitin’ someone to dinner armed to the teeth.”
Ren yelped and spun to face the fire-- and tripped over his own feet. He fell ungracefully into the grass, and found himself looking up at The Red King. He towered over the fire, now mostly dying embers and the occasional flickering spark. He was just as Ren remembered him, gray and snarling and strong, the mantle of fur over his shoulders tapering into a ragged red cape that faded at the ends to black and brown, like drying blood. He tilted his head backwards haughtily, the only indication Ren got that he was looking down on him, what with the crown still clamped like reaching claws over his eyes.
“W-well,” Ren gulped when he finally realized The Red King was waiting on him to speak, “you did try to kill me last time. I feel like the extra prep is… fair.”
“Kill ye? Nay lad. Scare ye,” The Red King flashed him a wicked grin. “If I wanted to kill ye, laddie, I would have.”
The Red King stalked around the fire, and Ren realized he was coming towards him, and there was a single panic-stricken moment where Ren just laid there in the grass unable to move. He thought maybe this is what deer felt like, frozen in headlights, or a bird caught in a snake's stare. He thought maybe The Red King intended to kill him this time, which shouldn’t be scary because he could respawn, but seemed it, suddenly. He thought he should move. He should do something. He should move.
Ren scrambled to his feet, hands outstretched placatingly, “Right! Right --ha-- that makes uhm… perfect sense. You know just-- I don’t know what it’s like where you come from. Hels? I guess? But normally you don’t throttle someone through a mirror when you first meet. Most people find that kind of rude my d-- my… dude?”
Calling The Red King “my dude” was on an absurd side of bizarre Ren hadn’t expected it to be. He should probably think about that later, when The Red King wasn’t advancing on him slow persistent step after slow persistent step, like he was trying to back Ren into a corner. Except they were on an open plain, so that shouldn’t be possible. The feeling persisted in much the same way The Red King did.
“But hey! It’s good that you’re here! Because this is for you,” Ren opened his mouth and started talking, because he thought he was good at that, and that’s really what this was about. Talking. Figuring things out. Coming to an accord. Talking. Not getting scared. Not dying. Talking. Ren backed away from The Red King in an arc, trying to work his way back to the fire again. The Red King let him. “S-so this is a braai, and it’s a tradition where I come from! Uhm… you don’t normally just do it with two people but you’ve frozen my other guests so-- or I assume that was you. Red Winter, ice sculptures, frost, that-that makes sense. That’s very on brand. It’s a very cool touch-- just makes for a quiet-- anyway--”
Ren got the campfire between himself and The Red King, and felt a little bit more secure with the extra defense between the two of them. The Red King stopped his advance, watching Ren predatorily, the furred mantle on his shoulders reminiscent of a wolf’s hackles, bristled. Ren swallowed hard.
“So a braai, I thought you might like because-- well I know I like them, and we’re kind of the same person, right?”
The Red King's brow furrowed, and his nose scrunched in something like a sneer, and Ren thought maybe that passed as The Red King squinting his eyes at him. Or maybe snarling, but just with the parts of his face that didn't involve teeth? It was an intense expression anyway.
“R… right. Well, I know people are important to you. Your people. Your army,” Ren continued stubbornly, and the more he talked the more his nervousness abated a bit. He felt a little bit more in control. Maybe. Maybe he could actually do this. Whatever this was. “And see, a braai is made to bring people together. You visit with friends and family and it’s a time of camaraderie and fellowship. It’s actually-- it’s a tradition we really got into back home, after war tore a lot of things up. And I thought you know, it must be hard, being a creature made for war and war only. So, I’ve made this, and thought maybe, you know, we aren’t friends, and it’s clear you don’t like me. But I’m willing to show a little bit of goodwill here. We don’t-- we don’t have to be like Wels and Hels, battling it out all the time.”
Ren’s ears pricked forward hopefully, and he let the tip of his tail flick upwards welcomingly. He picked up a plate in his hands, and searched around for the best cut out of what he’d barbecued, and he let out a bracing breath. “So, how about it? Let’s talk. You can even pretend this is like, some kind of tactical meeting thing, if you’d like.”
Ren offered the plate forward for The Red King to take, and he tried to look as welcoming and innocent as was physically possible while he did. The Red King’s part in Third Life - Ren couldn’t remember it very well. This made sense in hindsight, knowing that The Red King was maybe his own person by then? Ren was just spectating someone else’s misfortune by that point… probably. He wasn’t entirely sure that’s how it worked, but that made sense to him currently. So, he couldn’t remember much, but he could remember everything leading up to it, and how it ended. He knew there was betrayal, and lost alliances, and the feeling of safety among friends cut short, and he wanted with everything in himself right now to not be any of those things. If he could just convince the King that he was being genuine, then maybe they could actually be productive here.
The Red King watched him, and it was uncomfortable, knowing he was being watched but not being able to see the person's eyes. He stalked forward, and Ren had to force himself not to shrink away, to convince himself that trust went both ways; if he didn't trust The Red King to take a plate, how did he expect to trust him to talk? The Red King towered, monumental in every sense of the word, even though he only had an inch or two on Ren. It was how he carried himself, it was the mantle on his shoulders and the curling points of his crown like horns or dragon's teeth. He was a fairytale run amok, and Ren thought the monstrous kings in fairy tales sculpted of flesh and iron and winter were much more noble when he imagined him, and much less of something that resembled a force of nature, cold and unstoppable.
The Red King took the plate from his hand, and his claws made it look fragile and toy-like. He was a ferocious, man-eating giant entertaining a child's tea party, and he knew it. "Alright Rendog, ye begged your parlay. For now, I'll accept. I be neither deaf nor cruel."
Ren let out the breath he was holding. He allowed himself a brief amount of relief, and half an uneasy smile. "Oh! Well thank you uhh…"
Was "your majesty?" a proper term for a king? He thought he'd heard from Welsknight once that terms like "majesty" and "highness" were technically derogatory, as far as royalty were involved. Also, it felt awkward talking to himself like that anyway. And The Red King was half of himself. At least, that's what Wels said.
The Red King grinned at him, another lithe and wicked smile. Wolfish. "Cat got ye tongue, lad?"
"I just-- I guess I didn't think I'd get this far. I thought you'd just try and kill me, my dude."
"And I may yet."
Ren swallowed. "Well-- anyway, my dude, I guess I just wanted to find some common ground with you."
"Common ground."
"Yeah! A truce!" Ren crossed his hands neatly on the back of his chair. He still didn't trust The Red King enough to stand beside him, without something to defend himself with or hide behind. "Or well, kind of a truce, anyway. I mean, I'm sure there's something you want from me, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be interested in me at all. You'd be off chasing down your enemies, or maybe becoming King of hels or something."
He ignored The Red King's chuckle, more growl than anything else, and continued doggedly on. "But this also doesn’t have to be transactional. I don’t want much in return - besides maybe the safety of looking in the mirror again.”
Ren laughed uncomfortably. The King did not.
“When we met the first time, you had a lot to say about my being a coward and leaving my friends behind. I’m not, and I didn’t,” Ren said, trying to sound firm, but the stillness from The Red King was getting uncomfortable. He could tell he was listening, but his face was utterly passive. He still held the plate Ren had handed him, but he didn’t move to eat, only held it in a facsimile of politeness. “I did what I thought was right at the time, and I still am. Surely that’s something you can sympathize with.”
The Red King dipped his head slightly, thoughtfully maybe? His ears, always back and bristled, twitched.
“Aye, I can sympathize with the idea of duty. With doing what must be done.” The Red King set the plate down beside the campfire. He crossed his arms behind his back. “I suppose ye ken that’s what ye be doing now, aye? Settle yer differences with the King ‘afore he can strike ye in a way that harms. Truly harms.”
The Red King started to pace, long slow steps that sent his shadow arching towards the mirror. It made Ren think of a pacing tiger, or a hungry wolf. He was containing himself, refusing to cross an invisible line. “But I see ye, Rendog. I see ye hiding.”
“I’m not-- I’m right here.” Ren felt himself bristle just a bit, indignance overtaking his nervousness. “I’m not hiding from anyone.”
“Are ye? Ye call me here talking proudly of bravery, of coming to an accord, of common ground. But ye call me here, to a world I have no place in. Ye bid me eat at a table while yer allies stand with weapon in hand. Ye bargain for yer peace of mind--”
“You tried to kill me!” Ren snapped. “This isn’t cowardice, this is being prepared in case you do it again!”
“What be ye scared of, Rendog?” The Red King laughed. “I cannae kill ye in a way that matters! Yours is a world of respawn! Of endless second chances! And yet look at ye - cowering behind a chair like I’m the feral wolf that bit ye.”
Ren’s ears flattened against his head. He let go of the back of the chair, suddenly aware he’d been clutching it with a white-knuckled grip.
“Ye search for common ground? We be nothing alike.” The Red King turned away from him and paced towards the mirror. Long slow steps, heavy, like an executioner. His arms uncrossed themselves from behind his back. “Ye be a bully. When ye fought, it was only with an army at yer back. When Scar came to rob ye, ye yapped at him like a dog, too cowed to bite. Ye made me to scare yer foes, to show them winter, a world dimmed by the loss of life. And the monster ye made brought great rejoicing only when its terror was gone. Winter has ended, they cried. Now blooms the spring. A spring watered by the blood of yer army. Fertilized by the bodies of yer bad decisions. The road to hell paved by preparation and good intentions.”
Ren swallowed hard. He didn’t know what to think, to say. He didn’t think he was a bully, but now The Red King was making him think about what it must be like, dragged from whatever your home was, expecting violence. The Red King was making him remember Third Life, and how scared he was, and how loud he got in a room full of people trying to take advantage of him. Of how Martyn became his muscle so quickly. And Skizz when he was red. And how he’d pursued Etho, because Etho was a good ally in a fight. And he was starting to think he did look like a bully, didn’t he? Because he was scared. Because maybe, truly, he was a coward after all. Because--
“I suppose we share one common thread,” The Red King spoke, and when Ren looked up at him, there was an axe in his hands. His heart leaped into his throat and he stumbled a step back away from the chair. The Red King’s axe was a deceptively simple looking thing, large enough for his clawed hands but altogether unremarkable. It was diamond, and it glittered with handmade enchantments and no other adornment but the spatter of blood on the handle. “We both desire nothing more than the safety of our friends.”
He held his axe out threateningly, the blade hovering dangerously over Doc’s neck. The Red King snarled, “Next time ye call me to parlay, do so without a dagger behind yer back, lad.”
Ren laughed, because he was scared and he didn’t know how else to cope with it. The King hesitated. “You-- you just said this is a world of second chances. If you kill him, it won’t matter.”
The words left his mouth and they felt cruel, but they were true. Ren knew they were true. Doc would lament the loss of levels, but Ren would recover his stuff before the despawn. Doc would wake up in a bed somewhere, bummed he’d missed the action, and probably angry the plan had gone awry, but safe.
“Is that what ye ken, lad?” The Red King asked him, and his voice was so confident, so insidious, Ren found himself worried. It writhed in his stomach like bile, the feeling he might be wrong. “I was forged in a world where life was a temporary inconvenience.”
“B-but-- you’re not there. You’re on Hermitcraft.”
“What laws do ye ken rule me, lad? The laws of a world I feel no love for, or the laws of a world I was made for?” The Red King laughed. “Cower little dog, and yap all you like. We’ll see if yer friend is soothed by yer words when his name is fragile as the gold it’s dyed in.”
The Red King raised his axe, and Ren vaulted over the chair with a speed he didn’t even know he was capable of. He was blinded by the single, whole-hearted desire to stop that axe from falling. He tackled The Red King, his shoulder barreled into his chest and he felt the startled huff! as the air was forced from the King’s lungs. The two of them tumbled to the ground, knocking over the mirror. It didn’t shatter, landing with a soft thump in the grass. Ren felt The Red King’s boot come under his stomach, and he was kicked off, and he rolled to a stop at Welsknight’s frozen feet. Ren stood breathlessly, shook himself off and bristled. The Red King rose slower, taking care to catch his breath. His axe lay in the grass nearby him, but Doc was unharmed, and that was all that mattered for the moment.
“Alright, alright. You wanna go?” Ren snarled, his tail lashing once, angry. He paced a step away from Wels, giving himself some space. “I didn’t want to do this, my dude, but if you wanna go, we can go.”
There was an ember inside Ren’s chest he didn’t often use, for a shift he didn’t often need. Fighting The Red King, though, he thought he’d need it. So, Ren shifted. It was a soft change; one he had long grown used to. He grew a little taller, his hands turned themselves into sharpened claws much like his counterpart. His hair lengthened and grew and thickened, trailing down his back and shoulders, his arms. His bones rearranged themselves into something more fitting a werewolf. Ren cracked his neck, and shook out his fur, and snarled with a maw full of teeth.
“You try that again, and I’ll make you regret it,” Ren threatened. “We’ll see if your laws mean you have only one life to tango with.”
The Red King tilted his head at Ren, like he was looking up at him. He smirked, amused. “Two common threads.”
The Red King straightened - or rather, he was already standing straight, but his shoulders broadened, and his body lengthened, and with the snaps and pops of rearranging bones he shifted as well. The great grey mantle on his shoulders shivered and grew, covering his body in silver-black fur. His muzzle lengthened, and his crown warped to shape a wolf-ish head. Again, he towered over Ren, a massive werewolf, bloodied muzzle and paws dripping like he was fresh off a kill. And still he grinned. “One life or not, I fear no death laddie. But I know ye do.”
The Red King lunged. The two of them fell into the grass, snarling and snapping, and Ren could feel himself overpowered already. The Red King was too big, too strong, too much, and Ren had been scared he’d lose even against him human. Ren found himself trying to scramble out from under the massive beast of his other half, a snarling monster that simply closed its jaws on his arm when he tried to push him away. Ren clawed and kicked and writhed, and found himself pinned. The Red King’s jaws closed around his throat.
Ren came gasping awake like he was fresh off a respawn, the phantoms of teeth pressing into his neck. He scrambled up so quickly he fell over his chair, and both he and his seat fell to the ground with a thud and a clatter. Doc’s loud snoring halted abruptly, and he shot to his feet as well.
“Hey! Hey! Woah what the hell? What’s going on?!”
“Is he here?” Wels asked, his sword in his hand. He and Doc both converged on Ren, who lay in the grass gasping, trying to catch his breath. “I don’t see him-- Ren, what’s wrong? Ren?”
“He-- he--he-- He was-- he--” Ren gasped and stammered, a hand to his neck trying to reassure himself he was unharmed. He looked around wildly, but there was no Red King in sight, nor the monstrous werewolf he’d turned into. There were only his friends staring down at him in concern. A laugh, loud and hysterical, bubbled itself up through Ren’s chest and he fell back into the grass. He laughed, because he didn’t know what else to do, how else to process. He laughed because his heart was racing, and he still couldn’t catch his breath, and this was absolutely ridiculous. He laughed because he was terrified, and it had all been a dream.
“Alright, that’s it,” Doc snapped. “I’m calling this off. Ren’s so scared of this guy he’s having nightmares, and it’s not like he showed up anyway.”
Doc stormed off to start picking up torches and packing up their chairs. 
Wels crouched beside Ren, “You alright?”
“It was -- ahah! -- it was just a stupid nightmare.”
“Yeah… I’m sure it was.”
“Is that why you can’t sleep?!” Ren asked him, gasping, finally managing to wrangle some control over himself. "Do you do that every night? My dude that was-- that--"
Ren looked past Wels to where Doc was standing. Doc had stopped picking up items. He stood stiffly in front of the mirror, his hand covering his mouth - which Ren only saw because he could see the reflection. The glass of the mirror was slashed by four long claw marks made of red-tinted frost. A sign. A warning. A farewell.
"Oh… shit." Ren breathed.
"Yeah…" Wels rubbed the back of his neck.
Ren felt sick. When people described the phrase “sick with fear”, they’d never come close, in his book. Suddenly it felt as if all of his guts had turned into snakes, but not the writhing just-got-picked-up-by-the-tail-and-not-having-it kind. It was the slow churning of scales upon scales upon scales in his stomach, like something alive was waking up and coiling over itself. It was knowing if he moved too much, if he breathed too much, it would realize it was trapped inside him and it would decide to bite, and when it bit it’d take his lungs and his heart on its way up his throat. It was dread like ice, like The Red King’s breath on his neck when he’d lunged for him. It was fear like Scar showing up at his door the day after Third Life, and Ren not knowing for a moment who he was or where he was, only that this was supposed to be an enemy in another life, in another place, and he was caught weaponless and bare and unawares and completely at something’s mercy.
This was realizing The Red King had killed him in his sleep, and not knowing what would happen when he checked his name in his communicator.
“Ren?” Wels asked him. “Ren, you're pale. What’s up, man?”
Ren was pale. He wasn’t grey. He wasn’t bleeding. He wasn’t dead. Logically he hadn’t respawned. He’d awoken in a chair by a campfire that was all dying embers in front of a mirror that was slashed with ice in the company of friends who were breathing and watching him and concerned. He should check his communicator. He should have the others check it for him. He should tell them what The Red King threatened. Tell them about the axe, and the snarling mouth, and the fight in the grass. He should check his communicator and see what color his name is. It could be a bluff. It could be a lie. It could be that Ren woke up before he’d died, and so faced no consequences. 
But Ren was figuring out slowly, encounter by encounter with The Red King, that he truly was a coward.
Ren buried his face in his hands and he told himself he would check when he pulled himself together. When he stopped shaking. When he started breathing regular. When the phantoms of teeth stopped aching in a jagged necklace around his throat. 
He would check it later.
And his name would be green.
And The Red King would have lied.
He didn’t know what he would do if it wasn’t.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 ?
❝ can you hear the silence? can you see the dark? can you fix the broken? can you feel, can you feel my heart? ❞
yandere! Fake Albedo (Alfredo) x gn! reader.
❤️ synopsis: Your love for Albedo burns brighter than any flame, but what happens when an imposter ruins everything? Furthermore, what else awaits once you start walking side by side with the imposter, only for him to end up falling for you instead?
part i.
I got a little inspired when I was watching the movie "Orphan" even if this really isn't that similar to it. Fake Albedo is really hot and I had to do something for him. Fair warning, he sees you as a parental figure but also as a lover... He's a little messed up but that's why you're here to fix him...! ❤️💀 I'm also calling him Alfredo here because "Fakebedo" just wouldn't work well as a real name. I would also like to apologize for my poor ability of writing natural dialogue in this... That was a ride to come up with.
❤️ Word count: 2k~
Thank you all for 10k followers. You guys really are the best. 💓
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The echoes of footsteps rang in your ears as you desperately tried to keep your vision steady and clear, but the endless amounts of ice and snow decided to make that task difficult for you. You had just recently stepped foot into Dragonspine, the urge to help out your friends too strong to stop. Amber had recently complained to you that a lot of strange things had been happening on Dragonspine and while she never dwelled on the details you could tell that something was terribly wrong. You were hardly a seasoned adventurer, if you could be even called one. Most of your commissions stemmed from collecting herbs, helping the locals, keeping guard of trade routes and simply cleaning up the great statue of Barbatos, which would take you countless hours because you did not posses a Vision. Even so you weren't too shabby with a sword and you had been on the icy mountain countless times much to everyone's surprise. Ever since the sudden Stromterror attack on the city you and Albedo became really good friends and he took you under his wing to show you all of the beauty and mysteries the world could offer. You sat through countless lectures, written and read endless theses and notes but you still lusted for more, just as much as Albedo did.
The only difference was, knowledge wasn't the only thing you craved in the long run.
It really wasn't that hard to fall for the alchemist, he was so oddly charming that you couldn't help but to be utterly smitten. He had his quirks that others thought were strange but you adored them, it were those little habits that made Albedo, well, Albedo. You wouldn't change anything about him. Your silent adoration came with a price, a price your poor heart just wasn't ready to pay - you had to suffer all by your lonesome. Albedo clearly did not see you in such a light, you were just a student and a friend to him. You doubted he even noticed your longing stares let alone the frantic beating of your heart.
Being in love was hard.
But not being loved back was even worse.
You silently hoped that by doing these tasks he would notice you, he would see you as his equal and hopefully more but that was asking for too much. You were willing to settle for anything, that's how desperate you were. Dragonspine was more than a training ground to you, it was a chance, a chance for you to seize and conquer the heart of the person you admired the most in this world because if you didn't, it felt as though the earth itself would open and it's jaws would swallow you whole! ...well, that is a bit dramatic but that really was how you felt. Even if you couldn't have him, even if he could not love you, just being by his side should be enough for you. Just seeing his face was more than enough to brighten your day.
Like right now.
Straight ahead a bit higher on the path was Albedo, a small smile on his handsome face face as he outstretched his arm towards you, a sign that he was going to help you climb up further onto the mountain. You hid the blush that creeped up on you with the soft scarf that you wore, he really was a true gentleman. Times like this became incredibly precious to you as he would finally show you his softer side and you would end up falling in love all over again with him. He greeted you kindly and linked your hand with his own as he lead you down the Snow Covered Path towards the campsite, a comfortable silence between the two of you. Despite the wind and chilly ice, the sun was high up in the sky and its rays outstretched far into the horizon, the soft orange hues bathed the tall mountains in a ethereal glow that made you feel so warm on the inside. The company you had also made things even better than they already were.
"You look so happy right now I could almost paint you."
Stopping dead in your tracks you turned to Albedo, his comment had caught you off guard. A bright smile was plastered all over his face, his eyes were glimmering with a mischief that you only saw on a few rare occasions. Still, he never said something like this to you, never.
Archons, was your heart going to explode?
Your stunned silence started to scare him a little so he tried to comfort you by putting his hand on your shoulder, not knowing what kind of impact this entire situation left on you. You swore on your life and everything you ever owned that if a boulder just fell from the sky and crushed you to bits you would die happy.
Making haste you quickly ran in front of him, telling him to hurry up unless he wants to stay here out in the open until the sun sets, making this place even more dangerous than it already was. He laughed a little and caught up with you, making sure to throw some snow at you while he could. The two of you walked like that for a while, just enjoying the scenery and each others company before it was time to buckle up and get serious. It was so refreshing to see him like this, so happy and carefree. He was oddly chatty with you today though, which wasn't too unusual but it was indeed noticable. Albedo usually stated the facts and the truth, with the occasional joke if he was in the mood for it but he seemed to be quite talkative today, not that you complained. He asked you how your day was and what you did, while also sharing his own activities with you. He didn't have a lot of time to paint today unfortunately but he did finally manage to get some of his notes and experiments in order, allowing him for more free time in the upcoming days. Still chatting away with him you made sure to take the turn you usually took to get to his camp but before you could he stopped you by suddenly grabbing your wrist. Odd, you thought to yourself.
"Your camp is right here, isn't it? We always take the turn here, I know we do."
"It is but... I was having some issues so I had to switch locations, unfortunately. Here, come this way instead."
Gripping your wrist a little too tight than you would have liked, Albedo randomly just shoved you into the opposite direction, leaving you confused, downright dazed even. You could have sworn that you saw some fire flickering near the entrance but you couldn't even comment on it with how hard and fast he was going right now. The happy atmosphere shifted into this very tense and awkward one, the sheer quietness was so thick you could almost cut it with a butter knife. Only the sound of your footsteps and of the bustling wind remained. You were tempted to speak up but you ended up opposing the idea as Albedo was in a very troubled mood. Was his camp raided, did someone steal something that wasn't supposed to be seen? Albedo did have quite a lot of strange but powerful things lying around the place, it's possible that someone stole some of his notes or tampered with his projects while he was outside of the hideout. Yes that must be it, you reasoned with yourself. Why else would he be acting like this?
"We're here."
Huh, well that was fast.
The new camp was located on the opposite side of the mountain and it was buried deep inside of a hard to find cave but he was smart enough to leave a few scratch marks on the wall in order for it to be identified. Not so large to be remembered by random travelers but not too small to be forgotten by him either. Quite smart of him, as usual.
Letting go of your hand he offered to take your coat off your hands while you made yourself warmer by the fire. Letting out a sigh of relief you allow the soft flames to tickle your chilly fingers. The sudden smell of meat being cooked overtook your senses, causing you to let out a cheerful laugh. Turning your head to the side you noticed Albedo tending to his own flame, a nice, large black pot was placed over it, filled with meat and hearty veggies, perfect for a delicious stew. His eyes sparkled with joy as he grabbed a nearby spoon and carefully stirred the stew, the intense smell of it even made his stomach grumble. A comfortable silence overcame the two of you, much to your relief. That earlier interaction made you feel a little tense but it was nice seeing him in high spirits again, even a genius like him gets lonely from time to time, you pondered to yourself. Your train of thought was stopped suddenly once you noticed the unsatisfied scowl on Albedo's pretty face. Frustration was written all over it as he suddenly stood up from his chair and grabbed his jacket and bag.
"I need to go out and get a herb or two, I'll be back before you know it. There should be some nearby, they'll make the stew that much more delicious."
With his back turned to you he started walking towards the exit, but before he left he had one final thing to say to you.
"Feel free to stir that thing every once and a while, maybe even read a book if you get too bored. But don't touch anything on that table in the corner, okay?"
His tone was gentle and the request was simple so you nodded with a smile on your face, saluting him in the process. With a chuckle he turned his back to you once more as he existed the cave, his footsteps were getting farther and farther away from the cave.
Soon enough you were all by your lonesome, your only companions being the few scraps of paper that were littered on the ground, the boiling pot and the crackling fire that sat next to you. You grabbed the wooden spoon and examined it in your hand, while also keeping an eye on the stew. The hearty smell made your tummy grumble which caused you to let out a semi loud groan as you dramatically held your stomach with your free hand, your eyes still zoned in on the food. You sat there for a few minutes, just enjoying the peace and quiet. It didn't take long for your stomach to act out again, begging you to just eat something. Besides, who knew when Albedo was coming back anyway. He was definitely more familiar with the mountain and terrain than you were but that still didn't change the fact that you were starving.
Standing up from the chair you decided to look around for something to munch on before your companion turned up once more. There were a couple of old oak tables in the cave with thousands of books and even more notes scattered across their surfaces, a clear sign that Albedo had been quite busy for a while now. You quickly scanned through everything but nothing caught your eye, to top it off there was no food in sight. He probably used up the rest of his leftover supplies to cook this little feast that was bubbling away in the corner, but you digress.
Your fingers gently traced the edges of the tables as you occasionally stopped to go through the various documents, even tidying up little areas here and there. Albedo really could be sloppy sometimes which why you took this tiny liberty. As you stood there with several books in your hands you couldn't help but to look at the table in corner, the one table Albedo warned you not to go anywhere near. You first turned your head to the side, a little angry at yourself for even letting the curious thought wander into your mind but the more you wandered around, the more fidgety you became. For starters that table was suspiciously tidier than the rest but somehow had even more junk on it compared to the others. An old lamp was on it, the wick inside of it was clearly lit not too long ago. You didn't even notice that the sun had started to set and just how colder and darker your surroundings had become. The only heat source was the fire that cooked your dinner, but even that threatened to go out any moment now. You had some matches in your pocket, surely you could light up this one lantern... right? You cautiously walked towards the forbidden corner, the contents on it remaining a complete mystery to you due to the darkness that continued to expand all around you. You were barely able to make out the small lantern, it's lid already open a little bit. You reached out to your pocket and took out your matches and tried to light them up. The first one went out almost immediately. The second one stayed lit for a few seconds but before you could even get it close to the lantern, it also faded. Grumbling to yourself, you grabbed a third match and prayed to the Archons to just let you light this stupid thing already. With a steady motion, you carefully tried to grab the lantern with your other free hand but you didn't even realize just how shaky you were. The match suddenly slipped right past your fingers and the lit flame fell onto the papers that were beneath you. With a shriek you picked everything up hastily while also trying to repair the damages you stupidity caused. You cursed yourself for your clumsiness, who knew how Albedo was going to react? He even told you not to go near this dumb table, you really should have listened to him... He was definitely going to notice what you did, so, you might as well try fixing them up while you could... That would hopefully make him a little less angry with you.
Stepping closer to the entrance you held the papers tightly to your chest as the strong wind almost knocked you over, but your determination was unwavering. You were going to fix this mess and that's final. With the few glimmers of light you finally looked at the contents of the papers, but instead of the usual notes that you were used to you were met with something much more... gruesome.
You shrieked as you threw the papers to the ground, but your eyes remained glued to them none the less. Icy chills coarsed through your veins as you looked at the images that were staring back at you, another scream threatening to break out.
On the ground was a drawing of a mutilated Albedo, with another Albedo that was standing above him with a bloody sword in his hand and a devilish sneer on his lips. The image itself was already disturbing, but it were the little details what caused you to freak out so much. The look of absolute fear in his eyes, the organs that were ripped apart from his stomach and were tossed so carelessly to the ground. His intestine decorated the bottom part of the page like grass as the Albedo above him held his weapon, his sneer forever engraved in your mind. You didn't even notice him holding a bloody heart in his other hand, the fist was high up in the air, like it was being shot up into the moon.
With shaky knees you crouched and took the papers in your hands and examined all of them. Some contained notes in a language which you could not decipher, the sharp penmanship made you woozy. Other pieces of parchment contained more drawings, each more disturbing than the last one. Human hearts, the general human anatomy, several scenes across Dragonspine were all drawn with a simple pencil but what stuck out the most were the portraits of Albedo, Sucrose and yourself. All of them were done with pristine detail, there was obvious care put into every little line. You sprinted towards the table, your anxiety skyrocketing beyond the roof, You moved everything around, hoping to find something that would explain the gory and eerie drawings but instead of answers you were met with even more questions - several pictures were hung up on the wall in front of you, all of them had Albedo as the center focus. It was him walking, eating, studying, drawing, sleeping, living...
It was beyond disturbing.
There were hundreds of little notes stuck and hidden in any corner of the table, all of which contained information about Albedo and his life. His height, his clothing, weight, everything was there. Your lungs felt like ice as you hyperventilated, your mind just couldn't comprehend what was going on. Why was he keeping so many methodical notes about himself, what was up with these sick drawings? Sick, there really was no other word to describe them. Repulsive, disgusting, sick, it was too much to handle.
To add more fuel to the fire, you suddenly felt a thin blade being pressed against your neck.
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❤️ TAGS: @genshinarchives, @crystalkaramelle
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justyvettethings · 3 years
Random astro observations 🌸 #15
I'm not a professional astrologer so please don't take this personally
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Capricorn Mercuries are always prepaired for EVERYTHING. Every. Single. Thing. They have plan B for plan A and plan C for plan B. Why? Because of their unconditional sense of responsibility and reliability.
The position of the Sun can be interpreted based on it's position in the different hemispheres of the chart. Keep in mind this is very brief and general explanation.
~ Sun in the left hemisphere (around the Ascendant) is considered to be really beneficial for leader position in life. Also the person can be self-centered or even egoistic if more planets are present on the left side of the chart. The lesson here is to learn to be more open to people and the environment.
~ Sun in the bottom hemisphere (around Imum coeli) indicates later succes in life or accomplishing the higher manifestation of the soul after the 40th birthday. When talking about a woman with Sun in this position it's very likely that she'll be forced to wait for succes and form a family and home on her own first. People with shadowed Sun (Sun in the bottom of the chart) have a high chance of developing extrasensory perception in some part of their life whether they like it or not. When I say shadowed Sun I mean the fact that when a planet is positioned in the bottom of the chart, it gets "in the dark" and it's kept there until the second part of life.
~ Sun in the right hemisphere (around the Descendant) belongs to the selfless individuals. They depend on their surroundings more compared to others. This can be double-edged sword, because they will have a lot of friends and social contacts, but they also may get tired from absorbing all this energy and lose themselves in the social environment. These people are also the people helpers, they'll never reject providing help to others, but they need to learn how to help themselves first.
~ Sun in the top hemisphere (around Medium coeli) is favorable placement, because it's double the brightess for the Sun (The Sun shines bright and the top of the chart makes it shine even brighter). People with this Sun will get successful early in life with the help of good aspects, but overall my experience tells me that most of the times Sun on the top will devop earlier and faster even without any major aspects or conjunctions. Now, there's a situation where the opposite effect may occur, namely the inert Sun. I've seen it two times in the chart of older people, who haven't accomplished anything major in life and just lived day-to-day without big ambition and energy, which is typical for this position. The explanation for this, in my opinion, is harshly aspected Sun or the "extreme brightness effect", because nothing too much of something is good. Double the power of something may be self-destructive.
As you may know, Mars got into the sign of Scorpio around the end of October and the beginning of November (I can't remember the exact date). So the effect of Mars on my body and health was definitely present. Firstly, you may get horny more often than normal (I know it sounds cliché but it's true) and secondly, inflammation processes may start to happen, especially in the reproductive system and the lungs, so be aware. Also something weird, but I need to share it with you guys, avoid getting mad during this transit (although it's natural to experience angry bursts during Mars in Scorpio), because it'll be more emotional than normal and you may start to "angry cry" during arguments.
With Venus Saturn aspects, there's almost 100% chance that the person will struggle to find a partner because of the unimaginable criteria, standards or expectations they may have for others. Another important thing about the aspects is that there needs to be a line between love life and monetary needs, because people tend to mesh these two things together. For men this means that they expect women to be attracted to their money, so they start to think they need to make a lot of money and only then women will like them. Women on the other hand tend to search for partners who can provide financially and that's their number one priority. In both cases the lesson is that finances should not be the most prominent factor in the romantic relationship.
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lxffy · 2 years
Helloo ☺️ I saw you're open for request. I didn't see an event (I could also be blind tho) so I guess I can ask for almost anything? You can delete this if it's not the case 😳
May I ask for a Zoro x Female reader where the reader falls asleep and she accidentally ends up in Zoro's arms? They get caught by some people from the crew and get all flustered haha. They're not in a relationship but there are unspoken feelings towards each other 😳
If you're not comfortable with this, you can ignore my ask. Thank you 💕
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❦ a comforting presence…
pairing: zoro x fem!reader
synopsis: no one understands how the two of you ended up in this position, except zoro himself…
word count: 0.74k
note: fluff, mutual pining, strawhats being nosey, not proofread; before you sent this request in, i had a napping hc alr planned (never started tho) for zoro which inspired this fic too! great minds think alike, yea?
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It was an unspoken rule for the two of you guys to take naps together. You’d find Zoro sleeping on the deck and feel the urge to take a nap as well, and he never complained when you did. Most of the crew thought you were just as sleepy as Zoro always was and assumed nothing of it, but there was a much deeper meaning to it.
And today was just like any other day; you found yourself subconsciously looking for Zoro when a drawn-out yawn was pulled out of you. He was lying under one of the trees on the Thousand Sunny, his arms behind his head and his three swords resting next to him. 
The waves rocking the ship were soft and soothing and they brought a warm salty breeze across the deck. A bright blue sky soon revealed itself, bringing along a blazing sun that warmed up your skin as you walked towards Zoro’s napping spot.
The moss-head was sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and slowly falling, and you found comfort in his soft snores. You positioned yourself on the floor next to him trying not to wake him, but he was already well aware of the presence whether you could tell or not.
You rested your head on your arms while laying on your side and faced Zoro in the process. You couldn’t stop yourself from letting a small smile take over your lips; these naps were something you looked forward to every day. And Zoro never complained or commented on it either, so you let yourself believe that he wasn’t against it.
Zoro was less than an arm's length away which you didn’t realize until your eyes were already fighting to stay open. He wouldn’t mind, you thought. Plus, the two of you were much too sleepy to do anything about it…
“Oi, Nami, are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
“Are my eyes playing jokes on me right now?”
“They look superrrr comfortable too.”
Besides the three voices circling around your head, you felt a different surface under your head instead of the grass you previously rested on. There was a secure arm around your waist and it took a minute to realize what was happening.
You quickly rose up, your hands were placed right in the middle of Zoro’s chest and you accidentally pushed a little too hard, which woke him up quite quickly. You removed your arms from his chest and quickly uttered an apology but your mind was occupied with trying to come up with an excuse.
Zoro slowly blinked his eyes as he straightened up. “What’s going on?”
But it didn’t take him long to remember what took place in the last few minutes. 
The two of you glanced at each other before quickly looking away, too embarrassed to look each other in the eye. But you didn’t miss the growing blush evident on his ears.
“I swear, that was just a random occurrence that will probably never happen again,” You said frantically, facing Nami, Usopp, and Franky.
“What happened?” Sanji asked from above, Luffy following out the kitchen. Zoro’s embarrassment deepened knowing that the one and only love cook was above, watching the rest of the situation go down.
“Nothing happened!” Zoro yelled, his eyes looking anywhere but one of his crewmates.
“Y/n fell asleep in Zoro’s arms!” Usopp announced.
“Eh?” Sanji exclaimed. “Zoro did what to Y/n?!”
Zoro wanted nothing more than to punch Sanji square in the face knowing he succumbed to doing something remotely romantic. On any other day, he would’ve noticed the presence of the others before they arrived, but something about you sleeping in his arms had his guard down.
He looked over at you and watched you frantically try and clear any misunderstandings, but there was nothing to clear up. He knew what he wanted when he felt you roll closer to him during your nap. Zoro couldn’t tell whether you regret what happened but he sure as hell didn’t.
You could feel Zoro’s eyes boring into you which made your face feel impossibly warmer. But knowing him, you’d thought it would be better to clear up the situation than having the crew bring this up later.
Although, you did find it strange that Zoro didn’t move after he felt you resting on him. Maybe he was just being nice, but wrapping an arm around you must’ve meant something more than just being nice.
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🏷: @underscar + @thatsprettycoolbro + @blackweebtrash + @levistiddies + @zorosq
join my taglist here !
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narutosfrog · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡 — Reader x Strawhats ! Reader x Luffy — SECOND PART
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cw: fem!reader, some body description, violence, mentions of hunting animals, sexual content, mdni
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✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
— TAG LIST: @cameshitpost @herbo-logia @irenered-20 @unstable06 @toraochi @cuddleymoonbear @boggiesho
To be put on the tag list, please comment 🤍
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The temple was actually a cave, carved deep into what seemed to be a wall of stone. It was, indeed, the only breach of the highest mountain of the island, which dominated the landscape with its greatness — the summit was so high that the clouds prevented its view.
"It's majestic," murmured Chopper in awe.
"What's behind the mountain?" asked Robin. She couldn't wait to get into that temple and have time for herself to study the Poigne Griffe and, yet, she couldn't stop staring.
"The forbidden bit of the island" answered the nymph, "Mother Nature didn't place such an obstacle by chance. It would challenge the bravest hearts."
"But you saw the forbidden bit..." guessed Chopper.
Y/n's lips formed a sad smile. "I've always loved a good challenge."
Robin lowered her gaze, smiling to herself. "You sound like our captain," she uttered. And then she disappeared into the temple.
The nymph spent the following couple of hours explaining Chopper whatever she remembered about the medical herbs. No matter how much she hated to admit it, she liked the little guy.
Y/n grabbed a purple root and showed it to him. "This is the last one but it's the most dangerous and difficult to use. It was used to boost the vital energy of us warriors or of a sick or hurt nymph who didn't wish to give up life."
"Why is it dangerous?"
"You need to figure out your way to use it. You could infuse it or make pills, whatever is coherent with your studies — but I'm warning you. Try not to use it."
Chopper gazed up at her, his round eyes full of worry. "What would happen if I did?"
"It could work. But if the person is not strong enough they will die. It would be the last straw for their heart."
Chopper was about to say something but the swordsman and the cook appeared from the trees, cutting him off.
"Oi, nymph" said Zoro, in a low tone, "Luffy sent us to ask you more food."
"Be more polite, idiot!" yelled Sanji.
"More food?" she hissed, "It was supposed to last for three days."
"Luffy is an animal, what can I say?"
Y/n gritted her teeth. "You're causing problems and you've been here for less than two days. Tell your captain to come here."
"I don't think he's going to come," said Zoro in a monochord tone.
"Then he's going to starve and you all with him."
Zoro narrowed his eyes. In his mind, Y/n could clearly see that he was struggling with his desire to fight her. She wasn't surprised with that. What she was surprised with was a sort of flashback — Luffy commanding him to never attack her. Never.
She furrowed her eyebrows and tried her best to silence the thoughts. "Your captain will come" she spelled, "And that is the end of the matter."
"You do not command us."
Her eyes lit up like burning gold, as she rose on her feet, fury radiating from her voice.
"I do command you. You may be pirates but this is the Sanctuary and I am the eldest nymph. Do not get on the wrong side of me. Every second you're spending on land is by my grace — You are alive by my grace."
Zoro unsheathed his swords, his jaw clenched with anger, but a voice came from the nearby trees.
"It's alright, Zoro." Luffy stepped out of the trees, his face more serious than ever. "I'll go."
Sanji, who turned into a bundle of stupid nerves everytime a woman was involved, was wary as well. "Are you sure?"
"She won't hurt me."
Y/n narrowed her eyes. "You seem a little bit too sure."
"You and I know better than to fight among us" murmured Luffy, a harsh tone in his voice, "Don't we?"
She didn't answer and turned to Chopper, her cold stone glare turning warm for a moment. "Take as many herbs as you want, Chopper. But wait until Robin is done so she doesn't get attacked while walking back alone."
Chopper let out a shy smile. He liked the nymph — he wasn't happy with all that conflict. "Thank you, Y/n. You're very kind.*
Y/n nodded and then gazed up at Luffy, glaring again. "Follow me."
When they got closer to the side of the mountain, Luffy furrowed his eyebrows. "Really, now?"
"Given what I saw in your memories, I thought you knew things don't just come your way for free" she said, "The forbidden bit is the only place where hunting is permitted and to reach the forbidden bit we need to get past the mountain."
"We?" he murmured, getting closer, "Thought you didn't want anything to do with me but the way you talk says something else."
Y/n clenched her jaw and started climbing. "Shut the fuck up."
Luffy smiled to himself and followed her lead. He couldn't even understand what was making him smile. Truth was, he was angry at her. He wasn't used to things not going his way. Yet, he couldn't hate her.
Not when he kept catching her as she looked back, just to make sure he was fine. Not when the climb got hard and, despite her tone, she kept asking him if he needed help.
Luffy couldn't help but feel drawn to her. He wanted her in his crew. He wanted her. So, when it almost became hard to breathe and his muscles were sore from climbing, he kept his eyes on her. And he kept going up, and up and up again.
Y/n got to the top first and she held out her hand, downwards. Luffy looked at her furrowed eyebrows and warm eyes. And her voice, ever strict, made a request.
"Take my hand," she murmured.
Luffy surrendered to the command and grabbed her hand, as she pulled him past the edge. But his legs gave in for a moment and he stumbled. His weight was too much and sudden for the nymph to bear, so she fell, dragging Luffy on top of her.
There was a moment of astounding silence, only filled by the howling of the wind. The sudden pressure of Luffy's body against hers made Y/n's eyes widen.
The warmth, their skin covered by a thin layer of sweat, their chest heaving up to catch their breaths. The feeling was overwhelming.
And Luffy couldn't stop looking at her. It would've been a lie if he said that he hadn't already noticed her astonishing beauty — but being so close to her, being able to feel her body under his...
The nymph's heart skipped a beat as her mind helplessly ran through Luffy's thoughts. His eyes were deep into hers, his lips slightly parted, his hair moving wildly into the wind's path. She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking that maybe she should've pushed him down the mountain. It was an easier option than accepting the way he made her feel.
"Sorry" he spoke, in a low tone, "Did I hurt you?"
Y/n bit her lip to keep herself from making a sarcastic remark. It only brought Luffy's attention to her full lips and he had to keep himself from being inappropriate.
"I'm not made of sugar, Luffy," she murmured softly. Her skin, already reddened from the climb and the cold wind, hid the blood that had rushed to her face.
Luffy couldn't help but smile. "I know you aren't."
"Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm fine."
The silence was restored again. They both knew they were supposed to get up and find a way to get down to the forbidden bit, but they didn't dare to utter a word. Instead, Luffy moved his weight on only one of his forearms to sustain himself and raised his other hand, slowly. He pictured what he had in mind, just because he knew she was checking his thoughts, and hoped that she would stop him. But she didn't.
And Luffy brushed the skin of her cheekbones with his fingertips, delicately. He could've sworn he felt the warmth of her blood, rushing to her cheeks. He stared into her eyes, knowing that they were mirroring his own confusion.
She didn't react at his next thought so he gently pressed the palm of his hand on her skin, cupping her face. Y/n was just as surprised as he was, when she instinctively leaned onto his touch. Almost mindlessly, Luffy brushed his thumb on her lips and he took a deep breath. The nymph's heart fluttered at the lewd thoughts in his mind and she placed a hand on his chest.
"Luffy —," she muttered. A warning that she couldn't yet complete. Perhaps because of a lack of will to do that.
Luffy clenched his jaw. It took all of his self control to get his hand off of her face when all he wanted to do was explore every inch of her body. But his self control won the struggle and he chuckled under his breath. "This is the hardest thing I've had to do, today."
Y/n indulged in feeling his heartbeat against her palm, Luffy's scarred skin only making her wish she could map his body — making her wish she could know him in a way that went past the mastery of the mind. "Take it as a challenge" she whispered, "Perhaps, then, we'll decide not to lose."
Luffy tilted his head. "Or maybe it'll become a competition on which one of us loses first."
And, before the eye contact became unbearable, Luffy got both of them up. Y/n turned around, not wanting to face him yet. It had been a long time since she felt that kind of contact — feeling it again with Luffy was just one more struggle to add to the burning pile. Whenever she heard his thoughts, his desire to be closer, she couldn't say no. And that was what made Luffy dangerous.
"How do we get down?" he asked.
Y/n pointed at a waterfall, a few metres ahead. "I usually jump from here."
Luffy laughed to himself. "Fuck, no."
"It's not sea water, we won't drown."
"That doesn't mean you should jump off a cliff — you're not made of rubber."
"So, let me get this straight" said Y/n, "What you're concerned about is my safety, when I've done this a hundred times, but you're not concerned about yours because you're made of rubber?"
Luffy was a hundred percent serious. "Yes."
"Oh, give me a break."
Luffy got closer, a smirk creeping up on his face. "We're doing this my way, Willow" he murmured, "That's it."
The nymph felt her blood rushing down her belly and she hated herself for it. "You do not command me."
"But you won't say no to me, will you?"
"Fuck you."
"Don't ask for things you don't want to happen."
"Last time I checked, you were struggling to get your hands off of me."
"And you weren't going to stop me, weren't you?" he retorted, his hands slowly surrounding her waist.
Y/n brushed her palm against his lower abdomen, feeling the sculpted muscles tense up. "If I did stop you, you would have begged me for it" she murmured, "Isn't that right?"
Luffy leaned his head back, closing his eyes. His shorts were becoming tighter and tighter and he could feel the press of his dick against the fabric, pushing to free itself from the restraint. He opened his eyes to look at her again, meeting her golden eyes. Doe-eyed and seemingly innocent when it suited her, but perfectly aware of what she was doing to him.
"Don't tease me, Y/n" he warned, his voice getting lower, "Or I'll have those pretty eyes of yours roll to the back of your head."
She smirked, her hand going down and down just to stop on the edge of his pants. "You're all talk."
Luffy laughed to himself again. And, in a sudden movement, he threw her on his shoulder before jumping down the cliff. The nymph let out a muffled scream, while he kept snickering excitedly. Y/n could see the earth getting closer and closer. She was almost convinced they were going to crash on the ground but Luffy shot one of his elongated arms around a tree, just in time to land safely.
Luffy let out a satisfied sigh, smiling. He loved the rush of adrenaline — and having her ass so close to his face was definitely adding up to the satisfaction of the moment.
"Put me down!" she growled.
"I bet you can do it on your own," he giggled. He wasn't going to voluntarily put her down, that was for sure. He didn't see a similar occasion coming anytime soon.
"You're shameless..."
"And you know you like it."
"Shut up."
When she did get down on your own, Luffy was actually a bit disappointed. He didn't know how much effort it took her to renounce the chance of contact. But he also could imagine that she didn't quite trust him, yet. So, he tried to wrap his head around the idea that he needed to show her that she could let his guard down around him — another step towards her becoming a member of his crew. Another step towards her becoming his.
"Don't think like that," she hissed as they walked.
Luffy tilted his head. Sometimes he forgot she could read his mind. "I can't help it" he calmly said, "You're the one reading my mind."
"I can't help it either. You, on the other hand, could give up for once."
"I will give up when you give me a good reason why you shouldn't come with me."
"Telling you I don't want to should be enough."
"Maybe, I'll give you that. But I don't think that's the real reason. What I think is, you actually want to but you won't allow yourself."
Y/n glared at him. "Don't push it" she warned him, "You don't know me."
"Then why do I feel like I do?" he retorted, grabbing her wrist, "You feel this connection between us, I know it — don't pretend that you don't."
Y/n wanted to talk back, she wanted to tell him he was wrong. But how could she lie to his face, to those stubborn eyes that demanded an answer?
"Yes, yes, I feel it" she argued, exasperation radiating from her voice, "But that doesn't mean you actually know me, Luffy."
"Then, let me!" he yelled.
The nymph furrowed her eyebrows, as her heart fought to get out of her chest. She wanted to give in so bad... but she couldn't bring herself to. "I can't" she murmured, gently freeing her wrist from his grip, "I just can't."
Luffy's tone changed from angry and exasperated to just sad. "Why? You do know me. Fuck, you have complete access to everything I've ever done or thought or lived through. Why can't I know anything except your name, your age and who you want to kill?"
"I don't — I can't get attached. I'm halfway screwed, alright?" she stammered, "Knowing everything about people is a curse. Imagine being fond of someone two minutes into meeting them because you already know so much about them. Then, imagine you actually spend a lot of time with them. And you grow fonder and fonder. And then, imagine you lose them forever."
Luffy remained in silence. He tried to imagine what she was talking about and felt his chest ache. "You're afraid of losing more people" he muttered, "I get it."
"I know you do. So, please, stop asking."
"You want me to stop asking because you know that, eventually, you will say yes."
Luffy sighed and brushed his thumb against her cheek, indulging in the warm contact. "I will make you see that you can let me in" he murmured, "I can see it in your eyes, that you want to get out — you just need to let me in."
Y/n closed her eyes and hoped he would give up on her. Then, she felt the earth shake under her feet.
"There's one coming our way. Be ready."
"One what?" he asked, trying to concentrate. He wanted her to trust him.
"Here, in the forbidden bit, there are giant predators. I see you have experience with those."
"Yeah, let me take care of that."
"Be careful."
Luffy smirked. "Are you worried about me, pretty?" he taunted her.
She glared at him. "Shut up."
He laughed and cracked his knuckles, staring at the massive animal that was coming towards him. "Tell me to shut up quite often, do you? Maybe you should make me."
"Oh, hell. Just get your damned meat."
"Your wish is my command."
After Luffy killed the beast, he had to wait for Y/n to perform some sort of ritual, in which she thanked Mother Nature. When he told her that he was the one who killed the animal so she should've thanked him, instead of a goddess, he had to swerve a slap.
To transport the meat from the forbidden bit to the other side, the nymphs had made up a sort of pulley. Luffy didn't quite understand how it worked but knew for sure that Franky and Usopp would've loved that sort of thing. He hoped that, one day, Y/n and his friends could be close enough for them to share interests and friendship. He was going to make sure that happened.
When they got to the top of the cliff again, ready to get down Luffy's way, Y/n freezed.
"What?" he queried.
She pointed to a distant spot, in the sea. Luffy followed her finger with his eyes and saw a ship, ready to drop the anchor.
"Pirates" he murmured, "You checked their intentions? Can you do that from here?"
Y/n pulled out her knives, her eyes lighting up with anger. "I did" she uttered, "They're not welcome here."
"I understand. Let's go."
Hiii! This is the end of the second part — What is going to happen to the Sanctuary? Is the nymph going to join the Strawhats? What will happen between her and Luffy?
To find out in the third chapter, show some love to this one!🤍
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