#duskwood ep 10
finssillu · 2 years
Facing the fire
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mysticpetals · 2 years
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Ummm hand in marriage when??
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zmayadw · 2 years
Ok, I know this is not how things will turn out, but my mind is coming up with some crazy ideas now that we have only few days left till ep 10, so just bare with me here 😅 So just imagine this:
We all know how ep 9 ended - phone call from MWAF, lights go off, someone screams. So what if ep 10 begins with the sound of gun shot, the lights turning back on, we are still on a video call with Lilly, and we see one of our friends actually shot Hannah 😱 She was sent in by the MWAF when they all went into that room where the phone was, all tied up and her mouth were taped so she couldn't say anything and she gets shot being mistaken for the MWAF. 😶 (I would say there 'we either see someone shot Hannah OR Richy, but I still find him to be sus as hell, so I just put Hannah as an option).
Okieeee, I think I better go do something useful now 😅 Byeeeee
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duskwoodraven · 2 years
Helloooooo, so I'm currently at episode 6, but I really want to know what's going on!! Because I read something about a new chapter? Chapter 11? And also something about a new game, but people don't know what's it going to be about, but knowing the end of chapter 10 (I read a spoiler) it can't end like that, right?? RIGHT??? LIKE I WOULD DIEEEE. So yeap, hope you can answer my questions <3
No more new chapters after 10 I’m afraid. Buuut there might possibly be some more Duskwood stuff in the new game they are making where old characters might return! 😁 So everyone is excited for that possibility, and we might get more answers in the next game too.
I’m sorry you got spoiled for the ending 😔 I always want to kick myself when I read something I wasn’t supposed to yet.
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julcia404 · 2 years
Is this a spoiler? I'm not sure...but if you haven't finished playing the game yet, don't click that link, I guess...
In case you were wondering what the song was at the end of ep10...here you go. Happy listening!
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esmerayistaken · 2 years
Everbyte: Consider avoiding potential sources of spoilers like social media until you're finished.
Me who hasn't started yet: runs to tumblr to scroll and read through reactions while fighting the urge to open spoilers.
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ntoraplayschoices · 2 years
I just finished episode ten. What an experience :')
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luxavier · 2 years
Duskwood Ep 10 was fire! Figuratively and literally! I was expecting to see Jake's face tho!
I'll be waiting for the duskwood fanfic!😭
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artic-willow · 2 years
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she-x-wolf · 1 year
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gonnahackyourheart · 2 years
MC, after chatting to a new man is available
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xxavaloraxx · 2 years
Finished ep 10 of Duskwood...
Crying, sobbing, screaming, kicking feet :(
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thegirlfromthemoon · 2 years
Ep 10 spoiler!!
it's alex friedland (richy's actor) who sings the song in the final clip or am i crazy?!? anyway, i'm so obsessed with this song i can't stop (re) playing it 😭😭
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duskwoodraven · 2 years
SPOILERS!! For me, the real mvp of the last episode was Dan. Also, being called boo by him just melted my heart... I wanna go to the cinema with him asfghjlllbhfsaa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hell yeah! Dan absolutely knocked it out of the park!!
My man power crawled his way out of the hospital with a mission in mind, and he definitely completed it without hesitation. I am so proud of him 🥰
Also the waterfall tip was basically a genius idea for him to come up with on his own, that possibility didn’t occur to me at all. Dan might be the one who acts “clueless” at times but he comes through when it’s needed the most and points out things/behaviors others might have never noticed.
Being called boo by Dan also feels like a right of passage to me lol. Like before that he just thought of us as a chill enough to talk too acquaintance, then after the movie talk he’s like “okay you are now officially in my must protect friend group and I will treat you sweetly because I like you”.
What movie would you watch with Dan? Personally I love The Shining, the only scary movie that makes me somewhat nervous.
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zmayadw · 2 years
Promise Of A Fool In Love
▫️ Duskwood Oneshot ▫️
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Characters: Jake / GN!MC / Alan Bloomgate
Words: 2694
Warnings: Beside containing ep 10 spoilers, some swearing and I believe nothing else, but as usual, if you stumble upon something, please let me know 😊
A/N: Ok, I'm sorry, but I just cannot come to terms with not knowing 100% what happened to our beloved hacker at the end, so here I am! 😁
Oh, and this is the first time I am writing a GN!MC, so please, if you see any mistakes concerning that, do let me know so I can correct it :) Also, thank you @yuvon-augold79 for your advice and help!
A/N2: Ok, please, I beg you, as you read this, just don't go searching too much credibility for the mine events part, this is just fiction/fanfiction after all, and I just wanted to give me some concrete closure, be it possible or not. Thank you in advance! Hope you will like it! 💚
Jake: If I could deactivate the fake stream and transmit the cameras' real images instead
Then that way we might be able to find Hannah and Richy.
Jake press send on his chat with Mc focusing quickly back on the comptuer in front of him. He already spent way too much time in this room but if he succeeds doing it, the chance for him finding Hannah and Richy grow exponentially.
MC: Oh, you haven't heard yet
Alan just escorted Hannah out of the mine
„What!?“ he blurts out not believing his eyes and grabs his phone.
Jake: Hannah is safe?
MC: Yes :)
Closing his eyes for a moment, he takes a deep breath and exhales relieved that Hannah is finally safe. But she wasn't the only one they needed to find.
Jake: But what about Richy?
MC: Alan will find him
Jake: All right.
I must leave this mine immediately.
~ ~ ~ ~
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Reluctantly, he peels his eyes from his phone screen and tucks it to his pocket. It was time to get the hell out of this place. And fast.
Unfortunately, that is not going to be an easy task.
With no knowledge in what part of the mine Michael might be exactly, the map of the mine on his phone being of no use and the hatch at the Grimrock  locked, it's going to be extremely hard to leave this place.
Not to mentione that most likely all the known exits are probably guarded with cops, or the FBI agents, it's going to take a miracle for him to leave this place unnoticeable.
But that's not going to stop him from trying. He made a promise to Mc, and there was nothing that's going to stop him from keeping that promise. Especially not now when he finally managed the courage to confess his feelings to them.
It's been so long since the last time he felt like this – since he felt so alive. With everything that happened to him, he forgot how good that feeling was, how everything gets a different meaning when you have something to look forward to. Or rather to say someone.
And it is amazing how fast one can get used back to that feeling again, especially with the right person. So damn right he will do everything he can to get out of here alive.
But first thing first – he needs to get back to the higher level, it will definitely be more probable to find a way out from there. And even if it was a big risk, he should try to use the same ladders he took to get down here. Finding a new set of ladders blindly might take him way too much time.
Reaching the ladders, he carefully starts climbing. He tries to focus his hearing for any signs of movement, but the sound of his own heart beating uncontrollably made it hard for him.
While climbing, he remembers he saw a side tunnel not that far down from the beggining of the shaft. He should try using it rather than going back all the way up and risk getting caught immediately.
When he reached the side tunnel, he carefully takes his phone out from his pocket, holding the ladders tightly with his other hand. He turns the flashligh on and points it at the tunnel.
The side tunnel was definitely used in the past – there were still wires with the lights on each side of it, and that kinda gave him some hope that this tunnel could maybe take him to some other useful part of the mine. Hopefully.
There was only one way to find out.
Not even a few steps in, he had to get into an uncomfortable half-crouching position to continue through it, slowing him down. He just hoped it won't take him long to reach the end of it – this place was very unstable, it was hard to keep the thought of this tunnel collapsing out of his head.
Luckily, he soon found himself reaching the end of it, ending up in what looked like another main tunnel. Streching a bit, he notice that the lights on the wall in this part of the tunnel are working, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. But what he did know was that he needs to keep moving.
The tunnel had only two options – either take left or right – and if he calculated correctly by the position of the shaft and the side tunnel, it would be better to continue on the left and make some distance from the Grimrock entrance.
The eerie silence of the tunnel was not helping in making him any less jittery, and the sudden thought how he told Mc earlier about the catastrophe that happened here all those years ago, and allegedly 'calls of the deceased workers' still being heard echoing through the mine makes his skin crawl.
Get a grip, Jake, and focus! he scolds himself and shakes his head with a low chuckle, focusing back on the path in front of him. He knew better than to believe in some old ghost stories, but he couldn't deny the fact that this place was definitely creepy.
„Oh, fuck!“ he curse outloud after a while, coming to a dead end. The semi circular room he reached was blocked at the other end, and after a bit more thorough examination, he had no other option but to retrace his steps.
A sudden loud boom of an explosion cuts through the eerie silence of the mine.
„What the...“ his eyes turn wide, both from fear and unexpectedness of it. What the hell was happening? He better ask Mc what is going on, and make sure everyone is fine.
But the moment his hand went for his pocket, the whole place started vibrating, immediately followed by a violent shaking, and he barely managed to keep himself from losing his footing.
The walls around him began to crumble, and he had just enough time for the thought how, after everything, his promise to Mc might end unfulfilled. And that thought pained him extremely.
Then everything went dark.
~ ~ ~ ~
His eyelids fly open and he gasps for air, instantly followed by the rapid coughing attack. His mouth were full of dust and he definitely didn't want to swallow any of it.
When his cough subsided and his eyes adjusted to his surrounding, he tries to sit up and immediately wince in pain clutching his shoulder. He had no idea if his shoulder was dislocated or just extremely bruised, but the pain in it was strong. He desperately needed his backpack.
Being on a run for all these years at least thaught him one thing – always keep some essentials in you backpack. So knowing that he had some strong painkillers and a bottle of water in it relieved him a bit.
Pushing some rocks and debris of off his legs, he was able to move more easily. Slowly, but not withouth some more painful wincing, he manages to take the backpack off his back.
Thankfully, the water bottle survived and he immediately takes two painkillers with as little water possible. He had absolutely no idea how long he might be here, so being cautious with his water consumption would be a smart move.
Allowing himself a moment, he close his eyes and leans on the wall waiting for the painkillers to do their magic. He was aware they won't help completely, his shoulder was pretty beaten up, but it was better than nothing. And he couldn't actually believe how extremely lucky he was to come out of this with only a beaten up shoulder and some negligible cuts. It really is a miracle he is still alive and kicking. Well, not kicking maybe, but close.
Few minutes later, he reach for his pocket only to take out his completely borken phone. He snorts at the sight of it - he was already lucky enough as it is, so something was bound to go against him.
Taking the flashlight from his backpack, he push himself against to wall to stand up. This place was now even more unstable than before, and he definitely didn't want to stick around here more than it was necessary. Turning the flashligh on, he start to inspect the place.
His hope in finding a way out of here soon began to fade the more he looked around - no matter what side he turned to, everything was completely blocked. But when he turned his gaze up, his heart jolted with excitement.
The collapse revealed a hole in the ceiling of the wall, or he just didn't had a chance to notice it before, but that was irrelevant now.
Upon taking a closer look at it, he saw that there were some kind of a wooden boards, placed conveniently to resemble a ladder, and surpisingly looked pretty sturdy, too.
Now, he only had to figure out how to climb up there, and fast - the pain killers did start to work and his pain bacame much more bearable, but he was positive that won't last for very long.
With again some unknown luck on his side, there was just about enough stones and debris laying under the hole already, so it didn't take him too long to add some more and make sure it is safe enough for him to climb it and reach the boards.
Collecting his stuff, he slowly starts up the pile and peeks head first into the hole. Straightening up, he see that the first board is at the level of his hips, wich made it much easier for him to start climbing considering his shoulder injury.
Carefully making his way up, the thought that his climb will soon end in another dead end scared him. And that was exactly what happened.
Screaming out every possible curse that he could think of didn't really help in changing his sittuation, but what else was he suppose to do.
And when the place once again rapidly began to shake, there was notthing else for him to do but to laugh "I guess my luck finally ran out."
The pieces of the wall crumbling and hitting him gradually became larger and larger, one of those hitting at his injured shoulder almost making him loos his grip of the boards. Not that it would matter anyway, because if the shaking doesn't stop he is screwed either way.
Unfortunately, the shaking just intensified, but that was actually a good thing - because in that moment another hole opened up above him, and without giving it much though, he rush towards it, and soon fills his lungs with a breath of fresh air.
Hastily, he pulls himself out taking a few steps away from the hole just to be on the safe side before collapsing to the ground.
Turning on his back he tries to calm his rapid breaths, and finally, as he gaze at the starry sky above him, it hits him that he made it out alive and kicking.
Not a second later, he again begins to laugh, a bit hysterically this time, not noticing that the tears started rolling down his face "Piece of cake."
🟢 🟢 🟢
„Hello, Mc.“ Chief Alan Bloomgate answers his phone without bothering to check at the caller's ID. He knew who it was the moment his phone started to ring - they've been calling every day, at the exact same time in the evening for the last two months, inquiring the same thing. And each time his heart sank lower for giving them the same damn answer.
They might had a shaky begining, but he grew more fond of them with each passing day. Not to mention, that he did feel bad for not believing them from the start of this whole thing with Miss. Donfort, but what's done is done, he can't change any of that.
And nothing of that can change the fact that he had no new information to tell them. Not yesterday, not today, and probably not tomorrow.
He takes a deep breath „You know, Mc, maybe you should head back home for a while, hmh? I understand, you want to be here in case something changes, and I know you think you're doing what is best, but you're just torturing yourself like this.“
He couldn't bring hiself to say exactly what he meant, but he knew Mc were smart, and they perfectly understood the hidden meaning behind his words.
It's been two months, and with the rainy season that started in Duskwood, it would take them forever to safely check every part of the mine that collapsed. And lets be honest here, how long can one survive in such harsh conditions after all.
„Thank you for your concern, Alan, but I think I'll just stick around for now.“
Ofcourse they will, he already knew that was the answer he will recieve from them. And honestly, he couldn't blame them, he would probably be the same if the roles were reversed. He himself knew very well how difficult it was to give up on something. Even harder on someone.
„Very well, Mc. 'Till tomorrow, then.“
At the other side of Duskwood, Mc desperately lowers their phone on the bed after the call with Chief Alan. It's been three weeks since they arrived here and made Mrs. Walter's motel their temporary home.
They knew Alan was right, but how could they just leave!? No, that is out of the question! The chances might be close to zero, but until there are some firm evidence, they are staying right where they are.
They grab back their phone and opet the chat with Jessy - some distractions would do them good, and they were positive Jessy would feel the same.
Just as they were about to start typing, the screen of the phone turns completely black. "What the hell!?!" they protest, pushing nervously on the side button in hope to make the phone working again.
Suddenly, the screen flashes and a familiar symbol appears on it.
They stare in awe at the Nymos eye floating on their phone screen, grabbing the phone tighter with shaky hands as the loud sound of their heart frantically beating echoes in their ears.
The screen flash once again and Nymos eye disappears, but there was now a pointer flashig and the letters begin to appear on the screen.
I apologise for my lateness
But it is as I promised you
We shall see each other in Duskwood
They waited nervously for another message to come on, but the screen stayed unaltered. Frustrated, they groan out loud "Arghh, what's that suppose to mean!?"
A few seconds later, all the previous messages disappear and another one starts forming.
Knock, knock, Mc :)
They watch even more confused than before as the screen gets back to normal as if nothing happened. But when a knock came at the doors of their motel room, in a flash they cross the distance to it and open them abruptly.
With one hand on the door, and placing the other defiantly on the hip, they glare at the young black-haired man in front of them "You're late!"
The young man nods his head respectfully "My apologies, again. But there were some...inconviniencess I had to take care of first."
Mc raise their eyebrow "Inconviniences you say. All right. And is that over and done now?
"It is." the young man shortly comments.
"Good." Mc replies. "So, what now?"
"Now" the black-haired starts taking a step closer to them, his eyes flashing with a devilish glow "I will ask you one last time."
His closeness made their skin crawl with goosebumps, and his eyes were so hypnotizing, it was hard for them to concentrate. Swallowing hard, they manage to find their voice "Ask me what?"
The young man smiles "Do you still want to be with me?"
Mc smiles back and close the remaining distance between them, wrapping their arms around his neck. Before their lips finally met, they softly whisper "Always."
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hacked-by-jake · 1 year
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@red-writes-stuff <3
Characters: Alan, MC (She/Her) / Mention of Jake and Richy
Warnings: Angst, no happy end, episode 10 spoiler, mentioned of death / suicide (based on ep 10)
A/n: Well, hello. Yes, still some milestone requests. I'm sorry you had to wait so long. You probably don’t even remember the request. 😅 But here we finally are and I hope you will like it! Thank you for sending in and for the congratulations, I really appreciate it. 💚
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Seriously MC what the hell did you think would happen?" Alan hissed. Without being able to control it, his hand slamed down on the table. The hit caused an unpleasant echo in the interrogation room of the Duskwood police station. Or that echo could only be heard in her own head, Mc could no longer tell it apart.
"I - I was so angry and just talking senseless stuff, I was so angry and disappointed and -"
"And then you thought to say 'best to blow yourself and the whole mine up?' would be a good idea?" He clearly scoffed.
"God, damn no, of course not - I don’t know, what do you want to hear? I was furious when I said it on the phone to Richy, I could not know that he really does after the call with Jessy! I wanted him to face the police and get a fair punishment, I didn’t want him to die!"
With all her might, MC tried to swallow the rising tears and despair, not let anything show up. Until now it had worked quite well, but slowly the facade began to crumble and her eyes became glassy.
For a few seconds, Alan just looked at her, then closed his eyes, shaking his head, "I’m sorry, MC, but you know I need to open an investigation against you now? We need to see if it’s your fault that Richy killed himself, we need to see if you’re guilty."
A lonely tear rolled over MC’s cheek as Alan stood up and opened the door to leave the room.
"Your lawyer should be here soon, I’ll send her to you when she arrives", The police captain looked back over his shoulder, then he disappeared through the door, leaving MC all alone.
The door slowly closed by itself. The last thing MC could see was the hacker, handcuffed in front of the second interrogation room. He stopped staring at the floor and looked up. His ice-blue eyes hit directly into hers and her breathing escaped trembling from her lungs. Her heart stopped beating for a few seconds.
The further the door closed, the less they could see each other. And when the soft 'click' noise sounded – the door fell completely shut – MC dropped her head on the wooden table, the tears bursting out of her like a waterfall.
It was all her fault.
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