#duskwood episode 7 spoilers
spacecadetnovelist · 4 months
Moonvale Ep. 1
I've finished the first episode and here are my thoughts.
Mild to extreme spoilers and a train of thought that I'm not sure will go anywhere.
1. Sure, I don't like having to pay for every picture or video either. I get it, though, they need to make money. I think this was a heavy handed way to make it much more expensive than expected, but Duskwood was VERY low requirement to buy game currency, so maybe it seems so bad mostly by comparison.
2. Eric is a goof, and VERY clumsy. He trips at least twice, once in a BIG way and seems like he's a nice guy.
3. I was surprised to see so much of the missing Adam. No further comments on that.
4. Adam's expression when we "answer" the video call was that of palpable relief... There are even tears that fall during this call. He has us as a contact since Eric says he didn't just get the number... He apologized that we'll "have to do this without [him] though it seems impossible"... We know the two cities are close together... Adam has black hair... Jake admitted that he lives under fake names.... I'm curious how the story would be if Jake was revealed under one of his aliases, that's all.
5. Charlie is like a cross between Richy and Dan and I'm not sure how I feel about him
6. The AI images that everyone is freaking out about are whatever... We never saw Lily's face until just before Jake disappeared for a while. Dan had a hoodie covering his face in his profile pic for a while too. As they cast, I'm sure they'll update.
7. I know we're all anxious to see how the Duskwood code affects gameplay, and I think it's safe to say at this point there will be a handful of chats or events that will be threaded through the game that will tie back to our experiences.
8. "I WILL FIND YOU" 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 SO PUMPED but now I want to go back and NOT flirt with Eric. I thought if it would only be a self contained side story that I could compartmentalize my love for Jake, but now I'm replaying to keep holding on strong for him.
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lostintheinternetether · 10 months
You sure, Richy? 🤨
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mysticpetals · 4 years
Okay so you guys know when we talk to Jake when he came back and were discussing about the puzzles? I said that they were fun and then we get the option to ask him about putting our MC's name as his password.
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I chose this option with the tone to tease him. Kind of like, "Did you know how long it took me to solve it because I wasn't expecting that you'll put my name as YOUR password and I'm so touched." But INSTEAD, thus is what he replied:
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It was nice knowing y'all.
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duskwoodraven · 4 years
Duskwood Ep 7 Spoilers
On a lighter note, how quickly Jake said no when I asked if he was jealous had me rolling 😂.
Jake constantly tells us not to let our emotions effect our judgment but the moment Phil starts flirting with us Jake doesn’t like him at all. You’re not fooling anyone Jake. 😉
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Also his concern for our safety is so sweet. 💕
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yeong · 4 years
⚠️Duskwood Episode7 Spoilers⚠️
News anchor said, "The young woman's body was found a few days ago by a man who was going follow a walk in the forest."
So, we've been playing for months, and Duskwood only days? 🤔
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And I don't know the exact cause of death yet
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blackghost137 · 4 years
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Lmao famous last words
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never-neverland · 4 years
So I was scrolling the tags and saw someone talking about they don't know what Richy has against Hannah. Seeing as episode 7 dropped I can't help but get a more firm idea of who Richy is, maybe that is. He is one hell of a red herring if he is one, cause he's really convincing.
Anyway~, either before or after you talked to Phil you end up talking to Richy about the kind of guys Hannah likes and Richy says nice guys. ...I hate to break it to him, but Hannah also had a crush on a hacker, Jake, and she knew it about him since Lilly got all kinds of information from her emails and such. Anyway I adore Jake, I don't know you would call him nice given his occupation though.
The point being you talk about the kinds of guys she likes, and you get the usual 2 or 3 options I don't remember them all but I remember you get something like nice guys like Thomas (you know her BOYFRIEND) but you also get someone like you Richy (which is weird), especially since it's totally possible for guys and girls to be friends without the whole romance element.
I've never chosen that option but I might want to replay and pick to do a more in depth analysis on Richy, because after this episode he's suspect. Especially since we know for a fact that the man without a face has no qualms threatening and attacking our friends and letting us know about it. Like the Cleo thing and the Jessy thing even more recently. He's never reacted with killing intent and you might say that Jessy and Cleo weren't marked but what has Jessy really done recently that warranted her getting marked? All she did was quit working at the garage and get upset because the police chief told her that one of her friends was the reason he got arrested. Quitting is her right as an employee and being upset about her brother being arrested possibly because of someone she thought she was close with also makes sense. I'm not saying that if someone told they shouldn't have, especially if they had a real reason to, but its suspicious all the same.
Not to mention that phone call at the end! It was like he LITERALLY went out of his way to show us he had been attacked. I know it's a game and all, but he literally went out of his way to show us. He knows we aren't in town. With the last of his strength if that could be believed he could have called someone else. Not to mention it doesn't fit the trend, yes Richy was marked but we saw no indication that it was an attack by the man without a face. He didn't reveal himself all we got was the cawing at the end. Which could have been pre-recorded. Anyway this got kind of long and rambly, I just don't trust Richy and this is my second time typing this up.
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faithlover611 · 4 years
So that news story we can watch that Thomas sends the group and it says, "The young women's body was found a few days ago . . ." That really put it into perspective for me how long of time has passed in the game versus the real world. Like, that body was found in Episode 1, maybe Episode 2, but I think that's pushing it. That feels like it was a fucking year ago that I read about that . . . and I joined the app while it was in the midst of producing Episode 4 or 5, so I don't even know how long it's actually been since that episode actually came out.
I like how one of the responses you can use is "I completely forgot about that body 😕". Which is true! I did forget about the body because it's been freakin' months for me--not days!! What. The. Fuck. Time is a weird concept when you're playing a game like this.
I guess this also means I've "fallen" for both Jesse and Jake in literal days. I'm out, y'all. Peace.
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Hey guys! 🙂
Would you like to tell me who do you think Ted Madruga is? And, why did Hannah went to see him in prison?
My theories about this are pretty vague and I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks :)
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He's neither her friend, nor her family...🤔.
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chibimultishipper · 4 years
Okay so I 100% believe that if they do not find Richy’s dead body or severely hurt body in Episode 8, then he’s the man without a face. I feel like he is the one common thread between all the things that happen. First, him, Jessy and MC are in a groupchat about the Duskwood legends, so he knows all of that information. Then he is in the groupchat where we talk about suspecting Phil and Phil gets arrested.  And I don’t think Cleo and Thomas would have any reason to lie about giving information to the police about Phil because my logic is if you think someone is that suspicious, which Cleo especially did, you would have no reason to hide that.  Cleo has been pretty honest with MC for the most part, and after the conversation MC has with Thomas, it doesn’t seem like he is going to try to hide things any longer.  Jessy has no reason to give that info to the police,  Dan wouldn’t, and also probably knows the least about everything going on, and Lilly wouldn’t at this point to protect Jake. Richy took you into the forest to view the creepy house, and then when he got back, showed a picture of him being marked.  However, if I remember correctly (If i’m wrong please let me know) Jessy wasn’t working that day.  So just as we have an option to suspect that Jessy marked herself, we aren’t given that option with Ricky.  It makes sense, because why would we ever suspect that skeptical Ricky would mark himself? And it would make sense that Jessy would mark herself to save Phil, but that’s the problem isn’t it? It’s too easy, too obvious. Jessy even stated “I know everyone is going to think I did this to myself.”, I feel like that’s not something someone who is actually guilty of it would say.
When Jessy was attacked, the man without a face made sure we saw him.  When Ricky was attacked, we didn’t see him at all.  Plus, we didn’t see or hear any of the things he talked about.  He mentioned someone shouting his name, but who would do that? It was a female voice, and it couldn’t have been Hannah because I feel like she would have been running in the forest, or shouting the name of her other friends as well or something.  He mentioned seeing someone in the forest, but never turned his camera to face it.  Plus, he positioned his camera to make sure we saw the blood coming out of his mouth clearly, but we didn’t see how he could have been attacked at all.  It didn’t even really sound like there was a scuffle, just him grunting and falling to the ground. Long story short, if Richy isn’t dead, I think he’s the man without a face.  I don’t know why yet though, something still isn’t adding up.
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nabiverse · 4 years
YO WHAT THE FUCK RICHY?!?!?-&#@*#*+ 😭😭😭😭
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ephemeral-sorrow · 4 years
Jake: My pursuers were aiming at you because... You're the only person I care about, MC.
MC: Jake...
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mysticpetals · 4 years
Jake: designs NYM-OS, a free antivirus software that protects my phone from intruders and saves me hundreds of dollars from purchasing one every year.
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duskwoodraven · 4 years
Is Jake being pursued by a different group?
We obviously know that Jake is being hunted down by the government for leaking information to the public, and Lilly created #iamjake to help him avoid their detection or at least give him time to escape. However as a side affect, his pursuers turned their attention to us and tried to hack our phone instead.
The odd thing is that these people,
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don’t really look like government officials to me.
First of all they are hiding behind ski masks, making it obvious that they are trying to hide their identity, but what for? Unlike Jake, the government is working on the right side of the law, they dont really have a reason to hide their identity because they aren’t in danger of being judicially punished for any crimes. In fact if the government knew about our involvement with Jake, the most logical step would be to take us under custody and confiscate our cell phone so they can look through it for clues. They wouldn’t have bothered to hack and scare us, unless the other hackers are also working illegally.
Plus they aren’t making any demands, telling us to surrender/ hand over any information we have. They are simply being threatening, a sign that they may not be very lawful people.
If that is the case, perhaps Jake had ended up on the bad side of a hacker organization? Maybe this is a group he used to be apart of at some point?
When we tell Lilly that Jake is back, we are also able to say that he’s acting strange, worried over something.
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And looking back on the conversation with him it’s pretty accurate, he’s acting a bit like a mother hen 😝. We know that Jake is willing to hold back information from us if he believes it will scare or worry us, so he might be concerned that we will leave him if we find out that a whole other group of hackers are hunting him as well.
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Just a thought. 😌
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yeong · 4 years
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duskwood-legacies · 3 years
"Days Like These"
Fandom: Duskwood
->Episode 7 Spoiler!⚠️
Pairing/Character: Jake (x MC)
Word Count: 787
Genre: Angst
Nothing would be enough to fix the damage that's been done.
No words would be enough to soothe the pain she had to endure.
On days like these, where the thunder silenced the birds and rain crashed against the window like bullets, on days like these the world seemed to turn it's back on you.
I'm so sorry you had to endure this. I can only imagine the panic flaring in your chest right now, the disturbing tingling of adrenaline pumping through your body as the mind goes dull and numb.
"How far is too far when it comes to a person's life?"
"As soon as another life is in danger because of it"
I shouldn't have taken it as lightly as I did. I watched as your messages filled the group chat, each text a greater sting in my heart. I may find a great weakness in sensing emotions behind messages, but I can see you're hurting. A lot.
On days like these, where the sky is hidden above a sturdy blanket of darkened clouds, on days like these the world unleashed it's greatest suffering upon innocent souls.
I couldn't look anymore. The unbearing ache that took over my heart as you frantically cried for help with each message was too much to handle.
"You are talking as if they are only means to an end"
I'm so sorry you had to see Richy fighting for his life, I'm so sorry you had to look into his eyes as he grew weaker, second by second until his phone collapsed and denied you to look at him any longer. You couldn't do anything. You were helpless.
"Please, MC. Trust me."
Only now did I understand the value those people hold to you. Only now did I understand the deep bond all of you shared.
I got up from the old wooden chair and walked over to the window. My heart rattled against my rib cage with undimmed violence.
On days like these, where the wind spiraled into a merciless storm that forced trees to bend and flowers to break, on days like these the world prepared it's monstrous torture for unexpecting hearts.
The forest behind the motel was burnt down and ashen, far back only few trees that survived a past fire arched their crowns high into the sky.
My hands squeezed into tight fists on the window sill. The sound of incoming messages still echoed through the room, alerting me that things are far from being calm.
"Hey Jake?"
What am I supposed to do? I want to ease your pain, I want to take those bad memories and breath-blocking panic away. I want you to wake up and realize it was a bad dream. But it's not. It's reality.
"Thank you for confiding in me, despite all of this"
My freezing breath got caught in my burning lungs. Thoughts ricocheted in my head, so loud I couldn't hear any of them. No, I may could not hear them, but I could feel them in the deepest parts of myself.
I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this, I'm so sorry you have to bear this tremendous pain, I'm so sorry you have to suffer this exceptionally.
Images crept into my mind. Images of you crying, screaming, shaking with sobs, praying. Heart-crushing sounds that weren't even there filled my ears, forcing my eyes tightly shut.
On days like these...
On days like these, I was missing the right words, the words to make things okay, to make the world a little bit better.
I assure you, under no circumstances I expected everything to turn out like this. Chaos and destruction now lined your life, while you could be, should be, out there living the peaceful life you deserve.
I clentched my jaw at the thoughts of all the things gone wasted for you. I'm so sorry...
The pinging noises of the group chat that I had been drowning out halted.
I strolled back to my laptop, heart still beating heavily in my chest. I couldn't focus on the messages, my thoughts still stayed with you.
After I've managed to make out the main parts of the conversation, I realized how bad things were. The group was drifting farther apart. Leaving the fight aside they called an ambulance, but they blamed her for the attack on Richy.
With all the little courage I had left, I opened our chat. I lingered, stared.
You needed somebody. Urgently. You gave me hope, now it's my turn to re-pay this favour.
I hesitated for a moment. What was I supposed to say?
I just typed the first thing that came into my mind.
Hello, MC.
Hey everyone! This was my first Duswood one-shot and I hope you enjoyed it💕 I'm always open for feedback and constructive criticism!
I apologize for any grammar mistakes made, English isn't my native language🙇🏼‍♀️
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