#duskwood ep7 spoilers
mysticpetals · 3 years
Okay so you guys know when we talk to Jake when he came back and were discussing about the puzzles? I said that they were fun and then we get the option to ask him about putting our MC's name as his password.
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I chose this option with the tone to tease him. Kind of like, "Did you know how long it took me to solve it because I wasn't expecting that you'll put my name as YOUR password and I'm so touched." But INSTEAD, thus is what he replied:
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It was nice knowing y'all.
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duskwoodraven · 3 years
Duskwood Ep 7 Spoilers
On a lighter note, how quickly Jake said no when I asked if he was jealous had me rolling 😂.
Jake constantly tells us not to let our emotions effect our judgment but the moment Phil starts flirting with us Jake doesn’t like him at all. You’re not fooling anyone Jake. 😉
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Also his concern for our safety is so sweet. 💕
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escapethewonderland · 3 years
Everbyte team: Yeah, see MC, Richy is dead, actually dead, like with blood and everything
Me: Is he though?
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yuvon-augold79 · 3 years
So, with episode 8 right around the corner, I figured it might help to have a recap of everything we know about every single Duskwood character up to episode seven. Obviously, massive spoilers up to then. After episode 8 drops, I might edit this after one week to reflect any new information we get; we’ll see. Thanks to @duskwoodraven for being kind enough to check this over for me and add things I missed!
Crossposted under the same username on the Duskwood subreddit.
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akaishinkirou · 3 years
What the guys who are after Jake would've seen if they succeeded in hacking my camera:
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layanasstories · 3 years
⚠️⚠️ !!! EPISODE 7 - SPOILERS !!! ⚠️⚠️
Like I said, I've got new inspiration. Thanks to the new episode of course. But I came across this song (see below) and the story unfold in my mind... have fun reading. Unless you don't like spoilers, come back when you are done with episode 7!!
Inspiration: Janji - Heroes tonight
It's been six months after we found Hannah. I only went to Duskwood one time. Even though I had promised I wouldn't go. Nobody knew I was there. But I needed to attend Richy's funeral. I made sure none of the group saw me. But after seeing him die in front of my eyes, I needed to say goodbye to him. He became a close friend in a such short time. His death still feels as if it was my fault. If I never stayed, none of this would have happend. So I did go, and I had my change to say sorry and goodbye. I will miss him tremendously.
Phil was released from custody, shortly after they found Richy. He couldn't have killed him. Maybe some things have pointed at him. And his reputation as the "bad guy" from town didn't help him. But the police didn't have enough evidence towards him. So they needed to let him go. I never texted him again. Not that I believe he had anything to do with the murders or Hannah's missing. I wasn't in the mood for fun talk and flirting from him. Yes he was friendly to me, but after what had happend with Richy. My only goal was to find Hannah. Bring her back to her friends, family and Jake. So they could sleep again.
We did find her. Almost a week after Richy his funeral. In some hut in the forest. It wasn't the police who found her. And not even the group. They stopped looking for her. Because they were to scared for their own lifes. They did go to the house Richy rented. And waited there until Hannah was found. It was Jake who made the connection between clues. And the meta data he had collected from the files and foto's I had found on Hannah her cloud. Anonymously we had send all of it to the police, so they could get her. She was alive, barely. But reunited with her loved ones. The thing that is still not solved, who the man without the face is. After we found Hannah. We never heard or saw him again. That makes me think, if it could been Richy who took her. A lot pointed at him. But we will never know. Richy and the man are both gone now.
Even after six months now, Jake and I never met. We text each other so now and then. Just to make sure we are both alive. I do miss our talks, the jokes and ambiguous conversations. But his pursuers are still trying to catch him. So he is constantly on the run. Moving from town to town. Never telling me where he is staying. But so now and then a message saying "safe and sound. For now. Miss you" and thats all. Not always in those exact words, but the same context. But what he doesn't know. I am running as well. From the same pursuers as he is. They did found me once, when I still lived in my apartment. But got away on time. I sold everything and only took the most important things. I just don't have the guts to tell Jake. He was worried sick the last time he knew they were after me. And he should worry about himself and his safety right now.
I knew up front what I could get myself into. By staying and working together with him. It was my mistake to fall in love with him and make him fall for me. I knew the risks. Of course they would want me to use against him.
It's as transparent as it can be, take away the only thing the person care about. But they won't get anything from me. I never told anyone about Jake. Or what he is to me. The only one who knows a tiny bit, is Lilly. She knows. So now I am on the run. I have been moving from town to town as well. Seen more motels than I ever have in my life. But if this is the way to keep Jake safe. Than this will be my life, for how long it will take. Maybe one day, we both won't have to be on the run anymore. So that the only way we have to run is in each others arms, and never to have to let go ever.
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wtfsaidthefox · 3 years
Can’t sleep?
Duskwood - Jake x MC - 1779 words - Spoilers for Ep7!
Starts out with MC (who I randomly decided to name Sam) struggling after the events of Ep7, and Jake wanting to comfort her. Ends in self-indulgence fluff, because apparently that's the only way I can imagine Jake.
Under „read more" due to length~
Middle of the Night. She could hear rain coming down, beating against the open window of her bedroom. It wasn't all that cold, but she felt cold, even with her blanket pulled up halfway over her head. There was just a shiver going through her she couldn't shake. By now, she must have been lying in bed for a few hours, trying to find some sleep but dreading it all the same.
It had only been yesterday. Someone she had come to call a friend and care about in these last days… killed, right in front of her. It still didn't feel real. Then again, it felt like the only reality she had left. The pictures didn't leave her. Richy, coughing up blood. Richy, his face slowly growing still and lifeless. The panic taking over her, her heartbeat too loud and too fast in her own ears, that one thought hammering in her head, „do something, do something, do something".
If she'd try to recall her own actions right now, she barely could. She told the others. Desperate, incoherent syllabyles and half sentences. They went through disbelief, shock and denial all in a few seconds, but one of them managed to call the police. They had barely spoken since Richy's body was found, and on her end, she couldn't blame anything but guilt. Maybe they had pushed too much. Maybe it was her fault. Maybe she could have done something.
With a small, low groan she reached for her phone. Sleep wouldn’t come, and if, it would come with the same nightmares of last night, so she was tired of fighting for it. Anything else would do.
Opening her phone, she realized that she had an unread message.
Between everything falling apart and coming undone, Jake had tried his best to stay calm. But it was even hard for him. ‚He must be so worried‘, she thought, ‚what this could mean for Hannah. Is Hannah dead already too, after all? Will everyone abandon the search for his sister?‘. In truth, he was worried for her.
„Hello Sam. You're probably asleep by now, at least I hope so. I just wanted to ask if you were alright. I mean, whenever you wake up. Please just let me know.“
A slight smile ghosted over her lips. Had someone told her after that first voice distorted phone call that the man under that hoodie would turn out to be such a sweetheart, she'd have laughed at them. But there was really no other word more fitting for Jake. Going through the best, most convincing „I'm all good" standard responses in her head, she noticed the little green dot next to his name. He was online. And just a few seconds later, another message popped up, he had seen her being online too.
„Can't sleep?“
„No. Do you ever sleep?“
„Some times?“
There was a bit of a break. She didn't know what to say, her thoughts a mess and her fingers shaky. Jake started typing. Stopped. Erased the Text. Then again.
„If you can't sleep Sam, I'm here for you.“
„You're sweet Jake.“
This was bittersweet, if she was honest. His care for her made her feel warm for the first time since she crawled under her blanket. But she was also at a loss for words. Shouldn't he focus on Hannah? Did she really deserve his support now? And most of all… how? How could he help her, far way, at some place she didn't even know. But she’d bite her tongue off before admitting to that thought.
„Do you want to talk?“
„You mean Smalltalk? 🤭“
Well, this sounded familiar.
„I would love to Jake, it's just…. I don't even know about what. Anything else would do, but I'm only coming up blank.“
„I'd know something.“
Oh? Now this was new. Curious, she asked him to go ahead.
„While I was in hiding, the only thing I could think of was you. How much I missed you. All the things I wanted to tell you. All the things you didn't know about me yet, but that I wanted to share. Even if I never shared them before, or couldn't even say why it suddenly meant so much to me to tell you. And more then that, all the things I didn‘t yet know about you. All the things I wanted to ask for no other reason then that I want to know you.“
He straightened up in front of his PC. Close to 2 in the night, he hadn't even moved away from his desk yet. Sleep, especially good sleep, had been a stranger to him for so long now, he had given up trying. There was always something on his mind, something to be done, one potential mistake to double check, one preparation more to make. If he was honest, most often, it was pointless. Nothing but his own ghosts from these last months on the run from the governement keeping him awake.
But this time was different. This time, the reason was right.
„You can ask me anything you want Jake“
„What makes you happy?“
Unexpected. Again. She furrowed her brows as she pondered the answer to his question.
„That's a hard one to answer"
„I know. I don't think I could have answered it myself just a short time ago.“
The implication was obvious enough, but still, she needed to hear it. Hear it spelled out.
„But you do now?“
„I do. You. You make me happy.“
She read those words a few times, with a smile on her face, aloud, or in her head in what she imagined his voice to sound like. Jake was normally not too good at reading other peoples emotions, but she couldn't help wondering if he knew how much she had needed to hear that. What those words meant, especially now, when all she was capable of was blaming and doubting herself.
„You make me happy too Jake“
„And that means more to me then I can say. But still, I'd love to hear what else does.“
„Are you planing to use that information against me?“
„Yes. Repeatedly and without fail :)“
How cute could he get? Laughing, she shoke her head and decided to just list everything randomly that would spring to mind.
„Well…. My neighbours, they have this little dog, and every time it sees me in the hallway it's all excited and overjoyed and adorable. That's just infectious. And the first flowers coming out in spring. Every year. Getting to sleep in on Sundays. Getting to hug my friends and family, especially if I haven't seen them for a long time. And seeing them smile. Oh, and you know what? Giving them a present that was just right. You know this horrible feeling of anxiety and impending failure every time you fret over what best to get a loved one for their birthday or on christmas? But then when you hit the nail on the head, and they love it – that has to be one of the best feelings in the world!“
„Of course you would", he answered to the last bit, before she could go on.
„I would what?“
„List giving others presents over receiving them.“
„Well, I'm not complaining about that either 😛 oh, and before I forget to add: parks, forest, beaches – just taking a walk through any of those. Or sitting down for a picnic and just watching the sky. It’s been way too long since I did that last. Have you done that before?“
„No, at least not for a very long time. But I would love to do that with you.“
„As a warning: I will tell you how every single cloud looks like a bunny, or a duck, or my old angry math teacher"
„What if I can identify those clouds first?“
„Then I'm impressed and you get points"
„And what do I get if I have more points then you and win?“
„An actual cloud. So cotton candy.“
She really was the only person that could still make him smile. Just like she was the only one that still made him feel like one day, he could be genuinely happy again himself. That there were people in this world he could trust, no second guessing, no double checking, no constant overthinking every word he said. Talking to her was easy. It made him feel weightless and light-headed, and he had no idea anymore how he had managed to fight those feelings for one second in the beginning.
He had started to tell her, trying to write down just what she meant to him, but in the most unfair contradiction, finding the right words for that was impossibly hard. And given what had just happened, was this really the right time?
Before he could finish debating on hitting send or not, another message popped up.
„Jake…. Is there really a chance for that? Can I really meet you, one day? Because… I wished you were here"
„I know. I wished that too. So I could be with you and support you, more then just with a few words. But I promise you, once this is all over, I'll find a way.“
Yes, he would. He had started to think about how while he had been on the run, and he knew he could make it happen. There was simply no other choice.
Realizing this again, he had deleted his previous attempt at telling her just what exactly she meant to him. Maybe the time wasn't wrong, but the how was. He’d tell her in person. He’d tell her in his own voice, looking into her eyes and seeing her reaction on his face after every single word. And then he‘d tell her again, until she was tired of hearing it.
Which she would probably never be. She felt herself exhaling, letting go of a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding in, as she read his answer to the question she had been so afraid to ask. Which she should have asked sooner, because his answer brought her more relief then she could have hoped. It was exactly how he could help her, more then anyone else, no matter where he was right now.
„Thank you Jake"
„I'll reserve all the prettiest picnic places in all the nearby parks 😉“
„Well I hope there are a lot, so we get to spent a lot of time together.“
„There are! Though at some point we will probably also have to think of something else 🤭“
„Looking back at your previous reply, I guess I’d get you flowers next. Or hugs. Or a dog. I'll decide spontaneously :P“
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blackghost137 · 3 years
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Lmao famous last words
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yeong · 4 years
I reblogged the picture someone drew after watching the ep5 trailer
and I have a theory🙃
this is an ep5 trailer
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these are an ep6
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Hannah is missing. Jake was the first to figure it out. Knowing the police were investigating, he would have entered the police station and stole the data.
theory 1
Jake was caught by the police and suffered as in the trailer. But he escaped and is being chased by the government.
theory 2
After leaving a message for mc and lily, Jake is arrested and suffering. (ep6)
theory 3
Working with people all over the world, the REAL JAKE gets arrested. (ep7)
I don't know how the story goes, but I hope Jake doesn't get hurt😢
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Jake: designs NYM-OS, a free antivirus software that protects my phone from intruders and saves me hundreds of dollars from purchasing one every year.
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duskwoodraven · 3 years
Duskwood Episode 7 Spoilers!
I am so glad you finish it! I can finally talk someone about it! Episode 7 is like the only episode where I truly felt suspicious about Richy the other times I just brushed it off as trauma maybe. I’m probably going proven wrong later but I do think his attack seemed faked and the timing just seemed weird. Anyways I looking forward to hearing your theory on this. Have a good day!
I honestly don’t know what to think, the moment I saw Richy’s call I immediately thought “Was I wrong? Were we all jumping to conclusions?” but after thinking about it more, there still might be a chance.
Objectively, there is a 80% chance that Richy is dead or at the very best, gravely injured 😔. That would take some guts to fake something like that, he would have to seriously wound himself to make it seem realistic. We won’t know till episode 8 (god I’m dreading episode 8, what the hell are we going to tell the group??).
The only upside is that this proves without a doubt Phil must be innocent, there is no way Jessy would do this without her being the killer/kidnapper herself. No way for anyone to do this without being actually guilty. Hopefully Phil will be released shortly after this incident comes to attention.
In the case that Richy was actually attacked, that he was actually murdered, we don’t have many people left to suspect. Dan is in the hospital, everyone else is packing to go to this house Richy suggested, every other character we know of we have no evidence. Richy being dead leaves us back to square one in terms of suspects.
There may be some proof that Richy might be alive though, and that these things were self inflicted.
When Jessy was attacked, the man without a face deliberately showed his mask so we knew it was him, he wanted us to feel threatened and to fear him. But he never showed himself on Richy’s call, he had plenty of time to but not once did he loom over the camera. That is a difference in behavior, also how did the killer go from possibly assaulting/killing the woman Richy thought he heard, to suddenly spawning right up to Richy in a matter of seconds? We never saw or heard this woman but somehow the killer was able to catch up to Richy and take him by surprise without Richy noticing him, how is that possible?
Further more, I found it creepy how Richy turns the camera to make sure that we see the blood come out of his mouth, doesn’t say a word to ask for help, he just stares. Not exactly evidence, but a strange observation. We also don’t hear footsteps of someone walking away from Richy or approaching him.
Richy should also know that the forest is dangerous by now, yet he suggests for everyone to stay in a house in the middle of it and he blindly charges into the forest without a second thought.
Now for theories on the slim possibility that Richy is alive, his motive for taking this action.
The group is under a lot of pressure and Richy might be feeling that things are slipping out of his control. Jessy is angry that someone gave evidence that Phil might be the culprit and she heavily expects it to be Richy, enough to quit her job. But strangely enough Richy doesn’t take it seriously? It’s like he’s ignoring the fact that Jessy has told him she is not joking.
We know that if Richy is following the legend closely enough, he would be marking the doors of people he believes have sinned. Perhaps he believes Jessy has sinned by betraying him and quitting even though he needs her support, we already know Rogers Garage is doing poorly financially and the thought of losing your one employee might be a stressing thought. Maybe he planned to mark her and kidnap her the same way he did for Hannah? Who knows, but it is odd how she was marked quickly after telling Richy she was quitting.
It also seems like a foolish idea to mark someone when you are trying to push the blame onto someone else, your kind of just ruining your chances of getting away with it. Maybe marking her was an emotional decision?
Plus, Jessy confirmed that the only ones who knew about her walk with us was Phil and Richy, but Phil is in custody and Richy is apparently dead so where does that leave us? Who could have possibly attacked her?
I also found it weird how Richy told Dan the accident was “all his fault”. It seems like a cold response for someone who nearly died in an accident, his apology also seemed odd with the “somehow” at the end. I wonder if we could get Dans car double checked with TT to see if Richy is lying.
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It could be that Richy is starting to feel as if he had no options left, his plan to blame everything on Phil is not working like he hoped and he has to take things to the next level. He also might have realized that he was marked but nothing has happened to him for a long while, he doesn’t want people to question it so he makes an attack on himself. By faking his death/attack, he’ll immediately get rid of any suspicion. Even at the cost of making Phil look innocent, it would be worth it if he gets away with everything. Plus if people think he is dead, he could work freely in carrying out this “justice” against sinners.
His body could also disappear once police start looking for him, if it disappears... maybe Richy isn’t so dead after all.
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duskwoodraven · 3 years
Did I just see Richy die?? :O:O
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Maybe... maybe not...
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Some theories related to Richy in view of what happened.
(TW: blood, stabbing)
First of all, I'd like to discuss what happened with him. Even in this episode, Richy was acting incredibly suspicious in the beginning. All his exclamations of disbelief and claiming he didn't know anything about Amy just didn't sit right with me.
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Also this very ambiguous message—
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—right before he was attacked.
Now, the attack could very well be staged, as the mwaf didn't show his (lmao) face. And I think he's made a point to show it everytime he attacks someone so that we know it was him. Furthermore, Richy had been marked for a long time and nothing happening to him would make him look suspicious, especially if Jessy was attacked and he wasn't. So maybe to curb the doubts against him, he video called us (something that wasn't really needed, except to make sure we saw it) and staged this attack with whoever was shouting in the forest (a woman).
Jessy saying she knew it was Richy who snitched on Phil is also something we have to consider here. She must have some sort of strong intuition if she accused him and quit. I'd love to know more about who accused Phil but that's for another theory.
Now, another point if it wasn't staged and he really was attacked. We saw that there was blood coming out of his mouth. Provided that he really was attacked and he didn't just put a little bag of blood in his mouth and bit into it, I'd like to present the medical point of view.
Blood comes out from the mouth when the person suffered damage in areas like lungs, oesophagus or stomach. Judging by the video, Richy was probably stabbed in the stomach or the intestines and the blood started regurgitation due to heavy internal bleeding. If he doesn't get medical treatment soon, he will die and if he fell back on his back, he'd most likely choke on his blood. Same for lungs, he won't be able to breathe with the blood clogging up the lung alveoli and will die.
So I'd say that the chances of him surviving are pretty slim if he was actually stabbed.
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escapethewonderland · 3 years
It could have been you
Pairing: JakexFem!MC (Nadia)
Word counts: 1.8k
A/N: Hi darlings, I got the itch for a bit of Jake angst over the last few days so here it is this little OS. Kindly inspired by a song that stuck in my head while writing, Muddy Waters by LP. Hope you like it! SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 7 ENDING, BE AWARE!
TW: swearing, angst, mention of blood
Nadia was sitting on the edge of her bed, watching her closet intently like she was trying to find an answer to the incredible mess that her life had become over the last month. The doors were hanging open, patiently waiting for the girl to start gathering the clothes she needed for the trip to Duskwood.
She felt like her head was on the verge of exploding. Rabid thoughts were chasing each others around unbounded, hammering against her temples and begging to set them free.
She squeezed her hands together, quivering nervously while trying to release that ugly tension off her body. Seeing Richy bloody, slowing fading away on that hellish forest’s ground was the last straw for Nadia: someone got severely hurt and, all of a sudden, the game her and Jake were playing got extremely real.
Nadia couldn’t afford anymore to wait on the sidelines, protected by the distance and her hacker because sooner or later, they would come knocking on her doors. Although the strong gut feeling of running far away in the opposite direction, Nadia couldn’t deny the inescapable bond that was calling her to Duskwood. Even more now that both the girl and Jake may had the blood of an innocent guy dripping from their hands.
The young woman closed her eyes against that cruel image, breathing slowly from her nose, flexing her fingers.
Richy was going to make it; he had to.
He might survive. Those were the feeble words of hope that the doctors had said and the whole group hold on to them with ferocity: the idea of losing Richy was unacceptable.
A notification from the phone distracted the young woman, making her wince: she couldn’t recall how long she had been standing still in front of the wardrobe.
  Nadia…I just read your texts. Is it true? Is Richy…?
The girl let an unsteady breath slip out between her lips, fighting back the tears.
Yes Jake, he’s fighting for his life on an operating table.
She got up from her bed, walking aimlessly around the small apartment in an agitated frenzy. Jake’s answer came right away.
I’m so, so sorry. I…I wasn’t expecting that. I…I’m at loss for words.
“No shit” Nadia snorted viciously under her breath, wiping away a traitorous tear that slowly crept down her cheek. Her breath was now ragged, but she still tried to keep her cool and not hyperventilate. Panic wouldn’t get her nowhere, she needed to be sharp right now.
Holding her phone in a tight grip, Nadia walked back to her bedroom; mind settled.
I don’t know what to say too, Jake, but I know what I have to do.
She threw the mobile on her bed with more vehemence than what was necessary. With few, swift strides, she found herself back in her room, standing in front of her closet to retrieve an old backpack from the tallest shelf. She scrutinized the clothes with a clinic eyes, opting for something practical, taking only the bare minimum she needed for a week or so.
Nadia didn’t bother to check her phone when Jake’s first reply came. Nor the next one or the other after that.
She was on autopilot, a ghost wandering around and haunting her own house.
Nadia spared a look at her reflection in the mirror while collecting the stuff she needed from the bathroom: her face was strained with harsh lines, eyes wide with messy makeup and even messier hair.
She brought her things to the other room, dumping them merciless inside the backpack and only then looked at her phone.
There were several messages from Jake but it was the last one that caught the girl’s attention.
Are you packing, Nadia? Please, answer me.
The phone slipped from her fingers after reading that words. A hint of paranoia emerged in her chest and she scanned her bedroom with meticulous care, calming down again only when she had checked twice every possible hiding place. No one seemed to be lurking in her room and the curtains were closed shut, a few sun shines peeking through them. She was still safe, it was still her home, no danger lurking in the shadows.
With trembling hands, Nadia retrieved the phone from the carpet.
She frowned, slightly afraid to look at the camera, before a wave of scolding hot anger filled her bones. Mouth set in a straight, harsh line, she started typing to Jake.
Are you fucking spying on me through my phone, Jake?
No answer. The girl felt like boiling with everything she’d been trying to repress since the first time Thomas texted her.
Are you fucking serious, Jake? Are you fucking with me or have you lost your mind along the way? Do you think that you can just go around spying people through their phone whenever it sooths you, whenever it’s convenient for your agenda?
Jake. I fucking trusted you! YOU…
The girl stopped there, unable to type anymore given the trembling that took control of her hands.
Nadia brought the back of her hand against her lips, suppressing a sob that would inevitably destroy the already fragile dam that was barely holding back all of her destructive emotions.
She fought it with all of her might, eventually falling on her knees because even standing felt crushing in that moment.
Nadia felt like she was going crazy, slowly loosing herself in something that was so much bigger than her.
Her phone started vibrating in her hand, signalling an incoming call from an unknown number.
Nadia stood there for a moment, debating if accepting the call or not. Could it be…?
“Hello?” she answered with a shaky voice.
Nadia heard a sight and a male voice greeted her, no distortion this time.
“Please, don’t go” pleaded who she assumed was Jake on the other side of the line.
Nadia let out a wet sob, almost chocking on the longing and sadness that built up in her chest at hearing Jake’s voice for the first time. His voice sounded so warm and comforting like a soothing balm, but it was all ruined by the ill-timing of the call.
“How much have I longed for this moment… you have no idea, Jake, you have no idea. I can’t believe it, it’s actually you” she mumbled under her breath, almost too quiet to be heard.
Another sight greeted her words, but Jake didn’t say anything.
“I would have loved to hear your voice for the first time under different circumstances” she continued, tears rolling freely down her grieving face.
“But the situation is pretty fucked up, Jake. I can’t afford to wait on the side-lines any longer”
“You can’t go, Nadia, please. You can’t really be thinking of going to Duskwood” replied Jake fast, almost eating up the words like he was in a hurry to get them out, to keep her safely where she was.
“But I am going, Jake. It was all my fault: Jessy’s attack, Cleo’s letters and now Richy… if I didn’t get involved, if I stayed out of it, nothing would have happened to them. It’s only fair I stand by their side to help them, actually help them” Nadia said with deep-rooted sadness in her voice, slowly getting up from the carpet. Her knees felt weak but her mind was strong.
There was a loud thud on the other side of the line, like a fist being slammed against a wooden table.
“No, no, no! Nadia, please! Duskwood is even more dangerous than before right now and you could put yourself into bigger troubles!”
She snorted without humour in her voice, now fully standing, sliding a hand through her hair.
“Well Jake, it’s not like you can stop me, can you? Because you’re not here… You’re not fucking here with me. What would you have me rather do, uh? Don’t you think I’m scared!? I’M TERRIFIED BUT WHY DON’T YOU…”
“IT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU, DAMMIT!” Jake almost screamed into her ear, panting like he had just ran a marathon.
Nadia closed her eyes while more tears carved their path through her reddened cheeks, biting hard on her lower lip. Her heart clenched painfully at his words cause only now she realized how much she’d been craving to feel his barriers coming down.
“It could have been you, bleeding out in that nightmarish forest, for fuck’s sake. And only the thought of you being hurt or worse, of losing you…it’s enough to drive me insane” he confessed softly, his silky voice like sweet honey in the Nadia’s ear, a tempting offer of haven.
“But it wasn’t me” she replied hesitantly, not trusting her voice not to break “it still could have been Lilly. It could have been Hannah”
That was a low blow, Nadia knew that but his sisters were the only family he had left and if he couldn’t be on the front line to save them, she would step up to be in his place and protect them.
“I don’t wanna lose you, not you too” Jake whispered, voice heavy with despair, so close to the mic that for a moment she had the faint illusion of having him right by her side.
“And you won’t, Jake, I promise you. You won’t lose any of us, we will see each other at the end of this. We’ll all be together and make up for all the time we spent apart.”
She almost smiled at that idyllic picture taking shape into her mind.
“But I have to go” Nadia simply stated, softly as to not hurt him, even though she was already doing that.
She closed the call before she lost all of the courage she had mustered up, Jake’s no’s haunting her while she turned off her phone. She exhaled deeply, before hitting her wardrobe’s door with her open palm, muffling a scream against her folded t-shirts.
It took Nadia five whole minutes to regain her composure and fight back fat tears of sorrow, but when she finally looked back up, there were flames in her eyes.
She set her body into motion, retrieving an object from the drawer under her desk: the older phone used to be her main phone, but Nadia was sure she was going to need a backup since everyone in Duskwood already had her info. No one knew her new number though, so she hoped it could turn out to be a secret advantage. Only Lilly was aware of it, she was the one to help her out to settle everything and she was the only soul that knew she was coming to Duskwood and they both preferred that way.
She braced herself, backpack on her shoulder and keys in her hands: even though she was filled with much uncertainty, Nadia knew she was on the right path.
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Duskwood Episode 7 Spoilers
Well the actor for Richy was short lived...
Kdjdkdhd omg!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They found an actor for him only to kill him in the same episode lmao
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mysticpetals · 3 years
They finally found an actor for Richy lol
He's cute! Also, did you notice that in the gallery in Richy's profile, there are a lot more photos with him in it? ;)
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