#dustin x Lola
djcanipe99 · 5 months
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myplace2fangirl · 8 months
Zoey 101 (I took over the show while DS can go sit in a far away cave. I do NOT own anything and this is strictly a fictional perspective if there were a season 5 leading up to the post 15 years reboot). (also, this would be rated TV-14).
All episodes are now 48 minutes instead of 28 (so an hour instead of 30 mins).
PCA 101
Season 5 Episode 1: Its My Party pt 1.
Plot A: With senior year kicking off at Pacific Coast Academy, and a mysterious summer downfall; Zoey is dreading it all. 🙍🏼‍♀️
Plot B: Michael, James Vince, Logan heck even DelFigalo throw a secret guys soirée while Lola and Quinn decide to spy on them.
Season 5 Episode 2: It’s My Party pt 2.
Plot A: Despite Zoeys fallout with her friends, she meets the new guy Ty (Daniel Kelly) and finds comfort in his ways of escape. 🚬🌿
Plot B: After revealing a scandalous game of never have I ever, Quinn and Lola have no choice but to warn Lisa about Michael’s summer secret. 🇫🇷👩🏼‍🦰
Season 5 Episode 3: Turn Out the Light
Plot A: Chase may be in England but what happens when he reunites with an old classmate at Covington Prep? (Kristin Herrera)
Plot B: Logan and Quinn are celebrating their early acceptance into university, but mutually agree to live up their senior year. 🤝🏼❤️🪂
Season 5 Episode 4: I’m Okay
Plot A: Rumors are swirling around PCA about a potential investigation. With Dean Rivers nowhere to be found, there’s been interesting activity on campus.
• Michael Barrett who is now student president of PCA secretly approves incoming freshmen to extend curfew at the “welcome to upper school beach bash.” This leads Dustin finding himself in a pickle when he hits it off with a transfer student without being aware he’s been talking to twins! (Rebecca and Camilla Rosso)
• Zoey Lola and Quinn have a girls night in, only for Zoey to sneak out with Ty while his roommates are out.
• Ending scene goes back to England where Dana and Chase are in his room catching up on life. They kiss, the episode ends.
Season 5 Episode 5: Don’t Know Why
Plot A: Things between Logan and Quinn have been nothing but amazing, until the week of required sex education. One’s curious while the other wants to but is deep down nervous.
Plot B: Lola has been hiding her early acceptance into Juliard. What happens when Vince finds out before she tells him?
Plot C: Chase tell’s Michael about his senior fling with Dana, but swears it remains between the 2 of them.
Season 5 Episode 6: She’s No You
Plot A: Zoey Brooks is the girl who has it all together. Everyone goes to her, she’s that “it” girl, and guys would kill to be her plus 1! This years been turned upside down. After Quinn finds a pregnancy test in their trash can, she confronts a fatigued looking Zoey and encourages her to go to the clinic down PSH. (Ty should probably get himself checked too)
Plot B: Logan warns Dustin that dating twins behind each others backs is wrong and that it won’t end well. Will Dustin take his advice, or will Monica and Lauren find out first?
1: Quogan study session plus too many! (9 minutes)
Quinn and Logan are wrapping up on studying for their midterms, but afterwards Logan has planned a cozy movie night for the 2 of them. Maybe the lounge wasn’t a wise idea? Lights are out at 10, but soon comes Lola, Michael, Ty and Vince! What Quinnvention is going to be revealed to get them out of this ordeal? 😉
2: And this years Homecoming king and queen is…🇬🇧 (9 minutes)
Covington Preparatory School has homecoming! Chase and Dana have been enjoying each other’s company while he’s trying to move on from Zoey and she’s up for whatever adventure. Though the 2 go together as a casual couple neither were expecting to be crowned King and Queen! Dana reveals in her speech that Chase is the greatest guy there ever is and she’s lucky to have reconnected with him for their last year of high school.
Though they enjoy each other’s company, they reveal to each other during their dance that it’s best to remain close friends and part ways romantically. Both mutually in agreement they dance the night away! 😊
3. iwonacontest (iCarly crossover) (10 minuktes)
Stacey Dillsen and the butterfly she is has won a contest through Carly Shay and Sam Pucketts web sensational art contest. There’s just 1 problem: Stacey is locked in the bathroom. The live video chat is in 10 minutes!!! But fear not Mark DelFigalo to the rescue! Until she can get out Carly Sam and Spencer get to talk with Mark! “Wait iCarly? What am I supposed to say? I don’t know anything about it.” 🤣
As I said, this is all strictly fictional and in no way real. I plan on doing episodes 7-14 at some point but I wanted to connect this with the sequel as best as possible. How else would Danielle have known about Dana? I think if Chase returned to Covington, and Dana studying over seas is a fair connection 😉
I don’t really want to add any real drama between Logan and Quinn as they lasted 15 years…this is more about them navigating their new chapter as a teenage couple. The drama is all saved for Zoey. And adding a new male character (I used to love Owen Milligan on Degrassi) who’s more of an escape rather than a love interest spices things up!
As much as I loved Micheal and Lisa I think like many teenage boys, it’s fair to have him make a big error over the summer and have to learn from it. (He definitely had a fling with a random French girl while doing a summer program). Lisa still thrived and is the sweet boss she is though 😉 plus his time to shine is seen all over campus as the student president!
Dustin…he’s gonna have to figure this one or two out. Lol.
Lola and Vince don’t last, but that’s okay because they kinda had their time to shine season 4 and are headed separate ways.
Stacey and Mark are strictly side characters who pop up quite a bit throughout the season.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments! But please be respectful and appropriate 🙂
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whispercddesires · 18 days
A low chuckle left his lips as he lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles. "You might be right there, darling. You are more like my little firecracker, huh? How about i just call you, Tesoro? It's darling in Italian. Then we can skip all sweetness, and I can still call you something endearing." / @relcpse
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witchwyfe · 2 years
Could I ask for Steve and “Uh, am I interrupting?” thank you lola! congrats on 1k!!!!!!!
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Steve Harrington x female reader
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
thank you so much angel!!
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You could be upset at your boyfriend. Realistically, you should be.
Seven kids who all need breakfast, showed up at Steve's door this morning.  And your boyfriend had let them in.
So now you're in his kitchen, seven am and sleepy-eyed.
"Can we go back to bed after this Stevie?" You murmur, leaving back against the counter.
He turns around from the stove, spatula in hand, kitchen towel slung over his shoulder. 
"You tired baby?" He hums, concern turning his lips into a pout.
"Yeah, someone kept me up late." You tease, sliding your hand underneath his shirt and pinching his hip. He snaps the towel at you, lightly as possible, before leaning in for a minty-flavored kiss.
"We'll take a nap later, how's that sound?"
He flips the towel back onto his shoulder before scooping you up and sliding you onto the counter.
You don't even react, don't have time to, before he's leaning forward again, pressing his lips to yours.
He kisses you softly, chasing away any lingering grumpiness. When he pulls away, he dots kisses everywhere--your nose, cheeks, forehead, eyebrow. You're giggling softly, fisting handfuls of his t-shirt to tug him closer, taste him and—
“Uh, am I interrupting?” Dustin wonders, clearing his throat awkwardly.
“Of course not Dusty.” You respond at the same time Steve says: “Yes.”
“I just wanted to see when breakfast will be ready.” He says shyly, his tone different from how he usually speaks to you and Steve.
“Sooner you leave the kitchen, sooner it’ll be ready.” Steve smirks, no real malice in his tone.
“Steve!” You smack his chest lightly. “Don’t worry Dustin, we’ll call you in when it’s ready.”
“What?” He smiles, feigning innocence when Dustin vacates the kitchen. “Wanna kiss you a little more.”
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© witchwyfe 2022. absolutely no reposting, translating, or modifying, even with credit.
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plumbogs · 10 months
sims 2 base game premades memories
I have the urge to make lists and I like digging through ts2 (base game because i haven't dived into the others) premade's memories for lore nuggets, so here's some lists of specific memories and the sims that have them. Veronaville is not very well-represented because their memories are mostly very empty or only containing "Had x" or "X died", likely because Maxis didn't bother coding in any more memories, which means that any non-standard memories had to have been coded in from my understanding? which is why I made lists about it
Note that this only accounts for memories, even if it contradicts actual traits (like Juliet Capp being in private school. she doesn't have a memory about getting in), only applies to living playables, and I'm sure I missed some.
Grew Up Badly (basically every teen lmao) -Nervous Subject -Ophelia Nigmos -Ripp Grunt -Vidcund Curious -Dirk Dreamer -Dustin Broke -Lilith Pleasant -Nina Caliente -Tybalt Capp -Hermia Capp -Mercutio Monty
Got Shocked -Don Lothario (??? Why did he do that. why is he the only one)
Had an Accident (I was expecting more than just two actually. this feels like it would have popped up a lot more. vidcund being a pee pee pants is why i started digging in memories in the first place) -Vidcund Curious (and then circe broke up with him lol) -Alexander Goth
Burned Food -Lazlo Curious -Mortimer Goth
Lost a Fight -Loki Beaker -Lazlo Curious -General Buzz Grunt -Dustin Broke
Won a Fight -General Buzz Grunt (He remembers fighting with people who have no memory of losing a fight with him, which I choose to interpret in the silliest way possible) -Pollination Tech#9 Smith (GO GRANDPA!!)
Got into Private School (more sims than this are/were in private school but they don't remember being accepted) -Lola Singles/Curious -Pascal Curious -Cassandra Goth -Mortimer Goth -Alexander Goth
Rejected from Private School -Chloe Singles/Curious
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the-french-eurobitch · 11 months
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Favorite Actors: 
(BUFFY) Lola Knox, Sian Jones, & Akiko Nakasone
(ASHLEY) Emma Prosser, Andrea McArdle, & Susan Torbeck (Who I actually know and had worked with throughout high school! ;) )
Favorite Songs/Scenes: 
Girl’s Rolling Stock
This Is Gonna Be The Day
The “intro” to UNCOUPLED where they both ask Dinah what’s wrong…WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN Y’ALL
Favorite Ships:
Smoked Burgers
AshDust? (or basically Ashley x Dustin haha)
BuffTop? (Buffy x Flat Top)
Both she and Dinah keep up a system where they help run each other's dining/cafe businesses
She's had periodic all-nighters at 3am trying to replicate high quality coffee drinks
She loves ta show off Ashley a lot. If ya know, ya know <3
She has a "bookworm" side in herself like Rusty, but kind of keeps it a secret from most out of some insecurities
She's an early bird kinda gal! ;) Loves to wake up at 5 in the morning and watch every sunrise with coffee in hand
She and Buffy met when they were both teens
Unpopular Opinions
None. I love them both. ;)
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ashes-writing · 2 years
more than a feeling pt II | stranger things ; e munson
A/N ; As promised, the second part to my new girl!reader x Eddie Munson fic thing.. Okay, well I didn't exactly promise and I dunno if anybody but me actually wanted this to happen but... Here we are. I thought this idea was cute when it came to me whilst washing dishes, so I wrote it all down in a rush.
There miiight be more to this sooner or later. There will definitely be a third part bc I have to conclude the events of this little part if nothing else.
Pairing ; Eddie Munson x newgirl!Fem reader.
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ;  part I can be found here. We're playing it fast and loose with the timeline. This does take place in 86, however.. I doubt I bring in any of the stuff that actually happens on the show because honestly, do we wanna relive it? So this is just a 'slice of life' teen rom com type thing, I guess. This chapter is maaybe two to three weeks from the last chapter. And we'll just assume that while Eddie has never been to readers grandparents place, reader has been to Eddie's trailer on more than one occasion.
Tag List ; @rampagewriting, if you don't wanna see this please feel absolutely free to ignore, bb! if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Stranger things, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; that awkwardly cute moment when boy really sees girl. lotsa cute and fluffy stuff aaaand.... a grandmother who ships it when it comes to Reader and Eddie Munson. A mention of a church carnival too.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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You could hear  your little sisters running around downstairs. Your grandma shouts out from the kitchen and the landline is ringing. Outside, the sound of your grandpa starting up the old tractor floats in through the crack in your window. You’re lying on your stomach in bed, a romance novel open in your hand.
If your mom wasn’t a variable, you think to yourself, you could get used to this, the little noises and the smells that make your estranged grandparents two story farmhouse a home. You could get used to Hawkins… To Eddie, to the freshman kids Mike Wheeler and Dustin Henderson that your grandma paid thirty bucks to babysit the hellions known as your twins Lulu and Lola.
The surprising thing in all this is you’d be willing to let your guard down with Eddie just a little more if only you knew you’d be calling Hawkins home. The thought brings a quiet and thoughtful sigh and you lay down the book on your nightstand when your bedroom door bursts open, two little giggling 4 year olds bolting inside with brownies in their hands -and chocolate all over their faces. 
“Okay, you two. Grams said not to get into those, they’re for that carnival at the church later.” you raise to sit. Lola nudges Lulu and whispers. You grab hold of both, tickling them on their sides until the three of you are a heap on the floor of your mother’s childhood bedroom.
Then Lola ends it by making things weird because she’s Lola, that’s what she does, and she grabs your face to give you a cow lick on your right cheek. 
“Mimi said you gotta come too. To church tonight. Said she wants her friends to meet ya. One of ‘em’s got a really cuuuute son.” Lola giggles as she says it and you bite your lip, pausing. Your grandma must be up to her little matchmaking tricks again… Whether it be trying to shove you together with new friends or some boy who knows or is related to one of her old friends, and so far, you’ve managed to dodge every single attempt made. Well, aside from Chrissy Cunningham but maybe that has everything to do with the naive little sister vibe she puts out into the world and you feeling some kind of responsibility towards her because of the fact that her so-called boyfriend was a cheating prick and you’d kind of spilled the beans about it.
But it wasn’t a real friendship… Right?
And you’re only friends with Eddie and the two freshman boys who come by to babysit for your grandmother when you can’t because you’re working down at the  diner… Eddie just kind of made himself a place in your life. The two boys, you’re just polite with because everyone else treats them like outcasts and to you, that really sucks.
None of the above were real friendships. And the boys your grandmother was always accidentally introducing you to, good lord.
You wouldn’t even get started thinking about that.
You laugh softly. “Oh she does, huh?”
“Mhm.” Lulu is the one who answers, a soft smile. “And I wanna show you what we made Ma in Sunday school.”
“Sweetie, I dunno, I mean… Pretty sure that lightning will strike the place and burn it to the ground if I set foot inside.” you protest, but then the two little hellions give you their best begging pouts and you know you’re about to cave in. You find yourself thinking that maybe if you do, it’ll get Grams off your case a little bit. Maybe she’ll give you a break, stop trying to push you into friendships -and relationships, so often when she’s gotta know your mom’s just going to get out, collect the three of you and move you away from Hawkins.
Even if maybe, you don’t really want to leave now. You’ll have to, because she’s your mother and she’d never survive on her own.
“Pretty please?!” they chorus and you groan quietly. “Okay, alright, fiiiiine. You two want me to go so bad, go find me a dress, alright?”
The twins rush the overspilling chaotic mess you call a closet -most of the clothes inside belonged to your mother when she was your age, most of your clothes are either bolder and somehow wilder or they’re more subdued and neutral, there is no in between.
After what feels like a lifetime, the two twins are rushing back over to where you’re sitting on your bed, their arms full of dresses.
You laugh softly. “They’re cute.” you sift through the pile and you settle on the soft pink one for some reason. It’s got straps that tie at the shoulder and hopefully it’ll be long enough to at least be close to decent. It had to have been your mothers, she’s the one who had the penchant for soft pink and all things girly like your twins have. Like you would have if say, you hadn't conditioned yourself to be your mother's polar opposite for the most part because you can't let yourself repeat her cycle.
Your sister Lola brings over a soft red and black plaid flannel shirt and you wrinkle your nose. “I dunno this will work, pixie dust.”
“It’s pretty. And red makes you happy.” Lola shrugs, shuffling dirty bare feet against dark wooden floorboards. You mull it over. It’s not as if you intend to return to the church your grandmother attends religiously every wednesday and sunday of every single week, rain snow or shine. And you’re not trying to make any sort of impression, because you gave up caring what anybody thinks about you when you were around the age of your little sisters.
“Okay, alright. Guess I better go get dressed.” you shrug. And you pull yourself up off the bed, preparing to go throw on the dress and the flannel shirt.
The doorbell sounds on the floor below and the twins jump up and race down. You peer out of your bedroom window, curious.
And you flatten yourself against the soft pink walls of your mother’s old bedroom when you spot Eddie Munson’s van parked idle in the long dirt driveway leading up to your grandparents farmhouse. “What the hell, Munson? How… Okay, I never told the guy where I lived. How’d he find out?” you wonder to yourself just as the twins race back into your bedroom, the door banging shut behind them.
“You gotta get dressed. C’mon.”
“There’s a boy.” Lola wrinkles her nose. “He smells funny, kinda. Like smoke.”
“And he’s soooooooo cute. So cute.” Lulu gushes, leaning dramatically against your bedroom door.
You palm your face at your little sister despite knowing damn well that deep down, her statement is exactly what you think about Eddie sometimes. Especially when he’s focused on practicing his guitar or he’s got his nose buried in Lord of the Rings and trying to give you a dramatic reading just so you can't focus on your own horror novel of choice.. Or he’s driving around town with you with Black Sabbath or Kiss playing soft and low in the background.
But he just doesn’t see you like that.
Chrissy, yes. Yes he does. But not you.
It stings a little but knowing you’ll be leaving sooner or later somehow softens the blow. And you’re gearing up to try and shove Chrissy and Eddie together somehow because you’ve seen the way he looks at her and you know him well enough to know that if he’s looking after her when you’ve  gone, she’ll be protected.
Grams calls up the stairs to you. “You’ve got a visitor, sweetie. Make it quick, alright? We’re leavin for the church carnival in ten, soon as the red beans n’ rice are done. You’re comin too.” and you can’t tell by the tone whether the hurry up is her, giving you a little time alone with your friend or telling you to make it quick because she doesn’t want him in her house.
You throw on the pale pink sundress and the oversized flannel and you’re just tugging on your boots when you hear the twins high pitch squeals from down below. Just to keep them from swarming Eddie with a million little questions or trying to climb him like a goddamn jungle gym -something you also secretly wouldn’t mind doing, you step out of your room and make your way down the stairs.
Lola, of course, has demanded to be picked up. Eddie is currently holding her on his right hip. Giggling. Lulu is holding out his arm to admire the black ink bats that adorn the skin of his forearms. “They’re pretty! Are they birds?”
Eddie snickers. “Bats, actually.”
Your grandma locks eyes with you and you are… Not prepared for her little teasing grin. Or the way she nods her head in his direction while laughing softly and fanning herself just to make your cheeks flame hot.
“Girls, c’mon. We gotta put those costumes on, right?” Your grandmother adresses your little sisters.
“Yeah! I need my fairy wings!”
You laugh as Lola climbs down from Eddie’s arms and bolts up the stairs with lightning speed. Lulu is on her tail fussing. “The purple one is MINE. Not yours, okay?”
Your hand finds your face and you suddenly have not one clue what to say. Your grandmother wanders out of the kitchen and shoves a plastic bag into your hands bearing the name of the local department store downtown. “It’s a costume thing, lil bit.” she purrs, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, “Picked you up somethin.”
“Grams, no. I’m not a baby.”
“Would you relax?” the older woman pauses with a hand on her hip, “It’s just a pair of cat ears or a flower crown thing. Flower crown would go with that interesting combo you’ve got goin on, come to think of it. Sides… It’s not like I got to do any of this stuff when you were little. Indulge an old lady, will ya?” she throws another wink at you as she ascends the stairwell, vanishing from sight.
This leaves you and Eddie all alone in the foyer of your grandmother’s farmhouse. And suddenly, despite having worn shorter dresses or skirts than the one you wear currently, you feel naked. Dare say, vulnerable.
Doe eyes scan your body and blink slowly. Eddie wants to stop staring but he just can't. It's become a huge problem for him lately and the only comfort he has is the knowledge that you insist that as soon as your mom comes back, you'll be gone. And it's really not a comfort, he thinks to himself as his eyes roam your body while you're busy digging in the bag and thankfully, not looking at him at all, because he just doesn't want you to leave. He's not looking forward to the inevitable end, to when he won't see you, he won't be sharing a book with you in sex ed first thing in the morning. When you're not popping up at his uncle's place with leftover burgers and fries fresh off a shift after school down at the diner in town.
You occupy yourself with digging in the bag, laughing to yourself quietly as you produce the flower crown headband and pop it on your head. Laughing as you finally manage to glance up at him. All you can do is shrug. “So uh… what brings you by, Munson?”
Eddie shuffles dirty sneakers against the floor and drags his hand through frizzy brown hair. His mouth opens and closes because the whole way over, Dustin’s pep talk had been right there, spurring him on and now, suddenly.. Seeing you like this. Without the leather jacket and the little smirk or the bold red lipstick and heavy mascara, well… It’s like every thought’s left the boy’s head on sight.
He’d come over to ask if you wanted to come hang out at his uncle’s trailer tonight. Just watch horror movies and laugh at how dumb they were, how realistically, things would go way different. Gareth and Jeff would be there like usual, he just… Wanted all of his friends there.
He really wanted you there. Maybe he wants to pretend this is a date. He wants to spend the night with you, maybe in his mind he can tell himself that you'll get scared during a bloodbath on screen and bury your face in his shoulder.. Something sappy like that.
“Eddie.” you step closer, laughing. You jump up a little to snap your fingers in his face. “Earth to Munson. Come in, Munson. Do I need to get the holy water and a priest, sir? Have you been possessed? Blink twice if you’re in danger, man.” you’re teasing and laughing but all Eddie can do is stare. And try not to sniff you when the combination of strawberry shampoo and soft baked goods fills his nose and makes his mouth water like it always seems to lately.
If he keeps this up, Gareth is right. He will manage to make it awkward.
You step even closer, your body bumps up against his lightly. He bites down on the inside of his cheek and finally, the fog in his brain at the sight of you like this is clearing away. “I uh… I wanted to stop by and see if you wanted to watch horror movies out at my place tonight.” he manages to stammer out, “Gare and Jeff are going to be there too.”
Before you can answer the question, your grandmother speaks up from behind you. “She’ll be there.” and she fixes her gaze on you with a little smirk that tells you she’s definitely up to something. “I should have some brownies left. I’ll send ‘em over.” she pauses. “The special ones. The ones in the yellow dish, sweets.” she clarifies and your mouth drops open.
There is absolutely no way she’s just said what she’s said. Not only is she practically shoving you at Eddie right now, she's offering up the brownies you baked earlier to feed the guy.
“Grams, I don’t..” but she silences you. “You’re going to take that boy brownies, sweetheart. Looks like he hasn’t eaten a good meal in weeks, let alone dessert.” and promptly turns to Eddie, smirking. “Wait til you taste ‘em, oh man.” she laughs softly.
“Girls, get your sweaters. We’ll go start loading everything up in the car. Your grandpa left a little while ago, he’s in charge of the hayride.” your grandma is rushing your little sisters out the door and the door bangs shut behind the three.
It leaves you all alone with Eddie a second time. And there’s this thickness to the air. It’s smothering, sweltering even. You almost can’t breathe.
But.. you do manage to ask the question you’re dying to know the answer to. “So uh… Not that I mind or anything but like..” you pause to glance down and fidget with the sleeves of the flannel as they cover the tips of your fingers, “Who told you where I live? I really don’t mind, I swear.. It’s just..” you gesture to the door your grandmother has taken your little sisters out of, “It’s a little chaotic around here… Especially those two, they’ll climb you like a jungle gym.”
Eddie snickers. "They were kinda cute. Real talkative. Guessing that gene kinda skipped you, hm?" he's teasing you a little and you pout up at him. Fidgeting again, you can't seem to stop and he can't help but notice it. Or the way the flannel shirt is three sizes too big and it nearly swallows your hands.
And if he were one of the cockier boys to roam Hawkins High’s halls, he’d almost think the little stammering you just did or the way you’re fidgeting and you can’t look at him quite as easily as you tend to all mean that you’re flustered. But he's not, so when the thought surfaces, he pushes it aside. Because there's no way he can fluster you. Not you with the dry wit and the loud mouth, not you who can name several alternate names for a penis or tell a joke so dirty it'll make him look at you sideways and wonder where in the hell and how in the hell it came out of you to begin with.
Eddie shrugs. “Apparently Dustin and Mike babysit your sisters? And Dustin, he told me where you live.”
You smile. “Well, now you know.. You can come by, ya know.. I don’t mind.”
Eddie chuckles quietly and steps a little closer. Towering over you as he stares down at you. Biting lips you’ve fantasized about kissing way, way, way too much recently. You remind yourself that you’re setting him up with Chrissy for both of their own good and try -while failing at, shoving any and all thoughts of Eddie’s lips and what you’d like to do to them out of your mind for the moment. “Is this you admitting that maybe having a friend isn’t the worst thing in the world, midget?”
“Hey! I am not a midget. I’m fun sized, damn it.”
“Oh, I bet you are.” Eddie’s words fall away and his hand raises, smoothing hair back out of your eyes. You clench your thighs and shuffle your feet because the warmth of his hand and the coolness of the metal adorning his fingers is a contrast and it’s one that you could get used to feeling, if only you’d allow yourself.
“Save the innuendo for your little lover girl.” you snort, pretending to be the tough girl like he’s used to. You smirk up at him and tease quietly, “Yes, I know about your thing for a certain cheerleader. It’s cute. Kinda sweet in a weird and dorky way.” you shrug.
It is sweet. You just wish he looked at you like he looked at her.
But again, the knowledge that you and your sisters won’t be here much longer is what keeps the sting out of it and keeps any jealousy you might be inclined to feel at bay. And it makes things a little less awkward in that you can joke and tease him about it and knowing you’ll leave sooner or later makes it a little easier to just go with the flow.
All you want is the tattooed rocker standing almost body to body with you in your grandparents foyer to be happy. It just sucks that you’re almost willing to bet your actual life on the fact that you won’t be the one who makes him happy. Because you’ll have to leave.
It always happens.
“So uh… What time?” you ask after a few long seconds when you can feel your breath catch in your throat at least two times. Eddie shrugs. “What time are you gonna be able to slip away from the thing?”
“Well, I did say I’d stay, do stuff with my sisters. Probably like an hour or two? So around 8?”
Eddie grins. Still shocked by you without all the sass and the leather jacket and the makeup he’s used to seeing, it’s thrown him for quite the loop.
“8 works for me.” he answers quietly. Stepping even closer before he can stop himself from doing it. “Hope you’re okay with blood and guts.”
You cluck your tongue and tap a boot against the floor. “Do I look like the kinda girl who isn’t?” you ask but internally, you are probably just a shade squeamish. Reading true crime and horror like you tend to, that’s totally different. Seeing it, especially with your whole thing about mass amounts of blood… You’re just not sure how well this is going to go.
Eddie walks you over to the Impala and opens the driver door for you. And it happens again, you find yourself body to body with him and instead of sinking down to sit in the driver seat like you were about to, you hesitate. You raise a hand to brush some hair out of his face and you laugh softly. “I’ll uh.. See you then.”
“Yeah.” he gives you that lazy grin and after you sit down, he shuts the door to your car. You watch him as he walks away to his waiting van and you let out several long and ragged breaths as you lean your forehead against the steering wheel.
And you tell yourself for the millionth time that you cannot, you absolutely cannot fall in love with Eddie Munson.
But somehow, you know deep down that it’s too late and you’re fucked with a capital F.
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borntoocry · 2 years
All Your Glory
pairing: robin buckley x fem oc! 
genre: coming out; secret crush
summary: Helena (Lena/ Lee•Na) has had a secret crush on robin for a while and thinks but hopes robin knows. 
authors note: I’ve been thinking about writing a quick robin one-shot and now that i’ve written this one... i want to continue adding to this--maybe!? also, touch tank reminds me of robin and so think of that song when you’re reading:) 
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I wondered if Robin knew I was into girls just as much as she was. I wondered if she saw the way I wore my jeans, or how I nearly wore business attire with ties and scruffy loafers or sneakers because she enjoyed wearing the same thing. I wondered if she noticed but said nothing because she didn’t know how to bring it up in our conversations; or maybe she didn’t care. 
I also wondered if Robin knew that I liked her. That I took my time in counting her freckles and imagining them hovering over me, or in front of me as she pressed her lips onto mine. I wondered if she thought of me the same way. I wondered if she knew already, and if she did, if she even cared. 
I talked about her a lot and I never seemed to shut up about her. First it was about her recent haircut and hair tint, and how she looked absolutely beautiful. Then I spoke about her new job, and how I was excited that she no longer had to dress in navy blue attire with long socks and a lousy hat atop her head. Then I spoke about her coming over every week, almost every day, and simply being around me without speaking. Sometimes we would rent VCR tapes from Family Video, buy food from the store a couple of blocks from my house, and have a fun sleepover. 
There was nothing wrong with speaking about Robin–not in my opinion. It filled the silence; and at times it was better than speaking about what was happening at home. Robin never considered it odd either–when we were surrounded by Steve and Dustin tagging along, or Max stumbling in to rent another movie to watch with her mom. She usually pinched my side or dug her head into my back, as if she were a dog nuzzling her head into her owner. I never acknowledged her crazed movements, only if she begged me to stop with the voice of a child. 
I hung around Robin more than anyone else. She would stop by my house and my parents would cook us dinner. We would take it to my backyard where I held my treehouse and we would eat inside until it was dark. Then, we would smoke a couple of cigarettes and two dainty joints and sneak back inside, up to my room where we painted each other’s nails and I drowned her face in makeup. 
When she took a shower, I always patiently waited and when she returned to my room, I would pretend to be asleep. I might’ve been into women, but I’d never seen a woman naked before unless it was through my brother’s hidden Playboys. I wasn’t sure if I was okay with seeing a woman naked, nor if I even wanted to see a woman naked. Of course I did, but it was painful to come to terms with finally stepping into the person I was. Especially with how everyone was extremely against gay people. 
I was now lying beside Robin in my bed: her head lying on my lap, her hand stretched across her stomach, rubbing circles on the patch of bare skin. We were watching a new romance film that had recently been released to Family Video. I heard great things from the people at school, so I told Robin to steal it when she could, and she took it on a great night–on a Friday. 
At the moment there was the main character Lola, speaking to her ex-best friend, Coletta. They stopped speaking but began catching up after Coletta found out Lola was getting married to a man named John Silverspoon. And now they were… making up. Or making out. Or touching and telling each other they wanted to confess their feelings for as long as they could remember. 
Oh. Was this the movie people at school were recommending?, I thought. There was absolutely no way people from school were recommending a lesbian film. 
“This is sick!” Robin exclaimed. 
“I can’t believe people told us to watch this movie,” I whispered. 
“Why?” she asked. 
I shrugged. “I guess ‘cause no one talks about gay people. No one really wants to talk about them.” 
Robin removed her head from my lap and slid off the bed. She marched to the TV, paused the movie, and hopped back onto my bed. “So let’s talk about it,” she said as she tucked her legs into one another and pressed her hands on my knees. There was a shock that trickled over me and temporarily paralized me. 
“What do we talk about?” I asked. I most certainly sounded like a mouse. 
“You.” She smiled. She looked me right in my eyes and stuck her tongue out, coating her lips like she was truly interested; preparing herself to speak. 
While she seemed amused, I was terrified. Albeit wondering if she realized I liked women too, I wasn’t keen on her finding out and talking to me about it. I simply wanted her to find out and take me as I was without further questions.
“What do you mean… Robin?” 
She rolled her eyes and said, “I know you like girls.” 
“What?” I asked again. “No.” 
She raised an eyebrow and asked, “So you don’t like girls?” 
I shrugged. “No. They’re… not for me.” 
“Yes. I like dick.” 
She burst into laughter. She shook her head and pressed her hand atop my mouth rather than atop hers. “Don’t you ever say that ever again! I know you don’t, Helena, so cut the bullshit. You like girls, don’t you?” 
“No, Robin, I don’t,” I spoke. My words felt harsh on my tongue: burning their way through my throat and marking my teeth and tongue. 
She scoffed and shrugged. “Ouch. Well I’m disappointed.” She then continued to rest her head on my shoulder and look up at me. She picked up the end of my braid and removed the elastic protecting it from unraveling. “That upsets me,” she huffed after a beat. 
“What?” I had the air sucked out of me and I wasn’t sure if it was because she was a vacuum or I couldn’t breathe because she was saying she wanted me. “What do you mean?” 
She took this time to place an icy hand on my chin and pull me down towards her. She looked at me with tranquil eyes and a parted mouth and said, “If you’re not into girls, that’s a bummer, because Lola and Coletta could have been us. Or we could have been Lola and Coletta–doesn’t matter, same thing.” 
“Oh,” is all I said. Then when she began slowly nodding, begging me with her eyes to say something, I added, “Well maybe it’s a good thing I lied… then.” 
“You lied?” 
“I knew it.” 
“How?” I whined. I was desperate to know. 
“How you dress, how you style your hair, how you love talking about me and never stop, even when I pinch you and beg with my slutty voice.” 
“Slutty voice?” I asked with a laugh. 
“Like this: please, Lena, stop telling everyone I wear bright white panties! I only wear them for you!” 
“Oh my GOD!” I pushed her off my lap and jolted up so I was standing on top of my bed. 
She followed suit and stood in front of me, her hands hesitantly raking through her hair as she watched me with ruby cheeks. “I’m… I’m joking.” 
I reached out and grabbed her cheeks, shaking her face around and around. “No you’re not. You’re not kidding, Robin, and that’s okay. I… I like it. I like that you’re not joking.” 
She nodded and proceeded to nuzzle her cheek into my hand. “I don’t think I was joking. I just told you something off the top of my head without thinking bright enough. Maybe that was dumb.” 
I wasn’t sure if I needed to kiss her at this moment, but I wanted to. So I asked. “Can I kiss you?” 
“Why?” she asked. She looked down at me with wide eyes and a look in her eyes that screamed, You like me, seriously, don’t you? 
I shrugged and questioned my entire existence. “I dunno’. I guess I just want to kiss you. Is that fine?” She nodded. I began leaning in but I freaked out, so I pulled away. I froze and whispered, “But you take initiative. I’m scared and I don’t know if you’ve ever kissed a girl, which I don’t think you have because you would have told me but I don’t know, maybe you have. But you seem like you know how to kiss and I don’t have a clue… So please… kiss me before I go crazy.” 
She chuckled but proceeded to pull my face in and plant her lips on top of mine. She kissed me with passion, as they spoke of in the movies, and need, and want, and the need and want to be mine and to kiss me like she never wanted to kiss someone this badly. 
I was entranced. I would have allowed her to do anything to me. I would have given up my virginity that night if she asked me to give it to her. I knew nothing of sex with a woman, but I wanted to try with Robin. If that was what kissing Robin once did to my brain, I wanted to see what kissing her twice did, or kissing her thrice and so fucking forth. 
“I wanted to tell you…” I kissed her. She kissed me. We were still standing on top of my bed, except my back was against the wall. 
“Tell me what?” she asked. She bit my lip and I let out a noise I never released a day in my life. 
“I, uh, I was into you.” I moaned again. She licked my lips with her tongue. 
“Into me or girls in general?” 
“Girls,” I whispered. “But I’m… I’m really into you… too.” 
“Good to know,” she continued. “I’m really into you too. And boobs… God I love your boobs.”
“Good,” I moaned. “They're yours.” 
“Really?” she asked, groping them instantly. 
“Mhm.” I was biting down on my lips–enough to draw blood. “My lips too.”
She removed her lips from mine and held my face in front of hers with her jewelry-clad hands embracing my skin. “That’s also good to know. My boobs and lips are yours too.” 
“Good,” I whispered in the lowest voice. “I really like your lips.” 
“Really?” she panted. 
I hummed. “Yes. I look at them every day when I first look at you. I look at them when you talk, and I watch how you bite down on them. I watch how you chew on them and lick them when you’re either nervous or bored or entranced.” 
“Oh…” Robin was smiling now. Her big bright teeth were shining brighter than my room lights. I was blinded. “You are so gay!” 
I pressed my hand on her mouth and pushed her down onto my mattress. I sat atop her waist and didn’t remove my hand until her hands were ghosting over my hips and her eyes were struggling to stay on my face. Once she couldn’t bear it any longer, I said, “Lookie here, Robin, this is something not everyone can know. I like you, I really do, I just have to shove my sexuality into a locker or a closet and leave it shut until I like… die. Actually, maybe not. There are a lot of people coming out nowadays… but I don’t want to right now. Do you understand? I understand if you don’t understand but–” 
“I understand,” Robin murmured. “I get it. You don’t have to come out yet. I haven’t either. But I’ll be here whenever you do want to, alright?” 
I tucked my lip into my teeth and hummed. “Okay. Maybe I’ll tell Steve and Max. Maybe.” 
“Okay,” she continued. “I support you, Lena. One-hundred percent.” 
I dipped down and kissed her lips the color of cherries again. “Thank you. I also support your… uhm… I support you sexy monstrosity too.” 
She dug her head into my neck and laughed. It vibrated through me. She kissed my neck and hummed. “You’re beautiful. My beautiful. I support you in all your beauty.” 
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oceanrayyclark · 4 years
Zoey 101: Pacific Coast Dreams
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So I came up with a realistic concept for the potential “Zoey 101” reboot/spin-off.
Maybe Dana is bisexual 🤔?
I know it’s a long shot but they said they were trying to find realistic ideas and I think this could be a great start/canvas. I’m an aspiring actor/writer so if everyone can please shares this and reblog :)
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leossmoonn · 2 years
Hi could you do a steve x fem reader where she has an obsession with dogs. She loves dogs more than humans if she’s being honest. It’s so bad to the point where she starts tearing up if she sees a stray because it breaks her heart to see a dog not having a home or love. And Steve just loves her so much because of her heart for animals?
Ahhh yes such a cute idea!!
“Baby, another one?” Steve sighs. You pout and hold the puppy in his face. “Isn’t she just so cute?”
Steve looks into the German Shepherd’s eyes, feelings his heart strings being tugged. “Yes, she is, but we already have three dogs living with us.”
“And what’s one more? I heard that Max wants a puppy, anyways. She can have this one,” you say. 
“You’re going to get too attached to it, honey. And when Max tries to take it away, you’ll kill her.”
“Um, no. She can have Lola,” you snort. Steve rolls his eyes. “See, you’ve already named it.”
“Well, uh. I can’t just keep calling her puppy,” you say as if it’s obvious. “Oh, my bad. You’re right. You know, why don’t we just take all the homeless dogs home?” Steve suggests sarcastically. 
You gasp and your eyes light up. “Really? Oh, Steve, that would be amazing!” 
“Ah, Y/n, I —” he stops himself once he sees your face. You literally have hearts jumping out of your eyes when you look at Lola. The smile on your face melts his heart and he gives in to you. It would quite literally kill him to see you cry, which is most definitely what you will do if he says no. He sighs and sits up in his seat. “Okay, why don't we take Lola home.”
You squeal and jump up and down, turning Lola around. “You’re gonna have a home, Lola. I’m your mom, and this is your dad. He’s a little grumpy now, but he’ll soon kill anyone that threatens you.”
Steve shakes his head with a little smile. “Ready to go to home now, yeah?”
“Yes!” You nod and walk over to your side of the car. You set Lola down on your lap, her tail wagging a mile a minute while she climbs up your chest to kiss you. You giggle and pet all over her body, making baby noises to her.
Steve glances over at you, not being able to stay mad for a second — not like he really ever was anyways. You’re so sweet. You’re always helping something, whether that be animals or people. You never want anyone to be alone, and it shows from the three dogs are already have living in your house. Steve is thankful that the world has you, and he’s very thankful that he has you. You’re truly a gift.
“Lola, meet your brothers and sisters!” You set the puppy down as the three other dogs trot up to you. You and Steve had adopted an Australian Shepherd, a Beagle, and a little chihuahua. Now you had a little German Shepherd to add to the group. 
Steve closes the front door of his house, standing in the hallway and watches you introduce each and every one of the puppies. 
“I’m going to make a call to the kids, okay?” Steve rests his hand on your lower back and kisses your cheek. 
“Have fun! Tell them we have a new dog!” You exclaim. “Will, do, honey.” Steve walks over to the kitchen and finds his walkie talkie. “Yo, is anyone there?”
“Hey, Stevie boy, what’s up?” Dustin asks. “Okay, never call me that again. So, Y/n picked up another dog. You know what that means, right?” Steve asks. 
“Stealing more dog food?” Dustin asks. “Hell yeah,” Steve grins. 
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djcanipe99 · 9 months
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jessicaaatje · 2 years
People I'll write for
Some will be platonic, but sometimes I can make them not platonic. You can make couples, then I will maybe write a poly fic, or one where the couple are the parents of the reader.
Alex Morgan
Christen Press
Ashlyn Harris
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Lindsey Horan
Emily Sonnett
Kelley O'Hara
Hope Solo
Leah Williamson
Jill Roord
Jackie Groenen
Vivianne Miedema
Alexia Putellas
Jenni Hermoso
And more...
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Erica Sinclair
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Bob Newby
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Kate Bishop
Elena Rodriguez
Bobbi Morse
Darcy Lewis
And more...
Leo Fitz
Deke Shaw
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
And more...
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Marley Rose
Mercedes Jones
Kurt Hummel
Noah Puckerman
Blaine Anderson
Sara Lance
Zari Tarazi
Zari Tomaz
Astra Logue
Amaya Jiwe
Ava Sharpe
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Maggie Sawyer
Lena Luthor
Laurel Lance
Thea Queen
Mia Queen
Dinah Drake
Felicity Smoak
Killer Frost
Caitlin Snow
Nora West-Allen
Allegra Garcia
Jesse Quick
Lois Lane
Sarah Dawes
Nyssa al Ghul
Most of the boys in the arrowverse
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Alex Blake
Kate Cahallan
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Jason Gideon
Becca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Aubrey Posen
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Alex Parrish
Shelby Wyatt
Nimah and her Sister
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Lizzie Saltzman
Hope Mikealson
Josie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Rebekah Mikealson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikealson
Lost In Space
Penny Robinson
Judy Robinson
Will Robinson
Katniss Everdeen
Primrose Everdeen
Johanna Mason
And mkre from the 74th hunger games women
Alice Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Reneesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Daphne Greengrass
Lily Evans
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus x Sirius
James x Lily
Ava Hammerstrom
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen
Mary Stuart
THE 100
Clarke Griffin
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Madi Griffin
Cobra Kai
Sam LaRusso
Top Gun
Penny Benjamin
Amelia Benjamin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
More To Come!
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neacle · 3 years
Ashley, Buffy, Dinah and Pearl?
Otp: Ashley x Buffy
Brotp: Ashley and Dustin
Song that reminds me of them: Black Velvet by Alannah Myles (her voice and the beat just makes me think of Ash)
Fave actor/actress: Emma Prosser, Andrea McArdle
Random Headcanon: I've seen it going around that she and Duvay are sisters, and yeah I dig it!
Rate from 1-100: 70, she's cool but not one of my faves lmao
Otp: Buffy x Ashley <3
Brotp: Buffy and Ashley lmao, they are besties and wives, but uh yeah Buffy and the rest of the coaches too lol
Song that reminds me of them: Don't really have one 😅
Fave actor/actress: Carla Pullen, Lola Knox, Caron Cardelle
Random Headcanon: Actually a pretty good chef, she and Dinah just have different dishes they like to do
Rate from 1-100: 75, she's cool too and i love her garters so much, but again not really one of my faves
Dinah, I've already answered here 🤗
Otp: Prusty, and Pearlectra
Brotp: Pearl and the rest of the coaches lmao
Song that reminds me of them: Material Girl by Madonna, Thrills in the Night by KISS
Fave actor/actress: Nikki Belcher, Reva Rice
Random Headcanon: Kinda bitchy tbh, raised an only child and the apple of Poppa's eye, so she's very spoiled. She gets better afterwards tho
Rate from 1-100: 90, I like her a lot! She's spoiled and picky and I appreciate that, not every female character has to be perfect
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keiratheraven · 4 years
Throwback Thursday: Bentley 8 Squad Couples before the makeover and pose player
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Dustin x Angela, the yin and yang couple (traditional bad boy-good girl lovebirds)
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Lilith x Dirk (who would have thought that a Rock Star and a Doctor can be a cute couple, lol)
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Johnny x Ophelia (Ignore Puck who's behind them)
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Puck x Marina Prattle (in my story of Bentley 8, her first appearance is in Chapter 5: One More Chance at Love)
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Meanwhile, Ripp is an adventurer who has many temporary girlfriends and slept with a lot of women. He has a preference for slightly older women. He even got Lola Belle (the 5-star celebrity) pregnant.
But this was before they're started hooking up with each other without boundaries. Stay tuned to see what's next.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
CODE RED: Will is going to be Number 12!
exhibit A) Matthew Modine (who plays Dr.Brenner) posted this on instagram. 
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Exhibit B) I already discussed why Will has powers in more detail here.  
“Both El and Will could communicate through different dimensions (Will exploded 2 phones , El exploded a radio at the school). Both of their moms’ had “crazy aunts” - powers are genetic. Both had their brain waves monitored at the lab and their measurements were off the charts, plus they were being unknowingly recorded on video. El and Will are the only people who could touch, speak, and hear each other in the void. They both tore through walls (with that pink gunk between the normal world and upside down). They both can track others when concentrating -Will found Hopper, El found Will. Both communicated psychically by transferring their conscious- El to talk to Mike in his basement using the void (in s2) & Will to his mom in the living room (in s1). They are the only magical d&d characters (mage & cleric). When El uses her powers to their highest capabilities, her eyes turn red (at the end of s1 and 2 ) … so it’s interesting that when Will was fighting for control of his ownbody his eyes went from hazel to black. And in s1, Will’s storyline is all about him communicating through flickering/shining lights- and when El uses her powers lights always flicker.Also before Will goes missing , he asks Dustin for his X-men comic- later in reference to El ,Dustin asks “Do you think El was born with her powers like the X-men?” And when Mike says El is “channeling him (Will)”. Dustin says “like professor x”. clearly hinting that they were both born with powers, like the X-men.
In s1 Will was described to be “shadow walking”  In D&D Shadow walking is – “ largely illusory, but  quasi-real. characters can use this spell to travel rapidly by stepping onto the Plane of Shadow, moving the desired distance, and then stepping back onto the Material Plane.” This quote perfectly summarizes Will’s power - which he was shown to be using in s1 & s2 (before his possession)- he can be partially-present and can physically interact with both dimensions at the same time. This explains how he was standing in the real world next to Mike in the field, while the mind flayer took possession of him in the upside down version of the same field.
Also, in the show, the only people who have powers are women: Terri, Kali, and El. However, in the cannon prequel novel “suspicious minds”  Terri, Alice, Gloria, and Ken have powers. So as of now, Ken is the only guy in the ST universe who has powers … and he just so happens to be gay . And people suspect Will is gay… so… on to the next point XD
The show and comic hint Will had dormant powers or used them and was unaware he was doing so (before the upside down incident). He sent himself accidentally to the upside down (the lightbulb glowed just like all the lights in Hawkins did when El closed the gate in s2) also El accidentally sent herself there too.  The comic heavily implies Will was born with several powers (similar to how El has multiple powers). His may be shadow walking, teleportation, and invisibility. All 3 of these powers in D&D are powers of a wizard/sorcerer - which is synonymous with the term mage (which is used to describe El). Also, in the show the password Will picks for castle byers is ‘Rhadagast’ (a wizard in lord of the rings). According to D&D invisibility is a level 1, teleportation is level 5, and shadow walking is a level 6 in order of increasing difficulty. However, It wasn’t until Will’s possession that Will truly became a cleric (which I’ll explain in detail later). Will always had powers and was unaware he was using them (before the upside down incident)- the only powers he used at the time were invisibility and teleportation .Do you guys remember when Jonathan said Will was “good at hiding” cause teleportation and invisibility seem like something a kid who hid from his abusive father might of used accidentally A LOT!
However after his possession, Will becomes a cleric. “Clerics are given their powers by a god” (in this case he would have been given similar powers to the mindflayer). So will is going to be OP as F***!”
And before that post, I discussed why I thought Will & El would be kidnapped by the government at the end of s3 here 
 Exhibit c) “The promotional poster for st3 states “One summer can change everything”. While David Harbour states , “There is a major event at the end of ST3 that will dramatically change the course of the rest of the series”.
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in the 1st pic a gun’s pointed at her face  and in the second she’s being led away into a helicopter
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The next photos show Joyce and Will hugging ,but in the following pics Will is gone.
Essentially the scenes of the kids looking back at the empty Byers’ house is the last scene in s3. Every season has a one month time skip- and the clothes that Dustin, Mike, and Max were wearing included pants and or long sleeves. The fact they spoiled the ending indicates it’s a red herring.  It’s not simply that the Byers moved- it’s that they moved due to the trauma of losing Will. I believe throughout the season Joyce will want to move (like Bob wanted)- the only thing holding her back is the fact that Will’s support system (his friends) and Hopper are there.But after Will is taken away she leaves.”
exhibit D) Will’s comic references Dr Brenner and a novel that foreshadows later events, post here.
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“Martini? Like Dr. Martin Brenner! Who the Duffer’s said they’re bringing back. And if what I said about the s3 finale of El and Will being kidnapped by the government is true. It would make sense for s4 to be where he’s brought back.”
In the book “The 2 main characters are very similar to Will and El. Literally the boy , Peter is quiet, gay-coded,and in love with his “protective” childhood bff . And Lola (sounds like s1 El-androgynous, buzz cut, brown hair, and eyes)-they team up to survive and are the first to meet. Essentially, Peter and Lola’s platonic love for each other- and their dependence on each other , allows them to keep their morality, mental health, and physical safety in tact- and this will probably echo the Will/El dynamic.It’s about a psychiatrist who kidnaps and tries to brainwash orphans into becoming weapons/spies for the government.”
So YEAH, along with all that, the fact that Will went missing in s1, and El was missing for most of s2, only verifies to me that both will be taken at the end of s3 and be separated from Mike and others for most of s4 (since it would have Will & El’s stories finally converge). Alot of people don’t realize that Will and El’s narrative arcs have been paralleled to one another through the whole series.The fact that they both have powers, were both used as spies, have ptsd, are both described as ‘quiet’, both had their dads force them to kill animals, had abusive dads who used them for their own gain (Papa- as a spy, Lonnie for the settlement money), had narrative arcs where they tried to get back to their mothers- and back to their “home” (friends & family), willing to sacrifice their lives to save everyone else from the monster,  same stuffed lion plushie. The fact it’s practically cannon Will was the one who made up the whole “friends don’t lie” thing - that El loves so much. Since in ep 1, Will was honest with Mike about having a bad roll , despite Dustin and Lucas encouraging him to lie to Mike.
 And this is why it’s pretty much confirmed to me. Honestly, I’m going to cry so much in s4 when we first see Will with a buzzcut and the number 12 tattooed on his wrist... and El with a buzzcut again and both being experimented on. Also in s4, we’ll also see the other numbers in Brenner’s care as well. As it would match with the poster and the book “House of stairs” that was referenced in Will’s comic book. * I encourage you to look at my links, since I went into more detail :)
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Jessica Jackrabbit
This is female version(adult) of Jazz Jackrabbit. She’s masculine female character just like Ghostbusters(2016),Lara Croft(Tom Raider series),Rey(Star Wars),Samus Aran(Metroid series),Shantae,Sash Lilac,Neera Li,Jill of the Jungle,Jessica Rabbit,Hello Nurse(Animaniacs),Amy the Squirrel(Eric W. Schwartz(Amiga Era),Lola Bunny(Warner Bros.’s Space Jam),Dot Warner(Animaniacs),Fifi La Fume(Warner Bros.’s/Amblin Entertainment’s)Tiny Toony Adventures,Babs Bunny(Tiny Toons Adventures),Marvel’s Black Widow,DC Catwoman,Xenna,princess Merida,princess Fiona(Shrek series),princess Jasmine,Marvel’s Jessica Jones,Marvel’s Black Cat,princess Leia Organa(Star Wars),captain Phasma(Star Wars),Padme Amidala,Elen Ripley(Alien classic series),female Prisoner 849(Unreal 1),Ramirez(Fortnite Battle Royale),Snow White(Disney’s adaption of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs),Hermione Granger(Harry Potter series),younger Granny(world war 2 flashbacks in Looney Tunes Show),Cindirella from Disney,Anne Navarre(Deus Ex 1), Dr. Liara T'Soni(Mass Effect trilogy),Eleven(Stranger Things),Diana Scully(X-Files),Berri(Conker’s Bad Fur Day),T-X(Terminator 3), Michael Burnham(Star Trek Discovery),Mon Mothma(Star Wars),Lady Tethys(Dust An Elysian Tail),Rouge the Bat(Sonic the Hedgehog series),Meryl(Metal Gear Solid),Wonder Woman(Justice League),Krystal(Starfox modern series),Angela Cross(Ratchet and Clank 2),Callie Briggs(Swat Kats),April O’Neil(TMNT),Mona Lisa(TMNT),Barbara(Rayman Legends),Lily the Fairy(Rayman 2),Coco Bandicoot(Crash Bandicoot series),Topaz(Sonic X),Officer Jenny(Pokemon anime),Jessie(Team Rocket)(Pokemon anime),Misty(Pokemon anime from the 90′s),princess Peach Toadstool & princess Daisy,princess Zelda,Betilla the Fairy(Rayman 1 & Rayman Origins),Marvel’s She-Hulk,princess Sally Acorn(Sonic Satam),Zoe Cottontail(Jazz Jackrabbit),princess Tiara Cyberooski/Boobowski(Sonic Mars/Sonic X-treme),Blaze the Cat(princess)(Sonic Rush),Marine the Raccoon(Sonic Rush Adventure),Talwyn Apogee(Ratchet and Clank Future A Tools of Destruction),Nega Sonic Teeange Girl(Marvel’s Deadpool),DC Black Canary),Robin(Stranger Things),Cora Velarux(reboot of Ratchet and Clank 1),Lori Jackrabbit(Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files),daughter of Commander Keen(Bethesda’s reboot of Commander Keen),Doom Annihilation main protagonist(second Doom live-action movie),Harrison Shelly(Slipgate Studios’s Bombshell),Minerva Mink(Animaniacs),Tily the Fairy(Rayman M),Lady Razorbeard(Rayman M), Madame Gasket(Robots),Gadget(Disney)the mouse,Bonnie the Mouse(Elysian Tail),Tara Kroft(Spyro classic series),Undyne(Undertale),Kumatora(MOTHER 3),Susie,prince Ralsei,Metatton(Undertale),(Deltarune Chapter 1),Zeena the Zeti(Sonic Lost Worlds),Iron Queen(Sonic Archie Comics),N.I.C.O.L.E(Sonic Satam),Tank Girl,Courtney Gears(Ratchet and Clank 3),Technomite Girl(Ratchet and Clank Size Matters),Penelope(Sly Cooper 3),Elora the Faun(Spyro classic series),Sheila the Kangaroo(Spyro 3),Bianca the Rabbit(Spyro 3),Carmelita Fox(Sly Cooper series),Supernova(Rick and Morty),Wilma,Betty(Flinstones),Furiosa(Mad Max Fury Road),Rachel(Blade Runner 1),Velma(Scooby-Doo),Splash Woman(Mega Man 9),Roll(Megaman series),Ursula(Little Mermaid),Tifa Lockheart(Final Fantasy VII),Wave the Swallow(Sonic Riders),Zayats(Nu Pogodi due to crossdressing just like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck),Johnny Test’s sisters,Marvel’s Captain Marvel,Marvel’s Invisible Woman,Elasti Girl(Incredibles),Edwina Roboshack(Ratchet and Clank 1),Helga(Ratchet and Clank 1),Aquagirl(Ratchet and Clank 3),Sasha Phyronix(Ratchet and Clank 3),Eve(V How Vendetta),Trinity(Matrix trilogy),Aida(Unreal 2)female V(Cyberpunk 2077),Ciri(Witcher 3),Daphne(Scooby Doo live-action movie),Jane(Jetstons),Jane Porter(Disney’s Tarzan cartoon adaption),captain Amelia(Treasure Planet),Yellow(Gunstar Super Heroes),Sailor Moon,Bayonetta,Ryuko Matoi(Kill La Kill),Queen Elsa(Frozen),Judy Hopps(Zootopia),Moana,Lilo(Lilo & Stich),Disney’s Minnie the Mouse,Evil Queen(Snow White),Fairy Godmother(Shrek 2),Fiona Fox(Archie Sonic Comic),Harley Quin(Batman DC comics/Batman the Animated series),Fidget(Dust An Elysian Tail),Poison Ivy (DC Universe-DCEU),Gamora & Nebula(MCU/Guardians of the Galaxy),Edna Mode(Incredibles),Caroline/glaDOS(Portal 1,2),Alyx Vance(Half-Life 2),Judith Mossman(Half-Life 2),Zaria(Overwatch),D.Va(Overwatch),Dustin’s girlfriend(Stranger Things). Honestly this fanart is just doodled sketch. It was inspired by deviantart user EdMopySun.
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