#dwarf shrimp
rotten-whispers 11 months
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One night, aspiring shrimp-breeder Dan dreams that his dwarf shrimp are carrying away his body to a hidden shrine in the lake. Now, they share a forbidden secret each night, but he awakens to find a small piece of himself devoured.
As Dan realizes the horrible price that he must pay for the world's knowledge, he struggles to find a way to defeat the shrimp before all of him is eaten away.
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little-green-moss 1 year
Happy Moon Landing Day from the Moon Tank! 馃寱
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saspitite 4 months
HI SAS. SHRIMP QUESTION are they. eating another shrimp . ?????
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yummy in my tummy
firstly for clarification, that is in fact a dead shrimp and not a molt/exoskeleton! molts will usually be translucent white and have basically no color in them (at least for these species). you can also see some flesh left on the tail.
is it normal for shrimp to cannibalize other shrimp? in all honesty, shrimp kinda like to eat whatever's available and don't get too picky as long as it doesn't kill them. and other shrimp are HELLA good sources of protein and calcium... soo.......
cannibalism itself shouldn't be the point of concern for shrimp, but more of what's causing it and what happens before/after, really. if shrimp are dying frequently and other shrimp seem to quickly cling to their bodies for food, there's a good chance that the tank is suffering from a huge nutrient deficiency, for example. it should also be noted that leaving dead shrimp in tanks isn't a good idea because it can really mess with the water parameters and maybe even cause some Sickness to go around...
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shrimpapalooza 2 years
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Shrimpadees 鉂わ笍
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kirstielol 11 months
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a couple pictures of the blue velvet shrimp i got today 馃挋 they're soo much tinier than i thought they were gonna be. they're incredibly fast too though, and there's tons of plant cover in the water, so hopefully they can manage to not get eaten by the crabs 馃ゲ
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kiwilapple 1 year
Hello it is now Fish Tank Time
Hello I am obsessed with my fish tank and now all of you have to suffer as well.
I bought a 3.5gal plastic tank at a goodwill on Christmas Eve, 2022, and same day also bought this tiny baby Betta fish from the local Big Pet Store.
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She was sold as a female, and I named her Powder because of her pale coloring and because I am useless Arcane fan trash. I set her up and then proceeded to never get a good picture of her ever again.
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A week or two later, had a huge massive terrible brain fog fuck up and put another fish in with her, and she was beaten up frankly not as bad as I feared. I separated the fish, and resolved myself to never ever make such a hasty decision ever again. This child would be my new princess.
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So I made a plan to build my first planted tank. Live plants! Natural bio sponge filter! Grow lights! Lots of enrichment!
It was a disaster for a while. The cycling was constant agony of too high ammonia, then too high nitrites, then a big algae die off that caused another ammonia spike. The bacteria colonies I needed just would. Not. Grow. I knew if I just bought the turbo start solution, it would have solved all my problems immediately but no. I made it difficult for myself for two months.
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What a sad, empty tank. Nothing wanted to grow or root, just suffered quietly while I struggled to fix my mistakes.
Then I caught Covid. I was very lucky, fevered for two days on NyQuil and then started feeling human again. Decided to redo the entire tank to make it more appealing. Took out all the plants, drained all the water, rearranged everything.... And then remembered I was still actively recovering from Covid and almost passed out. Laid down, came back, and all my plants were dried out. What a disaster!! I finished the tank quick, but there were some casualties. Somehow I killed hornwort, one of the hardiest aquarium plants on the damn planet, all my other plants melted all their leaves off. Triggered a massive ammonia spike. Back to square one.
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Hooray for more plants! But ouch on all the empty spaces. My floating water spangles all turned brown and snapped apart. The mirio grass turned black. The scarlet temple was scraggly and pale. But...
I finally gave up, bought the turbo start, and bam, two weeks, water parameters were good. It was time. And I had a surprise for this tank.
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Dwarf shrimp! Five cherries, two blue jellies, and two blacks! And my little prize, a rednose!
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I have named him Jumpscare, for obvious reasons.
Powder, now around six months old, was also added to her new fish mansion, just as I envisioned.
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(I was told she was female, but check out those fins! And that color! I am now completely unsure the sex of this fish, but for now she is still my princess and that is what matters to me.)
Post livestock addition update here!
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mutantenfisch 8 months
This morning's aquarium observations:
The prettiest of the guppy gents is also apparently the Bully In Chief who knows he's the biggest guy in the tank.
This means he and the other 4 lads need names. I'm open for suggestions.
Yes the ladies need names too but a) so far i can only safely distinguish 2 from the other 5 and b) at least one of the Magnificent Seven has already given birth to 2+n gupplets so population control measurements have to be taken sooner rather than later or i run out of names and space
The blue shrimps are relatively unbothered by the fish. The red shrimps seem a little annoyed (insert skyrim mudcrab noises)
Mrs Shrimp Ma'am is doing fine and her eggs are beginning to change colour. My hatchday estimate was around the 11th of February but this was counting from 18 days of egg-carrying (the middleground of 14 to 21 days), so we might see shrimplets sooner than that 馃ぉ
Adding hornwort was the best idea of the month since it provides nibbling grounds for the shrimps and hiding ground for both the shrimbos and gupplets 馃拝
Whenever I buy specific snails they die within a week, but the illegal snails that came with [Redacted]'s Vallisneria are thriving (I'm sorry for ghosting you [Redacted] but I'm still too scared of dating and I like you a little too much to treat our dates as Pleasant Conversation 馃ズ)
Here are some pictures:
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Featuring the best pic of Bully In Chief to date.
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cosmicplanarian 8 months
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100 Days of Sea Creatures Day 66 - Bumblebee Shrimp (Gnathophyllum americanum)
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spadefish 11 months
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This month's fish!!!! Three fantasy, one real. Apple slice eels, Chocolate croissant nautilus, angel shrimp, and dwarf sawfish. :)
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little-green-moss 1 year
The shrimplets are accruing color 馃
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4749-82 2 months
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shrimpapalooza 2 years
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One of the jade shrimp 馃挌
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spitepenny 1 year
a new addition to the 10 gal
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I named her Tangerine
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kiwilapple 1 year
Fish Tank Time 2: The Fishening
Part 1 :
Now it's time for Part 2: The One With The Animals. Originally, I had a Betta fish, nine dwarf shrimp, and one rednose. I settled the shrimp for a couple of hours before adding Powder, and she was super stoked for the new tank. She did bite one of the cherries, and it ended up passing away a couple days later. But she did not eat it, and to my knowledge has never touched a shrimp since. As of now, all nine of the others survived!
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Pretty much as soon as I put the animals in, the entire tank exploded with life. All of the plants almost overnight became greener (or redder!), grew leaves much faster, stopped shedding or growing algae, and the water was clearer and more pleasant to look at.
I have also bought 2 more male cherries and a brown female, and a mystery snail!
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The reds, regardless of sex, are all named The Girls. The blues are named Saddles and Sandals. The bluish black is Bluey (to be changed later), the reddish black is Queen Bertha, and the brown is named Mocha! The snail is named Bulldozer.
These guys are hilarious. I put an algae wafer in the tank and a few kids came over to investigate. Bluey sat right on top of it and when another girl came by POW she punched her in the face with her tiny shrimp fist! I'd never seen shrimp fight before!
And in even more exciting news....
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One of the Girls is carrying eggs! The little yellow orbs under her tail are shrimp eggs. She will carry them there until they hatch and find places to hide. And speaking of...
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I found two babies this morning! They are extremely small. Literally the size of the shrimp emoji 馃
I am so excited to see how these little shrimp turn out. This tank has been so good for my mental health, you have no idea. Seeing these tiny little animals living well makes me a much more hopeful person every day. Wish me luck!
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cosmicplanarian 9 months
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100 Days of Sea Creatures 馃コ Day 50 馃コ
To celebrate the halfway mark, I drew my own Dwarf Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)
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shrimpin-aint-easy 1 year
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all hail Trent Reznor and the platy in the background I named u-haul
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