#dwight riley x y/n
wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Call Me Dewey
Summary: Dewey's coworker set him up on a blind date with no other than you.
Pairing: Dewey Riley x Fem!reader
Warnings: insane amounts of fluff
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Dewey was sweating at the idea of leaving the house. "How do I look?" Tatum rolled her eyes standing up. "You look like a narc. Come here." She unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt making him look just a little less uptight. "Do I smell okay?" He lifted his arm making sure his deodorant did its job. "Ew. I don't understand why you're doing this." Tatum crinkled her nose secretly praying Dewey didn't get his heart broken. When he told her the news she was ready for it to be a prank. Something they could laugh about at work the next day. "I don't get it either." He picked the flowers he bought you up before he hit the door. "Make sure to tell her if she hurts you I'm coming for her." Tatum was dead serious and it made Dewey smile. "Will do."
He drove his mom's car because Tatum told him his jeep was "total chick repellent." Dewey checked his reflection in the mirror running over the usual lines for a first date. "What do you do for work?" He said the sentence several times making sure to get it right. You watched the man you're supposed to go out with talk to himself in his car. Gently you knocked on the window. Dewey looked at you screaming in fright. You jolted back with a scream of your own not ready for anything that just occurred. "Oh my gosh!" He said as he opened the door.
"I didn't mean to scare you." You spoke as he wiped his sweaty hands off on his pants. "No I yelled first. Heh..." He awkwardly laughed. You really had a thing for the shy ones. "You look handsome." You complimented him finding it refreshing there was still men who put effort into dates. "You do too. Oh- well you look pretty, very beautiful." He stumbled over his words trying to fix his mistake. You placed a hand on his arm calming him down. "Thank you. Are you ready to get going?" He smiled appreciating your kind nature. Just then he remembered the flowers in his car. "Oh wait!" He spun around pulling the small bouquet from the front seat. "Those are for me?" It was a rhetorical question. "Of course. Who else would they be for?"
Dewey watched your smile get bigger hearing his words. "I'm going to put these in some water and I'll be right back!" You ran back to into your house mentally cursing yourself for not dressing up more. He was attractive. The ironed button up he wore did nothing but favors for him. "Fuck he's cute." You mumbled as you placed the flowers in the tall glass you found in the cabinet. You check your reflection again before heading back outside. Dewey stood outside the car waiting to open the door for you. You bit your lip trying to quickly raise your standards. The man you just met couldn't win you over by just opening the door.
"Thank you." He grinned. "It's no problem." Dewey got into the car starting up the engine. "Do you like Mexican food? There's a neat little restaurant right in town." You picked at your fingernails nervous about how this could go. "Sounds great to me." There was an uncomfortable silence as he drove towards town. "Ryan told me your name is Y/n. I want to make sure I'm saying it right." You saw the slight tremble in his hands wrapped around the steering wheel. "Yeah that's right. It's Dewey right?" The man driving seemed to get embarrassed by the mention of his name. "It's actually Dwight, everyone at the station calls me Dewey. It's a nickname."
"What would you like me to call you?" Dewey tried to hide his smile. No one had ever asked him what he preferred to be called. Even when he corrected someone they still called him Dewey. "Well my friends call me Dewey." It wasn't really an answer to your question. "Okay, when we become friends I'll call you Dewey. Until then it's Dwight." The grown man nodded. "I like that." You both talked back and forth having the usual boring small talk. "What do you do for work?" "How long have you done that?" It was played out but you supposed it was a necessary question.
"Wait I'll get your door for you." Dewey said once he parked the car. He quickly walked around the car holding his hand out for you to grab. "Thank you." You said again walking into the restaurant. The two of you sat down immediately picking up where you left off. "You actually got a cat down from a tree?" You giggled making him laugh as well. "It was a slow day and the poor guy was bound to freeze." The image of Dewey trying to pull a cat from a tree was sure to last awhile. "That was very heroic of you." The waiter came up taking your drink orders before quickly leaving. "I like to think so." Dewey changed the subject towards you. "Do you have any pets?" As you answered Dewey listened to every word. Mentally taking note just so he wouldn't forget later on.
An hour passed like it was minutes. "You're lying!" Dewey held up his fingers. "Scouts honor." Your date talked about work drama and family stories. He seemed to have a story about everything. You both shared childhood memories and little facts about yourselves. Dewey worried when you first got to the restaurant. He didn't date in fact this was the first date he's ever been on. The way Tatum talked she figured it wasn't going to go well. She was always the more realistic person when it came to life. Dewey liked to see the better of people giving everyone their fair chance.
The waiter walked by dropping off the check. Immediately Dewey grabbed the little paper. "How much was mine? I've got cash on me." You always offered to pay for your food. Some men in your dating history had this idea in their head that if they paid for your food you owed them something in return. You happened to know you were worth more than a 15 dollar meal. "I'll take care of it." He smiled at you thinking it was sweet you even offered. "How much was it?" Dewey shook his head at you. "Don't worry about it." It was a kind gesture. Maybe gentleman still existed?
Once the bill was paid Dewey walked you back to his car holding your hand. You felt like a teenager again with butterflies in your stomach. He held the door letting you slip into your seat. You might actually like him. The car started as he rubbed his hand together. "You'll have to help me get back to your place since it's dark." He put the car in reverse pulling out of the parking lot. "Sure." The conversation never stopped. You talked about your favorite shows and movies while he told you about whatever he caught on TV the night previous. The view of your house down the road actually upset you. You wanted to continue talking to him.
"It's right there on the end." You pointed as he pulled up the the residence. "Don't worry about opening my door." You reassured him but he argued. "I'll get your door. My mom would kill me if she found out I didn't hold the door for a pretty lady." Dewey stepped out leaving you to quietly kick your feet. "Y/n." He spoke helping you out of the car. "I had a wonderful time with you tonight." Dewey once again grew nervous fearful of rejection. "I had a good time too. Do you think we could do it again next week?" You stole the words from his mouth. "Really? I mean- yes!" You laughed at his excitement as he walked you to your door. "Are you in the phone book?" He asked hoping you didn't need to write your number down. Dewey hadn't planned to get this far he didn't bring a paper or a pen. "Yep I'm under L/n."
"I'll give you a call tomorrow if that's alright?" Dewey thought about calling you when he got home but he didn't want to seem to clingy. "I look forward to it." He smiled that boyish smile you'd started to grow fond of. "Have a good night Y/n." He said as he started to walk back to his car. "Goodnight Dwight." The man turned around smiling as he spoke. "Call me Dewey."
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Dangerous - Dewey Riley x fem!reader
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
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Summary - Y/n L/n, a high school student in her senior year who lives in the small town of Woodsboro, California. She can’t really complain about her life, she’s a great student, with great friends to whom she can tell everything, well, almost everything. But what happens when a masked killer is on the loose? And one of her closest friends turns out to be the main target of the said killer? Will she be able to survive?
A/n- just a tiny little chapter :)
Info - i lost my taglist google form, so if you want to be tagged in any works comment below this post or send me a message!
Pairing - Dwight ‘Dewey’ Riley x female!reader
Word count - 1.4k
Warnings - mentions murder;
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“Sidney Prescott, who escaped a vicious attack last night is the daughter of Maureen Prescott, who was brutally killed last year when convicted murderer Cotton Weary broke into their home and savagely raped and tortured the deceased. Cotton Weary is currently awaiting the appeal for the death sentence handed down after the young Sidney testified against him. She was the key witness in the state’s case against the-“
And the tv went off.
It was the morning after the attack Sidney was a victim of. You were in the kitchen of the Rileys’ household, currently eating breakfast. The news channels were going on and on about last night's attempted murder.
Taking your eyes off the tv, your gaze landed on Dewey. He put down the tv remote on the kitchen counter and proceeded to sit down at your side on the round kitchen table. When you had walked into the kitchen that morning he was on a phone call, you assumed police related, and when your gazes had met you gave him a small nod of your head as a good morning greet.
“It’s never gonna stop, is it?” Sidney spoke up, as silence filled the room. Her question was directed at Dewey.
You stopped eating, putting your sandwich down silently on the plate in front of you. You glanced at Dewey, who proceeded to tell Sidney the same thing he told you last night.
“Billy was released.” He grimaced. You swallowed thickly. The look on Sid's face was concerning you. “His cellular bill was clean. He didn’t make those calls.”
Your gaze flickered from Sid's to Dewey's face slowly. The atmosphere in the room was tense. Sidney's anxiety was palpable.
“We’re checkin’ every cellular account in the county.” Dewey continued. “Any calls made to you or Casey Becker are being cross-referenced.”
Sid's worry was getting the best of her. She shock her body as if a chill ran across her entire form, and you’re pretty sure it did.
“It’s gonna take some time, but we’ll find him.” Dewey tried to reassure Sidney. But she just looked numb.
Tatum tried to comfort her punching her slowly in the arm. “you okay?” Sidney, you noticed, tried to smile, but to no avail.
Silence filled the room once again. Everyone ate in silence. You noticed Sidney picking on her food, but decided to not mention it. You felt a pair of eyes on you. Looking to your right, you caught Dewey's gaze, who simply gave you a grimace of a smile. You did the same. He was the only thing that filled your world with a little light on this sad morning.
Dewey drove the three of you to school that morning. You sat in the back with Sid, and Tatum in the passenger seat next to Dewey. You could feel Sidney's concern radiating from her body. The car ride was silent, aside from the music Dewey put on to try and lighten up the mood.
As you reached the school’s driveway Dewey turned on the car police sirens before parking.
Dewey and Tatum opened their doors and got out of the vehicle. You pushed through Tatum's passenger seat and got out of the car, as Sid did the same on the opposite side.
Tatum had already rounded the vehicle while you were still closing the door. From where you stood you could faintly overhear Dewey trying to reassure Sidney. “Don’t worry, Sid. It’s school. You’ll be safe here.”
But as soon as you started walking to the front of the car, reporters started to launch at Sidney. You stopped near the driver's outside mirror of the car, as Dewey intervened.
“So how does it feel to be almost brutally butchered?” Asks a reporter.
Dewey immediately put himself between the lady and Sidney. “Hey, now leave her alone.” He says as he tries to maintain some distance between the woman and Sid.
“People want to know! People have the right to know!” The news journalist yelled as Sidney hurried off towards campus with Tatum following her.
“Leave her alone.” Dewey continued to interact with the reporter who barely listened to him, even if he was the law.
“How does it feel?” The woman continued.
“She just wants to get an education.” Dewey tired of not being listened to decided to stop being nice and polite for a second. “Turn that thing off.” He said as he pointed towards a cameraman that was recording Sidney from a distance.
Soon the reporters got bored as they realized they weren’t going to get any answers from Sidney and walked away.
You let out a big breath you didn’t know you were holding. You glanced at Dewey who shook his head, probably irritated by all the reporters making his job a lot more difficult than it already is. He took off his sunglasses and brought his hand up to pinch the brim of his nose, as he calmed himself and prepared for another day of interrogating students.
You adjusted your backup on your shoulder and the sudden movement made Dewey look up at you. “Hey.” He said, his demeanor much more relaxed when he saw it was you.
“Hi.” You greeted, a small smile tugging at your lips.
This was the first conversation you had since the night prior. The day had only just started and it had already been pretty eventful. You hadn’t had any time to talk. But the thing is, none of you knows what to talk about with one another. Being apart for almost a year, making it harder to know what was going on in each other's lives.
“Crazy morning, huh?” He asked, awkwardly.
“Pretty eventful, I’d say.” You answered, trying to have a normal and not at all awkward conversation. You just wanted to be able to develop that bond you had.
Dewey closed the door of his vehicle that he was leaning on and turned fully to you. “ I’ll be here today, questioning more students.” He started, “ If you see anything or overhear anything, come find me.”
“Okay.” You agreed. “I’ll be with Sid and Tatum during breaks, we agreed to meet at Tatum’s locker, so we could all be together in case anything happens.” You told him, squinting your eyes as you look up at him.
“It’s going to be okay. You’re in school, and there are police and reporters everywhere, the killer can’t do anything here.” Dewey reassured you, bringing his hand to rest on your shoulder.
His touch burned your skin through the thin cotton of your long sleeve shirt. He is gentle and warm. His eyes make you believe that nothing is going to happen to you.
“I really hope you’re right.” You sigh while nodding. As he just rubs your shoulder. A small act of affection, but that makes your heart flutter.
“I’m always right.” He says goofily. As he lets out a laugh.
You end up snorting. For the first time in almost a year, you both feel completely at ease with each other's presence, like in the old days.
“Yeah, sure you are.” You joke as well.
The bell rings, and it's time to part ways.
You looked towards the high school building. Unknowns to you, Dewey keeps his gaze on you at all times. He takes the small amount of time he has to let his eyes wander all over your face's side profile. He just hasn’t seen you in so long, he didn’t even remember how good it felt to be in your company. You just bring this sense of peace and quiet to him. It relaxes him. He wishes that when this is all over that you’ll be as close as you were one year ago.
“Well, I gotta go.” You look up at Dewey frowning a little.
“Yeah, me too.” He answered, pursing his lips. “I’ll meet you all here to take you home after school.” He says.
“See you then.” You bring your hand to his bicep and give it a squeeze. You walk towards the building, anxiety flooding through your entire body.
“Bye,” Dewey whispered as he watched you go inside the building with a small smile tugging on his lips, as his hand went up to his arm as he touched the same spot yours was just seconds ago.
He puts on his sunglasses once more and hurries off to work. Duty calls.
Tag-list: @horriblyhorrific @mabpotter1 @beekindacool @augustvandyne @superiorbaby @rockagurl @ouijaboardemo @crzymadness @strangelittlenobody @laaurawriting @randomweirdooo @nelleicrain @viennasolace @simonsbluee @brightforestxmoon @darkqween900​ @padf00ts-l0ver​ @kennaomalley​ @random-fandom-things-555​ @anaemicvampire​ @megann-duff​ @get0ut0fmyr00m​ @elisaa-shelby​ @appleiewinchesters
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bloodwithpeachmilk · 2 years
Ah, espero te este yendo muy bien y que no estés tan saturado. Si ese es el caso, sientete libre de ignorarme.
Quería pedir algo de Billy Lenz, Carrie, Tatum y Dewey con un lector transmasc que es metalhead? Desde la música hasta la ropa y el corpse painting
Billy + Carrie + Dewey + Tatum x Lector ! Metalhead
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Quiero advertir que no se nada sobre ser metalhead, di una investigación rápida en google, así que siéntete en libertad de corregirme cualquier cosa.
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↺ Advertencias ↺
Prejuicios religiosos, nada grave. ¿Enemigos a los amantes? en uno, no realmente. Pelusa y más pelusa. Billy siendo un pequeño gremli. Lector con pronombres masculinos y aunque no se hace señalamiento de ello, es un chico trans<3.
Palabras: 1.6k
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐ Billy Lenz
☆ Si es antes de que se diera a conocer y su presencia en la casa, no dudes que robara tu ropa y maquillaje, Billy también quiere intentarlo y ser tan genial como (t/n).
★ Cuando sabes que tienes un compañero de casa, bueno, ya descubrirás a donde iban todas tus chaquetas y utensilios para maquillarte.
☆ Te pedirá que lo maquilles y lo vistas, aunque luego terminará con él quitándose la ropa y mojando su rostro. Nuestro pobre niño del ático no sabe nada más que un suéter y su pantalón, perdonalo.
★ Prepárate para que vuelva a pedirlo al día siguiente de nuevo. No se detendrá hasta que se sienta cómodo combinando contigo, por más que trates de decirle que no es necesario.
☆ Odiaba cuando la fraternidad tocaba música a todo volumen en sus fiestas, pero cuando se trata de ti, no puede decirte que no. Aunque serás rápido al notar su molestia y no dudarás en bajar el volumen.
★ El pequeño gremlin seguirá robando tu ropa para hacer un nido en su ático. Así que tendrás que hacer un intercambio cada cierto tiempo para recuperar tu ropa, aunque deberás darle más o igual cantidad.
Solo habías salido rápidamente para abastecer la despensa que estaba a dos latas de comida y un galón de leche para quedarse vacía. Dejaste a Billy viendo televisión y te aseguraste de decirle que volverías.
Lo último que esperabas era llegar a casa con la música a todo volumen, tú maquillaje esparcido por la mesa de café y Billy rodando por el suelo mientras cubría sus oídos. Hubieras reído hasta llorar, si no fuera por esta última acción de su parte.
Dejaste rápidamente las bolsas del supermercado en el suelo y corriste a apagar el reproductor de música. Con cuidado te acercaste a tu dulce y bobo chico, fuiste cuidadoso con tus movimientos hasta poder tenerlo casi sobre tu regazo y abrazarlo.
— Billy ya no quiere ser como su bonito cerdito.
El tono tan derrotado en su voz hizo que rieras mientras él seguía haciendo pucheros. Sabías que en algún momento encontrarás otra escena igual, pero no lo harías de otra forma.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐ Carrie White
☆ No quiere ofenderte, pero al principio estará completamente asustada contigo. Había escuchado a su madre hablar de las "personas como tú" y solo tenía la idea errónea sobre adorar a satanás. Así que te evitaría.
★ Pero luego, serías el único que saltaría a defenderla sin importar los desaires que llegó a hacerte sin querer y ella está completamente confundida, ¿no deberías odiarla?
☆ Ahora tienes una sombra contigo. Se dice a sí misma que es por la protección indirecta que trae el estar cerca de ti, pero está realmente curiosa e interesada en ti, solo que no sabe cómo acercarse.
★ La dejaras seguirte durante unos días, pero decides que has tenido suficiente cuando se tropieza queriendo ocultarse. Ofreces tu mano para ayudarla a levantarse y la invitas a comer junto a ti.
☆ Con las mejillas al rojo vivo, ella realiza todas las preguntas que se le pueden ocurrir sobre tu forma de vestir, sobre tu música y la pintura que a veces cubrirá tu rostro. Has dejado a esta dulce chica sorprendida y más encantada que cuando la defendiste.
★ Ahora son inseparables. Te guste o no, pero en secreto te agrada, también no es difícil encariñarse de Carrie.
Quizás no fue muy sincero ni bueno de su parte el mentirle a su madre sobre un nuevo club religioso en la escuela y como harían reuniones después de clases. Pero, Miss Desjardin se había ofrecido en atestiguar sobre la veracidad de dicho club y la oportunidad de pasar más tiempo contigo había llamado a Carrie con fuerza.
Ahora aquí estaban en tu habitación, la música lo suficientemente fuerte para ignorar el ruido del exterior, pero lo suficientemente baja para que pudieran escucharse entre ustedes y Carrie no se abrumara.
Le habías presentado la idea de maquillarse, pero aunque se sentía a gusto contigo y tus gustos, no sé sentía cómoda al pensar en maquillarse. Por ello ahora portaba uno de tus viejos pantalones, una blusa negra lisa y la chaqueta con remaches que usabas en la escuela terminando el atuendo.
Decir que se sentía extasiada era poco y ver la pequeña sonrisa en tu rostro mientras la veías solo aumentaba su emoción. No dudo en dar pequeñas vueltas frente al espejo y caminar por la habitación sintiendo la vestimenta, deseaba poder salir con ello contigo a su lado.
Pero el recuerdo de su madre y cómo podría reaccionar era lo único que la detenía. Quizás algún día, en unos años u otra vida.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐ Dwight Riley
☆ Intrigado. Woodsboro es un pueblo pequeño y aunque no duda que existan aficionados al metal, no son tan expresivos sobre sus gustos como tú lo eres.
★ Se conocen porque son vecinos, tú vives frente su casa y no es raro para él el verte salir temprano en la mañana.
☆ A veces te vería salir maquillado y otras veces no. No te lo dirá, pero aunque ama como es tu rostro bajo el maquillaje, te ama más con él. No sabe si es lo intimidante que te ves a sus ojos o solo curiosidad, pero lo ama.
★ Es algo torpe coqueteando, así que no te sorprendas si te aborda para preguntarte dónde le recomendarías comprar ropa. Su intento más natural es pedirte recomendaciones de música.
☆ Después de ver cómo algunas preguntas se repetían, no dudarías en invitarlo a salir. Lo llevarías a tiendas en la ciudad que ni él sabía que existían. Se siente fuera de lugar, lo supera rápido cuando volteas a verlo con una pequeña sonrisa y lo jalas para seguir mostrándole que quedaría mejor con él.
Sabía que una cosa era ir a tiendas de música y ropa que se salían de lo que acostumbraba. Pero cuando le preguntaste si quisiera ir a un concierto contigo, no pudo negarse y mucho menos cuando le estabas dando una mirada llena de emoción.
Y ahora aquí estaba, siendo empujado por una multitud. No sabía que en concentrarse, si todo el movimiento tras de él o la música, podrías decir que empezaba a sentirse abrumado. Todo era mucho.
Hasta que no lo fue. Su mano estaba siendo sujetada y cuando miro para ver quién era, estaba algo sorprendido de verte, aunque no debería, venía contigo. Cuando ese hecho volvió a su mente no dudo en apretar suavemente como agradecimiento. Le sonreíste antes de volver a concentrarte en el concierto.
Verte cantar, saltar y emocionarte era suficiente para ignorar lo demás, eres maravilloso a sus ojos.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐ Tatum Riley
☆ Oh boi, un choque total. Tatum trataba de ser amable la mayor parte del tiempo, pero a veces no podía ocultar los gestos que hacía al verte y tú tampoco intentarías ocultar tu malestar o los ojos en blanco ante ella.
★ Claro, no sé dirigirían las palabras, pero todos podrían sentir su incomodidad y tú molestia cuando estaban a pocos centímetros en alguna habitación.
☆ Luego fueron puestos en equipo para Literatura y quizás una nueva luz los iluminaba. Podrías ver que no era tan tonta como pensabas y ella veía que eras más agradable que lo que tu apariencia dejaba ver.
★ Trataría de hacer platica con tu música, recordaba a Billy y Stu escuchando algo parecido a lo que tú escuchabas, así que trataría de mencionarlo. Solo que Billy y Stu son más de Rock.
☆ No te burlarías de ella, entendido que no es su escena y le explicarías amablemente. Lo que no esperabas es que siguiera haciendo preguntas y preguntas, hasta que pudieron mantener una plática estable sobre metal y sus subgéneros.
★ No empezarían a pasar tiempo en la escuela, ella cree que te avergonzaría si te vieran con ella y tú crees lo mismo. Hasta que se encuentran en la tienda de películas y sostienen una conversación sobre que se recomendarían ver.
☆ Desde entonces pasarían tiempo juntos, ella haría espacio entre la salida con sus amigos para verte o solo se sentaría a tu lado en las clases que compartieran.
★ Nadie dirá nada si un día la ven llegar con una de tus chaquetas o una camisa que habías estado buscando por toda tu habitación.
La música de Tatum sonaba por tu habitación, habían estado escuchando algunas de tus bandas favoritas mientras la maquillaba. Pero ahora con ella sentada sobre tu regazo, maquillando tu rostro, era correcto que su elección musical fuera la que los rodeara.
Habían hecho un acuerdo, tú espantabas a Randy de sus intentos de coquetear con ella y tú podrías maquillarla. En el fondo realmente quería probar tu estilo de maquillaje, solo que no sabía cómo pedirlo.
Terminó siendo un esfuerzo en conjunto entre los dos haciendo retroceder a Randy, así que no dudaste en ofrecerte para que también te maquillara.
Y aquí estaban. Aún no se había visto en el espejo, decidida a realizar su magia contigo y poder verse juntos. Dando los últimos toques, se bajó de tu regazo. Abriste los ojos para sonreírle, ella respondió de igual forma, antes de arrastrarte al espejo en tu cuarto.
Su rostro estaba cubierto de blanco y negro, realmente no sabía que pensar, su único referente sobre el maquillaje de este estilo eras tú y tú te veías caliente, ella no sabía aún si se veía igual de bien. Por tu lado, no sabías que pensar de los colores brillantes en tu rostro, no eran algo que usarías, pero podías apreciar el trabajo de Tatum.
— ¿Me veo bien?.– Sonaba dudosa y no podías tener eso.
— Cariño, seguro que me acercaría a pedir tu número si te viera en un concierto.
Su pequeña risa fue música para tus odios y lo único que esperabas. — Bueno, tú no te ves tan mal, si puedo decir.
Se vieron durante unos segundo antes de empezar a reír. Esperabas más tardes a su lado.
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beekindacool · 3 years
dewey riley x reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: some language, murder, some jealousy, gale hate (only for the story ☹️ i actually love her), and maybe ooc?
a/n: this takes place during scream (1996) so NO SPOILERS FOR SCREAM (2022). the ending was kinda rushed, i’m sorry </3
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you stared up at the night sky, stars littered the dark blue — almost black canvas. you took a handful of slightly damp grass into your hands and let out a breathy sigh. this was the best part of leaving the city. you were finally able to see the stars clearly like you had always wanted to do. and to top it all off, you were with some doofus that you absolutely adored.
during your freshman year of high school your mom had decided to move to woodsboro to be closer to family. it was hard for you to leave everything you had ever known behind. there was a lot of angsty remarks and typical teenage criticism against the move but in the end it didn’t turn out so bad. on your first day at your new school, a short and kinda dorky kid was assigned to help you out for the first few weeks since your cousins were either way too young to be in high school or already they were already graduated
“i’m dwight riley. it’s nice to meet you, y/n.” dwight held his hand out for you to shake with a smile on his baby-ish face. you felt a little bad for judging him because he still looked like he was 10 but still, you shook his sweaty and weirdly soft hand.
the next few days were sorta easy despite the constant whispering and stares from people. you couldn’t blame them, woodsboro was a small town and not much happened around here. despite this, dwight still walked next to you and actually tried to be friends with you, mostly because he probably didn’t have a lot of other ones. or maybe you were being a little mean for thinking that.
a few days turned into a few months and then a year. during that time a few of your assumptions about dwight turned out to be false. i guess the saying about making assumptions makes an ass out of you and i is true.
anyways, he’d invite you over to his house for dinners when your mom couldn’t make it home that night because of work, you knew his whole family and considered them an extension of your own. it was then when you had found out that his family would call dwight “dewey”. his seven year old sister, tatum, was secretly your favorite. she always greeted you excitedly and would stick by your side whenever she was able to. when you weren’t in dewey’s room, you were helping out with tatum, usually painting her nails and giving her a pg version of the latest gossip at school. she’d also drag dewey into doing little fashion shows or make him play barbies with the two of you.
after that year, you and dewey were pretty much best friends — and pretty much in love with each other. what you thought was normal, the lingering touches and longing gazes into each other’s eyes, actually wasn’t to your surprise. and despite this being brought to your knowledge after an awkward conversation with tatum after watching sixteen candles, you were always together no matter what and honestly, you were happier than ever. you got to hang out with a pretty awesome guy and eventually see him graduate from the woodsboro police academy and become deputy dewey.
you remember asking him why he decided to become a police officer the night his mom threw a congratulatory party for him.
”i wanted to be an officer pretty much since tatum was born. i… i want to protect her and my mom.“ dewey responded honestly as he leaned against the cold kitchen counter, a cold beer was in his hand. his face flushed a light pink, seeming to be a little embarrassed of his answer.
”that’s real sweet, dews. i’m just a little offended you don’t wanna protect me, though…!” you attempted to sound serious but failed, a few giggles escaped your lips. dewey gently pushed your shoulder, shaking his head and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“you know i would do anything to keep you safe, y/n. i don‘t gotta say it for you to know that…”
you felt your heartstrings beings tugged violently in your chest and the butterflies in your stomach begin fluttering at a violent speed. jesus christ. the way he said it made your knees just absolutely weak. it was then you realized that he wasn’t dewey, the baby-ish looking dork from freshman year anymore. he was more mature, a little sexy even despite him still being awkward.
”dwight…” you breathed out, taking a step forward towards him. you wrapped your arms around his taller frame and pressed a kiss on his slightly chapped lips. it took him a moment but dewey kissed you back and you were able to taste the beer and alcohol that laced his lips and saliva. he set the beer bottle he was holding onto the counter and moved his hands to rest on your waist. slowly, his hands began to move lower before you were interrupted.
“y/n? dew- oh my god i’m so sorry.” sidney closed her eyes and put a hand over them for safe measure. the poor girl’s face was flushed a dark red as she spoke again, “dewey, your mom just wanted me to tell you that we’re gonna cut your cake but… if right now isn’t a good time to-“
”no! we can go right now. the three of us. lets go!” you quickly said before rushing out the kitchen, making a beeline to the dining table where dewey’s little congratulatory cake sat. behind you, you could hear dewey and sidney exchanging a few words in a hushed manner. you tried convincing yourself that you didn’t really care about what they said but really? who the hell were you kidding? you stood next to your mom and she mumbled something about your lipstick being smeared.
you rolled onto your side and looked at dewey, who was already staring at you. he had gotten off his shift at the station a few hours ago and was in his pajamas. you had dragged him out the house to come hang out with you despite his constant protests.
“why were you so adamant on not coming out?” you asked him, letting go of the grass and you were now playing with the ends of his sleeves. he let out a long sigh and his eyebrows furrowed for a moment.
”casey becker… her and her boyfriend got murdered earlier. it was scary, y/n. scarier than what happened to sid’s mom… they were gutted.“ dewey explained, with each word you felt your stomach churn more and more. you guessed that by the look on your face, dewey already knew you were probably gonna piss your pants at the news so he gently took your hands in his and scooted closer to you.
“i won’t let anything happen to you though. we’re gonna catch that asshole, alright?” he squeezed your hands, trying to calm you. it wasn’t so much that you worried about YOU getting murdered, it was more so about dewey getting hurt.
“and you? you need to protect yourself, not just other people. that’s how you end up seriously hurt!” you sat up, taking your hands away from his.
“i’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry over me. i’m the best deputy in this town, y/n. trust me.“ dewey sat up and grinned as he lifted his arm to show off the slight muscle tone on his arms. you felt yourself blush just like how you did when you two were at his celebration party. you smiled back at him and let out a small sigh.
”i do. it’s just… scary. nobody in this shit town has handsome boyish looks like you! there’s no one but you to admire around here!” you squeezed dewey’s cheek before he shooed your hand away as he scrunched up his nose in fake annoyance.
after that, he walked you home. on your way there, you held onto his arm and made sure your steps were in-sync. whenever you‘d turn around to check your surroundings because you were paranoid due to the event dewey had told you about, he’d tug you closer to him or tell you something funny that happened at work that day in an attempt to ease your nerves.
at your front door, dewey pulled you into a tight hug. his head rested on top of yours as you pressed the side of your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. it was fast.
“y/n. i need you to keep a weapon close to you tonight, please. and call me if you need anything.” he gave you one more squeeze and you leaned in closer to his embrace. it was moments like these that you wish would never ever end – but this was reality, sadly. after agreeing, the two of you said your good nights and he headed back home.
the next morning you’re at work and all everyone is talking about is the gruesome murder of casey becker and her boyfriend. the whole situation has your stomach churning. couldn’t these people let the poor girl and her boyfriend rest in peace? oh! and to top it all off, gale weathers is back in town. the same woman that not only profited on pretty much calling sidney a liar after her mother’s murder but also the woman who dewey drooled over whenever he watched her show.
“y/n!“ a familiar voice called out from across the room. tatum came walking over to the counter with her weirdo boyfriend stu and sid.
“oh my god tatum! hey! and hey sid, stu! what can i get you guys?”
the three of them ordered and you began to make their coffees. while doing so, tatum sat on the counter while sid and stu took some seats.
“you hear about gale?” tatum asked from behind. you could practically hear the eye roll she did just through her voice.
“yeah, she’s back to cover the murders. but what about her?”
”oh nothing besides the fact that mr. deputy dewey is fan-boying over her. he literally can’t keep it in his pants! jeez, i swear sometimes he acts like he’s still sixteen.” you turned around at her words, shaking your head. tatum’s words about dewey hurt you a little. you handed her the three coffees with a frown on your face.
“he was never really the subtle type if we’re being honest.” you laughed dryly and tatum looked at you with a sympathetic expression.
“sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have said anything, i know you’re into him for whatever reason.” she leaned over to you after setting the coffees down and pulled you into a tight hug. she mumbled something about him being an asshole into your shoulder that makes you laugh.
“it’s alright, he’s my asshole.” you pulled away from her. you thought tatum would be like “aww” but instead she gave you a weird look. it took you a minute to finally realize what she was weirded out about.
“wait… that came out wrong. he’s not my asshole in like the literal sense! he’s my asshole in a figur-“ you tried explaining before getting cut off by sid.
”sorry to cut your guys’ definitely normal conversation but we gotta get to school. thanks for the coffee y/n, you’re the best.” sid smiled warmly at you, just as she always did. whenever you two would talk, you wondered how she always stood so kind even after everything that’s happened to her. she was younger than you and yet she was so much better — and you admired that.
later that day, dewey stopped in with a starstruck look on his face. he excitedly ran up to the counter and held onto the edge, just barely leaning closer to you. you quirked an eyebrow up and waited a few seconds for him to tell you what happened but you were met with silence from him.
“are you gonna tell me what the hell is up or are you gonna stare at me all day?” you rolled your eyes at the taller man and crossed your arms over your chest. when you finished your sentence, dewey’s face lit up as if you reminded him of what he was (possibly) trying to convey telepathically with you.
“gale weathers is into me! …i think!” was all he said, unnecessarily loud. you were relieved the shop was pretty empty today because… if anyone heard what dewey just said… oh my god would that be embarrassing.
“gale? gale weathers?“
”yeah! she was flirting with me back at the school cus’ i was over there helping with interrogations. she was there and y’know…” dewey grinned ear to ear remembering the scene playing out between him and gale all over again.
”oh my god, dews. you’re so fucking whipped for her! tatum was right, keep it in your pants!” you made a disgusted look on your face and dewey just rolled his eyes, barely paying any mind to what you were saying.
“you know what y/n? you’re just jealous that there’s no sexy news anchors coming around the shop to hit on you!“ dewey pointed an accusatory finger at you in which made you gasp.
“for the record, dwight, my type isn’t shitty news anchors!“
“then what is your type?” dewey asked.
”you’re my type, bozo.” you tried to say as non-chalantly as possible but you couldn’t help your voice from cracking in the middle of your sentence. smooth much? dewey stood quiet as his face reddened for a few seconds and you could swear the air around you thickened.
“don’t say things you don’t mean, y/n.” dewey laughed, almost sounding disappointed.
“dews i-“ he cut you off and asked for his usual before placing his total on the counter and stepping away. you mentally facepalmed yourself, why the hell was this so hard?
you quickly made his drink — an iced coffee that was mostly french vanilla cream and sugar rather than actual coffee — and handed it to him. he mumbled a quick “bye” to you before rushing to get back into his shift.
the rest of your day is pretty tame. after she had gotten out of school, tatum and her mother stopped by the shop and had offered you to stay the next few nights with them, worrying for your safety as you now lived alone. your mother moved back to the city when you were nineteen so besides them and your estranged extended family, they didn’t exactly feel good about you being anywhere else. so after some convincing, you decided “why not?”
after dropping some of your things off at the riley’s place, you and tatum had swung by the video store to grab “all the right moves” with tom cruise because, according to tatum, “if you pause it just right, you can see his penis.” while there, you two saw randy and he silently judged your picks.
when you were done, tatum drove you two to pick up sid but as you drove up, there were blue and red flashing lights and an ambulance. she stopped the car abruptly and the two of you ran out the car to where sidney sat with dewey, some medics, and another officer. at first, dewey tried kicking both you and tatum out because it was a crime scene but with sidney‘a permission, you could stick around.
“her dad’s out of town, alright? she’s staying with us tonight. y/n too.” tatum rolled her eyes at dewey and he glanced at you.
“does mom know?” dewey asked his little sister as she turned away from him.
”yes doofus…” tatum gave dewey another dirty look and this was one of those moments you were thankful you didn’t have actual siblings. you patted dewey’s shoulder while tatum helped sid out the ambulance.
you looked up at him and as always, he was already looking at you. dewey wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him into a side hug.
“what happened?”
“sid got attacked. that asshole broke in after calling her and chased her around in a ghost mask. she scared him off but then her boyfriend, billy, shows up and he has a phone on him!“ dewey explained just loud enough for only you to hear. you felt the familiar pit in your stomach form and you leaned closer to him.
“that poor girl. is he a suspect then?” dewey nodded in response and your eyes widened. you couldn’t imagine what she was going through.
“i probably shouldn’t be talking about this too much though… but… you’re staying over tonight?“
“yeah. your mom and tate came over the shop before my shift ended and asked. you know i can’t say no to them…” you smiled at him and dewey let out a chuckle. “when’re you getting off?” you asked.
“after i take sid to the station to get questioned i’ll be done for the night. are you gonna tag along?”
“oh no. i don’t wanna intrude. i love sid and all but i don’t think it’s my place to go with her right now.”
”i’ll ask one of the guys to drive you back to the house then, alright? i can’t let you go back alone.” dewey then let you go to walk over to another officer before motioning you to come over.
you rummaged through dewey’s shirt drawers and decided on changing into one of his white t-shirts that was a little too big on you. you and dewey used to switch clothes back when he was shorter than you and tatum still did her fashion shows. nowadays, it was more of you borrowing his clothes and his closet getting smaller and smaller.
you walked out of dewey’s room after changing and heard chatter coming from downstairs, it was something about someone punching someone else? you waited for them to come up before asking about it.
“god! y/n you totally missed it! gale was pissing off sid talking about her book all like ‘i’ll send you a copy’ and sid punches her! like bam! bitch went down!” tatum grins almost from ear to ear, you could tell she was just bursting with pride because of her best friend being a badass.
“holy shit! good job, you have some big balls!” you and sid high-fived before dewey nudged you in the side and mumbled something about you two having to be ”role models”. sid excused herself and tatum to go change and they disappeared into tatum’s room, leaving you and dewey in the hall.
“we should probably get her some ice…” you suggested to dewey who hadn’t gotten the chance to get changed yet.
“yeah we sho- are you wearing my shirt?“ dewey narrowed his eyes at the oversized shirt on you, analyzing it.
“maaayyybe…” you looked up innocently at him and noticed that his face was flushing a dark red again.
“it looks better on you than on me. you should keep it, y/n.” you smiled at his words and nodded. quickly after that, the two of you fetched the ice for sid’s hand and went to his room.
“don’t look at me while i’m changing. i’m shy.” dewey half-joked as you pressed your face against his pillow while he changed into his pajamas. as soon as he was done, he smacked the top of your head with another pillow to signal that you could look at him again. you sat up and quickly evaluated his choice in pajamas: a white t-shirt identical to the one you wore and dark gray sweats.
“dews… can i tell you something?”
”you can tell me anything.”
”i know it’s probably a weird time to tell you but what i said at the shop, it was true.” you admitted, your face heated up almost immediately. you looked at the wall next to dewey, scared to see his reaction to what you said. as usual, he didn’t say anything. he just leaned in, practically pushing you down onto the bed, so that he could press his lips against yours. you wrapped your arms around his neck and dewey‘s hands were holding himself up from crushing you underneath him. you felt his mustache tickle your top lip and the top of your nose and let out a giggle. eventually he pulled away from your lips to breathe.
“i… was that okay?“ dewey asked from above you, his face was now full of worry as he looked down at your shocked expression.
“yes… yes. that was more than okay. do it again if you want!“ with your permission, dewey didn’t waste his time going back to kissing you. you could tell that he was relishing this moment with the way his whole demeanor was screaming confidence now. he flipped the two of you over so that his back was against the bed and you were straddling him. his hands were resting at the curve of your waist but you moved them lower and let out a soft gasp when he squeezed.
but then his mother knocked on the door, causing the both of you to jump to opposite sides of the bed.
“dewey? dewey!” her panicked voice yelled through the door. after listening closer for a second, he heard sid yelling at someone over the phone and quickly grabbed his gun before running out. you furrowed your eyebrows and thought wondered why the hell did you guys always get interrupted when something good happened between you?
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sofrpc · 6 years
as requested, i have created a masterlist of 550+ unique and underused male names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
Tumblr media
abel, acacius, ace, achilles, adagio, adaiah, adalius, adley, adelio, adonis, adrian, adriel, aiden, akello, alain, alarik, alastair, alek, alfred, alfonzo, ali, alisio, alonzo, amari, amedeus, amias, amos, anakin, andre, ansel, anton, anwar, apollo, aragon, aramis, archer, aries, arlo, arrius, artemis, asher, ashton, asriel, atlas, atlantis, atticus, auden, august, auri, austin, avery, axel, aziel
bacchus, baden, bailey, baldwin, balin, balton, bandit, banks, barley, baxley, baxter, baze, bear, beau, beck, benson, bentley, berlin, bianco, bishop, blade, blaine, blaze, bode, bodhie, booker, bosley, boston, brandon, brantley, brayden, braxton, brecken, brennon, brett, briley, brinley, brock, bruno, bronx, brooks, bryce, bryson
caelan, caesar, cade, cador, cage, cain, caleb, callaway, callen, callister, callum, calvin, camden, campbell, carlisle, carlo, carrick, carter, casey, casper, castiel, cedric, cesar, channing, charles, chase, chuck, clifton, clinton, cleon, coen, coleman, colton, crew, cristiano, cooper, corbin, corey, cortez, cravin
dale, dallas, dalton, damari, damian, damon, dane, dante, dario, darius, davon, dax, dean, declan, dedrick, delius, demarcus, demetrius, dennis, denzel, deon, derek, devon, dexter, dillon, dimitri, dion, dolan, dominic, drake, drew, drystan, duke, dwayne, dwight, dyson
eaton, echo, edan, eddison, eden, edrick, eli, eliam, elias, elijah, elio, eliseo, ellis, emilio, emerson, emmett, enoch, enzo, ernest, eros, essex, evan, evian, ezra
fabian, falcon, fallon, farley, felix, fenton, finley, finnick, floyd, flynn, fonso, ford, forester, francisco, franco, freddy, frederick, frodi
gabe, gabriel, gaius, gabin, galvin, gareth, garrick, gaston, gaveel, georgie, gemini, giorgio, glade, gonzalo, gray, gregory, greyson, griffin, grover, gunner, guy
haim, hadden, hadley, hale, hammond, hanan, hanson, harden, harley, harris, hayes, helio, helix, hendrix, hermes, hiram, holden, holland, holmes, houstan, howard, hudson, hugh, hugo, hunter, hyde
iago, ian, icarius, idris, iker, ilario, indigo, isaak, isaiah, israel, ithiel, ives
jace, jadon, jago, jahziel, jairo, jakez, jakobe, jamari, janos, jaron, jasper, javier, jaxon, jayden, jaylon, jaziel, jenson, jeremiah, jermaine, jersey, jett, joaquin, jonas, jose, joss, jovani, joziah, judas, jude, julian, julius, junior, justice
kace, kaden, kael, kairo, kahlil, kai, kaleb, kamden, kanan, karson, kashton, kasper, keenan, keiran, kennedy, keon, kenton, kenzo, keyon, kez, kiah, killian, kingsley, kito, klaus, kobe, koby, kodah, kohen, kolton, kristian, knox, kyan, kynan, kyson
lamar, lamont, lance, landon, laney, larkin, lawyer, lazarus, leandro, lee, legend, lennox, leno, leon, levi, lex, liko, link, locke, loki, loman, lonzo, lorenzo, luca, lucian, lukas, lyam, lynx
mac, machi, macklin, maddox, magnus, maison, major, makeo, malaki, manning, mano, marion, marlon, mars, martez, mathias, maxton, mekhi, meyer, micah, milian, miller, milo, montey, montez, myles
nakos, nasir, nathaniel, neel, neriah, nero, nevada, nicolo, nicklaus, nickolai, nico, nike, nikos, nixon, noah, nolan, norton, nye
oakley, oberyn, obi, obsidian, octavian, oison, olimpio, olsen, omar, ontario, onyx, orion, orlando, oskar, oslo, oryn, otis, oxford, oxley
pablo, paley, palmer, parker, parson, pauly, paxton, pearce, perkin, phelix, phoenix, pierre, pike, podrick, porter, preston, prince, puck
qamar, quinten, quillon, quince
racer, radley, rafael, rafer, ralph, rambo, ramiel, ramone, randall, raven, rayan, reed, reese, rhydian, ricardo, ridley, riker, riley, river, robin, rocco, roderick, roland, roman, romeo, ronan, roni, rowan, royden, rufus, ryder, ryland
sadler, safari, salem, salix, salvador, sami, santiago, sawyer, sean, seaton, severo, shayne, shiloh, silas, silvano, simba, skander, skyler, slade, spencer, spiro, stanley, stefan, syrus
talmon, tane, tanner, tate, tatum, tavis, teddy, terence, theo, theon, tirion, titus, tobias, tommen, tonio, travis, trey, troye, trystan, turner, tyrell, tyrese, tyson
ulan, uri, uriel, urien
vadim, vale, vance, valentine, vaughn, venturo, venus, vermont, vero, victor, vidor, vince, volante, voss
wade, walker, walter, warner, warren, watson, waylan, wayne, wilder, wilson, wilton, wolfgang, wyatt, wynton
xander, xavier, xenos, xylon
yates, york, yuri, yusef
zacharias, zade, zavier, zayn, zed, zeke, zero, zeus, zion
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themomsandthecity · 8 years
Every Baby Name We Could Possibly Think Of
Naming your baby is a big decision, and with endless options, it can also be a difficult one. Whether you're going the traditional route or want something more unique (if so, read this first!) it's helpful to have a little, or a lot, of inspiration. Ahead, you'll find nearly every baby name we could think of (close to 1,000!). These aren't just random names we found in a book or concocted ourselves - they're almost all monikers we've heard being used, or we actually know someone who goes by the name. If we missed any, tell us in the comments! A Aaliyah Aaron Abbie Abel Abigail Abraham Adalyn Adam Addilyn Addison Adelaide Adeline Adley Adora Agatha Aiden Alan Albert Aleph Alexander Alexis Ali Alma Alton Ama Amanda Amaryllis Amber Ameila Amélie Amy Anders Anderson Andrea Andrew Angie Angela Angelica Anika Anna Annalise Anne Annie Ansel Apple April Arata Archie Aria Ariane Ariel Arlee Arlo Arman Arthur Arun Arwen Arya Asha Asher Aspen Atticus Aton Aubrey Audrey August Augustus Aurora Ava Avery Axel Aziz B Bailey Barack Barbara Barney Barry Beatrice Beau Beckett Beckham Becky Ben Benedict Benjamin Bennett Bentley Bernadette Beth Bette Betty Beverly Bexley Bianca Bill Billie Bingham Bishop Bitsie Blake Blue Bobby Bodhi Bonnie Bowie Brady Braelynn Brandon Brayden Brecken Bree Brent Brenton Brett Brian Briana Briar Bridgette Brienne Brig Brigham Brinley Brio Britta Brock Brody Bronwyn Brooklyn Bruno Bryan Byron C Caden Caitlin Caity Cale Caleb Calla Calvin Camari Cameron Camilla Carena Carina Carl Carmel Carol Carrey Carter Cary Casey Caspian Cat Catherine Celine Chandler Chanel Channing Charise Charlene Charles Charlotte Chase Cher Cheri Cheriann Cheryl Chevy Chip Chloe Chris Chrissy Christian Christopher Claire Clara Clark Clary Claudia Clementine Clifford Clint Clinton Clyde Colin Collins Condoleezza Connor Conrad Constance Coolidge Cooper Cora Corban Courtney Cruz Related: 100 of the Most Beautiful Baby Names D Daisy Dale Dallas Damon Dane Danica Daniel Danielle Daphne Darby Darlene Darrel Daryl Dashiell Dave David Davina Davis Davon Dawn Dean Deanna Declan Dekel Delaney Delilah Delta Dennis Denzel Desmond Dev Devon Dexter Diane Dinah Dixie Dixon Dolores Dominique Donald Doris Dorothea Dorothy Dot Duke Duncan Dwight Dylan E Easton Ed Eden Edith Edmund Edward Effie Eleanor Elena Eli Eliana Elijah Elise Elizabeth Ella Elle Ellen Ellerie Ellie Elliott Ellis Elodie Eloise Elora Elroy Elsa Elsie Embry Emerson Emily Emma Emmett Eric Erica Esme Esmeralda Esther Ethan Ethel Eugene Evan Eve Evelyn Everett Evie Ewan Ezra F Farah Fay Felix Ferris Finn Fiona Fisher Fitz Fleur Flint Florence Floyd Flynn Ford Forrest Foster Fox Frances Frank Franklin Frederick G Gabe Gabriel Gaige Gail Gant Garrett Garth Gavin Gem Gemma Gene Genesis Gertrude George Gianna Gibson Gigi Gina Ginger Gladys Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Grady Graham Grant Grayson Greer Gregory Griffin Grover Gus Gwen Gwyneth H Hadlee Hailey Hal Halle Hank Hannah Harding Harlow Harlyn Harold Harper Harriet Harrison Harry Hart Hartley Harvey Haven Hawk Hawthorne Hayden Hayes Hays Hazel Hector Heath Heather Helen Henley Henry Hillary Honor Holden Holly Holt Hope Hubert Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hurley Hutton Related: Based Off Last Year's Trends, These 30 Names Will Be Among the Most Popular of 2017 I Ian Ida Idris Ike Imanuel Imogen India Indy Ingrid Inizio Ireland Iris Irvin Isa Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah Isla Israel Ivana Ivory J Jack Jackie Jackson Jacob Jacqueline Jaden Jaelyn Jagger Jake James Jameson Jamie Jane January Jason Jasper Jaun Jax Jaxon Jayce Jayden Jeannette Jed Jeff Jefferson Jenna Jess Jessica Jessie Jill Jillian Joan Joanna Joaquin Joe John Jones Jordan Joseph Josephine Josh Joshua Joslyn Joss Joy Joyce Judith Judy Jules Julia Julian Julie Juliet Julius June Juno Justin K Kai Kaia Kale Kalinda Kane Karah Katharine Kathryn Kate Kay Kaya Kaylee Keanu Keegan Keira Keith Kellan Kelly Kelsey Kendall Kennedy Kevin Khloe Kiah Kiele Kiera Kim Kima Kimberly Kingston Kinsley Kirk Kit Kitty Knox Krista Kristen Kurtis Kyle Kylie L Laith Lake Lana Landon Lane Larissa Larkin Laszlo Laura Lauren Lawrence Layla Leah Lee Leia Leighton Leilani Lena Lennon Leo Leonard Leslie Levi Lewis Leyona Lia Liam Liana Lida Lilith Lillian Lily Lincoln Lindsay Lionel Lisa Lisette Liz Logan Lois Lola London Loretta Lorraine Louella Louise Lucas Lucian Lucille Lucy Luke Luna Lux Lyle Lyndon Lynne Related: 100 Unusual Boy Names M Mabel Mabrey Mac Macallan Mackenzie Macy Madeleine Madelyn Madison Mae Maeby Maggie Mahershala Maia Makena Malcolm Maleeya Malia Mamie Mandy Marabelle Marcus Maren Margaret Margot Mari Maria Mariah Mariam Marilyn Marin Marion Marisole Marisse Marjorie Mark Marlene Marlon Marlowe Martha Martin Mary Mason Matilda Matthew Maui Mavis Maximus Maxson May Maya McKinley Megan Melissa Meredith Merritt Meryl Meyer Mia Michael Michelle Mika Mike Mila Mildred Miles Millie Milo Moana Molly Monica Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moses Muhammad Murray Myles N Nahall Nahla Nancy Nanette Naomie Nasima Natalie Nate Nathan Naveen Naya Neil Neisa Neo Neoma Newt Newton Niall Nicholas Nick Nico Nicole Nicolette Nigel Nile Nimah Nixon Noah Noel Nolan Nora Norma Norman North Nova O Obama Octavia Olly Olive Oliver Olivia Omar Opal Ophelia Ordell Oriana Orion Orlando Orson Orville Oscar Otis Otto Owen P Paige Paislee Paloma Pandora Paris Parker Patrick Patsy Paul Payton Pearl Peggy Penelope Penn Penny Perry Pete Peyton Phillip Phoebe Phoenix Phyllis Pierce Piper Polly Poppy Porter Posey Preston Primrose Priya Prudence Priscilla Q Quaid Quincy Quentin Quinn Quinten R Rachel Radley Rae Ralph Ramsey Rayna Rayne Reagan Rebecca Reese Reeve Reid Reign Remi Renly Rex Rhea Rhett Rhys Richard Rick Riley Ripley River Rivers Rob Robert Robin Rome Romy Ronald Ronin Rooney Roosevelt Rory Rosalind Rosalynn Rosamund Rose Rosemary Ross Rowan Roy Royce Ruby Rue Ruth Rutherford Ryan Ryder Related: 100 Unique Yet Beautiful Girls' Names S Sacha Sage Sahara Saint Sam Samuel Sandra Sandy Sansa Sarah Saul Savannah Sawyer Scarlett Schuyler Scout Sean Sebastian Selena Sena Seymour Shane Shannon Shea Shelly Sherlock Sherry Shiloh Shirley Sia Sidney Sienna Simon Skyler Sloan Sofia Solo Sonia Sophia Sophie Spencer Stacy Stanley Stella Stephanie Sterling Stetson Stuart Sue Sullivan Summer Suri Susan Sylvia T Tabitha Tad Tamera Tamsyn Tanner Tara Tate Taylor Teagan Teddy Terrance Thea Thelma Theordore Theresa Thomas Tim Tina Tinley Toby Todd Tom Tony Travis Travon Trent Trey Tricia Trinity Tripp Tristan Troy Truman Turner Tyler Tyson V Valentina Valentine Vance Vaughan Vaughn Vera Vern Victor Victoria Viggo Vince Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Vivian W Waldo Walker Wallis Walter Warren Watson Waverly Wells Wes Wesley Westley Whitney Will Willa William Willow Wilson Winter Wolfe Wren Wyatt X Xander Xavier Xeno Y Yanet Yani Yigal York Yuma Yvette Z Zachary Zahir Zander Zane Zaylee Zayn Zion Zoe Zola Zooey Zora Zuma Zuri Related: These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2016 http://bit.ly/2kR9iwY
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bloodwithpeachmilk · 2 years
Me encantó el de Dewey 😭😭 muchas gracias
Siguiendo algo así, podrías hacer hc nsfw de el? Sólo que está vez el lector gusta de darle cumplidos y adorar su cuerpo 👀
Dwight 'Dewey' Riley x Masculino ! Lector.
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Claro que puedo. Soy tan malo y con tan poca práctica en el NSFW, que si no me lo pidieran, lo evitaría como la peste. Así que, gracias y espero esto sea de tu agrado.
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Switch ! Dewey. Switch ! Reader. NSFW abajo. Adoración del cuerpo. Eres una completa burla. No hay humillación, pero posiblemente le niegues el placer a Dewey durante unos momentos, no mucho. No lector beta. Me quedé con lector masculino, ya que no se indicó lo contrario.
Palabras: 472.
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☁︎ Lo mismo que con tus coqueteos, podrás haber tenido los suficientes encuentros sexuales como para llenar un libro y él aún se sonrojara como si fuera su primera vez. 
☁︎ Lo tiene mal para ti y no ayuda que tengas una lengua sedosa que no dudas en usar para llenarlo de halagos. 
☁︎ Completamente te deja tener el control, dile lo maravilloso que es, lo bien que te llena y cómo vives por las veces que te deja tomar la iniciativa, será un bebé llorón y no me digan lo contrario. 
☁︎ Ama cuando besas cada tramo de piel disponible y aunque es maravilloso como le haces un oral, él es un total fan de tus caricias en otras zonas. Te hará ojos de cachorro mientras te pide besar su estómago, marcar su cuello o acariciar su rostro. 
☁︎ ¿Después de besarlo lo acaricias? Por favor, (T/N), no necesitas ponerle mantequilla, él está a tu merced. Espera, no te detengas, vuelve a acariciarlo; te va a rogar y llorar hasta que te pongas tus manos encima de él de nuevo. 
☁︎ También, una de sus partes favoritas es cuando estás sentado sobre su regazo y tú solamente has decidió masturbarte mientras lo ves. 
☁︎ Perdido en los movimientos de tu mano, su vista está solo en tu miembro y a veces en voltear a ver tu lindo rostro. Pero cuando empiezas a adorarlo. 
☁︎ "¿Cómo podría no masturbarme mientras te miro? Ese rostro perfecto, este cuerpo perfecto y Dios, tu mirada hacia mi". Todo mientras tu dejas de tocarte y comienzas a acariciarlo con tu otra mano. 
☁︎ Balbuceos nerviosos, escalofríos y gemidos lastimeros. Su rostro sonrojado y como persigue la sensación de tu suave mano, por favor vuelve a acariciar sus mejillas o su pecho, solo tocalo. 
☁︎ Si has decidido recibir, perderá completamente el control al sentir tu interior cálido y apretado alrededor de su miembro. Embestidas descuidadas y erráticas, pero aún así, seguirá concentrado en tu placer por igual, quiere devolver todo lo que le das.
☁︎ ¿Haz decidió que él recibirá? Serás una completa broma descarada y seguro te quedarás quieto cuando toques fondo dentro de él. 
☁︎ "Aww, tan necesitado. ¿Te gusta lo que hace mi polla en ti? Mira que precioso te ves, desesperado y a nada de perderte en tu placer, mi chico egoísta". Intentará moverse para hacer el trabajo, pero se rendirá y en ese momento decides moverte, un desastre. 
☁︎ Los halagos no se detienen al terminar, no importa quién estuviera en la cima, siempre te encargarás de cuidarlos y limpiarlos cuando tengas el control. Mientras pasas una pequeña y suave húmeda no dudarás en decirle lo bien que lo hizo, lo buen chico que es y cómo lo amas, todo con tus suaves cuidados, pronto caerá en un agradable sueño. 
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bloodwithpeachmilk · 2 years
En español!! No soy muy bueno con el inglés así que esto se siente genial
Podrías hacer hc de Dewey Riley con un reader masculino que le coquetea bastante y es muy detallista?
Dwight 'Dewey' Riley x Coqueto y Detallista ! Lector Masculino
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Te entiendo, mi ingles es tan malo y ni el traductor google me salva, lol y siéntete en libertad de pedirme lo que desees. ❤️ Gracias por esta solicitud, deseaba tanto escribir para Dewey, pero no sé me ocurría nada. Espero lo disfrutes. 💖
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Ninguna, todo es suave y nada duele. Tatum vive, porque me niego a aceptar que es canon que no sobreviviría.
Palabras: 503.
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☁︎ Nuestro pobre chico. No importa la edad que tenga, será siempre un manojo de nervios ante el mínimo coqueteo en su dirección.
☁︎ Al principio cree que sólo estás siendo amable y después cree que estas gastando una broma de mal gusto o alguien de la estación te pago.
☁︎ La única atención que ha recibido de otros hombres ha sido para burlarse o hacerlo sentir menos, así que disculpalo.
☁︎ Si te mantienes en tu coqueteo, no podrá mantener siempre la máscara de indiferencia, será masilla en tus manos. Vivirá sonrojado por el resto de su vida, coqueteas tanto, pero sin cruzar la línea.
☁︎ Espera que te responda de la forma más nerviosa e incómoda que puede existir, nunca ha coqueteado, pero por favor (T/N), no te detengas, sigue diciéndole lo bien que se ve en su uniforme.
☁︎ Tatum no dudará en burlarse de ustedes dos, no con malicia, está feliz que alguien quiera a su hermano. Pero vive para ver como su hermano se sonroja y tropieza con sus palabras por algo que dijiste.
☁︎ La mejor versión de sí. Él cree que si dices algo bueno, es porque lo crees y trata de ser mejor que eso, tendrás que tomar sus manos, verlo directamente a los ojos y recordarle que es perfecto como es. Dewey.ex entró en combustión espontánea.
☁︎ ¿Empiezas a darle detalles y mimarlo? Lo has perdido por completo, ve que dejaste de jugar y vas en serio. El coqueteo continúa, pero se lo toma en serio si agregas detalles.
☁︎ Iniciarías llevando sus dulces o postres favoritos, si trabajan juntos no dudarás en invitarlo a su cafetería favorita y él intentará pagar, porque quiere ser tu mejor pretendiente. Alguien tiene que informarle que es tu víctima(pretendiente), no al revés.
☁︎ Otras veces llevará respuestas a tus detalles al siguiente día y las dejara sobre tu escritorio antes de que llegues. Aceptará tus regalos (con un gran sonrojo), pero le da nervios ver como reaccionarias ante sus gestos.
☁︎ Si no trabajas en la estación, no dudará en hacer alarde cada que apareces en su hora del almuerzo para llevar un postre o el almuerzo que ha olvidado en casa.
☁︎ Si haces algún comentario coqueto frente a sus compañeros, bueno, estate listo para ser jalado del codo hacia una sala vacía y que te llene de abrazos y besos. ¿Qué esperabas? Nuestro chico es así de lindo.
☁︎ Si hablamos de Dewey retirado, bueno, tendrás que dejar el coqueteo por un momento y ayudarlo a mantenerse en pie y limpio.
☁︎ Se sentirá insuficiente ya que no es policía y piensa que eso es lo que lo hacía genial, bueno, regresan los coqueteos y detalles. Nadie, ni su hombre mismo puede hablar así de él y debes mostrarle lo genial que es aún sin ser policía.
☁︎ Son la pareja dorada de Woodsboro y muchos quieren llegar a ser como ustedes, puro amor de cachorro, como si fuera la primera vez.
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Dangerous - Dewey Riley x fem!reader
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
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Summary - Y/n L/n, a high school student in her senior year who lives in the small town of Woodsboro, California. She can’t really complain about her life, she’s a great student, with great friends to whom she can tell everything, well, almost everything. But what happens when a masked killer is on the loose? And one of her closest friends turns out to be the main target of the said killer? Will she be able to survive?
A/n- hello everyone! I had a little time today and was able to revise this part I had written, I hope you like it, and don’t forget to give me your feedback :)
Pairing - Dwight ‘Dewey’ Riley x female!reader
Word count - 2.7k
Warnings - mentions harassment (but nothing happened)
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You were sat in the living room with Mrs. Riley. 
After Dewey left, you took a moment to collect yourself before you made your way to explain to Mrs. Riley what was going on, even though you weren't so sure of what to tell her exactly. You were both now anxious, even if Mrs. Riley was trying to be optimistic, it was evident that she was nervous. She had excused herself to go make some tea in order to calm both your nerves, but you knew it was yet another excuse to get her mind from racing. You couldn't blame her, you would've done the same, but your nerves were getting the best of you, and you didn't bother to even try and look composed.
You kept reminding yourself that everything would be fine and that it was probably just some misunderstanding. Yes, a misunderstanding. It probably was just some random kid playing a prank, calling the police to a random address. You were sat in comfortable silence awaiting Deweys call, as you stared at the clock that hung in one of the living room walls, your own mind miles away.
Distracted and anxious, you got startled as soon as the phone that was in the kitchen rang. You jumped up and went to answer it as Mrs. Riley settled down her teacup in the small living room table and stood up nervously following silently behind you. Grabbing the telephone from the kitchen's counter and clicking on the answer button, the only thing on your mind was how you wished it was Dewey on the other end.
"Hello?" You said as you answered.
"Y/n? Hi" came the familiar voice from the other end. You smiled for a split second, relief filling you for hearing his voice.
"Is everything ok? Is Sid alright?" You asked him worriedly, looking over at Mrs. Riley and nodding your head to let her know it was Dewey.
"Yeah, Sid's fine... I mean, she's not hurt at least." Dewey said stuttering a bit, probably from trying to find the right words to use.
Confused and concerned you continued. "Why would she be hurt? Dewey, what happened after all?"
You heard Dewey sigh in the other end. "Sid was attacked." He finally confessed in a low voice, definitely for none of his coworkers to hear. "Someone broke into her house and tried to kill her."
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell wide open as an "oh my lord" slipped past your lips. Mrs. Riley took a step further towards you, concern now more evident than ever.
You faintly heard someone call Dewey from the other line, briefly saying something about the chief, and that's when Dewey spoke up again. "Y/n, listen, I have to go, but Tatum and I will be bringing Sid home."
You noded, but just then realized he couldn't see you and quickly replied "Yeah, ok."
"See you soon." Dewey said, and then the line went dead.
You placed the telephone down on the kitchen counter, where it had been sitting before, and let out a sigh. You proceeded then to fill Mrs. Riley in on what you and Dewey talked about, telling her that Sid was attacked but wasn't hurt, thankfully, and that Dewey and Tatum would be bringing her home soon.
---------------- TIME SKIP  ----------------
Dewey, Tatum, and Sidney had arrived an hour ago. When Dewey opened the front door, you and Mrs. Riley ran there quickly to meet them. As soon as you locked eyes with Sid you knew she was not okay at all. You pulled her in into a hug and both you and Tatum led her upstairs into Tatum's room. You had glanced back at Dewey on your way up the stairs and gave him a grateful small smile and a nod, to which he returned.
You were now currently in Tatum's bedroom, silent music playing in the background. You were sitting on the edge of the bed where Sid was laying down, looking over at Tatum, who was in her own bed and was telling you the story of how Sid had just punched Gale Weathers straight in the face. You were completely and utterly shocked when Tatum had first mentioned it. You had glanced at Sid and asked her if it was true, not being able to believe it.
"Yes, but she's exaggerating." Sid said and rolled her eyes.
Tatum feigned offense and proceeded to tell you the badass moment.
"Oh, I loved it! "I'll send you a copy" Bamm bitch went down!" Tatum recreated the scene and you giggled, Sid soon following you and letting out a snort.
""I'll send you a copy" Bamm Sid super bitch! You were so cool." Tatum said sitting crossed-legged in bed with a plushie in hand.
It was at that moment that Dewey entered the bedroom with an ice pack in hand. You noticed he was still wearing his deputy uniform. You both locked eyes for a split second, but you quickly averted your gaze, as you felt your cheeks starting to heat up because the only thing on your mind was how physically close you had been earlier that day.
"I thought you might want some ice for that right hook." He told Sidney with a grin and threw her the ice pack he had brought along.
Sid caught it easily and thanked him.
You smiled at Sid, grateful that she was okay, and dared a second glance towards Dewey, who was still in the room, only to find out his eyes were already on you. You felt your heart flutter in your chest and tried to control your breathing.
"I'll be right next door. Try and get some sleep." He said and averted his gaze to both Sid and Tatum as well, before he took his leave, closing the door behind him.
Tatum had told you about what happened at Sid's house and all about Billy when Sid went to get changed into her pajamas in the bathroom. Neither of you had mentioned the subject or asked questions to her yet.  That is until now.
Sid had turned on her side as soon as Dewey left the room. Tatum looked at you and you nodded your head 'no' to let her know that it was better to leave Sidney to rest, but as usual, she didn't listen to you.
"Do you really think Billy did it?" She asked Sid.
Sidney was quiet for a moment, and it was possible to hear the houses' telephone ringing in the hallway just outside the bedrooms door.
"He was there Tatum." Sid answered her quietly.
Tatum rolled her eyes, and you knew she was going to say some nonsense to try and make Sid smile, so you couldn't help but let a small smile slip past your lips.
"He was destined to have a flaw. I knew he was too perfect." She finally said, it was your turn to roll your eyes at her and were ready to reply.
But your reply was cut short when Mrs. Riley knocked on the door announcing that there was someone on the phone for Sid. She soon fled the room to answer it and you and Tatum talked to her mom for a while, when she asked how Sid was doing.
The conversation didn't last very long before it ended, because Sids' loud voice soon startled you all, making the three of you go see what was going on.
"Leave me alone!" Sid said to whoever was on the other end of the line. You and Tatum locked eyes and you and Mrs. Riley decided it was best to go and get Dewey.
You both went to his door and knocked and called for him, but when he finally stepped out, and slipped past both his mom and yourself,  with his gun in hand, and directed himself towards where Sid was standing already placing the phone down, it was too late.
"What?" he asked, but no one answered him, mainly because most of you didn't know what was going on.
You watched with worried eyes as Sid walked past Dewey and into Tatum's bedroom, and as both Tatum and Mrs. Riley followed quickly behind her, closing the door behind them.
"What happened?" You heard Dewey's voice behind you.
You looked over at where he stood, right where Sid had been a moment ago, he had taken off his uniform button-up and now donned his white undershirt with his work slacks.  You watched as he placed the phone down on its holder, putting down his gun on the small furniture as well, and made his own way towards you. "I don't know, Sid just got a call from someone and the next thing I know I'm panicking and knocking on your door." You babbled quickly, panting a little from all the adrenaline you had just experienced.
"Oh god." Dewey said as his hand went up to his hair and messed it up a little out of exasperation.
"My thoughts exactly." You answered, a bit more calm than before, finally able to regulate your breathing.
You looked up at Dewey and decided to ask him some things because you haven't had the chance to speak since he arrived home. "Did the police find out anything against Billy?"
He finally looked at you and answered.  "Hum, no we haven't, it is highly probable for him to be released in the morning." Dewey grimaced, as he recognized it wasn't the best of news at a time like that. Your face fell when the thought of Sidney most likely having to face Billy at school the next morning.
Dewey stared at you, a sad look upon his features, and as if he could read your mind he quickly added, "But don't mention any of this to Sid, not after everything that's happened tonight."
You nodded rapidly in acknowledgment, "Yeah, of course, I won't tell her."
Dewey took a step forward and you locked eyes with him again. "I wanted to apologize for raising my voice at you earlier."
You were at a lack of words, and if you're being honest it was mainly because of how lost you could get when you stared at his kind eyes. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize. I recognize now that I was being stubborn and that I just wasted precious time." It was your turn to grimace, just by thinking about how
"You were looking out for your best friend, it's understandable." He smiled sadly at you. "And I'm used to your stubbornness." He said and smiled at you.
You huffed out a laugh and nodded your head in acknowledgment of the old days.
Both of you stayed there, awkwardly standing. You looked everywhere but at him, your eyes moving from the ceiling to the wooden floor of the house, bitting your lip in anticipation, waiting for Dewey to say something. Anything. But as that didn't happen and the atmosphere was becoming simply unbearable you locked gazes with him and started to walk back towards Tatum's bedroom door.
"I should probably go-" you were stopped in your tracks when Dewey spoke up.
"Y/n, wait up," he said, as he took a step towards you, his hand halfway up as if to reach for you, "I wanted to talk to you about something."
His hand fell to his side when you simply nodded, agreeing silently. Dewey walked over towards the stairwell, you following him slowly on his heels.
As you reached Dewey, being once again turned directly towards him, you asked, "What about?" Upon seeing Dewey's concerned face you changed your question to, "Has something else happened?"
"No, it's something that I wanted to talk to you about earlier." he said. "It's about Mr. Himbry."
Mr. Himbry? Your high school principal? That you were not expecting at all. "Mr.Himbry?" you questioned him.
Dewey nodded and continued. "During the questionings this morning I've noticed that he gets a little ...touchy, with some of his students, mainly female students." He looked concerned but very serious as well.
You thought about what he said, and it was true he sometimes touched you without consent, soft touches here and there, but you thought it was just the way he was.  "He is a little ...clingy, yes." You said not really sure if clingy was the best choice of a word.
Deweys gaze furrowed at that, but he continued nonetheless. "What I wanted to know was if this physical contact has ever reached another level."
You were confused for a moment until the realization of what he meant hit you. "You mean like harassment?" You questioned incredulously.
Dewey nodded at your answer. "Yes, has he ever.." he started but soon stopped himself.  "Has he ever touched you in different ways?"
Your eyes went wide at that. "No, oh god no." Your face screws up in disgust. "Never." You said with finality.
Deweys' face softened at that. "Good. I just wanted to make sure."
He looked at you for a moment more. "Just promise me that if something happens you'll come straight to the station and tell me."
You nodded and said. "Yeah, I promise. Don't worry."
You both stood there in silence again. You had a feeling that Dewey was out of questions and like you didn't know what to talk to you about, so you decided to give it a try.  "Speaking of questionings.." you started, and his eyes found yours and left the focus they had on the wall behind you,  "did you find anything useful after talking to any of the students?"
Dewey walked towards the stairs and sat down on the top step and opened his mouth to respond but closed it quickly,  thinking of what to say. "Well, you know that's classified information.." and when he said that you were  about to apologize for bringing the subject up, but he cut you off "but off the record, no we haven't found anything, for now at least."
You smiled sadly, "I really hope you guys find something, so this can be over before anything else happens." You said as you went and sat down next to him.
"Yeah me too." He agreed and laid back down on the floor looking up at the ceiling.
You looked at him and copied his actions laying down next to him on the cold wooden floor.
"How was school today?" He asked and you could feel his eyes on you, but didn't dare turn to look at him.
You let out a sigh and said. "It was weird. I only had English but can't really say I've paid any attention to it, it was overwhelming and quiet," you glanced at him but didn't meet his eyes  "awfully quiet." you turned your gaze and looked up towards the ceiling again.
Dewey let out a laugh and you looked confusingly at him, not understanding what was so funny to him. "I've missed this, you know?" Dewey let out after a minute, his voice low as he watched you.
You furrowed your brows but couldn't help but feel your lips turn upwards. You liked his laugh. "What?" You asked him, eyes on him, confusion still written all over your face.
He look at the ceiling and explained. "Our late-night chats on these stairs, whenever you girls had a slumber party."
You smiled brightly at that. "Yeah, I miss that too." You said as all the memories came to mind. "I just wished it was under better circumstances."
Dewey sighed. "Me too." He said.
You looked at him to find him for the second time that night already looking at you. You locked gazes and it was then that you realized you were both so much closer than you had thought. You looked down at his lips and then towards his hazel eyes. You locked eyes.
Something clicked and you abruptly sat up, Dewey soon following you.
You wiped your sweaty hands on your pajama pants and stared straight ahead. "I should probably go and see how Sid's doing." You said, glancing at him.
"Yeah, yeah, of course." he said while nodding. "Make sure she at least gets some sleep."
You nodded at him. "Good night Dewey." You quickly said, giving him a quick peek on the cheek, and got up and fled to Tatum's bedroom, not daring to glance back. You opened and closed the door quietly behind you.
Leaving Dewey with his heart beating fast in his chest, as his fingers gently touched the spot where your lips had touched his skin seconds ago, a faint smile on his lips.
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244 notes · View notes
Dangerous - Dewey Riley x fem!reader
Part one | Part two | Part three
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Summary - Y/n L/n, a high school student in her senior year who lives in the small town of Woodsboro, California. She can’t really complain about her life, she’s a great student, with great friends to whom she can tell everything, well, almost everything. But what happens when a masked killer is on the loose? And one of her closest friends turns out to be the main target of the said killer? Will she be able to survive?
Pairing- Dwight “Dewey” Riley x female!reader
Word count - 1.6k
Warnings - mentions of death
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Something was about to change.
What you thought would be a normal day, one more to add to your little boring life, completely took a turn when you walked on the high school campus that Monday morning. Filled with police cars, vans owned by every different news channel that could possibly exist, and of course, the reporters filled the entire place. Confusion and a bad feeling filled you all at once.
This morning you hadn’t had the time to turn on the TV and watch the news as you usually did while you eat breakfast. You had slept in and when you noticed the time you only got time to get dressed and grab a granola bar to be able to get to the bus stop in time.
You decided it was best to go straight to class and pray for your English teacher to not be there, so you could find out what had happened through Sidney, as you two had the subject together, you were sure she knew what the hell was up.
You speed walked to the classroom and luckily for you, Ms. Tate wasn’t there yet. You went straight to Sidney’s desk and greeted her. Noticing the look on her face you were sure that what had happened was not good at all.
“Hey Sid, what happened? There are dozens of police cars outside, not to mention the press.” You stated as you went to your desk, which was on Sidney’s right, placing your bag next to you on the floor.
“Hi.” Sidney heaved out, trying to give me a small smile, that soon faltered as she told me what had happened, “Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steve Orth were murdered last night.”
Your eyes went wide and your mouth fell open to an ‘o’ shape, as you looked past Sidney and straight to where Casey used to sit next to her in class. “God.” That was all you could mutter as you tried to assimilate the information, you surely weren’t expecting this type of news this morning.
“Yeah,” Sidney said, letting out a deep breath, as she too turned her head to her left and stared at Casey’s former desk.
Realization struck when you darted your eyes to Sidney’s form. This was probably hard on her since the events of last year were still pretty fresh, and after all, this must be bringing back some not at all good memories. You reached with your hand to touch her arm and you noticed as she flinched for the tinniest of seconds, her gaze fell on you and as if she could read right through your mind she said, “I’m fine.”
You hesitated for a second, looking right at her eyes, and asked “Are you really?”
“Yes, I am.” She reassured you once again, squeezing the hand you had on her arm. “It’s just that, with all the police and reporters, is like déjà vu all over again.” Sidney admitted.
You nodded, guessing how she must feel right now, with everything that had happened, it probably was really tough on her, and you could only imagine the emotional pain she was in. “If you need to talk, I’m here for you, ok?” You stated giving her the most sincere smile you could muster.
She looked at you and smiled while nodding her head. As you were about to change the subject, Ms. Tate arrived and started the class by addressing the tragedy that had occurred that weekend.
English class today was different from any others you had had in your entire high school year. Not only to mention the quiet that filled the room, but for the strange filling of absence. You weren’t friends with Casey, sure you had talked to her once or twice when she asked you if you had seen Steve, her boyfriend, one day, or when she asked if you could lend her some class notes because she had been sick and unable to go to class, on another. But other than that you had never really had a proper conversation with her. Still, it was weird looking over at the school's desk she used to sit on, and it being empty, but this time it wasn’t because she was sick or had practice or anything of the sort, but because she was never coming back.
It is useless to say you were paying no attention to the class that morning, same as everyone else, always zoning out. You were staring down at your desk when Ms. Tate called your name, you looked up and hummed in question, not hearing what she had said.
Your teacher looked at you and gently repeated what she has stated, “Y/n,” and everyone turned to stare at you, the same way they had stared at everyone who got called before you to go to the principal’s office to be questioned by the police. “It seems that it is your turn.” She said as she placed down the paper with your name on her desk.
You looked over at Sidney and she nodded reassuringly at you, but you still caught the nervousness she held behind her features. You gave her a small nod and grabbed your book from your desk and your bag from the floor, and then made your way out the door.
As you walked through the halls of the school, bag on your shoulder and English book in hand, worrying your lower lip as you thought about being questioned by the police. You’ve never been in a situation like this before, thankfully, but the thought of being questioned frightened you even if you hadn’t done anything wrong. As you reached the principal’s office you could already hear their voices, but you calmed down a little when you got to the door and peered inside, your eyes settling on Dewey.
Dwight Riley, mostly known as Dewey, was the older brother of none other than Tatum Riley, one of your closest friends, as you, Sidney, and Tatum had been friends from a while back now. Dewey was a deputy at the Woodsboro Police Precinct. He is the sweetest and nicest person you’ve met, making it rather easy to fall in love with, you must say. You had a thing for Dewey for a long while now, of course, no one knew, let’s be real Tatum would freak if she found out. You had considered telling Sid about it once though, but never got the courage to go through with it anyway.
At first, you had thought it was just a stupid little crush and that it would fade away with time, you thought it was probably because you had a thing for guys in uniform, but later on found out that the only guy you liked to see wearing a uniform was him, and when that little crush didn’t go away and only made you feel the butterflies flying around in your belly, you knew you were screwed.
You and Dewey were pretty good friends, you found that he was the nicest person to talk to, and you had some things in common, even if it were just little things, you loved to spend time with him before you started to feel the way you do now. You remember when Tatum would throw slumber parties and you always ended up on the bottom of the stairs talking about everything and anything with Dewey when everyone else was already asleep. So you decided that you wouldn’t let your feelings get in the way of a pretty good friendship like yours. So you just ignored the feeling of your heart beating faster whenever Dewey would smile or laugh at you. You had to admit you were actually pretty good at hiding your feelings, not that it should be something you should probably feel proud of, but still.
“Y/n L/n, good morning.” The high school Principal, Arthur Himbry, greeted you leading you to seat on the chair that was facing the Sheriff and Dewey.
You placed your bag on the floor and sat down, looking over at Dewey who was standing over by the doorway and leaning back on the wooden wall behind him, writing something down on the clipboard he was holding, and then over at the Sheriff who sat right in front of you. “Good morning, Sheriff Burke,” you gave him a nod, and then looked at Dewey once more and said “Deputy Riley.” You nodded once more giving him a small smile, to which he returned. You knew he didn’t like to be called Dewey while he was on duty, due to the tremendous times Tatum would calm him that when he was working, making his colleagues laugh at him.
“Y/n, how are you?” Sheriff Burke asked.
“I’m fine, thank you.” You answered, the nervousness starting to come back to you.
“This is going to be very brief y/n,” principal Himbry said, as you looked up at him and nodded, “the police just wants to ask you a few questions, ok?” he continued as he reached forward and caressed your cheek moving then to place your hair behind your ear, making you feel uneasy.
You just nodded and pretended to fix your hair to get him to drop his hand from your cheek and stop touching you, as you looked towards the two other men in front of you. Sheriff Burke took that as his queue to start the questioning. “Were you close with Casey Becker?”
As you were so emerged in answering the questions with as much information you could muster, to help in any way you could, you missed the death stare Dewey was throwing at Mr. Himbry.
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Dangerous - Dewey Riley x fem!reader
Part one | Part two | Part three
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Summary - Y/n L/n, a high school student in her senior year who lives in the small town of Woodsboro, California. She can’t really complain about her life, she’s a great student, with great friends to whom she can tell everything, well, almost everything. But what happens when a masked killer is on the loose? And one of her closest friends turns out to be the main target of the said killer? Will she be able to survive?
A/n- hello everyone! Sorry for taking so long to update this fic, but im currently on the last week of college’s 1st semester and there’s just exams after exams and it makes it difficult to write. Don’t worry after next week im on vacay so all have more time to write! Hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Pairing - Dwight ‘Dewey’ Riley x female!reader
Word count - 2.3k
Warnings - mentions of death (murder); mentions of gutting;
Vocab - 10-33 means there is an emergency (need immediate assistance);
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Now outside, under the bright sunlight of that morning, classes having been dismissed for the rest of the day, you laid down next to your friends on the school campus font. Their voices muffled as your mind was elsewhere. After the interrogation you almost instantly fled the room, almost forgetting to bid the Sheriff and Dewey goodbye, you had gone to the bathroom to try and cool yourself down, you had never imagined that being questioned would make you feel so nervous, but there you were.
You had gone to the usual hang-out spot you and your friends used to hang out after classes, which was on the high school campus font. Everyone met you thereafter their questionings. Tatum and Stu had been the firsts to arrive, goofing around since the moment they sat down. Their cheesiness and flirtatious remarks at one another made you roll your eyes, but overall they were cute together so you left them be. Randy had been the third to arrive, as he sat next to you starting up a conversation about how his questioning had gone. Meanwhile, Sid and Billy arrived, and the whole group was complete.
You came to your senses when Tatum asked both, you and Sidney, what questions you were asked during the interrogation.
"They asked me if I knew Casey." Sidney responded, to which you confirmed to be questioned the same thing.
"Yeah, they asked me that too." Tatum answered.
As you sat up, from where you were laying next to Randy, the boys started to talk about their questionings.
"Did they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Stu asked Billy.
You looked over at where Stu was sitting next to Tatum. The sun hitting your face directly made it difficult to see, making you lift your hand to block the glowing light.
"Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?" Billy questioned Stu this time.
"Yeah." He answered.
"Hunt?" Tatum questioned, "Why did they ask you if you liked to hunt?" She looked over at her boyfriend with a confused expression.
"Cause their bodies were gutted." Randy answered her, eating some of Tatum's snacks.
Randy offered you some of Tatum's snacks, which you gladly accepted since you hadn't eaten anything besides that granola bar you grabbed on your way to school this morning.
"Thank you, Randy." Billy ironically said.
"They didn't ask me if I liked to hunt." Tatum stated, to which you agreed with her, nodding your head.
"They didn't ask me that either." You answered while eating.
"It's cause there's no way a girl could've killed them." Stu answered.
Tatum looked over at him with an “areyouserious” expression and said, "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female, 'Basic Instinct'."
Randy, the ever movie expert, answered with "That was an ice pick, not exactly the same thing."
Only them for making this whole conversation taking turns no one ever thought it would. You just simply sat there and ate, while listening.
"Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out." Stu said, "The fact is it takes a man to do something like that."
"Or a man's mentality." Tatum added.
"How do you gut someone?" Sidney asked, suddenly.
This made the whole group turn to her. Your gaze softened as you looked at her figure. As you thought earlier that same day, this must be making her throwback to almost a year prior.
"You take a knife and you slit 'em from growing to sternum." Stu answered. You grimaced. Making you a little nauseated soon losing your appetite.
"Hey, it's called tacked you fuck rag." Billy said suddenly.
You were hoping someone would change the topic of conversation. Hopefully, for you, Sid must've read your thoughts as she asked Stu if he didn't use to date Casey. It didn't take long for Stu and Randy to start making jokes about the whole situation.
You watched as Sid got up and left and as Billy ran his hand through his hair, frustrated, but didn't say anything.
You decided that it was time to go as well, you, Tatum, and Sid had planned a movie night at Tatum's house. Sid's dad was out on a work trip and she would be spending the night at Tatum's already, so you would just hang out for a bit.
Tatum had a practice that afternoon and would pick Sidney up, and you would meet them at Tatums. You had agreed to a-company Randy to the video store where he worked because it was on the way to the grocery store.
After bidding goodbye to Randy you had made your way to get some snacks for the movie night. You bought some microwave popcorn and some other things to bring to Tatums. After getting everything you thought was necessary for a normal movie marathon with the girls, you went home to change for something more comfortable than your school clothes. You took your time as Tatum's practice only ended at 7 pm, even though you would arrive at the Rileys household a little earlier to get the snacks ready.
When 6:30 pm showed on the clock, you decided to get going to the Rileys, mainly because you were bored out of your mind and couldn't focus on your homework. You made your way to their house, grocery bag in hand. It was a 10-minute walk from your house to Tatums, and the weather was nice, a slight breeze in the middle of a sunny day.
When you arrived you knocked on the door. Mrs. Riley opened it and soon the both of you started a conversation, she helped you with your bags and to prepare the popcorn, even after you insisted that you could do it yourself and that she didn't need to worry, but as usual, she didn't listen to you. So you went to the cabinets in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl for the popcorn and another for the candy you had brought.
Soon it was 7 pm, and Mrs. Riley said that she would get started with dinner, you had asked her if she wanted help and if there was anything you could do, but she had brushed you off and told you to go wait in Tatum's room because the girls would be arriving in a few. With that you thanked her for her help with the snacks and excused yourself as you went upstairs, taking the bowels of both popcorn and candy with you to Tatum's bedroom.
Time passed by and you waited for them to arrive, you laid on Tatum's spare bed and looked at the ceiling, a forgotten magazine of Tatum's was next to you on the bed, you had read the whole thing, you weren't exactly a fan of magazines but it was the only one in Tatum's bedroom that got your attention and it was a good pastime.
You looked at the clock on the bedside table and noticed that it was really late. As you were about to get up and go downstairs Mrs. Riley opened the door, phone in hand, and informed you that Tatum's practice had ended later than expected and that she was on her way to go get Sidney, you thanked her, and she informed you that she would be downstairs to the kitchen if you needed anything.
You got up from bed and stretched. You decided to go downstairs and help Mrs. Riley set the table and to make her some company. You grabbed a handful of popcorn before leaving the room when your stomach rumbled. You were eating and going down the stairs when the front door opened and Dewey stepped inside the house.
You stopped on the last set of stairs for a second, as you watched Dewey take off his deputy hat and hang it on the clothe hanger next to the door. He then looked up and, his before-tired expression changed immediately for a happier one upon seeing you.
You smiled and greeted him with a "Hey Dewey", and continued to walk down the stairs, cleaning your hands from the crumbs of popcorn, on your jeans.
"Y/n hi." He said as he placed his keys on the piece of furniture next to the hanger, "What are you doing here?" He asked, but then tried to refrain it from what he had actually meant, "Not that you aren't welcome here. Obviously you're welcome." Dewey stuttered as he babbled, looking everywhere but at you, his hand going to the back of his neck nervously.
"You're very much welcome in this household." He continued and you couldn't contain yourself anymore and let out a giggle.
Upon seeing your smile Dewey let out a nervous laugh. "It's ok Dewey, I know what you meant."
He nodded silently, looking at you, an awkward expression taking place in his features.
"To answer your question," you started, your hands moving to rest in the front pockets of your jeans, "The girls and I are having a movie night, I'm waiting for them to arrive.”
Dewey nodded and said "Oh, ok." but quickly added, "It's just that I was a bit surprised, you haven't had any movie nights and slumber parties for almost a year now," he explained, "and Tatum didn’t mention anything."
"You know how Tatum is." That was all you said letting a snort while smiling.
Dewey snorted as well. "Yeah, yeah I do." He said.
Over this last year, Dewey and you hadn't talked much, as he mentioned, the slumber parties, movie nights, or marathons hadn't happened in a long time, since what happened to Sid's mom, you and the girls haven't gathered at Tatums, at least all of you together, for a while. The three of you went everywhere together but had never gathered at night again, tonight was the first time since.
You still went to Tatums to study during the afternoon, sometimes after class, but Dewey wasn't around, he was busy with his work. And you respected that, it just made things awkward because you hadn't talked to him for so long, that it was difficult to start up a conversation.
"I was on my way to see if Mrs. Riley needed help in the kitchen." You stated, breaking the tense atmosphere.
Dewey looked at you and nodded.
You were about to take your first step and make your way to the kitchen when Dewey stood in front of you blocking the pathway. You looked up at him and he seemed to realize how close he was to you because he took a small step back, but he was still close enough for you to smell his cologne.
"Sorry, I—I just wanted to talk to you about something." He said, voice quieter than before, as he looked down at you, "if that's ok with you." Dewey added quickly.
His tone made your eyebrows furrow as you looked up at him, "It depends, I'm not liking the tone in your voice," you admitted, letting your voice drop to the same level he was. Dewey grimaced a little, and that answered your question, it was something serious. "Did something happen?" You asked, concerned, looking straight at Dewey.
"I want—" Dewey was about to answer when his radio, that was on his uniform belt, sounded.
"All units respond to a 10-33 on 1820 Calistoga Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.”
Your eyebrows came together for a second as you heard the message that came from the radio. But it soon faltered as you looked up at Dewey, locking gazes with him, both of you recognizing that address. It was Sids. The both of you set to action. You went to the door and opened it as Dewey grabbed his keys. Dewey stepped outside as you closed the door behind you and quickly made to follow him, only to be stopped. You collided with Dewey's chest on the front porch when you took your first step forward.
Dewey looked at you worriedly and just said "Stay here."
Confused you asked, "What?" Your heart was racing in your chest as you looked up at him.
He reached behind you to open the front door of his house and explained quickly yet concretely, "Go back inside and stay put."
You shocked your head, "No way, I'm coming with you." You tried to move past him but he blocked your away once again.
"No, you're not." He said, starting to become exasperated, "It could be dangerous, so please, just stay here." His authoritative police tone stepping in.
"I don't care, she's my friend. I'm going." You tried to swerve past him once again, but to no avail, as he blocked your path for the third time.
You couldn't take this, you were wasting time. You should already be on your way, what if something bad happened to Sid? Your adrenaline was high and your heart was beating fast in your chest, so loud that you could almost hear it. You were starting to get frustrated because you weren't able to dodge past Dewey, he blocked your way every single time, and you were just losing it.
"Dewey let me pass." You said, but then Dewey grabbed both your shoulders abruptly, making you focus on him, your eyes, which were shining with unshed tears, locked with his.
"Y/n, just listen for once in your life!" He said, his voice rough and low, yet demanding, it made you flinch slightly because it was a tone you had never heard him use, especially with you. "It can be dangerous, so please, just stay here and I promise that I'll call as soon as I know what is going on."
You stared at Dewey's eyes, his expression desperate, and nodded slowly, a lone tear streamed down your face as you had locked gazes. He let go of your shoulders slowly and that made you break eye contact, looking down while drying your watery eyes with the sleeves of your hoodie. "Go." You told him, and when he didn't move you repeated, giving a gentle push towards his police car. "We've already wasted too much time, go and make sure Sid’s alright!" Dewey then set to action and ran, getting inside his vehicle.
You watched as Dewey drove off, and then entered the Riley’s household once more, letting your forehead rest against the now closed door.
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