#dying light 2 vinny
dicktat · 1 year
Rating men of Villedor🔥 on their ✨Submissive and Breedable meter✨
Starting with the canon DILF. The true unproblematic man out of the other trail mix of a cast (fruity and nuts). Toned body, divorcee rizz, beautiful cut, 30 years in the closet still no drip (get back in there!!!). Only downside well unfortunately he’s British. (cr: from twitter)
Submissive: 2/5 (his boots are made for walking) Breedable: 3/5 (averagely manly, muscular body, not macho)
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Extremely closeted homosexual, lost an online argument by saying gay men “makes him fucking vomit” and got a reply that says “then loosen your throat” and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. That was three years ago, insists “$20 is $20” but anything for a bottle of eyeliner.
Submissive: 0/5 (Very defensive about it)Breedable: 1/5 (sex appeal of a twig)
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Our beloved bimbo. Listens to WAP and Ayesha Erotica while blowing a PK. Regina Jorge. Puss in glitterboots. True neutral switch. His body, just like him, swung both ways on the noose, true legend in bed AND in death.
Submissive: 4/5 (scored 100% on an online bdsm test) Breedable: 2/5 (stinky rat man)
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Canon Twink supreme. Techland redefined fucktoy with his tsundere attitude and sass. The closets equivalent of him would be blonde pushover anime girl that gets rejected at the end of the romcom.
Submissive: 5/5 (definite femboy fodder) Breedable: 3/5 (far too flat)
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The holy grail of a manwhore, discord kitten, Villedor’s favorite princess, runs an only fan account of the post apocalyptic world. Got pinned under some guy during a fistfight once and started meowing. Pathetic kitty man.
Submissive: 4/5 (rawed by life so hard that he started enjoying it) Breedable: 5/5 (French bussy unreal)
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vinny hong x jo!reader
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 2
part 1 | part 3
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood & violence, jo!reader, physical descriptions (resemblance to jay, jay's mother, heavily implied asian features) intelligent!reader, implications of academic pressure, second person's pov (you, you're, your), wb main story SPOILERS
Despite his protests, you still eventually called an ambulance to come pick you up. The red-headed stranger carried no identification cards with him, and you couldn't say what your relationship to him was when the medics asked. You were lucky enough you had connections from your parents' colleagues inside the hospital so you were quickly accompanied in the ER. 
The smell of disinfectants, the scent that your nose unconsciously got used to. For some it brings back unpleasant memories, some of it mostly includes a loved one dying, or finding out about a serious, life-threatening condition of oneself, that would forever scar a person's notion of a hospital. 
You were just here a while ago, now you're here again.
But for you it was somehow comforting. You wonder why. Maybe it's because of the fact that this is the only place you can help you parents without your mother following you around and yelling at you. Besides, there is also beauty in hospitals—In contrast to the bad things, hearty laughs still fill hospital walls whenever a couple finds out they're having a baby, when an oncologist finally clinically pronounces a patient cancer-free, a warm moment of a family hugging after a mother gives birth to a newborn—and many more.
“How is he?” You asked upon entering the hospital room after paying for all expenses and settling the hospital bill, and you were welcomed by the sight of the doctor checking on the unconscious redhead.
“He'll be fine. You did well on the temporary stitches, [Y/N]. He was fortunate enough to be helped by you. Luckily we still have a bag left of the same blood type as his, so the blood transfusion was done immediately and fortunately didn't become a problem for us. Now, we're just monitoring him. A little rest while the stitches heal and he'll be fine.” Dra. Kwon, a family friend of your family of doctors. You thanked her in response. You had already told her everything that happened beforehand.
“Dr. Kwon, Please don't tell my parents. Especially my mother.”
“Of course, [Y/N]. Dr. Jo would never hear of this.” She put her hand on your shoulder as she briefly mentions your mother. “It's frustrating how much she forces you to submit yourself to the Medical field, but she refuses to see your potential. If only she would see you as Jay's equal…”
Her remark caught you off-guard and made your shoulders perk up. You couldn't counter her, because it was true.
She excuses herself and leaves you inside the hospital room with the fiery haired, delinquent-looking stranger, and you finally got a clear view of his face under the cool toned flourescent hospital lights. 
You stared at him intently and studied his features. He somehow looks about your age. He's really pale. And he looks like he's been through a whole lot. From the other bruises and scratches on his face, and the ones all over his limbs. Not to mention the stab wound that he recently got. You leaned down almost to his head's level. It's the first time you looked at someone so wild-looking… yet also serene.
You've only ever looked at your family members this up close, but their faces weren't this atypical in your eyes. You've only ever prolongly stared at Jay, after a relative of yours in a family reunion told you you looked like a carbon copy of him, you wanted to pinpoint how they say. You needed to.
This red hair's pale, chapped lips and overall pale skin contrasted his wild, disheveled vivid red hair. And he has two beauty marks under his left eye. Fascinating, indeed.
Jay's beauty was irrefutable, but it seemed like the kind of level you can see anywhere in any day. And you weren't even sure if it came from pure genuineness, or only out of admiration because you already know him well as his sister, so it's certainly not a one-look-and-I-immediately-knew-he's-beautiful type of beauty. 
But this one... he's so seemingly flawful yet also flawless. You don't get to see this kind of face everyday. You suddenly felt the urge to paint a portrait of the unique beauty of the stranger lying unconscious on this hospital cot. But wouldn't that be weird?
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Dra. Kwon went back to the hospital room for more patient assessments. As the doorknob clicks, the red haired man softly groans. He furrows his brows as he possibly starts to regain consciousness. You figured that was your cue to leave, so you excused yourself from Dra. Kwon and rushed out of the room before he woke up completely. With a last "If he wreaks havoc inside this hospital room or yell at you, please tase him."
“How are you feeling? What's your name?” You faintly hear Dr. Kwon while you stand outside of the door to eavesdrop as she interviews the red-haired patient.
“...Where am I?” You heard not only the audible baritone annoyance, but also utter confusion in his voice.
“You were taken to the hospital. Do you have any legal guardians? Do you want to make a call?”
“No. No guardians.” That was the last you heard of him before you saw yourself out of the corridor. You left the hospital after making sure all the expenses were covered.
The next day before class, you heard from Dr. Kwon that the red-haired stranger left immediately after, even if he hasn't yet fully regained his strength.
It had been months marked since that accident occured. He had almost never crossed your mind after that.
After the bell rang in class and the teacher left, you were supposed to stay in your seat to wait for Jay to gather his things, as the both of you agreed on going home together today.
Jay sat from all the way to the other side of the room. You don't usually talk to each other to gossip in class like what your classmates expect of you two. You two are too pre-occupied to even cross that short distance for an idle chat but you get along very well as Student Body Leaders. Like you, studying is the only thing he only ever did in his whole life—or in both of your cases, trained to do your whole lives. 
You felt someone's finger tap your shoulder to call your attention. You looked behind to be greeted by the sight of Yuna's friendly smile and Mia's shy, awkward tight-lipped grin, both whom you've only ever talked to maybe twice or thrice?
“Hello, Student Body Vice-President! I'm Yuna, this is Mia.” Yuna flashed you a smile and gestured toward the shy girl. Your wide-eyed gaze shifted from Yuna to Mia.
“H-Hello.” Mia waved shyly as she was mesmerised from how much you and Jay looked alike close-up, star-struck by finally having a closer look at your face, since almost no one in the classroom ever had the guts to approach you. She figured how you and Jay were alike, even the uninterested look and the glasses. It's just that Jay's glasses' frame were horn-rimmed while yours were silver and thinner-framed than his.
“I know who you two are.” You also flashed a civil smile. They were also members of the Student Council.
You were never really open to friendships, you sometimes speak to your classmates, only to answer their queries and help mid-school year transferees to catch up with your lessons when your teacher asks you to help them. But to actually have friendly chats in class about everyday, usual things? Never.
“Leave my sister-in-law be! She's having her alone time!” Shelly, the annoying frolic blonde girl also waddled to your seat and joined your conversation. Ah, this girl you knew well.
You once helped Shelly adjust to the lessons and the class in general when she transferred to Sunny High. When you tutored her, most of the time you'll either get your ears assaulted by multiple questions about Jay all at once, or find her zoning out and staring dreamily at your face instead, with her chin leaning her palm, claiming how you "might have made her 'gay' for making her catch feelings for you" because of your uncanny resemblance to Jay, her crush.
You wondered why she liked him so much, he's a walking flag of mood-swings. You think of your brother, he's not a bad guy but sometimes he's just like... a rock. You almost groaned in annoyance as you braced yourself for the next scenario that'd be most likely to happen.
Shelly loomed over your desk. “Hey, if it's okay to ask, what is Jay like to you on family dates? Does Jay open your car door for you? Does he pull your chair for you? Does he help you slice your steak?” There it is.
You almost winced at the thought of Jay doing all those cringy stuff. He was always more of a quiet yet caring type. Besides, you can do all of those things by yourself. You won't need Jay or anyone's help for those things. He slices Kay's steak for him only because Kay can't do it himself, but it's only because Jay insists and claims Kay is still a child and he might accidentally wound his hands.
“Wait, do you even go on family dates?”
You tried to recall, your family dates were never the usual burst of energy. You weren't exactly an energy outburst type of family either, if they haven't already gotten the clue. In the Jo household, everything needs to be planned beforehand and put in place—organized, and perfect.
Mia, who was confused by Shelly's interrogation, interjected, “And why are you asking her those silly questions?”
“I heard from an article that how a man treats his sisters is how he'll treat his girlfriend. I just want to know how he'll treat me when we're finally officially dating.” Shelly confidently crossed her arms to her chest.
“Shelly, aren't you getting too ahead of yourself?” Yuna's face almost crumpled as she pursed her lips and cringed at the blonde girl's words.
“[Y/N].” Jay calls from behind the three girls. Shelly immediately squeals and fawns over him when she turns around to face him.
“Hello, ladies!” Minu and Dom who were behind Jay, also stopped by your seat to hear what the commotion is all about.
From Jay's slightly annoyed expression and the two other's close proximity to Jay, you figured they might have had approached him in his seat too and bothered him already before they went to your seat. With them crowding around your seat, from your other classmates' point of view, you almost look like long time friends having a chat after class. But the truth is, all of you were all still in the meeting stage so everyone is still getting to know each other.
“Hey, [Y/N]. You and Jay going home together?” Minu offers a soft smile as he and Dom approaches you, wrapping arms around each other's shoulders.
“Yeah.” Jay answers for you as he ignores Shelly's doting gushes. The poor girl.
Minu pushed his way to get to you. “So, we're forming a biking crew, but our members are lacking. Jay told us you were also into cycling.”
“Only because she's interested in everything sport.” Jay once again answers for you.
“I'm not asking you, man!” Dom sputters to the side of Jay's face as he swats him back with an open hand and turns back to look at you. “So now, we're inviting you in the crew. You in? You'll be the only woman in the crew–”
“Hey! Didn't I say I'll join? There'll be two women in the crew if she joins. Sister-in-law, please join us.” Shelly finally let go of Jay's arm and sandwiched your hands with both of hers.
Mia threw Shelly a concerned look and averted her gaze from the blonde girl to Jay, probably to see his reaction, but Jay didn't seem to care about Shelly's delusions and only minded the urge to just get out of there as soon as possible. As right now, he would go as far as cutting off his ear to block the noise around him.
Dom leaned over your shoulder and whispered, making sure no one hears except you, as he's also seeing what you're seeing. “So, [Y/N], which of Shelly and Mia do you think will actually be your sister-in-law?” Dom lightly nudges you twice, earning a protesting “Quit it!” from Yuna, who heard him because of your close proximity.
You tried thinking about it. You already have a lot of things in your to-do list. For today, this week, probably even the whole year. And you can't possibly just skip your extra-curriculars when cycling tournaments occur. You're also not a cyclist, and you already have Women's Basketball. Your mother even claimed basketball was a distraction from your studies. Joining the basketball team was a choice you made on your own, without agreement from your parents.
You've urged Jay to do the same and pay no mind to what you mother wants, but he didn't know what he wanted... yet. 
“Sorry, but I already have too much on my plate right now. You already have Shelly, surely her skills would make up for the both of us.” You turned your back to them to fix your things, uncaring if it seemed rude to turn your back from them.
“But, even if we have Shelly, we're still missing a member.” Minu crumpled one side of his lips.
You zipped your bag up. “Then I guess you'll have to find someone else.” You straightened the straps of your bag and wore it on your back before you followed behind Jay outside the classroom. They took your declination and didn't push you anymore when you rejected the offer.
“Now what? Shall we go and blackmail someone who wronged us in the past so we can punish them?” You stepped to make your way outside the door completely but Dom's words made you remember something.
You halted your steps and looked back at them as you remembered something. Speaking of wronging. Everyone was looking at you now and waiting for you to tell them what you have to say. You composed yourself before you opened your mouth.
“That grouch from Gunn High.”
“What grouch from Gunn High?” Minu tilted his head slightly in confusion, leaving his mouth open as his forehead creases.
“I remember you blabbering about how you got beaten up by a "Gunn High-fucker" just recently. Someone who also used to be in Minu's old crew. I don't remember his name. But you should probably recruit him, whoever the hell he is.”
You got flashbacks of covering for Jay to hide his suspension from your mother, with them attending private trainings with the principal after that fight with students from the all-boys school, Gunn High.
That was also the first time you saw Jay engaging in a physical fight. That fight happened just recent and the root was the Gunn High Schoolers kidnapping Yuna, resulting to Dom—with his boldly declared strong feelings for Yuna, acted on his impulse and came to her rescue. You weren't sure how Jay and Minu got involved because you weren't really there. They brawled and the next thing you knew was that Jay, Dom and Minu got suspended and Jay got stripped off of his title as the Student Body President.
After what you said to your forth and mentioning that accident again, they all looked baffled, until Minu and Dom slowly looked at each other. It took them a few seconds to reply,
“Vinny? Vinny Hong? Why him?”
Vinny Hong? Now, that name sounds quite... familiar. Just where did you pick up that name again?
You shrugged. “Sure, whoever that is, as if i know. I don't know him personally, nor do I know him by his name. But it's his fault why you all got into trouble last time. So tell him at least to compromise for what he did and join your crew or just blackmail him, whatever.”
Dom immediately protested, as if the simple bring up of this Vinny Hong's name triggered his stress lines and made him age forty years older.
“Screw him, you'll be a much more valuable option than him!” Dom's mouth elongates vertically as he basically spits his words.
“Yeah, sure.” You picked up the rest of your things to hand-carry. While Jay waited for you outside the door. “We're going. See you Monday.”
“I don't like your noisy friends.” You told Jay after you exit the school gate.
The sun was already setting, creating a orange hue of the sky, as students from Sunny High scattered around the sidewalks, also making their way home after class.
“They're not my friends.” Jay looked ahead and to the trees at the side of the road, while dragging the wheels of his fixie through the sidewalk and matching your footsteps. He promised to treat you orange chocolate flavoured bungeoppangs today.
While getting some in a bungeoppang stall with Jay and jesting about how his taste buds might fancy a wasabi-flavoured one, your phone vibrated, indicating a text notification, but you have something nore important to search for. You were holding the small brown bag containing freshly cooked and still hot orange-chocolate stuffed bungeoppangs on one hand and your phone on the other. Jay munched on his pastries while you were busy fiddling with your phone. He had probably already noticed how you were so focused on what you're looking for.
Upon skimming your unnattended notifications, while scrolling to find older text messages, you finally caught a glimpse of a message from sender 'Dra. Kwon'. Your index finger stops mid-air. You hesitated to click before viewing it.
It was the text from months ago after that accident, that night when you stitched a red-haired stranger.
Now it made sense. How could you have missed that?
You re-read her text with a straight face. 
Dra. Kwon: Thank you for your effort, [Y/N]. I forgot to tell you earlier, but the patient's name is Vinny Hong. He refused to tell us his name, but when his friend came to the hospital to fetch him, he asked the room number of a bright red-haired patient called "Vinny Hong". He's the only patient we have with bright red hair, and this friend is the one he left along with after he got discharged. In case you're interested in the identity of the man whose life you saved.
You shoved your phone inside your pocket.
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2023, don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
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the-vatican-if · 1 year
I remember asking this on the old blog, but it didn't get answered, so let me send again here:
How the boys react to their MC (when they are already in love with MC) giving them a piece of jewlerey the MC values greatly and never takes off? As a symbol of love and to have something to remember MC by if something ever happens to them.
I wrote vignettes as an apology for taking so long to answer this. (Part 1/2)
Stevie looks down at the necklace you had laid in the palm of his hand. His dark brows are furrowed, his eyes narrowed in confusion.
"Nope." Stevie says as he shakes his head, his dark hair bouncing with the movement. "No, I don't want this... this is yours." With shaking hands he moves to clasp it back around your neck.
Stevie looks into your eyes. He's clearly upset and if you look closely you can tell that tears have begun to pool in his, threatening to spill with every second he allows himself to overthink.
"The only reason someone gives shit like this away... is that they're dying... or think they're going to die." He lets out a harsh sigh. "You ain't goin' anywhere, so... I don't need this. I'd sell my soul all over again for you, alright?"
He reaches out to you, grasping your face in his hands. His fingertips brush lightly against your cheeks, rough with callouses from playing guitar. "I... I fuckin' love you, and I ain't goin' let you die... not before me. I don't need shit to remember you by, I've got you. So, keep your damn necklace."
Ezra takes the ring from you, examining it as if he'd never truly seen it before. He looks from it to you, his dark eyes searching yours for answers.
"This is important to you, right?" He'd never seen you without it on your finger, Ezra had always assumed it meant something to you. That it was a family heirloom or something.
"Why would you give me this?" He waits for your answer, turning the ring in-between his fingers. When he hears your response. That you love him, that he deserves something to remember you by, just in case... he almost drops the ring to the ground.
"You know I love you too... but," He looks to his feet, almost as if he's ashamed. "I... don't have anything to give you in return. I've never had anything important enough to keep... except for you."
He slips the ring into his pocket, freeing his hands so that he can pull you in for an embrace. "I'll take the ring, hold onto it for you... until this is all over... But, I'm not handing you over, not to anyone... I'm keeping you."
Vinny laughs when you clasp your bracelet around his wrist, jingling it around and listening to the sound of the charms hitting against each other.
His laughter is cut short when he looks up and sees the look in your eyes, the way the lighting makes it look like you're about to cry. "What're you talkin' about?" He asks, his accent thickening as his chest tightens.
"Somethin' to remember you by? Why would I need that?" His hand drops to his side, his attention pulled from the bracelet and completely focusing on you. "What's wrong? Do I gotta kill someone?"
His brows furrow and as you explain yourself to him his look of concern shifts to sorrow. "I... look," he reaches up and drags a large hand through his blond hair. "If there's no you... there ain't no more me... okay? So, I don't need nothin' to remember you by. I'll keep it, 'cause you're the one who gave it to me... but I ain't gonna look at it like that."
"I love you... and I'll be even more damned than I already am if I've ever gotta live without you."
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saevus-brutalis · 2 years
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I posted 7,570 times in 2022
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#saevus brutalis art - 24 posts
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#dying light - 17 posts
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Why Aiden is so panic
Cause men in the end of the world is so hot.
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firstaidspray · 3 years
I need more people to appreciate Dying Light 2 especially for the characters. Hakon is mine first and foremost and also Vincenzo but the entire cast is interesting and cool even most minor characters in the Bazaar and Fish Eye. I'd like to talk about them.
(Note that there's one dude I absolutely hate but I'm not gonna spoil it. He's still interesting regardless of the fact that he's terrible.)
I don't really care for the boot boy PKs much but Aitor is chill even tho he's British and a cop. Rowe and his Squad are also pretty cool + they have a dude who literally looks identical to Liev Schreiber it's insane. He has a wife and his fate is..yeah he can't be self shipped with unfortunately. But he and his Squad were very fun!!
Seemingly minor characters like Margaret, Alberto and Vincenzo, Cillian, Danior, all great and all important in their own ways (sometimes to the story). Even actually minor characters that appear for like a single side quest, like Carlos, are fun and full of life.
Sophie, Barney, and the other Survivors are so likeable and easy to empathize with and honestly I can't get why you wouldn't. At first Barney seems like a dick but when you get to know him better he's chill. Sophie is an amazing character as well, and her bodyguard Hermann, too. Frank, leader of the Nightrunners, is great once you get to know him and allow him to begin his recovery from alcoholism and return to leadership. The story of the Nightrunners is incredible and if you side with Frank it only gets better. Especially for Lawan.
We even have LGBT characters!! Weird bisexual man Juan Rainer (on what seems to be a date with Vinny, then making out w Noelle, then having a threesome with them + flirts with Aiden a lot, straight up calls him a snack at one point + described on the wiki as "promiscuous with men and women") and sapphics Sarah and Jana (they have a pride flag in their room + are too close to each other for a hetero explanation).
It's unfortunate who plays Lawan but she's an incredible character and I love her and Aiden together. Her story was compelling and emotional and I really came to care for her. Hakon's story is so complex and honestly when you play, please give him the benefit of the doubt bc its more than it seems. Hell even as messed up as Waltz is for experimenting on kids and how much of a pain his boss fight is, I still felt sympathy for him and found him interesting and wished he had a better fate.
On a surface level in the beginning, Aiden seems like a typical gruff outcast white dude but is actually very empathetic and complex and has an emotional storyline that goes beyond the typical archetype he appears to be. I ended up loving him when I thought at first he'd just be a boring typical vengeful white man. He's not that at all.
We even have a special Resident Evil cameo!! Which I lit up at as soon as I found it. I won't spoil it but it was so cool.
Overall the characters in this game, major and minor, are all great in their own ways. Personally I'm more fond of the Survivors and Nightrunners bc I'm no bootlicker but even some of the PKs are alright. I recommend the game for its story, game play, and all that. It's a great game and I love it. But I love it ESPECIALLY for the characters.
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reaganann · 3 years
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summary- you and vinnie have been dating for a while now but y’all are doing long distance because you in all the way in Texas and vinnie lives in LA so you thought it was a great idea to surprise him.
you were siting on you bed just scrolling through tiktok when you came about a video we’re this girl surprised her long distance boyfriend in his state or country.
when you saw that a idea popped inside you head and you thought of vinnie you decided that you were going to surprise him in LA.
you got up form you bed and looked around your room trying to find you creamer and your tripod. When you finally spotted it you started setting everything up to start you vide.
“Good morning everyone i hope y’all had a wonderful day. Today i was just sitting on my bed when i saw this tiktok.” -the tiktok showed on the screen.
“It reminded me of vinnie so i thought why not take a trip to LA to surprise him.” you said into the camera.
“So i thought i take y’all along with me for my surprise.”
you got up and took the camera off the tiypod and walked around you room walking over to you decks you propped you camera up and sat down in your chair.
“Ok i just need to book a flight for tomorrow and then we would be good to go” you said while taking out you laptop and google the next trip to LA tomorrow.
“Hey look there is on tomorrow at 6:00 i think i could make it there” you said to your camera while booking that fight for tomorrow.
“Ok i booked it so now we have to pack but first i need to text Thomas to see if i can go to there house” you side taking out or phone that was in your pocket.
You opend you phone scrolling though your contact when you found Thomas name.
thomas the train 🚂
you- hey thomas so i was wounding if i could come to the hype house to surprise vinnie.
thomas- Hey y/n sure you could come idc
You got done texting him so now that was done and now you can pack.
“Ok he said that it was find and i could go so now i can pack.” you said while getting up and walking to you closet
you grabbed you suitcase and began packing. When you would done it was now 10:00 so it was dark outside.
“Ok guys i have to go now if i want to catch my flight so I’ll see you in the morning” you said to your camera turning it off and putting in on your bed side table.
Since you were in you pj already you don’t need to change so you just got in bed and turned on you alram for 4:00 and when to bed.
You woke up to your alarm and got up to get dress and ready to go to the airport you brushed you teeth and hair and picked up your camera turning in on a starting the vlog.
“Hello everyone right night it’s 4:30 and my uber is picking me up in 2 mines to drop me off at the airport “ you said right when you said that you phone ding meaning that you uber was here.
You got you bags and walked out the door and locked it and walked to the car.
“Hello you must be y/n” the man said while grabbing my bags and putting them the back of the car.
“Yes that’s me” You said while getting in to the car.
You decided to not flime this part for the mans privacy.
You just sat there listening to the light music that was playing while he drove.
When you finally got to the airport you gave the uber a five star rating and got your bags and he was off.
“Hello everyone i just got to the airport i’m so excited to finally be able to hold my boy in my arms” you said while walking into the airport.
You got to the check in and you guested check in you walked over to TSA and they check everything and you were off to board your flight.
You walked to the flight that you were board and gave your ticket to the lady and she gave it back and said
“Enjoy you flight” You smiled at her and walking to you plane.
You got to the plane and sat down in your sit.
“i just go on the plane and it’s taking off i’m probably not going to flime a lot on the plane because i’m probably going to fall asleep so i will see you in LA” you whispered turning off you camera and putting in in you bag.
You fell asleep right after that and woke up once the plane had stopped.
You got you bag and exited the plane to walk to the baggie claim so you can claim you bag.
Once you have claimed you bag you walked out of the airport to find you rental car and got in it and set up you camera.
“Right now i’m in my rental car and i’m on my way to the hype house omg i can’t believe i’m here” you said starting the car and you were off.
You drove for a little bit before you reach the house and parked the car and got all you stuff and walking to the fornt door and knocking on in.
Someone opened in and said “ Omg y/n you are here please come inside” she said.
You got inside and there was a camera pointed at you and you smiled.
“Hey guys this is vinnies girlfriend and she came all this way to surprise him” alex’s said to the camera
“Hey can you send me that footage when you’re done” You said to him putting you bags down on the ground.
“Yeah sure, Ok right now someone needs to go get vinnie and put a blindfold on him.” He said to someone.
“Y’all got do it” Said Calvin.
“Ok great” he said.
Vinnies -pov
I was sitting on my bed when my door opend and i saw calvin standing there with something in his hand.
“Ok don’t freak out out i need you to put this blindfold on and come with me” he said
I looked at him confused but just got up and took the blindfold out of his hand and put it on i felt him take my hand and we were walking.
“Ok vinnie i need you to sit down on the couch” I heard Alex say.
I sat down on the couch waiting for whatever is gonna happen i felt some on take my blindfold off but then stopped.
“I need you to keep you eyes closed when i take it off ok” he said and i nodded
He finally took it off and i closed my eyes waiting for my cue to open my eyes.
I heard shuffling abound me and i was dying to know what it was.
“Ok you can open you eyes now” i hear alex say.
I opened my eye slowly looking at the ground first but slowly make my eyes look at what’s in front of me.
My eyes wide and my mouth opened I can’t believe what is in front of me
I slowly got up form the couch and stood up and looked her in her eyes.
I chould fill my self starting to tear up and shake a little.
“Oh don’t cry my sweet boy” she said but that didn’t stop the tears that just made it worse.
“y/n” I said my voice shaking i looked at her face and saw that she was to crying.
At that point something broke for me i rushed over to her and put my arms around her and held her tight  fearing if I don’t hold her tight enough that she’ll leave.
I could fill her body shaking while i lay my hand down on her shoulder.
i felt her move her hands to my face and lifted my head so that i was looking at her teary eyes i look at her smile.
“Oh my sweet boy you made me cry” She said giggling she moved her fingers so that they would brush against my cheeks.
I laughed at her and said “Oh i guess i did”
I took my hand and moved them up to her cheeks and looked at her lips she must of felt that because the next thing i know is that her lips were on my.
Y/N- pov
i smacked my lips into his i he was shocked at first form the sudden an impact but he stared to move his lips against mine.
I moved my hand away form his face to his wrist that were on my face i felt a tear on my cheek and i broked the kiss to look at vinnie.
“Vinnie stop crying” i said
“I’m sorry i just can’t believe that you are here” he said.
“Ok guys as must as we want to see this we don’t want to see y’all fuck on the ground right in front of us” I hear alex say i forgot that we weren’t alone.
I started laughing and looking at everyone.
“maybe we should move to you room so i can put my stuff up” i said to vinnie and he nodded and began to walk to the kitchen to get my stuff and I followed him to his room.
I looked at his room, It is way better in person then on ft.
“As mush as i want to fuck you i don’t think i can right so can we just cuddle” Vinnie said while putting my stuff on the floor.
I nodded and walked to his bed and jumped on it landing like a star fish
“Watch out” I heard vinnie say while he jumps on top of me.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and move my hand up his hair massaging it.
“I missed you” he whispered
“i missed you too “ i said looking at him.
I moved a little a kissed him on the nose.
“I love you Vincent Cole Hacker” I said
“I love you to Y/F/N” He siad.
and then we fill asleep in each other’s arms.
(This is my first writing i hope you liked it and tell me what you want nexts)

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ritzbernal · 3 years
Regrets and Realizations
So I need to do work but I have to let this out my system so I can focus (ehem let's see). It's been on my mind for a whole week already! I, uhm, am not really a writer but Vincenzo forced me to be one. Read at your own risk 🤣
Takes places after episode 16 after threatening Jang Han Seok and Choi Myung Hee. Vincenzo coming face to face with regrets of losing his mom and realizing how he doesn't want to lose Cha Young.
Read in ao3
"Regret is the most painful thing in life."
These words echo in Vincenzo's head as he was driving back to the hospital after his encounter with the Babel quartet. He says it so often to people as advice yet with himself, he doesn't know how it applies. Maybe because the life he led in Italy allows him not to have regrets.
Anger. That's all he felt for his mother before he learned the truth. The truth that she left him in the orphanage not because she didn't love him, but because she had cancer. She was afraid to leave his son dying so she chose to send him away.
I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise that I'd come for you soon.
He learned that she looked for him for several years and that after everything that has happened, she still loves him.
There hasn't been a single day that I haven't thought about you.
And now all he felt was regret. Yes he killed the man who killed his mother in front of Jang Han Seok and Choi Myung Hee, but it is not enough. They have crossed Vincenzo and there's no other way for them but down.
He recalled the days when he visits his mom and during those days, Cha Young was with him. Hong Cha Young. She is the reason why he chose to forgive his mother. Because of her, he got to spend a few intimate hours with her - taking selca together, buying her bunggeopang, buying her a bag, taking a stroll with her. If it weren't this strong-willed lawyer who was always by his side, he wouldn't get to spend those precious moments with her. She has slowly become his rock, his foundation, his reason to fight. She supported him even when she knew his deeds.
This made him think of what could have Cha Young felt when her father was intentionally killed by Wusang and Babel. He wasn't even there for her when it happened. He even told her that she should have been a good daughter sooner. It must have been hard for her then. He gripped the steering wheel while he thought of Cha Young in his shoes months ago. If there's anyone who can understand him now, it's Cha Young. And if there's someone who can understand Cha Young, it's him. Funny how their circumstances parallel each other.
Vincenzo arrives at the hospital with blood on his hands and neck. His white shirt stained with the blood of his mother's murderer. As he went out of his car to get inside the hospital, he took his phone from his coat and called Cha Young. She picked up at the first ring.
"Where are you? Are you okay?" Her voice is filled with worry, fear, and relief. Fear that something might have happened to him without her saying how much he means to her and relief that he finally called, that somehow he's not in danger.
"Byeonhosa-nim." Vincenzo said with the hint of tiredness and loneliness. His tone was cold and void of emotion.
"Yes. Where are you? Did you make him pay? I convinced the staff to wait a little while before proceeding with cremation. Mr. Nam and I will take care of the papers, don't worry. Where are you?" Cha Young said in a single breath. She shuffled outside the morgue to see if Vincenzo has arrived at the hospital.
"Byeonhosa-nim. I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I'm sorry."
"For what? What's wrong? Where are you right now?" He can sense the worry in her voice. He knows she's acting strong but inside she's crumbling for Oh Gyeong Ja's unfair death. Vincenzo now taking the stairs to where Cha Young is. It's good that there were few people in that part of the building at that time. He would have caused a commotion with how he looks right now.
"Make sure you catch him. No, make him pay." Cha Young's words assured him that she trusts him, that she will stay with him no matter how many crimes he commit. Her words were the catalyst for him to make pay whoever did that to his mom. Then he remembered his thoughts during the car ride. He wasn't there for her. But Cha Young chose to be the bigger person and reminded him that regret is the most painful thing in life.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when Mr. Hong passed away. I even amplified that you were not a good daughter to your dad. And yet here you are with me. I really don't deserve you." His tone became soft as he apologize to Cha Young.
"Yah. This is not the time to be saying such things," she said gritting her teeth. "Byeonhosa-nim, please, I just need to know where you are right now and that you are safe," her voice cracking.
The last time he heard her almost crying was when the victim's family was unrightfully murdered. How he wants to hug then, to comfort her, yet he chose not to. He was afraid to overstep the boundaries. But right now, all he wants to do is hug her and not let her go.
Vincenzo spots Cha Young half crying outside the morgue, speaking to him on the phone. He should be the one emotional right now, but Cha Young looked like she was the one who lost a mother. With light steps he walked towards her. She was too preoccupied with their conversation that she didn't notice Vincenzo was already behind her.
"Vincenzo Cassano, where-" Vincenzo ended the call and placed his phone inside his coat.
"Yah!" Cha Young half cried half shouted on the phone. Tears were already welling in her eyes. Then without a word, he swiftly went and hugged her from behind, engulfing her in his embrace. His bloodied hand on her waist; his face buried in her neck. He took the phone from her right hand, tucked it inside her the pocket of her pants and then gently moved his hand back to her waist.
"Byeonhosa-nim. What are you doing?" She wants to turn around but Vincenzo's arms is tight around her.
"Back to byeonhosa-nim again? I'm sorry. This must have been how you felt before. I feel terrible."
"Yah. Don't make me cry anymore. Listen, it's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself. Let's not talk about that. Are you hurt somewhere?" Then Vincenzo loosen his arms from her and Cha Young was able to free herself from Vincenzo. She turned around to look at him. Gone is the cold gaze before he left earlier. With shaking hands he searched his arms, his torso and his chest to see if he has any injury. Aside from a few bruises on his fingers, thankfully he's not hurt anywhere else. Finally she settled her right hand on his face with an attempt to wipe away the blood stains.
Vincenzo was looking at her intently the entire time she was searching his body for any injury. This is the closest physically they have been after their charade as a couple. His left hand went to caress that Cha Young's hand and leaned his head. Her hands are warm on his cold cheeks. He closed his eyes and he spoke, "I'm fine."
"I was so worried. Why would you end the call without saying something?" She removed her hands from his cheeks to hit him in the shoulders just as she did before when she's irritated or excited. But he was quicker and took her hand back to his cheeks.
"I'm sorry. I'm here now."
"Will you please stop saying sorry?" Now they are looking at each other's eyes. The tension between them building up.
"Thank you for staying with my mom."
"I'm returning the favor. You stayed with my dad when I was busy fighting against him. Let's go in." She said changing the topic and dragging Vincenzo by the hand enter the morgue and say his final goodbye to his mom.
"Byeonhosa-nim," he said keeping her from walking, "today I have declared war with Babel. We still have a long war to fight and I don't want to lose you in the process. After mom's funeral, we have to arrange things so I can keep an eye on you. Either I stay in your house or you stay in my apartment." There was a pause and sigh before he uttered, "I can't lose you, too."
"Why?" she asked not looking at him. I can't lose you too. His words echo in her head. Something in her anticipate that he will confess his feelings for her. He's been very subtle about his words and actions towards her but this hug means something else. She wants him to acknowledge his feelings and accept that he deserves love.
"Just agree please and don't ask anymore questions." Because I love you, Hong Cha Young, in his mind he said. But these are the words she was not expecting. Maybe he needs more time. He just lost his mom. I need to stay with him. She sighed and said, "Okay. We'll stay at my house."
So I finished it at last! It's my first fic in long time (oh the power that Vincenzo has). I figured Vinnie will save the confession a little later because what will we viewers look forward to? I hope you enjoyed this short fic!
Edit: I refined it a bit? LOL I might be writing the continuation of this. Chayenzo in Cha Young's house.
Here is Part 2!
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mrsarnasdelicious · 3 years
Tis a Wild Universe - 3
Warning: Self Insert and artistic liberties!
Yes, this is probably a dead/dying fandom, but I will never let it go. So yeah … I am probably talking to a wall with this fic. Which is fine by me, as long as I can talk.
Charley’s cousin is in dire need of some help, which the bro’s are willing to provide. Especially Modo develops the feels for her. Limburger is interested in the girl for entirely other reasons, especially in using her against our Hero’s.
But eventually Limburger and also the bro’s go back to Mars, taking along two human women and a few plant species to revitalize the red planet. The war wages on and it seems Throttle is finally taking his role at the helm of the ship.
Ch 1 - Finns That Reach Far
Ch 2 - The Reek of Cheese
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Ch 3 - Poison Tadpoles
Modo buttons up his blouse, the light blue cloth is pulled taut around his barrel chest. Vinnie, seated on the edge of the bathtub attempts to tie the laces of his decent looking shoes. Throttle tucks his nukeknucks into the pocket of his jeans. “Ready?” He asks. “Bro, how do you expect me to be ready when I am wearing pink!” Vincent exclaims. “I promise we won’t tell Stoker.” Modo teases. “Harhar, funny.” Vinnie rolls his eyes. “Let’s just go.” Throttle exits the bathroom. Downstairs, Charley and Tessa are waiting, both dressed in knee high skirts and white blouses. Vinnie whistles between his teeth. “Look good sweethearts.” He grins. “This is so not the moment.” Charley says. Tessa hands her the key to the car. “Let’s go.” She says. They squeeze into the car, Charley and Modo in the front and Tessa squished between Vinnie and Throttle on the backseat. Charley drives to the courthouse.
They have to wait for fifteen minutes and then only Tessa is called inside, presumably to run her through the process and the details.
They are guided to the seats reserved for family and friends. Tessa looks at them over her shoulder. Modo tries for a bit over a wave, but it looks a pitiful gesture of dismissal. Limburger grins widely at them, a rather unpleasant grin. Vinnie shivers. “That sort of people should be forbidden by law.” He groans. “I can’t help but agree.” Modo nods. “That is not the matter at hand now, bro’s, pay close attention.” Throttle leans back in his chair. The judge enters the courtroom. Everyone stands up and sits back down once he sits. He opens the sitting in a monotonous voice, reading out the general outline of the case. He mentions he doesn’t expect it to take long, favoring Tessa with a smile. “I wouldn’t be so sure, your honor. I have a lot to bring to the table.” Limburger says in the most unpleasant pleasant tone ever. The judge seems to miss it and gestures to Limburger to go right ahead. “I will give the first word to Sybil Craggen.” Limburger nods to Tessa’s aunt. Sybil get’s up with a large stack of papers in her arms and heads for the stand. Charley leans over to Throttle to whisper in his ear. “I don’t trust this.” She whispers. “Neither do I, Charley girl. You know your sister much better than I do, but I know a bad apple when I smell one.” Throttle mumbles in return. His muscles are tense and he looks like he is about to pounce. He is not the only one. Vinnie and Modo too look as though they are ready to run into battle. A battle they promised they would not start. Not today…
Sybil taps the mic on the stand. “I am Sybil Craggen, nee Davidson. I am Miss Lockheart’s aunt.” She says. Tessa makes a face, but stays seated. Sybil coughs dryly and leafs through her stack of papers. “My niece .. Is a very delicate case, which is why I am here.” Her voice is faux caring. “A delicate case, you say..” The judge mumbles ponderously. “Oh yes. You see, she takes a lot after her father.” Sybil says unpleasantly. She turns to Tessa, peering at her over the thick rim over her glasses, glasses she doesn’t need. Glasses that you can poke your finger through, because it is only a frame. Tessa meets her eyes, her face hard as steel to make a good bike from. “Her father … Sweet Marie should have never married that monster. He was .. mentally very unstable, aggressive and unpredictable.” There is a malicious glint in Sybil’s eyes. She is still looking at Tessa. Tessa isn’t looking back anymore. She looks at her hands, trembling in her lap. She is fighting against her tears, but it is to little avail. She is crying softly before she can get a hold of herself. Modo wants to get up, but Throttle makes him stay. Tessa takes a handkerchief out of her pocket and dabs at her wet cheeks.
“Madame, I urge you not to speak ill of the dead. Don’t you see that your niece is upset?” The judge says. “Oh she might be, but she knows it is the truth. She knows it is the truth because she has her father’s heart.” Sybil’s eyes do not leave Tessa. It is sort of eerie.
“Oh how I would love to acquaint her with my fist.” Modo strokes his good fingers over the knuckles of his bionic hand. His usually so gentlemanly manners were thrown overboard without a single ounce of hesitation. Throttle and Vinnie regard him with curious eyes. His eye light up red and he flicks his tail in a nervous fashion. “We will have to sit this out, big fella.” Throttle says softly. “I hate it.” Modo growls, more beastly than a mouse should.
“She is as much a monster as her father. She would have killed her mother and younger sister, under the instructions of that ghastly man.. If they hadn’t perished in that awful car of his.” Sybil goes on. Tessa rises, her face dry, but her hands still trembling. “Shoula, woulda, coulda. Words are wind, aunty. Don’t you know the court needs proof. You can’t just make things up.” Her voice is calm, but her hands clutch at the cloth of her skirt. She is trying so hard to keep herself together. Sybil looks as if she is chewing lemons.
“Unless you have no proof, you are dismissed Mrs. Craggen.” The judge says. “If you’ll allow me to make an appointment with a doctor for a psychological examination of the girl, I will.” Sybil answers coldly. She’s let go of all pretenses now. “We have no reason for that, no past records, no current violations.” The judge sounds a little strict. Right that instant, Limburger get up. “No current violations, I beg to differ.” He says in an oily tone. He stands up from his seat and walks to the front of the courtroom. “Lend me, if you will, your overhead projector, so I may show you what a little delinquent this girl is. A delinquent in need of my gentle guiding hand.” He smiles softly, but the smile does not reach his eyes. Throttle swears he can see the Plutarkian’s sideways eyelids open and close behind the man-mask, but no one else seems bothered. A court clerk comes forward to retrieve the tape that Limburger fishes from his inside pocket. Throttle, Modo and Vincent feel their suspicions. Tessa stands taut as a bowstring. “What could it be… It’s most likely forged.” Charley whispers.
On the great white screen of the projector Tessa draws her hood up, her eyes burning red in the shadows of it. She walks into an alley. A very unsavoury looking alley. There she meets with an even more unsavoury looking fellow, showing him something. He gestures for her to follow, which she does. The camera follows, through a door in a wall at the back of the alley. On the other side of the door it seems like there is a completely different world, full of colorful stands and music and the sounds of exotic birds. The camera follows Tessa through rows and rows of stands. Limburger presses the pause button and the Tessa on the screen freezes. “She visits the black market, you see.” Limburger’s voice is full of dark joy. “To buy what, I ask you. Drugs, weapons, illegal pets.” He turns to the judge. “When was this?” The judge asks. Limburger grins widely. “Why, only yesterday.” He says happily. The judge turns to Tessa. “Can you tell me what you were buying?” He asks her. Tessa nods meekly. “I went to buy dried wolfsbane, sir.” She says, sounding a lot like a schoolgirl called on by her teacher to give the answer to a difficult question. “What for?” It is Limburger who asks. “For my morning tea.” Tessa says, calm and cold as ice. “But… Wolfsbane is very poisonous for humans.” The Judge mutters. “Not when it is boiled and diluted.” Tessa says. Throttle knows it is a lie, but also knows that Tessa’s .. sort.. can handle the toxins in the plant. “Why do you drink it?” It is Sybil who asks it. “It evens out my moods and prevents anxiety attacks.” Tessa answers. It isn’t even that far from the truth. The judge hums softly. “We will examine the evidence and gather next week.” He says. Court dismissed.
Tessa runs for Charley and the mice, tears streaming down her face again. Modo jumps over the low rail and pulls her into an embrace. Tessa sobs for a few seconds, but then calms down. “My father was a good man, truly. I swear it.” She whispers. “I know, princess, I know.” Modo rumbles. He gently strokes her hair. Throttle and Vinnie leap over the rail too. Vinnie lifts Charley over. They join the embrace. There is no relief in it. Not yet, they have not yet won this one. There is just the comfort of each other’s bodies. Each other’s warmth. “Let’s go home.” Tessa says softly. “Yes, let’s.” Throttle agrees. He is the first to break the embrace. Then Vinnie, then Charley. Modo let’s Tessa go, taking her hand in his good one. “Yeah, time to go home.” He says softly.
The next morning, the mice hoist themselves into their tux. Charley and Tessa put on black dresses. Their mood is solemn, so solemn Vinnie doesn’t even dare compliment them. They drive to the crematorium in silence. A silence that hurts. It presses onto them as a blanket, suffocating and getting into every pore.
Both women are crying by the time they reach the crematorium. Charley’s hands are trembling on the wheel. Vinnie gets up from the backseat and opens the driver’s side door. Silently he helps her up. Charley grabs his lower arms in a vice like grip. It is all she can do in order not to throw herself into his arms. Vinnie has no idea what to say. He just takes her by the hand, rubbing his thumb over her skin. Charley heaves a soft sigh. Modo holds Tessa’s door, offering her an arm. She grabs it with both hands, digging her nails in, leaving holes in his sleeve, drawing blood. Modo suppresses a wince, he wants to be strong for her. “Come on, Princess, it is time.” He murmurs. Tessa looks up at him, her grey-blue eyes watery. Modo presses a soft kiss to her forehead. “Time to say goodbye.” Throttle says. He leads his companions into the crematorium building. There, many other people dressed in black are waiting. They too came here to mourn the loss of Tessa’s parents and sister. None of them seem very surprised at the sight of the martians. The tallest man among them, about the same height as Vinnie, steps forward. “Tessa, child, we offer you our deepest sympathy. Your father was a valued member of our group. You could take his place.” His voice is hoarse with grief. His eyes are red, he has been crying too. Tessa’s trembling hands leave Modo’s arm. “Thank you Christof. For coming, for your kind words and for the offer. But I am not staying here. I will soon be heading out to Chicago.” She replies. The tall man, Christof, gives a mild nod. “I understand, this place is breathing bad memories for you.” He says. He takes a step back. Other people from the group, men, women and even a few children, come to Tessa to offer condolences. Tessa does not cry anymore. She keeps strong in front of these people that knew her father to be a strong man. She wants to seem strong like him.
A clerk leads them into a hall with fold out chairs. Modo’s chair creaks dangerously when he sits down. It is a fragile plastic thing and Modo is not only solid muscle, but also plutarkian steel. All in all not a light mouse. Tessa sits down beside him and he places a hand on her knee to offer her comfort. She places her hand over his and squeezes lightly. She needs it to keep herself in check. Christof takes the stage, tapping the mic. “We will now join in silence as we see our packmate, his wife and daughter to the Eternal Hunting Grounds.” He says solemnly. The people in attendance, save for the mice and Charley, give a short, sharp howl. Christof goes back to his seat and folds his hands in his lap. Everyone follows his example. Even Charley, Vinnie and Throttle feel compelled to do so. Tessa twines her fingers with Modo’s. Silence cloaks the room. Even the children are perfectly quiet. That is a little bit unsettling, but better than having them be noisy and disruptive. The silence lasts even when the clerk brings in three urns. They are placed upon the stage and the clerk leaves. Once he’s closed the doors, the group gives another short, sharp howl, as if to salute those who have passed away. Tessa rises and retrieves the urns. “Thank you all for coming, for most of you this is farewell. So fare ye well.” She says. Charley gets up and gestures for the mice to follow. Tessa exits the room and Charley and the mice follow close behind. The group of guests don’t seem to follow. “Time to go home.” Tessa says. They walk to the car and Throttle holds the door of the car for Charley and Tessa. Both women are softly crying. Tessa clenches the urns to her chest as if she is drowning and they keep her afloat. Modo plops down in the passenger's seat and turns to her. “You won’t be alone, princess, I promise.” He extends a hand and strokes her cheek. Tessa heaves a deep sigh and leans into his touch. “I hope that can be true.” She mumbles. Charley does her best to drive, but her tears blind her. Throttle makes her stop by the side of the road and takes the wheel. He wouldn’t want to get into accidents on their way home.
Throttle pulls over in the driveway, killing the engine. “Home we are.” He says. “Time to get the girls some rest.” Vinnie pushes open the backseat door and takes Charley by the hand. “Come on sweetheart, we’re home.” He says softly. Charley allows him to gently guide her to the front door. But Vinnie finds the door locked. For a moment his heart stops, but then he remembers Tessa has the key. “Erm, bro’s, we’d like to get in...” He mumbles. Modo gently ushers Tessa over. But Tessa hands the key to the grey mouse. Her tears blur her vision too much. Modo unlocks and opens the door, holding it open until everyone is inside. He follows his friends into the living, after having taken in boots off. “Coffee, tea, anything else?” He asks. “Oh, I could go for a cup of coffee alright.” Throttle replies, sitting down at the living room table. “I rather choose for some cold rootbeer, though.” Vinnie adds. “L-let me do it.” Tessa shuffles to the kitchen. Modo follows her. “You should take some time to yourself Princess.” He says gently. Tessa shakes her head. “You are my guests, I need to be hospitable.” She whispers. “Not today, today is the day your parents … oh mommah.. I am such an idiot. I shouldn’t stand here talking. I should be making sure you are of your feet and stress free.” Modo shakes his head, his ears flapping about. He takes Tessa by her shoulders, being as gentle as he can. He turns her back to the door to the living room. “Come on, let me do it.” He rumbles softly. Tessa whirls around, her arms tightening around his waist. Modo chuckles softly and strokes her hair. “No sweat Princess, we’re here for you. We’ll take care of you.” He says softly. He ushers her back into the living. “Sit down, let the biker mice do the work, little red.” Vinnie says. He joins Modo into the kitchen and together they do their best to get everyone their prefered beverage. Vinnie almost breaks a mug, but Modo’s reflexes are as on point as always. His tail lashes out to curl around the mug, just in time. “Phew, thanks bro, you saved me there.” Vinnie mutters. “We had best be careful, we should not give Tessa and Charley more trouble.” Modo agrees. Modo brings out two cups of tea. He hands one to Charley, making her look up at her. “Hey, don’t forget, we are here for you too, don’t forget that Charley ma’am.” He says sweetly. Charley sniffles softly and nods. Modo gives her a sad little smile. The second cup of tea he brings to Tessa. He carefully kneels before her armchair .. her father’s armchair. She is curled up and looks at him with red, damp eyes. “Here, calm down a little. Don’t tax your body so much, princess.” He rumbles. A blush rises to Tessa’s cheeks. “Will you keep calling me that?” She asks softly, reaching out to run her fingers over the fur on Modo’s jawline. Her fingers follow the strong bone, upwards to the ear, towards the bullet hole. Modo’s fur stands on end as gooseflesh rises on his skin. “Does that make you my knight?” Tessa asks, running her finger over the callused skin of the scar. Modo avoids looking her in the eyes. He doesn’t really know how to feel. There is so much warmth whirling in his chest as well as in the pit of his stomach.
After dinner, Tessa becomes restless. She gets up and walks around, scratching at her hands and wrists. “Princess, what is wrong?” Modo asks. He takes her by the hands, looking at the red scratch marks Tessa adorned her own underarms with. Through some of the marks, small soft hairs peek out from under the skin. “My fur is itching… Tonight is the full moon.” Tessa replies. Modo regards her thoughtfully for a moment. “Is there something we can do to help?” He asks. Tessa shakes her head. “Just close the curtains and keep a few feet distance. I can’t trust myself fully when I am not really me.” She chuckles weakly. Modo gives her a curt nod. He sets to closing the curtains. Throttle and Vinnie jump in to help.
“What can we expect from this?” Throttle asks. “Don’t ask me. I didn’t know about this.” Charley shrugs. “There is nothing to expect. I always just wing it. It used to be a lot uglier when I didn’t drink Wolfsbane tea.” Tessa replies. “That is… safe?” Throttle frowns. “I don’t know, this is my first moon alone. My father… Pa gave me guidance.” Tessa bites away a sob. She scratches at her underarms, peeling away her skin.
Tessa is pacing, seeming nervous for the transformation ahead. She sheds her clothes. Modo averts his eyes, not wanting to invade her privacy by looking at her now naked form. But the snapping of her spine makes him look up. She is hunched over, her bones shattering and reforming audibly. It is sort of nauseating. Wicked nails claw at pale skin, peeling it off to reveal red fur. Vinnie runs out of the living room as a wolf’s muzzle appears from Tessa’s mouth and splits her face appart. “Oh mommah, if I knew it was this terrible...” Modo whispers.
The wolf is red, on high black legs. She laps up the shreds of skin and whatever is shed of her human body. “This is something else.” Throttle shakes his head. “Is she in pain?” Modo makes to approach. But Throttle holds him back. “No Big Fella, she said to keep our distance.” He says. Modo lets his ears hang.
The howl from the wolf’s mouth is bloodcurdling. Throttle is sure she is wild. But she stays put, licking her sore joints. “That poor thing.” Throttle says. “We should leave her alone for tonight.” Charlie says. She heads upstairs. “Yeah bro. I am tucking in as well.” Throttle gets up. That leaves Modo alone. Alone with the werewolf.
He sits down in the large armchair. The red wolf focusses her yellow eyes on him. “Oh mommah.. What have I worked myself into.” Modo mutters to himself. The werewolf huffs a deep sigh and lays down on the rug. He looks at her, her sprawled out form with long black stocking legs and her foxy red fur. Her big bat ears and patch of black scruff in her neck. He pulls the lever on the side of the chair and the footrest flops out. He reclines and just gazes at Tessa for a good while. Tessa is calm and seems to have fallen asleep. Modo’s fingers itch to go and pet her, but he remembers she told him to keep his distance. So he stays put in the chair that once belonged to her father.
He falls asleep after a good while too.
The next morning he is sore all over. His muscles and bones complain and there is a kink in his tail. “Oh mommah.” He groans. “That chair was not made for sleeping on.” He stands up, his joints popping back into place. He stretches out and flexes his cybernetic fingers. “I seem to be the first one up.” He mutters to himself.
He spots Tessa, all back to her human self, still on the rug. He picks her up gingerly. Carefully he carries her to the master bedroom. She, to his relief, doesn’t wake up. He shoulders open the bedroom door and places Tessa gently on the bed. So far so good.
But the moment Modo straightens out and makes ready to turn away, Tessa wakes up. She looks up at him with tired eyes, blue eyes. “Stay, please.” She whispers hoarsely. Modo sits down on the edge of the mattress. Tessa grabs him by the arms, his good arm, and pulls feebly. “What is the matter Princess, are you okay?” Modo asks softly. Tessa whimpers a puppy whine. “I’ll have a nightmare.” She mutters. Modo scoots over to lean against the headboard. Tessa crawls between his legs and flops down. She curls up, her chin leaning on Modo’s muscular thigh. Within minutes she has nodded off again. Modo runs his good fingers through her hair.
Throttle peers into the master bedroom. Modo indicates he has to be quiet. Throttle nods and gives a thumbs up, tilting his head to indicate it is a question. Modo shrugs his shoulders. He isn’t sure if he can answer with a thumbs up of his own. Throttle indicated a finger to his mouth, miming if Modo wants something to eat. Again Modo shrugs. He isn’t sure if he wants something to eat. Throttle puts his hands up in surrender, no idea what else to ask or do. He leaves.
Throttle sits down at the breakfast table. Vinnie looks up from his cereal. “Have you found them?” He asks. Throttle nods and grabs the newspaper. He unfolds it and disappears behind it. “What’s the matter Throttle?” Charley asks. The tan mouse heaves a sigh and puts down the paper. “I don’t quite know how to explain.” He mutters. “Is it about Modo?” Vinnie asks. Throttle shakes his head. “No, I know he can handle himself. It’s Tessa I worry about.” He said. “Her gift, the court case… Limburger.” He chews the inside of his cheek. “I think I know what Limburger wants with her and it ain’t nothing savoury.” He takes off his field specs and starts cleaning the glasses. Charley places a mug of coffee in front of him. Throttle thanks her with a small smile. He puts his specs back on and puts his hands around his mug. “I don’t know how, but somehow Limburger found out what Tessa is and caused that accident. He wants Tessa to be a fighter for his cause. Or to use her gene’s for making better goons. Likely both.” There is a worried frown on his face. “We can’t let Limburger win the court case. For Tessa and for Chicago.” He says. Then he picks the newspaper back up.
“Modo and Tessa sure sleep in, don’t they?” Vinnie remarks. “I am sure last night was taxing on Tessa and likely also on Modo. He must have worried his antennae off.” Throttle replies from behind his paper. “Was he with her?” Charley asks. Throttle nods behind the paper, which can only be told from the bobbing of the tips of his antennae. “She was asleep but seemed fine.” He answers. “Tessa told me she gets nightmares after .. after nights like this.” Charley says softly. “No wonder she keeps the big guy around.” Vinnie chuckles.
Tessa wakes up with a start. She screams and her eyes fly open, lighting red as blood. Modo, startled by her scream, pulls her against his chest. “Tessa, Princess, are you alright?” He asks. Tessa noses at his chest, inhaling the scent of his fur. It brings her panic down significantly. “I am now.” She whispers. Modo tightens his grip on her. “It’s alright, I’ll protect you.” He murmurs softly. “I know, luv. I know.” Tessa says. “We should get up.” Modo says gently. Tessa tries to suppress a yawn, but in vain. Modo can see even her back teeth. “Still tired?” Modo teases. “Yeah, sorta. But if I sleep the day away I will not be able to sleep tonight.” Tessa groans. She wriggles free from Modo’s arms and gets up from the bed. She is still very much naked. Modo looks away, his hands both clenched into fists. He looks up only once the on suite bathroom door slams shut. He gets up and heads to the guest bathroom to shower as well.
They come down into the kitchen simultaneously. Tessa bumps into Modo, because she is paying more attention to braiding her long red locks. Modo winds his tail around her waist to make sure she does not fall. “Mind your step, Tessa darlin’.” He gives her a small smile. Tessa’s pale freckled cheeks turn bright pink. Modo gently puts her down and walks over to the table. “I could do with some hearty breakfast.” He says. Throttle looks up from his laptop. “Well, you are late even for a hearty brunch, bro. We’re moving in on lunch hour.” He says.
“No worries, Big Guy, I’ll bake you pancakes.” Tessa squeezes his shoulders. Modo looks up at her and gives her a lopsided grin. Tessa scratches under his jaw. Modo murrs in contentment. Tessa giggles and goes over to the fridge to gather the ingredients she needs. Soon the kitchen is filled with the scent of sweet pancakes and maple syrup. Tessa serves three large plates to the martians. “That looks great, Tessa my girl.” Throttle smiles. Vinnie digs in right away. “Say thank you, Vincent.” Throttle scolds. Vinnie tries to, but with his mouth ful he does not succeed. Throttle sighs and shakes his head. “Thank you baby.” He winks at Tessa. “Yeah, Princess, thanks.” Modo says.
For Charley, Tessa also has a plate, just less loaded. Charley sweetly thanks her niece. Tessa sits down beside her, with a bowl of muesli. “Slept well?” Throttle asks her. “For the most part.” Tessa shrugs. “You had a bad dream, didn’t you?” Charley sounds surprisingly strict. “Always after the change. I always dream of thorns and blood spilled beneath a red gibbous moon.” Tessa’s voice is cold and distant. Modo reaches for her hand. “It’s alright.” He cooes. Tessa gives him a wain smile. Charley, Vinnie and Throttle go awwwe. Both Modo and Tessa fluster, Tessa much more visibly than Modo. “Mind your own business.” Modo grumbles. “Then keep your business off the table bro.” Throttle snickers. Vinnie and he laugh loudly. Modo rolls his eyes.
A while later Throttle and Vinnie find Modo sitting by the pond. They sit on either of his sides. “Hey big fella, how about we talk?” Throttle says. “About what?” Modo asks. “You know about what.” Vinnie replies. “About … about Tessa?” Modo frowns at the white Martian. Vinnie nods. “Yeah bro, about the little red.” Throttle affirms. “What is with it?” Modo focusses his eye on the koi in the pond. “Well, me thinks you are bit overeager.” Vinnie said. “Pardon, overeager is your second name.” Modo growls. His eye light red for a brief moment. “Bro, bro, calm down. We know this is the first time you feel this way for a gal. Earth women aren’t like martian women.” Throttle says gently. He places a hand on Modo’s good shoulder. Modo looks up at him. “I just want to be there for her.” He says softly. Throttle nods gently in response. “I understand. So do I. But you need to take it slow Modo. Terranians have another progression of attraction.” He says. “Yeah, Charley took a real long while to agree to a date.” Vinnie adds. “I think that, much like Martian ladies, Terranian women are individuals, Vincent.” Modo points out. “Much as that is true, bro, you need to be careful.” Vinnie says. “What are you two so worried about anyway?” Modo looks first at Throttle and then at Vinnie. “We just want to make sure you don’t mess this up bro.” Vinnie answers. Modo snarls softly.
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papa-rhys · 3 years
All I wanted from dying light 2 was the option to enter a poly relationship with Juan and Noelle and Vinnie 😔
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shnowbilicat · 4 years
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FNAF Squad Reference Sheets
The time has finally arrived!
After many years of cursing myself about making Reference Sheets fo my characters I pulled myself together and busted out 4 Refs for my main FNAF Squad! X3
... never ever owo
Seriously, it nearly killed me drawing these. The only saving grace was that I had a base body that I just copy-pasted and changed up a little in hights and body type/s X'D
But after 3 weeks I finally did it and I love every single one of these!! Seriously, love them, they perfect, I'm SO proud of them and myself for making them X3
And of course Vinnie had to be the first one of them all, cuz duh X'D
URGH I just love Vincent so much! Yeah, yeah, call me whatever you want, but this particular Purple Man will always be my Number 1. He's the most fun Character I made, ever, and without him I don't know who I would be today. He's important to me and I care ALOT about him <3
Rick is my soft bb boi. I love him, I love how I drew him and anybody who says anything against him is going to have a problem with me e3e
Jokes aside, I would've never thought that my 'Purple Man'-wanna be that I spontaneously made in a FNAF 2 RP would become such a great character. OP af, maybe a bit basic, but also so god damn interesting and fun.
I just can't, okay? Rick is my soft boy and I love him ... and I love him with Vincent, they just too perfect qWq
PurpleShadow for life <33
Aaaand with Keith my FNAF Universe crumbled into pieces X'D
Well, not really BECAUSE of him, but FNAF 4 really was something that was hard to add into my Universe, since it's mostly fixed on Vincent's side of the story.
But, I really appreciated Keith being made in the first place! He opened up another way to introduce the Nightmare Animatronics and with Keith there was another part of Vincent's and Rick's story to make it a little more interesting. He was also the one who gave PG a purpose in the Universe, so I'm actually really glad to have this edgy-wanna be in my squad X'3
I'm still in shock on how similar he is to Necro, a Sonic OC that is paired up with a perverted God, and Echo, a cyborg Pikachu with a bright red robot right eye, AND basically looking like a Darkrai gijinka and also having nightmare abilties. Still in shock about the Darkrai thing, since I haven't played Pokemon at all in that time, or even ownig a Darkrai of my own at that time to even think about :''3
And last but not least we have my favorite perv boi, PG X3
I remember how this boi started and I'm so glad that I managed to come up with a really good story to integrate him into the Universe without breaking Vincent's story and dangerious and dark theme.
... in return PG became one of my most tragic Characters I have, whoops X'D
Eitherway, love PG, he needs more love and more perv <3
He and Keith were the most chill Refs to make, hands down and I'm so glad that I could make them as fast as I did X'D
Together with the others I had alot of fun making these Refs and changing my boiz a bit up here and there, optimizing their designs and giving them new life in general X3
(Below are smol bios for each character)
Vincent, the Purple Man.
He's a cunning Mastermind and confident in his killing skills. He's no opponent somebody should take lightly, Vincent is fast, strong and agile, always thinking of a plan and being one step ahead from his enemy. Due to him dying and haunting an ANimatronic suit himself this Purple Guy has the ability to turn into a 'Ghost-Form' that allows him to do all the typical Ghost stuff, but sadly all of that just for a very short time. After his victims forgive him however, seeing the torture Vincent was going through, he was given another chance at life, with a new body that doesn't age and can heal itself. Vincent doesn't really like other people and shows off his own confidence to stay ahead. But sometimes he can be a real dork around his friends and have a great time with them, joking around and messing with them.
He smokes from time to time and drinks ALOT of coffee to try and stay awake for his own sanity, as grueling nightmares of his past horrid actions still haunt him to this day. Vincent tries his best to forget as he has been forgiven, and also make up for what he has done, but some habits are hard to break and some wandering spirits are still after his second chance of life ... .
Rick, the Shadow Man.
A friendly and helpful individual that would give his life for his friends. Don't take him as a fool, Rick might look like your average goody two shoes, but the moment somebody harms him or his friends Rick pulls off his kiddie gloves. His Ghost-Form, also known as his Shadow Form, is the most dangerious creatures somebody could face. Hvaing all the abilities as a Ghost, plus controlling shadows, hiding away in them, modifying his body, having a radar-like abilty making him aware of his sorroundings and the people around him; Rick is a force to be recken with. All these abilities he gained after his best friend, the Purple Man, killed him in a blood rush, making Rick a  haunting, vengeful Ghost and fusing with the darkness around him. Though after Rick realized how much hurt he gave Vincent he forgave him and is now walking the world with anew life and body, that doesn't gae and can heal itself.
Rick is an optimist and will always try to talk things out. He loves kids and can play the guitar very well. His past does weight hard on him, but he tries to move forward enjoy his new life with his old and new friends.
Keith, the Nightmare Man.
He might send out vibes that make people think that he's rather emotionless, non caring, maybe even easily angered. And even though Keith likes to burst out in anger or annoyance, that is all in good fun. Behind the dark facade is a really warm hearted and nice guy that cannot sit still whenever someone is crying or hurt, if just a bump or a serious injury. He has very deep expertises in both mechanical, technical and the mdeical field and is always there to support his friends and innocent people cought in the middle. Due to Vincent, Keith lost his life as well, but started to walk the wolrd again as a raging vengence dragged him back into the living world. This gave him the push to show off his skills and new abilities to form dreams to his won will, creating nightmares and even forcing people to do his bidding and create abominations that could tear appart anything he pleased ... which were his former friends, Vincent and Rick. After a violent fight though these two men showed Keith the light and he too was forgiving them for what had happened. Now he works together with his old friends, protecting his new and improving his skills even more, while stitching his friends back togetehr whenever they dare to get themselves into trouble.
Keith can be really serious about his work, but he knows how to laugh and have a good time, showing off his new creations and lovingly helping and caring about his friends. Though his past actions have created something he still curses himself for.
PG, the Purple Guy.
What can be said about this guy? He's a careless, chill and very perverted guy, that lives life without a second thought. PG looks and acts alot like an idiot, but deep down he's just as dangerious and inteligent as Vincent, as PG himself is a Purple Guy as well. His origin is from a differet Universe and due to an unfortunate circumstance he ended up as ginue pig for experiments and a slave for another's amusement. His spirit was broken ... until something happened that gave PG the will to escape and follow his new friends, Vincent, Rick and the others back to their world. With his own world destroyed and nowhere to go he wandered around and bumped into Keith,bonding with him and even becoming a memeber of the new Fazbear family. PG also died and got pulled back, but compared to the others, his Ghost form and self healing ability is broken and unstable to say the least.
He doesn't like to get in serious trouble, but loves to tease and have fun with his friends, while also drinking like there was no tomorrow and annoying Keith with his sexual advances and jokes.
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thesportssoundoff · 4 years
Lists ‘N Stuff: 00s Heavyweights
Lists ‘N Stuff: 00s Heavyweights
I’ve been watching a lot of boxing. A lot. Too much even. Originally it started out of my desire to catch up on fights I had missed after I dipped out on boxing in the late 90s before getting back into the sport around 2007 or so. It eventually delved into a deep dive on what basically amounts to the last 20-30 years in combat sports. Given my love of things like lists, I figured I’d do one. Doing a list for the HWs in the 90s was genuinely a lot of fun because it meant re-watching a bevy of classic fights with classic characters. Doing one for 2000 to 2009? Well....Well ya know. Inarguably  the worst division in all of boxing for its entire run of the 2000s, this was not easy BUT by the grace of God and plenty of rumchata, I survived. Here we go! 
Honorable Mention:
John Ruiz- I was not going to put John Ruiz on this list. Even as a Puerto Rican, I couldn't go that far. Ruiz's trilogy with Evander Holyfield are among some of the worst fights ever and he was styled on by natural light heavyweight Roy Jones Jr where the only competitive fight that night was Norman Stone fighting with whoever was refereeing. He did beat Andrew Golota (and I think that was a fair call), he lost to James Toney, lost to Ruslan Chagaev and honestly probably got jobbed vs Nikolai Valuev. Ruiz deserves a lot of credit for doing the best with what he had but consider that he fought in TEN straight title fights by the big four and only finished one of them and went 5-4-1 with a ton of split decisions in there and tell me he deserves a spot on this list.
Evander Holyfield- The 2000s were arguably most sad in the HW division because Evander Holyfield was still fighting for titles well into his 40s. Holyfield went 6-6-1 in the 2000s with a trilogy with John Ruiz, wins over dudes like Fres Oquendo and Vinny Madalone and losses to James Toney, Nikolai Valuev (in a fight I thought he won), Larry Donald, Chris Byrd and Sultan Ibragimov. Holyfield was just sort of there in the 2000s with nobody ever really letting him go away because he was one of the divisions few remaining stars. It's not pretty.  
Jameel McCline- It kind of gets lost because of how bleh he was but McCline was a pretty solid HW during the 2000s. He was pretty much the epitome of a big dude journeyman tough guy spoiler. He gave tough guys to Sam Peter, Chris Byrd, Calvin Brock and John Ruiz when he was a bit more focused of a fighter plus has wins over Shannon Briggs and Michael Grant. If two fights had gone his way (the Peter fight could've been stopped on Earth 2 and I thought he beat Byrd) then maybe McCline sneaks on this list.
Nikolai Valuev- Some guys are too big to fail but Nikolai Valuev was too big to succeed.  His natural size limited how good he could be and unfortunately for Valuev, he was a boxing gimmick from start to finish. Valuev struggled endlessly whenever he got a step up in competition and seemed to always wind up on the right end of a close decision. Boxing's funny like that. The Valuev end came against Ruslan Chagaev but he managed to win another title and eventually fight David Haye in the crowning ceremony of the Hayemaker as a HW.
Oleg Maskaev- Fullest credit to Maskaev who started out the 2000s with a 2-3 record and went on a killer run to eventually find himself set up with a fight vs Hasim Rahman. Losing throughout the entire fight, Maskaev ralled in the 12th round and stopped Rahman to become a champ 10 years after the start of his career.
1- Wladimir Klitschko Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 22-2 Record in title fights- 17-2 Record against other fighters on the list- 6-1
"Wladimir Klitschko looks so good, you wonder what's wrong with him." That's the line Larry Merchant uttered prior to Klitschko's fight vs Corrie Sanders. It was the same fight where Merchant pretty much washed his hands of Klitschko after Corrie Sanders wiped the floor with him and exposed Wlad's questionable chin and recovery chops. Turned out all Wlad needed was Emmanuel Steward to basically rebuild him from the ground up, focus on protecting his chin and using one of the HW division's best jabs ever to keep scared opponents at bay and set up a perfect right hand. Wladimir Klitschko is unfortunately a victim of the times and of a style that led to a lot of stinky fights with barely satisfying conclusions. It's unfortunate because I truly believe regardless of era, Wladimir Klitschko has the skills to be top 10 quality in any time period. The Steward led Klitschko was just a perfect boxing machine and very few guys had the chops to sort of get through that. In the 2000s, Wlad beat and fought everyone and the only guy on this list to beat him was Brewster in a fight where Lamon just basically refused to go away. Wladimir has over Ibragimov, Chagaev, Peter, Byrd twice and Brewster in a rematch. I don't think he would've beaten Lennox Lewis but he would've probably wiped the floor with anybody else on this list and that includes Vitali if only because Vitali was in various stages of broken for most of the early 2000s and once they reached the end of the decade, Wlad's athleticism was so much far beyond anybody else in this division. You don't have to like it (and I don't blame you if ya don't!) but Wlad's one of the greatest HWs ever and the best of the 2000s.
2- Vitali Klitschko Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 12-2 Record in title fights- 6-2 Record against other fighters on the list- 1-2
I'm totally fine if you have Lennox Lewis OVER Vitali Klitschko in your top 10 rankings. It's a justifiable and fair enough argument to be clear. I'm putting Vitali over Lennox because even with a little under four year long break, Vitali fought more and in a way Vitali fought the best of both worlds. He fought the dying days of the late 90s HW explosion and then came back and fought at the end of the Klitschko legacy era. Vitali's wins are actually not that impressive in theory as Sam Peter is not as highly regarded as I would have him and his second best win after that is either crude South African banger Corrie Sanders or then undefeated HW Chris Arreola. Guys like Danny Williams, Vaughan Bean, Ross Purrity, Orlin Norris and Larry Donald are good wins to have but any credible top 10 HW for his era should handle those guys well. Vitali Klitschko's resume might've looked even better had he stuck around for those three years and either gotten his Lewis rematch (which I truly believe he would've lost) or just beaten up on the John Ruiz, James Toney, Hasim Rahman and Andrew Golota's of the world. He's my #2 HW of the 00s.
3- Lennox Lewis Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 6-1 Record in title fights- 6-1 Record against other fighters on the list- 2-1
The ONLY reason Lennox Lewis is SO low on this list is because he wasn't around for much of it. Lewis retired in 2003 after a controversial fight against Vitali Klitschko and....I honestly think the Klitschko fight is really overblown to the legacy of Lennox Lewis. It's often hyped up as Lewis retiring after a really tough fight because he knew he couldn't beat Vitali or what have you but in truth, Lewis was well on his way to stopping Vitali anyways before the cuts. Furthermore Lewis was fat and happy and had pretty much retired before the fight even began anyways. The only thing that stopped Lennox from pretty much wiping out the rest of the HW division for much of the 2000s was that Lewis made his money and didn't want to have some B-Hop esque run where he beat up on limited competition well into his 40s. Lewis' 2000s run features Frans Botha, the corpse of Mike Tyson, Vitali and David Tua. An argument can be made that if Lewis doesn't get smelted by Rahman (a win he'd eventually get back), he could be arguably one of the top 3 heavyweights ever.
4- Chris Byrd Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 11-4-1 Record in title fights- 5-2-1 Record against other fighters on the list- 1-2
The general argument I have (or feel I have) is that once you get outside the top 3 HWs, you're sort of open to interpret the top of the HW division however you so wish. Chris Byrd is my #4 HW if only because of his ability to stick around as a slickster boxer who managed to win fights at HW despite having absolutely zero pop in his hands. Hell if anything Bird should be this high just because of how lucky he was (theoretically) throughout his career. He survived close calls against Andrew Golota and Jameel McCline, he managed to not suffer a knockdown at any point in a 12 round fight against eternally hard puncher David Tua, he was getting wiped out on the cards vs Vitali Klitschko and then won the belt because Vitali tore his shoulder. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good although Chris Byrd was arguably both of those at the same time. Chris Byrd ended the 90s getting smelted by Ike Ibeabuchi and then once the decade turns to the double zeros, Byrd went 8-1-1 with wins over Vitali Klitschko, Evander Holyfield, Jameel McCline, Fres Oquendo and DaVaryll Williamson. His losses in the 2000s were to Wladimir Klitschko twice, Alexander Povetkin and Shaun George at the very end of Byrd's run. He's my #4 HW.
5- Sam Peter Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 33-3 Record in title fights- 5-2 Record against other fighters on the list- 2-2
Sam Peter is actually a pretty damn cool success story. While he became a meme on boxing sites, Peter went from being a poor kid growing up in Nigeria to a HW champ of the world despite his many limitations. Maybe Peter was just a beneficiary of a vacantly empty heavyweight division but that's also unfair to him given the work he put in to even get to that point. Peter fought both Klitschko brothers, James Toney twice, the underrated Jameel McCline and veteran HW Oleg Maskaev and racked up a 4-2 record throughout that time. Peter wasn't the most talented dude but he was tough, gritty and hit really damn hard.  Two of his losses during this era were to the Klitschkos so that accounts for something. WHONEX indeed.
6- Lamon Brewster Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 13-4 Record in title fights- 4-2 Record against other fighters on the list- 1-1
Maybe it's not a great sign for the HW division that Lamon Brewster is up this high. Actually I think it's fair to wonder how good Lamon Brewster could've been had he not suffered a torn retinae against Sergei Liakhovich in one of his last real "big" fights. Brewster wasn't the most naturally gifted boxer but he hit really hard, had enough cardio to go hard in fights and was the sort of dude who could get anybody out early. Until Tyson Fury's masterclass, the last guy to beat Wladimir Klitschko was Lamon Brewster in a rock 'em sock 'em sort of fight where he was getting beat up early and then rallied to drop Wladimir en route to a stoppage victory. Brewster hurt his eye really badly against Sergei Liakhovich and was never the same afterwards, basically ending his relevancy before he had even hit his mid 30s. The Liakhovich fight by the way is one of the gnarlier HW fights you'll see and sort of gets lost in the shuffle given how dismal the division was during this time period.
7- James Toney Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 13-2-1 Record in title fights- 1-0-1 (1) Record against other fighters on the list- 0-2-1 (1)
Let's be fair now. James Toney doesn't belong on this list because he probably should've never been a heavyweight. It's never a good sign when Jim Lampley refers to you as a "Fat tub of goo" before your first title fight in the weight class but alas. Toney started the 2000s off beating Visiliy Jirov in one of the greatest fights ever and then jumped all the way up to HW to face Don King's batch of merry men at the top. As such Toney fought Holyfield (and beat him decisively), Rahman twice (and I thought he lost one and would've won the other if not for a headbutt) and John Ruiz in a fight he won decisively but popped for steroids of all things. Toney's resume has a lot of fluff in it at heavyweight (HAR HAR) but the fact he was still able to be competitive despite probably being at most a cruiserweight is pretty awesome. Toney vs Sam Peter I is also one of the best fights of the 2000s if you want to see an underrated HW banger.
8- Ruslan Chagaev Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 23-1-1 Record in title fights- 3-1 Record against other fighters on the list- 0-1
So funny story but Ruslan Chagaev was a big reason why I got back into the HW division. Watching him mid afternoon on Fox Sports upset generally bad Nikolai Valuev made me want to watch the heavyweights again, primarily because it meant in theory that I didn't have to read about how Valuev had stolen yet another fight in Germany. Chagaev's career is pretty much married with injuries and stop starts as torn ACLs, hepatitis (!) and other medical ailments led to him fighting on again off again later into the 2000s. Chagaev wasn't the most skilled HW out there but it's fair to wonder how much better (or worse) his resume would've been had he stayed healthy enough to fight guys like Lamon Brewster, Sultan Ibrabimov and Wladimir Klitschko far earlier in his run. I thought he cleanly beat guys like Valuev and Vladimir Virchys but I also thought Chagaev lost to John Ruiz for whatever it's worth.
9- Hasim Rahman Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 13-5-2 Record in title fights- 2-4-1 Record against other fighters on the list- 1-3
I don't have a great way to say this but basically it was never a good thing in the 2000s when you the likes of Hasim Rahman, John Ruiz, James Toney and Andrew Golota in a title fight. It usually meant you were about to be robbed of your time or your money with either a shitty fight or a quick stoppage. Hasim Rahman dominated the early 2000s in terms of title fights and title opportunities and our reward for that was a lot of weird bad fights and "What the fuck?" isms. So how did Rahman make the list? Partially because "The Rock" fought everybody and anybody and did well enough in almost all of those fights. To his credit, Rahman's record also has some victimhood in it. I thought he beat David Tua (and was robbed of a knockdown) when the judges gave him a draw and I thought likewise against James Toney (I had it 7-5 Rahman) but he once again got a draw. Who knows if he would've beaten Evander Holyfield if Holyfield didn't basically headbutt him to death in their fight. He beat respected dudes like Kali Meehan, Corrie Sanders and Monte Barrett during this time period. The biggest reason he's on this list? The KO win over Lennox Lewis. Even if Lewis eventually rectified that, it happened and Rahman's one of two guys to finish Lennox Lewis. That helps push him up on the top 10 list.
10- Sultan Ibragimov Record in the 00s (Jan 1st 2000 to December 31st 2009)- 22-1-1 Record in title fights- 2-1 Record against other fighters on the list- 0-1
If this was strictly about skills, Sultan Ibragimov would be ranked so much higher. Ibragimov was genuinely great and adapted his style from a stay busy all activity fighter to a more defensive oriented counter striker with quick hands. He, like most heavyweights of this era, just lacked the power to put folks away and lacked any semblance of urgency. Ibragimov rose up the ranks quickly and wins over 90s names like Shannon Briggs and Evander Holyfield put him on this list. The reason Ibragimov isn't ranked higher? That god damn Klitschko fight. Arguably the worst heavyweight fight ever, Ibragimov basically threw jabs for the first six rounds and then nothing beyond that. It pretty much killed Wlad as an attraction in the United States and dude didn't return to the Garden for seven years.
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mintytrifecta · 4 years
Someone That I Used To Be chapter 2
Chapter 1:https://mintytrifecta.tumblr.com/post/618489689649840128/someone-that-i-used-to-be-chapter-1 AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818781/chapters/55016005#workskin Guess I messed up His first mission was to stop something dubbed "The Mississippi Purchase". Apparently the Spanish treaty to put their goods and trades in the area outraged enough people that a war started over the area. Napoleon made a move to protect land sitting on what is now known as Mississippi and caused even bloodier battles. Yellow fever mixed with bloodshed mixed with hate and distrust led to greater wars and much less development in technology. Dakota was part of the group sent in as undercover agents to be seated in Thomas Jefferson's governing party. He was the one who brought up the idea of offering the purchase and in turn, less bloodshed. Which surprisingly worked and went successfully. Until it didn't. Coming back into the fixed future, Dakota scanned in to find records of his mission, but none were there.The Agency he was part of never existed. Which means, neither did he…Dakota freezes for a moment before regaining himself.Well, no matter. This could be a clean slate! A new beginning. Dakota did the best he could to ignore the weight on his chest. Guess I made a bad call Dakota had been in the Bureau for a few years now. Gave himself a complete makeover and change in personality.Yet he couldn’t find himself removing his glasses. The only artifact left from his timeline that he possessed. It wasn’t particularly special, just another pair of sunglasses he got during one of his missions and decided to keep, he told people. He doesn’t know why it means so much to him. He heard his stomach rumble. 'Enough thinky time more feedy time.' Vinnie ended up wandering into the time vehicle operations facility. Wasn’t today the test for new recruits or something? Eh who cares he’s hungry and wants a burrito.Upon entering a vehicle he found it was occupied. The person sitting there looked suspiciously familiar. And had terrible taste in lollipops. But I have no idea After a shortcut through some dinosaur ages, Dakota and the person in the car he was in arrived at their destination.Twenty first century Danville. His food-buddy started ranting about how what he was doing broke code and rules for how time vehicles should be used and how he should follow these rules as if anyone working for the Bureau gives a damn about the rules aside from rookies and judges. And then he found kids in danger. Well we can’t have anyone dying when we’re nearby now can we?(It wasn’t until he met the kids, years into the future, that he realized why the boy’s smile had been so hauntingly familiar) (it puts a weight on Dakota’s chest) What I could have done different Turns out his food-buddy is his new time travel partner. Dakota inwardly cringes at his first impression. God, this won’t end well for him. Surprisingly, Food-buddy er- Cavendish doesn’t rat him out. Dakota opens his eyes and shakes hands with his new partner. One little choice Dakota sits up in his bed, early in the morning. One small action He realizes where he knows Cavendish from. One coincidence of thought He killed him. And the lights went out. Dakota fumbles with his glasses in his hands, unable to bring himself to go back to sleep. He stands atop the Bureau roof, watching the pale glows of electrical illumination below him.  If he were in his original time, something of this magnitude would even be imagined.The brightest of people would have never seen this beauty.Yes, to one from a world like this one it would pass as a regular night.  But in a world unlike this, the glow of the lights and technological wonders seem almost like magic. How fortunate, Dakota thinks, that humanity has the gift of imagination. The eerie darkness of the stars above give comfort, as well as doubt. No matter what timeline, the stars never change. If Dakota tells his child self he finds comfort in stars, why he’s sure the child will laugh at him. But he can’t help it.The stars served him as a constant reminder to keep wonder in his life. To never go back to living carelessly. To have empathy. Dakota sighs. What if, he thinks, what if one day he travels back in time; what if one day the stars go out. What will he do then? He’ll be left unguided, alone, with no light left. He doesn’t want to be who he was. He’s changed. Or so he hoped. I never thought Dakota did his job without a second thought. Who cares who got hurt as long as he finished the mission. Things really die As Dakota did more and more time traveling missions, the heavier he felt. It never really dawned on him what he's done. Oh how he wishes he could take it back. Not in real life Dakota remembers how he and his friends would try to fantasize a better land for themselves. One where they didn't have to cower in fear, one where they could all be happy together. So why does he feel so agonized now that he's there? In real life He avoids Cavendish for a week after they met. He couldn't look at him anymore. It makes him want to vomit. There's no such thing as ghosts. Dakota can't touch firearms anymore.The mirrors know this and mock him with familiar faces. I am not a hero Dakota tried hard not to mention anything to Cavendish during their time together, but he found it progressively harder to keep his mouth shut. I am not a movie star Dakota smiled at his partner going off on another tangent about how famous they'll be once they complete a big mission. Vinnie lets his smile fall for a second after he realizes that Cavendish was famous before the timeline changed. He took that dream away from him. Dakota brings his smile back after Cavendish asks if he's okay. I am not a genius, I know Ask Dakota and he'll tell you Cavendish is the brains of the duo. He's figured out things much faster and better than Dakota ever could.Ask Cavendish and he'll tell you Dakota is much smarter than he lets on.  I am not a monk Dakota seldom finds himself getting mad. He considers himself even-tempered and flexible.So when Cavendish and Milo almost get caught by the pistachions, Dakota does what he rarely ever does. He snaps and tries to attack. He'll deny any accusation of breaking down the night after. I'm not special Dakota doesn't know why he does it. Why keep sacrificing yourself for just one person over and over again.He tells himself, Its Cavendish what're you gonna do? He tells himself, Anyone else would have done the same.He let's his mind drift off to the Island. Do any of the Dakotas there regret what they've done? I'm the same as anybody else Dakota screamed at the judges. In his fit of blind rage he let's it slip he's changed the timeline without authorization .
Dakota and Cavendish are sent back to the 21st century. The weight on his chest is back. You and I Dakota and Cavendish.Cavendish and Dakota.That's how they're remembered. Their friends think they're inseparable. Dakota thinks they're fragile. We were always a mess The day Cavendish left him to find the alien ship was one of his worst days. He didn't know why he left. Or to where. A creeping feeling in the back of his head told him that Cav found out.
Dakota didn't sleep that night. Drinking our bourbon The day they came back from Octalia was one of his proudest. They found Cavendish and helped save an entire planet for God's sake. The party they had lasted for hours.Dakota didn't leave his side. Screaming in the streets. They went back to their jobs at P.I.G. and tried explaining what happened. Block only laughed and sent them back on their mission. Dakota has never heard Cavendish as angry as he was then. When I saw you coming It gets close to the date he killed him. Ice and rage in your eyes Nightmares and anxiety seize him day and night. I put on my Armour and my shield Dakota wasn't going to be deterred. Cavendish had enough to worry about anyways. And raised up my sword He shut himself in and cried.  Not once did he tell Cavendish why. I am not a hero He killed people! I am not a movie star How unforgiving is that! I am not a genius I know Why did he go through with it?! I am not a monk Dakota screams. I'm not special The weight on his chest gets harder and harder. I'm the same as you Tears spill. And you Cavendish bangs on the door, demanding to be let in. You were there too  You drove that train Dakota grabs his hair. Right through my heart Blood splattering on the ground. You Pale dead eyes. You were there too Dakota dries his tears. You drove that train He comes out and they don't speak about it. They don't say a word until the next day. They pretend everything is normal. He wants to scream. Right through my heart Dakota leaves their shared space for the day. But I guess it's time He comes back late at night. To put that to bed He enters their house without knocking. But I guess it's time Dakota sighs. To let the dead be dead "Hey Cavendish? We need to talk."
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saevus-brutalis · 2 years
part 2 because im unhinged and no one stopped me dying light 2 — what’s their signature smell headcanons pt.2:
okay, hear me out - aftershave. we all know this man fucks a lot so, he must smell nice. best smelling man in his unit, hell, best smelling man on Missy (right behind Juan). uses aftershave as some sort of cologne, especially when he has a date (hook up) lined up. there’s a running inside joke in 404 and silent agreement amongst them that the only thing to gift to Rowe is a bottle of aftershave.
i don’t know what it is, but he just smells nice, y’know? probably found a deodorant stick on one patrol and now it’s his holy grail. he’s not sweaty, not usually, since he’s spending more time in the PK base’s office, rather than outside, preoccupied with finding Lucas’ killer. you can’t stop yourself from taking a long whiff when you hug him, it’s very comforting and warm. maybe once saw Hakon with a crushed lavender sticking out of his front breast pocket, tried it, and now from time to time uses flowers to neutralize any odor
she’s one of the good smelling folk in Villedor. very neutral, natural with hint of musk. though i must say her hair smells lightly of vanilla because of a shampoo she’s using. found it once in a Forsaken Store and now is running low on it, so she uses very little amount - that’s why it’s barely noticeable unless you have your face directly in her hair.
dr. vincent waltz
rubbing alcohol and dirt, maybe cigarettes. he’s quite smelly, sorry mister. sweats quite a bit due to stress tied to Mia and living in Renegade’s HQ isn’t helping him much. in his office back at the Butcher’s Stronghold he strongly smells of chemicals and cigarettes - boy smokes like a chimney. it’s not very pleasant, bites at your nostrils if you inhale too much.
again, very natural, not really sweaty, since she spends most of her time in the library and not hunting zombies and scavenging for food. probably smells of book and dust. it’s very nice but not crazy good.
unapologetically sweaty and musky. like Barney will rather use the water for the Survivors than for a shower and if she does - she shares the water with her brother and Hermann (won’t get into in which order. Barney’s the last). tries to be as clean as possible but she’s more focused on helping her people and improving the Bazaar.
sickly sweet, overcompensates the smell of his sweat with deodorant or perfume he got from Juan. not pleasant, really, but Juan doesn’t seem to mind, for him it’s just an excuse to take a bath with him.
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ok Ok ok! So I made an Au it's called The next Generation Au and Pretty Much Is Just an Au About the sides Kids doing weird things during High school.
Meet the Kids:
Vinny Sanders
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Vinny or Puppy Is Virgil's Son He is Also The Only Boy of the Group, His emblem is a Storm cloud With Stitched on Wolf ears, he is Most Noticeable by his Bright Brown hair that fades dark Grey and His Dyed in Light purple streak and the fact he Has a wolf like appearance, he wears A grey sweater unzipped with a Deep purple shirt, blue jeans, and grey boots, his eyes are that of a wolfs, he Unlike is Father is More a Fight sort of Guy and Will go absolutely feral if Someone is being an Butt, he loves attention especially from Patton, He's Pansexual, he's dating Emilia Sanders.
Emilia Sanders
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Emilia or Em Is Patton's Daughter, she is What everyone calls the 'Mom' of the Group, Her Emblem is a Baby Bottle with Patton's Signature heart on it, she is Most Noticeable by her out going personality and her Love for the Color light Blue and Grey, the Grey streak in her hair is Natural but the Blue is dyed in, she wears a Blue Shoulder less dress with Grey stockings and Light Blue Tennis shoes along with her bright White pearls and Sun glasses, She's Bisexual, her eyes are A Beautiful Amber Color, She's More direct about how she's feeling then her father is, and She's dating Vinny Sanders
Rachael Sanders
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Rachael or Lollipop is Roman's Daughter, she is The Sass and Knight (as she calls it) of the group, her Emblem is A shield covered in roses, she Is well Known for Going against stereotypical gender norms and Yelling at guys that flirt with her, she's Noticeable by her Love for shorts, Crop-tops, and Lollipops, she wears a red and Orange Hoodie crop-top with Dark grey shorts and red Converse, She's less egotistical then her father and has a single red eye, she always has her hair up/braided and the red is Dyed in, She's lesbian, She's dating Diana Sanders
Renee Sanders
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Renee or Squidling is Remus' Kid and is Almost always seen Beating the Crap out of Boys for 1 of 3 reasons: They asked for it, they Are sexualizing Their Cousin, or they were Flirting with Their Girl. Renee Is Most of the time seen In Their green Hoodie and Panda hat Patton got for them, They Shaved the Back and Sides of their Head out of boredom and thought it looked good and decided to kept it, They Bug The Sides Constantly with Stupid pranks and fake Bugs, They were born with the green and brown hair for some reason but people decide not to question it because Squidling is related to the Trash Rat, their Emblem is A Huckleberry colored sword with a tentacle wrapped around it. They have One purple eye, they're slightly more Calm then their father when other sides are around but when it's just Them and Thomas, they Eat Glass and Drink vinegar while making Direct Eye contact at him and Talk With Their mouth open to him, They are Non-Binary and Pansexual, They are In a Relationship with Lanna Sanders
Lanna Sanders
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Lanna or Glasses Is Logan's Daughter she Is The Walking Dictionary of the Group, her Emblem is a Rubix cube with Glasses on a Book, the Green In her Hair Is Dyed while the Blue is Natural and she Has Naturally Green eyes, Her father was So Surprised about their hair he Was Broken for 3 months before Just Leaving it to that's just how the Mindscape made her, she wears a Dress That Is Similar to her Fathers Attire And she wears the Fishnets she Got from Her Partner Renee for her Birthday she also carries around her Favorite Book 'Last desserts' a best selling Horror Book She was Bought By Rachael for Christmas, She's pansexual, She's in a relationship with Renee Sanders
Diana Sanders
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This is Diana also Know as The over grown lizard, she's Deceit's Daughter, her Emblem is A 2 Head snake Surrounded by Flames, she Is The Most Calm in the Group, she Is seen In one of 2 Outfits (maybe more), she was Born with dark purple Scales and Dragon Like Appearance, Everyone was Scared of her Except for all the rest if the Group, She's Biromantic and Asexual, She's In a Relationship with Rachael Sanders
Olive Sanders
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this is Olive or Olive juice, She Is Thomas' daughter that he Adopted at a Young age she Surprisingly a Lot like Thomas and looks a lot like him also, if Hosts had an Emblem Her's would Be a chocolate chip star cookie, She's Younger then her sides for some reason but no one questions it, She's Too young to know what she is yet, She's a Child so she's single.
want to ask them? Go here: @the-next-gen-sanders-sides-au
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mxliv-oftheendless · 5 years
The Bridge of the Demonic Goatman (Part 2)
Because this story is way too long to post all in one place, I’ve been forced to post it in parts. Part 1 has already been posted. Here is Part 2, where Gene, Vinnie, and Paul, go into the woods. 
Also, I realize how shitty the editing here is. Because Tumblr is being a fucking bitch (so y’know, the usual for Tumblr), this is how it’s gonna have to be. You should be able to figure out who’s speaking, though. Enjoy!
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GENE [voiceover]: Perhaps more foreboding than the bridge is the woods that lies beyond it. It is rumored that for nearly a hundred years, people have disappeared near the bridge or in the surrounding woods. Along with the Goatman, people have reported seeing the ghostly figure of a woman and hearing the sounds of a woman’s voice or laughter. There have also been sightings of flashing lights.
[Paul, Gene, and Vinnie are now walking through the woods. Like on the bridge, the only parts of the forest we see are the parts lit up by their camera flashlights. Everything else is pitch-black]
PAUL: Okay, I will admit… this is pretty creepy.
GENE: I feel like I’m in every damn horror movie I’ve ever seen, and I hate it.
VINNIE: This reminds me of the time I went camping with my Boy Scout troupe.
PAUL: You don’t seem the type to have been in a Boy Scout troupe.
VINNIE: I wasn’t. My dad made me sign up. He let me quit after fifth grade, though.
PAUL: Oh, okay.
GENE: Guys, seriously… I’m gettin’ pretty nervous now. [shouts into the woods] Is there anyone out there?
PAUL: [shouts] Hello!
[there is no response apart from crickets. They continue walking]
GENE: People usually report being overcome with emotion in here.
GENE: Like, a violent emotion.
PAUL: Do you feel that way?
GENE: Uh, no. I don’t.
PAUL: Okay, good.
GENE: Not yet, at least.
PAUL: Just give me and Vinnie a heads-up when you start to feel… murder-y.
GENE: Yeah, I’ll do that.
PAUL: Great.
VINNIE: Thanks, Gene. 
GENE [voiceover]: These woods are rumored to be the sight of Satanic rituals, attempting to conjure demonic entities. One paranormal investigator claimed to have found animal remains, suggesting evidence of sacrificial rituals. In fact, one local police officer told us that local pet stores stopped selling cats due to the amount of sacrificed cats being found in these woods.
Oh my God, they killed the cats? Did any survive?
Uh, no, not that I know of.
Those poor cats…
By the way, I forgot to mention, these woods are also dangerous because of the people that may be in there.
I mean, people can be greater threats than demons or ghouls, so… that’s fair.
I just realized we don’t have a way to defend ourselves if we get attacked by a person.
We probably won’t get attacked, Gene.
I have a keychain knife if that happens.
Oh, well good. If we get attacked, we’ll just let Vinnie save us.
I don’t think a keychain knife will—
The nutcases that live in the woods will cower in fear before Vinnie Vincent and his mighty keychain knife.
*wheeze* Ha ha…
*sigh* Never mind.
You’re my hero, Vinnie.
Thank you.
[cut back to Gene, Paul, and Vinnie walking through the forest]
GENE: Is there anybody out here?
PAUL: Any… Any cultists? Any Satanists? Anyone up to some crazy cult stuff out here?
VINNIE: Anyone cutting off the head of a defenseless, innocent cat?
PAUL: Still mad about that, huh?
[they continue walking, swinging their flashlights around]
GENE: Y’know, guys, I feel like we might genuinely come to close to dying some episode.
PAUL: You think so?
GENE: Yeah… Who in their right mind would go actively searching for ghosts and demons, and make more than one attempt to contact them?
VINNIE: Ah, but remember, Genie: if we’re doing that, then clearly we’re not in our right mind.
GENE: … I guess that’s fair. [he stops and points his flashlight off to the side of the path]
PAUL: You hear something?
GENE: Yeah, I thought I—oh fuck! [camera cuts to looking into the bushes, lit up by Gene’s flashlight] I saw something move. I don’t what’s over there, but I saw the bushes move.
[they move closer to the bushes]
PAUL: [shouts] Hello?
VINNIE: Anybody there?
GENE: Hello? [pause in which nothing happens] Christ…
PAUL: I did see the bush move…
GENE: [swings his flashlight as he looks around] Did you hear that?
VINNIE: Hear what?
GENE: I heard a scream.
PAUL: You sure?
GENE: I’m serious, I heard a scream.
FOOTAGE REPLAY: when Gene, Paul, and Vinnie are looking into the bushes.
PAUL: I did see the bush move…
[in the background, amongst the sounds of crickets, there is the sound of a female scream]
[the footage replays over again and the scream is heard again]
GENE: Hello?
PAUL: Anyone out there?
PAUL: What if we pretend we’re in on it?
VINNIE: Like we’re cultists as well?
PAUL: Yeah.
GENE: I want to tell you to not do that… but I also know you’re gonna do it anyway.
PAUL: Yep. [shouts aloud] We’re here for the cult stuff!
VINNIE: We saw the ad on Craigslist!
GENE: Do you seriously think a cult would advertise itself on Craigslist?
VINNIE: It’s Craigslist, Gene. It’s the only place that would let a cult advertise itself.
[there is still silence]
PAUL: Oh well.
GENE: Let’s keep walking. I don’t want to stay in the same place for too long.
[they continue walking. Along the way they pass a sign with unreadable graffiti letters spray-painted on it]
PAUL: You nervous, Gene?
GENE: Very nervous.
PAUL: Don’t worry. Remember, Vinnie’s got his keychain knife. He’s ready to stab a bitch.
VINNIE: [nods] Yep.
FOOTAGE REPLAY: as Gene, Vinnie, and Paul walk past the sign.
Paul: He’s ready to stab a bitch.
[in the background, there is another distant scream, this time sounding male]
[the footage replays again and the scream is heard again]
[Gene, Paul, and Vinnie come to a spot where branches stick out, forming something that looks a little like a structure]
PAUL: Hey, check this out. Looks kind of like a house… Perhaps a house where witches gathered? To make spells and curses? To summon dark spirits?
GENE: [hisses] Shut up, Paul.
[they move to stand in the middle of the structure and look around]
VINNIE: This doesn’t look like a human-made house.
PAUL: Who knows, Vinnie, maybe it wasn’t made by a human at all…
GENE: I’m gonna kill you, Paul. [suddenly turns and points his flashlight into the woods] Did you hear that?
FOOTAGE REPLAY: Paul, Gene, and Vinnie standing in the middle of the structure.
GENE: I’m gonna kill you, Paul.
[a quiet voice is heard, a male voice yelling “Fuck!”]
GENE: Did you hear that?
[footage replays over again]
VINNIE: Hear what?
GENE: A voice, I thought I heard a voice.
PAUL: Who’s out there? Are you a cult member? [Paul moves out of the structure further into the trees. Vinnie follows with Gene behind Vinnie]
PAUL: C’mon out!  
GENE: Paul—
PAUL: Take off your cloak!
VINNIE: Release the cat you’re about to murder.
[they move closer together as they walk. There is complete silence. Gene suddenly stops and startles]
[Paul and Vinnie look. It’s a bush]
VINNIE: [smiling slightly] Just a plant, Gene.
PAUL: [definitely smiling wider than Vinnie] You got scared by a plant?
GENE: Shut up, this forest is messing with my head.
[all three of them suddenly turn around]
FOOTAGE REPLAY: right before they turn around.
GENE: Shut up, this forest is messing with my head.
[there is a barely audible sound of a snapping branch. They all turn around]
[footage replays over again]
GENE: Did you hear that?
VINNIE: I definitely heard that.
PAUL: Yep, me too.
[they move over to where they heard the sound]
GENE: Oh God…
PAUL: Who’s out there?
VINNIE: I’ve got a knife!
PAUL: If there are any cultists out here, I must warn you, we have protection.
GENE: Goddammit, Paul, shut up!
PAUL: [ignoring him] We’ve got a keychain knife, and a water gun!
VINNIE: It’s holy water!
PAUL: Well, I was right. There’s no one out here. Though that branch snapping was suggestive.
GENE: Yeah. Let’s leave.
GENE [voiceover]: Multiple investigators have picked up on the name “Steve” through EVP and spirit box sessions, perhaps the name that the Goatman or another entity is going by.
I’m sorry… Steve?
Yep. Steve.
… So you’re saying that if the Goatman truly exists, and it’s really the Goatman’s voice investigators pick up… he’s using the name Steve?
That’s pretty much it, yeah.
*snickering* That’s so fucking stupid…
What fucking demon wakes up in the morning and thinks, “You know what would be a really frightening name? Steve!” Are you making this up?
I am not making this up.
God, what a fucking copout…
GENE [voiceover]: Overall, this Goatman entity and/or the other possible entities that haunt the bridge and these woods are said to be extremely dangerous and physical with those who encounter them. People have reported being thrown, dragged, and struck, and multiple people have claimed to be scratched three times, a reportedly common occurrence in demonic attacks that is a symbolic mocking of the Holy Trinity. People have also claimed to be overcome with feelings of aggression and violence. In one instance, an investigator had envisioned murdering her entire team of investigators.
[back to the woods with Gene, Paul, and Vinnie. Gene has the spirit box in his hands]
PAUL: And we’re breaking out the spirit box again, huh?
VINNIE: This’ll be interesting, we’ve never used it to talk to a demon before.
GENE: Yeah, so… we’ll see how this goes. Okay, I’m turning it on. It’s gonna be loud.
[Gene turns on the spirit box. Immediately there is loud white noise]
GENE: So just as a reminder, this spirit box is flipping through radio stations at an incredibly fast rate. Every two-tenths of a second, it switches to a different channel, and it produces white noise. And conceivably, spirits could use this to communicate with us.
PAUL: Or a demon in this case.
GENE: Or a demon, thank you, Paul. If we hear a voice saying more than one word, then the chances are very good that it’s a spirit, or a demon, talking to us.
VINNIE: Can I ask first?
GENE: Sure.
VINNIE: Okay. [raises his voice] Is there anyone here with us?
[white noise is the only response]
PAUL: Let me try. [raises voice] Is there a Goatman here with us?
[more white noise. Then there is a sudden, very noticeable noise from the spirit box]
GENE: What the fuck was that?
VINNIE: Ask again!
PAUL: Is there a demon here with us?
[from the spirit box, we hear a voice saying “Stop”]
PAUL: Is there a Goatman here? We kicked you off your bridge, Goatman; got anything to say about that?
[white noise. Then a voice says what sounds like “Goatman”]
GENE: That sounded like “Goatman.”
PAUL: Say your name.
FOOTAGE REPLAY: Gene is holding the spirit box. We see Vinnie listening over his shoulder.
[white noise, then the voice saying “Goatman”]
[the footage, and the voice, play over again: “Goatman”]
GENE: Is Steve here?
VINNIE: How did you come up with the name “Steve”? You didn’t think any other name was better than that?
[more white noise. Then a voice: “Bridge”]
GENE: I heard “bridge.”
[more white noise. Then another voice, that sounds like the same voice as before: “Steve”]
VINNIE: I heard “Steve.”
[white noise]
[white noise]
GENE [voiceover]: Based on the response from the spirit box, we’ll be ending our investigation by returning to the apparent epicenter of activity: Old Alton Bridge. Once there, we will perform a ritual that we have never performed before on this show, and that I have never done before in my life.
Wait, you’ve never used a Ouija board before?
Yeah, seriously. I don’t screw with that stuff, man.
Gene, you’re willing to use a spirit box but not a Ouija board? C’mon…
Even I’VE used a Ouija board before.
Okay, listen, spirit boxes are different from Ouija boards. Ouija boards… they have the potential to unleash an angry spirit.
C’mon, Gene, people use Ouija boards at parties. They used to sell them at Toys ‘R Us. They’re not that scary.
You would say that… Can we just get this over with?
[Gene, Paul, and Vinnie are sitting in the middle of the bridge around the Ouija board. Candles are lit around them. Gene is standing, holding a large box of salt, while Paul and Vinnie are sitting on the bridge]
GENE: I just want to say for the record that this still seems incredibly stupid. We’re opening a doorway, and calling a goddamn demon to talk with us. But, luckily, I have protection. [Vinnie snorts] Shut up, Vinnie. For protection, I’m going to do this.
[Gene walks in a circle around the candles, pouring out the salt]
PAUL: A salt circle. Good idea, Gene.
[Gene finishes pouring out the salt and sets the box aside. He steps into the circle and sits down, and all three place their hands on the planchette]
GENE: So we just place our hands on the planchette and relax them. If there are spirits, then the planchette will move, because they’re moving it. Not because one of us is moving it. Got that, Paul?
PAUL: I wasn’t gonna move it! I wasn’t even thinking of moving it!
GENE: You say, unconvincingly.
PAUL: Whatever, Gene.
VINNIE: I will say, every time I’ve seen a video of someone using a Ouija board, they’re always going, “Whoa!” very dramatically. Like, you can clearly tell they’re playing it up for views.
PAUL: Are they very clearly moving it themselves?
VINNIE: Most of the time, yes. But none of us are going to move it, so… we’ll see what happens.
PAUL: So how do we start?
GENE: I guess by saying our names.
PAUL: Okay, you go first.
GENE: Fine. [out loud] This is Gene.
[they move the planchette across the board to spell out Gene’s name]
PAUL: I’m Paul. [they spell out Paul’s name]
GENE: [muttering] Still can’t believe we’re doing this…
VINNIE: And I’m Vinnie. [they spell out Vinnie’s name]
PAUL, GENE, and VINNIE: V, I, N, N, I, E.
GENE: Is there anyone out here, who would like to speak with us?
[silence. They all wait, looking down at the board. The planchette does not move]
PAUL: I just thought of something. If you put salt around us, doesn’t that mean Goatman can’t get to the Ouija board?
VINNIE: … Oh, God, you’re right. Gene—
GENE: But the salt would trap him in here with us. That’s what we want.
PAUL: Well yeah, but what if he was outside the circle when you did it?
GENE: … Well, what do you want me to do about it?
PAUL: Give him an entrance.
GENE: [pauses, then sighs heavily] Fine. [he turns his body around, without taking his hands off the planchette, and blows at the salt] Vinnie, you blow by you.
[Vinnie turns and blows at the salt. Paul does the same, and takes one hand off the planchette and brushes some of the salt away]
PAUL: There. There’s your opening, Steve.
[Vinnie laughs]
[they all turn back around to the Ouija board, and Paul puts his hand back on the planchette]
GENE: If there’s anyone out there that wants to speak with us, now’s the time. What’s your name?
[for a couple beats of silence, there is nothing. Then…]
VINNIE: Oh my God.
PAUL: Oh shit.
GENE: Oh, fuck…
[the planchette is moving, very, very slowly, across the board]
GENE: Fucking—Paul, are you moving it?
PAUL: I swear to God, I’m not moving it. Are you?
GENE: No, I’m not moving it! Vinnie?
VINNIE: I am not moving it.
[they watch the planchette move]
PAUL: It’s going pretty slow.
GENE: If it spells out “Steve”…
VINNIE: If it spells out “Steve” I might start going back to church.
[the planchette moves over the letter “S”]
PAUL: Go faster, you demon fuck!
[Gene and Vinnie jump. Then they start to laugh, Vinnie harder than Gene]
VINNIE: Jesus Christ, Paul…
GENE: Just dropped all decorum, huh?
PAUL: [laughing] I wanted to see if I could catch it off-guard.
GENE: Okay… Well, we have an “S.”
PAUL: How about this? If you can’t spell out your name, then this bridge is officially mine!
GENE: Dammit, Paul…
VINNIE: Seems fair to me.
PAUL: Yeah, it’s perfectly fair.
[the planchette has slowly moved up to the letter “G”]
GENE: I thought it was going for the “E,” but no, that’s “G”.
VINNIE: “G” for Gene?
PAUL: He does know your name. Maybe it’s you he wants, Gene.
GENE: I’m ignoring you two.
[camera circles around Gene, Paul, and Vinnie, looking down at the Ouija board as intense music plays]
GENE: All right, demon, this is your last chance. Tell us your name.
PAUL: Remember the deal.
GENE: [sighs] Okay, yeah, fine. If you can’t spell out your name, it’s Paul’s bridge.
[silence. They wait. Nothing happens]
VINNIE: Well, I guess that settles it.
PAUL: [loudly] This bridge is mine now!
[they take their hands off the planchette]
GENE: Guess that’s it.
PAUL: Ouija boards are crap.
VINNIE: Guys, we still have to close it.
GENE: Oh right.
PAUL, GENE and VINNIE: [move the planchette across “GOODBYE”] G, O, O, D, B, Y, E. [they take their hands off the planchette]
PAUL: Goodbye!
VINNIE: Goodbye, Goatman!
GENE: All right, let’s clean up and get the hell out of here.
[they move to clear away the salt and blow out the candles]
PAUL: Got anything you wanna say, Gene? You were pretty anxious about this all night.
GENE: I mean, I would say I’m feelin’ pretty good right now. I conquered it.
VINNIE: Yeah, you did. We’re proud of you, Genie.
GENE: I’ll just say goodbye, how about that?
PAUL: Yeah, gloat a bit, Gene. This is a win for you.
GENE: [raises his voice] Well, demons… this has been fun. It’s been real… real weird, but hey. So… goodbye. See ya.
PAUL: [picks up a candle and holds it up] As we snuff these candles, so too do we snuff you from this mortal world. [blows out the candle] You fucking cowards.
[Vinnie laughs]
GENE: Paul, if you get dragged off this bridge and thrown into the river, I won’t come and rescue you.
PAUL: He says unconvincingly.
[as Gene’s voice narrates, we see a montage of footage from the entire night]
GENE [voiceover]: Nobody knows why the Goatman and surrounding entities haunt this area, and even though we never encountered anything, I personally don’t doubt its existence. Either way, we have once again opened the door for a dark entity to enter our lives. There is a small part of my mind that is disappointed we never saw him, but I would be lying if I said I also wasn’t a little relieved. Regardless, whether or not the Goatman’s Bridge is truly infested will remain… UNSOLVED.
[as the credits roll, we cut back to the car. Gene is driving, Vinnie is in the passenger seat, and Paul is in the backseat. Through the windshield, we can see dawn slowly breaking]
VINNIE: I’m sorry, I still can’t get over the fact that the Goatman supposedly goes by the name Steve. [Paul laughs] That’s so fucking lame.
GENE: This experience has taught me nothing, except that you two are fucking weirdos. You know that, right?
PAUL: Ah, you love us.
GENE: I wouldn’t call it “love.”
VINNIE: He says unconvincingly. 
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