#keith the nightmare man
shnowbilicat · 7 months
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Hush ...
... go to sleep ...
... it's alright ... it won't hurt a bit ...
Remember when Keith was designed to be the next big bad after FNAF 3 happened? Yeah, I do ... and tbh I love my boiz being evil af ewe
Tbh I kinda missed making Keith into a bad guy, cuz he just screams it snrrk
And I also missed playing around with my characters. It feels like I've been stagnant with the for far too long and now I'm really excited to draw and write my characters more.
I want them to do things I previously dismissed for some odd reason. I want to make them silly, be dorks, be the bad guys, or have tea parties!
... getting back into my characters makes me feel so free and so comfortable after such a long time ... I really enjoy this a lot <3
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Our fav squad has seen it all~
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chrisgeneering624 · 2 years
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1 like = 1 prayer
Edit: holy crap guyzzz this post is popping off, thanks so much I haven’t got anything to advertise to Stan Bob the builder guyzz hes literally bae🥵🥵
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artiststarme · 1 month
Steve couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten a proper night’s rest. It had to have been before Vecna started haunting people’s dreams that made the entire Party afraid to close their eyes. Before Max fell into a painful coma and Eddie succumbed to bat bites in the Upside Down. Maybe prior to Spring Break completely, before the Russians under Starcourt and the demodogs and demogorgons. Maybe before his parents became too disappointed in him, before they started punctuating their disgust in him with well-aimed fists. Perhaps he’d never had a restful sleep at all, he couldn’t remember anymore.
But ever since his eyes had landed on the bloody form of his new friend surrounded by carcasses in the desolate trailer park, he couldn’t sleep a wink. Whenever he tried to rest, he imagined the pain Eddie must have gone through (he knew how those teeth felt as they gnawed through thick layers of flesh). He thought of how they had been forced to leave his body down there to rot, how alone Eddie must have been in his final moments. He could vividly picture Eddie’s last breath and gurgling pain every night in his nightmares. Steve would snap awake every night, gasping for air and jumping at shadows.
For weeks, he isolated himself. He only went to work and back and even that was taken away from him once he dozed off at the counter on one of his shifts with Keith. Without Robin there to gently wake him up and cover for him, he lost his job then and there. Without anything to drag him out of the house, he began spending every minute cowering from his own thoughts. He couldn’t sleep at night and he would hallucinate during the day. He’d see shadow figures in the corner of his eye, hear distorted screeches and screams of pain. On the bad days, he’d even hear Eddie’s voice amidst the chaos.
Steve thought he’d lost his mind.
After so many years of dealing with the impossible, the craziness had caught up with him and poisoned his mind. Or maybe Vecna had finally caught by up to him. Had he finally decided to stop targeting teens in high school to move onto more traumatized targets (i.e., Steve)? Unfortunately, he couldn’t find it in himself to care either way.
He never expected his new turned dead friend to shake his shoulder gently to wake him up from a nightmare. Steve jerked awake to find soft brown eyes staring at him in concern.
His reaction was completely valid. He screamed his head off.
Steve screamed and cried as the Hallucination Eddie’s eyes widened in fear before frantic shushing and spastic hand waving began.
“Shh! Harrington, Jesus H. Christ, calm down. Holy shit, I thought you’d be the calm one. Calm down, please god.”
When his throat finally lost its ability to scream, he took a good look at Eddie. His eyes were dull, shadows bruised his face, and his skin was far paler than Steve had ever seen. New scars marred his cheek and lower jaw right where the bats had gnawed.
Was… was he really here?
The man in question beamed in response, “I see we’re on a first name basis now, Stevie. If I knew this was all I had to do, I would’ve almost died a long time ago!”
Steve threw himself forward into Eddie’s arms and ignored both his own aches and pains and Eddie’s oomph of surprise.
“You’re not going to be here in the morning, are you?” Steve whispered into the crook of his neck.
Eddie’s shaky hand latched onto Steve’s shoulder to deepen the hug. “Hell Steve, I’ll never leave you again if you’ll have me.”
Steve fell asleep in Eddie’s arms and when he woke up, he was curled against the warmth of his chest with a cold towel on his forehead. It hadn’t been a dream after all. Eddie had saved himself and had come to Steve’s. From that day forward, Steve had Eddie. He made the days meaningful and the nights restful, just as they always should have been.
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frostyblustar · 3 days
Self-Indulgent Klance Fluff I wrote on a whim:
Keith had never really understood what was going on in his own head. People would ask him how he was feeling, and he never knew how to respond. Most of the time a ‘I don’t know’ would pass from his lips and that would be the end of it.
One of the worst unidentifiable emotions was around Lance. The man never failed to make Keith feel confused, and he didn’t even know why.
The castle ship was cold, and so was Keith. Despite his temper, which he was well aware of, he usually felt colder than most. During the night, the blankets he had didn’t actually do much to stave off the temperatures, and his own body heat didn’t do much.
When he did fall asleep, he would be greeted with nightmares. Fire, Galra, the amazing time that was his childhood. It pissed him off. Why couldn’t he just sleep like the others? Lance, for example, slept like a rock all the time!
He needed to redirect his anger, so to the training deck he went. It was sleeping time in the castle, but not for him or the machines that operated training. He gutted training bots and sparred like he was meant for it. Maybe he was, he had found out he was galra recently, after all.
Keith was just about to slice through another bot when Lance came into the deck, dressed in a plain white t-shirt and blue shorts. Lance seemed surprised, “I heard banging but I assumed it was Pidge working on something late again. Why are you training this early??”
Panting a little, Keith swapped his sword to his other hand. “End training sequence!” The bot powered down just as it was about to take a swing at Keith. “Just uh- Couldn’t sleep.” He wanted to be honest. Lance and him were part of a team, being on the same page was important. If Lance asked, Keith would likely tell him anything. With some reluctance of course, and maybe lacking in details.
“Uh huh… Okay so you’re going back to bed.” Lance said simply as he yawned and took Keith’s wrist. Shock caused him to drop his sword, which turned into a bayard as it fell from his grip.
Keith wrinkled his nose, agitation was likely evident on his face. He hoped it was. “You can’t tell me what to do, Lance.”
His protests went unheard it seems, because Lance just proceeded to start dragging him out of the training deck. Excuse him for this, but Keith did not expect Lance to be as strong as he was. He had to gather up a lot of strength just to wretch away, and even then Lance caught onto his shirt and pulled him forwards again.
Maybe it was from lack of sleep that Lance was able to pull him into the hallway, but Keith kept protesting. “Dude! If we’re going to defeat Zarkon I need to train!”
“You can do that in the morning with us. You need sleep Keith, I notice how tired you can be in the mornings. I never knew you did-“ Lance gestured over at the training deck’s doors. “-This.”
Keith rolled his eyes, “I don’t control my sleep. It’s too difficult and this palace is so fucking cold.” He attempted to cross his arms but his fellow paladin had a firm grip on one.
Lance went quiet for a moment, “Wait, what blankets are you using?” He looked puzzled, which just confused Keith too.
His gaze went to the floor. Lance was wearing Sonic slippers, classic. “Uhh, the ones I was given? What else?”
“Holy crow- Did you not ask for more?? Keith- Just c’mon, you’re about to see what a dumbass you are.”
He was guided down the hallway, towards their rooms. Keith expected them to stop at his door, but they kept going. “Wait- Where are we going??”
“Patience, Keith.” They stopped in front of Lance’s room, and Lance unlocked it silently. Inside was a room very similar to his, but a few key differences were there. There was a gaming system in the corner, and multiple pillows on the bed. Alongside the pillows was a thick blue blanket.
“You didn’t even ask, man! I asked after like, two nights! They got me one of these!” Lance dramatically thumped a hand on the blanket like a car salesman. “I would tell you to go ask, but everyone’s asleep. I could give you mine..?”
Keith shook his head no, though a warm pleasant feeling stirred inside of him. “No. It’s yours.” He had an eyebrow raised at him before his arm was grabbed again and he was tugged to the bed. His feet tripped and he landed face first on the bed with a small omph.
He picked up his face from the bed and glared up at Lance. “What the hell?”
Lance flung a pillow at Keith’s front, and Keith caught it. Damn instincts. The man smiled down at him, “You can sleep here.” Keith fake-gagged.
“I didn’t want to take your blanket, and I ain’t taking your bed.” He wasn’t fond of invading other people’s spaces like that, it was part of his moral code not to. That applied to beds, especially. Lance’s bed felt cursed to be on, it was giving him complex emotions he couldn’t comprehend.
The bed’s owner rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed, taking his Sonic slippers off. “You aren’t taking. If you’re so bothered by that, we could share.” Keith’s face flushed as Lance laughed, “C’mon man, you got socks on. It’s not that intimate to sleep on the same bed.”
“Lance. If I wasn’t so tired right now, I’d be beating you up.”
Lance picked up the blanket, pulling at it while Keith rolled off. He was about to express his annoyance when the blanket was thrown over him, and Lance slid in underneath it too. “Body heat probably helps too, right?”
Keith stayed quiet, trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. Keith had been dragged to this bed, no, Lance’s bed, and now they were laying next to each other. Lance seemed to be taking this very casually though, picking under his nails and then turning on his side to train his gaze on Keith.
“Hey, if you’re uncomfortable the blanket offer is still on the table. I just know for a fact you are struggling to sleep, and I need you ready for training tomorrow. We have a bet going on who will survive the longest during practice and I betted on you lasting the longest.”
Of course. This wasn’t an intimate thing, this was Lance worrying about Keith being tired during training! What else could he think? Keith felt so stupid. “Yeah. Okay.”
“Hey Keith?”
“Yeah, Lance? Did you bring me here to sleep or talk?”
He was starting to get annoyed, who gave Lance the right to toy with his feelings like this? There was already enough on his plate with the war without relationship drama coming in to stir things up. One-sided relationship drama, he believed.
“Sleep but… I need to tell you something.”
Keith didn’t know what to expect, and he was curious on what Lance could possibly tell him about. Maybe it was another bet or something. “Shoot.”
“I think you’re really amazing.” If THAT was a bet, he would kill whoever set it up. He pulled the thick blue blanket that was over them up to his face, covering half of it.
“..What?” Lance hummed and then chuckled, bringing a hand up to touch Keith’s cheek. His blue eyes were sleepy, and his eyelids were fluttering a little.
Keith tried to find anything else to say, but his mind couldn’t work with Lance’s hand on his cheek like this. When the hand was lowered, he felt like he could finally speak. Then Lance opened his mouth again, and he shut his own mouth down.
“I said you’re amazing, that’s all. I’m so glad you’re with me in space..” Then he was asleep, like a rock. A very lovable, pretty rock.
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Steve is a complete nightmare when he is sick. Mainly because he insists that he isn't. At first, he can hide it. He'll keep driving everyone around despite the worsening headaches, he lies to Robin about how sick he is when he's at work and he tells Dustin to not let his mom make him extra food because he knows the kid tells her anything and everything. It’s all that toughen-up attitude instilled in him by his parents, who always sent him off to school sick in order to maintain perfect attendance (which always felt pointless considering he sucked at the actual academics part). That, combined with his stubborn need to show up for everyone, always.
After a couple of days, he is most definitely worse and everyone gets angry with him for hanging around them when he's grossly sick. They even go as far as to not ask for rides or favours of any kind where they would be anywhere in his general proximity. Robin even takes the bus to school, not wanting to catch what she calls 'Dingus-itus' (an offshoot of her typical diagnosis of ‘Lovesick Dingus’). She also takes it upon herself to dob him into Keith who calls and berates him not to come in spreading his "super-virus-contagion to all our hot chick customers".
A whole 24hrs go by after that and no one has seen or heard from Steve. No calls to say he's all better and can run carpool, no pop-ins to Family Video falsely announcing a miraculous recovery to get his lost shifts back.
"Steve? Where are you? Dustin thinks you're dead or something, man."
Eddie stops in his tracks at the sight of Steve laying in bed, blankets piled up, curtains drawn and surrounded by tissues. A trail of clothes litters the floor to the bed, including pyjamas, sweaters and Steve’s work clothes. An assortment of empty coffee cups and cold medicines crowd his nightstand.
"I'm fine," he mumbles, raising his head from a mountain of pillows, his hair greasy and flattened on one side.
"I... um, came to see how you were," Eddie lies, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking over the scene before him with a grimace.
Well, it was only half a lie. Dustin demanded he come over to check on him (he was always ready to send out a search party if he hadn’t heard from Steve in more than a day). And Eddie really wanted him better. One day of driving everyone around was enough. He didn't possess Steve's organisational skills - expertly knowing who needed to be where and when and how logically work it so he wasn't zing-zagging all over Hawkins. Eddie also needed Steve's signature Mom Authority to actually tell the kids 'no' from time to time (which is how Eddie ended up out of pocket after a single day of gremlin wrangling).
"Alright, man. Up."
"Look, I know I'm going to sound like a total Nurse Ratched, but I'm getting you up. I'm going to make you some food and park you in front of the TV while I clean up in here."
Steve whines but sits up anyway.
"You're going to get sick," he says as Eddie helps him change into fresh clothes.
"Ha! So you admit it!" he grins, failing to resist the urge to tickle him as Steve pulls a new sweater down over his torso.
Steve only makes a face as he gathers up his pillow to take downstairs.
Eddie shuffles him down to the living room and turns the TV onto a rerun of The Brady Bunch and notices Steve smile despite his glazed half-concentrating expression when he realises it's an episode about Greg's lame guitar playing. He decides he's content enough to leave and go into the kitchen to make a sandwich. The kitchen is a mess, suggesting Steve has been sicker for longer than the gang's initial diagnosis. There are dishes stacked up on the sink and Eddie assumes what's left on the kitchen island (tea, bread, half-eaten leftovers from Dustin’s mom) are some basics Steve has been surviving on for a few days. It's far from the regular tidy order he keeps the kitchen in.
He finds a half-crumpled note in Mrs Harrington's handwriting saying Steve's parents were away for a fortnight and Eddie starts making a mental note of things to pack to come and stay over, pushing away his annoyance at two people he still hasn't met.
"Eat this, Stevie," he says, trying not to sound too commanding as he holds the plate in front of him.
Steve hums as Eddie runs his fingers through his hair while he eats. He devours the sandwich, breathing through his mouth between ravenous chewing. He should find it disgusting, but Eddie thinks this might be the closest Steve's ever come to being an actual puppy dog.
"Eds..." Steve begins as he is maneuvered to lie down on the couch. But Eddie cuts him off, shushing him and kissing his warm forehead.
"I'll just clean up your room a little."
Steve hums in reply and gathers the crochet blanket from the couch up to his neck with a shiver.
"Alrighty Patient Harrington, my cure is a steady course of kisses and cuddles at least four times a day until otherwise prescribed,” Eddie says as he leads Steve back up to his newly cleaned room with fresh non-checked pattern sheets on the bed.
"You're such a dork," Steve says somewhere in between a laughing cough.
Two days later, Eddie is sick. Unlike Steve toughing it out, Eddie is an absolute baby. He milks every crumb of attention he can get and calls out to Steve (in a whining “Steeeeeve”) any time he leaves him alone, even if it's just for a moment. 
"But I'm sick," he complains when Steve says he doesn't want to watch the terrible black and white midday horror movie Eddie finds on TV. And he most definitely continues to say he's still sick so that he can get an extra day or two with Steve to himself at his house with no one else coming around for fear of catching the dreaded Dingus-itus. It really only ends when Steve starts to worry he'll totally get fired if he doesn't start showing up to work again.
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Ikeprinces Ranked By How Normal They Are About Buying Period Products For You
LEON . So charming in a retail setting that people buy whatever his line-of-sight happens to pass over. Even if they’re there to buy something completely different!
CHEVALIER . Chillingly normal. He might look a bit intimidating and out-of-place in the aisles, but he doesn’t feel out-of-place. He goes in-person just so he can stop by the florist on his way back.
JIN . He’s been asked on dates on the spot because of how sexy and reliable he looks shopping for period products for his SO.
NOKTO . Seems to have a personal stock built-up already, and has no problem going out or ordering to replenish dwindling supplies.
RIO . You wake up on the day of your period every month with a cloche at your bedside containing your favorite period snacks, your preferred products, and a box of tampons with a cute beagle pattern on the wrapping.
KEITH . Homebrews all remedies. He loves how excited you get to hear him explain what each part of the compound does, so he prefers to keep it in-house where he can. He’s not averse to purchasing or ordering things, though, it’s just that he tends to get held up at physical stores while helping strangers…
SARIEL . There’s something hypnotic about watching this man shop for tampons with his dark elegance and poise. But he’s also known to sometimes test products he’s unsure of on “rats”…
LUKE . Lazily lumbers down the aisle, reading all the packages, opening a few of them up before carefully picking out a selection of two or three that you can choose from.
CLAVIS . Homebrews all remedies and injects them into his fun disaster cuisine so he can surprise you with peace of mind. If he sources products from elsewhere, he vets them extensively.
YVES . Has a stockpile in case of emergencies, but he’s always switching out one brand for another because he’s not entirely confident in his choice. CCTV footage shows him making four, five, six visits to physical stores over the course of one day.
LICHT . Confusion in the aisles. Lots of pacing. He comes home an hour late because of how hard he thought about what to buy you. Still picks the product you need the most.
GILBERT . Homebrews all remedies. Homebrewed it from literal scraps that one time you two were travelling when your monthly nightmare hit. No one else gets to be your retailer or pharmacist or nightmare. It’s a perfect brew each time. Tampons in a black wrapper, black applicator.
SILVIO . Buys the entire store to distract himself from the dreaded realization that he has perverted tampon-insertion fantasies.
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From the goddamn moment he was born, Lance did not know peace.
Okay, yes, he’s being a little dramatic. But in his defense, he really hasn’t ever known peace — you try living with nine older sisters on a farm. That shit is hard. Lance didn’t experience silence until he was four years old, only a delicate child, and at the time it frightened him. He’s been surrounded by noise and chaos (and more noise, somehow) since his inception, basically.
So you can understand why the castle is kind of a nightmare for him.
Growing up, whenever he was annoyed by his family (which was frequently), he would stomp off the the barn and yell about how when he was grown, he was going to move out to a private beach house and never hear another soul again. He’d bitch and moan to the cattle about how he couldn’t wait to grow up and finally sleep in a room all his own, with no annoying sisters or nosy roommates or anything, really. He’d mutter about it every time Hunk read his journal, fume about it every time his sisters banged on the bathroom door and yelled at him to hurry up. He swore up and down to everyone that would listen that when he finally found peace there would not be a goddamn thing in the world and beyond that would stop him from protecting it.
Well, then he got his peace, in the form of a castle that doubled as a graveyard. His own room, for once in his life, and not a single person to bother him unless it was life threatening, basically.
And oh, how Lance hated it.
He tossed and turned like no one’s business on the first days, but brushed it off as getting used to a new space. And as he kept tossing and turning, night after night, getting maybe three hours of scattered sleep of he was lucky, he continued to blame it on a myriad of things: fear of a freaky haunted castle, weirdly stiff Altean beds, freezing cold castle temperatures, nightmares. All true things, of course, but eventually Lance had to concede — the castle was too goddamn quiet.
Tough pill to swallow, that one.
He’d tried to handle it himself. Stole Pidge’s headphones, hummed out loud to himself; hell, he even left the bathroom sink running for some white noise. None of it worked. None of it was the same as the constant sound of someone breathing right next to you, the grumbles of their snores and strange mutterings of their sleep-talk. The very thing Lance hated with a passion turned out to be the one thing that actually helped his insomniac ass actually sleep. Mother nature, you trick-ass bitch. You have a personal problem.
Now, of course there was an easy solution to this. He shared the castle with six other people — one of them his Garrison roommate! Surely, he could bunk with someone else.
But… no one else seemed to have trouble sleeping. At least, not for the same reason as Lance. And as much as Lance liked to play the obnoxious role, as much as nothing was funnier than pushing just the right buttons to make someone else explode… he couldn’t be that much of a nuisance. It was too much.
So Lance got real used to being sleep deprived.
Of course, he wasn’t stupid about it. He never went more than three days without sleep. On particularly rough nights, he’d crash Hunk or Pidge’s rooms raving about a sleepover, or convince the rest of the team that they should have a movie night, and then just happen to fall asleep right there on the couch. By circumstance, he and Shiro ended up helping each other out pretty often, too — the black paladin was kept up by nightmares about as often as Lance was by plain old insomnia. The man was usually too proud to accept Lance’s help, but every once in a while he allowed it, and they both slept soundly, for once.
Keith, though?
His help was a surprise.
Keith, as it turns out, has as much pent-up energy as the goddamn Energizer Bunny on steroids. On days they don’t have missions that will pump them full of so much adrenaline their hearts are at risk, he trains himself to exhaustion, else he’ll be up all night.
Training with him doesn’t do anything for Lance’s insomnia. It does, however, do wonders for their relationship.
Without Lance’s permission, angry, after-hour fights evolve into playfully competitive spars. Those spars evolve into genuine lessons, both of them teaching each other things neither ever considered learning before. (Turns out Lance’s flexibility comes in handy in swordfights, and Keith’s reflexes lead to excellent pistol work. Who knew?) And then, week by week, month by month, those late nights turn into a tension so thick that neither of them can bear it.
It may have been Keith to make the first move, but Lance thinks he deserves some credit. They wouldn’t be here without his complete inability to sleep like a normal person, after all.
The great thing about dating someone, though, is that eventually, bed-sharing comes into the mix. Eventually both parties start looking for excuses to stay in each other’s space just a little bit longer.
Lord above, is it ever a relief.
No longer does Lance need to desperately look for an excuse after seventy-two straight hours of prying his eyes open. Now he justs follows Keith to his room when the night cycle starts, wrapping around him like an octopus and stealing his warmth like a leech. Keith is the worst, most annoying sleeper in the world — he snores, he tosses and turns, and regularly talks and even yells in his sleep — and Lance fucking relishes it. It is a relief of biblical proportions to finally be able to have a good night’s rest, on a regular fucking basis.
It does, though, make nights when he has to sleep in his own room that much worse.
He doesn’t even have to, technically. Like, there’s no indication that Keith ever wants him to go back. In fact, the man always pouts when Lance stops at his own door, muttering petulantly to himself as he presses a kiss to Lance’s forehead and makes his way to his own room. Honestly, Keith would probably like it if Lance moved into his room, for good.
Lance bites his lip, considering.
Still. He doesn’t want to be annoying.
But there’s no way to know unless he goes for it, right?
“Hey, babe,” Lance tries, testing the waters. They’re both in the bathroom, getting ready for bed; Keith braiding his hair as Lance applies a myriad of skin products to his face. “Do you think you could make some room in your dresser for my socks? And, like, other clothes?”
Is it a coward’s way to voice what he’s really asking? Yeah. But Lance is nervous, okay? Cut him some slack. If this backfires then he’s back to sleeping twice a fuckin’ week.
Keith stills. He abandons his hair, turning slowly to face Lance. Lance looks away, fiddling with the hem of his pajama shirt.
“Lance,” Keith says, placing both hands on his shoulders. He’s quiet until Lance finally looks up at him.
Keith’s face is mission-level serious; eyebrows drawn together over dark indigo eyes, mouth set in a firm line.
“I would reach my hands into a live fire and swallow hot coals for you if you asked me to. Do you understand that?”
There’s a beat of silence. Keith’s expression remains unmoving, dead-serious, entirely unfazed by what he just said.
Lance bursts out laughing, shoulders shaking under Keith’s heavy hands, leaning forward to rest his forehead on Keith’s collarbones.
God. This is Keith. Why was he nervous, again?
“I just need a couple drawers, doofus. No need for theatrics.”
Keith presses a kiss to his hair. “Just want to make sure we’re on the same page. Yes, by the way. I cleared out half my shit weeks ago. I’ve been waiting for you to finally move all the way in.”
Lance smiles, hidden against Keith’s shirt.
He never has to worry about sleep again.
based off this video
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dualityvn · 6 months
Oh my god keith..xpuxydydodtdotztozo
WHY IS HE SO HOT i wanna bite him all over oml 😩 the see through crop top? The thigh highs?? the seductive eyes ??!!? IM GOING FERAL this man got me down bad istg he's gorgeous
Nightmare, your art is respectfully so delicious, thank you for creating keith ,ily ♡
"All for you, my love ~ Don't leave any spot unmarked." - Keith
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dragonhybrid456 · 5 months
I went with the dating headcannons, hope you like them :)
Warning!! I have not finished Voltron completely yet, but I do know bits and pieces so this might be a bit ooc
Voltron dating headcannons (GN reader)
* I like to think that his love language is acts of service
* He’s very new to the whole “dating” thing and isn’t really good with his words so he relies on doing things for you
* Need help training? He’s got you. Stressed out? He’s not the best at it, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try and help his lover
* I don’t see Keith as the type of guy to use a lot of pet names
* Like dont get me wrong, I love pet names, but I personally can’t see Keith using them
* As tough and mean he is to others, you see a softer side of him
* Not in a “he’s really a big baby on the inside” crap
* More of a “he feels more calm and relaxed around you”
* After a stressful mission, he will definitely enter your room without a word and just flop either next to you or on top of you
* No words would be expressed, all he needs is some quiet and you to decompress
* In no way would he EVER let you get hurt
* This man will protect you with his life
* He can’t stand the thought of losing you, it kills him just thinking about the “what if” situations
* Not a big social person, but if you are then I think he will at least tag along for the ride
* Keith definitely worries that he’s not the “best” or “ideal” boyfriend for you
* He’s part Galra, he’s mean, he’s abrasive, he’s stubborn, what could you possibly see in him?????
* He needs a reminder now and then that he’s enough for you and that you love him
* You’ll sometimes find him late at night in the training room if he’s had a tough day
* You’ll have to physically drag him into bed and hold him down for him to sleep
* Oh boy, he’s not called “lover boy” for no reason
* Absolutely loves to compliment you every single day
* Calls you stuff like, “mi amor” and “my girl/boy/partner”
* He likes to show you off and talks about you a lot
* Honestly the rest of the team is a little sick of it but they are also happy that he found someone like you
* Takes you on joy ride in his lion when he has some downtime
* He gets an earful from Allura
* His love language is definitely physical affection
* He loves holding your hands, your hugs, kissing you any chance he gets, and cuddling you
* Thinks he’s the big spoon but is really the little spoon most of the time
* When he gets homesick, he likes to be around you and talk to you to distract himself
* But some nights he’s crying in your arms, missing home, missing his family, and not knowing if or when he gets to see them again
* He likes to tell you stories from when he was little, what his family is like, and stories from his time at the garrison
* Will complain to you about how Keith annoyed him this time
* Overall, definitely a great lover
* Shiro is definitely more experienced with love than the other two
* He calls you stuff like “darling” “sweetheart” and other cute older pet names
* His love languages are quality time and acts of service
* I like to think that with all the excitement and craziness that comes with being apart of Voltron that he likes to just spend time with his lover and relax
* You two don’t even have to be doing something together
* He could be reading while your in the same room doing something completely different and he wouldn’t mind, just as long as he’s around you after such a stressful day
* Has severe PTSD and get nightmares almost every night
* He’s used to dealing with it alone but once you enter the picture he’s gonna have to get used to you waking up with him to comfort him
* Always tells you to go back to sleep and that “it’s nothing” but you know better than that
* He also has some self esteem issues about his metal arm, being disgusted by it some days and wanting nothing more than for it to disappear
* Please comfort him, space dad needs some love 🥺
* Likes to listen to you talk, your voice grounding him to reality and comforting him in times of need
* Like Keith, he is also protective of you
* After Adams death, he can’t help but have nightmares of you meeting the same fate
* Sometimes he becomes so paranoid about it that you have fights about missions you are sent on
* He knows you can take care of yourself, he trained you after all, but that won’t ease his nerves and memories about Adam
* He’s so sweet to you, you don’t understand!
* He likes to call you “baby” “baking partner” or just a shorten version of your name if you have one
* His love languages is definitely gift giving and physical affection
* He loves cooking and baking new recipes for you to try and give him feedback
* With physical affection, he’s gonna be a bit nervous in the beginning about it, having never been in a relationship before, but he slowly starts to get more into it
* Hand holding, cuddling, hugging, there all his favorite ways to say he loves you
* He definitely one of the more nervous one when it comes to you fighting along side Voltron
* Hunk himself is more of a pacifist and is therefore already a little uneasy about even HIMSELF fighting
* So for you, his lover, to be put in the front lines with them has him very uneasy and nervous
* He just loves you so much he would never forgive himself if something happened to you 🥺
* He is always there if you have something on your mind that’s bothering you
* Whether it’s something small or large, he will always listen to you
* And vice versa, if he has something on his mind, be there for him cause he sometimes feels like he’s not listened to by the others
* Definitely the least experienced out of the group (her and Keith are like neck and neck)
* I don’t see her using pet names, much like Keith
* Idk it just strikes me as odd for her to use pet names
* She definitely has stupid nicknames for you, but not stuff like baby or sweetheart
* If you don’t like that, sue me
* Her love language is definitely quality time
* She likes when you come around while she’s working on a new project so she can geek out about it
* You don’t even have to understand anything she says, she just likes when you’re around her when she’s working
* Also has you test some of the safer projects, she would never let you NEAR the more outrageous ones
* Unlike the others, she’s actually really open to you fighting along side her
* Don’t get me wrong, she would murder everyone if you got hurt, but she likes working with you and strategizing
* Will make you a weapon and enhanced suit if you asked
* Even if you don’t, she probably already has them in the works
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shnowbilicat · 6 months
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Bunny Boiz
I hope I can hear my fellow german followers yell out right now, cuz a certain rapping easter bunny has taken my heart again uwu
For those who don't know, a very amazing german youtuber, who is one of the classics in the early YT days, has a very amazing series that involves some magic beans, a lot of music and some very famous fairy tales. If ya know german, or just wanna watch some cool ass shit, here have the main video for the easter bunny.
I dunno why I suddnly found the inspiration to draw PG and Keith as bunnies inspired by a german youtuber, but I think it fits really well! PG being a rapping easter bunny and Keith his background dancer playboy bunny snrrk X'D
I really love seeing these two together. Guess I really should do something like this more, because look at me handsome boiz!!
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How to deal with your perverted boyfriend:
Also poor cable purple :'33
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anonymouszephyrus · 4 months
Voltron Characters Headcanons, go!
Finally, Part 3! Here's Shiro, Allura, and Coran! This is a little bit shorter, so sorry. Thank you for helping me with some of these @gilyoungroach & @hotdogcabbagesausage !
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- Pure Pansexual (Aliens don't have labels but she loves everyone so-) - Mostly She/Her Pronouns (Genderfluid) - Allura definitely had a rebellious teen era and it's why she doesn't like Keith because he reminds her of that era and she cringes every time she remembers it. - Allura collects shiny and sparkly rocks. This is canon but still. She has a very extensive rock collection spanning from "shiny but ordinary" to "so shiny" and even all the way to "super, extra sparkly" - I don't have much to say with her actually. Niko sums it up pretty fucking well: "allura goddess case closed" - @nikogane
CORAN (Aka. Single Pringle)
- Aliens = Pansexual. Duh. NJFKAFN (he's an adventurous fellow) - He/Him (Transgendered Coran!!) - #Alforan was one-sided. Yes. He loved Alfor with all his heart. Sadly, the feeling wasn't mutual, he never confessed but knew the truth deep down. Coran was content just being there beside Alfor as his advisor though it hurt him every time he saw his first and only love being sweet with Melenor. - Despite his jealousy, he never hated Melenor or Allura. He treats Melenor like a queen, obviously, but also like a sister. And of course, he loves Allura like his own daughter. - If he was an Earthling, he would've totally done drag. And he would've slayed. - He gives me so much... Lance but a different age, different upbringing sort of vibe. Those two definitely talk deep into the night about their issues and problems, Coran would've been Lance's version of Shiro.
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SHIRO (Aka. The gayest man that ever did gay.)
- Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby. - Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby.
PART: 1 & 2
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veganmikehanlon · 2 months
Realizations Are A Funny Thing: 4
CH 3
Robin calls into work which means it’s Steve and Keith in the store. Talk about a nightmare. They stick to opposite ends of the store and do their best not to interract with each other. It’s making for a long day. Steve is watching the clock so he doesn’t notice the customer standing in front of the desk until they softly clear their throat.
“Hi, how can I help you?” He says, slightly frantic, as he turns to them. His customer service smile morphs as he takes the girl in. She’s got long, wavy, brown hair with bangs, big brown eyes, and a crooked grin. Steve leans his elbow on the counter, bringing them closer together.
The girls eyebrows quirk up and her grin spreads. She leans her forearms against the counter bringing them even closer together. It’s a bold move and Steve is immediately intrigued.
“I was hoping you could help me find something,” She says, nodding her head in the direction of the stacks.
“Of course,” Steve answers, drawing back. He goes around the counter and guides the girl to the back corner of the store where there’s the most privacy. It’s all horror and thrillers back here. Perfect date movies.
He watches her peruse for a moment, taking in how good she looks in her dark jeans, before approaching her.
“Anything catch your eye?” He asks from her side. She looks up at him and man, he could get lost in her brown eyes.
“I’m not sure,” She bites her lip. “Any recommendations?” She asks. Steve gives her a charming smile.
“Sure,” He answers easily. They spend the next 30 minutes going over just about every movie in the aisle before Gwen checks her watch and says she has to go. She ends up with Demons 2 and Steve ends up with her number and an invite to watch it with her.
The promise of a date is the only thing that keeps Steve going the next day when Robin calls in, again. He’s been calling her but she never answers and Steve is starting to worry. He’s thought about calling Nancy to get the scoop but decided that would be rude to Robin to not let her explain what happened.
He’s got enough time to stop at Robin’s house after work and he drives straight there. Her mom answers the door and her relief is palpable.
“She’s in the basement,” Mrs. Buckley says, letting him in. He heads down and finds Robin laying on her side on the couch, her eyes staring blindly at the tv. She’s got Edwin, her stuffed sloth, glued to her chest.
“Hey Rob,” Steve announces himself softly.
Her eyes shift in his direction and as soon as they make eye contact her face is crinkling and tears slide down her cheeks. She buries her face into Edwin’s head. Steve makes his way over to her and sits cross legged on the floor by her head.
“Tell me what happened,” He encourages softly. Robin sniffs and turns her face just enough to talk.
“Me and Vickie kissed during a game of spin the bottle and I really thought it meant she liked me, Steve I—“ She chokes up and looks imploringly into Steve’s eyes. She closes her eyes and takes a shuddering breath. “She’s still with her boyfriend, I saw them kissing.”
Steve’s heart breaks for her. He smooths a strand of her hair and tweaks her nose.
“Sorry Robbie,” He says quietly and she sniffs.
“Nance was actually so cool about everything, and then—“ She buries her face into Edwin’s stuffed head and her shoulders shake with sobs. Steve sets a hand on one shaking shoulder.
“I fucked up!” Robin wails. “I fucked up so bad and now Nancy won’t talk to me,” She sobs.
“Aw, c’mon Robin, I’m sure you didn’t do anything that bad. Nancy will forgive you, I know it,” He reassures, rubbing her shoulder. She shakes her head.
“You don’t understand, I made her so mad, Steve,” She cries, her voice muffled. He shushes her and scratches a hand through her hair.
“Nance, she’s got a temper, but she will come back to you, I know she will. Have you tried calling her? Maybe you just need to talk it out.” Robin peaks her eyes out to give him a scathing look.
“Yes, Steve, I’ve tried calling. She won’t talk to me!” And then she’s back to crying and Steve feels at a loss. He was expecting her to be upset about Vickie in which case he had come up with a lot to say. This is something entirely different.
“Maybe you just need to give her some time. Let her stew and then she’ll get over it,” He suggests.
“But what if she doesn’t? What if she never forgives me?” She asks tearfully. Steve runs a hand through her hair.
“It’s Nancy, she’ll forgive you,” He says decisively.
He sits with Robin for as long as he can. She does finally stop crying, although he knows she’s still sad. He tells her about his date and she tries to be cheery about it which he appreciates, even though she misses the mark by a mile.
He leaves at the last possible moment, and only after she promises to stop calling off of work, he can’t stand another day with just Keith.
He rushes home to shower and change. He almost wishes he was going to Eddie’s when he pulls on his form fitting jeans, the denim stiff against his skin, wishing they were sweatpants instead. But he knows how to make a date successful, and showing up in sweatpants isn’t it. He makes sure his hair is falling just the way he wants it before leaving the house.
Gwen greets him with a hug. She’s wearing one of those shirts like Eddie’s, with the design on front that he swears is a band name even though it looks like nothing. In their time apart, Steve had downplayed in his head how much her brown eyes sparkle. The house is already set up and the movie ready in the VHS player, the lights are dimmed, and there’s snacks and drinks on the coffee table.
He’s just sat down when she pulls out a bottle of whiskey. She expertly mixes it with a coke and hands him the drink. She chatters the whole time about her day and how excited she was for this date. It makes Steve feel good. He finds himself making more jokes than he usually would, he just wants to make Gwen laugh, she’s got a great laugh. And she’s confident, none of the shy simpering that so many girls perform on first dates.
She starts the movie before sitting down next to him on the couch, their thighs touching. With a smug smile, Steve stretches his arm out along the back of the couch. Having faced real life monsters, movies aren’t very scary anymore. But it doesn’t take long for Gwen to cuddle into his side, hiding her face from the gore on screen. Steve settles his arm across her shoulders and hugs her into his chest. After awhile, feeling confident from his drink and the way Gwen is latched onto him, he goes in for a kiss.
Before long the movie is forgotten and Gwen is stretched out on the couch underneath Steve as they make out. It’s nice. she makes these hot little breathy noises, almost a whimper, and Steve feels himself getting hard. She locks a leg around his waist and pulls him in so they’re grinding harshly against each other. It’s a bold move, which turns Steve on even more.
Steve kisses her hard and she bucks underneath him. Deftly, he works his hand under her shirt and cups her tit. She arches into him encouragingly and he grabs her roughly. She lets out a moan and Steve smiles into their next kiss.
“Wanna go to my room?” She whispers in his ear.
Her room isn’t like any other girls room he’s been in. There isnt one pink thing in sight for one. The curtains are dark red and the walls are covered in posters of men with long hair and leather pants.
“Oh hey,” Steve point to a poster, “Judas Priest?” He asks about the familar image.
“Yeah, you know them?” Gwen lights up excitedly.
“Kinda, my friend likes them,” He answers. Eddie would totally think Gwen was cool. Same music taste, same style, even down to the hair. And the big brown eyes that you can get lost in. Shit. Steve casts a look around the room and then back at Gwen. That’s who she reminds him of.
The realization has Steve running hot. God, his hand was on her boob and she might as well be the girl version of Eddie. The “totally not horny for Eddie” box in his mind cracks open.
Gwen kisses him and Steve wonders what it would be like to kiss Eddie. Her hands travel up his chest and he imagines them larger, broader, rougher. She presses her body into his and he circles his hands around her waist. Eddie is taller, and Steve wouldn’t have to lean down to kiss him.
The thoughts only get worse when she gets on her knees. Her brown eyes looking up at him from under her bangs makes him feel crazy. His mind keeps supplying him images of Eddie.
Later, when he’s pulling out to come, there’s only one name on his mind.
“I’m having a crisis,” Robin says, barging past Steve into his house. Steve can relate.
“Oh, okay,” He says, closing the door and following Robin up the stairs to his room. She sits in his desk chair and immedietaly starts spinning herself in circles. Steve sits on the edge of his bed and waits for the avalanche.
“I kissed Nancy!”
“Well, she kissed me first, at the park where we met so I could apologize for being such a huge bitch and then she ran away and I couldn’t figure out why she would do that so I went to her house and told her I didn’t want to be her gay experiment and then she said she has feelings for me! Feelings! How is that even possible? She’s literally straight! How can a straight girl have feelings for me?” Robin stops to suck in air. “And then, I don’t know, I just kissed her!”
“And then what?” Steve asks weakly, trying to wrap his head around all the information he just received.
“And then I came here,” Robin says, stopping her spinning to look at him. “I’m so confused. She’s straight.”
Steve tilts his head to the side in thought. He really didn’t expect this from Nancy, but it makes him warm thinking he’s not alone in his weirdness of liking everybody, boy or girl.
“Okay, except she said she has feelings for you and she kissed you. That’s not straight behavior,” Steve points out.
“But she loved you!” Robin explodes and Steve flinches. He’s not sure she ever did.
“Just because we dated doesn’t mean she can’t like you.”
“But– But you can’t like both!” Robin cries and Steve’s eyes widen. Oh.
“Rob, you can like both,” He tells her slowly. She wrinkles her nose.
“You can?” She asks incredulously. And oh god, he’s going to have to say it, even though he’s never said it out loud before.
“Sure, I do,” He says casually, looking down at his nails. There’s nothing but silence from Robin. Until–
“WHAT!?” She yells. Literally yells. Steve hunches in on himself. “You like both? You like men?” She rapid fires at him and he grimaces. But shit, he’s not going to be a pussy about it now that he’s actually saying it. He looks up at his best friend.
“Yeah,” He answers simply. Robin’s eyes bug out of her head and her mouth drops open.
“And you never thought to tell me this?”
“It never came up,” He mumbles.
“What do you mean it never came up! I came out to you and you didn’t think that was a good time to say something!?” She says, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Steve shrugs and Robin blows out a stream of air, steepling her fingers in front of her face. “Fine,” She says genially. “So. You like both. Cool.”
Steve studies Robin’s face for further signs of upsettness but he just sees her lost in thought.
“Holy mothefucking shit,” Robin breathes out. She starts spinning in the chair again. “Nancy likes me?”
“Wait, just cool, nothing else?” Steve says, a little annoyed now that he didn’t get a reaction.
“Oh no, we’re coming back to that I have a lot of thoughts on that don’t worry,” Robin says, still spinning. “But there’s also a chance an actual girl likes me!” She bugs her eyes out at him when she spins to face him.
“How’s it feel?” Steve asks.
“Fucking insane,” Robin answers. “Like, okay, I’ve been obsessing over Vickie for a year. And literally Nancy was right, now I know I don’t have a chance. But for a while I thought I might and that seemed insane too but it was always such an if that it never really felt real but you know what did feel real? Nancy kissing me.” Robin slows to a stop. “Like, I kissed her and she kissed me back. It’s literally crazy insane I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel,” She says, turning her head to look imploringly at Steve. He shrugs.
“Well, do you think you could like Nance?” He asks.
“Would it be terrible if I said yes?” Robin asks meekly.
“Why would it be terrible?”
“Best friend rules. I can’t date your ex,” Robin says, holding up one finger. “I literally was just, like, in love with Vickie,” She says, holding up a second finger. “It’s Nancy,” She stresses. Steve shakes his head bemusedly.
“Rob, I don’t care. Fuck best friend rules. The new rule is that you do what makes you happy, fuck everyone else. And so what? Vickie isn’t on the table and Nancy is, it’s not wrong for your feelings to change. I mean, you guys are really good friends, it makes sense for feelings to develop,” He finishes. The words kind of ring in his head and he pushes them away. Right now is about Robin, not his own bullshit.
“You really don’t care?” She asks.
“I really don’t,” He answers, shaking his head.
“So, what do I do?” She asks, an edge of panic in her voice.
“You could always ask her on a date,” Steve answers with a shrug. Her eyes widen and her cheeks turn red.
“Me? Ask Nancy Wheeler on a date?” She says incredulously. Steve can relate. Asking Nancy out was a big deal for him, more so than with other girls. There’s just something special about her. He cracks a smile.
“Give yourself some credit Robin, she kissed you first,” He points out. Robin blinks in surprise.
“Holy shit, she did,” She murmurs. Then she shakes her head and her shoulders and focuses an intense stare at Steve. “Now we’re going to talk about how you just came out to me.”
Steve should have been ready for the quick turn of subject, this is Robin, but he still blanches.
“So, what the fuck?” Robin asks. Steve shrugs sheepishly and Robin frowns at him. “Is this a new thing?” She asks.
“No,” Steve admits.
“No,” Robin repeats. She makes a go on motion with her hand and Steve sighs. No point being tightlipped about it now, cat’s out of the bag.
“I’ve sort of always known,” He confesses and her mouth drops open slightly. “Yeah, I mean, this isn’t a town that makes it hard to notice when you’re different.” Robin huffs and nods in agreement. “It’s just always been a secret, which is why I guess I didn’t tell you before, and it was always going to be a secret because I’m going to get married someday. It was never supposed to be important,” Steve concludes.
“Are you mad at me?” Robin asks quietly and Steve frowns at her.
“Because I made you tell.” She up at him from under her bangs, face red and sheepish. He shakes his head, that hadn’t even occurred to him.
“Of course not, Rob,” He says sincerely.
“Okay, good. So. Men. What’s that like?” She asks, an amused twinkle in her eye. Steve snorts.
“It’s uhh, it’s good, you know?”
“No Steve, I really don’t know,” Robin laughs. “God this is so weird, not like weird like your weird even though wow, never heard of concept! But I guess it makes sense like if there’s more than one why wouldn’t there be more than two? I just for real never thought of that. But like, duh! And it’s you! This is so exciting, tell me all of your boy crushes right now.” Robin looks at him expectantly.
Steve stutters out a laugh, his cheeks on fire. He casts around his mind for men he finds attractive, ignoring the glowing sign in his mind singing Eddie Eddie Eddie.
“Rob Lowe?” Robin scoffs.
“That hardly counts even I think Rob Lowe is pretty.”
“Patrick Swayze?”
“Oh really? The muscles? Hm.”
“John Stamos?”
“Ohh yeah he’s pretty too. So that’s your type? Pretty boys?” She smirks at him and his cheeks heat up.
“I guess,” He mumbles.
“I feel like I’m pulling teeth here, what’s the matter?” Robin asks, frowning concernedly at him. Steve runs the back of his neck.
“It’s just, really weird, saying all this out loud,” He confesses. Her face turns understanding.
“I get that, it’s a lot to acknowledge to another person,” She says, a small smile on her face.
“Yeah, I just, never thought it was a secret I would tell,” Steve says, offering his hands up.
“I’m really glad you told me,” Robin says sincerely. Then she narrows her eyes. “Okay, you probably won’t want to say, considering you had such a hard time with celebrity crushes, but what about real world crushes?”
Eddie Eddie Eddie the large glowing sign in his brain sings. He does his best to ignore it.
“I mean, yeah, there’s been some guys…” Steve trails off uncomfortably.
“Okay. I set myself up for that one. You know it’s okay, right? Like, you can tell me, your friend Robin. I’m not going to run screaming for the hills just because you like guys. I actually think it’s really cool.”
Steve ducks his head but he can’t fight the smile that wants to light up his face.
“Thanks,” He says shyly. Robin scoots forward and slugs him in the arm.
“Jesus!” He yelps, holding his throbbing arm. Robin cackles.
“Just Robin is fine,” She laughs. Steve rolls his eyes but the smile wins and then they’re both laughing.
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sonekwi · 4 months
☆ ⸻ the white paladin, keith x reader
chapter one: team bonding
characters/pairings: keith, female reader
genre: fanfiction
summary: you and your friends happen to be in the right place at the right time. you end up rescuing the pilot of the kerberos mission from the hands of the garrison after he unexpectedly returns to earth.
word count: 3,871
links: next, wattpad, masterlist
a/n: this is one of the first fanfictions i have ever written, but the original version is from when i was in 7th grade 🥲 - so, that said, enjoy this revised/rewritten version!
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     "Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14, begin descent to Kerberos for a rescue mission," Lance announces, shoving the yoke forward. The aircraft groans as it dives towards Pluto's moon, and you plant your feet to fight against the inertia.
     Your teammate, Hunk, whines from the back. "Ugh, Lance, can you keep this thing straight?"
     "Relax. I'm just getting a feel for the stick!" Lance smirks. "It's not like I did this! or this!" he jerks the aircraft side to side, intentionally making Hunk feel worse.
     "Okay," Hunk gags, "Unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies of this thing, you better knock it off, man!"
     You do what you can from your co-pilot position to help stabilize the aircraft. "You need to take this seriously," you warn. "This simulation makes up most of our final grade."
     "Quit worrying," Lance says, "I got this."
     "Do you?" you raise a brow, and he rolls his eyes.
     "We've picked up a distress beacon," Pidge says, a small blip blinking on his radar.
     "Alright, look alive, team!" Lance says, pressing various buttons in preparation, "Pidge, track the coordinates."
     "Copy," Pidge says and transfers the information onto the main dashboard in front of you. A three-dimensional map of the terrain is generated and you frown. The signal originates from within a narrow ravine, and the surrounding area is a nightmare; large boulders, spikes, cliffs, and overhangs.
     You wearily glance over at Lance, doubting his pilot abilities. Only a miracle could get him through the simulation without crashing the ship.
     The aircraft rumbles and shakes, and Hunk groans again. "Knock it off, Lance! Please!"
     "Oh, this one's on you, buddy!" Lance says and glares over his shoulder. "We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out!"
     You sigh, muttering under your breath. "It wouldn't be out if you would just fly straight."
     "I heard that," Lance growls.
     Hunk grabs his monitor to fix the issue and the aircraft rumbles again. He gags, swallowing down whatever vomit had come up. "Oh no..."
     The map on the dashboard glitches and buffers before going completely dark.
     "We've lost contact," you say.
     "The shaking is interfering with our sensors," Pidge explains.
     "Come on, Hunk!" Lance exclaims.
     "Sorry, it's not responding," Hunk says and removes his safety belt. He wobbles over to a gearbox for a manual fix, the excessive motion impairing him.
     The map suddenly regenerates and the distress beacon pops back up. You are about a klick from its location and approaching fast.
     "Never mind, fellas," Lance says. "Preparing for approach on visual."
     "Not happening," you say. "We can't fly properly until Hunk fixes the hydraulic stabilizer."
     "Agreed!" Hunk says, just before losing his lunch.
     "It'll be fine!" Lance says dismissively and pats the dashboard of the aircraft. "This baby can take it!" It rumbles again, "See! She was nodding!"
     "Lance, listen to us!" you argue. "We need to hang back."
     "I'm the one flying this thing! So what I say goes!" he glares at you.
     "Excuse me?" you gawk.
     Lance turns to the comm-spec, ignoring you, "Pidge, hail down to them and let them know their ride is here."
     You huff. Why does he insist on being so stubborn and cocky? Does he not understand the gravity of this? If you fail the simulation, you fail the class. But you decide to keep your mouth shut from now on. There's no use trying to talk some sense into him anymore.
     You watch as Lance comes up on an overhang. Instead of flying above or around it, he attempts to thread through the small opening. He turns the aircraft as vertically as he can, but fails. One of the wings clips the overhang and tears off. The alarms blare as the aircraft pummels to the ground, and the lights go dark upon impact. On the dashboard, bold red letters glow and your throat swells with frustration.
     "Nice work," Pidge sarcastically comments.
     The door to the aircraft slides open with a hiss, and your commander beckons the four of you out. Reluctantly, you leave your seats and exit with your heads hung. You line up, mentally preparing for the berating lecture you'll receive.
     "Let's see if we can use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students," Commander Iverson's voice booms with disappointment. He glares down at you and your team. "Can anyone point out the mistakes these so-called cadets made in the simulator?"
     A student shouts from the back of the group, "The engineer puked in the main gearbox!"
     Iverson turns to Hunk, "Yes, as everyone knows, vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems!" he criticizes. "What else?"
     "The comm-spec removed his safety harness," another student says.
     "The pilot crashed!"
     "Correct," Iverson says, "And worst of all, the whole jump they're arguing with each other!" he turns back to you, "Hell, if you're going to be this bad individually, you better at least be able to work as a team!"
     It takes everything in your power not to look away in shame, but you keep your gaze steady.
     Iverson continues, "The Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astroexplorers, but these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the men on the Kerberos Mission."
     Out of the corner of your eye, you see Pidge clench his fists and scrunch his nose in anger. Your eyes widen when he takes a bold step toward Iverson.
     "That's not true, sir!" he argues.
     "What did you say?" Iverson growls.
     Lance pulls Pidge back and slaps a hand over his mouth, "Sorry, sir! He must've hit his head with all the shaking, but point taken!" he says, tightening his grip on the ginger as if asking what the hell is wrong with him.
     Commander Iverson steps closer and your brother releases Pidge, cowering from the intimidation. "I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is because the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue and flunked out. Don't follow in his footsteps," Iverson warns.
     Lance looks away with dejection, his shoulders trembling slightly as he keeps himself from crying.
     Then, Iverson turns to you, and your body tenses with fear.
     "And you!" he barks, "I expected better."
     At the end of the day, you storm back to the barracks and grumble to yourself. Once within the safety of your room, you grab a pillow from your bed and scream into it.
     "What happened?" your roommate, Nadia, asks. She doesn't bother to look up from her textbook, though.
     "Nothing," you huff. "I'm fine."
     "If it's your brother, you can throw a shoe at him," Nadia says.
     You aggressively tug off your cadet uniform. "I don't get it! He's so fricking dense and full of himself!"
     Nadia points to the closet, "I have a pair of high heels."
     "His skull is so damn thick, three people couldn't talk him out of it!" you growl, putting on some more comfortable clothes.
     "Aim for the eyes."
     "And why was I the fricken co-pilot!? I'm top of-" you stop when someone knocks on the door. You sigh, taking out your hair tie as you walk over. Placing it on your wrist, you repeatedly snap it against your skin.
     You open the door and see Lance and Hunk standing there. Without a thought, you slam the door in your brother's face.
     ...But he jammed his foot in the way.
     "Wait, (y/n)!" he says, smooshing his face into the cracked doorway. "I'm sorry!"
     "Sorry doesn't fix the problem," you say and lean against the door. You push against it a couple of times to get Lance to move his foot, but he keeps it there. "What do you want?"
     "Do you want to hang out with us?" Lance asks. "You heard Iverson today, he wants us to bond as a team!"
     "Hard pass," you hiss and push against the door again.
     "Come on, (y/n)!" Lance begs. "It isn't team bonding unless everyone is there."
     You roll your eyes. "No, I'm not letting you mess this up for me any further. Go bother someone else."
     With one last push, Lance moves his foot and the door slams. You sigh and drag your hands down your face. You want nothing more than to crawl into bed and hide under the blankets, but...
     "He's still standing out there, isn't he?" you look at Nadia, and she nods. Groaning, you grab a jacket and pull on your shoes.
     You open the door and quietly close it behind you. Looking at your brother expectantly, you try to ignore his smug face.
     "I knew you'd join us," Lance says, turning to head down the hall, "Let's go get Pidge."
     You roll your eyes and follow him. Lance leads you and Hunk through the barracks, avoiding the hall monitors like he's playing a stealth mission in a video game. You shush his dramatic humming multiple times.
     As you come around a corner, Lance stands. "Wait right here," he says, but as he moves towards the door it opens.
     He scrambles back around the corner, and the three of you watch as Pidge exits his room. He has a backpack slung over his shoulder, and suspiciously checks his surroundings before running down the hall.
     "Where do you think he's going?" you ask.
     "Should we go after him?" Hunk asks.
     You all share a look before agreeing to follow Pidge, and Lance takes the lead again. Carefully, you keep a short distance between you and Pidge so you don't lose him. You're confused, however, as he comes up on a maintenance stairwell. The three of you watch as he quickly types in the code to the door.
     The roof..? You furrow your brows as he disappears through the stairwell.
     Upon reaching the top, Lance opens the door to the roof slowly and quietly. He peeks out before waving you and Hunk closer and slipping through.
     The ginger sits at the edge of the roof, surrounded by various pieces of technology. His figure is outlined by the glow of the screens. Your brother smirks at you before sneaking up on Pidge.
     Lance grabs the headphones off of Pidge's head. "You come here to rock out?" he asks.
     Pidge jumps and screams. He places a hand on his chest, breathing heavily. "Oh, it's you guys..."
     "What are you doing up here?" you ask, walking closer.
     Lance looks over the tech. "Where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech..."
     Pidge smirks. "I built it."
     "You built all of this?" you ask, and Hunk hums excitedly.
     "Yeah," Pidge says, "With this, I can scan to the edge of the solar system," he explains.
     "All the way to Kerberos?" you ask and pick up a small device. You move it around in my hands, admiring the work put into it.
     Pidge hangs his head at my question and starts to pick at his fingers nervously.
     Lance irks. "You go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up! What's your deal?" he asks, and Pidge hesitates to answer. "Look, if we're going to bond as a team, we can't have any secrets!"
     "Fine," Pidge turns to the three of you. "The world as you know it... is about to change," he says ominously.
     "What do you mean?" you ask, setting down the device. You notice the notebook sitting on the ground beside him, and your eyes linger on it. On the paper is a crude rendition of what looks like a Transformers robot.
     Pidge continues, "The Kerberos Mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake," he says, "So, I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter."
     "What? Aliens?" Hunk exclaims.
     "Are we talking little green dudes?" you ask, your eyes widening, "Or something bigger and meaner, like Predator?"
     Lance rolls his eyes, "You're insane," he says to Pidge.
     "I'm serious," Pidge argues, "They keep repeating one word, Voltron," he grabs the notebook and holds it up. "And it's going crazier than I have ever heard it."
     "How crazy..?" you ask wearily, and as the words leave your mouth, the Garrison's alarms go off. You suddenly feel your body tense and your gut knots with dread.
     A voice crackles over the campus loudspeakers issuing out a warning, "Attention students and faculty! This is not a drill. We are on lockdown, security situation Zulu Niner. All students are to remain in barracks until further notice."
     The message is repeated a few times, and you feel worse. There's no way this is just a coincidence.
     Hunk stammers and points to something in the sky. "Is- is that a meteor?" he asks, "A really, really big meteor?"
     You look up to see a giant object falling towards the earth, burning up in the atmosphere. Your heart climbs up into your throat and fear floods through you.
     Pidge grabs a pair of binoculars and looks at the object. "It's a ship!" he exclaims.
     Lance takes the binoculars, "Holy shit! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That is not one of ours!"
     "No, it's one of theirs," Pidge says with awe.
     You watch as the ship plummets, crashing just a short distance away from the Garrison. The boom reverberates through your whole body, and your nose quickly begins to burn at the smell of sulfur and smoke.
     Below you, Garrison troops deploy and race to the crash site.
     "We've got to see that ship!" Pidge exclaims, quickly packing up his stuff before running towards the roof exit.
     "Come on, guys!" Lance says to you and Hunk.
     You sigh, following your brother and teammates. "This is not what I had in mind for team bonding."
     Perched on a ledge on the outskirts of the crash site, you observe the area. The Garrison had beat you to it and had guards upon guards patrolling, each one heavily armed. The alien ship, seemingly undamaged by the crash, was already loaded onto the bed of a truck. Off to the side, they had set up a quarantine tent.
     You watch as scientists and high-ranking officers walk in and out of the tent. You wonder if they found something. Maybe an alien or strange artifact?
     Pidge works on his laptop as Lance surveys the crash site with a pair of binoculars. While you and Hunk stand behind them, you keep your head on a swivel to make sure no one sneaks up on you. Things will only get worse from here if you're caught.
     "Hey," Pidge says, "They set up a camera inside the tent and I grabbed its feed. Look!"
     You walk over and kneel beside him, your eyes widening at what you see on his laptop. Inside the tent, a human is strapped down to a metal table, struggling against the restraints. A pair of scientists lean over him, performing a basic physical evaluation. Commander Iverson stands among them, supervising.
     "What are you doing?" the man asks and jerks his body against the restraints.
     "Calm down," Iverson says, "We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests."
     The man shakes his head, "You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds!" he grunts, "Aliens are coming!"
     Lance gawks at the screen. "That's Shiro! The pilot of the Kerberos Mission! That guy's my hero!" he exclaims.
     "Where's his crew?" you ask.
     One of the scientists grabs a syringe to draw Shiro's blood. "Do you know how long you've been gone?" he asks.
     "I don't know. Months? Years?" Shiro says, "Look, there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon. They will destroy us! We need to find Voltron."
     "Sir, take a look at this," the scientist says, "It appears his arm has been replaced with a cyborg prosthetic."
     "Put him under until we know what that thing can do," Iverson says.
     "No, don't!" Shiro begs. "Don't put me under! There's no time!"
     You watch with wide eyes as the scientists inject an anesthetic into Shiro, not heeding a single word that comes out of his mouth. Why aren't they listening to him? He's been gone for a year and was presumed dead. There's no way he's been alive on Kerberos this whole time. How are they not going to believe his story?
     "We have to get him out," Pidge says.
     Hunk sighs, "I hate to be the voice of reason, but weren't we just watching the security feed because there was no way to get past the guards?"
     Lance frowns and rests his chin in his hand. "That was before we were properly motivated. We just got to think."
     "I don't know," you say. "I don't think there's anything we can do..."
     Lance shakes his head, "We need a distraction."
     Bombs explode in the distance, their fiery heat blazing and kicking up dust. You scream and stumble back, your heart pounding. The noise nearly deafens you and you slap your hands over your ears in hopes of drowning it out.
     Hunk starts to freak out, "Is that the aliens? Are they here?"
     "No, that was a distraction!" Pidge says and points, "For him!"
     Barreling towards the crash site is a hover-bike, and as it pulls up behind a rock your eyes widen. You recognize the hover-bike and its driver almost immediately.
     "The Garrison is heading towards the blast, and he's sneaking in on the other side!" Pidge explains.
     "Oh, he is not going to beat us in there!" Lance barks and slides down the ledge, rushing toward the tent.
     "Lance! Wait!" you call out and follow him down, the gravel and dirt scraping against your bare legs. You curse yourself for wearing shorts.
     "Who is it?" Pidge asks, shoving his stuff into his backpack again.
     "Keith!" you shout to him.
     "Are you sure?" Hunk asks, following after you and your brother.
     "Trust me, I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!" Lance growls.
     By the time the four of you get to the tent, Keith is already inside. With the scientists knocked out, he cuts the restraints holding Shiro down, and sits him up. Barely conscious, Shiro can only manage to groan in response to Keith's questions as he slings Shiro's arm around his shoulders.
     "No, no, no! I'm saving Shiro!" Lance snaps and grabs Shiro's other arm.
     "Uh, who are you..?" Keith asks.
     "Seriously? The name's Lance?" your brother says, but Keith remains confused. Lance frowns with a look of hurt and disbelief, "We were in the same class at the Garrison! We were like rivals! You know, Lance and Keith, neck-and-neck?"
     "Oh, wait, I remember you. You're a cargo pilot," Keith says, furrowing his brows as the memory comes back to him.
     As they bicker, you exit the tent. You resume your look-out position from before and check the area. As your eyes move to wear Keith and set off the bombs, you spot the fleet of Garrison vehicles heading back to the crash site. Your heart leaps into your throat and you rush back inside.
     "If you both want to save Shiro, I suggest we get moving. The Garrison is coming back and they do not look happy!" you say, urging everyone out of the tent.
     At the sound of your voice, Keith's eyes meet yours and his face softens. For a small moment, you stop, a familiar feeling crawling out of the hole you buried it in. Neither of you has seen or spoken to each other since he dropped out of the Garrison. You were really good friends up until that point.
     However, part of you is thankful that he never reached out. You knew the little crush you had would never live to be something more, so it gave you the time you needed to move on. But, as your heart flutters with excitement, you realize that you never did.
     You force yourself to break eye contact and turn towards the exit. The group follows you, with Lance and Keith carrying Shiro out as fast as they can.
     "Is this going to fit all of us?" Pidge asks as he hops on the hover-bike.
     "No," Keith answers as he and Lance load Shiro onto the hover-bike. But once he's seated at the helm and everyone's on, he doesn't waste time. He revs the engine and the hover-bike roars to life, lifting a few feet off the ground.
     Just as the Garrison comes around the corner, Keith makes a sharp turn and takes off in the opposite direction. From your seat behind him, you hold onto Keith tightly to avoid falling off.
     The Garrison doesn't hesitate to pursue the group deeper into the desert, and Lance happily points it out, "Can't this thing go any faster? They're right on our tail!"
     Keith rolls his eyes and jabs, "We can throw off some nonessential weight."
     Expectantly, Lance looks around to see what he can toss off the hover-bike, but Keith's words were directed at the five extra people, "Okay, so that was an insult–"
     "Big man, lean right!" Keith shouts over his shoulder and Hunk does so. As the hover-bike sharply banks to the right, it jumps over a small ravine. You make the unfortunate mistake of looking down mid-jump, and your body floods with fear.
     "Not cool, not cool!" you exclaim and shove your face into Keith's back. You don't usually have a fear of heights, especially when you are piloting an aircraft from the safety of an enclosed space. Riding on a hover-bike with Keith at the helm, however, the risk of falling off is very prominent.
     "Are you seriously scared of heights?" Lance asks, immediately noticing it. "You're a freaking pilot!"
     "This is different!" you bark at him.
     "Wait, guys," Hunk stammers as he points ahead of us. "Is that a cliff up ahead?"
     "Oh, no, no, no!" Lance protests.
     "Oh, yes," Keith grins and increases the speed, heading straight towards the cliff.
     Everyone, except for Keith and Shiro (who is still very much unconscious), screams and clambers incoherently as the hover-bike dives right off of the cliff.
     You feel your stomach float up into your chest and your butt lift off of the seat as you fall. Your entire body buzzes with fear and adrenaline as you tighten your grip around Keith. If you fall off now, there's no doubt you will be dead.
     And flat as a pancake.
     "What are you doing? You're gonna get us all killed!" Lance screams.
     "Just shut up and trust me!" Keith shouts back.
     "I trust you!" you say, burying your face again. You truly do, though. Despite him being a reckless risk-taker, you know Keith would never put you in harm's way... well, maybe he would with Lance.
     You fall for what seems like an eternity before Keith rolls the throttle all the way, blasting the engines and maxing out their power. The hover-bike stops just before it hits the ground, and your butt smacks down on the seat.
     That's definitely gonna be bruised...
     With the Garrison having no way down the cliff, the group escapes.
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violettduchess · 2 years
please may i ask for 3 different types of kisses with the 3 new princes
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A/N: This is an older request. Sorry anon that it took so long! Thank you for your patience 💜
all the princes are with a f!reader
Word Count: 1618
These are long so the writing is posted below 💋
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Silvio: Comforting Kiss
A dream of drowning in rushing black water has you waking with a strangled gasp. You swallow lungfuls of air too quickly, your heart racing like a swimmer stretching for the choppy surface. Your muscles ache and your forehead is damp, not with ocean water, but sweat. A shudder shakes you further and you whimper, the sound soft and sad.
He sits up slowly, pushing his seafoam hair out of his face, your gasping breaths having cut through his sleep like a burning blade. In the dim light of the bedroom, he can see the way your knees are hugged up against your chest, the tremble in your body as you struggle to regain control, to shake the last clinging drops of the horrific dream off. His hand rises and hovers just a moment above your back, split-second uncertainty paralyzing it. Then, slowly, he lowers it, pushing through the haze of leftover sleep and hesitation, and begins rubbing the space between your shoulders. The small, comforting circles his palm makes are gentle for a man often associated with brusqueness. He waits until he feels your breath entering and exiting steadily, then asks you what happened.
He is quiet, his hand now still as he listens to you recount your nightmare. He may be impatient but not with you. And he understands the fear you felt because Silvio is a man of Benitoite. He respects the sea. He knows its power. It is woven through the fabric of every folk song, every cautioning fairy tale.
Your words run out and you sigh heavily as you turn your face away from him, now embarrassed at the visceral reaction you had to something born of your own mind. A frown crosses his face and his other hand is on your chin, turning you back to him, his body knowing what to do even if his mind is a few steps behind.
He leans down, gathering you to him and kisses you gently, a kiss that grounds you, reminds you that you are safe with him, in your own bed, in the solid castle of his arms. He may not be good with words, your Silvio, but in his kiss you can feel them. I love you. I am here for you. I always will be.
Keith: Heated Kiss
He has been away for days on diplomatic business. And even though you weren’t moping around, wilting across seating furniture like some lovestruck lady in a bad romance novel, you did miss him fiercely. So much so that when you heard the servants calling that the Prince was home, you let the heavy, beaded gown you were trying on fall to the carpet with a breathy whoosh. 
In your rush out the door, you grab your dressing robe which is haphazardly tied over your shift as you fly down the hallway, wings on your stockinged feet, heart buzzing with excitement. Several servants leap out of the way, then smile at the genuine but hurried apology you toss over your shoulder. You hop around a corner and then reach the white wooden banister from which you can see the large palace foyer.
Keith is standing there, speaking with his butler, still in the stately white and gold of his travel cloak. Your heart stumbles onwards, thumping against your breastbone, willing you to move. He glances up, as if sensing you there, and he smiles, his face lighting up with joy.
You grab the hem of your robe and continue your flight down the wide stairs, rushing ever faster as he moves towards you and you leap from the bottom step straight into his arms. The butler discreetly steps to the side, motioning for the others to leave you. You barely notice the servants dispersing like dust as you hug him with all your strength, your face buried in the side of his neck. He smells like sunshine and travel and the faint scent of the tea he loves so much, black flavored with oil of bergamot.
He sets you down, your feet dropping slowly to the cold tiled floor. But before he can straighten up, you throw your arms around his neck again, holding him in place and surge up to kiss him. 
He hesitates. You are in the foyer of the palace after all and there are curious eyes everywhere. But you are insistent, whispering between kisses how much you missed him, how often you dreamt of his return, of feeling him in your arms again, how much you need him right now. And while he is a gentleman, Keith is also simply a man. And the woman he loves and has missed desperately and desires more than anything has her mouth pressed to his while she whispers sweet, ardent nothings to him. Your voice is low, only for his ears, and the words you are brushing against his lips are sinking in, stoking a fire that began smoldering the moment he saw you at the top of the stairs.
The gentleman concedes. 
Without hesitation, he lifts you into the cradle of his arms and walks with purposeful steps down a hallway to the right. Your body feels warm, feverish with anticipation as he kicks open the door to one of the downstairs guest chambers, the closest possible bed. 
Any curious gaze following you both sees the way he lowers you the moment he crosses the threshold, his white-gloved hands immediately pulling on the ties of your robe as his own cloak falls to the carpet. Curious ears hear the low, almost impatient growl that escapes the usually gentle prince as he captures your mouth in a heated, hungry kiss. And then every intriguing bit of it is blocked by the heavy slam of the guest chamber door, courtesy of the prince’s booted kick.
Gilbert: Romantic Kiss
You will always love the feel of Gilbert’s leather gloves. They are soft, supple and black enough that they seem to drink light in by the mouthful. Right now that dark, soft leather is gripping your hand tightly as he leads you down a narrow dirt path that runs along the back of the residence you are staying in. Puffs of dust are brought to life by your footsteps, dirtying the hem of your skirt and dulling the shine of his boots. This is a path not used often.
He’s leading you to the small greenhouse on his property, a small, derelict glass building in desperate need of repair. When you had first arrived and asked him about restoring it, he had shrugged, one shoulder lifting in a gesture that seemed to say “perhaps”. And then other matters had risen, the drums of war thundering in the distance, overshadowing the tiny, neglected greenhouse and it was never mentioned again. You had assumed he had simply decided it was not important.
He stops walking, turning to face you, his eye bright with excitement. “Allow me.” He reaches up and that soft leather now covers your eyes, shutting out the world. One strong hand on your lower back guides you forward, slower now. He warns you to tread carefully.
The first thing that hits you is the scent. It smells the way you imagine the color green would: like petrichor, like dirt, like something faintly floral and sweet. He walks you a few more steps and then removes his hand. You’re greeted by rows of young potted plants, hanging ivy as far as the eye can see, and a greenhouse without panels of broken glass, jagged and unwelcoming. It is a small green paradise within the dusty land that is Obsidian. You had mentioned once, shortly after leaving your home country to be with him, how you missed the gardens of Rhodolite. He had simply smiled and said nothing in response. You thought he did not want to hear about the things you had given up to be here. And so you never mentioned them again.
You’re taking it all in….And then you notice it. On the metal table in front of you, a black pot with a small, thorny shrub covered in miniature red roses, tiny replicas of the ones you had loved in the palace gardens. You turn to him, lips parted in surprise. “You hate roses,” you say, your voice soft and questioning.
“You don’t,” he answers. Those words settle into the center of your heart, warmth blossoming from them. He understood the Heimweh, the homesickness you felt, and that it could live alongside the love you had for him, neither one overshadowing the other. 
You can’t help the way your eyes fill with tears. Your gaze drops as you try to stop them but then you feel the cool touch of his bare hand on your cheek. He’s removed his gloves to touch you, laying them on the table as he steps closer. His expression is full of tenderness and your last thought as he closes the distance between you is how his eye is your favorite shade of red.
His hands cradle your face and his lips find yours. His kiss is soft, cool as a misty morning before the world wakes, when shadows and the last vestiges of moonlight still reign. His mouth moves over yours, speaking without words of love and devotion. Of understanding and acceptance. You sigh into his kiss and he drinks it in, sweeter than mana. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, your lips still touching his. You feel his smile and it sends another wave of warmth through you. 
His head tilts to one side, his lips never losing contact with yours. “Bitteschön, meine Liebe,” he murmurs, his lips brushing yours with every word. “Bitteschön.”
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @ariamichel @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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