#dying. something about you responding to strange magic. being brought back but different. broken.
chaosgenasi · 2 years
thinking about all of the laudna & ashton paralells and losing my mind about it actually
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death-himself · 4 years
Love is Dead—Chapter 5
Summary: Janus and Virgil come to a hesitant truce
Word Count: 1,467
Warnings: Talk of murder, Talk of death, 
previous next (AO3 Link)
It made no sense. He didn’t understand. Why was he here? How could he see him? Janus had never met a human who could see spirits before! Why him of all people?
The two stared, unblinking at one another, Janus attempting to find any sort of clue that that murderer recognized him. All he saw were eyes empty of emotion, still trying to process what he was seeing.
But then it clicked, and the empty eyes were filled with panic. “Oh fuck no!” He shouted, the markers falling to the ground as he sprinted out the door, shouting “Mom, get the banishing herbs and black salt!”
“Virgilius Angel Sanders, we are not doing this again!” His mom shouted back. Admittedly curious, Janus followed Virgil down the hall. Virgil noticed and cursed some more, running into his room, leaving the door wide open. Janus pressed his hand against the magical shield that Virgil had put up, peering in to see what the young murderer was doing.
He grabbed a spray bottle from the corner of his room, turning around and facing Janus with a now-determined look on his face. Virgil sprayed the water right at him; he was fully ready to laugh and watch the mist pass through him.
But then droplets touched his face, like bits of lava raining down. He was too startled at first to realize he was in pain. He had forgotten what pain felt like, after so long. Virgil sprayed him a second time, and that’s when it registered. He hissed, eyes squinting shut as he reeled back, floating away as the murderer began to follow him down the hall, that determined look still in his eyes.
“Leave or I’ll spray you again. Trust me, I’ll know if you decide to just hide.” He glared down at the teen. This teenager, this child, with the face of the man who killed him, was telling him, a full grown dangerous apparition what to do? He wasn’t having that.
The lights flickered around him, pictures and paintings floated up off the walls. Taking a deep breath, he prepared to aim it all at his murderer; consider it a bit of revenge for what he did.
But then Virgil sprayed him again. Everything dropped to the floor, the lightbulbs above them shattered, the glass over the pictures breaking on the ground.
“What was that?” Patton’s mom asked sternly. For a moment Virgil panicked.
“It was the ghost, Mom!” An audible sigh came from the living room, and the mother came over to see what the ruckus was. Seeing the shattered glass around him, she gave him a disappointed, clearly upset look. “Virgil—”
“I swear it was the ghost.”
“Virgil, this is the third time in a row.”
“Three different houses, and you said they were all haunted!”
“Because they were! I mean the second one wasn’t, but it basically was.” The look in her eyes said that she had heard this all before and was trying to act like she hadn’t. With another sigh she gestured for him to follow her. “Come on, I’m making you some calming tea, okay?”
“But it’s right there! I can get it out!” Virgil pointed at Janus, who recovered enough from the burning spray to give the teen a victorious smug smirk.
“I’m sure it is, sweety, now come on. You can do your ghostbusting later.” Virgil sent a glare at Janus, and for a moment he looked exactly like the last thing Janus had seen before he died. Janus’s blood boiled; he needed to do something with that little murderer. He didn’t care if Virgil remembered who he was or not, that face alone was enough for him.
The reminder that he was Patton’s little brother was the only thing stopping him from outright killing the brat then and there. Patton’s little brother dying would make Patton sad, and he didn’t want that. So instead, he would have to resort to annoying the living hell out of him.
He followed Virgil into the kitchen, floating in the corner of his vision. Virgil tried to spray him, but then his mom took away his spray bottle with a simple “you’ll get this back after you’ve had your tea, young man.” The visible frustration on his face made Janus laugh, which only pissed him off even more.
Janus took a seat next to him at the dining table. His mom brought over two steaming hot cups of tea, both smelling strongly of lavender, and placed one in front of her son. “Has school been stressing you out?”
“Just the usual amount.” He responded bluntly, glaring at Janus as he took a long sip of his tea.
“Relationship troubles?”
“I’m not dating anyone, Mom.”
“Really? You seem to be getting really close to that friend of yours.”
“We’re not dating behind your back, Mom.”
“Okay, but if you were dating—”
“Who is this friend of yours?” Janus asked with a grin. Virgil seemed ready to shout at him, before remembering he was the only one able to see him. That wouldn’t help convince his mom he was okay at all. The woman in question looked her son up and down, trying to piece together what could possibly be making him so tense.
“If there’s anything going on, you can tell me, okay?”
“I know.”
“Good. Now finish up your tea, it’s gonna get cold.” Virgil huffed, taking another sip.
“Your little exorcism attempt turned into a talk with your mother, how strange. This is why children shouldn’t be trying any of this.” The teen ignored him. “I could kill you if I wanted to. I hope you’re aware of that.” Virgil eyed his spray bottle, now sitting on the kitchen counter next to the tea kettle.
“Any spirit could come in and kill you at any time, so long as you're out of your room. The only thing protecting you from spirits coming in is me.” Janus earned a small glance, barely an indicator that he was being heard, but enough to know Virgil was confused. He gave him a sly smile.
“Oh, poor naive child. Are you not aware of the protection house spirits give? This is why your whole idea of “banishing” a spirit is completely idiotic. House spirits are the only thing protecting you.” Of course, Janus was making half of this up. He didn’t know a thing about other spirits or whether he could keep them out of his house or not. He had never met another, though, so he supposed it wasn’t too wild of a story to weave.
Virgil finished off his tea, washing out the cup and grabbing his spray bottle, saying a quick thanks to his mom before walking out into the hallway, beginning to clean up the broken glass.
“I’m the only protection someone as inexperienced as you has. If you were to successfully banish me...then what would you do?”
“You’re still a ghost, why wouldn’t I try and get you out of here?” Virgil spoke in a quiet voice, making sure his mom wouldn’t hear him talking to himself.
“Like I said, I provide protection.”
“I literally saw you writing in blood on Pat’s wall. I don’t believe you.”
“Don’t you think I would’ve hurt one of your brothers by now?” At that he went quiet. Sure, there had been some really strange things happening, but never anything actually harmful. And he had to admit, Janus was the tamest ghost he had met so far. He huffed, brushing some glass shards onto his dust pan.
“Okay, fine. We can work something out, I guess.” He thought for a moment, eyeing Janus before grabbing his spray bottle. “But if you do anything I don’t like, you’re gettin’ the holy water.” Janus looked at the brownish-green tint of the herb-filled water in the bottle.
“That does not look like holy water in any way.”
“Shut up. I still don’t like you.”
“And I despise you. But I suppose we’ll have to find a way to work together again, won’t we Cain?”
Janus hadn’t been able to keep down his curiosity. “Do you remember anything? What you did to me in this very house?” Virgil gave him a blank stare, before turning back to the glass on the ground.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“So you don’t remember cornering me in the attic and brutally murdering me?”
“The hell are you talking about?” Janus hummed, satisfied enough with the teen’s confusion. Cain had never been a good liar, and he didn’t expect a reincarnated version of him to be either, if that is what this was.
“Very well then. Perhaps we’ll be able to get along after all.”
“I doubt that.”
“Once a pessimist, always a pessimist, Cain.”
Tagging: @rebelrewriter @arodynamic-enby @bullet-tothefeels
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brownkamm · 5 years
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The ‘Failed’ Sacrifice 
~ Ooooiii, hows it going fairies? I've been recently doing research & thought about BOTW 2 and the small cutscenes we get to see. And, of course, lots of theories have come out to figure out just WHAT exactly happened to Ganondorf & why he's dried out like a prune under Hyrule Castle 🏰 So join me in this semi-long theory of what I think happened to not only Ganondorf, but the Zonai Tribe as well... Also, your free to have your agreements & disagreements in the comments. Just...don't get harmful 😅 Alright, let's talk about the Zonai Tribe. Who were they and how did NEARLY their entire race mysteriously disappear? I say NEARLY because I believe their people still live, but I'll get to that a bit later. As we know, the Zonai were Ancient Warlike People during their time in Hyrule, though it seemed their people were pretty hidden from if not all, but most of those in Hyrule before Calamity Ganon struck. We also know that, thanks to the Barbarian Armor you can acquire in the game, that they were a strong Tribe and clearly from the 3 Labyrinths you can find in Gerudo Desert, Herbra Plains & behind Robbie's lab, they were clearly WAY more advanced than most Hylians, kinda like the Sheikah Clan, but... the real question is: if they were such a great and strong tribe...how did they go extinct (or to me, NEARLY extinct) ∆∇∆ - here's my main points I want to stick with: ONE: The Zonai & The Sheikah Clan had some kind of connection to one another. TWO: They "mysteriously" disappeared all at once because of a great sacrifice they made to keep Ganondorf locked away. THREE: The mysterious blue/green hand we see on Ganondorf heart before grabbing Link to help Zelda & him up was a way to stop Demise's cycle. Because...no reincarnation. No curse. FOUR: Someone, moreover the Sheikah, was close to the Royal Family who could have possibly tricked Ganondorf into going under the castle to "have the upper hand" on Hyrule. [C]∆∇∆ Okay, so let's start with the first. I believe the Zonai & The Sheikah Clan had some kind of connections with one another, though it seemed the tribe were seemingly standoffish to most of Hyrule. I say this because if you enter in any of labyrinths, what's the first thing you see? Specifically, in the air. [IMG=C8H] [CIU]Guardian Skywatchers. And I think we can all agree that sometimes these things can be annoying to shoot down, especially if you have terrible aim like me 🙂, but that's not the point. Now I know most may say: "Those could have been placed there AFTER The Zonai disappeared" And that could be true, which is why I'm not 100% sold on them working together, BUT, say for instance if that wasn't the case. Say if someone was so convincing to the tribe that they could help them achieve the one goal they had in mind: Stopping Ganondorf. Now, I say it may have been the Sheikah who leaned onto the Zonai because it was clear 100 years ago that Zelda's Triforce wasn't awaking & without a Royal Psychic ( which is usually ONE of the women in the Royal Family, possible Zelda's mother ) they were desperate for a way to get more time so Zelda could awaken her power since her mother couldn't teach her. Now, I say Zelda's mother could have been the one with the psychic ability because it's said that some females in the Hyrule Family have this magic stood upon them & pass down their knowledge of the next generation shows signs, meaning that not ALL princesses & queens of Hyrule have this ability. As we know, Zelda's mother died when she was only 6 from a mysterious illness & she didn't have a chance to learn her teachings. Some even theorize that she was poisoned by someone close to the Royal Family who could have been a Yiga Spy, but I don't know. It's not impossible considering the time era Legend of Zelda takes place in for if you were someone with such HIGH standard, you would have a lot of enemies & needed to watch who you kept close to you... Now without Zelda's mother's ability, the Sheikah were at a standstill. Their Clan was already split into two: The Sheikah and The Yiga Clan from their technology being thrown away because the Royal Family feared of them overthrowing them, so without their greatest inventions of this time era, they needed something that could assist Zelda while she searched for that THING to help unlock her power...which leads me to the Zonai. It's clear the Zonai were around before and during The Great Calamity, but not after..or so it's said. I believe that the Sheikah, without telling the King Rhoam or Zelda of their plan, went to the Ancient Tribe and realized they had the same idea of getting rid of Ganondorf once and for all to stop the endless cycle of this curse. Now, I can't fully say WHAT the labyrinths were for. Maybe a test for Link, but they feared others would go near it and enter themselves? (Which I think might have been possible because if you interact with anyone who notices the Sheikah Slate on Link's hip after awaking, they always say something along the lines of "That's A Sheikah Slate" And never really "THE Sheikah Slate". If there was only ONE in existence, wouldn't they say THE instead of A? Idk) Maybe they just wanted to keep outsiders out & insured that with a long & complicated maze? Or maybe they were doing their Ancient Art Magic in each area to see if it were a good place to hold the King of The Desert? ( and yes, I know, from one of Link's memories that Zelda tried to enter, but didn't have access. Could it possible that the shrines were only made for Link? Or maybe that particular Sheikah Slate is like the Master Sword and only responds to him because it only has one task: assisting the hero.) Regardless of what the labyrinths were for, it's clear that the Sheikah have left their mark on these ancient artifacts and knew of more knowledge on this tribe than anyone else.Now remember, the Zonai worshiped the Water Dragon, AKA Farosh 🐉 so they were clearly those who trusted somewhat in The Golden Goddesses...maybe. ∆∇∆ Now onto my second point. They mysteriously disappeared without a trace, which is strange considering they were clearly in a LOT of areas of Hyrule. From the sandy beaches in Lurelin to the hot desert all the way to the colder regions of the Hebra..it was clear their tribe might have been bigger than most expected....either that or they were just really sneaky. I like to say that their "mysterious death" was really a noble sacrifice. Remember that if this is true, it isn't the first time someone else, other than Zelda and Link, stepped in and tried to stop the Demon King. In Twilight Princess, the ones know as the Six Sages also took matters into their own hands & attempted to stop Ganondorf by stabbing him in the chest with The Sword of The Six Sages... But they failed miserably, even thinking that the gods were playing a cruel joke when seeing Ganondorf had The Triforce of Power on his left hand, leading to the king breaking free & killing one of the six Sages before they used The Mirror of Twilight to send him away and think of their actions. Which...if were being honest...the goddesses have some things messed up about them, but that's a different rant for another time. Now I say they had a noble sacrifice because one of things we see in the short cutscene of BOTW 2 is the famous Lumious Stone that can found just about everywhere in Hyrule, but specifically underground there's A LOT OF IT. And if we read the description of the material, it's clear that some of Hyrule like to theorize it glows so bright because their are souls trapped inside. Now, clearly, there's a LOT of lumious stone in this one area, and if my theory is right tat the Zonai were one of the people who used their ancient magic to try and seal away Ganondorf, I feel it would have taken A GREAT AMOUNT of magic to do so considering we know how strong not only Ganondorf is, but the Triforce of Power. Hell..it stopped him from dying by a goddess forged weapon! YOU TELLIN ME THAT AINT STRONG!? I believe that possible not only the Zonai, but some of the Sheikah Clan, died doing a noble cause of holding Ganondorf back, or at least his body, to keep him from a new reincarnation. Alright...I know this is a lot. Take a breather. Get some snacks and a drink because here's POINT 3: This caught everyone's attention. The Hand. Off the back, we can tell this clearly Ganondorf's newly found prison & a terrible and dark one at that. I mean, cmon, I personally wouldn't want to be mummified and have my heart grabbed at by a hand, but that's just me Now from this hand we can tell it's the same color as the ones that reside around Lumious Stone, The Fallen Champions, & The Monks when taking their Spirit Orbs to give to the Hylia Statues when exchanging it during prayer...kinda like Link is the key to setting their soul free for doing their deed for Hylia. I believe a lot of spirits were brought together in sealing away Ganondorf....a lot of ANGRY spirits, but as we see in BOTW 2 cutscenes that it's clear the hand not only moved itself (or the spirits moved themselves) to help Link and Zelda when they almost fell to their doom. And, even though this is a different game, I make the comparison of a lot of souls in ONE BODY to Noob Cybot from Mortal Kombat. Even though he appears as one person, there are lot of souls stood inside of him and one of his quotes are "We are many. You are one". The power of the hand, now given to Link, could be the spirits last attempt at helping Link and Zelda seal away Ganondorf considering it seems The Master Sword isn't as strong as it use to be ten to thousands of years ago. But in doing so, they released the seal that held Ganondorf captive for those past 100-10,000 years. I'm sure the only freedom Ganondorf had was The Malice that leaves his body (which is just a mixture of rage and hate..and honestly I'd be mad too if my only escape was a spirit form of myself) and his mind, if it wasn't already gone by then. Because of the seal now being broken, our beautiful demon king was up from his long nap 😅 I mean...cmon now...theorized to be bad or not, Ganondorf is FIIIIINNNNEEEE 😍 and I would give myself to him, but we're not here for my girly fantasies. And now was prepared to release havoc on Hyrule once more. Now, I say that this was a attempted by the Zonai and Sheikah to hold Ganondorf back because even though it's clear Ganondorf can still attack in spirit forms and smaller, puppet forms, as we see with the BLIGHTS, Ganondorf can't reincarnate if the DOESN'T HAVE A BODY FOR IT. Clearly when Ganondorf dies in his physical, Gerudo form, it takes Eons later for him to reform and be born into the world again, but...his body was still under Hyrule....and it could be possible, just like the Monks, that he was still alive, but had no ability to move, leading him to release so much hate in the world that it created Blights and Calamity Ganon, along with Dark Beast Ganon And now with that seal gone and nothing holding him back, the Demon King was Awaken once more, but...my final question is...how did he get down there in the first place? ∆∇∆ I'll try making this last part short considering this was longer than I expected. Also, no more pictures passed this point. I've already reached the MAX if you couldn't tell 😅 Now this is my own thought. I believe someone in the Sheikah Clan who served the Royal Family set Ganondorf up. I say this because I can't think of any other reason why Ganondorf would be hiding below the castle and not strike. There's also my thought that Ganondorf was either led there or possible kidnapped and brought to the sacrificial grounds below Hyrule castle. And I know some might say: "Ganondorf...kidnapped? That's impossible" But we have no clue HOW STRONG the Zonai's magic really was. Even in Twilight Princess, those who wielded a very strong and ancient magic had power great enough to take over Hyrule for their terrible desires, leading them to living in the Twilight Realm, so it's not as if it's not possible that this power was equally as great, but used for a different cause. Whose to say the similar green color of the Twilight Magic isn't being used once again, but this time for good and not selfish greed for the power of the Triforce? I believe that if Ganondorf was led to this area, he was clearly betrayed. Now, in many incidents  in past time eras, Ganondorf has been betrayed by many and his power was turned against him, which I hate, but this isn't about my personal feelings on the king. I have TWO ideas of how it could have happened: Say if the "spy" for Ganondorf was actually working for the Royal Family and tricked him to believe that they were getting as much intel as possible to keep from him being killed by Zelda and Link. What if the spy had been discovered by a fellow Sheikah member and eliminated them to keep things as they should have been? What if they gained so much of Ganondorf trust to the point where he thought they were a ally that they gave him the idea of going under Hyrule Castle, hiding for a certain period of time and was ambushed by the power of the Zonai and The Sheikah Clan? The other idea is that someone was ONCE loyal to the Royal Family, but betrayed them and went to Ganondorf instead. I think this is possible because it's clear the Royal Family has dumped the Sheikah Clan many times and doesn't trust them fully (which is understandable in that day in age, but still) and a few banded together to betray the Royal Family. Telling Ganondorf of the technology they created and how they were planning on using it against him, leading to him creating the Blights and attacking all 4 divine beast and the champions, but they were figured out, forced to reveal where Ganondorf was hiding OR someone followed them and found out the truth and set them up under the castle, but maybe not all, and this birthed The Yiga Clan in secret. It could have been possible that Master Kohga could have been there as well, or heard information of it, considering the Sheikah can live up to 100 years plus as we see with Impa, Robbie and Purah, along with the monks, but idk if it was Master Kohga in particular considering how goofy he is, but some like to theorize that he's a descendent of Zant because he mentions something of his great great grandfather's magic that was once sealed away was taught to him. Not to mention, they have similar personalities and fighting styles. So it could be possible...that the power of the Twili tried so hard to get rid of ten to thousands of years ago...still lives on, but now, used for good instead of evil by the Zonai. I could go on and on about this, but I clearly need more information on the whole thing. That and this is getting way too long. These are just my theories of what may be in the story line of BOTW 2. I hope you fairies liked this one 🧚‍♀️ PS: if you didn't notice, the same symbol that's on the walls in the cutscene of the SWIRL that can found on other works of the Zonai are the SAME as the symbol of Lurelin. This is what I meant when I said that it's possible that their people are still alive, but either the people of Lurelin don't know of their history considering most of their tribe died or was lost OR they know, hold some power, but keep it secret from outsiders of the village and disguise themselves as "noble fishermen" . I also think it's strange that Lurelin wasn't effected by the Calamity considering it was BEHIND that great defense wall where Zelda awakens her power & Link nearly dies. I say it's strange because I feel like Lurelins people & the Zonai have a very strong connection, but that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY ‼️
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