#dyl spray
here’s gorgeous daniel with various other teen wolfies
continued from this post and this post and i really should sleep it’s 4 freaking am
daniel and tyler posey
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daniel and tyler Hoechlin
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daniel and dylan OB
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daniel and dyl spray
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i used a darker photo of tyler posey so the hair blends better, but just imagine that the others don’t have white backgrounds and you’ll see how their heads actually aren’t weirdly small
he also, for some reason, looks strangely good with bob morley, who doesn’t even go here
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rejo1ced · 8 months
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#REJO1CED: an independent original character roleplay blog. written by avery , twenty - four , she / they , cst. triggering themes will be present , follow at your own risk.
a study in: escaping your past , discovering yourself , music making life mater , desiring to fit in , self - destruction , addiction , battling with your religion , &. much much more.
affliated with : @crushsung
LINKS : headcanons. playlist. pinterest.
001 ; this is an independent &. private writing blog for an original character , all graphics found are created by me-- activity is considered low to medium 002 ; mature &. triggering content will appear on this blog. said content will be tagged as either ' cw ' &. / or ' tw '. if you need anything tagged , please don't hesitate to reach out and let me know. 003 ; this blog is heavily plot focused. plotting is the best way to get interactions going with me , as i find it the easiest way to connect to our muses and get things started. ims are always open to mutuals. inbox memes will be treated as starters ; feel free to reply to any of them. 004 ; the general dni applies here on my blog , if you are an individual who writes / supports topics like homophobia , transphobia , racism , sexism , and other gross behaviors , i will not hesitate to hard block. 005 ; ships are one of my favorite things , but with that being said , i'm only down to ship if their is chemistry between our muses. don't hesitate though to reach out if you're interested in shipping! 006 ; i've recently become a fulltime stay at home parent , and i'm still learning how to balance that with my other priorities. that means i may not always be around. my real life is always my top priority and that means my activity may vary drastically. I just ask that you please be patient with me.
name. dylan michelle price nicknames / aliases. professionally know as dylan price , but friends call her dyl or d. gender. cis woman. pronouns. she / they. birthday. september 12th , 1998 ( verse dependent ). age. verse dependent , 25 - 27. sexuality. lesbian. current location. new york city , new york. birthplace. huntsville , alabama. spoken languages. english ( fluent ) , spanish ( fluent ). education. high school graduate with some college , went for two years studying music. occupation. struggling musician trying to make it. faceclaim. liv hewson voiceclaim. julien baker. eye color. dark blue. hair color. strawberry blonde. body type. slim , almost too thin due to her addictions. height. 5' 4" scent. cigarette smoke , wears old spice krakengaurd deodorant and body spray. tattoos / piercings. tba. just know she's covered in them. personality. appears aloof , quiet , passionate , distant , thoughtful , caring.
dylan price has always fought with her religion-- she grew up in the south . she was raised in a pentecostal church , and with an love for music from an early age , it was no surprise when she joined the churches praise band. christian music is an obvious influence in her own personal music. her new single rejoice is the perfect example of it. but , that's not all that her religion has influenced. from an early age , dylan knew she was a lesbian , she recalls when she realized , after a middle school soccer game , she was sitting in the back of the bus with her then best friend ( she made sure to exclude her name and wouldn't budge on the details ) held her hand. dylan describes it as your vision clearing after you get glasses for the first time. seeing the leaves in trees and not just blobs of color. this revaluation though , led to inner turmoil-- was the way she was enough? did her god , the one she worshipped now hate her because of who she loved? this struggle eventually led to her leaving the church and her hometown of huntsville.
the next step for dylan, she recalls was scary-- newly eighteen she loaded up in her in her 1997 subaru outback ( a detail she said she couldn't leave out. ) with everything she owned , two suitcases of clothes and an old guitar , and set of to new york with her then girlfriend ( we tried to press for this information too , but she did not budge ). the next years of her life were filled with struggle. dylan faced joblessness in new york , as well as homelessness , an addiction to cocaine as well as many other drugs-- she says this was the worst time of her life, her mental health was spiraling and she attempted to end her life two times. she said she never expected to make it past the age of 23-- and luckily that wasn't true.
at twenty - four , dylan's music career started to make bounds. former musican , liddell , discovered and vouched for the budding musician when she discovered a video of dylan covering one of her songs. this support led to her being picked up by an up and coming indie record label lavender songbird records , and the creation of her first album eye to eye's release.
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teenwolf--imagines · 7 years
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Imagine Liam getting himself off just to the sound of your voice on the phone
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chillmayo · 3 years
If I'm the dirt beneath your feet, bitch, then you're the pile of dog shit buried under it.
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sharmania · 7 years
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And here we have Dylan Sprayberry.
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ageofevermore · 4 years
i just saw a really cute guy at a pumpkin patch
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fly-invisible · 7 years
Am I the only one who thinks that Dominic Sherwood and Dylan Sprayberry look really alike??? They literally look like brothers
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mcrbrainrotz · 3 years
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Dyl-spray ilysm
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
stick it
What even is this fic? Idk, but i was missing gymnastics, so this is what y’all get. Its super bad, super weird, and not a whole lotta jolex, but whatever. 
Also, nobody cares, but the way I'm giving the scores is (most likely) different than what is averaged for Washington. I’ve never competed in Washington so i don’t know how hard their scoring is, but I did compete in one of the hardest regions in the US for gymnasts, so scoring was always a LOT more harsh than it was in other states and areas of states. Even though nobody is gonna pay attention to that I just thought I'd say something lol. 
And fun fact- our girl is a (much) better gymnast than i ever was, so… tea 🍵🍵  
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Jo watched her husband do their daughter’s hair from the doorway, some kind of a braided bun she didn’t know the name of. She smiled at the sight. It never failed to bring a smile to her face, even though it had become pretty common these past few years. She cradled the bottom of her six month baby bump in the palm of her left hand, her right holding her piping hot tea in a thermos. Once Alex was done putting in all of the excess pins, she watches as he puts a hand over their daughter’s eyes, pulling out the can of hairspray and spraying it into her hair. 
The almost nine year old girl lets out a giggle, commenting on how the hairspray smelt funny. Alex pulls out an Amped Up brush, combing back any flyaway hairs that might have escaped the spray. She snaps out of her trance when she hears her phone alarm go off, alerting the other two in the room of her presence. 
“Mommy!” her daughter exclaims, running over to her to give her a quick hug, much to the dismay of Alex. He was just thankful that he was already done with her hair. Even after three years of doing hair it still took a long ass time to do buns, especially when his daughter was the perfectionist she was. 
“Hey Dyl,” Jo reaches down, returning her daughter’s hug, giving her a tight squeeze before she watches Dylan retreat back to her dad, sitting in front of the mirror once again. 
Jo looks at Alex, who’s attention was focused on adding the shiny black scrunchie into the little girl’s hair. “I’m gonna get Aub up.” she whispers to him, watching him nod before she turns and makes her way down the hall, where their three year old daughter was sleeping. It was only five-thirty, so she knew what a hassle it would be. Aubryella was exactly like her parents in that way, a complete night owl. It was always a hassle to get the girl down at night, but even tougher to wake her up in the morning. She flicks on the small night on the girl’s bedside table, the lamp shade casting a soft pink glow around the all pink room. 
Much like her name, Aubryella was the definition of a girly-girl. She was all about pink, barbies, fashion, makeup… anything that would be described as girly, the three year old liked. Alex always gave props to Jo for that, since while she was pregnant with their youngest daughter she claimed that the tiny life growing inside of her was going to be an ‘all that and a bag of chips little diva’, so she thought it was only appropriate to give her a name to suit that title. (Good thing her mommy instincts were correct. She knew that if she gave Dylan that name and not Aubryella she would hate it more than life itself.) 
She shakes the girl lightly, hoping that it was enough to wake her up, which it ultimately wasn’t. She begins to run a hand through her hair, which ends up failing too. Jo lets out a sigh. 
“Aub. Aubrey. Elle. Ella. Ree. Aubryella. Get up sweetie.” she shakes the girl harder, finally stopping when the tiny blonde lets out a loud groan of protest. Yep, definitely a Karev.
“No mommy,” the girl says, her word muffled since her face was buried in her soft pink pillow case, using one hand to sleepily push her moms face away. It was too close to her ear, and she just wanted to sleep.
Jo chuckles, rolling her eyes at her daughter's antics. “It’s state’s day.” she whispers, knowing that that would get Aub’s attention.
As expected, the little girl gets up immediately, rubbing her tired as, not looking as asleep as she probably should, the talk of the upcoming meet more than enough to get her blood rushing. Though Aubryella wasn't a gymnast herself (she had started dance class a year ago and had found her calling then), watching gymnastics was something she loved to do, especially when it was her own sister competing. Not to mention, it was the topic of nearly every dinner for the past month and a half.  
The mom watches as the girl hassles out of the bed quickly, picking up her blanket and rushing to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Jo stays behind, making the bed. Normally, Aub would need to do it herself, but since they were on a time limit, she decided it would be best if she did it instead. When the girl gets back in the room Jo picks out her clothes, a dusty rose sweater and black jeans, both wasting no time in putting them on. She runs a comb through her daughter’s long dirty blonde hair, a trait she inherited from her Aunt Amber and Grandma. Aub actually looked more like the two than her own parents to most people, with her dirty blonde hair and blue-green eyes. But anyone who actually looked at the girl could see that she had Jo's nose and Alex’s chin. Not to mention, that crooked grin was all Alex Karev.
Jo picks up her daughter from her spot on the bed, grabbing a jacket that was hung on a hook before heading out of the door and down the hall, stopping when she went down the stairs and entered the living room. She sets the girl down by a chair in the kitchen, going to the cabinets and pulling out the doughnuts and cereal. “Which one?” she asks, holding up each dessert in a different hand. 
The girl grins mischievously, making the mom let out a small chuckle before pulling a powdered sugar doughnut out of the box. She didn’t know why she expected anything else. 
Aubryella accepts the doughnut gratefully, giving out an absent minded thank you before shoveling the treat in her mouth, getting the white sugar all over her face. Jo doesn’t need to wait long before she hears two sets of footsteps come down the stairs, Dylan dressed with her white and light blue leotard on, black warm ups on over it, Alex in a simple pair of jeans, back t-shirt, and the damn black jacket that he never got rid of, no matter how many protests he got from his wife. 
“Ready?” Jo asks, all three of them nodding in response. “Okay, you got your bag, shoes, extra hair ties, water bottle, lucky bear, extra bobby pins, thera band, notebook, phone, mascara, lip gloss, hair brush, wallet, tiger paws, ankle brace, knee brace, and wrist brace?” she questions again, going over the list she had memorized from years of training. 
Dylan rolls her eyes impatiently. She didn’t want to be late. She couldn’t be late. It was States for god’s sake! Everyone in the state of Washington (who qualified) would be there. The judges would be scoring harder, and some of the competition was going to be new. She was going to go up against girl’s she hadn’t before. Her goal was to win everything. Maybe it was extreme, but it was true. This season she had done well, really well actually. Her first season as a level seven had started off in the best way. She swept the first competition clean, getting first on vault, floor, and all around, second on bars, and third on beam. As the season went on she just got better, scores getting higher and snatching more golds with each meet. She knew she wasn’t going to be in the Olympics one day, but getting a college scholarship was looking more promising with every first place medal she had stacked around her neck. 
“Yeah, now let’s gooooo,” Dylan drags out, grabbing her dad’s hand and pulling him to the door, not even waiting for her mom and sister to follow. The four Karev’s shuffle into the car and drive an hour and fifteen minutes to the convention center where the meet was being held. They pile out of the car and check in, Alex taking a few minutes to add an extra layer of hairspray to Dylan’s hair while Jo puts a light coat of mascara on the girl’s eyelashes and dabs the lip rosy gloss on her lips. 
Before the eight year old can run off her coach, her parents kneel down in front of her, her eyes letting them know how scared she was behind her calm facade. “Hey,” Jo grabs a hold of her little girl’s shoulders, making her hazel eyes that were identical to her own stare deeply into hers. “You got this. Go out there and have fun, alright? You know your routines, you won’t mess up. Okay?” she reassures her. Jo pulls her daughter into a hug, “I love you baby.” she whispers into her ear, passing her off to Alex. 
Instead of staying on the ground, he picks her up and puts her on his side, much like you would do a small child. Dylan had always been on the smaller side, since neither one of her parents were very tall, but gymnastics had definitely stunted her growth a fair amount. For most people it would be a curse, but as all gymnasts know, it was a blessing. 
“We’re right here if you need us. Go kick some ass Dyl, and win that state title. You want that banner right?” he teases. Dylan did want a banner though. At her gym, whoever won a state, regionals, sectionals, or nationals title got a banner hung up from the ceiling. She had one from last year, when she won floor, vault, and the all around as a level six, and even more from the years before that in levels three, four, and five. 
But a banner as a level seven? Now that would be a dream come true. Why break the streak now? And not to mention, her group would be the last level seven group to go for the weekend, so if she got a high enough all around score, it could be factored in for the team’s total, which could mean another banner (this one provided by the competition) and trophy, if their total score was in the top three. And believe me, she was determined to win that banner, not for her, but for her team. 
Another thing she inherited from her parent’s, their competitiveness. 
Dylan gives her parents and sister one last hug and ‘I love you’ before ducking under the chain and meeting her coach and teammates on the floor.  
“Camera, camera, camera.” Alex mumbles, fishing through Jo’s bag until he pulls out the phone. Dylan was about to go up on bars, and he was designated photographer, since his wife couldn’t film for the life of her. The one time she tried, she ended up shooting the ceiling instead of Dylan’s floor routine. Their daughter was not very happy about that. 
He presses the start button just as the girl salutes, flashing the judges a smile before she begins. She rolls her neck and then adjusts her grips, stepping onto the mounting block and taking a deep breath before swinging her arms and launching into a kip, drowning out all of the excess noise in the background. 
“Legs, legs, legs.” Jo mumbles to herself. It was Dylan’s biggest deduction, having her legs separated. 
Straight legs, pointed feet. Kip cast handstand, hit the 180 degree mark, hold it, clear hip, hit 180 again, hollow body, her feet don't hit the ground, cast up to a squat on, she catches sight of the high bar before jumping to it, keeping her legs together as she goes into another kip, casting up into handstand, holding it at 180 for a second without an arch before hollowing back and beginning her giants, hollow body, tap, feet up, over, and again, see the toes in front, release, layout flyaway. Stick. 
Dylan beams as she salutes the judge again, going over to her coach and giving her a large hug, finally hearing the cheering coming from her family. A series of whoops and whistles come from her mom and dad, while her little sister claps her hands and gives her a wide smile. 
She waits a minute and a half for her score to flash up on the screen, a 9.725. The cheering from her section gets louder, and her teammates engulf her in hugs. It was a hell of a way to start off the meet. 
Alex pulls out the camera again when Dylan salutes the beam judge, trying to mask her nervousness behind a smile. Alex and Jo both knew how she felt about the beam. She hated it with every fiber of her being, no matter how good she was at it. She glances over at her family, who all give her encouraging smiles. It was just enough to give her the confidence she needed. 
He watches as she places her hands on the beam, going from a support to a press handstand for her mount. She stands, doing a few different moves and poses before swinging her arms up by her ears. 
“C’mon Dyl.” he whispers to himself. His daughter didn't mind cheering on any other events, but beam was a different story. She was always worried whenever she was on the apparatus, so whenever a sudden noise came through, she struggled. It was something she was working on, but it was going to take time. 
She lifts up her left leg, beginning her connection, a back walkover to a back handspring step-out. The girl circles her arms behind her immediately to prevent any balance checks. Jo and Alex both let out audible sighs of relief, knowing that if there was one thing that could go wrong in the routine, it would be that. From the looks of it, Dylan seemed relieved too. Her movements were less tense, she completed her jumps with perfect form, a split jump to a sissone. Her leap hit 180, and her full turn was controlled. All that was left now was her dismount. All three Karev’s sat on the edge of their seats, the baby in Jo’s belly kicking non stop, letting her know that it was in on the action as well. 
Dylan kicks her leg into the air, toes pointed, knees locked. Cartwheel step-in, back tuck. Stick. She lets out a breath, turning to the judges and saluting, flashing them a smile, giving her coaches a hug before darting to her family, who had moved closer for the event.  
“You did so good.” Jo says, pulling her into a hug over the plastics chains that separated them, Alex doing the same after. 
“What score do you think I got Bree?” Dylan asks her little sister, who lets out an adorable giggle before holding out her hands. 
“Ten!” she says, making her family laugh. One could dream. 
The score flashed up on the screen then, 9.775. 
Well, this was going to be a damn good meet. 
The camera was locked on Dylan as she made her way to her spot on the floor, striking her beginning pose before her music blared through the speakers. She dances around the floor, gliding with an ease neither of her parents had ever experienced themselves. It was a wonder really, how both of their daughter’s were good dancers while they couldn't move for shit. 
Her first pass was her hardest, a roundoff back handspring back layout. The family holds their breath as the girl sets high, finishing the rotation with ease, dancing around more before her leap pass, a switch leap to a straddle jump. She dances more, making eye contact with the judges as she moves. Floor was where she had the most confidence, being able to express herself through her music and choreography, that’s why it was always her favorite. 
“C’mon Dyl!” 
“You got this Dylan,” 
“Yay Tissy!” 
The family cheered before her second pass, a front handspring front pike, which she had a small step on, but nothing that would make a large difference in her score. She did some floor work, showing off her flexibility in her back with a series of rolls, standing up and doing a full turn. She makes her way to the corner, Jo and Alex watching the scene intently, Alex having Aubryella perched on his knee. This last pass sealed the deal. She runs, hurdles into a front pike, and connects to a front tuck. Stick. 
A smile breaks out on the little girl’s face. She moves her limbs in unison to her ending pose, hitting it just as the beat dropped. A series of cheers come from everyone around her. Her family, teammates, coaches. She doesn’t need to wait long for her score to flash up on the screen. A 9.675. 
Dylan’s last event was vault, her personal best. She had already done her warmups, and now she was just waiting for the judge to hold up the green flag. She adjusts her tiger paws after she salutes, just as Alex starts the recording. She sprints down the runway, hurdling into a roundoff, and pushing back into a back handspring. Her vault was a yurchenko drill. She keeps her form, legs together, knees locked, toes pointed. She finishes, salutes, then goes again. The three in the stands cheer. It was the last event. Her all around score depended on these vaults. 
When she does her finishing salute a second time, she knows that it was even better than the last. She looks over to her family and gives them a smile, wanting nothing more than to run over to them, but she knows she can’t, they were too far away. 
Her score takes a while to come up on the screen, which could either be a bad or good thing. The Karev’s hold their breath in anticipation, Jo stroking her baby bump with one hand, while holding Alex’s with the other. Even Aubryella was on the edge of her seat, well, more like the edge of her dad’s lap. Her hair was no longer down, but in a braided bun similar to her sisters, since she insisted that she wanted to look just like her. Alex was thankful Jo had packed extra hair ties in not just Dylan’s bag, but also her purse.
A series of loud cheers come from this section as they see their daughter’s score. A 9.800, a personal best. 
“And now, your vault state champion in the eight to nine year old category with a score of 9.800 is… Dylan Karev!” The announcer cheers as the little brunette makes her way up to the first place podium, an abundance of applause coming from the crowd. A gold medal is placed around her neck by an assistant, who she thanks with a megawatt smile. 
“These are your 2029 vault state champions, gymnasts salute.” the announcer says, causing all the girls to raise their arms to the position, all the families in the crowd taking photos of their daughters. Jo, Alex, and Aubryella cheer the loudest, more than proud of Dylan. 
As awards went on, more categories were called. 
“Your bar's state champion in the eight to nine year old category with a score of 9.725 is... Dylan Karev!” 
“Your beam state champion in the eight to nine year old category with a score of 9.775 is… Dylan Karev!” 
“On the floor, in second place with a score of 9.675 is… Dylan Karev!” 
“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Your 2029, eight to nine year old all around state champion, with a combined score of 38.975 is… Dylan Karev!” The audience erupted into applause, her parents, her teammates, coaches, and even her teammates parent’s cheering for her. She accepts her fifth medal with a wide smile, hopping down from the podium and back into the crowd. She had just won her ultimate goal, an all around title. 
After a few of the older groups were called, it was time for the team awards.  
“In first place, with a combined total of 115.575 is… Seattle Gymnastics Academy!” Another first place team award. The team accepts the banner and trophy and poses for photos alongside the second and third place team, proudly showing off their trophy by raising it above their heads.  
When she gets down and the awards finish, she runs to her parents, crashing into Alex with a gigantic hug. When she finally lets go, she hugs her mom and sister. 
“I’m so proud of you Dyl.” her mom says, touching her cheek affectionately. Gymnastics was her daughter's passion, something she lived and breathed for. Seeing that light in her eyes and that grin was something she would never get tired of. 
Aubryella hugs her big sister’s legs, “good job Tissy.” The name came from when the tiny blonde was younger and couldn’t say ‘Sissy’, and had stuck to it ever since. 
The family of four makes their way out of the convention center, the drive back to their house was peaceful, the limited hours of sleep they got the night before catching up to them. They all crash onto their respective beds, the girls in their rooms and Jo and Alex in their’s. 
Alex runs a hand through his wife’s hair, his other tracing circles on her baby bump, feeling the little life inside of her kick like a crazy person. 
They stay like that for a while, savoring the quiet. With two kids in the house, it was a major rarity these days. Jo hums, nuzzling into his embrace. “I love you.” she murmurs into his shirt, on the verge of sleep. He reaches down and places a small kiss on the top of her head. 
“I love you too.”
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jpegjade · 7 years
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wonder-kid-pugh · 5 years
In the line of Fire (Christen Press x reader)
Hey guys! Back again with another imagine. This one is a continuation from my other Press imagine, "The death of Preath". So I hope you enjoy!
Y/n's Pov
I was checking all the all the equipment in the fire engine with Dylan in case we got another call today. "Are all the tanks full?" Dylan asks loading the hose onto the truck. "Yup" I grunt as I lift the oxygen tanks into the truck before closing the door. "Here's hoping we don't have another call today" she laughs. "Fingers crossed. I just have to finish today and then I have time off to spend with Chris" I say crossing my fingers. "How is the fiancée? Any wedding planning done yet?" Dylan wiggles her eyebrows at me. I laugh, "She's good. The team is actually here for a match tomorrow against Ireland. So I think she is on media today. So I finish today, I go watch the match tomorrow and then we finally get time off. Might go on vacation somewhere get a bit of wedding planning done". "That's great. You deserve some time off with how many lives you save. People get to live their lives because of you, you should be allow live yours" Dylan claps me on the back. "Thanks Dyl, it means a lot" I thank him. "Your my best friend Y/n, all I want in return is an invite, so no eloping!" He jokes. It's my turn to make lunch for the station, so I go up to the kitchen and start to make spaghetti Bolognese while Dylan sets the table.
When it's done the team gathers around the table and starts to eat. We were half way through dinner when the alarm sounded. Immediately we all jolt up and rush to get ready. I slide down the pole and grab my protective gear and rush to engine one. Dylan and I jump in the back while our captain drives. "What's the story cap?" I shout through the coms. "A building downtown is after exploding and a fires broken out. People are still trapped inside" he responds. I turn to Dylan, "I had a few more hour and then I was off. I blame you, you jinx us" I joke. He chuckled and shake his head at me. When we get there, we hop out if the engine and get our gear on. The police already had people sectioned off a safe distance away from the fire. I turn to the nearest police officer, "Do you know how many are still inside?". "No! But we can see people on the 2 floor at the windows". Dylan's and I nod. We both burst through leaping through the fire. We cautiously make our way to the second floor. We get to the room and see a little girl crouching down beside a man on the ground, "Daddy? Daddy! Wake up!". I reach the girl first, "Hey we're going to help you and your Daddy okay?".
I pick up the little girl while Dylan takes her father throwing him over his shoulder. I hug the girl into my chest trying my best to protect her as best as I could. We run out if the house and get the two to the ambulance.  I look and see reporters and people at the boundary trying to see what's happening. The rest of the team are trying to control the fire spraying water onto the building. I see the building is ready to collapse, it's barely staying standing. "Do you think we got everyone?" Dylan asks. I shake my head, "I don't know". As if someone heard us, your question is answered,
I turn to the building. There's someone still inside. Part of the building collapses on the right hand side and a scream follow. We hear the girl behind us struggle after the paramedics, "That's my sister! Reagan! Someone help her". The building starts to crumble, the doorway was engulfed with flames and was seconds from falling. Without even thinking I take off in a dead sprint back into the flames. "Y/N DON'T" Dylan calls from behind me. But it's too late, just as I get through the door it collapses behind me. Gotta find another way out now. "Reagan! Reagan where are you?" I call out throughout the house. "I'm here! Help please!". I try to navigate my way through the dense smoke. I stumble through and find a the girl pinned down under some debris. "Okay Reagan, when I lift the wood off your leg, I need you to move your leg okay sweetie?". She nods and starts coughing. There just be a lot of smoke in her lungs
I need to get her out if here now.
"Okay one the count of 3 okay? One...two...three!" I use all my strength to lift the burning wood up. The debris burned my hands and they were in excruciating pain but I held it up. She pulled her leg away and I dropped the wood. It was clear she was struggling to breath. I looked around trying to find an exit point. The door was blocked after it collapsing so that was a no go. There was no other way but up. I remember seeing a window on the second floor. If I get to the window I can get the girl down to the team. I quickly make my way up the stairs not trust the stability of it for much longer. When I get to the top, I see a line of fire blocking us from the window. I unzip my protective jacket and wrap it around the girls as best as I could trying to cover both of us as I hold her close to my chest, "I'm going to need to to hold on really tight okay". I run and jump through the flames and make my way to the window. I use the my axe to break the window. I stand in the window and call down to them, "Get the parachute! You need to catch her!". The team quickly get the parachute and spread out in front of the window. Once they were ready I'm about to throw her down for them to catch her using the parachute but she clings onto me, "No don't drop me!". I look at the little girl, "Listen to me okay. They are going to catch you. I promise, but you need to go now". She slowly nods. I toss her out the window and she lands in the middle of the parachute. The team gets her out of the parachute and to the paramedics quickly. "Cmon Y/n!" Dylan shouts up. But before I can jump, the ground underneath me collapses. My body hits the ground hard and I can feel more debris land on top of me. All I can hear is yelling and screams before everything goes black.
Christen's Pov
The team were gathered in Kelley's and I's room going team bonding. Some were playing cards on the floor while other were talking or playing on their switches. I was looking up ideas for the wedding when I hear Allie shout, "Is that Y/n?". I look up at the TV and see Y/n jump out if the fire engine and scan the building. "Kelley turn up the TV" I say. She nods and turns up the volume and hear the report talking, "We're here in downtown LA as firefighters arrive on the scene as there are still people trapped inside.  A gas line explosion started a fire and had engulfed the building in flames". The camera pans to the building. And we watch Y/n run into the building. "I never knew Y/n was a firefighter" Alex says. People nods along with Alex. We continue watching the news report and we see Y/n carry out a little girl of the house and hand her off for he paramedics. "Go Y/n! She just saved that little girl" Emily shouts. I breath a sigh of relief realising that she's safe now.
That is until there's an update.
"We've just got news that firefighter have rescued two from the fire." The reporter was cut off by a scream. The camera turns to the building, part of the building collapses. And all you can see is the blur of a firefighter's uniform sprint into the house just as the door collapses.
Please don't be Y/n. Please don't be her
I feel Tobin grab my hand and I squeeze back. "We've just got an update that there is still someone trapped inside, but it seems a firefighter has rushed back inside. The other firefighters have been fighting the fire and seem to be getting the fire under control but part of the house is still heavily engulfed in flames" the reports answers. After what feels like eternity, we see the firefighter with another little girl at a window on the second floor. The firefighter breaks the window and throws the girl down to where the other firefighters caught her using a big sheet. But before the firefighter could jump down the house collapsed as the firefighter disappeared for sight. My breath caught as the building fell in on itself reducing it to a pile of rumble. The whole room is silent and I feel feel my eyes water thinking the worst. Thinking that it was Y/n that was now trapped in the building. We could see firefighters immediately rush to put out the last of the fire. Finally the fire is put out and the firefighters start to dig through the debris.
My heart breaks when it turns back to the reporter, "It appears that firefighter Y/n L/n is now buried under the collapsed house after saving a little girl in the house. The rest of station 23 is searching for her. But at this very moment there is no updated on her condition". I let out a sob as it hits me.
Please be okay. I don't know what I'll do if she isn't okay
I start to break down crying. I feel someone wrap me in a hug as I try to buried myself into them. Praying that Y/n will be okay. I don't know how long it's been when I pull myself together enough to stop crying for a bit. I pull away to see it was Kelley hugging me and that the rest of the team left the room. "It's okay Christen. She's going to be okay you just got to have faith" she whispers to me. "She better be because I can't imagine life without her Kel" I rasp out.
Just then there's a knock on the door. I look at Kelley before going to answer the door. When I open the door I see Y/n's captain standing there still in uniform. I shake my head, "No this can't be real". I don't believe this, she's can't be gone.
I turn down the hallway and see Y/n leaning up against Dylan. Her face is covered in soot and her hair is all stuck to her face. Her hands are wrapped in bandages and she seems to be putting all her weight on her left leg as she uses Dylan as her human crutch. Once I snap out of my daze I run to her wrapping her a bone crushing hug. "It's okay. I'm okay. Everything's fine" she whispers to me. "How did you-". "The team pulled me out if the rubble quickly. I have a few bruised ribs and I'm a bit battered but I'll live" she interrupts me."I was so scared" I cry into her shoulder. "Hey you proposed to me. You ain't getting rid of me for a long time"she says before pulling me into a kiss. When she pulls away she wipes away my tears,
"I'll always come back to you"
There we go! Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. If you have any prompts or requests feel free to message me or leave them in the comments. I also have a new book out so go and check it out if you like. Updates might be a bit slow for a bit cause I still have to finish school and Christmas is always manic in our house. So until next time, bye!
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teenwolf--imagines · 7 years
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Imagine trying to keep quiet while you’re having sex with Liam because the leader of the pack, Scott, is sleeping in the next room
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sharmania · 7 years
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~the cleave~
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ageofevermore · 4 years
i just saw a really cute guy at a pumpkin patch
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wanderingheartana · 5 years
Dylan x Ana - Reply
“Are you actually about to become that guy?” She asked playfully, a laugh escaping her as she gently swatting him. “You know, the teenager named Kyle who wears axe body spray and knocks a girl up. Then still tries to get laid by floating the idea of orgasms being good for pregnant women,” she followed up the swat with a nudge and couldn’t help the laughter tumbling off her lips as she teased the male. She knew he was only joking, which was part of why she just as easily gave it back.
Her hazel eyes shifted, looking up to meet his icy blue ones as she felt his finger tip tracing along her jawline. It was strange, she couldn’t pinpoint how she’d ended up there. Dylan was her best friend. They’d always been just friends. Now she was looking in his eyes and her body and mind reacted with a hundred different responses, none of which were the types friends had for other friends. Maybe change was good though.
“It is, but it’s more than that Dyl and you know it,” she commented. Her eyes closed for a moment as she leaned into that forehead kiss. The redhead pulled back a little and finally decided to lay herself back down, propping up on one arm. “Yeah that’s about right.”
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
Dyl Sprays and his friends released a new vid and I don't even know what their lives are but they sure having fun!
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