#dirty teen wolf imagines
I've seen a lot of takes on what would happen if Sonic and Tails returned to West Side Island and confronted the people who were so abusive to Tails, and I had an idea for a somewhat new spin on it.
What if, now that Tails is a world famous hero, the Islanders try to try to basically gaslight him into thinking none of the abuse ever happened? They find out he's coming and they throw a big "Welcome Home" party and give him a medal and stuff, and when confronted about their treatment of him just completely deny or twist it. Like "oh yes I'm so sorry there were a couple kids who were bullies but that happens to everyone you weren't being targeted, and we tried to get them to stop it" or "we didn't know you were alone and homeless, if we knew we would have taken you in" and all sorts of garbage like that
And Tails, who's maybe a tween-young teen now, and no longer has distinct memories from that early in his life, starts to question if maybe he really was blowing things out of proportion. Maybe he really was just bullied by one or two kids, and they weren't really that bad. Maybe people didn't really chase him away and refuse to even let him go through their garbage for food. He knows he has anxiety. Maybe he was just imagining how much everyone hated him. And he almost wants to believe it, to believe that he was never truly hated.
But Sonic remembers. Sonic remembers the gang of older kids beating and violently attacking toddler aged Tails, and only stopping when he physically intervened with his own fists. He remembers questioning the townsfolk about the two-tailed fox he'd seen and being meet with sneers and complete disdain. He remembers how skinny Tails was, how his ribs were visible even through his fur and how he wolfed down the food Sonic offered him so quickly that he nearly threw it up later. He remembers how Tails flinched from any quick movement or attempt at touch. He remembers the long process of gaining the fox's trust, a process that tested his nine-year-old patience as he spent literal weeks urging Tails to come closer, keeping his hands slow and his face friendly, finally getting the fox to join him at the campfire, to walk beside him without dashing away when moved his arm too fast, and then, eventually, to let him touch him. He remembers the first few times Tails let him try to brush out his matted, dirty fur, each knot a testament to neglect, and finding scars and wounds on the skin beneath that spoke of so much abuse. He remembers realizing for the first time that normal, everyday Mobians could be just as cruel as Eggman.
Tails doesn't trust his own memory. But Sonic remembers. And Sonic is not quick to forgive.
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funtheysaid · 4 months
IWTV 2x01 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- That title card for Delainey felt very stage play to me (ahhh I adore the theatrical elements for this season)
- Ooh I love the idea that vamps can take on the emotions of whosever blood they’re drinking - it’s like the vampire equivalent of when werewolves can smell ppl’s emotions and fears through chemosignals (a la Teen Wolf iykyk)
- “Disregard” is the funniest shit ever 😂 Oldmaniel they could never make me hate you
- There’s a Real Rashid OMFG ??? Lol imagine he’s not actually Rashid and they pull one over on us again I’d fucking shit myself
- “Your love was in a box” OH MY GOD EAT HIM UP DANNY BOY
- “Quite fucked” 😏😏😏
- “mon amour” “mon cher” “love” IM GOING TO EXSANGUINATE MYSELF ISTG
- The singular finger on Louis’ chin 🥲 so delicate so soft so bad for my mental health
- I like Emilia
- “They are not used to seeing man with good looks” OKAY I know they’re just racists BUT she also wasn’t lying bc beautiful Louis is canon god bless you Jacob Anderson
- Lol Morgan a little fruity
- OOH memory is a monster! They be redoing scenes as Louis “fixes” his memories !!!! That’s gonna show up again for sure :))))
- “Stupid Halloween costume” Daniel Molloy the brat that you are (is okay, Armand likes brats) *cough cough*
- I’ve never seen someone *elegantly* close an iPad before. Armand, you have bewitched me.
- The fucking sexual tension between DM is stifling 🥵😶‍🌫️ Um if this is us “not getting Devil’s Minion” then I think imma be okay
- Claudia pushing the little racist boy 🤪🥹 we can’t help but to stan
- WTF AMC you can’t just jumpscare me with a Grace photograph :’)))
- so the makeup department really put their whole sfxussies into that decrepit ass abomination
- Louis: Alexa, play Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey Songz
- Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S1: ☺️🍭👼 Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S2: 😖🤢😟
- I’m dubbing Louis “The Rat Prince”
- “If he can’t take you ballroom dancing and call you pretty” ICONIC.
- “the motherfucker” it’s on sight Bruce or Killer or whatever the fuck your name was 🤕🥊
- “her hand twitched like yours would” why was that line lowkey out of pocket. My mans has Parkinson’s Louis !!!!
- that wasn’t even acting that was some REAL shit. Get Jacob Anderson his Emmy or Oscar or Tony or whatever the fuck I just need him to be awarded for his talent
- Daniel’s soft compassionate side: rare but that much more meaningful when it makes an appearance
- LOUIS you did not just do Emilia dirty like that TF!?! She helped you dude.
- “Human affairs. Their problem.” Not you listening to Lestat now of all times
- “Catfish with teeth” Louis can really read a bitch to filth can’t he?
- Oh shit he’s a kid okay I’m sorry for calling you an abomination earlier. That was mean.
- Woman vampire, you standing precariously close to that fire 👀
- Delainey’s facial expressions are the perfect blend of innocent and slightly unsettling
- What the hell is a bacon triptych am I just stupid don’t answer that
- Armand you ain’t beating the iPad kid allegations
- “It’s his drug” He said that with such malice. Is this a “he needed me but he needed drugs more” plot line???
- So Dubai Loumand is chilly frigid tepid frosty glacial
- Free feet? Okay im sorry
- “We can have him saying what happened next in no time” okay wait hold up why you making it sound like YOU don’t know what happened next and you need him to tell you???
- oh danny boy whistling while the couple he’s counseling walks in… is this a comedy or ?
- Daniel: yeah? 🤓 Armand: yeah 🫦
- “the mother of New Orleans” oh he misses home
- LMFAO Daniel interrupting Armand before he can start soliloquizing
- Louis and Claudia in a truck full of art which they belong in bc they too are pieces of art to me
- hard words. soft words. 🥺
- “a shit life beats no life” god damn this monologue feels like Louis is speaking directly to my soul
- “as long as you walk the earth I’ll never taste the fire” If this is foreshadowing I- I- I don’t know what I’ll do but it’s going to involve a baseball bat and a waffle iron and my head
- “it would be enough” pan to Lestat 💀 you can’t be fucking serious right now you just cannot
- okay it’s over and the teaser for the season just started playing and I just have to shout out the score bc damn if those violins don’t get me every god damn time
(Stutter) That’s all, folks! 🐷👋
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awyeahitssam · 7 months
My Writing Masterlist
Since I post on here far more consistently then on ao3 for reasons, I figured I would compile a list of my writing for those who don't like sifting through fandoms they could care less about to get to the good stuff. 
Separated by fandom, and somewhat by trope. 
Harry Potter:
Harry eats a God. 
Harry just can't seem to stay dead. TW: Suicide, character death, frequent character death, torture, murder, disjointed snippets, discontinued + Harry dissociates. Connected, same warnings may apply. 
First Encounters: Time loop, Voldemort-as-Quirrell visits the Dursleys and is less than pleased. 
First Encounters: The first time Harry meets Voldemort, the man he's been trained to kill all his life, he's nineteen, and Voldemort recognizes him. 
Prisoner Harry tells Voldemort about the Dursleys like it's a bedtime story. 
Except for the incident, Harry really doesn't tend to talk a lot when he has a concussion. Stream of thought narrative, character injury.
Literally just Empath!Harry spoilers. Harry, at his trial, allowing himself be petty to an extent. 
Harry gets drunk, pulled into Voldemort's mind, and decides he wants to share his good mood.
Tea shop AU.  + more  Tea Shop (weather) AU. + something actually Tea-based under the cut
Four of a Kind AU: Learning to kiss split-scene. Harry/Harry, referenced Harry/Horcrux + They meet. They kiss. What if. Voldemort/Harry + In the aftermath Voldemort/Harry
Kid Fic: Harry ‘dies’ as a child. Mentor!Voldemort, absolutely not a pairing ficlet. 
Kid Fic: Harry and Voldemort’s kid lands in the past during a duel at the Ministry. Pre-Harrymort, Micah, not quite the kiss you'd expect.
Female Harry, world-jumping, rationally angry. Tom/Harry intended, if Harry will chill out on the murder. 
Harry likes to feel pretty. Horcrux/Harry, Harry wears makeup, etc. 
Tom and Harry jump through time to each other. Tomarry, growing up, fluff, brief kissing, Harry’s older
Dragon AU, I have a lot more of this one written, I should dump that some day. Harry/Horcruxes
Harry/Tom: pillow forts, soft angst, unresolved, broken promises
Harry's really fucking sick and tired of being told what the fuck to do. 
Tom-after-Voldemort is the first person Harry has ever spoken to. Isolation, lighthearted, odd, old and forgotten. 
Harry never imagines the effect getting a boyfriend would have on Riddle. Jealous Tom. 
Harry messes with Diary!Tom
Harry and Voldemort have to complete a task based on the colour of the others' robes, for some reason?
Harry is kidnapped and wakes up in an incredibly comfortable bed. Voldemorts knows Harry is his horcrux.
Harry ruthlessly defends Hogwarts against encroaching Death Eaters. Sixth Year.
It's one paragraph guys.
Prompt-based: Tom possesses Harry when he's afraid. Hermione POV.
Prompt-based: Santa forgot about Harry, again.
Prompt-based: Tom watches Harry draw dirty, dirty things at church.
Teen Wolf, all at least peripherally intended as Stiles/Peter
Kid Fic + Genderbend + Time Travel: Stiles is in the past and nobody is raising Malia, so she sure as shit will.
Stiles has known about werewolves since he was nine, and now that he's off the college it seems his dad has gottten involved. No Hale Fire, Protective Stiles
The first thing Kate does when she comes back to Beacon Hills is kidnap Peter. Human!Alpha Stiles, eventual Steter, pre-slash
Stiles has the curse of obedience. Stiles/Peter
Flower shop AU! Ft. Petty Peter and insulting bouquets.
Peter says he hates Stiles. Stiles begs to differ. 
Werewolf Stiles wakes up in the middle of Beacon Hills woods naked, and tries to keep it low key from there. Bakery AU, kinda. Peter/Stiles
First Encounters: The Hale pack summons Stiles to the past. 
First Encounters: The first time Stiles meets Peter he is drunk. Stiles is a rude, very straight-forward drunk who steps all over issues like dead family and psychosis. It’s like he had a minefield map and is intentionally stepping on every trigger. 
Stiles meets Peter in the hospital.
Stiles pulls back because he doesn't want Peter to mess up his dress shirt, not because he doesn't want the bite. 
Stiles crochets magic shit. Fluff. 
Negotiations go well. 
Peter being the literal worst, holy hell, this hurts to read. Have some angst. Past-Stiles/Peter
Okay, my bad for that last one. Have some comfort. Crying, comfort, Stiles & Peter
Dragon Stiles is constantly underestimated. 
Stiles beats Peter, sore loser extraordinaire. 
Me acting like Stiles has shame for some reason.
Female Stiles gets forcibly genderbent and is not putting up with anybody's shit. Body dysmorphia, shitty friends, anger issues, sexism. Peter/Stiles
Female Stiles and Peter. Shower, soft.
Stiles writes smutty fanfic, as he should. 
Stiles being a bad influence on his little self, ft Knowing Himself Too Fucking Well. Time travel AU, torture
Peter walks away. 
Peter/Stiles, marking, one of the sexiest things I've ever written imo 
Peter is dumb, stupid, silly villain. 
Peter’s timing is about as good as Stiles’ filter. Dumb, stupid villain antics. 
Stiles threatens Peter, /lh
Stiles is justifiably sad after a movie. 
Tony Stark-centric:
Gen: Tony takes after Maria. Few people recognize a predator wrapped up in such Tony packaging. 
Gen: Tony bantering with, and teasing, Peter. 
Tony Stark uses the infinity stones. 
Tony survives the stones. 
Tony proposes. In public. In a way that undeniably affirms his feelings. Loki/Tony
Loki meets Morgan for the first time. Loki/Tony, kid fic
Hair Kink—I mean braiding! Aha, ha, ha… Loki/Tony
Female Toni doesn't take well to her children being threatened. 
Soulmates? Tony/Loki
Rhodey gives Loki the shovel talk ft. Parks & Rec
Tony saves the day…?
Bleach / Time travel: Ichigo isn't supposed to be here. 
The 100: Cage Wallace stages a coup before the forty-eight arrive. (Or: Dante Wallace dies before his time.) This changes everything.
Tagged: 10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Shorts
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akitasimblr · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your oc! I was tagged by @matchalovertrait <33 thank you so much! my sim of choice is bathsheba harper, my sweet lily flower 🤍
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? Batty fears being cheated on... she's also a jealous sim, which i get it considering her background...
Do they have any pet peeves? batty is a squeamish sim soooooo she has MANY pet peeves, but DON'T YOU DARE leaving a dirty dish on the table!!!
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? a moonpetal flower, lots of family photos and a rocking chair.
What do they notice first in a person? their kindness.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? quite high, i'd say 8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? fight mode. batty developed the Uncontrolled Emotions Trait as a teen so... she has a temper, okay?
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? well, batty was raised by a single mother, but she is the heiress of a looooong legacy. she is a family person with all her heart!
What animal represents them best? wolf (she was once a werewolf)
What is a smell that they dislike? hum... any bad smell, to be honest. but she can't stand the smell of uncleaned toilets.
Have they broken any bones? nope.
How would a stranger likely describe them? a stranger would probably describe her like a sweet, quiet and naive girl.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? morning bird!! rise and shine ;)
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? there's few things batty doesn't like in the kitchen... but she can't stand the taste of aspargus. on the other hand, give her oranges or any citric flavour and she'll have the time of her life!
Do they have any hobbies? yes! baking, followed by cooking. and very recently, yoga! she did try flower arranging but it didn't suit her well.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? batty loooooves surprises! she'd probably cry of happiness <33
Do they like to wear jewelry? she often uses a necklace with a moon symbol.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? neat. batty's handwritting is spotless!
What are two emotions they feel the most? jealousy and passion.
Do they have a favorite fabric? she likes silk. she was wearing a green silky dress when she was proposed in marriage by lucas <33
What kind of accent do they have? oohh! interesting! i always imagined batty sounding like margaret hale from north and south series.
i tag @jonquilyst @rebouks @dawnvy @doglover-trait and @nitrozem
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Lydia x Sister!reader - what’re family for
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Would I be able to request an imagine from teen wolf where reader is Lydia’s younger sibling, and because of her Lydia’s status vs readers, Lydia’s friends bully reader, and Lydia sticks up for reader, ditching her friends to hang out with her sibling instead? - Anon💜
Sitting on the bench, you were reading the book in your hand, you flicked your eyes up when you heard snickered and watched as Jackson walked over to you.
“Come on, you’re not really reading again are you?”
“Bite me Jackson.” You snapped.
“Oo someone’s snappy, what’s this?”
He took the book from your hands and backed away into his group of friends as he read the title aloud.
Scoffing, he tossed the book into a nearby trash can.
“Jackson!” You yelled.
“Don’t be such a nerd (Y/N), honestly live a little.” Someone laughed.
You all turned around to see your older sister coming around the corner, a scowl on her face as she turned around and slapped her boyfriend and you smiled a little.
“Seriously?!” She yelled.
“Oh come on, the little geek doesn’t mind, do you?” He snarled at you.
You went to reply but you were cut off by Lydia holding her hand up and you closed your mouth again.
“I don’t care! That’s my sister! Seriously what the hell is wrong with you all?!”
She stormed over to you, grabbing your arm she dragged you away from the ground and you stumbled after her, trying to match her pace.
Once she was sure you were far enough away she slowed down and let go of your arm and taking your hand in hers.
“I’m sorry.” She said softly.
“Not your fault…” you shrugged a little.
Lydia sighed and shook her head.
“Still they’re my friends, I don’t get why they pick on you so much.”
You shrugged a little and sat on the curb.
Lydia looked at you before walking around and standing in front of you instead of risking getting her dress all dirty.
“What did they do?” She asked.
“Ly it doesn’t matter honestly.”
“(Y/N).” She warned.
Looking up at your sister, she had her arms crossed as she looked at you, waiting for you to answer her question and you sighed.
“Threw my book in the trash.”
Lydia rummaged through her bag before pulling her keys out, dangling them in the air as she held out a hand towards you.
“Let’s go.”
“What? Where?”
“To get you a new one of course! And lunch, I know this real cute cafe you’ll just love!”
“What about school?”
Lydia laughed a little, taking your hand in hers she pulled you up and grabbed your bag, holding it out to you.
Taking it, you followed behind her as you guys made your way through the parking lot towards her car.
“Please, one day won’t affect us. You’re at the top of your class remember.” She sang.
You laughed a little and nodded sheepishly as you climbed into the car.
“Can we get some other stuff while we’re out?” You asked.
Lydia smiled softly at you as she nodded her head.
“Of course, whatever you want!”
You beamed happily and started to ramble on about all the stores you wanted to go to and a few things you wanted to buy and Lydia smiled.
You guys were two totally different people, but she loved you with her whole heart.
She would deal with Jackson and the rest of that group later on, right now she was going to do anything she could to make you forget about what they were doing to you.
Just like every time they started on you she was always going to take your side because you were her family. You were always standing behind her, evening with all the weird stuff going on right now, you never doubted her for a single second.
That’s what it meant to be family, to always be there for one another no matter what
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booker-le-livre · 2 years
lmfao sis literally EVERYONE is mocking Posey for being desperate and unemployed and still begging for more Teen Wolf movies because he wants to keep playing geriatric wolf lol. And everyone is rightfully mocking/shitting on Posey and Jeff for their shitty excuse of a Teen Wolf revival and for treating Arden like garbage. The only relevant things about the TW Movie are Derek and Eli Hale. No one gives a shit about Scott, Posey or Jeff and you can die mad about it 🙃
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Lmao, sis, who hurt you?😭 Imagine being so fired up because someone doesn’t like Meningitis Stilinski that you’re actually dragging Posey for rightfully being the MC of the franchise revolving around his character? Literally the only valid thing you said was that they did Arden dirty. Anyway, I give the movie 10/10 solely for being DOB/Meningitis-free💅🏽
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bootyshaker900o · 2 years
“Playlists of my unhealthy obsessions/Simping”
These men have caused such a brain rot- that like they are my whole personality. I made a little playlist of songs for them
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Dave/William Afton (🧍‍♂️ I have problems)
Jocelyn Flores - XXXTENTACION
Can You Feel My Heart - Bring Me the Horizon
Yandere - Jazmin Bean
Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Beach Weather
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Perverted - Elita
The Neden Game - ICP
Stalker’s Tango - Autoheart
Say My Name - Alex Brightman
Imma Kill You - ICP
Blow My Brains Out - Tikkle Me
Ryn, Rabinit Run - Flanagan and Allen
Boogie Woogie Wu - ICP
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Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino
Hell of a Ride - Bo Burnham
Family Jewels - Marina and the Diamonds
I’m still standing - Elton John
Puppet Boy - DEVO
Afraid - The Neighborhood
Reflections - The Neighborhood
Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys
One day - Lovejoy
The Ending - Hobo Johnson
Trouble - Hazel Bloom
Teen Romance - Lil Peep
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Team - Mag.Lo
Bad - Michael Jackson
Orphan Tears - Your Favorite Martian
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Problems - Mother Mother
Zydrate Anatomy - Paris Hilton
Toxic - Britney Spears
Liquid Smooth - Mitski
W.D.Y.W.F.M? - The Neighborhood
Trom Cat - Tyler, the Creator
E.T. - Katy Perry, Kanye West
Molly - MSI
Enemy - Imagine Dragons, JID
Never Satisfied - CORPSE
Desire - Meg Myers
Venom - Little Simz
Daddy AF - Slayyter (don’t ask)
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Such A Whore - JVLA
Six Forty Seven - Instupendo
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Daddy issues - The Neighborhood
Genius- Sia, Diplo, Labrinth, LSD
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez
Guys My Age - HEY VIOLET
Life of the Party - The Weeknd
High Enough - K.Flay
Government Hooker - Lady Gaga
Why don’t U - Father, ABRA
New Americana - Halsey
Do You Even? - Jorge Aguilar II
Sugar Daddy - Qveen Herby 
Royals - Lorde
I Feel Like I’m Drowning - Two Feet
New Person, Same Mistakes - Tame Impala
Cold - Maroon 5
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Fantasy - Bazzi
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Raph (my sweet baby boy 😭)
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
Somebody To Love - Queen
Careless Whispers  - George Michaels 
Her - Tyler, The Creator 
Are We Still Friends? - Tyler, The Creator
Trumpets - Jason Derulo
Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake
Rodeo - Lil Nas X
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
EARFQUAKE - Tyler, The Creator
Mine - Bazzi
Die for You - The Weeknd
Love on the Brain - Rihana
Crazy In Love - Beyoncé, JAY-Z
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Gooey - Glass Animals
Love Me Dead - Ludo
The Distance - CAKE
Like A Stone - Audioslave
Luxurious- Gwen Stafani
Applause - Lady Gaga
Please Me - Cardi B, Bruno Mars
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Love Is a Bitch - Two Feet
Aint no Rest for The Wicked - Cage the Elephant
Animal - Sir Chloe
Mr. Saxobeat - Alexandra Stan
Judas - Lady Gaga
Livin La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
White Flag - Bishop Briggs
River - Bishop Briggs
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
Sway - Michael Bublé
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Monster Energy Gun - KevinKempt
Chop Chop Slide - ICP
Get Low - Lil Jon
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Star Shopping - Lil Peep
Never There - CAKE
Shake That - Eminem, Nate Dogg
Everywhere I Go - Hollywood Undead
My Mom - Eminem
Asshole - hooligan chase
Under the Influence - Eminem, D12
Shots - LMFAO
Him and I - G-Eazy, Halsey
The Hills - The Weeknd
my boy - Billie Eilish
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Ain’t Shit - Dojo Cat
Feel Like God - Gazy
Nightmare - Halsey
Good-Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Mujeriego - Ryan Castro
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics, Annie Lennox
Let’s Groove - Earth, Wind, and Fire
Pizzazz - Akintoye
Slumber Party - Ashnikko
Milkshake - BBY KODIE
Bad - Michael Jackson
Pony - Ginuwine
Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco
Blah Blah Blah - The Oozes
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
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Joker (Joaquin & Heath’s) (don’t ask- please dont)
Purple Lamborghini- Skrillex, Rick Ross
Fame - David Bowie
Wolf is Sheep’s Clothing - Set It Off
To Catch a Predator- ICP
Back in Black - AC/DC
Tentative - System of a Down
Rainbows and Stuff - ICP
Hokus Pokus - ICP
Murder Go Round - ICP
The Juggla - ICP
HAHA - Lil Darkie
Broken - Lund
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
Criminal - Britney Spears
Cradles - Sub Urban
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Mind Games - Sickick
I’m A Slave 4 U - Britney Spears
Who is She? - I Monster
A Pearl - Mitski
Cigarettes Out the Window - TV Girl
Redbone - Childish Gambino 
All for Us - Labrinth, Zendaya
Sucker For Pain - Lil Wayne, Imagine Dragons
My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco
Partition - Beyoncé
Suit and Tie - Justing Timberlake
Jealous - Eyedress
Yellow - Coldplay
My Oh My - Camila Cabello
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ash-and-books · 3 months
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Rating: 1/5
Book Blurb:
The town of Wolf Ridge calls him The Smiley Face Killer. Bettina Holland calls him her father.
Everyone knows Bettina’s father was the one who murdered her mother a decade ago. It’s the subject of podcasts, murder tours, and even a highly anticipated docuseries. But after growing up grappling with what that means, a string of copycat murders forces Bett to answer a harder question: What if he didn’t?
Old-money Bett must team up with the only person willing to investigate alongside her: bookish goth girl Eugenia, the mortician’s daughter, who everyone says puts the makeup on corpses. Can this “true crime princess” unmask a murderer who’s much closer to home than she ever imagined? 
Gritty, gripping, and propulsive from page one, Dead Girls Talking is a ride for readers who love to see girls get their hands dirty as they claw their way to the truth. Peterson’s knife-sharp thriller cuts deep, with a wicked sense of humor, a wire-taut atmosphere, and a deadly serious approach to bigger issues of justice and female anger.
The town of Wolf Ridge is famous for the Smiley Face Killer... a man who killed a woman and carved a smile onto her face.. and that man is Bettina Holland's father. Bettina's father murdered her mother a decade ago, and the murder has become famous in podcasts, murder tours, and docuseries. Bettina was a witness and testified against her father and grew up having to visit him twice a year for ten years as he was sentenced to life in prison.... and now the murders have begun again and Bett is determined to find out who the copy cat killer is and what the truth of what happened to her mother all those years ago was. Bett comes from old money yet she's pushed everyone away, and in order to solve this case she'll need the help of bookish goth girl Eugenia, the mortician's daughter. The closer Bett gets to the truth the closer she gets to becoming the next target, can she find out who truly murdered her mother and if her father was the killer or not? This book started off kind of fun but then just got annoying if I'm being honest. I was so tired and fed up with Bett and that ending?? Seriously?? I hated it if I'm being honest. I would have rather the story be told form Eugenia's POV, she seemed like the better character to read from. Honestly this book just kind of felt like a mess. The story felt frustrating, but not in the fun tv show teen mystery drama way but more in the I just need to get to the end because everyone here is so frustrating. Bett never really grew on me and the killer reveal was meh at best. Unfortunately this book was a miss for me, but if you enjoy small town mysteries with teen girl detectives, give this one a go, maybe you'll have a better time with it than I did.
Release Date: June 18,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Holiday House / Peachtree / Pixel+Ink | Holiday House for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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jgxjess · 6 months
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‎✿‎ Fel ramblings:
I’m trying to think of a more fleshed out backstory for her. I like to think she was born in the underdark and something happened and as a teen/young adult she either ran away from home or decided to go on some grand adventure because she didn’t wanna grow mushrooms or something like her parents??
One way or another she ends up in Baldurs gate (or some other fairly big city) and manages to land a “job” with circus folk. She’s a Druid, she can wild shape: “stand in this cage and pretend to be a wolf or something, Fel!”
It’s boring work but it earns some coin. People don’t stare at her because she’s a drow, atleast. Some people—little kids even—seem in awe at the big white wolf. She’s a performer though, so, every now and then she snarls or pretends to lunge at random people (not kids though) to get more into character.
After work or on her days off, she moonlights around town in her wild form as a cat. People love cats, and it gets her a fair amount of attention and food on the side. Love, warmth, affection..it’s bliss. The cats of the city though aren’t always the kindest to have someone else on their turf.
One way or another, she hears about a Druid grove and thinks it’s finally time to leave her job and pursue her calling and build her skills. It’s risky: she could end up dodging arrows at worst and dirty glances at best for being a drow when she gets there. Would they even take her in? She’s been in the city for a few years now, she’s not a young adult anymore. It’s hard to find patches of nature in the city to commune with. She barely feels like a Druid at all. Bit of an identity crisis imagine.
Either they feel sorry for her or she uses that silver tongue to worm her way in. That’s where she meets Halsin and she’s like a sparkly eyed kid again: this man’s legit. He’s big, he’s tough, he’s cool but most of all he’s kind. She practically falls to her knees and begs him to take her under his wing and becomes her mentor figure basically.
It’s been a few years and it’s her home now. She’s content and free spirited, she doesn’t have to pander for food or money and she’s made a few friends even if she mostly keeps to herself. She does miss the sights of the big city, so she decides to make a few day trip there and back just for a visit.. annnnd that’s when she gets slurped up onto that ship with everyone else.
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leonheartedx · 1 year
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                                –––– ✨ 𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐱 ✨ ––––  pinterest ⦙ threads ⦙ answers ⦙ vanity
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have you seen cillian 'leon' o'hara  around los angeles? the twenty-four year old is usually jamming to lionhearted by porter robinson. word around the city is that they’re warm, yet, they can also be clueless, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently a trust fund baby and are typically seen walking the streets of los angeles with old family pendant . when i think of them, i think of button up shirts, peacoat during the winter, attending usc football games, late night clubbing, sweet grins and platinum amex card. let’s hope the city treats them good!
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                                                        ○ ′ ✨  loved  by taco
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  cillian o'hara 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  leon ( by everyone except his family ) 𝐃𝐎𝐁  december 24, 1998 𝐀𝐆𝐄  twenty - four 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  capricorn 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  cis - male 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  he/him 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  biromantic, bisexual  𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 beverly hills, california 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 los angeles, california 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  english, spanish, some french 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  influencer and trust fund baby
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  michael provost 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  dirty blond hair 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  blue eyes 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  5′8″ 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒  none 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄  athletic wear, cardigans, button ups mainly white, light blue and black.
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  adventurer ( isfp ) 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  curious, warm, charming, imaginative, curious 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  unpredictable, clueless, emotional, sensitive, self-isolating 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  football games, hikes, running, working out, photos, filming content, food. 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  chocolate
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𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  liam o'hara 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  olivia o'hara 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  siobhan o'hara, older twin sister
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒     nate archibald ( gossip girl ) , harry potter ( hp series ) , archie andrews ( riverdale ) , rose dawson ( titanic ) , prince wilhelm ( young royals ) , kiara carrera ( outerbanks ) , finn hudson ( glee ) , scott mccall ( teen wolf )
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the o'hara's were one of the richest people in america. and with their wealth, they knew that they wanted nothing more than to create a family and make sure their richest stayed in their family. so when they planned to have a child, they didn't expect that they would end up with two. but it was perfect for the family when they saw that they would have a little girl and boy. after that they knew they didn't want anymore.
their life was perfect. at least as perfect as it could be. but cillian realized that it wasn't as perfect as they made it seemed. most of his life, he grew up with two people, his own sister and the housekeeper. their parents were always so busy with their lives. a businessman and an actress and model, when did they ever have time for their kids? yes, they did their best, loving them, being there for them, but they were following their own dreams.
the kids were always spoiled. and most would end up seeing them as rotten to the core at times. cillian never really liked most people getting close, while his own sister loved people, for the fact that she wanted to be the center of them all. and it was like that during high school when they both went to boarding school up north. and that's when they started to become more individuals.
this was when cillian, known as leon now, came to the realization that he was a bit more of the adventurer, curious about things, and maybe a little clueless at times. his sister was the smart girl, and he was well–– the himbo. and he was known as that, to the public, among his peers, and even online when he started to grow his own following. and it was nice to not try to think 24/7.
things were a little different in college. he was accepted to usc, which everyone assumed was because of his parents name, but really he worked for it. he was smart himself, with good grades, and playing sports, it helped with his application. and the four years he had during college, he found himself even more, especially in his sexuality.
now that he is out of college, with a business degree that he uses well with the combination of being an influencer. he was growing more and more, and he had a community, and followers that adored him. his own merch always selling out, and always doing sponsorships with businesses. he just wonders how long he can make this into a career, and if maybe he could do more than just be a content creator.
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currently has over 20 million followers on tiktok, 10 million on instagram.
has worked with many companies where he does ads for
has been on the cover of teen vogue with his sister and has a close relationship with those at vogue
enjoys going to usc football games even now, big supporter of the team
has a friends with benefits with jc bancroft thats started to lead into feelings being involved.
doesn't know if he wants to keep being a content creator, so he's figuring out what's next.
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she is my other half - whenever someone thinks of soulmates, they think a lover, or a best friend. but for cillian, he honestly believes his twin is his. soul twins, platonic. twins have a powerful connection. and he is glad to know that his twin will always be there no matter what // taken by @diisgustednoiises
the older you get, the wiser you are - this is someone to cillian sees as a father figure. someone that leon feels like he can go to for advice. since his father is so busy, he always feels like he goes to this person to ask for questions about life, and their bond truly feels like what a proper father/son relationship should feel like. // taken by @simongerer
i don't fall in love too easily - leon has always been one to date, fool around, all of that, but he never really lasted in many relationships because he manages to either ruin them when they get too–– serious. but something about the other blond he finds intriguing. maybe because he's the opposite of who leon is, in terms of their upbringing. maybe he craves the feeling of struggle that he has, or maybe he just admires him for making it on his own. regardless, he starts developing feelings that he isn't so sure what to do with. // taken by @oddcnes
other influencers
old classmates from high school
friends from college
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 2 years
Will You Stay (On My Mind)?
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42602385
by BlackberryEclipse
"You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with." It's been a few years since Peter returned to his peaceful life. As peaceful as can be after what happened. While having a night out, he meets a special someone. OR They flirt, Stiles gets drunk and Peter takes him home. Shenanigans ensue. Shaking his head with a light-hearted laugh sounding in his chest, Peter chucked him over his shoulder, manoeuvring Stiles' drunk self back to his apartment while the other kept pointing out the different street lights in the distance, sometimes squealing over a squirrel or proving his niche historical knowledge with a few 'fun facts', including, but not limited to, the production of different kinds of chocolate in the 19th century and the extermination of gray wolves in many countries and the repopulation of them – a truly thrilling tale including romance, drama, betrayal and tragedy. Much to Peter's confusion.
Words: 6643, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Sub Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski is a Sizequeen, Top Peter Hale, Dom Peter Hale, Peter Hale has a Big Dick, Alpha Peter Hale, Good Peter Hale, Bars and Pubs, Alcohol, Drinking, (the fun kind), Anal Sex, Knotting, Riding, Dirty Talk, Dom/sub Undertones, Multiple Orgasms, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Overstimulation, Rough Sex, Barebacking, Creampie, Love Bites, Claiming Bites, Marking, Size Difference, Size Kink, the thirst™, Aftercare, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Tiniest smidge of angst, Bathing/Washing, The Author Regrets Nothing, no beta we die like peter, (And then get resurrected), Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 06 Finale, Animal Traits, Pain Kink, Praise, Possessive Peter Hale, A buttload of Pet Names, Wordcount: 5.000-10.000
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42602385
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sterek-ao3feed-archive · 11 months
Small Confessions
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51434617 by A Devil Like You (ShootToWin) Derek knows he's small. He likes that he's small. His problem is with everyone else and what they want from him, what they imagine him to be. If only he was more like Stiles. He doesn't give a shit about it. In fact he won't stop talking about his little dick. It's infuriating and it makes Derek's skin tingle. Words: 3718, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Past Sexual Abuse, Warning: Kate Argent, Past Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Trauma, Body Image, Body Worship, Body Hair, Small Penis, Inferiority Complex, Praise Kink, Frottage, musk, Come as Lube, Come Shot, Come Marking, Hurt/Comfort, Dirty Talk, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Mutual Masturbation, Cock Worship, Stiles Stilinski has a Small Dick, Derek Hale Has a Small Dick read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51434617
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ohhalefire · 2 years
001 - teen wolf, duh
Favourite character: Derek, duh 🧡
Least favourite character: I mean, there are tons of characters who were shittily written or frustrating to watch or whatever, but I think in the end, my least favourite character is Kate. Which was probably the whole point of her, so like, I guess the writers got THAT right, at least 😂
5 favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Sterek, Stydia, Thiam, Scallison. And, uh... Jackson/Danny? I guess?
Character I find most attractive: ...I mean. There's a reason Sterek fics consistently describe Derek as "hot as the sun". Right?
Character I would marry: Lydia, my beloved ✨
Character I would be best friends with: Kira
a random thought: I love what Stiles' continued human-ness throughout the series is trying to represent but tbh it's not realistic to me at all. if you hang with supes for too long, i would imagine that eventually you either become very supernatural yourself or very dead
An unpopular opinion: Derek and Lydia are both exactly Stiles' type. 🤷‍♀️
My canon OTP: I'm sorry, as far as I'm concerned Sterek is canon, so 😂
My non-canon OTP: Thiam.
Most badass character: Any answer that isn't Kira is the incorrect answer
Most epic villain: Clearly my beloved void 🖤
Pairing I am not a fan of: Stalia. *ducks*
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Malia! She had such potential. The show could have delved deeply into the effects of the way she'd grown up, and instead... made her a joke? I just don't think she ever seemed emotionally ready for any serious relationships, and I would have loved them to go into that. Urgh that poor baby, they did her so dirty
Favourite friendship: Sciles.
Character I most identify with: Stiles!
Character I wish I could be: I don't know, friends, this one is weird for me because when I think about my Blorbos and put them in Situations, I never imagine, like... replacing them? I just wanna be their friend and hug them until they all feel better 😂
Send me a fandom/ship/character and I will tell you...
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
A Good Day dark and twisted online adventure
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A Good Day arcade action asymmetric online game has a playable Demo on Linux via Proton with Windows PC. Cerbere Games dedicated effort has led to this exciting outcome. Available to try out on Steam. Alright, let's dive into A Good Day, an arcade action asymmetric online adventure that's about to turn your world upside down. Picture this: you're either joining forces with your friend to pull off an epic heist, or you're on your own. While battling to protect what's yours. Inspired by the same principles you've seen in Nintendo Land and Dead by Daylight. This adventure blends strategy and action in a really unique way. You can also get in on the action, whether you're on your PC, Switch, or even your phone. A Good Day is more like playing two completely different adventures in one. If you choose the path of the thrill-seeking teen, you'll join up to seven other buddies to become a squad of fortune seekers. You'll hatch plans, sneak around, and make your move to loot some seriously valuable fruit from the garden next door. But watch out - working together is a must in A Good Day. And if you want to avoid being busted, you'll have to make sharp choices on the fly.
A Good Day - Gameplay Preview
But maybe you're more of a lone wolf. If that's the case, step into the shoes of either Mr or Mrs Crosby. You're on your own here, and it's up to you to stop the teens from making away with your stuff. You'll keep a watchful eye on your garden, call in your adorably goofy hound dogs, and if things get too hairy, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and fend off those pesky teens yourself. Now, here's where it gets really interesting. A Good Day adventure has a visual style like nothing you've ever seen. Picture a world imagined by Tim Burton - a bit dark and twisted, but also filled with vibrant colors that make everything pop. It's a combination that's as unusual as it is awesome. You'll find yourself drawn to the quirky characters and places that you encounter, each more memorable than the last. The rules are simple in A Good Day and it's super easy to jump into the fun with friends, or even make new ones. Every session brings fresh challenges and some seriously intense moments, so you'll never get bored. Plus, you can make your mark by putting your personal spin on how you play. Ready to try A Good Day out for yourself? A free demo is ready for you to download and play on Linux via Proton 7.0-6. The A Good Day full release is due to arrive in Q3 2023, and it's self-published. So be sure to Steam. The arcade action asymmetric online game is due to arrive on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Also, try the Demo.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Lydia x Sibling!reader - sibling love
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Could I request a teen wolf imagine for being Lydia’s sibling, being asexual and aromantic, and feeling left out with everyone coupling up? - Anon💜
Looking over at Scott and Alison, you sighed and turned to Stiles and his date, again you sighed and just got up.
“Are you okay?” Alison asked.
You nodded your head and gestured to the exit for the movie.
“Yeah, just feeling light headed I’m going to go.”
“Are you sure?” Lydia asked.
You nodded and shuffled past everyone, Jackson gave you a dirty look as you shuffled past him and you kicked his shin a bit with a smirk.
You lead the movies and headed out to your car, sitting in it for a few moments before you started to drive away.
You had no direction on where you were going, you just drive to wherever you felt like driving to, simply just driving through the streets.
Hour passed, and you finally found your way back home and made your way upstairs.
You walked into your room, closed your door and turned on the light.
A small scream escaped your throat as you turned around.
“Shit Lydia?!”
“You’ve been gone for hours.”
You pulled out your phone and tried to turn it on, it was dead. Tossing it in the bed you walked over to your alarm clock and had a look.
“I well damn you’re right, sorry, my phone must’ve died as well.”
“(Y/N) it isn’t safe out there alone, you know that. We were all so worried.” She sighed.
“I’m sorry Lydia, okay? I’m sorry, I was just uncomfortable and wanted to leave.”
“Uncomfortable? Who made you feel that way?”
Lydia instantly went into protective mode, standing up as she walked over to you.
You sighed and shook your head at her, hanging your jacket up as you grabbed some drinks from your mini fridge and held one out for her.
She took it and you sat in the floor, Lydia sat in front of you.
“No one… well everyone…”
“Why? We were just watching a movie?”
You couldn’t blame her for being confused, you weren’t exactly being very clear and that part was in you.
Sighing, you tried to find the words, and it was quiet for a few minutes.
“Lydia… you know I’m asexual right…?”
“Of course! You told me all about it when you found out, but I still don’t understand.”
You sighed again.
“Well… I’ve never been in a relationship either, you know that… and I’m always third wheeling someone, or just tagging along to group dates… it’s.. it’s weird…”
“Weird how?”
“I.. it makes me feel left out Lydia. You all have someone to love and hold you, I’ve got no one…”
“Why didn’t you say anything…”
You looked up at your sister and gave her a little smile.
“You’re all so happy, it’s been a while since I saw you guys that way, I didn’t want to ruin it…”
Lydia got up and hugged you, making you laugh a little bit as you hugged her back, resting your head on her shoulder.
“Your happiness is important to us as well (Y/N), I’ll let the others know, and next time we all meet up, no couple stuff.”
Lydia held out her pinky and you smiled brightly at her, looping your pinky with hers.
“I promise.”
She stood up and pulled you up with her, grabbing your keys as she lead you out of your room.
“Where we going?”
“We’re going to watch the movie again, just me and you! Sibling bonding!”
“Can we get food too?”
“Sure! We’ll get whatever you want.”
You grinned and snatched the keys from your sister, knowing exactly what it was you wanted to get to eat, and you still had some time before the next movie screening was on.
You were so happy Lydia understood, because it was hard to explain something like that, and thankfully she never asked any questions or told anyone else about it either.
She wanted you to tell the others when you were ready, and not a day sooner
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teenwolf--imagines · 7 years
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Imagine fucking Brett under the bleachers during a night game
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