negative-speedforce · 9 months
Okay one more: Siv versus Onnie for the tech asks
5, 7, 8, 15, 19
5. What’s their texting style? (EX: abbreviations or perfect grammar? One-word texts or paragraphs?)
Siv: Mostly clipped pieces of sentences, ADHD personified, the most chaotic texter on the face of the planet.
Onnie: Has actually managed to make something cohesive of their texting style, sends short paragraphs that actually make sense, tends to text in all lowercase because they forget to turn caps on.
7. Who was the last person they called?
Siv: Cat, because Cat's the resident software person, and Siv was pretty sure someone tried to hack their phone and she didn't want people knowing where they were.
Onnie: Eobard, because they finished the mission that he sent her on, and they were tired of waiting for further orders.
8. What app do they use most frequently? (Name an app or describe a hypothetical one)
Siv: Google Maps, because they can move so fast, she often overshoots where they want to go and they end up getting lost.
Onnie: Whatever the E-2022 equivalent of Telegram is. An encrypted, high-security messaging platform so that she can communicate with their father and the gangs that she often works with.
15. Describe their computer. Is it a sticker covered laptop? A high-tech gaming computer?
Siv: Does not have a computer due to limited finances. However, when they were in high school, they had a Macbook that had a few stickers on it- the Star Trek emblem, a rainbow flag, and a derpy-looking cat.
Onnie: A sleek, high tech, fresh-off-the-production-line laptop, complete with all the latest features, and parental monitoring software (despite them being 22)
19. What are their most frequently visited websites?
Google Maps
Quora (bc you can find out how to do illegal stuff there)
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sirspeep · 2 months
brat summerrrrr wooo (writes storygraph review) (logs movie on letterboxd) (writes storygraph review) (logs mov
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letaot-ze-magniv · 9 months
General guide to birds in Israel pt 2- cooler birds
This will be a long post. Link to part 1
White spectated bulbul/bul-bul me-mush-kaf
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Usually referred to as just bulbul, this bisexual king is the roundest and my most favourite bird. IMPORTANT! BULBUL MEANS DICK! DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR LOVE FOR BULBULIM IN PUBLIC!
These birds are slightly larger then the house sparrow and are easily distinguished by their yellow butt. Their calls are reminiscent of frogs. They mate for life and are all bisexual and they cuddle each other. They are a menace to farmers because they are fond of fruit and tend to nibble just a little at a time. You can find them in all parts of Israel as long as there are nice trees nearby.
Eurasian blackbird/shakh-rur
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These timid birds like to hide in bushes and trees. Their calls are beautiful and I love them. They are smaller then a pigeon. The males are black and the females are brown. They feed on seeds, fruits and bugs, and use their beaks to search the ground for worms. You can find them in Jerusalem and the north, they like cool weather and don’t fuck with sand.
Great tit/yar-ge-zi ma-tzui
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Life isn’t easy for these tiny psychopaths, which might be the reason they developed such a temper. Their Hebrew name translates to “angry one”, and for a reason. They are very aggressive towards other birds. They also feed on the brains of bats. You can distinguish between males and females by the thickness of the black stripe on their belly- males have a thicker one than females. They are most common to the north of Jerusalem, but you can find them in some parts of the desert.
Palestine sunbird/tzu-fit bo-he-ket
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No, that’s not a hummingbird, it’s the sunbird! Despite their remarkable likeness they aren’t even a little related. Sunbirds feed on nectar and are pollinators! The males have black feathers that shine in the sunlight (which is how they got their name) and the females are a muddy grey, but they’re just as lovely. You can find them in all parts of Israel, especially near lush flowery areas!
White wagtail/nakh-li-e-li la-van
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First migrant bird everyone!!! (Some blackbirds migrate here but some nest during summer so shhhh) This lovely round bird starts it’s visits around October and leaves when it gets hellishly warm again. Due to global warming the wagtails visits are shortening, so appreciate them while you can. Like their name suggests, the wagtails wag their tails. A lot. You can find them near water sources during the cold-ish months of the year!
Eurasian jay- or-va-ni shkhor ki-pa
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Eurasian jays can be found in other parts of the world, but I’m pretty sure the one we have in Israel is a different sub-species because the ones in Europe lack the beautiful black top that they’re named after.
The jay is a type of corvid, and in addition to being extremely social and intelligent, these birds can mimic other animals. Due to urbanisation, the jays learned to mimic car alarms, the ringing of phones and the cries of human babies. Jays are extremely fond of acorns, and burry them in the ground in preparation for harsher months. A single jay can remember between 4000 to 5000 hiding spots!
Syrian woodpecker/ na-kar su-ri
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This picture is of a male woodpecker. The females have a completely black head. Woodpeckers can locate bugs that have burrowed inside trees and use their beak and long tongues to eat them, thereby helping the trees get rid of pests! Woodpeckers also love acorns, and compete with jays over them. To prevent concussions, the woodpecker’s tongue wraps around their brain, keeping it in place while they peck. You can find them in non-desert areas of Israel!
Lesser whitethroat/siv-khi to-kha-nim
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Another migrant birds! These floofballs come here twice a year, once in spring and once in autum, although some whitethroats nest in the north all year long. During their migration you can find them everywhere in Israel, even in very urban areas! They get their Hebrew name, which roughly translates to miller’s shrubbery-liker, because their white chests look how a miller’s apron would look after a long hard day!
Super winged lapwing/sik-sak
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The siksaks are water birds with ridiculously long legs that they use to stab their prey. They kind of look like they are wearing a tux! Their original Hebrew name was “sharoni mezuyan”, which translates to “one that lives in the Sharon and is armed with a weapon” but also “fucking sharoni”. You can find them anywhere in Israel as long as there is a near enough water source.
White breasted kingfisher/shal-dag la-van kha-ze
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One of my favorite birds. The kingfisher is a magnificent bird of prey with brilliant blue feathers that always make my day. They are most common in the north and west of Israel, but they nest in smaller numbers in the south. They kingfisher’s diet consists of not only fish, but of crabs, frogs, slugs, bugs, and even the occasional rodent. Their varied diet helps them thrive even in drier areas.
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necroticyuzu · 6 months
Thx for tagging me in this fun little "Get to know your Tav/Durge" tag game @falcatamandarina. Was hard to figure out who to write about since I got a fair amount of Tav/Durge's but landed on my current 4th playthrough.
Since I'm new on Tumblr again and still getting to know people I legit have no idea who to tag without feeling like I'm being bothersome. So feel no pressure to join in this tagging game you who got tagged. @tealfling, @the-biggest-soup & @voloslobotomyservice
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Name: Tamia Geraldottir
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
MBTI: INTJ-A (added this because I find this stuff fun)
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Family: Her father Gerald, a Half-Dwarf who managed to woo her traveling mercenary Orc mother Vel who then had her and her younger sister Sarina during their rocky relationship. With their mother mostly traveling only to see her 2-3 times a year if lucky, they were primarily raised by their father. Tamia gets along with their knowledge-loving father while adventure-seeking younger sister Sarina once old enough went to travel with their mother. They also have paternal grandparents Dwarf Grandfather Bendal and Human Grandmother Siv.
Birthplace: Blackgate in Baldur's Gate and where she lived up until her early 20's when she moved to Waterdeep for work.
Job: She's a Record Keeper and Cleric at the Font of Knowledge in Waterdeep in the service of Oghma.
Phobia: Acrophobia that started out mildly as a kid from falling off the roof of her family home to then get worse as she fell out from a giant tower in her late teens.
Guilty pleasure: Reading Smut during work hours when in need of a break from record keeping and with no one around to witness and judge her.
Hobbies: Experimenting with food recipes she finds from different countries with mixed results.
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Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Terrible at keeping secrets because they tend to speak first only to realize soon after that "maybe mentioning this sensitive part was not such a good idea?". She has worked on it since she was a kid but every once in a while, she slips up once again.
Virtues: Offer healing to those who are in need of it, share your knowledge with those who wish to learn, and treat others with the same kindness that you wish others to treat you. Take what she offers for granted or abuse it and you'll lose those privileges until proven worthy of it again.
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Introverted / Extroverted (An Extroverted Introvert)
Organized / Disorganized (Assumed dead if things are in Disarray)
Close minded / Open minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist (With a mix of Optimism)
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hardworking / Lazy ("What do you mean it's already dinner time?")
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OTP: Ohh sweet Rolan! Tamia had no idea how deep she'd fallen for him until some months after the Netherbrain while she'd been helping him explore every nook and cranny of the tower to then record-keep everything they'd have found together.
Other ships: In an alternative universe that would have been Gale (which is who she romanced in-game)
Brotp: Conversations with Gale about random facts they've both learned through books has been a great activity to keep sane while tadpoled. Karlach's ability to bring out Tamia's more playful self is also a breath of fresh air that she didn't know she needed in life. As for other "tav's" that joined then Yarmaes the Drow Bard has been a great friend and resource for new information to learn from his unusual upbringing alone.
Notp: Lorroakan she'd gladly yeet out the window from the top floor of Ramazith's Tower with no means to save himself from gravity.
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nokhushionlygam · 9 months
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That one friend who you met and who STAYED
That one friend who remembered you when you forgot yourself,
I'm so grateful to have e met you siv❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm glad I made it through another year because I got to see more of you:)
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pulim-v · 2 days
Siv wakes up screaming from night terrors related to one of her most traumatic memories most nights
Dori was thrown out of their parents' house over something unchangeable about them
Liah has trouble saying "no" to people, even at her own detriment
Sohelia can't open up to others due to a fear of both hurting the people she loves, and a fear of betrayal
Mortal Magoo wakes up screaming very frequently, either because of memories of his hometown being invaded or due to memories of his parents sacrificing themselves for him
Nope! Doesn't ring a bell honestly, I think maaaybe there's a version of Natsuko that had that happen to him due to his (undiagnosed) autism but it's not really canon
It's giving Magoo again he was roped into [REDACTED] because His Friends Asked Him (also a little bit of Agate I think, she accepts things way too easily for her own good)
F E R N, especially in WSMS (<- Superhero AU have I mentioned that I have a Superhero AU I finally have a title for it sorry I'm rambling again) like it's one thing when she feels like she can't open up because of guilt over a conflict he caused but it was 100x worse in the universe where she was betrayed and forced into villainy in a similar incident
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crossfalconx5 · 3 months
sav headcanons….. little guy
-Still eats inanimate objects sometimes, just out of habit. Most malnourished half demon boy in the universe. His favorite is kinds of paper.
-Sees Siv as a step parent, NOT happy about it, Siv tries to tell him murdering people is against the law and he says shit like “YOURE NOT MY M O T H E R.” and then MOTHER scolds him for talking to his step parent that way and he grumbles about it.
-Probably owns a really expensive katana he uses for killing demons, it’s engraved with every religious symbol you could think of for more effective exorcisms. Though he got called a weeb for it once which lead him to never using it in public again out of shame.
-Biggest dachshund fan in the world, say something incorrect about the care of dachshunds and he will make your life hell. He also buys them little Hawaiian shirts to match him and the mannequins/model skeletons in his dingy ass apartment.
-CANNOT stand physical touch he will start shaking and sweating like a mad man if he had teeth he would BITE YOU.
-His organs are fucked up because he’s half demon, probably has a squeedly spooch for all I know.
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saph-y · 1 year
1, 3, 24, 49 for the oc asks!
1. Your first OC ever?
The first e v e r ? Well I remember when I was very very little (like... 5 ? 6 ?) I was inventing little anthro characters and drawing their little adventures. I vaguely remember my favorite was a squirrel girl so that's what I would count as first OC ever ? xD
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Not exactly, but when I really like a character I tend to kind of draw them as much as if their were my own, and get equally as enthusiastic about them, even sometimes more ! Mostly happen in roleplays ! A good example is Harkniss, people often (understandably) think he's mine when he's... not :p
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24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
I don't know, it's not really something I fantasies about ? Except for like, the fanservice side of smooching a pretty character I do prefer them as dolls to safely explore a story/aesthetic as I please !
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
In a modern setting I totally see Siv and Milijov (tho he's not mine he's selkys', but you see what I was talking about adopting friends characters xD) using tumblr, insta, tiktok and such so probably them ! x)
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(Prompt list : Some OC questions)
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For the blorbo bingo, i wanna know both your thoughts on Jiang Cheng and Cao Weining, for pure shits'n'giggles 👀
Thanks for the ask Siv!💛 Jiang Cheng!! I've not thought about the purple grape in so long.
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I was going to circle 'I can fix them' but I don't want to fix him, actually. I want to keep putting him in situations. I want him to stew in his tragedy until he's nice and emotionally tender and I can pull him apart with a fork.
Cao Weining on the other hand-
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I'm much more normal about him, actually. In fact I find him a little boring?? Is that just me? I feel like he could've been *m o r e* in canon. I think I just needed to see more of him to be honest. But he doesn't need to be in any more situations, that canon one was enough.
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vexic929 · 1 year
OC round!
Vice x E-2002 Eobard
Aria x Esme
Barbara x Qiara
L'Harann x Cassandra
Jisoo x Siv
Salacia x Gina
Vice and E-2002 Eobard would be chaos personified! unfortunately, Vice does prefer his love to be reciprocated though so I don't think it would work out but I could definitely see them hooking up more than once lol
Esme would totally be one of the girls Aria keeps in her VIP room at her club; not a girlfriend but a pretty girl to buy drinks for and make out with? absolutely
Barbara and Qiara two big balls of sunshine? I can't handle the cute!
L'Harann and Cassandra have very similar personalities I think they'd either initially dislike each other or get on like a house on fire with no in between lol
ooooh Siv would definitely bring out Jisoo's dark side, currently Jisoo has Angel to reign her in but Siv and Jisoo would egg each other on
Salacia and Gina would be so so so cute omg as long as Gina was cool with travelling everywhere, visiting Themyscira semi-regularly, and spending an inordinate amount of time at the beach they'd be golden
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year
Happy FFWF! Skalafell during the 1990s? [ellie-e-marcovitz 😊]
The 90s is big for the Arcanos. Just before the 90s started Kaari graduated Hogwarts. 1994 had the birth of Dayamanti who had the first Gift in about 100 years. 1997 was also big because in January Dafne was born which marked the second born with the Gift. In august the second war started and Kaari joined the PR. He then eventually got together with Semele which resulted in Siv being born in 2000 ending the decade.
I don’t know what else you might have wanted to know for that period? Lmk if there’s something specific!
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negative-speedforce · 11 months
Crisis on Infinite Earths - E-2002 Edition
might make this a series, might not, here's some recommended listening if you want to get emotional
"The sky- it's red." Hailey stood up, looking out the window. "Crisis has started. We should go."
Siv nodded. "You're right."
Hailey hesitated for a moment. "There's nothing we can do, is there?"
Siv shook their head. "I don't think so. If the sky's red, most likely, it's already too late."
"I'm not ready to die." Hailey took a deep breath. "I mean, I've already died once, but twice?"
"It's a lot. I know." Siv took Hailey's hand. "Want me to grab a couple bottles, for the end of the world?"
Hailey sat down next to Siv. "Yeah. I guess. Get the 2014 Merlot, the one in the grey bottle."
Siv stood up, walking to the kitchen, where they took two of the wine bottles from the counter, bringing them back to Hailey's bedroom. "These ones?"
Hailey nodded, putting down her phone. "Yeah. Cell service is down, by the way." She took both the corks out, tipping her bottle against her lips. "If you could talk to anyone right now, who would you talk to? What would you say?"
Siv thought for a moment, taking a sip from their bottle. "My sister. Her name's Esme. We were close as kids, but drifted apart as I got older and my dad started showing very clear favoritism for me. I wish I could tell her I'm sorry. Fuck, I miss her so much. I haven't seen her since I was eighteen. Part of me is scared that she'll hate me for what I am now. What about you?"
"Me?" Hailey pondered, studying the label of her wine, adjusting her position so Siv could lean on her shoulder. "Probably Arya. They're basically my fairy godsibling. They saved my life, back in Afghanistan, and I've known them since I was six. I just want to see them one more time, tell them thank you for everything they've done for me."
"It's funny, isn't it?" Siv wiped wine from their lips with her sleeve. "Out of everyone we could be with for the end of the world, it's you and me. It could be some kind of poetic justice, since we're enemies of a sort, or perhaps, it's just coincidence or fate. But, if I had to spend the end with anyone, I'm glad it's you."
"Me too." Hailey put her bottle down. "Sky's getting redder. Are you still holding out hope?"
"I don't know. Maybe." Siv lay down next to Hailey, who quickly moved to a lying position to curl up next to them. "I've learned not to hope too much. Maybe I'm just grizzled and bitter."
"Maybe. Or you might have a point." Hailey stared up at the ceiling as the light in the room went dark, a harsh red glow as the only illumination. "Siv, listen. There's not much time left- I think that light was the sun. I just want to say, I think I'm in love with you. A lot."
"Honestly?" Siv replied, rolling so she was facing Hailey. "I have those feelings too. I wish it could have been better between us. I promise, if we get a second chance, things will be better between us."
Hailey watched as a wave of light spread through the city, obliterating everything in sight. "Close your eyes. Please."
"No. I know it's the end. But I just want to see you."
Hailey watched as the wave drew closer, averting her gaze down to Siv's deep grey eyes just before the wave hit her condo. She stroked her thumb against the scar on Siv's cheek as searing light burned through both of them.
Siv could feel her body being torn apart (again), and as time seemingly slowed to a halt, they pressed their lips to Hailey's, allowing their last moments to be spent with the woman they loved.
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idolsgf · 1 year
✨9 Ship Songs✨
Rules: List nine songs for one of your ships
I was tagged by @transprincecaspian weeks ago for this, sorry I'm just now getting to it. I've been burnt out from work but I'm going through all my tags now.
I've done this one before for the main 3 but I'm just going to do Mo and Solas for this one :) Under cut as usual
Also since it's been so long I'm just going to keep it as an open tag.
How We Used to Love by Siv Jakobsen
I ran into a woman on the sidewalk 'Cause I was thinking too much about us Dreaming of you and all we've lost 'Cause now you're always so angry You're always so sad You're mad about everything and everyone and I I don't have the heart for that How we used to love I'm afraid for our future I'm afraid it won't last 'Cause you've got too many scars to hide And I haven't got enough to understand why Why are you always so sad
The Archer by Adam Melchor
This is how you turned me to the archer from the arched This is where you turned me to the marksman from the marked This is how I learnt how to take the arrows in my back And shoot them at the stars But how they all just circle back and meet me at the start And how they hit me hard enough to question who you are And how you got so close to me And how you got so far I need more time
Pisces Moon by Flower Face
And I'm always staring at my phone I’m always trying to get you alone The wires got crossed along the way Now I’m standing here with nothing to say Fell in love with the Pisces moon Now I’ll follow you wherever you go 'Til you leave me at the altar some day Well I think that I’d love you anyway Yeah, I know that I’d love you anyway
It's About Time by Barcelona
There have been too many times When I've drowned you with these perfect lines And you've heard me say that I can cure you This morning I woke up with this overwhelming fear of love And I'm not sure if I can resurrect you Now I'm walking up to you so slowly It's about time, it's about time to fly away but wait I swear it's different cause I'm lonely Fold your wings, you'll need them more one day
Abstract (Psychopomp) by Hozier
Sometimes it returns, like rain that you slept through That washed off the world, the streets looking brand new I will not be great, but I'm grateful to get through The feeling came late, I'm still glad I met you The memory hurts but does me no harm / Sometimes there's a thought like you choose what you're doing But it comes to naught when I look back through it I remember the view, streetlights in the dark blue The moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you / Darling, there's a part of me I'm afraid will always be Trapped within an abstract from a moment of my life The weeds up through the concrete The traffic picking up speed All my love and terror balanced there between those eyes
You Want Everything by Snowmine
You woke up beside yourself You're taking back the night and I know you're meaning well But maybe I'm addicted To the hurt that comes around and then forgotten by yourself I can't remember, much of anything Faces passing by, and the time when we arrived But maybe, it's okay Cause you make me feel alive, you make me realize that.. You could try to be your best, but don't you know that it's suicide To want, you want, you want everything And you were right, this is a mess, because we're always picking sides But I won't let you have regrets, no way, no way
Chiromancer by Copeland
Your voice is fading, I call your name Cause I'm still here and the only thing that's left for me is listening Its the only way I make it through the night Are we just fooling ourselves, living in the moment? Am I just dying inside living all alone here? In a storm of quiet voices you're the only one that I can never find Just say you're mine and the fog would lift cause the only thing that's missing now is everything It's the only way I make it through the night / In morning light, in the darkest night and in-between I'm forever yours I hear you call my name and every sound's the same, I hear you call my name If only I could call up through the void to reach you If only I could stretch across the depths to hold you If only for a moment I can make two parts a whole, if only for a moment I could rest beside your soul, I could rest beside your soul
The Apparition by Sleep Token
So let's make trouble in the dream world Hijack Heaven with another memory now I make the most of the turning tide It just split what's left of the burning silence Don't wait, 'cause this could be the last time You turn up in the reveries of my mind I wake up to a suicide frenzy Loaded dreams still leave me empty And I believe Somewhere in the past Something was between You and I, my dear And it remains With me to this day No matter what I do This wound will never heal Why are you never real? The shifting states you follow me through Unrevealed Just let me go or take me with you
Lemons by Nick Leng
Won’t you please explain it to me Why’d we leave that way? Won’t you tell me please I can’t help but miss you But you’re too far to feel that Do wishing wells run dry? But did ours have to? Does the moon look different here from where you are? You’re getting colder from me and I can’t hold you that way No I can’t I can’t help but miss you But you’re too far to feel that
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pacosemnoticias · 15 days
PJ detém suspeito de matar segurança de bar em Monção
A Polícia Judiciária (PJ) deteve na segunda-feira em Melgaço um homem, de 55 anos, suspeito de ter matado a tiro o segurança de um bar no concelho vizinho de Monção, disse à agência Lusa a GNR.
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Fonte do Comando Territorial da GNR de Viana do Castelo explicou que o suspeito foi localizado e detido pela PJ numa das suas residências.
Desde a madrugada de hoje que a PJ está a investigar a morte o segurança de um bar, de 38 anos, na freguesia de Cortes, em Monção, que ocorreu no domingo, pelas 23:39.
Anteriormente, a fonte da GNR disse que "foram feitos dois disparos, sendo que apenas um atingiu o homem na cabeça".
"Alguém terá tocado na porta e quando [a vítima] abriu levou os disparos", acrescentou.
O segurança foi socorrido no local pelos meios do INEM, mas acabou por morrer.
A fonte da GNR acrescentou que, quando os militares chegaram ao local, "não havia testemunhas", apenas o corpo do homem deitado no chão.
"A clientela que estaria no interior do bar desapareceu após os disparos", acrescentou.
O estabelecimento de diversão noturna, "situado num local isolado" da freguesia de Corte, Monção, no distrito de Viana do Castelo, "não tem câmaras de videovigilância".
De acordo com informação do Comando Sub-Regional de Emergência e Proteção Civil, ao local deslocaram-se ainda elementos dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Monção, a Viatura Médica de Emergência e Reanimação (VMER) estacionada no hospital de Santa Luzia, em Viana do Castelo, e a Viatura de Suporte Imediato de Vida (SIV) de Valença.
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444namesplus · 23 days
aa aak aalg aash aaw ae aelp aem aer ag agg ah ai aij aj al ao aor arch ard arn arng ars artt att au auf ax ay ayl az bea bew bi blaylk bliimm blo blu bluv brat briy broa brox buy buyw caelg ce che choi circk cly clyrc craa crargg cre cro crui cruz cry cryh cryyx cu cyv da diesh dilff dou droa druoh du due dur dwiz e ea ealpp ean earn eb eff ei eo eoldd erc erck eu ex ey eyrb faoth fe firt flev foock fre fro frof fryo ge gi giv glaeh glall glesh gly goyll gra grya gryx gui guiff ha harff haull heox hey hi hif hob hox huff huuth hy hye hylb i ia iav ib ich ie iej ielk ih ii ij ik ilgg ill imm io ioln ir irch irk irp ith iuh iuk iurc iv ix iy iyk ja jab jayx jey jia jiav jim jitt juoj juu jy jya jyrb kaed kao kav kea keow ki kilk kiu koy ku kuell kumm ky kyih kyp lail leirr leow li lia lio liordd loec ly lymm lyo ma maiz may meg mi mimm miuh miurr mo mol mudd muo naurr ne ni nia nii noimm noj nuarns nuch nulp nuo ny nyll nyuw o oa oalk oax ob oe oek oelsh oh oi oj ol olk oll olp olsh on onn oo oox oph orr ou ouldd oy paaz pae peab peld phuo phuu pre prerb prerch prull puoh qua quaj quao quei queu queux quiin quiirnd quil quo quov quu quuolt quuu quyax quydd quye quyuh ra ray re rial rish roarng rock roolk rou rui ruick ruiw ry ryo sao saz schoy scyt scyx shah shyu si sij siv skeuh skoldd soah souj sphoy squao stwoltt suh suw ta terd ther they thria thrie thuy ti ties tond trai trau tree tria tru tu twarph tweirck twoach twuox twy ty u ua uardd udd ue ueh uej uerp uev ug uh ui uih uij uirph uj ulng ulpp um umm uo up urch urgg uu uux uy uyh uyrt vaa vau vav vegg vi vilk voej voorff vu vuij vuurch vyc vyiss wharb whio whix who why wo wri wrio wro wryalth wyarr xae xai xalgg xau xaurc xaux xeev xelph xeyv xilk xiy xiyt xoj xoo xu xuem xuj xul xuor xyi y ya yal yar yarch yarsh yaz yb ych ye yex yh yi yim yiv yj ym yn yo yorb yos yow yr yrth yu yuldd yulgg yy yyl yymm yz zac zaz ze zea zel zeo zie zir ziu zo zoe zy zyij zymm zyrp zyult
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Ampliamento ospedale Parini, in commissione punto sui lavori
I lavori di ampliamento dell’ospedale Parini sono stati al centro della riunione della quinta Commissione “Servizi sociali”. E’ stato audito l’Assessore alla sanità, Carlo Marzi, in merito al progetto esecutivo della fase 3 del quarto lotto funzionale del Programma di interventi.     “Ad oggi – riferisce il Presidente della Commissione, Andrea Padovani (Fp-Pd) -, il programma in capo a Siv…
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