honeyimissjoo · 2 days
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hi friends this is now a haikyuu blog :)
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newsbeats · 1 year
U.K. and E.U. strike deal over post-Brexit trade in Northern Ireland - News Beats
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has struck a new deal on post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland, gambling that the reward of better ties with the European Union is worth any discord it might cause within his own party. In power for only four months, Sunak is pursuing a high-risk strategy that he can find a compromise to improve relations with Brussels — and the United States — without…
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trollingyoualways · 2 years
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anarchist-caravan · 1 year
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Chat Control 2.0 also means the end of private communication. Hell world.
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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Nicoletta Santagostino (Nicocomix) - Italy 24 March 2023
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sireuthegr8 · 5 months
this is the remix
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ladyelainehilfur · 11 months
girl moment: you remember Everglow haven't had a comeback in almost two years and you literally cry because you miss them that badly 🥹
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find-me-in-hell · 2 years
was talking to some other people, and it seems the general consensus is that doctor who canon is a mess and constantly contradicts itself and its hard to factor in the extended universe constantly so if you wanna ignore a piece of 'canon' go ahead no one can stop you, if you wanna acknowledge every piece of canon and see certain parts as parallel or alterate universes go for it. literally no one can stop you and tbh i dont think anyone cares
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kinghotboy · 1 year
hi, sorry if I'm disrupting you :'). are you part of the fhc? if yes can you check how much the tickets vip upgrade are for the Italian date? sorry if I'm asking you, I'm thinking about getting into the fhc but I want to see if it's really worth it :')
hi!!!! i am part of it so its no problem!!! okay i think this has the answer to what you're asking with some extra info?
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hope this helps!!
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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honeyimissjoo · 11 months
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german-milfs · 1 month
You people are actually delusional if you think the EU cares about China just because they have trade. There will never be peaceful coexistence with them, no matter how many meetings Xi Jinping has with Macron
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leadendeath · 11 months
weird question: yknow after you went to another kids’ bday party and at the end took home a bag of sweets/candies, small toys, party hat, that kind of thing.. what did you call that? here it can be called “party favours” or “goodie bag”
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Ver la maquinaria de la propaganda del capital con sus nuevas "modas" cada tantos meses vomitando lo mismo por unas dos semanas sin parar siempre es ridículo y exasperante.
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gcssolution · 2 years
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There is no obvious path between today’s machine learning models — which mimic human creativity by predicting the next word, sound, or pixel — and an AI that can form a hostile intent or circumvent our every effort to contain it. Regardless, it is fair to ask why Dr. Frankenstein is holding the pitchfork. Why is it that the people building, deploying, and profiting from AI are the ones leading the call to focus public attention on its existential risk? Well, I can see at least two possible reasons. The first is that it requires far less sacrifice on their part to call attention to a hypothetical threat than to address the more immediate harms and costs that AI is already imposing on society. Today’s AI is plagued by error and replete with bias. It makes up facts and reproduces discriminatory heuristics. It empowers both government and consumer surveillance. AI is displacing labor and exacerbating income and wealth inequality. It poses an enormous and escalating threat to the environment, consuming an enormous and growing amount of energy and fueling a race to extract materials from a beleaguered Earth. These societal costs aren’t easily absorbed. Mitigating them requires a significant commitment of personnel and other resources, which doesn’t make shareholders happy — and which is why the market recently rewarded tech companies for laying off many members of their privacy, security, or ethics teams. How much easier would life be for AI companies if the public instead fixated on speculative theories about far-off threats that may or may not actually bear out? What would action to “mitigate the risk of extinction” even look like? I submit that it would consist of vague whitepapers, series of workshops led by speculative philosophers, and donations to computer science labs that are willing to speak the language of longtermism. This would be a pittance, compared with the effort required to reverse what AI is already doing to displace labor, exacerbate inequality, and accelerate environmental degradation. A second reason the AI community might be motivated to cast the technology as posing an existential risk could be, ironically, to reinforce the idea that AI has enormous potential. Convincing the public that AI is so powerful that it could end human existence would be a pretty effective way for AI scientists to make the case that what they are working on is important. Doomsaying is great marketing. The long-term fear may be that AI will threaten humanity, but the near-term fear, for anyone who doesn’t incorporate AI into their business, agency, or classroom, is that they will be left behind. The same goes for national policy: If AI poses existential risks, U.S. policymakers might say, we better not let China beat us to it for lack of investment or overregulation. (It is telling that Sam Altman — the CEO of OpenAI and a signatory of the Center for AI Safety statement — warned the E.U. that his company will pull out of Europe if regulations become too burdensome.)
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