awafujiko · 7 months
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mangabusitu · 2 years
ebookjapanはヤフー株式会社と株式会社イーブックイニシアティブジャパンが運営する電子書籍サイトです。 新規で登録した人には半額クーポンが6枚貰うことが出来ます。 今回は、ebookjapanは漫画を無料で読めるのかなどをまとめて紹介したいと思います。 まんが王国のココがおすすめ!毎日最大50%還元!5のつく日は来店ポイント5倍! \お得感No1!!50%還元!!/ ↓…
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Blue Exorcist 138 summary
Apparently the raws came out just on the normal day this month while the translation got delayed by the holidays? I dunno man
Text summary below:
They snuck in a little anime announcement on the first page, heh
People are wondering what is even going on
Rin crawls out of the rubble and finds Satan also crawling out of the rubble
But Satan's regeneration isn't working right! Bits of him are crumbling! Dammit Lucifer what am I paying you for
The Illuminati are discussing how they probably can't recover [Satan? Maybe?] from this situation, Lucifer says he's going to be destroyed
Satan is lamenting the fact that he only had a body for 4 measly years, then just MCFREAKING LOSES IT for a second and tries to take Rin's body
Rin goes to punch him (Just like he said he would in chapter 1!) but ends up feeling sorry for him
"You should be allowed to live too, come on, if you just stop trying to destroy humanity maybe Mephisto can do something-"
Satan is like LOL NO, says Rin is brainwashed by humans into thinking you can tame the devil, Assiah and Gehenna can never coexist and he would rather die than get friendship speeched right now
Then he falls back into being angry that he can't have Assiah, he was gonna rewrite Assiah so he could exist there, he's a perfect being why couldn't he do it
Then as his body comes apart it looks like his mind is starting to come apart too, he gets pretty incoherent
"I want a body a body I don't have a body it's your fault your fault give her back I loved her give her back I wanted to be human you betrayed me I'll kill you you belong to me"
"I'm perfect, why is this happening to me, I'm god, call me satan-sama"
Then he reverts back to the more simple speech that he had when Yuri was teaching him, before he read all the books
It's enough like the movie 2001 that I get the song Daisy stuck in my head
Rin is like, wait a sec hang on don't go
Satan flashes back to his first meeting with Yuri and then seems to stop having a real consciousness
Now he's just that like...tree looking thing
Exorcists regroup, Lightning and Osceola are okay but Angel is seriously injured (alive though!) Shemihaza and Mephisto are MIA
Lightning: welp, we....half-succeeded? We did destroy his body, but now he's got nowhere to put all that power, and he's starting to corrupt the earth
soooooo I think Satan is like blending with Assiah somehow dun dun DUNNNN the end
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rosegardenscans · 6 months
Hello everyone,
we are a scanlation group of classic shoujo enthusiats and we want to post updates here of our projects.
Some of you maybe remember the Rose Garden main site here on tumblr, sadly that one exists no more, but our group is still active.
We also have an discord server, so if you are interested on helping us with our projects, you are very welcome to join: https://discord.gg/wByzNR9pAT
Here is also our project site on MangaDex, where we post our projects: https://mangadex.org/group/da13a6a9-28f1-4e80-9ad5-74f239859632/the-rose-garden?tab=titles
These are our current projects:
Swan by Kyoko Ariyoshi, newest chapter: 55
The Allegory of Nijinsky (Nijinsky Guuwa) by Kyoko Ariyoshi, newest chapter: 1.4
Divine Love, Earthly Passion (Tenjou no Ai Chijou no Koi) by Tomoko Katou, newest chapter: 4
From Eroica with Love Tributes, newest chapter: 23
The Hotel on the Dangerous Hill (Abunazaka Hotel) by Moto Hagio, newest chapter: 1
Marie-Antoinette. La jeunesse d'une reine. by Fuyumi Soryo, newest chapter: 1
Legend of Hikari (Hikari no Densetsu) by Izumi Aso, newest chapter: 1
And we are also working on some more ;)
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yaoi-life2021 · 1 month
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TITLE: At 25:00; In Akasaka
Creator: Hiroko Natsuno (夏野寛子)
Category: #Manga
Status: #Completed
Chapters: Main Story 3 volumes + Side Story 2 volumes
Genre: #Drama; #Romance; #Smut
Tags: Actors; #Showbiz; Dubious Consent; Pretend Lovers; #Reunions
Yuki Shirasaki finally lands a huge role in TV drama Afternoon Dreams after years of toiling in theater. With popular actor Asami Hayama as his costar, Shirasaki plays a gay character in a relationship. But, Shirasaki has zero dating experience with either men or women. Shirasaki struggles to express his character's feelings and takes drastic measures. To better embrace his new role, Shirasaki goes to a gay bar to find someone to sleep with for the experience. There, he runs into Hayama. How will Shirasaki react when Asami offers him his body?
Where to Read:
Main Story
English –futekiya
Side Story
English – not available
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mlembug · 8 months
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@oceanaves Generally difficult to make a recommendation to someone you don't know very well - because at this point it's like you partially take a responsibility for the time they spend on reading the thing. This gets even worse when you make a list of works to check out and you make it public, because then people go through recommendation list and go "this sucks, you should feel bad/you should have standards" or "this work has a problematic trope <X>, why are you recommending this", and no amount of disclaimers of me saying "the recommendations are inherently subjective" and "there is no inherently 'nonproblematic' media" stops them.
I'm gonna comment on every manga listed in the other post - in the context of that list keep in mind they're all "very heavily implied trans" rather than "explicitly trans in the text", which was the problem (rightfully) pointed out at the very start.
Kare to Kanojo no Sentaku - to be honest I haven't got a good read on the main character's situation (the one who got affected by the "gender changing syndrome"). It's implied they ran away from home, which would suggest family kicked them out, but also they have this brief moments when looking in the mirror which kinda imply as if the character dislikes their current predicament. It can go in all sorts of ways but so far I like it.
Koisuru (Otome) no Tsukurikata - I personally avoid this because this one had an entire twitter drama surrounding the official translation, and the Discord of the fan translation group who initially did it became incredibly annoying place to be back then; in addition it seems the work not only avoid admiting it, but in fact attempts to deny the trans interpretation (in a ridiculously silly way in fact). It's not a bad work I'd say, but you have to keep in mind the above.
Mahou Shoujo Bu e Youkoso!/Magical Trans! - these two are essentially the same manga. They have minor differences, but the most relevant one is that the first one was self-published, and the second one was published by ebookjapan. Ebookjapan was later bought by Yahoo Japan, and this very likely led to the author being told to wrap it up at chapter 65. It's an excellent manga to read if you like slice of life shenanigans with eggy characters, but don't expect actual plot development. (I have a theory that the reason it won't go anywhere in the gender department is the same reason for why I once wrote a gender bender story with a self-insert MC and I desperately wanted the story to not end with "and then the MC accepts being a girl")
Ikemen Joshi to Josou Danshi - To be honest this one, out of all of them, is the one I could believe the MC is actually a guy (possibly of some genderfluid variety). It's a great manga featuring a role reversal relationship. The only minor complaint I have is that it has this brief moment where MC actually does question his gender, but it is immediately dismissed, rather than actually resolved (and again, I would be just fine with them having a small character arc with them that leads to a conclusion that they are a guy... but at least address it somehow)
Shinyuu Ouji to Koshiginchaku - I read 4 chapters out of 9 that seem to be available at the moment, but I loved them all. Excellent character dynamics combined with an interesting plot.
Also check out the other list I made before.
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nonotranslates · 8 months
Animage March 2023 Manor Notice Board Passing: 5th Floor Edition
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Besides a snippet of the wizards' bedroom and explanation of their decor, Animage features a short story where the wizards staying on that floor passes around a clipboard containing neighbourhood notices (kairanban 回覧板) between each other to communicate, which is eventually read back to the Sage to let them enjoy a piece of culture from their own world in the manor. Once again Oz "funniest man alive in mhyk" strikes again!
Please do not repost as this is paid content from the magazine! Buy the magazine ebook アニメージュ3月号 here (2 pages of mhyk only):
Rakuten Books
Animage 2023 March - Manor Notice Board - 5th Floor (Snow, White, Owen, Bradley, Oz)
Keep reading
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sannastudies · 2 years
My Japanese Reading-Corner, feat. some free reading materials
I use OneNote for my studies & I created a dedicated section where I can keep track of all the things I am reading. It was important to me to give this page a pleasant design - I want to feel cozy the moment I jump to my Reading Corner ; u ; )
Since I am reading a lot of Graded Readers on Tadoku I am dividing them into their Levels as well.
LV 1 and LV 2 are very easy for me and I could jump to Lv 3 right away, however all these graded readers still teach me plenty of new words, so I don't want to miss out on any of them. Thus, I am making my way through Lv 1 & Lv 2 first - the more I read, the better! ( . u . )
Aside from Tadoku, I also read on EbookJapan - they have a very big selection of free Light Novels & Manga across all Genre. Access is time-restricted though, as after a while, the selection changes and new titles replace the current ones. Thus, if I find something interesting I have to keep in mind to finish reading it before it vanishes.
However, there is of course still the option to buy the ebook version for usually very cheap prices ( . u . )
If you are looking for websites where you can practice reading in japanese I definitely recommend these two sites.
Tadoku's graded readers should offer something interesting across many Levels - and so does EbookJapan~! ( . u . )
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yuripoll · 1 year
KNOCKOUTS: Hello, Melancholic! (2019 - 20)
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Hello, Melancholic! is a three volume series by Yayoi Ohsawa about girls playing music.
Shy first-year high schooler Minato Asano has managed to keep to her resolve of avoiding unnecessary interactions with others. But this resolve becomes all for naught the moment she hears a random melody within the grounds of a school not known for having a music club; the source of the sound is the bubbly second-year Hibiki Sugawa, who has actively sought out Minato to get the easily-flustered girl to join her new concert club. Finding that the drummer will not take no for an answer, Minato is persuaded to bring her trombone and meet the other band members: bass guitarist Chika Inagaki; flutist Sakiko Arita; and Ema Nonaka, who occasionally drops by with her skills on the saxophone, guitar, and piano. Though wary of the group at first, Minato slowly finds herself opening up to people once more as she casually jams with Hibiki and the other members. - MAL
ENG localised by Seven Seas & JP available on eBookJapan.
CWs under the cut. General severity rating: very mild.
off-screen / implied sex w the secondary couple + some very mild nudity.
teacher/student <- the submitter said that a minor character is in a relationship with a teacher and that it doesn't come up much; i trust that to be the case but be reassured that it comes up so little that i didnt notice it at all until i checked through the submitted cws djbhv
bullying <- from the girls in minato's last club
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awafujiko · 7 months
竹良実 先生の漫画、辺獄のシュヴェスタを全巻安く買うなら「ebookjapan」がおすすめ。安く読むなら「コミック.jp」の30日無料お試しで1冊読むことも可能です。 この記事では電子書籍を利用して読める最安値なサービスを紹介していきます。 辺獄のシュヴェスタを安く買う方法について 辺獄のシュヴェスタを安く買うなら「ebookjapan」がおすすめです。 また、「Amebaマンガ」と「まんが王国」「DMMブックス」でも調査しましたので見ていきましょう! 面白い!面白い!!と聞いてはいたけど「辺獄のシュヴェスタ」とんでもなく面白かった… pic.twitter.com/0pxQjwrmTt — 青木ナオト (@aokinaoto) February 9,…
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noraya · 5 months
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gatoraid · 6 months
センチメンタル♂セクキャバナイト (Sentimental Sexy Cabaret Club Night) by U
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I’m looking back on some of the most memorable BL manga I read in 2023 and copying/ expanding on some of my twitter threads about them to tumblr.
センチメンタル♂セクキャバナイト came out in February, but it made a pretty big impact on me so I definitely want to highlight it even at the end of the year. The story is kind of silly at times and very sexy as you can probably tell from the cover and the fact that it was published by Qpa... but it also packs a lot of emotion and cuts surprisingly deep when it comes to developing the main relationship and themes.
Main character Shou is a waiter at a sexy hostess club (sekukyaba) where clients are allowed to touch the hostesses to a certain degree as opposed to normal hostess clubs (kyabakura). Shou’s job is mostly to serve drinks and keep the clients in check so they won’t do anything out of limits to the hostesses. Reiji is a wealthy client freshly dumped by his gf, looking for some comfort. For some reason he decides he wants to be serviced by Shou instead of the girls. Shou grudgingly agrees at first, but ends up actually liking it.
Reiji becomes a regular client, lavishing Shou with expensive gifts, and their relationship soon goes beyond a professional one. When Reiji asks Shou to go out with him for real, Shou still hesitates. What does Reiji really mean by saying he likes Shou or wants to date him?
The closer they get, the more Shou starts to notice how Reiji, who is used to being able to buy everything, has always treated his romantic partners like pretty decorations, just something to look at and adore, not caring much about their interests, personalities or even names. For him, love and relationships are just another commodity that he can buy with his money.
So even though Shou likes the sex and is already falling for Reiji quite hard, he doesn’t feel very good about being ”loved” by someone who doesn’t even seem to view him as his own individual person. The uncomfortable unbalance in their relationship where one of them has extreme wealth and power and the other is not very well-off is not just treated as kink-fodder, but an actual conflict in the relationship. Eventually Shou calls Reiji out on how he treats people as objects, which is what makes Reiji do some soul-searching and growing up before they can actually be in a balanced relationship together.
I love how the story takes a spin on the archetypal high spec/ supadari seme-sama trope that we’ve seen countless times and asks, how it would really feel like to be ”loved” by someone like that, who mostly sees you as an object of his own affections, not a real person with your own agency. I'm usually not very interested in that type of character myself, so this was a welcome spin for me.
I did like Shou, who is a more masculine uke character and gets really enthusiastic about sex after his initial hangups. I think that is also part of what made the sex scenes and the whole character dynamic work so well for me.
But yeah TL;DR, on one hand this manga is exactly as ”trashy” and silly as the cover promises, but on the other hand it also manages to explore power imbalances in a really interesting way.
The story has not been translated in eng. The jp version is available on all major Japanese bookstore and ebook sites, I personally read it on ebookjapan.
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yaoi-sekai · 1 year
sorry if this is dumb may i know where i can read the raw for zettai bl? i want to try learning jpn and the site i found didn't have all the chapters
Hi, no problem. Right now, Zettai BL is running in Kuragebunch. You can see the first five chapters, as well as three recent chapters for free (whenever a new chapter is released, the previous one gets unlocked for free reading), however the rest of the chapters need points (the site currency) to be read. Pixiv comic doesn't have all the chapters available ever since the comic has been officially published.
So, if you want to read all of it, you can either purchase points from kuragebunch or you can also purchase the three manga volumes on amazon, ebookjapan, renta and other ebook retailers.
You can also check out the comics that sensei uploads to their twitter account.
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yaoi-life2021 · 2 months
HE MAY BE MY FATE BUT I LOVE YOU…Title: City Lights BirthdayJapanese: シティ・ライツ・バースデイCreator: Chika Hongo (本郷 地下)Category: #MangaStatus: #CompletedChapters: 7 (1 volume)Genre: #Drama; #SliceofLife; #SmutTags: #Omegaverse; Beta x Omega; #CrossDressing; Male ProstituteDescription:Being a beta in a world where alphas and omegas were destined for each other, Azuma had long accepted that there was no such thing as 'fate' for him. Still trying to get over a heartache from the past, he meets 'Mahoro' by chance one Christmas night. Pitying Mahoro's unfortunate state, Azuma tries to offer help, despite being flustered. While Mahoro refuses Azuma's offer to stay at his house, he invites the latter to drop by his workplace as thanks. It turns out that Mahoro works in a brothel. As Azuma gets more drawn to Mahoro, he finds out that Mahoro is looking for someone: his fated partner. Against his better judgment, Azuma decides to help Mahoro.Where to Read:English – futekiyaJapaneseRenta! –Ebookjapan -
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kennak · 1 year
ヤフーは2016年6月に、電子書店「eBookJapan」を運営するイーブックイニシアティブジャパンの株式を公開買付けにより取得している。その後、ヤフーは同社の電子書籍サービスであるYahoo!ブックストアとeBookJapanを統合した。その際、eBookJapanのユーザーに対し、ヤフーアカウントへの移行をおこなっており、2020年5月26日までに移行していない場合、電子書籍が閲覧不能な状態となっていた。そんな中、ヤフーに移行したユーザーからも、eBookJapan時代に購入した本が消えてしまうという事例が出ているようだ(大和田秀樹さんのツイート、Togetter)。この報告をおこなったのは漫画「ガンダムさん」 「ムダヅモ無き改革」「大魔法峠」などの原作者である大和田秀樹氏。曰く、孫正義にうちのマンガ勝手に捨てられたなう。ebookjapanにしばらくログインしてなかったらヤフーID消された模様なう。は?買った何万円分ものマンガは?釣りキチ三平全巻はッ?!!!!三国志全巻はどこ?!もうここでは二度と買わない。とツイートしている。過去に取り上げたことがあるが、ヤフーではIDの不正利用などが相次いだことから、使われていないIDを利用停止にする作業などが実施された。この影響でebookjapanに紐付けられていたIDが使えなくなったり、複数のヤフーIDを持つユーザーがIDを一つに整理した結果、気がつかずにebookjapanに紐付けられていたIDを削除してしまう事例が起きていたようだ。中には何百冊と購入したebookjapanの電子書籍が読めなくなったと述べている人もいる模様。
旧eBookJapanの蔵書、ヤフー移行後のID消去で消えてしまうトラブル | スラド IT
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mutukikuroha01 · 1 year
「春色シンドローム 残念王子様と恋の消しゴム (角川ビーンズ文庫)/くらゆいあゆ」の感想
無月黒羽です。 今回の記事は「春色シンドローム 残念王子様と恋の消しゴム」の感想ブログです。 ✔️記事内容 「春色シンドローム 残念王子様と恋の消しゴム」のあらすじ 「春色シンドローム 残念王子様と恋の消しゴム」の感想 「春色シンドローム 残念王子様と恋の消しゴム」が読めるサブスク紹介 について書いています。 春色シンドローム 残念王子様と恋の消しゴム(1)posted with ヨメレバくらゆい あゆ/茶々ごま KADOKAWA 2018年03月31日頃 楽天ブックスAmazonKindlehonto ebookjapan 「春色シンドローム…
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