#each of them took 30 min-1 hour
nguyenfinity · 5 months
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Another project, a dozen drawings based on 3 rules you set for yourself!! mine were flower heads, shows the sky somewhere, and they're all different times of day
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bluebunnysart · 1 month
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Negidrill (Miku x Teto) chart by me!! :D (My own headcanons)
This isn't any of the drawings I promised earlier but LOL, I drew this during work today and I wanted to color and line it. Time elapsed: about 4.5 hours (for the coloring/lining/adding text) and maybe 30 mins - 1 hour for the traditional drawing under the cut.
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I took like 15 pictures trying to get a good pic but I wasn't satisfied with any of them 'cuz of the angle and how they're supposed to be in a line, so redrawing it digitally was fun....
Anyway, I drew this today 'cuz I've always liked flat colors (I was aiming for more of a flat color look but ended up adding some shadows anyway lol) and I saw a chart someone else made about their Miku and their Teto, and I really liked it and wanted to make one too! :D (Technically after I finished lining them, I could've done one more final lineart pass but I wanted to make it quick and get to the coloring already, so haha.)
I've been wanting to push out a "full drawing" for a while now, so take this! I have comic ideas and whatnot planned (all of that, all mostly yuri too lol), so I won't give you too much information about this chart, but I wanted to make it for fun, and also to practice some coloring. Each new drawing I make will become more rendered, maybe... My posting of things is all out of order but oh well hahahaha. Mesmerizer sometime eventually too. xD (And Neru ofc!)
Whenever I make something for Mikuteto, I do it to the exclusion of everything else, so I really can't make a huge habit of this hahahaha (I really want to and will eventually tho 😤)
[You may use/repost my art anywhere not on tumblr (unless it's RP) as long as you credit. No to AI though, please. Thanks!]
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frodo-with-glasses · 3 months
Heya! Wanna throw money at me to make me draw something?? Well, for just $20 an hour, now you can!
Read below for price estimates and FAQs, and if you’re interested, please email me at [email protected] to get started!
Because I’m too lazy to come up with complicated price structures, I’ll just be charging a flat rate of $20/hour for any work I do on the art piece. The clock starts when I pick up the pencil or digital stylus and ends when I put it down.
This does mean that prices will vary, depending on how time-consuming each art piece is, but I can give you some rough estimates.
Upper Body Sketch: Approx. 30 min = $10 for one
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It takes me about half an hour to draw a bust or upper body sketch. This time can be shortened if I’m already familiar with the character design, or lengthened if I’m drawing an unfamiliar character or doing some weird perspective stuff.
Every additional figure would probably take another half an hour, adding about $10 each.
Full-Body Sketch: Approx. 1 hour = $20 for one
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Drawing an entire figure is a little harder than just drawing the upper body, so this one might take longer. Again, this time can be shortened or lengthened depending on my familiarity with the character, how complex the design is, and whether I’m doing any complicated posing or perspective.
Adding additional figures can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, adding $10-$20 each.
Animals: Approx. 1.5 hrs = $30 for one
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Animals are not my strong suit, though I have gotten better at drawing them over time! However, the extra time studying reference photos and trying to get the anatomy correct can stack up quickly, so you’ll want to be aware of that if you’re commissioning something with an animal involved.
Posters: Minumum 3 hrs = approx. $60
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Posters take a little extra time—and usually some trial and error—to plan the layout in a dynamic way. They also take up an entire sketchbook page and tend to include multiple people and some extreme perspective to add visual appeal. You can expect a poster to take about three hours minimum to complete.
Multi-Panel Comics: Minimum 4 hrs a page = $80
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Drawing a comic big enough to cover an entire sketchbook page can take me anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of work. If drawing a long-form comic, I will probably divide the work over several days. Brainstorming will happen on the first day, when I’ll plan out how many panels I’ll need for the comic, and then I’ll get in contact with you to tell you an estimated price before I proceed.
Digital Coloring: Minimum 1.5 hrs = add approx. $30
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Coloring things digitally takes about double the time it would to sketch; I’ve noticed it takes around two hours to color a simple image, with another hour added for each figure involved. This first image took me about an hour and a half to outline and color, while the second took about five hours.
Add to Redbubble Shop: Subject to Redbubble Pricing
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If your commissioned artwork is Lord of the Rings-related, I can put it into my Redbubble shop, where you can have it printed on stickers, t-shirts, journals, mugs, and lots of other products! I won’t charge any extra fee, but you will have to pay whatever price Redbubble asks. Full disclosure: I receive only 10% of the profit from Redbubble sales; the rest goes to the website to cover manufacturing and shipping costs.
No nudity or sexual content
Canon ships only
Will draw gore/injuries
Will draw OCs (please provide references)
Will draw for other fandoms (please provide references)
The artist reserves the right to reject any commission without disclosing the reason
The artist will give price and progress updates over the course of the process
You, the commissioner, have the right to terminate the project at any time and for any reason
If the project is terminated halfway, you will be charged for the artist’s time, but the artist might give a discount for incomplete work
Payment will be calculated at the end of the project and rendered using PayPal
Once again, if you’re interested, please email me at [email protected]!
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southeastasianists · 7 months
A deadly stampede outside a passport office that took two lives and unending lines outside embassies - these are just some examples of what has been happening in Myanmar since the announcement of mandatory conscription into the military.
Myanmar's military government is facing increasingly effective opposition to its rule and has lost large areas of the country to armed resistance groups.
On 1 February 2021, the military seized power in a coup, jailing elected leaders and plunging much of the country into a bloody civil war that continues today.
Thousands have been killed and the UN estimates that around 2.6 million people been displaced.
Young Burmese, many of whom have played a leading role protesting and resisting the junta, are now told they will have to fight for the regime.
Many believe that this is a result of the setbacks suffered by the military in recent months, with anti-government groups uniting to defeat them in some key areas.
"It is nonsense to have to serve in the military at this time, because we are not fighting foreign invaders. We are fighting each other. If we serve in the military, we will be contributing to their atrocities," Robert, a 24-year-old activist, told the BBC.
Many of them are seeking to leave the country instead.
"I arrived at 03:30 [20:30 GMT] and there were already about 40 people queuing for the tokens to apply for their visa," recalled a teenage girl who was part of a massive crowd outside the Thai embassy in Yangon earlier in February. Within an hour, the crowd in front of the embassy expanded to more than 300 people, she claims.
"I was scared that if I waited any longer, the embassy would suspend the processing of visas amid the chaos," she told the BBC, adding that some people had to wait for three days before even getting a queue number.
In Mandalay, where the two deaths occurred outside the passport office, the BBC was told that there were also serious injuries - one person broke their leg after falling into a drain while another broke their teeth. Six others reported breathing difficulties.
Justine Chambers, a Myanmar researcher at the Danish Institute of International Studies, says mandatory conscription is a way of removing young civilians leading the revolution.
"We can analyse how the conscription law is a sign of the Myanmar military's weakness, but it is ultimately aimed at destroying lives... Some will manage to escape, but many will become human shields against their compatriots," she said.
Myanmar's conscription law was first introduced in 2010 but had not been enforced until on 10 February the junta said it would mandate at least two years of military service for all men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27.
Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, the spokesperson for the military government, said in a statement that about a quarter of the country's 56 million population were eligible for military service under the law.
The regime later said it did not plan to include women in the conscript pool "at present" but did not specify what that meant.
The government spokesperson told BBC Burmese that call-ups would start after the Thingyan festival marking the Burmese New Year in mid-April, with an initial batch of 5,000 recruits.
The regime's announcement has dealt yet another blow to Myanmar's young people.
Many had their education disrupted by the coup, which came on top of school closures at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In 2021, the junta suspended 145,000 teachers and university staff over their support for the opposition, according to the Myanmar Teachers' Federation, and some schools in opposition-held areas have been destroyed by the fighting or by air strikes.
Then there are those who have fled across borders seeking refuge, among them young people looking for jobs to support their families.
In response to the conscription law, some have said on social media that they would enter the monkhood or get married early to dodge military service.
The junta says permanent exemptions will be given to members of religious orders, married women, people with disabilities, those assessed to be unfit for military service and "those who are exempted by the conscription board". For everyone else, evading conscription is punishable by three to five years in prison and a fine.
But Robert doubts the regime will honour these exemptions. "The junta can arrest and abduct anyone they want. There is no rule of law and they do not have to be accountable to anyone," he said.
Wealthier families are considering moving their families abroad - Thailand and Singapore being popular options, but some are even looking as far afield as Iceland - with the hope that their children would get permanent residency or citizenship there by the time they are of conscription age.
Others have instead joined the resistance forces, said Aung Sett, from the All Burma Federation of Student Unions, which has a long history of fighting military rule.
"When I heard the news that I would have to serve in the military, I felt really disappointed and at the same time devastated for the people, especially for those who are young like me. Many young people have now registered themselves to fight against the junta," the 23-year-old told the BBC from exile.
Some observers say the enforcement of the law now reveals the junta's diminishing grip on the country.
Last October, the regime suffered its most serious setback since the coup. An alliance of ethnic insurgents overran dozens of military outposts along the border with India and China. It has also lost large areas of territory to insurgents along the Bangladesh and Indian borders.
According to the National Unity Government, which calls itself Myanmar's government in exile, more than 60% of Myanmar's territory is now under the control of resistance forces.
"By initiating forced conscription following a series of devastating and humiliating defeats to ethnic armed organisations, the military is publicly demonstrating just how desperate it has become," said Jason Tower, country director for the Burma programme at the United States' Institute of Peace.
Mr Tower expects the move to fail because of growing resentment against the junta.
"Many youth dodging conscription will have no choice but to escape into neighbouring countries, intensifying regional humanitarian and refugee crises. This could result in frustration growing in Thailand, India, China and Bangladesh, all of which could tilt away from what remains of their support for the junta," he said.
Even if the military does manage to increase troop numbers by force, this will do little to address collapsing morale in the ranks. It will also take months to train up the new troops, he said.
The junta had a long history of "forced recruitment" even before the law was enacted, said Ye Myo Hein, a global fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
"So the law may merely serve as a facade for forcibly conscripting new recruits into the military. With a severe shortage of manpower, there is no time to wait for the lengthy and gradual process of recruiting new soldiers, prompting [officials] to exploit the law to swiftly coerce people into service," he said.
Even for those who will manage to escape, many will carry injuries and emotional pain for the rest of their lives.
"It has been really difficult for young people in Myanmar, both physically and mentally. We've lost our dreams, our hopes and our youth. It just can't be the same like before," said Aung Sett, the student leader.
"These three years have gone away like nothing. We've lost our friends and colleagues during the fight against the junta and many families have lost their loved ones. It has been a nightmare for this country. We are witnessing the atrocities committed by the junta on a daily basis. I just can't express it in words."
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prettygyalkay · 2 months
lets make it to the morning
chapter 1
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tw: choking, vvv short smut
the speedometer flashed between 110-120 with limited light except the red outline of control buttons dimmed in the car. the rank smell of two joints mixed with the pride of the melody that played in the car labeled itself as a pre-game.
eren was on his way to the girl's house where they got nothing productive done. where he had almost fallen in love.
♡ was a girl of beauty he had never seen before. her beautiful brown complexion underneath his skin drove him crazy, and the smell of shea butter every time he was inside of her sent him mad.
♡ was a girl he couldn't keep his mind off of.
but it was better off as co-workers with benefits.
his reputation of being a producer who built up dozens of rappers into some of the greatest. his beats gave inspiration to everyone, and youtube is filled with people who try to recreate his art.
manhattan traffic is always a mess, the constant breaking and long wait time. he told her he's 30 mins away as an element of surprise, but it's looking like 30 hours now.
♡ laid down on her bed with her hair still out, a robe covering her skimpily dressed body. underneath the pastel pink robe was a crop white tanktop and a white skims thong.
she took off her makeup from a long day of vlogging and just had lashes and a lip mask on. eren's favorite.
not that she did it all for him! but she knew it riled him up a bit more. their relationship was complicated...
she was editing a tiktok on her ipad to hint to her new youtube video dropping tomorrow. after being a ig model for so long, she wanted to gain consistency on content creating.
she was seen as a "big sister" online, her youtube filled with tutorials and keeping it real with her supporters. she wasn't necessarily trying to get them to buy the next best beauty product, but steering them in the right way.
♡ was starting to make a strong living for herself when her first song "living room flow" was dropped. eren and ♡ struggled to stay on task for the most part, but came out with a masterpiece.
it reflected eren and ♡'s relationship too. but she didn't think he caught on to her hints. the sexual tension between them that kept them glued to each other, but anything other than that seemed forbidden.
at least to them.
♡ got up from her bed when eren texted her two minutes ago, making him wait a little. she unlocked the gazillion locks on her door, opening it slightly.
her condominium had two people per floor, so she didn't have to worry too much about anyone seeing them. her neighbor was a nice old couple named Mrs. & Mr. Alvarez.
"who is it?"
"stop playing with me."
"who is ittttt??"
eren pushed the door but ♡ pushed back, sending him stumbling a little. eren then pushed back, sending ♡ back.
"damn sasquatch, you could've put any more of your weight on my door?" ♡ sassed, rolling her eyes. she glanced at eren, keeping the glance in her mind.
all his tattoos were on display in that little white wife beater he has on, his chains glimmering in the dim light of ♡'s apartment. his nike tech pink sweatpants hung a bit low with new white forces. he had on his rings and his hair seemed to be messy.
like he ran his fingers thru them, or another girl had their hands in them?
what did that matter to ♡ ?
"not my fault you wanna play these goddamn games." eren said as, unlike ♡ , he shamelessly drank ♡ . his blue almost grey eyes captured the roundness of ♡ 's ass in that robe he loved so much. ♡ 's nipples peeking out thru the thin fabric.
♡ 's brown, moisturized skin glowed in the lighting decorated with shea butter and coconut oil. "so, you're just gonna stare?" ♡ said as her arms crossed, putting all her weight on her right leg.
eren's eyes slowly went up ♡ 's face, her two toned juicy lips and her captivating eyes. beautiful flat nose. he took his shoes off slowly, walking up to ♡ .
he towered over ♡ , standing at 6'2 while she stood at 5'5. he licked his lips before swooping her up by surprise.
♡ moaned into the duvet as eren thrusted into her from the back. he held her hands together on her back with his left hand while his right hand smacked her ass with each thrust.
♡ 's cunt was sopping wet and squeezing him in with each stroke he delivered to your overstimulated pussy. he had eaten her out and fucked her on every flat surface in her room, and her bed was the last one.
"rennnn!" she drawed out, his right hand snaking around her neck. he leaned down, kissing the small of her neck before nibbling on her ear. his strokes became slower but harder with each thrust.
he was hitting her g-spot with every stroke, and he tightened his grip on her neck a little.
"so what you was doin around tjay huh?" eren said in ♡ 's ear as he continued his punishing strokes. ♡'s eyes were closed as she bit her lip, letting moans slip from her lips.
♡ was speechless. he was dicking her down, and she couldn't possibly focus on his dumbass question. not when his dick was touching that spongey spot in her stomach.
when her legs were shaking from the 10 minutes ago he had his fingers and tongue deep in her pussy as she screamed for him.
no she couldn't.
"open your fucking eyes and answer me, you be slutting this pussy out?" eren seethed, his hand traveling up to her cheeks to squeeze them.
♡ 's eyes opened, looking at him dazed. eren reveled in the fact that his dick can get her speechless, but right now he wanted the truth. that's why he chose to interrogate her on her sex high.
he asked her again, and she shook her head. profusely. his strokes were so agonizingly slow but bruising. hitting her right where she needed him. "nn-no!" she screamed as she clenched around him.
"you really didn't fuck him?" he asked her again, tilting her head so she can look at him. his hips stayed next to her g-spot, stilling. "eren!" she pouted.
going round for round, the two had missed each other.
more so bodies.
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southerntigress · 17 days
Hello 👋 I was wondering if could write a story about the reader and her best friend try out to be the new nasty habits they both get the part Nikki is hot for both of them
The other band members tell Nikki don't mix business with pleasure
But he doesn't listen to them
One night before a concert on the current tour Nikki snakes both of girls in his dressing room they give him a bj together and he fucks them
Trying not to get caught or heard by the other guys he puts bandanas over their mouth so they don't moan out loud
Maybe add a breeding kink
I'm sorry all that just popped in my head
And I suck writing at fanfiction
Mixing business with pleasure
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Hey sorry it took so long but here u go and also I don't do breeding kinks sorry but I hope u like it anyways
Me and my best friend Lauren had the day off we was lazing around the house waiting to go to an audition to be Motley Crue's nasty habits. We had been dancers all of lives that's actually how we met and became friends she was in my dance class when I was like 5 and she was 6.
Now we are 25 and 26 it's crazy how time flies when u are having fun. She's my roomie, my bestie and most of all my sister I love her to pieces.
I was lost in thoughts when she suddenly bursts through my door
"Get up and get dressed or we are going to be late" she says excitedly
I roll my eyes "we have 4 hours before we have to be there and it's only a 30 min drive from here chill out we got plenty of time" I say with a giggle
She raises her eye brow at me " Carrie Ann do you not know who you are talking to"
I nod "yes I do we have plenty of time"
"Bitch it'll take 3 hours to prepare and get dressed, get up" she said pulling my arm
I laugh and pull my arm away " that's cause u are super high maintenance. It'll take me 1 hour to get ready" I say
She groans " ugh I can't stand your ass" she says throwing a pillow at me
I catch it and laugh "love you too" I say as she walks out of the room
Fast forward 4 hours we finally get there and Lauren is dragging me through the sea of people. We finally arrive at the room the auditions are being held at it's empty which is weird I thought it would be packed
I looked at Lauren " it's kinda weird being the only ones here you think we are at the right place?"
She shrugs
A lady walks up to us "may I help you ladies"
"We are here to audition for motely crue" I say
She looks us up and down "ah yes right this way"
She leads us down another hall way and we enter the room " you girls are the last ones so good luck, go on the guys are waiting" she says and walks out
We go further in and there they are Nikki, Vince, Tommy in all of their glory looking all fine and hot.
Nikki is the first to noticed us and smiles " wow look at you ladies yall are the hottest chicks we've seen all day" he smirks
"Keep it in your pants Sixx" Vince says
Nikki flips him off
Lauren and I just giggle
"Alright ladies we're going to go through one song and this will definitely show us if you got what it takes so show us what you got" Tommy says
We get in position as 10 seconds to love starts to play I start to move my hips very seductively and bite my lip as I walk a little closer to the table and bend over shaking my ass Nikki slaps my ass hard.
Lauren crawls across the floor to me comes up on her knees as I get down on mine
Our hands are roaming each other bodies as we grind on each other and right before the song ends we kiss.
We get back up and stand infront of them waiting on their reaction
"Holy shit" says Vince
"Fuck dude" Tommy says
Nikki is staring intently at us with a devilish smirk "that was fucking hot and hands down the best audition we've seen" he says
"Give us a minute" Vince says and we go into the hall
A few minutes later Nikki and Tommy comes out
"Congrats you both are the new nasty habits" Tommy says hugging us
Nikki walks up to us and hugs us "I can't wait to be on tour with you" he says looking at both of us
The tour has started and it's been going amazing the guys and even the fans have made us feel like part of the family. Nikki has been extra handsy and flirting lately despite the others telling not to mix business with pleasure he invited us to his dressing room tonight before the show.
As soon as we walked in he locked the door and slammed his lips on mine we heavily made out as his pressed his body against mine.
He pulled away and brought Lauren in and pressed her against the door next me as he attacked her lips as well.
He pulled back from her and looked from me to her to me again and said "Fuck I need both of you right now but we got to be quiet so the other don't hear ok"
We nod
he starts to undress us then himself he smirks at our reaction to him naked he may be older but fuck me does he still look hot as hell
He looks at me "like what you see sweetheart" he smirks
"Fuck yeah I do" I say
"Good cause you both are going to give me a blow job and then I'm going to fuck both of these pretty little pussies" he says
I drop to my knees after he said waisting no time in taking him in my mouth I move my head up and down his length he grabs my hair and holds me in place as he starts to thrust his hips forward I continue to suck him off for a few more minutes til he pulls me off of him and tells Lauren it's her turn she takes him in her mouth and deep throats him he groans and reaches his other hand down and starts to finger me I throw my head back and moan.
He suddenly pushes us off of him and pulls out 2 bandanas "time to fuck those pretty pussies but I gotta keep you from moaning loud so we don't get caught" he says as he ties them around both of our mouths
He fucks both of us til we can't move or make any more nosies we cum and so does he. We lay on the couch catching our breaths.
Maybe mixing business with pleasure isn't so bad after all
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poupeesdecirque · 14 days
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Travel Blog - Connichi 2024 - Part 1
Thurday & (Pre-Con) Friday or: How Alu & I spend 5 hours taking photos of Cosplays that weren't planned at all
Welcome back to another travel blog, as I already mentioned before there is a lot to unpack, luckily a lot of positive things and sadly some negative as well. But I will start with my two favorite days of this trip. This entry is about traveling on Thursday, our Photoshoot and then the Friday Morning before the actual Convention. The Travel Blog will be divided into 4 parts this time.
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For the second time the Connichi took place in Wiesbaden, this time I shared an apartment with my friend @adragonstale as after last year's stressing events I didn't want to stay alone. The drive was long but for once not delayed by traffic and I somehow managed to get the sword into the car, I am still amazed I did.
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After we met up at the train station we fetched a snack and were able to get into our apartment, which was about 10 min from the event location if you walked slow. It was interesting to see how they already had build up a lot and changed a few things.
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Then we went to the Neroberg for Nea photos, as I didn't want to take Crown Clown with me to wear it with 30°C outside... Nea was the alternative.
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Have a sneak C:
I am very amazed how all the photos turned out, slowly I get warm with Nea and having the sword really helps to pose better for him aside than just randomly standing somewhere.
We then fetched some groceries for breakfast and our lunch boxes the next days, as we had the luxury of having a fridge. The day ended with dinner from a place that offered Buddha Bowls, mine was with Quinoa, Rice and I had added Pumpkin and a Sesame Soy sauce.
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Thursday started with some good old oat bowls for the both of us, but I was super excited as ...
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We went out to take photos with me as Bookman Jr. I had finished the wig before the Con and his Bookman outfit was existing already, one day I will do the new outfit buuut.. I just couldn't resist. And Wiesbaden is a city with super interesting spots and then there was the offering by the Museum that the first 500 visitors with tickets for the Con got free entrance and were allowed to take photos inside the Museum, I love museums and we just had to.
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Some interesting spots in Wiesbaden. Except the mural one we used them each for photos, I can tell the photos came out so amazing I love them all.
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And a little sneak for the Bookman Jr. Photoshoot we had in the city. We also went to fetch some Donuts and lunch .. I was asked if the white hair was my real hair and I was so happy. I felt really comfortable with Junior, I think this helps to digest the fact we got him instead of the character we thought pastAllen would be. According to the kids in the Museum I am now Zelda though :'D
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Some impressions from inside of the Museum, to be honest the whole Museum deserved an entry on its own but we will explore it more with the photos we took there of me as Bookman C:
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After the Museum we got the Donuts and the snack and headed back to the apartment as I needed to redress and get rid off the make up to get ready for the convention...
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... as Mana this time.
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minkuparks · 26 days
my shift yesterday exceeded my emotional capacity... first off i was expecting to have a non verbal bar shift but instead i got put in charge of a function of 30 old men who were all over the world and all kinda sassy with me but also like "why u so beautiful" "what is thank u in latvian" which was sweet n all but i was so sleepy and they just started teling me their order without any organisation, then they gave me a plan sheet of the tables so i know where all the food goes but i had already started and i mixed it all up and my manager told me to double check bc they come every 3 months and cant mess it up. so i double checked 2 when the main man dings his glass and starts to do a SPEECH... i wus like ok i am givin up and i went to my manager to savee me, i told him im nervous and he said dont be they are all teddy bears. then he goes WHOS MY BIG GIRL omg i said NOT ME!!!!!
he is a unhinged french flirting monster he does it. w everyone but still i am easily embarrassed and blush and lose my ability to speak its probably very obvious he needs. to be stopped.
anyway he went and triple checked the order for me and we still managed to make a mistake and their food took soo long to make bc i took like 20 min to get the order right. like we made one too many grilliata fruti di mare and another guy took the wrong dish and they ran out of prawns to make another 1. so i just put the one they made for the other guy in front of him and said here u go and left!!! cuz his was already being eaten.
then they all wanted coffees and to ask me if we speak russian and they were all jokin and being funny and telling me im doin a good job and my manager said im doing a good job so it turned out fine
then i had 1 hour break and had a evening bar shift but my new salomons hurt my injured feet that have grown used to my old fallen apart shoes which i took with me in case my feet hurt and i ended up having to put them on cuz my feet r really fucked like something has been broken and grown back together in the wrong way or something. but my sister scored 2 free pizzas and we went home together and had half each. she was like im havin the gambaretti!! and i was like why dont we just have half each and her mind was blown by the idea hahaha
ok thats all!!
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myplace2fangirl · 1 year
Zoey 101 (I took over the show while DS can go sit in a far away cave. I do NOT own anything and this is strictly a fictional perspective if there were a season 5 leading up to the post 15 years reboot). (also, this would be rated TV-14).
All episodes are now 48 minutes instead of 28 (so an hour instead of 30 mins).
PCA 101
Season 5 Episode 1: Its My Party pt 1.
Plot A: With senior year kicking off at Pacific Coast Academy, and a mysterious summer downfall; Zoey is dreading it all. 🙍🏼‍♀️
Plot B: Michael, James Vince, Logan heck even DelFigalo throw a secret guys soirée while Lola and Quinn decide to spy on them.
Season 5 Episode 2: It’s My Party pt 2.
Plot A: Despite Zoeys fallout with her friends, she meets the new guy Ty (Daniel Kelly) and finds comfort in his ways of escape. 🚬🌿
Plot B: After revealing a scandalous game of never have I ever, Quinn and Lola have no choice but to warn Lisa about Michael’s summer secret. 🇫🇷👩🏼‍🦰
Season 5 Episode 3: Turn Out the Light
Plot A: Chase may be in England but what happens when he reunites with an old classmate at Covington Prep? (Kristin Herrera)
Plot B: Logan and Quinn are celebrating their early acceptance into university, but mutually agree to live up their senior year. 🤝🏼❤️🪂
Season 5 Episode 4: I’m Okay
Plot A: Rumors are swirling around PCA about a potential investigation. With Dean Rivers nowhere to be found, there’s been interesting activity on campus.
• Michael Barrett who is now student president of PCA secretly approves incoming freshmen to extend curfew at the “welcome to upper school beach bash.” This leads Dustin finding himself in a pickle when he hits it off with a transfer student without being aware he’s been talking to twins! (Rebecca and Camilla Rosso)
• Zoey Lola and Quinn have a girls night in, only for Zoey to sneak out with Ty while his roommates are out.
• Ending scene goes back to England where Dana and Chase are in his room catching up on life. They kiss, the episode ends.
Season 5 Episode 5: Don’t Know Why
Plot A: Things between Logan and Quinn have been nothing but amazing, until the week of required sex education. One’s curious while the other wants to but is deep down nervous.
Plot B: Lola has been hiding her early acceptance into Juliard. What happens when Vince finds out before she tells him?
Plot C: Chase tell’s Michael about his senior fling with Dana, but swears it remains between the 2 of them.
Season 5 Episode 6: She’s No You
Plot A: Zoey Brooks is the girl who has it all together. Everyone goes to her, she’s that “it” girl, and guys would kill to be her plus 1! This years been turned upside down. After Quinn finds a pregnancy test in their trash can, she confronts a fatigued looking Zoey and encourages her to go to the clinic down PSH. (Ty should probably get himself checked too)
Plot B: Logan warns Dustin that dating twins behind each others backs is wrong and that it won’t end well. Will Dustin take his advice, or will Monica and Lauren find out first?
1: Quogan study session plus too many! (9 minutes)
Quinn and Logan are wrapping up on studying for their midterms, but afterwards Logan has planned a cozy movie night for the 2 of them. Maybe the lounge wasn’t a wise idea? Lights are out at 10, but soon comes Lola, Michael, Ty and Vince! What Quinnvention is going to be revealed to get them out of this ordeal? 😉
2: And this years Homecoming king and queen is…🇬🇧 (9 minutes)
Covington Preparatory School has homecoming! Chase and Dana have been enjoying each other’s company while he’s trying to move on from Zoey and she’s up for whatever adventure. Though the 2 go together as a casual couple neither were expecting to be crowned King and Queen! Dana reveals in her speech that Chase is the greatest guy there ever is and she’s lucky to have reconnected with him for their last year of high school.
Though they enjoy each other’s company, they reveal to each other during their dance that it’s best to remain close friends and part ways romantically. Both mutually in agreement they dance the night away! 😊
3. iwonacontest (iCarly crossover) (10 minuktes)
Stacey Dillsen and the butterfly she is has won a contest through Carly Shay and Sam Pucketts web sensational art contest. There’s just 1 problem: Stacey is locked in the bathroom. The live video chat is in 10 minutes!!! But fear not Mark DelFigalo to the rescue! Until she can get out Carly Sam and Spencer get to talk with Mark! “Wait iCarly? What am I supposed to say? I don’t know anything about it.” 🤣
As I said, this is all strictly fictional and in no way real. I plan on doing episodes 7-14 at some point but I wanted to connect this with the sequel as best as possible. How else would Danielle have known about Dana? I think if Chase returned to Covington, and Dana studying over seas is a fair connection 😉
I don’t really want to add any real drama between Logan and Quinn as they lasted 15 years…this is more about them navigating their new chapter as a teenage couple. The drama is all saved for Zoey. And adding a new male character (I used to love Owen Milligan on Degrassi) who’s more of an escape rather than a love interest spices things up!
As much as I loved Micheal and Lisa I think like many teenage boys, it’s fair to have him make a big error over the summer and have to learn from it. (He definitely had a fling with a random French girl while doing a summer program). Lisa still thrived and is the sweet boss she is though 😉 plus his time to shine is seen all over campus as the student president!
Dustin…he’s gonna have to figure this one or two out. Lol.
Lola and Vince don’t last, but that’s okay because they kinda had their time to shine season 4 and are headed separate ways.
Stacey and Mark are strictly side characters who pop up quite a bit throughout the season.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments! But please be respectful and appropriate 🙂
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bakingneoriche · 7 months
The Hellish Vortex between Breakfast and Dinner // Chocolate Croissants
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On episode one of Neo Yokio Kaz Khan finds himself on the rooftop tennis court lamenting his relationship with Cathy when in comes Lexy and Gottlieb holding pastries and expressos (however its possible that these are americanos as Aunt Agatha says later in the episode, "You can't just drink americanos and watch tennis all day.") There are a couple different things these pastries could be as they never specifically say what they are. The inside of them looks much lighter which to me says that they have a custard filling, like Torsade au Chocolate or pain au Raisins do, but the shape of them is identical to Pain au chocolates, so that's what I'll be making.
Pain au chocolate, or chocolate croissants are a classic french pastry made with croissant dough or pâte levée feuilletée. Suposedly, this should be easy for me as I went to french pastry school, but, I just so happened to be sick on the day I was supposed to make them in school. I do still have my school's recipe and instructions, so that is the base I will be using.
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Note: The instructions included with my school's recipe were sparse, so I used what I already knew to make the dough.
I combined the milk and butter and microwaved them unit the butter was melted, then I waited until the temperature had come down to 110F so that I could add the yeast and sugar. (yeast dies above 110F). I let this sit for 10min. to make sure the yeast was alive. If the yeast is alive after 10min. the mixture will be frothy and ever so slightly thicker. Mine was, so I continued. I combined the flours and the salt, made a well in the middle, poured the liquids in and mixed it together. I kneaded it for 5 min. until the dough was smooth and elastic.
I set this to prove for the first time underneath a heated blanket for 30 min. then turned it. To do this I picked the dough up, folded it once like a birthday card, then set it back in the bowl and re-covered it. After another 15 min. I did this again, then let it proof for the last 15 min. at room temperature before putting it in the fridge for the night (at least 12 hours).
After the cold prove I rolled it out to approx. a 10in by 6in. Then I took two sticks of butter (250g) out of the fridge and sliced them thinly and arranged the slices onto parchment to be slightly smaller than 6in by 4in. I folded the parchement over the butter slices then beat it with a rolling pin to adhere the slices together so that it was one slab of butter.
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I then completed the first turn by placing the butter in the middle (image 1 above) then folding the dough over itself and pinching it together to seal it (image 2 above). I turned the rectangle 90 degrees and rolled it long ways (image 3 above) until it was almost double its length.
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Then I folded it in thirds like a letter (image 4 above). I chilled it for 20 min in the fridge to prevent the butter from getting too soft.
While the dough was chilling I melted semi-sweet chocolate and spread it out onto a sil-pat to around a 3mm thickness. After it had hardened I cut chocolate bars 1cm by 8cm bars
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After the dough had chilled, I completed the double turn. To do this I rolled it out to double its size (not shown) then folded a quarter of the dough on each side in to meet in the middle (image 1 below). Finally, I folded the folds together (image 2 below) and rolled the whole thing out to a 3mm thickness (image 3 below).
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My recipe then said to cut 13x8cm rectangles, but I did not follow it. I wanted a smaller, fatter pain au chocolat to hopefully match the reference photo better, however, I wouldn't do this again. I would instead cut the original dimensions in half rather than changing the proportions. (You'll see why later). Regardless, to roll them, place one bar of chocoalte on the very end and roll the dough over to envelope the bar, then place your second chocolate bar against the roll (image 1 below) and continue rolling until you get to the end.
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I made two different lengths, but the same width of these as seen on the left and right. I let them prove for 2 hours under a heated blanket to simulate 80 degree weather since it's winter here.
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Then I baked at 400 degrees F for 20 min after brushing on an egg wash. As you can see in the below photos, the croissants fell over and spread out instead of up, and you can see it happened much worse with the ones on the left. I believe this is because the rectangles i rolled were too long and not wide enough. They also got much darker than I would have wanted, so I would also bake them at a lower temperature.
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I still got some that were ok, and these were the ones that I took pictures with.
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There were a couple things I would change, and I may update this post with those changes, but for now I'm leaving them Neo Riche.
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moerusai · 2 years
Sorry if someone beat me to it and if so feel free to ignore this, but ask and you shall receive! TELL ME HOW MO!!! HOW DO YOU DO YOUR MAGIC?! because honestly it blows me away every time and I would really really love to know. 💖💖💖
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@teddybluesclues also asked:
Kay, so the idea for this video/gifset was conceived back in… August (yeah that's how long I'd been pushing it back).
I could have gone with a still edit or maybe just the gifs and limit the number of frames to make my life easier but nah. My tired and wired brain which started this 2 days before Halloween said: you're gonna do this and you're gonna do it properly.
So it took 5 - 6 hours to bring this 30-sec fever dream to life 😂. And the secret is *jazz hands*: tracking (basic tut).
The insanely stripped down process for each eye goes like this:
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Track it
Slap the colored pupil on
Key out the white (so the pupil fits nicely)
Bonus: keyframe the opacity for fade in/out.
Repeat that 9 more times. Sounds easy enough, right? Except...
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Challenge 1: there's 7 sec (183 frames to be exact) of them standing sideways in a medium shot so their eyes are a pain to key out.
Had to make colored pupil 3D because perspectives. Kinn's eye took a whiiiile to get right.
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Challenge 2: In the same shot, Kinn fucking blinks TWICE, which naturally throws the tracking and keying off, so I have to go over 'em manually.
This is on me, I knew what I signed up for when I chose this scene lmao. There's 2 hidden cuts to make it shorter tho.
His eyes + eyelash lines are also very dark (love that for him, except) that means mapping them out is a taaaad bit more difficult.
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Challenge 3: Porsche's not entirely cooperative either (see those keyframes? More than half were created manually ahahaha).
Truth be told, this scene was chosen after a very thorough selection process (sorry to ep 7, ep 9 & ep 12). His eyes are just so goddamn pretty here and the sniffing and sexual tension and power play.
Porsche's eyes were admittedly a lot more easy to track than Kinn's. Each eye in the first solo shot took 10 - 15 min.
But that last shot… Baby is so sad and nervous and disappointed his eyes flutter and move everywhere. Which again, throws the tracking out of wack. So there goes 2 hours tracking those pretty. sad. phoenix. eyes.
Thank you for letting me rant. Now you know what madness drove me to make this 😂.
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sanjana-aqua · 1 year
Love story
Yoongi X Reader
Au smut romantic oral
"yes... Ahh... Fuck..."
With sweat beads on his forehead and breathing heavily, he was drown in pleasure... His lips trying hard to control the moan... His head resting on the pillow.. Legs spread... Eyes closed in pleasure...
"ohhh sana... yes babe... Ahhh..."
His breath started becoming more uneven with his heartbeats... The pleasure he was getting was so immense that he forgot almost everything...
"just like that... yeah... Ride it ... Fuck me sana... fuck..."
The pleasure was shooting up with every passing second... His hands gripped the bedsheet tightly and he moaned her name loudly while cuming...
Panting heavily... He tried to control his heart rate and breathing... 'what the hell you're doing to me...'
He roamed his hand in his hair while letting out a sign and just then his phone rang... Without seeing the caller ID he picked the call and a loud voice came from the other end...
"where the hell are you?"
He checked the caller id and his expression immediately changed... He knew he fucked up...
"answer the damn question yoongi..."
"I'll be there in 10 min sana... Sorry..."
Cutting the call immediately... He went to washroom to wash his face... He was 30 min late... He knew he had to meet sana, his best friend, but before leaving from her house, sana sent him her photo. She was wearing a pink floral crop top and denim skirt that were showing her curves perfectly and her collarbones were exposed too. He couldn't control himself but to drool over her body. Without caring about anything, he started masturbating taking her name and imagining her riding him.
He quickly rubbed off his thoughts and left to meet her.
On the other side, sana was waiting for yoongi since half an hour. The people in cafe were giving her looks as she was simply sitting there without ordering anything. She saw the time again and he was again late... He said 10 min but it was more than 20. Signing sadly and angrily, she got up to go and just then she bumped to him.
"sorry sorry sana... very sorry... " He immediately started apologizing her as he knew how angry she will be.
Without listening anything, she started going from there... But he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into hug aa he knew the way to calm her. She started hitting his arm while struggling to get out but his grip was firm.
"I'm really sorry sana... I lost the track of time.. seriously very sorry..." He said while tightening the grip around her waist.
She stopped struggling and hugged him back saying "you always say that yoongi... and always get late..."
He broke the hug and cupped her face saying "promise it won't happen again...".
She rolled her eyes as she heard this thing enough. He chuckled a bit on this and said "let's order..."
She nodded and they started ordering. Sana and yoongi were best friends since college. Now both of them are successful in their respective fields and also they both never lost touch. Being in the same city, they always take out time for each other.
"so you're gonna tell me why you called me?" He asked while having his pasta.
"ahmmm... actually..." She was nervous while saying the reason as she knows him. She got nominated for the fashion designer of the year award and she was called to London for attending the ceremony. She also had a +1 on her card and she wanted to take yoongi with her, as her parents were in Australia and they couldn't make it that time coz of their business. Apart from yoongi, she didn't have anyone to share this achievement. But she also knows how introvert yoongi is and he will most probably say no.
She came to reality when he snapped his finger infront of her.
"what happened... You okay?" He asked while keeping his hand on her.
She took a long breath and said "I've been nominated for best fashion designer of the year..."
"wow... Congratulations...I'm so happy..." He said excitedly.
She smiled and said "thanks... They called me to London next week to attend the ceremony..."
He drank his americano and said "that's nice..."
"and i want you to come with me..." She said in a breath.
He almost chocked on his drink hearing this. Coughing a bit, he said "what... me..why...sana..."
Before he could say anything, she held his hand and said "please don't say no... I want to share this moment with you... I'll be really happy if you'll join there with me..."
She said this with such a pleading and convincing tone that he couldn't say no. He was battling inside but he also wanted to be a part of her happiness... Keeping his introvert self aside, he said"Okay I'll come..."
"yes..." She said excitedly and came towards him. She hugged him and said"thank you..."
He gently patted her back and said "welcome..."
Next week
Sana and yoongi arrived at London and were getting ready for the event. Yoongi was looking at his clothes confused on what to wear and just then, he heard knock on his door. He opened the door only to get stunned by the view.
Sana was wearing hour glass shaped black colour off shoulder gown that was hugging her body so nicely. Her open hairs and long earrings were adding to her beauty. Plus her exposed collarbones, yoongi was feeling like marking her there.
"you're still not ready... " He came to reality with her voice. Scratching the back of his neck, he said "I'm confused what to wear..."
She smiled and said "don't worry... You have a designer friend... Let me help you..."
She came inside and saw the clothes on the bed. She took a white shirt, black blazer and a black bow tie... With black plants. Giving it to him, she said "go wear this..."
He nodded and she sat scrolling her phone while waiting for him. After few minutes, he came out of washroom and asked "how am I looking..."
She smiled looking at him as he was looking so handsome. This combo was suiting him so well and she said while giving him a thumbs up "fabulous..."
"let's go..." She said but he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards mirror. Standing at her back, he backhugged her.
She was a bit stunned by this but before she could say anything, he asked "aren't we looking like a couple?"
She blushed a bit but controlled herself and replied "why... Aren't we?"
Her reply left him speechless and his jaw dropped a bit. Seeing this, she laughed out and said "look at your face..."
He left her and smiled nervously saying "we should go.."
She smiled and nodded and they headed to the event. They took their seat and yoongi can sense that sana was hell nervous. She was trying to hide it but she was tapping her legs constantly and was trying to breath.
He gently kept his hand on her knees to stop the tapping. She looked at him and he assured her by saying "don't be nervous... I know you're the best... This award is just a certificate for that and I'm sure you'll get it... Smile now..."
She smiled hearing his comforting words and kept her hand on him. Squeezing it gently, she said "as long as you're with me... I'm okay..."
Just then there was announcement for the best fashion designer nominees. Though yoongi assured her, he himself was nervous. His heartbeats was increasing every second.
MC "And the award goes to.... Miss Lee sana... Congratulations...*
"yeaaaahhhhh..." Both of them shouted and hugged each other. Sana went towards the stage and accepted the award.
"thank you all so much for giving me such honour... I'm greatful to my parents... to my company as well as the my bestie... (Pointing to yoongi who was continuously clapping and smiling) sitting there... Thank you all a lot... I'll make sure to carry this responsibility with the same enthusiasm and hardwork... Thanks..."
The crowd burst into clappings and she bowed towards them. She came down and said "how was i..."
Yoongi flashed his gummy smile and said "you were perfect..."
She hugged him and he hugged her back. She broke the hug slightly and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. Same time, Yoongi suddenly moved his head thinking of breaking the hug but in a flash, their lips touched...
Both of them froze at their spot but sana immediately backed off looking down. Yoongi also got flustered and scratched his neck in nervousness.
"ahmmm... We should sit..." He said breaking the awkward silence and she nodded.
Soon the function ended and they both were heading to their room after having dinner. After that incident, they didn't speak much... Both of them were feeling awkward...
The elevator came and they pressed button to their floor... Their rooms were in different floor... Sana was on 14th floor and yoongi was on 15th. The elevator closed and suddenly both of them felt their bodies heating up... Maybe coz of kiss...
Yoongi was trying hard to control but her lips... And on top of that she was looking too gorgeous today... Making him needy... He looked down and he can sense the bulge...
' oh god...not now...what if she sees it...' He thought and tried to cover it with the coat... But his bulge was getting huge and he was getting sweaty.
On the other side, sana could also feel the uneasiness in her... 'his lips were so soft... why do I feel like tasting them more...' she jerked her thoughts and fanned herself a bit. Her gaze slightly moved towards him and she narrowed her eyes seeing him sweating badly and adjusting his coat. Her eyes moved down a bit and she got shocked...
'is that a bulge... Is he high...coz of kiss... He's sweaty too... Is he needy or what...' she thought. But seeing his bulge...some different thoughts came in her mind. Suddenly she got an urge to touch it there... to feel it...
The elevator door opened at 14th floor making her come out of her thoughts. She jerked her mind and said "good night yoongi..."
He nodded as he was scared he'll moan if he'll open his mouth. She got out of lift and saw it closing... And also his bulge
"fuck this shit..." She said and ran towards 15th floor. Before he could reach, she came near the elevator.
As the elevator opened, yoongi was shocked seeing her. Before he could say anything, she pulled him out of elevator and said "i don't know if it's right or wrong... But it feels right to me..."
She smashed her lips on his while kissing him hungrily. It took few seconds for him to process what's happening but soon he responded... With same passion and hunger...
"you know right this is gonna ruin our friendship..." Yoongi said while breaking the kiss.
She joined their forehead and said while panting "maybe yes... but i feel this is right... I just couldn't control myself from kissing you... You're making me lose control yoongi... What should I do..."
He cupped her face and made her look at him. Caressing her face, he said "even I'm losing my control seeing you... n after kissing you... it's becoming more hard... it's upto you now sana... We can stop right here n pretend nothing happened or take it to the level we want..."
She looked into his eyes and said "I'm not sure if i love you yoongi... but..."
"but we can give each other a chance..." He completed her sentence. She smiled and nodded.
"so I'm not gonna back off..." Saying that, he kissed her. She closed her eyes and responded while wrapping her arms around his neck. Without breaking the kiss, he entered in his room and pinned her to wall deepening it more. He touched her lips with his tongue asking for permission and she gladly opened her mouth. He entered his tongue inside while tasting her. She kept the award on side table and her hands automatically went to take off his coat.
He tossed his coat and looked at her saying "i don't have protection..."
She caressed his cheek and said "not needed..."
His gaze went towards her collarbone and again the urge to mark them came. He caressed them while saying "they have made me so crazy... " He leaned forward and touched his lips on them. She closed her eyes on the sensation and felt goosebumps all around her body. This was the very first time he has touched her like that and she couldn't describe the feeling she was going through.
He started planting wet kisses on her collarbones making her toes curl up. He bit the flesh and suck on it marking there. Automatically a moan left her mouth which turned him on more. He left her and saw his mark. Caressing it, he said "beautiful"
They looked at each other and he gently tucked her hair behind her ear. His fingers moved towards the zipper of her dress and she blinked her eyes slowly giving him permission to open it. Slowly, he started to unzip the dress and she held his arms feeling the coolness on her back. He grazed his finger through her spine and she moaned "fuck yoongi..."
He came near her ears and whispered "I'll..." And bit her earlobe. Her dress left her body as he opened the zipper and as she was not wearing anything beneath, she immediately tried to cover herself with her hands and looked down while blushing.
He smiled and gently lifted her chin saying "you trust me..." She looked in his eyes and nodded shyly. He removed her hands saying "then let me see you..."
He backed off a bit scanning her up to down. Sana was feeling so small and shy under his gaze. She never thought yoongi could make her feel like this.
"you're hot... and damn sexy..." He commented while biting his lips. He came towards her while removing his shirt and it was now her turn to drool over his body. He wasn't having perfect abs, but his body was toned and he was buff, which was enough for her to lose control.
He took her hand and kept it on his chest making her feel his heartbeats, which was so fast. She looked at him and started moving her palms around his chest and abdomen. He closed his eyes feeling her hands on his skin. Gently holding her, he took her to bed.
Lying her down, he asked while caressing her thighs"is it okay if i go a bit rough..." She moaned and nodded. He pulled out his belt and took both of her hands tying with it. Keeping her tied hands above her head, he said "do not bring them down princess, else I'll wreck you so badly... Understood..."
Hearing his dominant tone, she gulped a bit but nodded. He closed her eyes with blindfold and said "now feel what I'm doing..."
Sana could feel that he left bed for a minute and she could hear some movements around the room. She was a bit scared but she knows him, so she calmed herself. Sooner, she felt his presence... But... She can feel something cool touching her forehead... She wiggled a bit but heard him saying "no princess... don't wiggle... just enjoy this..."
She understood it's ice cube and nodded while gulping the lump in her throat. She can feel the ice cube moving from her forehead to nose, drenching her lips, throat but with ice, she can also feel his lips touching her. She understood that the ice is in his mouth.
"ahhh..." She moaned when she felt he kept the ice cube on her nipple and started sucking it. "Fuck... Yoongi..." Her moans were increasing with every second and he placed another ice cube on her other nipple just circling that around. She was feeling cold with hotness and it was giving her tingly sensation in the lower abdomen.
Yoongi was enjoying this. He has imagined all this and honestly, the thing happening now was far better than his imagination. Hearing her moans and deep breaths was such a turn on. He spread her legs widely and took the ice cube. Licking his lips by seeing her wet cunt, he placed the ice cube in his mouth and touched her clit with it...
"oh god yoongi... fuck... this feels amazing..." He smiled hearing this and started sucking her clit along with the ice. The ice melted completely but he continued sucking and licking her clit leaving her a moaning mess. She was trying hard not to move her hands but his touches were making her so weak. She was about to keep her hands in his hair when he said while inserting finger inside her vagina "dare to move your hand and I'll give you a hickey right here..."
"ahhhh... "She moaned and kept her hand back at the position. He caressed her clit with his tongue and said "good girl.." and inserted one more finger while finger fucking her fast along with licking her clit.
She was so much into pleasure and her body was responding nicely to his touches. She arched back feeling him finger fucking her and also she could feel a knot forming in her stomach. She knew she can cum anytime. She was feeling shy and embarrassed so she said "yoongi... Leave me... I'm gonna cum..."
Hearing this, he increased his pace saying "cum babe... i want to taste you... I've waited so long for this..." She was a bit shocked but happy also. Her legs started to shake and she felt enormous pleasure shooting her up the abdomen. She screamed his name and came on his tongue.
"fuck you taste soo good princess..." He said while tasting her. She tried to calm her and he opened her hands and blindfold. She immediately pulled him to kiss and said in between "you're amazing babe... You made me feel things i never felt before... "
He responded while saying "n I'll make you feel more... a lot more..." While kissing, her hands moved down his pants in an attempt to open it. He understood and slightly got up removing his pants and boxers. His length came in her view and she gulped a bit as this was the first time she was seeing a dick live.
He stroked her hairs saying "you wanna feel it..." She nodded like a lost puppy. He smirked and said "it's all yours... Feel it... do whatever you want with it..."
She looked at him and pushed him on bed. Making his head rest on the headboard, she sat on his lap and started kissing his neck while her hand gripped his length. He closed his eyes feeling the pleasure she was giving her just by her one touch. "Fuck" a moan escaped his mouth feeling her finger tracing his vein.
She looked into his eyes and whispered seductively "i hope I'm the first one touching you like this and making you feel heaven..." Her hand firmly gripped his member and he rolled his eyes and head back while panting heavily.
"oh yes you are... and you're fucking good sana... not even in my imagination i felt this pleasure..." He licked his lips while enjoying her touches...
"so you imagined me like this..." She asked and he nodded his head. Somehow, she felt nice hearing this and she started massaging his member. Slowly pulling the foreskin, she licked his head.
"ahhh..." He gripped the headboard from one hand and her hair from another while moaning. She pulled up the foreskin again and pulled it down again... Slowly while tracing his whole length..
She came near hie ears and said "how good it feel in my mouth..." "Fuck".. he moaned while hearing this and continued "please take it in... I beg you..."
She smiled feeling her dominance on him. Slowly, she started taking him in mouth. He wiggled a bit in pleasure feeling the warmness around his member. She was taking him in so well and was increasing the pace very slowly... giving him enormous pleasure.
Suddenly, she started bopping her throat on his head and he felt shot of pleasure one after the other with each stroke. She was increasing her pace continuously leaving him a moaning mess. He was wiggling his hand and legs and sweat beads were formed on his forehead. He wanted to control hee but he himself was lost in the pleasure.
"babe..." He started
"i know.." she cut him off... "Just cum in my mouth... I also want to taste you badly..." He lost it after hearing this and could feel the pleasure running from his lower abdomen to his member. He screamed her name a bit and came inside her mouth.
Breathing heavily, he pulled her up and said "you really are amazing... this is so much better than masturbation... Your mouth..."
He touched her lips and she said "i myself didn't know i could do something like this..." Cupping his cheeks, she continued "only you made think n do this... "
He kissed her forehead and that time she realised... She felt it... The love... She looked at him lovingly and said "is it too early to say that I'm already falling for you..."
He kissed her palm and said "no... because the feeling is mutual... I'm also falling for you..."
She smiled and hugged him. A shot of electricity passed through them as their skin touched. She inhaled his scent and started giving him open mouth kisses on neck.. he roamed his hand on her back and pulled her more close.
While being in hug, she started grinding him slowly. He held her tightly feeling his member high again.
"sana... Ahh... What you're doing babe..." He moaned. She whispered in his ears "i want to ride you daddy... so badly..."
"Fuckk..." He cursed sensing his fantasy coming true. She on the top grinding him... the sensation was giving him chills everywhere.
She sensed his movements and looked down saying "see... how hard n happy it is when i said I'll ride it.." she stroked it while saying this making him moan her name.
"yoongi..." He sensed a bit nervousness in her tone and looked at her saying "what happened babe..."
She looked down a bit and said "it's my first time...so..." She wasn't able to form words. Yoongi understood and said while cupping her face "i will be gentle... N i promise if you'll feel more pain.. I'll stop then n there..."
She sensed the sincerity and love in his voice. She nodded and started adjusting herself on him. Before she could do anything, he put pressure and in a stroke, it went in.
"aahhh..." She screamed a bit but he immediately started sucking her breast and caressing her back to ease the pain. Both of them remained in that position for a while and then he said "slowly start riding... Okay..."
She held his shoulders tight and nodded. Adjusting to his length, she started riding him. Both of them moaned feeling pleasure shooting them. He was showering her upper body with kisses and she was holding on his hairs and shoulder while riding him. Both of their bodies were sweating and pleasure was increasing for them with every stroke.
"yes.. ride me like this babe..."
"oh yoongi... you feel so good inside me..."
Both of their moans were echoing in the room and they were completely lost in each other.
After the session, she hugged him in same position exhausted. He caressed her hairs and said "tired..." She nodded, not even having energy to say anything. He started stroking her hairs in an attempt to make her sleep, which worked and she slept while hugging him like that.
He sensed that and kissed her forehead saying "I'll take care of you like this always princess..." He hugged her and slept while keeping his head on her shoulder in same position.
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candiedapplez · 1 year
I ask you all of the questions from that one reblog. Good luck/nf/j
Omg ok this will be a while then tehehehehehehhe im not complaining though!!!! Heres the questions so u can look at the questions and the answers!
1.this one is OBVIOUS!!! A-90 and Opheebop!!! DUUUUUUUH!
2.lighter. Ive never used a match before
3.ew no!!! I don't want buggies crawling in my room while im sleeping!!!! However i have before!
4. Aaaaaa ive never really gotten into that stuff so i cant really give an answer-
5. A really dark brown!!
6. Oops i did that again???
7. Well idk ive used both and they are both work really well! however i do think scrunchies are safer for your hair, i use normal hair ties more often because scrunchies are more bulky and yeah i dont prefer that, but both are great!
8. Six. I have six.
10. Ofc!!
11. Does drawing count?
12. Good day!!!!! I havent cried yet so-
13. Not too long ago, like an hour ago actually. I had pizza! (Incase u were wondering)
14. HELL YEAH!!!
15. Nope and i never want to be 😗
16. NoooooOoOoO-
17. Nope i have perfect vision muah
19. Yea ofc!!! But they probably wont turn out good…
20. Soda…. Ive never seen or heard anyone say pop before….
21. Plushies!!!! I have a unicorn plush my old friend (we dont talk anymore since she moved) gave me for my 7th bday!!!! Yes i remember when, yes i still have it! And its in perferct condition!!! Also there was this one kid who ig had a crush on my and he gave me a basket full of stuff for valentines day and i still have said basket-
22. I have no clue what this means? I guess sensitive?
23. Love it!!!!!
24. Eating :] (and joking abt pushing each other off probably/JOKE/JOKE/JOKE/JOKE)
25. Aaaa i use all of them but i use lotion most so ig lotion?
26. Idk what to say for this one aaaaaagh
27. Like 5 i think? Ive been getting better with my sleep time!!!!
28. Not anymore, our school last year said we could take them off, however i was SO insecure about my face (still am, but not as much as before) so i would wear it every single day. If i showed up to school without one people got surprised. I stopped wearing them this year, however.
29. Hot????
31. Theres a lot, i dont wanna get into it 😵‍💫
32…… is that a thing? People have favorite towels??
33. Hm my school took us on a field trip to a high school so we can see animals if that counts… (i have pictures btw if u wanna see them! We saw pigs, sheep, cows and bunny! I didnt take pic of bunny tho 😢)
34. LITERALLY EVERY SIX THE MUSICAL SONG HOLY SHIT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS (the only ones i might mess up on are aywd and idnyl bc aywd is long and i dont listen to idnyl often)
35. Pst!!
36. Only once! My username used to have a 0 between the words (Candied0applez) but i changed it bc it made it sound like i candied no apples… but i was originally going to be called caramelapplez but i thought candied sounded better heheh)
37. The friend i mentioned earlier i met first day of kindergarden, her name is Alana, and this other girl Maya i met before kinder! We met eachother at a park and when we walked home we found out we were neighbors so we instantly became besties! (We still are to this day but she lives 30 mins away so i dont see her often-(
38. All…?
39. Sometimes!
40. Ice cream!!!
41. Empty. Coffee is gross
42. Hahahah yt, roblox and occasionally twitter!
44. Myself/j fucking donald trump 🤮👈🖕
45. NO ☺️
46. Oh god i dont watch any 🫢
47. | v
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this actually was to the other girl i mentioned earlier! Maya! I found baby pictures of us when we were in 2nd-3rd grade and i showed her today!!!
48. Never and i dont plan on ever!
49. Never tried
omg that took forever!!! Gosh i dont mind though!!! These were fun questions! Aaaaaaaa i enjoyed that tyty!
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itsdetachable · 2 years
whoever said meal prep is easy is a dirty liar
i mean maybe ppl don't say it but I swear that it's implied in so much meal prep stuff
anyways I'm on this kick to make chipotle copycat burrito bowls and stiry fry bowls for work lunches bc it keeps me from wasting all my money at chipotle and it takes soooo loooong
well the stir fry bowls are easy bc I just make some rice (this time I used an uncle bens garden veggie rice bag and some brown rice) and some frozen veggies and the only thing that took longer was the chicken I marinated in teriyaki sauce and then cooked.
The steak burrito bowls tho take forever. I mean they come out so damn good but they take FOREVER.
Steak made with this recipe (clicky) don't believe the "put in the fridge for 30 mins" bs, what you want to do is take the steak and if its a thicker cut make surface cuts on each side, then slather the thing in the marinade and leave it in the fridge overnight. A full 24 hours is good. I left it for almost 2 whole days because I couldn't get to it and it almost made my dad cry from how good it was.
For the Adobo sauce I use this recipe more or less: ADOBO Mix 1 tablespoon tomato paste, 1 tablespoon vinegar, ½ teaspoon chipotle powder, pinch of cumin, a pinch of oregano, ½ teaspoon garlic, ½ teaspoon salt.
I skip the chili/chipotle powder bc sometimes my mom eats this and her stomach can't handle spice, and also I am not good at handling it either tbh.
HOWEVER this not only takes time for making the marinade, but also the cooking of the steak which, depending on the thickness and/or how many pieces you have, can take like up to half an hour
Anyways, after that the BEANS: i use this (clicky) recipe which is number one on the list of sites when you google and works just fine. I don't use lemon and lime juice. You can mess around with the seasoning, today I used the Everplate seasoning mix which is uhhhh right here (Hello Fresh and Everyplate are the same owners or whatever, this mixes are simple and make decently yum food)
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Anyways, that's ANOTHER long time, I usually do the steak and the beans at the same time
AND THEN THE RICE which is just Zatarain's Cilantro Lime rice bc I am exhausted by this point. It tastes good enough and works really well with the steak and beans. Day before/of I chop the tomatoes and lettuce and add a hefty serving of sour cream because my cholesterol is really good for now so I'm enjoying it while I can
Anyways, this is a LOT OF WORK. Like, I don't technically have issues standing and moving around etc, but damn if standing for hours on end doesn't mess with you. Which I knew bc I used to work at a cafe/bakery where I was standing for hours but still!
If anyone tells you meal prep and getting your lunches ready like this is simple or easy or whatever you have my permission to smack them.
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wonieleles · 2 years
thanks for tag bestie @hanniluvi 🫶🫶
NOTE. for anyone who’s planning on doing this there’s a birthday question but skipped it
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FAV COLOR? — blue (ik basic but yea)
ANY PETS? — i have chickens ig?
HEIGHT? — 741901 ft tall 🤗🤗
HOW MANY PAIRS OF SHOES DO YOU HAVE? — i think maybe 5 or so? i’m not entirely sure cause i have a lot of shoes that i don’t really wear anymore
FAV SONG? — i can’t really think of one tbh 😭😭 so i’ll go with the one spotify gave me which is honey by big time rush !! but like sure thing (sped up ver) like the tiktok audio has been stuck in my head lately
FAV MOVIE? — probably crazy rich asians but i love a lot of movies
IDEAL PARTNER? — short ver a christian (preferably chinese) guy who understands me and makes me feel loved. who’s also funny, intelligent, and caring. and also has a good relationship with their family and similar interests as me. basically someone who complements me (no i don’t mean compliment).
DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? — i love kids cause they’re so cute so definitely in the future but i will definitely have to see whether or not i’m financially capable of taking care of them before deciding
HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW? — i don’t even go out that much and have strict asian christian immigrant parents so no i’d probably get killed if i did 😭😭 but also it’s not something i would do even if my parents didn’t care and i hope you guys are like that too
WHAT COLOR SOCKS ARE YOU WEARING? — i’m not wearing socks rn …
FAV MUSIC GENRE? — hmm ig kpop/pop i mean i like rnb as well tho
HOW MANY PILLOWS DO YOU SLEEP WITH? — one for my head and sometimes a second one to hug
WHAT POSITION DO YOU SLEEP IN? — side. i alternate every night but i usually don’t sleep in any other position cause sleep paralysis
SOMETHING YOU HATE WHEN SLEEPING? — um ig loud people or sounds in general. i usually don’t wake up from them but when i’m trying to fall asleep it’s hard to. OH and also i hate when it’s cold like i have to make sure i’m warm when i sleep but i refuse to wear socks so more blankets usually or a jacket
BREAKFAST? — usually i eat whatever’s quick and can be on the go so like granola bars, bread, doughnuts, etc. but if i’m not in a rush or going out anywhere i might eat cereal or eggs and sausages (but usually i wake up too late for breakfast those days anyways)
HAVE YOU TRIED ARCHERY? — yes i have !! my summer camp used to have an archery range so i played then but i wasn’t v good …
FAV FRUIT? — it’s a tie between mangoes, apples, asian pears, and strawberries
ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? — i think? i feel like i’m good at lying if i really wanted to but most of the time i want the other person to know cause i feel guilty so i hint at it being a lie or just tell them straight up
WHAT IS YOUR MBTI? — istj ! i took the 16personalities test quite a few times and it gave me each time but then i took the sakinorva and keys2cognition ones to double check cause i bear 16personalities is inaccurate. and i still got the same result so yea 😁😁 i also agree with it cause i feel like i relate to it a lot
INDOOR OR OUTDOOR PERSON? — indoors for sure it always feels so draining to go out 😭😭
LEFTY OR RIGHTY? — righty if you’re referring to hands otherwise i’m a lefty
FAV FOOD? — the vietnamese shrimp spring rolls 😋
FAV FOREIGN FOOD? — umm tteokbokki or tonkatsu
CLEAN OR MESSY? — i feel like it depends cause when the place is already messy i can’t bring myself to clean it but it’s already clean i try my best to maintain it
MOST USED PHRASE? — “ain’t no way”
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET READY? — usually around 30 mins unless if i’m trying to look pretty or get distracted while getting ready then it’ll take about 1 hour
DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? — yes ofc who doesn’t love pretending to be a youtuber 😋😋 but also i usually talk to myself as i’m thinking like i answer my own questions kind of thing
DO YOU SING TO YOURSELF? — obviously i’m gonna sing even when there’s nobody around like do you not?
BIGGEST FEAR? — either failure or being forgotten they’re both pretty up there
DO YOU GOSSIP? — yes it’s entertaining i can’t lie 😭
DO YOU LIKE SHORT OR LONG HAIR? — long just cause i feel like i can do more with it like hairstyles
FAV SCHOOL SUBJECT? — MATH i love math 🫶🫶
EXTROVERT OR INTROVERT? — i like to think i’m an introvert but maybe i’m just a shy extrovert cause social interactions with friends can be fun sometimes but i do need alone time so idk anymore
WHAT MAKES YOU NERVOUS? — um social interactions with strangers or like popular kids omg they’re so judgmental i feel ALSO SCHOOL PRESENTATIONS LIKE PLEASE NO and tests cause i always feel like i won’t do well
WHO WAS YOUR FIRST REAL CRUSH? — honestly idk if i had one yet i think i tend to either like people cause of the idea of them or because they liked me first
HOW MANY PIERCINGS? — two !! one on each ear
HOW MANY TATTOOS? — i don’t have any and i probably won’t get any later on
HOW FAST CAN YOU RUN? — not fast enough. i’m like painfully slow
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HAIR? — dark brown with grown out blond highlights (?) i had the silver peekaboo hair but it’s grown out and faded idk how to explain it
WHAT MAKES YOUR ANGRY? — a lot of things but probably when people lie to/hide things from me about something big or when they don’t do something they promised
DO YOU LIKE YOUR NAME? — yes i feel like it fits me really well
DO YOU WANT A BOY OR GIRL IF YOU HAD A CHILD? — girl for sure i’d be able to give them my jewelry and purses and everything and like mother daughter dates
WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS? — i’m able to think pretty logically and i think i’m good at giving advice. i’m also pretty observant and analytical
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES? — i tend to doubt myself and my abilities a lot. i also think v negatively
WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR BED SHEETS? — white with blue stripes
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BEDROOM? — purple but like it’s close to blue and it’s kinda of a light shade
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tagging: anyone who wants to do it !!
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aerinis · 1 year
A Demographic Survey of 1200 Chocobo Races
The other week I finished up the achievement for participating in 3000 chocobo races. For the last 1200 of those races, taking place over roughly a month, I took demographic data on the other players I encountered. But first, here’s a timeline of my progress:
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The fastest possible race time I was able to achieve with the Super Sprint/Choco Cure III combo was 1:17:xx. This is assuming optimal conditions – zero interference from the other races, and at least one stamina-restoring item used. Assuming I solo queued into a race (which happened approximately 75% of the time), the max queue timer of 30 seconds, combined with the loading screen in and out of the race, and the forced waiting at the start and end of the race, each race lasted approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds. This means the 1200 races took me about 50 hours of pure gameplay. My chocobo was completely maxxed out by the time I had participated in 600 races, so that’s about another 50 hours of gameplay. Those 600 early races would have been much much slower, so I can confidently say that this achievement will be at least a 120+ hour time investment.
Over the course of 22 days and 1200 races, I encountered 89 unique chocobo names. I raced against other players 342 times (this doesn’t mean 342 discrete races – several races would be against 2 or 3 additional players). Of those 89 birds, 24 (27%) were named after their coat color, 3 (3%) were a dirty joke, and 62 (70%) were miscellaneous. Surprisingly, in my 1200 races, I didn’t see a SINGLE JoJo’s Bizare Adventure reference (that I was aware of), which is strange because before I started recording data I saw Star Platinums and Stardust Crusaders constantly.
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Of those 24 birds named after their coat colors, red was the most popular color. I kind of wish I had specifically recorded the color of every player’s bird, but unfortunately 1.) there’s approximately 5 billion coat colors that I don’t have memorized and 2.) I use a blue light filter at night that messes with color accuracy
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Of the 89 birds, 10 (11%) had alliterative names, and 6 (7%) of them had chocobo-terminology names (i.e. wark, kweh).
Chocobo names are created by picking from hundreds of different pre-selected words from 19 categories. Colors were most popular as a first name, while the land and sky category (which includes words like comet, meteor, and proper nouns like Uranus) were the most popular as a surname. Surprisingly enough, the Eorzean category (which includes location names such as Gridanian, Sharlayan, etc) was not represented in either category.
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Did you know this guy here is a reference to FFVII? If you pay close attention during R300 races, you can see him riding Teioh, one of the most challenging birds in the bracket. In FFVII, he’s called Joe, and he also rides a black chocobo named Teioh. In that game however, the pair “cheats” in the sense that their racing stats will always be better than the player. While their FFXIV counterpart is quite fast, they thankfully seem to cap out at the player’s max speed. 
MGP Winning first place in the R300 bracket awards you with 1,009 MGP. Assuming we go off of that 2 minutes 30 seconds race time I calculated earlier, this means that chocobo racing gives you an effective MGP of 404 MGP/min or 24,216/hr. During the course of my racing tenure (along with the daily mini Cactpot, weekly Jumbo Cactpot, weekly Fashion Report when I remembered to do it, and the frustratingly rare MGP cards from Khloe), I was able to buy every single registerable item except for the Gold Paper Parasol (200k MGP), Angel Wings (500k), and the Blackjack mount (4mill). Speaking of the mini Cactpot, I started doing it when I started chocobo racing. I’d say I did it near every single day – I have a lot of fun doing it, it’s like a little daily brain teaser – and over the course of the year I’ve gotten very close to finishing the final achievement for it. I’ve gotten 2 10,000 MGP rewards several times, but I’ve never seen a 3 streak.
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In my opinion, I think chocobo racing is probably the best way to actively farm MGP if you’ve exhausted your weekly challenge log. If you run the Super Sprint/Choco Cure III build it’s incredibly hands-off and braindead. Just pop Netflix on a second screen and go to town, you don’t even have to hold W!
In conclusion, I was incredibly impressed with how in-depth the chocobo racing system was. I think the only thing I’d change about it is making it so that players could sell their chocobos in some way, either to the Gold Saucer itself or to other players as a sort of endgame. Imagine what sort of emergent gameplay we’d see if you were able to sell chocobo coverings to other players!
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