#ear infection drops
theriverbeyond · 7 months
working in human healthcare and also having a pet is so funny bc i will take my little guy to the vet and just. forget. that they don't have HIPAA for cats. I'm at the desk being like hi I'm here for my little guy and they don't even ask me to confirm his birthday. they don't have those "please stand 6 ft back for privacy" signs. the vet can come into the room and just discuss other animals currently being treated. because he is a cat.
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Things I hate: taking medicine
Things I like: effects of medicine
World so cruel to me forever :(
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 month
i now understand why my dog hated her eardrops
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percival-p-pups · 1 year
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A bit of breakfast on his chin.
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marc--chilton · 7 hours
does catnip affect catboy house like edibles would?
also, is house immune to edibles because he has catnip or is that Not How That Works.
also also, is house unable to eat things that make cats sick. can he not have chocolate or onions or garlic or chives or leeks? does he have to not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like advil and aleve because cats don't metabolise those right the way dogs and humans do? is he able to have lilies in his house, or is the urge to eat them and get poisoned too strong?
catnip is incredibly temporary for one, not quite like edibles but close enough. it sort of puts him in a happy zen, brings out kitty instincts he usually has a good hold on. a cup of tea only gives him about an hour of feelgoods if he doesn't top up.
he can metabolize everything people can. the cat stuff doesn't replace everything, it's more of an addition onto a normal system. he is allergic to lilies though, breaks him out in hives
catfolk do, however, need to have separate vaccines from humans not only due to differing physiology, but because there are strains of disease that only affect them like FIV and feline leukemia, ear disease, and even the uncommon case of fleas -- catfolk don't have enough fur/hair (a line along their spine from tail to head is the only real fur they possess aside from ears/tail) to really attract fleas but it does happen sometimes and it's unpleasant and embarrassing enough that no one risks it
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harocat · 3 days
Foster kitten woes is that Mama Misty got an eye infection, which she passed to all four of her babies, which got passed to now three of our cats.
I've never had something happen like this before. We've had eye infections and ear infections in the house, and of course there's a risk of contagion depending on the type of infection, but it's never happened to this degree before. The worst I've seen before this is when Tabby and Darjeeling (sisters) got the same ear infection. There are eight cats in the house with an active eye infection.*
*Perhaps I should say seven, because Mama Misty seems fully healed by now. The kittens are ALMOST better; just a bit of occasional crustiness.
And it's a stubborn little infection. Misty's took two weeks of eye drops to entirely clear up. We've been using the leftover eye drops the shelter vet gave us on our own cats, which... I don't really feel bad about because the infection came from a foster. However, I think for Ritz, our old man with FIV, we will get him something from our vet. He goes in on Tuesday for an echocardiogram, so we'll have him looked at then. His just popped up Saturday night.
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music-for-them-asses · 2 months
Purrcy still has an ear infection 😫 If it doesn't clear up, we're looking at treating for environmental or food allergies. So everyone keep your fingers and toes crossed that these ear drops and saline solution will help.
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evildeerboy · 10 days
fellas my ear feels funny again. if i am getting a THIRD outer ear infection in the past year im going to actually go super apeshit and destroy something wtih my psionic warriors.
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vaciena · 24 days
Bad life hack: dislocating your jaw can relieve ear pain
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17gz · 9 months
meatball was SO good at the vet 🥺 he was scared obviously and was trying to run and wriggle away but he didnt scratch anyone or bite anyone or pee/poop anywhere 🥺🥺🥺 i gave him his fave lunch w his fave chicken puree drizzled on top as a treat
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valoale · 1 month
Why is it when you literally can’t afford to be alive then your pets think it’s the perfect time to get sick
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energyprison · 9 months
I like using a light touch with medications generally but if i have an infection i want the biggest antibiotic pills they fucking produce dude i want that shit GONE
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largishcat · 2 years
I’m going to put my cat in a fucking straight jacket i swear to god. She scratched her ear so hard she was bleeding down her neck
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omoghouls · 3 months
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She's home and very loopy- and incredibly sleepie♡
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zyrafowe-sny · 8 months
Today I learned that I hate hate hate self-administered strep tests. I have zero confidence that I did it correctly. While I was aware that I occasionally have a gag reflex, a swab test done by a professional is over fast enough that it's basically negligible. Me attempting to "firmly rub" 5 key areas in my mouth that I can't see... oooph.
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pepprs · 11 months
cool so my ent just made my ear bleed. im never going back to see her again.
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