#early valentines-ish post. for fun :)
boilercity · 3 months
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antonblast + ♥️
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blazlngblade · 4 months
Favourite(ish) 2023 Artworks
New year, and I forget to post art here all the time, so I'll just do some favourite pieces that I did throughout 2023. Some might be reposted, I forget what I post here. XD
It's mostly just CotC.
Favourites of January
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Vietnamese Year of the Cat, and the Chinese Year of the Rabbit with Tiziano and "Little Bunny" Pierro.
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Spent the early point in the month working on the CotC Chibi Project! Hopefully I get a lot done this year too!
Favourites of February
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Cat Day art with Elletrix and Leon!
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Valentines ladies!! I did a countdown to the day, and these were some of my favourites! L'eeto, Erika, Iris, and Elletrix!
Favourites of March
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To complement the Valentines drawings, I did a White Day Countdown as well! I drew the partner that I ship them with. I hope to draw the outfits and ships again for Valentines Day or White Day... maybe both? Anyway, that's Barrad, Leon, and Tiziano!
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4th Anniversary drawing of CotC's demo! Hard to believe that 2024 is the 5th Anniversary! Better go all out on that one later! Happy Anniversary to Sofiano!
Favourites of April
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Elleon chibis!! I should remake these.
Favourites of May
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Mermay Chibis! This was the best Idea I've done for Mermay... would like to do them all again if I can think of a different way to draw them!
Favourites of June
I... drew nothing in June, and nothing I am really all that happy with either.
Favourites of July
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5th Anniversary Countdown and the artwork for it too! I wanted to celebrate with Kit Crossford! One of my favourite NPCs!
July was Art Fight month too, so most of my drawings this month were attacks!
Favourites of August
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My last drawing for Art Fight was an attack on my best friend Cinna! I drew their OC Lucifer.
Favourites of September
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Project Path Action hosted a Weekly Drawing prompt, so I drew Elletrix for Week 3 which was about favourite Guardians of the Light! Love her so much!!
Favourites of October
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Seed Story's 1st Anniversary art! I drew all the know Sage Caits! I am happy that they are able to playable now!
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Collab for Cinna for the 3rd Anniversary, I still look at this and say, "We did that???" So much fun to draw all of them! And Cinna did AMAZING with the ring forms.
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After drawing Saint Sazantos in the anniversary drawing, I really wanted to try drawing him normally. So I did that for the PPA Weekly Prompts, was fun!
Favourites of November
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Huevember!! Aaa I had so much fun with 2023 Huevember! Here's to 2024!
Favourites of December
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My second choice for the PPA Free Week! I love Leon a lot!! Needed an excuse to draw him with the spear that I now headcanon his. (It's the Grandport spear!!) He matched perfectly with the earlier one of Elletrix! They are married!!
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Team Asano Secret Santa entry! Was fun to draw this scenario!
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Holidays in Grandport would be so lively, so dressing the Elves up as... well elves was fun! And of course incorporating the lord of Grandport with her husband was also much needed! I love Grandport a lot!!
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I wanted to draw a 1 Year Anniversary drawing for Erika/Elle's CotC implementation! She was one of the most excitable reveals they've done in a presentation! At this rate, nobody's going to top her reveal unless it's Oskha or Tiziano.
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semisectionalsofa · 2 years
My first little quasi relationship-ish experience post-pandemic (and frankly quite a while before that) officially came to an end at 9:30 a.m. last Friday morning after about 6-7 months of dating. 
It had to end sometime. On the first date I thought “He’s nice, but he’s probably not the one.” Then I told myself, “But you always say that... what happens if you try?” Then I read that Geminis (me) and Scorpios (him), besides their individual Twitter reputations, aren’t that dramatic together ...but it usually fizzles out unceremoniously. So I tought, “Why not try ...and if it just sort of fizzles out, what’s lost?” I thought maybe that was a shitty way to pursue things, honestly, but I promised myself I would try. That’s all I can offer. We were good at kissing each other, and date #2 and #3 were really nice. He was so cute. He had the Dion Lee corset top, which was funny to me. 
But it never really fully came together. Our dueling out-of-town schedules didn’t help. Omicron certainly did not help. We got to Valentine’s day though. He told me he hoped that maybe we could try to build something longterm. I thought about how I was lucky, and he’s a very nice boy, and there was a lot of that made sense about us together. Later, I thought about how that was the making of an entire genre of quietly unfulfilling marriage. I had never quite understood those kinds of relationships where there’s clearly no *~*~*SpArK*~*~* even if the couples seem to get along (at first!), but then I’d never let myself get that far along in quite something like that. 
Oh, but I did quit smoking for him. 
But I struggled with the idea of keeping it going. Then I began to sense he was pushing away. But he’d always tell me that, actually, there was something else going on in his life that might explain why he felt distant. It got weird. 
When he told me he had other plans to watch the Drag Race Finale (LOL) I knew it was over. I didn’t want to do it over text, but it just kind of got there. He told me, though, I was a “nice, sweet boy.” I had spent the week telling friends, “But I don’t want to hurt him, he’s such a nice, sweet boy.” I  was always telling people that since I met him. “Nice, sweet boy.” In the end, I don’t think either of us let our guards down enough to show each other the parts of us that weren’t the sweetest or nicest. Whatever. I wish it ended differently. I wish we would have gotten a little bit more fun out of it. Part of me maybe wished it went until at least the early summer. 
The thing is that I got what I needed it out of it (I have not picked up something). I feel recalibrated-dating wise. I also know that I’m finally ready to be more serious about dating overall. Anyway. Send Tumblr post. 
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talenlee · 1 year
February Wrapup, 2023!
February Wrapup, 2023!
Smooch month draws to a close, and with it, I understand, the ending of Winter in America. That’s got to be rough, having a smoochy romantic-vibes event when you can’t go outside because the icicles are forming on the walruses, or whatever happens in places that are cold. My whole life, I’ve only ever seen Valentines day as a thing that happens when the sun is raging high and the beautiful botanical gardens are second only to Places with Air Conditioning to go do something special with someone you care about.
Where was I? oh yes, a roundup of articles I wrote this month and reasons you, you, you might want to check them out!
Let’s check out first of all, what I wrote this month about games in the Game Pile:
Love Letter, a small card game with a powerful, flexible engine, Love Letter is a game with a lot to recommend it and a lot of variations. I like it a lot and I like how it has permutations and the way it can present flavour.
The Romance Options of Baldur’s Gate 2 Enhanced Edition, I promised myself a long time ago, I’d follow up on an older article with all the newer characters from the enhanced edition. This is a twenty-ish minute video where I talk smack about characters in a twenty year old D&D game, but I also still feel really invested in it.
We Need To Talk, which I think was an interesting game more than I thought it was engaging. Check it out to learn about a game with an interesting language model.
Eyes On The Prize, a two-to-four player TTRPG about fake marriages in courting mayhem. It’s so good, and
And this month’s posting in the Story Pile:
There She Is!!, an early 00s web-animation that people seemed surprised to learn had multiple parts, or more parts than they knew, and then seemed even more surprised to learn was about uhhhh racism. And funnily enough, because it’s about racism, it gets into some Real Shit even as it’s a set of beautiful animations of poppy, fun, sweet Korean music.
Shikimori’s not Just A Cutie, an anime about nothing featuring nobody, that I nonetheless watched twelve episodes of and want to recommend to anyone who wants create even mildly better fanworks.
My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom!, an anime I really liked about a beautifully stupid stupid beauty and her collection of hotties. This one takes a dip in quality later on, but I still think that the article is good at conveying the things about it I liked.
Eat, Play Love, because I think it’s a good tradition that Fox and I should watch a Hallmark movie together every year because if we find ourselves starting to go ‘oh this is actually quite good’ we know we need to see a doctor about mood altering medication.
I also wrote about some Dungeons & Dragons stuff this month. I talked about the way you can use Skill Challenges and flashback mechanisms to make what’s normally a very brief, boring check into a big character moment for the whole group when discussing Group Flirts. I examined the Leadership feat, which turned into ‘I just want a boyfriend‘ a lot of the time. While trying to build out Cobrin’Seil so it’s not just four basic spaces and vibes, I wrote up the Nation of Visente — an art deco magepunk modernist society that keeps trying to buy its way out of the consequences of endless expansion (and is that going to work?).
As for my own relationship to smoochy topics, I did some writing about what it’s like to learn to date in a fundamentalist church, and the ways that messes everything up for everyone. I talk about how shipping can be a great way to explain to people the kind of person you are, what you value, and why you value it. There was room to drag other media for how it handled romance, though, with an article on Homestuck’s unnecessarily complicated explanatory terminology and a full article dunking on Keitaro Urashima, the embarrassing successor to Tenchi.
I looked at a couple of different game design ideas, too! First, I examined a concept of taking an idea for a visual novel, then seeing how I’d need to change the game design to accommodate a variety of mechanical needs. Then, later on, I considered how two different games happen to have names that can inform a smoochy game, when I looked at The Mind & The Heart, and how those two concepts might work for a particular kind of game fiction.
This month’s shirt design is fun because of the other things I can do with the basic template. Other shapes, other silhouettes, other fonts, a lot of different ways to use this basic genre, ideally with things I understand better, going forward. If you want this shirt design, you can get it in multicolour, white text, and red text versions.
I wasn’t nearly as pressurised as I was during January but I’d be lying if I said February wasn’t a rough one. While I wasn’t dealing with a lot, people around me were often grappling with serious problems, and that meant that I spent a lot of time doing scaffolding work. I’m not in a position to do everything everyone needs, unfortunately. It’s a rough one, holding on with both hands as best I can to everyone. It’s been a month of some challenging days, and a few problems that just keep on coming back into my life.
I haven’t bought anything? I know that may sound odd, but when it comes to things like new games or toys or anything like that I haven’t bought anything new. I’ve been trying to make sure I eat healthier if I can, which means that I’ve been eating a lot more beans from a tin and veggies given a bit of swift heating.
I at the start of the year wrote down ‘get more early nights.’ That’s a bold proclamation to have in the summer, the time of year when I sleep the worst.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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Problem series WIP *Eyes Emoji*
Ha, yeah, okay 😅
This gets long, like everything, so I'm adding a read-more, since it's easier for me personally than having Tumblr's long-post thingy, ha. One of these is an active WIP that I'm hoping I will eventually finish (I reiterate that I only hope that, no guarantees), so there is spoilers for that fic below. Just a warning. ^-^
Link to the post that this ask is referencing.
So, I have, like... 3 Problem series WIPs that I'm kind of working on? Two of them I've put on the back burner indefinitely, the last I'm still hoping I'll find time to finish, but unfortunately I have been pretty sick these last few weeks (not COVID, but still very serious. I actually went to the hospital last Friday because I had intense pain in my cheat near my heart, as well as trouble breathing. It turned out not to be super serious, just a mild inflammation of my lungs due to the illness. I'm a lot better today, just mild pain in my ribs/lungs, but it definitely put everything else on the back burner for a while, oof).
One of the fics I mentioned in that post was titled The Problem with Marriage, which is exactly as it sounds. It was Mondo and Taka's wedding several years in the future. It was going to basically go over Taka and Mondo's lives from the end of high school to whenever they got married, detailing Taka's job as a politician and Mondo's as a carpenter. It also was going to showcase Taka's nerves over getting married, with Mondo there to calm him down. Unfortunately, it was just... not easy for me to write it. I don't know why, but I hit a road block fairly early on in writing it and I cannot for the life of me get past it. I also had had the thought of a second epilogue sequel from when Taka and Mondo are old men, showing the children they adopted and the good they did in their community, Taka eventually becoming PM like he wanted, but I never even got around to starting that one, oof.
The Problem series WIP I didn't even mention in that WIP post was called The Problem with Valentines, which I started like... twice? But could never figure out how I wanted it to go. But the gist of it was that Taka was terrified/angry at Valentine's Day due to what happened to him on Valentines Day when he was a child, and he wanted to be happy with Mondo's romantic plans, but he couldn't hide his upset with the holiday unfortunately, which led to an angsty/romantic discussion about love and all that. This was going to be the fic where Taka and Mondo ~~Went All The Way~~, but alas, this fic is dead in the water. Tragic.
Finally, the WIP that I'm still hoping I'll finish is called The Problem with Gift Shopping (TPWGS), and it's actually based on a suggestion by someone in a comment on AO3! After chapter 14 of TPWM, the one with Daisuke, someone commented that they'd thought it would be funny if Taka and Daisuke met randomly before Mondo and Daisuke could reconcile. I saw the comment and immediately had an idea for a fic where Taka went into a mechanics store to buy Mondo something for his motorcycle as a one month-iversary gift, and he just so happens to go to Daisuke's shop since it's cheaper than others and has... decent-ish reviews. It doesn't take long for Daisuke to figure out who Taka is, and that leads to some fun discoveries.
I also had an idea for Daisuke to give Taka a journal that Daiya wrote for Mondo when he was younger, entrusted to Daisuke to give to Mondo only if something happened to him. Since Mondo refused to talk to Daisuke after the funeral, Daisuke was unable to give it to Mondo, so he gives it to Taka instead, who gives it to Mondo. And in the journal is Daiya's handwriting, telling Mondo how unbelievably proud he is of Mondo, detailing specific events like a diary with Daiya constantly saying how much he loves and is proud of Mondo. I've not had a chance to write this yet, but I'm excited to do it. I love writing about Mondo and Daiya's relationship, but I never get a chance to write for them since I always kill off Daiya, oof. So, this at least gives some insight into their closeness. Though, TPWGS is currently in Taka's POV, so I'm not sure how I'd show Mondo reacting to the journal fully without it getting unbearably sappy, but we'll see. Maybe I will do an alternating POV for this fic for the first time, who knows.
Anyway! Those are my WIPs for The Problem series. I have a lot of other ideas, but these are the ones I've written at least something for. ^-^ Thanks for the ask!!! :-D
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mothwingwritings · 2 years
Valentine’s Day/White Day/Date Scenarios with Baki, Katsumi, Hanayama, Jack, Retsu, and Biscuit. <3 (ꈍᆺꈍ)♥(❛ε❛⋆)
Hello everyone and happy (a little early) Valentine’s day!
I just wanted to write something sappy, mushy-gushy, sweet, over indulgent (with maybe just a hint of spice), so some of the Baki boys became my victims for it looooool. This is my first time writing a scenario type post instead of just a straight up fic, so if it seems kinda off that’s most likely why. That’s also why I picked a small-ish selection of charas as a test run.
Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays and I get sad when people hate on it or say they don’t have anyone special to celebrate it with. :( If that is the case for you, dear reader, this year that’s a lie because all these damn Baki boys are your valentine this year. And me! Whether you want me to be or not, love you. ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
IDK about where you guys all are, but it’s usually cold as hell where I am on V-tines day, so all these that mention going out and having fun you are either A. someplace warm or B. It falls under the ‘date that is not necessarily V-tines day’ category. Because I love you Jack but my ass would not be camping in Winter 彡(-L-彡)  
WARNINGS: Honestly it’s mostly just cutesy stuff but there is some mentions of NSFW (nothing explicit), maybe some shoddy editing (I apologize I grow impatient).
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!~ ♡
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✧༺♥༻∞ Baki Hanma ∞༺♥༻✧
·         He is PUMPED to spend the day with you. Like, child on Christmas Eve night waiting for Santa to come level of excitement. He can barely sleep thinking of the adventure you two will be going on.
·         Offers the choice of date activity to you because he is honestly happy doing anything at all as long as he is by your side. Whether that be chilling at home watching a movie, or going out to a place of your choosing, he is game.
·         If you leave the decision to him he would pick a day out at a local park. He’d choose one with plenty of scenic walking trails that go on for several miles so he can get lots of quality time with you.
·         You help him plan a picnic, bringing along prepacked lunches to enjoy out in nature. He’s in charge of the main course and snacks, the dessert and drinks are handled by you.
·         On the day of, you trek for some time before you spot a secluded area near a wildflower field to set up. You get busy preparing the food while he gathers some of the random flora in the surrounding area to stick in a water bottle as the ‘centerpiece’ of your picnic blanket. He saves the largest and prettiest flower to tuck behind your ear.
·         You spend the next few hours just enjoying each other’s company. Sharing funny stories, divulging secrets, trying to decipher which birds are making what calls in the woods, etc. He revels in hearing you laugh, his heart at peace seeing you with such a carefree smile on your face. He finds the nature that surrounds you beautiful, but nothing can compare to your radiance.
·         After some time passes you both lay down on the cleared off picnic blanket. Nestled up next to him you rest your head upon his shoulder as his arm goes to wrap snuggly under your torso, keeping you anchored against him. You both drift off while cloud gazing.
·         You end up drifting off a little too long, your eyes blinking open to find the sun that was perched high in the sky previously, now sinking far below the clouds casting the world in hues of dark orange. You jostle Baki awake, concerned that you’ll be stuck out in the woods when it’s pitch black out. Unperturbed, he patiently helps you pack up all the left over supplies and helps load them on your back, all so that you have room to hop on his back. Securing your arms around his neck, he gets a firm grip on your thighs, lifts himself up, and BOOKS it down the path you came in on.
·         You are shocked at how fast he can go carrying you + luggage in tow, and are slightly concerned he may hurt himself or trip with the extra weight. When you express this to him he just laughs, doing some fancy footwork or jumping to show you it’s a breeze for him. Soon you are laughing along with him, pulling yourself as tight as you can against him. You press soft kisses to his neck and head that cause momentary blooms of red to emerge on his face. However, if you point it out he’ll play it off and attribute the cause being him running.
·         The date ends with the two of you picking up some late night snacks and crashing at your house. Snuggled up on the couch, contentedly wrapped in his strong embrace, you both have pleasant dreams as you drift off to sleep again.
✧༺♥༻∞ Katsumi Orochi ∞༺♥༻✧
·         He is going to go above and beyond to make this a date you will not forget.
·         Will have the entire day planned out, starting by taking you someplace exciting  and fun, like an amusement park.
·         Will spend the whole day dragging you from ride to ride, urging you to go on all the rollercoasters in the park with him. He’ll lightly tease you if you get scared, not so secretly enjoying basking in the attention he gets from you when you are nervous. He loves every moment of having you pressed up beside him, clinging to his arm, a cute little pout on your face as he pokes his fun.
·         He also loves taking you to the haunted house attractions for the same reason. Having you huddled up next to him the dark, regardless of if you are spooked or enjoying the atmosphere, is a treat for him.
·         He TOTALLY shows off by winning you every prize that catches your eye, no matter how ridiculous it may be. Ginormous stuffed animal you have no room for in your home, but is the cutest thing you have ever seen? Say no more, it’s yours.
·         He gets really into it if the game in question is a ‘strong man’ type of challenge, or games that require more skill than others because then he truly gets to show off for you (which just so happens to be one of his favorite things to do).
·         Is thrilled when you take part in any kind of competitive games with him in the amusement park arcade, but will NOT go easy on you. (Same thing for bumper cars, it’s kind of impressive how he can barrel through so many people just to keep smacking you over and over).
·         Stays the entire day with you until it starts to get dark. The park you go to has a nightly firework display, and you end the day of excitement enveloped in his arms, his cheek resting against your head as he holds you from behind, watching the sky explode in vibrant colors.
·         The next few days after that he will annoy everyone in the dojo gloating about how great the date was, flooding any social media he has with all the pictures he took, tagging and titling each pic things like ‘my babe <3’, ‘How did I get so lucky?’, etc.
✧༺♥༻∞ Kaoru Hanayama ∞༺♥༻✧
·         You are going to be SPOILED.
·         He contacts you ordering you to keep the date open because he has plans for the two of you, but no matter how hard you pry, he will not share any details.
·         He does however drop a hint as to how fancy of an evening it will be when a package arrives at your doorstep containing one of the most beautiful (albeit a bit revealing) outfits/dresses you have ever seen. Attached is a handwritten note from him instructing you to wear it on your date.
·         When the day arrives he has a limo pick you up, one of his most trusted men at the wheel to escort you to the nicest restaurant in town. Hanayama is waiting inside for you, the path leading to him littered in candles and flower petals.
·         The most elaborate part of the entire room may have been the heavily adorned dining table by which Hanayama stood. Your eyes fell from him to a take in the full spread of the finest champagne (and wild turkey ofc), various hors d’oeuvres, and even more flowers and candles that the table was decked out in.
·         This man is pulling out all the stops for you today, treating you like absolute royalty. He’s rented out the whole place so it’s just the two of you, your own little private oasis. As you make your way to the table, he meets you half way, scooping you up in a firm and needy kiss. Before it gets too intense, he pulls away, sharp eyes holding your gaze as he leads you to your seat.
·         Though you had no say in the menu, everything served to you was positively amazing. He may not outwardly show it, but he is absolutely delighted as he watches you enjoy your dinner. Your eyes sparkling up at him in the romantic atmosphere makes his heart beat fiercely in his chest, excitement coursing through him as if it were his first date with you.
·         Not to mention you look absolutely intoxicating in the clothes HE picked out for you. His eyes can’t help but shamelessly roam you whenever you shift a certain way, or excuse yourself to the restroom. He’s actively listening to everything you say, responding when spoken to, but as the meal drags on its getting increasingly obvious his focus has shifted to entirely different kind of hunger.
·         He grows impatient before you even get to dessert, ushering you out of the restaurant and back into the waiting ride to whisk you away to a nearby hotel. He’s all over you the entire ride, pulling you into his lap, hands feverishly running the length of your body in anticipation of what’s to come.
·         If you protest leaving early, he’ll reply he has something much sweeter planned for you than the restaurant could ever supply.
 ✧༺♥༻∞ Jack Hanma ∞༺♥༻✧
·         Since Jack has a habit of letting you decide the activities when the two of you are together, you make it a point to leave the details of this date up to him. You want to make sure whatever you end up doing it’s something he enjoys.
·         He picks camping, which in itself isn’t too shocking, but you begin to grow concerned when he mentions the place he has in mind isn’t a part of any campground, and overall seems rather remote and borderline dangerous to travel to.
·         He assures you that it’s OK, he been there plenty of times before and you are nothing short of safe in his presence. Regardless of your feelings on camping as a whole, he works hard to make sure he brings everything he needs to make the trip as accommodating and fun for you as possible. He wants you both to enjoy this.
·         The day of the trip comes and after traveling deeply into the wilderness, you finally stop at a clearing in the woods to set up camp. Though still on edge about being so isolated from civilization, you have to admit the untouched nature around you is incredibly lovely. The tree branches make a nice canopy above you, filtering out the harshest of the sun’s rays while still bathing you in a pleasant, warm glow.
·         You help him set up, though arguably he does most of the work. The whole time there is teasing banter between the two of you. You debate over if the tent is lop sided, where the best place to stash the food you brought is, the best method of keeping bugs from bothering you, etc. You bask in the time you are sharing with him, well aware of how rare it is to be around a Jack who isn’t overtaken by training. A comforting sense of tranquility washed over the two of you as you settle in, warmth blossoming inside you each time you get him to laugh over a silly joke you make.
·         After camp is set up, you come to realize how famished you are from the travel and the work you just put in. Offering to cook something for the two of you, a fire is started and you set to work preparing a meal from your supplies. You hum while you cook, taking brief pauses to look Jack’s way. More than once you catch him sneaking endearing glances your way, a small, content smile splayed over his usually stern face.
·         As you both enjoy the meal you so lovingly prepared, you carry on conversing about all manner of topics. When the conversation inevitably falls on your location, curiosity gets the better of you and you inquire as to how he ended up picking this spot in the first place.
·         He opens up that it’s a place his mom used to bring him to camp after she got out of prison. He had come to this location since he was a young man to not only train, but to find peace and solace when the path ahead of him grew daunting.  It was a special place no one else other than she and him knew about, and now he wanted to make it a place for you as well.
·         At a loss for words from his heart-felt answer, all you could think to do was make the move to huddle yourself against him. He chuckled as you sheepishly thanked him for bringing you someplace so important to him, wrapping his arm around you to pull you even closer as he tells you that he should be the one thanking you for coming.
·         That night you set up a large cot in a clearing not far from camp, away from the trees so you could see the night’s sky. Far from any city, the stars were as clear as you had ever seen them. The temperature had dropped considerably, but under several layers of blankets, tangled in each other’s embrace, the cold barely reached you.
·         You listened to the soft murmur of his voice as your lidded eyes grew heavier, the events of the day making you ripe for sleep to claim. Noticing your sleepy demeanor, Jack smirked, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead as your eyes fluttered closed for the final time that night. As you quickly faded, the last words you heard from his lips were soft, profound confessions of his love for you.
·         Everything felt perfect as he held you against him, speaking to you with such gentle reverence, that for a moment you felt you may already be dreaming.
✧༺♥༻∞ Retsu Kaioh ∞༺♥༻✧
·         Retsu Kaioh is a well versed man in many regards, but when it comes to the dating scene he’s a bit rusty. A holiday like Valentine’s Day is not something he has ever really taken part in in the past. But seeing that it’s a day that you are looking forward to spending with him, he asks for tips and pointers from people in the dojo with significant others on what would be a good date activity for this special day. He knows you deserve nothing less than perfection, and he’s a bit worried he’ll mess it up somehow.
·         It’s this concern that ultimately makes him go WAY above and beyond, and before you know it, you are en route to his home country for a whirlwind getaway.
·         It all happens so fast you barely have time to even question whats going on. One minute he is leading you someplace blindfolded after he told you to pack your bags, the next you are on a plan headed to China.
·         The first stop of the  ̶e̶x̶t̶e̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶p̶  date is to meet some key people in his life at the Bailin Temple. When you realize where you are going, you are overcome with nerves (this is afterall essentially Retsu’s family, you want to make a good first impression). Retsu constantly reassures you that all is well, anyone to have won his heart will be well-received and respected upon entering the temple.
·         To your relief he is correct. Upon arriving, everyone is very hospitable and courteous, extremely interested in meeting the person Retsu has picked as an SO. They have a welcoming meal set up for you as well, full of delicious dishes catered towards the two of you.
·         Later on after you had caught your breath and settled in a bit, you both bundle up as he shows you around the temple and surrounding area, pointing out areas of significance from his childhood into adulthood. Enthralled in the stories of his youth, you barely notice he’s leading you further and further from the temple until you reach an uninhabited foothill overlooking one of the most beautiful  scenaries you’ve ever seen.
·         Beneath you is a wide lake frosted over, bare trees scattered around it creeping up from freshly fallen snow, the lake valley nestled amongst various mountains and hills, a clear vibrant sky to top it all off. It truly is like something out of a dream.
·         Once the destination is reached, he scoops you up bridal style and plops himself down, nestling you close in his lap. He doesn’t want to just spend time with you, he wants to be fully focused on you. He spends so much time devoted to Kenpo and honing his skills he often feels guilty he doesn’t get to give you the attention he knows you deserve, and today is the day to make that up to you.
·         With your head against his chest, you feel the rumble of his words and his laugh as he speaks to you. You intertwine your fingers with the ones he has wrapped loosely around your stomach, smiling at his contented sigh when you snuggle yourself closer against him. You discuss everything and anything, laughing and reminiscing as the sky turns from bright blue, to shades of orange and pink.
·         With the sun nearly set, you begin to head back to the temple for the night. He smiles at you with sincere fondness in his eyes as you trail behind him, your hand in his. There is excitement coursing through him as he muses on how the night will proceed.
·         He doesn’t plan on ending the date until he has ingrained in you just how much he treasures you.
  ✧༺♥༻∞ Biscuit Oliva ∞༺♥༻✧
·         Much like Hanayama, get ready to be SPOILED.
·         Biscuit is a thoughtful man, and takes pride in memorizing even the little things about you. You mentioned off hand you really liked a particular scent once? He makes sure all his cologne’s now match that it. Stretch a few times too many to help get the kinks out of your back from an uncomfortable desk chair? The next day it’s replaced with something much more comfortable, etc.
·         So when he finds out one of your favorite performers is doing a live show on Valentine’s Day he knows what he must do. Always willing to go above and beyond for you,  he not only scores tickets the moment they go on sale, but a back stage meet and greet with them pre performance as well.
·         Unsurprisingly, you call him the moment you find out about the show, excitement buzzing in your voice as you relay the details. He plays dumb while he listens, smile growing on his face as you vocalize your hope of scoring at least lawn seats.
·         Alas, no such luck on your end. Later that day you come to visit him at the prison (you, of course, have special clearances for this ;)). Downtrodden, you explain after hours of you and your friends trying to load the site to buy tickets, by the time you got in they were already sold out.
·         He can barely contain himself when he sees you moping, heartbroken that someone you have been a fan of for so long FINALLY comes to your home town and you missed your chance to see them. Then and there, he wants desperately to reveal his hidden plans, both hating to see you in anguish and shivering in delight over the thought of being the one to replace your sadness with unbridled joy.
·         Although he does admit, seeing you upset does spark a certain desire within him. Envisioning you pressing your body so deliciously against him, tears threatening to spill from your beautiful eyes, a needy little pout you would fight to try and hide from his view tugging on your lips… That scenario wasn’t so bad, either.
·         Managing to keep you in the dark until the day of the concert, he surprises you by letting you know he’s on the way to pick you up, telling you to wear something comfortable but nice. You smile lovingly at him when he arrives, happy to not only spend the day with the man you love, but also figuring he has planned something sweet to help distract you from what you will be missing out on today.
·         He keeps quiet about your destination as you climb in the car. You egg him on to spill the beans, but even with all your efforts he won’t budge. He remains sitting stoically, the knowing smile on his lips aggravating you to no end as he hums pleasantly to himself.
·         Butterflies grow in your stomach when you start to catch on that the route you are taking is the same route to the concert hall. You don’t want to get your hopes up, but can’t help but become fidgety as every exit you take just brings you closer to the venue. Praying desperately that Biscuit is not just teasing, you shoot him pleading glances in hopes he will give up some indication of your final destination.
·         Just as you reach your breaking point of HAVING to know, he juts an envelope your way. Opening it with shaky hands, you gasp as your eyes scan quickly scan two front row tickets WITH backstage passes.
·         Your jaw nearly hits the floor. You are going to the show? You are sitting front row?? You are going to a meet and greet??? Was this a dream???? Instantly you felt light headed, the pure shock putting you on the verge of passing out. If it weren’t for Biscuit asking “Did I do good baby?” you may have done just that.
·         Unable to articulate the words to answer him, you fling yourself on him. Smashing your lips against his, eyes growing watery with tears of elation, you jumbled, unintelligible words of thanks spill from you. Biscuit was momentarily shocked by such an enthusiastic response, but was more than happy to reciprocate, deepening your kiss as he latched on to you fiercely.
·         The next few hours floated by like a dream. Meeting your idol, getting a picture with them, even getting to hug them, it was all so surreal. Following that with one of the best shows you have ever seen quickly solidified the day as one of the best in your life.
·         Worn out after all the excitement, you head back to the prison where dinner is waiting for you. In between bites, you alternate between gushing about the experience and thanking Biscuit, garnering amused chuckles and loving glances from the large man.
·         After you both eat, you get ready to retire early. Fresh from the shower you enter the bedroom. Startled by a sharp intake of breath, your attention darts up to Biscuit to find him sitting shirtless on the edge of the bed, his ravenous eyes raking over every inch of you. The off cadence of his breathing mixed with the growing red of his cheeks made him look almost feverish, his hands balling into tight fists in his struggle to restrain himself the longer he took you in. His voice came out in a breathy whisper, “God damn… Do you even know what you do to me, baby?”
·         You knew to anyone else, you probably looked like a wreck. You were exhausted, heavy bags under your eyes accompanying a slouch in your shoulders as you shuffled towards to bed, mismatched socks on your feet. You weren’t even dressed sexy, just throwing on one of Biscuits old shirts and some clean underwear to sleep in. But as your eyes met his you blushed under the intensity of his gaze, his drinking you in as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world.
·         A fluttering feeling formed in the pit of your stomach as you, in turn, took in the man you loved more than anything. Your eyes roved over his broad chest, thick arms, strong legs. Biscuit did so much for you; he was the person who made your dreams come true. As you both stared at each other so raptly, so hungrily, you felt yourself beginning to feel intoxicated from just his stare alone.
·         With renewed vigor, you sauntered his way. Crawling into his lap, you straddled his leg, leaning in until your lips ghosted the shell of his ear. You felt him quiver beneath you, a smile coming to your lips as his gentlemanly resolve was crumbling, his iron will straining against his deep desire to take you right then and there, ravish you until you were nothing but a blissed out mess beneath him. You wondered just how far you could push him until he snapped.
·         “Happy Valentine’s day,” you whisper coquettishly in his ear. A growl rumbles from his throat as you follow up your words with an open mouthed kiss to his neck, “I think it’s high time Mister Oliva gets a present, don’t you?”
*** The whole time I was writing Jack’s part I was like damn… Do they even make cots and tents Jack sized??? ^^;
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what are your opinions on the different artstyles throughout the seasons?
I'll go through each season!
Season 1 is my favorite in everything. There's no competition. I really adore his design. Tbh his character design changes a bit every episode in this season and I'm not going to go through which storyboard artist's style was in which episode. That's a hassle. But I like the pilot. It looks like Hillenburg's concept art. Looks very gummy and squishy. I like how odd his style looks. But I also like the more consistent style we see in Reef Blower, Valentine's Day, Hooks. It has a thick outline.
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There's another style from season 1 where the outline is very thin. You can generally tell because his eyelashes are drawn very thin. I've seen in some episodes like FUN and ScaredyPants. It's a weird look that I kinda like. Though his toothgap is so wide that it looks like he's missing a tooth.
Season 2 - his design is more angular. The transition from traditional to digital shows. They don't have to constantly redraw each frame. Which allows for a more homogeneous design. I miss how each frame looked different but that's okay. His style is very sharp and square. Similar to the end of season 1. But a lot more stiff. He's more narrow around his waist so he isn't actually Squarepants. More like upside down trapazoidpants. Also idk if this is about early digital animation but Spongebob looks very gray throughout the season. Still I'd rate this my second favorite style because it has the best parts from his season 1 design.
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Season 3 - hes more square here. A lot more yellow. Season 3 has the best colors. Hands down. He's even more square and sharp. Surprisingly his expression doesn't change much. Mostly because of Hillenburg wanting spongebob to always be drawn on model. But the charm of his design is how off model he looks and how every frame looked so unique noooo. Jokes aside, I know this design is what most classics fans consider the best design. It's paired with his personality in this season which was more of a young adult with occasional childish tendencies. He seems the most mature in this season. Seasons 1 and 2 is a lot more kid-ish in a way. Idk why this brings up a random thought of seasons 1-2 SB are how kids think they are vs 10-12 is how adults view kids. I'm getting off topic. This design leads to what we get in season 4.
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1st Movie - very square. Pretty much doesn't have that narrowness towards the bottom like seasons 2/3 has. Now he's not trapazoidpants but actually Squarepants. I've noticed some of Hillenburg's sketches of spongebob post the movie era look pretty much like the movie. That off model, really square shaped look.
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Season 4/5 - this style actually reminds me of the modern style. Very square and spunky. Only difference is he occasionally has black brows. I like it a lot actually. Look at this boi!! He's adorable!! One of the better styles. I'd rank it high up there.
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Season 6 - slight transitional style. Between seasons 4/5 and 7/8. I don't have a particular opinion on it tbh. I guess I don't like what would later become his design for 7/8
Season 7/8/9a - ehhh don't really like it. I have a personal bias tho. I didn't like much of these seasons when I was a kid and I think that childhood bias is clouding my view. But anyways I'm gonna talk about why I don't like it. He's so stiff in these seasons. I feel like his expression doesn't change much. His nose is drawn wider, I don't like that chubby cheeks look he does.
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This one. His arms are drawn so high up. He's very rectangular. His eyes are smaller. I feel so nitpicky but he looks so dead. I feel like my love for the later seasons is kinda reactionary towards these seasons since they feel so opposite to me. So extreme blankness shifts over to extreme expressiveness.
Season 9a actually gets better but it still has remnants of this design.
2nd movie - follows the style of season 9a which was already starting to transition styles to the one we have in the modern era but I will make a pass because this is my comfort movie. Sponge out of water my beloved.
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Season 10/11/12 - love it. Adore it. One of my favorite styles. He's so spunky and definitely a lot more angular. A lot of people complain about the expressiveness. I'm not really talking about it here but uhh I do like it. With digital animation, its a lot rarer to have unique frames. Everything is so on model. It's a bit boring. I understand the expressiveness can be too much for some people but it does remind me of what I found charming about the first season. No frame looks exactly the same. It's so stretchy. It only doesn't have that unique gummy squishy look, reminiscent of Hillenburg's art style in his concept art but none the less I like it. Also something worth mentioning. Sponge looks more shorter throughout the seasons. He's not really drawn shorter but him being more rectangular throughout the previous era and here he's slowly getting more and more square.
I really like this picture. I love his expression so much??
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3rd movie - I heard that storyboard artists from the 1st season worked on this movie. Tbh it shows because a lot of frames looks like those photoshopped CGI version of Sponge's season 1 look. This movie was stunning visually. I like the style a lot. We can see parts of his older design like the narrower nose, more narrow towards the bottom.
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Can't comment on season 13 because it just started, wait for that lateeer
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Secret Cupid 💘
My @rdr-secret-cupid was *drumroll* @foundynnel !!!
This was so much fun to write!! Your prompts were super good! I went a little overboard and tried to tie in all three prompts — oops. Anyways, I really really really hope you like it! Also, I’m sorry it’s not being posted ~on Valentine’s day~!
And a big thank you to @rdr-secret-cupid for letting me participate!
Bison Hunting // Sadie x Arthur // Secret Cupid 2021
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Sadie Adler
Words: 2,475
Summary: Arthur, Hosea, and Sadie go on a hunting trip to Ambarino to find a bison.
“You ready to go, Sadie, Arthur?” Hosea called quietly. It was early in the morning, probably five or so. Hosea, Arthur, and Sadie were riding up to Amberino from Lemoyne to hunt for bison, maybe some deer and fish as well. The cool, crisp air would be a nice break from the humid and swampy air that surrounded them now.
Arthur groaned as he walked towards Hosea, he was never a morning person. He lit a cigarette and placed it between his teeth, inhaling the smoke. Sadie yawned and stretched her arms before getting up and meeting the other two.
“You’re lookin’ a bit scruffy, aren’t ya?” Sadie pointed out Arthur’s beard. To be fair, it had been neglected over the past few weeks, and with everything going on with the Pinkertons, Cornwall, and everything else... it was excusable. Arthur scratched at his chin, finally noticing how unkept it was.
“Hmph. Maybe I am lookin’ a little rough. Can’t say yer any better, though. Didn’t have time to groom that mane of yours?” Arthur chuckled while Sadie grumbled in return.
“Alright, kids. If you’re ready let’s go. We wanna get there early so we have plenty of time to track the beast down. You’ll both have time to beautify yourselves while we’re there...” Hosea cracked a smile at the two and walked over to Silver Dollar to mount up.
Arthur and Sadie followed suit, Arthur on his white Arabian and Sadie on Bob. Arthur made sure to bring plenty of arrows, Charles had taught him if they wanted to hunt successfully, they needed to be quiet. And so they set off on their journey to the wintry and mountainous Amberino.
They avoided Valentine, but took a break in Strawberry just to walk around and grab some provisions from the general store. Arthur purchased plenty of snacks for his horse. Sadie, on the other hand, purchased things like kidney beans and strawberries. Hosea bought ammunition, and they were off again.
Arthur hummed a tune quietly, Hosea joining in occasionally. Sadie didn’t know these songs but enjoyed hearing them. The sun was now facing more west than east, which meant night was coming.
They had reached Ambarino by seven in the evening, which was a relatively quick travel time. Hosea and Arthur dismounted and looked for tracks of any kind, Hosea being the first to notice the faint hoof prints of what seemed to be a massive bison.
“Well, it has to have been here recently with snowfall like this.” Hosea muttered. Arthur murmured in agreement.
Sadie followed and squinted, looking for any sign of the animal. “I don’t see nothin’,” Sadie said with her well-known rasp. She had never been very good at tracking but was an incredibly good shot.
“You’ll learn!” Hosea grinned. “Let’s see if we can’t follow these tracks a little further, maybe we’ll get lucky and find it tonight.” Everybody got back in their saddles, Hosea leading the way and pointing out the different signs of activity for Sadie. The tracks eventually went through a river and made their way up a mountain. Everybody had grown tired.
“How about we set up camp and continue our search tomorrow?” Hosea suggested, and was met with agreement. Arthur started a campfire before joining Hosea in setting up their tents. It wasn’t long before they noticed Sadie looking frustrated.
“Why the sour face, Miss Adler?” Arthur asked. He then noticed that it looked like something crucial was missing from Sadie’s supplies: her tent. “Well, that ain’t no good.”
Sadie huffed at Arthur, sending a cloud of hot breath into the cold air. The one thing she needed most had been forgotten back at camp. Shit, she thought.
“Well, Ms. Adler, unless you’re against sleeping beside either me or Arthur, seems you’re sleeping in the cold.” At least Hosea offered some type of solution. She was closer with Arthur, and so she elected to sleep in his tent.
She seemed to be visibly, and audibly upset about her predicament all throughout their dinner of plump bird meat and kidney beans. What had gotten into her? She was never one to complain this much. Arthur was beginning to feel bad about the whole thing, was he really that hard to be around? Did he smell? Probably.
Hosea retired to his tent for night, reminding the other two that they had to be up early in the morning. Shortly after that, Arthur retreated back, leaving Sadie alone at the fire. She sat in her own little world, filled with emotions. Why had she so quickly decided to sleep beside Arthur? If she would have just thought about she would have known she wouldn’t have been able to sleep. She was in love with the man, for god’s sake! But what about Jake, her beloved late husband? What would he think of her now... sleeping in a tent with an outlaw? Sadie being an outlaw now? She couldn’t let her past define her present. This was not how she was.
“Ouch!” Sadie heard the quiet exclamation. It was Arthur’s low, gruff voice for sure. What was he doing? Sadie stood and made her way into the tent, where she found Arthur... shaving. He had cut his jaw, and pretty good at that.
“Oh.” Arthur was flustered when Sadie found him. “What? Can’t a man shave?” Sadie just looked at him, confused.
“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with shaving, but you ain’t shavin’, you’re butcherin’.” She teased him, watching the small droplets of blood trail down his muscular neck. “Let me help.”
Sadie knelt down beside him, holding her hand out for the razor. “Well no wonder you nicked yourself, this things duller than Pearson.” Sadie laughed and then composed herself. She wiped the blade clean and did what she could to make it useable. Arthur sat patiently, waiting for her to bring the sharp... ish blade to his skin.
Sadie hesitated a bit before bringing the blade to Arthur’s cheek, careful to avoid where he’d hurt himself moments before. She had to remind herself to breathe. Was she really this close to Arthur’s face? She gently brought the razor down towards his jaw, leaving a trail of bare skin. She continued to do so until Arthur was clean-shaven, free of any cuts minus his own self-inflicted one.
“I’d say I did a pretty good job, Arthur!” Sadie chimed. Arthur felt his face, not used to the smooth feel. He had never been too good at shaving, even after multiple lessons from Dutch and Hosea.
“Now do I still look scruffy, Miss Adler?” He teased, recalling what she had said that morning. She rolled her eyes before glowering at him.
“No. But I can’t say my “mane” is any better than it was.” Sadie had tried and failed multiple times on the way to fix her hair, but riding on Bob made it a daunting task. Eventually she just gave up.
“I’m not very good at braidin’ things other than horse tails but... I can try. If you’d like.” Arthur flushed at his proposal, and Sadie’s ears turned a bright pink.
“Oh, uh... sure. I suppose you can try. You owe me anyway.” Sadie turned her back to Arthur and untucked her hair from her shirt, before retrieving her comb from her pocket.
Arthur combed through Sadie’s hair, careful not to tug too hard. He had never noticed the light golden streaks that ran through her hair, or the slight wave that it had. He began to braid her hair, the best he could. Her hair was much finer than a horse’s might be, and it kept slipping through his fingers as it was smoother too. Finally, when Arthur got down to the ends of her hair he tied it off.
“Ta-da...” That was her cue to admire Arthur’s strangely pristine braid. Sadie felt the braid between her fingers, loosening a few pieces to make it look a little more worn.
“Where’d you learn that from? Miss Grimshaw?” Sadie snickered at the thought of Susan critiquing a young Arthur’s braiding skills. Arthur scowled at her, not answering. She was right.
“Do you think we’re gonna find that buffalo tomorrow?” Sadie asked. Arthur pondered for a moment.
“Well, darlin’, we’re hunting with Hosea, so yes.” Sadie furrowed her brow at Arthur’s response. Darlin’? Her cheeks grew hot. She exaggerated a yawn and a stretch, similar to her same one that morning. At least she had her own bedroll. Arthur blew out the lantern in their tent, preparing for rest.
Sadie took her boots off, but left everything else on as it was incredibly cold, even in the tent. Arthur followed suit, taking off his pants, leaving him in his shirt and long-johns. He settled onto his bedroll and pulled his blanket up over his chest. Sadie shivered in the now dimly lit tent, had she forgotten a blanket too? God dammit, she cursed at herself.
“Arthur?” Sadie was plain embarrassed, it was evident. Arthur turned his head and glanced at her, ready for her question. “How big is that blanket...?”
“Big enough, I suppose.” He lifted the blanket up with his arm and gestured for her to scoot in. Sadie made her way beside Arthur, his body like a campfire. Or maybe that was just her mind. Laying so close beside him made her realize just how small she was, or maybe how big Arthur was. She pressed her smaller frame against his, and convinced herself to go to sleep. She would need the energy tomorrow.
Eight Hours Later
Sadie awoke to the sound of Hosea’s boots crunching in the snow, and something heavy weighing down her torso. “What—?” she was startled to see Arthur’s large, muscular arm wrapped around her waist, his hand gently cupping her stomach. In her surprise, she woke Arthur, who quickly pulled his arm away and flushed a bright shade of red.
“I’m sorry Miss Adler, I—“ He sat up and shook his head, moving his body away from hers. As if on cue, Hosea opened the tent and was greeted by two very embarrassed kids (kids to him at least).
Hosea struggled not to laugh at the two, “We got bison to hunt!”
Arthur and Sadie pulled their clothes on and made their way out of the tent, greeted by venison cooking over the hot fire. “Thank you, Hosea,” Sadie mumbled.
After a nice breakfast and breaking down their tents, the three saddled up. Hosea decided it would be best to head a little more North, since that seemed to be the way the hoof prints were headed the night before.
After about an hour, hoof prints gradually began to appear. They were large, and seemed to belong to the same bison they were tracking previously. The prints became more and more pronounced as they continued on. Once the prints were undeniably fresh, Hosea gestured for quiet and pulled out his binoculars to see if the bison was in shooting distance.
Sadie got Arthur’s attention and pointed towards a hulking brown beast: the bison. Hosea spotted the bison at the same time. In a hushed voice Hosea spoke, “Sadie, the honor is yours. You’re a better shot than I am anyhow.”
Sadie gulped and pulled out a bow, a gift from Charles. She lifted the bow up, gripping it with her left hand and notching the arrow with her right. She drew the bowstring back, felt the strength of the bow and pulled the arrow towards her cheek, the string pressing into her fingertips. She quickly evaluated the environment: how much further did she need to pull, how hard was the wind, how far would the arrow go? And with a quick snap, the arrow went flying and quickly found itself lodged in the heart of a bull.
“What a shot!” Hosea exclaimed. Hosea was the first to ride near the animal, knowing that if the bull was still alive it would be cruel not to mercy kill it. Arthur and Sadie followed. Upon closer inspection, they found the bison laying down on its side. It’s breathing was labored, slow. Hosea patted its shoulder, and thanked the bull before drawing his knife from his belt and piercing the heart once more. It’s breathing had now stopped.
“I suppose we should skin and quarter him now,” Hosea said. Sadie and Arthur brought their knives out, and quickly got to work, starting at the legs and heading towards the stomach for the cleanest skin possible. Eventually, they had successfully skinned and quarter the bison. They loaded what they could on horses, and abandoned what little was left for scavenging animals.
Sadie looked exhausted, she had done plenty of handiwork back when she lived on her old farm, but had never worked on an animal that large. Sadie rested her arms on Bob’s saddle, her tiredness showing.
Sadie felt snow falling from the back of her head and neck, and realized: she had been hit with a snowball. She bent over and made one of her own before turning around and throwing it at Hosea.
Hosea looked shocked, but realized what had occurred when Arthur let out a jovial laugh.
“Alright, kids, that’s enough...” Hosea dismissed the two and slyly prepared two snowballs. He launched them at both Sadie and Arthur, hitting them perfectly. Perhaps years of being a gunslinger had benefited him!
Sadie gasped dramatically and returned the snowball to Hosea, and then immediately threw one at Arthur. A snowball fight had ensued!
They pelted snowball after snowball at one another until the sun had fallen more west.
“Alright... really, we should head out. We won’t have anything to bring back to camp if we stay another night. Wolves ‘n’ such.” Hosea warned. And so, they actually did mount up and head back towards the camp.
This time they didn’t stop to sleep, it was too dangerous to leave that much meat on the back of their horses in the wilderness.
When they finally made it back, sometime around six in the morning, it was clear that the three were tired. Those who were awake assisted in storing the meat. Pearson commended them all for the hunting, not leaving out any “surprised” remarks about Sadie’s ability to hunt.
Arthur headed to his tent, Sadie following him to tell him thank you for the fun time and letting her sleep with him the night before.
“Arthur? I wanted to say thank you... for, uh, lettin’ me sleep with you. And teaching me about trackin’ and such. And the snowball fight... goodnight.” Sadie was shy when she spoke, mumbling at some parts.
“And for braidin’ that mane of yours! Thank you for cleanin’ me up, too!” Arthur gestured to his freshly shaven face, which had already started to grow more hair.
“Right. You’re welcome. Goodnight... again.”
“Goodnight, Mrs. Adler.”
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
The day we met.
Pairing: Bryce Lahela  X F!MC (Casey Valentine) 
Rating: G 
Word count: 1440 
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, it all belongs to Pixelberry. 
Author’s note: Hi, this is my first time writing in a while and i have the courage of posting this! So, this is sort of a different version for when MC and Bryce meet. I love their first meet up in the first book, but this is kinda like an alternate timeline-ish! Its full of fluff since i’m a sucker for fluffiness hehe! Also, I want to say thank you to @annekebbphotography​ for her advice that she has given to me before, it really helped! Also, i want to say thank you to @maria-soederberg​ for reading it and helping me with this story! She had helped me a lot and THANK YOU to you both! Go check out their stories tooo! Also, to all the fic writers on tumblr for inspiring me to post this! You guys are awesome for putting your work out there! <3 
It is a beautiful day in Boston, the sun is shining, the birds are singing on this wonderful afternoon. The park was packed with people who was interested in relaxing time. There were those who are walking their dogs, families who are having a picnic and even a group of kids playing on the playground.
And then there’s Casey Valentine, doctor at Edenbrook Hospital, smiling widely at the prospect of the day. She and her friends are on their day-off from the hospital, and their daily routine such as work, and the sound of distress.
She was playing Frisbee with her roommates Sienna, Jackie, Elijah, and including Elijah’s girlfriend Phoebe. They had a rough start, since none of them are professionals. But, after a long tutorial on all social media platforms which approximately took an hour before all of them to got the idea of how to play Frisbee. The more they play, the better they get.
‘Casey, go long!’ Sienna shout as she released the Frisbee in her way. Casey was determined to catch it, but eventually ended up falling and bumping into someone.
‘Ouch!’ She squealed as her body crashes into the person opposite her. The mystery person stood up, and picks up the Frisbee which had flown a few steps away ahead of her.
He offered his arm to help Casey up, as an apology for running into her. Casey took his hand, and ended up frozen on the spot. His brown eyes, hypnotizing her for a moment that felt like an eternity, his hair was a bold choice, which she didn’t mind at all and his body was something that should be framed into a museum or even being placed into an art gallery.
After it felt like an eternity, Casey was pulled back into reality as her friends ran to check on her. Sienna immediately placed her hand on her wrist to check her pulse, along with the stranger who is looking at her in a concern demeanour.
‘Casey! Are you alright?’ Sienna asked her.
She rubbed her elbow, and nod to her. Casey accept his offer, and gets up with the help of Bryce after being in a wild imagination about this attractive man in front of her.
‘I’m going to say sorry, but now I am not sorry because it led me to the presence of a beautiful girl.’ The man said whilst flirting with her.
She felt her cheeks burn at his comment, she gazes towards Sienna and Jackie who are giggling at the whole scene. She felt her blush increasing as Sienna whispered something into Jackie’s ear that made them both smile. You could compare the smile with children who got free passes to Disneyland. There would be no difference.
‘My name’s Bryce and I think, I should let you go back to the game.’ He flashed a smile and was about to leave when Sienna called.
‘Bryce, let’s play Frisbee together! We’re dividing into teams of two, you should join us.’ Sienna said to him, making him instantly nod at the suggestion.
‘Good, now Casey c’mon!’ Sienna dragged her arm as they made their way back to Elijah and Phoebe who are in a deep conversation with each other.
‘We’re doing this two versus two; Me and Sienna, Elijah and Phoebe, Bryce and Casey! No questions!’ Jackie announced as they get into position.
Casey nervously made her way to Bryce who’s grinning at her presence, she smiled back but cannot contain her blush to appear when she is around him. Soon, the game commence and the teams play furiously. Jackie’s new profound focus, along with Elijah’s intellect skills caused Casey to feel a bit nervous. Bryce seems to notice and immediately placed his hands into hers, giving her a piece of comfort to ease her nerves. And it helped Casey to play perfectly with Bryce which lead to the fact that they won many games.
Both Bryce and Casey cheered for their victory, and Casey immediately pulled Bryce into a tight hug without realizing what she has done. When the adrenaline ebbs away they suddenly realise in what situation they are and instantly pull away with blushes on their cheeks. Sienna and Jackie both giggle at the ‘incident’ which causes Casey to hide her face in her hands.
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 After a dozen of rematches, the sun is finally settling down. Which makes them end the game with the winners being Elijah and Phoebe. They decided to celebrate the victory with a date that was due for a long time. Sienna and Jackie said their goodbyes to Bryce as they headed back to the apartment leaving Casey and Bryce alone at the park as the sun is setting down.
‘You wanna stay for a while, I have a sweet spot to watch the sunset.’ He offered. She didn’t hesitate and nods, not wanting her day with Bryce to end yet. They took a small hike to a secluded hilltop which is a few miles away from the park.
After a few minutes of hiking, they arrived at the top of the hill and Casey is speechless. The view is amazing, they can see everything from up here. They even arrived on time to see the beautiful sunset, letting the sky changes its colours. 
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 Both of them sat quietly with each other, admiring  the beauty of nature. Casey suddenly felt exhausted and her head started to feel heavy, so without her really noticing, her head falls onto his shoulder. But then she quickly stood up, and apologized. Bryce just shook his head, pulled her back next to her and offered his shoulder as they sit and watch the beautiful sunset. They both collecting back their energy after the game of Frisbee.
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 The night became darker every second, as Bryce walked her home. They stop in front of the apartment and nobody moved. A voice inside of her screamed to not let him go yet, but she’ll be selfish wouldn’t she?
Casey took a deep breath as she stared into Bryce’s eyes as his eyes wanders over her body. Both of them knew that they don’t want it to end, but some things have to end somehow.
‘I guess this is it’
‘Unfortunately’ she muttered under her breath.
‘Hey, I had a lot of fun today. I never knew bumping into someone would turn this day into an adventure.’ Bryce said happily.
Casey smiled at his comment, ‘I had fun too, and thank you for showing me the spot. It’s truly a wonder.’
‘I’d like to do that again sometime, if you want. If you insist-‘ Bryce was stopped by Casey placing a sweet kiss on his cheek
He smiled and they decided to trade numbers with each other, and another sneaky kiss from Bryce before they parted ways. Casey is now laying on her bed, smiling at the events that occurred today. Little did she know, Bryce was doing the same thing.
The next day, she woke up bright and early to get to her shift at the hospital. A walk to the hospital was a breeze as Casey spared all the details to Sienna about her ‘date’ with Bryce the other day.
The day was filled with a busy shift for all the senior residents, interns and surgeons. An accident at the Grand Bridge occurred causing the hospital to be busier than usual but the good news, they were no deaths involved. Casey stepped out of the busy ER, and decided to get to her lunch break. She was distracted by thinking about the cure for Mr Razier’s disease, which ended up making her bump into someone once again.
She immediately apologize for her clumsiness, but instead she froze. It was him, Bryce. He was making his way to her direction as he bumped into her. He was wearing a pair of green scrubs. He looks different in his working attire but in a good way. Casey immediately stood up offering her arm to Bryce as he took it.
‘I wished for this moment to a shooting star last night, and I cant believe it vame true’ Bryce said as he winked at her.
She blushed and said, ‘I didn’t know you work here, and we always happen to be bumping into each other.’
‘Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing your beautiful face once more.’ As he said that, she felt her spine shiver at those words. She took a deep breath, and faces him.
‘I’m having lunch, you want to join me?’ 
‘Well, never say no to free stuff right? Loser buys the other one lunch!’ Bryce said before sprinting forward leaving Casey to catch up from behind.
‘I’m coming for you Bryce!’ She let out a giggle before catching up to him. 
Maybe this year is gonna be fun after all.  
 Authors note #2: I hope you all enjoy it! Its been a while since I write, I apologize for any language mistakes since English is not my first language. Dont forget to like and reblog, it helps with to ease the nerves (*insert monkey covering its eyes emoji*), and thank you for reading! <3 
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serenity-writes · 5 years
A Valentine’s Day Surprise
Nothing quite compares to the anticipation of a pure, smooth envelope. Feelings are inked on exquisite stationary, each word printed with care. Have you ever wished to get a handwritten letter from your lover? Some partners find it easier to express things in the written word. They might just surprise you with how honest they can be. Others turn to pen and paper to idly record the daydreams of romance their mind conjures. These letters were never meant to be sent, but could it be the red string of fate that brought them to you? 
Experience a new side of love this Valentine’s Day.
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Hello, everyone ♡ In six-ish weeks, it will be my favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day! I’d like to debut a new event: Valentine-themed letters! I love getting letters and particularly Valentine’s, so I’d like to spread the joy around~ I had lots of fun writing from the perspectives of our lovely suitors for some birthdays last year, and I would be happy to do some more.
To make things simple, I will be running this event through Ko-Fi. Prices are as follows:
One (1) Ko-Fi: A letter (~250 words) from your suitor
Two (2) Ko-Fis: A letter from your suitor on custom-made, themed stationary (examples below)
Five (5) Ko-Fis: A letter on custom stationary & a poem in the suitor’s voice
Ten (10) Ko-Fis: Letter bundle! Get six (6) letters on custom stationary (can be split)
But Serenity, aren’t you taking these orders way too early? Valentine’s Day is still a while off! Yup, I’m starting these super early so I give myself enough time to write and prepare all of these! I’m a full-time student so I’d like as much leeway as possible~ I will be sending out private letters on February 13th, in the late evening PST time (I have class the day of unfortunately) and queuing them throughout the actual day :)
I will write for: Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, Mystic Messenger, SLBP, Voltage Inc.
If you have any concerns about any characters, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Here are some samples of my past letters and poetry ☆
Want to send your friends a letter to brighten their days too? I will be happy to do so! More details below!
*If you don’t want to see these on your dash, please feel free to block the tag “sen pens valentines” :). Even if you’re not interested in purchasing one, I would greatly appreciate reblogs to spread the word! ♡ 
Important Things:
Write in your Ko-Fi message (or PM me on Tumblr) with the name of the suitor you want a letter from (or which partner for which friend if purchasing multiple)
Include your Tumblr username or method of contact (Discord, email all OK! You can add me at ChaosTranquility#4508 to send info if you wish)
Be sure to write what name you would like the suitor to use when addressing you.
Include all relevant information that might be included/mentioned or what vibe you would like. I can’t guarantee I will use all of it, but I will try my best!
Example info: eye-color, hair length, relationship length (budding crush or established relationship?), height, personality, tone of letter (comfort? Adoration? Advice?), proposal? just married? flirting with each other? mention a possible baby/family?
Letters will be posted on my blog unless you want it to be private. Then they will be sent via submission on Tumblr, so make sure that your submissions are open on the day of.
If you want a private letter, please make sure to include that in your info above
I’m happy to send letters via email or Discord as well! I just need contact information for the recipient.
If you are sending a letter to a friend, please give me their Tumblr username so I can tag them, or make sure their submissions are open.
I will do some spicy content, but will only go as far as IkeSen/SLBP premium stories or epilogues do (which are pretty decently explicit). So keep that in mind if you request something on the spicier side!
For poems: If you pick a character who is probably not going to be the best poet (cough Yukimura cough)... The poem will not be very eloquent haha. It will, however, be hilariously terrible and very, very heartfelt.
For those who wish to remain anonymous, I have an option for you! Please send me an ask on Tumblr (clearly state which name you used to purchase the Ko-Fi) with all the information needed, and I will post your letter on the day of.
Thank you all for reading thus far! I really want to spread the joy and put smiles on everyone’s faces during this lovely holiday ♡ If you have any additional questions, I can be reached via message or ask!
Ready to order? Hop onto my Ko-Fi! 
UPDATE NEW DATE: I’ll be open until February 3rd, 11:59pm PST~ But the earlier you get your order in, the more time I’ll have to work on it and make it perfect :)
*Sample stationary
Ieyasu sample fitted on page
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Jumin blank 
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I’m really bored and need a new fic to read. Any new recommendations? I’m already caught up with song of mine
(The next line is just vile self-advertising, feel free to skip it =D)
Mine! Here and here
(Ok, here is the real thing, sorry xDD)
Here are my recommendations on the matter, and at the end I’ll put the link for this things on my Drive library, because there are stories that were deleted. 
But most of them are on FF.net or Ao3, so, please, PLEASE: go read them and leave a nice review. Just a thank you is enough. But some feedback, please. We are writers, we live from them xDD
(It’s) All Chair Parts, by novel_concept26
The whole point of the performance is to look hot as hell, and Santana is doing an awesome job. Too awesome.
Addicted, by SwingingCloud
“It always feels like years- and not just a few, short days- to Santana, whenever Brittany goes away.” Brittana. Marathon!sex. TWO-SHOT! SUMOSMU #9
Barter System, by crammit
Santana accepts a different kind of payment for helping Brittany out of a jam. (Rated M for language and smut)
Breathless!verse, by Swinging Cloud.
Fill for the GKM. “Long, pale fingers wrap tightly around her left wrist, guiding her hand up to push more firmly on Brittany’s throat- telling her that she’s ready- and Santana shivers as her palm presses just below Brittany’s jaw.” Brittana. Breath!play. Obvious smut.
Sequel to Breathless. “Brittany’s floored that Santana has come so far- far enough to trust her completely with not just her body, but with her very breath, with her life, and she concentrates hard on what she’s doing as she tightens her arm around Santana’s neck.” Brittana. Breath!play. Obvious smut. SUMOSMU #1
Bluish, by SwingingCloud
“Santana’s had about as much red, white, and blue as she can stand, but this blue- the blue of Brittany’s eyes- she will never have enough of.” Brittana. Sweet!smut. SUMOSMU HOLIDAY SPECIAL.
Dreams!verse, by everdreaming3:
Santana and Brittany’s story from meeting freshman year through their wedding and beyond (cute and fluffy, and filler for all the gaps that Glee left on the start of this story).
Dreams: from Santana’s POV
Dreamcatcher: from Brittany’s POV.
Dreaming in the Future: future one-shot
How to Win Even When You’ve Lost, by crammit
It was only ever you, by LoneGambit.
Brittany and Santana have been dating for a couple years now and have never tried using a strap-on. One night Santana asks Brittany if she misses being with a guy, her answer leaves Santana thinking.
Just a hug between friends, by furryewokazon: (this is actually deleted, but I have a copy if you are interested):
Santana smiled into the hand on her face… Written before ‘Sexy’ based on vague spoilers for that episode.
Keeping things interesting, by your-street-serenade:
How would Santana react if Brittany walked into the room with the new HeMo’s purple hair?
Let Me Take Care of You, by absedarian.
Santana walked through the quiet hallway of McKinley High School. It was late and the school was empty, as empty as she’d ever seen it. They had finished the mash-up several hours ago, but Santana could still feel the tingling in her fingers where she had slapped Finn.
Loved with Inspiration, by jellymankelly:
“A tiny part of her mind marvels at how effortlessly Brittany can reduce her to a stuttering idiot with little more than a look. The rest of her is busy trying to remember how to breathe. And failing.” M for coarse language and sexual themes. Two-shot.
Making the video!verse, by emmanuelles: those were actually deleted, but I can send them to you if someone is interested.
Making the video:
Catching Santana doing something private puts an idea into Brittany’s head. She secretly works out a brilliant three-step plan and manages to execute it. The story of Santana and Brittany making their own private video.
Ain’t no limit for what love allows:
A story about how Santana and Brittany explore their boundaries in bed, how they want to find out more about themselves and each other. Will it not be enough or will they go too far? Will they cross the line?
Mama Lopez!verse, by jerzeyredhead:
Mama Lopez’ rules:
One-Shot. Mama Lopez comes home early and finds Santana and Brittany in a compromising position. Now she has to give them the house rules of dating. T for some course language and sexual situations.
Conversations with Mama Lopez:
This continues “Mama Lopez’ Rules” – the week Santana is grounded and her mother is working from home. Rated T for mature-ish content and some bad language. Post 3x09. A little bit of Brittany, but mostly Santana and her Mama. This is a happy story!
Mama Lopez’ Valentine’s Day Rules:
Santana is planning her first Valentine’s Day date with Brittany. Mama Lopez tries to help and enforce some rules. Continues the adventures from Conversations with Mama Lopez and Mama Lopez’ Rules. Mostly T, but M for later sexy times. This is happy!
Graduating with Mama Lopez:
Santana and Quinn help Brittany with summer school, so Santana and Brittany can go to New York together. Mama Lopez is, as always, there to help. Mostly T, for swearing, but rated M for sweet lady loving in later chapters. Set after 3x22.
Mediterranean Dreams, by Scarlett’s Tara
“A persistent tickling near her ear nudged her into consciousness. When ignoring it failed, Santana twitched the muscles in one side of her face, reluctant to move her heavily relaxed limbs. The motion created a poorly muffled stream of giggles coming from somewhere above her head”.
Mine, by vontramp:
Canon Brittana one-shot based loosely around the lyrics to “Mine,” by Taylor Swift, thanks to Ryan Murphy’s Twitter leaks (beautiful, painful and so real. This is gold).
Missing You, by StraightShark
“And fuck…just thinking about it makes you horny. You miss her so much it’s driving you crazy. You used to be able to have sex with her whenever you wanted- even during school- to satisfy your sexual desire for HER…but now that you’re separated by what seemed like millions of miles it feels like you can barely control yourself”.
Moments, by ifshepromisedyouheaven
“I helped you paint your face, one half red, one yellow. I kissed you quickly, right on the apple of your cheek. You scrunched your nose, that cute smile that says don’t ever stop kissing me. The hard acrylic paint cracked and left ragged lines down your face. Still as beautiful as ever, years after high school, years after college, months after the birth of our son”.
My girlfriends’ sister’s keeper, by bodybroke:
This will basically just be random cute moments of Brittana/Brittany’s little sister Ashley, because I had a lot of fun writing them in that one, and there isn’t enough Brittany’s sister in fics.
No matter where in the sky, by LeighKelly:
“I used to wish on every shooting star for a future with you, and now that future is here, and I know it’s forever.” Following their first argument after moving in together, Brittany and Santana take a trip outside of the city to look at the stars, and remember just how important they’ll always be to one another. Post Season 5. One Shot.
One in a million paradaise, by LeighKelly:
In the middle of their weeklong vacation at the beach, Brittany is surprised by what Santana has planned for their Fourth of July together. One-shot.
Picking up the pieces, by Ebony-Jayne
Brittany is there for Santana after the disastrous coming out to her Abuela and some of Brittany’s own insecurities pop up in the process…Brittana.
Pizza in Louisville, by Scarlett’s Tara
Cheer practice hardly caused her to break a sweat anymore. Perhaps it was years under the wrath of Sue Sylvester. Or maybe that she had always been one of the top three members of the team and given the most complicated parts of their routines. Or likely the fact that the presence of a certain someone made her more inclined to show off.
Taking the long way!verse, by lingeringlilies.
Taking the long way:
Santana’s journey toward self-acceptance through love, loss, friends, career and family. Contains Glee history through “Original Song.” Rated M for sex.
Me and You and Daisies:
“Maybe ‘happily ever afters’ don’t exist. Maybe they’re fragmented and sprinkled throughout our lives to remind us to keep moving forward. Maybe, if we look from the right angle and maneuver the pieces just so, they become a masterpiece we keep adding to until the day we die.” Future fic, Brittana as mothers. Sequel to “Taking the Long Way,” but can stand independently.
Me and You and Daisies: The DVD Extras
One-shots related to the Lopez-Pierce Family as depicted in “Me and You and Daisies”
Through the Dark
Why would Brittany ever leave Santana after eight solid, happy years together?
Ruby Tuesday
“You gaze down at her as though your heart were growing bigger with every snuffle and jerk of her tiny body. For the first time in a long time, you start to sing.” Oneshot, Me and You and Daisies 'verse.
Easter for the Lopez-Pierce family when Caleb is two. MaYaD 'verse.
“Mine!” Ruby chirped, reaching her pudgy fist up to grab at the cup of markers on the dining room table”.
The (Second) First Time, by thefooliam: It’s the same way that makes Santana think they’ll be doing stuff like this forever. Spoilers for 3x05 “The First Time”.
The PreBowery!verse, by crammit:
Study Break
Unable to concentrate on the paper she has to write, Brittany decides to see if Santana is up for a study break. – Rated M for smut and language
Meet in the Middle
Taking a break from the diner and from school, Santana and Brittany decide to meet up for a weekend away to reconnect. - Rated M for smut and language
Another weekend away finds Brittany’s plans to help Santana with the dishes derailed as Santana comes up with another way for Brittany to thank her for dinner. – Rated M for smut and language
The Shed, by crammit.
“Come on, San. This will be fun. You said you weren’t scared, right?” “Right.” - Rated M for smut and brief bad language
Things we’re all too young to know, by the fooliam: Brittany holds her like she’s a balloon, like she’s a hope that might float away. 5x13 fic.
So close that you eyes close as I fall asleep, by thefooliam: Brittany struggles to get Santana to sleep after Will’s party. Spoilers for 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”. Title from Pablo Neruda’s Love Sonnet XVII.
XO, by crammit: Alone for the night in the loft, Santana’s brooding thoughts manifest themselves in a way she never expected. Rated M for sex and super brief language.
2859!verse, by halfrobotchicken
Santana Lopez is a publicist in New York trying to rein in the biggest ego the city’s ever seen. Brittany Pierce is attempting to create the next big thing in Seattle. They’re 2859 miles apart, but one wrong number just might change everything.
2859: The Merry Miles Edition
Santana and Brittany do Christmas with their families. Three-Shot.
2859: Triple Threat
Brittany and Santana are welcoming a new addition, but Santana isn’t so welcoming of the additional company that comes with it. Five-shot.
A Morning Dedication, titanium22
Santana and Brittany haven’t seen each other in five years. They haven’t even heard each other’s voice. Or that’s what Santana thinks. And one day she makes the wrong, or right, decision to talk about their past on her radio show.
A Second Life!verse, by everdreaming3
A Second Life
There are some people who go through life just existing and not really living. Brittany Pierce was one of those people. She goes through the day to day motions of her life without much hope for the future. That is until she meets a woman that breaks her out of her dull existence and gives her an opportunity for a second life. Brittana AU
I Remember When
A really long one-shot from Santana’s POV reminiscing about her relationship with Brittany. This is related to my story A Second Life, so if you haven’t read that already, I strongly recommend it otherwise this won’t make much sense!
A Second Life-Beautiful
One-shot- takes place after the last chapter of A Second Life, so if you haven’t read that you really should before checking this one out! Brittany and Santana are adjusting to their new roles as mothers, and they share a special night together and with their babies.
A Second Life-Christmas Cheer
One-shot from A Second Life universe. The holidays are approaching, and Brittany and Santana take the twins on a last minute shopping excursion. Only they run into the last person they ever expected to find. A view into the life of the Lopez family.
A Second Life-Terrible Twos
Brittana. One-shot from A Second Life 'verse. Brittany and Santana deal with raising toddlers and managing the stresses in life.
A Second Life-Wedding Bells
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. Brittany and Santana celebrate a wedding in their own unique way.
A Second Life-Leaving Lady
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. The Lopez family deals with a loss. (I am sorry, don’t be mad at me!)
A Second Life-Elementary Blues
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life universe. The Lopez family negotiates life with two eight-year-olds, and handle a difficult day with the kids.
A Second Life-Troublesome Teens
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. The kids are now teenagers and proving to be more than a handful for Brittany and Santana.
A Second Life-Graduation Day
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life universe. Santana and Brittany try to come to terms with their kids becoming adults and growing up so quickly.
As Lovers Go, by ohhheyitsnic
You knew what you were getting yourself into before you even started. But you couldn’t stop yourself, something about those electric eyes, with one look you were a goner. College AU Brittana.
Beautiful Scars, by GleekForHemo
Brittany is a shy 24 year old waitress. A serious accident left part of her body covered in burn scars. She hasn’t been with anyone ever since, what happens when she meets a beautiful brunette at work? AU.
Beginning of Something Amazing, by aeval
In an alternate world, how Brittany and Santana’s relationship progressed.
Best Laid Plans!verse, by crammit
Best Laid Plans
Sometimes missing your dinner reservation isn’t a bad thing. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Game Plan
The second round is on Brittany. Literally. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Backup Plan
Feeling inspired, Santana wakes Brittany with a proposition she can’t refuse. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Blue Eyes, by BrittanaForeverX (WARNING: G!p)
“Oh, calm down, Santana. It’s not going to kill you. We have to move. Your father is being transferred. Now go upstairs and start packing.”
“But – …”
“Go!” My mom shouts back at me.
I run back upstairs, to my room and slam my door. 'God why?!’ I think to myself. 'Everything is going to change again…’
Brittany’ Seduction, by J.Angela (WARNING: G!p)
I was watching embrace of the vampire with Alyssa Milano because I love her and the lesbian photography scene just had me like…. YES! So I typed a Brittana version of it for all of you to enjoy. :D
Clockwork, by gorshenin
“No one believed that she was actually apart of the IT team, hell, she lead the IT Department, but the general consensus was that it was just for show. They thought she was just fed lines to read off to cameras at conventions, but she knew it all by heart. She could do it in her sleep, but all people saw was a pretty face.
Sometimes she believed it too”.
Dirty Dishes, by everdreaming3
Brittana one-shot. Who knew doing the dishes could get so dirty? SMUT! Be forewarned, there is no plot. Rated M for obvious sex and dirty language, and a little bit of domination.
Farm!verse, by LeighKelly&Nic1031
If You Wanna Live the Good Life (You Better Stay Away From the Limelight)
After Santana inherits a rundown farm from her estranged late grandmother, she needs to place to run from a scandal in New York City. When she arrives, it’s most definitely not what she expected. Though she’s not sure whether she’ll stay or go, she hires landscape architect Brittany Pierce to make the land habitable, and finds love in the process.
Forever Can Never Be Long Enough For Me (To Feel Like I’ve Had Long Enough With You)
One year after their first kiss in the rain, Brittany and Santana celebrate the Fourth of July. Little does Santana know, Brittany has a suspense up her sleeve.
Although It’s Been Said Many Times, Many Ways (Merry Christmas To You)
Brittany and Santana celebrate their second Christmas as wives on the farm and learn that their Christmas is going to be a little more special this year.
You Wear White (And I’ll Wear Out the Words “I Love You”)
“Hearing the weather alert, Santana laughs, reaching across the counter, where Brittany stands, eyes fixed on the television in the other room, “Well, Britt, we did want a winter wedding.”
“Not quite what I had in mind…”
You’re Beautiful (Every Little Piece Love)
In the midst of adjusting to married life, Santana helps Brittany confront some personal demons.
It’s Just So Easy (When the Whole World Fits Inside of Your Arms)
On her first major book tour, a pregnant Santana feels the struggle of being away from her wife.
You’ve Really Got a Hold On Me (Baby)
After a long pregnancy, Santana finally gives birth to her first child with Brittany.
I Would Hold You For a Million Years (To Make You Feel My Love)
A little over a year after Jonas is born, Santana and Brittany cope with some personal obstacles, and manage to find some time alone together.
Finding the way back!verse, by LeighKelly
Finding the way back (This. THIS. THIS, OMG, THIS IS FUCKING GOLD!)
Six years have passed since Santana came to New York. Dealing with the aftermath of a terrible event, she is spiraling down a dark road. When Brittany encounters her own tragedy in Lima and finds herself with nowhere else to go, she ends up in New York. Can these two damaged hearts find their way back together? And how much can love overcome? Canon until Guilty Pleasures.
Glee - Rated: M - English – Romance/Drama.
There’s Something about Christmastime
After a long hard year, Santana realizes that as cliche as it sounds, that there’s just something magical about Christmastime, especially when she has her wife and daughter by her side. One-shot set between Finding the Way Back and Beautiful Life.
For One so Small, You Seem so Strong
While her wife sleeps after giving birth to their second child, Brittany holds their newborn and reflects on motherhood, family, and her love for Santana. One shot companion piece to Beautiful Life, Brittany’s Point of View.
She Puts the Color Inside of My World
As Brittany and Santana celebrate their first real Mother’s Day with little Annie and their own mothers, they consider the past, the present and the future of their lives. Annie-verse, takes place during Finding the Way Back.
Little Unexpected Love
“I already love you a lot, and I can’t imagine how much more I’ll love you after you’re born. I told your mom that I really wanted you to be mine, and honestly, I don’t know what that means, but I’ll try, more than anything, to be the best for you.” While Brittany sleeps, Santana talks to the baby growing inside of her. Annie-verse, takes place during Finding the Way Back. One-shot
This Much I Know Is True
Before Brittany can ask Santana the most important question of their lives, there are two very important things she needs to do. Annie-verse one shot, set during Finding the Way Back. Brittany’s POV.
Love Runs Through My Veins
When seven day old Annie needs her first blood transfusion, Santana volunteers to be her donor. In the process, she and Brittany continue to realize the immense strength of the bonds that tie together their brand new family. Annie-verse.
New Beginnings
While so many things begin to fall into place in their lives, Brittany and Santana celebrate Easter with nearly four-year old Annie and their family. One-Shot, Santana’s POV, set just before Beautiful Life.
Give me your hand and I’ll hold it, by my-other-ride-is-your-mum: Brittany really wants to talk to the new girl in her class…but there’s a reason why Santana Lopez can’t hear her talking to her in the hall. AU high school Brittana…deaf Santana…only a little bit angsty and mostly fluffy cuteness. One-shot.
Going to the movies, by kp83
When Santana woke up that morning, she had no idea that she was only a few hours away from meeting the girl of her dreams. Her day started out as most days did.
Ghost Saver, by Lingering Lilies
“Brittany had always seen ghosts. But she’d never met a ghost quite like this girl.” Fluffy Brittana ghost story for Halloween.
I Learned A Little Bit About The Good Stuff, by heyho
“Santana is a chemistry professor and Brittany goes to visit her girlfriend at work, they start to make out and things get a bit heavy. Brittany is already with her shirt off when there’s a knock on the door and Brittany hides under Santana’s desk right before a group of 4 to 6 students enter the lab”.
Imagining Tigers, by titanium22
“All I could think about was Brittany. Her blonde hair, held tight in a high ponytail, her blue eyes, mesmerizing and alluring, her perfect body and long legs, her piercings and her tattoos, wondering what they meant, why she was so guarded and what was her story”.
Innocent!verse, by jellymankelly:
"The first time you meet her, you’re not exactly at your best. In fact, this particular moment in time probably ranks somewhere in your top three worst days ever. Like, ever ever.” M for coarse language and sexual themes. Three-shot.
Innocent: Incident Response Protocol:
“It’d be funny to you how quickly Santana launches herself from the couch and nearly trips over her own feet as she positively sprints for the bathroom, if you weren’t so distracted by how unbelievably turned on you are.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Protective Custody:
“You push your joined hands higher until they’re knotted against her lower stomach, grounding her in place even as you work to send her higher and higher. You have her, and you’re not letting go.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Means, Motive, and Opportunity:
“Her right tangles in your hair, yanking your head lightly to the side. She starts sucking and nipping at your pulse point furiously, and the thought of her marking you so passionately makes you tighten around her as she fills you” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Diversionary Tactics:
“'Santana,’ you murmur teasingly. 'If I’m going to have a Super Bowl snack, it should be while I’m learning about the Super Bowl itself, right’” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Character Witness:
“You let a tiny feeling of self-satisfaction color your love for her. Sure she’s grumpy and stubborn and steals the covers at night, but she’s yours. It’s pretty freakin’ awesome.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. Two-shot.
Innocent: Method of Entry:
Her eyes are dark but soft and shining, half covered by her thick, thick lashes. They stare almost as if they can see right through you, and it sends a shiver dancing straight up your spine. The way she’s looking at you right now…it’s very likely the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
It’s a Gleeful Life, by LoneGambit
“…Like the fact that it’s close to Christmas and instead of spending it in Lima with Brittany like I always have, like I really want to, I’ve blown half the money my mami gave me, to follow my dreams, on clothes and gifts and high tailed it to New York City to avoid all previously partaken Christmas traditions at all costs.
After all, what’s left of traditions if I don’t have the one girl in the world that I’m meant to partake in them with?”
It Was Us Way Before Them, by Mistiec
Santana Lopez is an LA power lesbian, with the world in her hands. She’s so much more than the small town girl who escaped from Lima and told herself she would never look back.
Hanging by a Moment, by Normal-Is-For-The-Boring
Santana was packing her bags hurriedly as she rushed out the door to get to the airport. Since she only had lectures left for the rest of the week she decided to skip out on them and just listen to them online. Her flight was booked a few days earlier than anticipated since she wanted to beat the rush that was bound to happen at the airport, it was Thanksgiving holiday after all. Plus, she also wanted to see Brittany as soon as she could.
Happy New Year, by SecretLifeofWords
AU-ish: Santana travels back to Brittany’s dorm at MIT to celebrate New Year’s Eve with her at a Broadway themed party. It’s a companion piece to “Shining Star” but can stand alone. References to Hummelpezberry friendship and Broadway characters/songs. Part of #HOLYSMU. Enjoy :)
High Frequency Romance, by kp83
Brittany is corporate pilot for Motta Industries and she has developed a crush on an air traffic controller that she talks to on the radio. The only problem with their 'relationship’ is that they have never met in person, but fate might step in and lay a hand in changing that. AU Brittana. Rated M.
Kissing You, by tatyana82
AU- You see, in Santana’s mind, to try and recover from her kind of obsession, the hardest simple thing to do is to stay away from what’s addictive; right now, a kiss from her wife, Brittany, was her hardest simple thing…
Life Changer, by kp83
“She had received a call this morning from her manager saying that she was needed the next day for a final audition for a new mini-series, and if it hadn’t been for a show that she absolutely wanted to be in, she wouldn’t have bothered with the last minute mad-dash to get to New York from Los Angeles”.
Living with Santana Lopez, by Justified12
Brittana are step-sisters. So yeah… just a heads up because that’s a bit risque.
Meant to be, by Lyleerose (WARNING: G!p)
“Brittany is sitting in the hospital bed with sweat dripping from her forehead, pushing as hard as she can. We are awaiting the arrival of our first child”.
Nailed It, by terriblemuriel
“The lights go out and the music ceases and for a moment you are deaf and blind, void of sensation save for the feel of her hand in yours. You’ve screamed yourself hoarse tonight singing along to Come to My Window, and your throat is sore, but when she leans in to place a tender kiss against your neck, the brush of her soft lips soothes you”.
Offense: The Best Defense, by StraightShark
Head cheerleader!Santana and Badass!Brittany have never gotten along, but when Santana’s pride and reputation are on the line she gets a little desperate…and Brittany just happens to be there to help her out. Everything has its consequences though.
Paperwoman, by LoveInTechnicolor
What would you do if you found the girl of your dreams on the way to work one morning only to have her leave before you could even ask for her name? What if you found out that very same girl works in the building across the street and her office is located just a couple of stories below yours?
Part of you, Part of Me!verse, by tatyana82 (WARNING: G!p)
Part of You, Part of Me
AU- Cool water was drying on her frame as she stared at herself in the mirror, naked; her brain searching for answers she knew could only be one. But it couldn’t be possible, could it? Surely, there were more than enough times…- G!p. Adult life.
Saying I love you (properly)
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- The first one was a two time thing, the second one, well, was no exception.
More Than You Know
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- A not so accidental night out at a strip club wasn’t a big deal… for Brittany.
It’s time to begin, isn’t it?
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- And just like that, it dawned on Brittany and Santana that time keeps on ticking and he is just growing up.
Payback is a, by everdreaming3
Brittana one-shot. What follows after the events of 'Dirty Dishes’. There is no plot, just smut! Rated M for sexy times and language, and also some dominance play!
Private Tutoring, by iamabicorn (WARNING: G!p)
“I heard murmurs of farewells to me and the other clients as they rolled up their mats and made their way towards the foyer of the studio to leave. I grabbed my iPod from its dock and slipped it into the small pocket of my gym bag. There was only fifteen minutes until my first private lesson of the day, so I grabbed the bag and headed towards the employees’ locker room to change”.
Recipe for Disaster, by FloatYourBoat21
“Her voice is so raspy and also so familiar. I have no idea what she’s even saying because I’m so enthralled by this seemingly complete stranger. Whatever she’s saying though… I like it”.
Rent my Pussy, by soulpicnic
Lonely? Call 1-800-BSPUSSY.
Santana’s Elf!verse, by kp83
Santana’s Elf
Santana vowed against the Elf on the Shelf. She thought it was a ridiculous concept that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with; but when she is given one against her will, and reluctantly roped into the Christmas tradition, she soon finds that her elf is more than she expected. Christmas Brittana AU. Rated T.
A Very Merry Vacation
Santana and Brittany go on vacation for Christmas. Sequel to Santana’s Elf.
Christmas in July
Unique and unexpected circumstances lead to an impromptu Christmas in July celebration for Brittany and Santana. Brittana one-shot in the Santana’s Elf universe. Sequel to A Very Merry Vacation. Rated T.
Faith, Truth and Christmas Magic
When Brittany and Santana’s daughter comes home from school upset, but is unwilling to tell them why, it is up to them to find out what is bothering her and try to fix it before it threatens to ruin not only Christmas, but also their happy little family. Part of the 'Santana’s Elf’ universe. Sequel to 'Christmas in July’. Rated T.
Service, by Swinging Cloud (WARNING: G!p)
“When she receives her draft letter in the mail, Brittany Pierce thinks her life can’t get worse- until she meets Drill Commander Lopez.” EXTRA-smutty fill for the GKM. Brittana. AU. G!p. FINAL SUMOSMU! D:
Shining Star, by SecretLifeofWords
Santana flies in from NY to spend Christmas with Brittany and her family. Adorableness and other things ensue. Popcorn is spilled. Memories are made. Epic love story prevails. Just the right amount of sweet and spicy to kick off your Holiday Season. #HOLYSMU contribution, Enjoy! :) (Two-shot)
Sirens!verse, by cactusgirl329
Lord Tubbington, Private Eye
Brittany starts a private investigating business with the help of her girlfriend, Santana, and a very reluctant cat. Adventure, mayhem, romance, and hilarity ensue. Brittana. Glee. M.
Four years after a horrific string of unsolved murders mysteriously stopped, a new body has been discovered. The police call on the same team of private investigators who almost solved the case last time, but four years can change everything. Brittana. M. Glee. Crime/Mystery/Romance/Action/More!
On The Fifth Day of Christmas
Follows the events of Sirens. Features all main characters from Sirens. Brittany and Santana host a Christmas dinner at their apartment. Major life event for Brittana. Fluff (super fluff). sMut. Brittana. Sirens Verse.
A Sirens Halloween
Sirens!Verse Halloween special featuring major characters from Sirens. It takes place after the events of Sirens. M.
St Patrick Valentine’s Day, by SecretLifeofWords
“Santana stretched in her seat as she shifted for the umpteenth time of the bus ride. The ride from NYC to Boston wasn’t that long, it’s just that she was really anxious to see Brittany after their Valentine’s plans sort of, fizzled. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault, per se, but, it still sucked”.
Stand Clear Of the Closing Doors, Please, by  Swinging Cloud
“Brittany’s made up her mind- she can’t wait, she’s going to take Santana right now- and the look on Santana’s face tells Brittany that she won’t stop her.” Brittana. Subway!sex. SMUTTT. SUMOSMU #2. YAY!
The Bowery!verse, by crammit
Merry Christmas
For Brittany, there’s no better present than waking up to Santana on a snowy morning. – Rated M for smut and language **Part of The Bowery 'Verse**
On this New Year’s Eve, Brittany decides to start Santana’s New Year off in a way she might not have ever imagined. - Rated M for smut and language **Part of The Bowery 'Verse**
Stuttering, by Normal-Is-For-The-Boring
Summer Storm
“You chase the sweat from her back with the pad of your thumb, the cadence of her irregular breathing accented by the slow rumbles of thunder outside your open bedroom window”.
The Carnival Switch, by Writtentoberead
“ Santana slowly opened her eyes to the girl next to her. Beautiful dark hair and tan skin met her eyes…wait. That’s definitely not Brittany, but it was definitely one smokin’ hot girl. Santana was in fact looking into the face of…herself. “
The Day Snixx Almost Ruined Christmas!, by slbsp-33
“ Santana looked at their six year old daughter and gave her a huge smile to reassure her that she would wear the hat in their family picture. It had been tradition and Santana was big on tradition. “
The Feelings that Smolder until it’s an Inferno, by kp83
BrittanaCon 2015 fic prompt: Firefighter!Santana and pet storeowner Brittany. Santana is in charge of the station’s Dalmatian. One-shot, rated M.
The Journal, by silverdoe14
AU Brittana. Brittany Pierce is an attorney’s receptionist at a major NY law firm. Santana Lopez is the new, challenging lawyer Brittany has been chosen to work for. Brittany finds a very old journal and begins writing in it to reveal some of the feelings she could never ever tell her new boss. No outside glee characters, crackshipping, etc.
The Only Choice!verse, by crammit
The Only Choice:
When Brittany walked into Santana’s inn all those years ago, neither knew just how much their lives would change. When a dark force from Santana’s past threatens to destroy those she loves, she’ll stop at nothing to protect them. Vampire-AU - Rated M for language, mild violence, and sex.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Feeding.
A late night lesson in the kitchen on the proper way to feed leads Brittany and Santana with the urge to satisfy another kind of hunger. Rated M for smut.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Running
Deciding to test Brittany’s new abilities, Santana challenges her to a race, not counting on how distracting Brittany really can be. Vampire- AU Rated M for brief bad language and sex.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Thoughts
A lesson in mind games quickly turns into a lesson about control. Rated M for smut
The Only Choice-Decade Interlude-Date Night 1925
In anticipation of their upcoming anniversary, Santana and Brittany enjoy a date night but Santana worries that a change in her appearance may derail their plans. Rated M for smut and language.
The Substitute, by PullingSunflowers (WARNING: G!p)
A hot, young Latina is chosen to replace Sue Sylvester as she goes on maternity leave. Not everyone is happy about it but Brittany sure is. G!P Santana and Cheerio Captain Brittany.
The Sweetest!verse, by crammit
The Sweetest Condition:
“Santana.” Your soft voice calls to me and I look up to find you watching me, a thousand emotions playing across your face, all contained in the sweetness of your smile. Your hand grabs mine and together we curve our fingers against the slope of your belly. Our baby. - Rated M for language, smut, and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Song:
“You sound so beautiful when you sing to her, you know.” - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Decision:
“I want to have a baby.” - Rated M for smut, fluff, and the one-time use of a curse word **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Reservation:
Despite being anxious to leave Ava for her and Santana’s first date night since their daughter was born, Brittany finds a way to channel that anxiety into something better suited for a date with her wife. (side of Faberry) - Rated M for smut, fluff, and the super minor use of a curse word **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Gift
A Christmas Eve interlude between Brittany and Santana - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe*
The Sweetest Saturday
“You can sext me any time you want. Just, maybe not when I’m in the middle of an important meeting. Or when I’m standing at the mailbox talking to Mrs. Whitfield across the street.” A Saturday morning at home gets interrupted by work but Brittany figures out a way to make it work in her favor. - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Candy
After taking Ava trick-or-treating, Brittany and Santana decide to indulge in a little Halloween fun of their own. - Rated M for fluff and smut **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Sleepover
With Ava out at her first sleepover, Brittany decides to take advantage of the time alone and surprises Santana with her own version of a sleepover. Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Bedtime Story
Taking a deep breath, I take a few moments to enjoy the quiet of the house, the soft static hum of the baby monitor on the dresser the only sound in the room until your voice breaks the silence with a request, “Tell me a story.” - Rated M for fluff and smut **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Dream
After returning home late from a long day at the office, Santana’s tired mind slips into a dream that feels all too real. – Rated M for sex, mild reference to vampire violence.
The Werewolf and the Witch!verse, by BetTheDuckisInTheHat
The Friendly Werewolf and The Wicked Witch
Brittany and Santana’s children want to go trick or treating for the first time. But the girls weren’t expecting them to want to be just like their moms. Brittana. #DUBSPOOK ONESHOT First story of *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
The Werewolf and The Witch: Holiday Edition
The family goes to a new place for this Christmas. How will the Holidays turn out? Brittana. #HOLYSMU *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
Luck of the Almost Irish
Brittany is very enthusiastic to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day with the whole family for the first time, but will she get her wish? Brittana. *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
Things that go bump in the basement, by mamatots
AU. Santana follows Brittany down into the basement of her grandmother’s old house. What all will happen once they accidentally get locked down there?
This game we spectate, by somethingsdont
Santana takes Brittany to a hockey game.
Vignettes, by orangeyouglad8
Moments and Pieces of a Love Story. A/U-ish. “And just like that time stops and all the breath leaves my body and I am lost in you. I never want to be lost anywhere else.”
What money can’t buy, by Stalpankaka
AU set in New York. After a one night stand goes a little crazy, Santana and Brittany bump into each other again… But life can never just be easy, right?
Worth the Risk, by everdreaming3
Santana Lopez is a hot young talent agent in New York. She has the whole world in front of her, but she is held back by her own insecurities. Brittany Pierce is a woman who gives up her comfortable life to try and follow her passion. When Santana does a favor for a friend, Brittany is thrown into her life and everything turns upside down. Can they risk everything to find happiness?
You Gave me the Word, I finally heard, by LeighKelly (If you haven’t read this yet, GO NOW!)
When Brittany Pierce was seven, a near drowning experience left her profoundly deaf. For twenty-two years, she’s lived in a quiet solitude, her mother’s response to her accident leaving her wary of building relationships. She’s content with her life, her career, her home with her service dog Otis, until she quite literally runs into Santana Lopez…and then everything changes.
You Live, You Learn, You Love, by kp83
At seventeen, the most important things in soon-to-be high school senior Santana Lopez’s life is school, Cheerios, her family and friends, and dreaming up ways to escape her small town. Then one night she meets a girl that needs her help, and in a blink of an eye, everything in her carefree life starts to change. AU Brittana, rated M.
2859: The Fearsome Foursome
Brittany and Santana attend a very important wedding.
Beautiful Life, by  LeighKelly
Three years after the emotionally tumultuous first year of their marriage (and of their unexpected daughter’s life) Santana and Brittany have realized that with love, anything is possible. Watch as the two of them and their four year old daughter Annie take on their little corner of the world. Sequel to Finding the Way Back, but can be read on it’s own. Santana’s POV, canon to 4x17
Binding Hearts, by GleekForHemo
Sequel to Beautiful Scars. It has been 4 years since Santana and Brittany got married and they are still very much in love. Of course life comes with ups and downs so will they be able to stay strong together when chaos appears to be on the horizon? AU.
Don’t You Dare Look Back, Just Keep Your Eyes On Me, by LeighKelly
In the fall of 1983, while on a date with another woman, semi-closeted banker Santana Lopez meets struggling dancer Brittany Pierce. Though they come from two different worlds, a single dance changes their lives forever.
Healing, by hedonist11
“Santana had to reread the text a couple times to make sure Sam was telling her what she thought he is telling her. Motherfucker didn’t have the decency to call, the least he could do was use the spell check on his phone”.
HellaPrompts, by where'smynaya
A collection of Brittana prompts submitted to me on Tumblr now in one place for your viewing (reading) pleasure!
How I met your mommy, by MissHeatherMichelle
“Santana walks out of the kitchen, and makes her way into her bedroom, carrying a glass or orange juice. She stops abruptly when she sees her closet door opened and things scattered all around, spilling out into her bedroom. She carefully places her glass down on the dresser, and hears giggling coming from inside the closet. She takes a few tentative steps forward, until she can see inside the walk in closet, where she spots a little girl and boy. “What are you guys doing?” Santana asks, kneeling down to their level”.
Leaving Normal, by LeighKelly
In small towns like Roswell, New Mexico, secrets are hard to keep. When Santana Lopez is shot in her father’s diner, and Brittany Pierce saves her life, everything is put at risk, especially the secret Brittany has been hiding for all of her life, that she is most definitely not of this Earth. AU loosely set in the Roswell-verse.
Like We’re Made of Starlight, by LeighKelly
As the oldest in a large family, and her father serving overseas in the second World War, Santana Lopez leaves the city to tend bar in a tiny Fire Island town. Almost immediately, the female captain of a fishing boat catches her eye and calls into question everything she knows about right and wrong, and everything she knows about herself.
Piece by Piece, by LeighKelly
When pediatric surgeon Santana Lopez meets Dr. Brittany Pierce, head of plastic surgery, in the elevator during a blackout at the hospital, she’s immediately hit with a sense of disdain. Little does she know that she’ll be the first person to show her what love looks like, and change her life for good.
Time passes, in love and in seasons, by echoes_of_realities
You were the choice I made before I knew what the other choices were
Summer comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing away from the critical eyes of high school, where they can just be the them that they always are when it’s just Brittany-and-Santana. It comes and goes like a flower unfurling its petals towards the sun in the new beginning of a different sunrise every morning.
Somewhere along the way we must grow up, not perfect, but up and out
Autumn comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing between classes and in secluded hallways, where bravery grows as they fight to protect their love from the clumsy fingers of careless teenagers and smear campaigns and familial rejection. It comes and goes like a golden leaf free falling through the air with its unconscious courage as it leaves everything it knows and throws itself into the unknown for just the chance at love and happiness.
That winter you left me snow-blind
Winter comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing between snowfalls and mistletoe kisses, where they can finally stop holding their breaths and instead bask in the warmth of acceptance despite the winter wind. It comes and goes like lazy Sunday mornings where the alarm clock is a cold nose against skin as snow covers the town in a fresh beginning.
And here’s the link to the files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o5sOhyJ0yntsKSh7Zz4EwlKYJbAJ4kJ4
And thanks por the question =D
28 notes · View notes
clarascuro · 5 years
Clara Reads City of Bones Part 3: Hogwarts Institute for Witchcraft and Shadowhunting
The Plot Thus Far
When last we left off, our lovable cardboard cutout protagonist, Clary Fray, had been attacked by a demon called a Ravener and taken to a place called “The Institute”. After three days of recovery, she has an uncomfortable (for us) conversation with Isabelle Lightwood, where we learn that Isabelle is hot and that we, the audience, should hate her for that, and also that Jace Wayland lives with the Lightwood family because his parents are dead. We are meant to feel bad about this. We are meant to feel sorry for Jace, which is a bit of a tall order, considering that Jace Wayland is the worst person to ever smirk and shrug his way through a YA book. If I were trapped in an elevator with him I wouldn’t even wait five minutes to be rescued, I’d pry those doors open and just drop. Death is cruel but quality time with Jace Wayland is crueler. 
So Clary leaves the hospital wing and goes down a long hallway, lead by the sound of someone playing a piano. Last time I said that it was Alec (Isabelle’s brother) who played piano, and that it was his only character trait, but nope!! It’s actually my favorite boy Jace, that sack of human refuse! So I guess Alec has no personality, actually. Anyway, they have some “witty” “banter”, and then Alec takes her to the library to talk to the head of the Institute, Hodge Starkweather, and, yeah. I think it’s time to talk about the Harry Potter stuff. 
The Harry Potter Stuff
You know how E.L. James made minor changes to her crappy Twilight fanfic and then published it as 50 Shades of Gray? Well, as near as anyone can figure out, this is basically the same thing that Cassandra Clare did with her Harry Potter fanfic The Draco Trilogy. Just change the names, tweak the backstories ever so slightly, slap on a crappy cover and publish that sucker! It’s technically not plagiarism anymore! This is how you end up with stuff like "The Institute”, a secret school to teach young magic kids to control their powers, or Hodge Starkweather, elderly magic professor, who, one could argue, is a crackpot old fool teaching our protagonists magic tricks. (Gosh, how does Clare come up with this stuff?) 
This obviously isn’t proof of any kind, but when the villain of your story is named “Valentine” and he’s an evil magic user who has been dead for sixteen years (the age of our secretly magic protagonist) and the main characters are afraid to even say his name...yeah, it doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out where all of this comes from. 
Now all this is frustrating, but it’s also hilarious. I mean, the big bad of the story is called Valentine. VALENTINE. And I actually laughed out loud for several minuted when I first read the name “Hodge Starkweather” to myself. I still get a little chuckle typing this. Oh, and since the word “muggle” would have JK Rowling’s lawyers on her ass faster than light, the word Cassandra Clare uses for non-magic people is...”Mundie”. It’s short for “mundane”. Like...first of all this is objectively hilarious. Second, mundane just means “normal”. If the Shadowhunter society is magical, then aren’t they they mundane ones? I know humans don’t have magic, but we still figured how to like, fly and stuff. That has to count for something. If I saw a dog that taught himself how to read, I wouldn’t like, make fun of him for not also being able to talk. I’d be like “Shit! That’s a pretty impressive fucking dog!” like what the fuck?
Anyway, this is all just a roundabout way to say that obviously this used to be a HP fic that through some twist of fate landed a publishing deal. And you know, it’s not as brain-meltingly bad as 50SoG, so who cares? Cassandra Clare’s just having fun, so who cares if her writing gets published? 
The Plagiarism
So, yeah, she plagiarized lot. Like a lot. The Draco Trilogy has lines of dialogue taken directly from shows like Red Dwarf, Black Adder, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett novels. Quoting shows apparently used to be pretty common in the early days of fanfiction, so there is context to consider here, but it gets worse. Cassandra Clare lifted almost a whole chapter, nearly word for word, from an out-of-print fantasy series called The Hidden Land, by Pamela Dean. On top of that, Clare was sued in 2016 by author Sherrilyn Kenyon, whose Darkhunter series predates Clares Shadowhunters series. (And for the record, Clare’s series was originally titled Darkhunters. Yikes.) You guys can read the full(ish) stories here and here.
I Guess I Have To Keep Talking About The Plot Now
Sigh. So after Hodge Starkweather (A+ naming there) tells them about Valentine, he explains that Shadowhunters are angel-human hybrids? Or something? They’re special, and they fight demons. Also faries, vampires, werewolves, all that stuff exists. We’re stuck with the Shadowhunters, however, because God has punished me for my hubris, and my work is never done. (Oh look, I just plagiarized Brian David Gibert. I’m a real author now, like Cassandra Clare!) The Shadowhunters were started thousands of years ago by a man named, I shit you not, Jonathan Shadowhunter. JONATHAN. FUCKING. SHADOWHUNTER. Why the fuck am I trying to come up with clever names for my characters? I should just name them all “Alex Clarasbook” and call it a fucking day. Fuck.
Anyway after a thrilling conversation with Alec-Who-Has-No-Personality, we find out that he does have a personality! His personality is that he hates humans. Oh, excuse me, “mundies.” Yep, that’s the best way to make a character relatable. Just make ‘em fucking racist. It’s okay though, it’s only magical racism so it evens out. Have I mentioned that this story has no poc?
(Oh also Clary’s mom was a Shadowhunter, but 1. I hate Clary                        and 2. literally a newborn baby could’ve figured that out, so)
Clary and Jace leave the Institute to go back to Clary’s house, and Clary slaps Jace, an act that brings me such joy that only the birth of my firstborn child will ever eclipse it, and even then, it will be it close tie. The moment is quickly over, however, as Clary immediately feels bad about it, because again, she is not a character. She’s a Walmart mannequin created for Jace to make out with. Then she sees two girls looking at Jace, and, in what can only be called the true essence of the book, “Clary turned instant traitor against her gender.” Just as a reminder, Clary sucks.
Anyway they get to her house, kill a giant, talk to a witch, yaddah yaddah yaddah. Basically nothing happens except the inevitable unraveling of my mental processes. I had to stop reading there because I have better things to do with my life besides destroying the few braincells I have left. I’ll post the next part soon, as soon as I can read more than five pages without wanting to fling the book off a seaside cliff into the frothing mist that obscures the swell and crash of the unforgiving waves. Until then, please enjoy some of my favorite bad lines.
Selected Passages (And Commentary)
“Jace chuckled. Clary could tell that he had come up behind her and was standing there with his hands in his pockets, grinning that infuriating grin of his.”                                                                                                             (She knew all that without looking?)
“Attacked. Clary wondered if this was a euphemism for ‘murdered’.”            (Clary you’re literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met.)
“Clary let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in.”                  (This may just be me being petty, but I hate this cliche so much.)
“‘You may be the only guy my age I’ve ever met who knows what bergamot is, much less that it’s in Earl Grey tea.”                                                                   (Ah yes, that famous stereotype, that boys don’t know about tea. Oh, you like tea? Name three kinds. I hear sexist gatekeeping is a real problem in the tea community. I am not having a good time.)
“Dorothea chuckled. ‘It’s good to see a young woman eat her fill. In my day, girls were robust, strapping creatures, not twigs like they are nowadays.’ ‘Thanks,’ Clary said. She thought of Isabelle’s tiny waist and felt suddenly gigantic.”                                                                            (Cassandra Clare’s super feminist, guys. You can tell because she’s always pitting her female characters against each other.)
Rating So Far
3/10-Bad. Jonathan Shadowhunter gets an entire 10/10. I’m going to have my name legally changed to Jonathan Shadowhunter.
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imthepunchlord · 6 years
A Loose Timeline
Sooo with the confusing details popping up in new eps and the possibility that some eps in s2 are before some eps in s1, going to try and piece together a loose timeline/ep order, at least what I think is most likely based on the details given. 
because Tikki had to remind Marinette about the powers which suggest that’s super early and Marinette’s still getting the grasp of it
Lady Wifi
Alya locked on LB, suggesting that she’s very new and exciting still 
Tikki is super nervous about Alya possibly knowing
Chat's crush is new and he’s eager to move forward and get closer to her
eager to know who she is and is grasping straws
Early enough that Chloe is considered LB (ignore that detail that he saw LB save her... just, no explanation there, aside from boy is dense, gdi Adrien)
Only time he has asked about a reveal out of a want to get closer to her
Before Puppeteer
Stormy Weather
Marinette’s suuuper awkward with Adrien, suggesting that her crush is really recent and she isn’t comfortable with him yet nor knows how to act around him
Alya still has high views of LB and Manon is excited about her too, suggesting that she’s pretty new still
Early enough that Chat’s feelings are still new and easily on edge at the first sign of competition, probably first time to experience it
Petty and childish enough to not admit his fault and pins the blame on LB, could back this being his first partnership, also a first mistake he’s made on purpose to hurt someone; doesn’t want to admit he’s at fault 
Could’ve helped lead up to PQ with Theo thinking they’re dating and could’ve mentioned it to Nadja
Before Glaciator because LB isn’t aware of Chat’s feelings
Mr. Pigeon
Early enough that Marinette is still awkward and shy with Adrien; before Despair Bear and Gamer
Also early enough that Marinette has high praise for Gabriel, way before Collector
 In body language, Adrien flirts with Alya a little, before Animan
Adrien doesn’t respond to Chloe stealing a design, could be a point to post Despair Bear, or could lead up to it; with Marinette’s feelings still feel pretty new and her being awkward, leaning before Despair Bear
(thanks @whatarubberchicken and @some-italian for reminding about Jagged’s arrival)
For sure before Darkblade, Kung Food, and Animan; Jagged arrives in Paris
Marinette’s excited to hang out with Adrien, crush is still pretty new and still takes up a lot of her focus
Damocles helping LB protect Jagged can be another point to him being inspired to be a hero
Guitar Villain 
Dark Owl
Heroes around long enough to inspire Damocles to be one
Could lead up to Despair Bear, Damocles being set to prove to the Fire Department that they punish wrong doers (could also be post too)
Potentialy before Animan (maybe?), could lead up to Tikki’s tease at Marinette having a hard time talking to her crush
Honestly a little unsure of the placement, but kinda feels like DO could be early-ish
Nino and Alya start dating (I presume?)
Before Glaciator
Nino moved on from Marinette, before Evillustrator with Chat flirting with Marinette, not cool to flirt with your best bro’s crush, so Nino’s over his crush on Marinette
Before Despair Bear
Despair Bear
before DC, Kim still interested in Chloe, suggesting that’s before the rejection he went through
Adrien’s response to Chloe’s bullying
Was bothered by it in Origins, makes sense that he would tell her off sooner than later
His comment, in the end, backs him tolerating her misbehavior throughout s1: “Oh well, guess she’ll never change.” 
that suggests he sees no reason to try and change her behavior, so tolerating it instead for the most part 
Post Animan
DJWifi seen dancing together
Alya is still ultimate wingwoman
Before Evillustrator and Antibug
Chloe helps LB in the fight with DB, backs her idea that they’re best friends from working together
Also backs the idea that she could help with Vanisher
Santa Claws
Before Dark Cupid (Christmas before Valentine’s Day)
Chat visits Marinette’s first, could play off them dancing together in Despair Bear
Chat also drops by Chloe’s place, could work off Adrien and Chloe reconnecting in Despair Bear 
Dark Cupid 
Adrien’s feelings are still new and exciting, working with LB long enough he thinks it’s time to confess and see their relationship move to a new level
Before PQ because of the kiss
Before Glaciator because LB isn’t aware of Chat’s feelings still
potentially before Mime
Alya is still super excited about LB which suggests that she’s still pretty new
Akumas have been around long enough that Alya has a good idea on how it works and tells LB about the possessed item
Prime Queen 
picture of DC kiss, for sure DC before it
Copycat potentially before since Theo also could’ve been a source for Nadja since Chat did tell him that they were dating and it wasn’t de-confirmed. 
this one I have as a maaaybe, don’t know where exactly but for sure, post Animan 
leaning before Glaciator with DJWifi maybe still figuring out their limits
Nino going ahead and changing the script without talking to Alya
poor communication and a mindset to act independently and not talk with your partner
With Myvan I can see this before or after Glaciator, leaning before with the two still looking pretty awkward and shy with one another, but in Glaciator, they were comfortable. 
Marichat first meeting, before Glaciator 
Post Despair Bear, Chloe thinking she and LB are best friends because she helped in the fight
Before Puppeteer
Before Antibug, a fight with Chloe can be one point to lead up to Vanisher
Chloe still feels like she has a position of power in the class
Accusations go flying around, classmates don’t have each other’s back; suggesting before Darkblade, Refleckta, and Befana
Before Puppeteer
Post LW, Evillustrator, and Rogercop with plushies Marinette made
Marinette refers to Evillustrator only and said they met once, so takes place after Evillustrator; Gamer and Befana hasn’t happened yet
Post Animan, DJWifi getting ice cream together
LB is officially aware of Chat’s feelings and Chat is fine with her friendship
After Prime Queen, Alya mentions at the end that she hasn’t had an interview yet with LB, has now
Marinette and Adrien still aren’t close, before Gamer
Another Marichat encounter, for sure post Glaciator 
Max is at odds with Marinette for beating him
they reconcile in the end
Alya wasn’t crazy about the potential Adrienette date
Could factor in the potential of this being post Glaciator, sour about Adrien standing them up and annoyed Marinette’s still interested (don’t know for sure though...) 
Adrien and Marinette have their first solo hang out and Adrien allows himself to be vulnerable with Marientte, helping them get closer, and late enough that he’s comfortable opening up to her
Marinette wins her classmates’ favor, gains a position of power in the class
Post Darkblade, Marinette is able to rally the students for a picture shoot in the park, all agreeing to help Juleka feel better
Potentially before Antibug, Sabrina lingers behind sees the group having fun, could factor into her akuma Vanisher (her feeling invisible with Chloe)
Kung Food
thinking it over, with the detail that Marinette was able to calm down talk to Adrien easier, for sure post Gamer
And Adrien being insistent on how amazing Marinette is can be backed by her actions in Darkblade and Refleckta
Alix entrusts her watch with Marientte and Marinette is tasked with making the banner, suggesting post Darkblade and/or Refleckta, where Marinette proves her capablity and is well liked
Classmates hanging out suggests post Refleckta, especially with Juleka speaking out for once
Alix seems more involved with her classmates, suggesting post Refleckta where they all got to bond (aside from this ep and Gigantian, don’t remember any other times of Alix hanging out with anyone)
While still a little awkward, Marinette seems calmer with Adrien, suggesting she’s more comfortable with him
Post Gamer, Max is one of the classmates rushing up to help Marinette, also Adrien makes his own charm to give her
Post Glaciator, Andre the ice cream man is serving ice cream at the party, knows Marinette
Girl hang out, all of them getting along and are friends, suggested for sure, post Refleckta
They try out a scheme to help Marinette get closer with Adrien, suggesting before Riptose when she overhears him refer to her as a good friend, but could be post in an effort to get past that
Princess Fragrance
Marinette first meets Fu, but not introduced to him as the Guardian, before Volpina
Maybe it also happens a bit earlier... for sure close enough for Marinette to remember Fu in Collector
Post Despair Bear, Chloe feels she has a right to be apart of the fight
Sabrina feels invisible and underappreciated with Chloe from what her akuma implies, could be added in with what she sees at the end of Refleckta 
Chloe apologizes to LB and reconciles with Sabrina, could be a point to Marinette considering Chloe for bee
Before Volpina 
LB isn’t suspicious of Gabriel
Gabriel learns/suspects his son is Chat
Directly post Volpina
After Jackady, Gabriel suspects/knows his son is Chat
Marinette and Fu both suspect Gariel 
Marinette has a position of power in class, post Darkblade
Max knows to go to Marinette for help to get Markov back
Post Collector, Marinette visits Fu and learns about why earrings and ring can never be together
Post Volpina, Marinette works to improve her jealousy
Post Jackady, LB and Adrien are familiar with each other
Post Glaciator, LB confirms to just view him platonically, Arien being attracted to Kagami could be a point of him starting to move on from LB
But with what’s given, this could be a potential timeline/ep order, working off what’s given so far. Not a 100% sure, but this seems like a possiblity. 
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fezzian · 6 years
I was tagged by @scienceofficer-winifredburkle​ to do this. Thank ye!
Put your music on shuffle and post the first ten tracks!
1. Plexi - Peel A song about a girl committing suicide. Dark during the verses, but very pop during the chorus. Very Plexi.
2. Cocteau Twins - Pandora A beautiful ethereal song, as you would expect. The guitar reminds me of Autumn’s Grey Solace.
3. Plexi - Second Sunday Follows the Plexi formula of quiet dreamier verses and loud choruses. Full of existential dread! 
4. Mojave 3 - Return To Sender A lonely song. Always a mood. Pretty much as close to country that I’ll get.
5. Mankind Is Obsolete - Garden of Eden An industrial-ish jam. One of MKIO’s more fun songs.
6. My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep when i look at u i don’t know hwats real
7. Melissa Auf der Maur - This Would Be Paradise  An absolutley beautiful song, one of my favorites from her. It feels so cold to me. It samples (presumably) Tommy Douglas. When I hear it I just want to lay in the snow and question my own existence.
8. Hole - Never Go Hungry A fully acoustic, very intimate song. About conquering drug addiction. It’s one of those songs that really shows off Courtney’s songwriting abilities.
9. Austra - Lose It A bop from a modern electropop/new wavey band. Catch me dancing to it and crying in the shower.
10. Jack Off Jill - Kringle A classic early JOJ song. Strangely relatable?
I tag @jurassitol and uh whomst ever else wants to do this lmao
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skivvysupreme · 7 years
Skivvysupreme’s Fic Masterpost
hello, lovely readers! here’s the rebloggable version of my fic masterpost! full list is below the read-more (so try clicking the above link if it disappears on the mobile app in reblogs :D). as always, AO3 links are included if you prefer to browse there.
happy reading! xo
Skivvysupreme on AO3
One-Word Prompt Ficlets [read on AO3]
The Wax ‘Verse [read on AO3] - Kurt Hummel is a vampire. Blaine Anderson is a werewolf. This is how they help each other deal with it. The out-of-chronological-order verse thus far: —“Wax/Wane” (3200 words) —“Show Me Your Teeth” (2700 words) —“Blood Drive” (4200 words) —“Share, Part 1” (5500 words), “Share, Part 2” (4300 words), and “Share, Part 3” (4500 words) —“Thriller” (2700 words) and “Heads Will Roll” (4900 words) —“Monster Mash(up)” (2000 words) —“Feast” (2500 words) —“300 Joules” (4400 words) —“Under the Tide” (3000 words) —“Howl” (6200 words) —“Home” (2400 words) —“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” (4300 words) —“Yours and Mine” (3800 words) —“The Kissing Disease” (3800 words) —“Neck” (drabble, 680 words)
All Things Wax Verse!
The Cuffed ‘Verse [read on AO3] - In which Kurt is a Skank, Blaine is a Cheerio, and Puck is a very proactive Klaine shipper. The verse thus far: —“Throw Away The Key” (1800 words) —“Cuffed” (1750 words) —“Chainmail” (1900 words) —“Heavy Metal Lover, Part 1” (2800 words) —“Heavy Metal Lover, Part 2” (2400 words) —“Cage Match” (2200 words) —“Lockdown, Part 1” (1800 words) —“Lockdown, Part 2” (2200 words) —“Crime and Punishment” (1700 words) —“Knockout” (3500 words) —“Divide and Conquer” (4500 words) —“Permanent Record, Part 1” (3800 words) —“Permanent Record, Part 2” (4900 words) —“Wild” (drabble, 600 words)
All Things Cuffed Verse!
"I Saw the Signs" It’s so much scarier than the first (and last) time they discussed this, knowing Kurt has now gone and done it; this is the real test of whether or not Burt’s getting through to him. “You kids -- I mean. You, uh. You and Blaine. You’re being safe?” Features: early!Klaine via post-"The First Time" Hudmel family shenanigans 1400 words | read on AO3
“Heroes Never Die” The New Directions play Overwatch, and Kurt makes a new friend. Features: video game shenanigans 2000 words | read on AO3
“Fly” Blaine, Quinn, Kurt, and the other fairies of Pixie Hollow have a very serious problem on their hands. Features: Disney Fairies AU 1890 words | read on AO3
“That Can Only Mean One Thing” “Have I ever made a move on him? Blaine? As in, Blaine Anderson? My boss? Have I ever made a move on my boss? Is that the question you just asked?” Features: twentysomethings Kurt and Blaine (difference in work positions but not age), Rachel Berry, Adam Crawford, social media mishaps 4300 words | read on AO3
“Shiver” In which Blaine wants to play, Kurt wants to stay in bed, and everyone manages to get what they want. Features: silly/smutty/sappy winter fluff 1770 words | read on AO3
“Halftime” Blaine loves football, Kurt loves scarves. Somewhere in the middle of those interests lies Lady Gaga’s halftime show at Superbowl LI. Features: Hudmel-Anderson family shenanigans, married!Klaine 1500 words | read on AO3
“Show and Tell” It’s Valentine’s Day, and Kurt is so in love with his husband that he can’t even deal with it. Being drunk ought to help, right? Features: drunk!Kurt and lots of fluff 1500 words | read on AO3
“Renovations” Blaine has a very big surprise for his hybrid boyfriend on his birthday. Features: kitty!Kurt and absurd levels of fluff 1300 words | read on AO3
“Morning People” and “Night Owls” Every so often, Kurt wakes up first. Features: (Morning People) snuggles. lots and lots of snuggles, and (Night Owls) sleepy sex 850 words | read on AO3 940 words | read on AO3
“Unzipped” You know that incredible sweater of Kurt’s, the super comfy-looking, charcoal gray one with the wide neckline and zippers that run down the sleeves? Yeah, THAT ONE. Blaine’s a fan of it, too. Features: domestic fluff sex 1400 words | read on AO3
“Public Relations” Everyone has their favorite Warbler. Kurt won’t say which one is his. Features: famous!Blaine, shipping shenanigans, alternate meeting 8000 words | read on AO3
“Jack in the Box” Blaine watches Karofsky’s every move, down to the millimeter, his heart racing. He feels as though his muscles are actually ticking with the anticipation, because he doesn’t know which way this will go but can see that it won’t be good. Features: season 2 Klaine, Karofsky 1500 words | read on AO3
“Half & Half” Puppy!Blaine loves his barista job, and his coworkers and customers love him. He likes to be liked, and he loves feeling appreciated. It’s just… well, there’s only one coworker, in particular, who Blaine wants to notice him… Features: hybrids, coffee shop AU 1700 words | read on AO3
“Rubbing In, Rubbing Out” Kurt determinedly ignores the way his phone keeps vibrating in his pajama shirt’s breast pocket, because he’s about two sexts away from becoming indecent in the front of his loose silk pants. Features: phone sex, and a sleepover with the girls (Mercedes, Unique, and Tina) 1400 words | read on AO3
“Peach” Blaine looks really, really good in his sweatpants. Kurt’s really, really into it. Features: early Klaine, Booty Camp 800 words | read on AO3
“The Big Spoon” Height difference. That’s it, that’s the ficlet. Features: early Klaine 680 words | read on AO3
“Black and Blue” and “Pink and Purple” Nightbird is the hero of New York City, but, more importantly, he is late for dinner. Two days late. (Now followed by a prequel exploring Blaine and Kurt’s discovery of Blaine’s superpowers!) Features: (Black and Blue) superhero!Blaine, angst, anxiety, and (Pink and Purple) roughness of both the accidental and the purposeful sexy kind 2900 words | read on AO3 6000 words | read on AO3
“The Beyonce Suite” A snapshot exploration of the first few years of married life with Kurt and Blaine, inspired by Queen Bey’s self-titled opus Features: future!fic, lots of fluff and angst, self-esteem and body image issues, blowjobs, rimming, orgasm denial, discussion of anxiety and depression, grief, babies 10,000 words | read on AO3
“Catch, Part 1" and Part 2 “You’re staying, too? You’ll be here for the holiday?” “Yeah. I’ll be here.” “This might be a Merry Christmas after all, then.” Features: Harry Potter AU, Christmas, magical fluff 4600 words | read on AO3 3400 words | read on AO3
“Hold On, We’re Going Home” It’s been a few weeks since kitty!Kurt’s last visit, and Kurt is finally starting to think that he won’t be going home with anyone. But it’s fine. Whatever. He doesn’t need anyone, anyway. Features: kitty!Kurt, Samcedes, alternate meeting, and fluffffff 2800 words | read on AO3
“Home Remedies” Kurt was going to deal with his flu quietly and without fuss, but his and Blaine’s four-year-old daughter has other ideas. Features: the littlest Hummel-Anderson and a whole lot of fluff 1800 words | read on AO3
“Return to Sender” Kurt’s shifts at the Spotlight Diner keep turning into complete trainwrecks, and it’s all the hot UPS guy’s fault. Sort of. (Though, in all fairness, Kurt has always had certain weakness for men in uniforms.) Features: alternate meeting, Rachel and Santana being Rachel and Santana, shenanigans 3300 words | Read on AO3
“Drunk History, vol. 206” Kurt gets drunk AF and tells the story of how he and Blaine got together. Features: Elliott and way too much tequila 1800 words | read on AO3
“First Name Basis” “I just oh god I just stepped on your dog’s tail I’m so sorry pls I’m so sORRY“ Features: alternate meeting, rampant fluff, DOGS 1700 words | read on AO3
“Screwed” Blaine and Kurt play a game of “7 Minutes in Heaven” at an illegal-for-like-ten-different-reasons party with the Warblers, because there’s no way that could go wrong. Features: season 2 Klaine and a bit of claustrophobia 2900 words | read on AO3
“Boystown” Kurt and Blaine spend a night out in one of Chicago’s most famous neighborhoods. (Written for the Klaine Road Trip 2015) Features: a little bit of public frottage 3100 words | read on AO3
“Camera Obscura” Inspired by Darren Criss’ photoshoot for Broadway Style Guide Features: famous!Blaine, photographer!Kurt 2700 words | read on AO3
“Kiss You There” Wildling!Kurt knows a thing or two about keeping warm. Blaine Snow knows nothing. Features: oral, Game of Thrones AU, still enjoyable if you don’t watch the show! 2000 words | read on AO3
“The More You Know” Kurt’s got a routine doctor’s appointment and a not-so-routine fear of needles. Luckily, Blaine’s on hand to help distract him in any way he can. Features: fun facts about blood, mention of needles, but nothing too graphic if you have needle issues 1400 words | read on AO3
“Cosplay is for Lovers” Kurt and Blaine are getting ready for Ohio’s Comic-Con, but one of them isn’t so enthused about it. Features: Lord of the Rings!Klaine, sort of 730 words | read on AO3
fluffyfluffyfluffy untitled first time ficlet A short bit of fluff in the afterglow of Kurt and Blaine’s first time. Features: total fluff 520 words | read on AO3
“Fishbowl” Kurt’s a cat. Blaine’s a goldfish. Shhh trust me, just read it Features: alternate meeting, kitty!Kurt (actual cat, not hybrid), goldfish!Blaine, fluffy crack, Samcedes 1700 words | read on AO3
“What Has Been Seen” Sam walks in on Blaine’s date night with Kurt. Mercedes is not here for these shenanigans. Features: light D/s, Samcedes 2100 words | read on AO3
“The Romantics” Civil War AU: Kurt gets to know Blaine when he finds him lying unconscious in front of his house. Features: alternate meeting, angst (happy-ish ending though!), discussion of grief, discussion of character death (both canon and not-canon), PTSD 3700 words | read on AO3
“Compromise” Newlywed Blaine has a thing for “married sex.” Features: shower sex, barebacking 2300 words | read on AO3
“Beeline” Summer pool party shenanigans don’t go quite as expected. Features: early!Klaine, fluff, Blaine’s butt 1400 words | read on AO3
“To The Left” Kurt meets his new neighbor via noise complaint. Features: alternate meeting, h/c 1500 words | read on AO3
“Constantine” Kurt and Blaine meet an owl at the zoo. Features: fun facts about the Eurasian eagle owl because reading is fun-damental 1200 words | read on AO3
“Whoever Wins, Loses” Blaine wakes up in the middle of the night to find Kurt having a nightmare. Features: h/c, panic/anxiety issues, angst, discussion of canon character death 1400 words | read on AO3
“You Can Call Me King B” It’s time for Kurt Hummel, the court painter, to create Prince Blaine’s portrait. Features: royal!Blaine, artist!Kurt, handjobs, ye olde marriage equality problems 2200 words | read on AO3
“Suit and Tie” Blaine really loves listening to Kurt talk about his day. Features: light D/s undertones, oral sex, and a lil’ frottage 1900 words | read on AO3
“Stranded” and “Recovered” College AU: sexiled Blaine meets drunk!Kurt. The next morning, hungover!Kurt meets Blaine. Features: Samtina shenanigans, fluff, h/c, alternate meeting 1300 words | read on AO3 1200 words | read on AO3
“Pins + Needles” and “Levers & Pulleys” pocket!Blaine AU: In “Pins + Needles,” Blaine goes to work with Kurt. In a same-verse follow-up, Blaine and Kurt work on the issue of Blaine’s dependency Features: Klaine being married af, designer!Kurt, Sam 1200 words | read on AO3 3300 words | read on AO3
“It’s Still Happening" With his father in the hospital, Kurt returns to their empty house. Features: “Grilled Cheesus” reaction fic / episode-filler, angst angst angst 2000 words | read on AO3
silly untitled Nightbird ficlet Short, ridiculous fluff about Blaine’s relationship with superheroes and taurine Features: energy drink shenanigans, season 5 NYC!Klaine 800 words | read on AO3
“Friends, Buddies, Pals” “I mean, you’d do that with Rachel and Mercedes, right? Because that’s something you do when you’re just friends?” Features: “I Do” reaction fic / episode-filler, marking/possessive sex, riding, phone sex, Klaine not understanding what the word “platonic” means 3900 words | read on AO3
“Moonlight Becomes You” 1950s AU: It’s 1957 and the New Directions, a struggling young band, can’t catch a break. Enter Scandals, its rich young proprietor, and its star performer. Features: midgame Kurtbastian (but don’t let that put you off if that’s an issue for you, it’s endgame Klaine!), assorted members of the canon New Directions, Elliot, Trent Warbler 2300 words / ? 
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caraalee · 5 years
Winter Wonderland in Zagreb, Croatia
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After a sleepless night in Naples, followed by an epic journey through Slovenia, I was ready to have the best time of my whole life in Zagreb. Our time there may have just seemed better than it really was, just following the stressful time getting there, but our few days in Zagreb were some of the best travel days I’ve ever had!
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I would have loved to sleep in, but we signed up for a walking tour ahead of time just because we didn’t know much about Zagreb or what to do there, so a highly rated walking tour hit two birds with one stone. Luckily, because of the early-ish start to the day, we were forced to find a breakfast place. It was a little tough finding a sit-down breakfast place on a Monday in February, but Bistro Fotić came up on my Google search, and it was really close to Zrinjevac Park, where we were meeting our walking tour guide.
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What a great find! Bistro Fotić was both lovely and yummy. We both got the mushroom, cheese, and pepper omelette like the twinsters we are, and it was delish. We also got complimentary bread, too, which I enjoyed, but Roobz didn’t...I think I’m biased toward free bread, but it was dough-y and delicious. The decor was very charming and had plenty of Croatian spark throughout. I only take photos of restaurant decor that speaks to my soul, so that’s saying something.
A Fun[icular] Walking Tour Through Zagreb
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Once we finished, we headed over to Zrinjevac Park to meet our walking tour. Our guide’s name was Petra, and we ended up being the only ones on the tour. It was nice to have a private tour, and Petra was excellent, but two hours in the snow was a long time to chit chat with someone I had just met. Luckily, Roobz had questions up the wazoo, and we learned some great tid bits about Croatia-- Nikola Tesla was born there, and it’s where the ballpoint pen AND cravat aka necktie were invented! We also found out Petra’s brother lives in Astoria! Small world.
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During the tour, we saw all the main sites except St. Mark’s Chapel and Parliament because the Serbian president was visiting, so streets were blocked off. We were able to enjoy the main attraction of the walking tour--riding the funicular (the shortest in the world!) from upper to lower town. We were also able to catch the daily noontime Lotrscak Tower canon blast, along with the view from the top of the city. So pretty! The architecture in Zagreb was reminiscent of German buildings (at least from the photos I’ve seen), and Petra told us that the buildings were Austro-Hungarian style. I really loved the detail and cone-shaped roofs. We were able to sneak a peek into the Zagreb Cathedral, which was very pretty.
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By the end of the tour, we were wet and freezing. But the city was so charming with so much rich history that a lot of people don’t know about, so we really enjoyed learning and getting some history lessons and stories.
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After our tour, we were ready to sit indoors and feast. We had lunch at Vinodol, thanks to Petra’s suggestion. It was very nice and mostly full of fancy-looking business people. I got the truffle fuzi pasta (Croatia is full of truffly foods we were delighted to learn), and Roobz got the fried steak and potatoes. We both got Dzujsko, the local beer, and we got complimentary bread again--score! Everything was delicious. To reiterate, I had pasta, bread, beer, and finished Roobz’s potatoes. I still tell people about this entirely carbolicious meal I scarfed down with no regrets. MM!
After we filled our bellies, we headed back to the Airbnb to warm up, relax, and do laundry for the first time in two weeks. The nice part about walking tours is feeling productive while still having time to unwind and regroup.
Accidental Michelin-Star Dinner
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When we were ready to eat again, I looked up a few places within walking distance and found Zinfindel’s, which had good reviews. Little did we know, we were about to stumble upon a very fancy time!
Upon walking on over, we discovered the restaurant was attached to a hotel, and the entrance had ropes and doormen, so we figured the restaurant would be pretty nice. We were the first ones there and were greeted by the maitre d, so we quickly realized (via the fact there was a maitre d and a Michelin-star sign) that this was going to be fancy fancy. I kind of felt like a peasant with my canvas bag (with a slightly jammed zipper I sewed on myself) and floral Forever 21 dress with pockets, but hey--that’s me and #yolo.
Aside from feeling a bit under-dressed and awkward to actually be waited on by waiters, it was a great time! The staff was very nice and attentive. We got hot towels and an appetizer compliments of the chef! All in all, it was a decently priced restaurant--the prices were comparable to an average midtown Manhattan restaurant.
We had a memorable beverage experience that made the post-vacation story circuit. After ordering a bottle of wine, the waiter came back to our table, opened up the cork then stuck it in Roobz’s face. Who knew smelling the cork was a thing?! My canvas-bagged self did not! Our wine bottle also got its own table next to our bottle of water (we felt lame ordering tap water at a fancy restaurant...). 
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Our food was delicious! I think I ordered the sea bass and Roobz got the truffle pasta. For dessert, I got chocolate cake, and Roobz got a nutella napoleon. YUM. I would have taken more photos, but we were being watched by the attentive staff, and I was being the ultimate fancy-restaurant tourist. Money tip: we were able to pay in euros here but needed to exchange for some kunas later on for places that still didn’t take euros.
Day Two of Exploring Zagreb
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For our last breakfast, I found a restaurant with good reviews, but it turned out to be closed. We looked up another place and found La Struk, and I’m so glad we did. La Struk offered a variety of savory and sweet štrukli, an authentic Croatian dish popular in the Zagreb area and in Slovenia. It’s filled with cottage cheese and kind of similar in texture to lasagna. Because they make them fresh, we had to wait a short while, but it was worth it. I got the pumpkin pesto, and Roobz got apple. Marvelous and perfect for a chilly winter day!
Checking Out Upper Town
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Because we missed some sites during our walking tour, we returned to Upper Town to explore and see what we missed. We walked back up to the city top to see a clearer view of the city--gorgeous. Then we headed to St. Mark’s Chapel. Also gorg! #RoofGoals #RoobsAndRooves To check out the souvenir situation, we checked out the city’s central square, Ban Jelačić Square, where there are merchants selling goods during the day, and we got a small drawing of the Square. 
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We also looked the town’s open-air market, Dolac, which is in between Upper and Lower Towns. During the day, there’s a farmer’s market with rows and rows of merchants. We picked up a small wooden canteen with St. Mark’s Chapel on it to hang up at home. Memories!
Coffee Break 
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After that round of walking, we headed to a cute and popular cafe called Amélie to get some coffee. The desserts there looked so delicate and yummy, so we also got an orange doughnut-like gift on earth and the Amélie torte. After perusing a bit, we added macarons to go because we’re worth it. After stopping by a grocery store to get snacks and breakfast for our road trip back to Italy, and picking up some more souvenirs, we headed back to Airbnb to lounge and watch a few episodes of House (highly recommended on a winter vacation day) before dinner.
Last Dinner
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For our last dinner, we headed to Boban. I got the black truffle tagliatelle. It was decent, but it wasn’t the best I’ve had. Along with some octopus, it came with chewy tomatoes and one piece of basil (I’d eat a plateful of basil if available). Roobz got the truffle gnocci (last truffle pasta!). 
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We also shared a side of swiss chard and potatoes to sort of offset the pounds and pounds of carbs we had consumed over the past few days...but that didn’t stop us from getting some final Croatian beers! Roobz got Tomislav stout, and I got a limun beer. 
On our way back to the Airbnb, we stumbled upon a mini festival in the Square and enjoyed that for a bit--it was a fun send-off from this magical city.
I’m so glad we kept Zagreb in the mix of this whirlwind Euro trip. It was a bit of wild card but ended up being our favorite stop, despite the wintry mix and long drive getting there. Everyone we met was so nice and humbly proud of their city and country. The food was a delightful surprise--I’d describe it as a cross-over between Greek and Italian, but it has its own yummy, truffly flair. Our stay there was relaxed, fun, educational and charming. We were sad to leave, but we had our next and last stop to get to: Venice for Valentine’s Day!
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