#earthquake today afghanistan
technoajay · 2 years
अफगानिस्तान में भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या 155 पहुंची, बिछड़ों को परिवार से मिलाने की कोशिश जारी
अफगानिस्तान में भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या 155 पहुंची, बिछड़ों को परिवार से मिलाने की कोशिश जारी
Image Source : PTI/FILE Afghanistan Earthquake Highlights भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या 155 हुई दक्षिण पूर्वी अफगानिस्तान में बीते हफ्ते आया था भीषण भूकंप तालिबानी शासकों ने भूकंप से मरने वालों की संख्या 1,150 बताई Earthquake In Afghanistan: अफगानिस्तान में भूकंप की वजह से मारे गए बच्चों की संख्या बढ़कर 155 पहुंच गई है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने इस बारे में जानकारी दी है और बताया है कि…
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earthquake | earthquake today | Afghanistan | earthquake news | earthquake just now | Kabul
The earth of Afghanistan trembled again, earthquake tremors felt in Kabul, the intensity was so much An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale hit Kabul at 5:49 am on Wednesday. According to the National Center for Seismology, the epicenter of the earthquake was 85 km east of Kabul. Earthquake tremors were felt in Kabul, Afghanistan. An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale hit…
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narrie · 9 months
as a lot of attention and media coverage is focusing on the critical situation in palestine atm, i wanna make this post to bring some awareness to the devastating earthquakes that have hit western afghanistan (herat) recently. this past weekend (october 7, 2023) over 2000 ppl died due to the 6.3-magnitude and another earthquake with the same magnitude hit the area again today (october 11, 2023).
the ppl are in dire need of financial aid since a lot of those had been cut in recent years due to the taliban taking over again. the wfp regional director for asia and the pacific said this drastic drop in funding (wfp had 80% less money for afghanistan than last year!!!) is going to lead to a famine and the situation is looking hopeless; especially children and women are suffering these consequences.
here are some organizations that are working on the ground rn and are reliable! please share and consider donating, even if it's just the money u would've spent on takeout or an iced coffee today.
islamic relief and doctors without borders are 2 very well established nonprofits that always help out financially and medically in emergency situations in developing countries
visions for children - german nonprofit founded by two afghan sisters which sets up educational programs and emergency funds!
asiyah international - another german nonprofit that's running national and international aid projects!
srowzar children - australian nonprofit that's on the ground in afghanistan and always posting updates on how ur donations are making a difference!
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lem0nademouth · 7 months
i have not seen western obsession with a non-western conflict ever in my life on the scale that i have this last six or so weeks. and i know - i know - i’m probably being paranoid and unforgiving, but i cannot help but notice this just so happens to be The non-western conflict involving jews. i cannot help but remember this avalanche of statements and opinions started with the slaughter of 1,400 jews and the kidnapping of over 200 more.
the russo-ukrainian war is nearing the end of it’s second year. earthquakes have devestated afghanistan, turkey, iran, syria, and azerbaijan. there is an ongoing war and genocide in sudan. and that’s just the front page of rueter’s for today.
i know i’m probably overthinking and overreacting, but i can’t help but notice my peers who call themselves champions for social justice have stayed silent unless they’re sharing racist misinformation. i can’t help but notice how people only care when it’s an excuse to hate jews.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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U-2 Avionics Technician explains why Dragon Lady pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
The U-2
Built in complete secrecy by Kelly Johnson and the Lockheed Skunk Works, the original U-2A first flew in August 1955. Early flights over the Soviet Union in the late 1950s provided the president and other US decision makers with key intelligence on Soviet military capability. In October 1962, the U-2 photographed the buildup of Soviet offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba, touching off the Cuban Missile Crisis. In more recent times, the U-2 Dragon Lady has provided intelligence during operations in Korea, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq. When requested, the U-2 also provides peacetime reconnaissance in support of disaster relief from floods, earthquakes, and forest fires as well as search and rescue operations.
U-2 print
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. U-2S Dragon Lady “Senior Span”, 9th RW, 99th RS, 80-329
The U-2R, first flown in 1967, was 40 percent larger and more capable than the original aircraft. A tactical reconnaissance version, the TR-1A, first flew in August 1981 and was structurally identical to the U-2R. The last U-2 and TR-1 aircraft were delivered in October 1989; in 1992 all TR-1s and U-2s were designated as U-2Rs. Since 1994, $1.7 billion has been invested to modernize the U-2 airframe and sensors. These upgrades also included the transition to the GE F118-101 engine which resulted in the re-designation of all Air Force U-2 aircraft to the U-2S.
U-2 pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
Despite all these upgrades, one thing that hasn’t changed much at all over the years is oxygen.
U-2 Avionics Technician explains why Dragon Lady pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
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‘[U-2 pilots] breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight,’ Damien Leimbach, former USAF Avionics Technician on U-2 aircraft, says on Quora.
‘The plane flies at extreme altitudes (above 70K ft) which many people know. What most people don’t know is that the cockpit is not a pressure vessel. Look at the three panels under the windscreen in this photo.
U-2 Avionics Technician explains why Dragon Lady pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
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‘Opening any of those up would allow a maintainer to look directly into the cockpit. The only thing holding the air inside is a thin smear of sealant, and some screws for the panel. As a result, the cockpit is only pressurized to the equivalent of about 29k ft, which for reference is roughly equal to standing at the top of Everest.
‘Why? To save weight. Putting a pilot in a space suit weighs less than building a pressure vessel into the plane.
U-2 pilots pre-breathing pure oxygen
U-2 Avionics Technician explains why Dragon Lady pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
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‘You see that suitcase close to them? Yeah, that’s not their spare underwear and a toothbrush. It’s a liquid oxygen supply. They just spent an hour or more like this,
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U-2 Avionics Technician explains why Dragon Lady pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
‘pre-breathing pure oxygen to purge his system of nitrogen.’
As highlighted above, one thing that hasn’t changed much at all over the years is oxygen: in fact, pre-breathing took place in the 1950s just like it takes place today.
Leimbach explains;
‘Just like scuba divers, rapid decompression in an emergency could cause the bends. So, the pilot will spend an hour or two before a mission taking a nap and breathing pure oxygen, then hooking up to the LOX case for the ride out to the jet, where PSD (physiological support division) will then connect him to the liquid oxygen supply on the jet. Then they get to spend the next 8–12 hours continuing to breathe pure oxygen during the mission. They do NOT mix the pure oxygen with air. That would defeat the purpose of the nitrogen purge. Anyone suggesting that this is somehow harmful or fatal to pilots needs to stop relying so much on bots so write her answers.
‘Here is a crew chief servicing the LOX tanks on the U-2.’
U-2 Avionics Technician explains why Dragon Lady pilots breathe pure oxygen for as much as 14 hours straight
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Photo credit: Staff Sgt. Kenny Holston, Airman 1st Class Luis A. Ruiz-Vazquez, Senior Airman Colville McFee, SrA Andrew Buchanan 9th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs / U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin
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This model is available in multiple sizes from AirModels – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS.
Dario Leone
Dario Leone is an aviation, defense and military writer. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviation Geek Club” one of the world’s most read military aviation blogs. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. He has reported from Europe and flown Super Puma and Cougar helicopters with the Swiss Air Force.
@Habubrats71 via X
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leaving-fragments · 8 months
anyway i mapped like 200 buildings in herat, afghanistan today to help with earthquake relief... it didn't feel like i was helping, but more accurate maps will probably make it actually easier for ppl working on the ground, so maybe it was beneficial
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🍃 🇦🇫 🍃 Afghanistan needs your attention
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, a devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan, claiming over 2,000 lives and leaving thousands injured.
Herat and 12 nearby villages are severely affected, with more than 3,000 families in need of your support. Our team on the ground in Afghanistan are assessing needs for effective fund distribution, to ensure that your donations reaches those who need it most.
Join us in providing immediate relief to victims and help us with our long-term project for rebuilding homes for the people of Herat.
Your contribution matters more than ever; by taking action today, you can be part of the solution.
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shineah-aj · 1 year
Tuesday, 21 March
Today is Tuesday, March 21st and I'm currently in Delhi, India. Moments ago, I felt the ground beneath me shake and quickly ran outside the building where I'm staying. After things settled down a bit, I went back inside and turned on the news. It turns out that there was indeed an earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale in Afghanistan and 5.5 in India. The epicenter was in Afghanistan. I'm feeling incredibly grateful that I'm safe and unharmed.
Today, I realized that there are still two things that I have yet to experience - the rush of torturing someone and the thrill of witnessing gore. I didn't want to die without experiencing these things, no matter the cost. It is a burning desire that consumes me and drives me forward, no matter the consequences and I therefore am grateful to be safe.
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giftofshewbread · 2 years
End Times
Faster and Harder :: By Daymond Duck  Published on: June 26, 2022
I have known Christians that didn’t seem to know anything about Bible prophecy to say, “I know this; we are one day closer to the return of Jesus today than we were yesterday.”
No one can deny that each day moves the world one day closer to the return of Jesus, but people need to realize that major prophecies are shaping up, and they appear to be on steroids.
Biblically speaking, wars and rumors of wars, famine, inflation, natural disasters, world government, tracking all buying and selling, etc., are happening like birth pains (coming faster and harder).
They appear to be unstoppable (and very well could be because every word of Bible prophecy will be fulfilled).
Consider these recent events and reports:
One, concerning natural disasters: several years of drought and growth have caused the two largest water reservoirs in the U.S. to reach their lowest levels since they were built (Lake Mead and Lake Powell).
On June 17, 2022, it was reported that the Bureau of Reclamation has given the seven states in the Colorado River system 60 days to draft an emergency plan to cut their water usage in the next 12 months or the Bureau of Reclamation will declare an emergency and make the cuts that need to be made.
Commissioner Camille Touton told a group of U.S. Senators, “The challenges we are seeing today are unlike anything we have seen in our history.”
(More: On June 21, 2022, it was reported that flooding in southern China has forced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people and caused more than $250 million in damage to date.)
(More: On June 22, 2022, it was reported that a 6.1 earthquake in eastern Afghanistan has killed about 1,000, injured about 1,500, and many families are missing.)
Two, concerning Israel’s prosperity and the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 15, 2022, Israel signed an agreement with the EU to send liquified natural gas to Europe, and that will be a major blow to Russia’s economy.
Israel will send the liquified natural gas to Egypt, and it will flow on to Europe over Egyptian pipelines.
In addition to getting a big chunk of Russia’s business, Israel will have improved relations with the EU and Egypt.
Amir Tsarfati called this blow to Russia “a countdown to the Battle of Gog and Magog.”
Time will tell, but Russia’s need for wealth and Israel’s prosperity clearly fit Bible prophecy.
Three, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog or perhaps the destruction of Damascus in one night: last week, I reported that Israeli rockets struck several targets near Damascus on June 10, 2022, and there was significant damage to civilian and military runways at the Damascus International Airport.
The airport was using a Russian-made radar system that was damaged in the attack.
Syria wants Russia to repair the radar system so planes can land and take off, but Russia will only repair it if Russia is given control of the airport.
Iran has been controlling the airport and is not likely to let Russia have it.
It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
Four, concerning the destruction of Damascus in one night (Isa. 17): on June 15, 2022, it was reported that an Israeli official told Syrian Pres. Assad that he risks losing the Damascus International Airport if he continues to allow Iranian planes to land there with weapons and supplies for use against Israel.
(More: The next day, June 16, 2022, it was reported that the Israeli official also told Assad that Israel reserves the right to bomb his palace if he continues to allow Iranian planes to land at the Damascus International Airport with weapons and supplies for use against Israel. This could turn out to be the destruction of Damascus in one night– Isa. 17.)
Five, concerning the Israeli government: on June 20, 2022, Israeli Prime Min. Naftali Bennett and Alternate Prime Min. Yair Lapid announced that they will bring a vote to dissolve their government in one week and schedule an election of a new government for Oct. 25, 2022.
Former Prime Min. Netanyahu will seek the nomination of his Likud Party, but his enemies will desperately try to stop him, and who will run and win remains to be determined.
(More: On June 21, 2022, it was reported that Ayelet Shaked, a member of Prime Min. Bennett’s party, told Netanyahu she will switch to his party, giving him enough members to form a government if he wants to avoid another election. The report did not say what Netanyahu will do.)
Six, concerning wickedness as in the days of Noah: more than 20 crisis pregnancy centers have been damaged by graffiti, smashed windows and arson since Politico published the Supreme Court’s draft opinion concerning Roe v. Wade in early May.
A terrorist group that calls itself Jane’s Revenge has taken credit for the crimes and threatened to take “increasingly drastic measures” in the future.
This is literal domestic terrorism, and the Biden administration is completely ignoring it (like ignoring open borders, ignoring Antifa and BLM crimes, ignoring the fact that some prosecutors refuse to prosecute known criminals, etc.), but they jailed Trump supporters that entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, investigated parents that spoke out at school board meetings against teaching CRT, the gay agenda, etc.
There is unequal justice in the Biden administration and America’s justice system.
Seven, Concerning the days of Lot: on June 21, 2022, it was reported that Pres. Biden has signed an executive order to help young teens get transgender surgeries, to help biological girls 8-10 years get puberty blockers, to help biological boys 10-15 years old get puberty blockers, to allow transgender students to use the bathroom or locker room of their choice at school, to prohibit counseling against transitioning to a different gender, etc.
How much worse does America have to get to be as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah?
When will our holy, just, and patient God act?
Eight, on June 16, 2022, it was reported that the Biden administration may declare a national public health emergency so doctors can perform abortions in states where they are illegal if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Biden may also allow doctors to perform abortions on military bases in those states.
So, Biden is looking for ways to let doctors keep killing babies regardless of what the U.S. Supreme Court or individual state laws say.
Americans are getting a glimpse of what life will be like under the coming wicked and lawless world government (equal justice won’t exist).
Nine, concerning every eye seeing the body of the Two Witnesses lying in the street in Jerusalem (Rev. 11:8) and every eye seeing the Second Coming of Jesus (Rev. 1:7): the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted SpaceX permission to put 12,000 Starlink satellites in orbit and is considering SpaceX’s application to put up to 30,000 additional satellites in orbit.
Elon Musk (head of SpaceX) wants to put about 42,000 satellites in orbit so every person on earth will have access to the Internet.
On June 17, 2022, it was reported that SpaceX has put about 3,000 satellites in orbit to date (SpaceX can put 60 satellites in orbit with just one rocket).
If this is the fulfillment of the prophecies, SpaceX only needs to get all the satellites in orbit by the middle of the Tribulation Period.
Ten, concerning inflation, lying and deceit: I am not an attorney, but as I understand a June 15, 2022, article:
In Jan. 2021, Pres. Biden signed an executive order banning new federal oil and gas leasing in the U.S.
In Mar. 2021, several states filed a lawsuit to set aside Biden’s executive order.
In June 2021, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ordered Pres. Biden to keep selling new federal oil and gas leases until the case is settled.
Despite the court order, during the next 10 months, the Biden administration didn’t sell even one oil or gas lease.
In Apr. 2022, the states asked the U.S. District Court to permanently stop the Biden administration from banning the sale of new federal oil and gas leases.
On June 15, 2022, it was reported that the Biden administration asked a federal court to let Biden keep banning the sale of new oil and gas leases.
The high price of gasoline and diesel fuel is contributing to inflation; the high price of food; looming energy and fertilizer shortages; soaring utility bills, etc.
Because inflation is soaring, the feds are raising interest rates, the stock market is declining, and some experts are predicting a recession.
At the same time that Biden is blaming the energy crisis on Putin and the big oil companies, he is going to court to hold down oil and gas production in the U.S.
From a prophetic standpoint, it looks like Biden is setting the stage for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to ride soon.
(More: At the same time that Biden is going to court to reduce the production of oil and gas in the U.S., he will be meeting with Saudi Arabia to get the Saudis to increase their production of oil and natural gas. If Biden is not deliberately weakening the U.S. to bring it into the New World Order, why is he doing this? It truly looks like the deliberate weakening of America is part of the Build Back Better scheme.)
Eleven, concerning food shortages: last week, multitudes of cattle died in Kansas, and the cause has been a matter of rampant speculation.
I can’t settle the issue as to why the cattle died, but on June 17, 2022, it was reported that more than 10,000 cattle died.
Pray that this is the end of the problem.
Twelve, concerning inflation and electrical shortages: most residents of Illinois have been notified that their electric bill will rise about 50% starting this month (June 2022), and some have been asked to reduce the amount of electricity they are using to help prevent brownouts.
Thirteen, concerning fuel shortages: diesel fuel is now about $6 per gallon (up about 75% in the last 12 months).
Fourteen, concerning the election: on June 18, 2022, about 5,100 delegates and alternates met at the Texas Republican convention to approve their Party Platform.
After watching Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary titled “2000 Mules,” the group approved a measure that says Pres. Joe Biden “was not legitimately elected.”
(More: On June 20, 2022, Bob Adelmann (regular contributor to The New American) wrote that he watched “2000 Mules,” and he believes Trump won the Electoral College Vote in a landslide (by more than 70 votes). Adelmann noted that the evidence presented in “2000 Mules” has caused the ex-Mayor of San Luis, Arizona, to plead guilty to forgery, conspiracy, and ballot abuse, and to offer evidence as part of a plea bargain. Officials are investigating her claim.)
Fifteen, on June 16, 2022, Dr. Michael Brown (Radio Host, Professor, author, Christian Zionist) posted an excellent article titled “How the Triumph Of LGBTQ+ Activism Has Negatively Impacted the Church.”
The article is short, filled with great advice, and well worth one’s time.
It can be found at https://stream.org/how-the-triumph-of-lgbtq-activism-has-negatively-impacted-the-church/
In my words, here are just 3 of Dr. Brown’s points:
About 30 years ago, Christianity was respected, and homosexuality was disdained, but now gays are celebrated, and the Church is largely ridiculed.
Many (especially young people) now believe gay is good and the Church is bad, so they are leaving the Church.
Past generations proudly called themselves Christians and would have been insulted to be called gay, but Christians are openly mocked by the current generation, and gays are celebrated.
According to Dr. Brown, “The problem for true followers of Jesus is that the Bible hasn’t changed, which means that God is still against homosexual practice and identity. And so, if we want to be in solidarity with the Lord, we will find ourselves at odds with the prevailing culture.”
(My opinion: This rift between believers and the prevailing culture is behind the attacks on Churches and pro-life centers that oppose abortion. It will worsen, and it will eventually lead to the persecution of those that are faithful.)
Sixteen, concerning a digital currency (a system for government to track all buying and selling and control everyone): on June 17, 2022, Federal Reserve Pres. Jerome Powell announced that the Fed does plan to develop a “Digital Dollar” (sometimes called a Central Bank Digital Currency—CBDC).
The Fed will control the digital currency and have the authority to freeze accounts and seize funds (deny you access to your money and take it if they don’t approve of what you say and do).
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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mask131 · 2 years
Not related to the recent earthquake, but when it comes to Afghanistan it is dreadfully and disgustingly ironic when you see the two discourse opposing each other.
As in: when you look on Tumblr posts about the awful fanatic dictatorship, the removal of human rights, the violence and mass deaths at the hand of the talibans - a lot of reactions are “Now that foreign countries are gone from Afghanistan, at least they can choose their own path, they can make their own country, they can have their own culture ; to have the USA, or the UK, or any other power in here is SUCH a bad idea, always was and still is, and if we send people to help we are just making things worse or being mass hypocrits” (Here words taken literally from the notes of Tumblr posts)
But when you look at actual documentaries, interviews in secret with women hidding, and what most people have to say there, every time, they keep saying the same thing “We need international help! The world has abandonned us and the superpowers have let the talibans enter our country! We ask for intervention and help from other countries, to chase them away, because on our own we can’t. And their refusal to help or do anything just makes me so furious and desperate. If they don’t do anything, our only solutions are to flee our home or die.” (again, actual words taken from several of the documentaries and interviews that have been going around ever since the talibans took over).
I am not trying to say anything specific here, because there are not my words nor are they my opinions. But they are the things I see regularly and am confronted with, and this is the grotesque parallel that formed itself before my eyes.
There’s a lot of other things like that, when you compare what people have to say about an issue and what people inside said issue have to say. But this will probably be enough for today... 
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brookstonalmanac · 24 days
Events 5.30 (after 1930)
1937 – Memorial Day massacre: Chicago police shoot and kill ten labor demonstrators. 1941 – World War II: Manolis Glezos and Apostolos Santas climb the Athenian Acropolis and tear down the German flag. 1942 – World War II: One thousand British bombers launch a 90-minute attack on Cologne, Germany. 1943 – The Holocaust: Josef Mengele becomes chief medical officer of the Zigeunerfamilienlager (Romani family camp) at Auschwitz concentration camp. 1948 – A dike along the flooding Columbia River breaks, obliterating Vanport, Oregon within minutes. Fifteen people die and tens of thousands are left homeless. 1958 – Memorial Day: The remains of two unidentified American servicemen, killed in action during World War II and the Korean War respectively, are buried at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. 1959 – The Auckland Harbour Bridge, crossing the Waitemata Harbour in Auckland, New Zealand, is officially opened by Governor-General Charles Lyttelton, 10th Viscount Cobham. 1961 – The long-time Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo is assassinated in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 1961 – Viasa Flight 897 crashes after takeoff from Lisbon Airport, killing 61. 1963 – A protest against pro-Catholic discrimination during the Buddhist crisis is held outside South Vietnam's National Assembly, the first open demonstration during the eight-year presidency of Ngo Dinh Diem. 1966 – Former Congolese Prime Minister, Évariste Kimba, and several other politicians are publicly executed in Kinshasa on the orders of President Joseph Mobutu. 1967 – The Nigerian Eastern Region declares independence as the Republic of Biafra, sparking a civil war. 1968 – Charles de Gaulle reappears publicly after his flight to Baden-Baden, West Germany, and dissolves the French National Assembly by a radio appeal. Immediately after, less than one million of his supporters march on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. This is the turning point of May 1968 events in France. 1971 – Mariner program: Mariner 9 is launched to map 70% of the surface, and to study temporal changes in the atmosphere and surface, of Mars. 1972 – The Angry Brigade goes on trial over a series of 25 bombings throughout the United Kingdom. 1972 – In Ben Gurion Airport (at the time: Lod Airport), Israel, members of the Japanese Red Army carry out the Lod Airport massacre, killing 24 people and injuring 78 others. 1974 – The Airbus A300 passenger aircraft first enters service. 1975 – European Space Agency is established. 1979 – Downeast Flight 46 crashes on approach to Knox County Regional Airport in Rockland, Maine, killing 17. 1982 – Cold War: Spain joins NATO. 1989 – Tiananmen Square protests of 1989: The 10-metre high "Goddess of Democracy" statue is unveiled in Tiananmen Square by student demonstrators. 1990 – Croatian Parliament is constituted after the first free, multi-party elections, today celebrated as the National Day of Croatia. 1998 – The 6.5 Mw  Afghanistan earthquake shook the Takhar Province of northern Afghanistan with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII (Very strong), killing around 4,000–4,500. 1998 – Nuclear Testing: Pakistan conducts an underground test in the Kharan Desert. It is reported to be a plutonium device with yield of 20kt TNT equivalent. 2003 – Depayin massacre: At least 70 people associated with the National League for Democracy are killed by government-sponsored mob in Burma. Aung San Suu Kyi flees the scene, but is arrested soon afterwards. 2008 – Convention on Cluster Munitions is adopted. 2008 – TACA Flight 390 overshoots the runway at Toncontín International Airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and crashes, killing five people. 2012 – Former Liberian president Charles Taylor is sentenced to 50 years in prison for his role in atrocities committed during the Sierra Leone Civil War. 2013 – Nigeria passes a law banning same-sex marriage.
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yhwhrulz · 3 months
Today's selected anniversaries: 20th March 2024
An earthquake occurred in the Argentine province of Mendoza, causing at least 6,000 deaths and destroying most of the buildings in the province's capital city. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1861_Mendoza_earthquake
The United States Navy commissioned its first aircraft carrier, USS Langley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Langley_%28CV-1%29
World War II: U.S. Marines made a landing on Emirau Island in the Bismarck Archipelago to develop an airbase as part of Operation Cartwheel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landing_on_Emirau
The antiretroviral drug zidovudine (chemical structure pictured) became the first treatment approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for HIV/AIDS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zidovudine
Taliban militants killed nine civilians in a mass shooting at the Kabul Serena Hotel in Afghanistan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Kabul_Serena_Hotel_shooting
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petnews2day · 3 months
Earthquake today: Tremors of 4.5 magnitude jolts Afghanistan
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/FJAXq
Earthquake today: Tremors of 4.5 magnitude jolts Afghanistan
An earthquake of magnitude 4.5 on the Richter Scale hit Afghanistan at 19:59 pm on 17 March, said National Centre for Seismology. Taking to X, National Center for Seismology wrote that the earthquake took place at a latitude of 36.66 degrees and longitude of 71.43 degrees. Also, the depth at which the earthquake took place […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/FJAXq #OtherNews
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pennyappealusaseo · 4 months
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Help Rebuild Afghanistan: Earthquake Relief Fund
Extend a helping hand to the communities affected by the recent earthquake in Afghanistan. Your donation can provide critical support, including emergency shelter, medical care, clean water, and food supplies, to those facing the aftermath of this natural disaster. Stand with us as we work towards rebuilding homes, restoring livelihoods, and offering hope to those in need. Your generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of those impacted by the earthquake. Contribute today to make a positive impact and support the recovery efforts in Afghanistan.
Visit us: https://pennyappealusa.org/
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tahirinfo · 5 months
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#1feburary #nohijabday #poster
Today is the day we come together to recognise the victims and oppression of forcefully Hijab compulsion. I urge all the feminist to come out and support this movement.
Examples of oppression:-
1) Iran Human Rights reported that at least 537 people were killed in the ensuing protests and at least 22,000 people were arrested, with IRNA confirming the number of arrests.
2) Saudi Arabia - In 2002, multiple schoolgirls burned to death because religious policemen, who saw that they weren't veiled, prohibited them from fleeing.
3) Afghan women died in earthquake as they feared Taliban punishment for not wearing hijab. Women died in an earthquake in Afghanistan because they were afraid to leave their homes without their hijabs, it has emerged.
4) #justice for #MahsaAmini & thousands of those womens who we're being oppressed & suppressed in the name of hijab, not only in Iran but throughout the world We stand with them strongly & supportive
#saudiarabia #dubai #kuwait #uae #bahrain #qatar #riyadh #usa #abudhabi #india #islam #egypt #turkey #makkah #instagram #london #pakistan #madinah #lebanon #allah
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unite4humanitycharity · 8 months
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Insha’Allah, soon a day will come when Afghanistan becomes a prosperous place for the children to grow and live a healthy life.
Unite 4 Humanity Responding to Earthquake.
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