#earthspark vore
sillyromance · 1 year
Good day everyone!
Some predcanons (Pred!cybertronian/Prey!human) for transformers who I really like. Hope you'll enjoy!
1) Optimus Prime
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This gorgeous, big Autobot leader would be quite gentle and careful with his prey. I think the main motive for him to swallow someone down would be a wish to protect them, especially if it comes to defending Jack, Raph or Mico. If he has time, he will definitely explain why he is doing it and how safe it is, so the person won't get frightened; in another case, Optimus will talk to the human inside him straight away after the danger is gone and stroke his middle a little to comfort his small friend who would be truly scared after being suddenly tossed into the mouth of a giant robot. Also he surely would be glad to help you with insomnia or bad mood, keeping you safe and warm in his soft, spacious fueltank (of course, if you give you permission). As for Prime's emotions, I suppose he would feel awkward walking around his team mates while having someone inside, although it would never stop him from chatting with his prey from time to time to be sure they're fine and rubbing his "stomach" in reassurance. He likes having his friends so close to his spark, loves how they taste and move in his tank, but he would never say it out loud because it's too personal information in his opinion.
2) Ratchet
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Sweet, grumpy medic is very worried about his human friends' health and safety, so I think he would be the one who uses vore as panishment for those who skip sleep periods or put themselves in risky situations too much. At the same time, he would be a brilliant comforting pred who never fails to help someone escape the world when it's really necessary (especially if it comes to Raph). He would mentally prepare the person he's gulping down before everything happened because as "an emergency vehicle" he knows exactly what would scare them. While swallowing, this autobot would trace his prey's path through his tough body and sigh in relief when they fall in his fueltank; the little one would always feel some pressure of a giant hand from the outside which would pat and massage them, checking if everything is OK. Ratchet would be glad to be given some caresses from the inside too; he would smile wide if he did, surprising everyone around with soft and oddly loving face expression. But the bot would never admit he ate someone even to his friends (only to Optimus perhaps) because of deep embarrassment which he hides behind a perfect "poker face".
3) Ultra Magnus
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This autobot is a severe type. He wouldn't let just anyone random enter his insides; this is unspeakably ridiculous for him. Showing someone the most fragile part of the body, his soft spot! Please! Are you crazy?.. However, if he has no other choice (his human combat is badly injured, unconscious or there is a threat of being captured for them) he will hide them within his body without any hesitation. Meanwhile, when the things are normal, he would be an unwilling pred; only a human he is really attached to, like a lover or the best friend, would be allowed to go down his fueltank. This way he would express the highest level of affection and trust he has for this person. In this case, his favourite time to do that is right before recharge when no one can see him and his soul mate; all lights are gone, there are just two of them. Magnus silently opens his mouth and puts his darling in, then gently swallows, concentrating on a stretching, wiggling weight which travels along his esophagus. When it reaches its destination, he lies on the berth, closes his optics and holds both servos on his middle, feelings his friend settling in. That all would be a casual, but important act between him and someone he cares about so much that even he can't deny it.
TFE (Earthspark)
1) Megatron
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Ex-leader of the decepticon is undoubtedly a teaser who will bring you close to his carmin eyes and grin, intentionally showing his sharp dents, every time it comes to sending you down his throat! Although his jokes are never offensive for a prey. He gets a lot of pleasure from the whole situation and tries to prolong it as much as possible. At the same moment, Megatron would never do anything that could make his human friend uncomfortable; and the funny comments he gives to the prey always finally turn into some kind of appreciation of their taste, warmth, shape, delicate skin, how good they feel deep in his core etc. Like Optimus, he is very protective. As for his behaviour among transformers and humans, he wouldn't be bothered by their presence nearby while he's carrying someone inside him, but he wouldn't let anyone know until it's necessary 'cause he clearly understands how freaky it would sound. He is not a talker, but the prey would always feel that he remembers about them by small, light touches from the outside and double-meaning phrases he sometimes drops in front of others.
As an addition: this mech would be happy to teach his friend's bullies a goood lesson (if there are any) by swallowing them and keeping this fools inprisoned for some time without any respond to their shouting and crying. Of course, Megatron wouldn't mean any real harm and he would let them out later, but at least the guilty ones would see their mistake quite clearly...
2) Bumblebee
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I think this kind-hearted, optimistically-yellow autobot is a cuddle enthusiast. He wouldn't mind making vore a casual ritual to make bonds with his human friends even stronger. Moreover, it would give him some comfort to know that someone he cares about is hidden in a place no one can reach without crushing Bumblebee himself apart first - what is not that easy! His spark just melts when it comes to inner rubbing - it inevitably sends shivering through all of his systems when tiny hands move across his sensitive fueltank's metal "flesh"... He doesn't mind multiple "passengers", but it's simple to make him sick by moving too much, so at the start Bee always asks for being cautious and still inside him. If someone questions him about the person he has swallowed, young autobot will calmly tell them the truth (and stop this poor fellow from panicking after); usually he is OK with his other friends to be aware about the situation (nevertheless if he was asked to keep everything a secret he undeniably would). Bumblebee is very comforting, thoughtful and caring pred, but there are times when he needs attention as well - so, for him vore is a kind of comfort and relaxation too.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 8 months
Hello! If you still got slots for requests, may I ask for some soft vore with Earthspark Bumblebee? Hope that’s okay!
It is absolutely okay anon! Earthspark Bumblebee...whatta guy. Personally, he's one of my favorite Bee incarnations, so I really enjoyed writing this. Thanks for the request! Feedback is always appreciated! :D
I wanted to make the reader androgynous when it comes to the environment Earthspark takes place in for the sake of all of you who are imagining yourselves into the story. Just assume you live on the Malto property alongside Bumblebee to help train the Terrans and kids if you wish.
Warmth In Raindrops
Pairing: Earthspark Bumblebee x Human Reader
Warning: This story contains soft vore. If this is something that makes you uncomfortable, then please do not read this story.
Word Count: 1661
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You can’t sleep.
  The thunder outside keeps you awake. With every crashing boom, you feel like there are a million trash cans toppling over outside, ringing painfully and causing your eardrums to ache. You shiver, drawing the covers over your head, your body curled up into a ball as you shrink back against your mattress. Lightning flashes through the window blinds. You feel like you are trapped within a haunted mansion despite being in your own bedroom.
  You can’t sleep like this, and if the storm continues at this ferocity, you won’t be earning a wink all night.
  More thunder. A whimper escapes your lips, and you squeeze your eyelids shut so tightly they hurt. You can feel the fatigue weighing you down, all the way from your bones to your brain. It’s quite pathetic to find yourself in this state. Childhood is long behind you; thunder is not something you should fear anymore. Yet, you’ve never managed to get over that instinctive dislike for loud sounds. And so here you are, with no way to escape the anger from the skies above, forced to tremble before their booming might.
  You don’t want to be alone.
  Slowly, you sit up and push the covers off of you. Each careful step you take through the house is illuminated by the lightning and shaken by the heavy drumming of raindrops. You have to dress yourself for the weather before you go outside. Your coat and boots do little to ward off the deluge, and as soon as you walk out the front door, you are soaked. Anxiety is quickly overcome by frustration. You run for the large red barn that sits a little ways off from the house, mud and water splashing in your wake as you keep your hood over your head. The comforting farm scents of hay and horse bring peace to your agonized mind when you slip through the doors and into the darkness.
  There are no animals, not right now. In the far corner of the barn, you see a hulking mass spread out on its back. It is big; bigger than anything else in the barn, the giant robot who is currently taking up residence here is fast asleep. You peel off your coat and boots, throwing them to the side before tiptoeing over to the black-and-yellow mech. Bumblebee is huge, even when he is laying down like this, but you feel no fear when you approach the recharging bot. He’s proven himself time and time again that he would never hurt you.
“Bee,” you hiss.
Bumblebee snores.
  You sigh. “Bee.” You shake his arm lightly. “Bee, wake up.”
  He snorts and sits up sharply, optics flickering open with a start. “Huh? Wha…?” His gaze lands on you. “Oh. Y/N. What-what time is it?”
  “It’s midnight,” you reply.
  “Midnight?” He stretches his arms over his head and yawns like a big cat, large incisors on full display while blue light momentarily radiates from his mouth. “Why aren’t you in bed?”
  You look down at your feet and shrug, mumbling out a halfhearted answer that doesn’t form into proper words. He takes the sight of you in and softens.
  “Can’t sleep?” he whispers.
  You shake your head and hug yourself tightly. Bumblebee smiles sympathetically and rolls onto his side, opening his arms wide. “Come here.”
  You don’t need any more convincing. He laughs softly when you practically fling yourself into him. He curls himself around you, hugging you tight to his chassis. “Clingy tonight, aren’t we?”
  “Mm, shut up.” You slap him lightly. He laughs and coos, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “Cute little one,” he murmurs.
  More thunder causes you to stiffen. He notices and chuffs questioningly. “What’s wrong?” he asks.
  You tilt your head up to look at him. The glow of his optics is calm, his expression one of soft concern. It’s a bit embarrassing for you, a grown adult, to admit the answer, but the look he’s giving you silently implores you to trust him. You can tell him anything. He won’t judge.
“The thunder,” you reply.
  Bumblebee blinks. “Is it scaring you?”
  You bite your bottom lip and nod, lowering your head to sheepishly hide your reddening cheeks in your arms. The mech’s voice drops to a whisper. “Hey.” He dips his index digit under your chin and tips your head back up to meet his gaze. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I get it, I do.” He rubs his thumb up and down your thigh in a soothing manner and speaks with a honey-sweet tone. “Do you want to go inside?”
  You perk up a little. “You-you mean it?”
  “I wouldn’t have offered it if I didn’t,” he chuckles. “I know how sensitive your ears are to loud noises, and even though I can be quite…noisy…” He presses his servo over his midsection, and you can hear an eager growl echo up from beneath his plating. “I know you would rather listen to me than the thunder. So c’mon.” He opens his intake, casting you in the cyan glow of his biolights. “You want in?”
  You hesitate, casting an uneasy look into the massive robotic mouth that’s so, so close to you. Warm air that carries the slight scent of gasoline wafts around you, beckoning you forward with hypnotic warmth. You’ve never allowed yourself to be…eaten by a Cybertronian before. You are aware of their capabilities, of how they can swallow a human down into their tank. You wouldn’t be digested. You’d be…warm…
  Bumblebee senses your nervousness and tries to soothe you with low purrs. He bumps his nose against you again. “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he murmurs. “You’ll be safe. I promise, I’ll always keep you safe.”
  You inhale shakily. Warmth. Safety. You’ll take both over the thunder. So you sit up and reach your arms forward to carefully press your hands against his tongue.
  It’s soft, squishy. It doesn’t have a fleshy feeling to it, but rather its texture is like silicone, allowing you to sink into it with little resistance. Bumblebee looks down at you with a twinkle in his eye. Slowly, he shifts your hands to the side by curling his tongue up to taste them. The sensation of it rolling underneath your palms causes you to giggle. “T-That tickles.”
  “Does it? Sorry. You just…you taste really good.”
  “I…I do?”
  “Yes.” He presses his tongue up against your palms with more force. “I can definitely see myself craving you.”
  You giggle again. “I don’t know whether to be flattered or disgusted.”
  “Ehh, maybe both.” He laughs. “But I’d prefer the former over the latter.”
  He nudges you forward. You comply and allow him to guide you into his mouth. Climbing over giant teeth, you flop forward, biolight washing over you as you peer down his throat. He lifts his tongue to slide you further in. He’s patient with this; there’s no hunger in the way he draws you in, no sense of urgency or possessiveness. He lets you go at your own pace, and only when you are completely inside does he close his mouth. The sound of the thunder is barely audible now. You nestle in and close your eyes, soaking in the heat, content to remain like this for the rest of the night.
  Bumblebee hums. His tongue rises only a little, and you inch closer to his throat. Though he doesn’t gulp you down, from the way saliva is practically dripping from every surface of his mouth right now, you can tell he desperately wishes to swallow you. Not wanting to torture him any longer, you give him the all clear. “It’s okay, Bee. I’m ready.”
  Another hum is what you get for a response. He gives one last little lick to your face before he swallows.
  It’s a slow journey down. You close your eyes and let his esophagus carry you further into his body. All around you is the sound of his purrs. When you finally do slip into his fuel tank and sink into the thick, squishy cables that close in to hug you close, you feel such an intense level of comfort that it makes you want to beg him to keep you in here forever.
  “Y/N?” Bumblebee whispers for you. “Are you alright? Can you hear me?”
  “Mm.” You make a soft, relaxed noise. “M’ okay, Bee. I can hear you.”
  “Is it alright in there?” he asks. “Are you warm? Can you see?”
  “Bee, trust me, I’m fine. I’m very warm and I feel very happy.” You lay flat on your back and stare up at the tank’s “ceiling.” All around you, his biolights shine. It’s like a light show that feels so good to look at. “I don’t know why we haven’t done this before.”
  “I didn’t think you’d want to do it,” he says. “I haven’t done this with a human in…oh gosh, I want to say years, but it's probably been a decade.” The tank walls squeeze you in one big bear hug…or, bot hug, you think humorously to yourself. “But I’m glad I could do it again with you.”
  You smile and close your eyes. “You are such a sap.”
  “What can I say?” He squeezes you again. “I’m always a sap for you, little one.”
  You murmur incomprehensible noises and turn onto your stomach, squirming with a flustered feeling rising within you as your cheeks turn red. Bumblebee coos and cuddles you, wrapping his arms around his midsection to hold you tightly within. You say nothing else, and yet, you know you don’t have to. He understands. He always does.
  There is no thunder here. Only gurgles and purrs and his sparkbeat. You find yourself slipping off into sleep before you know it. Your rest is deep and undisturbed. It’s safe here. You are safe here. With him surrounding you, protecting you, there is no reason to remain awake.
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tinydefector · 6 months
RULES BELOW ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Please feed me request they are keeping me sane.
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I am not a Fem writer
2. have the right to not do request if I don't want to.
3. I get a large number of requests, and sometimes they get lost in my inbox.
4. Every three months I will do an inbox clear out. And will save what I'm working on into my drafts.
5. I write as a hobby to keep myself busy.
it's been a long while since i've written on tumblr. I lost my last account, but I'm hoping to get back into writing fics or oneshots again. Mainly going to be Writing Transformers.
What I write for:
Transformers - Bumblebee
Transformers- ROTB
Transformers Prime
Transformers Gen 1
Transformers Mtmte, IDW
Transformers Skybound
Transformers Earthspark
Character list and links below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Requests & ask Rules:
I don't tend to close my request unless I get over 30+ of them.
- 1 character per request if you want a longish one shot fic.
- you can make requests for multiples with scenarios but but I tend to keep them short with a few headcannons added in.
- Specify if you want a continuation of a previous fic.
- I will do both human and Cybertronian and occasionally Experimental monster readers.
-if requesting Cybertronian for smut, they have both a valve and spike as I write all Cybertronians with both parts, all cybertronian characters I write have both parts. (I will accept request with the fem bots, I just don't write Fem readers)
- your more than welcome to ask for NSFW, SFW, Angst, fluff and all sorts. I'm pretty chill. All Smut and NSFW content is marked with #valveplug
I write: gender neutral, or Male characters, (I'm not good nor do I like writing fem character, I'm a guy, if I do get fem readers I'm going to write them as gender neutral)
I will do:
- Scenarios
- Yandere and possessive.
- family content
-disabilities (human only)
- Fluff/Angst
- fearplay, mouthplay
-Vore: soft vore/ light vore (may experiment, but very light)
- NSFW, kink:
and Dub-con/ consensual Non-con
size kink 
skin fetish 
hair pulling 
Scent/ smell/ pheromones
Sex pollen/perfume.
silk and ribbon play
cum inflation 
pet play
(On occasions will write Alpha/Omega/Beta, I write it rather differently to the classic AOB. But I will only write it on very rare occasions)
fluid play and consumption (paint, energon, oil, cum, spit, lubricant,)
spiking warming
Heart and spark syncing 
new spike and Valve modifications to test on their human lover
(Just ask pretty much)
- death request are alright just keep it civil I won't go into details on the deaths.
- The AUs:
First Contact PotatooftheLand
Tasty AU of @callsign-relic
Energy fluid AU - (my silly energy drink transfluid ones)
Human effects series - (either characters for the main storyline or smut request spin off's just be specified)
Sparkeater AU
Human pet
Wings of Primus AU
Domestic Cybertron AU
I will NOT do:
- Self harm
-Minors (exceptions if they are children of the Bots and reader but only exception)
- Don't get angry if I'm not willing to write fem characters, I'm a guy, and I tend to stick with trans content, M/M, or gender neutral, but I'm leanent but respect my boundaries.
Slightly iffy:
- death of parents (I recently lost my mother in an accident so please be aware I that things one's sometimes I won't do due to my own feelings on these fics, while other time I may because it gives me comfort)
I enjoy making silly little one shots or even just sweet little things. I will eventually do up a master list for links once I make more stuff. (Pretty much anything you can think of up that alley I'm more than happy to do)
If you want a request of one who's not on the list, please submit it. These are just all the ones I can remember off the top of my head, people enjoy.
Ps I love writing silly little things too outside of the fics and even enjoy making art to go along with them when I feel up to drawing.
So nothing is too silly ask away over all the strange little things you want to know.
Tiny art dump
Art dump 2
My little spot for art
Food feed to me
Works series
Marine Centre- Merformers Au
Human effects list
Transfluid headcannon
human and Cybertronian biology works
Rut cycle Masterlist
Character list and links:
First aid
Optimus Prime
Ultra Magnus
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mskenway97 · 9 months
I think it's about time I create a masterlist of everything I've done, to organize myself better.
G/T transformers shy reader
G/T transformers helpless human angst/fluff
G/T transformers sleeping time
G/T transformers pet play
G/T transformers pet play (NSFW)
G/T transformers problems of be tiny
First contact au Rodimus prime x human reader (fluff)
Scenario Tf Earthspark Starscream (fluff)
Scenario Tf armada Stascream (soft vore, safe vore)
G/T transformers bad day
G/T transformers illness time
Transformers persona au
G/T transformers bot treat like a doll or teddy
G/T transformers bot first kiss
G/T transformers human sacrificed
Drabble tfp optimus prime 2.0
Drabbles First Contact (Orion Pax and D16 Transformers One)
G/T transformers human fan of aliens
One Shot
optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human!reader first contact
Optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human reader confort
life or taste Megop (TFP) x gn!human reader (tasty au, soft vore)
Bot in flames Optimus prime (Bayverse) x Fem!human reader (NSFW)
Optimus prime x Blind!fem! Human Reader
Fishing Time (Merformers) Tfp Optimus Prime x Gn!Human!Reader
Side Effects Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader(mouthplay, soft vore)
Song of calm Merformers prowl x Jazz
Payment terms TFP Starscream x Male!Human!Reader
A delicious surprise Tfp Breakdown x gn!human!reader (tasty au, soft vore, safe vore)
Curious cat ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader (g/t fearplay) part 2
Come My Way ROTB Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader
Change of side Tfa Blitzwing x Fem!human!reader (multiple personalities)
I will stay Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst/fluff)
You are part of who I am Bayverse Optimus Prime x GN!human!reader (adopted angst/fluff)
Peaceful investigation Tfa Waspinator x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, protective vore)
First touch Tf armada Starscream x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, a little crush kink)
Dangerous cuddles Tf armada HotShot x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, comfort vore)
Specific solutions Tfa Wreack-gar x fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore)
Prime Urges TFP Optimus Prime Synth-en x fem!human!reader (nsfw)
Deep Audacity Mer Bravern x Isami Ao (soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay)
Between the sword and the robot MTMTE/IDW Rodimus x !GN!Human Reader (nsfw,vore)
Link reconnection Mer Superbia x lulu (fluff)
Medical inspections TFP Ratchet x gn!human!reader (valveplug,nsfw,suggestive)
She is a witch TFP OC (Dionesea) x gn!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, firs contact)
Ways of discover the love ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader
Trick or race TF EarthSpark Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian!reader
Past Songs TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst)
Butterfly Beast and Beautiful Cybertronian TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst, reunion)
Telepathy in the Silence (Merformers) Tfp Soundwave x Fem!Human!Reader (fist contact, merformers, g/t fearplay)
My Immortal Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst)
Analysis g/t
G/T in Transformers (2007)
G/T in Transformers Revenge of the fallen (2009)
The Automatons
Cap 1 , Cap 2
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tripleglitchwriting · 9 months
3/5 slots taken
Hello everyone, I’ve decided to open requests. Though, there’s only a very specific set of things I will write.
This is my first time doing requests, so I’m learning as I go. I may change the rules as things come up. While I grow as a writer and begin expanding my comfort zone I may also change the request rules.
The stories I write may vary in length depending on how I feel about them, mostly because I’m still getting a feel for writing fanfiction as a whole.
I am still experimenting with my online presence as a whole, and interacting with people has been difficult for me because I can’t gauge how others feel across the screen. Therefore, I’m going to se some rules down for boundaries here:
- Fics will come out as I have time for them. I tend to procrastinate and get myself worked up about getting things done, so I’m hoping this will help me relax a bit.
- I am allowed to turn down any ask. This seems super obvious and more like an unspoken rule for everyone, but I feel the need to write it down because I would feel bad if I didn’t.
Note: Only transformers gn human reader
-vore (maybe, depends on how I feel)
-mild gore
-first contact AU
-platonic relationships
-fluffy stuff
-humanformers (as of right now)
-NSFW (that includes pedophilia, zoophilia, non-con, etc.)
-Reader with powers. Probably.
-romantic relationships (only because I’m not confident in my ability to do that yet)
-suicidal ideation
-self harm
you get the idea ^
Here are the series I can write for and my level of understanding of them:
Earthspark: I’ve watched the series and enjoyed it! I would rather avoid writing anything too dark for this series because many of the characters are children.
Transformers: Prime: I’ve watched this series multiple times. I have a pretty good grip on many of the characters, and I’m cool with writing most things for this.
Transformers: Animated: I haven’t finished the series and probably never will. It’s not really my thing, and I don’t have a great grip on most of the characters. I’d rather not write for this one.
Transformers: Rescue Bots: I’ve watched this series so many times and I admit it’s a comfort show. I will write whatever for this series, but not anything that’s too dire if it involves child characters. That goes for every series.
IDW comics (Lost Light and all): I haven’t finished reading the comics but I’ve wrote for it before and I’m fine with doing it again! I really enjoy the characters and the story!
Transformers Robots in Disguise (2015): I don’t care much for the show, (at least we after season 1) but I see no reason why I wouldn’t be able to write for it.
Generation 1: I never watched the series, but I know a solid amount about it and I understand most of the characters.
Transformers: Armada: Didn’t watch it
Transformers: Beast Wars: Didn’t watch it
Bayverse/live action pre-bumblebee movie: Legitimately I hate the Bay movies. The first one was okay I guess but I despise the others.
ROTB/Knightverse: I like rise of the beasts WAY more than the Bay movies and am willing to write whatever for it.
Cyberverse: I watched it, it was good. I guess I could write for it if it’s individual characters
Anything else I haven’t watched and therefore won’t write for it.
Not transformers, but I’d write for Bang Brave Bravern because I like that show.
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void-draws · 11 months
hey uh.... do you mind doing some head cannons about Chase from Transformers Rescue Bots?
Greetings Anon!
As previously stated, I have only watched tfa and earthspark so far. Which is why I have gathered my impressions of Chase from Rescue bots in a compilation of Chase's best moments.
I have perceived Chase as loyal, very serious, professional and lawfull
-Considering these personality traits, I'd say protective vore and eating escaping criminals would suit him the most.
For example: Gulping down a thief and keeping them in his tank to ensure that they won't be able to escape until the criminal is handed over to the authorities
Or eating some unfortunate bystander/-s to keep them out of harms way
-Maybe, he'd also nom his human friends for comfort
(I would normally also say for fun, but i don't think he really has a great understanding of fun)
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Quick rules post!!
I take requests for both drabbles and headcanons about a whooooole lot of transformers continuities. There's no hard limit on how many characters in one ask, but remember that the more characters you ask for, the longer it will take. An ask might not always get done in a timely manner, and I hold the right not to respond if I'm uncomfortable or if I simply have no answer I could think of.
Sometimes I post nsfw, it will always be given the #valveplug tag and marked as mature.
Addendum: I post a lot about my little fan project called Wayward sparks, feel free to block that tag if you're just here for the canon stuff. But if you really wanna know more about it you can ask 👉👈
Specific will and won't do lists are under the cut
Know 'em (things I know really well and am comfortable writing for)
-Beast Wars
-Rescue Bots (the original version)
-Robots in Disguise (2001)
Sorta Know 'em (haven't seen/read/played it all, but I'm familiar with some parts. Ill probably write for them but it's not a guarantee I'll know everything and everyone)
-IDW comics
Don't Know 'em (i have no idea what's going on here yet, I will not currently write for these because I'm completely unfamiliar, though that may change in the future)
-Unicron Trilogy
-Fall of Cybertron/War for Cybertron games
-Beast Wars Second/Beast Wars Neo
-anything from that weird stretch between g1 and beast wars honestly (Headmasters/pretenders/whatever the hell else happened in the dark ages)
-marvel comics
-dreamwave comics
Hell (please don't remind me that these exist I am so tired)
-Beast Machines
-War for Cybertron: Kingdom
-Robots in Disguise (2015)
-Rescue Bots Academy
Subject Matter
Will Do
-canon x reader
-canon x canon
-canon & reader (platonic)
-canon & canon (platonic)
-poly ships
-human reader
-cybertronian reader
-other species that don't fall into human or bot reader (just specify, please)
-sticky, spark, tactile, EM field, and/or plug n play interfacing
-mass shifted/holoform bot
-medical kink
-belly kink/stuffing/vore/hunger kink
-consensual somno
-breeding kink
-honestly I'll do most kinks, if youre not sure feel free to ask. Freaks are welcome here
-darker themes not listed in the won't do category
Won't Do
-canon x oc
-yandere (not because I object to depicting abuse, when done responsibly, i just hate how horribly out of character the entire trope requires you to be)
-bestiality/feral (this does not apply to characters simply existing in a beast mode, but it does apply to beastformers or cassettes who do not speak and have shown no indication that they can consent)
-scat/watersports/emeto/foot stuff
-raceplay/detrans kink/anything with clear harmful political overtones
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k1drobot · 2 years
I take requests! I love writing, adore it a lot, would greatly appreciate some requests in the inbox if you've something you want to read in particular! However, there are some rules I generally follow:
I can do nsfw, but the rules are very simple: no 1ncest/p3dophilia, underage, vore/gore, r4pe.
I may deny any other nsfw requests if I'm simply uncomfortable writing it.
I will try to answer any requests in a timely manner, but I do have other things in life I must tend to, so it might not be written or posted immediately.
I may add more rules as time goes on, I've never made a blog dedicated only to writing.
Here are the transformers properties I'm most familiar with:
Transformers: Prime
Bayverse Films
Transformers Earthspark
Bumblebee movie
I will accept anything from angst to fluff to au ideas, I'm not picky! I appreciate and love any notions, any asks in my inbox! Thank you lovelies :3 💜💜💜
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sillyromance · 1 year
Hello!!!! I read the pred hcs you made for some transformers and I really loved them…I was wondering if you had more? I’d love to hear more about TFP Ratch or TFE Bee…but honestly I’ll take any character you’d like to elaborate on. Those were SO cute 🥺
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm really happy you like my post - thank you very much for your kind words!!! Unfortunately, I don't have any more ideas about Ratchet and Bee for now... But as soon as I get some, I will definitely post them!
And at this time, here I have predcanons for other transformers from different universes. Hope you will enjoy!
P. S: I'm really sorry for my long silence - sometimes school takes too much of my time...
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Always confident and calm ninja seems to be quite easy-going at the first glance, but the more you watch him the better you see that in reality he prefers being all by himself, and it demands time to earn his respect and affection. So, like Ultra Magnus, he would be very picky about who he would let inside of his fueltank. However, as far as he warms up to someone, he gets unbelievably chilly about swallowing his beloved team pal down. Need a place to rest? Feel scared or upset? Lonely? Just get in. He doesn't see any point in long ceremonies; his movements are slow and gentle, however it doesn't take much time for Jacky to push you down his throat with a satisfied hum. At the same moment, the part of the process he would adore is tasting; unusual, exotic human flavours would make his processor just buzz in bliss! Sometimes he would take his time a little, carefully, methodically licking a person in his mouth from head to toe, rolling and tickling them with a tip of his tongue, optics closed and lips smiling joyfully. Only when there is no dry spot on the human's body, he would title his helm back and let them slide further into his core. Wheeljack would never be shy to speak to his friends after they got in his fueltank; often he is watched by puzzled eyes of comrades while he's running around his business and talking to someone they can't actually see or hear. But he doesn't pay much attention on their reaction anyways...
As an addition: Wheeljack finds vore a perfect chance to take Mico with him and Bulkhead on missions without Ultra Magnus noticing anything. And he always manages to set her free right at the time when no one is able to see it. So, Magnus is repeatedly driven mad by this small, innocent tricks, although he admits human child's help is quite useful from time to time.
TFE (Earthspark)
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This mech with difficult, sarcastic, but secretly soft character would be a shy and nervous kind. He would be quite concerned about his tiny friend's safety; when it comes to gulping them down, the 'con is too afraid that he can accidentally hurt them if something goes wrong. And he is sure it will go wrong because he is too used to failings... Moreover: it's really hard to win his trust because of everything he has been through. That way, it would be not a simple task to convince this ex-decepticon that vore is actually a good thing. However, if you manage to go over with all the obstacles, he will be the most careful and wholesome pred ever. And once he completely understands there is no danger - an obsessively willing one. He wants to keep his human companion as close as possible, warm and protected from everything and everyone (especially Megatron). He can get a little teasy in attempt to see how you blush and smile - recognition of his human's pleasure makes his spark sing of happiness; but usually he would just coo at you softly, give you a light kiss in the forehead and then his smooth lips would slowly, but demandingly pull you into his salivating mouth. As a person with PTSD he always needs to have absolute control over the situation, something unexpected (abrupt movements, screams, loud laugh, sudden rough squeezing of his insides) extremely freaks him out; so, you better let Starscream take the lead and stay still. After his darling reached their destination, he would try to move less, not wishing to cause any problems to them. He would curl up in a tight ball, hugging his middle with both arms and stroking it happily, and speak to them softly until he and his prey both fall asleep.
As an addition: sometimes he have panic attacks and feel deep enxiety, so some reassuring weight inside of him would be required.
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This autobot is a tough guy which is quite strict to others as well as to himself. So, you shouldn't expect him being a sweetheart. Although the alien samurai never forgets about humans' fragility, his tiny friends are barely treated softly most of the time because they are members of their team like others; they have responsibilities and have to work on their best without excuses or privileges. He doesn't accept extreme sensitivity in anyone; in order to that, he can often hurt his little partner's feelings. I think in this case, vore for him would be a way to apologize for being rude and to show that his friend can trust him; putting them deep inside of his body, close to his spark would mean that whatever offensive things he says sometimes, he is always there for his precious comrades. Of course, his is a QUITE protective pred; if Drift understands that his companion isn't able to defend themselves, he will simply grab little one in a second and shove them into his mouth - such straight forward actions committed without any explanation can be shocking for a prey, but, unfortunately, they should just live with it; he won't change anyways. If you're his close friend or a lover, then perhaps he will go slightly easier on you; at least, he will be definitely more gentle and caring every time he is bound to send you down his fueltank.
However good control Drift has over his emotions, he isn't able to deny that he likes the entire process. When there is an opportunity, he loves examining his sensations; presence of a small life hiding in his very core has a comforting and relaxing influence on him, especially because of his protective instincts. These are the points why he wouldn't hurry to set his human friend free (not like they would be unhappy about it though). The samurai wouldn't tell anyone about where his partner is once they got tucked into his "stomach" (even to the minicons) because in Drift's opinion it could be shameful for both included; that way, when he is around others you can imagine that he has forgotten about you at all. It's not true. And the fact that even during the hardest battles he will keep you fine inside no matter the cost perfectly proves it. But he would pay attention on you openly only in private, far away from the team. Then he would lay one servo on his waist, caressing it delicately, and finally ask softly if you are OK in there. Afterwards, perhaps there would be a long philosophical discussion till the evening, when he would let you out to look at a beautiful sunset from his shoulder.
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sillyromance · 11 months
Hello! Uhm, I'm kinda awkward when it comes to asking, but I was curious if you had any thoughts on earthspark arcee? You dont have to answer if you dont to, and I do wish you a good day/or night ^^
Good day/night, dear anonymous!
I've finally been able to finish your ask - I'm sorry that it has taken so much time to complete it. Also I apologize if it's not as long as you wanted - so, I can come up with ideas on a specific plot if you wish!
Hope you enjoy!
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At first this young fem appears "on the stage" as a reckless teenager, but, objectively, she is an experienced warrior and a brilliant psychologist. Despite her energetic, hyperactive character she knows when it's time to slow down and act seriously. So, I think she can be a good comforting pred; of course, in the beginning she will try to cheer you up with some ordinary methods, but, if it's clear that the situation has already gone too far, she won't ask much - Arcee will just let you climb on her hand, lift you up and gently swallow down her fueltank (the robotic girl is always very caring and thoughtful with her prey). Then, when you're ready, she will speak to you with no one else around and work on the trauma, stroking her middle - or just holding a servo on it - to soothe and reassure you. Her voice can be too loud and harsh sometimes and Arcee undoubtedly knows that - so, she will turn it down a little while you are inside of her body. Although, as far as your spirit gets up, she won't resist some innocent joking and teasing, but they won't ever be even slightly insulting.
Also, the fem loves to be given rubs and compliments about her "inner space" - Arcee gets all flustered then, and she isn't shy to express it, returning the favour and thanking you for such a nice attitude. But I think her fueltank is quite sensitive and ticklish, so it's better for a prey to be careful if they don't wanna make her feel sick.
She is not as protective as other bots - I think, it's because the fem is able to recognise when someone is in shape to handle a trouble by themselves; so, I suppose, devouring someone for defence would be a rare thing in her case. Moreover, being inside Arcee during a battle wouldn't be a pleasant experience - the way she moves doesn't give a prey any chance to stay safe and sound while she's jumping, running and fighting like she usually does...
However, she has a great potential for being a playful pred. The fem will definitely guble you up as a prize for winning the game you both played! Also, she don't mind some specific games like a chase or hide-and-seek - these ones are good for training... and for appetite. At such moments she will definitely enjoy herself, shamelessly tasting and tossing a prey around in her mouth, sinking them into slime, giggling and humming as they wriggle on her slippery glossa; after they are securely tucked in her "stomach", she will praise them with some cute, humorous phrases, like: "Mmm! Humans are much better than energon - perhaps, we should eat you instead, ha? Just kidding!.."
Arcee wouldn't be be too open about where her partner is if they are inside her fueltank - she wouldn't reveal anything until it appeared to be necessary; or until you made her so annoyed that she wouldn't be able to ignore you messing any longer without some comments. She simply doesn't see any point in bringing up the situation with no reason, moreover, that it could make you feel embarrassed or unsafe among others later. But everyone will notice that Arcee refuses to show her full speed and force and behaves too cautiously on days her human friend doesn't seem to stick around...
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sillyromance · 11 months
Good day everyone!
The winner of the competition is TFE Bumblebee! So there is a funny story (Pred! Cybertronian/ Prey! Human) about him to smile at. Unfortunately, it's not as big as my other ones, but I hope it won't disappoint you...
I hope you'll enjoy!
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Once in the morning...
- Hey, let me go!.. - You say sleepely, making poor attempts to get out of the cozy embrace of your cute yellow alien lover. - Please, dear, I have some work to do...
As always, you have awaken earlier than your boyfriend. It is a great weekend; the sun has just arose, washing up its glorious golden face in rose and blue of the sky, birds announce of a new day coming with their mesmerising songs, air tickles your nose with a warm smell of young grass and meadow flowers, combined with a slight echo of pine scent from the forest. You, being as cautious as you could, has crawled out of your nest between his arms and tried to slide down Bee's chassis which is where you dozed off last night, however he has caught you before your feet reached the ground.
- It's Sunday, honey. - Bee's gentle voice rumbles above you, softly resonating in his wide chest and your bones. He only tightens his grip. - And I want you to rest properly after the hard week we all had...
Loving concern in his words warms your heart. It's such a tempting alternative- to stay in his arms for an hour or two, listening to his comforting sparkbeat and chatting about some silly stuff until Alex comes to call you for breakfast; last evening the man promised it would be pancakes... Although, your sense of duty does not let you give up that easy; reluctantly you send laziness away and continue squirming, trying to push Bumblebee's massive manipulators off your body.
- I know... - You answer, panting. - But there are businesses I can't reject...
He chuckles and rolles his optics dramatically.
- Really?.. How many of them?
You sigh and wave a hand above the top of your head.
- ...Around this.
A loud "exhale" comes out of your lover.
- Well, then you don't give me another choice...
Before you realise what's happening, Bumblebee pulls you closer to his faceplate, gazing at you with mischief sparkling in his pretty blue eyes, then suddenly shoves you into his mouth. A hum of delight rings in your ears.
- Whoa! Not fair!.. - You laugh, tossed by his slick glossa. - Bee, stoo-o-o-p...
You struggle, clumsily avoiding his tongue eagerly wrapping around your tiny forms, demanding for more of your sweet flavour. But it's impossible to escape now; his jaws are shut firmly, you're already drenched in saliva from head to toe. It is getting harder to move with every new suck and lick he makes; at last, you stumble and fall helplessly on the pillowy muscle which willingly hugs your tired body - it's exactly what Bee has been waiting for.
- And - down you go! - You hear behind before your legs get securely trapped by soft muscles of the pharynx.
- No! Wait... - You shout but it's too late already. Bee slowly titles his helm back and swallows strongly, but carefully, feeling tingles of excitement wandering around his back as you enter his tight, warm esophagus. Your wriggles weaken as far as you get pushed deeper into his throat - no matter how much you are irritated, you wouldn't like your dearest to choke and harm himself. So, with some more gentle gulps you glide further with ease, pass his collar and soon curl up in the welcoming fueltank. Bee sighs in satisfaction, placing a servo on his slightly expanded stomach.
- Comfy, huh? - He smirks kindly as he feels you settle down in his abdomen. The belly lets out some quiet, happy growls as you touch tenderly the sensitive walls of your "prison" churning affectionately around an unexpected guest. - Now the only thing you can't reject is my company.
You give him a teasing kick.
- OK, OK, big guy! You're right, I surrender... - He grins even wider at your innocent sarcasm, fondling his middle soothingly with hope that it will calm you down. - But... - You pause. - Now, let me teach you a little lesson too!
At first your threat makes him just groan in annoyance, though after a few minutes he realises that it's very, VERY stupid to underestimate humans. When he thinks you have accepted your "fate", violent tickles attack his insides in such furious manner, that the autobot instantly crashes on the ground, giggling and moaning, servos clenched on his bubbling waist.
- Ha-ha-ha!.. Please, don't... I.. ha-ha... I can't bear it any longer... Ha-ha-ha!..Oh, Primus!.. Ha-ha-ha... - He begs for you while laughing up a storm.
- No way! - You respond with a villainous smile on your face soiled in slime, your hands with double energy running over every spot of his shivering tank...
It continues till Bumblebee is literally drowned out of powers. Then one apologizes to another and you give him some nice rubs to relax his tensed tummy.
Of course you don't mind day-offs... But who would you be without your stubbornness?
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sillyromance · 1 year
Hi hi!^^ I was wondering if I could have your thoughts on a chunky Pred! Megs. Love your writing 🫶
Good day, dear anonymous!
I'm so happy that you like my works! Thank you very much!
I've been thinking about your ask for a while... It's a bit intriguing 'cause when I wonder about bots like they really are in cartoons and movies, I always consider only g/t vore which wouldn't affect them much. Honestly, any serious deformation of their bodies would give me a scare. However, I have some thoughts about chunky human! Megatron. If you're interested in them, here they're!
P.S: I hope you'll like it. Of course, it's a little bit different thing from what you expected, but I'm not sure that I can do my best being out of the comfort zone... And I apologize for the delay.
Human! Megatron:
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I think a human Megatron would be robust and big-boned; his torso would appear stout and thick, although not too plump - leader of the decepticons needs to care about his strength and mobility. He is not as large as his robotic form (though I can still call him a giant), so a human he swallows will make a visible lump on his stomach, soft and perfectly round. It is incredibly nice for him to feel how a good prey stretches his insides and slowly passes his collar, then fulfills his awaiting, hungry belly almost to the max. Megatron is shown quite differently in media, so there are endless opportunities for various scenarios with such pred. Personally, I prefer soft/ safe plots with him where vore is used as a therapy for an aching soul, a way to defend someone or just for pleasure of being close with a friend. I love Earthspark Megs; his character has a well-balanced combination of strength, severeness and true kindness which I absolutely adore. I imagine he wouldn't mind an entertaining prelude or a play before the "supper" if his companion is in good mood; meanwhile, he would be supportively quick and understanding when his darling turns out to be upset or worried. Megatron is very gentle with someone he gulps down; when you reach your destination, he will caress his growling and bubbling middle, being in pure bliss, but also wishing you to be as happy as he is. He will address you some short, but heart-touching phrases and pat his stomach slightly to reassure and make clear that he is with you and he loves, appreciates you.
Also, I suppose sometimes here would come a wholesome, painless digestion with following reformation. It could be a way of comfort for both included; moreover that Megs has had his own dark pages in the life which remind about themselves from time to time. If his partner is OK with the idea, he will ask them for a favour when things get too tough - and lovingly send them down his throat to the stomach which already expects its guest to stay much longer. At this particular days Megatron would be extremely cautious because he knows that, although nothing bad is gonna happen, his friend can get nervous and start panicking - the decepticon is ready to spit them out immediately if they suddenly feel frightened. In case of everything was fine, Megatron would lay down and keep both hands on his voluminous growling middle, fondling its tight surface, feeling how his dear prey peacefully breaks down under the skin and gives him satisfying, overwhelming warmth, while the small one themselves would take a good nap, insensibly melting away and resting from the world. After every session Megs' waist would get a little softer and wider than usual which would become a constant reason for jokes from both sides; regardless, Megs would never forget to sincerely thank his small teammate for the great meal.
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sillyromance · 11 months
If you have any interesting ideas about these characters, don't be shy to tell me them in the comments. Your advices are always valuable for me!
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fiber-optic-alligator · 9 months
You can call me Gator! This is a blog I made because I love those funky mechs we call Transformers. As a lover of giant robots and said interactions between those bots and us humans, the stuff I’ll be writing will primarily be based on Transformers x human readers.
These are the rules for my blog, as well as tag navigation, what I write for, and rules for requests. My AO3 can be found here. I currently do not have a masterlist, but one will be added in the future.
Blog Navigation:
Original pieces of writing will be tagged as "#gator writes”
Answers for asks will be tagged as "#gator answers"
Updates on writings and such will be tagged as "#gator bites"
18+/NSFW posts, including writings and asks, will be tagged as "#valveplug"
Request writings will be tagged as “#gator requests”
What I Will Write For:
Transformers Animated
Transformers Prime
IDW Transformers Comics (MTMTE/Lost Light)
Transformers Earthspark
Rules for Requests:
Absolutely NO racism, homophobia, pedophilia, or zoophilia. Any requests involving these will be deleted immediately.
I will answer requests in fives. That means if five requests are submitted, I will close requests until those five are all answered. Only one character per request. Polyamory and love triangles are an exception.
I will write NSFW, however, there are certain things involving NSFW that I will not write. This includes dubcon, heavy gore, abuse, etc. Please keep this in mind. Anything NSFW I write will display total consent and safety between the involved pairing.
I will write for soft vore, but ONLY soft vore. No hard vore. No digestion. No sexual vore. Any vore fics I write will be strictly SFW.
I will write x reader, however gender, scenario, and the character you wish to have involved in the request must be included. The character must be from one of the forms of media from the "What I Will Write For" list.
I will not write for original characters, and currently, I will only be writing human readers.
I have the right to refuse any request sent to me. If your request is not answered, please do not take it personally. As much as I want to answer all requests that are sent, if there is something in the request that makes me uncomfortable, than if I were to write it, the resulting story would not be up to the quality I wish for all of my writings to have. I would rather not write anything at all than produce mediocre content for you.
Thank you for reading! I hope you’ll stick around!
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mskenway97 · 9 months
Info for Request
Hello! Here you have the rules to make a request.
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Series i will write:
Transformers Live Action (Bayverse 'All', knightverse/ROTB)
Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Animated
Transformers Unicron Trilogy (Transformers armada and energon)
Transformers Earthspark
Bang Brave Bang Bravern
Transformers Skybound
Transformers One
Requests Rules:
Request are CLOSED
Request slots: 5/5
- 1 character per request. I accept Love triangles or polyamory are the exception.
- Specify continuity and reader gender you want . I will do human and Cybertronian readers.
- NSFW content will tag like '#valveplug'
I will do:
- Scenarios
- Yandere and possessive.
- The AUs:
First Contact PotatooftheLand
Tasty AU of @callsign-relic
Persona AU
Humans Pet
- Fluff/Angst
- G/T content (fearplay, mouthplay...)
-Vore(Safe vore, soft vore)
- NSFW, kink(size difference and more if you want now ask me) and Dub-con/Non-con
I will not do:
-humanxhuman (except Noah and Charlie), Ocs
- Cross-overs
-Minors (Terrans enters here)
- Things involving the death of a character (murder of the reader or hard vore 'I've seen too much of the latter')
WIP Page
Luize L. Brown
you can find me too in ao3 and twitter
The tags i will use:
#sam talks - for my thoughts and other things
#sam writes - for my works
#sammy drabbles - for my drabbles that I will use now
#sammy yummy - along with the valveplug, the ones that are going to be more horny or hot
#so fave - my favorite posts and writings
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sillyromance · 1 year
Good day everyone !
This day I've suddenly come out with an idea for a wholesome vore scenario when it ment to be a pred comforting a prey, but turned into a prey comforting a pred. Like... A prey, a small one, have some troubles in life and their partner decides to swallow them, so a prey can relax a little somewhere soft and safe.
But when the tiny is already in the stomach, they, after calming down, doesn't go to sleep as usual, but start exploring the place. And, for example, they find old, but awful scars - reminders about dangerous injuries. A prey, being in shock, forgets about their own pain immediately, gets worried about the pred, begins to ask their giant partner about the wounds and... Touches the scars. Rubs them extremely gently as if they are going to get open again and still aching. As if the prey could help to fix something that has already been buried in time.
The pred, noticed this happened, feels chills going through their spine. They have quite mixed feelings; the pred is really surprised and confused, especially because they are big and strong and they should comfort their prey - not vice versa! But at the same time - they're grateful for this unexpected care from their loved one who, meanwhile, coos at them, saying something like: "It must hurt so bad... My poor dear one..." Perhaps, the pred even becomes emotional because of such situation and the prey finally sees how vulnerable their partner can be in reality. Not physically, but mentally; because no one thought before how much the pred needed attention for their problems. And the pred themselves didn't realize it completely until now.
When I wonder what kind of pred could fit for this plot, I think about Megatron from TFP, but with character like in Earthspark (yes, I'm a Transformers fan and have strong predcrushes on some of them...) when he becomes a good guy again. He had already been a gladiator for long before the war came; surely, he got some tough battles at the arena and later. He could have some inner injuries after them which demanded surgery - why not? And, if he is good again, he may find some friends among people or even a lover, so this scenario is quite possible in my opinion...
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