#Optimus Prime vore
sillyromance · 7 months
Can you make comfort vore? From Optimus?
Hello, dear evelyntyecrqzy!
Sure! Here you go!
P.S: there is angst and one heavy word in this work. Also I've written it from the first person's perspective... I really hope you don't mind it.
Have a good day and take care!
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- How do you feel, little one?
It was late evening; almost all the lights were gone, the only bright area was Ratchet’s lab: the old medic was staring at the big green screen, typing aggressively on the panel and mumbling something inaudible. He was too busy to pay attention to anything else. The rest of the team left to their quarters after they had brought the kids home. No body had shown any signs of life since then.
I was lying on the couch, curled up in a tight ball. My head felt heavy and hurt; I felt cold and lonely. It was hard to hold back sobbing, but I didn't want to attract unnecessary attention - nobody cared anyways. Why would they? Were my problems that important?
I squeezed my eyes shut, tears running down my cheeks violently as my shoulders started shuddering...
And then I heard his deep, gentle voice.
"How do you feel, little one?" - I turned my red face to the huge mech behind me. Optimus Prime, my guardian. Through the cacophony of my thoughts I hadn't heard him coming. His blue optics far above glowed with concern.
I hurried to wipe the tear tracks from my face and stand up, mumbling something like: "Sorry" or "It's fine, don't bother yourself..." But as far as I did this, his large servo wrapped around me and very soon I found myself sitting on his plain rough palm, being swirled with his kind, sad gaze. I felt nothing but guilt, though the only reason for it was my depressing mood. I couldn't look straight at him, turning away over and over, rubbing my hot cheeks in attempt to get rid of the tears. I hated myself for the mess I had become – I waited for him to throw me away as far as he would get a good look at my ugliness. However, Optimus didn't seem disgusted with me at all.
- Did someone offend you? - The mech asked again with the same sincere tenderness in his tone.
I shook my head negatively.
- Is it something in your body?
I closed my face with both hands and shook the head even more violently, crooking.
- No...
- And what’s about your soul?..
I sniffed silently; choking sensation dug its claws into my throat as it let out a pathetic "Mm-gm..." and I nodded. Everything in me just fell somewhere down; I felt my poor heart beating hysterically in the stomach. There was a crazy mix of panicking fear and complete indifference. I was trembling, wishing to be left alone. But even more, I wanted to be comforted. I wanted someone to embrace me and whisper soothing words, to say that it was going to be OK, to stroke my hair as if I was just a kid. But wasn't it too much to ask? I didn't dare to believe Optimus would bother himself to spend time with such a puny, pathetic creature.
After this cut through my head, I couldn't keep myself from crying anymore – I literally burst out.
- Hey, look at me, Y/N.
Hesitantly, I obliged. I was ready to see disappointment or distaste, but instead...
- There is nothing to be embarrassed with. Do you want to talk about it?
I wasn't sure if I heard him right. Did he really... worry about me? Of course, as my guardian, he should have, regardless... Wasn't I dreaming?
- W-what d-do you m-mean? – I replied indecisively.
- I thought, perhaps you could share your pain with someone. Sometimes it helps. - A small, understanding smile appeared on his faceplate. - I'm sorry... It hurts my spark to see such precious little thing crying.
I lost my ability to speak for some seconds.
- Does it r-really? W-why?
Prime's eyebrows lifted up in surprise.
- Because you matter. You're my friend, Y/N. Friends help each other, don't they?
His gravely voice had already had its way with me. My shudders calmed down and though my eyes were still wet, I couldn't help but smiled back at him.
- Thank you... for this... But I don't want to talk right now...
- It's absolutely fine...
- ... I'm very, very tired, though. - At the moment I said that, my spine weakened and I collapsed at the flat, warm surface of Optimus' hand.
Something childish, basic, something from the abyss of my wild, subconscious core suddenly arose inside me and escaped my chest with barely audible plead.
- Please... Don't leave me here...
A quiet sigh rambled beside me; my entire figure was washed with warm air of his exhale.
- Don't worry, Y/N. I won't.
His digits closed over my tiny form. I wasn't able to see a thing anymore, but I could say for sure that we moved away from the place.
Quite soon the sounds of Ratchet's work faded away. Optimus opened one of the many electric doors and walked into a somewhat room - I heard a soft "whoosh" as the panel shifted back to its place. My guardian set me free on his berth, and only then I understood that we were in his private room. Sitting down beside me, he spoke even gentler than before:
- You are out of energy. And so do I. But still, I don't want you to stay alone...
Do you trust me?
I nod, already predicting where he was heading to. Cybotronian friends committed this small ritual with humans regularly; many were fond of it. However, I had never tried it with him. I couldn't claim that I was completely inexperienced too, but those previous times were emergencies which I couldn't truly like – they were harsh and distasteful like a rotten fruit. Now... It promised to be much more intimate. And it depended only on my wish.
I glanced at him through my eyelashes - I was too sleepy to keep the eyes wide open - and murmured:
- I do.
Optimus nodded. I was lifted up again - straight to his mouth.
Slowly, controlling every his movement, my guardian guided me inside his maw and laid my feet on his squishy glossa - there was a faint blue light twinkling at the back of his depthless throat illuminating a humid, warm chamber. Thanks to him I didn't even touch the sharp dents – their deadly blades loomed right above me, but stayed harmless, serving simply a reminder of what power Optimus actually had over me. The glossa curled around my legs as soft, thick blanket, then released them and I was pushed further to the glowing entrance of the esophagus.
I stared down, processing what was about to happen. I appreciated the leisure pace Optimus chose with me; his gentle licks and steady, rhythmical ventilating brought me nothing but comfort and peace. I sensed my toes in his pharynx and waited for inevitable with dull thrill - to be unceremoniously drugged into misty, humid confines of the muscles’ trap, to be deafed and choked. That what I was usually met with before, every time I was gulped down. However, when Optimus swallowed, his artificial, metal flesh contracted just slightly, pulling me so carefully inside that I almost missed the moment. It was like... A hug. The next swallow was just a little bit stronger - I gasped as he let his hand go off me and my tiny being got engulfed into his soft throat. It felt better than anything I knew before. Surrounded by the pulsing alien flesh, I finally felt protected and loved – the state I sought for so desperately all that fuckin’ day.
For some time he just held me there, his head titled back. I didn't make a move, trying to avoid hurting him. Living heat of his soaked into my bones and made me so drowsy that I thought I would fall asleep. However, at that moment the muscles came to action and lovingly tugged me deeper. The light grew brighter, though it didn't bother me at all; I was easily slipping in a long wiry tube constructed from the smaller ones, thinner and more solid, poured with viscous, bubbling energon – I was watching little sparks floating in there as I was passing by and a weak flame of forgotten happiness flickered in my soul once more.
Finally, I arrived at his fueltank. Its walls greeted me with a friendly squeeze, forcing me to curl into fetal position. I didn't cry anymore; all my worries and demons disappeared long ago, at the second I heard: "How do you feel, little one?"
God! I was so horribly wrong. I thought no one needed me, that I was lost, abandoned... And still, there was someone who couldn't bare me cry.
I felt Optimus' servo laying down on the lump I must have made on his waist, caressing me. I rubbed my head against the spot where I could recognize the pressure and smiled.
I did matter.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 3 months
Can I hear a little bit about 'Scared Senseless and Saved'?
I actually haven’t started writing this one yet! Buts it’s going to be an Optimus Prime x human reader fic that involves vore, as per request. I’m thinking of making it a first contact situation where neither Optimus nor the human know what the heck each other are, and both are very, very confused as to how to handle interacting together. Throw in some Decepticons who definitely do not care about human lives, and Optimus is going to end up inadvertently traumatizing the poor human while he’s saving them from possible death.
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Me happily shipping Optimus and ratchet because old married couple: :D
me whenever I see a Starop hashtag and now have forgotten where I stand in this fight:
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mskenway97 · 10 months
life or taste
Okay i write this different for some ideas in my mind thanks to @callsign-relic's tasty AU
If you are sensitive to this, I warn you not to read from here.
Warnings: soft vore,unwilling vore, size difference, biting.
I just had to stay at the base, but Miko had gone through the portal. She never thought about it before entering. The battle was in the middle of a forest. I didn't want to lose Miko along the way, there had come a time when I had lost sight of Miko and the explosions that could be heard.
A sepulchral silence around me, I had the feeling that I was being watched. I grabbed my phone and tried to call Ratchet, but I saw that there was no coverage.
"Shit, Shit… Calm down, I just have to think clearly. Don't imagine that I'm in a horror movie scenario, and at night… "I thought as I started to hear some howling.
That feeling of being watched… It was increasing more and more. Until I saw some red optics in front of me. I didn't hesitate anymore, I started to run, I felt my breath hot. If this was a nightmare I wanted to wake up now.
I heard the decepticon's footsteps, it wasn't too close nor too far away it seemed it was playing with her.
The footsteps started to disappear, I could only hear my breathing and my heartbeat at a thousand per hour. I started to hear the footsteps continue as I found a cave to hide in without anyone catching me. I looked at my cell phone again, still without reception. I hugged my legs and stayed inside the cave.
"Will someone have noticed that I'm not at the base? Who is the decepticon looking for me? In the darkness I couldn't see who it was. This is a disaster" I thought
I started to hear some footsteps near the cave, I tried to hide as best I could in the cave until I saw a servo trying to catch me, I tried to run to the bottom of the cave but unfortunately it was not very deep and I tried to resist. Believing it was the decepticon I resisted as best I could only to see that it was useless, but I felt it wasn't holding me tightly, when it pulled me out of the cave I could see some optics that were very familiar to me.
-Y/N, thanks to Primus I found you - said the soft and strong baritone of Optimus looking at me worried - What were you thinking about?
-I was trying to stop Miko, I lost my way…. I felt that someone was following me.
-Well, well it looks like someone has beaten me to it….
I opened my eyes wide as Optimus protected me with his servos. The decepticon that had been chasing me was the leader of the Decepticons himself. What did the Decepticon leader want from me?
-Ratchet, I need a groundbridge," I heard Optimus say.
There was no response on the other end of the line, Megatron was laughing on the other end.
-The reinforcements aren't coming…. It got my attention watching that little girl run for her life," I heard Megatron say.
I felt Optimus' servos gripping me tighter, Megatron on the other hand was swinging his sword ready to attack.
I saw that Optimus dodged, he took me with him to leave me in some safe area.
"Stay hidden, don't move," Optimus told me as he went to fight Megatron.
Although he was at a distance, he could clearly hear the clashes of metal and the shots of the two titans. Curiosity could lead me closer to the combat area. The forces were equal between the two, they seemed too focused.
I was not focused when I saw that Megatron was pointing his gun at me, Optimus saw me and parried the shot in front of him, shooting him in the Chest plate, causing some of the energon to fall to the ground.
-Optimus! -I said as I saw him get on his knees from the pain, Megatron pointed the sword at his Helm.
-Always defending the weakest… It seems that you are very fond of this thing…-I heard Megatron while I felt his servo grab me.
I felt immobilized as I saw a cruel smile at the Decpeticon leader.
-There is a way you can survive… If you accept my conditions you will both come out alive but the little girl may not like the terms… You are small and resistant… But how do you know taste? Human, enter the jaws of your protector… Optimus and perhaps you will be saved…
-No! -I heard Optimus scream as he tried to get up, I was watching Megatron bring me closer to his mouth, I saw his teeth near him.
-If you don't decide quickly, I will end up making you enter mine and taste you to my liking. While your beloved guardian dies. You being my little pleasure for life - I heard Megatron say cruelly.
I was terrified just the thought of entering, it gave me chills, I saw those dentas too close to me. If I didn't decide quickly the Earth would be doomed and Optimus, the autobots would be lost forever.
-Come on, little one… Decide
-You don't have to do this Y/N - I heard Optimus when I looked at him I felt so guilty… I couldn't just watch him die, not after everything we've been through.
If I have to choose between the jaws of the beast and the noble warrior. I have a clear choice.
When Megatron was almost about to put me in his mouth-I'll do it! - I screamed as I felt that he had stopped looking at me with a cruel smile.
-Good decision… I'll give you 10 minutes to enter, don't make me wait
Megatron left me in the servos of Optimus, who had a distraught face plate, believing that this was all a nightmare.
The relationship we had was close, he became my guardian. I was secretly in love with him, I wanted to know him but not literally inside. I felt his servos shake.
"Don't worry… I'm not going to judge you, people need you, just do it," I told him while he tried to hold back my tears.
Megatron was aiming his weapon at him, while Optimus removed the battle mask from him, I was slowly approaching his mouth. I saw the inside of him, the gloss of him and the dentas of him. He entered me little by little and carefully. I was starting to feel parts of my body covered in what seemed to be slime, his gloss was around my back.
-Shut your mouth, taste it with your glossa - Megatron told him.
Optimus did so reluctantly, he was beginning to feel various parts of my body that were being covered by his gloss. Certain parts of my body were giving me some excitement or it was also due to lack of air. I moaned a little without realizing it.
-Wow, it seems that the little girl is enjoying being in your jaws, Optimus… Doesn't she seem delicious to you? Don't look at me with that face… I was watching you both closely. "Some of my spies said she was your little pet," Megatron told him.
I felt like I was almost going inside so Optimus was almost going to respond, but he had to restrain himself.
-Oh wow, can't you talk? Your sweet little one is being too busy for you. Now the poor thing must be scared of what's going to happen to her… Turned into a little sweet… That's looking at me with rage… But why just give her a glossa? "When we can give you two," Megatron told him.
When I heard that I felt Optimus's mouth and gloss tighten around my body. I was short of breath when I felt it.
Megatron grabbed him by the chin making him look at him -I can finish them both off quickly if you don't obey… The sacrifice of your little pet would have been in vain…
Then I heard a silence, to see that Optimus's mouth had opened a little, to feel another different sensation, another glossa… Then I realized that you were kissing, I felt the touch of both glossas playing with my body, competing to see which one had the greatest control over me. I ended up in so many positions… my mind was already starting to get clouded by the pleasure since his lips were touching certain parts of my body that were making me shake non-stop.
Megatron stopped to watch him lick his lips, while both Optimus and I were exhausted.
To see that the kiss continues while I feel both glossas around me again but this time when I finished I was in Megatron's jaws that I began to taste and feel the small bite on my arm and legs.
Then the process was repeated again, it seemed that Megatron and Optimus were still carried away by the feeling. While I felt somewhere between his glosses, between pleasure and fear. I couldn't see what was happening to Optimus but his side wasn't as pleasant as mine either.
We reached a certain point when Megatron was comfortable with both of us.
Megatron smiled diabolically as he grabbed Optimus's jaw again - I'm still left with the feeling that I need something in my tanks.
The look of horror on mine and Optimus's face could be seen from a distance.
"We hadn't agreed on that," I said nervously while the Decepticon leader laughed.
-Oh, you thought you were going to get away with it, that's not going to happen… You'll be a good little sweet…
I was horrified to hear it, how could it end like this while I felt Optimus' glossa pushing me inside. I understood what he was doing…
-Do what you have to do… - I said as I felt like I was sliding deeper.
Megatron was realizing what Optimus had done.
Megatron was going to attack him until Bumblebee and the rest came to help them.
Megatron ended up retreating far away but satisfied with what he had done.
Ratchet asking what had happened and where he was.
Optimus was unable to respond he felt so guilty, so destroyed…his little y/n didn't deserve to be inside his tanks. He felt remorse… But he had to protect her from ending up in a worse fate even if it was inside her.
Luckily the advantage is that he could get you out of there… No organic matter was consumed.
But that day would not be forgotten by Optimus or me.
Those horrors would remain in my mind for life.
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tinydefector · 4 months
Ahhhhh gonna work on prowls next chapter tomorrow to tired and emotionally drained to night. Will probably try and work on another south piece tomorrow after editing so I can get a head start. To add back to the chaos files of my fic docs.
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Full name some of the files which don't show is
Dirty little man swindling my money
Optimus Tortured Prime
Rodimus Electric Boogooloo Vore vroom room
Starscreamer the Creamer Chancellor
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valveposts · 1 year
I saw the Megatron voring Optimus post and I internally went feral/pos Big fat Megs devouring everyone/everything that dares oppose him fhdjjsks
yes yes yes <3 megs eats his problems and his biggest problem is optimus prime
but also, him making an example of some traitors by eating them? tarn having the honor of selecting the meal and feeding it to his master...
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fiftyshadesofmetal · 5 months
Blog/Ask Rules and Info
This blog is mainly going to be for my fetish/kink/nsfw transformers or general robot/mech nsfw content
I'm very new to tumblr, please be patient! I'm still figuring out how to do all the things and such so if I send multiple asks, reblog something oddly, or my general 'tumblr etiquette' is odd i'm sorry =0X
Requests are allowed, but check out the characters I'm willing to do and the kinks/things I'm willing to draw before asking, since if it doesn't align with that then I def won't do it. If it does follow all my rules, its not a given that I may do it
✅ Characters:
Sunstreaker (IDW1/IDW2/MTME/g1)
Sideswipe (IDW1/IDW2/G1/Tfa)
Arcee (IDW1)
Cheetor (Beastwars/IDW1/Cyberverse)
Cosmos (IDW1/g1)
FirstAid (MTMTE/IDW1)
Thundercracker (IDW1)
Bombeshell/Shrapnel/Kickback (G1/IDW/Dreamwave)
Ironhide (IDW1/G1)
Nautica (MTMTE)
Skids (MTMTE)
Blaster (g1/MTMTE/IDW1)
Skywarp (IDW1)
Tracks (g1)
Airraid (g1/WFC)
Whirl (MTMTE)
Grimlock (MTMTE/IDW1)
Scavangers (MTMTE/IDW1)
Fortress Maximus (MTMTE/IDW1)
Airrazor (ROTB/Beastwars/WFC)
Dinobot (Beastwards/WFC)
Needlenose (IDW)
Soundwave (IDW1/g1)
Bob the Insecticon (Please don't ask this, he's a legit animal)
Optimus Prime
Alpha Trion
If your characters not in either the do's/dont's, feel free to send the ask and I'll probably figure out if I would want to do them or not!
Oral Vore (Safe/Soft and soft digestion w/ reformation, slight weight gain)
Feederism (Some stuffing/weight gain)
BDSM (Mostly dom/sub, bondage, degradation)
Chasity cage
Valve/Spike piercings
Mouth/Maw shots
Size Difference/Extreme Size Difference (probably wont do a character any smaller then their partners hand)
Large age gap
Age play
If you want pairings, just put it in the ask and I'll see about it, as well as if theres any kinks you want that I dont have listed
Incest/Twincest (No Sunny/Sides shit thats fuckin nasty)
Zoophilia/Beastiality (Can't believe I have to say this, gross, leave bob alone)
Young (Just covering all my bases at this point, but I better not even have to see any shit like that interacting with me)
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tripleglitchwriting · 8 months
I have seen that there is one available, could you do tfp optimus prime where the human trapped in the ice and there is a solution that maybe the human doesn't like (protective vore)?
I’ve been mulling this over in my head for a while now trying to think of a way to do it, but I don’t think I’m ready to write Optimus vore yet. This is completely a ‘me grappling with the fact I like vore’ thing and not something being wrong with the request.
I’m so, so sorry I couldn’t provide on this one, especially because it took me so long to get to it.
Once I finish the next couple parts of my own fic(s?) I’ll reopen requests, though I can’t promise I’ll be able to pull through with Optimus.
I’m sorry if this is a weird thing for me to feel strange about, I guess I’m not quite at the point emotionally which feels like a very stupid thing to say about transformers vore.
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sillyromance · 1 year
Good day everyone!
Some predcanons (Pred!cybertronian/Prey!human) for transformers who I really like. Hope you'll enjoy!
1) Optimus Prime
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This gorgeous, big Autobot leader would be quite gentle and careful with his prey. I think the main motive for him to swallow someone down would be a wish to protect them, especially if it comes to defending Jack, Raph or Mico. If he has time, he will definitely explain why he is doing it and how safe it is, so the person won't get frightened; in another case, Optimus will talk to the human inside him straight away after the danger is gone and stroke his middle a little to comfort his small friend who would be truly scared after being suddenly tossed into the mouth of a giant robot. Also he surely would be glad to help you with insomnia or bad mood, keeping you safe and warm in his soft, spacious fueltank (of course, if you give you permission). As for Prime's emotions, I suppose he would feel awkward walking around his team mates while having someone inside, although it would never stop him from chatting with his prey from time to time to be sure they're fine and rubbing his "stomach" in reassurance. He likes having his friends so close to his spark, loves how they taste and move in his tank, but he would never say it out loud because it's too personal information in his opinion.
2) Ratchet
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Sweet, grumpy medic is very worried about his human friends' health and safety, so I think he would be the one who uses vore as panishment for those who skip sleep periods or put themselves in risky situations too much. At the same time, he would be a brilliant comforting pred who never fails to help someone escape the world when it's really necessary (especially if it comes to Raph). He would mentally prepare the person he's gulping down before everything happened because as "an emergency vehicle" he knows exactly what would scare them. While swallowing, this autobot would trace his prey's path through his tough body and sigh in relief when they fall in his fueltank; the little one would always feel some pressure of a giant hand from the outside which would pat and massage them, checking if everything is OK. Ratchet would be glad to be given some caresses from the inside too; he would smile wide if he did, surprising everyone around with soft and oddly loving face expression. But the bot would never admit he ate someone even to his friends (only to Optimus perhaps) because of deep embarrassment which he hides behind a perfect "poker face".
3) Ultra Magnus
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This autobot is a severe type. He wouldn't let just anyone random enter his insides; this is unspeakably ridiculous for him. Showing someone the most fragile part of the body, his soft spot! Please! Are you crazy?.. However, if he has no other choice (his human combat is badly injured, unconscious or there is a threat of being captured for them) he will hide them within his body without any hesitation. Meanwhile, when the things are normal, he would be an unwilling pred; only a human he is really attached to, like a lover or the best friend, would be allowed to go down his fueltank. This way he would express the highest level of affection and trust he has for this person. In this case, his favourite time to do that is right before recharge when no one can see him and his soul mate; all lights are gone, there are just two of them. Magnus silently opens his mouth and puts his darling in, then gently swallows, concentrating on a stretching, wiggling weight which travels along his esophagus. When it reaches its destination, he lies on the berth, closes his optics and holds both servos on his middle, feelings his friend settling in. That all would be a casual, but important act between him and someone he cares about so much that even he can't deny it.
TFE (Earthspark)
1) Megatron
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Ex-leader of the decepticon is undoubtedly a teaser who will bring you close to his carmin eyes and grin, intentionally showing his sharp dents, every time it comes to sending you down his throat! Although his jokes are never offensive for a prey. He gets a lot of pleasure from the whole situation and tries to prolong it as much as possible. At the same moment, Megatron would never do anything that could make his human friend uncomfortable; and the funny comments he gives to the prey always finally turn into some kind of appreciation of their taste, warmth, shape, delicate skin, how good they feel deep in his core etc. Like Optimus, he is very protective. As for his behaviour among transformers and humans, he wouldn't be bothered by their presence nearby while he's carrying someone inside him, but he wouldn't let anyone know until it's necessary 'cause he clearly understands how freaky it would sound. He is not a talker, but the prey would always feel that he remembers about them by small, light touches from the outside and double-meaning phrases he sometimes drops in front of others.
As an addition: this mech would be happy to teach his friend's bullies a goood lesson (if there are any) by swallowing them and keeping this fools inprisoned for some time without any respond to their shouting and crying. Of course, Megatron wouldn't mean any real harm and he would let them out later, but at least the guilty ones would see their mistake quite clearly...
2) Bumblebee
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I think this kind-hearted, optimistically-yellow autobot is a cuddle enthusiast. He wouldn't mind making vore a casual ritual to make bonds with his human friends even stronger. Moreover, it would give him some comfort to know that someone he cares about is hidden in a place no one can reach without crushing Bumblebee himself apart first - what is not that easy! His spark just melts when it comes to inner rubbing - it inevitably sends shivering through all of his systems when tiny hands move across his sensitive fueltank's metal "flesh"... He doesn't mind multiple "passengers", but it's simple to make him sick by moving too much, so at the start Bee always asks for being cautious and still inside him. If someone questions him about the person he has swallowed, young autobot will calmly tell them the truth (and stop this poor fellow from panicking after); usually he is OK with his other friends to be aware about the situation (nevertheless if he was asked to keep everything a secret he undeniably would). Bumblebee is very comforting, thoughtful and caring pred, but there are times when he needs attention as well - so, for him vore is a kind of comfort and relaxation too.
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husband won't write me optimus prime macaroni vore....... my life is over
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we need more umami/salty preys
maybe a fancy pray, royal even, with a taste that may not be as popular or sweet then most, but the flavour has depth, those who like it, love it, those who don’t, don’t.
maybe the prey is actually happy they don’t get eaten as often, and maybe get really annoyed when a pred really likes their taste
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mskenway97 · 9 months
I think it's about time I create a masterlist of everything I've done, to organize myself better.
G/T transformers shy reader
G/T transformers helpless human angst/fluff
G/T transformers sleeping time
G/T transformers pet play
G/T transformers pet play (NSFW)
G/T transformers problems of be tiny
First contact au Rodimus prime x human reader (fluff)
Scenario Tf Earthspark Starscream (fluff)
Scenario Tf armada Stascream (soft vore, safe vore)
G/T transformers bad day
G/T transformers illness time
Transformers persona au
G/T transformers bot treat like a doll or teddy
G/T transformers bot first kiss
G/T transformers human sacrificed
Drabble tfp optimus prime 2.0
Drabbles First Contact (Orion Pax and D16 Transformers One)
G/T transformers human fan of aliens
One Shot
optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human!reader first contact
Optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human reader confort
life or taste Megop (TFP) x gn!human reader (tasty au, soft vore)
Bot in flames Optimus prime (Bayverse) x Fem!human reader (NSFW)
Optimus prime x Blind!fem! Human Reader
Fishing Time (Merformers) Tfp Optimus Prime x Gn!Human!Reader
Side Effects Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader(mouthplay, soft vore)
Song of calm Merformers prowl x Jazz
Payment terms TFP Starscream x Male!Human!Reader
A delicious surprise Tfp Breakdown x gn!human!reader (tasty au, soft vore, safe vore)
Curious cat ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader (g/t fearplay) part 2
Come My Way ROTB Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader
Change of side Tfa Blitzwing x Fem!human!reader (multiple personalities)
I will stay Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst/fluff)
You are part of who I am Bayverse Optimus Prime x GN!human!reader (adopted angst/fluff)
Peaceful investigation Tfa Waspinator x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, protective vore)
First touch Tf armada Starscream x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, a little crush kink)
Dangerous cuddles Tf armada HotShot x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, comfort vore)
Specific solutions Tfa Wreack-gar x fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore)
Prime Urges TFP Optimus Prime Synth-en x fem!human!reader (nsfw)
Deep Audacity Mer Bravern x Isami Ao (soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay)
Between the sword and the robot MTMTE/IDW Rodimus x !GN!Human Reader (nsfw,vore)
Link reconnection Mer Superbia x lulu (fluff)
Medical inspections TFP Ratchet x gn!human!reader (valveplug,nsfw,suggestive)
She is a witch TFP OC (Dionesea) x gn!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, firs contact)
Ways of discover the love ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader
Trick or race TF EarthSpark Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian!reader
Past Songs TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst)
Butterfly Beast and Beautiful Cybertronian TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst, reunion)
Telepathy in the Silence (Merformers) Tfp Soundwave x Fem!Human!Reader (fist contact, merformers, g/t fearplay)
My Immortal Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst)
Analysis g/t
G/T in Transformers (2007)
G/T in Transformers Revenge of the fallen (2009)
The Automatons
Cap 1 , Cap 2
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bouncystar-artz · 1 month
🔞Minors DNI🔞
Hi there hello!. He/It, late 20s. Side blog for my fetish art. Expect pooltoys, objectum, vore, macro/micro, furry and transformers (series). I rarely draw due to mobility issues so you'll see lots of RBs. I tag everything if I missed something lmk
Things I won't draw
Nsfw featuring Optimus Prime or Blitzwing regardless of ship. I selfship in a familial sense with them so it makes me uncomfortable.
Megastar or Tarnma
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coffee-cupps · 4 years
Transformers Memes:
I got super popular doing this with the Pokémon fandom so...let’s see how well it does here. If it does well, I might make a part two! I have 214+ images in a folder on my phone. I wish to share them with the world. (50+ notes and I’ll make a part two)
All credit goes to the original creators!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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valveposts · 1 year
Sw could try to vore him but probably couldn’t because Megs is just too damn thick and he doesn’t wanna choke to death on the Megaroundness hfjsjsnan
its okay.. he can just hold him in his mouth...
world cold and hard (and full of optimus prime)
soundwave intake soft and warm
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mixelation · 2 years
(i know nothing about transformers) does dead optimus prime still function as a vehicle? like can you still drive his corpse places?
Hmm 🤔 I am going to bring in my own expert. @cardio-vore, if I kill Optimus Prime to live in his corpse, can I also drive his corpse around?
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