#ratchet vore
sillyromance · 1 year
Good day everyone!
Some predcanons (Pred!cybertronian/Prey!human) for transformers who I really like. Hope you'll enjoy!
1) Optimus Prime
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This gorgeous, big Autobot leader would be quite gentle and careful with his prey. I think the main motive for him to swallow someone down would be a wish to protect them, especially if it comes to defending Jack, Raph or Mico. If he has time, he will definitely explain why he is doing it and how safe it is, so the person won't get frightened; in another case, Optimus will talk to the human inside him straight away after the danger is gone and stroke his middle a little to comfort his small friend who would be truly scared after being suddenly tossed into the mouth of a giant robot. Also he surely would be glad to help you with insomnia or bad mood, keeping you safe and warm in his soft, spacious fueltank (of course, if you give you permission). As for Prime's emotions, I suppose he would feel awkward walking around his team mates while having someone inside, although it would never stop him from chatting with his prey from time to time to be sure they're fine and rubbing his "stomach" in reassurance. He likes having his friends so close to his spark, loves how they taste and move in his tank, but he would never say it out loud because it's too personal information in his opinion.
2) Ratchet
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Sweet, grumpy medic is very worried about his human friends' health and safety, so I think he would be the one who uses vore as panishment for those who skip sleep periods or put themselves in risky situations too much. At the same time, he would be a brilliant comforting pred who never fails to help someone escape the world when it's really necessary (especially if it comes to Raph). He would mentally prepare the person he's gulping down before everything happened because as "an emergency vehicle" he knows exactly what would scare them. While swallowing, this autobot would trace his prey's path through his tough body and sigh in relief when they fall in his fueltank; the little one would always feel some pressure of a giant hand from the outside which would pat and massage them, checking if everything is OK. Ratchet would be glad to be given some caresses from the inside too; he would smile wide if he did, surprising everyone around with soft and oddly loving face expression. But the bot would never admit he ate someone even to his friends (only to Optimus perhaps) because of deep embarrassment which he hides behind a perfect "poker face".
3) Ultra Magnus
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This autobot is a severe type. He wouldn't let just anyone random enter his insides; this is unspeakably ridiculous for him. Showing someone the most fragile part of the body, his soft spot! Please! Are you crazy?.. However, if he has no other choice (his human combat is badly injured, unconscious or there is a threat of being captured for them) he will hide them within his body without any hesitation. Meanwhile, when the things are normal, he would be an unwilling pred; only a human he is really attached to, like a lover or the best friend, would be allowed to go down his fueltank. This way he would express the highest level of affection and trust he has for this person. In this case, his favourite time to do that is right before recharge when no one can see him and his soul mate; all lights are gone, there are just two of them. Magnus silently opens his mouth and puts his darling in, then gently swallows, concentrating on a stretching, wiggling weight which travels along his esophagus. When it reaches its destination, he lies on the berth, closes his optics and holds both servos on his middle, feelings his friend settling in. That all would be a casual, but important act between him and someone he cares about so much that even he can't deny it.
TFE (Earthspark)
1) Megatron
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Ex-leader of the decepticon is undoubtedly a teaser who will bring you close to his carmin eyes and grin, intentionally showing his sharp dents, every time it comes to sending you down his throat! Although his jokes are never offensive for a prey. He gets a lot of pleasure from the whole situation and tries to prolong it as much as possible. At the same moment, Megatron would never do anything that could make his human friend uncomfortable; and the funny comments he gives to the prey always finally turn into some kind of appreciation of their taste, warmth, shape, delicate skin, how good they feel deep in his core etc. Like Optimus, he is very protective. As for his behaviour among transformers and humans, he wouldn't be bothered by their presence nearby while he's carrying someone inside him, but he wouldn't let anyone know until it's necessary 'cause he clearly understands how freaky it would sound. He is not a talker, but the prey would always feel that he remembers about them by small, light touches from the outside and double-meaning phrases he sometimes drops in front of others.
As an addition: this mech would be happy to teach his friend's bullies a goood lesson (if there are any) by swallowing them and keeping this fools inprisoned for some time without any respond to their shouting and crying. Of course, Megatron wouldn't mean any real harm and he would let them out later, but at least the guilty ones would see their mistake quite clearly...
2) Bumblebee
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I think this kind-hearted, optimistically-yellow autobot is a cuddle enthusiast. He wouldn't mind making vore a casual ritual to make bonds with his human friends even stronger. Moreover, it would give him some comfort to know that someone he cares about is hidden in a place no one can reach without crushing Bumblebee himself apart first - what is not that easy! His spark just melts when it comes to inner rubbing - it inevitably sends shivering through all of his systems when tiny hands move across his sensitive fueltank's metal "flesh"... He doesn't mind multiple "passengers", but it's simple to make him sick by moving too much, so at the start Bee always asks for being cautious and still inside him. If someone questions him about the person he has swallowed, young autobot will calmly tell them the truth (and stop this poor fellow from panicking after); usually he is OK with his other friends to be aware about the situation (nevertheless if he was asked to keep everything a secret he undeniably would). Bumblebee is very comforting, thoughtful and caring pred, but there are times when he needs attention as well - so, for him vore is a kind of comfort and relaxation too.
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petitelepus · 1 year
I was commissioned by sweetheart called @biggesttfsimp to write about her Yandere matches!
Idea was that the Reader was taken from their Yandere and they retrieve what is rightfully theirs.
There are some different states of Yandere/Victim relationships in here so they aren’t all completely same.
Enjoy everyone and thank you for commissioning me!
Small warning, Robo violence and blood!
You bit your lower lip anxiously as you looked at the Decepticons around you, who were holding you as a prisoner. You had been careless and had gotten caught while enjoying the scenery of the sun setting down the horizon.
An especially beautiful scene this time of the year, but you had been recognized by some Vehicons that were expecting to be praised for capturing one of the Autobots' pet humans.
You have no idea how much time passed, but you were sure your disappearance had been noticed. Especially once Megatron showcased the image of you to the Autobot's frequency, demanding that the heroes would switch the precious Iacon Relics that they had for you.
Now you held no love for Decepticons and they held even less for you, but you weren't a monster. You looked at Megatron who was speaking with Soundwave and Starscream.
"If Autobots want their precious human back, they have to do as I say and bring us the relics they have!" Megatron growled under his breath and Starscream being the sneaky snake he was, kissed ass like a pro. "Yes, and then we shall take over what's-!"
"You guys are making a terrible decision here..." You muttered under your breath, but Starscream had heard you.
The sleek Decepticon turned to look at you and gave you one of his famous glares, "What did you say?"
You swallowed nervously, but held your ground, "You guys are in way bigger danger than I am." You said and silence fell into the room before the whole room full of Decepticons and Vehicons burst out laughing. You bit the inside of your cheek as you were laughed at and finally, they stopped laughing.
"Look after the human," Megatron ordered as he, Soundwave, and Starscream left the room. You looked around nervously at the Vehicons guarding you, and that is when you felt the air in the room shift.
You could feel it, his presence and it made you look around in fear, but you couldn't see him.
"Close your eyes..." Came his whisper and you knew from experience not to disobey him. You closed your eyes and just as you did that, you heard the Vehicons in the room scream in agony. You could only imagine with he was doing there before you to these poor Cons you had tried to warn.
"You can open your eyes." He said and you opened your eyes and saw Ratchet standing there, but your attention was stolen by the bodies of the Vehicons who just a second ago were alive and laughing at you. That, and how Ratchet was covered in the said Vehicon's energon.
What you imagined didn't come even near reality. It appeared that Ratchet had come into the room with a relic called Phase Shifter. The said relic allowed its master to go through objects as they pleased, a truly magnificent piece of Cybertronian technology.
Well, it looked like he had used the relic to pull the sparks straight out of some Vehicon's chests while he had used his knife to cut some apart from inside out. The smell in the room was foreign to you, but you had no doubt that if you were a Cybertronian you would be sick because of all the energon spilled on the floor.
An alarm went off and you could hear a commotion coming outside the interrogation room. Ratchet was standing there by the door and with one punch, he destroyed the code reader that opened and closed the door when the right code was inserted. Now no one would get in and no one could get out.
"My love, how-!" He was saying as he cut you loose from your bindings and saw you properly.
"Your face...!" Ratchet gasped quietly and you blinked in confusion as you raised your hand and touched your cheek. You winced. It must have been bruised at some point of time during your stay with Decepticons.
"Your beautiful face..." Ratchet muttered quietly as he gently touched your cheek with the tip of his servo. You could feel something wet and sticky touch your skin and you shivered at the idea that you had just been touched with hands tainted by robot blood.
"You came..." You said quietly and Ratchet scowled.
"Of course I did." He said as he picked you up and gently held you against his chassis as he opened a commlink to Autobot base, requesting a GroundBridge to your coordinates. You had to hurry because you could hear Decepticons banging on the door, trying to bring it down by brute force.
The portal to Autobot base opened and Ratchet carried you to safety. Once you were at the base, the bridge shut down behind you and Autobots rushed to meet you.
"Ratchet, where did you go, we couldn't contact you and-! Is that energon!?" Optimus asked, but Ratchet ignored him so he could place you on the pedestal where the kids were. The kids surrounded you and while they meant good, you weren't in that good shape to talk with them.
While Rafael tried to leave and get you a glass of water, Jack had to tell Miko to calm down and leave you be for a while. You had just been through something traumatic and you needed space to recover.
"I'll perform a physical on her," Ratchet said, but before he could grab you Arcee stepped between you two. "Ratchet, with all due respect, I think you are too far in this. What exactly went down there on Nemesis, you're covered in energon?"
"Arcee..." Ratchet sighed, but the Autobot femme frowned, but before she could say anything else you butted in.
"It's okay Arcee." You said with a smile as you stepped forward so Ratchet could pick you up. "I don't mind Ratchet checking me. They did get me pretty good, after all?" You chuckled as you pointed at your bruised cheek.
The blue femme frowned, but nodded, accepting your explanation and you smiled as Ratchet carefully picked you up and took you to his quarters to check you. Once the door closed behind you two you looked at him, "Can you put me down?"
Ratchet did as you asked and placed you on his bed. You would barely look at him so he had to ask, "Are you mad at me?"
"...Yes." You nodded and the medic frowned, "Why?"
"Because...!" You scowled, "Because...!"
"I don't understand. Are you mad at me for saving you?" Ratchet asked and you scowled harder, "Maybe..."
Hearing this, the medic got mad, "You needed me! I needed you...!"
"You didn't need to kill them...!" You replied and he frowned, "They hurt you!"
"You noticed that after you had killed them!"
"I only did what I did because I love you, can't you see that?!" Ratchet snapped and you flinched. Seeing this, he sighed and gently touched your shoulder with his servo. "I'm sorry... I only did it because I love you... You have to understand that?"
You did, but was it worth killing someone, even if those someones were simple Vehicons...? You were taught right from wrong at a very young age and now you couldn't tell what this all was. You sighed, your shoulders relaxing considerably as you accepted his words.
"Okay... But no more killing anyone! Alright?" You asked as you turned to look at Ratchet. The medic smiled as he leaned in and gently kissed the top of your head.
"I won't..." He promised...
...But sometimes people took justice into their own hands.
"You are in huge trouble." You said from your seated position on a chair you were tied on. The petty villain of Detroit, Angry Archer had captured you in hopes of blackmailing some money out of your companions. While you admit, you had been careless, you hadn't expected to be captured by someone like him.
"Alas, thou are a friend of the Bots, are thou not?" The weirdo in green costume asked and you rolled your eyes so hard it almost hurt, "Wrong side, genius."
"That does not matter! I will make my demands and release thou for 6-digit numbers!"
That was a lot of money for little old you. Did he really expect Autobots to carry such riches with them? Even your lover, or what he preferred to be called as wasn't that loaded and he worked for the most sinister Cybertronian you knew.
"You really should let me go. For your own good." You said and you meant it. No matter where you were or where you went, your lover always knew exactly where to find you. You couldn't understand how, maybe was there a tracking chip in you or something, but you couldn't tell.
"And what if I won't? What are thou going to do?"
"It's not what I'm going to do." You said as you heard the sound of a fighter jet approaching the abandoned warehouse you were held in at. "It's what he is going to do when he finds us."
The Archer laughed and was about to reply, no doubt going to brush off your warning, but then something hit earth so hard that the whole warehouse shook. For a second you were afraid that the whole place would collapse on top of you, but your fears went away when you heard a familiar voice.
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Came furious German-accented shouting that you knew belonged to Blitzwing, your kinda lover's, Hotheaded personality.
Next thing you knew, the warehouse's ceiling was ripped off and your partner's red face came into your view. You looked at the Archer who was looking at the scene before him with his eyes wide in shock and you grinned, "I told you."
The Archer gasped and tried to use his magnetic grappling lines to make a quick escape, but Hothead grabbed the line as Archer was about to take off, leaving the human hanging on the line like a fish in a hook.
"YOU LITTLE-! YOU DARE TO STEAL FROM-!" Hothead was saying when his face shifted and the Random personality took over.
"Ooh, snack time!" Random cackled as he raised the villain into the air, but just as he was about to drop the man into his maw, you interrupted him.
"Blitzwing, no!" You shouted and Random stopped, but only for enough time to look at you, "What iz it my little Liebling?"
"Don't eat him!"
"Yes, don't eat me!" The Angry Archer cried out desperately, only amusing Blitzwing's maniac personality even further.
"Und why not?" Random shrugged as he laughed, "He took jou from me!"
"But I'm alright, aren't I? No reason to hurt him!"
"But I-!"
"I think he learned his lesson!" You cried out more seriously and Blitzwing pouted, but then his face changed and Icy took control.
"Very well, if that is what jou want." He said and you sighed in relief. Icy was usually the one who would listen to the voice of reason. You watched him twirl the line Angry Archer had tried to use to escape around the said man, trapping him now instead.
"Wanna cut me loose?" You asked and Blitzwing nodded, and he set the criminal aside but that was when you heard the sirens in the distance. Someone must have called the police when they saw a giant evil alien robot tear a warehouse into pieces.
"I hear Autobot reinforcement approaching." Blitzwing muttered mainly to himself and then Hothead took control, "LET THEM COME! I'LL SQUASH THEM LIKE TIN CANS!"
"No!" You shouted, not wanting any innocent policemen to get hurt because your lover was... Well, partly lunatic Decepticon?
"Can't we just leave?" You asked and Hothead shot a glare in your direction. "JOU WANT ME TO ADMIT DEFEAT!?"
"Please...?" You asked with your eyes big and wide, a puppy look you had mastered when it came to wanting something from Blitzwing. The red-faced mech scowled as he looked at the cute look you were giving him and Icy took control of the body.
"Very well then." Icy nodded with a defeated sigh and cut you loose before picking you up. Just as the police made it to the scene of the crime, Blitzwing transformed into a jet and took off with you inside him.
Back at the Decepticon base, Blitzwing was having an internal fight with himself. He was angry that you had been taken, and then he was mad for letting you loose enough to be captured like that and then he was furious that you had been set in danger.
He kept talking about what if Autobots would have gotten you from Angry Archer before Blitzwing had made it there. They would have no doubt taken you from him and if that had happened who knows if you would have been able to see each other ever again?
You couldn't bare to watch him fight with himself like that. You sighed as you whistled and that caught your lover's attention.
"It's okay Blitzwing." You said as you put on your biggest and most genuine-looking smile, "I'm here now, aren't I?"
"I love you."
At first, those three words were something to say when you wanted something or tried to make your point go through. You hadn't meant them at first, but now that you had been with Blitzwing for so long, you didn't know anymore if you actually did mean them.
You had grown accustomed to his company, his mood swings, and three different personalities who clashed here and there. You couldn't imagine life without him. There was a word for this, Stockholm's Syndrome, but you liked to believe that you were still in control of your feelings if only somewhat.
"Ooh, little Liebling is so cute!" Random, when did he take control, laughed as he leaned down so he was on your level and the situation briefly reminded you of those books and shows where they taught how to talk to children and animals without causing them fear.
"I could just eat you up!" He cackled and knowing him, he might just try that if you chose your words poorly.
"You wouldn't eat me," You smiled, "You love me too much."
"That I do!"
“You should just leave me.” You had said to these nice Cybertronians who had picked you up about a month ago from this alien market while you were out there waiting... Waiting for who? Well, an opportunity really.
“What are you saying?” This blue mech asked as he smiled, “After we so kindly picked you up when you were lost and hurt?”
“Things change.” You replied and a purple mech laughed, “C’mon, don’t be so formal with us! You’re one of us now, our friend!
Friend? Did friends really talk behind each other’s backs about selling each other to the highest bidder as a pet or as a living stress toy?
Yes, you had heard them speaking about you behind your back, but you didn’t mind.
You weren’t one in danger and you had honestly given these guys a fair warning. Rest was up to them if they would take it or leave it. Either way, time was running out.
Just on cue, the sound of an explosion going off somewhere in the building startled everybody and your companions jumped up from their seats around the table you were all seated at.
“What was that!?” The blue mech shouted and you sighed, “The reckoning is coming.”
“What does that mean!?” Purple mech shouted and there was another explosion, followed by a blood-curdling scream. The mechs looked at each other in horror and then they heard footsteps...
And Tarn walked into the room.
“Wh- Wha-!” They both stuttered and Tarn looked around the room until his crimson optics landed on you.
“Finally, I found you.” He said and the mechs yelped, thinking he was talking to them, but you could tell that he meant the words to you.
“Who are you!?” The mechs asked.
“My, where are my manners!” Tarn bowed curtly, “I’m here on behalf of our gracious lord Megatron, doing his holy work and eliminating all the traitors of the Decepticon cause.”
“Traitors-!” Blue mech gasped, “But we aren’t Cons!”
“Those against Decepticons shall share their fate with the rest of the traitors,” Tarn replied and both mechs looked like they could piss themselves if they could. You never really looked into Cybertronians’ biology, so you didn’t know.
“The war is over, there is no reason for us to fight anymore!” They shouted, but they might have as well been saying their prayers.
“Ah, I see you have a fair maiden with you,” Tarn said, his focus moving on you and the mechs holding you saw it and their final chance to save their afts.
“It’s the human you want, right?!” The purple mech shouted and he moved quickly as he grabbed you with a little too much strength, making you flinch, and offered you to the leader of the DJD.
“Here! Take her and let us live!”
Tarn looked at you and opened his hand towards you. The mech holding you quickly handed you over and Tarn immediately moved you to a much more comfortable position in his arms.
“How have you been, my fair maiden?” He asked and you smiled, “They have been decent towards me.”
“You heard her! We have been nice to her!” The purple mech shouted and his blue partner nodded while looking desperate, “So, you let us go now, right?”
“You seem to have misunderstood.” Tarn shook his helm as he snapped his servos and stepped aside. “I never said I would spare you, you just assumed so.”
Two Cons stepped into the room, Helex, and Kaon, both smiling sadistically at the sight of two more victims.
As the mechs holding you started to beg for their lives, Tarn turned and left the room so you wouldn’t see the bloodshedding. In his own way, he wanted to keep you pure so he never let you see the violence.
You sighed as you closed your eyes for a moment, feeling exhaustion taking over you, and the next thing you knew, you were back at Peaceful Tyranny.
Tarn gently placed you on your own seat and you looked downwards. Your skirt was a little bit out of its place, showing your purple bruised leg.
Truth was, that you had long ago stopped feeling anything on your legs. They just were there.
While Nickel didn’t like you, she had made sure you were alright, or as alright as you could be. You wouldn’t lose your legs and with the right treatment, you could maybe even gain back control of them.
Until then you would be bound to your wheelchair. Just the way Tarn liked you. Totally dependent on him.
“While I understand your need to be useful, this stunt you pulled was way too risky,” Tarn said and you looked at him.
“I’m sorry Tarn.” You weren’t really sorry, but Tarn worshipped you too much to notice a false apology.
“You do know that I have you locked away for your own safety, don’t you?”
“Yes, Tarn.” You nodded and your lover continued, “The world is a scary place for someone like you. You need me to survive in here.”
“Yes, Tarn.” You nodded again as your eyes landed on your purple leg again.
In a way, you were like a little bird, unable to use its wings. Tarn had made sure of that.
He seemed to notice how you looked at your useless legs and he carefully moved your long skirt so it covered your legs completely. He was quiet and you could tell he was feeling bad in his own way.
"It's alright Tarn...” You said as you smiled bravely. "I wouldn't leave you even if I could."
Again, you could tell he listened to you, latching onto every word that slipped past your lips. He was happy, you could tell.
There was a small moment of silence between the two of you and he was first to break it, clearing his intake and he stood up.
“Now it’s almost dinner time.” Tarn noted as he checked the time and you could tell he was smiling at you, “Won’t you sing for me?”
And you smiled, “Yes, Tarn.”
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valveposts · 8 months
We should talk about healing vore more
we have so many medics ready to volunteer their services
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fiber-optic-alligator · 8 months
Hello! I’ve always been curious about the “human in a space shuttle somehow ends up on a cybertronian ship and all the bots are trying to figure out what this random metal this is while the human is terrified” plot.
It would be interesting to see it played out with any character, but for the sake of direction, I’d like to request this with the Lost Light Crew?
It could be vore if that’s what you feel like wrong at the time, but I’d also go for some good ‘ol fearplay.
I apologize if this is too vague, have a good day/night and I love your writing!
Thank you for the request Glitch! I hope this is up to your expectations! I hope you don't mind that I picked specific members of the Lost Light crew to include in this story. Feedback is always appreciated! Have a great day/night as well! :D
Doctor’s (And Scientist’s) Orders
Pairing: IDW Ratchet, IDW Perceptor, and IDW First Aid x Human Reader
Word Count: 3115
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Summary: You are a teacher who is being sent from Earth to a colony on Mars. A new life as an educator for the red planet’s children is on your horizon…until you are thrown terribly off course and end up in the bowels of the Lost Light. All seems lost for you when you find yourself injured and cut off from human society, at the mercy of the three Cybertronians who end up finding you and taking you in, whether you want them to or not.
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The first thing you hear when you come to is the horrid screeching of your ship's alarms.
  You groan and sit up. Smoke and flickering emergency lights greet you when you open your eyes. Electricity sparks from the stasis tank you were asleep in. Gas spurts from the ceiling, and everything is strewn about with the chaotic air of a tornado that just tore through an entire town.
“Warning,” your ship’s AI urgently alerts. “Breach detected. Damage is collateral. Warning-warning-” It sputters and fizzles out.
  You rub the back of your head and feel something warm and sticky coat your palm. When you pull your hand back to take a closer look, you see blood.
  Shit. That’s not good.
  Standing up makes you feel like you are going to puke. Your head throbs and every breath you take sends piercing pain through your chest. Dragging yourself out of the stasis pod takes longer than it should while black spots dot your vision as you stumble to the dashboard and press your hands against it. “Run ship diagnostics,” you manage to rasp. The voice that struggles to exit your mouth is one you hardly recognize. It is thin and strewn with violent coughs. A metallic taste coats your tongue. More blood.
  The AI glitches as it attempts to answer you. “Severe damage to hull. Severe damage to engines. Severe damage to thrusters. Life support online, but rapidly depleting. Escape pod offline.”
  “Shit,” you breathe. “Try contacting Earth control.”
  “Communications systems offline. Attempting self-repairs. Current status…5%.”
  “How long until repairs are complete?”
  “Estimations indicate repairs will be completed in…5 days.”
  Not good. Not good at all. You push yourself away from the dashboard and take in all that has happened. This was not how the mission was supposed to go. When you were chosen to be sent to Earth’s Mars colony as a teacher for the young children growing up on the red planet, you thought it would be a smooth seven month trip with you peacefully slumbering away in stasis. You were supposed to be woken up by fellow human beings, not a devastating crash resulting in your ship being decimated. Something must have thrown you off course. A freak asteroid strike probably. Which begs the question…where exactly are you?
  Ignoring how much pain you are in, you hobble through the remains of the vessel and head for the airlock doors. They remain tightly shut when you make it to them, hiding the knowledge of where you are from view. “Open the doors,” you call out to the ship.
  “Warning. Remaining onboard is strongly recommended. Current exterior environment is unknown.”
  “Override. Open the doors.”
  The doors whoosh apart. You know there’s oxygen outside. If there hadn’t been, the ship would have prevented you from even entering the airlock chamber in the first place. Stepping off, you expect to see the barren landscape of Mars, or the alien environment of some other planet you might have ended up on. Part of you thinks you might still be on Earth; perhaps something went wrong with the ship before you could even break the Troposphere.
  What you see surprises you. You are in some sort of…massive cargo hold.
  Gigantic metal crates surround you, most of them exuding a pinkish glow. There are lights on the ceiling far above you, but they are dim, and serve little aid in giving you an estimate of just how large this place is. Turning in a circle, you feel awe fill you. “Yeah,” you murmur to yourself. “The ship definitely didn’t crash on Mars.”
  Speaking of your ship…you take in the damage. It's an absolute mess of warped, crippled metal doomed to remain collapsed on its side until self-repairs are complete. It would take days, maybe even weeks, for damage of this caliber to be fixed beyond the communications systems. With no way to contact Earth or Mars, you truly are stuck.
  You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose. Calm. You are calm. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Yes, your ship is destroyed. Yes, you are suffering from critical wounds. Yes, you are in an unknown place with seemingly no way out. But you're alive. That’s what matters. And now you just have to survive for five more days.
  You hear thumping in the distance.
  It takes you a moment to register the pattern of heavy steps that are coming towards you. It’s something alive, you realize with dawning horror. Wherever you are, you have obviously made quite a racket, and now this planet’s local faunal residents are going to seek you out. There’s no way for you to know exactly what sorts of animals live here; any technology you might have used to your advantage is directly connected to the ship. With the ship offline, thus go the tools as well. You are completely in the dark, relying only on the little information about alien lifeforms you have to keep you safe.
  You don’t need that information to know you have to hide right now.
  You scurry back into the ship, biting back a shout of pain. God, there’s pain everywhere. How have you not passed out yet? Adrenaline does wonders for the human body, you sourly think to yourself when you have to lean against the wall to catch your breath. A hacking cough swells within your chest. When you cover your mouth with your elbow and release it, blood is splattered over your suit sleeve.
  That’s when you hear the growling.
  It’s unlike anything you have ever heard before. You’ve studied a multitude of animals. You’ve heard big cats roar, wolves howl, hyenas cackle, and birds screech. This is not a growl you can associate with any of those. It…holds similar qualities. But there’s something about it that remains blatantly off.
  It sounds strangely like the growl of a machine.
  You look outside of the airlock doors, and something huge lumbers out from behind a stack of crates. The first things your brain registers are its red and white armor platings, its bright blue eyes, and the horn-like finials extending from its forehead. It’s humanoid, yet possesses qualities that remove it from any such grouping. This thing is definitely not like you in any sort of way beyond having a face and walking on two legs.
  “It’s…a robot,” you whisper. It’s a giant fucking robot moving all on its own, and looking none too happy to be here.
  The mechanical creature snarls, lips upturning to reveal sharp canines that are probably longer than your arms. It hasn’t noticed you yet. Its focus is trained on the datapad it holds in its hands. Your mind is blown. This is obviously a member of a clearly intelligent race. Have you just discovered a new extraterrestrial species?
  The robot looks up. At first, its eyes scan the crates around you, and it doesn't seem to notice the little ship nestled between them. You remain still, prey instinct taking its course and demanding you freeze where you are. Hopefully it will just move on…
  It backtracks, and to your utter horror, it makes direct eye contact with you.
  Fucking shit, you think.
  The robot stares at you with an expression of pure shock. You stare right back with an equal amount of terror.
  It steps towards you. That’s all it takes for you to scream at the ship. “Close the airlock doors! Close them now!”
  The doors slam shut. You hear a shout from the robot, and everything shakes as it thunders forward. You stumble and fall with agony ripping through your poor body when you make contact with the floor. The cry that leaves you is riddled with pain.
  “A-Activate self-defense protocol!” you order the ship.
  “Self-defense protocols offline,” it says back.
  “Well, how long until they are online?!”
  “Estimated time equals…ten hours.”
  “That’s not enough!” you scream rawly.
  A gentle tapping echos from the other side of the doors.
  You push yourself back, heart pounding as you listen to the robot move all around you. It’s growling softly to itself, and you can hear it touching the ship, running massive mechanical fingers across the walls that act as the only barrier between you and potential doom.
  You don’t know what to do. Panic makes you frantic and you desperately try to think of how you can get yourself away from the monster outside. You have no way to defend yourself. You can’t even run. This thing wants you out, and you know it has the power to rip your ship apart in order to get to you if it wishes for it.
  Suddenly, everything rocks. Your stomach drops when the entire ship shakes and you feel it being lifted into the air. Realization of what is happening hits you: it’s picking it up. If it can’t get you, it’ll just have to take everything.
  “Nononono!” you cry out. The ship tips a little, and you slam into a wall with a grunt. “Stop!” You bang your fists against the metal. “Put it down! Put it down now!”
  The robot simply growls in reply. You don’t even know if it hears you. There’s nothing you can do to stop this. You slump back and cover your face as hot, helpless tears finally begin running down your cheeks.
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  “What exactly is it?” First Aid asks as he peers down at the mangled hunk of metal sitting before them on the medibay berth.
  “It’s a ship,” Perceptor flatly replies with a silent “What else would it be?” evident in his tone.
  “This is a ship?” First Aid looks horrified. “But it's completely destroyed! How could it have gotten here?”
  “It must have crashed during our last refueling.” Perceptor lays his servos over the top of the ship, examining it closely. He huffs and straightens, looking at Ratchet. “Where did you find it?”
  “The cargo hold,” the medic replies. “I was down there searching for some extra medical supplies I know we have stored. I wouldn’t have seen it if it hadn’t been for what’s inside.”
  “There’s something alive in there?” First Aid gasps.
  “A human,” Ratchet replies. “It locked itself inside when it saw me.”
  “Impossible.” Perceptor shakes his helm. “Humans are an endangered species that only occupy a small sector of a primitive solar system. They don’t have the technology to make it this far out in space.”
  “Well, clearly they do. I know what I saw. These old optics aren’t that far gone.” Ratchet raps his knuckles gently against the ship. All three mechs have to lean in close so they can hear the soft squeak from inside.
  “How do we get it out?” First Aid asks. “It could be hurt!”
  “It is hurt,” Ratchet answers. “I saw it before it hid itself away. I don’t know how severe the injuries are, but I know it's in pain.”
  “Then what are we waiting for? We need to help it!” First Aid presses his forehelm against the ship and whispers softly. “Hello, little human? Please don’t be afraid! We aren’t going to hurt you!”
  A whimper is all he gains in reply.
  Perceptor crosses his arms. “I can force it out, but you won’t like how I do it.”
  “You can’t hurt it,” Ratchet sharply snaps. “That would be cruel.”
  “I’m not going to hurt it,” the scientist bites back. “I’m simply going to pump a nontoxic gas into the ship that will cause it to eventually lose consciousness. It will have no choice but to come out, and then we can go on from there.”
  “Are…are you sure?” First Aid wrings his servos nervously. “I don’t want it to be scared of us.”
  “Whether it’s scared of us or not doesn’t matter,” Ratchet says. “It’s injured, and if we don’t do something, it’ll succumb to those injuries. It’ll understand we don’t want to hurt it after we patch it up.” He nods to Perceptor. “Go ahead, smoke it out.”
  The scientist’s right servo transforms into a syringe. Ratchet watches with anxiousness churning in his tank as Perceptor presses his left index digit against the side of the ship and presses a small hole straight through with little resistance to stop him. A terrified shout from the human within causes First Aid to whimper.
  Perceptor sticks the upper part of the syringe into the hole, pumping gas into the ship and pulling it back out after a moment, wisps of vapor trailing from the tip. A few seconds later Ratchet hears a string of weak coughs from inside. There is a tense moment where all three of them stand there, and then the doors open and you stumble out with a cloud of gas nearly enveloping your tiny form. You wheeze into your servos, then notice the mechs staring at you and try sprinting right back into the ship. Perceptor cuts you off, slamming his servo down and pinning you under his digits before dragging you back even though you yelp and thrash. You squirm one last time in his grip before suddenly going limp.
  Perceptor gently shifts you to lie in the center of his palm. For a terrifying moment, Ratchet thinks you are offline when he sees how still you are with your optics closed. But then his sensors pick up on the rapid beating of your organic spark, and he relaxes. Not dead. Just simply unconscious.
  “Give it here.” He holds out a waiting servo. Perceptor hands you over; you are given a quick look-over as Ratchet scans your body. There is a nasty cut on the back of your helm, and your vents are gravely bruised with terrible red marks. “Internal bleeding,” he mutters. “As well as external wounds. The crash really messed it up.” He curls his digits lightly over you and brushes his thumb over your forehead. “Doesn’t have a fever though, which is good. Damage is minimal, nothing life threatening. I can have it fixed in a few hours.”
  “You know how to heal organics?” First Aid questions.
  “I’ve been around for a long time. War changes you. I’ve had my equal share of saving Decepticon-ravaged planets inhabited by organics as well as machines.” Ratchet walks over to another berth, being careful not to jostle you too much. “First Aid, go grab the restrainers. We’ll have to keep it still so it doesn’t accidentally hurt itself when it wakes up.”
  “You’ll have to keep it sedated too,” Perceptor says. “I can help with that. Just a little puff of the gas will keep it asleep.”
  “Thank you,” Ratchet says, then pauses. “Listen. Don’t tell anyone about this yet. I don’t want everyone flocking into the medibay and stressing it out. We could accidentally scare this thing to death if we aren’t careful.”
  “I won’t.” Perceptor nods. “Just…make sure it heals properly. I don’t doubt your expertise, but…” He looks down at you, and his optics soften. “It hurts my spark to see something so small in so much pain.”
  First Aid returns with the restrainer. It’s a small mechanism that runs on magnetic power, created by the Lost Light’s resident mad scientist, Brainstorm himself. Ratchet places it directly over your lax form. With a quiet beep, it presses lightly over your midsection, and magnetic bindings weigh down your ankles and wrists. Seeing you trapped like this makes him feel guilty. This obviously isn’t going to be something you will like when you wake up. But there’s no other way for this to go. You won’t understand his good intentions until he heals you. Until then, he has to keep you still.
  He grabs a small serum of glowing blue liquid and bends over you, gently pinching your little fleshy cheeks and working your intake open. “C’mon little one, drink up,” he whispers when he carefully forces the liquid down your throat. He sees your faceplate tighten with discomfort, but your throat pulses as you subconsciously swallow. “There you go. Good human, good human.”
  “What are you giving it?” First Aid asks.
  “Something I learned to make back in my early days,” he replies. “It heals from the inside. Works on both organics and machines.” He pats your cheeks praisingly and draws away. “There. That should help with the bleeding. It’ll be fine now. I’ll continue to monitor it over the next few days.”
  First Aid exhales a relieved sigh. Perceptor reaches out a tentative hand and brushes your hair away from your closed optics. “It’s so small…so soft…”
  “We have to be careful with it,” First Aid frets. “We don’t want it to break.”
  “Listen.” Ratchet’s tone hardens authoritatively. “I said this before, but I’ll say it again. We have to keep this between the three of us. Don’t tell anyone about a human being in here.”
  “But what about the captain?” First Aid asks. “Shouldn’t he know?”
  “The captain can’t know. If he finds out there's a human on the ship, he’ll go nuts with excitement and probably end up accidentally crushing the poor thing. Until I confirm it’s not going to drop dead at any moment, we keep it a secret. Got it?”
  Both bots nod. Ratchet nods with them. “Alright. I’m going to stay here and make sure it’s condition remains stable. You can come back tomorrow to check in on it and see how it’s doing.”
  Perceptor dips his head and leaves without another word. First Aid lingers, optics never leaving you.
  “It’ll be fine,” Ratchet reassures him. “I’ll take care of it. Go recharge.”
  It takes a lot for the other medic to step back and exit the medibay. Ratchet watches him go, then sighs and drags a servo over his faceplate. Becoming the caretaker of an injured organic lifeform was not something he had planned for today. Primus, how the hell am I going to tell Rodimus?
  A soft noise drags his attention away from the alarming thought of what might happen if the extroverted captain learns about his new “crewmate.” He looks down at you and startles a bit. Your eyes, foggy and unfocused, are staring right at him. There’s a fatigued expression of utter terror on your face that once again has his spark feeling like it's been ripped from his chassis and stomped on.
  “You’ll be okay,” he whispers to you. “I promise.”
  You close your eyes and let your helm loll to the side. Ratchet watches the soft rise and fall of your chassis for a few moments longer, then dims the medibay lights and returns to his previous work on the other side of the room.
  Never do you stray far from his mind.
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tinydefector · 6 months
Human's effects
More a silly little thing that I had to write out.
Warnings: talks about sex, xenophilia, kinks
Word count: 3k
Human Effects 2 - characters
Request are open
There were a lot of things that fascinated the cybertronians over humans. Their size, body types, skin tones and those soft they are. 
So many of them become so fascinated over the fact that such small and fragile creatures don't have plating to protect themselves but only wear soft fabrics. 
And it slowly leads a lot of Cybertronians to realising they were Xenophiles. 
A list of kinks and fetishes cybertronians discovered from it. 
-size kink 
-skin fetish 
- hair pulling 
- silk and ribbon play
- cum inflation 
-pet play
- vore
-fluid play and consumption 
- spiking warming
- Heart and spark syncing 
- new spike and Valve modifications to test on their human lover
There's originally a lot of unknowns about humans, and cybertronians are rather intrigued, for one the first times the a lot of the crew of lost light had encountered them was on black market and high priced pets, and companions. 
There were exceptions such as Perceptor, Ratchet and Megatron who had been around humans before but for a lot of the bots this was their first time seeing them. that is until they are assigned a human communications, relations Ambassador/ liaison. 
But after the black market incident it had led a lot of bots into research over humans. And it just spirals more with them discovering some rather dark history with cybertronians keeping humans as playthings. And finding out their ‘interface equipment’ isn't that different from their own, just more organic and smaller.  
A late night of drinking at swerve slowly devolved into conversation over their local human. Brainstorm sits nursing his drink of engex while he and others of the ship chat away. "So does it fascinate anyone else over the fact that humans don't have natural plating or any kind of protection for their squishy form?" He brings up, he himself had fallen down the rabbit hole of human porn but didn't quite know how to breach the subject with anyone else. 
"Oh Primus, look who decided to join us, thought you were holding up with your Conjunx Chrome!" Swerve said with a chuckle, placing more drinks down. He hopped up onto one of the bar stools and leaned in eagerly, His attention flicks to Brainstorm. "You bring up a good point, Brainstorm," Swerve replied.
 "Those squishy humans are really something else, ain't they? No armour, no defences - I'd be scared outta my circuits if I was just soft protoform all the time!, like i’m so surprised squishy hasn't been stepped on yet" 
Rodimus nodded in agreement. "Yet they've managed to survive just fine so far. There's obviously more to them than meets the eye. Like i've seen some of the things our ambassador can do like the strange stretching"
"I dunno," Skids chimed in. "Seems pretty fraggin' reckless if you ask me. One good shot and it lights out!" 
Rewind shuddered. "Ugh, don't remind me. Just thinking about all those organics and tubes and who knows what else squishing around in there makes my fuel tank turn." He made a dramatic churning sound effect.
Riptide laughed. "I saw a nature documentary once about these hairless ape creatures the humans evolved from. Now THOSE guys were squishy."
“What in Primus have you been watching?!” 
“some old earth docs that Percy’s has, bots got a lot of info on Terra and the planet's history” The bots shared a collective laugh at the image. Swerve took a swig of his energon. "Frag, maybe there's something to be said about living on the edge like that! Sure keeps things interesting, its still strange that they are somehow one of the top predators of their planet yet are smaller than half the things they eat"
Brainstorm goes quiet for a moment. "Have you seen how flexible they are?"
Swerve nearly spit out his energon. "Whoa hey, I don't need those kinds of vivid imagery floatin' around my processor thank you very much!, keep the squishy interface vids to yourself" he said, waving his hands animatedly. 
"You have to admit, the way those fleshbags can contort themselves is pretty impressive," Skids added. "Must come in handy for.. maintenance." He waggled his optical ridges suggestively.
Brainstorm nodded pensively. "Indeed. Their non-metal structure allows for feats we could never replicate by ourselves." He took a sip of his energon. "Always makes me curious what other evolutionary adaptations they've developed to compensate for such vulnerability. The potential for scientific discovery is endlessly fascinating with their species and ancestors."
Riptide shrugged. "As long as they don't expect ME to try any of their bone-breaking yoga moves," he laughed. "This chassis is meant for tough stuff, not Twister!"
"You think they would be soft, you know if you interface with one?" Brainstorm asked while downing his drink, the engex was slowly going to his processor loosening his lips. 
"Oh don't give me that look I know for a fact you all have thought about doing with a human at least once! Rodimus I know for a fact you eye them up everytime our little liaison walks past you" He calls out Rodimus. 
Rodimus nearly choked on his energon in an attempt to look innocent. "Wh-what? That's not - I never -" he sputtered in protest, flustered optics darting around at the other bots.
Brainstorm smirked as Rodimus squirmed uncomfortably on the stool. "Oh please, don't try to deny it, Captain. You're about as subtle as a combiner in a supply closet." 
"Roddy's got the hots for squishy, who knew!" Swerve giggled uncontrollably. 
Skids nudged Riptide playfully. "Hey, maybe we got a xenophiliac on the ship!" 
"Alright alright, knock it off you glitches," Rodimus growled, though the blue flush across his face said otherwise. "I was just... curious, that's all. They ARE a strange species."
Swerve tried to contain his laughter. "Ohhh I bet you are more than curious, if you catch my drift!, wanna get up close and personal" More raucous peals of laughter from the group.
Brainstorm stroked his chin in thought. "They do feel intriguingly delicate. I wonder if their flexible frames would be more pleasurable to interface with than our own rigid forms..."
"Have you seen videos of them, they stretch a lot, like a lot, like I know human skin is resilient but i didn't think they were that resilient " Brainstorm states remembering some of the videos he had seen online. Other bots peak up intrigued. 
Swerve choked again as his fuel tank nearly turned inside out. "Brainstorm! That's... more than I needed to visualise, thank you very much." 
Skids seemed a bit less phased. "Fleshbags gettin' their twist on, huh? Can't say I'm not curious now." 
Even Rodimus seemed intrigued despite his earlier protests. "Resilient is an   understatement. I've seen some of the contortions that humans can do - it's astounding that their protoforms don't tear apart." 
Brainstorm nodded enthusiastically. "Precisely! With the right lubrication and technique, I hypothesise an interface with a limber human form would provide entirely novel sensory data."
Riptide shifted uncomfortably. "Not sure I'm ready to dive into the fleshy deep end just yet.”  
Swerve shot him a sly grin. "Aw c'mon Rip, live a little! Where's your sense of adventure?" 
Rodimus tried to steer the subject elsewhere. "Let's maybe change topics before someone needs a wipe down. Or Primus forbid, Magnus overhears you lot"
"I hope I did not hear what my processor just heard" Ultra Magnus states while staring down at the group of drinking mechs. A Lot of bots in the bar snicker at the group getting in trouble. 
"Come on Sir, get that wrench out of you aft, join us!" Skids called out.
Swerve let out an audible squeak at Ultra Magnus's stern tone, almost dropping his engex in panic. "U-Um, Magnus sir! Fancy seeing you here. We were just, uh, discussing..." 
He shot desperate optics at the others for help, but they all seemed to shrink down in their seats under Magnus's disapproving glare. 
Rodimus flashed an uneasy grin. "Just having a friendly debate about alien species, you know how it is. Brainstorm was bringing up some, er, interesting biological points..." 
Ultra Magnus sighed wearily. "I'd rather not know the details, thank you. Some topics are best left undiscussed in public."
The whole bar erupted into laughter at the group's misfortune. "Ah lay off em Magnus!" one patron called out. "They're just havin' fun!"
Another bot piped up. "Yeah, loosen up that rusty chassis and join us! One drink won't hurt." 
Magnus scowled, unamused. But as the encouragement grew louder, he glanced around hesitantly...
Swerve spotted an opening. "C'mon Magnus, live a little! I'll even give you a two-for-one special." He flashed a hopeful grin.
The enforcer grumbled but his resolve was cracking. Against his better judgement, he pulled up a stool. "One drink." Swerve whooped and poured him a double.
They cheer as Magnus sits down to drink with them. Skids speak up. "So brainstorm you saying you'd hook up with a fleshy, get nice and personal with a human" he calls out with a laugh.
Brainstorm leaned forward eagerly. "Why of course! The pursuit of scientific knowledge knows no boundaries. Though upon further review, direct interfacing with an organic might require certain, ah, safety protocols." 
Skids peered at him suspiciously. "Exactly what kind of 'research' are you plannin' on doing Brainy?"
Swerve nudged Riptide with a smirk. "I'll bet ya 20 shanix Brainstorm's just trying to find an excuse to get jiggy with the humies!"
Riptide snorted. "No way, I ain't takin' THAT bet!" 
Rodimus dropped his face in his palms with a groan. "can we PLEASE stop picturing Brainstorm fragging humans?" 
Ultra Magnus coughed on his engex, catching the comment he'd really rather not have heard. 
But Brainstorm paid them no mind, lost in scientific contemplation. "The human capacity for sensory input and feedback would provide a rich study on cross-species interface protocol adaptability..."
"INTERFACE PROTOCOLS?!" Swerve shrieked. The table erupted into howls of laughter at Magnus's deeply uncomfortable expression. It was going to be a LONG night indeed.
“Primus Brainstorm you kinky fragger” 
"Fine then everyone servo up if your not at least somewhat curious or thought about it at least once" Brainstorm calls out to all of Swerve's bars patrons
"Oooh, Brainstorm's putting us all on the spot!" Swerve giggled with gleeful mischief. He raised his servo without hesitation. 
Skids was quick to follow suit, slamming his half-empty glass down. "Frag it, I'll admit it! Those soft squishy bodies got me wonderin' what else they're good for." 
To everyone's surprise, Rodimus sheepishly lifted a servo as well, avoiding optic contact with Ultra Magnus. Riptide shrugged and joined in the show of servos, if only to blend in. 
The majority of bots in the bar started raising their hands amid roars of laughter and drunken encouragement. Only a select few hesitated, shooting nervous glances at Magnus. 
The enforcement officer's expression cycled through outrage, resignation and back to outrage as his gaze swept over the forest of raised servos. "I cannot condone such deviant interest in alien biologies," he protested, voice stiff. 
But as more servos stayed stubbornly aloft, Magnus sagged with a weary sigh. After a long moment, he slowly, begrudgingly raised one massive hand as well. 
The bar erupted into ear-splitting cheers. Swerve howled with glee, banging his fists on the counter. "Look's like we've all got a bit of xenophile in us after all! Even you, Magnus my mech!" 
Magnus buried his faceplate in his servos as Brainstorm cackled maniacally. Once the bar settles back down its Swerve who speaks up with a smirk on his faceplate. "So... which one of you charming mechs are gonna be the first to try and get our lovely Liaison?" He teases. 
Rodimus sputtered into his drink at Swerve's question, flushing brighter. "W-what? I never said anything about actually doing anything!, it's all just fantasies Swerve!" he protested in a hissed tone. 
Skids rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, well they do have a cute lil' figure. Bet they'd be a wild ride..." 
Swerve grinned slyly at Rodimus. "Aw c'mon Captain, don't tell me you ain't thought about it at least once! I bet they'd be real fun to break in, get all soft and pliable..." 
Rodimus smacked Swerve upside the helm. "Knock it off!" He shot a pleading glance at Ultra Magnus as if begging for rescue.
But unexpectedly, Brainstorm was the one who spoke up. "While the organic's flexibility is intriguing, directly interfacing could introduce unknown health risks or cultural taboos. Outside the fact our people have kept humans as pets and companions in the past. A more ethical approach would be gaining consent for strictly observational research."  
Riptide frowned. "Not sure the liaison would go for that either Storm" 
Swerve sighed dreamily. "Just imagine wrapping those soft squishy bits all around you though... bet they'd feel amazing..."  
"SWERVE." Magnus's warning tone silenced the cheeky bartender immediately. He turned back to Rodimus with a sigh. "Despite certain... Curiosities, directly engaging an organics  such a manner would be unwise, dangerous even, not to mention our form are much larger and could harm a human."
Rewind nodded gratefully at Magnus, relieved the subject was shifting. But the mischievous glint in Swerve's optic suggested his teasing wasn't over yet. It was going to be a long night indeed.
"Relax Mags I'm just riling these drunk mech up. Unless you're interested in our sweet little ambassador" he teases, making other bots choke on their drinks. 
Ultra Magnus's icy glare could have frozen Swerve's energon. "Need I remind you this conversation is highly inappropriate and unprofessional," he said sternly. 
But to everyone's surprise, Rodimus let out an undignified snort of laughter. "As if Magnus would ever break protocol like that! He'd probably recite the entire Autobot code of conduct while fragging."
The whole bar erupted in howls of mirth at the mental image. 
Swerve was nearly rolling on the floor. "Can you imagine?! 'Paragraph 3, subsection B clearly states interfacing with sentient aliens requires prior diplomatic clearance forms in triplicate!'" he cried in a mockingly stiff voice. 
Skids were wiping away fuel tears. "Primus if MR. RULES AND REGS ever broke the rules, it'd be one for the history archives!" 
Riptide jabbed Skids in the side. "Ten shanix says he'd have them memorising regulations the whole time!" 
"Twenty shanix says they'd run screaming first!" Swerve shot back. 
The bets and ribbing escalated as more mechs joined in. Across the table, Rodimus shoved Magnus playfully. "C'mon Magnus, live on the wild side for once!" 
Magnus's rumbling huff was the only response. Watching his rigid commander finally loosening up filled Swerve with delight. Somehow, some way, he'd find a way to get Magnus to break protocol yet! It was shaping up to be the best night ever.
"Ohhh let's make this fun. I list some bots and you say if you think they would hook up with a human" Riptide states. "Rung, Drift and Ratchet" he calls out the names.
Swerve let out a dramatic gasp. "Ooh spicy!"
"Rung is definitely curious but way too professional. Might let loose over a couple cubes of engex though!" 
Skids broke into hysterics at Riptide's suggestions. "Rung and a HUMAN?! Rung doesn't even touch his OWN interface panel!" 
Rodimus snorted. "Can you imagine? 'My dear, it seems you're experiencing some psychological interfacing blockers. Please, tell me how that makes you feel.'" 
"Drift guy's definitely intrigued by other species, if you know what I mean. Plus he's artsy so he'd probably appreciate the 'aesthetic'." Swerve responds
"Drift might go for it, he's open to new experiences," Rodimus mused with a grin. 
Brainstorm nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, his spiritual philosophies suggest an openness to cultural exchange that others may lack. I think if he and ratchet weren't together its something he might try" 
"Ratchet. bah! As if that grumpy old rust-bucket would try anything so illogical. Unless she's a doctor too and starts quoting his favourite protocols... then all bets are off!" Skids laughed. 
"Ratchet? Nah, too much of a hard aft. He'd just bitch about human biohazards the whole time," Swerve giggled. 
"Well if Drift was interested I'm pretty sure that mecn could get ratchet to do anything with the bat of his optics" Rodimus remarks.
The table erupted in raucous laughter. Swerve took a playful bow. "Alright bring on the next victims!" 
Riptide rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, how about...Tailgate, Cyclonus, and Whirl?" 
Swerve cackled wickedly. "Tailgate would be way too nervous but he'd try for his Conjunx Cyclonus. Cyclonus would 100% use his broody vibes to charm her pants off but only for Tailgate. And Whirl? He doesn't interface, he destroys! So that liaison better watch her interfacing ports around that lunatic!" 
Chromedome interjects stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Tailgate would be way too nervous and shy, I think. He'd probably short-circuit just from holding hands!" 
Riptide nodded. "Cyclonus has always struck me as the kinky type. Wonder if he's into those squishy bits like Brainstorm thinks..."
"Whirl would frag anything that moves," Rodimus interjected with a grimace. "But I don't think an organic would survive the experience!"
Brainstorm stroked his chin. "Indeed, Whirl's interfacing protocol subroutines seem rather...enthusiastic. Consent might be a fleeting concept. Better to observe from a safe distance." 
Swerve shuddered. "Ugh, don't make me picture that psycho getting 'friendly' with a human! I'm tryna keep my fuel down y'know." 
The names continue being dropped. 
 " First Aid! I don't know if the medic-bot's got it in him to break the rules. But I betcha if he did, he'd be real gentle and caring-like. He'd have them feelin' better than new in no time!" 
Skids grinned devilishly. "Yeah but would they feel better? Aid's so straight and narrow I bet he'd put em in stasis lock from boredom!" 
"Now Perceptor on the other hand..." Swerve tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Bookish type, but you know there's a passionate scientist in there waiting to experiment. Think he'd go slow and methodical, really take his time 'exploring the specimen'." 
"his thirst for organic sciences might overpower his good sense," Rewind remarks. 
“optimus prime, Prowl and bumblebee ” Chromedome interjects with his own inquiries. 
Swerve pretended to wipe away exhaust fumes. "Primus help me, this is gonna be good... Optimus Prime is obviously Mister Morality himself, but you know he's got a secret wild side under all that virtue signalling. Just imagine how freaky he could get with some alien nookie!" 
The bar erupted in incredulous, drunken laughter and cheers. Swerve grinned impishly. 
"As for Prowl, I'm telling you that stick up his tailpipe is begging to come out and play. One roll in the berth with a naughty fleshy and he'd loosen up reeeal nice!" 
"And Bee? He's a sweet kid, but you know what they say, it's always the quiet ones! Between his cute lil' face and that tight chassis, he'd have the human lining up to frag that glitch right into stasis!" 
The bar absolutely lost it, bots falling over each other in drunken hysterics. Even Mirage was struggling not to fall off his chair. Swerve took an exaggerated bow as his audience howled. 
"Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all cycle! Now who's ready for the next round?" More shouts and clanking glasses answered his call. It was shaping up to be the wildest night at Swerve's yet!
 Magnus dropping Megatron's name that really sent them over the edge.
"Megatron?! With the liaison?!" Rodimus howled with laughter, nearly spitting out his drink. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all cycle!" 
But Swerve wasn't done. "Megatron? Now THAT'S an image! 'You pathetic fleshbag, you DARE try to mount the great Megatron?! Grovel before my interface array!'" 
Magnus adds more information which makes everyone surprised " He and the ambassador are rather close" He states
Rewind speaks up from Chromedome’s side. "Y'know... they do have a certain chemistry. I'll bet under all that scowling and chipped armour there's a softie just waitin' for the right tender touch to melt his spark. And they have got sass to spare  bet they could handle Megatron's brooding and snarl!" 
"Twenty shanix says he'd have them trembling and beggin' for mercy in no time flat!" Skids bet eagerly. 
"You're on!" crowed Riptide. "But I still think Perceptor's the real dark horse..."
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mskenway97 · 9 months
I think it's about time I create a masterlist of everything I've done, to organize myself better.
G/T transformers shy reader
G/T transformers helpless human angst/fluff
G/T transformers sleeping time
G/T transformers pet play
G/T transformers pet play (NSFW)
G/T transformers problems of be tiny
First contact au Rodimus prime x human reader (fluff)
Scenario Tf Earthspark Starscream (fluff)
Scenario Tf armada Stascream (soft vore, safe vore)
G/T transformers bad day
G/T transformers illness time
Transformers persona au
G/T transformers bot treat like a doll or teddy
G/T transformers bot first kiss
G/T transformers human sacrificed
Drabble tfp optimus prime 2.0
Drabbles First Contact (Orion Pax and D16 Transformers One)
G/T transformers human fan of aliens
One Shot
optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human!reader first contact
Optimus prime (TFP) x gn!human reader confort
life or taste Megop (TFP) x gn!human reader (tasty au, soft vore)
Bot in flames Optimus prime (Bayverse) x Fem!human reader (NSFW)
Optimus prime x Blind!fem! Human Reader
Fishing Time (Merformers) Tfp Optimus Prime x Gn!Human!Reader
Side Effects Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader(mouthplay, soft vore)
Song of calm Merformers prowl x Jazz
Payment terms TFP Starscream x Male!Human!Reader
A delicious surprise Tfp Breakdown x gn!human!reader (tasty au, soft vore, safe vore)
Curious cat ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader (g/t fearplay) part 2
Come My Way ROTB Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader
Change of side Tfa Blitzwing x Fem!human!reader (multiple personalities)
I will stay Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst/fluff)
You are part of who I am Bayverse Optimus Prime x GN!human!reader (adopted angst/fluff)
Peaceful investigation Tfa Waspinator x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, protective vore)
First touch Tf armada Starscream x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, a little crush kink)
Dangerous cuddles Tf armada HotShot x Fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, comfort vore)
Specific solutions Tfa Wreack-gar x fem!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore)
Prime Urges TFP Optimus Prime Synth-en x fem!human!reader (nsfw)
Deep Audacity Mer Bravern x Isami Ao (soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay)
Between the sword and the robot MTMTE/IDW Rodimus x !GN!Human Reader (nsfw,vore)
Link reconnection Mer Superbia x lulu (fluff)
Medical inspections TFP Ratchet x gn!human!reader (valveplug,nsfw,suggestive)
She is a witch TFP OC (Dionesea) x gn!human!reader (soft vore, safe vore, firs contact)
Ways of discover the love ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader
Trick or race TF EarthSpark Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian!reader
Past Songs TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst)
Butterfly Beast and Beautiful Cybertronian TFP Optimus prime (Orion pax) x OC (Dionesea) (angst, reunion)
Telepathy in the Silence (Merformers) Tfp Soundwave x Fem!Human!Reader (fist contact, merformers, g/t fearplay)
My Immortal Tfp Optimus Prime x Fem!human!reader (angst)
Analysis g/t
G/T in Transformers (2007)
G/T in Transformers Revenge of the fallen (2009)
The Automatons
Cap 1 , Cap 2
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thanksjro · 5 months
More Than Meets the Eye #52 — The DJD Once Again Prove to Be an HR Nightmare
Ratchet and Drift, looking fresh as hell in their matching paint jobs, stand on the cliff they made their cool entrance on last issue, as they snipe at each other over whether or not Drift personally knows the DJD. Considering how Tarn and Friends had a space-cocaine induced freakout over seeing Drift on the quantum duplicate Lost Light, they may want to talk a little quieter, especially with the face Helex is making.
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You better watch out, Ratchet— this man's going to do Sakamoto-got-all-the-way-to-pencils shit to you!
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The Pet takes the opportunity presented by our recently returned newlyweds being too busy flirting to pay attention to the fight at hand, leaping to chew on Ratchet's head. Luckily, Ten is an ally, even when he’s been beat to shit, and punches the shitty little Pomeranian into the air. Kaon, card-carrying freak and dog dad, takes this abject display of animal abuse about as well as he can.
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Ratchet, having his gun eaten by the mouth pervert, is beginning to worry that he, his rich boytoy, and a mostly out of commission Ten might be sliiiiiiiiightly outnumbered against a dozen Decepticons, two of whom belong to the Super Murder Death Squad. Drift, after a bit of needling, heelies a dude’s face off, jumps into the air, does a bunch of sick flips, blocks a laser with a sword in such a way that it looks like he got shot in the dick, and then lands, like, 70 feet away to scoop up the Pet and threaten to chop its head off if Helex doesn’t stop trying to vore his boyfriend.
Kaon, #1 dog dad, orders everyone to fall back. Helex, who has Ratchet like 70% inside his smelting chamber by this point, can’t believe that Kaon’s ruining the fun. Helex releases Ratchet, letting him crowd onto Drama Point with Drift and most of Ten, as the Decepticons circle them. Drift, unfortunately, didn’t think past doing sweet flips to show off after his sabbatical from the comic run, and they’re back in the same situation they arrived to, but now one of them is holding a crusty little dog.
Then a platform descends from the sky, and we see what Ravage has been up to.
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Grand theft auto!
Yes, it turns out that this cat can drive, and well enough to get the boys up and out of danger, though Ten’s size means that the lovebirds have to dangle off of his remaining arm. Drift still hasn’t put down the Pet. Sure hope that thing’s been socialized to cats.
Oh, who am I kidding? Kaon wouldn’t have bothered.
Speaking of Kaon, he looks like he’s about to cry, because someone’s kidnapped his princess baby angel, and Helex doesn’t even CARE, the heartless bastard, as he orders the other Decepticons to fire on the shuttle. They, of course, hit it, as there’s at least ten of these guys firing, and they’re all decently tall. The shuttle begins to lose altitude, and Ravage, who does not have traditional hands and is currently using his tail to man the control stick, attempts to crash as close to the “fortress” as possible.
Meanwhile, over at Megatron’s plinth, we get back to that whole thing where he surrendered himself to Tarn. Tarn, feeling an excuse to monologue coming on, says that he’s well aware of Megatron’s new schtick, and he’s not a huge fan of it. Megatron clarifies that he wishes to give himself up so that the rest of the Lost Light crew stranded on this planet might live, because this is his fault to begin with. Tarn agrees, reminding him that he paid for Tarn’s plastic surgery. Megatron states that he only brought Tarn to his side to hurt “someone”.
Three guesses who Megatron could have possibly hurting by bringing Tarn over to the Decepticons, and the first two don’t count.
Megatron thinks that by bumming around space on a borderline vacation, he’s returned to who he used to be (maybe he got his teaching license, who knows) and that the war was a waste of time. Tarn gets kind of intense here, because if Megatron wasted his life, what does that make Tarn? Tarn, who has decorated his home with nothing but Decepticon symbols? Tarn, who has had corpses nailed to his wall for the last couple million years? Tarn, who wears a fuckoff stupid mask every single day of his life, even while eating and trying to kill himself with space meth cut with time travel and gas station dick pills? Also, what about all the other guys who died trying to realize Megatron's ideals? What about the little guys, the cogs that made the machine run? What about Steve from accounting, whose husband left him, because he was too busy trying to balance the budget on Megatron's body remodels and Optimus Prime punching bags that also doubled as body pillows to come home? What about Steve, huh?
Megatron basically regrets everything he’s ever done, not that Tarn cares. Megatron then reveals that whole thing where Rewind tried to retroactively kill him as an infant, and how he sort of wished it had worked.
Tarn starts beating the shit out of Megatron before the guy can start going on about how his parents are Brainstorm and Whirl, though Tarn promises that this is just a healthy dose of tough love, as surely the wimp before him isn’t actually who Megatron is. Megatron doesn’t fight back, instead just staring sadly at the Autobot badge Tarn slapped off of him. This is really starting to piss Tarn off, as he was really hoping to beat some of the fire back into his former mentor and idol. This is when he starts trying to choke Megatron, even though their species doesn’t breathe. Still, I’m sure Tarn’s stiletto nails hurt something fierce.
Megatron then recalls his conversation with Velocity, and states that if the fool’s energon DID alter his personality, it was probably for the best, and he wouldn’t want to go back. Tarn, who has based his entire selfhood on the thing that Megatron threw away to live out his probation on a cruise ship, takes this statement with all the tact and level-headedness we’ve come to know him for.
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Tarn is just one more double fusion cannon blast to the chest away from smiting Megatron utterly, and he’s fully committed to doing so. However, he gets distracted by the sound of Elton John’s “The Bitch is Back” coming from across the field.
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Anyway, it looks like Ravage can, in fact, drive pretty well, as the shuttle did crash pretty close to the “fortress”. Swerve, who still really wants to make up for his shitty boss behaviors and also accidentally dragging Ten into a microcosm of hell, lets Ten know that they saw his floor graffiti, and that it might actually work. Magnus, who still has his arm off, does his best to not kick Swerve across the room as he scurries underfoot, as he drags Ten inside the building.
Skids intercepts Ratchet to welcome him back, and also ask how the hell he knew to come to Necroworld. Apparently he and Drift had received a call from the handy dandy phone that he had given First Aid, who First Aid had then regifted to Velocity, just in case some bullshit happened. Velocity’s introduction to Ratchet is rough, as she manages to call him grumpy, old, and stubborn as a mule in the span of about fifteen seconds. Ratchet is mostly concerned with the fact that the Lost Light replaced him so soon after his return. Nobody tell him about Velocity’s track record with the medical exams, he might just shoot off into space to beat First Aid to a pulp for leaving her by herself.
Over in what might be a closet, Rodimus runs across Drift sitting in the dark and sharpening one of his swords. Drift seems to have used his exile to remember that he does, in fact, have some semblance of self-respect, as he doesn’t immediately forgive Rodimus for throwing him off the ship that he paid for, only to have given himself up as the real culprit behind the Overlordening, like, a week later, thus negating Drift’s sacrifice, and then never coming to find him, despite the fact that they’re supposedly friends, and, again, the ship is in Drift’s name, as was the crew’s allowance money. How the Lost Light has survived financially without Drift is unknown.
Rodimus knows that he sucks and is the worst, but he was really worried that Drift wouldn’t like him anymore, so he’d sort of been kicking the issue of “finding my ex-TIC to tell him he got publicly humiliated for nothing” down the road, to the point where Ratchet had gotten sick of it and went to solve the problem himself.
Of course, the meta reason for Drift not being found was so that Shane McCarthy could have his OC back, as well as Ratchet, for the miniseries Transformers: Drift— Empire of Stone, well known for being sort of silly and introducing the phrase “be shoosh” to Drift’s lexicon. In it, Ratchet found Drift traipsing around the edge of the galaxy being a neutral (in terms of war) hero to organic species affected by Decepticon aggressions, before crashing on a planet where Drift, back when he was “Deadlock”, had found a mystical stone army, one that Gigatron (a dude who totally isn’t anime Megatron) wanted to harness the power of, so that the Decepticons might claim victory over their enemies. Hellbat, Gigatron’s second in command, had gone mad doing nothing but killing over millions of years, and had been modifying the stone army in secret to do his bidding so he could "kill everything". Then the stone army woke up, Hellbat died, Gigatron died, and Ratchet went to take Drift to get detailed, because he looked like he'd been ridden hard and put away wet.
Also, if you think about it, having two former high-ranking Decepticons turning to the Autobot side being on the Lost Light’s high command might have been too many redundancies to make Megatron’s arc stand out. Perhaps, had Megatron not been added to MTMTE’s roster so late in the game, Rodimus WOULD have gone looking for Drift, finding him just in time for the DJD to catch wind that they hadn’t actually super nightmare death murdered Deadlock after all.
Drift, who can’t say no to Rodimus's puppydog face, lets Rodimus sit with him on the floor, as he apologizes for the fact that by coming here, Drift and Ratchet have unwittingly signed up for Tarn’s Political Theory and Dismemberment Slam Poetry Night, but he mega-promises that they’ll come up with something together to get through this. Drift appreciates the sentiment, but knows that Rodimus is just saying this to make him feel better.
Back at the worst fan club meetup in the galaxy, Tarn elbows Overlord in the throat and tells him to fuck off. Overlord tells him that he knows Tarn never finished his degree and only acts like an academic for the aesthetic. Tarn transforms to shoot him while reminding Overlord that at least Megatron’s spoken to him in the last few thousand years. The two duke it out with their tank modes, Overlord KRUMPing all over Tarn, before the theatre kid kicks him off and questions why exactly Overlord is even alive, given that he chainsawed his head off last year. No word on if he’s bothered to ask this same question about 75% of the people he’s here to super murder.
Overlord simply states that someone found him floating out in space and fixed him up, because it turns out that they both wanted to go after Megatron and kill his ass dead, because Overlord is sort of sick of not getting the attention he so obviously deserves. When Tarn, ever the opportunist, attempts to make a team up deal, Overlord tells him to shut up.
And then they realize they lost the old man they were fighting over.
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Great work, fellas.
Over with the Autobots (and Cyclonus), Rewind’s outside, looking at that memorial to the disappeared and trying to figure out why the Necrobot laid out the names in the way that he did. He’s currently near the top, where you can see most of Roller’s name, someone whose name ends in “gator”, and Dreamwave Production’s smoldering corpse, which makes me wonder if Alex Milne ever did get all the money he was owed from his work with them. Rewind, who last dealt with the DJD not even a year ago, is trying really, really hard to not think about how many needles they’re going to jam into Chromedome’s eyes this go around.
Of course, Nautica, who has come out to find Rewind, doesn’t give a shit about Rewind’s PTSD. She wants relationship advice! She’d ask Chromedome, but apparently he’s taking a nap, still worn out from stabbing Tailgate in the brain after he rainbow-exploded all over the ship. Which happened months ago.
You know, at the rate he’s been going, Chromedome probably wouldn���t have lived too far past sunset anyhow.
Anyway, Nautica wants to know if, on Cybertron, you have to be besties before you can get hitched, because that’s how it works on some of the other colonies. She specifies that this ISN'T how it works on Caminus, which is good, given how problematic that would be, considering you need to be best friends with someone by the time you're five weeks old, and there's no telling if they're cool with platonic polyamory. Rewind informs her that it’s either one or the other on Cybertron, no double-dipping, and god help you if it’s a situationship. Nautica is asking this because she’s realized that she can’t waffle about on committing anymore, seeing as she’s probably going to die in the next hour or so, and she’d rather use that time to enter a queer-platonic partnership than get her face fixed.
Back at the Peaceful Tyranny, Tarn has, in fact, managed to bring Overlord to reason, much to Deathsaurus’s confusion and derision, if his squiggle face is anything to go by. Overlord, smug as fuck, informs Deathsaurus that in exchange for his compliance, Tarn has agreed to let him personally murder Megatron while everyone watches, because surely Tarn couldn’t actually kill his idealogical idol, because he’s a pussy. Tarn is being very brave about this, only letting the spot blacking on his linework show on his face, as his fists shake with rage.
Then Kaon shows up, begging they pull back their forces until the Pet has been returned, and the spot blacking gets a little heavier.
Tarn, who has had a very long day of tactical meetings, phone calls, facing his fallen idol, having a very unsatisfying beatdown with said idol, and dealing with known freak Overlord, handles Kaon’s inability to be a big boy about misplacing his shitty little dog with all of the tact and decorum we’ve come to know him for— he gives Kaon a big, beefy hug, acknowledges just how much Kaon loves that shitty little dog, and then makes sure that Kaon never has to worry about a thing ever again.
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That’s a series wrap on Kaon! Let’s give him a hand, folks!
Tarn, who has had just about enough of Overlord in the last half hour, smashes Kaon’s head onto Overlord’s tits, covering him in viscera, as he demands he be treated with respect, because this is HIS house, where HE’S paying the bills and calling the shots, so help him god. Nickel is very displeased that Tarn’s killed one of the Twinksome Twosome. No word on how Deathsaurus feels about this, considering that a big reason he’s working with Tarn is because he refused to kill the rest of the DJD when demanded to do so, thus showing his dedication to his men. Also no word on how the rest of the DJD are going to handle Tarn decapitating their weed man.
Tarn tells everyone to pony up, as they’re about to go over and handle all the silly little bastards hiding out in the Necrobot’s “fortress”.
Speaking of which, it looks like Megatron made it home, despite Tarn blowing his tits clean off with that cannon blast. Rodimus and Ratchet carry him inside, as Magnus is probably too busy not getting his arm put back on to help, and Megatron is using the last of his energy to hold the Autobot badge Tarn slapped off his chest earlier.
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Sure hope Ratchet didn’t forget to tell Drift about his old boss being co-captain of the ship, or else this is going to be a very nasty surprise for both of them— we've already seen that Drift loves to freak out and kill sick people.
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cuppatwoj · 2 years
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Here are your FULL LIST of contenders for ROUND ONE!!! Please vote on all of them and may the most cursed TF moment be ever cringe!!!!
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fiftyshadesofmetal · 4 months
Post-gut Clarity
1.5k words and I've finally managed to work up the motivation to get this edited and posted, so here y'all go ^^
Based off this piece I did
Warnings for: vore, valveplug, explicit content, non graphic digestion/reformation, weightgain, and chub
Sunstreaker onlines his optics slowly.
The lights in his hab suite felt too bright…Sideswipe must have turned them on when he left this morning.
He slowly heaves himself into a sitting position, his helm pounding and glossa dry as he fumbles for his chronometer to check the time; usually he was far better at getting up on time, and it was him hauling Sideswipe’s aft out of the berth. He looks blankly at his chronometer that was marking him late for Ironhide’s combat sims today, sighing with a smidge of annoyance.
What had happened to him?
Sunstreaker hadn’t been this hungover in a long time, and Primus was he regretting it; Slag, it felt like he had been taking shots of Sideswipe’s 80% distilled high-grade.
A aggravated rumble stutters out from his engine, and Sunstreaker turns over in his berth fully intending to get back to sleep.
Or, at least, he tried to turn over, but a little problem decided to make itself known- or more accurately, a now much bigger problem became apparent as he attempts to roll over onto his belly.
A gasp leaves his derma, and Sunstreaker jolts up and stares disbelievingly down at his usually lithe form… only to find his gut plating removed and his protoform was practically bursting out from between the spaces of his armor.
When had he gotten this fat-?
The frontliner pinches at his now flabby and soft belly, running his digits over the slightly swollen pudge in confusion and horror.
Sunstreaker is a vain mech. Everyone knows that. He takes pride in his appearance and he constantly monitors his fuel intake and plating polish to ensure he looks flawless 24/7.
Sunstreaker thinks back; The last time he had looked like this he had- had… oh. Oh no.
He drags a servo over his face plating, feeling his cheeks flush and familiar tingle and clench from his array. The last time he had gotten this fat was when he caved to his urges and sent a mech down to his tank to digest.
He hauls himself off the berth and makes a beeline to the twins' private washrack where Sunstreaker keeps a full-size mirror. He has to resist the urge to address the ping from his array to undo his interface covers at the sight of his newly padded-out frame.
Sunstreaker starts to rub his hand over his stomach and hips, wondering and pinching at the soft mesh, and the subtle jiggle it has. He feels his venting start to become a bit heavier, his hands wandering over his body more.
Sunstreaker is jolted from his lust-addled haze when his cooling fans click on, realizing he should probably figure out who he had eaten and how fragged Ratchet was going to be over having to reform them…
The yellow mech lets out a grumble, vividly imagining the dents he would have to fix on his helm after telling Ratchet. Come to think of it, he probably shouldn’t go see the irate medic while he was feeling this revved up… what harm was there in indulging himself a little right now?
With his processor set, Sunstreaker retreats back to his berth after locking the hab suite door and putting up a block on the twin bond. Nothings as big of a turn off then realizing Sideswipe could feel what was happening.
Fishing under his berth, he slides out a rather sizable bin full of interface toys- zoning in on a massive false spike that had a rather lovely knot. Grabbing it, Sunstreaker settles on the berth, spreading his now chubby thighs apart and finally- finally allowing his interface panels to open.
They retracted in record time, his spike hardened and dribbling pre-fluid while his poor valve was clenching on the air and lubricating already. With a soft groan, Sunstreaker's servos flit down to his array, getting one of his digits slick in the copious amounts of fluid to start rubbing soft circles into his anterior node, with the other servo beginning to stroke and tease his spike tip.
As he plays with himself, his thumb works his anterior node and two digits snake to scissor his valve open, and Sunstreaker can’t find the patience to work himself up to ease the toy in.
With a most definitely not winded noise, he heaves himself into a squatting position above the spike and impales his poor valve over it with a loud grunt. The lewd noise of natural lubricant squelches as he thrusts his hips down, whimpering a bit as the large length stretches his lips wide open over the sizable length.
Sunstreakers mind, however, is desperately thinking back to the drunken haze of last night; imagining the feeling of the mech squirming in his mouth, the taste of them on his glossa as he lightly gnaws on their plating with his canines… he moans softly remembering the way they struggled down his throat and the way it bulged obscenely as he forced their large frame down.
With a sudden groan, he feels himself slip down the false spike's length and reach the apex of its knot, keening as he tries to pop it inside himself. One servo is rubbing along his pudge while the other fervently pumps his spike as his valve is stuffed to the brim- he almost feels as if he’s about to split in half from the knot.
Sunstreaker can vividly remember the feeling of the mech finally squeezing into his tight tank, the sound of them sloshing in with all the high-grade he had consumed intensely satisfying…
Oh, and the sensations…
His gut stretched tight around them as he struggled to stand upright under the weight. He could recall rubbing at his strained belly and hiccuping profusely, too full and drunk to think straight as he had waddled through the Arks halls and back to his hab suite.
He remebered the way they squirmed as he collapsed on his bed, engine purring as he drunkenly cooed sweet nothings to his prey… He could remember they were moaning as he started digesting them, and Sunstreaker had been grinding himself against the berth- he had overloaded hard, easily 3 or 4 times until he had collapsed from exhaustion to digest his meal.
A throaty porn star moan rips from Sunstreakers vocals again, his plating shivering and clanking as he approached his peak.
Overload courses through Sunstreaker's frame, electricity crackling along his plating as his valve ripples and his spike spews pent-up transfluid over his chassis that would make even the lewdest buy-mechs jealous.
In a moment it’s over, and he’s falling back against his berth, cooling fans whining and straining to keep up with the heat flooding his systems.
He's is a panting mess as he sits in a pool of his own transfluid, too content in his afterglow to want to get up and clean himself, shockingly. Instinctively, his hand goes back to the pudge on his middle, squeezing and prodding at it as his engine idles happily.
There's a sudden banging at the door and Sunstreaker bites back a snarl as his interface panels snap shut quickly; Of course, Sideswipe had to ruin his afterglow.
The pitspawn himself was whining at the door, saying something about recharging-?
Begrudgingly the yellow twin eases their bond back open to be hit with an irritating mess of Sideswipe’s tantrum at being locked out.
Primus, he was such a glitch sometimes.
“Sunstreaker, lemme in it’s been fifty thousand vorns- could you quit grinding your panel like a fraggin playbot for a click and open the door?”
Oh and now he’s pissy. And a pissy Sideswipe meant a fragged off Sunstreaker.
The yellow mech gets up, wipes himself and the berth clean of any transfluid to go open the door and- frag.
His middle plating wasn’t on and there was the not so tiny issue of fitting into it...
“Sunstreaker hurry up you slagger!”
Sideswipe bellows from outside the door, giving it another bout of pounding.
Sunstreaker snarls back a retort as he was fighting to fit into his armor.
Sunstreaker finally manages to stuff himself into his armor plating, his gut getting squished slightly within the tight confines. The fit is uncomfortable but better than having his hefty paunch out for everyone to see. There was no way he was going to be able to work all this fat off anytime soon... he could feel it squeezing out from between the gaps in his armor for primus sake.
He opens the hab suite door to be met with Sideswipe.
Sideswipe's engine snarls in irritation when he sees Sunstreaker, getting ready to chew his twin out. The red twin has to do a double take though, eyeing Sunstreaker up and down. He looks him over once more, taking in how chubby his twin appears.
“... Why in Primus’s name are you so fat-?“
There's a heavy (heh) silence, and Sideswipe's face breaks into a slag-eating grin. He knows Sunstreaker far too well.
Sideswipe casually leans against the doorframe while waving a hand at Sunstreakers gut. He knows exactly what happened to his brother last night.
"-Soooo, this whole situation wouldn't happen to have anything to do with you talking Cosmos up last night now, would it..?"
Sunstreaker processer stalls as he takes a second to think about what Sideswipe was implying. If he had digested Cosmos... Ratchet was going to murder him for having to reform Cosmos.
Sunstreaker just stares at Sideswipe, realization slowly turning to horror.
“Ratchet is going to kill me..."
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sillyromance · 10 months
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Good day everyone!
Well, once more here comes my beloved pair - Ratchet and Sara!
Recently I've been feeling myself a little exhausted - so, I'm taking a small break from writing (at least, fanfiction writing). However, as I have mentioned, the requests shall be satisfied as far as I have inspiration and inner strength again. Perhaps, a few works will turn into comics... But it's just a shaky possibility. The thing is that now I'd rather be an artist than an author, and such situation is going to continue for some time 😅...
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kitsune-pop · 5 months
you're working on filing the reports your boss asked for, leaning over your belly as it groans and moves. you sigh, ratcheting up your desk to try and tuck your tummy under it so it's a little less cumbersome. ever since that new federal vore law went into effect everyone who's clocked in was officially on the menu. there was push back against it by the more conservative crowd, but workplace productivity was at an all time high despite the skyrocketing turnover rate. not to mention the minimum wage rate was increased due to "hostile work environments." you absent mindedly rubbed your belly as you went over your reports one more time, feeling your coworker shift inside you, their struggles already slowing down as your stomach began to churn in earnest. it's a good thing you got paid more since all this digesting has put quite a few extra pounds on you. you finish the report just in time to see your boss's stockinged legs lift up over the wall of your cubicle and start to slip down with a cacophony of slurps. you sigh, close your report and heft your gut up, passing by the intern who was finishing off your boss's legs on your way to the break room. nothing to do but digest, you can't drive home with a belly like this anyway
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tripleglitchwriting · 9 months
Writing I did before I made this blog \/\/\/
Note: I did all of these in the ask box of @callsign-relic, who gave me the motivation to make this blog in the first place. Check out her stuff!!!
RATCHET \/ (Engine AU)
I am currently working on figuring out a way to make a post with all my work because tumblr doesn’t like when I put more than 10 links in one post.
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cybertron-after-dark · 3 months
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Tweaking the og tfa sona a little bit. Flashbang is back and ever so slightly pointier
(and probably stoned)
Character info under the cut if anyone wants to see (a little nsfw, there's a lot of talk about porn, but no actual sex happening)
Flashbang is the Decepticons' #1 plug for all things just a bit skeezy. From hardcore porn to softcore drugs, if it's not gonna kill ya but the Autobots really dont want it circulating, there's a pretty good chance Flashbang's gotten her claws on it, no matter how niche.
Looking for pre-war dirty bootleg holovids? She has a whole alphabetized rack of them. Banned interface mods? Available for nearly all frame types. Weird drugs from off-planet that invert your color vision and let you taste sound? You know it. Spiked engex so strong it'll have you seeing visions of other realities? She blends it herself!
She's also pretty notorious for taking custom erotica commissions for just about anything under the sun. Vanilla, bondage, s&m, cross-faction, cross-species, sticky, Plug'n'Play, spark bonding, wireplay, humiliation, medical kink, excessive weapons, excessive kibble, breeding, biting, tentacles, vore, even super specific things only a handful of bots would ever be into. There's not really a whole lot she draws a hard line in the sand for, which is unthinkable in stuffy autobot society with their silly little porn ban.
That level of variety (and her knack for finding pre-ban titles especially) caught the attention of some mechs with very particular tastes. Namely, Decepticon high command. Megatron is mostly interested in tracking down old holovids he used to have stashed in his gladiator days that he thought were lost to time. Lugnut takes full advantage of her custom commissions and keeps asking for incredibly detailed Megatron x Reader fics. Blitzwing just a habit of picking up odd little fascinations out of nowhere that most places just wouldn't carry content for.
Aside from her whole x-rated reputation, Flashbang isn't much of a fighter, but she is one hell of a scavenger, which comes in handy when Blitzwing decides to drag her to Earth with him. She's not much for making tech, but if she knows what she's looking for, she can usually track down the materials. And if she has to go about it by stealing, well, getting caught isn't much of a problem when she's lightweight, quick, stealthy, and equipped with disorienting strobe light mods that live up to her name in case she's cornered.
Most encounters she has with team prime are awkward ones. When they do find her milling about, she's not usually doing anything wrong, per se. Earth isn't Autobot territory after all and Cybertronian laws don't extend there. But they know what she's infamous for, and none of them know exactly what to do with that information (barring ratchet, who is trying to scope out the pre-ban holovids while the others aren't looking, Autobot law be damned)
Overall, flashbang is just happy to hang out in the cons' cave base, cook up some funky engex blends from whatever she can find on Earth, and watch human TV with Blitzwing in between scavenging for whatever megs needs and drafting freaky erotica commissions from whatever bot, con, or morbidly curious organic may throw some cash her way. It's not a bad gig given she's not taking any of the war stuff super seriously.
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callsign-relic · 12 days
i only just started following you but i think your trademark™️ is wanting to make out with rodimus. any time i see rod on my dash i expect it to be from you and it usually is. i want to make out with ratchet so this works out for the both of us. let’s make out with robots together
also i did follow you for vore reasons. i read a fic inspired by the “tasty au” and wanted to find more info, but alas, none came to me in my searches. — hungry--on--main
Omg JAGDHBDJEH yes let us both make out with our favorites in solidarity 🫡
Also, omg! Haven’t really talked about the tasty au in a while, that’s probably why you haven’t seen anything about it. If anything, what you can do is look through the tag on my blog for the au to see all the posts I’ve made relating to it. I’ve tagged it below for your convenience :) hopefully you see this, sorry you couldn’t find anything sooner! There’s also an ao3 collection for tasty au fics and i have some that I’ve written in my masterlist, let me know if you want links to either of those :)
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tinydefector · 2 months
reading that perfume scenario i js imagine a bot spraying their human lover with a lil bit perfume before going down on them like adding salt to steak
It truly is a favourite of mine because I love the idea of perfumes and working like a pheromone enhancer, but like the number of scenarios this can lead into outside of the fic I wrote for Ratchet.
Let me know you you guys want more little pieces like these ɓecuase I like doing these kinda things when I'm not up for writing a fic so enjoy. ^^
Megatron masterlist
Optimus Masterlist
Prowl masterlist
Thundercracker masterlist
Such scenarios as
- date night with optimus where you dress up nicely with a lovely perfume/cologne and from the moment you get into his cab to go out he's struggling, and trying to be polite and a decent date but he turns into an actually feind when he gets to kiss you and every part of his stoic facade is out the window as he kisses across your skin taking in every inch and savoruing it like its the last time he's ever going to taste something this divine. It's fair to say your very sore afterwards, to Optimus you taste like Energon Z with bismuth and copper.
- sensual nights laying in bed with Megatron as he runs his servos over your waist holding you close as he admires and denies himself the luxury of so much. So to speed things up you decide to put some perfume on and it humbles Megatron very quickly. How much restraint he has despite how the perfume enhances everything. He's a slow and very dedicated lover despite what many would think. It turns into a very long night of soft kisses and soft vore. Him enjoying the taste of your skin on his glossa and when the taste fades he ask for you to put more perfume on. To Megatron it taste like Red energon with Magnesium, Lithium.
- the late night work hours where Prowl is focused on work, hours after he should have been back due to someone else mistake, he goes to snap at whoever had intupted his work when the scent hits his nasal Ridge and his helm shoots up and locks on to you. Watching like you're a meal prepared for him. That's how you end up on his desk, legs over his shoulder plating as he indulges. Prowl isn't one to indulhe like this. He isn't easily swayed by lust. but this late at night, he enjoys taking it slow and indulging in your company. To Prowl, you taste like his favourite energon blend from before the war. Just casual energon, Mercury, and crystal.
- the first time. Thundercracker's first-time smelling perfume on you was when you were testing out different ones you had been given. The sweet scent catches him off guard, and that's how he finds himself watching. I'm watching as you try new clothing and test spray perfume on your wrist. But when you make your way over to him, asking him to tell you what he thinks, it leads to him pressing your wrist to his lips, It turns into a night of taste testing. It has Thundercracker riled up, and you aroused, but it turns into a game of how long it takes either of you to finally crack. For Thundercracker, it takes like pure energon with Uranium.
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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mskenway97 · 9 months
Could I request some mouthplay/vore stuff with Animated Bumblebee maybe? If it’s okay 👉👈
Well anon, you made me think about this one but something came to me that might help. I'll increase Bumblebee's size a bit this fic. I choose a human reader
Tfa Bumblebee x gn!human!reader
Side Effects
Summary: One of the meltdown tests affected one of the autobots, and he faced the side effect.
Words: 1,131
Warning: soft vore, safe vore, mouthplay, predatory/prey, unwilling prey.
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It seemed to be an easy mission, catching Detroit's bad guys was something routine that the Prime team was used to.
Meltdown was waiting as if he had something on his mind. They had him at the ready until Bumblebee once again heeded his instinct instead of Prime's orders, he launched himself straight at the enemy only to be pinned down and feel a jab in his neck from Meltdown himself.
Bumblebee felt funny, until the enemy threw him away.
- What have you done to me? Bumblebee asked in annoyance but only Meltdown's laughter was heard.
-You'll find out soon enough.... - Meltdown said as the rest of the team approached making Meltdown leave.
Bumblebee still felt strange about the jab, he wasn't listening to Optimus' scolding, Bulkhead's words. Ratchet and Prowl noticed right away that the little autobot wasn't acting weird.
They went back to the base and examined Bumblebee, Ratchet had to examine him some more, he discovered there was something different....
Another emergency alarm went off, Bumblebee wanted to go but Optimus told him to stay at the base until further notice, leaving little Bumblebee a little upset. He was an action bot, a little prick wasn't going to bother him.
He watched the others leave and he sat playing the video game console getting dizzier and dizzier, it felt weird as if his limbs were enlarging a little. He fainted soon after, he felt something different... something deep.
Y/N had been able to leave work earlier. He hoped the autobots were.Y/N hadn't seen them in a while, plus had brought a new set for Bumblebee. I knew them from Sari as she was their babysitter, the chics were eager to show Bumblebee. Lively, childish but cute. He was surprised by their knowledge of video games, they were like rivals with joysticks. Y/N always ends up beating him making the situation more fun.
Y/N arrived at the base, which was quiet and there were no lights either. It was strange, Y/N prepared a flashlight... Despite being the base of the autobots, it was in an area quite far from the city as if it were a scary movie.
When he got to the main room, he saw that the TV was on with a video game, that gave him relief. Seeing that Bumblebee was lying on the floor causing Y/N to approach in concern.
- Bee! Bee! What happened? Bee," she said shaking him a little.
Bumblebee reacted to the touch and stood up in front of Y/N with a different expression. Y/N thought to himself, "How big are you? I remembered him shorter."
-Bee, are you okay? I saw you were on the floor and I feared the worst.... Look, I brought a new game. Bee? - asked Y/N. He was starting to feel the chills, something was wrong he was sure. She saw him approach her, as he licked his lips.
- I'm hungry
'Oh was that' thought Y/N
- I'm sure there's something in store....
- No, something different...
Y/N felt something weird going on. Something wrong... It felt like he was looking at her, following her with his eyes.
- Bee?
-I'm sure there's a more appetizing morsel...
All of Y/N's instincts kicked in and he started to run away from it, he tried to catch call someone but saw that Bumblebee was following him. So he ran faster that he dropped his cell phone on the way breaking it. Y/N felt his heart in his chest and hid behind the machinery, having a bit of an advantage being so small.
-Come on Y/N, I'll see you.... I'm sure we both like this game...
Y/N on the other hand was terrified, she hoped the autobots would arrive soon, she was trembling. She hoped it was a nightmare, she heard Bumblebee's footsteps approaching the hiding place. She tried to hold her breath, she could only hear her heart beating. He saw that he was walking away until seconds later silence returned, he thought Y/N would be safe. She relied to feel Bumblebee's servo capture her, Y/N tried to resist as best she could but she could barely move but had fallen into his servos.
-Bee, please... Listen to me," Y/N said nervously.
Bumblebee on the other hand licked her cheek and then her neck.
- I love the taste of you... I prefer to enjoy it more inside my mouth.
Y/N was horrified begging and crying but Bumblebee didn't care, despite the resistance he managed to put it in his mouth.
A big glossa starts to lick every part of your body... Giving you some warmth in spite of the fear you were feeling.
- You taste better when you twist it's very sweet of you...
Y/N was feeling small bites on her shoulder from Bumblebee's teeth, she felt her glossa turn this one over, licking more, you could hear it purring as it crushed you a little against the teeth, leaving you a little smothered.
You didn't know if you were living a nightmare or if you were being pleasured.
- You're delicious, sweetie - says Bumblebee moving from one side of his faceplate to the other crushing you a little giving you a gasp at the feel of it.
-Bee, please get me out of here... please," Y/N tried to move but her glossa had her completely immobilized.
-Relax, I'm sure it's a ride you're going to love.
Y/N felt a shiver as she shivered a little making part of the glossa lick the little one more.
-Nervous, candy... relax, we don't consume humans.... So you'll be comfortable in my tanks
Y/N tried to struggle to get out of there but was simply trapped as the glossa pushed it into her esophagus, Bumblebee gulped as Y/N was screaming Bumblebee's name was slowly going down trapped, surrounded and choking a little.
Bumblebee was feeling happy, he was rubbing his chassis as he felt Y/N in his tanks.
Then he passed out again seeing what had happened.
The autobots came back later, to see where Bumblebee was and what had happened to him they also noticed he was more.
Bumblebee had no recollection of what had happened. Then Prowl found Y/N's broken cell phone and everyone was worried about what had happened until Bumblebee remembered certain flashes of what had happened.
Y/N were scared, feeling every part of you in his glossa and finally felt something in his tanks.
Y/N were still there.
Bumblebee was terrified, that was Meltdown's surprise... And/N had paid the price.
He felt a little movement as remorse, it was all over him.
Bumblebee would have to give a long explanation of that night.
A strange one and one that Y/N was not going to forget in his nightmares.
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