#easy cellar reviews
The Masks We Wear (1)
Azriel stalked through the halls of yet another pleasure hall, searching aimlessly for an easy fuck. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t bring some fae or faerie home from a tavern easily enough, it was just that tonight he didn’t feel like talking much. 
Or grinning occasionally. 
Or putting in effort at all. 
All of which were necessary to bring someone back to his apartment who would actually be worth his time - a little chatty, a little bratty, and definitely kinky. Preferably someone with a high pain tolerance and a tendency towards masochism. 
So it was here that Azriel found himself, something deep within him unsettled at the thought of ending yet another one of his miserable days in the throes of pleasure with someone who couldn’t give less of a damn about him. Even though he was a war hero, a member of the Inner Circle, and royal-ish in Velaris, no one was giving him a second glance as he stalked the halls. Past occupied rooms, doors open or closed, through hallways echoing with the sounds of pleasure, even into common areas with couches full of lovers, no one gave the Shadowsinger another glance. 
The familiarity of the feeling hit something low within Azriel as he gritted his teeth and winnowed out of the establishment. His feet hit cobblestones in the seedy alleyway behind a tavern nearby - yet another place to find someone who may be interested in what he was willing to offer tonight. 
But it was empty. 
It was a cold night. 
And it was raining hard. 
His leathers were soaked in moments, his shoes puddling with moisture as rain rolled off his broad shoulders, down his chest, and fell from his legs towards the ground. 
The only place he’d feel more uncomfortable in was probably the fucking Forest House.
The absurdity of that notion had him chuckling lowly and darkly as he disappeared once again into shadow, this time finding himself above the winnowing across from the House of Wind’s balcony. He hoped to be able to get a glass of whiskey from the cellars without running across or overhearing Nesta and Cassian. 
His feet were moving silently across the marble, his shadows disapparating his mist and 
cedar scent as he moved through the House. In order to remain unbothered, he left his wings wet - not bothering to shake the water off of them as he dripped rainwater throughout the eldest Archeron sister’s home. 
There would be hell to pay for that later, he thought as he filled a glass tumbler with a finger of whiskey. 
It warmed him to his core, but something about it left him unsettled. Something about it 
was too good. Too to his tastes. 
Azriel threw the rest back and didn’t let himself enjoy it, and spent the night with his fist around his cock, begging to feel anything other than dissatisfaction and annoyance at how his night had ended yet again. 
Eris was in agony. Unbridled, sheer agony. 
Beron was angry, which never fared well for the heir apparent to the Autumn Court. 
The skin of Eris’s hands and forearms sweltered and melted, the scent overwhelming even the guards in the hallways outside of the makeshift torture chamber. 
Beron was losing trade deals within Prythian left and right, following a deal he made with Rath that favored the continent over his own. 
That meant he was losing money. 
And he was very displeased by that.
Kallias had just sent word that their inter-court trade routes were to halt operations in the meantime while the Winter Court and its advisors reviewed how Beron’s actions with Rath would affect their future dealings. Beron, unsurprisingly, found this offensive and deliberate. 
But Beron could not attack Kallias without inciting war. 
So he turned his wrath inwards, not towards himself of course, and surprisingly not towards his wife. He had ordered Eris to his preferred chamber of torture, deep beneath the Forest House. It was surrounded by feet of cold, unforgiving stone and was utterly impenetrable. The only way in - or out - was through the heavy iron gates that stood watched and guarded all day, every day. 
Rain or shine, it did not matter - for there were no suns or gods in that chamber. There was only Beron, pain, and the truths one told to make the fire cease. 
Eris had known what was coming for him the second he got the missive from his father’s guard. 
He had prepared himself on the dignified stroll he took to the chamber. 
Hell, he had even leaned against the stone altar casually, as if he were allowed to be inconvenienced by the promise of his own agony. 
And when Beron arrived, he noticed that insolence. Noticed, and punished him for it. There were no words. 
Eris didn’t do so much as scream. 
He didn’t whimper or cry, whine or sob.
He simply retreated deep within himself as the flames ripped him apart, knowing his pain was nothing but an ample distraction for his twisted father, and let his mind quiet out somewhere far from the chamber he was being held in.
Somewhere where the wind was crisp year round, and the temperature was only comfortable for a few weeks every year. For an Autumn court fae, Eris had always preferred the summer. Tarquin was kind enough, and that irritated the living hell out of Eris. So he had never pursued anything more than a strategic alliance with the High Lord of Summer, and had kept his dreams of visiting Adriata far from his mind. 
Lest of course, Rhysand went digging only to find that Eris would very much like to be knee deep in Summer’s warm waters. 
However, this summer dream of crisp winds wasn’t like those of their neighbors to the west. This was something of a rarity, some sort of beauty Eris had only known to be found in harsh places. 
If he were to think of it a bit too hard, he would feel a kinship with places like that. 
His nails were melting.
The wind blew again through the trees, and brought him back to the clearing he was standing in in his mind. There were trees, great pine trees. Evergreens, he thought to himself as he turned and took it all in.
There were birds singing their music and letting it waft through the boughs. 
There were rocky cliffs in the distance that overlooked a choppy, cold and dark sea. 
And there was a cabin with smoke drifting out of a small chimney - a woman with dark hair humming as she baked something in the kitchen, deep within. 
Somewhere in the distance, guards were retching at the smell emanating from the chamber he sat in. 
The woman turned to him, smiled as his mother would have if she were allowed to be gentle, and ushered him inside. 
His skin was bubbling. 
She sat him down at the dining table. 
She handed him a cup of tea. 
Maybe that was why his hands were so hot. 
Here, in this world, his hands were hot from the mug of tea made with care, not from the hatred of his own father. 
Here, he could hear footsteps that he’d heard countless times before, though no one else seemed to notice them. He could smell the scent of a fae he could recognize but never name. 
A gate creaked open as someone left the chamber where Eris panted hot breaths tainted by silent tears, relieved but overwhelmed with pain. 
A door snicked shut behind someone as they entered the living room and dining area where Eris sat happily. 
His eyes drifted shut. 
“Eris?” a voice asked, floating into his mind from somewhere nearby.
It was tainted with love, and the sweetness made him feel sick to his stomach.
Made him feel acutely aware of how undeserving of softness he was. 
Maybe it was the woman. 
Or a guard from outside the chamber. 
Maybe it was his youngest, most beloved brother, who never looked him in the eye on the rare occasion they were at the same event. 
Or maybe it was him. 
Eris never found out, for darkness claimed him before he even felt the urge to feel curious. 
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handeaux · 9 months
Booze, Jazz, Flivvers And Flappers Dominated Cincinnati’s New Year In 1924
One hundred years ago, it was easy, despite three solid years of Prohibition, to get a celebratory drink on New Year’s Eve in Cincinnati. The new year began with multiple fatal accidents, many blamed on liquor. The Enquirer [1 January 1924] wryly observed that venerable customs were honored only when thirst compelled:
“The fashion of making New-Year’s calls has gone out of style EXCEPT in those homes where they still have well-stocked cellars.”
Reporters from Cincinnati’s newspapers rang up the doctors at General Hospital to get a status report on the city’s accommodation to a nominally “dry” existence. Doctor Arthur Charles Bachmeyer, superintendent of the city’s hospital, did not disappoint. According to the Enquirer [1 January 1924]:
“Whisky, good or bad, pre-war or bootleg stuff, did not affect as many persons, visibly, during the year 1923, as were affected by it in 1922, according to records at the General Hospital, which show that there were but 61 cases of acute alcoholism treated there last year, as against 188 in 1922. However, Dr. A.C. Bachmeyer, Superintendent of the hospital, declared it to be his belief that alcohol and its use played a much more important role with regards to automobile accidents in 1923, than in the preceding year, and more persons examined after being injured in accidents, or after having injured others through reckless driving, showed symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol, than in previous years, according to reports made to Dr. Bachmeyer.”
If anything put a damper on New Year’s Eve celebrations a century ago, it wasn’t a dearth of booze. It was the weather. New Year's Eve 1923 was unseasonably frigid, with temperatures coasting around zero degrees.
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Cincinnati, along with most of America, was still trying to accept the changes that automobiles were bringing into daily life. With all the complaints about scofflaws guzzling Sweet Lucy and bathtub gin, the Enquirer noted:
“Automobiles killed the most people. Bootleg whisky came next in deadliness. Ordinary diseases ran a poor third.”
The Enquirer noted that, across America in 1923, one million homeowners had taken on a mortgage to finance the purchase of an automobile.
There was a lot of talk in 1924 about “poison rum” and there was a lot of substance to that apparent hyperbole. By 1924, bootleggers had begun smuggling gallons of Jamaican ginger extract into the United States, much of it adulterated with an additive that, while smoothing the taste, acted as a long-term neurotoxin. A generation of men, if they survived, were crippled with a condition known as “Jake Leg.” A number of classic blues tunes have memorialized this awful side-effect of Prohibition.
In reviewing the past year, the Enquirer noted, with derision, the state of music at the dawn of the “Roaring Twenties”:
“There was no improvement in jazz. The craziest song in history made a fortune for its writer. The saxophone continued to grow in unpopularity.”
An article in the Enquirer [30 December 1923] just before the New Year’s revelries, predicted the merciful demise of jazz:
“This season already has witnessed a decided turn to the conservative, with the revival of the tango, which rapidly is displacing the weird jumblings of the one-step, fox-trot, toddle, and what-not, to the wild gyrations of a discordant orchestra.”
Fat chance! This was the heyday of The Flapper. A humorous squib in the Enquirer [30 December 1923] reported the supposed compliant of a mother who thought her daughter needed psychiatric intervention:
“‘Why doctor,’ wept the poor mother, ‘she hasn’t bobbed her hair, refuses to use rouge on her cheeks, never has used a lipstick, wears heavy underwear and high shoes all winter, thinks modern sex novels are unfit for her to read, plays old classical pieces and doesn’t know a note of jazz, prefers going to church to going to bridge parties or the theater and never thinks of calling her father or me down.”
In reviewing the past year, the Enquirer observed that long skirts were never going to return to style, despite the wailing of mothers everywhere. Not a single pair of cotton stockings was sold in the city as silk sheathed the Flapper’s legs. A generation of barbers earned enough to retire after trimming the locks of young ladies who craved the bobbed and marcelled hairstyles.
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It has since become de rigueur for newspapers to roust boffins and mavens from their New Year’s Day hangovers to forecast major developments of the ensuing months. Cincinnati reporters had a field day with predictions for 1924 and the following decade because all the greatest minds in America, nearly the entire membership of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, had convened in the Queen City for its annual convention.
Dr. Edward P. Warner addressed the punditry with grave fears about the state of aviation in the United States. Although America excelled on adopting air transport for the delivery of mail, European nations were far exceeding the United States in passenger travel. Dr. Warner attributed this to Europe’s creation of national airlines, while our country allowed private corporations to dither away opportunities in petty squabbles.
Moses B. Cotsworth of the International Fixed Calendar League, told the AAAS that, by 1928, every new year henceforth would begin on a Sunday. Cotsworth’s league proposed a simplified calendar of 13 months, each containing 28 days, each month starting on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday, creating a fixed year of 364 days. The thirteenth month, named Sol, would be placed between June and July. The additional day would be a holiday named “Year Day.” In leap years, the extra day would fall after Saturday, June 28, as an anomalous addition before Sunday, Sol 1.
We are still waiting. Perhaps wiser minds realized that Cotsworth’s calendar would have created a Friday the Thirteenths during every one of those thirteen months.
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docholligay · 1 year
The House in Fata Morgana: Door 2--1707
I have never reviewed a visual novel before, but iscahwynn made me a very generous offer and a long line of patience, knowing that we are trying something very new. To that end: Please don’t spoil me for the game at all! If you are reading this, I have only gotten through the part written above, and I don’t want to be corrected, even if I’m wrong, even if I’ve missed something, i don’t want to have anything confirmed or denied, and I don’t need any trigger warnings or extraneous explanation. Iscah would like my pure, naive experience of the game. Thank you!
Non-spoilery: This story was solid as a standalone horror story, though I think it took awhile to come around to whatever it was doing, and I don’t know if it needed to be as long as it was. What’s more I’m not sure it knows what conclusion it wants us to draw from the tale, and while I do personally kind of like that it leaves us with a bit of a hearty shrug about what the nature of a man is, I could see it being frustrating to some people. Weirdly, I was about to accuse it of being hamfisted and cliche halfway through, only for it to twist on me and me to go, “Oh. Carry on then.” This makes me sound like I didn’t like it but its bizarrely easier to tlak about its weak points without spoilers than its strong ones. 
Spoilers below: 
So before we even get into the whole door situation as she stands I want to talk about the fact that before we descend in to the cellar we apparently don’t have any reflection, and this is very interesting to me. Who the fuck is the Maid, is one of the great mysteries of this, and I have a handful of thoughts on that, none of which really coalesce in a way I love but it’s early days as far as the story itself goes. (Which is one of the great and frustrating things about these reviewlets) So, on that note, why don’t we have reflections and who the fuck are we? I would say it’s far too easy to say “ghosts” because if we’re ghosts I don’t understand what is pinning us here, and particularly what is not only pinning the Maid here but compelling her to serve? Are we ideas within the story itself? 
Because one of the interesting frameworks about this story is the nature of evil and specifically of savagery, and we see so many times that the house itself--though not the Maid--is telling Yukimasa that he is a beast, that he’s always been a beast, that he loves to kill, even when he is trying to escape from that fate, from that future. It’s not the Maid. The Maid serves the HOUSE, and so what is the house? Is the house the narrative itself, and is that why it attracted the violence to Yukimasa, and why he never could have shaken it? Is that why the house itself hungers for this sort of tragedy? The tragedy of Mell and Nellie and the White Haired Girl*? What is it about this place that drives PAIN? Because remember, in the first story Nellie found out about the incest from an accidental (sort of) ripping of a painting. I laughed about the convenience at the time, not unkindly, but what if it wasn’t convenience? Or rather, what if the convenience was the hand of the house, and this “writer” (I know I know I’m obsessed with the role of writers in their own stories) wants this house to be tragic, so it is? No matter what. 
But interestingly, the story goes to pains, as sopon as we’re feeling so sad for Yukimasa for being treated racistly by the big, mean, Spanish villagers, and that’s why he became cruel and mean, the story shakes its head and not only tells us, “nuh uh. Isn’t so.” but shows us. That he was not only tempted that way, but he was a killer long before he ever set foot on Valencian shores.** When this whole thing was playing out I was like, “Lol Valencia is right across from Algiers and while Tensions Are High it was only like 100 years ago that the Moors were living among you, I’m not sure beating a Japanese man for looking ood is all that likely in a port city” and then the story tells you that he was emaciated and all that, but more specifically they DID see this quality of beastliness in him, and he DID murder a lot of people, and that we are absolutely not doing an over-simplified version of this story. 
By the by, I am sure you could write a fucking DISSERTATION on the choice of having the protagonist and villain, all in one, be a third-generation European-Japanese man, who is obsessed with the idea of Japan as motherland, to the point of wielding a katana and going on about honor and the samurai class-- and coupled with this insane violence of his it puts me to mind of the way bushido was used by the government and military in pre-WW2 in similar ways as Aryan ideals to unify and create this notion of longstanding cultural value that’s not quite BULLSHIT, I don’t think I’d be comfortable saying that, but it’s not quite on the level either--and he is the beast, and he was always the beast, and he’s misleading Pauiline about having ever seen Japan, but he says it calls to him, he says it’s his heart, but it’s a place he’s never seen and frankly probably doesn’t even fucking belong anymore. I do not have the words to put around that, but I KNOW it’s something and I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted a writer to tell me everything about something but I do RIGHT NOW. (If you did not write Fata Morgana, please don’t attempt to explain this to me until I finish in November) 
Anyway, let’s get to the beauty and the beast aspect of all this. So, the Whtie Haired Girl shows up, is blind, apparently, an in fairness I do think sight prbnlems are more common in albinism, so, congrats I guess writers. I don’t know how much I love a “Love a man good” narrative, and I think I’m oversimplifying it a little bit to call it that, but I don’t think I’m oversimp0lifying why we’re supposed to back her play by a lot. She really doesn’t have a character? She lives to serve Yukimasa in the same way she lived to serve Mell, and is that another part of this too? That this house, this Maid, and this Girl, are all here to serve the Master and his larger story? I mean, it could absolutely be international, what’s going on here, but I’m just not sure. I love the incredibly boggling moment where she tries to convince him he’s not a beast with her literal pussy. I am not making a joke here, friends. 
The whole thing with Pauline is fascinating, because there could be so many things that make her appear a beast to him as well, but I THINK she is added in to tell us that Yukimasa couldn’t be saved by something as simple as love itself, that the White Haired Girl maybe is, in her own way, a witch, for the power she can command over others, much as she did Mell. Maybe she actually IS the villain here, that would be interesting, maybe all of this is about fucking with men and ruining their lives in twisted ways, and you know what I think that would actually fit into the whole Morgan Le Fay thing and I rather like it. We’ll see where it goes. 
And of course, we start at the very bottom of our nature, and we end there, because the house craves that, it wants the ruin to return. The damp and the blood. 
Wow! This is way more than 1000 words, sorry, I have gotten carried away with this whole fuckin thing. I really enjoy this VN so far, and I gotta say, I wasn’t even entirely aware there were VNs like this? A few more quick thoughts: 
“What appear to be many plants are all connected in the soil”--we’re talking about inhabitants of the house, it’ll come back around, I can smell it. 
Fascinated by the Maid’s hiding the ‘truth’ of Yukimasa from us, so she, too, has a role in how the stories are told, or maybe that’s part of the house’s control over her, I’m not actually sure. 
“A beast wants a tether” what a fucking great idea, that freedom is not all its cracked up to be, and that unchecked freedom is death in a sense? I dunno, interesting for certain. 
Yukimasa looks a little like Keanu Reeves 
*I’m going to assume for the moment though please no one tell me anything inany direction that we are the White Haired Girl and the reason her name is so frequently blocked out is that we aren’t supposed to learn our name yet. I do not love this paired with the “She is blameless, in this or any time” and frankly I don’t love that even if we AREN’T the poor widdle white haired girl, but it’s na interesting conceit given that she seems to not be reborn, necessarily, but always…there? Is she herself bound to tragedy? 
**Because though Rose Manor was in England, Weeping Manor is in Spain. So the manor can move. I don’t have a thought on that right at the moment, but I did not google “Where can you grow oranges in Europe and when was Spain unified” for nothing.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, March 20
BUFFY: I need your help. SPIKE: Great. I need your cash. BUFFY: I'm serious. You have to look after them. SPIKE: Well, that's a boatload of manly responsibility to come flying out of nowhere.
~~BtVS 5x12 “Checkpoint”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Too Much (Buffy, PG) by badly_knitted
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Secret Slayers (Buffy/Spike, E) by bewildered
[Chaptered Fiction]
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[Russian language] Благие намерения, Chapters 1-5/5 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Angel, T) by B_E_S
Breaking the Code, Chapter 1/? (Dawn, Star Wars xover, G) by Buffyworldbuilder
[French language] Recommencer, Chapter 1/? (Buffy/Faith, M) by FridayQueen
Never Give Up, Chapters 58-64/64 COMPLETE! (Buffy/Angel, T) by melodys_muse
[Ukrainian language] Forward to Time Past//Вперед у час минулий, Chapter 33/67 (Buffy/Spike, E) translation by Uraniya
hit rewind, Chapter 43/? (Buffy/Spike, M) by untiljanuary
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Early One Morning, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
A Little Poet in Her Monster, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Desicat
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Slaymesoftly
Love Lives Here, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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A Breath is But a Soundless Whisper, Chapters 30-31 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Left on Read, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by ashcrashed
Bizarre Double Life, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
Embrace, Chapters 19-20 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Harlow Turner
Out of the Wasteland, Chapters 19-20 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Harlow Turner
Truth or Dare, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Chelle
I love you., Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Lilacsandorangeblossoms
Tag, You're It!, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
How Could I Not?, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, R) by simmony
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Maldorana
We’re Having a Baby!, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by Maxine Eden
30 Ways to Say I Love You, Chapters 19-20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
Bad Idea, Right?, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Dead End, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by all choseny
The Dawnster Drabbles, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Passion4Spike
The Dreaded Lurgi, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by SomeKindOfADeviant
Forever and Always?, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, R) by scratchmeout
Bang, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: buffy-spike bodyswap AU [...] spike!buffy in spike’s clothes / alt clothes (worksafe) by genericaces, requested by thepunkmuppet
Artwork: Ace-6 of Swords (tarots, ensemble, worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: 7-10 of Swords (tarots, ensemble, worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: Page - King of Swords (tarots, ensemble, worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: [Queen of Swords] (tarot, Cordelia, worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: the gang catch up the potentials on their spike lore :) (worksafe) by angelthemanspanker
Artwork: Miss Wil!!! (Willow, worksafe) by forrestfaedom
Artwork: just two best friends except they’re in love (Buffy/Willow, worksafe) by pzyii
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Artwork: hate and love (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by Nervous-Bird6052
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Artwork: ChiBangel: I Will Remember You #3 (Buffy/Angel, G) by MamaBewear
[Reviews & Recaps]
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RESTLESS. The absolute most Analysable episode of a heavily Analysable series by bloomfish
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PODCAST: Episode 51: The Prom (w/ The Buffy Gays!) by Gym Was Cancelled
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: Spuffy fic [...] post Buffy but set in Angel right after Spike gets his body back but he didn’t get his soul [...] requested by skyegraves21
[Community Announcements]
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I run a discord server dedicated to rarepairs in the Buffyverse! We also welcome fans of any and all Buffyverse ships by reallyreal-madeingold
[Fandom Discussions]
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I know season 6 of Buffy is widely hated but tbh after season 5 it’s probably my favourite by bloomfish
[How Riley and Angel are presented vs how Spike is presented] by thefoolsprincess
Okay so I did crack the Spike Buffyvampire nut by breezybeej
The URGE to just delete every comment on my fics that bash Buffy for no reason is becoming seriously tempting by violettathepiratequeen
[anon ask] Any news on buffy comics? answered by buffythecomicslayer
Looking at a lot of Loustat shippers and how they view/talk about Louis, is making me think of the BtVS fandom by lynnenne, aquaristintern
i think giles believes during their angelus related split that jenny knows he loves her by jennycalendar
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What If: What if Angel never returned in S3? by nightshade, multiple posters
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Would you say Wesley was chivalrous? by Objective-Grape4382
Once more with feeling soundtrack by Slayerette444
I’m genuinely loving my rewatch of season 2 [AtS] by ukcountrylover
favorite moments that happened at Sunnydale High? by PristineSituation498
Which TV theme intro did you like better? BTVS or Angel? by SpikedIntuition
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bogkeep · 2 years
QUEST OBJECTIVE obtain 1 (one) bottle of White Wine for Cooking Purposes
ADVENTURE LOG i don't know if it's all of scandinavia or just norway + sweden, but there are very specific laws around the sale of alcohol here. you can get a regular beer at a grocery store (but only until 18:00), but anything with an alcohol level above 4,5% can only be purchased in The Special Liquor Store (the norwegian chain is literally named 'the wine monopoly'). it is infamous for it's bank-like opening times and the rush before weekends/holidays when it closes. as someone with basically zero interest in consuming alcohol i don't mind this, it makes it so easy and convenient for me to not care about this at all, with Two Situational Exceptions: 1) what if i want to give an adult in my life a Gift Wine 2) what if i want to peruse a wine for Cooking and that is when i am thrust into the vast and confusing world of the Liquor Store, a forty minute walk away. my first thought as i enter is that i Do Not Belong Here, this is not my world. i can feel sweat roll down the back of my neck as i try to navigate the labyrinthine aisles, hoping to find a nice sign that says COOKING WINES. however, i do not. the best i can do is frantically google "WHAT ARE DRY WINES FOR COOKING" as i seek refuge between rows upon rows of white wines. i should understand this, i think, remembering all the weekend dinners with my parents who have an academic interest in wines and would comment upon and review every bottle from their cellar, remembering my swiss relatives who run a wine farm. unfortunately, i do not understand this. it's all just bottles to me. google lists some words to look for, such as sauvignon blanc, but there are So Many sauvignon blanc... in addition to the overwhelming pool of knowledge i am not privy to, i am also intimately aware of how suspicious i might seem, kneeling at the floor of the liquor store. i know that despite getting close to 30 years old, i will definitely have to show my ID to prove it, because i have the height and the look of a teen. i'm not even going to drink the wine, i think, but it doesn't matter. people are in this store for one thing and one thing only: liquor. i am here to purchase liquor. and i don't even know which. i am lost. RESULT i purchased the most affordable bottle i could find that had pretty pictures of fish on the label
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adleryoung · 8 months
"Oh," Barkingthwaite replied. "Well, if it's a matter of honor, I suppose we have no choice but to accept. Terribly sorry, old bean. Meant no disrespect."
"Please accept my apologies, my lord," Venatrix apologized. "I certainly wouldn't want to put you out by refusing a gift. This rule wasn't mentioned in any of the lore."
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"Just take it," I snapped, as I apported a sack of gold and held it out to them.
"My word," Barkingthwaite exclaimed whe he saw it.
"Are you quite sure?" Venatrix inquired. "That seems a bit -"
"TAKE IT!" I ordered. "If you successfully complete this mission then I will have more work for you. Consider the surplus a retainer for future assignments."
They took the gold and scampered away into the woods.
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LOWFOLK! By Fuma, they were every bit as exasperating as I remembered. I massaged my temples and tried to remain positive about the prospect of working with them. They were my only option at present, so I would have to make the best of it.
While I waited, I reviewed what else I would need done.
If even half of Lana's information about Zandar was accurate, she was dangerously Unseelie and quite powerful. Her failure to return to Faerie at the same time as the other changelings indicated a rebellious spirit. I would need a way to restrain her so that she would be unable to escape my agents once they found her.
Zandar's decision to shut herself up in a cellar for centuries showed an exceptionally grim determination. I wasn't sure exactly what crime she was avoiding the consequences of by doing this, but it indicated that we had something in common. It also showed that she had a familiarity with potent preservation spells. My research into the subject had revealed that a counterspell would be required to revive her. I would need to have my servants gather ingredients so I could prepare an elixir. Then I would have to carefully instruct them how to use it.
I also wanted to know more about the exact state of the rabbit settlement. Where were my Ixies? Why had they not returned? What happened to Rebecca and Burnside? It would be nice if they were available to help me, and I didn't have to rely entirely on bumbling lowfolk.
I was still musing on these topics when Barkingthwaite and Venatrix returned, laden with a smallish chest full of clothes.
"I didn't request an entire wardrobe," I protested.
"This is a single outfit," Venatrix explained. "The outer skirts and jacket were bought, as well as the shoes and a few of the structural elements, but much of the foundation I made myself."
"What in Fuma's name?" I asked as I held up a diabolical-looking restraint covered with straps and laces.
"The corset," Venatrix beamed, as Barkingthwaite bashfully turned away. "A wonderful invention that helps ensure a proper fit for the outer dress."
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"You seem to have anticipated my needs far beyond what I told you," I admitted as I examined a flexible cage made from lashed-together hoops of a strange material that flexed like a bow but didn't seem to be wood. "Are you planning to trap her in this? Not a bad idea. My only objection is that it seems a bit small."
"Oh no, my lord," Venatrix chuckled. "That's the bustle. It goes underneath the outer skirt, to fill it out and give a stylish profile. Remember, as I explained, these fashions were invented by a spider. It is all the rage among vertebrate femmes to simulate the appearance of a plump arachnid abdomen."
Barkingthwaite began coughing violently. He gasped out something incoherent about his blasted pipe as he excused himself and staggered over to the other side of one of the menhirs.
"She will definitely have trouble fighting in this getup," I surmised with a smile as I looked over the assortment of clothing. "I need to place some enchantments on it to further limit her capacity for mischief. While I am busy doing that, I have another assignment for you. This one will not be as easy."
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carpetcrafts-blog · 2 days
Where Are the Best Places to Buy Carpets for Sale in Dubai?
Dubai is renowned for its opulence and luxury, and its carpet market is no exception. The city offers a diverse range of options for purchasing carpets, from traditional Persian designs to contemporary styles. If you're in search of high-quality carpets for sale in Dubai, you're in the right place. This guide will help you navigate the best places to find exquisite carpets that will enhance your living space.
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1. The Traditional Markets: A Blend of Culture and Craftsmanship
The Souks: A Rich Heritage
For a truly authentic experience, head to Dubai's traditional souks. The Dubai Textile Souk in the Al Bastakiya district is a treasure trove of vibrant fabrics and carpets. Here, you can find a wide range of carpets, from luxurious Persian rugs to intricate Indian designs. The atmosphere is bustling, and the craftsmanship of the carpets is on display. Negotiating prices is part of the experience, and you might score a great deal if you're knowledgeable about carpets.
 Al Fahidi Historical Neighborhood
Another notable spot is the Al Fahidi Historical Neighborhood, which houses several traditional carpet shops. This area is perfect for those who appreciate the rich cultural heritage of Dubai and are looking for unique, handwoven carpets. The shops here offer a more personalized shopping experience, often with carpets made by local artisans.
2. High-End Carpet Stores: Luxury and Quality
The Dubai Mall
When it comes to luxury shopping, The Dubai Mall is an iconic destination. Among its extensive range of high-end stores, you'll find several reputable carpet retailers. Shops like Oriental Weavers and Al Habtoor Carpets offer premium collections that combine exquisite design with superior quality. These stores cater to customers looking for high-end, luxury carpets that can serve as a statement piece in their homes.
Mall of the Emirates
Similarly, the Mall of the Emirates features top-notch carpet stores such as The Carpet Cellar and Rug & Kilim. These stores provide a curated selection of fine carpets, including exclusive designs and rare finds. Shopping here ensures that you get carpets crafted from the finest materials and with meticulous attention to detail.
3. Specialty Carpet Showrooms: Extensive Collections and Expertise
The Carpet House
Located in Al Quoz, The Carpet House is renowned for its extensive collection of carpets. This showroom specializes in a wide array of styles, from traditional Oriental rugs to contemporary pieces. The knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect carpet to match your décor and budget. Additionally, they offer custom-made options, allowing you to design a carpet that fits your specific needs.
Tabriz Carpets
Another standout is Tabriz Carpets, situated in the Jumeirah area. This store is known for its premium selection of Persian carpets, each piece reflecting the intricate artistry and heritage of Persian weaving. Whether you're looking for antique carpets or modern interpretations, Tabriz Carpets provides a rich selection along with expert advice on choosing the best carpet for your space.
4. Online Platforms: Convenience and Variety
E-Commerce Websites
For those who prefer shopping from the comfort of their home, several online platforms offer a vast selection of carpets for sale in Dubai. Websites like Souq.com, Dubizzle, and Amazon.ae feature various options ranging from budget-friendly to luxury carpets. These platforms often have user reviews and detailed descriptions that can help you make an informed decision. Additionally, many online stores offer delivery services, making it easy to get your chosen carpet delivered directly to your home.
Specialized Online Retailers
Specialized online retailers such as RugVista and Carpetland provide a curated selection of carpets with a focus on quality and design. These platforms often offer virtual showrooms where you can view high-resolution images of carpets and read detailed specifications. This convenience allows you to compare various styles and prices without visiting multiple stores in person.
5. Custom Carpet Designers: Tailored Solutions
Carpet Design Studios
For a truly bespoke experience, consider visiting a custom carpet design studio. Studios like The Rug Company and Carpet Design Studio offer tailor-made solutions where you can work with designers to create a carpet that fits your exact specifications. This option is ideal for those looking to incorporate specific colors, patterns, or sizes that are not readily available in standard collections.
Interior Design Firms
Many interior design firms in Dubai also offer custom carpet design services. Collaborating with a designer can help you integrate carpets seamlessly into your overall décor. Firms like Marmore and The White Company provide comprehensive design services, including carpet selection and customization, ensuring that your new carpet complements your home's aesthetic.
6. Conclusion: Finding the Perfect Carpet for Your Home
Dubai's diverse carpet market offers something for everyone, whether you're seeking traditional craftsmanship, luxury, or custom design. From bustling souks and high-end malls to specialty showrooms and online platforms, the options are extensive. By exploring these various venues, you can find the perfect carpet that adds style, comfort, and elegance to your home. Happy shopping!
#carpetsforsaleindubai #carpetsforhotels #contractcarpets #hospitalitycarpets
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dollycas · 1 month
Sticks and Scones: A Bakeshop Mystery by Ellie Alexander #Review @StMartinsPress @BakeshopMystery
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Coming August 20, 2024 Sticks and Scones: A Bakeshop Mystery Cozy Mystery 19th in Series Setting - Oregon Publisher ‏ : ‎ Minotaur Books (August 20, 2024) Mass Market Paperback ‏ : ‎ 336 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1250326192 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1250326195 Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CPWT7HT9 Audiobook ASIN B0DC752KPJ It’s late spring in Juliet's charming hamlet of Ashland. Spotted deer are nibbling on lush green grasses in Lithia Park, the Japanese maples are blooming, and Torte is baking a bevy of spring delights—lemon curd cupcakes, mini coconut cream pies, grapefruit tartlets, and chocolate dipped almond Tuiles. Meanwhile, Juliet's friend Lance, the artistic director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, is taking center stage with his new theater troupe—the Fair Verona Players. Their performance in Uva's vineyard promises to be a modern, gender-bending twist on "The Taming of the Shrew," but as the curtain rises, so do the strange occurrences. Stage mishaps and internal bickering threaten to derail the production. But the real show begins when the leading actor, Jimmy Paxton, meets his final curtain call. Now, Jules is not only in the mix, but she's going to need to craft the perfect recipe for solving this theatrical whodunit. Dollycas's Thoughts It is a pleasure to be back in Ashland, Oregon. Juliet's friend Lance is taking on a new project —the Fair Verona Players. Instead of performing at the theatre, the new troupe's performance of a "modern gender-bending twist" of The Taming of the Shrew will be in a restored barn at UVA.  It hasn't been smooth sailing though. There have been some weird incidents and not the usual camaraderie among the cast and crew. The curtain goes up on opening night, the cast kills it! Everyone is excited about future performances. Then Jimmy Paxton, the show's leading actor is found dead in the wine cellar. It was a packed house for the play. The cast and crew had access to the building. Jimmy was great on the stage but behind the scenes his "demeanor and disregard for boundaries was unsettling." Did he push someone too far? or did he have other enemies? Jules and Lance will ferret their way through the large cast of suspects to find who ended Jimmy Paxton's career just when it was set to take off. ____ Ms. Alexander has created a wonderful core cast of characters for this series. The whole way Jules and her mother previously run their business creates such camaraderie among everyone working there. Carlos is the same way with his employees. They are one big happy family that revels in each other's success and helps in times of sorrow. There is a little shake-up happening within the pages of this story that proves this perfectly. It is easy to be invested in their lives. I would love to be part of this fantastic group of human beings. The author has penned a very well-plotted and written mystery that she blends effortlessly with all the happenings in Jules's life. She also is an expert at adding humor in all the right places. I swear everyone Jules talked to had secrets, told lies, and/or omitted key details. No one seemed to be mourning the guy's passing. I had a blast following along with each clue and twist. Jules, Carlos, and Lance make a spectacular team, the takedown was great. A lot happens in this book aside from the murder. The ending of the book again tugs at my heart. "That was life. Love, loss, food, family, and sharing a comforting meal around a table while raising a glass in toast to all good things yet to come." I totally agree. Sticks and Scones is a splendid addition to the Bakeshop Mystery Series. Genuine characters with huge hearts inhabit this series and Ms. Alexander gives them top-notch mysteries to solve. This book has that and more. I can't wait for Killing Me Soufflé to be released on February 25, 2025. Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent About the Author Ellie Alexander (aka Kate Dyer-Seeley), is a Pacific Northwest native who spends ample time testing pastry recipes in her home kitchen or at one of the many famed coffeehouses nearby. When she's not coated in flour, you'll find her outside exploring hiking trails and trying to burn off calories consumed in the name of research. She is the author of the Bakeshop Mysteries, including Meet Your Baker and A Batter of Life and Death, as well as the Sloan Krause mysteries. Author Links - Website  Facebook     Twitter      Instagram    GoodReads Coming August 20, 2024 Coming February 25, 2025! Find all the books in the Bakeshop Mysteries here.  Also written by Ellie Alexander Written as Kate Seeley  Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” “As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases.” Read the full article
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stmaryslibraryios · 2 months
The Merchant House by Kate
The Merchant House by Kate
I picked this book up as someone had just read it and said they enjoyed it and had gone on to read the next in the Wesley Peterson series.  This is number 1 in the Peterson series and was written in 2010.
Wesley, the main character, studied & got a degree in Architecture at university.  His parents & sister are doctors, the family are from Trinidad, West Indies.  He became friends with Neil, an Archaeologist, when he was at uni and it was through him that Wesley met his wife.
Wesley took the surprising turn of careers by joining the Met police in London.  He & his wife Pam decide a slower pace of life would be better as they would like to start a family.  So they move to Devon (the description fits Dartmouth & Kingswear).   Wesley joins the local police force as a DS and Pam is looking for a teaching job.   He and we the reader, meet his new team, his boss Heffernan a Liverpudlian, Donna who is young & single and Steve Carstairs who is a little racist.       
There is is an ongoing case when he arrives in the town of Tradmouth - a little boy has gone missing.  But Wesley's first case is that of a young woman found murdered on a coastal path.   During the investigation he meets his pal Neil as he is on a local archaeological dig in the town. Neil has unearthed the bones of a newborn baby and a young woman in the cellar of an old house.  The bones date back to the 1600's.  A journal also comes to light, again from 1600's which tells of the tragedy behind the bones.  Parts of this are revealed at the start of each chapter.  There is a striking similarity to the ongoing murder case and that of the ancient murder case. 
I found it an easy and slightly predictable read.  I sometimes found it hard to follow who all the characters were. I also didn't feel drawn to the main characters, they had no substance. 
Review by Lindy
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royalspirit23 · 2 months
Best Online Liquor Delivery Services in Abu Dhabi
Finding the best online liquor delivery services in Abu Dhabi can be a game-changer for those who enjoy a good drink. With the convenience of online shopping, you can have your favorite beverages delivered right to your doorstep. In this article, we'll explore some of the top options available, ensuring you get the best service possible.
Why Choose Online Liquor Delivery in Abu Dhabi?
Online liquor delivery offers unparalleled convenience. No more trips to the store, long queues, or worrying about store hours. Simply browse, order, and wait for your delivery. Additionally, many services offer a wider selection than physical stores, allowing you to discover new and unique beverages.
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Top Online Liquor Delivery Services in Abu Dhabi
1. Royal Spirit
Royal Spirit is one of the leading online liquor delivery services in Abu Dhabi. They offer a vast selection of beers, wines, and spirits. With their user-friendly website, you can easily find what you're looking for and place an order. Royal Spirit prides itself on fast delivery, often within a few hours.
2. Cheers Abu Dhabi
Cheers Abu Dhabi is another excellent choice. They offer an extensive range of alcoholic beverages, including rare finds and popular brands. Their delivery service is efficient, ensuring your order arrives in perfect condition. Cheers Abu Dhabi also provides excellent customer service, making your shopping experience pleasant and hassle-free.
3. Spinneys
Spinneys, a well-known supermarket chain, also offers online liquor delivery. Their website features a comprehensive selection of wines, beers, and spirits. Spinneys is known for its quality products and reliable delivery service. Whether you're planning a party or simply restocking your home bar, Spinneys has you covered.
4. African + Eastern
African + Eastern is a reputable name in the liquor industry. Their online store offers a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, including premium and exclusive brands. They are known for their competitive prices and prompt delivery. African + Eastern ensures that your order is handled with care and delivered on time.
5. Al Hamra Cellar
Al Hamra Cellar is another top choice for online liquor delivery in Abu Dhabi. They offer a diverse selection of wines, beers, and spirits from around the world. Their website is easy to navigate, and placing an order is straightforward. Al Hamra Cellar guarantees quick delivery and excellent customer service.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Online Liquor Delivery Service
When selecting an online liquor delivery service, consider the following factors:
Selection: Ensure the service offers a wide range of products.
Delivery Time: Choose a service with fast and reliable delivery.
Customer Service: Opt for a company with excellent customer support.
Pricing: Compare prices to get the best deal.
Reviews: Read customer reviews to gauge the service quality.
Online liquor delivery services in Abu Dhabi provide a convenient and efficient way to enjoy your favorite beverages. With options like Royal Spirit, Cheers Abu Dhabi, Spinneys, African + Eastern, and Al Hamra Cellar, you're sure to find a service that meets your needs. Remember to consider factors such as selection, delivery time, and customer service when making your choice. Enjoy the ease and convenience of online liquor delivery today!
Q: Is it legal to order alcohol online in Abu Dhabi? A: Yes, it is legal to order alcohol online in Abu Dhabi, provided you meet the legal drinking age requirements.
Q: How long does delivery usually take? A: Delivery times vary by service, but many offer same-day or next-day delivery.
Q: Can I return or exchange my order if there’s an issue? A: Most services have return or exchange policies in place. Check the specific service's website for details.
Q: Are there delivery fees? A: Delivery fees depend on the service and order size. Some offer free delivery for orders above a certain amount.
Q: Can I find rare or exclusive beverages online? A: Yes, many online liquor delivery services offer rare and exclusive beverages.
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lilycalvin · 4 months
Discover The Exclusive Private Boat Tours In Split, Croatia
Private boat tours split give you an exclusive experience and prime location for activities like exploring beautiful Dalmatian islands, swimming in crystal clear Adriatic sea and maybe even dolphin watching.
All our tours include a professional crew and a flexible itinerary tailored to your wishes. The privacy on these tours is ideal for a secluded getaway, or the family vacation of a lifetime.
We create unique experiences, design them to your needs and budget, being memorable for your entire life. In addition to numerous satisfied clients, our main advantage are guaranteed departures of all trips during the period from April to October according to the weekly schedule.
Our online booking system makes it easy for travelers to find the perfect tour. We want to make vacation planning process as smooth as possible, so we provide clear online description that allow users to read all relevant tour information, check verified customer reviews and photos, view the travel distance on a map and many other options.
Brac is the largest Dalmatian island with several white stone towns, peaceful villages and an impressive Mediterranean landscape of steep cliffs, dark blue waters and pine forests. It is famous for its postcard beach with a unique triangular shape – Zlatni Rat (Golden Horn) and its white stone used to build the Diocletian’s Palace.
Split to Bol Day Trip provides a glimpse into the authentic Dalmatian island life, breathtaking sceneries and enough free time to enjoy in one of the most magnificent Croatian beaches Zlatni Rat. Our Bol boat tour usually starts around 9AM when a speed boat will take you for a morning coffee to the lovely fisherman’s village Milna with a lovely harbor with shops and bars on promenade offering domestic healthy food.
Your private boat will than continue to Bol and the Golden Horn, the island’s oldest town, surrounded by pine forest and beautiful pebble beaches. On our way we will stop and visit navy tunnels for submarines and boats that were used during the Second World War. Once we arrive at Bol you will have a free time to explore the town, or go directly to the Golden horn.
This beautiful pebbled beach with a pristine waters and dense pine forest behind offers plentiful of water sports, so you can make your time even more fun. You can also walk to the Dominican monastery to check on its rich library and archives and one of the oldest wine cellars in Dalmatia and taste local wines. After we leave Bol, before heading back we usually cruise to the lovely nearby bays for a quick swim in the nice secluded beaches. In case you would like to see more private boat tour options check out Private Tours Split page.
Furthermore, we believe constant feedback and training is the secret of customer service in Croatia. We apply this policy to our tour guides, tour consultants and drivers, to set and maintain very high standards every year.
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ozma914 · 7 months
Tornado Terrors: Twisted Twisters, or Breaking Winds
This coming week is Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Here are some useful safety tips from actual experts: https://www.in.gov/dhs/get-prepared/nature-safety/severe-weather-preparedness/
 Some say the best advice you can give when it comes to tornadoes is to keep your insurance paid up and update your will. I prefer preparation: At the beginning of March, dig a big hole in your back yard, then get into it while wearing a helmet and one of those "Red man" protective suits that a police dog can't penetrate. Then have the hole lined in concrete, and covered with an armored steel plate. The order is very important: Get in the hole before it's sealed off. You might want to bring in water, snacks, a portable toilet, a book to read, and, of course, a bottle of oxygen. (I would suggest you take along my novel Storm Chaser. 'Cause--theme. Or at least The Wizard of Oz.)
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"Say ... has anyone told that lady there's a tornado behind her?"
Then wait until, say, November. Then winter is approaching but hurricane season is past, so you could move to the Gulf Coast. But, because tornado season down there is pretty much year round, you'll have to dig another hole and buy more concrete and steel. Vicious cycle, there.  So, a quick review of weather terms. A severe thunderstorm watch means you might get severe thunderstorms. A severe thunderstorm warning means the light show has started. I don't get what's hard about that, but it still confuses people. Similarly, a tornado watch means conditions are right for a tornado to form, and you should, you know, watch. In the novel The Wizard of Oz that's literal: Uncle Henry goes outside, watches, and announces, "There's a cyclone coming, Em ... I'll go look after the stock". How exactly he plans to protect the stock remains unclear, but if there's one thing the movie Twister taught us, it's to to watch for low flying cows. Meanwhile, in the time it takes for Toto to hide under the bed and thus endanger Dorothy (man's best friend--hah), the cyclone is upon them and the next thing you know ... witch pancake.
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Before you think you're safe from tornadoes, remember what one did to this chick.
If Henry only had a radio, TV, alert scanner, or nearby siren, he might have had enough warning to look after the stock and see Em and Dorothy safely to the cellar. The witch would still get smooshed, so--happy ending for all. Except for the Scarecrow on his pole, and the rusted Tin Woodman, and the Winkies being terrorized by the other witch ... okay, bad example. But hey, it was 1900. The point is, you don't have to literally watch anymore. You don't want to be under that cow when it drops in. Or a house. Now, a tornado warning means that if you go outside, you will die. Actually, a tornado or funnel cloud has been spotted in your area, so you may die. Over the years I've managed to take a few pictures of funnel clouds, which puts me firmly in the camp of people who are too dumb to metaphorically (and sometimes literally) come in out of the rain. There are now millions of photos and videos of tornadoes; is it worth having one of your own?
It is not.
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Remember this easy rhyme: Red Sky In the Morning: You're Screwed.
What should you do if a tornado warning is declared? Go to a windowless interior room on the lowest level of your house. If you're in a building with no basement--what were you thinking? But lower is always better, anyway. Windows are bad. Tornadoes, hurricanes, meteor strikes--people get cut up by glass during natural disasters. (I'm not kidding about the meteor strikes: just ask the people in Chelyabinsk, Russia.) Old timers will tell you to crack a window to equalize pressure, or go to a specific corner of a room, but that's proven to be unhelpful. Besides, the tornado will take care of cracking all the windows. You're better off under a piece of sturdy furniture--Toto had the right idea--that you can hold onto. A small center room, such as a closet, or under a stairwell is good, and a bathtub might offer some protection.
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Well, that can't be good.
So, let's review: Your safest location is in a bathtub that's in a closet under a stairwell in your basement. My bathroom is the size of a closet, so that's a start. Actually, your safest location would be in the states of Alaska, Rhode Island, or Vermont, which each average less than one tornado a year. But we're in the Midwest, under the tourism-attracting nickname of "Tornado Alley". Indiana ranks #14 in states for the number of tornadoes. I suspect, if adjusted for square miles, our rank would be higher. Okay, I just checked. When it comes to tornadoes per 10,000 square miles, Indiana ranks three. When it comes to killer tornadoes we're eight, and when it comes to the total length of a tornado path we're also eight. So there you go. Be afraid. It's only smart. And train your dog to go straight to the storm cellar. Now, since tornado safety is really a serious subject, here are a couple of links to websites that treat things way more seriously than I do: http://www.tornadoproject.com/safety/safety.htm http://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/tornado#Before
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
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Remember: As long as you have a flashlight, reading is weather resistant.
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jetsyneck · 10 months
Toasty Heater Reviews [Controversial Report] Read the Toasty Heater Consumer Reports Before Buying.
Warmer is produced utilizing exceptionally trend setting innovation, explicitly fired warming Hot innovation. It makes this item keep the room warm, in any event, when it is little in size. The artistic innovation speeds up the pace of warming, and that is the reason the maker of this item said that it is the quickest room radiator. According to the reports, it makes a room warm in Toasty Heater and can warm up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It simply warms the intensity that goes into the machine and makes it blow into the room. You can change the temperature according to your necessities. This item is little in size, and you can utilize it even without a manual. In addition, you can undoubtedly move its situation.
Developing number of homes are becoming hesitant to turn up their warming throughout the colder time of year, generally on account of the new sharp expansion in warming expenses. Notwithstanding, you don't need to persevere through the freezing fall and cold weather months. You have the choice to keep an agreeable warmth utilizing a versatile and creative portable radiator known as the Hot Warmer.
With the assistance of this little Toasty Heater Reviews, you can outfit your home serenely without burning through truckload of cash. In light of its conservative size, you can put it any place you really want it most nevertheless get a good deal on energy without stressing over getting cold.
With its indoor regulator and low power utilization, the Hot Warmer is easy to plug into the nearest power source. As per the producer, it warms up quickly, ensuring a fast warm-up. You can partake in an open to living climate and less dependence on your focal warming framework with this top notch, convenient little radiator.
What Is Toasty Portable Heater?
Hot is a compact warming gadget intended to give warmth all through the colder time of year season. This strong versatile radiator is among the best indoor convenient warmers since it really kills the frigid cold in your home and can be utilized in any room, making it the best method for remaining warm during winter.
Hot addresses a savvy elective for very much Toasty Heater Reviews people hoping to warm their homes and keep a warm climate during the colder months. As a convenient individual radiator, Hot works without the requirement for internal combustion, coming about in essentially lower working expenses contrasted with conventional warming strategies, considerably under ideal circumstances.
Hot Radiator stands apart as a super proficient and financially savvy compact warming gadget, permitting you to heat up your room unequivocally where, when, and how you need it. It's the most proficient method for remaining warm and agreeable while likewise saving a significant measure of cash. This conservative, cordless space radiator is generally perceived for its capacity to give quick warming, guaranteeing your room is serenely warm in 10 seconds or less.
Places where you can use Toasty Heater
Hot Radiators are flexible apparatuses that can be utilized in different indoor and Toasty Heater Reviews settings. Here are a few normal spots where you can introduce Hot Radiators:
1. Homes
Hot Radiators are an astounding decision for warming your home. They can be put in lounges, rooms, and normal regions to give warmth and solace throughout the cold weather months. Also, Hot Radiators can be introduced in encased spaces like carports and cellars, assisting with keeping them warm and liberated from dampness.
How does Toasty Heater work?
Hot works much the same way to other convenient space warmers by changing electrical energy into heat energy. At the point when you plug it into an in-wall power source, power is conveyed to the ceramic warming component inside, making it heat up.
The Hot radiator is a convective warmer that uses a fan to upgrade air course inside the room. After some time, this cycle steadily raises the room's temperature. The warming component keeps on moving intensity to its environmental Toasty Heater until it arrives at the most extreme intensity level of 90 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the framework's settings. Assuming that you've indicated a specific temperature, Hot will naturally enter rest mode once that ideal temperature is accomplished. It reactivates when the room temperature decreases beneath the set circumstances.
This sums up the major activity of Hot warmers. For additional subtleties and visual guides, you can allude to the client manual remembered for your request. Generally, Hot proselytes electrical energy into heat, appropriating warmth into your own space, guaranteeing your solace no matter what your room's underlying frigidity.
Toasty Heater Benefits
Great product: This small room heater, without taking up much space in your room, has the capacity to warm up your room in just 10 minutes. Winter in December and January was just Toasty Heater Reviews but with Toasty Heater, you can comfortably roam around in your room instead of hiding in a blanket.
Adjust the temperature: This product comes with an adjustable temperature control. As per the requirement, you can control the temperature of this room heater. This will help you find comfort as per your requirements.
Compatible: Toasty Heater is small in size and does not contain any cords. You just need to plug it into your switchboard. Thus, it does not cover the space of your room and does not compromise on keeping the room warm. Plus, it does not produce any sound while in function.
Comes with safety Measurements: The manufacturer of Toasty Heater states that they have chosen the best quality material to manufacture it. Top-grade instruments and materials have been used. That is why there will be no overheating, catching fire, or any other issues. When this product heats, auto-cut mode is given to each product, which automatically switches off the instrument.
Purify Air: Today, people are very focused on their health, and that’s why they give importance to the quality of air they breathe. Toasty Heater instead of a heating room kills viruses and harmful bacteria surrounding the room. In short, it Toasty Heater Reviews the air present in your room for your better health.
It comes with a timer, which is one of the best options that this product is offering. You can set the timing for how long you want to use this product. At night, if you want to switch off this room heater after being in your blanket, you can simply do it by setting the timing on this device.
Cons of Toasty Heater
This product is suitable for small spaces, such as rooms. Not bigger and more spacious halls.
This product is restricted to use in bathrooms.
This product is available online only.
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stareena · 1 year
Secrets in the Cellar: A true story of the Austrian incest case that shocked the world by John Glatt
My rating: 2 of 5 stars Short book, easy read. Most of it consists more of neighbors saying 'I can't believe it,' rather than talking about the actual crime. It also repeats major (and minor) points several times seemingly for no reason. My version was also missing the "8 pages of shocking photos". Not bad if you know nothing about what happened but if you are looking for something in-depth, continue looking. A disappointment on the whole. View all my reviews
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cellarsmart · 1 year
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cavedwellermusic · 1 year
Essential Listening: Richie Havens - Live At The Cellar Door (1995)
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Nelson takes a listen to the master of classic rock covers, Richie Havens, and his album “Live At The Cellar Door.” Masterful covers of songs from the Summer of Love. The key phrase here is “easy going.”
Read Nelson's full review and listen to the album at the link below:
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