#echochamber over there...good lord.
emypony · 8 months
once again reminded why i should never go on twitter (mistake number 1)
made the mistake of looking up something i remembered in regards to like. ae/ther harem ships (mistake number TWO). good lord. i have found the worst of the worst
honest to god i hope i never see that again. this kind of "fandom subculture" is so 💀 aya... and they wonder why some of us are lesbians / aromantic (yes im aware its not fully just being tired of certain ppl or a choice, don't comment on this its 3 AM) / straight up done with some of them what have you. how can i not get disgusted when i see guys thinking women are there just to pop out children and stuff, good grief. keep that away from me
also yeah i am ship shaming. if it can even be called "Shipping" bc its straight up fetishizing
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my feelings in one emoji
blocked and moved on and im glad subreddit mains ripped a new one to people posting that shit. the only place it gets accepted is ae/ther mains. whoever genuinely plays ae/ther and minds their own business and doesn't get involved at all with whatever the fk "harem" subfandom is doing godspeed for having to put up with this shit i think i'd be sick to my core
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devildomimagines · 3 years
could we maybe get the brothers' reactions to an mc that has a lot of bottled up anger issues? kinda similar to how satan is with his wrath, but they just... can't stay mad for very long; they can be upset, sure, but mad? angry, even?? maybe for like, idk, a minute before it just fizzles out.
Sure thing! I love exploring emotions so let's go~
He doesn’t totally understand the rage but he’s lived with Satan long enough.
Though don’t get him wrong, he’s been angry before, frustrated and grieving to the point of murder *cough* but typically he doesn’t have the energy to expend.
Belphie definitely knows the feeling of fatigue once the anger has run its course and left you burnt out.
He offers you support in those moments, calm and quiet so as to not fan the embers.
If he’s awake, he recognizes the first signs of your anger. Your short replies, the tension in your jaw and the way your fists clench and unclench.
He’s never seen you let loose but he secretly wants to see the destruction you could cause.
If he catches it in time, he’ll pull you away from the situation, claiming he needed you for a nap.
The same as his twin, not typically angry but understands from being around Satan.
The only times you can remember seeing him in a fit of anger were when he was denied food one too many times or when his team lost their Fangol match.
Beel doesn’t think you would be as explosive as he has seen Satan be but he also doesn’t want to take the chance and have you get in trouble.
I like to think he’s pretty attuned to his human, he can sense when their heart rate raises or feel the tension in the air when their anger flares.
He immediately takes steps to extricate you, even if that means throwing you over his shoulder and booking it out the door.
I think he would go to Satan for things that he does to calm down to try to help you. He wouldn’t name you, to keep your privacy, but unfortunately he’s a terrible liar so it’s pretty obvious.
Since he’s built like a brick house, he offers to be your punching bag if you ever need it, he swears he wouldn’t feel a thing. It’s tough to stay mad long enough to take him up on that offer but it’s appreciated.
I think Asmo has the best understanding of wrath having heard it from the source directly.
Satan has monologued Asmo’s ear off about everything from how he felt to how he dealt with it.
When Asmo sees the same anger in you, he immediately jumps in, just as he would with Satan.
The only thing that won’t work on you would be Asmo’s charmspeak. Since you aren’t affected by his Avatar, he can’t sweet talk you down off fury’s ledge.
He knows other tricks, breathing exercises or distractions work just as well and he’s noticed you’re much quicker to recover than Satan would be.
He worries for the times you’re not with him, would you use his tricks or would you let the anger fester and bubble up under the surface?
The easiest solution in his eyes is to always be with you, no need to worry if he’s always available to you.
Satan has felt the familiar pangs of wrath coming from you previously and he gets it. Good lord does he get it. He’s never related to someone more than you, once you’ve disclosed this about yourself.
He nods when you describe it as the anger starting out slow and red-hot like lava creeping through every vein in your body. 
Then it’s all consuming and all you can feel is the fire of wrath. In those moments you recognize the need to punch, kick, or scream; something to relieve the fury.
But before you can act on it, the rage is gone. You’re left charred and feeling empty inside; the fire having consumed your being and left nothing alive.
He can share various things he’s learned to keep his own wrath at bay but it doesn’t always help so he’s promised to be your outlet when you need to let go.
He’d rather you explode at him than finding you in the aftermath of being burnt out. It breaks his heart when you give him that look that both says “you’re too late” and “I’m sorry, I tried.”
Satan would never be disappointed in you, so he reassures you all the time, “There’s no need to bottle up your emotions around me.”
We’ve all seen him get angry in game, mostly exploding at Mammon.
In those situations, when he’s comfortable, he’s very expressive, but more than the other brothers, he understands bottling up undesirable emotions that you don’t want to deal with or have others deal with.
He knows firsthand how that doesn’t help, if anything it escalates the issue in your own head. It’s like an echochamber of all your worst thoughts being amplified.
Levi offers to always listen to you rant, wherever, whenever. It���s the middle of the night and Beel’s destroying the kitchen on the other side of your bedroom wall for the 6th night that week? Give him a call. Asmo dragged you out to a club and you’re tired and want to come home? Call him, he’ll come get you. Mammon sold one of your personal items? He will gladly add it to the list of things he pesters Mammon about.
Just as you have listened to his rants on video games, anime or manga, he’ll be there to listen to your rants if it helps your anger.
He doesn’t know specific techniques to help but he can offer examples of what they did in the anime, “My Roommate Leaves Dirty Dishes in the Sink for so Long That They Get Moldy and Now I Need to Use One of the Moldy Dishes. Is It Passive Aggressive to Ask Them to do the Dishes or is it Just Aggressive?”
If you don’t want to talk about it then he’ll offer to take out your anger on some video game baddies as a substitute.
Not gonna lie, he might be the cause of your anger sometimes.
When he’s not going through your things, he’s pretty clingy and a bit pushy. He doesn’t always say what he means and talks himself in circles when he doesn’t want to admit to something. It can be annoying if your personality doesn’t mesh well with that.
Mammon is, however, very quick to pick up on the shift in your demeanor. 
He’ll roll back his last action whatever it may be. If he threw an arm around your shoulder, he’d remove it. If he made a joke, he takes it back and apologizes. 
If it wasn’t something he did then he jumps to your defense, often putting himself in between you and the offending party.
He usually gives Satan space but Mammon wants to help you if he can.
I could see him being very sweet to you after an episode, trying to soothe the edges that came undone, even if only for a second.
King of swallowing emotions, let me tell you.
If you wanted advice on how to not bottle your emotions, this is not the demon for you.
He does understand the rage though. How it burns and devastates anything that comes in contact and how it can take on a life of its own……
Lord Diavolo help you if this is ever directed at Lucifer but if it’s not then he will happily offer his services to smite the cause.
Lucifer may worry that your wrath feeds off of and develops with Satan’s. The worst possibility being you start feeling resentment towards him just like the fourth born.
He will learn your triggers and will make an effort to avoid them if possible to keep your anger to a minimum.
Lucifer will always be available to talk to and would be comforting and accommodating behind closed doors.
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rosecolouredmind · 4 years
Nicholas Scratch x Reader
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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Part Four:
The Angel of Mercy
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First, it was his soul.
Nick never regretted the fact that he was born a warlock. He had powers, longevity, and led a lifestyle of envy. So, when he came of age, he signed on the dotted line in the Book of the Beast. Ever since then, the word ‘regret’ had never once entered his vocabulary.
There was a slim chance he’d ever be called upon to do something untoward, and if it did happen, well...what’s one sin in exchange for a life of frivolity and debauchery?
But next...it was his heart.
Lust, power, knowledge; dedicating his soul to the Dark Lord came with massive perks, and he wasn’t exactly complaining when one of them manifested in the appearance of Sabrina Spellman.
No...Sabrina Morningstar.
He couldn’t explain exactly how or why. His devotion, his loyalty; It had been stolen away by yet another Morningstar, his heart charmed and mind swayed. The powerful capabilities the young witch displayed did nothing but endear him to the demure, compassionate mor(t)ality she fought so hard to keep.
Sabrina Morningstar-Spellman was both the enticement and innocence of the flesh of the lamb... and it would have done Nick well to remember that the lamb is but the spawn of the Beast.
Suddenly, Nick found himself dancing a little too closely with the Devil; twin stars he pledged himself to ended up with him finally learning the word regret once the last pledge left his lips:
Nicholas Scratch, for the love of his life and the containment of it’s keeper, volunteered to be the flesh acheron.
And now, Nick found himself trapped in an everlasting Hell even the darkest of his nightmares couldn’t have begun to manifest.
The Baphomet and the lamb; the Degraded and the Pure. Both were sides of the same twisted fate he’d found himself a part of, desperate to escape. His mind had long since melted into a pool of chaos and intense fear. He’d tried countless ways to just end it all, if only Lucifer were so kind. He no longer had a life to speak of; just endless suffering and eternal doom. His life wasn’t supposed to be like this…
Not like this.
Nick thought himself a pretty gifted warlock, and had long since placed protection charms upon his mind and body should anything or anyone with malicious intention attempt to try him.
He doesn’t know what he was thinking at the time he convinced Sabrina, the coven, and himself that it was a good idea to use his own body as the flesh acheron, but he does admit that hubris and naivete played a part. And at the moment of that final “I love you” to Sabrina, he accepted his fate and was determined to face it no matter what happened to him.
Unfortunately for Nick, you can’t guard against the Devil.
Lucifer made quick work of him, and Nick soon found himself in a never-ending cycle of pain and torture he couldn’t have even fathomed beforehand. Suddenly, his life’s outlook was being eternally violated by the Dark Lord without reprieve. And from what it looked like, it was only a matter of time before he completely broke and the Dark Lord once again took up his mantle of dominating Hell and eventually Earth. All that would be left of Nick and his sacrifice would be any empty shell of a person who no longer knows how to exist as one.
So when the lamb arrived and saved Nick from the Baphomet, he supposed he should have been grateful. Happy, even. Nick had gone to Hell for Sabrina Spellman, and she’d gone to Hell to save him.
But as time still seemed to stretch on without end, he started to break.
Though it wasn’t exactly her fault, Sabrina could never understand what her father put him through because of her. Coupled with her lack of even really trying, her wish for him to just sweep everything under the rug and go back to how things were left him feeling more than a little resentful.
The resounding silence of his once scrambled mind did nothing but make for a much effective echochamber of his worst memories; memories which were exceedingly numerous and fresh. Nick looked for something, anything to fill up or dull that silence; most of which were methods not exactly healthy for him and definitely not healthy for his relationship.
It didn’t take long for the Morningstars to steal away Nicholas Scratch, and it was with resounding disgust that they spat back out all three parts of him they’d taken, broken beyond recognition.
Now stuck dealing with his many issues alone, the tortured boy clung to the only achingly fleeting memories that kept him grounded in rationality instead of spiraling into illusions of the dreadful abyss looming in his haunted mind. And as he replayed the images of the illuminating figure who reminded him that he was still human and that his heart was still beating, to his displeasure he’d found that he wished he had more.
She visited exactly 12 times.
Twelve blessed encounters, each one increasing his fervor more than the last; her presence was like a drug to Nick, a sustenance that he would easily admit to himself he couldn’t go without any longer.
While (Y/N) did explain to him that her powers were limited inside Hell and there wasn’t much of a chance she could directly free him, he couldn’t stop himself from pining after her whenever she was absent. At first, images of Sabrina had been what kept him going. He constantly reminded himself that she was probably doing all she could to save him, and when she actually did, he told himself that everything would finally be okay again.
Nick and Sabrina picked up exactly where they left off, eager to get back to each other again. He reminded himself, Satan be damned, he loved her; otherwise he’d have never sacrificed himself for her to begin with.
Nick had gone to Hell for Sabrina Spellman, was tortured by the Devil himself, and at the time, he had no regrets.
But things couldn’t go back to the way they used to be. He couldn’t go back.
That doesn’t mean that Sabrina didn’t try to help him in whatever way she could, but once she revealed her new royal status, Nick’s remaining feelings of responsibility towards the blonde Morningstar withered away along with the rest of the kinders of their relationship.
Nick was back amongst his coven, friends, lover; but he still felt so achingly alone and afraid all the time. He wanted to feel something, anything other than the despair Lucifer Morningstar so thoroughly imprinted into his being. Despite the love he told himself he felt for the little Morningstar, the literal spawn of his trauma, the only beacon he could rely on to keep him sane was the memory of you.
And as he reminisced on your serendipitous encounters, to his shame, he couldn’t help but compare.
After a while, it had become hard for Nick to separate the daughter from the father, the lamb from the Baphomet. In his intense resentment, he’d gotten to the point where his mind was becoming absolutely blank as it gave in to the invading presence of the sheer evil he’d been fighting against for so long…
And then an angel descended, and he’d nearly cried out in tears and praise for the false God.
It had taken him a while to realize that Lucifer’s presence couldn’t be felt anymore, and even longer to convince himself that it wasn’t a trick. He would close his eyes and see his demons warping beneath the surface, twisting his psyche into a weak, chaotic mess. He would open them and still see red, the color of a neverending hellscape created specifically to terrorize his soul and break him apart piece by piece, rebuilding and breaking again until nothing original was left. He saw despair, and he felt it as well. A gloom so deeply settled into his being that it would have been impossible to get rid of; a shell of the person he’d once been.
So no, Nick couldn’t tell you if his eyes were ever open or closed, because it made no difference to him at all. And one day in that eternity of Hell, Nick finally came to realize he regretted being all alone...
So, pray tell, when a lonely, broken boy suddenly feels someone wipe away his tears, what ever should he say?
He could only posture himself and pray.
The warmth and comfort his angel brought him blessed him with a near orgasmic experience, abruptly tugging him from the brink of despair. For a moment, he questioned if she, if he — was even real, or if Lucifer was really trying that hard to live up to his name as the harbinger of lost home and doom. But when the blessed hands caressed his face, and those saintly eyes pierced through the darkness forever in his view to meet his own, all he could feel was intense relief -- and shame.
Shame over who he was, where he’d gotten himself, and how he’d gotten there.
Surely someone who dedicated their life and soul to the Devil himself didn’t deserve the presence and grace of a literal angel in the darkest moment of his life?
So, with his eyes wide open once again, he cried. He cried at her grace, and at her mercy. Even after she coaxed him down from his delirium and explained who she really was, he wept at the sheer exuberance he felt that she even appeared -- let alone helped him -- just when he was forgetting what it felt to feel anything but pain and suffering. She was his angel, godly or not, and he thanked his lucky stars that it was his fate to be able to meet her in that moment.
Soon, between visits, it became her face, not Sabrina’s, that he’d found had kept him going. (Y/N) had become his symbol of hope, his new god, his only savior. Disillusioned with giving his life to people who only harmed him, (Y/N) became his new religion as he found himself praying to the stars and the Fates for her speedy return. Every time he was graced with her presence, he understood that whatever was written in the stars for him couldn’t have been so bad if he was able to meet her in between the lines.
And when Nick found himself finally out of Hell and in Sabrina’s arms again, he was fully prepared to keep his newfound faith close to his heart and out of the sight of others. Everything that had happened to him was incredibly personal, whether it be his time with you or with the Dark Lord. But when Sabrina revealed her new status as Queen of Hell to him and effectively admitted that everything he’d been through -- his sacrifice, his loss, his pain -- was all for nothing, Nick felt as if time had stopped and his heart had caved in.
He tried his hardest to be okay; with his life, with his coven, with Sabrina. He began coping in the only way he knew how, which admittedly did more harm than good. But without your presence to pull him from the brink, Nick found himself spiralling down the dark depths of his memories with no foreseeable end and without support. Eventually, the pent up resentment and mind games the Dark Lord still insisted on playing with him even after his escape got to him, and he lashed out. The Morningstars took everything from him; his heart, his body, his soul. The coven, Sabrina; no one actually understood him or the anguish he had experienced -- still experienced -- every second of his existence since that final pledge left his lips. The increased sense of isolation brought up his darkest thoughts and feelings, and soon he found himself not only cut off from Sabrina, but from the rest of the coven as well.
As the witches found themselves caught off guard by the arrival of the pagans, Nick instead would find himself staring up at the night sky, alone, searching for his hope.
And while the witches were more concerned with the moon, Nick was waiting for the stars.
As it was predestined, one very particular night Nick felt a very particular warmth bloom across his chest. He smiled, and smiled as wide as his face would allow at that. Because as he watched a very particular star fall from the sky, he knew finally:
The person he placed his faith in didn’t let him down.
Author’s Note: Here’s part 5! Next chapter should be out next Sunday.
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wizisbored · 3 years
How about some random hcs for the AUs that don't have dedicated fics for them yet? Like the Double E AU and the Feral Infected!Paulkins AU?
ah yes, the Ficless Vibes.
since i havent talked about double e in a while: cdxx/seeds is tgwdlm emma, lxix/icks is black friday emma
tim has a distinctly different dynamic with the two emmas, primarily because icks is trying to be a good aunt and seeds is not. seeds’ actual nephew is dead, she doesnt want to replace him with this reality’s version of him, and doesnt want to encroach on tim and ick’s relationship. she still does has a relationship with tim, but as more of a weird friend than an aunt.
both emmas still kinda dislike becky, though icks is getting more friendly with her due to living with her for a while and seeds feels bad not liking her because becky saved her life stopping her bleeding out when she came through the portal
the two emmas are good friends (after a while) and do help each other out, but they can also be kinda bad for each other. two often meanspirited people with near-identical outlooks who often work together for hours with nobody to provide a different perspective to their conversations - its not great. the farm can be a bit of an echochamber for them at times
and the ferral infected:
wiley once let them loose in a reality the lords hadnt touched in an attempt to let them get some energy out. went well for a bit, but issues arose trying to get them back into the black and white later. i used to have a grumpy old rabbit we let free-roam in the garden, and we had to chase him down every evening to get him back in the hutch. its a lot like that. and once theyre back in, they seem just as energetic as they were before.
they have a habit of classing things as just either things they can infect or things they cant infect when theyre particularly excited and not thinking too hard. this has led to emma trying to climb wiley to use as a lookout post because shes not allowed to infect him and hes tall
for a while wiley isnt worried about how dangerous they are because pokey gave them orders not to infect him so he thinks hes safe. that changes when he grabs emma and tries to carry/drag her away from some sniggles she was bothering, and paul knocked him over. he realises then that while they wont attack him with the intent to infect, they will definately attack defensively for each other.
they have fangs :)
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For a long time I’ve been trying to find a way to articulate an answer to the question of: “why are you letting politics destroy your relationships with people?”
The answer, itself, is obvious to anyone who belongs to a targeted minority group: “because your politics advocate for the removal of my personhood, and anyone who believes that is someone that I can’t trust.”
The problem with this answer is that, despite the fact that it is reasonable and rooted in a very real sense of physical and mental self-defense, it is taken as “emotional” by the people who oppose it, and is discarded out of hand because they want to focus on “facts over feelings.”
But I think I’ve finally puzzled it out.
For starters, let’s look at the logic behind my reasoning:
1) It is, by definition, impossible to enter into a debate with someone who is a conservative Christian. What I mean when I say this is that a “real” debate is two people on more or less equal footing (depending on the amount of preparation that you take in solidifying your arguments points) who enter into the argument in good faith and with the agreement that you each see the others viewpoint as no more or less valid than your own. It is impossible for a Christian conservative to enter into any argument about politics in good faith because their default setting is such that their viewpoint is the only right one, and every other one is wrong, period.
2) Christian conservatives, at least according to my observation, are incapable of exercising rational critical thought. This is most apparent when something in the sciences, both physical and social, disagrees with, dismantles, or otherwise disproves a fragment of their dogma. These are swiftly labeled “revisionist” (which is just modern speak for heretical) and subsequently disregarded despite any academic or intellectual relevance that they may have. This is despite the fact that we know FOR CERTAIN that the Bible has been retranslated hundreds of times, often with a political bias or slant in order for the religious authorities of the time to maintain and exercise control over their followers.
3) the reason that the above two things are so common amongst the Christian conservatives is due to the Echochamber Effect. These people surround themselves with others whose bias very closely mirrors their own, often to the point that they don’t even necessarily believe that other opinions and belief systems even exist or that, if they do exist, they are somehow aberrant or other and need to be done away with.
4) Finally, when faced with bald-faced, irrefutable proof that their belief system has been lying to them and forcing them to commit atrocities in the name of a supposedly all beneficent god, the great majority, though not all, will launch into personal attacks in order to divert the attention away from the so called elephant in the room. I contend that this is a defense mechanism, albeit an unconscious one, that springs forth from their minds inability to accept the truth of the situation. Simply, they have spent too long and possibly too much money, buying into and believing in this system for their brain to just easily accept that it was all fake, or, if not fake, at least twisted and used to manipulate politics for the benefit of a select few. They can’t accept it because, in order to do so, they would have to admit to, and accept, that they have been living a lie.
When talking to a Christian conservative, you can’t use facts, as they will be disregarded out of hand. You can’t appeal to their humanity, because they feel like they are backed by divinity. And heaven help you if you start poking holes in their dogma.
No. The best way to deal with a conservative Christian is to simply say: “Didn’t Jesus die for all of our sins?”
If they actually know their bible, and actually believe what they claim to believe, they’ll usually stutter a little, look mighty confused, and then just stop talking to you.
If they’re among the other group of Christians, which has been growing of late in the USA, they’ll either launch into a diatribe about how you need to accept Jesus into your heart in order to be saved, or they’ll just call you a bunch of slurs and tell you that you’re gonna burn in hell.
To respond to the first one, say: “but I have. I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.” At this point they’ll either leave you alone or they’ll say something about needing to repent and be born anew by the baptism of fire or some shit, to which you reply: “repentance is a process, a continual march to the perfection, and the glorifying, of the soul for God, and not merely an event.”
To respond to the second one, say: “and you’re the reason why we need to oppress the straights more.” And walk away.
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