#eclair Tonnerre
roseillith · 7 months
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nadeeta · 11 months
srry the audio isn't the greatest. I put noise reducer on.
oh I had to manually input the captions for Ouran cuz unlike seven d34dly sins I got the Ouran clip on yt and it has automated captions and some words were off so figured I would just manually do it on TikTok and edit the words that needed it.
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songsforotpshit · 3 months
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brysbeddixt · 6 months
This has always bothered me but why THE FUCK does Eclaire have opera specs in the SHOWER?? Was it the animator’s way of saying she needs glasses, but they’re fancy?? Opera specs and glasses do not work the same! And even if they did, I don’t wear my glasses in the shower???
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💝 My Wishlist
(outofroses: okay, so I am not entirely sure how this works but here we go)
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Ouran High School Host Club:
Yuzuru Suou (father)
Anne-Sophie de Grantaine (mother - he would cry)
Shizue Suou (grandmother)
Ranka Fujioka
Yoshio Ootori (best friend's father)
Haruhi Fujioka (shipping and nonship - especially early in the relationship when they are learning each other's idiosyncrasies)
Kyoya Ootori (shipping and nonship - Ace/Non-Ace Ship (though I love every version of their relationship - from "normal" to queer platonic, friendship, etc. I do like the idea of Kyoya being ace while Tamaki is non-ace, but demiromanitc in nature)
Hikaru Hitachiin (nonship/ship) I’ve shipped them before, but I rather enjoy explore a deeper level of friendship. Hikaru deeply respects Tamaki and is incredibly loyal to him. So it would be fun to explore them settling those big emotions and understanding they’re there for each other.
Kaoru Hitachiin (nonship/ship) same as Hikaru; I’ve shipped them before. Kaoru is very deep, and is so similar to Kyoya. He also respects Tamaki, and probably undesatnds Tamaki’s emotions better than Tamaki does lol.. i.e. the carriage allegory)
Hani and Mori
Renge (pleeeasseeee bring her to me! lol best friends!)
Eclair Tonnerre (would ship, ngl lol)
Umehito Nekozawa
Jean-Pierre (Tamaki's childhood best friend from France; featured in the DS game)
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Fruits Basket:
Kyo Sohma, Yuuki Sohma, Shigure Sohma, Haru Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Aya Sohma (fricken adores this dude), .....all the Sohmas! Ouran and Fruba mix very well.
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Seto Kaiba (we are rich, boi~), Marik Ishtar, Yuugi, Yami, Atem, Joey, etc. YGO also mixes well with Ouran. (YGO verse available soon).
(.....more to be added......)
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little-mari-on-a-roof · 7 months
ok I have 2 questions
1. who tf chose the name Eclair Tonnerre that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard
and 2. what do you mean there's only one episode left
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gfxced · 8 months
Oldblog #1
Excerpt from avaluk.skynetblogs.be (2004-2010) Jazz8 concert venue, Mazy, Belgium 28th of September 2007 (aged : 22)
J'aurais pas dû bouger. J'aurais pas du m'exposer aux stimuli. Et quoi ? T'serais resté chez toi à te morfondre, imbécile ? Dans un sens oui; ne pas s'exposer c'est bien, on est juste déprimé au lieu de bouger de chez soi et de revenir déprimé, frustré et névrosé en même temps. Il y a tellement de choses à faire, que j'aimerais faire, que j'aimerais être capable de faire. Des manières de réagir, d'être, d'interagir et d'aborder. Des désirs de perfection qui te paralysent, la peur du rejet et du ridicule qui fait de même, l'impression omnipotente que tu es socialement inepte. Et de l'autre côté cette voix qui te semble tellement extérieure, celle que tu n'es pas capable de croire, qui te dit que tu es capable, intéressant, enfin bref, tout le contraire des pensées qui font "la loi" dans ton cerveau. Le choc. Les deux courants se rencontrent. Insupportable.  Plus - moins. Moins - plus. Le clash. Eclairs et tonnerres cérébraux. Plus la soirée passe plus je sens que ca me tombe dessus. Cela commence avec un stimuli visuel fort plaisant qui éveille ma frustration. J'ai l'humour, rigoler le plus possible comme manière d'y échapper. Toujours cette négation des possibilités. Cette paralysie. Ce NON tyrannique à toute tentative d'initiative qui m'exposerait aux autres, à l'inconnu. Mais ce genre de truc, j'y suis tellement habitué que c'est mon quotidien ingérable. J'arrive encore à l'enfouir sous ma carapace désormais très étroite. L'appréhension arrive, non ca n'ira pas! J'oublie peu à peu, mais à grand regret, (et à forte protestation interne), mon idée de départ de demander à jammer avec les musiciens présents. J'oublie cette non-existence en prenant mon appareil photo. Déclencher. Je fais des photos pour m'occuper l'esprit. Je me suis d'ailleurs dit en moi-même : Je vais faire la seule chose que je sais plus ou moins bien faire. Pendant ce temps, mes amis apprécient la musique. Moi, je ne sais même pas si j'écoute vraiment. Il y a tellement de remous à l'intérieur. Je déclenche. Encore. Encore. J'arrive vite aux 2 Go de ma carte mémoire. Le concert se termine, la jam session commence. On demande un batteur. Merde, non. Pas moi putain non. "Je suis trop nul pour jouer ici!" Négation. Horreur. Certains ont eu la bonne idée d'essayer de m'appeller. Bien fort. Tout le monde à entendu. Bien peu savent que c'est moi... mais moi... mais moi je sais. Silence. Non c'est pas moi. Je me sens mal. Putain. Encore plus mal que d'habitude, encore plus mal que ce que j'arrive à cacher derrière un sourire et mon humour débile. Faut que je sorte.   I'm so socially inept. Sadly enough it can't be helped. It's all my fault after all. Je tape dans le vide pour oublier, je monologue interne de rage. Bordel. Tu fais chier Ced! On a qu'une vie et regarde ce que tu en fais? Rien. Putain! T'arrête pas de te plaindre et t'es trop couillon que pour agir sur toi-même. M'en fous que tu aies de "bonnes" raisons pour ca. Vas-y réfugie toi derrière tous les traumatismes que tu voudras ca ne changera rien, que du contraire. Putain. Si je pouvais effacer tout ce qui te paralyse, mon très cher moi-même, je le ferais, car dans le fond je tiens à toi, à ton bien-être. Si je pouvais effacer tout ce qui te paralyse... Si seulement je pouvais supprimer tout ce qui me terrorise. Je respire, tout en préssentant que jamais je n'y arriverai. Un train de marchandise nocturne passe, Je reprends mon souffle. Ca se termine.  Je reviens dans la salle, C'est enfin terminé. Mutisme. Et je suis là. Je vous dit merci. Sur un petit fond de Porcupine Tree Je vous souhaite la bonne nuit. Always the summers are slipping away-iay. 
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kappatater · 11 months
Another OC! This is Tonnerre, or Tony for short.
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As indicated by their name, they're connected to Eclair, coming from the same source. They are actually a large, indeterminate, whitish worm that can rapidly grow their extremities to take various forms, most often birdlike forms and a "dog" form.
They're pretty spry, and are often seen going place to place via parkour.
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tournesolaire · 2 months
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premierdiscretduchaos · 10 months
Artiguemy ! 
Chelle-Spou !
Roumé chapelle sur la colline
Rêves de gamin adulte
Piémont pyrénéen
Baronnies mystiques
Enchantées par le joug sombre 
Du tonnerre
Et des écharpes de brume grise
Qui montent
Soleil avant 15h
Ténèbres après
Beuglement des vaches
Leurs cloches qui sonnent
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roseillith · 7 months
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Voici une réelle Conversion à DIEU pour Connaitre son Amour !!!
As tu ENTENDU sa VOIX ???
A la montagne du Sinai quand DIEU convoqua le Peuple auprès de Moise. La montagne était couverte d'une épaisse Nuée, et quand l'Eternel proclama SA Parole ;ce FUT comme des coups de tonnerre avec un bruit fracassant, mellée du son de la trompette, avec des éclairs et un tremblement de terre exprimant la Sainteté de Dieu qui devait ETRE crainte. Le Peuple était terrifié et tremblant devant la montagne couverte de Feu !
Apoc. 4/5 Celà est un autre signe devant le Trone de DIEU/ Pour nous FAIRE Reconnaitre le Trone de DIEU ou l'agneau immolé à versé son Sang pour notre JUSTIFICATION. De l'autel de l'encens provinrent des VOIX , des Tonnerres, des Eclairs et un Tremblement de terre CONFIRMANT la Présence et la Sainteté d'ELOHIM en ce lieu..
Actes 9/5. Paul ayant des lettres de recommandation , pour persécuter les Croyants vers Damas, tout à coup une Lumière éblouissante comme l'éclair resplendit autour de lui. Il tomba à terre et ENTENDIT une voix qui lui disait: Saul, Saul POURQUOI me persécutes tu ? Paul dit: Qui es tu, Seigneur ? Et le Seigneur dit; Je SUIS JESUS que tu persécutes.Il te serai DUR de te reguimber CONTRE les aiguillons. De ses yeux tombèrent comme des écailles, et Paul retrouva la vue de son aveuglement SPIRITUEL !!!
POUR Nous la Parole qui est préchée avec l'AUTORITE de DIEU apporte à l'homme la REALITE de la Sainteté d'ELOHIM, Dieu trois fois Saint; avec le Feu, les Eclairs, le bruit Fracassant du Tonnerre de Dieu, et de la Trompette ,avec un tremblement de terre mettant l'homme dans son orgueil à TOMBER à terre dans la CRAINTE respectueuse envers le Créateur du ciel et de la terre par une REELLE repentance de COEUR qui l'aménera au Salut par l'oeuvre expiatoire et Propiciatoire de JESUS !!! et ETRE appelé lui Aussi FILS du DIEU Vivant et VRAI..
S'il n'y a PAS de repentance devant la Sainteté de DIEU? alors la colère de DIEU demeurera sur l'homme REBELLE et il PERIRA par orgueil dans sa folie ayant préféré les ténébres à la LUMIERE Divine.
Dieu ne VEUT PAS que l'homme périsse mais qu'il aie la VIE et la VIE en abondance.AMEN..AMEN...AMEN !!!!!!!
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partages · 2 years
#tonnerre #eclair #foudre #vilay60 #tumblr #addme #followers
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ootori-sibs · 3 years
Kyoya's second shot
Episode three: Dawn of a new day
There was something off about Haruhi the next day, none of the hosts knew what was up with her- no one but Kyoya. He smiled the moment he saw her walk in, face curled into a look of disgust. He noted it down as she sat down, frowning.
11:30 - Haruhi has arrived, it's evident Nekozawa has done his job. It's my turn.
He approached her, trying to not to react to the smell. "Are you alright Haruhi? You look troubled." She looked up at him curiously, tilting her head slightly.
"I think Nekozawa-senpai did something to my bag." Oh. She got it instantly, that was unexpected. Kyoya hummed nonchalantly, not wanting to give anything away.
"What did he-"
"Oh heavens!" Here came the darling king, swooping in to save his precious 'princess'. "Are you alright Haruhi? You aren't cursed are you??" Both Haruhi and Kyoya sighed at that, Kyoya instantly feeling furious at her for sighing- why don't you appreciate your boyfriend's care? Huh? Bitch? Kyoya would love and appreciate that kind of care so much, he's only sighing because his plan is already failing.
"Nah I'm not cursed, I think he put something super stinky in my bag…" she hummed in thought, rummaging through the bag. She pulled out a black envelope, the source of the smell. It was closed with a wax seal and written on in crimson ink, a curse in latin.
Dominus soporem in tenebris, et funiculus iste coccineus et habitatores figure non amare Princeps Ouran. classis superioris, dimiserunt eam cadere a gratia Dei.
Kyoya knew Latin, and he found it amusing what Nekozawa had said, making sure to not show any signs of amusement as Tamaki panicked over the clear curse and Haruhi carefully opened the envelope. The curse read: 'Dark lord in slumber, let this scarlet figure never settle in love with the prince of Ouran. Let her fall from the graces of the upper class'. Kyoya absolutely loved the little nod to his own command, Umehito was always one for poetic justice.
Haruhi pulled a burnt stick of elderwood, the rest of the envelope was filled with dodder and deadly nightshade. It was soaked through with a horrendous perfume, Nekozawa's handiwork, with which he'd gotten Kirimis help, the younger a child the more evil, Kyoya's own brother had told him that. She looked at it with a frown, ignoring Tamaki's wide eyes and blabbering expression, instead heading straight to the bin to dispose of the curse. "What a weird guy, wonder how I annoyed him." But it wasn't him she'd pissed off, and she'd soon be made aware.
"How are you not worried!?" The king cried out, clearly genuinely scared his princess would be hurt. "You were cursed!!" Kyoya sighed, he was unbelievably bitter that Haruhi was already fucking things up for him, but also didn't want Tamaki to fret too much.
"And she got rid of it, therefore: no longer cursed." He hated to admit that his plan was already failing but it was ok, he was sure Nekozawa could up his game on the same day. In fact he quickly sent a text to the councils newly made group chat to ensure it.
Shadow king: Nekozawa. You're not doing well enough, Haruhi has located and dispelled your "curse" within seconds. Do better or we'll move forward without you.
Sorcerer: Of course, it shall be done.
Kyoya was glad Nekozawa was taking his job seriously, although it wasn't a real threat, Kyoya needed him for the plan to work. He returned to his seat, silently continuing with the finances.
Not an hour later, Haruhi was sweating like a pig, looking exhausted and so much more what Kyoya had expected from a curse. She told Tamaki she didn't know what was wrong, he clutched her close, cradling her softly. It made Kyoya feel sick… then Tamaki yelped, pulling his hand away from Haruhi's middle back.
"What the hell was that? You're boiling!" He points to a place at Haruhi's back, and the twins come swooping in, pulling her shirt up just so. Salts, a cloth laden with hot water and salts- a fake fever. Kyoya couldn't believe Haruhi hadn't noticed that before now, it was stupid.
"Huh… that's weird, do you think it was Nekozawa again?" Haruhi asked, holding the cloth, the twins shrugged, tilting their heads in unison.
"Not sure, probably." They spoke in unison, clearly feeling something off. "Why is he suddenly targeting you… did you do something to the puppet?"
"Not that I know of…" The four of them began theorising ways Haruhi could have pissed Nekozawa off, perfect, Kyoya had a willing scapegoat.
Shadow king: Do you have a scoop yet, Komatsuzawa?
Bitchboy: I have a few ideas, but I'd like to change my nickname first.
Child: but it's so fitting
Bitchboy: Silence child.
Shadow king: You may change your name once you prove yourself useful. What's your scoop?
Bitchboy: Well her father's "career" is certainly one sure to cause a stir.
Shadow king: Absolutely not, we will not be insulting Ranka in order to bring Haruhi down. He doesn't deserve that.
Bitchboy: What? Ugh, fine. There's also, we could imply she's been with the twins?
Shadow king: But the twins have done nothing wrong.
Kyoya sighed, sure his plan would hurt them all, but he didn't want to hurt his friends unnecessarily. They didn't deserve that… he could feel the guilt building up again. He was never the best with emotions…
"Mommy dear?"
Tamaki's voice rang in Kyoya's ears, startling him slightly, not looking over but just staring at the numbers on his screen, clutching his phone tightly, as if it would suppress the notification sound. "Yes Daddy?" The stupid nicknames Tamaki insisted on using, it just reminded Kyoya of how things should be. He should be the one by Tamaki's side, club mother, vice president, shadow king. They were the monarchs of Ouran, the most powerful students there, why weren't they together..?
"Are you alright?" Tamaki frowned, leaning closer, wrapping his arms around Kyoya and resting his head on his shoulder. Kyoya felt his cheeks heat up, but he was likely wearing enough makeup to hide it. "I was going to ask about the finances but you seem a little on edge mon ami, is everything okay?"
Kyoya felt guilty, Tamaki was so sweet, so good. Kyoya was doing such evil acts, and his beloved had no idea… he had no idea he was even the one Kyoya loved. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in an attempt to battle the feelings into submission, lest the tears well up. "I'm fine, Tamaki, don't be ridiculous."
"Why are you on edge then?" Kyoya felt his phone buzz gently, putting him even more on edge, luckily it didn't seem like Tamaki noticed. Kyoya wasn't quite sure how to respond to the king's question, he couldn't think of a good excuse.
"Why is it important? There's nothing wrong with simply being startled, I can't always be on high alert, I'm no guard dog." His words bit back at the princeling with venom, he couldn't think of a good defence, so he faked spite and hoped it would work.
Surprisingly, Tamaki did indeed back off, looking confused, and slightly hurt. It was ok though, Kyoya told himself, this was all for Tamaki's sake in the end. He checked his phone.
Bitchboy: We could say she's a lesbian? She did kiss a girl after all.
Not to mention all the hosting she'd done with the ladies… oh, Kyoya could see the headline already. He was almost positive she was bisexual anyway, it wasn't that much of a strech… he paused, what was Akira saying though? Was he suggesting Haruhi didn't really love Tamaki like would be perfect, or was he trying to be homophobic?
Shadow king: Elaborate?
Bitchboy: Do I really need to?
Peasant: well it does sound kinda homophobic to claim that sort of thing could ruin her image…
Bitchboy: Ruining her image is the whole point, moron.
Shadow king: How do you entirely miss the point like that?
It's almost impressive.
But you're the moron Komatsuzawa.
You better find something a little less incriminating of your own mind.
Kyoya sighed heavily, why must he surround himself with such disgusting people. It wasn't hard to find good people, hell, he was surrounded by at least folks good enough at pretending to be good, the issue was that good people never wanted to do bad things. So this was what he must do.
13:30 - The folks I surround myself with make me sick. But it must be done. Tamaki has begun to show slight worry towards my more nervous mannerisms, I managed to get him to stand down. I have yet to perform my duty.
Bitchboy: Of course you'd support that kind of behaviour, Ootori.
Kyoya frowned down at his phone, this little dick… He glanced over at Tamaki, who had just asked him a question, although he had failed to process it. "I'm sorry Tamaki, what was that?"
"I said; are you coming to lunch with us? You haven't joined us at all this week."
"Ah," Kyoya began, it was true he hadn't joined them at all, but that was simply because he hadn't had lunch all week, "I'm afraid I won't be joining you today either, please enjoy yourself." He smiles, a polite, designed to placate, smile. Turning back to his phone, he replied to Akira's message.
Shadow king: And what exactly does that mean?
Bitchboy: Well you're the same aren't you?
Sorcerer: Aw, don't be mean just because you're correct. He's Souh-san's best friend.
Akira had sent another text after that, but Kyoya didn't want to think about it, he'd used a word he didn't even think people used unless they were openly violent, or gay themselves. So that was just wonderful, Kyoya was working with a homophobe, lovely. He decided to at least note this down before doing his own part of the deal.
13:32 - Akira Komatsuzawa is a homophobe.
He left his phone on silent and in his bag, before standing and walking over to Haruhi's bag, digging through carefully, not wanting to make it look too obvious things had been looked through. He took her phone out of the bag, looking it over carefully, oh, she had a cute set of phone charms… little plastic roses, and there was one in each of the host's colours. Even purple. Kyoya took great care with removing that charm, tucking it into his pocket gently. He may mean malice towards the commoner, but he wouldn't hurt anything with sentimental value, at least if it could be avoided.
He made his way to the window, looking out. There were too many people, he couldn't achieve it like this. So he instead went out into the hallway, walking in the opposite direction from the canteen, making his way down to the ground floor and then outside. He knew exactly where to go.
He was a lover of poetic justice, just like Umehito, and he could remember Haruhi's first week. The poor, poor commoner was bullied by one of Tamaki's regulars. That girl had thrown Haruhi's bag in the fountain to the east of the club room, the one with the cherub without wings. As Kyoya made his way to that very fountain, he thought about how ironic it would be if he put her phone in that very fountain. So that's what he would do.
When he got there, he saw the exact girl he'd been thinking about, sat there, with a little bento box her maids had made for her. She looked up at him and frowned. "What are you doing out here? Why aren't you with the rest of your club?"
"Hello Ayanokoji, do you know who this belongs to?" He holds up the phone, knowing full well she knew who's it was.
"That's Fujioka's phone… why do you have it?" She asked him, clearly on the defensive, not understanding why he was here. To answer her question, Kyoya simply lifted his hand and tossed the phone into the water idly. Looking her in the eyes as he does so, watching hers go wide "Wha-? Huh??" It seemed she'd assumed all the hosts were under Haruhi's thumb.
"Help me, Seika Ayanokoji, we have the same goals in mind." He offered her entrance to the council, without letting her know it existed. Kyoya even held his hand out to her, it was obvious from his body language that he was offering her an opportunity, but his words seemed like the deal would only benefit him. So he wasn't surprised to hear her response:
"What's in it for me?" She'd glanced down at his hand in suspicion, before looking back up at him, not trusting his words one bit.
"Oh let's see…" he pretended to think, already knowing exactly what to offer her. "I'll remove you from the club's black list." He knew for a fact that that'd get her going, she was the same as all the other girls after all. Her eyes widening at the prospect of being hosted by Tamaki once again proved him right, although he couldn't say he didn't blame her- they did have similar motives.
She took his hand, standing and giving him a smirk. "You've got a deal, what do you need me to do?"
Kyoya just smiled wickedly in response.
"I want you to do anything in your power to make that commoner suffer. Don't let anyone know I'm involved, but get anyone you want involved. Cause her trouble, make her look bad, make her out to be just what you think of her."
"A little mutt with no pedigree?" She asked, eyes sparkling maliciously, she already knew the answer.
"Precisely, we both know she's not. But the general student body don't need to know that, do they?" He shrugs, casually turning away from her, preparing to walk away.
"You can count on me." She assured, voice full of confidence and spite, exactly what Kyoya needed from his council. He'd originally hated her for being so uppity, then she'd done all that to Haruhi and he'd decided he hated her for being a bully… but bullies can be awfully useful, if you have them on your team.
He got back to the club room, silently tapping his foot on the floor as he took his phone out in order to add her to the group, pausing when he saw Akira's reply.
Bitchboy: Well there is that manager of your club, didn't she pursue the girl?
Kyoya smiled, of course, Renge. She was the perfect scapegoat, it was clear the duo had chemistry. Haruhi had gone to Renge's place after all, no one knows what could have possibly happened there…
Shadow king: Alright then, write your article.
But I will be reading it before it's published.
Kyoya sighed, adding the newest council member to the group chat.
>Seika Ayanokoji joined the group
>Shadow king changed Seika Ayanokoji to Woman#2
Woman#2: Wh
Why do I have to be woman two??
Woman: Bonjour.
Child: Holy shit there are girls here?
Bitchboy: How did we not notice this before?
Shadow king: Miss Ayanokoji will be helping us from now on, she will be present at the next meeting.
I want you all to get along.
He put his phone down just as the other hosts walked back in, combing their hair and adjusting their uniform in preparation to open the club to the guests. Kyoya smiled softly, this was going to be a fun term...
14:12 - Seika Ayanokoji has joined the council, she has been removed from the club blacklist.
A very fun term…
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songsforotpshit · 3 years
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hostagine · 4 years
Lololol remember how salty Tamaki looked when Eclair hugged him
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Lolol mood
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