#eclair yells about edgejeanist
In desperate need of edgejeanist fluff and cuddles yet again :)
Even more than before <3
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chocolateeclair · 3 years
Mmmmmmm edgejeanist!!!!!
I want to draw!!!!! Motivation, please, I wanna draw them ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
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A couple of my main older edgejeanist headcanons that I am bringing back bc they’re becoming relevant again-
So. My favourite thing to do with my ships is choose something like a type of weather that links to them and all their moments and story n such. For these two it’s the rain.
Tsunagu always disliked the rain, bc it was always gloomy and made him feel cold and uncomfortable and sad and lonely.
Shinya taught him to love the rain. (My fic “When It Rains…” is the whole story behind this and my whole headcanon for them and yes. Here’s the link if you wanna go check it out)
They have many of their moments in the rain, bc it reminds them of each other and just reminds them of them. I include this in every one of my aus too bc rain <333
In return, Tsunagu teaches shinya to love the stars. Shinya disliked looking up at the stars bc it reminded him of how lonely he felt and everyone that he had lost in his lifetime. And Tsu taught him how truly beautiful they are.
And. After this. They learnt to love each other.
They have matching lockets. Shinya’s is gold and Tsu’s is silver.
(Bc if you think about it, Shinya is silver and Tsu is gold in terms of their colour schemes….their hair…..and also they are red and blue, respectively ^^^) (what’s even better is that typically, silver goes nice with blue, and gold goes nice with red……so they match together pretty perfectly)
These lockets contain their most heartfelt moments and each have a letter written from the other that reminds them everything they love about each other. So that if anything happens, or at any point if they feel separated, they can simply read the letter and hold the locket and they’ll feel close again. (I also include these in most of my art at any given chance if you look close enough 👀)
They each have a scar on their face, over one of their eyes, that was caused by the other in some sort of quirk accident. Shinya’s is over his right eye, caused by Tsu’s quirk going out of control and him saving him but getting hurt in the meantime (like what happened to Tsu’s dad in my backstory) and the same from Shinya to Tsu, but his is over his left eye. (Each the side that they cover with their hair)
They both are terrible at looking after themselves but are so caring towards one another that it sort of cancels itself out and they look after each other and themselves in return together.
They leave each other notes all the time. Sometimes these are important things to remember, sometimes they are silly little things, and sometimes just a simple ‘I love you <3’
They have matching tattoos. (Which I have drawn out btw……if anyone would like to see them 👀)
Tsunagu sews little cute flowers or tiny badges or just fun little things for Shinya when he’s bored, and Shinya makes origami figures for Tsu when he’s bored.
They have this thing where they make paper cranes together, using a piece of paper they wrote a message on, and give each other the one they made. If Shinya makes a paper crane, he always makes two because they must come in pairs from this.
If one gets lost or damaged, he will make a new pair to replace them bc one cannot just go on without the other. They go together. (This links/will link into this fic)
Shinya finds Tsunagu’s weird clothes puns funny and laughs at them, which is the main reason that Tsunagu makes them constantly.
That’s it for now bc I’m tired, but I have more. There’s always more. This should be known by now /lh
@suoperbvorb @genderfluidagendergremlin (if anyone else wants to be tagged in my lil posts like these or my fics pls let me know - my posts often get hidden)
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It is, as it always is, edgejeanist loving hours <333
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I just need-
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In need of edgejeanist fluff......
Anyone have any ideas? ;-;
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I haven’t drawn edgejeanist wedding photos yet??????!!!!!!
Oh my god-
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Edgejeanist time!
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chocolateeclair · 3 years
Ahhh Edgejeanist I love them, sir, I love them.
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Hello! I’m back, I’ve finally got WiFi, and I am thinking about domestic edgejeanist yet again :D
Come and think about them with me :))
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Just a ramble! Not anything big, just a usual long ramble so :)
@uncharted-darkness tagging you so you can see it.
Spoilers for bnha manga:
Okay uhhhh so. If you know me. You’ll know that edgejeanist is the only thing that is on my brain. Basically all of the time.
So as usual I just wanted some nice domestic fluffy edgejeanist. (Also I’m still incredibly happy for people to send in scenarios and headcanons for them or ideas if you’d like, they really have been making me feel better, I just haven’t gotten the time to fully answer them yet so please do if you’d like!)
And so I was just thinking about them just being all happy and relaxing at home. And just being together because :)) and suddenly my brain went “okay now look at this weeks chapter leaks and merge the fluff with the current timeline!”
So then that made me think of them just being all stressed and if you saw this post of mine, you will know that I am now absolutely ecstatic that edgeshot is speaking and he’s here and I am very happy about it. But now they are working together in the same team so there is more of a chance for me to see a panel with the two of them in it (I don’t even need them to be talking I just get happy to see them both....I think that says something about me...)
But then I saw Deku. And just thought about Bakugou and I was like “oh yeah....Bakugou” (I don’t pay attention to the main characters that much if you haven’t noticed, I love them all to bits but I just don’t focus on them aha)
Also I have a headcanon linking to Bakugou and edgejeanist, that just kinda popped up one day but I liked it so????? And cuz my main focus most of the time is edgejeanist it just kinda stuck with me.....so if ya wanna hear more please ask n let me know cuz I will probably forget to write it down.
Which also reminds me I had another ramble I started with edgejeanist and the others that are grouped together with deku at the moment and it involves edgejeanists house....and in some variations of the scenario it includes lil Izumi.....so if you wanna hear about that one please let me know again cuz my memory is terrible.
Anyway. Enough getting sidetracked, Eclair.
Here’s the situation that I just was randomly thinking about....at the edgejeanist house....with Bakugou:
So jeans is back now. We know that. And now they’re all dealing with whatever the hell is going on rn. We’ve seen Tsunagu talk to Bakugou for like two seconds in the hospital and battlefield but that’s about it.
Bakugou has gone through a lot and he’s changed, we know this too.
So, can you imagine, it’s all calm at the edgejeanist house and they’re just trying to sort out hero stuff and maybe talk about stuff and recovering and just making the most of time(Jeans was “missing” for a rather long time yknow so.....there’s another thing I need to write things for...). When there’s just this really loud knock at the door and they are both full wary mode because of everything that’s going on. Until the door gets gently knocked on again.
Tsunagu opens the door and it’s just Bakugou standing there, looking kinda angry (like. His usual angry. Not angry angry. Just Bakugou face) but also kinda hesitant I guess? Shinya is peeking out from behind cuz he’s a curious little ninja and doesn’t trust anything.
And then he’s kinda just “Can we talk? You said that I can come and talk to you when I needed to, so here I am...”
Jeans is just “that’s true I did”
Edge is just confused cuz “how tf did you find our house”
Turns out Bakugou went to Jeanist’s agency and asked an intern and they were just kinda on edge and intimidated anyway so they said where (they knew it was Bakugou since obviously he went there and stuff idk).
They tell him to come inside because it’s safer, and Shinya goes to make him a cup of tea or whatever as Tsunagu walks him to the living room and just asks him how he is generally.
(It would help if I had elaborated my headcanon that I mentioned earlier but it’s long so summary: Bakugou already knows about edgejeanist so they aren’t worried about him finding out)
Our human stick of dynamite over here just starts crying. Like. Idk just, he just needs to let it all out y’know? They’ve all been through so much and for gods sake they are only kids- they did not need to be put through all of that.
He starts talking about everything that’s on his mind, he’s worried about deku and whatever to he’s doing rn, there’s so many heroes that he’s probably worried about, his classmates, teachers possibly retiring/not really alive anymore.....(;-;) and he just breaks down, either asking for advice or not, knowing that they’ll listen until he’s finished.
The two heroes are just sat there and kinda look at each other and are like “ah.....right....” and Shinya kinda just leaves it to Tsunagu to talk to him mainly, cuz he’s his teacher intern person thingy yknow?
Explody boy asking Shinya how he dealt with Tsunagu going missing for that long......Shinya just replying quietly and trying to give some form of advice from it?
And. Idk just deep and meaningful discussions and emotions and everything and I just....wanna see that :)
I just wanna see domestic and parental edgejeanist.....and this time it’s with bakugou for some reason so yeah.
I don’t remember much else from this daydream but here you go! Feel free to send stuff in to ask me to elaborate or discuss it because my brain has not got the organisation skills for that right in this post right now...Or ask me about those headcanons or scenarios that I’ve mentioned and stuff! ❤️
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chocolateeclair · 3 years
Me: *is re-reading some of one of their fics to pass the time*
Me: Hm, okay...
Me: *then proceeds to look at their drafts and notes and realises they have not even made a start on the next chapter that they’ve been talking about for ages*
Me: oh.....crap....
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I’m so tired, I have art homework that I should probably do before my lesson tomorrow and a music composition to work on, it’s late, and college is really stressing me out.......so have a fun scenario including edgejeanist, Hana and Mao! :)
Someone was knocking on the door. But not just knocking, it’s as if they were trying to smash the door down or something. Shinya opened the door just in time to get punched in the face by a very flustered fairy. It was Hana. Way more red in the face than her usual pink shade.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry!! I’m in a hurry so I started panicking I didn’t mean to hit you! Though you’re probably fine.” She quickly blurted out.
“It’s okay, please come in, it’s cold outside.” Tsunagu replied, gaining an angry glare from the small ninja in front of him.
“My sister basically breaks down our door, punches me in the face, and you’re like ‘oOh coMe oN iN! DOn’t wOrry abOUt ShinYA he’S juSt FINE!!:D’ how lovely of you...” Shinya hissed from the floor.
“Well you are aren’t you? You definitely are fine enough to make your little remarks! Besides, she’s your sister, it’s perfectly fine to invite her in-”
“Oh yeah of course, perfectly fine! You know, next time Ai comes round I’m going to invite her in and allow her to raid your entire personal stash of food. She’s your sister after all!”
“You. You’re evil. You wouldn’t dare- you know what no she does that anyway!”
“I’m very sorry to interrupt whatever argument this is that I’ve started, but I have a serious problem here,” Hana interrupted the bickering couple. She had come here for a reason, and intended to get her solution quite fast.
“Of course. Sorry. What is it, Hana?” Tsunagu asked, after helping a grumpy Shinya to his feet.
“Ah well. The thing is....um....how can I say this....I mean it’s quite simple but uhhmmm.....” Hana nervously shuffled about.
“Hana, stop mumbling and get to the point. I didn’t get punched in the face for you to start spouting nonsense,” Shinya grumbled. He loves his sister dearly, he really does, but sometimes her habit of mumbling could get quite annoying. “Besides, you said you were in a hurry so what was-”
“MAO ASKED ME OUT FOR DINNER!!!” Hana finally managed to yell. “We were walking through town together after I dropped by during my patrol and she suggested that we go to that really fancy hotpot down the road!”
Shinya burst out laughing, “Oh wow you really are hopeless, why did you panic so bad?!” Tsunagu shot him a look.
“Says you.”
Shinya was immediately silenced at the thought of his reaction to their first date. Yeah, he didn’t really get to say much about panicking.
“Shinya, stop it, I’m not here to listen to your bullying,” Hana tiredly mentioned, “I’m here for your lanky beanpole of a partner over here.”
Okay now they were both silent in confusion. Waiting for Hana’s next words......
“What do I wear?”
At the sound of these words, Shinya rolled his eyes and Tsunagu’s entire face lit up. This was going to be fun.
Sorry about the randomness! It’s past midnight and I felt the urge to ramble :)
I wonder how their date goes....
(Should probably elaborate that Ai is my oc for Tsunagu’s twin sister that I’ve mentioned quite a while ago - came up with her when I first got into bnha....I’ll get round to drawing her eventually)
~Eclair ❤️
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