#eclipsa kyle
The Pirates SMP Kill Tally: an Analysis
(AKA I've been curious about everyone's kill counts for months and finally got around to making the count and the post.)
Obligatory "everything is roleplay" disclaimer.
Criteria for kills
For my own peace of mind, bounties do not count as kills due to the respawn mechanism
We're (mostly) sticking to permanent deaths, so the cast accidentally killing each other in battle via friendly fire does NOT count either
I'm judging by in-game death messages for who got the final blow
Each kill on a Cultist = 1 kill because I don't care about the respawn mechanism on them; I'm just assuming they're all different people and the respawn is to bypass out-of-universe logistics
It's impossible to determine ALL kills due to the established worldbuilding, but we sure are trying our best
Kills are sorted by event for organization; non-event kills and deaths are listed separately
Day 1 / July 30: Recruitment Day
None of the pirates have killed anyone yet! Woo!
Ivy / Corruption: Aimsey (1)
Iris / Cultists: Guqqie (1)
Day 36 / Sept 3: In Too Deep
Against all odds, no one technically dies. Michela shot the crystal that freed Ivy and the Corruption, but by that point, Ivy's been using Aimsey's body as a puppet anyway and p!Aimsey has been officially listed as "fallen" on the POWCreations Twitter since Day 1. So no, Michela did not kill Aimsey; Ivy and the Corruption did
Day 76 / Oct 13: The Rescue Mission
Acho: 1 Cultist, shot from above
Apo: 1 Cultist, shot just after the release of the Yetis
Scott: 1 Cultist, stabbed with a kitchen knife
Iris / Cultists: Marnie (1)
Day 77 / Oct 14: The Revenge Raid
Acho: 5 Cultists
Graecie: 1 Cultist, killed in melee
Kuervo: 1 Cultist
Kyle: 3 Cultists
Owen: 1 Cultist
Ros: 1 Cultist
Scott: Altair, the Right Hand of Iris, who seemingly respawns later for some reason (0.5)
Shelby: 1 Cultist, three-shot
Shep: 1 Cultist
Water: 1 Cultist
Iris / Cultists: Hook (1)
Day 93 / Oct 30: Halloween
Captain Golden Beard and her crew of 890 pirates (i.e. 891 in total) were technically killed by the cursed gold created by Nocturnus and Eclipsa
Nocturnus: Mufasa (1; but I personally don't believe it)
Seapeekay: Nocturnus (1); while two rounds were fought on-stream, both Owen and Martyn's YouTube adaptations use the first round as standard, so that's what I'm going with
Day 112 / Nov 18: Final Wishes
Against all odds, no POV character dies again! It's just the Faction Isles backstory drop lore event. That being said...
Iris / Cultists: Many unnamed individuals; including dozens of villagers [only one named character, Icarus, but identifies the Logkeeper and their cousin (1), brothers (2+), friends (2+)], many unnamed pirates [presumably incl. "Mrs. Caravel" and her two children] (10+)
Although most, if not all pirates end up having to kill the vengeful wraiths/ghosts of the townsfolk, as with Aimsey's case, they were dead to begin with and thus don't count
Day 134 / Dec 10: The Finale
Annotation: Only Take 2 of the Battle on the Faction Isles is counted, but Take 1 kills are recorded for reference.
Apo: 5 Cultists
Graecie: 4 Cultists
Jojo: 1 Cultist in Take 1 of the battle, 5 Cultists in Take 2, Ohca / Insane Cultist (6)
Kuervo: 2 Cultists
Kyle: 6 Cultists
Oli: 2 Cultists, Pip by accident (3)
Ros: 1 Cultist in the Take 1 of the battle
Scott: 1 Cultist
Seapeekay: 1 Cultist
Shep: 4 Cultists
Water: 2 Cultists
Iris / Cultists (offscreen): Olive (confirmed by cc!Apo), Sniff (confirmed by cc!Apo), Scar, Shelby, Puffy, Eret (confirmed by cc!Apo), Reddoons, Tubbo, Michela (9)
Ohca / Insane Cultist specifically: Claud, Saffrie, Finn, the Enchantress, Katie (5)
Other unnamed Cultists: Digby (1)
Ivy / Corruption: Iris (1)
Ivy's own death is hard to pin down, because the positive magick countering the Corruption in her is literally the Power of Love and Friendship, with Cruppy as a sacrifice; it can't be attributed to Iris because she's already dead by that point, but the cast didn't exactly do anything to kill her either
Non-event kills (known)
Iris / Cultists: "Dai", Bek on Day 125 / Dec 1, Will on Day 130 / Dec 6 (3)
Bek: 2 unnamed Cultists that captured her on Day 125 / Dec 1 (2)
Kuervo: Commanders Francesco, Miria, Charrio, Rosaria, Tapia, Miguel, Travis, and Ernesto of the Nayan Armada [Javi and Rodrigo survived the rampage, would technically be 1st degree murder due to premeditation; but let's be honest, we're cheering him on because they're tyrants]; 1 unnamed Cultist on Day 126 / Dec 2 (9)
Martyn: Jeffery on Day 125 / Dec 1
Sausage: At least 2, 4, or 5 unnamed naval soldiers holding his uncle captive in his backstory, arguably in self-defense; reports are inconsistent and the canonicity of the 4 or 5 is questionable because psychotherapy is anachronistic for the setting
Shep: At least one unnamed individual on Captain Merton's orders; p!Will's case could either be 2nd degree or voluntary manslaughter under US laws [for reference only] (1.5+)
p!Acho technically wasn't killed by anyone, but if we had to determine a killer, it would be whoever set up the trap and ultimatum in Kishi in the first place; however, since that person's identity is unknown and presumably lost to time, we cannot say for certain who is to blame. Same would go for Mahara and perhaps countless others
Total kills in the SMP-era (i.e. does not count distant worldbuilding kills)
* is counted for kills NOT in self-defense; battlefield kills or fighting back against captors ARE considered self-defense
Acho: 6, all unnamed Cultists
Apo: 6, all unnamed Cultists
Bek: 2, all unnamed Cultists
Jojo: 6, incl. Ohca / Insane Cultist
Graecie: 5, all unnamed Cultists
Kuervo: 12, incl. 8 tyrants* and 4 unnamed Cultists
Kyle: 9, all unnamed Cultists
Martyn: 1, specifically Jeffery*
Oli: 3, incl. Pip (by friendly fire) and 2 unnamed Cultists
Owen: 1 unnamed Cultist
Ros: 1 unnamed Cultist
Sausage: At least 2 (possibly 4 or 5?), all unnamed soldiers
Scott: 2.5, all Cultists
Seapeekay: 2, incl. Nocturnus and 1 unnamed Cultist
Shelby: 1 Cultist
Shep: 6.5+, incl. unnamed persons*, p!Will* (only 0.5 because the Cultists dealt the final blow), and 5 unnamed Cultists
Water: 3, all unnamed Cultists
Iris, via petrification: 15* named in SMP era; not counting deaths revealed in the Final Wishes event because they're pre-SMP era
Ohca / Insane Cultist: 5 named
Other unnamed Cultists: 1 named
Ivy: 2 named, specifically Aimsey* and Iris
Nocturnus and Eclipsa: presumably 1* named in SMP era; not counting the ~891 backstory deaths from the Golden Isle subplot*
The characters with the most known kills are Nocturnus and Eclipsa (~892), but Iris would theoretically have the most kills overall stretched out over a millennium; just because the Corruption took over some islands and settlements doesn't necessarily mean the people who lived there died to it (we need hard evidence for that, and we don't)
The only POV characters who have committed murder/manslaughter (i.e. killed outside the battlefield or captivity) are Kuervo, Shep, and Martyn, in that order in kill tally
Despite the above statement and having the most kills for a POV character, Kuervo is still sympathetic owing to the fact every named person he's killed was an autocratic tyrant
On the battlefield, the POV character with the most kills is Kyle, at 9 overall
The survivor who killed the least people is Cleo, at 0 kills; followed by Eloise (0 kills excluding bounties); then Owen (1 kill excluding bounties); then Ros (1 kill excluding bounties and finale battle Take 1)
For the above, Martyn is in that weird spot of "we don't know his whereabouts post-finale" AND he technically also only has 1 kill, but it was premeditated, even if he got the wrong target in the end (i.e. his kills were 100% premeditated)
The deceased character who killed the most people is Acho, at 6 kills, all unnamed Cultists; to note, star is also the first known POV character to get a kill during the canon era by sniping a Cultist during the Rescue Mission
I am NOT studying law for a reason LMAO
EDIT: Corrected p!Sausage's kill count because I completely forgot about his backstory when I made this post.
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e-icreator23 · 2 years
Mephiles: Eteled is no killer he just grew up in a bad environment *screams at Kyle* Eteled told us
Eclipsa: Scalene, have you thought about what you will be when you grow up?
*they all look and cross their arms. he shakes his head no*
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pepper315 · 6 years
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Secret Santa 2018!
( Kyle, Ike for Howdy @ blossom#4842 )
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justdalek · 3 years
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Sketch of the Elf King, Kyle
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merurei · 7 years
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In honor of @laylaylamode and @thereallordgrape's 9th Day writing prompt challenge. This time I will be using two Cappyverse OCs.
Janaya, son of Janna Ordonia and Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason, wanted to learn light magic just like his friend, Nebula and energy magic such as his father, Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason. However, his family are users in the dark arts. He does not hate dark magic, he admire people such as Eclipsa Butterfly who use dark magic for good use. He learnt that magic like dark magic is neither good or evil, it just how people use it. Which is why those who use dark magic for evil purposes, such as magical supervillains, causing dark magic users who use it for good/neutral to be stigmatized. Kyle taught Janaya how he does it. After many attempts, he struggle and manage only to manifest an energy sphere (cost of his mana and stamina drain that he passed out. Causing Kyle to stop training him because he does not want to lose him, but give knowledge about it). He will be able to learn and master how to use energy magic specifically, energy construction at Camp Synonymous where he meet a counsellor, Hannibal Demerest, then Hex and Charmcaster during his time at Friedkin University, and John Constaine in the hero mentorship program. As for light magic, well Janaya will having trouble using it because the usage in dark magic left him a "scar".
Alverta (Trixie Tang × Sigmund the Sorceror) desire to learn dark magic, specifically necromancy because she want to socialize with the undeads than alives. The Magic Community in England give Kyle an two options for the safety of their own community after something happen in the Bloodworth-Thomason residence: giving the Necronomicon to the community to be locked away so no one can lay a hands on him, or give him to a well-responsible and well-respected wizard family. Not wanting to give up the his friend, his guide, and a parental figure to Janaya, Kyle give the custody of his spellbook to The Tangs where Alverta received Kyle's Necronomicon after graduating from Milkweed Academy early and skilled than Janaya. Afterward, Alverta will expand her dark magic skills by learning dark magic subtypes and unlocking a new form of necromancy.
Oh, this is not a desire, but she learnt swordmanship from a specific someone because he does not want her to be too dependant on her magic.
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sparkadreama · 5 years
☆ ✧・゚: * SHIPS LIST
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Why? Cause I wanna. Aaaannnnddd I still need to work on a new relationships page so....yeah....lemme know if I forgot something or if you want to plot a ship to be added!
Romantic ship with Zack Fair ( @1stclasszackfair ) [Main, Closed]
Familial ship with God ( @we-thefairfolk​ ) [Main, Good Omens Verse]
Romantic ship with Selina Kyle ( @diamcndclaws ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Diana Prince ( @amourfeint )
Familial ship with Akuma ( @muzaixnoxasashin )
Familial ship with Nikki ( @dreamxalittlexharder )
Friendship with Fran ( @we-thefairfolk​ ) [Main]
Friendship with Robin ( @we-thefairfolk​ ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Hort of Bloodbroke ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Romantic, semi-toxic ship with Briar Rose ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Friendship, slowly turning romantic ship with Gabriel Rustici ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Hector ( @strcngered ) [Main, Closed]
Friendship with Eclipsa ( @crcwnedjewels ) [Main]
Diamond Blossom
Familial ship with Rarity ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Rivals, to friends, to lovers ship with Cerise Hood ( @hoodlegacy ) [Main, EAH Verse]
Romantic ship with Gabriel Rustici ( @amourfeint ) [Main, Gotham Verse]
Romantic ship with Remus Lupin ( @dreamxalittlexharder )
Romantic ship with Varian ( @awreckageofstarss ) [Main, Tangled Verse]
Friendship with Selina Kyle ( @diamcndclaws​ ) [Main, Gotham Verse]
Familial ship with Malchior Wocky ( @snxckersnxckisms ) [Main]
Familial ship with Mathilda Barton ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main]
Familial ship with Narai Barton ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main]
Friendship with Mewtwo ( @strcngered ) [Main]
Friendship (?) with Elizabeth Comstock ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main, Bioshock Infinite Verse]
Romantic ship with Andy Beast ( @escxpetoskullshores ) [Main, Monster High Verse]
Friendship with Rarity ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Friendship with Princess Luna ( @nxghtprincess ) [Main]
Harley Quinn
Romantic ship with Pamela Isley ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Familial ship with Ty Lee ( @dreamxalittlexharder ) [Main, Gotham Days Verse]
Familial ship with Akuma ( @muzaixnoxasashin ) [Main, Gotham Days Verse]
Familial ship with Malchior Wocky ( @snxckersnxckisms ) [Main, Gotham Days]
Romantic ship with Hiccup ( @awreckageofstarss ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Briar Beauty ( @lifespentinadream ) [Main, Ever After High Verse]
Romantic ship with Prompto Argentum ( @withinyourimagination ) [Main]
Familial ship with Zizgaz ( @we-thefairfolk ) [Main]
Familial ship with Ja’far ( @dreamxalittlexharder ) [Main, Twisted Verse]
Friendship with Lysander ( @starryburglar )
Katherine Kyle
Familial ship with Selina Kyle ( @diamcndclaws ) [Main]
Familial ship with Pamela Isely ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Familial ship with Bruce Wayne ( @andromedamade )
Familial ship with Harley Quinn ( @andromedamade )
Kaysey Rustici
Familial ship with Gabriel Rustici ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Ebony ( @myfatherthetraitor ) [Main]
Familial ship with Shan Yu ( @hcwlingwind ) [Main]
Rivals to somewhat friends with Akuma ( @muzaixnoxasashin )
Kitty Cheshire
Familial ship with Briar Rose ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Friendship with Princess Tiabeanie ( @drunkcwitz ) [Main]
Kinda sort friendship with Gabriel Rustici ( @amourfeint ) [Main, How to Corrupt A Soul in Ten Days Verse]
Romantic ship with Eclipsa ( @crcwnedjewels ) [Main]
Familial ship with Carrie White ( @strcngered ) [Main]
Familial ship with Snow White ( @fairestfall )
Familial ship with God ( @we-thefairfolk​ ) [Main, Good Omens Verse]
Familial ship with Ebony ( @myfatherthetraitor​ ) [Main, Ever After High Verse]
Familial ship with Tedros of Camelot ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main, School For Good and Evil Verse]
Romantic ship with Akuma ( @muzaixnoxasashin​ )
Romantic ship with Rum Tum Tugger ( @we-thefairfolk​ ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Malchior Wocky ( @snxckersnxckisms​ ) [Main]
Pinkie Pie
Friendship with Rarity ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main]
Friendship with Princess Luna ( @nxghtprincess​ ) [Main]
Friendship with Itsuki ( @rollingsnowsmasher​ )
Familial ship with Zack Fair ( @1stclasszackfair​ ) [Main]
Snow White
Familial ship with Apple White ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main, Ever After High Verse]
Familial ship with Freya Amell ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Romantic ship with Akuma ( @muzaixnoxasashin​ )
Romantic ship with Princess Luna ( @nxghtprincess​ ) [Main]
Familial ship with Sombra ( @amourfeint ) [Main]
Familial ship with Malchoir Wocky ( @snxckersnxckisms​ ) [Main, Happily Ever After Verse]
Familial ship with Briar Beauty ( @lifespentinadream​ ) [Main, Happily Ever After Verse]
Romantic ship with Riku ( @mayourheartsbeourguidingkey​ ) [Main, KH Verse]
Hateship with Vanitas ( @mayourheartsbeourguidingkey​ ) [KH Verse]
Familial ship with Nikki ( @dreamxalittlexharder​ )
Familial ship with Jewels Hook ( @offtoseaoncemore​ )
Romantic ship with Elphaba Thropp ( @dreamxalittlexharder​ )
Romantic ship with Selina Kyle ( @diamcndclaws​ ) [Gotham Verse]
Romantic ship with Rarity ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main, MLP Verse]
Romantic ship with Mathilda Barton ( @amourfeint​ ) [Main]
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kukuandkookie · 5 years
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This is the version with ALL the bios!! For the individual drawings, go here!
Star Butterfly: When Meteora decided she didn't want to be the future queen of Mewni, preferring to travel around the world with her best friend Mariposa, Star was once again reinstalled on the throne. She was hesitant at first, but Eclipsa reassured her that she and Moon and all the queens after Festivia had earned their place as part of the Butterfly family—because no matter how flawed, they had served Mewni and made sure it fluorished till modern day. After her coronation, getting married to Marco, and having twins, Star has become much more mature. She's still playful but also very powerful, and even when magic comes back to Earth-ni, Star still doesn't fully trust it. Marco Diaz Butterfly: Star's husband and knight and the king of Mewni/Earth-ni, Marco is as caring and adventurous and strong and careful as ever. He can be quite overprotective of those he loves, but he's also always ready to battle. While Star is often frazzled with the duties of being queen, sometimes making her a little less aware of what's going on between her children, Marco is quicker to pick up on the conflict between Crescent and Celeste. Jackie Lynn Thomas Lucitor: Calm, cool, and collected, Jackie is as chill as ever. She really helps Tom's temper, and she enjoys teasing her husband a lot. She is a very carefree parent who doesn't push a lot of expectations on her son Tyrian, and while she often steps in when Tom is too harsh, her serene outlook on life can sometimes cause her to misunderstood her son's struggles to meet the kingdom's expectations. Note: I made Jackie and Tom a couple and designed Tyrian back in 2017! I didn't want to change everything in my next gen AU, so they're still together. Jackie is pansexual in this AU, and she did date Chloe. I do think Chloe and Jackie are cute btw! Tom Lucitor: While much calmer than he was as a preteen, Tom still occassionally loses his temper—especially since the duties of being the king of the Underworld can be very stressful. He's especially concerned that his son, Tyrian, seems to have such weak demon powers (since so much of him is part-human), and he worries about Tyrian and their kingdom's future. He doesn't mean to, but he piles a lot of expectations on Tyrian which really stresses the boy out. They were closer when Tyrian was younger, especially because they both do really love rabbits. Janna Ordonia Greason: Janna and Oskar sort of just happened. They're not a very dedicated or romantic couple, but they found their quirkiness compatible with one another. Still being her clever, manipulative self who can always get what she wants, Janna now acts as Oskar's manager for his music career. With her help, he's become a sensation—and she's trying to get him to rival the iconic boy band Love Sentence. Janna is still very interested in magic and the occult, and she is very good friends with Tom (sometimes much to his chagrin). Oskar Greason: Spacey, quirky, and sometimes rather strange, Oskar has since grown into a talented musician with many fans. His music style resembles Bill Wurtz in terms of uniqueness, but he also has a lot of popular "indie"-style songs that are more suitable for being played on the radio. He's often got his head in the clouds and has a coffee addiction (which he shares with his wife Janna). Oskar is often seen with dark bags under his eyes due to a lack of sleep—he seems most alive when singing or making music. Brittney Wong: Since growing up, Brittney has become a rather embittered woman. She runs a business empire and is still filthy rich, but she can still be quite rude and grumpy at times. Even then, she sometimes softens up, especially after Star tried to get to know her more, so she no longer dislikes her old classmates so much. She's also quite good at manipulating relationships to help her secure her spot on the social ladder, and she piles a lot of expectations on her daughter Whitney. Even then, Brittney isn't exactly a terrible person, and has a strong sense of morality in a cutthroat world of business. Note: Her adult design is based on Eliza Biskit from Littlest Pet Shop 2012, since I designed her daugher based on Whitney Biskit from the same show lol. Justin Armberg: Justin and Brittney got together awhile back, and their relationship has frayed quite a bit since then (perhaps they are divorced?). Justin is a professional football player, and despite his big size, he's got a pretty big heart. He loves his daughter a lot and does care for Brittney, but her attitude sometimes does get grating. StarFan13 (aka Amanda Jacobs): While still a giant fan of Star (and Marco!), StarFan13 does focus on other things after becoming an adult. She works at a library and reads to children and even writes picture books and children's novels (many inspired by Star), but she also got popular online for blogging about the royal queen and king of Mewni/Earth-ni. She's still quite hyper and quirky and excitable, but StarFan13 is also very nice and genuine. She recently got to know Kelly and they are growing quite close... Kelly: After she and Marco didn't really go anywhere as a couple, Kelly focused almost entirely on her fighting. She had a few relationships, but most of them were short and not very dedicated, and eventually she ended up with her son Kyle. Still, she's never let it get her down. She's still incredibly strong in battle, often duking it out with Jorby, and she's very kind and intelligent. Kelly enjoys reading, especially after her son got really into it (way more than sparring), and since visting an Earthen library, she got to know StarFan13 and they're growing quite close... Zeke: Friendly yet a little oblivious, Zeke has become a successful tattoo artist. He also enjoys skateboarding, spray-painting, and rocking out. While seeming mostly chill on the outside, he can get quite emotional over small things. Becky: Still dating Zeke, Becky is still a high-maintenance girlfriend, although she's less demanding than she was as a teen. She and Zeke have broken up a few times before, once being apart for a very long time, but they eventually ended up back together. She's fairly traditional in certain regards, and is currently a stay-at-home mom that does also do work from home. Alfonzo Dolittle: Alfonzo is still adventurous and goofy, but has since grown more into using that adventurous personality to pursue science and computer science (especially computer science and programming). He and Ferguson live together, and they collaborate on making video games. Ferguson O'durguson: Eccentric and sometimes a little crude or grumpy, Ferguson has grown into a sharp-minded businessman who is always ready to seek out a financial opportunity. Along with his partner (in crime) Alfonzo, he works primarily on promoting video games. Ruberiot: Always working on his next musical hit, Ruberiot wasn't too sad to pass the role of songstrel onto Angelo, a younger musician. Now he works on making his own music, having even collaborated with Oskar and is seeking a collaboration (and friendship) with Love Sentence. He hasn't changed much, still being easily frazzled yet fairly playful. Sometimes he gets overwhelmed with his wife and children's goofy antics. Foolduke: No matter how old she gets, Foolduke will always hold onto her sense of humour and cleverness. Still playful and fan, Foolduke enjoys teasing her husband. She has a lot of fun performing and even exploring the role of drama. Mime Girl: Basically an auntie to Foolduke and Ruberiot's children, Quince and Harley, Mime Girl is still very close to Ruberiot and Foolduke. While silent, she's very expressive and playful. She enjoys helping Foolduke and Harley practice performing. She also acts as a mentor to Quince, as he's so terrified of performing, easily scared, and has social anxiety, but miming calms him down, and he finds performing as a mime is easier for him than as a jester like his mom and sister. Princess Ram: Princess Ram is known to be fun-loving, often hungry, and kind of spacey. She loves beautiful things—especially shiny things—and keeps a careful eye on her Kingdom of the Green Pastures. Heartrude Butterfly: After marrying Princess Ram, he has since moved into the Kingdom of the Green Pastures. He's a little arrogant, high-strung, and competitive, but Princess Ram has helped him be more friendly and carefree. Penelope Spiderbite: Known for her kindness and friendliness, Penelope accepted monster refugees and helped them rebuild after the battle with Mina. Whenever kingdoms were hesitant to befriend monsters, Penelope was quick to join Star in the pro-monster campaign. She also works hard at modernizing her home, the Forest of Unlikely Spider Bites, and making sure her citizens have antidotes for all the spider bites they get.  Slime Spiderbite: Penelope's husband, Slime has since become king of the Forest of Unlikely Spider Bites but still doesn't really enjoy the spotlight. Despite that, most citizens like him because of his kind and helpful nature—he was the main inspiration for the antidotes to spider bites that has since become a bestselling item. Slime is also very inoffensive and having basically become the mascot for the antidote, he's a very effective spokesperson for the pro-monster campaign. Lilacia Pony Head: Not exactly having grown humble with age, Pony Head is still brash and loud and arrogant. She's not an unproblematic queen in the slightest, but her citizens enjoy watching her and the drama or chaos that follows her on "The Pony Head Show!". She's not even always the best wife or mother, often getting on her daughter Starlight's nerves, but she's very protective and fiercely loving of her family. Seahorse: He's still pretty robotic and hard to talk to, but he's been a really good influence on Pony Head (despite them having an on-and-off relationship for a really really long time). He manages her show and does damage control—the citizens all approve of him quite a lot. He's also getting a little back into heavy metal, especially since his daughter, Starlight, has a strong interest in it. He can be kind of overprotective and baby his daughter, but he's been there for her when Pony Head is off doing whatever. Katrina: One of the many children of Buff Frog (aka Yvgeny Bulgolyubov) and a very smart/talented fighter. She spends much of her day working out, and since the monsters have found more peace on Mewni, she's joined the Butterfly royal guard in a sort of integration program. She (and Mona Lisa, the Septarian that is found as an egg by Crescent and Celeste and later added to the Royal Guard) both mentored under Meteora a little bit (but especially Mona Lisa). She also still really enjoys cornball and loves her family very very much.
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cartooness · 5 years
Bby Lav AU
 “The moon sings me to sleep every night”
“The MOON?”
“Yeah! He’s very nice, I love Moon uncle”
Lav to a friend as a 4yr old bby
 And she makes friends with mason when they're 7!!
 Super childhood friends to lovers
 Y E S
 And she's always sleeping in someone's room. She doesn't like being alone
 There is always a child's blankey in all the rooms for whenever she wants to sleep with someone
 Someone- Oh can I schedule an appointment on this day?
Hadley- Oh I'm so sorry but that day is taken. I can put you for... a week from now?
Someone- Alright.
 Hadley was actually just rocking lav to sleep.
 Father’s Day is a BITCH for her lmao
 Ok so she's at like Vivi's house or apartment whatever, and she drops her off at HQ, and there's a giant roll of easel paper, taller than bby lav, with all her dad's on there
 Or failing in Decan’s case.
 Bby Lav gets a hold of Hadley’s umbrella wand.
Hijinks ensue.
 Otto has to literally YEET Hadley into the fucking sky to grab her, grab the wand, and float safely to the ground again.
 Hadders- Othello. Throw me.
Otto- Um??
Hadders- JUST DO IT
 And then they’re floating down, and Hadley’s cradling the Bby in one arm, holding his umbrella up with the other.
 Like Eclipsa with Meteora lmao
 If Lav can ever teleport, she and Decan could do the thing Glimmer and Angella do in that last episode of season 3.
 You know, the teleport and catch thing.
 Decan flying after her and catching her and all that in his winged form. Or even Otto doing that!
 Y E S
 Hadley is subsequently freaking the fuck out on the ground.
Otto proceeds to blow him a rather Loud raspberry lmao
Otto- you heard the little lady!! Again!
And Otto blows another raspberry. And makes a rather crude joke.
And Hadley is jusT O F F E ND
 Hadley: *Bitching at Otto*
Otto: “PBBPPBRBTBRBRPT!! Jeeez, Hadley, all that hot air you’re blowin’ is contagious, crack a window wont’cha?”
Hadley: *Pterodactyl screeching*
Decan- MAKE US.
 Meanwhile Lav is enjoying the silly stuff her papas are fighting over and is thrilled of being tossed around. XD
 Decan’s just laughing and twirling and stuff. He’s all just “It’s fiiiiiine!”
 Lav’s presence just screams ‘Gay Rights’ to all the other little kids.
 Even if not all of the parents agree.....
They get told off
 Lav- And this is all my papas!! They all love each other very much.
The teacher- Lavender, sweetie, did you say that your "papas" all.... love each other?
Lav- Yeah!! Daniel and Cecil love each other. Decan and Otto love each other. Lewis, Vivi, and Arthur love each other. Merlin and Quentin love each other. And Percy and Hadley don't have love yet.
The teacher- *grimace*
Some kid- You're dad's are all *insert slur here*!!!
Lav- Stop, that's mean!!
Some kid- No it's not, it's true!!
And he gets shoved out if his desk.
And poor bby lav comes crying when they pick her up, explaining how all the kids made fun of her and her family.
 Hadley then calls in to the office when he picks her up from school that day.
 He has a few words XD
 A few.....very polite, very CHOICE words.
 And then he’s like to Lavender.
“Now, I’m not one to spoil children, but I do believe that an ice cream....or two....is warranted at a time like this.”
And that means a lot when HADLEY’S the one doing the treating. The responsible, rule-driven and sometimes strict parent.
 “Just....don’t tell anyone else. They’ll have me strung upon a wall, or....thrown in the stocks.”
Very old fashioned boi lmao
 Lav, a good girl, - Okay Papa Hadley!
 And she proceeds to eat two scoops of peaches and cream ice cream.
 I know!!
 They're in the same first grade class and they're table buddies!!!
 They probably have play dates all the time!!
 7 year old Lav- Mason, Mason!!! Look what I can do!! *makes a pinecone out of magic*
7 year old Mason- :OOO THAT'S SO COOL LAV!!!!
 This is way too fucking cute, I can’t.
 Mason, showing his pinecone to Kyle, then Nicole, - NICKY, LOOK WHAT LAV MADE ME!!!!
Pre Transition Kyle- Woah! That's so cool!!!
Mason - I'm gonna keep it in my box of special things, where it'll be safe!!!
Pointy ears, Tails, Wings, Dec’s Horns, Otto’s Fangs
 “Woooow! You’ve got weally big teeth, Papa Otto!”
“You have vewwy pwetty wings Papa Decan!”
 And they’re just....melting.
 Hadley’s super long and thicc hair lmao
 Y E S
 One day, Hadley's hair is just. Covered in hair accessories.
 And lav says to keep them in all day. And so he does.
 And it takes like half an hour to take all of them out lmaooo
Someone- Why do you have... girly band aids all over you?
Otto- the doctor said I had to keep these on and if I take them off I will die.
 He’s sitting in a chair, like, grumbling as Cecil and Daniel have to take them out.
 Big Masculine Buff Man.
Princess Bandaids. And they’re, like, his pride and joy.
 Best part of getting beat up. Lav gives him the Princess bandaids. He says they make him look badass.
Proud Papa.
 Cecil’s a fashion designer.
Bby fashion.
 I D E A S
 Also YES all of that is über wholesome
 Otto goes and when people are, like, homophobic or whatever, he sorta lounges back, feet on the table, and does his sorta ‘Blow-Raspberry-Fart-Jokes’ routine that he loves so much at all the other people and they’d be like ‘Honestly this is an grown-up affair, why don’t you act your age you disgusting slob of a man’ and he’s just like ‘Really? Then why don’t y’all stop acting like a bunch of whiny children, whining about the 21st century? Then maybe I’ll treat y’all like adults and this meeting like something important. (Otto is the king of Fart Jokes lmao. He’s a big old child.
And terribly dad-like like that. It’s just one of the truths about him.)
 Okay so, they're both like, 12 I guess, and it's Lavender's birthday, and Mason gives her like, a really cute stuffed animal, and she Instantly Loves, and she gives him a big hug and a peck on the face.
 Cue awkward silence
 Everyone sees.YES EXACTLY
 Big old moment.
Baby’s First Kiss
 Mason, not knowing what to do, just returns the favor.
 And Lav is almost about to DIE FROM HER MASSIVE BLUSHING.  Mason's fucking. Avoiding all eye contact with everyone, and it's a very uncomfortable silence.
 And finally Lav breaks the silence by grabbing his face and kissing him.
 Hadley, in the back of the room,
Emotional Moment.
And the supposedly steel-hearted Hadley finally breaks down crying. All that internal emotion becomes external emotion.
(And his makeup gets smudged, and it’s all crazy and emotional.)
Otto fucking SCOOPS Lavender up into his big, hairy arms and hugs her. All “HELL YEAH GIRL! How’d it feel!? What was it like?! I know he’s not as good a kisser as D-EEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKK-an, but STILL!” He had that emotional bat-screech moment.
And Decan’s just a blubbering mess. All proud Daddy style. They grow up so fast and all that.
Vivi just cheers. Mama Bear style.
 And Lewis is all
"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU HURT HER IN ANYWAY I WILL BREAK YOU: Mason, scared,- Y-yes sir. I'll um, I'll be good, I promise.
Hadley’s like that too. But a lot less overt.
And a lot more shadow-over-the-face serious.
 He pulls Mason aside for Tea, and has a full on discussion with him over it. Making for DAMN sure he knows what he’s getting into, and making damn sure that Mason has no intention of in any way fucking around and breaking her heart.
 Mason, at the end of it all,- Yes, sir, I understand. Am I free to go?
Hadley - Yes. But remember, I'm always watching. *does that I've got my eyes on you tea sip thing*
And he IS!
 The following week, Hadley pulls aside Lav and asks all about her and Mason. Plot twist is that he KNOWS. And is testing to see whether or not she reproduces what he’s already seen. To test wether or not she’s lying. And if she IS, Mason told her to lie and he’s bricked.
He’s terribly cunning like that.
 The following week, Hadley pulls aside Lav and asks all about her and Mason.
 Lav- Aw, I'm glad you asked! He's so cute, that Button. Anyway, we've been eating lunch together and we shared a cookie, um, we held hands a lot, what else, um, please don't be um, mad, but, um, we kinda..... fell asleep together while you were at work.
Hadders- Oh I know.
Lav- What?
Hadley: Lavender, Darling, you should know by now. I make it my business to know everything. The surname ‘Trivia’ doesn’t come for free.
He could easily pull an Eclipsa and cast some sort of All-Seeing-Eye.
Hadley doesn’t see limits when he’s protecting someone. He’s willing to go as far as it takes.
 Lav- Are you mad at me? I mean, we weren't doing anything, like, BAD, but still, if you don't want us to do that we'll stop.
 H: On the contrary! I’m very happy with you. You passed the test.
I was watching you both. The whole time. And I wanted to be sure that he hadn’t convinced you to lie to me if you were asked. Or, heaven forbid, you lie on your own will. And you didn’t lie at all!
Lav- Oh. Uh, cool! I guess! Also, he is a very good cuddle partner. Just thought I'd say that. Also his hair is really soft and it's fun to play with. And- *proceeds to ramble on about Mason lol*
 Hadley then just sorta sits down and conjures some coffee for himself.
She's in love, Hadley!!!! Yep lol
 And Ashley, on the other hand, is listening to a very happy mason go on about Lavender and it's adorable. He announced to Kyle (he had just transitioned) over the house phone about his new relationship with Lav and Kyle's so happy for him and, of course, teases a bit, but asks for all the details.
 They're Those (tm) friends who love info dumping about things they're passionate about.
Omg, imagine Lav going on and on about Mason to Decan and Otto. They’re just sorta babbling with her. Otto TRIES to give relationship advice but he’s just.... Terrible, it’s terrible advice lmao. He’s just trying.
And Decan’s laughing his li’l head off.
Decan, fanboying,- Oh my goodness, Peaches!! You guys are so CUTE!!!!! When's the wedding~~~
Lav- DECAN!!!!!! Ò//////Ó
 Decan - I'M JOKING. *mostly anyway, they still get married after college graduation*
 O: “K, you gotta try and outsmart him into letting you kill him! But you’ll find as you go that you’re actually falling for him and he’s falling for you too and it goes from there! And you can win him over with pick-up lines or fart jokes or by rapping for him as he sings along and I got notebooks for that sorta stuff if ya-“
D: *While laughing* “Otto, darling, c’mmoooooonnn! That advice sucks, not everybody falls for that crude humour and personality like I did, you know!”
O: “Psh! Oh yeah! Watch her try it and watch it work like a charm!”
D: “Oh yes, a charm, indeed.~ If your ‘embrace your inner animal’ way works then naturally my way would happen next, wouldn’t it? Soften you to mush and then claim that mush as mine.”
O: “Oh, ya li’l SCAMP! GET IN HERE!”
*Otto then proceeds to pull Decan in and noogie him between his horns as he laughs and kicks.*
Lav- Uhhhhh. I think I'll just. Go with the flow and maybe I'll try and kiss him again on Friday. Might bring a flavored lip gloss with me that day....
Lav- DECAN, PLEASE!!!! ÒÒ///////ÓÓ
 ~~Otto got REALLY lucky finding someone as naturalist and oblivious to human sociality as Decan, let’s be honest, if ‘inner-beast’ crudeness and rude-fraternity-boy charm is his play style lmao~~
O: “Decan, we’re gonna be there and we’re gonna bring the MP3.”
D: “Love-songs, Yes? Can do.”
O: “Warm up those vocal chords!”
D: “Only if you warm up yours.”
O: “We’re gonna give them the best ambience EVER!”
D: “Historical. It shall be written down and carried down till the end of time!”
 Lav- uh, you don't have to do that, it'll be like. Maybe after school? In the courtyard?
They’re, like, playfully pouty like ‘Fiiiiiiiiiiiine.’ But really they’re just happy for her.
 God, Otto and Percy are, like, the disaster parents for Lav. Especially for Bby lav.
Otto, especially, would absolutely ADORE Lav. I can’t speak entirely for Percy but I feel like they’d love her a whole bunch, but god, Otto absolutely adores Lavender.
Big, buff, tuff, ill-mannered-gentleman Vamp Dad and his li’l goddess.
 OMG HOLY FUCK NUGGETS YOU KNOW THAT THING? WHERE IT'S TWO ADULTS AND ONE BBY IN THE MIDDLE? DECAN, LAV, AND OTTO. Y E S. OR WITH ANY COUPLE ACTUALLY. AND THEN THEY SWING BBY LAV OVER LIKE CURBS AND STUFF AND AHHHH I'M SOMFT. SO CUUUTE!!!! OOH IN THIS AU, MASON AND LAV ARE STILL HELLA CUDDLY AND SNUGGLY. Gonna stop doing all caps lol. Anyway, masonder happens a bit earlier, but they've been friends for like 5 years at the time they are a Thing, so yeah haha. They are THE cutest thing ever. Always holding hands, face holding, sharing food, small pecks on the face, all that cute stuff uwu. They're in 7th grade btw. Both 12. They're relationship is steady and lasts all throughout middle school and high school. (Yes. They are the DEFINITION of an "Endgame Ship.") And then after they do the whole college thing, they tie the knot, have a baby, and live happily ever after uwu. :P
( This next bit is from a comic I did lol)
Have a crossbow, it’s much more powerful.” “Just don’t go staking papa Otto through the chest, now! It’s bad for me!”
 Lav- Oh cool! What about a sword! I'll be careful, I promise! And Hadley’s losing his mind lol Decan: *Does the moon butterfly magic sword thing*
“Here you are!” Bby Lav-
Hadley- Lav, honey, that's illegal.
Lav- But Mx. Percy does illegal stuff all the time!! Hadley: *Scoops Lavender up and Mary-Poppins flies the fuck out* YES
And that's what we came up with lmao
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 6 years
Various Female Characters x Female Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QDlG7i
by goddessathenaofwar
Homosexuality is God's way of ensuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with children - Samuel Austin Allibone
Words: 222, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Gravity Falls, Teen Titans (Animated Series), South Park, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Big Hero 6 (2014), Adventure Time, Total Drama (Cartoon), Riverdale (TV 2017), Over the Garden Wall (Cartoon & Comics), IT (2017), IT (1990), Stranger Things (TV 2016), Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018), Supernatural, Girl Meets World, Disney Princesses, Wonder Woman (2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Shuri (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Okoye (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne/Wasp, Gamora (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, Diana (Wonder Woman), Rapunzel (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Wendy Darling, Merida (Disney), Elsa (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Tiana (Disney), Fa Mulan (Disney), Maya Hart, Riley Matthews, Isadora Smackle, Lisa Braeden, Lilith (Supernatural), Jessica Moore, Hannah (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Becky Rosen, Amara (Supernatural), Abbadon (Supernatural), Louise Stahlbaum, Mother Ginger, the sugar plum fairy, Clara Stahlbaum, Tiffany Valentine-Ray, Nica Pierce, Kristen De Silva, Kyle (Child's Play 2), Karen Barclay, Jennifer Tilly, Barbara "Barb" Holland, Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Marina (Marina and the Diamonds), Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Hayley Kiyoko, Dodie Clark, Nini (Kubz Scouts), Lauren | LaurenzSide, Kassie (Gloom), Jackie (nerdEcrafter), Jen | GamingWithJen, Ericka Bozeman, Beverly Marsh, Beatrice (Over the Garden Wall), Cheryl Blossom, Zoey (Total Drama), Sky (Total Drama), Lindsay (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Kitty (Total Drama), Jo (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Heather (Total Drama), Gwen (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Emma (Total Drama), Dawn (Total Drama), Courtney (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Beth (Total Drama), Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Fionna the Human, Flame Princess (Adventure Time), Marceline (Adventure Time), Princess Bubblegum, Honey Lemon, Gogo (Marvel), Jinx (DCU), Terra (DCU), Raven (DCU), Starfire, Elodie (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Moon Butterfly, Meteora/Miss Heinous (Star vs. The Forces Of Evil), Janna Ordonia, Jackie Lynn Thomas, Eclipsa Butterfly, Star Butterfly, Tammy Warner, Nelly (South Park), Tricia Tucker, Red (South Park), Karen McCormick, Shelly Marsh, Nichole Daniels, Heidi Turner, Bebe Stevens, Wendy Testaburger, Tambry (Gravity Falls), Wendy Corduroy, Grenda (Gravity Falls), Candy Chiu, Pacifica Northwest, Mabel Pines, Emilie Agreste, Sabrina Raincomprix, Rose Lavillant, Nathalie Sancoeur, Mylène Haprèle, Lila Rossi, Kagami Tsurugi, Juleka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Alya Césaire, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QDlG7i
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Various Female Characters x Female Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QDlG7i
by goddessathenaofwar
Homosexuality is God's way of ensuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with children - Samuel Austin Allibone
Words: 222, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Gravity Falls, Teen Titans (Animated Series), South Park, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Big Hero 6 (2014), Adventure Time, Total Drama (Cartoon), Riverdale (TV 2017), Over the Garden Wall (Cartoon & Comics), IT (2017), IT (1990), Stranger Things (TV 2016), Child's Play/Chucky (Movies), The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018), Supernatural, Girl Meets World, Disney Princesses, Wonder Woman (2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Shuri (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Okoye (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne/Wasp, Gamora (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Peggy Carter, Diana (Wonder Woman), Rapunzel (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Wendy Darling, Merida (Disney), Elsa (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Tiana (Disney), Fa Mulan (Disney), Maya Hart, Riley Matthews, Isadora Smackle, Lisa Braeden, Lilith (Supernatural), Jessica Moore, Hannah (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Becky Rosen, Amara (Supernatural), Abbadon (Supernatural), Louise Stahlbaum, Mother Ginger, the sugar plum fairy, Clara Stahlbaum, Tiffany Valentine-Ray, Nica Pierce, Kristen De Silva, Kyle (Child's Play 2), Karen Barclay, Jennifer Tilly, Barbara "Barb" Holland, Nancy Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Marina (Marina and the Diamonds), Ashley Frangipane | Halsey, Hayley Kiyoko, Dodie Clark, Nini (Kubz Scouts), Lauren | LaurenzSide, Kassie (Gloom), Jackie (nerdEcrafter), Jen | GamingWithJen, Ericka Bozeman, Beverly Marsh, Beatrice (Over the Garden Wall), Cheryl Blossom, Zoey (Total Drama), Sky (Total Drama), Lindsay (Total Drama), Leshawna (Total Drama), Kitty (Total Drama), Jo (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Heather (Total Drama), Gwen (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Emma (Total Drama), Dawn (Total Drama), Courtney (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Beth (Total Drama), Ice Queen (Adventure Time), Fionna the Human, Flame Princess (Adventure Time), Marceline (Adventure Time), Princess Bubblegum, Honey Lemon, Gogo (Marvel), Jinx (DCU), Terra (DCU), Raven (DCU), Starfire, Elodie (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Moon Butterfly, Meteora/Miss Heinous (Star vs. The Forces Of Evil), Janna Ordonia, Jackie Lynn Thomas, Eclipsa Butterfly, Star Butterfly, Tammy Warner, Nelly (South Park), Tricia Tucker, Red (South Park), Karen McCormick, Shelly Marsh, Nichole Daniels, Heidi Turner, Bebe Stevens, Wendy Testaburger, Tambry (Gravity Falls), Wendy Corduroy, Grenda (Gravity Falls), Candy Chiu, Pacifica Northwest, Mabel Pines, Emilie Agreste, Sabrina Raincomprix, Rose Lavillant, Nathalie Sancoeur, Mylène Haprèle, Lila Rossi, Kagami Tsurugi, Juleka Couffaine, Chloé Bourgeois, Alya Césaire, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QDlG7i
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galaxy-writter · 7 years
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UPDATED 21/04/2019
Guía. Negrita: Personaje que roleo.  Cursiva: Personaje que podría rolear (si este presenta un inconveniente para usted). Negrita en otp: Significa que deseo rolear esta pareja con todo mi cuerpo y alma. 
Parejas que ansió fuertemente (en orden de mayor a menor).
Diego & Vanya (The Umbrella Academy) (comic version) Five & Vanya (The Umbrella Academy) (family) (ship) Estoy abierta a cualquier ship de TUA que deseen rolear conmigo ♥ Leon & Claire (Resident Evil) Twenny; Tweek & Kenny (South Park) Saeyoung Choi & MC (Mystic Messenger) (solo con MC) Fiolee; Marshall Lee & Fionna (Adventure Time) Oz & Elliot (Pandora Hearts) Rubelangel; Rubius & Mangel (Youtube). Ragamuffin & Lenore (Lenore: The Cute Little Dead Girl). Rob & Kyle (Fanboys VS Zombies). MarshScott; Nathan & Kate; [AU] (Life Is Strange).
Series Animadas.
Adventure Time. Fiolee (Marshall Lee & Fionna) [otp]
Over the Garden Wall. Wirt & Greg [brotp] 
El Tigre: Las Aventuras de Manny Rivera. Manny & Frida [otp] 
Futurama.  Frender (Bender & Fry) [otp] [brotp]
Lenore: The Cute Little Dead Girl (Serie & Comic). Ragamuffin & Lenore [otp] 
South Park.  Tweeny (Tweek & Kenny) [otp]
Steven Universe. Opal (Abierta a sugerencias) Pearl & Garnet [friendship]
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil.  Eclipsa and Glabnor [otp] Moon and Toffee [otp]
Stranger Things. Nancy & Mike [brotp]
How I Met Your Mother.  TMTM (Ted Mobsy & Tracy McConell) [otp] Ted & Barney [otp] [brotp]
Eddsworld. TomEdd (Tom & Edd) (Tamara & Ell) (Tom & Ell) (Edd & Tamara) [otp] TordMatt (Tord & Matt) (Tori & Matilda) (Tord & Matilda) (Tori & Matt) [otp]
Mystery Skulls. Lewthur (Lewis & Arthur) [otp]
The Umbrella Academy Five & Vanya [family] [ship]
Fanboys VS Zombies.  RobKyle (Rob & Kyle) [otp]
The Umbrella Academy. Diego & Vanya [ship]
Mystic Messenger. Saeyoung Choi & MC [otp] (solo con MC)
Portal. Chellmann (Chell & Rattmann) [ship]
Left 4 Dead. Nellis (Nick & Ellis) [otp]
Life Is Strange. Marshcott (Nathan & Kate) [AU] [otp] Max & Kate [friendship]
League Of Legends. Rakan & Xayah [otp] Sylas & Lux [otp]
Resident Evil Leon & Claire [otp]
Rubelangel (Rubius & Mangel) [otp]
Pandora Hearts. Oz & Elliot [otp] Oz & Gilbert [brotp] Oz & Alice [friendship][brotp] 
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pepper315 · 6 years
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋoh i think it similar, and this is my favorite moment of Eclipsa Kyle!
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the-con-togs-blog · 6 years
Phoenix Comic Fest 2018 Masquerade was .... an ordeal. I arrived 2 hours prior to the show, and gained entry to have amazing seats. Seated front row center waiting patiently for the show to begin when the fire alarm sounded calling for evacuation of the building. For more about the fire alarm incident read our article on it. When we arrived for the press conference the next morning, Square Egg Entertainment management, informed us of the new time for the masquerade. This however didn't mean that there would be the same turnout of participants and audience. Turnout for contestants was down 40% leaving holes in the set list and meaning they would not perform except at prejudging. Many of the participants were either unable to attend or their costumes were damaged in the aftermath. The following is the rescheduled Masquerade.
Feel Free to Like and Share, and don't forget to follow us!
  [/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2="Enter The Masquerade?" h4="If you were unable to compete on stage and want to be included, let us know" txt_align="center" color="orange" add_button="bottom" btn_title="Click here to contact us" btn_align="center" btn_link="url:mailto%3A%20aw%40thecontogs.com%3Fsubject%3DPCFMasquerade2018%26message%3Dmessage|||" css=".vc_custom_1527843940458{background-color: #000000 !important;}"][/vc_cta][vc_column_text]  
Devney George as Wall-E
    Emily Pearson as DC Comics - The Enchantress
    Riley Sargent as Chichi
    Sienna Shin as Morokuma
    Danny Miller as Pennywise
Skailer McKeown as Junko Enoshima
    Garth Davidson as Leto II, God Emperor of Dune
    Vasha Hatch as Nia Jax the WWE wrestler
    Margaret Mater as Hela the Goddess of Death
    Isabella McNeil as Rainstorm Bentfeather
    Sidney Dial as Foxy
    "Alesther Asmundson and Sally Martinez" as "Michell Wenberger and Romy White"
A casualty of the incident was her partner was unable to participate on sunday    
Gilbert Espino as Pickle Rick
    Avery Volk as Tira
    Christy Romito as Sabine Wren
    Ashley Evans as Chat Noir
  Haley Cooley as Lavender Belle
IG: cowgirlbookworm    
Stephanie Van Taylor as Tails
IG: stephanievantaylor    
"Morgan Hopson and Sierra Wessels" as "Kindred Lamb and Kindred Wolf"
    Chris Watson as Night King
    Kyle Young as Hunter Bladedancer
    Sarah Wilce as Mrs. Whatsit
    Maura Were as Diath Woodrow
    Lexi Thompson as Reaper Quinn
    Damien Wellington as Iron Man/Captain America
    "Kori Ann Cosplay and Jacob Rainey" as "Xayah and Rakan"
IG: Kori Ann Cosplay yet another loss of Rakan who was unable to participate in the rescheduled masquerade    
    Tim O’Halloran and Prue of PrueDuctions as Prince Adam and the Enchantress
    Hermoine Hatch as 1970's Wonder Woman
    Bri Sloth Cosplay as Vanellope Von Schweetz
IG: Bri Sloth Cosplay Her dress broke during evacuation but she was still bumped up to the Masters category for the level of workmanship.  
"John Howell and Ashley Howell" as "Super Craig and Wonder Tweek"
    Gabriel Espino as Samhain
    Alyssa Henning as Shouta Aizawa
    "Kid Of Mischief, Ashen Queen Designs, CopyCat Cosplay, and Blue Califer" as "Toothless, StormFly, Hiccup, and Astrid"
    James Olson as Ronan the Acuser
    Samanth Kappler as Aloy
IG: KapkapCosplay    
"Rachel Johnson (Designer & Maker) Mary Zeller (Model/Character/researcher & funded the project)" as Marvel's Doctor Strange
    Anton Anderson as Professor Chaos
    Nate Reid as Aquaman: King of Atlantis
Ashlee Caldwell Palmer as Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
    Holly Taylor as Kyttyn
    Bryce Tomecek as Darth Kecemot
IG: kecemot    
Pink Persacom Cosplay as All Might
  "Cosplay Clowns (Callista Morlock, Payton Morlock, Maya Craw and Mim Montgomery)" as "Barbarian Armor Link, Zora Armor Link, Gerudo Vai Armor Link, Champion Link"
IG: cosplayclowns    
    "Bryn Hazlett-Lawson, Ken Hazlett, and Natalie Lawson" as "The Mad Hatter, Time, and Alice Kingsleigh"
    "AMBROSE COSPLAY (Elizabeth Todd) and Forrest Schwyn" as "Mary Poppins and Bert"
    "STATIC RABBIT (Kindra Sanders)" as Eclipsa Butterfly
Follow us below to have access to the group photo!
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Here is a colored version of Janaya Lynn-Thomas. Here is the new information I give him. Gender: Male Sexuality: Aromatic and Bicurious Species: Human Height: Same Height as Vera Alignment:  Vigilante (Chaotic Good) Age: 12 Birthday (Zodiac): February 25th (Pisces) Apperance: A olive green beanie on his short slick dark blue hair, blue leather jacket over a black t-shirt, bluish black denim jeans, black Velcro shoes, brown eyes, brown skin from him mom, and a pink bandanna around his neck. He is wearing his uniform. Nationality: Filipino from his mom's side and European from his dad's side. Parents: Jackie Lynn Thomas (Adopted mother) Janna Oridonia (Biological Mom) Marco and Tom Lucitor (Honorary Aunt and Uncle) Kyle from Fanboy and Chum Chum (Biological Father) Good Personality: Smart, thoughtful, systematic, instinctive, and secretly caution. Bad Peraonality: Being fearful (He have a fear for rabbits and blood) and detached Abilities/Skills: Dark magic, paranormal expertise, Thiery, hypnotism, and Kali (Filipino Self-Defense Martial Arts)  Background: Not much know about his life. But, rumour has it that Janaya was in juvie for almost killing his adopted mom, but it is not true. Janaya entertainment himself with her books at a young age because reading is the only escapism from boredom from Echo Creeks. His favourite book is the Life and Times of Eclipsa Butterfly because it taught that Dark Magic is neither good or evil, but how people use it, but people are afraid of it so much that it is declare evil due to disturbing the balance of magic. Janaya self taught himself everything he want to know from online, the library and etc. (Dark magic, history in witchcraft,  hypnotism, and the paranormal), except for combat training which is why Jackie enroll Janaya to Kali class to learn about his roots. Jackie found Janaya as a six months old baby on her doorstep. So she took care of him, (such as giving him home-cooked meals and going to the beach, and skateboarding) so much that Jackie change his last name from Oridonna to Lynn-Thomas. He has a happy life until he discover change forever when Jackie told him about his biological mom at the age of 10. After, Janaya know about his mom, he starting to have nightmares. In his nightmare he watch Jackie die. Janaya does not believe in this. On his 12th birthday, while Janaya was home from school, he watch in horror as blood flow out of Jackie’s body and hearing her calling his name. Janaya call 911. But this lead, Janaya to stay in Juvie for 4 years. On his 14th birthday, he was free to go. Janaya's life is now crap after juvie. People pick on him and calling him the Witch's murderous son. And to make matter worse, he got a restraining order from Jackie Lynn-Thomas. He used his dimensional scissor (a gift from his biological mom for his 14th birthday) and visit the Underworld. He does not know why Janna gave him a scissor. So he travel until he was hungry and tired. He almost die, but was save by the King and Queen of Lucitor. He told them who he really is. Which make Marco very piss because he knew Janna make a huge mistake. Marco told him that Janna’s reason for leaving him under Jackie's care is unknown and how much she love him, but regret for not being there for him. Marco gave Janaya another present from Janna for his 14th birthday, a beanie. Janaya told Marco about his nightmares and Jackie, both the king and queen were shock and don't know what it means. Suddenly, Janaya have a vision and saw to his dismay a city in ruins. And the city is Townville. The king and queen are very worry so they made Janaya, Vera's secret guardian. Marco and Tom taught Janaya the history and magic of the Lucitor kingdom for three years. Then, Janaya come to Townville, got a job, and meet Ethan Corduroy. Relationships: Marco and Tom Lucitor - He own a huge debt and he treat them like his aunt and uncle while they treat him as his nephew. They thought of making him a prince, but he refuse because it is a huge responsibility.  Jackie Lynn-Thomas: The best mom in the universe. Holly Test: They both talk together sometime and support each other on their goals in life. Mirage Belladonna Fagry: Janaya have a crush on her, but he Don't like it when Mirage bully Holly. Ethan: One day he will meet him and decide to join his vigilantes group. He starting to wonder if he is bi or not. Quotes: “I am not like my dad or my mom. I am myself. I will show everyone that dark magic is not used for evil.”
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pepper315 · 6 years
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♪I heard that you loved me
On a terrible date It would be greatly appreciated by me I’ll wear my normal shoes this time Then maybe you’d like me Better in the sunlight If I built a raft Will you stay with me then And fall in love all over again♬ 
@merurei @vonaben
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