#eclipse thinks she waddles even more than before
naffeclipse · 6 months
This won’t leave my head since I saw that one YN and Orca Eclipse “WE HAVE A KID?” Post, how would Orca man react to picking up that YN was pregnant already? Like at first it wasn’t obvious but over the coming months in the attic it becomes more apparent and he puts two and two together
OH! He would pick up on Y/N being pregnant pretty quickly between his stalking and grabbiness. Her thick layers would hide the small baby bump at their first encounter but Eclipse doesn't leave her untouched for long. He'd notice how Y/N is protective of her belly when he first gets close to her. He would want to confirm his suspicions by grabbing her and touching her stomach over her layers and confirming for himself. He's thrilled by this (and pays no mind to any father that isn't him—thankfully Y/N would be raising the baby on her own).
Y/N would be very anxious about being in such a vulnerable state around the siren. Eclipse, however, is elated and already doing everything he can think of to provide for Y/N. He'd especially be pushy about bringing her food, constantly killing everything and anything to see if she would eat it. The instinct to provide for his future mate is so strong for Eclipse. She needs to eat! He wants to take care of her and her baby!
Y/N manages to keep him at bay with excuses, and Eclipse won't push it (even though he really wants to) due to her pregnancy. He's very doting and protective. He's also mindful around her. He wouldn't grab her randomly nor surprise her, but make his presence known and carefully draw her closer so he could nuzzle against her face. Y/N relaxes eventually around the siren because it's clear that he's endeared by her baby bump (and herself, evidently), but it's still interesting to hear a siren talk about how he's going to take care of her and her child.
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
What Is There To Celebrate About the Darkling? (Part 3)
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His shadow powers are so badass, literally how could you not celebrate him for that alone?
Villain wears black trope REPRESENT.
The way his cloak billows dramatically in episode one before Alina enters the Fold.
The way his cloak billows in general.
His little face in the background after his and Alina’s first kiss as he tries to compose himself.
Him knocking on the table in episode five when he gets back to see Alina. My mans was so hopeful that he’d finally get to third base with the love of his life. RIP.
Large hands. Very tall.
The way he literally cannot tear his eyes away from Alina during the entire scene where Alina dresses him and they have their first kiss.
The softest looking hair I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe Alina got to run her hands through it and she still left him.
How he urgently looks around for Alina outside after she leaves in episode five, right before he confronts Baghra. He’s very frantic and panting and clearly concerned and not being subtle at all about his emotions.
Also the way he walks when he’s leaving Baghra, with his hands stuck out to the side and his fists clenching and unclenching as his form grows smaller in the distance. He looks like a tiny penguin waddling away.
Son’s evil dastardly bastard plans once again thwarted by own mother. Can you imagine living for an eternity and never being free of your parents? Fuck all that other shit, no wonder he went darkside.
“She is all that matters now, not me. She is the future. She is the one-” SIMP
His little smile before he goes to answer the door after they kiss. The way his hold on her lingers as if he can’t bear to part with her. Forehead touch. They are giggling.
The way he runs back in for another kiss. This man is so gone it’s not even funny.
He calls her to him in the books and she spends the entire time agonizing over how upset he’s going to be. The man literally just wants to ask her about her day.
Defends Alina to Baghra after he witnesses her getting harassed. Defends himself to Baghra after she treats him like shit. Love that for him.
“I made something.” / “Let me make a mark on this world before I leave it.” / “It’s my own name I’m afraid of forgetting.” / “He understood then. The Grisha lived as shadows, passing over the surface of the world, touching nothing. Forced to change their shapes and hide in corners, driven by fear as shadows were driven by the sun. No safe place. No haven.” / “There will be, he promised the darkness, words written upon his heart. I will make one.”
Him offering Alina his kvas. They drink from the same glass.
Sasha “no thoughts head empty only Alina” Morozova having to look away and calm himself when Alina licks her lips after drinking his kvas.
Literally his entire confrontation with Kaz. Absolutely hilarious. Local centuries old Black Heretic gets bested by a teenager with one (1) flash grenade.
“I never intended for it to be the blight it’s become.” - Genuine regret. A+++.
Asks Mal what Alina’s favorite flowers are and then gives them to her. Was it manipulative? Yes. Was it awful? Absolutely. Was it the funniest and smoothest shit I’ve ever seen? 100%. I laughed my ass off.
Alina: *enters the fete dressed in the black kefta* *Darkling.exe has stopped working*
This man takes one look at her lack of guards and goes: what’s more important than how beautiful the wifey looks? her safety. *protective bf mode initiated*
He admires how pretty he appears in the mirror of his room with absolutely zero shame and 100% pride. We stan a vain icon in this house💕. Also the mirror is in front of the bed?!?! 👀👀👀
His knife ring.
“You looked like you needed saving,” as fire plays across his features and he looks at Alina with an expression that makes my soul want to splinter into pieces. The implications, the pain.
Will display his complete and utter adoration for Alina in front of the entire Court including the King and Queen despite the fact that that is the worst thing he could possibly do in the political environment.
“No ordinary tracker. No ordinary girl. Orphans of Keramzin reunited. AdOrAbLe.” - How do you say you have issues without saying you have issues?
The way he eclipses Alina when he’s stepping down from the dais. The inherent romantic symbolism of the eclipse and what that means for him.
Him getting excited about the stag to the point where he’s eagerly rummaging through the maps on his table and urgently asking Mal tons of questions.
The five second delay in his thoughts as he processes that Mal isn’t cooperating. Poor guy really thought that everything was finally coming up Sasha for once.
He constantly uplifts Alina after Baghra’s emotional abuse. He constantly helps her with her self esteem and reassures her that she’s doing well and that she just needs more time.
“Yeah I don’t know what Baghra’s summoning ability is,” he said, like a liar.
Even after Baghra suggests that Alina left he doesn’t believe it. He has to hear it from Kaz after searching for ages before he finally begins to believe it.
“You smuggle Grisha out of MY PALACE!”
Titty grab during the kiss scene.
He lifts her up onto the table!!
Local whipped dark overlord gets excited that Fedyor has found Alina and has to suffer through the embarrassment of acting like a lovesick fool when he learns it’s just about Nina.
His relationship with Nikolai.
The fact that Alina’s scarf blows past him before they even meet.
The way he nods with such an understanding expression when the Conductor is lying his ass off as if he sympathizes with everything the other man is saying and isn’t secretly planning his elaborate murder.
Puppy dog eyes all the time.
Every time his smile is forced and ingenuine and he looks like he’s about to stab someone.
Every time his smile is genuine and he looks super soft and loving.
“You have no chance, ShAdoW mAn.” Literally how is he ever going to recover from this.
His hands motions when he summons. I just think they’re neat.
He kills the Conductor. Hated that guy. And he looked sexy as fuck doing it.
He hates the Druskelle, he hates the Ravkan monarchy. I can relate.
He’s NOT a bootlicker, unlike some.
Dad mode gets activated when David raises his hand. Aleksander just goes along with it like an exasperated father.
Ben Barnes nose scronch.
He begs for Luda’s life.
“Merzost feeds on us. I forbid it!” two seconds later *frantic rummaging through notes on the merzost* *reading the Forbidden Knowledge™ without any hesitation* *Immediate Disaster Occurs*
“Mom look what I made!” “Your art is atrocious and you’re no longer my son.”
His history was written by the victors. The tale of the Black Heretic is straight up propaganda by the corrupt monarchy.
Immortal old man caught in a young adult love triangle: I read your letters. Malyen “what the fuck is happening on this here day” Oretsev: ??!?!?!!! who even are you??
Aleksander admitting he needs Alina.
Darklina hand holds.
He did not have to make that episode eight hand-hold on the skiff so sensual but he did it anyways.
The way he hides under his cloak like a turtle when Jesper shoots at him.
He looks so awkward and isolated at the fete surrounded by all of those colorful nobles.
He’s always ready to murder a bitch and honestly I respect that.
Would kill for his gf.
That entire scene where he kisses Alina in the snow in the books like the most awkward motherfucker and then goes “wtf just happened?! Darkling out” before fleeing the scene of the Emotion.
He’s eternally confused by his feelings for Alina and it’s hilarious.
“Looking for trouble, and if I cannot find it I will create it.”
He’s basically just a moth attracted to a fatal light. RIP.
The way he throws open double doors like a man on a mission.
He’s utterly precious and I would die for him. 🖤
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sabraeal · 3 years
Tenderness Like a Bruise
[Read on AO3]
Sequel to Creatures of a Brief Season; written in honor of @puffdragongirl‘s birthday! Robin requested anything that included Od Ana, and what would incur more Od Ana commentary than Bergatt (and potentiality Eisetsu) Arc?
They could spend a hundred years in this snow, a hundred lifetimes, and Od Ana knows: she’ll never get used to it.
You’re meant to be here, Obi would tease, trailing a gloved finger up her sternum, ruffling her feathers. They still hunt with birds like you up north, riding on horseback and snatching hares from the snow.
They’re real birds, she’d huff, snapping at that finger. I’m you, and you’re me, and we’re cold.
It makes her wings stiff, a heavy weight when she lifts them-- not something she needs when they’re already so big, so awkward unless she’s in the air. The wind cuts right through her feathers, ignoring the ribbed bulwark and clinging right to the skin. Obi always tells her to take a flap if she can’t stand it, but the higher up she goes, the crueler it is. Sure she might get some heat in her muscles, but that doesn’t do anything for the parts of her that aren’t involved with flight.
“How many of these are you gonna make?” Perkunas hops around Obi’s knees, big, clumsy paws raking at his trousers. Obi puts him off with a pat, sweeping a gloved finger up his muzzle to still him. It’s no longer like lightning when they touch, just a soft buzz, muted by leather and fur.
See, another reason to suffer down here, shivering-- if she spent all her time up in the air, she’d miss the show.
Shirayuki perches on the edge of a planter, raising her feet as Perkunas scuttles under them. He pokes his nose over her notes, skimming the page until he’s cross-eyed. That little meat bun might think himself bookish, but this is far from the first time he’s lurched from her lap, word-drunk; she spares him a small pat, laying her gloved hand carefully over the ridge of his muzzle. Right where Obi ran his finger, Od Ana can’t help but note.
She snaps her beak, chuffed. Her man’s mistress might play at being busy, too absorbed in her work to pay attention to the silliness surround her, but Od Ana has an eagle’s eyes. Whenever Obi’s all energy and no sense, Shirayuki’s got one eye on him. Not to keep watch, like she’s so keen on saying when she’s caught, but because she likes to turn two toward him if he bends over.
Even now her lips twitch, a smothering a smile before it can take flight-- Od Ana’s grateful for it. The last thing he needs now is encouragement.
Perkunas waddles back over when Obi squats, resting his chin on his knee. A glove reaches down, smoothing the fur between his ears before riffling it again, leaving thick globs of snow. “Until there’s one for all of us.”
That small head cocks, taking in the row of snowmen. Obi might be good with his hands, maybe might even be fine enough to put pen to page, but an artist he’s not-- all his attempts are round and squat, their snow daemons snuggled in beside them. Even Od Ana has to squint to make out which one is which.
“All of us?” Perkunas echoes, sitting back on his haunches. “I don’t know if there’s enough.”
“Sure there is.” Obi levers himself to his feet, one hand free to point. “That’s Master and Miss, Miss Kiki and Mister, and over here’s me...”
“That’s supposed to be Shirayuki?” Perkunas trots up to the smallest one, sniffing at the spherical snow daemon beside it. “Is this me?”
Obi nods, mouth quivering. “Mmhmm.”
Perkunsa snorts, skittering back. “I don’t look like that!”
“Sure you do!” Od Ana clacks her beak, drawing his glare. “Just a little snow sausage, waiting to be grilled up!”
“I’m not!” he squeals, rushing up to where she sits. It’s too far for his squat little legs to reach, paws flexing as they try to find purchase on the stone.
“Take it back!” he growls, hopping uselessly beneath her. “Take it back! Shirayuki, did you hear her? Make her take it back!”
It’s no use-- Shirayuki might keep one eye on Obi, but Perkunas’s plaintive whines are too commonplace to lure her attention away. He grunts and skitters, but Shirayuki sits with her heels hooked on the edge of a stone, unmoved. Od Ana can’t grin with this beak of her, but she can flap her wings, skipping along the stone with a screech that might fall on the more purposeful side of taunting. And like always, Perkunas rises to her bait.
He’s stretched as long as his elastic body can go, every strand of fur on his ringed tail standing on end--
And he tumbles, the way he always does. Just collapses into an uncontrolled roll, more sphere than sense, careening across the yard-- and right into one of Obi’s snow friends.
“Oh!” Perkunas leaps up all at once, shaking snow from his snub snout,  snuffling pitifully. “I’m so sorry, Obi! I didn’t mean to.”
Obi crouches down where he lays, gloved palm landing gently on his muzzle. “I know, little guy.” He casts an eye over the ruined mound, clucking his tongue. “Well, there goes Mister.”
“Eh?” Shirayuki wholly drags herself up from her work now, glancing from Obi’s back to the snow-covered Perkunas and then all the way up to where she perches. Her mouth settles in a knowing line, and when she says, “Have you been getting in to trouble?” Od Ana knows it’s for both of them.
It’s good a bird can’t look abashed, no matter how many feathers she has. Otherwise she might have to try.
“It’s Od Ana’s fault,” Perkunas rushes to tell her, the little liar.
She sniffs, cocking her beak haughtily. “I would never have expected Shirayuki’s daemon to be such a tattletale.”
Od Ana expects a glare, a harsh word, something to quell her, but Shirayuki’s mouth only twists wryly. “You should have known me as a child.”
I did. It’s Obi’s thought, but it dovetails with her own, unobtrusive for once. It doesn’t bear saying that she was neither as excitable or pestiferous as Perkunas can make himself; Obi’s agreement radiates deep in her breast. Their secret, locked in a cage of hollow bone.
“She called me fat,” Perkunas grouses, sitting back on his haunches. It makes him round, like a ball, and Od Ana’s half-tempted to see if she could get him to roll again with just a squawk.
“You are. There’s no reason to be ashamed of it.” Shirayuki tells him, all fondness as she comes to crouch beside him, knee brushing Obi’s as easily as her hand strokes her daemon’s skull. Od Ana can feel his shiver from here, her beak rattling quietly from the one it sends through her. “Oh, Obi-- I’m sorry. He’s undone all your hard work.”
“No worries, Miss.” Obi cradles what’s left of Mitsuhide’s head in his hands. “I’m sure it’s only a bad omen. Poor Mister.”
Shirayuki cocks her head, leaning in to glance at the ruined snow skull. Od Ana might tease Obi, might mock him for never being able to puzzle out how to bridge the gap between him and his mistress, but he certainly knows how to get her to hover in his orbit. Black and red nearly eclipse each other, and oh, what she wouldn’t give to knock the two of them together just to see the spark.
After a long moment, Shirayuki finally says, dubious, “That was supposed to be Mitsuhide?” 
“Yep.” Obi chucks his chin toward the oblong mound, resting beside the remains of the prince’s foremost aide. “See, Sigrun’s right there.”
Shirayuki pitches forward, squinting. “Eh?”
Od Ana clucks, amused. Sigrun’s even-tempered, just like her man, but even she would be insulted by the snow sausage standing in for her.
“It’s too warm for this anyway,” Shirayuki decides, lifting herself to standing. “No wonder Mitsuhide fell apart. He’s the biggest, after all. Couldn’t hold his own weight.”
“It was getting colder. I thought maybe we might get a snow this afternoon, and I’d get to shore them up.” He stands with a sigh, knees creaking in protest. “Doesn’t seem like that’ll be happening today, Miss.”
Shirayuki peers up at him-- further than Od Ana remembers her needing. Ah, so her boy’s grown another inch. He’ll be out of those soon, if the men around him are any stick to measure by. He’s tall enough now anyway, respectable. Doesn’t need to get cocky on top of it-- at least not any more than he already is.
“Suzu told me it’s still too early for snow.” She casts a thoughtful glance at the sky. “Well, at least in the afternoon.”
Obi huffs, amused, eyebrows shooting toward his hairline. “Suzu said that?”
“Well,” Shirayuki wheedles. “Hermia did.”
“That sounds more reliable,” Obi grunts. Most daemons are, save for Perkunas. “Still, didn’t we have one just the other week?”
“Well, yes.” She sways on her feet, but it’s not from weakness or exhaustion-- it’s from energy that needs to be spent, like a child made to sit too long. Maybe Perkunas is more like her than any of them give him credit. “But it’ll be a few weeks before it’s cold enough for another. Lilias has to work itself into winter.”
Since when, Od Ana nearly says. Obi coughs; it barely covers his laugh.
“Ah, that reminds me. Mistress--” Obi turns, catching her eyes, and Od Ana uselessly wills him to close the space-- “the knights need me to help them with something starting tomorrow. You’ll have to look after yourself for a while.”
An idle threat, but Shirayuki takes it with a dutiful nod, just the way she expects. “Got it.” She hesitates before adding, “I hope it isn’t too serious.”
Obi casts one of his long looks over her, somehow both assessing and torn, before he looks away. A pity, since he doesn’t see how she looks back. “They’ve sent a few troops elsewhere for now, so they’re running a little thin at the checkpoint. I said I’d help out.”
“Ah, see.” Od Ana flutters down, perching on his shoulder. She’s too big for it to be comfortable, and he grunts as she knocks a wing against his head before folding them in. “What he means is that no one wants to do the paperwork. And Obi’s handwriting is so nice...”
He grimaces. “Something like that.” He flicks a coy smile towards Shirayuki, heedless of how it sticks. “If I get a cut, I’ll be sure to come to you and get myself bandaged up.”
“Oh.” Od Ana always likes Shirayuki’s sly smiles; Obi deserves to have someone who can make sure he gets as much as he gives. “I’ll be sure to tell Suzu to keep an eye out for you. He’s the best at bandages.”
Perkunas nods, oblivious to Obi’s scowl. “He always has them. A bunch!”
“Because he’s so accident prone himself,” Od Ana can’t help but add. Hermia has her work cut out for her, keeping that one alive.
“I don’t even carry any on me,” Shirayuki informs him loftily, the lie obvious on her lips.
Obi spares them both a thin look; it’s a good camouflage for how much he clearly want to kiss her. “Aw, at least let Little Ryuu do it, Miss.”
Her smile only curves more slyly. “I think that’s up to--”
“What was that about me?”
Ryuu appears out of the crowd, as sudden as Obi ever has; space empty one minute and the next filled with a boy about to hit his first growth, limbs all at odd lengths for his small body. Asasara noses out from beneath his collar, tongue darting out to taste the air before slithering back, settling against his skin. It’s nice to know that she’s not the only one who hates this weather.
“Little Ryuu!” Obi pivots sharply on his heel, unbalancing her enough to see her flapping back over to the wall. He grins wide, hooking his hands on his hips and he looks down at the boy. “Can you do me a favor and remind Miss to start bringing bandages around with her? I’d hate to go to anyone else if I’m wounded in honorable combat.”
“Eh?” He blinks, the blue of his eyes stark against the pale parchment of his skin. “Doesn’t she already?”
Shirayuki sends him a warning look, but it’s far, far too late for that. Obi’s already spun around, victory bright on his angular face. “So Miss does carry bandages.”
Her hands fly up as he looms, though it hardly seems she wants to ward him off. “Those are for emergencies, Obi. Not for paper--”
“Ah, Sir Obi!”
Od Ana cranes her neck, peering up the stairs that lead to the wall. There’s a guard there, waving like his limbs are too long for his body to control, eyes already round in limpid by the time they meet Obi’s. “Sir Obi, sir! I’m supposed to tell you-- His Highness’s messenger has arrived.”
She doesn’t need to look to know how Obi’s body has stiffened, how his breath has caught in chest and mind’s gone to static.
“Messenger?” Od Ana says quietly, stilted. “I thought that was you.”
A long breath hisses through his teeth. “So did I.”
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lune-hime · 4 years
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Tea Time # 2 ~ Shower Mishap
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~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
So these little Tea Times were written as little filler-memory chapters to place in between the main story line.
“Y/N.” Hange drawled. She clumsily attempted to sit cross legged along the dining hall bench, her legs not quite folding correctly. When she almost tipped over the side, Erwin used his quick reflexes to snag her by the arm and place her upright. You sloppily turned your head to give her as much undivided attention that your remaining active brain cells could muster.
“Please enlighten everyone on the shower story.” Her request brought a giddy smile to her lips. Levi immediately cast you a quizzical look, his gaze drowning in beer. Your face heated up like an oiled saucepan but thanks to the excessive drinking it made no difference to your already rosy complexion.
“But it might be too unprofessional for the Commander.” You shot a sassy look at Hange over Levi who was seated between the two of you. Alcohol was quite the bold word choice inducer as you definitely would not have phrased your sentence with so much gusto if you were sober.
“What in the fucking hell  kind of story is this?” Levi asked darkly, his pupils dilated so far they eclipsed their usual silver. There was a preciseness to his phrase despite it being slurred. Indeed, the only soul at the table who knew of your unintentional shower adventure was your former squad leader. Erwin chuckled softly and Mike quirked an eyebrow at you.
“We drink as friends tonight, Y/N. No one will get you in trouble for just telling a story-” Erwin began his explanation calmly but paused when he locked eyes with Levi’s burning glare. It took what was left of his composure to refrain himself from laughing at the tiny fireball across the table.
“But only tell it if you are comfortable doing so.” The commander flashed a dazzling smile before taking a hearty swig of his drink. The man may have been inebriated but he was still so much more put together than the rest of you. Well, with the exception of Mike of course.
“It’s not that bad, don’t worry about it Vivi.” You reassured the steaming man between giggles. You reached up to gingerly pat his cheek a couple times, his glare turning into an intensely childish pout that he would definitely deny later.
“So you’ll tell it?” Hange chittered, practically vibrating with excitement. You nodded lazily, swaying a bit but steadied by Levi’s secure arm around your waist.
“Okay so, it was during my first few months as a cadet-”
You had come to terms with the fact that you were going to be tired on a daily basis. Since you had joined the cadets it was nonstop physical and tactical training that bored into the innermost parts of your brain and body, immersing you in a constant state of exhaustion. Your grandmother’s war stories about her painful life in the military were indeed accurate (well, yours were much less scandalous than hers); it’s no joke how far the organization pushes every limb, muscle, fiber, and atom within your being.
Which was why you couldn’t be happier that you had an hour of free time to shower after your training session before you had to meet your mentor. Plush towel hanging off your shoulder, you rounded the corner of one of the many hallways of the vast compound and practically skipped into the bathing area.
The steam from the showers was thick at first and obscured the space as you passed through the initial chamber to enter the main bathing area. The only element of the atmosphere that told you other cadets were occupying the room was their loud banter and laughter. Only, it wasn’t the feminine voices you were accustomed to hearing and you’re pretty sure you just heard Connie’s na-
“Y/N!?!?!” A voice shrieked, immediately scuttling to the side upon discovering your arrival. When your vision adjusted to the thick steam, your eyes widened in shock when you spotted Eren's very exposed form through the haze.
"Ohmygodohmygod, Eren I'm so sor-" You blabbed, immediately trying to look anywhere but the boy's nether regions. Before the split second it would have taken to cover your eyes, you were startled by an immense figure in your personal space. The shadow gave you zero time to shield yourself from the Michaelangelo’s David that was possibly the cockiest cadet on the premises.  
"Y/N, I didn't know you were so bold. Come to play?" Reiner cooed, smirk widening as he watched your face heat up to the scalding temperature of their showers. He made no effort to hide his manhood, as Eren did, and actually attempted to emphasize it by propping his leg up against one of the benches littered throughout the bath. You were frozen in embarrassment and as much as you wanted to punch him right in the spot he most yearned for you to gaze upon, you couldn't do it.
"Walls, Reiner do you have any shame?" You spat back, your muscles still seized up with your beyond awkward encounter.
"None if it comes to you, sweetheart." He chuckled confidently. Before you could quip back another response, a blur shouting your name dashed towards you and turned your vision black. The hands over your eyes became your sole protector from the copious amounts of naked men.
“I know you are dumb, but you really need to watch where you are going.” Jean scolded from behind you in a hushed tone. You let out the balloon of a breath you had been internalizing. If you hadn’t believed in angels before, Jean sure as hell was your angel now. He abruptly turned around and began waddling the two of you towards the entrance when you heard agile footsteps circling around you. Jean suddenly halted, the unexpected loss of movement sending you flailing.
“Hold up, Jean. Maybe she knew exactly where she was going.” Reiner purred. You felt Jean’s breath quicken against your ear and his grip on your temple tightened momentarily. You didn’t need to physically see Reiner’s face to picture the shit-eating smirk edging its way into his features.
“If you wanted me, Y/N, all you had to do was ask.”
The sound of wet feet against tile grew closer until you felt unwanted puffs of air leaving feather-light touches on your face. Jean suddenly flung you sideways like a cooked noodle, placing himself between you and Reiner and causing you to squeak in surprise.
“Fuck off Reiner. She doesn’t want to see your tiny dick.”  Jean spat back. A chorus of snickers resounded through the bathroom.
“She was trying hard just a moment ago to avoid the temptation.” Reiner huffed. His arrogance was like a tough stain that you couldn’t get out, no matter how hard you scrubbed.
“Sadly, I did see it and Jean’s right.” You groaned. Your best friend let out a snort followed by the laughter you could feel rumbling from his chest.
“You must not have gotten a good look at it then-”
"If you don't get out of our way, no one will get the minute pleasure of seeing your dick again." Jean sarcastically threatened.
"Please, Reiner, give it a rest." A soft voice pleaded to your right. You recognized it as a familiar cadet, one Jean had grown quite close to.
"Everyone else besides you is uncomfortable here." Marco's even tone was music to your reddened ears. There was a palpable silence of which you presumed was the soundtrack to an alpha male staring contest. Then, Reiner huffed and backed off seeing that the odds were against him.
"Fine, fine. You know you can always call on me Y/N." Reiner chided before sauntering back into the shower.
"The only call he'll be getting is from the infirmary." You grumbled under your breath.
“Can’t keep it in his pants for five minutes can he?” Jean scoffed lowly as he began leading you to the doorway.
“I mean he’s not wearing pants…” You mumbled, still trying to recover from the overwhelming shock and embarrassment. Jean stopped you at the entrance to the connecting hallway.
"When I let go, don't you dare look behind you." Jean warned, playfully swaying you back and forth.
"Okay just let me go!" You sputtered and swatted his arms before he released you.
You fixed your gaze on the tile walls and heaved a sigh of relief.
"Thanks Jean, I owe you one." You said, voice regaining its composure.
"Whatever, just buy me some food when we go into town next." He replied. You heard him turn around and begin padding back to the showers when you realized your shoulder was missing a fluffy presence. Your towel must have fallen off during your steamy showdown.
"Jean wait!!" You exclaimed. You turned around and in the waning of your flustered hysteria forgot you were technically still in the boy's bathroom. Both your and Jean's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
"Shit, Y/N what did I say???" Jean exclaimed, hands immediately flying to cover his crotch. You breathed a heavy exhale, feeling the flames scorching your cheeks once more.
"Dammit, I'm sorry! My towel fell-" You sputtered and cursed at yourself for letting the heat flood your brain cells too.
"Ah! Y/N-" Marco appeared with your towel, only he was sporting his birthday suit as well. Oh, this could not get any worse. You were the embodiment of a beet, cheeks puffing in fear and eyes screwing shut.
"I have your towel, I was going to place it by the doorway but-um-here." Marco gently grabbed your hand and placed the towel in it. He laughed nervously and retreated back into the bath.
You turned back around to face opposite of the doorway and slumped your head into your hands exasperatedly.
"You good now?" Jean checked, slight annoyance evident in his tone.
"No." You whimpered in utter mortification.
“Reiner’s just a dick who thinks that everyone wants to see his own.” Jean said with a roll of his eyes.
"It was an accident, so don't worry. Plus this gives me prime blackmail material." He snickered. You shot him the middle finger over your shoulder.
“How am I going to face anyone in that room anymore?” You groaned sadly, the last three minutes of excitement playing on an endless loop within your mortified mind.
“Easy, if they bring it up just kick them on any part of their body you saw today.” Jean snickered.
“But I saw every-” You started to protest and then gasped in horror. Your humiliated expression deepened Jean’s smirk.
"We'll pretend it never happened. Now please, go to the proper bathroom before you play with the crazy lady. You stink."
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Hange asked, taking a break from poking at the titan’s dirtied toenail. When her apprentice approached the titan holding area she looked absolutely worn out.
“I have the extreme urge to scratch my eyes out.” You groaned, setting your bag of notes down and crouching in the grass next to her.
“Please don’t, today I need you to help me scratch Bean’s eye instead.”
Levi’s grip threatened to shatter the glass pint as he brought it down onto the table with too much force.
“If we had been together when this happened I would have ripped off every one of their micro cadet penises.” He hissed, the alcohol turning into flames within his eyes.
There was a moment’s pause before the entire squad leader table erupted in laughter. The guffaw rattled the wood paneling and caused confused cadets to turn their heads in shock. Erwin accidentally snorted some of his beer and was now struggling with it coming out of his nose. Seeing the commander in such a state caused the same exact thing to happen to you, the burning of the alcohol hurt almost as much as your stomach did from hilarity. Mike kneed the table so hard that it sent his drink flying at Hange who moved out of the way to dodge it, only to smack into Levi’s chest. The action caused the two of them to double over and flip off the bench which only caused the rest of your table to create a larger cacophony.
Nights spent in cherished company like these were ones you held close to your heart.
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nanamismoonchild · 4 years
Result of the Eclipse
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Summary: A prophecy that foretold the witches getting the patron of the Moon and her child spurred an uprising between the races of the witches, vampires, and wolves. Jealous rage fueled their fight, and soon the Moon had no choice but to separate the races. 
Pairing: namjoon x reader
Genre et Rating: vampire au, witch au, angst, fluff, mature
WC: 3.9k
Warnings: mentions of blood, a really bad spell (i’m sorry) 
A/N: I have not written in a looooong time, so when I started this, I couldn’t stop. I had to force myself to stop so I could work on an important assignment. So this will most definitely have a part 2! This was also part of the halloween event by @heartsforbtsnet​.  
There had been a time where the three races of supernaturals lived together in peace. It was centuries before the crowned prince and goddess met.  Stories were passed down from the old about special gatherings where drunken laughter and the occasional moans resounded through the streets of the town.  
But that was centuries ago and nothing but wild fairy tales to tell the children.  
The fight that ended the harmony between the wolves, the vampires, and the witches was a small but powerful one that would not heal on its own.  
The day the Moon gave herself over to the witches was the day that no one would ever see amity again.  The wolves and the vampires were jealous and jealousy is the ugliest emotion. It can make reckless decisions for oneself. 
“How can the Moon betray us like this? I thought we were her favorite,” the vampires hissed.  
“You? We are born under her light and become even more powerful than we know,” the wolves howled. 
The fighting soon began to become violent between the three races. Witches cast horrible curses to keep themselves safe from the poisonous bite of the vampire and the sharp canines of the wolves.  
The Moon took matters into her own hands and separated the races as sorrowful as it made her. She promised they would be reunited as one again when her princess was born and learned the ways of the witches.  
The vampires and wolves grumpily accepted and built their own cities while the witches prepared for the upcoming Eclipse that would bring them their most powerful goddess. Everything was peaceful.  
But that was centuries ago. 
 Namjoon waddled into his grandmother’s arms and gave her a kiss. He loved hearing the silly stories she told--no matter how sad or frightening they could be.  They were almost always about the old days before he was born. 
Many Eclipses had come and gone through the years he’s been alive, and, yet, no one had announced the new princess. But his grandmother always told him to believe and keep his mind open.  
But he didn’t need her to say that. He knew she was alive and well. And as the five-year-old he was, he just wanted to find her like a game of hiding and seek. He knew he couldn’t leave the cities’ limits though. So he only let himself believe and told no one about his intuition. 
His grandmother sent him to bed and kissed on the cheek. 
“Good night, my little prince. I feel there will be good news for you tomorrow.”
“Well then I need to sleep quickly, so tomorrow can come! Night!”
His grandmother smiled and left the room. Her little one could sleep through the night and even through the morning’s breakfast. There were times he would wake up the very next night and sleep an hour or two later. He was very keen to his vampiric nature even at such a young age. Luckily he had not a thirst for blood as others did.  
 The prince was awake the next morning, as he had promised. The noise level of the castle was more than what he was used to.  The servants were running around with fresh linen and buckets of blood at their side. The rare activity excited the small child at the news his grandmother suggested. 
Bouncing into the dining room for breakfast, he was met with his mother’s and father’s serious faces. Sensing their child, they immediately put smiles on their faces and alerted the kitchen servants. A few minutes later, his plate was piling high with pancakes in the shape of bears and a cup of orange juice.  His parents had tried giving him blood as a supplement to the orange juice, but it disgusted him, and never wanted it again. 
The King and Queen kept smiling at him, their nervous energy unbeknownst to their son. After a few bites, the Queen pushed aside her plate and leaned towards her son. 
“Joonie. We have some big news to tell you!”
Namjoon paused the fork that had a piece of his pancake, and glanced at his mother, “What? Grandmother said it would be good!”
“Well, it is, baby. Good for you..... The Princess has been alive for 6 years! And she is coming to visit us for 2 days.”
“I knew it! So I’ll be able to play with her!”
“You knew?” The King asked.  He peered at his wife, a silent message passing through the both of them. 
“Yes! I’ve also had dreams of her! She’s really pretty!”
“Oh dear. If this means what I think it means…” The Queen trailed off, watching her husband inform the kitchen of the new plan. 
The Princess would not be coming to stay with them. Not now.  
“Another fire, Princess?”
The servant witch stared in shock at the spreading fire you had accidentally started. It was the fourth one today, and, if you were being honest, you thought you were getting better at controlling fire spells.  
“Yes, another one. Will you help me put it out once again before Mother comes?”
The servant nodded and proceeded to recite the spell for you, ending the fire’s spread. Normally, servants were not allowed to use their magic. However, your mother had thought it necessary when emergencies occurred. Emergencies like fires and floods caused by you. 
Sighing deeply, you slumped into your chair, feeling the headache that followed your disasters.  Half of your room was charred and it would take another spell to fix it. Twenty-six years of practicing and you still weren’t able to do the simplest spells without going overboard. 
“Is there anything else you need Princess?”
“I’m fine. Now leave me alone please.”
The servant nodded and left the room, leaving you in complete silence.  
“I bet the other witches don’t have to clean up ashes.”
Your spell book was part of the ash but thankfully you had memorized the spell for cleaning up.
“All right. Not too much and not too little. Just enough,” you recited the spell, closing your eyes not wanting to see the catastrophe that might occur. 
When nothing could be heard, you opened them and let out a happy wheeze. Your room was clean and your possessions were in one piece again. 
“Success! Finally!”
You were definitely getting better. 
A knock on your door interrupted your silent celebration.  
“Come in!” Your mother, the Moon, walked in and took note of your happy form.  “I assume you did not cause another fire?”
“Ah...No. However, I did manage to clean up the mess myself. “
“You’re getting better! The servants told me the fire was spreading on half of your room.”
You smiled at the praise, striding over to her and giving her a warm hug. 
“I missed you.”
“As I missed you. Your father likes to be prepared for Eclipses even though we’ve done them countless times. One of those Eclipses even brought you into the world.” “Mother, I have heard the story before and I do not wish to hear it again. Please save me my innocent ears.”
“Innocent?” Your mother chortled. “Sweetheart, I have seen you ogling the male witches. You may even have a crush on one if I remember correctly. Oh, what is his name?”
“Seokjin! And he is only a friend. I have no romantic feelings towards him. You should know this after you snuck into my artbook!”
“I did not sneak into it. It was lying open and I peeked at it.  Very...detailed,” your mother raised her eyebrows knowingly. 
You shook your head and made your way over to the cursed book in question. It was true. The man you had been drawing since you could dream was etched into your artbook. You had no idea who he might be, but you knew he was a vampire. 
Flipping to a page where you knew his smile was prominent, you noted the details of his dimples and how his fangs were not as sharp as the vampires you had met. 
“Very handsome indeed.” Your mother’s soft voice surprised you causing you to jump and drop the book. 
The page it landed on was of a full body portrait. It was of the unnamed man standing in front of giant double doors with a suit on. His expression was grave, drawing it had made you worry for the man.  
The Moon picked up the book, studying the details. 
“Oh,” she gasped. “ I recognize this crest. It’s of the royal vampires. He must be part of the family.”
“There are royal vampires?”
“Yes. Do you remember when you were six years old? We were preparing for you to spend a couple of days there.” A sad smile formed on your mother’s face.  “However, they cancelled suddenly. And I may have a clue as to why now.” “You think it has something to do with me and my dreams?”
“I know it. Remember the stories I used to tell you.”
You remembered clearly. Your mother was the Moon and had ultimately stopped a war by sending the three major races of supernaturals to separate parts of the kingdom. Only her unborn child, you, could reunite them if you found the one you loved.  How would the vampire royalty figure out their son was your true prince? “Could he be dreaming of me as well?” The thought of the man seeing you as you saw him made a rush of blood warm your cheeks. 
“It’s possible. I would say we visit them as a surprise, but there still may be wounds that have not been cared for yet. They would not like to see me.”
You understood her words. Your mother’s reasoning behind choosing the witches as her patrons was a reasonable one, but the vampires and the wolves would not hear of it.  The vampires were too selfish and the wolves were too prideful.  
“You’re too kind for them anyway. I wouldn’t want a prince who turns his back on my mother,” you took the artbook from her and closed it with a huff.  
Grinning, you poke your spellbook open to the spell you had been practicing for the past few days. 
“Invisibility? What pranks are you trying to pull now?”
“Oh nothing Mother. I just want to show you”
“Well then. Go ahead.” 
Letting out a deep breath, you spoke the words, feeling a rush of wind flow through you.
As you opened your eyes, you looked in the mirror and your shoulders fell. It had not worked again.
Your mother started chuckling, trying to stop herself from laughing uncontrollably. 
Annoyed, you ask, “What is so funny?”
“You recited the wrong spell. I believe the spell you did was the floating one.” She pulled the book towards her and nodded. 
Confused, you looked down and gasped. You were floating. How had you not realized the first couple of times? 
“Language,” the Moon called out between breaths of laughter. 
“You aren’t supposed to laugh at me, I put all the effort into this!”
“I think your effort is top tier, my dear. But please, can we go to the right spell?”
After a few hours of practicing several of your weakest spells, you were allowed to venture into the garden. Your favorite place in the entire kingdom.  It was in the middle of the city and grew every single sort of flower anyone could imagine. You treasured the zinnias the most. They represented remembering or thinking of one’s friends or lovers. Ever since you first dreamed of the man, you were always thinking of him. 
You had recognized the crest, and your mother’s affirmation only proved that you needed to do something wild and forbidden. 
Picking a bouquet of the zinnias, along with a few others, you place them into a basket and draw the cloak you had brought along with you over your head. 
Reciting the invisibility spell, you felt the same woosh of wind from earlier. It was an odd feeling spreading through your body. But you knew it had worked when a servant came whistling around the corner and didn’t double take at your appearance. 
The city of the vampires, which you had learned was called Saorsa, was only beyond the limits of your kingdom.  It would be almost an hour’s trip by walking. You didn’t plan on walking as your dainty feet wouldn’t last that long, so you opted for the enjoyable version. 
Seokjin was waiting for you at the beginning of the forest line. He was shifting his weight from foot to foot, looking around every so often for anyone that would think he was suspicious.
“Seokjin, you’re doing this for Y/N. Get it together.” 
He heard the bush rattling, and glanced over to it.  
“Y/N? Princess? Is that you?” “Yes!” You said behind the frightened man.  
Jumping back a few feet, your friend let out a yelp. His handsome face scrunching in fear. 
Laughing, you come out of your invisibility and raise the hood of your cloak. “My friend you are such a scaredy-cat. How will you survive encounters with the vampires?”
“By not interacting with them Princess,” he scolded. He took a few deep breaths, trying to regain his composure. “Now let’s go ahead and get this over with. Remember what we practiced? I do not want to be turned into a rat again.”
“I can do it this time. I’ve even mastered the fire spell you taught me.”
“I heard your room went ablaze again.”
“I call that progress Seokjin.”
Seokjin laughed and stood back. 
You spoke the spell excitedly, watching as your friend transformed from a handsome man into a gorgeous brown horse. 
He neighed, stomping his foot in hurrah at the success of your spell. 
“Yes! Let’s go. Let me hop on!”
Hopping up to the horse’s back was a trial but you managed it by grabbing his mane, a little huff coming from him, and lifting your leg as far as it could go. Clutching onto his mane, you steadied yourself and took at the dense forest. 
Not a soul could stop you from meeting the man that captivated your thoughts.  
“Seokjin, I think we’re almost there! I can see the castle from here!” 
The hour’s walk had turned into a mere thirty minutes with the quickness of Seokjin’s hooves and a little magic.
The home of the vampires was close as the outline of the foreboding outline of the caste. The stark difference of your home and the vampire’s was colour; there seemed to be a lack of colour. Your mother had always told you vampires loved the darkness, which is why they loved her so much.  However, you had never thought it true. Who wouldn’t love to see colours pink, red, and yellow? The grey and black was hideous in your eyes. You could only hope that the man, who you now assumed was a prince, loved colours as much as you did.  
The tree line was slowly leading to a row of houses and you sensed that you would have to cloak soon.  
You had never practiced with two people--let alone a horse--so you could only pray to the Moon that it worked.  
Before you could try, Seokjin abruptly launched you into the air. Landing with an unprincess-like grunt a few feet from him, you make out Seokjin’s broad figure laying unmoving. A figure appeared from the shadows, blood dripping down their neck as they kneeled next to you. 
Whimpering, you tried to move away, but the sting of your broken leg kept you still. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,”the figure cursed. 
Your vision was blurring, and you could almost hear your mother say, “Language.”
The moonlight that spilled onto your face was almost blinding. Blinking a few times, you manage to register that you were on a bed with silk sheets draped across your body.  Foreign, yet it was warm and comfortable. 
You had no recollection of being put in bed-let alone being carried to the room. There wasn’t a clock on the stand next to you, but you knew it had to be close to midnight. You weren’t too sure of the day. 
The throbbing in your leg was barely noticeable as you sat up to collect your thoughts and survey the rest of the room.  The only light in the room came from the Moon, giving you a little bit of calmness. Your mother was watching in spirit.  
Seokjin wasn’t in the room with you. You could only hope he was fine. His unmoving body was singed in your mind and the guilt was slowly beginning to take over you. It had been your idea to use him as a horse to travel to the unknown land of the vampires. Unfortunately, it seemed only disaster struck as soon as you reached the city. The figure, that you assumed was a vampire, must have carried you here.  He seemed to be frantic once he realized what he had done.  Maybe Seokjin was here as well being taken care of. 
Wiping away the tears that slipped from your eyes, you stood up testing the weight of your legs. The pain was minimal and manageable. You presumed that it had been broken, perhaps it was only sprained. Opening the door of the room, you peek out into the hall that appeared to only house your room.  
“Hello?” your question echoed through the hall.  
No one answered so you stepped out into the hallway, letting the door close behind you.   
  There were no audible or visual signs that anyone was nearby. Just the soft steps of your feet as you made your way towards the staircase at the end of the hallway.  The stairs were dark, the moonlight not being able to reach it from the windows. There was only one spell you knew that could provide a light for you, but it was the cause for most of the fires in your room. 
“Can’t hurt to try. And if it does go ablaze, perhaps someone would smell it and come!” Your mother had told you optimism was one of your best gifts, and you intended to use it in this strange place.  
“ Light is what I need,
To guide my way through the dark
Just a little to lead.”
 Feeling your palm warming, you opened it, smiling at the little ball of light that hovered in your hand. 
You let yourself gloat for a second before continuing up the stairs. They wound up several stories to a heavy door.  Pushing it brought you no success, and knocking on it would only hurt. You had no choice but to use your magic to open it--not that you wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to practice. 
The heavy door exploded open with your spell; the sound of it slamming against the wall should have been loud enough to alert anyone lurking. When no one seemed to be making their way to you, you continued your self-guided tour of your containment. 
“Where is everyone?”
Your home was always bustling with activity, day and night. From the stories your mother and father told you, you had expected vampires to be awake at night when the Moon was at her highest.  Mayhaps they slept through the night to dishonour her. Your mother did say the wounds had not healed though it was centuries before you were born.  
Perhaps your Prince would want to change that. 
There was another set of stairs that went up for several stories. They had put you in the lowest part of the castle. At least you surmised it was the castle, there was no other possible reason why a house would have two basements. 
At the next door, you could hear the clear, distinct sounds of laughter and clinking glasses greeted you. 
Delighted to finally have a form of contact, you quickly cast the spell to open the heavy door, announcing your presence to the entire kitchen. 
Three servants gasped at your appearance, dropping a few of the goblets and plates. 
“H-hi? I’m from-”
“Witch,” one of the servants hissed. 
Their fangs lengthened as they circled you. 
“Please. I do not come to harm you,” you backed up against the door, arms in front of you as a sign of peace.  “But I will if you come any closer.”
They all laughed at your words--the threat doing nothing to them.  
“The ugly witch threatens us?”
“Where did she even come from?”
“The dungeons perhaps?”
You whimpered, not understanding what you needed to do to escape the wrath of the servants. Magic seemed to be the only wrong answer.  Harming them was not something you wanted to do. 
“I am your future Goddess. My name is Y/N! Daughter of the Moon and the Sun.”
They laughed again. The old wrenches caring only about draining you. 
“We do not care about your mother. She betrayed us long ago.”
“I’m sorry for what she did, but you deserved it. You hurt the witches because of your people’s jealous rage. You’re lucky she didn’t take away your existence completely.” You had no idea where the confidence to say the things that were always hiding in the back of your mind. Your mother had regretted the decision to separate the races for centuries, and there was no reason for her to continue to have a contrite heart any longer. 
The vampires hesitated for a second only to continue their dance towards you.  
“Strong words coming from a witch,” they all hissed. 
“Strong words coming from my guest, servants,” a powerful voice coming from the doorway. 
All four of you glanced, and your heart sped up. 
It was him.  
He stood regal in the doorway, hands hidden in his suit pocket. His brown hair was messy as if he had just woken up. There was a twitch of annoyance in his grey eyes as he made his over to your shaking body.  
Taking your hands into his, he ran a finger across the skin. A touch of warmth spread across your body and instantly calmed you. 
“Breakfast was supposed to be served minutes ago,” he cast a look at the servants who had since backed away from you. “And then I hear the voice of our guest trembling in fear. How do you think that makes me  feel?” “We are sorry, Your Highness.”
“Yes very.”
“Saying sorry isn’t enough sometimes, isn’t it? You should all be aware of this as the Moon herself has said it countless times, and what did your families do?”
You had no idea what was happening between the four of them, but your Prince certainly had leverage.  
The servants bowed in submission to their Prince and scurried away. 
He turned towards you and caressed your cheek; his face turning into one of elation, “I cannot believe you’re actually here.”
“I cannot believe it either. I had a rather unfortunate welcome.”
“I know. And for that I’m sorry. Taehyung thought it was someone coming to attack us. He’s our best soldier and uses his fangs first before thinking. “
Frowning, you asked, “And what of my friend? Seokjin? He was a horse before he was forcefully turned back. The last I saw him...he was not moving and your “best” soldier wore his blood on his face.”
The Prince grimaced, your tone not something he wished to hear again. “He’s safe. Recuperating in the infirmary. He passed out from being forced to turn into a human and from the little nick of blood Taehyung took. He seems to be afraid of his own blood.”
Satisfied with his answer and the safety of  Seokjin, you lean into his chest, wanting to be close to him. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Namjoon. Kim Namjoon.”
You giggled, “All of my dreams of you, and not one of them ever told me your name.”
“Mine did. Welcome to my home, Y/N.” 
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woodyclawson · 4 years
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( MILO VENTIMIGLIA + CISMALE ) —  Have you seen WAGNER ‘WOODY’ LAWSON ? This FORTY-ONE year old is a/an BARN MANAGER who resides in STATEN ISLAND. HE/HIM has/have been living in NYC for FOUR YEARS, and is/are known to be STEADY and HUMBLE, but can also be BLUNT and DISSONANT, if you cross them.  People tend to associate them with THE SMELL OF FRESH HAY and AGED WHISKEY
Name: Wagner ‘Woody’ Lawson
Age: Forty-One
Birthday: January 25, 1979
Sign: Aquarius
Neighborhood: East Kingsboro
Home: Quaint two-bedroom home with a small yard
Occupation: Barn Manager
Character Quote: “Sometimes I feel like Jesse James / Still tryin’ to make a name / Knowing nothing’s gonna change what I am” ~Troubadour by George Strait
Pos. Traits: Hard-Working, Steady, Humble
Neg. Traits: Blunt, Firm, Dissonant
Likes: farm work, aged whiskey, loping through the open country
Dislikes: people who push around others, well-done steak, warm beer
Aesthetic: tennessee whiskey, the smell of fresh hay, roping
Born in Tennessee Wagner Lawson was raised along the banks of Mississippi mud, never given a chance to be anything but the down-home country boy, which had always suited Wagner just fine. His daddy was a colt starter and former rodeo champion, having won national titles for roping and reining. From the moment Wagner could waddle he was following his daddy around everywhere, at first just watching as his father worked and as he got older helping with the chores himself. He found that spending time tending to the many horses cathartic and volunteered for just about any chore that would get him around them. Never once did he need to be asked to pitch in to do what was needed at the family ranch, from picking vegetables in the garden for his mama to helping his daddy check the cattle fences. As far as most childhoods go, his was pretty perfect. Sure, sometimes his dad drank too much and sometimes his mom just would not stop fussing over him, but he had no cause to complain.
His father, seeing his boy take an interest in horses at such a young age decided to help Wagner begin to follow in his footsteps. As a kid he enrolled Wagner in the pee-wee portion of rodeos where his wife would take pictures of the young boy struggling to stay on the back of a wildly running sheep, but in the end, he stayed on. He almost always did. With natural talent like that his father was quick to get his son started on the path to becoming a bull-rider. His mama threw fits and got into fights with his daddy, it was too dangerous, he could be hurt, killed even, but as he got older and started to have a mind of his own there was nothing that he wanted to do more. So he practiced, and practiced. By sixteen he was competing on broncs, a safer alternative to the bull, and was cleaning up at junior rodeos, his room becoming full of belt buckles, the tack room full of all the special made trophy tack he had won. But being bucked was far from his only talent. At age ten he had broke his very first colt and at twelve he was winning local roping competitions. He even became adept at helping his dad sort and catch cattle, something he was never fond of but did anyways as it was expected of him. Despite how it sounds, his childhood wasn’t all work. While never the best in school he managed to get passing marks and had a group of boys he roughhoused and fucked around with who were constantly getting him into trouble as a teenager.
Fast forward a few years and he was one of the hottest young bull riders to hit the circuit. But his career as a rider didn’t last as long as anyone would have hoped. The reason? He fell in love. Some would have called the pretty woman he fell in love with a buckle bunny, what with her affinity of dating all the big rodeo stars, but when him and her spent one night together the rest was history. Now twenty-two and married with a baby on the way, Wagner knew he could not be as hell mell as he had been for the past few years. He now had a family to think about; and so, he quit bull riding and switched exclusively to broncs. It was still dangerous, but the risks less than if he was on the back of a bull. Life went on and for the most part the little family was happy, until tragedy struck. On the night of his twenty-eighth birthday, with his wife and little girl in the stands, he overtightened the strap around his hand. At first everything seemed to be going well, he had one of his best times, but as he threw himself off the bucking bronco his hand caught. It was an instant disaster. The animal began to panic, bucking harder and higher, with Wagner hanging on for dear life. His only blessing was that the first hoof to his head knocked him out cold. He was rammed into the side of the fence and drug for minutes before those in charge of wrangling the horse were finally able to calm it down. In the midst of the chaos, his wife, fretting over her husband, had not noticed her daughter slip down through the stands calling out for her daddy. No one noticed her presence in the ring until it was too late. All it took was one wrong move from the frightened animal and the sunshine of Wagner’s life was no more.
The blow to Wagner’s own head had been so severe that he was kept in a medically induced coma for two-weeks, giving the wounded flesh time to heal. When he awoke, his whole world was shattered. He grieved, and as he did his grief turned to anger. Anger at the situation, anger at the long arduous healing process, and anger at himself. But all that anger had to go somewhere, and with the only person around during his recovery being his wife, she took the brunt of it. It took him a little over a year to fully heal physically, and during that time he began to develop a dependency on his pain medication. He spent his days sitting in front of the tv drinking beer after beer on top of the opiates as his wife worked in a small diner to try and keep the roof over their heads. One day, a year and half after the tragic accident, the woman had decided that she had had enough. She gave Wagner an ultimatum, get help or she was gone. It led to largest fight yet, a massive blowout that made it clear where Wagner stood.
At that point he was nearing thirty and with nowhere else to go moved back in with his parents. His father though older now was still tough as nails and no patience for his son’s pansiness as he called it. He put Wagner to work. Sober or not he was expected to help, and if he didn’t, God help him. At first he railed, his rage boiling over and eclipsing everything. Rather than argue with his son, the elder Lawson simply gave him a new task. It would be his only job- start the colts. It was something Wagner had used to excel at, but his anger and rage at the horse’s mis compliance made things difficult. The gentle animals became scared of him and began to lash out. One colt in particular, a beautiful bay, resented Wagner more than any of the others, and he let him know it. That was Wagner’s wake up call. He ended up forming a bond with that colt that pulled him out of his stupor and set him back on track. His special relationship with that animal also earned him a nickname, Woody, because wherever Woody went, Buzz followed. Buzz and Woody quickly began racking up wins in roping and reining competitions, and for the next years, Woody allowed himself to feel the happiness that had come into his life. The two traveled all over the countryside, with Woody picking up odd jobs such as stable hand or working cowboy. Until one competition where in the middle Buzz came up lame with an injury too bad to fix, leaving Woody the tough choice of having to put his beloved companion down.
That was four years ago. Woody now resides in Staten Island, working at the local equine therapy and riding lesson program center. He’s the barn manager, the one in charge of making sure the stable hands are doing their job and that the horses are receiving the correct care. It’s a big job, and one he takes seriously. Being around the majestic animals once more is helping him slowly heal, correctly this time, from all the bad that has happened to him. It is a hard road to hoe, but step by step he’s doing it. Perhaps one day he’ll once more be ready for a horse of his own.
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wxlawson · 4 years
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[ WAGNER ‘WOODY’ LAWSON. 42. CISMALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ THREE YEARS ] and are originally from [ TENESEE]. They are a [ MANAGER AT A DUDE RANCH ] and in their downtime love [ COLT STARTING ] and [ TAKING NAPS IN THE HAYLOFT ]. They look a lot like [ MILO VENTIMIGLIA] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]
Name: Wagner ‘Woody’ Lawson
Age: Forty-Two
Birthday: January 25, 1979
Sign: Aquarius
Home: Quaint two-bedroom home with a small yard
Occupation: Manager at a dude ranch
Character Quote: “Sometimes I feel like Jesse James / Still tryin’ to make a name / Knowing nothing’s gonna change what I am” ~Troubadour by George Strait
Pos. Traits: Hard-Working, Steady, Humble
Neg. Traits: Blunt, Firm, Dissonant
Likes: farm work, aged whiskey, loping through the open country
Dislikes: people who push around others, well-done steak, warm beer
Aesthetic: tennessee whiskey, the smell of fresh hay, roping
Born in Tennessee Wagner Lawson was raised along the banks of Mississippi mud, never given a chance to be anything but the down-home country boy, which had always suited Wagner just fine. His daddy was a colt starter and former rodeo champion, having won national titles for roping and reining. From the moment Wagner could waddle he was following his daddy around everywhere, at first just watching as his father worked and as he got older helping with the chores himself. He found that spending time tending to the many horses cathartic and volunteered for just about any chore that would get him around them. Never once did he need to be asked to pitch in to do what was needed at the family ranch, from picking vegetables in the garden for his mama to helping his daddy check the cattle fences. As far as most childhoods go, his was pretty perfect. Sure, sometimes his dad drank too much and sometimes his mom just would not stop fussing over him, but he had no cause to complain.
His father, seeing his boy take an interest in horses at such a young age decided to help Wagner begin to follow in his footsteps. As a kid he enrolled Wagner in the pee-wee portion of rodeos where his wife would take pictures of the young boy struggling to stay on the back of a wildly running sheep, but in the end, he stayed on. He almost always did. With natural talent like that his father was quick to get his son started on the path to becoming a bull-rider. His mama threw fits and got into fights with his daddy, it was too dangerous, he could be hurt, killed even, but as he got older and started to have a mind of his own there was nothing that he wanted to do more. So he practiced, and practiced. By sixteen he was competing on broncs, a safer alternative to the bull, and was cleaning up at junior rodeos, his room becoming full of belt buckles, the tack room full of all the special made trophy tack he had won. But being bucked was far from his only talent. At age ten he had broke his very first colt and at twelve he was winning local roping competitions. He even became adept at helping his dad sort and catch cattle, something he was never fond of but did anyways as it was expected of him. Despite how it sounds, his childhood wasn’t all work. While never the best in school he managed to get passing marks and had a group of boys he roughhoused and fucked around with who were constantly getting him into trouble as a teenager.
Fast forward a few years and he was one of the hottest young bull riders to hit the circuit. But his career as a rider didn’t last as long as anyone would have hoped. The reason? He fell in love. Some would have called the pretty woman he fell in love with a buckle bunny, what with her affinity of dating all the big rodeo stars, but when him and her spent one night together the rest was history. Now twenty-two and married with a baby on the way, Wagner knew he could not be as hell mell as he had been for the past few years. He now had a family to think about; and so, he quit bull riding and switched exclusively to broncs. It was still dangerous, but the risks less than if he was on the back of a bull. Life went on and for the most part the little family was happy, until tragedy struck. On the night of his twenty-eighth birthday, with his wife and little girl in the stands, he overtightened the strap around his hand. At first everything seemed to be going well, he had one of his best times, but as he threw himself off the bucking bronco his hand caught. It was an instant disaster. The animal began to panic, bucking harder and higher, with Wagner hanging on for dear life. His only blessing was that the first hoof to his head knocked him out cold. He was rammed into the side of the fence and drug for minutes before those in charge of wrangling the horse were finally able to calm it down. In the midst of the chaos, his wife, fretting over her husband, had not noticed her daughter slip down through the stands calling out for her daddy. No one noticed her presence in the ring until it was too late. All it took was one wrong move from the frightened animal and the sunshine of Wagner’s life was no more.
The blow to Wagner’s own head had been so severe that he was kept in a medically induced coma for two-weeks, giving the wounded flesh time to heal. When he awoke, his whole world was shattered. He grieved, and as he did his grief turned to anger. Anger at the situation, anger at the long arduous healing process, and anger at himself. But all that anger had to go somewhere, and with the only person around during his recovery being his wife, she took the brunt of it. It took him a little over a year to fully heal physically, and during that time he began to develop a dependency on his pain medication. He spent his days sitting in front of the tv drinking beer after beer on top of the opiates as his wife worked in a small diner to try and keep the roof over their heads. One day, a year and half after the tragic accident, the woman had decided that she had had enough. She gave Wagner an ultimatum, get help or she was gone. It led to largest fight yet, a massive blowout that made it clear where Wagner stood.
At that point he was nearing thirty and with nowhere else to go moved back in with his parents. His father though older now was still tough as nails and no patience for his son’s pansiness as he called it. He put Wagner to work. Sober or not he was expected to help, and if he didn’t, God help him. At first he railed, his rage boiling over and eclipsing everything. Rather than argue with his son, the elder Lawson simply gave him a new task. It would be his only job- start the colts. It was something Wagner had used to excel at, but his anger and rage at the horse’s mis compliance made things difficult. The gentle animals became scared of him and began to lash out. One colt in particular, a beautiful bay, resented Wagner more than any of the others, and he let him know it. That was Wagner’s wake up call. He ended up forming a bond with that colt that pulled him out of his stupor and set him back on track. His special relationship with that animal also earned him a nickname, Woody, because wherever Woody went, Buzz followed. Buzz and Woody quickly began racking up wins in roping and reining competitions, and for the next years, Woody allowed himself to feel the happiness that had come into his life. The two traveled all over the countryside, with Woody picking up odd jobs such as stable hand or working cowboy. Until one competition where in the middle Buzz came up lame with an injury too bad to fix, leaving Woody the tough choice of having to put his beloved companion down.
The loss of his friend sent Wagner ass-first back into the destructive patterns of his life, drugs and alcohol once more waging war inside his body. Only this time he wasn’t a young man, and the substances were taking a heavy toll on his health, not that he cared. His parents, unable to reach him, packed his things and kicked him out. Woody’s father, unable to completely give up on his son, reached out to an old friend who owned a dude ranch an hour outside of LA. For over a year Woody lived there, forced to claw his way back to sobriety through back-breaking labor. The option was always there for him to quit the job, fend for himself, but the company of the horses and being the source of looking after their well-being brought him back from the brink much like it had the last time. A year and a half later he was completely back on the wagon, though he can be known to slip with the drinking whenever the subject of his daughter is brought to the forefront of his mind, mainly around birthdays, his and hers, as well as holidays. 
Wanting more independence Woody turned in his resignation, thanking his father’s friend for getting him back on his feet. Much to his surprise, rather than accept his two weeks notice, he offered Woody a promotion: to oversee the entire running of the dude ranch. It is a big job and one he takes very seriously, knowing that the overall welfare of the horses depends on him, even if he is no longer responsible for their day to day care. That was three years ago.
Since then he’s moved into an apartment at Oasis Apartments in Silver Lake, a place where he could have his freedom yet still manage his responsibilities. Anyone who’s ever been inside his apartment will say it looks like a country movie blew up, with saddles scattered on stands throughout the place and rodeo memorabilia hung up throughout, but for him, it’s the closet thing to home.
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naruyuki-writes · 4 years
I Love You, Too
The year and a half that Natalya and Sapphire spent with each other were filled with ups and downs.  Life and death situations that quickly built the bond between them.  It was all too clear that they were both pining for one another and they finally couldn’t hold their feelings back.
Pairing: Satalya
Word Count: 3770
          They had been travelling for weeks and they finally made it to a city with a large bathhouse.  There were multiple rooms for public bathing, but there were also private rooms that were sectioned off for an extra price.  It was always Sapphire who suggested that they should take a nice long soak and unwind after for a couple of days after so much continual hard work.  It would drive them crazy if they never took a break, she would say.  She was more than willing to pay for the private room and any cleaning that their clothes and armor needed.  They were escorted to their private room, given towels and a tray of hygiene amenities, then they were left to their leisure.
           “Sapphire, how deep is the pool?” Dop asked as she leaned over the side, staring down into the murky water.
           “This doesn’t look clean,” Eclipse added.
           “The depth depends on the bathhouse, but it should be five feet at most in the center and shallower at the edges.  Also, the water isn’t crystal clear because they add oils into the water.  It keeps your skin soft and healthy, my dear,” Sapphire said, casting her towel to the side and walking into the pool.
           “How hot is it?” Dop was still leaning over the side, clutching her towel.
           “Too hot to jump in.” The teen deflated and waddled over to the edge.  She slowly hiked up her towel as she stepped in.  The water felt like it was boiling compared to the frigid air outside.
           “Oh geez, that’s so hot.”
           “I told--” A wave of water splashed over Sapphire and Dop as Eclipse had jumped into the center of the pool.  She popped back up and pushed her bright red hair out of her face.
           “How was that, Natalya?” She asked.
           The Half-Orc approached the edge and gave her a thumbs up.  “10 out of 10.  You form perfect ball every time.” Natalya then pulled her own towel away from her waist and joined Sapphire.
           “Why do you mock me every single time we come to a bathhouse?” Dop leaned forward and grabbed Eclipse’s shoulders, shaking her back and forth.
           “I would never mock you,” Eclipse’s face was blank and her voice monotone.  Dop just pushed her back into the water and sat down at the edge, melting into the hot water.
           “These trips never start off relaxing,” Sapphire sighed.  Natalya chuckled and pushed the hair out her face, slicking it back against her neck. Sapphire smiled, her eyes flickering from Natalya’s chest back up to her eyes.
           “But by end, you will have relieved huge amount of stress,” Natalya smiled back.  Sapphire’s skin was already flushed red from the heat of the water, but Natalya’s smile added heat to her face that no bathhouse could match.  She looked back to the entrance of the room and noticed Ryan was still standing there, covered up by his towel.
           “Ryan, you know that we don’t care, right?”
           “I-I know! I just like to let everyone else get in first before I do.  That way… no one is paying attention to me.”
           “We don’t care!” The girls said in unison. He whined.  He shuffled to the edge and got into the water with his towel still wrapped around him.  He then placed it back up onto the cold tiles and sank until his chin was just above the water.
           “One day you will get used to it,” Natalya reached over and clapped a rough hand onto his shoulder.
           “Mmm, maybe if we have a couple of years together.”
           “Of course we’ll have a couple of years together,” Dop said.  There was an awkward silence as they all exchanged looks with each other.
           “Once I find my mentor, I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you all for some time longer.  She always wanted me to have a relationship with someone other than her.”
           “She’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that you have four friends then!” Ryan grinned.
           “You haven’t really talked too much about her, just that you need to find her.  What’s her name?” Sapphire asked.
           “Her name isn’t important.”
           “Okay, well, a description then?”
           “Mmmmm…” Eclipse was quiet for a while.  “She’s taller than Natalya, but much more slender in build.  She has long black hair that she always wore in a ponytail.  Cute freckles…” a small smile curled up onto Eclipse’s lips. Everyone leaned in as she stared down into the water, not speaking.  She then looked up, remembering where she was at.  “That’s it,” she said before descending into the water.
           “Interesting,” Natalya smirked.
           “I know, that sounded scandalous,” Sapphire wiggled her eyebrows, looking up at Natalya.
           “Taller than me though? That’s pretty tall for a human woman.”
           “Eh, I’ve seen some get quite tall.”
           “Yeah.  You’d think they’d be smaller in this part of the country with how little there is to eat, but I guess they have to be hearty to survive the cold.”
           “I am quite hearty myself,” Natalya flexed her already well-defined biceps and shoulders.  Sapphire gave a long hard squeeze to her bicep.
           “I think I have to agree,” she laughed.
           “You are toned yourself,” Natalya said and poked at her stomach.  Sapphire slapped her hand and bit down on her lip so as to not burst into laughter.
           “You know I hate it when you do that!”
           “I cannot help myself!” Natalya grabbed Sapphire’s sides and squeezed them, making the Elf squeal.
           “Stop!!” Sapphire tried to push the other away but she was much stronger.  She instead slipped underneath the water and resurfaced by Dop and Eclipse.  “Save me!”
           “Hey! No roughhousing in the pool!” Dop yelled as she stood in front of Sapphire.
           “Dop I will tickle you too,” Natalya threatened as she waded over to them.
           “Oop, sorry Sapphire you’re on your own!” Dop made a quick escape.
           “You’re a traitooooooor!” Natalya grabbed Sapphire again and continued to have fun and games until Sapphire accidentally palmed Natalya in the face.
           “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt!” Ryan said way too late.
           “I am fine, I have been hit by harder and lived,” Natalya tried to reassure Sapphire as she went back and forth between apologizing and scolding her.
             Once they were done messing around, they cleaned their hair, washed their bodies and dried off.  Their clothes were neatly folded up and waiting for them outside in the changing room.  Once they were dressed they rushed through the cold night air to the closest inn they could find and paid for two rooms.
           “All right,” Ryan clapped, “what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?” He looked around and waited for the girls to decide.
           “I wouldn’t mind the two R-- ahh-- ahh~hhh~hhh~” Dop awkwardly cut herself off and sang a very shaky note.  Ryan politely clapped.
           “You’ve been practicing!”
           “I have!” Dop laughed and looked away.  “Um, but Eclipse and Ryan, our trio is always fun.”
           “I’m fine with that.”
           “No complaints.”
           “Aww, what’s wrong Dop? Can’t handle being squished together by two old ladies?” Sapphire teased.
           “I know that it’s freezing outside but both of you are heaters! I wake up in the middle of the night sweating!”
           “I am fine with it being just us two,” Natalya’s hand somehow sneaked it’s way onto Sapphire’s waist, pulling her close. Sapphire’s heart had skipped a beat and she wasn’t feeling as cold anymore.  Dop and Ryan headed upstairs first, Eclipse making intense eye contact with Sapphire and Natalya before following the other two.
           Sapphire and Natalya entered their room and closed and locked the door.  They dropped all of their things and sighed.  They took off their heavy coats and undressed down to their lightest layers.
           “Finally, a bed to rest on,” Sapphire flopped down onto it.  Natalya joined her on the bed, smiling down at her.
           “It has been a while since we got a room to ourselves.”
           “A long while,” Sapphire rolled over onto her stomach and slid off the bed.
           “It reminds me of when it was just the three of us, and you were still paying me for my company,” Natalya leaned forward, leaning her head against the palm of her hand.
           “Haha, I paid for your services, not your company. It was you who couldn’t get enough of me,” she just smirked.
           “No, I could not.” The smirk on Sapphire’s face quickly dissipated, being replaced with a more doe-eyed stare.
           “Why did you decide to stay?”
           “You know I had no family.  I had been mercenary my whole life.  I know I look big and tough, and I am, but I also get lonely. Meeting you four and seeing what you all did just for love… it…” Natalya looked away and frowned, “I had no one to do that for.  I do not want to fight, just to fight.  I want to fight for those I love.” Tears began to stream down her face.  Her chest trembled as she tried not to cry.
           “Oh, Nattie,” Sapphire moved in front of the other and reached up to cup her cheeks, wiping her tears away with her thumbs. “Please, don’t cry.  We all love and care for you, and we want to protect you too.  Every single one of us appreciates how big your heart is.” Natalya took in a deep breath, leaning away to dry her face.
           “I am sorry.  That does not happen often.  I do not want to make you worry,” Natalya grabbed Sapphire’s hands and stood up, pulling her up as well.  Sapphire smiled sadly.  She wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.  Natalya returned the gesture by wrapping her arms around her waist, pressing her warm body even closer to her’s.  Sapphire nuzzled her face deeper into Natalya’s neck, breathing in the lavender-scented body wash she cleaned herself with.  They held each other close for a long time until Natalya attempted to pull away, but Sapphire held on tighter, not ready to let go so soon.
           “Are you okay?” Natalya asked.
           “Mhm, I just… don’t want you to be sad,” she whispered.
           “I am not sad.  Not with you holding onto me so strong,” Natalya’s fingers traced up along Sapphire’s back, but it was impossible for the Elf to press her body closer to the Half-Orc’s.  She let out a shaky breath.  Natalya continued to trace her fingers up and down Sapphire’s back until she began to quietly moan.
           “Nattie,” she dug her nails into her forearm, trying to suppress all of the feelings that were stirring in her tummy.
           “Do you like that?”
           “Yes,” Sapphire nodded.  Natalya grabbed her hips and lifted her up.
           “Wrap your legs around me.” Sapphire did so, and Natalya sat down on the bed.  She warped one arm around her waist and brought the other one up to her neck to make Sapphire loosen her grip.  “I got you, lean back.” Sapphire leaned back, her hands loosely holding onto Natalya’s shoulders.  Natalya leaned forward and pressed her lips to Sapphire’s collarbones, quietly kissing up, up, up.  A trail of kisses made their way up her throat until they reached her jawline. She held Sapphire’s neck and leaned her head up so she could look at her face.  Her cheeks were red and though her lips were parted, deep marks were left in the skin from having bit down hard on her bottom lip.  They made eye contact but the Elf couldn’t hold it for long, becoming shy under the Half-Orc’s gaze.  “Is this okay?”
           “Y-yes,” she stammered.  Natalya flipped them around, Sapphire’s back pressed up against the soft mattress.
           “You are so wonderful to look at,” Natalya’s eyes wandered over her whole body, her dirty blonde hair spread out on the bed like a curly halo around her head.  She covered her face with her hands, but Natalya gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms above her head.  Her brown eyes shimmering and sparkling in the moonlight, flickering up to look and her, then back to the side with mad embarrassment.  Natalya pulled the tight band of fabric that held her chest down off and threw it somewhere to the side.  She then untied Sapphire’s lace bra and lifted her back off the bed to pull it off as well.  Natalya ran her hand down her chest to the top of her matching lace panties.  Her skin was smooth and brown like a fawn’s pelt.
           “Nattie,” Sapphire grabbed her hand and brought it back to her waist.
           “You haven’t kissed me yet.” Natalya tilted her head in confusion.  She hadn’t kissed her any lower than her collarbone, but she was going--
           Sapphire pulled her into a deep kiss.  It felt like fireworks went off in Natalya’s chest when their lips connected.  Her breath hitched and she was almost frozen.  When the fireworks subsided and her head caught up to what they were doing, she kissed back.  Trying to find a rhythm that felt right for them.  Natalya leaned up slightly, their lips just barely touching.  Sapphire smiled and then began to shower her face with kisses.
           “Kissing you feels right,” Sapphire said when she was finished.
           “It may become my favored thing to do.  I am not done with you yet, so we will see,” she moved back off the bed so she could access all of her body easier.  “Do you have anything you like?”
           “I… like to be… ate out.”
           “What coincidence, I love to eat.”
           “Ahh! Don’t say things like that! It’s embarrassing…”
           “You are so cute Любимая моя,” Natalya caressed her face, her hand travelling down her neck, stopping over top of her breast. She could feel just how rough her palms were compared to soft and squishy her breast was.  It was kind of fun to squish.  She squeezed it a couple more times before Sapphire groaned in irritation.
           “You can’t go a couple of minutes without playing around, can you?”
           Natalya just chuckled and smiled, “No, I cannot help myself.”
           “Nattieee!” She whined.  Natalya only laughed more and leaned down to give Sapphire a kiss.
           “I will be more serious.”
           “You better.  Or it’s gonna be me over top of you.” Natalya let out a squeak of surprise, her beauty had captivated her so much that she forgot how dangerous she truly was.
           “I will be more serious,” she repeated.  She gave her another kiss and then moved her head lower down Sapphire’s body.  She continued to squeeze her breast in one hand, but she drew her fingers in and pinched her nipple, pulling slightly to earn a quiet moan.  Natalya grabbed her other breast and swirled her tongue around her areola.  She licked and licked and licked until she brought her lips around her nipple to suck on it.  With each little pull, she took more of her into her mouth, sucking harder than before, and gently dragging her front teeth over the tiny bud.
           “Mmm, Nattie, I want you to do that to my clit,” Sapphire mumbled.  Natalya just hummed in acknowledgement.  She kneeled and brought her mouth down to the top of her panties, kissing right above the lace.  She grabbed her hips and lifted her up to pull them up her legs.  She kept them lingering around her ankles and pushed her face in between her thighs.  She kissed and licked her inner thighs, sucking until she left bright red marks. She ran her tongue from inside her thigh closer to the edge around her pussy.  She had a strong scent that filled Natalya’s senses, she felt a rush of excitement that almost reminded her of fighting.  But it was the excitement she felt when Sapphire protected her in combat, or when they would double team an enemy.  It almost drove her mad how intense the feeling was in her stomach.
           “I am going to eat you alive,” she said to herself.
           “Hm? Oh! FFFuck!” Natalya spread her lips apart to get a good look at how wet she was and she was absolutely soaking.  She licked from the bottom of her entrance to top of her clit.  She sucked on her clit with fervor, pulling off with a wet smack.  Sapphire reached down to grab a handful of Natalya’s white hair, it was soft and fluffy and the more of her heat she enveloped into her mouth, the harder Sapphire gripped her hair.  She moaned and whined, thrusting her pelvis into her face.  Natalya tilted her head to make room for her fingers to rub in between her pussy, prodding at her entrance.  “Yes! Yes! Put your fingers in!” She shouted.  Natalya pushed her fingers inside, causing Sapphire to gasp. Her other hand reached down for more hair and gripped onto it just as hard.
          Natalya grunted but she ignored the deathgrip on her head and continued.  She pumped her fingers into Sapphire, curling her fingers up to hit her sweet spot. Sapphire lifted her head up as the ecstasy from the feeling ran through her whole body.  She slammed her head back down onto the mattress and whined so hard she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
          “Nattie, I’m gonna--I’m gonna fucking cum,” her words came out quiet and strained as she desperately gasped for air that her lungs would not let her breathe in.  The waves of pleasure from hitting her sweet spot and the pressure that had swiftly built up from working on her clit finally sent her over the edge.  She squeezed her eyes so tight that her vision went white for a split second.  She arched her back and curled her toes and let out a long, high-pitched moan.
          When she came down from her high, her fingers relaxed and cramped with pain from holding them in such a tensed position for so long.  She panted out moans of the lingering pleasure and ensuing exhaustion.  She brought her arms back over her head and let her eyes flutter open.  Natalya pulled her fingers out and licked them clean. She took a big breath as she finally had the chance to breathe.  She slipped out from between Sapphire’s thighs, wiping her mouth mostly clean from all of the saliva and cum that covered her mouth and chin.
          “Fuck, I need a drink,” she walked over to her bag and pulled her flask of vodka from it, taking a few gulps.  She walked over to the bed and sat down next to Sapphire, offering her the flask.
          “Thanks,” Sapphire accepted the offer and took a swig, then handed it back.  Her chest was pounding in her ears.  Her eyes were drooping closed again.  Cumming that hard took all of the energy she had left in her sore body.  She pushed herself up and then rested her head into Natalya’s chest.
          “Did you enjoy yourself?”
          “Hmm, I did,” Sapphire weakly smiled.
          “Good.  I did too,” she then chugged down the rest of the contents of her flask.  She pushed the lid back on and then tossed it over to her bag, missing it, causing a loud clang to startle the dozing Elf awake. “Sorry, sorry,” she wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and held her tight.
          “I love you.” Before she could even process what Sapphire said, the response came immediately,
          “I love you too.” And she had for a very long time.  She had fallen so deeply in love with her during their time together and all she wanted to do was make her happy.  Even if the feelings weren’t mutual, she wanted to keep her safe.  Sapphire could hate her guts and want her to die, and she knew that she would still be hopelessly in love.
          “You didn’t even hesitate.  Did you even hear what I said?” Sapphire joked.
          “Yes and no.”
           Sapphire readjusted herself, stradling Natalya’s lap. “When did you fall in love with me?”
           “When? Oh… I do not think there was specific time. You did so many little things that kept stealing pieces of my heart, until you took very last piece.”
           “You’re such a sap,” Sapphire pulled Natalya closer to press their foreheads together.
           “What about you?”
           “Me? Oh… that’s…”
           “You’re gonna find a way to tease me even though… it was so scary when I realized.”
           “I will only tease you small amount.” Sapphire slapped Natalya’s cheeks and groaned in annoyance.
           “I will kiss you so hard.”
           “Are you… threatening me?”
           “Maybe.  Keep it up and you’ll find out.” Natalya only grinned.
           “Tell me.  I want to know.”
           “Fine… it was the first time those agents of Orchis came after us.  And they… almost killed you because you wouldn’t let me go.  I was so scared because I didn’t want to lose any of you, but seeing you look so lifeless almost…” Sapphire squeezed Natalya’s cheeks and sat in silence for a moment.  She took in a deep breath and held it for a minute before she continued speaking, “I just knew I didn’t wanna stop seeing your dumb face.”
           “You think my face is dumb?”
           “Noo,” Sapphire frowned and rapidly slicked back Natalya’s hair.  “You have the cutest face.”
           “That is not true, Dop has cutest face.”
           “You got me there.  But you’re pretty damn cute,” Sapphire kissed her cheek, “when I finally accepted my feelings were not all that long ago.”
           “Oh? When was this?”
           “Remember back in Springgrove? I asked you to dance with me and you said that you didn’t know how to, so I told you I’d teach you.”
           “That’s when I knew that there was nothing I could do to escape how badly I wanted you.  I just wanted to do small things like that with you for the rest of my life. Watch you get dressed in the morning, help you clean your axe, listen to the advice you always have ready to give. Now I finally have you… why did it take so long?”
           “It does not matter.  Every moment I got to spend with you made me happy.  Now we get to look forward.”
           “You really are always ready.”
           “We should sleep now.  You look very tired.”
           “I’m not tired,” she yawned.
           “You always wake up before me anyway, do not fight it.”
           “My brain is always half awake, what can I say?”
           “You can say ‘goodnight’,” Natalya turned leaned back with Sapphire still on top of her.  Sapphire reached back and pulled the blankets over top of them, scooching off to the side, but wrapping her legs around one of Natalya’s.
           “Goodnight, Nattie.”
           “Goodnight, Любимая моя.”
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Chubby-Kink quote prompts
1. “Are you gonna finish that?”
2. “I’m full. Do you want the rest of this?”
3. “So,...dessert?”
4. “I swear these fit last week!”
5. “Are you sure those are your size?”
6. “Aren’t those MY leftovers?”
7. “Want another slice?”
8. “Jesus, I thought there was an eclipse!”
9. “Is that your stomach making those noises?”
10. “Is that a new stretch mark?”
11. “Excuse me, I believe this button belongs to you?”
12. “Are you still eating?”
13. “I told you you couldn’t finish it!”
14. “What do you mean that was a snack?!”
15. “They’ll have both.”
16. “This was all just for you?!”
17. “You’re still hungry, aren’t you?”
18. “Are you ready for more?”
19. “Did those EVER fit?”
20. “Are your clothes getting a bit snug?”
21. “Didn’t I deliver here this morning?”
22. “I hope I made enough...”
23. “That is supposed to feed a family of four!”
24. “Are you stuck?”
25. “Did you hear something crack?”
26. “I thought we had ice cream left...”
27. “Have you been sitting here all day?”
28. “Is the scale broken?”
29. “Did something just rip?”
30. “You’re STILL hungry?”
31. “I just passed a Girl Scout who was skipping and counting a wad of cash. She was here, wasn’t she?”
32. “So do all the drive through workers know you by name?”
33. “I don’t think those will stretch anymore.”
34. “Could you pass me those? I’m too full to get up.”
35. “When they say ‘all you can eat,’ it’s not a challenge!”
36. “I didn’t say you COULDN’T eat all that, I said you probably SHOULDN’T!”
37. “Are you aware that what you call a snack could feed a family of four for a day?”
38. “I think we might need to get you some larger clothes. Or maybe see if the circus has any tents we could borrow.”
39. “I can’t tell if you’re fatter. At some point it’s hard to tell if you’ve put on two pounds.”
40. “You know, those ‘your mama’s so fat...’ jokes aren’t meant to be aspirational.”
41. “So what’s another ten pounds?”
42. “Remind me again why you eat every day like it’s Christmas? Oh, yeah, I suggested it.”
43. “While I appreciate your commitment to not wasting food, this is getting ridiculous!”
44. “When I said I cooked enough for an army, you shouted ‘Army of one!’ and attacked the table!”
45. “Have you heard about the cacao shortage we’ll be facing in a few decades? I bet you’re the main cause.”
46. “You eat like a professional swimmer, and you’re starting to look like one. Shamu!”
47. “I think you have ‘gobble ‘til you waddle’ embroidered and hanging above your bed!”
48. “I can see you’re confused so let me help you. Pies? They aren’t single-serve.”
49. “Shouting ‘Challenge accepted!’ Is not an appropriate response when the waiter says the mean includes bottomless fries!”
50. “This is getting totally out of hand! The waiter asked you to say when and now there’s so much cheese I can’t see your plate, the waiter has carpal tunnel, three people are dead, and the cows are screaming!”
51. “I love that you only wear crop tops. Oh, they’re just regular t-shirts?”
52. “The gain is hardly noticeable! And we could dress you in something slimming. Like...Wyoming?”
53. “Ah, we’re going out for dinner! I can hear the buffets quivering in fear already!”
54. “You know, the whole ‘the dog must have eaten it’ excuse would work better if we had a dog, right?”
55. “You don’t win anything for having the highest calorie count!”
56. “You know you’re the walking cliché of the doughnut-eating cop, right?”
57. “Of course you can’t fit in your football team jacket! It fit when you were the quarterback and now you’re more like two linebackers!”
58. “You realize that when people gift us with food, it’s for the both of us, right?”
59. “I got this ‘Wide Load’ sticker for my truck but I think you may need it more.”
60. “...you’re resumé says ‘can eat my weight in doughnuts’ and ‘I never met a cookie I didn’t like.’”
61. “I know the phrase is ‘could bounce a quarter off that thing’ but for you, I think it’s more like a quarter pounder!”
62. “You know, a love seat is built to accommodate two people, not just one person’s love handles.”
63. “When you go to sit on bar stools...are they afraid?”
64. “That’s not a spare tire! That’s Michelin’s entire product line!”
65. “It’s more than some cushion for the Pushkin’...at this point it’s an entire couch!”
66. “Maybe you should show those poor pants some mercy and just take them off.”
67. “I was gonna go mattress shopping today but with you, I think I can cross that off my to-do list.”
68. “What’s your Halloween costume gonna be this year? Santa? The planet Jupiter?”
69. “They named a menu item after you? How often do you eat here?!”
70. “I don’t think French fries were what they had in mind when they said to eat your vegetables!”
71. “Pretty sure the serving size is two slices,...not two cakes.”
72. “You can’t eat your problems away!”
73. “When I said you had to choose between the pecan and the apple pies, I didn’t mean you eat the pecan pie then ‘choose’ the apple pie because it’s the only one left!”
74. “I HAD to eat them all! I didn’t want any of them to feel left out!”
75. “How did you even get those pants on?”
76. “It used to be cute when you stole my clothes to wear because they smelled like me...a hundred pounds ago.”
77. “What did you have against that chair?”
78. “I thought you were going to kiss me, but you just leaned over to steal my dessert!”
79. “Hun, you order from that place so often, they sent you flowers for your last birthday.”
80. “I’m honestly a little jealous of the looks you’ve been giving that cheesecake...”
81. “The school checks your schedule before scheduling bake sales!”
82. “Vacation calories DO count and that’s why you had to buy a second seat!”
83. “I wish you looked at me like you look at the dessert tray.”
84. “So when you booked this cruise, did the words, ‘all-inclusive dining’ flash in front of your face like neon lights?”
85. “The things you did to that cake...I can’t decide if I should be more turned on or jealous!”
86. “I told you I didn’t want you to double-bounce me on the trampoline! I have altitude sickness now! I saw satellites! THE MAN IN THE MOON TOLD ME TO SAY HI TO YOU!!”
87. “We lost half the water in the pool after your cannonball!”
88. “I’m caught in your gravitational pull!”
89. “Well, suck it in! That’s the largest size this store sells.”
90. “So, is that a sausage in your pocket or are you just happy to see m...oh, it really is a sausage!”
91. “Didn’t the tailor JUST let those out?!”
92. “When you said you were training for a sport, I didn’t think you meant SUMO!”
93. “Is this what you looked like in high school?Well, now you look like you swallowed your younger self!
94. “I know you’re trying to bulk up, but maybe putting ice cream in your protein shakes isn’t the best strategy?”
95. “Hey, that restaurant that you like is doing their endless pasta promotion! Babe? ...Aaaand you’re already out the door.”
96. “So, need a belly rub?”
97. “So you were jock in high school, huh? At least judging by this itty, bitty letterman’s jacket you were.”
98. “I don’t think lifting your ass off the couch counts as exercise!”
99. “It looks like someone’s been bulking a bit TOO hard!”
100. “You were only on the injured list for three weeks! Like, I’m glad you’re okay, but how did you put on thirty pounds?”
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rkpcy · 4 years
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⭐️⭐️ s-pop channel’s iqs // 이세퀴 !  ⭐️ — 14회: featuring ECLIPSE’s BLUE & ANNA !
it’s the first time since k.arma came to visit that chanyeol actually knows one of the members of the visiting group personally. granted, the person he knows isn’t the actual member guesting on the show, but it’s close enough for him to feel a little more comfortable than usual. he's never even met yeri or blue even once, has only seen them on television when he's able to catch a music show, but that doesn't stop him from waddling up to them as if they've been friends forever, because any friend of ariel's is a friend of his; that's just how it's always been.
he asks about how their dorm life is, how ariel is treating them, if she's a good leader, and in retrospect, it all might sound a little suspect to anyone who might be listening in on their conversation, he's at least able to get a peek into the life of someone who's both an idol and a friend, seeing as how he hasn't been able to speak to ariel since the holidays because of her busy schedule.
there isn't much time for idle---pun intended---chit chat, though, because filming begins almost as soon as they arrive, and he puts on his hosting shoes once again. it's a role he's become comfortable in playing over the past few months, and those are months that feel like they've only been a couple of weeks. he can't believe he's already more than halfway through his six-month contract, and he can't help wonder what will happen after that, if maybe he'll finally get an opportunity to debut before he has to audition again, or if someone better will come and snatch this job up and away from him.
then again, he's never been good at thinking about the future, so he pushes it to the back of his mind as he always does, and instead chooses to focus on the task at hand: making his current guests feel welcome, even if he'll only doing it for a couple months longer.
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wilderwestking · 5 years
Wings of Fire Chapter 5 Read on AO3|FF
Summary:  Plagued by dragons, Berk offers a sacrifice. Astrid swears she will end the feared Dragon Master’s life, but when the Dragon Master’s war becomes her own, Astrid must figure out whose side she’s really on.
Rating: M
Did you all ask for Petty!Toothless and over-sharing!Hiccup? No? Too bad!
Chapter 1| Previous Chapter
Stomach full for the first time in weeks, Astrid felt herself again. The extra food filled the void in her stomach, siphoning away the soreness in her muscles and improving her mood considerably.
Choosing to spend her morning in the main cavern, Astrid sat in one of the few patches of sunlight that managed to make its way through the rocky ceiling. Watching the dragons wake from the day, she watched as they would peek their heads from their dens before shaking out their bodies and leaping into the empty air. Falling toward the ground, they would spread their wings in the final moments, soaring up to their companions.
Hair a mess from the wind made by the dragons’ upstrokes, Astrid undid her braid and begun combing it through with her fingers. Above her, dragons flew in dizzying loops and circles before disappearing into one of the many tunnels that led to places only dragons could go.
Her eyes moved toward Hiccup’s den where his Night Fury napped at the ledge, tail dangling toward the ground below. From the depths of the cave, Astrid could hear the gentle beating of a hammer against metal, though Hiccup had yet to appear from the den.
The hammering from the den grew more rapid, causing the dragon to open its eyes in annoyance. Stretching out its muscles like a giant cat, it turned its neck to bark at Hiccup before leaping from the cave. Gliding gracefully to the ground below, the dragon caught Astrid’s eye.
Eyes turning to slits, it bared its teeth at her before walking toward the forest, red and black tail swishing behind it.
Rolling her eyes at the dragon’s pettiness, she kept her eyes on Hiccup’s den until the sounds of dragons drowned out Hiccup’s tinkering.
At her side, the dragon from yesterday appeared. Jumping back, Astrid held out a hand to ward off the creature.
“Stay back!” She pleaded. Her joints were still stiff, and her eyes still watered at the memory of being frozen for hours.
The dragon tilted its red-scaled head at her, watching with bright, curious eyes. Then, sniffing at her outstretched hand, it pressed its muzzle against her palm.
Terrified of her hand being eaten, she yanked it back, clutching it to her side protectively.
Unphased by her repulsion, the dragon nuzzled its large head against her side, scratching its jawline against the course leather scales of her over-tunic.
“He wants you to pet him.”
Astrid looked up to the source of the voice: Hiccup. He was standing at the mouth of his den, a thick apron covering his front. Beneath the apron, he wore a strange leather suit with more belts and buckles than were practical. His hands were cupped around his mouth as he shouted down at her.
“Go on! Pet him!”
Astrid frowned, the idea of treating a dragon like the family dog a traitorous thought to her, but fearing being paralyzed again, obeyed the request.  Starting at the top of the dragon’s ruby head, she scratched her way down the beast’s neck. The Speedstinger turned into the touch, purring beneath her hand. Working her way down the neck until the red scales turned to iridescent green, Astrid shifted her hands to the beast’s jawline. With a scratch to the beast’s chin, it collapsed into her lap with a yip.
Startled, and fearing the Dragon Master’s retribution, she threw her hands up, looking upward at Hiccup. “I didn’t do anything! He just..collapsed!”
Above her, Hiccup laughed exuberantly. Pulling the apron strings over his head, he tossed it into the depths of his den and leaped from the cave.
Astrid shouted, standing up and dropping Quickclaw to the ground. The Speedstinger, blissfully drowsy from Astrid’s scratches, shook its head and stood up. It turned its heads to look at what had captured her attention.
Hiccup, falling toward the ground at rapid speeds, slipped his arms through the leather loops connected to his leggings. Tugging on the straps, leather wings were pulled to their full length. Gliding gracefully to the ground, he landed a few feet from Astrid. Waddling over, he laughed at her stunned expressions.
“Worried about me, huh?” He asked, smirking as he leaned down to tuck his wings back into his suit.
“You jumped off a cliff!”
“I caught myself. It’s fine.” Hiccup said, brushing off the comment and kneeling down to offer Quickclaw scratches.
The dragon nuzzled Hiccup, chittering happily as he pushed his jaw against the man’s hand.
“Why did he do that?” Astrid asked.
“Collapse from petting?”
“Most dragons have a sensitive spot under their chin. A pressure point of sorts. You hit it just right and all their muscles relax. It’s how I “defeated” the Deadly Nadder back on Berk. “
“So you were cheating! I knew it! No way you could have beaten me fair and square.” Astrid said, feeling vindicated for her childhood assumptions.
“I wasn’t cheating.” Hiccup defended, “I was using the knowledge I learned from my friendship with Toothless to my advantage.”
Between them, Quickclaw shifted its weight between its taloned-feet.
Refusing to acknowledge Hiccup’s excuse for cheating in the dragon ring, Astrid changed the topic, hands moving to rest gently on her hips.
“Why does he follow me around?”
Hiccup shrugged, watching the dragon as it danced around. “Dragons are very social creatures. Especially Speedstingers, they typically live in packs.”
“So why isn’t he with his pack?”
“Maybe he thinks he can get more food from you?”
“Well he can’t,” Astrid said, leaning down to address dragon. “It’s my food.”
Quickclaw leaned up, its nose inches from her face. Terrified of being stung, Astrid was slow to pull away, but as she did so, the dragon flicked its tongue out, licking her across the nose and mouth.
Reeling back, Astrid wiped at the saliva, groaning in disgust. Hiccup and Quickclaw laughed at her predicament.
Blushing and angry, Astrid pointed at Hiccup. “I’m leaving to wash my face. Keep him away from me. I mean it!”
Hiccup put his hands up in a sign of submission, “I’ll try, but I make no promises.”
Quickclaw stayed by her side for most of the day. Hovering at her heels like an oversized, too-sharp shadow, he constantly chittered on to the point that Astrid felt she was going insane. He was with her at the hot spring. He was with her when she explored the tunnels. He was with her when she tried to sleep the day away, hoping he would grow bored of her and leave. Instead, he had curled up beside her and fallen asleep.
Finally, turning to face the dragon, Astrid sighed. “Why are you following me? I don’t like dragons.”
Quickclaw blinked owlishly at her.
“I’m not like Hiccup. Go hang around him if you want a human friend.”
“I’m not going to feed you.”
He looked disappointed by that, but remained at her side, nonetheless. Groaning, Astrid tugged at her braid. She was sick of dragons.
Every moment she spent in Hiccup’s hidden world was a stark reminder of her hatred for the reptiles. The smell of sulfur and fire were stuck in her nose and the sound of dragons made it hard to sleep.
Even tinier dragon breeds like Quickclaw bothered her. Years of dragon raids had taught her that even the tiniest dragon could set off a raging fire.
Finally, utterly and truly exhausted with the dragon, Astrid turned to Quickclaw. He peered up at her happily, excited to have her attention. “Where is Hiccup? Can you find me Hiccup?”
The dragon thought for a moment. Sniffing the air, he darted away with Astrid struggling to keep up with the quick, little dragon.
“Can we leave the cave? Just for today?” Astrid begged, blue eyes blinking up through her lashes.
Quickclaw had delivered Astrid to the crystal meadow. Excitedly, he used his tail to point to the resting figures of Hiccup and Toothless before disappearing into the tall grass.
They were resting in a patch of sunlight that filtered through the giant crystals. Hiccup’s face was aglow with orange and pink light.
Standing over him, Astrid’s shadow cast across his form, eclipsing the glow.
He frowned, twisting his body to be in the warmth of the sun again. He didn’t meet her gaze, but she could tell he was thinking on her request by the way his eyes flitted quickly in concentration. A smirk formed on his face and he turned his green eyes to her. “Sure. I have no problem with it. But we’d have to ride on Toothless to leave the cavern.”
“That’s fine.” Astrid agreed quickly, longing to feel the sun and wind on her skin again.
“Have you asked him?”
“Excuse me?”
“Have you asked Toothless? Riding on a dragon’s back is, uh, it’s an incredibly personal thing. He may not let you.”
“I have to ask your glorified horse to fly me out of here?”
“That’s just rude and taxonomically incorrect.” Hiccup quipped. Beside him, Toothless huffed, looking insulted at the idea of being compared to a horse. Resting his large head on his even larger paws, he glared at Astrid.
“Can’t you just tell him to?”
“I can’t tell him anything. Trust me.” Hiccup said, sitting up. “Go on, ask him.”
“You can’t be serious,” Astrid asked, exasperated.
“As serious as a Berserker on a battlefield.”
Rolling her eyes, she turned her attention away from the fishbone and to the dragon. The Night Fury, seeing Astrid’s gaze fall on him, sat up. Jostling Hiccup, Toothless towered over her. The dragon peered down at her, its gaze scrutinizing.
She breathed in deeply, then, releasing an exhausted sigh, “Drag—”
“Toothless.” Hiccup corrected. “You wouldn’t like being called ‘human’ would you?”
She groaned, hands clenching to fists. “Toothless. Would...you..take us outside?”
Toothless pondered the question, tilting his head to the left and then the right in an over-exaggerated show of thinking. Then, plopping down on the ground again, he used his tail to hide his face from her.
Hiccup laughed at her.
Boiling with rage, Astrid’s voice tightened as she tried to keep her attitude in check. “I did what you asked! Why won’t he listen?”
“Maybe because you tried to kill me?” Hiccup offered. “And on the night of our honeymoon no less!” He wagged a finger at her accusingly.
“Honeymoon? What the hel are you talking about?”
“Well, it was the night of your sacrifice. You were wearing wedding silks. Your father gave you away. The chief officiated it. For all intents and purposes, you were married to the feared Dragon Master.” He pointed his thumb at his chest, smirking. “That’s me.”
“We are not married.”
“Hey, I’m not any happier about it than you are.” Hiccup said, turning his hands so the palms faced Astrid. “What I am saying is maybe he doesn’t take kindly to you attacking me.”
“That was two weeks ago!”
“Yes, and while I’m all about second chances, Toothless? Not so much.”
“So that’s it? I’m just stuck down here?”
“You could try apologizing?”
Fine,” Astrid said. “I’m sorry.”
“Not to me,” Hiccup said, motioning to his dragon. “To him.”
“No,” Astrid said, stomping her foot like a prideful child. “No way in hel am I apologizing to a dragon.”
“Then I guess you’re stuck here. Shame too, it’s a beautiful day. Toothless and I went flying earlier this morning.” Hiccup shrugged his shoulders and reclined back against Toothless, putting his arms behind his head.
Astrid groaned, weighing her options as she shifted her weight from side to side. The outside world brought sunshine and potential food and the opportunity to scope out where she was being kept. The opportunity for navigational insight was too important for Astrid to lose over her pride. So, swallowing it—which was like swallowing rotted cod—Astrid turned her attention back to the Night Fury. Although its tail obscured most of its face, Astrid could see a draconic smirk on the beast’s face.
“Toothless, I’m sorry I tried to kill your mast—”
“Friend.” Hiccup corrected. “Best friend.”
“—Your best friend,” Astrid said through gritted teeth. “But he kidnapped me, taking me away from the only home I’ve ever known. I feared what he would do to me.”
Toothless lowered his tail fin slowly, watching the girl with an intense gaze. Pupils dilating, the green disappeared, and Astrid could see herself in his large, black pupils. He warbled.
“That’s it,” Hiccup encouraged, a smile flitting across his freckled face.
“Would you..um..please consider letting me ride on your back so I can go outside?”
The pause was shorter this time. Toothless lifted his head up, watching her as though he could see her soul. He nodded his head.
“See?” Hiccup said, “Dragons can be kind and forgiving. All you have to do is treat them with respect.” He patted the dragon’s shoulder for emphasis.
“So, you’ll do it? You’ll take me outside?” Astrid asked, leaning toward Hiccup, weight on the tips of her toes.
He shrugged, “Why not? There hasn’t been an attempt on my life in a while. I’d say that warrants some outdoor time.”
Standing up, Hiccup dusted off his flight suit before climbing into Toothless’s saddle. He extended his hand to help Astrid aboard, but she was already scrambling into the saddle behind him.
“But,” He said, turning his head to look at her, “If you try anything, I won—”
Feeling the weight of both passengers, Toothless spread his bat-like wings, taking Hiccup’s words away as they lifted off. Astrid lurched back, Hiccup having to grab hold of her tunic to keep her from falling off the dragon. Startled, she threw her arms out, wrapping them around his middle tightly.
Pressing against his back, Astrid shut her eyes as Toothless nose-dived into a tunnel. The wind rushed past her at such high speeds that Astrid knew a fall would be deadly. With that in mind, she clung tighter to Hiccup as he directed Toothless up and out of the mountain.
Breaking through the rocky opening, Astrid was bathed in warm sunlight for the first time in weeks.
Opening her eyes, she smiled, despite being a prisoner. Keeping her arms around Hiccup, she leaned her neck back, turning her face toward the sun. She felt Hiccup move his leg and heard a light click as the rigging shifted to allow the Night Fury to climb higher into the sky.
Above the island, Toothless leveled out, wings flapping gently to keep the group aloft. Hiccup turned his head to check on her. “Okay back there?”
Astrid hummed in response, looking out toward the ocean. From their perch above the island, Astrid could see out in every direction. Unfortunately, only the ocean met her gaze. Frowning, she squinted her eyes, straining and hoping to see another island in the distance. She knew they had flown South and Hiccup had mentioned they had left the Archipelago, but surely, there had to be something she could use to learn her position. Below her, the trees reached ever upward, rising to meet the Night Fury as he flew above their points.
The dragon flew to the edge of the island, choosing to land on one of the many beaches. Claws sinking into the thick white sand, he landed with natural grace.
Astrid jumped from the saddle, yanking her boots off as she headed to the shoreline. The sand was hot on her toes and the salty air of the ocean reminded her of home. She was a long ways from Berk, but, at least for a moment, she could pretend that she had snuck away from the village to Thor’s beach.
Hiccup dismounted but chose to stay near Toothless. Leaning against the dragon’s side, he watched as Astrid walked to the waterline, sticking her feet into the freezing ocean and turning her face back to the sky.
“It’s warmer here than it is on Berk.” Hiccup said, “Summer should end soon for Berk, but we will have a few more weeks.”
“You don’t raid us in the winter,” Astrid said. “Why is that?”
“I never raid you, but the dragons don’t like cold weather.”
“You said that you never raid us. Why do your dragons raid us?”
“The dragons that raid Berk aren’t part of this nest. They live in a nest near Helheim’s Gate.  And they don’t raid you because they want to, Astrid. They’re controlled by a monster.”
“A monster?” Astrid asked raising an eyebrow at his words.
He nodded solemnly, “A tyrant queen the size of a mountain. Maybe larger—I’ve ever only seen its head.”
Astrid turned her head to look at him, a mocking tone in her voice. “Are you sure you haven’t just found Jörmungandr?”
“I’m not joking. This dragon is…is huge!” Hiccup stuttered, waving his arms to show the beast’s proportions. “She forces dragons to go out and find her food. If they don’t bring back enough food than she eats them. I’ve seen her swallow a Gronkle whole! It was like a grain of rice to her.”
“So why do you help them?”
“I don’t. I try to mitigate damage. I try to free them from her thralldom. I try to save lives—on both sides!”
“Doing a pretty poor job of it,” Astrid grumbled, turning away from Hiccup and sitting down in the sands. The waves lapped her feet,
Slowly, as though Astrid would attack him, Hiccup took the spot at her side. Keeping his foot dry, he watched her. “I’m only one man, Astrid.”
She watched him from the corner of her eyes, noticing the way his eyes searched her face.
“In the forest the other day, you asked me if your sacrifice mattered…And I told you not to think on it…”
“You said it would drive me crazy.”
“That’s because I’ve spent years wondering the same thing. I sacrificed my home, my father, my status as heir to befriend Toothless—and I would do it again a thousand times—but I used to lie awake at night hoping that I did the right thing by leaving.”
“And now I know that I did. You may not realize it now, and Berk may never realize it, but I am saving lives. Dragon and human, Astrid.”
Astrid didn’t respond to him, unsure of what to say. Known for the past five years as the Dragon Master, she was struggling to wrap her mind around a world where Hiccup had been protecting Berk during raids. Every life lost, ever limb devoured, every child’s scream in the night she had blamed on him and his demons.
Dragons were the enemy.
Dragons are the enemy, Astrid corrected herself.
The two fell into an uneasy silence, but Astrid didn’t mind the quiet.  Face toward the sky, Astrid watched as Skoll chased the sun through the sky, the sound of the waves overlapping with the occasional dragon call. At some point, Hiccup left her to her peace, choosing to recede into the comfort of his Night Fury.
It wasn’t until the sky turned orange and the air cold that Hiccup put a hand on her shoulder, looking down at her and saying it was time to go inside.
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No cover art this time! Might update this later with it.
It was pretty difficult trying to make this game work as a stand-alone, but still have the Kirby charm. That applies to both the storyline and the gameplay, for the record. Any and all criticism is encouraged! Just like with Kirby’s Inferno, this is not meant to be speculation on a future Kirby game, this is solely made for fun! If there ever is a Meta Knight spinoff, you didn’t hear it from me.
It’s an average peaceful day in Dreamland, and Captain Vul is overseeing the Meta-Knights’ training. They’re all doing pretty well, except for Sailor Dee, who just can’t seem to get a hang of his bow and arrow. Vul is most proud of Meta Knight himself, however, and lauds him when he shuttle-loops a training dummy into stuffing. This exercise is interrupted when a strange meteor crashes down about a mile away, and Sword, Blade, and Meta Knight go off to scope it out.
Upon further inspection, they see that it appears to be a small escape pod of some sort, and there’s a person covered in stars inside of it. Without warning, he bursts from it and lunges at Meta Knight, thrusting a nodachi at his face. They clash for quite some time until Sword and Blade take over, and the other Meta-Knights sans Sailor dogpile on as well. As Meta Knight catches his breath, a small fairy then exits the pod, dazed and weak. She shakes it off, and gasps at the sight before her.
The man manages to break through the barrage of attacks and tries again to strike Meta Knight, but their blades clash and they struggle to maintain their own ground. The fairy girl then yanks the guy away by his ponytail and shows him a picture of a certain spherical hero. It’s actually Kirby, but due to the picture having no color (or any other identification, WTF, Tara?), he believes it to be Meta Knight.
They apologize for attacking and explain themselves. Orion comes from the planet of Aurora Cosmos, which is currently under attack by a mysterious moon-like structure known as the Eclipse Castle. Being the gentlemen that they are (and a little sheepish for attacking an innocent guy), they agree to help him and lead him to the Halberd. Sailor Dee finally hits the target dead on, and Tara cheers him as Axe and Mace guide him into the ship.
Upon reaching Orion’s planet, they can safely affirm that the massive crescent moon-shaped object above the shimmering green planet probably isn’t supposed to be there. I mean, usually, it’s a bad thing when half of the planet’s coated in a gross blackish tar. Landing on the planet proves difficult as well, being that they’re attacked by shapeshifting beasts (which Tara refers to as Morphix) and nearly crash.  
Unfettered, the band of knights marches on through the land, slaying these freakish creatures and saving the natives from a gooey torment. But, something seems to be off about Orion. Even for the Meta-Knights, he seems a bit too aloof and unattached, only focusing on the mission at hand and refusing to take a load off.
This reaches a head when after defeating a massive Morphix that begins ripping the place to shreds, Orion does something obscenely reckless. He nonchalantly leaps off of a cliff, and Meta Knight dives after him, catching him and flying him to safety. When they land, the poor guy is in a state of utter bewilderment at what just happened. Apparently, Orion should be able to fly, and is pretty shocked at his sudden inability.
Later, when the crew is roasting marshmallows around a fire, he stands alone and ponders what could be happening. Much to his horror, the answer is made clear when he sees that the stars on his arms are disappearing. He quickly yanks his arm guards over the now-blank spots to hide them as Meta Knight approaches.
Meta Knight can tell something’s wrong but doesn’t pry; instead silently reassuring him that he’ll be fine if they stick together. They hear a scream of terror and turn to see that Tara’s marshmallow has caught fire, and she’s flying around in a tizzy trying to put it out. Sailor Dee helps her out by chucking it into a pond, which gets everyone to laugh and finally unwind.
Once all the countries of the planet are nice and monsterless, the knights turn their attention to the Eclipse Castle. Something goes horribly wrong when they bring the Halberd to the surface. Not only are they immediately grounded by black spires and crash land, Orion suddenly yells out and collapses, the stars from his body rapidly dissolving. The crew rushes over to him and a tearful Tara reveals that they haven’t been exactly honest with them. 
Many years ago, Orion’s people were cursed by a vengeful and chaotic mage named Pitch Shadow, who threatened to destroy their planet if they did not submit to his will and give him their magical power. Orion knew that going after him alone would mean certain demise, but he didn’t care as long as his planet was safe. It was only with Tara’s urging that he changed his mind and decided to seek out allies.
Orion is true and fully dead. Furious, Meta Knight leaps through the portal to destroy him, the hesitant crew following suit. Inside the Midnight Castle, they find a massive crystal ball chained to the ground with thick glowing chains. Upon breaking it open, they realize their horrible mistake, as it turns out that the chains were what was giving it it’s energy.
Now fully freed, Pitch begins to siphon all the life out of the planet. They’ve got to turn around to the Halberd and use its cannons to shatter the chains before pummeling him into a pulp once more. With the mage blasted into oblivion, the Eclipse Castle itself starts falling to pieces, and they bolt out of there as fast as they can.
The Halberd continues its journey back down to Aurora Cosmos, while both Meta Knight and Tara sadly gaze upon Orion’s body in the sick bay. Meta Knight turns to leave, but something catches his eye outside the window; a vast collection of golden stars has appeared where the Eclipse Castle used to be, and they’re heading right towards the ship.
As they fill the interior, the markings on Orion’s body reappear, and he awakens. Tara is overjoyed, fluttering around him, and cheering as Meta Knight stares in shock. Overcome by emotion, Meta Knight rushes over to him and embraces him, Orion taking it in stride as he pats Meta’s head.
Triumphant, the knights and Orion land to a cheering crowd. Orion’s wings reappear, to which he responds to by challenging Meta Knight to a race. But as the two take off and dart around the city, it becomes less of a competition and more of the two simply having fun! 
Each member has their own personal move set and stats, which can be paired up with another knight to create exclusive moves (and to help with puzzles)
However, they all share one move; they plant their weapon in the ground and clutch onto it, preventing them from being blown away or sucked up by enemies. (ha-ha, wow, that’s dark)
By defeating enemies with combos, you fill up a meter called “boost points”. This gives you the ability to call on Tara so that she can give you extra help with a quick nuzzle or a beam of light from her horn.
These powers include temporary invincibility, stronger attacks, more health, or heightened speed.
Pieces of armor can also show up in hidden crates across various levels, all randomized.
You can mix and match different caps, armor, and weapons, but there are exclusive sets that can permanently boost your stats if completed.
There’s a daily roulette wheel (à la Miitopia) that can give you brand new armor, more boost points, or Maxim Tomatoes.
The game’s map operates the same way that Amazing Mirror’s does, with an open world you can freely move around to which level you’d like and replay them at your leisure. They’re connected all by a central hub in the Halberd, which has a training room and an armory that you can enter at any time.
There’s a boss at the end of every level, not just the worlds! Admittedly, they’re still about the same difficulty as midbosses.
Sable Shores
Tornado Terrace
Energy Expo
Lachrymose Loch
Lit Landing
Ablaze Alcove
Roaring Reaches
Eclipse Castle
Tara’s Dialogue (hub)
(answers to "Greetings.")
You're so cool, Meta Knight! I know you can save us! I-I-I mean, help us.
(post-game) I knew you could do it! Thank you so much for all your aid.
(answers to "Let me see the armory.")
Want to see what armors you've got?
(50% or higher completion) It's getting pretty packed in there! Watch your head!
(100% completion) Brings back memories, doesn't it?
(answer to "I want to try the roulette.")
It's time to play some roulette!
(answers to "What do you think of the crew?")
Captain Vul is astounding! But he's so tall, it scares me a little bit.
Sword Knight is great! His helmet looks like a yummy loaf of bread!
Blade Knight is so brave! He looks up to you a lot, you know.
Mace Knight is so funny! That guy always knows how to cheer me up!
Javelin Knight is very smart! I've never met a robot before!
Axe Knight is so loyal! You two remind me of Orion and me!
Trident Knight is pretty mysterious! But he's good fun!
Sailor Waddle Dee is so cute! ...um, that's all I have to say.
Orion is awe-inspiring! He's my best friend in the whole world!
(answers to "Do you have any advice?")
Have you tried out the training room? It never hurts to brush up on your skills!
Some knights mesh better than others. Try out a bunch of teams and see which works for you!
You should smile more! ...oh, that's not what you meant, is it?
(answers to "Thank you. Goodbye.")
It's been a long journey so far. Why not take a rest?
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barpurplewrites · 7 years
Not a Normal Christmas
Chapter 1 of a Rumbelled Die Hard. Yup, apparently I am crazy, but hey you all knew that right?
Rated G at the moment, but that will go up pretty quick if I continue this.
“Ladies and gentleman, welcome to New York. I hope you all packed a warm Christmas jumper, because it’s a winter wonderland out there. Thank you for flying with us, and have a happy holiday.”
Belle’s grip on the arm rests had turned her knuckles white. She blew out a shaky breath and relaxed a little now she was back on solid ground. The guy in the seat next to her peered across at her with a concerned look.
“Nervous flyer?”
He’d been a pleasant seatmate, after a polite hello, he’d left her alone. A vast improvement on the man on the flight out to California, who had demanded her attention the whole time, and insulted the book she’d been reading.
Belle chuckled; “What gave it away?”
He glanced at the armrest that bore a shiny trace of how clammy her palms had been with a shrug.
“I’ll give you a tip, when you get where you are going, take your socks and shoes off and make fists with your toes in the carpet.”
He smiled at her disbelieving look; “I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve been flying for ten years and that’s the best thing I found to get rid of flying stress.”
It was perhaps the oddest flying tip she’d ever been given, but sounded harmless enough, unlike Cara’s suggestion of a Valium and a double G and T. Belle fallen asleep in the departures lounge and missed her flight after trying that one. She gave the man a thumbs-up and said; “I’ll try it, thanks.”
She wrestled the giant plush dragon from the overhead compartment and almost bumped into the redhead flight attendant who had been flirting gently during the flight. She smiled back at the woman, and joined the shuffling mass of passengers disembarking the plane.
Gold doubled checked the figures as he strolled down the corridor to his office, everything was looking good. Excalibur Industries would finish the calendar year on target, financially at least. Two workmen dodge past him with muttered apologies. Gold shook his head; Saint Michael’s Tower had been dubbed Camelot by the staff and the name had been taken up by most of the city. Not a bad play on the name of their CEO, Merlin Glendower, and perfectly in keeping with the thematic names of Arthurian legends that the company favoured for projects. Whatever it was called the building was set to be a shining showcase of sustainable energy and ethical building techniques; if they ever got the damn thing finished.
Gold cringed internally, he couldn’t stand Zelena Greene, but his dislike didn’t stop the woman flirting with him every chance she got, she seamed to think that his wedding ring was just a fashion accessory.
She fell into step with him, far to close for his comfort, and smiled; “Have dinner with me tonight?”
He cocked his head at her and frowned; “It’s Christmas Eve. Time to be spent with family, watching Muppets Christmas Carol and the Snowman, hanging stockings and wrapping last minute presents. Any of this sound familiar?”
They had reached the door of his office now and Zelena leaned against the doorframe and batted her eyelashes at him; “I was thinking more along the lines of mulled wine, fine food and perhaps,” – she ran a finger over his tie, - “You could hang my stockings at the end of your bed.”
Gold plucked his tie from her fingers and said firmly; “Go and enjoy the party Zelena.”
He waited until she’d moved away down the hallway and shuddered slightly, before taking a breath and strolling into his office. He gave an affected groan at the sight of his assistant, Ashley, who was still hard at work.
“Go and join the party Ashley, you’re making me feel like Scrooge.”
“Just finished Mr Gold. Think the baby will let me eat some shrimp?”
She heaved herself out of her chair and rubbed a hand over the pregnant curve of her belly. Ashley was seven months along and was carrying twins.
“I reckon if the troublesome twosome can make you crave snickerdoodles and marmite, they can cope with some shrimp.”
Ashley chuckled at him and headed out to the party in the Arboretum. Watching her waddling gait triggered a memory of Belle when she’d been at this stage of her pregnancy with Gideon. He sat down at his desk and looked at the wallpaper on is cell; a photo of the three of them last year on a picnic in the park, before Belle had received the offer to go work at Berkeley, and before he had buggered up massively. Christmas morning would dawn and hopefully a new chapter in their lives. He sighed and punched the contact for home.
“Hello Papa!”
The excited voice at the other end of the phone brought a wine smile to his face.
“Hello Gid, how did you know it was me?”
“I am six and a half, Papa. I can read the caller id, y’know.”
“Of course. Are you being good for Grandpa?”
“Yup. We’ve been building a massive castle out of Lego. Papa? Is Mama coming home with you?”
Gold wanted to say of course, but he’d not heard from Belle yet and didn’t want to promise something he couldn’t deliver.
“Santa and I will see what we can do Gid. Can I talk to Grandpa?”
“Okay, see you later Papa!”
There was a pause and then Belle’s father came on the line; “Evening Gold, before you ask, Belle phone before she got on her flight. Said her phone battery was almost flat and she’s forgotten her charger.”
Gold relaxed for the first time in hours, Belle was coming home for Christmas; “Okay, thanks Moe. We’ll be home in a few hours.”
 In the arrivals hall Belle dodged past the happy reunions. There had been a time when Rum would have been here waiting for her with Gid to welcome her as enthusiastically, but their marriage had strained to breaking point when she was offered the job at Berkeley. For the past six months they’d been in a holding pattern, not daring to deal with their problems for fear of destroying the tentative balance they had found. She hoped they could keep that truce over Christmas for Gid’s sake, but at some point, they were going to have to talk about their future, and that was bound to cause fireworks.
She missed a step and did a double take at a sign held by one of the waiting drivers. Dr Belle Gold. It suddenly hit her that she’d not seen her married name written down like that for six months, at Berkeley she was Dr Belle French. She chewed on her bottom lip, that she’d gone back to using her maiden name for work had been one of the arguments her and Rum had had before she left; he’d accused her of taking the first step out of their marriage, she’d accused him of being possessive. It had been ugly, the only saving grace had been that Gideon was at school when they had yelled at each other.
She walked over to the driver; “I’m Belle Gold.”
He gave her a wide smile; “Good evening. I’m Jefferson, your limo driver.”
His smile faltered a little and Belle got the distinct impression that he was new at this.
“Well, this is my first time in a limo, so what do we do now?”
Jefferson laughed; “This is my first time driving one, so I guess we’ll muddle through together. Shall we?”
He made a flourishing gesture towards the exit and Belle couldn’t help, but chuckle.
 The dark-haired man checked the bags once more and gave a curt nod.
“Time to move out.”
Only one member of the crew gathered around him didn’t hop to and jump into the truck. He stood wringing his hat in his hands. The dark-haired man rolled his eyes and huffed a frustrated sigh.
“We’ve never done anything this big before.”
He jumped as a hearty arm landed across his shoulder, and he was subjected to a wide smile.
“We have done heists more dangerous than this. I know we can handle a few drunken businessmen and their pretty secretaries. Buck up Smee. By Boxing day we’ll be filthy rich, drink rum on a beach in the Caribbean.”
Greed gleamed in Smee’s eyes, eclipsing the fear. He grinned widely and hurried to the truck. Killian Jones followed Smee and swung himself up into the front seat.
“Gentleman, let’s pay a visit to Camelot.”
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otakucaboosewrites · 8 years
Lulu’s Growing Desires, 5
Doctor’s Notes
Formerly Pinnacle Rock, Day 4
Holy. Fucking. Shit. It’s not every day you wake up to find a goddess-damned LANDMARK leveled by a monolith of flesh. I have no words left to describe how massive that sea-cow has gotten, but at least her food intake has slacked off somewhat and the immediate problem of her blowing up seems to have abated. I’m not separating those two for more than a day ever again, that was too close. I don’t care how big the boy makes her, it’s FAR better than the alternative…
In other news, that selfish little remora Iko has had some interesting developments! She seems hooked on our dear goddess’s milk, and I’ve got nothing better to do with the excess we pump out of her except give it to Iko. After seeing what overdosing does to someone, it’s slaked my appetite…
Ophora opened the door to the lowest room in the central tower, which Iko had picked out for herself on their first day. She was greeted with a grumbling noise as the room’s sole occupant heard her drag in a huge sealed jar of holy milk.
“Hey Iko, I have your dinner!” Ophora said, bracing herself to see what changes had befallen the woman since lunch. From a side chamber, she caught a glimpse of blue flesh bounding out before she was bowled over.
“Thank you soooo much Ophie!” squealed the woman sitting on top of the doctor, no longer a fit and trim specimen of a fishwoman. Her formerly muscular physique was hidden under layer upon layer of thick, jiggling fat. Her hips had flared immensely, and were the reason she was dependant on Ophora bringing her milk, as her massive breeding hips were too big for the doorway. Her breasts weren’t far behind, two massive globes hanging from her chest, but bone dry. Her belly had actually gotten away with the least change, a tubby potbelly just barely hiding her pronounced abs. “Yay Lulu milk! You know just what I like!” she said as she hefted the jar, popped the seal and began to chug.
“Well I’m just thoughtful like that.” Ophora said, gently pushing Iko off and edging for the door as Iko’s belly began to balloon with it’s dairy cargo. “I’ll be back with your breakfast tomorrow morning. Remember to take your measurements!”
“Mmhmm!” Iko mumbled around her feast, nothing more important to her at the moment than getting milk into her stomach.
Doctor’s Notes
Fort Ophora, Day 5
If she weren’t so FAT she’d crush me with those silly tackles… wonder if she’ll get plush enough to lose buoyancy control? Only time will tell.
As for my developing couple, the boy has been coming by every evening for ‘lessons’ and every evening I have to let my sweater and skirt out. I’ve been teaching him how to take care of a woman as well as trying to tutor him in Sheikah arts, but the former is having a lasting impact. He’s blowing me up, and I’m sure he thinks I’m doing it to myself because he’s always out of the room before it happens. Still, it’s worth it. The boy’s a natural at eating fish, and he’s supernaturally good at working my swollen tits. Oh goddess, I need relief… and the boy is out HUNTING! Maybe I can play with my ball…
Ophora waddled her way up to the ‘roof’ of the underground outpost, pausing mid-step when the cerulean-streaked cyan surface came into view. No matter how many times she saw the blessed mother, the sight still took her breath away as her brain tried to make sense of the woman’s girth. She began the long paddle upward, slowing down when she heard a pronounced sigh behind the twin globes that were Lulu’s luxuriously soft cheeks. Ophora gently set herself down on one, provoking a squeak as she opened up with some pleasantries.
“Hey Lu, what’s with the sighs?” she asked as she snuggled into her personal chair.
“I miss Fel… and I’m hungry…” she pouted. “I know he hasn’t been gone for long, but that just makes it worse!”
“Would you mind if I subbed for him? A doctor should keep her patient healthy…” Ophora asked, rubbing wide swathes of Lulu’s sensitive ass.
“Oooooh that would be niiiice…” Lulu purred, throwing a bottle over her shoulder. “Fel was in such a hurry this morning he forgot to rub me down.”
“I hope you’ve used more than half a bottle so far.” the doctor snarked, looking out over the vast expanse of blue. “You can’t skimp if you want your skin to heal up right.” Two empty bottles sailed past her as the immense woman chuckled.
“Third one, actually. Fel loves an excuse to get his hands on me. He knows he doesn’t need it, but he really wants to prove he’s being helpful… mmm that feels nice…”
“Ha, he’s such a kid! Glad to see he’s still a cutie. Just curious, but have you two done it yet?”
“Ye… w-well, strictly speaking, no…” Lulu stuttered, caught off guard by the smaller woman’s bluntness.
“You really should seal the deal with him Lu. If these eggs are anything like a normal pregnancy then they still need a father, and could you lay there and tell me you have a better person picked out? And even if they don’t the boy deserves all the love you can give him, right?” Ophora said, planting seeds in the mother’s mind.
“You’re right about that… I suppose it's long overdue…”
“Well you just think about that, I’m not the one who’ll need to hear your answer. But that’s all Felice stuff, how are you holding up?”
“I’m... managing…” Lulu said with a sigh.
“What’s eating you, Lu?” Ophora asked, her sincere worry surprising herself.
“I’ve just had too much time to think, Ophora. Last time I had kids was very much like this. I’m just worried about something happening to the little ones, or those I care about… or even myself.” the large woman muttered, a thousand-yard stare on her face.
Ophora was quiet for a moment. The singer’s first pregnancy had started unexpectedly and ended with the death of her beloved, the loss of her voice, and the kidnapping of her children. As far as she knew, the kids were still being watched at the lakeside laboratory where she had learned most of her craft, the crotchety old scientist there still convinced the water in the bay wasn’t right for Zoran tadpoles. She wondered if Lulu had as much as held them before…
“Everything will be fine Lu. Just fine. You’re healthy as a seahorse, and you’ve got me and Felice. Nothing bad will happen to any of us. Not on my watch.”
“...thanks doctor. You missed a spot, by the way.” Lulu joked, her friend still working on the first quarter of her colossal womb.
Doctor’s Notes
Lulu Village, Day 5 addendum
I am putting my previous potion plan on hold. Until I give birth I don’t know how it would affect anything beyond egg size. I can’t do that to her in good conscience. Heh, look who has a conscience now! Got too close to my subjects I guess, I can’t view her or the boy objectively anymore. Guess I really am just Doc Opho. Nothing wrong with that, just a little boring.
Fel-Fel is coming over for another lesson soon, so I’d better get back. He’s a quick study, he might not be able to make elements from nothing like the warriors of legends, but he’s got manipulating what’s around him down-pat. Might be able to keep up with Zora swimmers if he makes his own little current. On the other side of his studies, I should teach him a little more than just sex… there’s so much to properly pleasuring a woman…
Ophora closed the door behind her, waddling into her study to put down her notepad when she was grabbed from behind. Offending hands clutched her swollen breasts as the person cuddled to her back, something hard pressing against her fleshy glutes.
“Ohhh jeez Fel, you really know how to surprise a girl! I thought you were out hunting!” Ophora whined, the boy’s grip kneading her tits as a cloudy white liquid seeped out the front of her sweater.
“We got back early, but I didn’t wanna interrupt you and momma so I waited here. This is what you meant by ‘surprising your lover’ right?”
“Someone’s been paying attention, but this might be a bit literal. A more high strung Zora might have gone into labor if you did that.”
“Sorry Ms. Opho…” the boy pouted, prompting Ophora to giggle at him.
“It’s quite alright Fel-Fel. Now come into my bedroom, today’s lesson is going to be a little different. And grab that rope, we’ll need it.” she ordered, waddling into her room and quickly shucking her clothing. Laying out on her bed, her hefty belly eclipsing the door entirely as her boobs pooled over her chin, she waited until she heard the boy’s breath catch in his throat. “Enjoying the view? You have the rope, yes? Tie my ankles to the bed poles down there.”
“Y-yes Ms. Opho!” he chirped, fumbling with the smooth thread as he roped her legs to the bed.
“Now do the same to my hands.” She commanded, and he just as quickly complied, tieing her down completely.
“N-now what Ms. Opho?”
“Now I want you to do whatever you want to me. I can nudge you in the right direction, but I want to see what you can do. If you think it’ll be sexy, do it. There’s more to sex than the sex, and there’s no better teacher than experience. Just one rule, if I say ‘seabreeze’ stop what you’re doing and let me go.”
“O-okay Ms. Opho…” Felice stuttered, uncertainty flowing from his tone.
“...on second thought, two rules. No ‘Ms. Opho.’ I’m your toy for now, call me something dirty like your ‘baby factory.’ Maybe some roleplay or something, just let go, do whatever makes you feel good. Be selfish. I promise you Lu loves this kinda stuff, so practice with me.”
Hearing him take a deep shuddering breath from behind her fertile mounds, she wondered what the boy would come up with as he loudly exhaled. She felt his hands grace her stuffed womb as he cleared his throat.
“H-how is my baby factory doing today?” he asked, trying to remember what he was taught about roleplay.
“I’m doing well master.” Ophora purred, wiggling her hips to shake her belly at the boy. “Look at how many eggs I’m making for you.”
“I suppose that’s nice… I feel like you could handle more though…” Felice muttered, hesitant.
“Oh no, I disappointed master! Are you going to punish me? Slap my naughty, tiny belly?” the tied doctor teased.
“Y-yea, I will!” the sheikah shouted, pulling his hand back and tapping her tummy with a light pat. “Oh goddess I’m sorry Ms. Opho are you ok!?”
“You don’t have a mean bone in your body do you?” The zora sighed. “Forget the act then, just do things. You have a preggo all to yourself, no one's going to stop you. If you’ve ever dreamed about doing anything, now’s the time to try it.” His face turned red as he thought back to a stimulating night when he was stuck on land, and he quickly undid his trousers. Hopping up onto the bed between her legs, he stood and grabbed the sides of her belly, looking into her eyes over the crest of her swell. She felt his hard shaft on her underbelly as it began to rub forward and back, sliding along her velvet flesh.
‘He just wants to dry-hump my tummy.’ she thought, somewhat bored. ‘Oh well, I guess I expected too much from him. He’s just too nice and too inexperienced…’ She felt a warmth spread over her dome as the boy cried out, a weight settling on her legs as he slumped down. “Did you have fun?” she said, bemusedly waiting for his ragged panting to subside.
“Yes… Miss Opho…”
“Good. Now if you wouldn’t mind letting me uuuuuuunf~” Ophora moaned, a familiar pleasing warmth bubbling up from within. She struggled against her bonds, futilely trying to grope herself as her body began to expand.
“What’s wrong Miss Oph-oh my goddess!” Felice yipped, his eyes wide as he watched the blue spheres before him inch larger.
“Guess the… mmmmm… catfish is… out of the net…” the growing woman grunted, feeling the boy’s hands caress her womb as a hard tube once more smacked into her belly.
“I did this… I can do this…?” the white-haired boy mumbled, the blood rushing to his member beginning to blur his vision. His hips thrust on their own, slowly dragging his rod across the ballooning ball before him.
“F-fellllll… stoooooop…” she moaned, her lust-addled state keeping her safeword just out of mind, and his preventing him from hearing her groaning pleas as he soldiered on. He looked towards her, but what was once a view of her face was now blocked by quivering teal breasts as they greedily searched for more space. She bucked against her bindings, twin geysers of milk shooting from her breasts pushing Felice over the edge as his own mound jets another spurt of white onto the slope before him. His knees buckle, his body spent as his partner’s womb absorbed his magic-infused leavings and her growth spiked. Ophora could do nothing but moan in ecstasy, her body burning hot with pleasure while it gently rounded out. Felice watched her belly as it tightened up, a rubberized shine glinting off its surface as a single dark-blue mark began to appear down the center. His eyes snapped open from their drowsy state as a blue blush settled onto her skin and her growth stopped, thinking back to similar events two days ago.
“Seabreeze!” he shouted, fumbling at her restraints as he vomited out apology after apology, helping Ophora into a sitting position to free her from her new weight.
“Feellll it’s oooookaaaayyy…” she groaned as the hormones, tightness, and pleasure conspired to draw out her speech. She pet him as he babbled, riding out the aftershocks as the fish-woman took stock of her new body shape. Her forward view was entirely obscured by her massive milkers, propped up as they were on her egg-bloated belly. Taking a cleansing breath, she turned to the damp-eyed boy, “Fel, can you get me my sewing kit and floor mirror? I’m gonna need to let out my sweater.”
Doctor’s Notes
Oasis Felice, Day 5 addendum 2
With a little help from the boy I’ve got my measurements and it looks like I’ll be sewing for awhile. My belly measurements match Lu’s when she last came to my clinic, but my boobs and tush are so much bigger! Everything’s still about the same relative size, so it looks like my equal proportions are holding no matter how big I get. Gonna need help getting milked from now on, but I’m sure Fel will oblige me. I sent him off to play with Lu for now, can’t have him ignoring her for my sake and I’m sure he can skip one evening of magic practice. Even gave him a tip on how to rile her up. I wonder if she’s going to act on her feelings…
Lulu lay out on her side, as close to purring as a Zora could get. Ophora had been very thorough in her work, coating every last inch of her egg-filled sac and leaving it at a mirror sheen. She snuggled into the soft pillow of her breast as the evening sun beamed down on her cyan flesh, suffusing her with a gentle warmth. The great egg-maker felt a tickling irritation on her navel, almost hesitant in how brief it was. She drowsily reached out to scratch it, her sleepy mind not understanding the fruitlessness of the task as she rubbed her flank. Her half-hearted mumbled was cut off by a quick intake of air, followed by a pleased sigh as the irritation was replaced by a sharp pinch on her fleshy nub.
“W-whoooo’s there?” Lulu shouted, her volume necessary with how far away the intruder was from her torso. She moaned aloud as she felt them push against her navel, the deep tissue massage quickly working the Zora into an amorous mood. The masseuse worked their way down her belly, following her linea until the small hands were pawing at her panties. She shuddered at the brief touch across her most sensitive spot as they moved along her fluffy buns, a flash of white visible over her shoulder. “Fel, is that you?”
“Yes ma’am!” the boy cheerily replied, taking no small satisfaction in seeing the blush on her face. “We found lots of food today, so we came back early.”
“That’s wonderful dear, I missed you today!” She beamed at him, her thoughts drifting to her conversation earlier in the day. “Hey Fel, do you know how people become daddies?” Felice thought for a moment, the puzzled expression on his face forcing Lulu to stifle some giggles.
“Well… when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, that’s how babies are made… so if someone has a baby with a mommy, it makes them a daddy?” he puzzled out.
“That’s about right. Do you know how a mommy and daddy make a baby?” she asked, her mind made up.
“They do something special… I don’t know what though…” he asked, a little crestfallen that he was so quickly stumped.
“I can teach you, if you want. Just answer this one question: Do you want to be their daddy?” she said, patting the side of her eggy mass. This caught the small Sheikah by surprise; he had not long ago thrown a fit about sharing his momma with the impending clutch.
“But would you still be my momma then?” he asked, trying to reconcile his thoughts.
“I’d be their momma, and you’d be their daddy. But to you, I’d be your Lulu, and you’d be my Felice.” she stated, warmly smiling at him. He floated about for a bit, weighing the options.
‘I don’t get to call her momma anymore… but I get the whole momma?’ he pondered. “So you’re all mine?”
“Yes dear, the babies would have a momma, Ophora has a friend, but you would have everything.”
“...ok… but what would I call you then?” Felice asked.
“How about ‘lover’?” Lulu whispered, bringing a blush to his cheeks. “Now call the others, I want to be on my front for this.”
“Actually… I think I can do that myself.” He said, grinning as he put his hands together.
“What are you dooOOOOOOOOING!?” Lulu yelled as a strong current formed as if from nothing, rolling her along the seafloor until her navel rested against the stone.
“Ophora’s been tutoring me in magic!” he chittered, his exuberance in his ability clear.
“So that’s where you’ve been wandering off to! Now, I need you to take off my panties.” she ordered. Felice blushed abit as he lay hands on her plush rear, pulling gently down causing the fabric to quickly bust at the seams and free her deceptively large tush. The blue flesh impacted him with an audible ‘fwomp’, intensifying his blush. He grew even more flustered as she spread her hefty hips, exposing a small slit hidden beneath her massive thighs.
“What’s that?” Felice asked, somewhat perplexed. ‘Girls don’t have a toy?’
“Think of it as a lock, and your toy as the key. Stick it in, and the rest should come naturally.” she instructed, looking demurely over her shoulder. She cooed as he rested his weight against her buns, the coo transforming into a moan as he began to drive his pole into her depths. He squeaked as her inner warmth enveloped his length, grunting as he drove his way hilt-deep. Natural hip motion took over as his mind was awash with sensation, the couple reduced to animalistic grunts and the slap of flesh-on-flesh. It wasn’t long before both let out a cry as they reached their limits, Lulu first as her belly massage had her on edge, then Felice as her internal spasms pulled him to his crescendo.
“Oooooooh yesssssss Fel… that was great…” she moaned, limp with pleasure as his seed rushed into her like egg-seeking missiles. A fulfilling happiness washed over her as she anticipated meeting her little ones. She felt a warming tingle within the sphere as the magic did its work, but then something happened that no one had foreseen. A dull roar of clattering eggshells began to issue forth from her enormity, followed by deft cracks and distinct shapes gliding about the surface. “Unf… what’s… going on… in there…?” she groaned as the heat migrated to her breasts, its job in her womb complete. “So much movement… mmmmmmmmmmm…”
“Are you alright?” Felice asked, eyes alight with wonder as he watched her belly become a whirlpool of life, the ever increasing activity flexing her flesh more and more as the hatching tadpoles wiggled their tails for the first time in their lives.
“I’m fine… I’ve never heard... of them hatching inside… but I’m ok…” she grunted, the familiar heat in her chest giving way to an even more familiar stretching sensation. “Ooh! I guess… I’m still not making enough… food for their taste!” Her breasts crept forward on her rowdy tummy at a slow and steady pace, a cloud of white issuing from her nipples as the contents overfilled their growing container.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” the young father-to-be asked, eye warily watching her busom for signs of stress.
“Could you be a dear… mmmmmm… and get Ophora for me… I need her to… examine thiiiiiiiisssss!” she shrieked, her face turning bright aqua as her babies swam about her amniotic sac, the feeling an indescribable mix of pleasure, strain, fulfillment, and many other battling emotions.
“Go get Miss Opho, right away!” Felice yipped, swimming off as the moans and squeals behind him turned his face rupee red.
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