#ed edd n eddy slash
vampiremeerkat · 3 years
How do you feel about people who draw ships that are gay/lesbian related with eene characters?
I don't know them personally.
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so today a couple friends and i were talking about childhood cartoon shows we loved and also the ones we were obsessed with but not allowed to watch, which has led to me finally watching the Ed Edd n Eddy Big Picture Show for the first time ever, and it has has so many homoerotic moments that i’m kind of DYING
either i need to get my ship goggles re-attuned or... 
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yurik421-blog · 7 years
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grown up ed&eddy
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They animated my slash fic. An adult in the EENE world? No. A teen. Still!
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jeanithefolf · 7 years
Fanfiction Request #1 The Perfect Kiss
Kevin groaned as Double D read the passage for what felt like the one-thousandth time to him. “Double D, do we really have to read it again?”, he stated while leaning leaning his head back on the couch that him and the smaller black haired male were sitting on. Double D looked at Kevin with shocked eyes, “Why yes Kevin, we must re-read the passage! It has been proven in multiple studies that re-reading the passages will insure the most information to be retained into one’s memory. Now, shall we resume?” Kevin groaned even louder this time, “Come on Double D, we have been studying for hours. Let’s please just take a break, damn.” Double D rolled his eyes at the profanity that the red headed male stated, but did nod in agreeance that they had been studying for quite sometime. “Very well, Kevin, however when it comes to the final test, you must know that you need to study! We mustn't have you fail another test, unless you want to be kicked off the football team?” Kevin nodded begrudgingly at his statement, but still joyfully smirked towards Double D, signaling that he would take the break that Double D said they could have.
After laying all of their books on the coffee table in the living room where they were at, the two teenagers made their way to the kitchen to cook something for dinner. Double D was a fine cook, he had to be with his parent’s gone almost all of the time. Kevin hated that he knew that the raven haired boy stayed alone most of the time, but knew that he could take care of himself quite well. Kevin tried to help him as much as possible, but he knew that Double D would rather him stand off to the side because he tended to work better alone. Kevin respected this, so he went to set the dining room table instead. After finish setting up the table, Kevin went to the door of the dining room and look into the kitchen. Double D couldn’t see Kevin, but Kevin could see Double D. He saw how Double D took the kitchen as his own, he made that kitchen do wonders for him. He kind of chuckled under his breath as he saw Double D mess with the apron that he had around his neck and waist. “Heh, he looks kind of cute”, Kevin thought to himself before Double D interrupted Kevin’s thoughts by saying to start helping him find some ingredients for the recipe he was preparing.
After finishing up cooking dinner, Double D and Kevin made their way into the dining room with the platters of food that were cooked for the two of them. Double D nervously laughed as he realized he made way too much food for just the two of them. “I am always so used to just cooking for myself that I sometimes over think the portions and over do myself with the amount of food, oh dear.”, he said with a almost sad tone on the end. Kevin patted Double D on the back in reassurance, “Don’t sweat it dork, it is perfect. Besides, we can always pack up the rest and put it in the fridge, you dig dude?”, Kevin saying, ending with a small smile on his face. Double D made a weak smile before Kevin took his arm and wrapped it around Double D’s shoulder, “Thank you making dinner for us, Edd. This looks amazing.”, Kevin said kindly while he looked at Double D, then towards the food. It wasn’t often that Kevin said Edd, it was normally Double D, Double Dork, Dork or loads of other names. The names, minus a few, used to have a contempting sound to them, but now they were more similar to, what people would call, pet names. They were said with now, instead of contempt, with adoration almost. Double D didn’t mind it at all. To be honest, if you asked him at the right moment, he thought it was cute and liked it most of the time.
Double D and Kevin almost inhaled the food once they sat down. Double D hadn’t realized how hungry he was till the Chicken Parmesan was in front of his face. Double D leaned back in his chair, that was across from Kevin’s at the table, and rubbed his stomach. Kevin did a similar type move, but allowed his arms to go limp next to him and letting out a hardy belch. “Double D, that was absolutely amazing. I cannot believe you cook that well.” Double D blushed to Kevin’s comment, “Why thank you Kevin. One has to learn to cook when there is not one here to cook for them.” Double D paused for a moment, “I-I am sorry Kevin, I did not mean to mention that.” Kevin looked at Double D with a look of concern and leaned his elbows on to the table, looking towards the frail boy in front of him, “Look dude, you don’t have to be sorry all of the time. You did what you had to do, and you have done an awesome job doing it too. So, you know, don’t be so down on yourself. Besides it is you and me now.” Double D giggled a bit, “You and I, Kevin. I also know that, and I know I have Eddy and Ed as well.” Kevin rolled his eyes, “How can you deal with them, Double D? Eddy is full of shit and Ed is dumber than shit.” Double D shot a glare at the redheaded male, “Excuse ME Kevin, but they were the only friends I had for the longest time. Must I remind you that we used to not be this civil until fairly recently.” Kevin had a face of realization of what Double D had said, he was right. Kevin and Double D only started really becoming closer in recent times, due to the fact that they were paired up for an assignment at the end of last year. After the assignment was finished, Double D and Kevin started hanging out more afterwards, initially because Double D wanted to ensure that Kevin would graduate the coming year. After they had been hanging out a while, they then started actually enjoying each other’s company. “Look Edd, I am sorry. You know, I know I was a real ass hole back then. There isn’t much that I can say now to make up for it, but I do want you to know that I am sorry.” Double D’s facial expression softened and looked towards Kevin and smiled softly, “Alright, alright, I accept your heartfelt apology Kevin. Just do me one favor to make up for your outlandish remarks.” Kevin looked at Double D with almost longing eyes, “Anything D, what do you need?” Double D made a sly smile, “You could do the honors of cleaning all of the dishes tonight.”
After Kevin cleaned all the dishes, he looked out of the kitchen into the living room, and saw Double D sitting on his couch watching the TV. Kevin kind of chuckled of how the dork didn’t want to quit studying but instead of studying he was watching TV instead. Kevin finished up cleaning the dishes, placed them into the dishwasher and started it. Kevin made his way over to the couch and took the seat on the couch closest to Double D, which was the middle seat. Kevin stretched out his right arm, which took refuge right on the headrest of the couch behind Double D’s neck. As he did that, he looked over to Double D, who looked like a ghost. “Double D, are you alright?” Kevin said with concern, “I-I am quite alright K-Kevin!”, he said with a light blush growing across his cheeks. Kevin snickered and snorted from taking the chuckle he delivered in response to the blushing from the smaller black-haired male sitting next to him. “Geez Double D, don’t have a cow, if I really wanted to make you nervous, I could do more”, he stated as he moved his arm from the couch to around Double D’s neck, and pulling Double D closer to him by the shoulder his arm his hand had taken refuge on. Double D’s face turned bright red. “Heh, you are kind of cute when you act like that.” Kevin said, looking towards Double D. “Y-you are not so bad yourself K-Kevin”, stated Double D as he turned as red as the socks he had on his legs. At that statement, Kevin turned pink himself.
After sitting watching TV for a while, Kevin looked towards Double D, who still had a pink blush to his face. Kevin gulped, “Why does it have to be the smart one of the Ed’s - that I like”, what Kevin didn’t realize is that he half thought and then accidentally said the last part out loud. “I-I am sorry Kevin, but what do you like?” stated Double D, turning his body towards Kevin. “Oh for crying out loud”, Kevin groaned as he face palmed his face with his free hand, “Kevin, are you alright?” said Double D with a concerned look on his face. That is when Kevin directed his attention towards Double D, “Look Edd, I, uh, don’t really know how to say this properly. I just really think you are, um, rad and stuff and I think, ugh - oh forget it.” As Kevin stated that, he took his hands and placed them around Double D’s face and pulled him in close. Kevin placed his lips onto Double D’s to come into a passionate kiss. Kevin could feel Double D resist at first, but then fall into the kiss and started to return it back to Kevin. Kevin slightly opened his mouth, and turned the simple kiss into a more passionate one with each second.
After what seemed like an eternity, the boys pulled away for some air. Double D rested his forehead on Kevin’s, as they breathed hard for a minute or two. After catching their breath, Kevin kissed Double D on the forehead and then said, “I-I am sorry dude about that but, I couldn’t help it anymore. I just really like you, okay dude?” Double D turned red once again, but a smile was on his face, “Kevin I have longed for that, but I did not that that you could reciprocate the feelings I had for you but, as to what has just happened, I think my worries have been thrown away” he stated after making a small giggle. Kevin smirked and pulled the black-haired teenager into a longing embrace and said, “Heh, yeah. You have always been a dork, but now you are my dork.” The two looked at each other once again, before Double D looked at the time, “Good lord Kevin! We have to start studying again! Our test is next week!” Kevin groaned, “Really, dork, out of all times we need to study, it has to be NOW?!”
End. <3
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electroworld · 4 years
never have i regretted not being born in 14589 BC more so than when i found out about the thriving ed edd n eddy slash community that existed in 2007
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dragonkeeper19600 · 7 years
How did you get into the EddEddy ship? What sparked it? What episode cemented it for you? Why or why don't you ship Edd and Eddy together?
I actually first heard about EddEddy when I was in high school. A friend of mind conspiratorially whispered about shipping online, probably trying to make a point about how weird and depraved the internet was. They told me that there were people who shipped characters from Teen Titans and Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy.
Now, I was already kind of familiar with shipping, so Teen Titans made sense to me but Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy? What, that goofy cartoon with the wiggly lines? People ship that? Is this a joke? I did believe it because it was the internet, Rule 34 and all, but I thought it was really weird.
Later, while browsing TV Tropes, I came across another mention of Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy. It was on one of the Ho Yay pages, I think, and they mentioned how the Eds are seen by some fans to have a nuclear family dynamic, with Eddy as the “father,” Edd as the “mother,” and Ed as the “child.” Again, I thought that was weird and a stretch. I still thought people shipped purely to get their jollies off, and while I’d had a crush on Edd when I was a kid, like most girls did, now that I was older I couldn’t see how you could find any of those kids appealing. Not that I was accusing anybody in my pedophilia; my brain didn’t go that far. I just didn’t get it and moved on before I could think to hard about it.
When I rediscovered the show this spring, I had come to see slash in a different way. A big part of it was the thesis I’d had to write for my cinema degree. I had chosen to write an analysis on slash, and though none of the texts I read mentioned Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy (in fact, most of them focused on Star Trek), I was able to recognize a lot of the criteria that slash fans look for in Edd and Eddy. 
I don’t want to have to repost my entire essay, but basically the short version is slash often pairs characters who are close in canon, are shown to care more for each other than they do for any love interests they encounter, are able to achieve a partnership between equals without the hierarchy that many straight couples sadly cannot escape, especially in fiction. Often, plots in slash fan fiction revolve around the two male characters struggling to escape the hangups of society, either outright homophobia from other people or even within themselves or, more subtly, the culture that encourages men to be more restrictive and reserved with their emotions. Slash, based on this classic model, becomes a fantasy of love that can be expressed freely, with nothing held back.
Whether EddEddy is a canon pairing or not, their arc in the series does seem to follow that structure. As the episodes go by, they become more open with and more support of each other. Edd especially often reaches out to Eddy, helps out of his dilemmas, comforts him, and encourages him to be better. Eddy is less motherly than Edd, in between his moments of selfishness and cowardice are scenes where he has Edd’s back, especially in season 5. What’s more, Eddy clearly trusts Edd, opting to share a bed with him in “Rambling Ed” and asking for his advice and counsel in “Pick an Ed” and “Ed in a Half Shell,” a remarkable gesture from someone as disdainful of others as Eddy. 
The movie is the culmination of this arc, as Edd makes his limits known to Eddy and Eddy confesses everything he’s been hiding to an accepting Edd. I missed the movie when it aired on Cartoon Network, but watching these scenes with the research I’d done on slash in mind made me recognize what Edd and Eddy had achieved. It was the Utopia of Feeling that so many slash fans long for, a connection where neither partner needs to hide anything and perfect empathy is possible. 
The movie made me realize that Edd is good for Eddy. He holds back his darkest impulses, he provides a voice of guidance and wisdom that Eddy sorely needs in his life. Eddy, for his part, is a wildcard and rabble rouser that Edd probably never would have sought out on his own. But Eddy has made Edd’s life more interesting. He can make him laugh, and it’s clear that Edd gets swept up in the excitement of the latest scam or the most recent misadventure. Edd probably doesn’t need Eddy in his life, but I think that makes it that much more meaningful when he sticks around anyway. He doesn’t need Eddy by his side; he wants him to be there.
Their friendship is so good and so meaningful, I honestly did find myself wondering if maybe I should ship it too for a little while. But, when I rewatched some of the episodes, I concluded that Edd and Eddy were probably straight. Still, you can love someone very deeply without being in love, and I think that’s what they have. It’s precious and shouldn’t be underestimated.
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vampiremeerkat · 5 years
I know its not your thing but i just find it funny how in every gay double d pairing he's the submissive frail baby but somehow we all know damn well he'd make these cul de sac boys his bitch.
Finally someone's making sense.
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gghero · 7 years
hey remember when everyone started shipping double dee and that kevin guy from ed edd n eddy for like NO REASON AT ALL and also it happened like, overnight??? I remember waking up to a dash full of slash art of double dee and kevin. 2013-2014 tumblr was wild
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ushihina · 7 years
i honestly call you "eggy" in my head when i see ur username
i know of a really nice dA user by that name! they draw ed edd n eddy slash
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boomerjigger97 · 10 years
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EddxEddy is a sexy pairing... But not nearly as cute as EdxEdd.
Based off a scene from "It Came From Outer Ed" where Ed tries to give Double D mouth-to-mouth.
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jeanithefolf · 7 years
“A Secret to Hide” Chapter 2
“Ugh, I just fell to sleep, dude”, the red headed male grumbles as he hits the alarm clock wailing into his ear. After hitting his alarm clock, he lays in the bed for a moment’s time, collecting his thoughts on what he has to do that day. “Come on Kevin, get up and into the shower, you can’t be late but, skipping would be so much better”, Kevin thinks to himself as he musters up the strength to get up out of the bed, and into the shower.
He runs his hands through his short red hair, as his thinks about the day ahead. He allows the hot water to hit his head and run down his body, as he thinks deeply about everything that had been going on the last few weeks. Kevin steps out of the shower and into his room, picking clothes up out of the floor, smelling them, and then tossing them aside. “I guess I should do laundry this week”, he states as he finally finds a clean shirt and pants. He throws on the green shirt, slips on the blue jeans, and finally looks at himself in the mirror. He fixes his hair as he wishes, but to no avail because he throws in a red cap to cover up the work he just did. He then starts out the door, grabs his athletic bag with his athletic gear in it, his backpack and keys. He heads out to the garage and heads over to his motorcycle.
As Kevin rides over to Peach Creek High School, he starts to contemplate the things that had been happening in his life the last few weeks. He grumbles heavily to himself, thinking about how his team mates are a load of assholes. Kevin is the Quarterback on the Peach Creek Football team, and, as of lately, the team has been picking on one person in particular, Edd. The reason they are bullying Edd as of lately is because they think that Edd is gay. Kevin knew that Edd couldn’t be 100% gay, because whenever Nazz would say hello, he would think that the dork would melt into the floor. Then again, as he thought more about it, whenever he would talk to the dork, the dork would almost melt into the floor for him as well.
“Oh boy.” Kevin said to himself as he parked his motorcycle. “How the FUCK am I going to approach this?”, he said begrudgingly to himself as he grabbed up his athletic bag and backpack and headed towards the inside of the school. “The dork is getting beaten up because of him liking dudes or he is getting beaten up because he likes-”, his thought was interrupted by a hug that came up from behind him.
“Hey Kevin!” beamed the blonde bobbed haired girl that stood in front of him now, after she had snagged Kevin from behind. “Oh hey Nazz, what’s up?” Kevin stated with a small smirk, hoping he wasn’t making a face before Nazz interrupted his thoughts. “Nothing much, was just wanting to ask you about something”, she stated as she looked to her right, then left and then back to Kevin, “Why don’t you stop the ‘Let’s hate Double D Train’ dude?” She said with concern and somewhat annoyance in her eyes towards Kevin. Even though Nazz is, literally, the nicest girl at Peach Creek High, she can also turn on a coin and get to the bottom with her interrogation skills. Kevin sighed, “Yeah yeah, get off me. I am working on it dude.” he stated as he started to rub the back of his neck with his free hand that didn’t hold the athletic bag. “Well, get on it quick dude, because they are hounding him! It is not cool dude, not cool at all.” as she crossed her arms on her chest, “they think that for some reason he likes you. Like, just because Double D may or may not be gay, doesn’t mean he likes the Quarterback.” Kevin smirked a second, “Why how could he not like me?” as he finished his statement, Nazz socked him in the arm, “I am SERIOUS Kevin! Double D doesn’t deserve this hate.” Kevin reached for the recently hit arm and rubbed it. For Nazz to be little, she had a hard punch, but Kevin knew that Nazz was right, he had to handle the situation.
Kevin walked into his classroom, after his discussion with Nazz, and sat down in his normal seat that was in the back of the classroom. He watched as the rest of his classmates filled in the seats, but did think something was odd, where was Double D? He watched the door closely, knowing that the kid doesn’t believe in missing a day or being late, those are apart of the dork’s seven deadly sins he felt like. As more of his classmates came into the classroom, the more and more doubtful he felt that Edd was going to come. He then started trying to think of where he was and what was happening, then it clicked with him. He has been late a few times the last few weeks, and it is probably because of the original situation that was occurring. As soon as he thought that, the teacher closed the door and class had officially started.
It couldn’t have been anymore than fifteen minutes after the class had started when Double D walked into the door of the classroom. Kevin actually sighed a sigh of relief, but as he looked at him he realized how flustered he looked. His shirt, untucked, and Double D did not just seem as put together as he normally was. Kevin watched Double D take his seat in front of long time childhood enemy, Eddy. He saw Eddy talk to Double D for a second, probably asking where he had been.
Before class had finished, Kevin knew he needed to talk to Double D before we walked out the door. The bell rang and Kevin, along with the rest of the class, stood up to get out. Kevin made sure to get past everyone so he could talk to Double D. “Hey Dork”, was the first thing that popped out of Kevin’s mouth when he finally caught up to the teenager. Double D visibly jumped after Kevin called his name. The teenager slowly turned around to face Kevin. Kevin was almost a head taller than the male, so when they stood near each other, Double D had to look up to Kevin to his eyes. When their eyes met, Kevin could see the deep blue eyes that Double D had, but what Kevin could see the most was the fear, nervousness and doubt he had in his eyes too. “Wonder why he is looking at me like that?”, Kevin thought to himself before speaking out loud.
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askeddxeddy · 10 years
Off Hiatus Post
Hey guys! We're pretty much done with our heavy con season! So, after this weekend (we have family obligations) we will be bringing the blog off of hiatus and answering asks again.
We still have your old asks sitting in our inbox, but feel free to send us more so that we can promptly begin to fill your lives with EddEddy again.
We're excited to be back soon!
- Pixie
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jeanithefolf · 7 years
Fanfiction Requests!
I am working on my main KevEdd fanfiction, but I am also working on a couple of the requests that I received the last two days! I am trying to make these request fanfictions be as detailed, but not drag on forever either. They are going to be about 1000 words a piece, maybe more determining the circumstances! Remember, I am still taking Ed Edd n Eddy Fanfiction requests! :)  I will try to do any many as possible! You can send them publicly or anon, I will try to do them! I am partial to KevEdd, like I said before in a previous post, but I will try other ones too! <3 Whether it be shipping or not :)
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askeddxeddy · 11 years
Why not?
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askeddxeddy · 11 years
Eddward: “That sounds awfully painful and while I understand that several individuals find pain a commonplace companion to pleasure, I doubt I would experience the same kind of enjoyment.”
EDDY: “Yeesh, Sockhead. Branch out a little, will ya? I thought you were all about leaning and tryin’ new things.”
((ooc: fuck yeah. rebloggable asks = easier job for meee))
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