#eene slash
queersrus · 8 months
Gore theme
includes: medical, slasher, cannibalistic, horror and general gore content, feel free to request specifics
meat/flesh - zombie - blood
gore, gorette, goretta, goretto, gorine, gorina, gorino, gorelle, gorello, gorella, gorer, gory, gnaw, gnash, gut, gutz, gwyar, gruesome, grisly, gouge, guts/gutz, gutsy/gutzy, gutsie/gutzie, gutsee/gutzee, gutsine/gutzine intestine, intes, intine, inn, inna, innard entrail, entra, entrai, eye kill, killer, killian, killien, kid, kidney/kidnee/kidnie mort, morte, morty, morter, mortem, mortemer, mortimer, mortu, mortua, mortuary blade, bite, biter, bitten, bleed, blood, bloody, bleeder, bloodette, bloodine, bloodetta, bloodina, bloodelle, bloodella, brain, brainy, brainette, brainetta, brainelle, brainella, braine, brutal, bloodlust, bloodshed, bloodlet, bloodless, bloodlette, bloodletta, bloodletter, bloodbath, bowel cut, cutter, capil, capillary, cava, claret, clot, carnage, colon thrash, thrasher, tear slash, slasher, slice, splatter, spill, stab, stomach, spleen rip, ripper, rippley, ripley, razor fang, flesh, fleshy venus, vis, viscer, viscera, visceral, viscerally, vei, vein, vendet, vendette, vendetta, vessel, vital orga, organ, organa liver, lung art, arter, artery, ana, anat, anatom, anatomy, arteriole wound death hema pan, pancrea, pancreas, pierce, plasma, puncture
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
gi/gore/goreself, gi/guts/gutself bli/bleed/bloods/bloodself vi/vie/veins/veinself, vi/ve/ventettas/vendettaself, vi/visce/viscerals/visceralself i/inte/intestine/intestines/intestineself wi/wou/woune/wounds/woundself fli/fle/fleshs/fleshself oi/ore/organs/organself ci/carne/carnages/carnegeself, cli/clot/clots/clotself, ci/cor/corpse/corpseself li/lungs/lungself, li/live/livers/liverself ai/arte/arteries/arteryself pi/pancrea/pancreas/pancreaself sti/stomachs/stomachself, spli/splee/spleens/spleenself, ki/kidne/kidneys/kidneyself
2nd person: you/your/yours/yourself
go/gore/gores/goreself, gu/gutr/gutrs/gutrself blo/bleedr/bleedrs/bleedrself vo/veinr/veinrs/veinrself, vo/vendettar/vendettars/vendettarself, vo/viscer/viscers/visceralself oi/intestir/intestirs/intestinself wou/woundr/woundrs/woundrself flo/fleshr/fleshrs/fleshrself o/or/organs/organself co/cor/corpse/corpself, co/car/carnages/carnageself, clo/clotr/clotrs/clotself lo/lungr/lungrs/lungrself, lo/liver/livers/liverself ao/arter/arteries/arteryself po/pancr/pancreas/pancreaself sto/stomachr/stomachrs/stomachrself, splo/spleenr/spleenrs/spleenrself ko/kidneyr/kidneyrs/kidneyrself
3rd person: they/them/theirs/themself
go/gore, go/re, gore/gores, gu/ts, gu/gut, gut/guts blood/bloods, blo/od, blood/bath, blood/bloody, bloo/dy, blood/dy, blood/pit, blood/vessel, blood/shed, blood/less, blood/bond, blood/pact, blood/lust, blood/bleed, bleed/bleeds, ble/ed, bleed/ing, bleeding/out, blood/clot vi/vein, vei/vein, ve/in, vein/veins, vein/veiny, ven/detta, vendet/ta, ven/vendetta, vendetta/vendettas, visc/era, visc/eral, visc/visceram visc/visceral, viscera/visceral, visceral/viscerally inte/intestine, intest/ine, inte/stine, intestine/intestines large/intestine, lu/lung, lung/lungs, lun/ng, li/liver, li/ver, liv/er, liv/liver, liver/livers small/intestine, sto/mach, stomach/stomachs, sto/stomach, splee/spleen, sple/en, splee/een, spleen/spleens wo/wound, wou/wound, wou/nd, wo/und, wound/wounds fle/sh, fle/flesh, flesh/fleshes, flesh/fleshy o/organ, or/gan, org/an, org/organ, organ/organs co/coprse, cor/pse, cor/corpse, corplse/like, corpse/corpses, car/nage, carn/age, car/carnage, carn/carnage, carnage/carnages, clo/clot, clo/t, clo/ot, clot/clots art/artery, ar/tery, art/ery, artery/arteries pan/creas, pan/pancreas, pancrea/pancreas, pancreas/pancreases kid/ney, ki/kidney, kid/kidney, kidney/kidneys
the gore, the gored, the gorer, the visceral, the bleeding, the organ, the one with missing organs/limbs, the flesh eater, the wounded, the mortally wounded, the bleeding/bloody corpse, the half eaten corpse, the rotting flesh, the one with missing arteries, the one with bleeding arteries
(prn) whos skin peels, (prn) whos organs/limbs are missing, (prn) who's intestines are exposed, (prn) who brings carnage, (prn) whos flesh rots, (prn) who is gravely wounded
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
Since you've been posting links to videos, I wanted to pass along a PSA that Aus/tin Gre/en is the brother of Ni/ckIsNotGr/een (sorry for weird slashes, I don't know if these people search themselves). I saw that he posted a video about Wilbur and George (I checked the comments and it looks like a predictably bad take), and also one about Tubbo. I had a *feeling* and did some googling, and yeah - brothers.
Nick was vile during the Drituation and has since been exposed as a pretty unethical and untrustworthy guy. I can't imagine his brother is any better, so I just wanted to give a heads up so people could avoid a landmine.
ah sorry this is so late but thank you for the head up anon!
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polizwrites · 7 months
PoliZ's WIP Update - 6 March 2024
Still busy IRL and was out of town this weekend, which cut een more into my writing time/energy.   I touched  3 fics (2 new works & 1 WIPs) for a total of  1136  words.  
On Ao3, I posted: 
Chapter Two of  A Vision of Things To Come - WinterIron time travel shenanigans with wartime!Bucky. 
On Tumblr I posted: 
The Battle of New York -  Steve POV ficlet of the title event. 
I’m juggling  18 😬 active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the  Bucky Barnes Birthday Bash  (March 10) and the Post July Break Bingo, which ends in April. 
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Final count - twenty-one fills for five bingos - hoping this event comes back so I can carry over a couple of squares!   Masterpost forthcoming….   
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and managed a blackout plus an adopted square - Masterpost forthcoming!  
Bucky Barnes Birthday Bash - [BBE_B4] (fic due Mar 10) 
Another fun quickie event from the folks over at @buckybarnesevents! Participants build a fanwork  ‘cake’  by choosing the following ingredients - a base Universe, a Trope or Quote as the filling, another characters as the frosting and a color, kink and/or date idea as the topping.   
I started up a  Wartime Bucky/Steve fic - working to incorporate Forced Proximity/Only One Bed and Competency/ Strength/ Size Difference Kink     This could also fill my SRB E5 - Oversensitivity/Enhanced Senses and JBB “It’s you. It’s always been you.” squares.  It’s sitting at 184 words so far & am targeting Sat or Sunday to post.   
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr 2024)
One fill on my  2x3 non-fandom-specific card - still working on  potential crossovers.
* A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” - See BBE_B4 above 
* B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on one of my open cards.
*  C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint).
Steve Rogers Bingo - Round 3 [SRB_R3] (ends  15 Jun 2024)
Eleven fills and one WIP at the moment  - need to ponder other possible crossovers with my non-fandom cards & BaBB.  
* A1 - Steve can actually dance just fine - Matched this up with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF238 Take My Hand]  for   Finding a Partner -  where Steve & Natasha go dancing (potential pre-slash). It came in at  239 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.    
* C5 - Exes to Lovers  -  Maybe pair up with BaBB  Argument?   
* E5 - Oversensitivity/Enhanced Senses - see BBE_B4 above. 
Bucky Barnes Connect Four - Alt Jun-iverse [BBC4_R2]  {Ends May 31 2024}
The good folks over at @buckybarnesevents  have opened this event up early!  You sign up for a single row card of four squares and the challenge is to see if you can combine any/all into a single Bucky-centric AU fanwork - although you can also create 2-4 separate fanworks if you want.  
The combo of prompts on my first card [Reality Show,  Omegaverse, Talent/Manager, Royalty] sparked an idea that I’m about 230 words + misc notes into already -  Alpha!Bucky as a technical prince   who gets talked into joining a reality show that is supposed to match him up with an omega… but there’s a twist!  Planning to pick this back up in the next week or so.  
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] {Ends TBD} 
Just signed up for this fun Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
*A1 - Werewolf AU -  wrote Shooting for the Moon -  Werewolf!Bucky’s POV on the  second half of A Hairy Situation. It came in at 811 words and will get posted to Ao3 sometime in the next couple weeks. 
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] {Ends Oct 2024}
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!
* November:  Crackfic - DONE  
* December: Wingman  - DONE
* January: Wingfic  - DONE *January: Polyamory - DONE
* February -  Fingering -  DONE * February - Morning Sex - DONE
* March  -  The Marriage of Convenience  prompt could slot nicely into the next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion, which is currently sitting at 301 words.
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2]
Signups are open for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event!
Hoping I get something on my card I can squish into the latest chapter of  My Love is Vengeance - as I’ve picked that back up and am 1109 words into Chapter Seven.
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Four  fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on Drusilla and Secchan ZenKaiger figures for  commissions.  I’ve finished all my  Marvel Trumps Hate  figures, but still need to create posts (and mail one set). 
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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antacidsnake · 2 years
So I finally killed the death rite bird in the consecrated snow fields and I can now finish my game of Elden ring.
Specifically, I hadn’t been continuing the story or anything bc I wanted to kill this bastard (and had been exceedingly close to it) for the better part of several months now. Covid fever has done me one 1 uno een un favor and that has been to get me to deadpan throw rocks and time my jumping heavy slashes to beat that bitch
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thatsgaming · 27 days
Stel je ultieme Gundam-strijdmacht samen, GUNDAM BREAKER 4 is nu verkrijgbaar
Het is tijd om te “Breken, Bouwen en Strijden” met vrienden, want GUNDAM BREAKER 4, de co-op hack-and-slash actiegame van Bandai Namco Europe is nu wereldwijd beschikbaar voor toekomstige Gundam-piloten. Fans kunnen een memorabel deel in de franchise en actievolle gameplay verwachten die draait om het bouwen van aangepaste Gunpla-modellen, ze meenemen in gevechten, ze upgraden met nieuwe en…
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Be Irresistible, Click Here Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental ... hierdie episode is vooraf opgeneem as deel van 'n lewendige webinar vir voortgesette onderwys op aanvraag CEU's is nog steeds beskikbaar vir hierdie aanbieding deur allCEU's registreer by allCEUs comm slash counselor toolbox hi almal ek is dr. dagbreek elise Snipes en ek wil u graag verwelkom by die aanbieding van vandag oor algemene probleme en intervensies oor paarteterapie, waaroor ons eintlik gaan praat, nie die kwessies waarmee paartjies soveel te doen kry nie, maar die kwessies waarmee dokters en toesighouders te kampe het, veral dié van ons wat nie opgelei is as huweliks- en gesinsterapeute as ons paartjies sien nie, want paartjies is nie dieselfde as individuele terapie nie, dit is een plus een is gelyk aan drie dinge, so ons gaan praat dat ons gaan identifiseer bestee ongeveer die eerste helfte van die klas om die doelwitte van paartjie -terapie te identifiseer, identifiseer 'n paar algemene foute wat ek veral sien by my toesighouers in paartjie -terapie, en ons sal dinge ondersoek wat raadgewers moet oorweeg wanneer hulle met paartjies werk, een van die eerste doelwitte van terapie Met iemand is dit ' n vertroulike dialoog wat die gevoelens normaliseer, en as u met 'n paartjie werk, kan u twee mense hê wat baie anders voel oor 'n spesifieke onderwerp In 'n situasie, miskien hul finansies, of hoe die verhoudings of seks gaan, of wie weet dat ons hulle in staat wil stel om hulself uit te druk en hul gevoelens te normaliseer, sodat hulle nie voel dat een persoon verkeerd is en een persoon se reg uit hul fenomenologiese werklikheid nie. Beide vanuit hul eie perspektiewe, ons wil elke persoon in staat stel om gehoor te word, wat aanvanklik 'n uitdaging is, want baie paartjies teen die tyd dat hulle terapie kom, het hulle mekaar al aangepas en probeer kry hul mening so baie dat hulle nie die ander persoon hoor nie, ons wil elke persoon deur die ander laat hoor en ons wil elke persoon in staat stel om hulself te hoor, ons wil mense hoor of ons wil hê dat mense hulself moet hoor sê dit is jou skuld hierdie en projekteer blaam of hoor hul deel in wat gaan aan wat belangrik is al in 'n sessie is om seker te maak dat ons as dokters stel grense so elke persoon veilig voel en bemagtig word om ex druk op sy of haar standpunt op 'n manier waarop die ander persoon kan hoor en verstaan, alhoewel die ander persoon nie saamstem nie, dit is baie dinge wat in een ding geprop is, so hoe doen ons dit so goed? 'n Ander ding wat ek van die begin af doen, is: ek leer aktief luister, ek leer mense om stellings en objektiewe terme te gebruik as jy byvoorbeeld met jou kind werk, en miskien doen hulle nie hul take soos hulle moet nie en julle ' weer soos oh my gosh jy so 'n modder goed wat so baie dinge verkeerd met daardie stelling wat nie nuttig omdat die kind nie weet jy weet wat jou definisie van skoon plaas daarvan om te sê dat ek baie gefrustreerd voel wanneer ek loop in jou kamer en ek sien dat daar klere en onderklere oor die vloer is en vuil skottelgoed op elke tafelblad op elke plat oppervlak ok dit is objektief, die jeug op daardie stadium kan sê okay ek hoor jou ek stem nie saam dat dit 'n gemors is nie, maar ek hoor jou of ek hoor jou en Ek kan probeer om beter te doen, want nou weet die persoon wat jou pla en sê dat hierdie kamer 'n gemors is, of dat jy 'n slob is, dit help die persoon nie om gedragsmatig uit te vind wat hy moet verander nie, as een van die eerste belangrike dinge en wanneer paartjies moedig hulle aan om aan te moedig om met mekaar te praat in plaas van met die terapeut te praat, en dan praat die terapeut met die terapeute en sê dan dat jy weet Bob het jy gehoor wat Sally net gesê het, ek wil hê hulle moet so met mekaar praat hulle kan hierdie vaardighede tydens die sessie begin oefen , en as hulle stellings begin gebruik en stellings blameer en nie aktief luister
nie, kan ek 'n time -out bel, en ek kan hulle help om te herformuleer en te herformuleer wat hulle probeer bly , maar kommunikeer nog steeds dieselfde boodskap, maar dit sê op 'n manier wat minder geneig is om weerstand uit te lok by die ander persoon, ons wil mense help om die verhoudingsprobleme en die potensiaal vir verandering te weerspieël, u weet dat u hier is In berading is daar tans probleme, maar die feit dat u hier is, dui vir my aan dat u meen dat hierdie verhouding kan verbeter, stem u saam, begin met hulle praat, en begin met hulle praat oor tye toe die verhouding was goeie en miskien wat hulle hoop om terug te kry om seker te maak om paartjies te laat weet dat dit nie 'n kwessie van een persoon wat reg of verkeerd aangesien beide vennote sin maak uit hulle perspektief byvoorbeeld as jy weet jy 'n paar kom in en een vennoot is soos jy weet, my my huweliksmaat kom huis toe en kry nooit die goed op die lys van heuning nie, en die maat reageer met so jy sê ek is 'n lui sak, dit is nie wat ek gesê het om hulle aan te moedig nie mekaar se perspektief, die maat wat na 'n harde dag se werk inkom en gaan sit, en hulle is net uitgeput, u weet dat hulle dit moet kan verwoord en hoe u weet dat u daaraan dink om die dinge op die spel te kry y-doenlys gedoen en die ander vennoot moet in staat wees om empatie te hê, sodat ons mense moet help om hul eie perspektiewe te verstaan, ons wil tye in die verlede identifiseer, soos ek gesê het dat dit goed was en wat anders was, miskien was dit voorheen het u kinders gehad, of miskien was dit voordat u werk so mal geword het of wat anders was toe die verhouding goed was of u gelukkig was, en dit is baie subjektief, ons wil kyk na nie net omgewingsverskille wat anders was in die gesin of in die gesin nie die verhouding, maar ook wat anders was met elke persoon omdat mense groei mense ontwikkel mense verander ons wil kyk, u weet wat gebeur het wat hierdie moontlike breuk in die huidige verhouding veroorsaak het, help elke maat om te verstaan ​​hoe hy of sy bydra tot die konflikte en kan bydra tot die oplossings wat ek wil nie net stop by Kyk hoe jy by te dra tot die probleem wat ek wil om te praat oor wanneer jy op hierdie manier te reageer dit veroorsaak dat jou par tner om verdedigende geword wat die probleem vererger egter jy iets om te sê en jy voel jy nodig het om so te laat hoor wanneer jy reageer op 'n ander manier en laat ons praat oor hoe jy dalk in staat wees om te reageer ten einde 'n ander reaksie van neerslag jou vennoot, sodat u nie met hierdie weerstand en prikkelbaarheid en verdediging geraak word nie; ons wil mense help om van die skuldspel te gaan na wat met hulle gebeur as 'n proses wat gebeur, wat u weet, vra stollingspare om te kyk wat gebeur as u begin As jy jou maat blameer vir dinge wat verkeerd loop as jy jou maat blameer vir die probleme in jou verhouding, wat gebeur met die verhouding, word dit teen my, dit word 'n teenstrydige ding en daar is nie meer 'n soort van ons nie, daar is geen samewerking wat saamwerk nie die skuldspel impliseer ook dat dit in die algemeen een persoon se skuld is, wat ons weet dat dit byna nooit net een persoon se skuld is nie, ek wil nooit sê nie, want n Moet nooit sê nie, maar ons wil graag hê dat mense moet erken dat as ons begin blameer, ons nie verantwoordelikheid neem nie, en een van die dinge waaroor ons soms praat, is dit gepas met volwasse kliënte, soms moet u dit nie net voel nie. die vinger wat wys as jy iemand blameer, jy wys jou vinger na hom as jy met jou vinger wys, jy het twee vingers met jou duim en jou wysvinger na hulle en drie vingers wat na jou wys wat mense aanmoedig om jou te identifiseer, weet wat was u deel van die situasie as daar konflikte is en as daar probleme is, wil ons hê dat mense na uitsonderings moet begin soek as hulle inkom en hulle gaan, ons veg die hele tyd goed, ons kan praat oor wat 'n bietjie bydra tot die konflikte maar laat ons ook kyk na die tye dat u nie baklei nie, wat is die uitsonderings
wat anders is tydens die tye en hoe kan ons daarop voortbou, miskien veg hulle nie as u weet dat u 'n familie het nie ly ete okay goed dis 'n goeie ding dat ons wil om te fokus op dit wat anders is tydens die familie-ete Miskien is dit omdat die kinders is daar ons wil nie kinders gebruik as pionne vir julle weet in berading, maar ons wil hê mense moet begin erkenning dat u weet wat ek kan eet tydens 'n hele maaltyd en sonder om teenstander te wees, hoe kan ek dit veralgemeen dat die gevoelens en gedrag en gedagtes aan u weet na ete twee uur die oggend, ons wil albei vennote help om die verhouding objektiewer te sien in plaas van al die goeie of al die slegte of onderdrukkende of die gebruik van enige van hierdie uiterste woorde erken dat verhoudings is nie amper nooit volmaak en watter dele van hierdie verhouding, selfs al is daar 'n paar dele van dit nou dat is regtig jammer sommige miskien selfs ondraaglik wat is 'n paar dele daarvan of aspekte van dit wat ok as dit nie goed is en laat ons begin balansering dié skale en die aanvaarding van die dialektiek gebruik van radikale aanvaarding van die feit dat dit nie gaan om p erfect en elke dag is nie van plan om wyn en rose wat ons wil help om hulle te identifiseer herhalende negatiewe interaksie siklusse as 'n patroon een van die algemeenste konflikte wat opkom is seks en intimiteit en 'n baie keer en dit is nie altyd so met met geslagte, maar ek gaan net geslagsbevooroordeelde verduidelikings gebruik; u kan 'n paartjie hê wat inkom en die man sê dat ons nooit seks het nie en die vrou sê ja, jy het reg, ons het nooit seks nie en die man sê dat sy goed is Ek wil nie seks met jou hê nie, tensy ons 'n mate van intimiteit het. Ek het intimiteit nodig om naby jou te voel om seks te hê, en die man kan goed sê ek moet seks met jou hê om naby genoeg te voel. vir u om intieme gevoelens te deel, so ons moet hulle help om uit te vind hoe om hierdie gaping te oorbrug in plaas van by 'n verkoopstalletjie waar albei sê, tensy u aan my vereistes voldoen, sal ek u nie halfpad wrok kan ontmoet nie en ontploffings is 'n ander ding negatiewe siklus, ons sien gereeld waar een of albei vennote net dinge sal neem, en hulle kry hierdie klein wrok en hulle druk dit af en hulle kry hierdie klein wrokke en hulle stoot dit af, en uiteindelik word hul wrok vol, en word hulle net die berg Vesuvius van wrok en daar is nie 'n klomp gedaante meringues wat drie jaar teruggaan wat nog nie bespreek is nie; ons wil praat oor hoe dit die individu beïnvloed, maar ook oor hoe dit die verhouding beïnvloed en die vlak van vertroue en intimiteit en kommunikasie en die soort gaan saam met wat Gwen daarop wys: ons wil proaktief wees eerder as reaktief, ons wil hulle help om te sien, soos in hierdie voorbeeld, wat u kan doen om proaktief te wees, sodat u nie hierdie litanie van wrok ontwikkel wat u net gevul met ons wil mense help om die siening van die verhouding te verander deur funksionele perspektiefopname, wat basies beteken om te kyk na die funksie van u lewensmaat se gedrag i As u twee mense in 'n verhouding het en een van die vennote by die huis kom en u weet dat dit 'n teenstrydigheid is dat daar spanning in ' n geveg sal wees, so gaan direk na sy kamer en spandeer net tyd daar Watter funksie het die gedrag wat dit beteken, beteken dit dat daardie maat nie intiem of naby wil wees of 'n verhouding wil hê nie, beteken dit dat daardie maat wat jy weet wat dit beteken en hoe dit beskermend is, en dat jy in die spesifieke voorbeeld weet baie keer is dit beskermende want dit vennoot net nie wil om te veg hulle wil nie te kry in dit, maar hulle weet nie hoe om rond hul betekenisvolle ander wees sonder om te veg vir een of ander rede op daardie tydstip ons wil sien hoe dit gedrag hoopvol is het mense maak lyste van dinge wat hul maat doen of doen nie wat frustrerend of verswarende en laat ons kyk na die funksie van die gedrag van hulle sal wees wat jy ken as jy nie skei jou bril of doen nie skei jou geregte aan die einde
van die dag aan die einde van aandete wat net gewoonte wat ons kan kyk na die dinge ander dinge miskien weet jy miskien hulle nie skei die kruideniersware wanneer jy die kruideniersware in omdat bring mag wees hulle het die kruideniersware een keer vantevore probeer wegsit, en hulle is uitgeskel omdat hulle dinge nie op die regte plek geplaas het nie, sodat hulle dit nie nou wil doen nie, omdat hulle u organisasiesisteem wil respekteer . Ons moet terugstap en na die betekenis kyk die gedrag vir die persoon wat ons wil verstaan, die bron van reaktiewe emosies wat hierdie patroon dryf, as daar reaktiewe emosies is, loop u 'n kamer binne en outomaties voel u spanning en angs, waar kom dit vandaan, waar kom die spanning en angs vandaan? as dit kyk na hoe hierdie situasie die verlede veroorsaak, maak dit seer, of dit nou in daardie verhouding is of in vorige leerervarings, hoe veroorsaak dit pyn vir 'n persoon wat teruggaan na die seksvoorbeeld , weet jy, miskien voel een van die vennote nie ng naby hul huweliksmaat en hulle sê jy weet wat ek net ek voel nie naby genoeg aan jou nie ek wil nie seks hê nie en die ander maat voel so dat dit baie verwerp en hulle voel dat hulle in die steek gelaat word sodat ons moontlik wil teruggaan na ander verlatenheidservarings, ons wil ook kyk na hoe hulle op die punt gekom het waar die intimiteit soveel opgelos het, en ons wil ook kyk hoe die situasie gevoelens van mislukking verwerp, verlies van beheer of isolasie veroorsaak albei partye, maar gewoonlik in die party wat dit ontstel, weet u hoe u dit as 'n mislukking as 'n persoon as 'n persoon laat voel, of dat u verwerp word, en ons wil daaroor begin praat en eintlik kry dit daar buite nie net die veronderstelling dat die ander persoon verstaan ons wil bemagtig vennote om beheer te neem en maak belangrike besluite in die verband as 'n terapeut Ek gaan nie om daar te wees in drie maande ses maande 'n jaar van nou af aan sê goed almal sit nou is dit die plan is dit belangrik vir ons om vennote te bemagtig om te dink dink oor wat is die werkbare oplossings vir hierdie probleem help hulle leer hoe om werkbare oplossings na te vors om die probleem wat ek kan 'n paar voorstelle wat ek kan 'n paar werkvelle maar ek oor die algemeen te gee ook mense aan te moedig om aanlyn te gaan en / of gaan na die biblioteek en kry 'n paar boeke of lees lees 'n paar blogs aanlyn wat kan help en dan bring dit terug na terapie en laat ons praat oor wat jy weet wat hulle geleer het wat hulle lees hoe hulle dink dat dit dalk help en praat oor hoe hulle dit kan toepas, my doel hier is om hulle in staat te stel om te leer hoe om die nodige hulpmiddels te vind as hulle struikelblokke teëkom nadat die terapie verby is. om op hierdie punt te kom waar hulle op 'n dooiepunt is of as hulle op mekaar skree, identifiseer alternatiewe interaksie -interaksies wanneer u gefrustreerd voel met u maat of verlate of verlate watter woorde ook al kom wanneer u so begin voel, in plaas van om uit die kamer te skreeu, om te verhoed dat u huis toe gaan, ongeag u huidige reaksie, watter ander oplossings vir u beskikbaar is, en laat ons 'n lys maak van wat dit is, so mense 'n Ander oplossing kan wees, 'n ander oplossing, miskien is ek 'n paartjie waarmee ek gewerk het; hulle was baie onbestendig en het dit moeilik gehad om probleme te bespreek sonder om baie emosioneel te raak, selfs al het hulle in 'n rustige gemoedstoestand begin. probleme met aktiewe luister, maar terwyl hulle die aktiewe luistervaardighede ontwikkel, sodat hulle nie gefrustreerd raak nie, het ek dit gehad toe hulle 'n probleem gehad het, het ek hulle laat neerskryf, skryf 'n verhaal oor wat die probleem is en ruil dit uit of gee dit aan die ander persoon en laat die ander persoon dit lees as u dinge neerskryf, u kan dit redigeer, u kan die blaamwoorde wat u kan neem, u beklemtoon, die I -stellings doen alles hierdie soort dinge moedig mense ook aan en versterk die verbale gedrag as hulle as jy dit neerskryf, die ander vennoot
die verhaal sal vertel van wat aan die gang is en dit kan lees sonder om te voel asof hulle aangeval of verdedig hulle, en hulle sal tyd hê om hul reaksie te lees en te verwerk en te verwerk en te formuleer, veral as paartjies praat, en dit is 'n gelaaide situasie en een van u vennote voel verdedigend en die ander vennote kwaad en albei probeer hul eie standpunt bewys dat hulle nie na mekaar luister nie, hulle is so besig om hul eie reaksie te formuleer dat hulle nie hoor wat die ander persoon sê nie, en ons moet uitvind hoe om 'n time -out te plaas daar 'n ander manier om die verskuiwing in interaksie te fasiliteer is okay om te identifiseer in hierdie oplossings hier wat elke vennote verantwoordelikheid so selfs in die verhaal skryf ding die persoon wie se ontsteld daardie persoon se koshuis Verantwoordelikheid is om met I-stellings en objektiewe taal neer te skryf wat die probleem is, en miskien is die oplossing vir die ander persoon, dit is hul verantwoordelikheid om dit te lees om te verwerk wat gesê word en sonder om verdedigend te bly, kan hulle verdedigend raak 'n minuut wat reg is, dit is 'n normale gevoel, maar sonder om defensief te bly en dan te parafraseer wat die ander persoon gesê het, sodat hulle rustig kan bespreek wat aangaan en as die ander persoon ook nie aktief kan bespreek wat aan die gang is sonder om te emosioneel te disreguleer nie, kan hulle skryf 'n verhaal terug, dit word vervelig as u die hele tyd heen en weer hoef te skryf, maar soms is dit 'n manier om te begin, veral 'n baie aangrypende onderwerp wat nuwe emosionele gebeurtenisse verbind en 'n positiewe band tussen emosionele gebeure skep en intimiteit vestig, een van die belangrikste foute wat ek sien, is dokters As u te ver vooruit spring waar u die kliënte is, moet u die paartjie ontmoet waar hulle is, wat kan hulle aanbied doen dit as hulle nie tans in dieselfde kamer kan wees sonder om mekaar se hare te wil uittrek nie, en dan van hulle verwag dat u op 'n afspraak moet gaan, en u weet dat u op die rusbank kan sit of wat dit ook al te veel is, wat u moet terugtrek en gaan oké, wat dink jy kan jy nou doen? Hier is jy wat jy kan voorstel dat jy self sou doen, en hulle het moontlik nie dadelik ' n antwoord nie, so 'n ander vraag wat jy kan vra, is wat hoop jy U kan uiteindelik wat intimiteit betref, hoe wil u hê dat dit wil lyk, of u op die rusbank kan sit en u maat u voete vryf, of hoe dit ook al is, 'n idee van hoe dit gaan lyk en gaan goed, dit is 'n 10 nou is ons op nul, so wat is die eerste stap om daar te kom, miskien kan ons saam 'n maaltyd deel en dan werk om saam saans TV te kyk, of weet u iets? in die aand, of u hoef dit nie regtig te doen nie interaksie, jy is net in dieselfde kamer en kom dan tot die punt waar jy saam op die bank sit, miskien hande vashou, miskien nie eens net langs mekaar op die bank sit nie, sodat daar kontak kan wees, nie almal hou daarvan nie hou hande vas om uit te vind hoe die stappe lyk en help mense om in daardie rigting te begin knuffel, in die besef dat u weet dat hulle net sal kan doen wat hulle kan doen om die vyf liefdestale te leer om intimiteit te bewerkstellig wat ons nodig het om mense te voel soos hulle is gehoor en voel soos hulle is geliefd en gerespekteer en waardeer help mense leer en jy hoef nie om dit te lees die hele boek wat jy weet die vyf liefdestale geskenke woorde optree kwaliteit tyd het hulle lys in volgorde van voorkeur hulle 5 liefdestale en gee dan voorbeelde van hoe die liefdestale vir hulle lyk, byvoorbeeld aanraking kan 'n drukkie wees, of dit kan ' n intiem vryf wees, of dit kan iets meer intiem wees as dit, of dit kan soen of Dit is miskien nie dat ons dit nie weet nie, totdat iemand verwoord hoe dit lyk, sodat hulle kan definieer hoe die liefdestale lyk, en dit wys hul lewensmaat en hulle ruil lakens uit, sodat elkeen weet of dit die geval is as ek NIE is as ek is nie. liefde en waardering vir my maat, dit is dinge wat ek kan doen, wat hy of sy sal erken as 'n poging tot waardering
en intimiteit, ons wil 'n gevoel van gehegtheid tussen vennote bevorder, 'n veilige verbintenis met kinders met volwassenes , wat gekenmerk word deur reaksie op reaksie die behoeftes van u maat as u 'n slegte dag het, sê dat u bereid is om te sê dat u weet, vertel my dat u deurgaans deernis en empatie het, omgee vir die ander persoon en omskryf wat aangaan, en ons gaan daaroor praat aktiwiteit in 'n minuut, maar reageer konsekwentheid deernis en omgee is so belangrik en ons wil mense leer hoe om dit te doen, soms kyk hulle weer na u asof u ongemaklik, ek wil hê dat jy moet dink as jou kind die kamer binnestap, en as jy weet dat jy so loop en optree of brom of ontsteld lyk, wat sou jy doen, ek wil hê jy moet dieselfde doen vir jou maat, weet jy of jy sou Vra jou kind dat jy weet wat aan die gang is, dit lyk asof jy 'n slegte dag beleef, laat ons dit aan jou maat doen, soms het die mure van wrok so hoog opgebou dat mense jou nie kan veralgemeen nie, maar weet dat hulle iets baie lekker en Wees baie responsief en konsekwent met almal, maar hulle het hierdie muur tussen hulle en hul maat, so ek wil hê dat hulle hulself voortdurend moet afvra of dit my beste vriend of my kind was wat so opgetree het of dit gesê het, hoe sou ek nou reageer? kyk of ek dit kan weerspieël as ek met my maat emosionele vermyding verminder as mense ontsteld is, wat gaan hulle doen en wil ons hê dat mense bewustheid moet beoefen, en dat parafrasering van bewuste mindfulness baie nuttig kan wees as u twee mense het? nou skiet dit miskien na die maan, en dit is miskien nie onmiddellik iets om met paartjies te doen nie, want hulle is moontlik nie gereed nie, maar as hulle op die punt is waar hulle saam kan ontbyt of aandete eet, of wat ook al, moet elke persoon deur 'n bewustheid voorraad en net sê jy weet ek voel regtig moeg vandag het ek 'n harde dag by die werk ek gefrustreerd oor alles en dan die ander vennoot parafrases wat so ek hoor dat jy net jy weet regtig uitgeput van al die dinge wat by die werk gebeur het, verbeel my dat die persoon bewustheid beoefen en inskakel en hoor hoe hulself en hul vennote dit parafraseer en bevestig hoe hulle voel hoe wonderlik dit is, en dan verander jy rolle, sodat ons wil hê dat mense dit moet weet of identifiseer maniere om emosionele vermyding te verminder in plaas van om niks te voel nie, of as u outomaties ontsteld raak as u na die rekenaar gaan, of as u outomaties ontsteld is, weet u dat u in 'n kamer begrawe en TV kyk en jy is in jou klein grot, wat kan jy doen, oefen mindfulness, weet waaroor jy ontsteld is, oefen radikale aanvaarding, die feit dat of as jy aanvaar dat dinge dalk nie goed is nie, of dat daar 'n probleem is, maar daar is ook ander goeie dinge wat aan die gang is, oefen noodverdraagsaamheid uit, en u kan die akroniem verbeter, of behalwe dialektiese gedragsterapie, om mense te help om gereedskap te identifiseer wat hulle kan gebruik om hulle uit hul emosionele verstand te help om in hul verstand te kom en probleemoplossing natuurlik uiteindelik Ons wil hê dat mense die probleem kan oplos, een van die aktiwiteite wat u tydens die sessie kan doen , is om hulle te vra as u ontsteld is oor u maat, wat sal u doen, sodat die probleem hier is en ons wil u nou identifiseer as u ontsteld is jou maat as jy ' n probleem het, watter gedrag doen jy, skree jy, klap jy deure, trek jy terug, drink jy wat dink jy oor jouself oor die ander persoon en oor t? Die verhouding en die soort lewe in die algemeen, en soms dink mense dat die lewe nie die moeite werd is om te lewe nie, of jy weet dat ek die res van my lewe ellendig sal wees, ongeag die gedagtes wat hulle kry. doen hulle dit op hul eie werkblad, en kry al die dinge uit sodat hulle kan sien dat dit gedagtes en gevoelens is wat hulle waarskynlik wegbeweeg van hul doel om hierdie verhouding te herstel, maar hul doel om die verhouding te herstel is nog steeds daar. aan die regterkant, sodat ek wil hê hulle moet identifiseer watter dinge u kan doen, watter gedrag
kan u doen, wat u sal help om hierdie probleem te hanteer, sodat u kan voortgaan om u verhouding te herstel, watter gedagtes kan u hê wat u kan help hanteer die probleem op 'n manier wat u koester of wat u weet, u help om aan u verhouding te werk en watter gevoelens u kan aanwend om dit te help om hierdie verhouding te koester skip en gevoelens kan wees soos gevoelens van vergifnis of aanvaarding of deernis empatie al die dinge Jen al die gevoelens is oor die algemeen teenoor gevoelens, daar is gevoelens dat as die persoon dit het, dit hulle sal help om na 'n gesonder verhouding te beweeg, sterkpunte in die paartjie vra hulle wat u sterkpunte is, is 'n paartjie wat u nie as individu ken nie, maar as 'n paartjie weet u watter sterk punte u het, en u weet baie keer dat hulle goed kan sê, ons stem saam oor hierdie tipe dinge en ons doen dit albei graag hierdie soort okay groot dan wat is jou sterkpunte as individue jy weet byvoorbeeld ek en my man ons is baie baie verskillende Ek is baie gestruktureer Ek is baie jy weet dat tyd en sperdatums georiënteerde ek jou ken nie soos rommel ek doen nie soos 'n plat oppervlak, dit is dinge, en ek beskou die sterk punte waarvan u weet dat ek geneig is om netjies te wees, ek is geneig om goed te wees met geld. Ek is geneig om deernisvol te wees. huishoudelike herstelwerk en rekenaarherstelwerk en sulke dinge, daar is baie dinge waarmee hy goed is , hy is baie beter daarin om ons seun te leer bestuur as wat ek kyk na ons sterk punte wat ons het en beide dinge wat ons kan doen en eienskappe oor ons is ek geneig om te deernisvol te wees; hy is geneig om te wees; jy weet 'n bietjie op die logiese kant, maar tussen ons twee balanseer ons mekaar as ons kyk na dit, met inagneming van die feit dat u weet dat u baie anders kan wees maar dit is miskien 'n goeie ding, want u kan mekaar op 'n manier in balans bring en positiewe dinge identifiseer wat u vir u maat gedoen het, of positiewe dinge wat u maat die afgelope week vir u gedoen het. Dit is 'n manier om sterk punte te bevorder. beklemtoon pogings om die verhouding te verbeter. Een artikel wat ek gelees het, het oor nege minute se verbinding gepraat, die meeste mense soggens net na werk en net voor die bed, dit is die belangrikste oorgangspunte gedurende die dag. n verbinding kan die betekenisvolste wees, want mense is besig om een ​​ding wat hulle doen, af te handel en maak gereed om die volgende fase van hul dag te begin as jy drie minute in die oggend met jou maat kan praat en drie minute na werk en Dan, drie minute voor jy gaan slaap, praat jy net daarvan dat jy weet dat jy aandag kan aanteken of wat dit ook al is, dit kan regtig help om sterk punte en kommunikasie in die verhouding te bevorder wanneer ons 'n beoordeling doen vir paartjies wat ons wil, ons wil hul kommunikasievermoë beoordeel en baie van wat sal baie duidelik tydens die assessering wees as een vennoot is geneig dominante in die gesprek wat ons wil seker maak dat ons die balans wat uit en kyk vir die skuld van kyk vir baie gebruik stellings enigiets wat ons wil aan te spreek so ver as minder te wees minder as nuttige kommunikasiestyle Ons wil konflikoplossingsmetodes identifiseer, hoe gaan dit met julle, en as die antwoord is, is ons nie goed nie, ons wil ondersoek e hoe elke persoon die verskille tussen hulself en hul maat waardeer, ondersoek finansiële bestuur ontspanningsaktiwiteite seksualiteit en liefde familie en vriende verhoudingsrolle kinders en ouerskap en geestelike en kulturele oortuigings en waardes kyk na al die dinge hoe elke maat voel elke gebied gaan wat elke vennoot wil op elke gebied vir hulself sowel as vir die verhoudings, en probeer dan uitvind waar die ons is waar die samesmelting bymekaar kom, ons wil ook identifiseer wat die doel van elke persoon vir die behandeling is en vra elke individu watter veranderinge is u Hoop dat dit uit die terapie sal kom, en wat is die werklikheid van die situasie vir jou op die oomblik toe jy jou verhouding met my moes beskryf,
hoe sou jy vir my sê dat dit nie beteken nie, beteken nie die ander maat moet saamstem nie, ek wil verstaan jou persepsie van die verhouding vanuit jou oogpunt en ek kyk altyd na temperament, want ek glo dit is baie belangrik om te ontdek verstaan ​​mense se natuurlike neigings ekstroverte praat dinge uit terwyl hulle dink en geniet dit baie om by baie mense te wees as hulle 'n probleem het, wil hulle dit uitpraat en as hulle dit nie met hul maat kan uitpraat nie, Ek sal waarskynlik hul ma of hul vriendin bel, of hul beste vriend of wie dit wil sê, introverte is geneig om tyd te hê om rustig te wees as daar 'n probleem is om iets in hul brein na te dink. Ekstroverte neem dit dikwels persoonlik op as introverte neem die tyd om hul gedagtes bymekaar te kry, en dit is belangrik om mense te help om net die verskillende temperamentstyle te verstaan; dit is nie dat John jou verwerp as hy 'n slegte dag gehad het nie en hy gaan uit op die stoep sodra hy by die huis kom. dink eers voordat hy kan inkom vir die ander persoon wat u ken vir Sally, u weet miskien dat Sally daarvan hou om te dekomprimeer deur oor haar dag te praat as hulle albei op dieselfde tyd by die huis kom. ontplof reeds en kan hy sy stilstand moet Sally kan verwerp voel as John gaan uit op die stoep wat ons wil om te onderhandel nommer een help elke persoon verstaan hoekom hulle doen wat hulle doen en hoe hulle doeltreffend mekaar jy weet Decompress kan help aan die einde van die dag as Sally weet dat jon 30 minute in sy omgewing gaan deurbring en dan baie keer terugkom, is dit al wat belangrik is, jy weet dat daar 'n bewustheid is van wat aangaan, ek kom aan die beurt in 30 minutes after he's had a chance to decompress in his in his cave sensing versus intuitive sensors tend to be very caught up in details while intuited are the dreamers you know they come to counseling and the Intuit or we'll have this item this Disney idea maybe of what their relationships going to look like not really firm on the details but you know you get the picture there the sensor is going to have all these particular details and issues that need to be addressed but maybe missing the big picture o f you know we just want to be happy and some of these little things may not really be all that consequential bankers and feelers helping people understand what motivates decisions so they can communicate more effectively when my when I was pregnant with my son the dog and we ended up naming or KC hint about how it ends walked up to me on the street I'm like six months pregnant and you know we couldn't afford another dog at that point in time and I thought she belonged to somebody so I called the pound and had them come get her because I didn't want her to run out in the street and get run over she was really well mannered knew how to heal all that kind of stuff long story short nobody ever came and claimed her and we were laying in bed one night and it was about three days after she had gone to the pound and I called found out that nobody claimed her and she was going to be euthanized first thing the next morning my husband got up and he's like okay we're gonna go down to the pound tod ay because we need to get that dog and I'm like what because logically you know I was trying to empathize from his point of view my compassion was you know this poor dog didn't do anything she shouldn't be destroyed the logical side of him said we can't afford another dog but we came in the middle and he's like I'm never gonna hear the end of it how we ended up killing a dog so we're gonna go get another one that was his logic for it I'm motivated by you know compassion and mercy and all that kind of stuff he tends to be much more logical and understanding how we make each other's decisions can help us understand how to communicate with the other one if I want to convince him of something or you know improve a point or whatever I need to present it logically if he wants to motivate me to do something he talks about how
it will help the other person be happier or whatever and judging and perceiving judgers were the structured people and perceivers tend to get really bored if they're ove rly structured helping couples learn how to compromise in our relationship we've agreed to schedule in a spontaneous day one day every weekend which happens to be Sundays right now is our family day I don't know what's gonna happen that day but I cannot make plans for that day because we're gonna do something as a family and do something to be that's relatively spontaneous and that works for us because it's not the same thing seven out of seven days there's one day that we can just kind of get up in the morning and go hey let's go kayaking or something but we need to help have couples brainstorm ways that they can both make their temperaments work together and figure out how to respect each person's individual preferences conflict resolution and this is a set of steps that I have people go through set a time and place for discussion define the problem being specific and objective if it means you got to write it out write it out list the ways you eat contribute to the problem so how doe s each person contribute to the financial problems or how does each person contribute to problems with intimacy or whatever it is identify past unsuccessful attempts at resolution this will give you an idea about what doesn't work or at least wasn't what hasn't worked until now brainstorm ten possible solutions discuss and evaluate each solution agree on a solution to try describe how each person is going to work toward that solution what is each person's responsibility set another time to discuss the progress and reward each other's efforts if intimacy is a problem that you're working on for example then you know brainstorm 10 ways to improve your intimacy agree on a solution that you're going to try and for example if you notice that your partner is doing something that he said he was going to do in order to try to work on the intimacy issue thank you you know or acknowledge that you know that was really sweet I appreciate you going the extra mile reward each other's efforts and then in you know two weeks or whatever when you sit down and row you whether you've made progress you'll be able to talk about those things fair fighting and there should be a different word for it besides fighting fair discussing just didn't quite have the same punch um ring to it know when you need a timeout I tell people do not engage when enraged if you are angry you've got that adrenaline flowing that cortisol flowing you've got you know tunnel vision probably going on that means you're also probably not hearing what's being said to you do not engage when enraged used to stress tolerance techniques to get into your wise mind identify what you were thinking and feeling and why it became so difficult to discuss it you were thinking these things which triggered this you know emotional dysregulation what were those thoughts that made it made you go from having a thought to being enraged explore how those feelings are related to assumptions based on the past you know John was late getting home from work and Sally all of a sudden got enraged because he was late getting home from work what was she thinking she was thinking he's cheating on me again or reflecting on something from the past let's check and make sure the reactions are not based on assumptions from the past and look at how those feelings are related to fears of rejection failure loss of control isolation and the unknown this is something that people should do independently and then you know after they've looked at it you know looked at it objectively got an idea of what's going on where it's coming from resume the conversation when you resume it stay seated or go for a walk together and and I say that because sometimes it's easier to have a discussion when you're not having to sit there looking right at each other so if you're both walking if
you're both in a standing position then there's not a power differential you don't want to stand in the middle of the living room and talk to each other though because t hen it if you're standing and facing one another it can get more adversarial when you're walking it tends to take some of that energy that you know wants to launch out of your throat and put it into your feet the talker presents his or her points of view about one issue using objective words and I statements for example I get anxious whenever you're late because I remember that what happened before and you're having an affair and I get scared that it's happening again and I'm afraid of losing you okay great we have this lots of ice statements here there's no name-calling there's no but no blaming in this particular situation this person is just saying this is how I feel and this is why I feel this way not saying it's right or wrong I'm just saying this is how it is the listener listens to understand and paraphrases so the listener would say when I'm late you feel vulnerable and get afraid that I might be planning to leave okay that's a decent paraphrase if the talker agrees the talk re fers yeah exactly or no you're not hearing me and then clarifies what they were intending to say the listener continues to listen to understand and paraphrase until the talker feels completely understood when the talker feels fully heard and understood then the role switch and then the person who was listening gets to say it's really frustrating that you know I feel like I have to call in if I'm gonna be five minutes late yada-yada-yada encouraged them to start having this discussion where they're paraphrasing so they can take each other's points of view a little bit better after both parties feel fully heard about what the situation is then solutions are discussed one activity that's kind of cool is learning to listen couples face each other and you identify one as a sender and one is the receiver the sender is asked to figure out or offer us one sentence guess why he or she thinks that the partner decided to come to the therapy appointment so they may some say something like I think you came to this session so I can learn how to be nice to you regardless of whether it's true the receiver mirrors it and this is you know intro to paraphrasing so you think I came to this appointment today so you'll learn how to be nice to me yes okay so that was a good paraphrase they may not agree but that was a good paraphrase the sender keeps adding more reasons I also think you're here because you want to save our marriage and then the receiver can paraphrase that and go so you think you that I want you to learn how to be nice to me so we can save our marriage okay that might be accurate after the sender completes all guesses and each guess is mirrored the receivers asked to add or correct what was said and it may look something like it's true I am here to save our marriage but it's not a matter of you being nice to me it's more a matter of helping us learn how to talk to each other so we can work through disagreements instead of arriving at stalemates something like that but thi s is you know one of those intro activities obviously you're doing it the first day in session which is one way to start helping people learn how to listen and keep their mouth shut if they're not worried about formulating a response because they know now's not the time they get to talk then they're going to be more able to listen to what's being said seeking forgiveness you know sometimes we need to seek forgiveness and relationships try to understand or empathize with the pain that you've caused even if you didn't intend to cause pain or if you don't if you think the other person brought it on themselves or whatever the reason you know if something that you did caused the other person to experience pain or the other person reacted with pain then understand and empathize where that pain may be coming from take responsibility
for your actions and make restitution if necessary I don't like the word restitution but I couldn't come up with another one if you did wrong admit it and then tr y to make it right if you need to it could be saying I won't do that again it could be changing your behaviors you know it could be you know calling your mother-in-law and apologizing or whatever it is take responsibility assure your partner that you will not do it again or will work work toward a resolution if you have two partners that are as a stalemate over something and you know one partner let's stay with the sex thing because that one is one that comes up a lot one partner does not feel any sort of attachment and just as not wanting to have sex with their with their spouse we don't want them to go into it and feel like they have to say okay I'm sorry it hurts you that I wouldn't have sex with you I'll never deny you sex again now that's not respectful or empowering in in any sort of way so we want them to agree that they'll work toward a resolution to this so maybe they can resume some level of intimacy that both of them find acceptable apologize and asked for forgiveness for wh at parts you had in it you know everything every situation both parties played some part in it apologize and ask for forgiveness for what part you had and forgive yourself if necessary granting forgiveness it's not as easy as going I accept your apology we need to encourage people to acknowledge their pain and anger be specific about their needs for the future to give up their right to get even but they can insist on working toward a resolution again it's not saying that alright if I grant you forgiveness then I'm gonna get my way it's saying alright I'm going to forgive you and we will use that energy instead of being angry at each other and resentful we'll use that energy to work towards a solution let go of blame resentment and negativity communicate your forgiveness to your partner and when it's safe work towards reconciliation and I don't necessarily mean just physically safe I mean emotionally safe I don't want people to rush into or feel like they're being pressured into somethi ng in order to commit in order to fulfill some sort of a contract I want people to feel like they're doing what they're doing willingly and happily improving intimacy intimacy triggers oxytocin and dopamine we want to ask the couple to face one another and this can be hard for some couples that might be as far as they can get the sender is asked to state one thing he or she likes about the receiver and so it one example could be I really love what a hard worker you are you know that's pretty benign in the compliment category the receiver paraphrase is this appreciation you appreciate how hard I work okay work again practicing paraphrasing but we're eliciting compliments if you will from one another and it can feel make people feel vulnerable to give compliments sometimes and it can make people feel vulnerable to get compliments sometimes so this helps improve intimacy because there's a little bit of risk-taking here and there's a little bit of revealing what your innermost thoughts mig ht be the sender then deepens the appreciation by using the phrase this is so special to me because so they start by saying I really love what a hard worker you are and this is so special to me because I know that you work really hard in order to make sure that our family is safe and have all of our needs met and all that whatever it is there is sivir again mirrors that compliment so the receiver not only is hearing what's being said but we know that they're hearing what's being said because they have to paraphrase it and when we say something as opposed to just hearing it when we repeat it back it strengthens that memory connection so we're strengthening that intimacy pathway and the process is repeated with the receiver offering appreciation I like it if couples will commit to doing this once a day and they face one another
and this can be in one of those little three-minute blocks in the morning right after work or before bed look at each other and give a compliment paraphrase give a compliment paraphrase you know it just helps them get used to talking about something other than what's going wrong or what all the problems are common mistakes that I see letting one partner dominate the sessions remind partners that you're not a referee and that they need to be speaking to each other using I statements and practicing paraphrasing is so important that neither partner feels like you are taking sides interrupts is necessary to redirect the conversation to get it back to talking about one thing at a time paraphrasing using objective language and I statements another mistake is failing to elicit information from both partners if one partner tends to be way more dominant the other partner may not speak up you also may have somebody that has sort of what I call white coat syndrome and when they come into our office one partner may feel timid and not want to offer up anything unless they're specifically asked so have each person write down and share in session with the oth er person their perception of progress and paraphrase it anything important that transpired again paraphrase it experience what the homework did it go well was it too hard was it overwhelming what what was your experience what did you get out of it and any concerns they have about the direction for treatment or any interventions that have been suggested so far have them do this at each and every session in order to make sure you're on the same page practice the communication skills and encourage both couples to have a relatively equal voice another mistake is failing to have couples arrive at a workable definition of important concepts such as intimacy intimacy means different things to different people I like whiteboards because I got plenty of room to write and I'll put a term up there like intimacy and I'll say okay tell me what intimacy looks like to you and I'll ask one one partner and I'll write that on one side of the board and then I'll look at the other partner and I'll say ok ay tell me what intimacy looks like to you you know not add to it but tell me what it looks like to you and I'll write on side and then we'll look at the similarities on both sides of the whiteboard for what intimacy looks like to them and we'll talk about how to develop that and then we'll look at the differences between each person's concept of intimacy and we'll talk about compromises or whatever in order to arrive at a universal definition of intimacy quality time is another thing spent and that can be spending quality time with each other or the kids financial management there are a lot of concepts that we talked about and it's important to look at how each person defines it moving too fast sometimes the pain is too engrained to start with intimacy exercises with couples start with what the couple thinks they can both handle and the final mistake is imposing your vision of a happy relationship some relationships are consensually non-monogamous or polyamorous maybe that's not your cup of tea maybe religiously you don't even believe it but if it's their preference then we need to understand it and in order to support them in order to help them you know work on their relationship as they define it pornography some couples actually watch porn together some couples you know watch porn separately but they know that the other person is watching porn and it's okay and they are fine with that in their relationship that is up to them and pornography doesn't just have to be videos or pictures it can be you know trashy dime-store novels or whatever but it's important to understand if that's something in their relationship that they want to keep then you know we don't need to talk about all the ills of pornography not every couple sleeps together because you know a lot of times I hear couples don't sleep together
because they have very different schedules and or one partner may have sleep apnea and even with a CPAP machine those things are noisy they can't get quality sleep if they sleep in the same room okay well if you're not going to sleep in the same room and that works better for you guys then how can you maintain that intimacy what can you do during non sleeping hours and then sex and there's a whole litany of information out there about asexuality that we need to be aware of not everybody has the same sex drive and it's important to help couples be able to talk about what works for them and you know sometimes couples even agree to have an asexual sort of relationship and there are a lot of articles and things out there that would say no you have to be having regular sex that may not be what works for that couple we need to be culturally and individually responsive working with couples is very different than individual therapy you got one plus one equals three you've got one's partner the other partner and then the relationship key challenges are to help each person understand the other person's perception of the problem and resolution understandin g what the problem means to each person and how it might be triggering stuff from the past or serving to protect them in the present helping them increase motivation and efficacy ensuring both partners hear each other and themselves and rebuilding the intimacy bridge with a foundation of trust this episode of councilor toolbox has been sponsored in part by foundations events as the behavioral health industry evolves the need for collaboration is greater than ever join foundations events at the innovations in behavioral healthcare conference June 20th and 21st in Nashville focused on listening to both the patient and provider this conference offers two days of sessions that follow the journey from meeting the patient where they are to helping them find recovery special pricing for licensed clinicians is available with the opportunity to earn over 20 CEUs visit foundations events comm slash counselor toolbox for more information and to register today if this podcast helps you help your c lients or yourself please support us by purchasing your CEUs at all CEUs com or getting your agency to sponsor an episode a direct link to the on demand CEUs for this podcast is it all CEUs dot-com / podcast CEUs that's all CEUs comm slash podcast CEUs to sponsor an episode of counselor tool box and reach over 50,000 clinicians per week go to all CEUs calm / sponsor thank you
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peterpijls1965 · 5 months
Mr Brownstone - Tokyo 1992 HD
De drummer kreeg wat drugsproblemen, maar kwam terug. Het decennia aangekondigde album The Chinese Wall kwam er nooit, maar Gun’s ‘n Roses tourt weer. Gitarist Slash had vroeger een slang als huisdier. Een vriendin vond hem sexy omdat hij een buikje had.
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optimaaltrickspost · 10 months
Diablo IV Review: Een Duik in de Wereld, Gameplay en Meer! Na lang wachten is Diablo IV eindelijk ... https://optimaaltricks.com/diablo-iv-review-een-duik-in-de-wereld-gameplay-en-meer/?feed_id=325&_unique_id=6564349a5d8fc
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madeliefkrans · 1 year
één run gedaan van kentucky route zero en idk of ik nog eentje kan doen want elke keer als ik eraan denk voel ik me loodzwaar van een combinatie van melancholie slash mono no aware slash saudade
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drakre52 · 2 years
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Caricatures Morphing
Johnny Depp Mix with Slash
Music Karpa ❿ Drakre52 Film
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gamefansite · 2 years
Enclave HD als pre-order beschikbaar
Ben je klaar voor een terugkeer naar klassieke kerkerverkenning en furieuze monstergevechten? de actie-RPG klassieker Enclave HD #enclave #enclavehd
Ben je klaar voor een terugkeer naar klassieke kerkerverkenning en furieuze monstergevechten? Vorige week kondigde Ziggurat Interactive aan dat de pre-orders voor de fysieke console release van de actie-RPG klassieker Enclave HD zijn gelanceerd via Limited Run Games en beschikbaar zijn tot 23 oktober 2022. Enclave HD is een bijgewerkte versie van de miljoenen verkopende hack ‘n slash game en zal…
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vampiremeerkat · 3 years
How do you feel about people who draw ships that are gay/lesbian related with eene characters?
I don't know them personally.
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nadine-black · 4 years
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #eene #eenefanart #ededdneddy #ededdneddyyaoi #ededdneddyfanart #ededdneddyedd #ededdneddykevin #ededdneddykevedd #kevedd #keveddfanart #keveddfandom #edd #doubled #doubledee #kevin #cartoonnetwork #cartoonnetworkfanart #cnfanart #yaoicartoon #slash #yaoicouple #rival #yaoi https://www.instagram.com/p/CHrXcsAp1D2/?igshid=1qarjs17i796l
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Eugh, my internet connection keeps dropping out, and it’s pissing me the fuck off. It’s like having fucking dial-up, not fibre-optic broadband. And then if you call the phone company to complain, you get through to a call centre in fucking India where the staff speaking the most broken, bastardised excuse for the English language I’ve ever had the misfortune to hear. And like most customer service staff, they treat you like a computer illiterate retard who doesn’t even know how to use a mouse. Like, I just want the broken service you fucks are supposed to be providing fixed, not to be told how to turn it off and back on again and how to type in a fucking web address by someone who can’t even speak English. Holy Jesus fucking Christ.
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justsomeantifas · 4 years
im one of a household of all black trans/gay people and i help pay for food and other necessities for my household, but i only have $37 dollars in my account and that isnt een close to enough to afford dinner for one night for two of us, much less all of us. im one of the only people working in my household and i still havent gotten paid my first paycheck from work, and even then that entire paycheck is going towards rent, so i wont even get to touch a penny of it. i am disabled, and severely mentally and chronically ill and really really desperate to get funds to help support myself and my family. folks can send donations to my cashapp ($paladinbutch), venmo (@/paladinbutch w/o the slash), or my paypal. please, please PLEASE help if you can, and reblog (try to just reblog if you cant donate)
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stendyle · 3 years
This time its a slash es ar es. I will show u a pic after its done <3 i got green frosting just for this
oh my god dee een eff cake
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