#ed gein remus
trashyswitch · 4 years
Virgil's Post-Halloween Adventure With Roman
Virgil has been really down since Halloween came and went. So, Roman creates a full Halloween city so Virgil and some of the other sides can bring their Halloween fantasies to life.
This was requested by @puppysparkles03. You wanted drastic measures, so: HAVE AN ENTIRE HALLOWEEN TOWN! XD Hope you like it!
Virgil had been in a sad mood since November started. Virgil got his chance to dress up and be his scary self for halloween but...now that Halloween was over, Virgil had grown sad. He loved halloween. Why couldn’t it be Halloween for longer than an evening? The only things that have made Virgil somewhat satisfied was his Halloween candy. Virgil’s been eating tons of halloween candy as of late. From sweets to mini bags of chips, to juice boxes and candy corns, even a rice crispy square ended up in his halloween bag. That was a nostalgic moment for him. It was nice to eat a rainbow (gay) rice crispy square.
One day, Roman managed to get Virgil out of his room for a little adventure in the mind palace. Despite enjoying being out of the room, Virgil did grow annoyed by all the walking. “Can’t you conjure up a train or a car? Or, maybe even a horse and buggy?” Virgil asked.
Roman giggled. “Come on, Virgil! It’s such a pretty day for a walk. Wouldn’t you agree?” Roman asked. Virgil only let out a grunt as a reply. Roman turned to face him. “Come on, Hallo-whiner. I think you’re gonna like the special place that I conjured up, just for you:” Roman told him, grabbing his hand.
Virgil looked up at Roman with the smallest glimmer of hope in his eyes. Roman summoned some black eyeshadow, and help Virgil touch it up. “There ya go. And some blood…” Roman started drawing liquid red face paint dribbles that ran down the corners of Virgil’s mouth to the sides of his chin. “There! Maybe some red lipstick-”
“No red lipstick.” Virgil told him.
“Oooor no red lipstick.” Roman changed up his wording before putting the lid on his lipstick. “Okay! Looking all halloweeny!” Roman declared.
“I thought Halloween was over?” Virgil told him.
“Not unless you want it to be over. And something tells me you don’t want Halloween to be over just yet.” Roman admitted.
Roman picked up Virgil and walked up a hill. Soon, the luscious green grass disappeared from his vision and dark purples, oranges and blacks filled his vision. Virgil’s eyes widened when he realized what it was: It was an entire halloween city!
“What do you think?” Roman asked.
“Are you kidding?!” Virgil reacted. “I LOVE IT!” Virgil yelled, grabbing his shoulders with a big smile on his face. Roman giggled and looked over at the halloween city. “Now: I have given you the ability to snap into the halloween costume of your dreams!” Roman explained to him. “For example:” Roman snapped and watched as a bunch of material surrounded him before disappearing with his costume on himself.
“Oooooh! A roman emperor?” Virgil specified.
“Indeed! A Roman emperor who must rule with an iron fist!” Roman explained. His clothing consisted of a white robe with a brown rope tied around his middle, and a long red sash that was wrapped around his left arm and flowed down the rest of his lower body. To top it off, Roman had a golden laurel wreath on his head! He looked amazing, to be honest!
“Do you have a costume preference of your own, Virgil?” Roman asked.
Virgil nodded and snapped his fingers. A whole bunch of material surrounded Virgil, and soon flew away and disappeared to reveal Virgil’s brand new costume.
Roman gasped and dropped his jaw. “OH MY GOSH- SWEENEY TODD! YESSS!” Roman reacted, covering his mouth.
Virgil was dressed up as Johnny Depp’s version of Sweeney Todd. He had his brown hair spray dyed black and gelled back, with a white big streak in the middle left of the hairline. He had the slightly tattered vest tuxedo with a belt on a pair of striped pants, male ankle boots and a pair of fingerless gloves on his hands. In his vest pocket were some plastic traditional barber knives, and in his pants pocket was a vintage pocket watch.
“HELL YEAH! I LOVE Sweeney Todd! Classic musical!” Roman declared.
Virgil looked at his own costume and started acting a little like a fanboy. “I’ve always wanted to dress up as this character, but it’s a really hard costume to pull off.” Virgil admitted.
“Oh! You forgot something!” Roman told him. Roman summoned a long black coat and put it on Virgil’s shoulders. Virgil smiled and put it on. “It’s gonna be a little cold in there.” Roman let him know.
Virgil blushed a little. “Thank you.” Virgil replied.
“Now come, my killer barber! We shall visit Halloween City!” Roman declared, pointing to the city. Suddenly, a big horse and buggy came rolling up right beside them. Virgil and Roman hopped into the horse and buggy before the horse was signalled to start clop-clopping to the city.
The city itself was FILLED to the brim with stereotypical halloween stuff. There were stores for buying and trying on halloween costumes of large variety, big towers with witches and cauldrons so you could make your own spells, a big library filled with horror, thriller and grotesque-themed books and movies in them, a cemetery filled with floating ghosts, skeletons and zombies, and there were even caves surrounded by dead forest that housed the cats, snakes, bats and vampires. The more that Virgil saw out the sides of the horse and buggy windows, the more excited Virgil got!
“You made all this?!” Virgil reacted.
“Yes, I did!” Roman replied.
Virgil gasped and looked around more as the horse and buggy dropped them off in the middle of the city. The middle of the city has a simple, run down fountain in the middle with vines circulating the brick water pit. In the middle of the water fountain, was a few skulls lined up like a square with an infinite waterfall running through their eyes, nose holes and mouths, that fell into the water pit below. It was kinda creepy, but...strangely beautiful to look at.
Virgil almost immediately ran up to the big victorian library. “COME ON, ROMAN!” Virgil yelled to him.
“I’M COMING!” Roman yelled, quickly catching up to him.
Virgil walked up the stairs and quickly opened up the library door. The Victorian library was just as vintage-looking as it was on the outside. Only change being the place looked like a clean kind of vintage. The metal looked polished, the huge shelves looked old but not dirty or super run down, the ladder was wooden but stable and well made, and the middle aisles of shelves had movies and VHS tapes that you could borrow! This wasn’t just a victorian era library...this was a super old building that had been well kept and updated throughout the centuries!
Virgil happily looked around. “Logan would be over the moon about this.” Virgil told Roman.
“I know! He already IS!” Roman told him, before pointing to the ancient kids stories sections. There, hidden within the aisles, was Logan reading a Brothers Grimm fairytales from the 1800’s!
Logan looked up and smiled. “Hello, Virgil. I love the costume.” he greeted, giving Virgil an excited smile.
Logan was dressed up as Charlie ‘The Tramp’ Chaplin. He had the large bowl hat, the mustache, the large shoes, the suit and everything in between! He even had a bamboo cane perched up against the library shelf while he read.
“Hi Logan. Charlie Chaplin, huh?” Virgil reacted.
“Indeed. One of the most well known actors of the silent era.” Logan replied.
Virgil smiled and decided to ignore the bad things about Chaplin...for now. “Enjoying the book?” Virgil asked.
“Yes, I am! This is simply a collection of the Brothers Grimm stories compressed into one novel. It’s very interesting understanding just how much grim topics they could handle back in the day.” Logan told him.
Virgil nodded and started to look around himself. He found an aisle filled with classic novels like Little Woman, The Pride and The Prejudice, the Nancy Drew series, the Frankenstein novel and the original Dracula, an aisle filled with Shakespeare books, an aisle filled with outdated nonfiction books on multiple subjects, an entire aisle dedicated to the decades of encyclopedias, and even an entire aisle dedicated to the Marvel comic books throughout the decades! Virgil practically LOST it when he found Edgar Allen Poe novels, and quickly bought them. To make things even cooler, Roman summoned some 1800’s original bills and coins so he could pay for them! Virgil owed him a huge hug for that one.
After visiting the library, Virgil was brought to the cemetery to take a walk with Roman. “You are gonna LOVE this!” Roman told him. They only got a few minutes to walk around the cemetery before the huge clock tower struck 12.
Suddenly, a bunch of skeletons came digging out from under the graves and started dancing! The skeletons were very cartoon-like, similarly to Disney’s skeleton animation! And the best part? They were listening to ‘Spooky Scary Skeletons’ on a big radio as they danced around!
Virgil was smiling through the whole thing. “This is awesome!” Virgil reacted.
“I’ll say!” someone said, walking up to him from behind. Virgil turned around and widened his eyes. “Oh my…Are you Ed Gein?” Virgil asked.
Remus chuckled. “You bet I am!” Remus replied.
Virgil rubbed his nose, but chuckled a little. “You couldn’t go for leather face? Or Norman Bates?” Virgil asked.
“Nope! Gotta go all out!” Remus declared. “And what better than a guy who does more grave-digging than murdering?” Remus joked.
Virgil nodded, but awkwardly looked away. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Remus’s costume.
“WHY HELLO THERE!” someone yelled behind him. Virgil yelped and turned around. It was one of the dancing, singing skeletons!
“O-oh...You talk?” Virgil reacted.
“You BET I do! Call me Skelly!” the skeleton introduced, holding out their bone hand.
Virgil raised an eyebrow and chuckled at the name. “Virgil.” He replied, shaking the bone hand.
“What’s so funny? Is my name rib-ticklin’ to ya?” Skelly asked, showing off his ribcage.
Virgil stifled a laugh and pushed their shoulder. “Knock off the puns. You’re not as humerus as you think.” Virgil told him.
Skelly frowned at first, but quickly caught on. Skelly pointed to his own shoulder and smiled widely, before laughing. “Not bad, ol’ chum!” Skelly reacted. “Now tell me: Are you a skeleton too?” Skelly asked.
Virgil thought for a moment. “Well, not exactly. I do have a skeleton in me, but it’s filled and covered with flesh and organs.” Virgil explained.
“Wow! So, you have muscles?” Skelly asked. Virgil nodded. “A heart?” Skelly asked, pointing to the left side of his own chest. VIrgil giggled and nodded. “Oh! What about a skull?” Skelly asked before knocking on the top of Virgil’s head.
Virgil yipped at first and flapped his hands above his head. “Oi! My noggin’s not for knockin’!” Virgil warned.
Skelly chuckled at that. “What about ribs? Do you have a ribcage too?” Skelly asked, poking the left side of his ribcage.
Virgil jumped and stepped back, throwing his hands up in defense. “Okay buddy...No poking.” Virgil warned.
“Why not? Ticklish ribs?” Skelly asked, poking his ribcage again. Virgil wheezed somewhat and flapped his hands at him. “Dohon’t you dare…” Virgil warned.
Roman walked up to Virgil and picked the man up before throwing him at Skelly. “Have fun!” Roman told him.
Virgil squeaked and reached his arm out. “NO!” before landing into Skelly’s arms.
Skelly caught him perfectly and held him like a baby. “What a cute little fleshy skeleton I have! I could tickle you here,” Skelly started poking and prodding his ribs. “Here, here,” Skelly poked his front ribs. “Here, Aaaand HERE!” Skelly placed its claw tips onto Virgil’s belly and started skittering his fingers on his belly.
“What thehehehe- HAHAhahahaha! Whyhyhyhy thihihihis?!” Virgil asked, falling into a fit of giggles.
“Oh! It’s quite simple, really. I remember hearing from a certain someone, that your black makeup turns a dark purple when you’re all flustered! Isn’t that right, Emperor Romulus?” Skelly explained.
Roman giggled and shook his head. “It’s Roman, Skelly.” Roman corrected.
“Oh yeah…” Skelly muttered as he moved his fingers to Virgil’s sides.
“WAIT! NAHAhahahat myhyhyhy sihihihides! Lahahay ohohoff, mahahahan!” Virgil ordered.
“Lay? Okay.” Skelly laid Virgil down onto the dirt ground and resumed squeezing his sides.
“ThAHAHAt’s nahahahat whahat Ihihi meheheant, ya doohohohofus!” Virgil reacted.
“Really? When you said ‘lay off’, you didn’t mean ‘put me onto the ground and continue tickling me’? I could’ve sworn that was what you meant.” Skelly teased.
“Thahahat’s NAHAHAT whahahat I meheheant, ahahand YOHOHOHOU knohohow ihihihihit!” Virgil shot back.
“I don’t understand why you’re being so harsh on me. Looking at my point of view, you’d be confused too.” Skelly lightly argued.
Then, Skelly decided to pull a move that would drive anyone mad: Skelly started quickly spidering his fingers up and down Virgil’s ribs and sides. “NOOO! NO, NONONO- SKEHEHELLYHYHYHY! STAHAHAHAHAP!” Virgil laughed. Virgil’s eyeshadow color started to change the longer that he was tickled. And the higher up that Skelly’s fingers went, the more hysterical that Virgil’s laughter became. “WAHAHAITWAIT! DON’TGOAHAHANY- AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CUHUHUHUT IHIHIHIT OHOHOUHUHUT!” Virgil pleaded through his laughter.
“But why? You seem to be having so much fun! I can see it in your eyes!” Skelly proclaimed. “Well...below them, anyway.” Skelly followed up. Virgil’s eyeshadow had turned a pretty hue of purple rather quickly. Roman’s mouth widened excitedly as he gazed upon Virgil’s flustered face. “Roman was right! His eyeshadow CAN turn purple when flustered and happy!” Skelly reacted.
Roman smiled. “So Virgil Sanders enjoys being tickled?” He asked.
“IHIHIHI DOHOHOHO NOHOHOHOT!” Virgil tried to protest.
Roman just giggled at this. “Your eyes and eyeshadow marks give you away. Not only are you flustered by tickling, you seem to love the affection!” Roman explained out loud.
“Well! Rattle my bones and call me Skelly!” Skelly declared in surprise. “This Sweeney Todd is kinda cute!” Skelly declared.
“AHAHAHAM NOHOHOHOHOT!” Virgil protested.
“You really are, Virgil.” Roman replied. “Right, Skelly?” Roman asked.
“You are indeed, right!” Skelly replied.
As much as Skelly wanted to keep tickling him, Roman soon gave him the signal to stop. Skelly followed what he said and retreated his bony fingers. Stepping aside, Skelly let Roman walk up to him and help Virgil up.
“You okay?” Roman asked. Virgil nodded and took Roman’s hand, allowing him to help him up. Virgil’s eyeshadow was still quite purpley after all that. Roman giggled at this and rubbed his cheek. “Still flustery purple.” Roman told him happily.
Virgil giggled and shook his head as he pushed Roman’s hands away. “Stahap that.” Virgil told him, still quite flustered. Roman, Remus and Skelly all laughed at this.
Soon enough, Virgil and Roman moved on, to explore the rest of the city. As they left, Virgil and Roman gave Skelly a goodbye wave. “Bye Skelly! Have fun singing!” Roman yelled to him.
“Will do!” Skelly replied.
“Thank you for the fun time, Skelly!” Virgil said to him.
“Not a problem at all!” Skelly yelled back.
Virgil, Roman and Remus went to a special costume shop next, where he happily got himself a pair of bat wings and a vampire cloak!
By the time the clan got back, Virgil and the sides were feeling as happy as could be. They quickly started showing off their stuff to each other.
Remus got a fake skeleton from the prop shop, a witch potion bottle filled with thick blood, and a big black victorian portrait from the vintage market! He was non stop talking about having his room all halloween-y, till Remembrance day comes around.
Logan got himself a dozen books, a vintage writing book, a fountain pen and multiple ink reloading viles! He was all set for some journaling.
Roman got himself a classic king crown, an empty treasure chest to fill with items, and some vintage, expensive-looking jewellery for himself! He looked super excited to look like he was covered in riches.
Besides the bat wings and the cloak, Virgil also got himself some ruby red lipstick, a pretty black vampire choker, and a pair of black formal shoes.
With how the day went, Roman could proudly proclaim that Halloween City was a big success! Roman placed the entire imagined place into a pretty notebook and carved the words ‘Halloween City’ and ‘open on November 1, 2021’ into the front before placing it onto his book shelf...
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For your prompt request: Intrulogical but both my boys are autistic or intruloceit but it's just deceit trying to calm down his overenthusiastic boyfriends as they info dump together about organs or smth (if your comfortable writing autistic characters, hope you feel better soon)
So before you read, please know the First, I myself have never been diagnosed with autism(while i do display quite a few traits, i am not diagnosed.)Second, i have never written an autistic character, I did quite a bit of research. as much that i could find to help me write these characters as accurately as i could. I also had a friend who offered to read it with diagnosed autism and Third, I know you said organs, but like I kinda self projected with the immense knowledge of serial killers and info dumping and stimming while talking about them.
So with that being said
Word Count: 986
Pairing: IntruLoCeit (background implied Moxiety platonic or romantic. up for interpretation) 
Tw: Talk of Serial Killers and their victims, Patton getting upset by said talk,  2005’s ‘Just Like Heaven’ starring Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon, 
(If i am missing a trigger, please tell me) 
The common space of the mind palace was quiet as four of the six sides sat around the TV, watching 2005’s ‘Just Like Heaven’ starring Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon. Logan sat next to Remus, leaning against him as his hands work on solving a rubix cube without looking, Remus’ fingers playing with Logan’s soft hair. Patton sat in the arm chair, Virgil crouched on the arm of the chair as they talked quietly, only half paying attention to the movie. Deceit was in the kitchen, one room over, deciding it was his turn to make dinner. Logan had seen this movie plenty of times, so he was beginning to get antsy, his fingers partially stumbling over the rubix cube in his hands as he tried to solve it, slowly beginning to get frustrated. Remus, who was not aware of Logan’s change of mood straightened up as he pointed at the screen with a short shout. 
“Leather chair!” Logan jumped, looking at Remus, then looking at the screen where he was pointing. In the background there was indeed a leather chair. He looked back up at Remus with a raised eyebrow, Patton and Virgil both looking over as well, their own faces twisted in confusion. Remus let out a chuckle as he began to flutter his fingers as thoughts rushed through his mind. “Ed Gein! He made a chair out of leather! Well specifically human skin.” Patton’s eyes widened in horror as Virgil already knew where this was going. He got up, taking Patton’s hand and leading him out of the room, Patton mumbling as he looked at Virgil. 
“Did he really do that? That’s horrible.” 
Logan, how ever was now truly intrigued with the conversation. He gave a small smile, his hands working faster with the rubix cube, no longer trying to solve it, just keep his hands busy. 
“Well yes, Remus. You are correct that he did make a chair out of human skin, however it did not look like that. It was just a dining chair upholstered with the human leather.” If Logan was honest, he did have a strange fascination with how the human mind worked, specifically those of serial killers. He had what most people would consider an ‘unhealthy’ amount of knowledge about them, but with Remus, he never felt strange or weird about his knowledge. Remus’ finger flutters quickly became full on hand flapping as he let out a squeak as he began to rock from one side of his hip to the other, turning to fully look at Logan, Logan dong the same. 
“He made a whole costume too!” Remus added, excited about the conversation. Logan nodded, beginning to bounce as well. 
“Correct. it was a dress, a vest, a mask, and some gloves i do believe!” Logan’s voice became excited. The two sat on the couch, info dumping as much as they could, voices seem to get louder and more excited, Logan eventually dropping his Rubix cube on the couch to hand flap as Remus began to full body stim, running hands through his hair as he began stimming in multiple, various ways, excited noises leaving his mouth. Deceit, wondering what his boyfriend’s were currently loud about, came from the kitchen, smiling as he stood in the door frame, watching the two excitedly talk. Deceit noticed Patton and Virgil no longer in the room, finally hearing their conversation. Oh. He walked up to his boys, clearing his throat as to not startle them, knowing they were very unaware of their surroundings when they got like this. 
“Logan, Remus, my dearests, would you like to move this conversation to another room?” His voice stayed soft, offering a hand to the two men who’s stimming was slowing down as Deceit spoke. Logan gasped, fingers fluttering quickly again. 
“Let’s go to my room! I had documentaries and books and articles about him!” He said excitedly, standing up quickly, grabbing his Rubix cube. Remus in reply stood up as well, doing a small spin, giggling was a squeal as they took Deceit’s hands.
“Come on, DeeDee,” Remus grinned widely. “Let’s to go LoLo’s room!” Deceit let out a small chuckle, knowing he was not getting out of this. With a small kiss to each of their heads, and the thought that he had finished dinner, he nodded. 
“Okay, lets go.”
The three of them, hand in hand, Remus jumping and leaping on the way, Logan’s free hand, as Deceit had offered to hold his Rubix cube, was fluttering and waving as he continued to talk. Remus stopped leaping once they got outsides Logan’s room and gasped, voice loud in the empty hallway.
“What about the one person who made the human dolls!” he bounced on the balls of his feet, trying to remember his name. 
“Oh!” Logan perked his head up as he opened the door to his room as he had told the two of them he didn’t like others opening his door. “You mean Anatoly Moskvin. He lived with his parents when he did what he did.” Remus excitedly rushed into the room, the Mindscape already having changed Logan’s room to what he needed right now, which was a Tv with serial killer documentaries and a large wooden table with articles and books and notes about different killers. One of the chairs was even a replica of the Ed Gein chair they were talking about earlier, made from animal hide instead of human skin. Remus gasped and leapt over to the chair. 
“LoLo! You made me the chair!” Logan gave a small smile with an excited nod, walking into the room as well. Deceit, who had been happily watching his boyfriends let out a soft, content sigh. It was going to be a long night, but he wouldn’t change it for anything. He closed the door behind him, ready to talk about serial killers for the rest of the night. 
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cielsystem · 4 years
About us!
Hello, Welcome to Learning about us!
Favorite Holiday?: Halloween
Favorite Show?: Twilight Zone, American Horror Story
Favorite Type of Movies?: Horror/Scary
Mental Conditions: PTSD, DID, Depression, Anxiety, and Psychosis
Physical Health Conditions: Hashimoto Disease, Chronic Migraines, and Immune Deficiency
Favorite Quote: “Hardship Often Prepares Ordinary People for an Extraordinary Density” -C.S Lewis
[BC]About Us
Body’s Name: Aleah
System name: Ciel System
Body’s Nationally: White
Body’s sexuality: Pansexual
Body’s Age: 19 years old
Body’s Height: 5’3ft.
Body’s Gender: Female
[BC]System Info
*Some names will be mentioned more than once since they are in multiple categories, “*” will be applied to those names to down confusion”
-Anubis Army*
-Semper Fi
[BC]Harry Potter Fictives
-James Potter
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Albus Dumbledore
-Minerva McGongall
-Sirius Black
-Molly Weasley
-Lily Potter
[BC]YouTube Fictives
-Jake Webber
-Colby Brock
-Sam Golbach
-Corey Scherer
[BC]Black Butler Fictives
-Ronald Knox
-Ciel Phantomhive
-Elizabeth Midford*
-William T. Spears
[BC]Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss Fictives
-Cherri Bomb
-Angel Dust
-Fat Nuggets
[BC]American Horror Story Fictives
-Dr. Oliver Thredson
-Moira O’Hara
-Kit Walker
-Lana Winters
-Nora Montgomery
-Danny Mott
-Edward Mordrake
-Dr. Arthur Arden
[BC]Winx Club Fictives
[BC]Danny Phantom Fictives
-Danny Phantom
-Ember McLain
-Davy Jones
-Jack Sparrow
[BC]Drag Queens
-Trixie Mattel
-Jeffree Star
[BC]Powerpuff Girls Fictives
[BC]Hero/Villain Fictives
-Harry Osborn
-Flint Marko
-Dr. Oct
[BC]Old Times Origins
-Al Capone*
-Elizabeth Short*
[BC]True Crime Fictives
-Al Capone*
-Jennifer Hitchcock
-Ed Gein
-Doctor (Josef Mengele)
-Jack the Ripper
-Elizabeth Short*
-Loch Ness
[BC]Mark of the Gods Fictives
-Iron Giant
-Ran and Shaw
-Te Fiti/ Te Ka
-The Crooked Man*
[BC]Horror Fictives
-Dr. Lawerence Gordon
-Michael Myers
-Freddy Krueger
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And They Were Roommates: Chapter Three
Summary: Logan reunites with an old friend and has a moment with his new roommate
Word Count: 1,055
Tw: Serial Killers, Drinking, Language
         “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Logan mumbled out, frowning when he noticed he had spilled his drink. The person chuckled lowly, wringing the alcohol out of his sweater.
         “Don’t sweat it Logan, when did you start drinking?” Logan looked at the person curiously, taking a look at the person in front of him. A smile crossed his face as he recognized the bright purple hair and mismatched eyes.
         “Virgil! Long time no see, it’s been a few years since we've spoken last.” He chuckled, his words slurring slightly. Virgil nodded in response, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Logan.
"You okay there starboy? How much have you drank?" Virgil put his hand on Logan's shoulder, leading him to a seat. Logan shrugged, looking down at the cup.
"I was talking to Remy, he kept giving me more to drink. I wasn't paying attention but I'm fine, I'm just a bit tipsy." Logan reassured Virgil, flinching slightly as he looked up into piercing, worried eyes. Virgil shrugged, sitting down next to Logan.
"If you say so Lo, you up for more drinks then? I'll keep an eye out for ya, we can drink and catch up." Logan nodded, turning to face Virgil as the boy handed him another cup.
"I'm sorry for spilling the last one on you Virgil, I should have been paying more attention." Logan mumbled quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. Virgil shook his head, chuckling quietly.
"It's fine Lo, you never had the best coordination. What have you been up to the last few years? You moved away so suddenly." Logan had to lean closer to hear Virgil over the music, his eyes focused on his cup.
"It's nothing to worry about, I just wanted to go to a different school. The new one I moved to had more AP class options." Logan mumbled, not wanting to look up and see if Virgil believed him. The low hum coming from the boy in front of him letting him know all he needed to.
"You still suck at lying but I won’t pressure you if you don’t want to talk about it. I’m just glad to see you again, you moving away sucked ass.” Virgil chuckled, sipping at his own drink, “What are you majoring in? Still planning on playing god as a doctor?” Logan rolled his eyes, looking back up at Virgil.
“First off, it’s not playing god. Being a doctor is a privilege and it is a valid career choice. Secondly, no. I’m majoring in astronomy, I want to be a professor.” Logan frowned slightly, shaking his head as he looked at Virgil. Virgil laughed, smiling at the brunette in front of him.
“What changed your mind professor?” Virgil’s tone was condescending as his grin grew larger, “You wanted to be a doctor ever since we were little, always said you wanted to be like your dad.” Logan tensed up slightly at the mention of his father, shotgunning the rest of his drink.
“That’s a long story Vivi, i’ll tell you about it later. But uh, what are you majoring in?” Logan quickly changed the subject, trying to avoid Virgil’s suspicious look. Virgil sighed, his concern for Logan growing as he studied his body language, choosing to not press the issue further.
“I’m actually a digital filmmaking, I want to work on movies and do special effects for them. I also take some classes at a different college for special effects makeup.” Virgil explained, allowing the topic of conversation to focus on him. Logan sighed in relief, nodding along as Virgil spoke.
“You know ViVi, while the demand for visual effects artists are high, it’s very difficult to actually succeed in the industry.” Logan slurred, grabbing another drink from someone as Virgil laughed.
Soon an hour had passed as they spoke, several more drinks downed by the both of them as they chatted about how their lives had been since they last spoke. Out of the corner of his eye, Logan saw someone approach them and could see the person speaking but wasn’t able to hear them.
“Earth to nerdy wolverine! Hello?” Remus waved his hand in Logan’s face, laughing when he saw Logan flinched. Virgil moved to stand in between the two, glaring at Remus until he saw Roman.
“What do you guys want?” Virgil muttered, swaying slightly as he relaxed a small bit.
“We saw our roommates sitting here and decided to grace you with our presence. Although we weren’t expecting you guys to be wasted.” Roman stated, glancing between the two friends. Logan finally looked up at Remus, recognizing his dyed hair.
“Why hello there my lovely serial killer roommate,” Logan slurred, grinning slightly as he stared up at Remus, causing the green haired forensic major to laugh again. Virgil chatted with Roman, arguing on whether they were actually wasted or just slightly drunk. Remus helped Logan off the couch, leading him away from everyone else and back to the dorms as he waved to his twin.
“Hey, don’t touch me with your blood stained hands you heathen! I’m not looking to get murdered so go find someone else!” Logan squirmed pathetically in Remus’ grasp, who simply tightened his hold.
“I’m making sure you go to bed, you nerdy drunk.” Remus chuckled, half dragging Logan across the campus to the dorms. Logan whined, continuing to try and get away from Remus as he yelled.
“I don’t consent to you taking my kidneys! I don’t need you to harvest my organs for your sick fantasies!” The more Logan complained and ranted, the harder his roommate laughed.
“I know your type bud! You act all friendly and nice but in reality you’re going to eat me! You’re like Jeffery Dahmer! Or Issei Sagwa! You’re probably planning all the ways to skin me alive and eat me you Ed Gein fuck!” Logan finally yanked his arm out of Remus’ grasp, huffing as he stumbled forward, quickly falling flat on his face. Remus sighed, lifting Logan up and throwing him over his shoulder.
“Maybe you’re the serial killer, you sick sozzled spood.” Remus mumbled as he continued to walk back to the dorms, waving at the random students as Logan ranted about serial killers. Once they were back to the room, Remus gently set Logan down on his bed. Logan huffed, sitting back up and weakly pushing his roommate away from him.
“You brute! How dare you manhandle me!” Logan grumbled, grabbing his pillow to smack Remus with it. Remus laughed, taking the pillow from Logan and pushing him back down.
“You are completely shitfaced specs, get some fucking sleep.” Remus grinned, entertained by the complete change in Logan’s personality. Logan mumbled inaudibly, glaring at Remus.
“You’ll slit my throat the second I pass out, I don’t need you to use my blood for a painting.” Remus laughed at Logan’s statement, rolling his eyes and going to sit on his bed. He looked around at all his stuff, grinning at the comparison between the two sides of the room.
“I’m not going to kill my new cute roommate specs, I'm not a serial killer.” Remus turned to face Logan, laughing again at the suspicious look on his face.
“I don’t trust you, you’re too attractive to be nice.” Logan mumbled, “Like a black hole, or the explosion of a star.” Remus’ grin widened as he listened to Logan ramble, the topic going from serial killers to random star knowledge. Eventually Logan fell asleep, Remus got up to put a water bottle and some medicine on the table by Logan’s bed. He shook his head at the passed out astronomer before heading to bed himself.
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sparrow-flies-south · 5 years
Put A Spell On You [2/3]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Rating: Teen Pairings: Prinxiety, very minor background Logicality Summary: Roman sighed, trying to figure out how best to explain it. “I think everyone’s in love with me.” Virgil rolled his eyes. “How do you walk around under the weight of that ego?”
Everyone is acting strangely around Roman. Thank god his best friend (and crush) Virgil seems to be unaffected, because he’s going to need all the help he can get to figure out why everyone is confessing their love to him.
Notes: Thanks for the amazing response to the first chapter! I hope you enjoy this part. Heads up for some sexual references and potentially disturbing images (blame Remus).
Taglist: @cass-isdumb​ @altheaudaku​
Part One  Part Three
Also on ao3
Of all the things that could go wrong at a magical university, Roman Prince having a love spell cast on him by his evil twin managed to be a scenario Virgil had never imagined.
Then again, seeing as predicting this would have required an insight into how Remus’ mind worked, perhaps it was a good thing he hadn’t seen this coming.
Roman pushed his way past Logan towards the door, and Virgil shot forward, one hand grabbing Roman’s arm.
“Hold up, what are you doing?” Virgil asked.
Roman stared blankly at him. “Tracking down Remus.”
Virgil gaped at him. “No. No way. You can’t go across campus like this!”
“I agree.” Logan sounded like saying that pained him. “It would be best for you to stay here, where it is safe.”
Roman shook his head. “I thought the plan was to make Remus remove the spell.”
“It is, but you’re not going,” Virgil said. “I am.”
Roman shook his head again. “Remus won’t listen to you.”
“Remus doesn’t listen to anyone.”
“I know how to deal with my brother.”
“So do I.”
“This is my mess, you shouldn’t have to-“
“I’m pretty sure this is the whole of campus’ mess now,” Virgil snapped, which made Roman flinch.
“Look,” Virgil continued, gentler now, “Just – let me help, okay, Princey?”
Roman deflated. “You don’t-“
“I want to.”
“Fine,” he said, “Just – be careful, okay?”
Virgil gave a small smile. “You’re telling me to be careful?”
Roman huffed a laugh. “I guess this day is even crazier than I thought.”
Next to them, Logan coughed. Right, he was still there.
“I do not believe Virgil should go alone,” he said. “This is far too important to just trust to him.”
Great, so Logan was still suspicious. Still, at least that meant he hadn’t figured out what was really going on. Virgil couldn’t imagine a worst way  for Roman to find out how he felt than through Logan, even in the best of circumstances.
Not that Virgil planned on Roman ever finding out.
Roman looked about ready to defend Virgil’s honour again, and Virgil tried not to read too much into that. Roman would do the same for literally anyone.
“So come with me,” Virgil said, before Roman could do anything.
Logan frowned. “But Roman is staying here.”
“Yes,” Virgil said, “But if you come with me, you’ll be helping Roman.”
Virgil was definitely only doing this because he didn’t want to waste more time standing around, arguing. It had nothing to do with the irrational annoyance that rose up at the way Logan looked at Roman.
“Besides,” Virgil added, because he was already going to hell, so why not get something useful out of it. “I’m sure Roman would be very grateful to you for saving him.”
“I would?” Roman asked, and Virgil glared. “I mean – I would!” he took a step towards Logan, his gaze suddenly going soft. “Please, Logan? Will you help me?”
Virgil looked away. He knew that Roman was just acting, but that didn’t stop the jealousy that twisted in his gut.
Not that we have any right to be jealous. Not when the two of them were manipulating Logan right now.
Besides, Roman could be with whoever he wanted. It was none of Virgil’s business.
Logan looked torn for a moment, but then he nodded. “I – very well. I suppose I could accompany Virgil.”
Roman smiled, and it was different to the way he smiled at Virgil.
“Great,” Virgil said sharply.  “Let’s go.”
He grabbed Logan’s arm,  pulled him to the door, and pushed him through. Before leaving himself, though, he looked back at Roman, who was looking uncertain.
“If we don’t come back,” he said, “It’s because Remus murdered us and is wearing our skin.”
“I’ll be sure to avenge you,” Roman said with a smile.
Virgil nodded, and turned away, before turning back again. “Oh, but if only Logan comes back, it’s because he murdered me and dumped my body in the lake.”
And then he finally turned away, and set off to find Remus.
“So,” Logan said, as they set off across campus. “Do actually you know where Remus is?”
Virgil shoved his hands in the pockets of his hoody and tried to ignore Logan’s derisive tone. He knew that Logan – the real Logan – didn’t mean it. Just like he knew that once this was all over, Logan would be back to normal.
Although, Logan might never forgive him or Roman for the way they were manipulating him. Or maybe the way he felt under the spell would serve as a wakeup call, and Logan would realise he didn’t want anything to do with Virgil after all. And then he’d take Patton and Roman with him, and Virgil would be alone again.
“Well?” Logan asked impatiently, pulling Virgil out of his spiralling thoughts.
Right. Focus on Remus now. Worry about the future later.
“Look, I do know Remus, alright?” Virgil had used to hang around with him, after all. “And Remus craves instant satisfaction. He’ll be wherever he thinks the most chaos will be.”
Virgil gestured at the building they had arrived at.
“The library? Ah, I see. Roman and I would normally meet for our tutoring sessions at this time. That was surprisingly astute, Virgil.”
Virgil wasn’t sure whether Logan meant that as a compliment or an insult, so he decided to ignore i.,
“Where do you and Roman normally go?” Virgil asked as they entered the library.
“The study rooms,” Logan answered, and led the way up the stairs.
The second floor was mostly one large study space, with group study rooms around the edge. Virgil didn’t spend much time there; he preferred to work on the top floor, which was normally empty.
The two of them reached the top of the stairs, and Virgil stuck out an arm to stop Logan from going any further.
Remus Prince was not difficult to spot. He was crouched behind a couple of potted plants, perhaps in a bizarre attempt to camouflage himself. A couple of students working at the tables nearby were giving him curious looks, but most were ignoring him. Virgil wasn’t sure if it was a student thing, or if everyone was used to Remus’ antics by now.
Remus was entirely focused on the windows of the study rooms, and hadn’t noticed Virgil and Logan.
“Stay here,” Virgil told Logan quietly.
Closing his eyes and focusing, Virgil murmured the incantations to an invisibility spell. The magic settled over him like a cool breeze, making Virgil’s skin buzz. He gave Logan a nudge on the arm to let him know what was happening, and then made his way across the room.
Invisibility spells were not fool proof, especially not to other magic users. If anyone concentrated hard enough, they would be able to notice the tell-tale ripple of the illusion.
Fortunately, Remus was not paying attention.
Virgil looped around the room so that he approached Remus from the other side. He crouched down behind Remus, and let the spell slip away as he leaned close
“Boo,” Virgil whispered.
Remus gave a shriek, lost his balance, and fell backwards.
It would have been funny, except that Virgil was still behind him.
Virgil shoved Remus off him and onto the floor. He smirked up at Virgil.
“You know,” Remus mused, “I’ve had fantasies that start like this.”
Virgil pulled a face. “Gross.”
“So, Virgie, what are you doing here? Wait-“ Remus’ eyes lit up in a way that could only spell danger “Are you looking for Roman?”
“No,” Virgil snapped.
Remus’ face scrunched up in confusion. “Are you sure? But- Oh, that’s interesting.” Remus grinned. “Something you’d like to share with the class?”
Virgil was certain that his face was turning red, which was never good in front of Remus. Fortunately, he was spared from answering by Logan arriving.
“This plan is certainly meeting all my expectations,” he commented coolly.
Virgil scowled. Remus beamed up at the newcomer.
“Logan! My favourite repressed nerd! You know, if you two wanted a threesome, you could have just asked.”
This was decidedly worse than being murdered and turned into a lampshade.
“Enough,” Logan snapped. “We know about the love spell. You’re going to reverse it.”
Remus tapped his fingers against his chin as he made a show of thinking it over. “Hmmm… Nah. What? It’s funny.”
“Funny?” Virgil snapped “It’s disgusting. What if something happened?”
Someone nearby turned and glared at him. Right. Library.
Remus gasped. “Why, Virgie! I never knew you had so little faith in my brother.. What would Roman say? Do you think he’d cry? I think he’d cry.”
“Roman is far too noble to take advantage of another person,” Logan said, glaring at Virgil. “The actions of other people are far more concerning. Love spells used in the past have resulted in assaults, and, in extreme cases, murder.”
“Should we be worried about how much you know about this?” Remus asked.
“Says the guy whose favourite dinner table conversation is Ed Gein?” Virgil realised what he just said, and sighed. “Never mind, I just proved your point.”
“My academic interests aside, ending the spell before it escalates would be in your best interests.”
Remus pouted. “But it hasn’t gotten to the good part yet! Come on, at least wait until there has been one fist fight.”
Logan shook his head. “This is getting us nowhere. Come on, Virgil, perhaps the disciplinary board would make for a better conversation partner.”
Logan turned and walked away, and Virgil reluctantly followed him.
“Roman’s not going to want to go to the board,” he whispered.
Logan didn’t answer.
They had almost reached the stairs when Remus shouted “Okay, fine, I’ll end the stupid spell!”
Logan shot Virgil a smug look. Behind them, someone shhed Remus.
Virgil and Logan walked back to where Remus was now sulking.
“You know,” He muttered, “If you wanted to discipline me-“
“You will take the spell off Roman,” Logan interrupted.
Remus nodded, scowling.
“And,” Logan continued, “You will refrain by pulling similar… pranks in the future.”
“You’re no fun.” Logan remained stone-faced. “Fine. But I’m only doing this because Dee got mad at me last time he had to bribe the university.”
“Why did you decide to cast the spell on Roman anyway?” Logan asked.
Virgil shot him an incredulous look.
“What?” Logan asked, “You’re not curious?”
“You’re really expecting a straight answer out of Remus?”
“Logan,” Remus said, mock offended. “How dare you assume anything about me is straight! But if you must know, yes, I did actually have a reason behind this.”
Virgil turned his incredulous look to Remus.
“I did! Roman always acts like he thinks everyone’s in love with him. So, I decided to make it true.”
Logan nodded slowly. “And you intended to… what? Teach him humility? Show him the value of the love he already has?”
Remus pulled a face. “What? No! I did it because it was funny.” He glanced at Virgil. “He really can’t take a joke, can he?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “You still haven’t ended the spell.”
“And yet, you seem fine. Funny how that works, isn’t it?”
“We are already aware of the mystery of why Virgil isn’t affected – though he isn’t the only one,” Logan spoke up.
Remus frowned at Logan, and then his eyes widened in amusement.
“Wait – are you saying he thinks-?”
“End. The. Spell.” Virgil hissed through gritted teeth.
Remus grinned. “Oh, now I’m definitely okay with ending it. I can’t wait to see his face!”
Remus rolled his hand lazily. Virgil felt a slight sense of relief, as if something that had been pushing at his skin had fallen away, and he only noticed it’s absence. All across the room, people began to stir and sit up a little straighter.
“Wait,“ a girl sitting nearby said, frowning at the three of them, “What just-?”
“Nothing,” Virgil said quickly, “Just spell practise gone wrong.”
The girl didn’t look convinced, but before Virgil could say anything else, his attention was taken away Logan, who gave a shuddering breath.
Virgil watched him nervously. His face was expressionless, but his back was tensed, and his hands were clenched into fists.
“L?” Virgil asked softly.
Logan wasn’t looking at Virgil. He opened and shut his mouth again, before finally saying “Oh.” With that, he stiffly spun on his heel and began walking away.
“Well, that wasn’t as fun as I hoped,” Remus said sulkily.
Virgil gave one last glare at Remus, before hurrying after Logan.
As it turned out, Logan could move far faster than Virgil gave him credit for, because Logan was already walking away from the library by the time Virgil reached the entrance.
“Logan!” Virgil called, but Logan didn’t slow down.
Virgil rolled his eyes and ran to catch up with him.
“First of all, screw you for making me exercise,” Virgil gasped once he caught up.
“I suppose you can add it to the list of things to be angry at me for,” Logan replied coldly.
Virgil frowned. “What?”
Logan sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, Virgil. I understand that an apology is not worth much without a promise to not do it again, but given the circumstances, this is the best I can do.”
“Logan – you don’t need to apologise.”
“Yes, I do. If you mean to say that Roman deserves one too, then rest assured I will apologise to him next time I see him. But for now, I wish to be alone.”
“You don’t need to apologise to either of us,” Virgil protested. “If anything, we should be apologising to you.”
“I don’t see why. Neither of you are responsible for Remus’ actions.”
“Thank God for that,” Virgil muttered. “No, I mean how we treated you. We – we used your feelings against you.”
“Feelings that were merely the result of a spell.”
“The still felt real at the time, right?” Virgil shook his head. “You’re allowed to be mad at us, Logan.”
Logan stopped walking. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at Remus. And-“
“And?” Virgil prompted, when Logan trailed off.
Logan sighed. “I am mad at myself. I allowed my emotions to get the better of me.”
“Logan, you were under a spell. You can’t possibly blame yourself for that.”
“I know I was under a spell,” Logan snapped. “That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have resisted its influence. I am one of the best-.”
“So you’re mad at Patton, too?” Virgil asked.
Whatever Logan had been about to say, he seemed to completely forget about it. “What?”
“Patton,” Virgil repeated. “He was under the spell too, he probably did some shitty things. Are you mad at him?”
“Of course not.”
Other than under the spell, Virgil had never seen Logan look so annoyed at him.
“And do you think he’s a bad magic user for not being able to fight the spell off?”
“Patton is an excellent student,” Logan snapped, his eyes blazing. “But he can hardly be expected to fight off such a powerful spell.”
“Then why,” Virgil said calmly, “Are you any different?”
Logan deflated. “It’s not the same,” he said weakly.
“Logan,” Virgil said gently, “You’re allowed to have feelings. And when those feelings are manipulated by magic, well, you’re allowed to act kinda crazy.”
Logan said nothing; he just stared stubbornly at the ground. Virgil reached out a hand to touch his shoulder, but Logan pulled away. Virgil sighed.
“I don’t hate you, Logan. No one does.”
“You should. I accused you-“
“You didn’t know any better. I’d probably suspect me too.”
Logan sighed. “I did.”
Virgil frowned. “What?”
“I did know better.” For a moment, Logan fell silent. He seemed to brace himself before saying, “I know why you weren’t affected. I always knew. I only accused you because I was jealous.”
Virgil stared at him. “Jealous,” he said, numbly.
“Of your relationship with Roman. I thought I could try to turn him against you.” Logan shook his head. “Apparently, the spell made me stupid.”
Virgil wasn’t sure how to feel. Relieved, that Logan didn’t really think he could do such a thing. Hurt, though he didn’t exactly have a right to feel that way after what he’d just told Logan. Confusion, at why Logan would feel he had to do it.
“Logan,” Virgil said slowly. “You know Roman and I are just friends, right?”
Logan stared at him. “That is what you choose to focus on?”
Virgil shrugged.
Logan sighed, and rubbed his temples. “Okay. First of all, the spell does not care for the difference. Roman cares for you, and that made you a threat. Second of all-,” he hesitated. “Second of all, I believed many things while under the spells influence. I believed I was the perfect match for Roman. I believed that love meant obsession. I also believed, that if forced to choose between us, Roman would choose you.”
Virgil swallowed. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying, perhaps you should consider telling Roman why you weren’t affected. Lord knows he will not figure it out on his own.”
Virgil shook his head. “No. No way. Roman not figuring it out is a good thing.”
Logan shook his head. “Virgil-“
“Are you going to talk to Patton about how you feel?” Virgil challenged.
Logan sighed. “Very well. I will drop the subject for now.”
He began to walk again, but this time he didn’t try to stop Virgil from walking with him.
“It’s a shame,” Logan mused, “That Remus will get away without consequences.”
“Who says he will?”
Logan frowned. “We agreed not to tell the university board.”
“So we won’t tell the university board.” Virgil smiled wickedly. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to let him get away with it.”
Logan shook his head, looking amused. “I almost feel sorry for him.”
“No, you don’t.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “I did say almost.”
Virgil grinned. “Wanna help get revenge?”
Logan hesitated, probably weighing up the potential consequences, and then his mouth twitched into a smile. “Very well,” he said.
As soon as Virgil stepped back inside the apartment, Roman threw his arms around him.
“You did it!” Roman said, grinning.
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil muttered. “You owe me one.”
He allowed himself a moment to enjoy the hug, before reluctantly pushing Roman off.
“I owe you more than one. Is Logan alright?”
Virgil pulled a face. “Freaking out about having to admit he has feelings, but yeah, he’ll be fine. You should probably talk to him sooner, rather than later, though.”
Roman nodded absently. “I will. Seriously, though, Virgil, I- thank you. You kinda saved me.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Don’t be so dramatic. Remus probably wouldn’t have let a mob tear you apart.”
Roman shook his head, his face sincere in a way Virgil had never seen. “I’m serious, Virgil. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Virgil shrugged, fighting to hide his blush. His mouth suddenly felt dry. “Yeah, well, you’re my best friend.”
For a moment, they just stood there, until Virgil couldn’t deal with the  look on Roman’s face. “Look,” he said, “I just had to deal with your brother, and that is way too much socialising for one day. I’m going to go to my room and freak out.”
With that, Virgil moved past him towards the safety of his door.
“All right.” Roman sounded more fond that offended, thank God. “Hey, did you ever figure out why you weren’t affected?”
Virgil hesitated outside his door. Logan’s words earlier came back to him.
He could turn around right now, and confess everything. Roman might even feel the same way. Might press one hand to the side of Virgil’s face and kiss him the way Virgil fantasised about.
But Virgil was a coward. So he didn’t look away from his door. And all he did was shrug, and say “Beats me. Must just be a weird magic thing.”
And then he stepped inside his room, and closed the door behind him.
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