#1900s logan
burning-omen · 2 months
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Any Human Heart (2010) Episode 2
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emolionsrawr · 4 months
*at a grant nash BBQ*
buck: *staring off into space*
eddie: he's about to say something really funny or absolutely horrifying
tommy: what?
hen: just wait
buck: did you know these two orcas trained other orcas to kill sharks by taking out their liver and testicles?
eddie: yep horrifying
tommy: wait, really?
buck: yup, off the coast of africa there's these two orcas called port and starboard and they hunt sharks to eat their liver and testicles, they tag team them, one goes for their fins while the other takes out the liver, so far they've taken down five great whites, they even killed khaleesi, who was being tracked and traced for research purposes
tommy: oh my god really?
hen: *looks at tommy and smiles*
eddie: *whispers to hen* he's perfect for him
hen: *whispers back* i know!
buck: yeah! port and starboard have even started teaching other orcas to do the same! so far port and starboards record of how many sharks killed in a day is seventeen!
tommy: oh my god, that's insane baby, what else have port and starboard done?
buck: well they also hunt copper sharks and some fish, they even chased the great whites away from africa for seven weeks! but this isn't even the first time orcas have done something like this, in the early 1900's there was this orca called old tom who would help whalers hunt baleen whales, he even tugged the boats into the right position to get the whales, this happened in the port of eden new south whales in australia, you can actually go and see old tom's skeleton in eden killer whale meuseum, and on his teeth you can see marks from where he would pull the roaps! and old tom even has missing teeth because the whalers had this thing called "law of tounge" where they would strap the dead whales down so old tom and his pod could eat the lips and tongues, on the night where he lost his teeth logan, one of the davidson whaler friends tried to bring the whale in instead of pinning it down for old tom to eat, and old tom was pissed and tried to stop him, and he lost teeth, old tom died from starvation, when old tom died they thought he was 35, but the davidson family swore old tom helped three generations of their family with whaling, old tom was actually in his 90's when he died, they called old toms pod the killers of eden which-
tommy: would make an amazing true crime shark podcast name
buck: *tears up* you get me
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dinogoofymutated · 3 months
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Wolverine/Fem!Reader - Masterlist link
You've met Logan Howlett in every life you've lived since the 1900s. And in every lifetime, fate rips you from him just as cruelly as it forces the two of you to meet. How many lives will it take for the two of you to finally have your happily ever after?
General TWs: Reincarnation, death, Major character death (multiple times), Angst with a happy ending. Controlling familiail behavior, descriptions of wounds, descriptions of war, descriptions of violence/death, childhood trauma. Possible historical inaccuracies.
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Here's the first chapter!! I waassss gonna wait until I finished part two and post both at once but TBH I was desperate to get this out! I hope yall enjoy this, and I would like to remind everyone that I am not a nurse or any kind of medical personnel, and I kinda struggled to find out about the procedures of ww1 nurses, so take most of the nurse stuff with a grain of salt! like watching a dumbed down version of grey's anatomy lol. I'd also like to say that I decided to make Logan's healing factor slower during ww1 and ww2, as he hadn't gone through the Weapon X program yet. Chapter TWs: Blood, injury, childhood injuries in the prologue scene, war n shit, ww1 canada is a tw on it's own.
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     October 22, 1900.
    “Andy!!”  Your brother rolls his eyes at the sound of your high-pitched voice calling his name, turning around with a frown. He always had been faster than you, and today was no different. He had gone running into the woods when your mother had called the two of you in for lunch, and ever the devoted little sister, you had chased after him before she could notice what the two of you were doing. You’re panting when you finally catch up to him, your skirts scrunched up in your fists as you try your best to keep them from catching on bushes and vines.
    “Where are you going? Mama’s calling us for lunch!” Neither of you was supposed to be on this side of the woods, past the fence that marked your family’s property. It made you nervous to be so far past the boundary. Your older brother scoffs at you, turning away once again as he continues to march further. 
    “Father told me that he had set bear traps out to keep the animals away from the house. I’m going to see if he’s caught anything.” Andrew says stubbornly. You rush ahead to try and keep up with him, staying close and looking around anxiously. You never had been a rule breaker, and this was just a little more adventurous than you were comfortable with.
    “Bears? You don’t think we’ll find any, do you? I don't want to see anything be hurt.” You whine, tears forming in your eyes. Your brother laughs at you, the same way did the time you brought some a dying bird, or the time you had begged father to spare the rabbit that had been digging in the garden. He never understood why you were so soft-hearted.
    “You’re going to need to be more brave if you’re going to be an adult one day. Cowards get killed.” Andrews teases, cackling wickedly as he steps on a branch and the sound of it snapping causes you to flinch and cry out, rushing forward to grab hold of his arm.
    “That’s not true!” You cry. 
    “Yeah, it is!” Andrew argues. There’s a bit of a ditch in front of the two of you, and he shakes you off before he hops down. He holds his hand out to help you navigate the drop, and you take it eagerly as you carefully get down, making sure not to dirty your skirts any more than they had been. 
    “No, it’s not! It’s not true! It’s not true because I have you, remember? Big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters!” You persist once you’re finished. Andrew sighs again, but you don’t doubt his answer for a second. He rolls his eyes at you before he begins to walk on.
    “Of course I am. But you can’t expect me to get to you every time.” Andrew says. You’re about to refute that when the two of you hear a rustling in the bushes up ahead. Andrew holds out a hand to keep you behind him, stopping both of you in your tracks. The birds have stopped singing, and you know that it means something scary is about to happen. Dad calls it a bad oh-men or something along those lines, but you didn’t usually listen to him. Now you’re starting to wish you had.
    “Stay here. I think I hear something up ahead.” Andrew whispers to you. You try to grab for his arms as he leaves you, but he’s too far away, and you find your feet rooted to the spot. You’re too scared to move, holding your hands anxiously as you watch Andrew begin to stumble through the bushes cautiously. You don’t like this. You don’t like it at all. You can only see his head through once he’s through the thick of it, and you hear him huff in disappointment when he doesn’t find anything on the other side.
    “Never mind. There’s not even-” There’s a sound of a mechanical snap before Andrew falls to the ground with a scream. 
    “Andy!” You cry out, immediately bolting through the bush. Branches and briars get caught on your skirt and tear at your skin as you push through to get to him. Your brother is shouting and grunting in pain when you see him, tears dotting his eyes as he stares down at the sight of his ankle caught firmly between the teeth of a bear trap.
    “Stupid trap!” He cries out, his hands shaking from adrenaline. You don’t know what to do, standing frozen at the bloody sight before you, mind going back and forth between whether or not you should go to your brother or run home to get your parents.
     “Help me get it off!” Andrew shouts, and it’s enough to finally bring you back to the situation. You can only nod frantically as you kneel by his side. Hands shaking as you help your brother try and open the trap and get it off of him. The metal digs into your fingers as you try to pry it open, your brother grunting and crying with the effort to do so. You can only think of what your parents will say, what Andrew will do. What if it got infected? What if he lost his foot completely? You realize you’re crying as you and Andrew try with all your might to pull the trap open, grip beginning to slip on the contraption right as Andrew tugs his leg out of the trap. It snaps closed violently after, barely missing both of your fingertips as Andrew rolls away from it.
    “What- What do we do? Andy?” You ask, unable to do much but stare as your brother writes in pain. It’s all happening so fast, but god did everything feel so slow. Andrew manages to make out something about stopping the bleeding, and you’re right on it as you press your small hands to the bloody, mangled, flesh. You squeeze tightly as you pray and pray and pray for him to stop bleeding, shutting your eyes tightly as you sob and cry and wish you could do something, anything more to help your big brother.
    There’s a buzzy feeling in your hands, like pins and needles without the pain. You don’t see it happening as you sit there and bawl for your brother, his warm blood on your hands all you can manage to feel in the moment. The blood begins to slow, and slow, and you don't even realize it has stopped until everything seems to be just as quiet as before. You realize that Andrew isn’t crying anymore, and find yourself brave enough to cautiously open your eyes.
    To your surprise, you don’t see anything. 
    All there is is Andrew’s blood staining his ripped pants and both of your hands- but the strangest part of all was that there was no more wound. Not even a bruise remained of the bone-deep cuts that had been there just a moment before. Your tears begin to dry up as your eyebrows furrow, still hiccuping as you look on at the scene in confusion. When you look up at your brother, he’s wide-eyed. Staring at you in complete shock.
    “Was that you that did that?”  He asks. You don’t know what to say. You don't know. You begin to notice a soreness in your leg as the two of you sit there, simply staring at each other in shock. Eventually, Andrew swallows, before he tries to stand up, doing so effortlessly and without pain. He stretches and flexes his leg, moving it back and forth like his brain is still playing catch up. You try to follow his lead, only to cry out in pain and stumble. There's a deep purple bruise circling your leg when you raise your skirt, one that perfectly mimicked the bloody hole in Andrew’s pants where his own wound once had been.
    He carried you back home that day.
    The Great War began on July 28th, 1914. The archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, had been assassinated, thus causing a series of events that spiraled into the worst war that the world had ever seen until that point. Your brother was quickly whisked away into the battle once the fight had started. He quickly advanced through the ranks, his ever-present charm and intelligence being a boon to him, and an asset to many others. He had always been the fighter. Your bother Andrew, your protector, and keeper of your secrets, now a general in the Canadian army. You could hardly believe it. 
    You, on the other hand, had begun to educate yourself at your brother’s behest. You became a nurse, finding yourself drawn to the field in the absence of the many men who had left mainland hospitals to go to war. You loved it. You loved helping people heal and survive, thrive even, but even so, you had become rather secretive about your natural gifts. Andrew, as supportive as he was, knew that the world would never accept powers like yours. As guilty as you felt every time a patient had slipped through the doctor’s fingers, you knew better. Your healing abilities took from you a fraction of what it gave to others, and using it was just not possible in large doses. You knew that and knew to listen to your brother’s warnings. Still, it did not stop you completely. Healing a wound or broken bone now and then in the shadows, where there was no one there to see. Miracles became your specialty, but your medical knowledge had become your backbone.
    At the end of April, you were surprised to receive a letter from your brother, the contents of it being a plea for you to join him in the war efforts. They needed nurses, trained, knowledgeable, nurses. You would be by his side as much as possible, but you were needed across the sea. And well, if it was your brother asking, who were you to refuse?
Novemver 2nd, 1917
    "You are to keep your medical supplies cleanly and well maintained. I understand that you aren't exactly green in this line of work, but let me tell you, you haven't seen war yet." The senior nurse in front of you has no time for fools, you have only known her for a moment, and yet you know this for a fact. Her pace is fast and purposeful. Her skirt is muddied and stained, and yet her boots do not seem to sink or stick in the mud like yours do as you try your best to keep up with her. Nurse Mary is strict in personality and pace, and you're careful to follow directly behind her throughout the busy encampment. 
Everyone seems to have something urgent to attend to, soldiers and nurses and medics alike all running about through the mud and dirt. There are many hospital tents, many more than you had originally anticipated. You begin to realize exactly why your brother had been so firm in instructing you to refrain from assisting any wounded beyond what help lies within sutures and gauze. 
    “How often do the wounded arrive?” You ask, following her into a rather large hospital tent and passing by various cots with wounded men.
    “You should expect them to arrive every day. The wounded are many, but the dead are more, god rest their souls.”  She tells you, one of her hands clutching the cross around her neck for a moment. There are many things you have learned throughout your schooling, and many gruesome sights you know to expect, but the one thing that still gave you chills was the death toll. You try not to think about it too hard, knowing that it’s just the truth of war that good men go to die. But that doesn’t mean you will ever be forced to be comfortable with it. You pass many rows of wounded soldiers as you follow her through, many being gravely injured with missing and mangled limbs, and shrapnel in places where it should never be. You keep your bedside manner in check, but you know half of those men won’t make it through the night.
    “We should be grateful for the men who return to our care, but please keep in mind that we are the only buffer between them and god. You must understand that losing these men isn’t an if, it’s a when.” You nod solemnly in response to her, quelling the anxiety in your heart. You knew very well that she was right. You casually look around the hospital tent, doing your best to help familiarise yourself with the surroundings when a puff of smoke catches your eye.
    You don’t know where to laugh or scold the man, brown eyes meeting your own as he quickly tries to hide the cigar. Nurse Mary clearly had not seen him, but you certainly did. You can’t help but smile in a baffled sort of way, and the soldier- the quite handsome soldier- smirks, shrugging his shoulders at you. You try not to laugh, choosing to simply shake your head instead of pointing it out to Nurse Mary. It’s something he clearly appreciates, and he tips his head at you, winking as you finally pass him by. You hope you’re not blushing, quickly looking away from him with a smile on your face that you couldn’t fight off.
    “Are you paying attention, Miss? Your brother spoke very highly of your skills, it would be a shame if it were all to be lies.” The nurse ahead of you says, a strict tone in her voice. It almost startles you, bringing you back to earth after the solid minute of distraction the brown-eyed soldier had caused. 
    “I- yes. I apologize. Please, continue.” You reply quickly. You can tell she’s not quite convinced but doesn’t have the time to care, reminding you that there would be little to no time to dally once you had been given decent instruction about the facilities. You’re eager to get to work, and decide that there would be no more distractions today- no matter how charming or handsome they seem to be.
    You were assigned work the moment your walkthrough had been conducted. No downtime, no breaks. You wonder if you truly had any idea how bad things would be where you got here. Seeing the wounded was one thing, but reading their chart was another. You felt detached as you conducted physicals, changed bandages, and redressed wounds and cuts. You checked for infections in those with amputated limbs, knowing that death would soon come for those who were so unfortunate. The difference between any of the men was astounding- wounds from this war unlike any that you had ever seen before. You had heard of the new weapons, the horrors that geniuses had developed so that others would die. It pains you that someone could be so ignorant and cruel- and yet even you hope that you would never have to face those instruments of war.
   Out of all the strange and unusual wounds and war-torn soldiers you met on that day, there was only one who you remembered in truly remarkable detail.
    You see the puff of smoke before you see him, lounging on the backboard of his hospital cot without a care in the world. Besides some old bandages on his chest, you can tell that he’s not in any pain. To be honest, you start to wonder if he belongs in this infirmary at all. He’s distracted, cigar held up to his lips as he takes a deep inhale of the smoke, drowning out his senses with the nicotine. 
    “You must be feeling pretty confident to be breaking the only rule we have in here.” You say, raising an eyebrow at him. He chokes on the smoke rather suddenly, trying to recover as quickly as he can as he puts the cigar out. You give him a sweet smile, trying your best not to laugh. He smiles sort of unabashedly at you, shrugging. 
    “Can’t blame a man for tryin’.” He coughs. You shake your head at him, lifting some papers on your clipboard before you find the one assigned to his cot. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his list of past injuries and causes of infirmary visits. How is this man even alive?
    “Logan Howlett, I presume? You’re pretty perky for a man who has such a long list of injuries.” You state, still reading it through. You’ve never seen this many on one chart before- all dating from the very start of the war to his current visit. Logan gives you a shrug of his shoulders, which isn’t exactly a response you would prefer, but he smiles at you in a charming sort of way that makes your heart flutter. 
    “They call me Lucky Logan for a reason,” Logan hums- causing you to huff a laugh. You shake your head at him, setting the clipboard down on the edge of the bed before you begin conducting a physical and checking on his “wounds.”- not that there really was any besides an odd, yellowed bruise or two that you could almost swear seemed to be lightening by the minute.
    “ ‘You new here?” You glance up at him at the sound of his voice, smiling a bit out of politeness.
   “Why, Is it that easy to tell?” You ask, knowing that he certainly knew so due to him seeing you earlier, but you wonder for a moment if you seemed to be any different from the other nurses. You always strived to be good at what you do, but part of you had a tendency to worry if you could keep up with the others here.
    “Nah,” He says, bluntly. “I just think I’d remember if I had seen a pretty nurse like you before.”  The words make you gape for a moment, that smile still showing as you shake your head at him and try not to laugh. He was a flirt- a rather smooth one too. 
    “Do you use that line on all the ladies?” You tease as you pull out your stethoscope to listen to his heart. You listen, and besides the fact that his heart rate is a little faster than the regular average, you don’t seem to notice anything too strange.
    “Only the ones as pretty as you.” He says. You don’t hold back your laugh at that, and his genuine smile is definitely contagious. You check his eyesight and overall mobility one more time once you’re done, trying not to blush at the way he’s looking at you. You feel his gaze even when you step away to write on his chart, finishing things up.
    “Well, Mr. Howlett, you seem to have a perfect bill of health,” Logan perks up a bit at that, moving to where he can sit on the side of the cot, his feet on the ground. “...but I can’t completely release you just yet. You’re free to wander around some, but you’ll have to wait for the doc to give you one last look-over before you can go back to the frontlines.” He lets out a dramatic sigh, frowning for only a minute before he stands, winking at you as he grabs his shirt from underneath the cot- the bloodied one they wheeled him in here with, no doubt, and puts it on.
    “If that means I’ll be seeing you more often, I’ll take it.” He flirts. You laugh, knowing that you very well might have swooned if you had been any greener to this line of work. Instead, all you can really do is cringe at the sight of his shirt and lean down to the small table to his right, the one where his chart had been, and open the drawer, revealing a freshly clean set of clothes. 
    “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Smokey.” You joke, finding his surprised face rather endearing. It only takes a moment before he’s smirking again, taking the clothes from you and doing a mock toast to you with the cloth. You shake your head at him, trying to keep your smile contained as you walk away from him and over to your next patient.
    You find yourself thinking about him throughout the day, both delighted and somewhat frustrated at yourself for swooning so easily over a soldier- on your first day, too. You had told yourself when you took this job that you would never do such a thing, knowing that so many romances in a time like this end in tragedy- but you certainly couldn’t seem to help it. You think about him when the other nurses talk about their personal soldiers, out there fighting the war, and think about him again before you go to bed. It was frustrating! You met a man and knew him a whole ten minutes before swooning like a schoolgirl. You suppose it felt nice to be wanted nonetheless and felt nice to be complemented by someone you found so handsome… But you didn’t need to be thinking so hard about this right now anyway. You roll over onto your side in your bed, hoping to fall asleep soon instead of spending time thinking about something that won’t happen.
    Besides, there wasn’t a chance in hell that your brother would ever approve of any relationship you had with a soldier. You were sure that if he had his way, you would die as a spinster- forever reliant on the family. Your dreams that night are more like nightmares, dreaming of faces and growing old and rocking in a chair alone in your brother’s house, a burden to his finances, his wife, and children. But then there are some dreams where you see the face of one particular soldier, and wonder why you felt so compelled by him.
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icarusredwings · 14 days
Gossip with Logan.
Hank sneezes like a kitten. Kitty told me so.
Rouge says Sometimes Remy tries to sleep cook. She's found him up once "Makin' crawda' boil" and was stirring an empty pot for about 5 minutes. She didn't have the heart to wake him and thought it was the cutest thing ever.
Scott snores like a guy from the 1900s with tuberculosis
If Storm is really sad, it'll rain on her, and just her specifically like a cartoon charater.
Kurt gets fleadipped once a month or else he'll just sit on the floor and itch his ears like a dog.
Charles talks about Erik in his sleep.
Erik doesn't even know when his sons birthday is. It's in February, and the last time he brought gifts in July. (Pathetic)
Jubilee keeps accidentally exploding the microwave but tells me so I stab it a few times to make it believeable because Im Chucks favorite
Morph makes himself taller then he actually is for pictures
Sometimes Jean makes food so bland even I don't want it... (I rather chew on the table leg..)
Wade used to have braces
Kittys' first crush was Zayn from One Direction
Rouge uses so much hair spray that im pretty sure the only reason she hasn't suffocated yet is because of her powers
Yukio unironically litsens to Hatsue Miku
Negasonic sometimes trips down the stairs because she's too busy staring at Yukio
Piotr keeps stealing recipes from bake off shows and claiming they're his own
Laura is wanted in 5 different states. Literally, no one knows what she did, and Im guessing it's something super embaressing.
Creed sucked his thumb all the way up until we were 38.
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Logan Howlett ||NSFW Alphabet
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Silly Pic because I'm so giddy lol
CW: NSFW,MDNI below the cut
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Logan has tons of stamina, so if your done, then he's done, but if you're not, he's still going. When you're done, though, he will lay you gently on the bed, grab a wet cloth to help clean you up and be gentle as not to make you even more sore. When he's done cleaning you up, he makes sure whatever heat source is on and will cuddle up, keeping you safe in his arms and letting you two go to sleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Logan loves your hips, he loves to grab them, manhandle you by them, to move you on him, or to keep a hand possessive on it just to show everybody that you're his. He has a live hate relationship with his hands, he likes that they're larger than yours but hates his claws. He without a doubt, loves the rest of his arms, though. He loves being able to strong arm you, practically benching or deadline you no matter how much you weigh. Dude has adamantium bones.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He wants to come on your face, on your stomach, inside of your, especially in doggy or a mating press. He won't cut in you unless you want it, but untimely he hopes that you be begging for his kiddies.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secret breeding kinks 🤭🤭 he's not going to be vocal about it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Dude is absolutley not a 200 year old virgin. He's slept with dozens if not hundreds of people, ranching all the way from the 1900s, he knows all the styles, all the spots, and all the ways to make you cock dumb.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Mating press. His absolute favorite. Your legs over his shoulder, up in the air with his cock as deep as possible? Idc if you're not a pillow princess, he will make you one, so dumb that you can't do anything but moan and twitch.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Logan is usually pretty easy going, he's not going to be pinfaced, but he's not going to be constantly giddy. He's feral, and proves it. He's going to be panting and grunting and rutting you, and the only time he will ever giggle is if something truly funny happens with his partner, if he slips out, he's hoping a cocky side smile and trying not to laugh to much.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Logan's hair does grow back to a certain length. He keeps himself as well groomed as he can, but not clean shaven.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you're just a one night stand, he's not going to be very romantic. He usually just gets it done, cleans you up, and leaves you in the room he paid for. If he's whipped for you, in a relationship, he's lighting candles, he's trying to start slow, he's taking his time to take care of you until he looses whatever shreds of sanity he has.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He will jack off constantly in the shower, especially if he hasn't slept with anyone is 24 hours. He's got a bit of a think for exhibitionism and would love it if you caught him or watched him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Exhibitionism, choking or other forms of breath play, both receiving and giving, primal, biting, knifeplay/his claws(usually only if you're a mutant with certain exeptions) he's got a weird think with ribs, he likes your ribcage, the curvature, he also likes peircings or scars on people, not anything self harm related, but many scars that are from scrapes, cuts from branches, stretchmarks, ect. Also crying.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
If he's jealous, he'll take you in a public bathroom, your back against the wall and your legs around his waist. He won't let you touch the filthy floor. He likes it in the kitchen, laying you over the counter, in the shower, on the bed, even if the window curtains are open.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You could look at logan and he'd get turned on. He could catch a glimpse of your stomach or thighs or ribs. He could watch you walk down a hallways waddling or limping from the night before and he'd swell with pride and wanna make it so you wouldn't even be able to do that.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any type of bodily excrement. Scat, urine, and he will not let himself be tied or bound. You can be tied but not him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's a god at cunnilingus, nobody can change my mind, and if you can somehow fit his cock in his mouth, he might just cum in minutes.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Once he's taken care of you, he's usually pretty fast, but sensual if that makes sense. He can slow down, certainly, but he's just so eager and needy to pump you full.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Gladly. Anywhere. In a closet, in a bathroom, in a car. Just ask. Sometimes, you may not even need you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Absolutley. If it's something he's not seen, don't or heard of before, he's down to try most anything.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Forever. Literally. Realistically, it would cap off at 5 for you, and he wouldn't need to continue, but if you were like him. 24/2. He's fuck you two days straight until it was time to work, aside from interruptions ofc.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't mind using toys on you, blindfolds, cuffs(his favorite), even vibrators. The only toy he doesn't like are buttplugs or beads.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He will fuck with your mind and tease you all day, until your on your knees in the middle of his room begging for him to fuck you, tears in your eyes.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He will grunt, groan, hiss, even growl and mildly roar, like a lion with warning huff. He loves it when you make noise when you're screaming his name and nothing but a sputtering mess. It makes him feel like he's doing good.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Logan loves to blow smoke in your face, so if you're being choked, he will let go just to give you a big breath of his cigar. He loves watching you get dizzy and blissful.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Atleast 7" But if we are being relistic? 10. Also girthy, 5.5 inches of circumference MINIMUM. If he's soft, probably 6" long and 5" round. I would really wanna say he's circumcised but for the time period and his healing, he's not.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Constant. If he's angry? Fuck something. If he's giddy and exited, fuck something. If he's sad probably not. He will never turn you down though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a bit, and he will almost always fall asleep after you.
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
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I made a turn of the century x men evolution au
Hey everyone so a big special interest of mine is the period from 1900 to about 1928 so I decided what if I took the kids from the X-Men evolution cartoon from their point at the turn of the 21st century and put them at the turn of the 20th century instead...and also added a few characters. I hope you enjoy this. I have a lot for this au, and I'm gonna put it all under the read more.
So Au thoughts
 The year is 1912. Xavier has started his institute a few years prior with scott summers and jean grey as students. Scott was adopted by Xavier after his parents died in a train crash and jean comes from a family of doctors and scientists Xavier is friends with. 
Because no computers yet, as the microprocessor  has yet to be invented, Forge didn't get stuck in a pocket dimention and got to grow up he works for xavier. He helps design and build a modified danger room that's more steam punk/dieselpunk. Lots of things are gear powered and Holograms are projections onto steam curtians. Because no computers, no cerebro. But jean and Xavier have trained themselves to be able to sense those with mutant powers around them and have been working with a network of underground individuals, some cases literally like the morlocks, to find out about new strange individuals popping up in the states. The morlocks are much more involved in this. they are good friends with Xavier and frequently helps young morlocks train their powers. 
One of those individuals is Gambit. Gambit is 17 in this and does various jobs for xavier. One is listening through the grape vine for odd individuals popping up. The other is essentially working the danger room with forge. As The danger room  is more steampunk/dieselpunk in this, with storm's help as well it can simulate weather events, earth quakes, fires, unstable ground, flooding, (bb gun based) old west shootouts, explosions (thanks to Gambit), search and rescue, avalanche / rock fall settings, and much more. 
Gambit helps set up the room and make the mechanisms work.  it functions well with automatons, steam engines, pistons, and a lot of theater special effect tricks. Gambit helps forge scrap hunt for machinery to repurpose for it. He has befriended the local street children and finds out from them wherever a factory tosses out a machine. 
Speaking of theater though, we have morph as well as a staff member. Kevin is well known fairy(period equivalent  to someone who does not fit into either gender) and drag expert from New York where they worked on broadway and a very close friend of Logan. So close they share a bedroom....;)
Morph is there to help with tailoring as well as helping kids who need disguises to pass in public cause of their time in broadway and avoid harassment, like Kurt. 
They also help simulate battles in the danger room with foes they have faced off against before.
Kurt doesn't have an image modifier in this obviously. No computers, no digital holograms. But with forge and morph they are able to help him pass. Morph designs pants for him that have a  special pocket for his tail to tuck away, as well as boots with  special braces that help disguise his digitigrade feet. Morph also helps him with makeup and hair in the morning to hide his blue face and pointed ears. 
For his hands forge has built some prothstetic fingers that are controlled by the other fingers in his hand like a puppet, so it appears he has five fingers on each hand covered by riding gloves, as well as colored contact lenses for his eyes to disguise them as brown. 
Kurt's parents came to America from Germany with him as a toddler. People found out about their adopted son and they had to flee. They settled in a small German speaking community in the middle of nowhere Iowa where they could be safe. They would have a priest visit Kurt to give him mass in private for his own safety and had a nun come to tutor him. Xavier found out about Kurt through gambits grapevine. 
Ororo came from Africa as a citizen of  British colony egypt to Jamaica where she met Charles she has family living in the states via her sister who do  are wealthy merchants.  they were british colony  expats that moved to the states to control British imports to the states easier. Thus how we get Evan. Skateboard hasn't been invented yet so he is big into the turn of the century cycling craze as well as roller skates. 
 Rogue is still a goth. A very very classic goth. Victorian goth. She still dresses like it's the 1800s to in part keep others from touching her skin but also she is just a great appreciator of Poe and Shelly and stoker. 
One thing that is different for Scott is that on top of the train crash his brother havoc is still with him at this time. His parents are very, very dead tho. No alien rescues. (Forgot to draw Alex tho but he's there as are the minor character students)
Beast is also there more from the begining as a teacher he helps take care of the kids medical needs. He got kicked out of his scientific circle, not cause of his mutant ness that came later, but because he insisted doctors must wash their hands before interacting with patients. 
Jean grey is a highly educated absolute Gibson girl. She and Kitty sneak out to do suffragette stuff regularly.  Speaking of, kitty is definitely a girl of the new century. Wants to go to college one day with Jean. Insists on wearing riding/sports pants wherever she goes. She is girly in certain ways, but defs is a very modern young woman. She likes helping Forge out with his projects. 
Magneto's hatred for humanity in this case comes from his survival of the pogroms of eastern Europe only to see there is still antisemitism once escaping them. And mystique has a boarding house where the brotherhood kids live, but she wasn't principal of the bayview school. 
Wolverine is a cowboy in this au yes. He has a horse, but he's also toying with some of the very few motorcycles. They are more of dirt bikes at this point tho, so his horse his still his go too. It's a deep black mare named Blackbird. He does not have an adimantium skeleton but his claws have been capped with silver to help protect them. 
No x jet but they do have a few biplanes they are training with. Forge is modifying them to be able to cary more people. So far he's made one that can vary five. 
 Gambit introduces everyone to jazz cause it hasn't left Louisiana yet. He brought his Grammaphone and all hell broke loose from there. 
Also rogue having a bit more of a high society upbringing thanks to irene. Gambit hasn't had a day of real school as public school wants universally established until the 1910s. He knows his reading, writing, and arithmetic from Sunday school and such and whatever jean luc  had him taught, but he's excited to learn about what the kids are learning about in their normal school. 
Rogue brings him her study material and teaches it to him and in return he teaches her the various crafts and skills he learned in the bayou and as a member of the theives guild. 
Hope you guys enjoy all this!!! Please feel free to share your thoughts!
Tried to keep things period accurate outfits wise.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Something Wicked This Way Comes AU Skits:
A government agent: Would you like to join our team of highly trained and special indivi-
Reader: F*ck off
Government agent: I really think you'd like this program of ours-
Reader: I said f*ck off
Government agent: But you haven't even heard of what you'd get-
Reader: I'd get brainwashed and set on your personal enemies like a dog, believe me, we know the shtick, now f*ck off! I'm drinking my beer!
Reader: is nursing on a root beer
Government agent: knocks the drink out of Reader's hands
Reader: ...
Reader: You little f*ckin' @&>/ !!!! tackles them, biting and scratching, then kicks them out of the soda shop
Reader, answering why they haven't sought out their old "pals", Wolverine and Sabretooth: Well, would YOU try to seek out someone who you haven't had a decent conversation with since the early 1900s who then stabbed you in the guts after his brain got scrambled, or seek out the guy who got so fried in the noggin he tossed ya off a freakin' cliff after beating you to a bloody pulp? No? Well, that's what I thought!
The X-Teens: What the h*ll??!!😨😰
The Brotherhood: That's b*dass!!!🤩😍
The adults: Who did you say you were, again, Mx. Reader? 🧐🤨
Wolverine: I tore their guts out? Poor kid... Hmmm... something still isn't adding up...
Sabretooth: Eh, I toss a lot of people off a cliffs... and turn a lot of people into bloody pulp. Good on them for surviving! Except they seem too familiar to be just a random hit...
Reader: sweating bullets Um... I'm... leaving, right now! runs off, disappearing into the streets
Everyone: ... Okay, we need them as our new member-
Reader, seeing the X-Teens broke into their house and took something: Oh you little...
Logan: Who the h*ll is screaming at 1:00am in the morning?!
Logan: spots his kids sneaking into the mansion carrying an old and stained box
Logan: Kids. What. Did. You. Do.
The X-Teens: ... Um... we, um... maybestolesomethingfromReader!! But we had to! They're not telling us something, and we think it's important!
Logan: Well, it looks like you're all returning it, unless you want to be in the Danger Room for the next five hours 😡
The X-Teens: Please, just a peek! 🥺
Logan: ... Ugh, fine, just one look. Then we're gettin' in the car and returning it, you hear me?
The X-Teens and Logan, looking into the box: 😶
The box: full of video tapes, recorders, old papers and journals, and different rocks and fossils and old heirloom jewelry
Logan: Okay, fine, you take one thing, something that would be hard to miss-
Kitty: Done! grabbed an old recorder
Logan: I'll hold onto that, since you kids got us into this mess
Logan, listening to one of the many recordings in shock: It's been nearly two centuries, but I still miss James and Victor, even if they were both quite brash at times... Boys, right? ... Ha... I think Jimmy is called "Logan" nowadays... I think I should leave him be; he seems happy with his friends, he doesn't need me anymore... I suppose Victor doesn't need me, either... I guess it's hard to miss someone that they can't remember... well, I think that perhaps this summer I'll be able to finally pass-
Logan: pauses the old recording
Logan: ... I need to find them, NOW-
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manicr · 5 days
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Sabretooth: The Dead Don't Talk preview
Who is Mad Dog Murphy? A person alive in the 1900s seen in a picture on the wall of NYC’s oldest tavern? Yes. A feared gangster and murderer who rose to power among the notorious Gangs of NY? Yes. And also, perhaps most shockingly of all, none other than… Sabretooth?!?
Join us — and Wolverine — as we uncover this secret untold chapter from the life of Logan’s greatest foe in a tale of violence, betrayal, shocking reveals and more violence. Sabretooth may be dead… but the secrets from his past —and the ways in which they may affect Wolverine in the present — are very much alive
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blorbobutworse · 2 months
Character Interpretation: Wolverine
More info under the cut! I did this because, at least on my phone, it looks like I wrote....a lot.
I actually have two ideas for him!! Because he contains Multitudes and also I don't want him being horny for highschoolers.
First is what characteristics they share, and then what makes them separate versions.
Born : 1875 ~1900
Comic sized!!! 280 lbs and 5’3"
Amnesiac, has flashbacks/nightmares, does not remember anything up to 20 years before Joining the X-Men.
He forgets recent memories when his head has been severely damaged. The more damage, the longer the amnesia
Animalistic, almost feral communication methods, on high stress situations and when he first joined the x-men.
Secretly cuddly but refuses to admit it. (Touch starved)
Like a real wolverine: a scavenger, does have bite to back up his bark but would prefer not to use it, at least when he has some of his memories.
Loves playfighting but refuses to ask
Canon alchohol/cigar/addiction issues.
Parental towards Kitty Pryde and Jubilee
Have Something going on with Kurt (I prefer Kurt Older, though I might decide to do a teenager a la X-men Evolution eventually…but even then I want fun gay uncle Kurt not baby. personally.)
Good trio with colossus + Kurt
Has persistant guilt and was/is forced to kill people the X-men aren't willing to take out
Essentially, everything already written in my page!!!!
Wolverine #1: Teacher/Dad/Big Brother
X-Men Evolution (No attraction to Minors <3)/Wolverine (1982) Comic/ Uncanny x-men
Brave, Protective, sassy old man
Parental towards all the kids, gentle with them and even reads them stories sometimes,it's a running joke with the toddlers that He Can't Read (he does it to make them feel smart and learn)
More into talking/fighting about his feelings/crying
Leans on Charles/Kurt to hold him back because he doesn't want to put that responsibility on Scott, because although he's team leader he's still A Child
Often argues with Xavier about having Child Soldiers, consistent point of conflict
Wolverine #2: Dilf Whore
Was NOT a teacher to the original X-men Xaviour raised: Storm, Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Iceman, just joined up with the X men when they were already adults, sort of similar to X-Men 1 (movie) or the original X-men comic run.
Slut <3
I rotate him between Jean, Cyclopes, Kurt, and a lovely enemies with Benefits with Sabretooth(NOT SIBLINGS IN ANY OF MY UNIVERSES!!!), but he’s essentially free use within the team :)
Oh! And hes in like a FWB thing with Gamit and Rougue <33333
More Touch Starved
Emotional Issues !!
Basically a horny hot mess trying to deal with his issues in the worst way possible. Just the PE and art teacher bc if he was given anymore responsibility he would Traumatize the Children.
Different fanfics will just have like. A little note telling you because, again,I don’t enjoy Logan flirting with underage girls while also being a girl dad, that feels….gross.
Batman' analysis will hopefully be out sometime tommorow my friends 💕
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idesofrevolution · 2 years
The following is the final transcript from Dr. Harold Ferrier in Trial 151 of the Tranquility Experiment. No further trials were conducted. This document is classified, destroy after reading.
DAY 1 - 10:25 AM
Dr. Ferrier: “Alright. Subject 151, government name is Logan Marquette. Subject is 47 years of age, height of 5’2, weighing in at just over 253 pounds. Acquired from official test subject pool in Louisiana. According to intake documentation, the subject suffers from acute social anxiety, body dysmorphia, erectile dysfunction, and low testosterone. Upon introduction, Mr. Marquette expressed mild reservations in partaking in the experiment, but had signed the agreement. He now understands his legal obligation. How are we doing today, Mr. Marquette?”
P151: “When are we going to start the experiment, doctor? It won’t take long, will it?”
DF: “No, Mr. Marquette. This is going to be a quick and painless observational study. We are studying the effects of cannabis on musical creativity. Thus, as outlined in the experiment summary, we are going to to administer the stimulus in smoke form.”
P151: “Okay. Fine. I haven’t smoked anything since my college years. That wont be a problem, will it?”
DF: “No, sir. If anything that is precisely what we are looking for in a subject. Now, the cannabis is in an ashtray on the coffee table there. Please go ahead and ignite and inhale. Finish it in its entirety, and document your sensations as they occur in the questionnaire. We will see how day one goes. If you need any assistance, I will be right behind that partition.”
P151: “Wait, day one? Is this a long term commitment?”
DF: “I will bring in a copy of the agreement you signed for you to look over. Now please, let us begin.”
10:57 AM
DF: “I have exited the testing chamber, and left the subject to his own devices. Moderate apprehension is clear in the subjects demeanor, however, should any defiance arise, restraints will be employed and the experiment will proceed as planned.
Upon the first inhalation of strain XTQ, subject immediately shows signs of relaxation and euphoria. Logan here has reclined in the the sofa, and is slowly inhaling the drug. No signs of physical metamorphosis have materialized at this time. However, he is seemingly increasing his intake at a rapid pace. As noted in trial 112, the speed in which inhalation occurs has a strong effect on the overall changes. Consequently, for this trial, we have significantly increased the dosage and concentration of strain XTQ to observe any potential differentiation on bodily form and function. The next entry in this observational log will occur tonight at 1900 hours.”
7:00 PM
DF: “Good evening, Logan. How are we feeling?”
P151: “I’m doing fine, Dr. Ferrier… just fine.”
DF: “Subject exhibits decreased pace of communication and muscle movement. Have you filled out today’s questionnaire?”
P151: “Oh fuck, I forgot. I’ll get to it. I just got lost for a minute there.”
DF: “Please make sure you do, Logan. Wait, what’s this?”
P151: “What’s what? Hahah!”
DF: “First sign of physical morphology has occurred. Subject seems to have developed changes in the right arm extremities. Marginal increase in the scale of the hands and fingers, while subsequent loss in adipose tissue is evident. Logan, have you always had these tattoos?”
P151: “What? Oh wow… I don’t remember getting those… that’s… that’s weird. They look kinda cool though.”
DF: “Indeed they do. Now, Im going to go ahead and photograph this for documentation, okay Logan?”
P151: “Yeah, sure man. Do what you have to do.”
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DF: “Alright, excellent. Now. Go ahead and start getting settled for the night. There’s a bed by the window over there with some sheets and a few pillows. You let the nurses know if you have any feelings of discomfort or pain during the evening. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on your progress.”
P151: “Yeah, sounds good. I’m feeling a little tired anyway. I’ll get some shut eye.”
9:00 PM
DF: “We are coming to a close on day one. Subject has finished their questionnaire much later than anticipated. He has expressed senses of euphoria, tingling in the limbs, and substantial sedative effects. Observations seemingly confirm this.
I am astounded at the record increase in transformative pacing. Within just two hours of the last entry, the subject has lost nearly half of body mass. Significantly increased perspiration seems to correlate with the loss of liquids in the body, though this does not explain the further loss of adipose tissue across all portions of the body. Further, the impossible manifestation of subdermal ink is both concerning and intriguing. As ink is not a biological compound, I am perplexed by its sudden appearance on his right arm. Further, upon second observation, the ink seems to have spread further up the arm onto his shoulders and neck. Potential skin sample may be taken at a later date for analysis.”
Day 2 - 8:45 AM
DF: “This… this is day two of Trial 151… The physics changes… they’re… impossible. A light scent of perspiration… of sweat, has lingered in the air, and the air is noticeably more humid. Will adjust environmental parameters as needed.
Uh, Logan… how… how are you feeling?”
P151: “Morning, doc. Slept like a rock last night. You wouldn’t happen to have any more of that stuff from yesterday would you?”
DF: “I do, Logan. You will get your second dosage in just a moment. But, I have to ask… do you… notice anything different? Physically?”
P151: “Huh, nah not really. I feel pretty great if I’m honest!”
DF: “Have you… looked in the mirror this morning? There is one in the corner?”
P151: “Of course I did! Sometimes I can’t look away, you know what I mean?”
DF: “You don’t notice anything strange? Nothing off compared to yesterday?”
P151: “Nope. So can we get started? I had the dopest dream last night and I wanna write down a few riffs. I bet that stuff could help me out, ya feel?”
DF: “I will have the nurse bring in your dosage for today. Just… just be sure to write down your own observations for today, okay? It’s very important.”
9:00 AM
DF: “Subject has… changed almost entirely over the course of the night. He has lost further weight, according to our measurements today. He now sits at 191 pounds. That’s 62 pounds of weight loss in a single night. The ink has spread across his entire body. Designs seem not to follow any geometric or biological pattern. This is impossible…
Uhm, he has also seemed to have… reversed his aging process. His heart rate is more stable, his cholesterol is completely healthy, skin elasticity seems to be on par with a man ten years his junior. Hair growth has also been stimulated both cranially and across the legs and feet. It also seems his body temperature has steadily increased, and his perspiration has stayed in tandem.
I must speak to Dr. Irving about the continuation of this trial. The second dosage has already been administered, but I have serious ethical qualms after witnessing these changes.”
1:59 PM:
DF: “Logan?”
P151: “Ayyyy Doc! Come over here, I gotta show you this sick fuckin tear-ass solo I wrote.”
DF: “Perhaps later, Logan… I have a few questions to ask you… Ugh… have the nurses not brought you to the showers yet?”
P151: “Haha, they’ve brought me already, man. Can’t get rid of the funk! Sorry ‘bout it if it bothers ya. I kinda like it.”
DF: “No… no, it doesn’t bother me. But if you wouldn’t mind pulling your pants up, I’d appreciate it. Logan, have you filled out your questionnaire?”
P151: “For sure, dude. It’s over on the table over there by the bed.”
DF: “I see… I couldn’t help but notice the stains on your sheets… or your underwear there.”
P151: “Hahah, I mean you know how it goes, doc. A guys gotta let some tension out every now and again. I’m sure y’all have been watching, hope you enjoyed the show.”
DF: “Logan, I actually need to talk to you about that… I am going to ask you to refrain from your… flirtatious remarks with our staff. It is distracting the nurses and research assistants.”
P151: “Can’t make any promises, bruh. But I’ll do my best. Just for you, doc.”
DF: “Alright. Please don’t wink at me, Mr. Marquette. We need to keep this a professional environment. Now, are you feeling anything different?”
P151: “Man, I can’t believe you say I came in here all shook up and stressed out all the time. This shit you been givin’ me has been working man! I feel fuckin’ great!”
DF: “That’s… that’s great, Logan. Now, the lead researcher on our team has decided… against doubts, that we should increase your dosage. I’m legally obligated to ask for your consent on this matter, but I have to tell you, Logan. I have grave concerns…”
P151: “Ayyy, chill out, doc. I’m on board with that! I might need to grab a few grams of this when I head out, haha!”
DF: “We’ll see. I need to take another photograph, just keep writing your music, okay? I’ll be back tomorrow to do another checkin.”
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9:32 PM
DF: “Dr. Irving has denied my request to stop the experiment, despite everything I have showed her. The subject is unrecognizable from the man who entered the room yesterday morning. Nearly every physical metric of his body has been changed somehow. We are unsure if it is truly the work of strain XTQ, but I am certain of the closed nature of our experiment and the lack of extraneous factors interfering with the results.
The subject has developed a nearly insatiable libido, masturbating four times between the last check in and now. Staff has also been subjected to numerous sexual advances, both male and female, which we immediately and directly intervened. There were no signs of aggression during these encounters, as nursing staff reported feeling strongly persuaded by what they called his ‘charm.’ We suspect that heavy pheromone production in his sebaceous glands is partly to blame, as six out of seven staff members directly referenced an ‘irresistible musk’ emanating from him.
He is nearly half the age he was when he arrived. I cannot make sense of these developments, and am anxious to proceed with the experiment as outlined in Dr. Irving’s plan. A second dosage was administered today, which seems to have only further increased his euphoric demeanor and shift in personality. On his questionnaire, he’s developed deep seeded interests in subjects he’s never before attempted. He’s mentioned his favorite pastimes are skateboarding, playing guitar, writing music, and… in more appropriate terms, organizing polyamorous activities.
I am unsure as to how much longer we can ethically work on this project. The complete overwrite of one’s persona is too far a risk for the general population.”
Day 3: 10:12 AM
DF: “Good morning, Loga… oh… oh my god.”
P151: “Whassup, doc. Happy to see me? Hah!”
DF: “Logan… I can’t continue with this project. Look at you! You’re over six feet tall. Your face is completely different. Your hair color is different, your eye color is different, your feet barely fit in those socks anymore!”
P151: “Hahah, you checkin me out, doc? You like what you see?”
DF: “Put your arms down, Logan. Stop flexing and listen to me. We need to stop these trials. You have become someone entirely contrary from who you were when you came here. I mean you look 27 years old for god’s sake!”
P151: “Babe, calm the fuck down. Let’s say I am different from when I walked in. You said I was all fucked up. Anxious, stressed, unhealthy, tired… isn’t this so much better than before?”
DF: “I…”
P151: “Why the fuck would I wanna go back to that, babe? I’m havin the time of my fuckin’ life. Bangin’ all the hourlies, smoking the good shit, jamming out, writing my good fuckin music. Dude, I’m as good as it can get!”
DF: “No, wait! Logan, give me the recorder back. Wait! Don’t touch me! Mmmph!!”
P151: “There, on your knees, babe. You need to chill the fuck out. Put your face on my bulge, man. Sniff it. Let it all in. You remember Matty the nurse, right doc? Yeah I bet you remember his tight sexy ass. Right after we plowed eachother all last night he slipped me another one of your j’s. I think it’s about time you took some of your own medicine, babe.”
DF: “Logan! Ugh… please… it smells so… buttery. And… salty… and musky…”
P151: “Here, doc. This one is for you. It’s already rollin’. There ya go. Just breathe it in. Just like that. Yeahhhh. See, man? It feels so fuckin’ good right?”
DF: “I… yeah. It does… I… I want…”
P151: “Take ‘em off. He’s dripping and waiting for that mouth of yours. Ahhh fuck.”
DF: *slurp* *slurp* *gag*
P151: “Fuuuuuuuuck babe. Yeahhhhh. You’re a fuckin keeper, babe. Here, lemme just snap a lil something for later. Ugh, fuck that tongue is good.”
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P151: “Fuck yeah babe. We gon get you stoned as fuck. You’ll end up like me. Free, sexy, chill… we can hang, and jam, and fuck, and skate, and shred… ohhh fuck. Yeah, babe. This is gonna be fuckin’ sick.”
Day 9: 11:59 AM
Dr. Irving: “It is now day nine of trial 151 of strain XTQ. I am meeting with Dr. Ferrier on his lack of updates since day 3. I’m not pleased with his insubordination since that day. I am worried he has shut down the experiment prematurely. He is even now late to the meeting.”
*door opens*
DF: “Yo, Jenny! How’s it going?”
DI: “Uhm, Im sorry, who are you? How did you get in here? Dressed like that? Where is your shirt?
DF: “Hah, it’s me! Harry! I know you haven’t forgotten me!”
DI: “Harold? Harold Ferrier?”
DF: “You know it! What did you wanna see me about, boss lady?”
DI: “What on earth are you talking about? You’re not Harold Ferrier.”
DF: “You’re tripping, Jenny. And ya didn’t even share, what the fuck? Hah! Ayyy, Logan! Come meet Jenny!”
DI: “Who… wait… no. The subject… you can’t be…”
Last known photo of Dr. Harold Ferrier. Must be located and contained with Subject 151 at all costs.
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Any Human Heart (2010) Episode 2
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violetmurmur · 1 month
im thinking about the x-mansion kids tricking logan into teaching
they study in front of him one time and say some glazed over history they teach you in elementary and he immediately is like '☝️ hold on. what the fuck are you talking about. this is what actually happened' and then they start traking him down and asking him to tell his stories from the wars and living through the early 1900s and somehow eventually they get him monologuing regularly. one of the younger kids accidentally calls him professor and he realizes he somehow has become the history teacher and is like damn this might as well happen
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dinogoofymutated · 4 months
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You've met Logan Howlett in every life you've lived since the 1900s. And in every lifetime, fate rips you from him just as cruelly as it forces the two of you to meet. How many lives will it take for the two of you to finally have your happily ever after?
General TWs: Reincarnation, death, Major character death (multiple times), Angst with a happy ending. Controlling familiail behavior, descriptions of wounds, descriptions of war, descriptions of violence/death, childhood trauma. Possible historical inaccuracies.
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ARC I: World War 1
Chapter 1: The Trap, First meeting.
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
ARC II: World War 2
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
ARC III: Weapon X
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
ARC IV: Xavier's School
Chapter 10:
NSFW! Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Finale: Epilogue
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thelastraigeki · 17 days
Alien-Predator/Marvel Crossovers
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I joined the CBUB around mid to late 2006 when the site had a lot more members and was definitely a lot more active. For many years I was the guy who often took the Alien-Predator characters' corner and fought vehemently against many overwhelming challenges from the opposition-- specifically, Marvel and DC characters. While I am not the Alien-Predator fan I was those many years ago, I still have a love for the characters and what they used to represent and were in character before 2010 had hit and the Disney acquisition of 2018 had happened.
But now with the Disney acquisition of Twentieth Century Fox's intellectual properties and film library, and the acquisition of the licenses from Dark Horse to Marvel-- it was only a matter of time before we had any official Marvel/Alien-Predator crossovers. There were many teases in the past with such crossovers with variant covers featuring the Alien and the Predator.
It's 2024 and there are already THREE crossovers involving Marvel and the Alien-Predator franchise.
We've already got Predator vs Wolverine, and the story was told from the view of Wolverine in a century's long blood hunt between the Predator and Logan. Now, I recall in my time of the CBUB these many years that a lot of people would cite that Wolverine steamrolls over the Predator. And as someone who has acquired many years of knowledge of the Yautja, and read the comic, I was pleasantly surprised to know that this isn't the case-- as Marvel treated the Predator with respect and showed that he is a legitimate threat to Wolverine, even showing that without the Adamantium skeleton-- a Yautja dominates that fight straight up, and both characters were young and fresh faced during their first encounter in the 1900s.
Now, we're getting Predator vs Black Panther-- and while I do have some issues with the portrayal of Yautja society in that particular comic, it shows so far-- the Yautja HAVE infiltrated and breached through Wakanda's defenses, and even have acquired Vibranium in the past which is the cause between a blood feud of two brother Yautja. One had inherited a Vibranium spear from his father, another-- born smaller, weaker than his healthier brother, is forced to be smarter and has to rely on technological prosthetics and upgrades, and the younger sibling has come to Wakanda to get the motherload of Vibranium. The comic shows that while Wakandan tech is advanced, Yautja tech is capable of matching and surpassing in some ways, and even a Yautja plasma caster is capable of knocking out T'challa even when he's wearing the Panther suit, as the caster isn't kinetic in terms of power and output-- according to once source who is knowledgeable of physics over at AVPGalaxy.
And then there's Aliens vs Avengers-- which shows a Marvel universe which is set in the Prometheus/ALIEN timeline. In this particular universe, some Xenomorphs were bred and gestated in Strontian, Kotadi, D'Bari, and Skrull hosts-- and as noted by the "Shi'ar" scientists (there's a reason why this was quoted), the Xenomorphs have acquired the physical traits of their hosts. And these Xenomorphs are Queens. A Kree was experimented on with a Facehugger, but it seemed as if the hosts didn't take to the implantation process and died immediately. With a coordinated attack on the universe, one of the places of interest was Earth, and four Xenomorph Queens are deployed with some drones for added protection, and numerous hives are established. If anyone is familiar with the old Dark Horse ALIENS: Earth War series, this is the same scenario except on a much more DIRE situation, as narration implies that even Marvel's superheroes and villains have been acquired into the Hive and made as hosts or were killed. Now there's only one remaining city on Earth left, and the seemingly only heroes remaining are Captain Marvel, Hulk, Miles Morales, and Valeria Richards-- and Valeria, the smartest one of the group, made a critical mistake in acquiring an Egg from a Xenomorph Hive and was rendered a host.
It feels so refreshing to see that the Yautja and the Xenomorph are finally getting the respect from what I consider to my my greatest opposition, Marvel, and in some ways... I actually feel vindicated in participating in those debates so long ago, even if the votes were not really in favor of the Xenomorph or the Yautja characters often.
How do you feel about the Yautja and the Xenomorphs being seemingly legitimate threats to the likes of the Marvel heroes and villains?
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stuffaboutminneapolis · 8 months
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Boys Playing Baseball, Logan Park, Minneapolis (early 1900s) via FB
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