#eddie Mackenna
spookysspoons · 5 months
I don't usually rant about my interests on this blog but i desperately need to talk with people about Takin' Over The Asylum. Please, fans of this show, I need to speak with you. I need to talk about Francine and Rosalie and Fergus and Eddie and Campbell. I need to talk about mental health throughout history. I need to talk about Hospital Radio St. Jude's and the Loonies PLEASE
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iamyourdensityy · 1 year
I finally finished Takin' Over the Asylum and if you've never watched it I definitely recommend doing so. The ending was bittersweet and the show overall was amazing. There are a few stereotypes given that it's 1994, but despite that it's extremely progressive and made me feel so much more comfortable with myself as someone who has bipolar disorder like Campbell. The acting was amazing and the storytelling was emotional. Also baby David Tennant is in it which is also fun. I came for him but I stayed for the plot. Anyway yeah go watch it it's amazing I don't have anything else to say
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bylermybabys · 3 months
welcome to my account 🔅!
get to know me ?????
im robyn , or kenna cus mackennas my middle name and i rly like it :)
my kins????
• okay so first off, max mayfield. straight off the bat.
• will byers. no questions asked.
•most definitely richie tozie AND stanley uris at the same time
probably about it ..
I LVOE BYLER. they are my babys, also stozier is just 🥰🥰 but; dare i say i do not like reddie and croud goes wild. but i do not like reddie ok. sure sure the actually movie i ship bc richie liked eddie but still 🤬🤬
anyway i normally just rant on here or reblog i dont do much!!!
bands/music artists i like!!:
the smiths fs
the cure.
alex g
ok random but i love the hamilton musical. thought i should put that out there.
salvia path
currents joys
and more that i cannot think of rn:)
i also love boreo (the goldfinch ship if u are uncultured)
also mike wheeler is my son.
and i think thats about it!! im not that interested but lets be moots!!
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ok bye !
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wheelscomedyandmore · 5 months
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Theodore Crawford "Ted" Cassidy (July 31, 1932 – January 16, 1979)
Noted for his tall stature at 6 ft 9 in (2.06 m), and his deep bass voice. He tended to play unusual characters in offbeat or science-fiction series such as Star Trek and I Dream of Jeannie, and is best known for the role of Lurch on The Addams Family in the mid-1960s. He is also known for voicing The Hulk. Though the character of Lurch was intended to be mute, Cassidy ad-libbed his signature line, "You rang?". The subtle humor and the deepness of his voice was immediately a hit. Thereafter, it was a recurring phrase written into the script. Cassidy also provided the voice of the more aggressive version of Balok in the Star Trek episode "The Corbomite Maneuver", the role of the android Ruk in the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?", and he voiced the Gorn in the episode "Arena". Cassidy did more work with Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry in the early 1970s, playing Isiah in the post-apocalyptic drama pilots Genesis II and Planet Earth. His film work included his appearances in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), Mackenna's Gold (1969), The Limit (1972), Charcoal Black (1972), The Slams (1973), Thunder County (1974), Poor Pretty Eddie (1975), Harry and Walter Go to New York (1976), The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977) and Goin' Coconuts (1978). He also co-wrote the screenplay of 1973's The Harrad Experiment, in which he made a brief appearance. Cassidy underwent surgery at St. Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles to have a non-malignant tumor removed from his heart. While recovering at home, complications arose several days later and he was readmitted. On January 16, 1979, Cassidy died at age 46 at St. Vincent Medical Center.
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jedivoodoochile · 5 months
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Theodore Crawford "Ted" Cassidy (July 31, 1932 – January 16, 1979)
Noted for his tall stature at 6 ft 9 in (2.06 m), and his deep bass voice. He tended to play unusual characters in offbeat or science-fiction series such as Star Trek and I Dream of Jeannie, and is best known for the role of Lurch on The Addams Family in the mid-1960s. He is also known for voicing The Hulk. Though the character of Lurch was intended to be mute, Cassidy ad-libbed his signature line, "You rang?". The subtle humor and the deepness of his voice was immediately a hit. Thereafter, it was a recurring phrase written into the script. Cassidy also provided the voice of the more aggressive version of Balok in the Star Trek episode "The Corbomite Maneuver", the role of the android Ruk in the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?", and he voiced the Gorn in the episode "Arena". Cassidy did more work with Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry in the early 1970s, playing Isiah in the post-apocalyptic drama pilots Genesis II and Planet Earth. His film work included his appearances in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), Mackenna's Gold (1969), The Limit (1972), Charcoal Black (1972), The Slams (1973), Thunder County (1974), Poor Pretty Eddie (1975), Harry and Walter Go to New York (1976), The Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977) and Goin' Coconuts (1978). He also co-wrote the screenplay of 1973's The Harrad Experiment, in which he made a brief appearance. Cassidy underwent surgery at St. Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles to have a non-malignant tumor removed from his heart. While recovering at home, complications arose several days later and he was readmitted. On January 16, 1979, Cassidy died at age 46 at St. Vincent Medical Center.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
eddie buys chrissy flowers despite being allergic- he may end up miserable, but it's worth it to see her smile like that :)
He feels like he's fourteen again, ready to walk Allison Mackenna into the gym for the annual Snowball Dance. His hands are a little sweaty and his stomach is twisting nervously. What if he's gotten the wrong ones? What if she hates them? What if she's not even the type to like flowers? His mind flashes back to a year ago when he'd seen Carver hand her those pretty wildflowers, and how her eyes had lit up. Ok, flowers are good.
Calm down Munson.
Sniffling and rubbing his nose into his shoulder, Eddie grips the stems of the red and black roses, waiting for Chrissy to walk out of the locker rooms. There's some students milling about, a couple of them directing stares in his direction. He's so used to it now it doesn't even faze him. First he was Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Now, as of seven months ago, he's Eddie 'Chrissy Cunningham's Boyfriend' Munson. It's been the weirdest change of his life, but he definitely isn't complaining.
"h'NGkt! hh'Ihksh! nXKt'uh!!"
The sickeningly sweet smell of the roses wafting into his face makes his nose itch, nostrils still twitching even after the three sneezes he stifles into his arm.
Hearing girls right behind the door, he steps back a bit, not wanting it to hit him. The door opens and a few of the cheerleaders walk out, smiling at Eddie or waving. He'd been surprised by how quickly Chrissy's friends had taken to him. They may not talk a lot, but they're kind to him and don't try to ignore him like most of the basketball players do. One of the cheerleaders, Amy, his brain reminds him, lets out a coo.
"Are those for Chrissy? She's going to love them."
"Yeah, here's hoping, right?" He gives another sniffle and smiles as the brunette walks away.
Chrissy makes her way out a minute later, while Eddie's rubbing his left eye with his free hand. She spots him, then she notices the flowers and her dark blue eyes light up. Bouncing over, like she's floating on air, she grins.
"Are these for me?"
"Actually, I'm meeting Ms.Albury here, uh...this is awkward..." Eddie jokes playfully, leaning down the seven inch height difference to press a kiss to her cheek. Chrissy giggles and catches his mouth.
"Well, Ms.Albury better appreciate it," she teases back.
"Oh, I'm s-sure she wihhll," his breath hitches, nostrils twitching again. An itch buzzes in his sinuses, and as his eyes flutter shut and he turns, he feels Chrissy take the flowers from him, only causing pollen to rustle into the air.
"ihh'GnKT! ih'nKT'uh! hih'ngkTCH'uh! snf! God, sohhry," Eddie tugs his bandana out of his back pocket, smothering another handful of sneezes into it. "ngKkt! hihh'KTtch! ihhHhGKxxt!"
Rubbing the bandana against his septum, jiggling it to try and get the intense itch right at the tip of his nose, the guitarist finally wipes his face and sniffles wetly, eyes red and watery.
"Jesus, I am so sorry Chris," Eddie gives her an apologetic look. She gets on her tip toes and presses a kiss to his curls.
"You're only sneezing because you got me flowers. Self sacrificing idiot," she teases, holding his hand. "Lets get you back to your place so we can get an allergy pill into you. They make you so sleepy, we can have an early night."
"But the party-"
"Is just a party, E, it's fine, there will be more."
Eddie sniffles and rubs his eye again. "Fine."
"I'm driving."
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nishhd · 8 months
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La literatura de Chile hace mención al conjunto de producciones literarias creadas por escritores originarios de ese país; ha sido producida habitualmente en español, aunque existen también autores, principalmente poetas, que utilizan otros idiomas, en particular el mapudungun. Especialmente en el ámbito de la poesía, cuenta con varios escritores de renombre, como Vicente Huidobro, Enrique Lihn, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda, Nicanor Parra, Pablo de Rokha, Gonzalo Rojas, Jorge Teillier y Raúl Zurita, entre otros. En el campo de la narrativa, destacan también Isabel Allende, Roberto Bolaño, María Luisa Bombal, José Donoso, Jorge Edwards, Pedro Lemebel, Antonio Skármeta, entre otros.El romanticismo en Chile, conforme al análisis del crítico literario Cedomil Goic, puede clasificarse en tres generaciones literarias: la de 1837, 1852 y 1867.
La de 1837, denominada también generación costumbrista, se caracterizó por el desarrollo de un costumbrismo con especial énfasis en lo pintoresco y lo realista, abordándolos desde un punto de vista crítico y satírico En esta generación destacaron Mercedes Marín del Solar, Rosario Orrego, Vicente Pérez Rosales y José Joaquín Vallejo.
La de 1852 o generación romántico-social tuvo una postura más radical a la visión liberal que la generación anterior, presentando el pasado como ejemplo de rectificación del presente. En esta generación sobresalieron José Victorino Lastarria, Salvador Sanfuentes, Martín Palma, Eusebio Lillo, Guillermo Matta y Guillermo Blest Gana. En las décadas de 1950 y 1960, los autores chilenos volvieron a incursionar en la novela histórica. Y ya a partir de 1970, volcaron su mirada hacia los "momentos fundacionales, es decir, las etapas del descubrimiento, Conquista y, en general, el período colonial, lo que conlleva la relectura de los textos canónicos que dan cuenta de dichos proceso históricos, especialmente las crónicas, las relaciones, las cartas del conquistador, que constituyen los pretextos que serán deconstruidos por el discurso alternativo del creador literario" (Eddie Morales Piña. "Brevísima relación de la nueva novela histórica en Chile", Notas Históricas. En este nuevo renacer, la novela histórica basa su contenido en copiosa documentación. Asimismo, los autores chilenos leen disciplinadamente no sólo los libros de Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, Francisco Encina y Jaime Eyzaguirre, entre otros, sino que también llevan a cabo una revisión completa de cartas, crónicas, diarios íntimos y de viajes.
Aún cuando surgen numerosas publicaciones, en Chile la tendencia no es tan acusada como en otros países de Latinoamérica. Según Mentor Seymour, "este fenómeno puede explicarse por la mayor preocupación de los novelistas chilenos contemporáneos por el pasado inmediato, o sea el golpe militar contra el gobierno de Allende en 1973, la dictadura de Pinochet y las experiencias en el exilio de varios novelistas" (La nueva novela histórica de la América Latina, 1979-1992. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993.
El romanticismo en Chile fue un fenómeno amplio, que formó parte de un contexto latinoamericano mayor, en el que predominó la idea de la construcción de la nación con un carácter utópico vinculado al liberalismo político. En el caso de las producciones escritas en Chile, el romanticismo se vinculó en su origen a la llegada de intelectuales argentinos hacia 1840 y al Movimiento Literario de 1842.
Durante la década de 1840, surgió en Chile una producción intelectual comprometida con la idea de la identidad nacional. Este fenómeno ha sido relacionado, por un lado, con el Discurso de incorporación a la Sociedad Literaria de José Victorino Lastarria (1817-1888), en el que abogó por la necesidad de una literatura de carácter local y, por otro, con el eco de ese llamado recogido por los intelectuales del Movimiento Literario de 1842.
Para Norberto Pinilla (1902-1946), la "escuela romántica" nació en Chile vinculada a este "despertar" de las letras nacionales, en particular, a partir de la ocurrencia de dos debates sobre "cultura filológica y literaria" que se vivieron durante esos años: la controversia filológica, intercambio de artículos en la prensa en los que se discutió respecto al uso de la lengua en América; y la polémica del romanticismo (Pinilla, Norberto. Panorama y significación del Movimiento literario de 1842.
El realismo literario es una corriente estética que supuso una ruptura con el romanticismo, tanto en los aspectos ideológicos como en los formales, durante la segunda mitad del siglo xix. Se extendió también a las artes plásticas en Latinoamérica, lugar donde hasta entonces no había gran proliferación en este arte. Este se caracterizaba por una extensa y muy detallada información de los personajes, paisajes, escenas, etc. De esta forma, podían ser imaginados con mayor facilidad.
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johngarfieldtribute · 3 years
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Julie’s painting hobby was probably something he didn’t have much time for.
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I love Julie’s bold, expressive, swirling paint strokes. It just seems to me that everything this guy did was honest, organic and passionate.
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Julie’s children, son David and daughter Julie both followed in their father’s profession of acting. Daughter Julie is also a painter.
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David is pictured above. He bore quite a resemblance to his father in this photo! He was sometimes billed as John Garfield Jr. I think there was another actor named David with a SAG card. He also did some work as a respected film editor before passing away at the much too young age of 51 in 1994.
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In the summer of 2017, Julie wrote an insightful, honest, and heartbreaking Op/Ed for the New York Times about the witch hunt that unfairly targeted her father. It’s so upsetting that the politician’s actions cost Garfield his career when he was blacklisted. Worse- the family lost their loved one. Inexcusable. Julie was only 6 1/2 when she lost her father. David was 9, I think.
As mentioned, along with being an actor, she is also a drama teacher. Julie Garfield inherited her father’s passion for painting and is a wonderfully talented artist!
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I love catching her conversations about her father’s films. It comes from her own experiences in acting, her natural talent, and having his genes. Watch this clip from TCM of Noir Alley’s Eddie Muller and Julie chatting about her Dad’s performance in THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE. Julie also spoke with Eddie about her father’s final film, HE RAN ALL THE WAY before and after the film was shown.
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And this bears mentioning. Both father and son acted in movies opposite Edward G. Robinson. Father pictured below in THE SEA WOLF from 1941.
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And son, David had a role in MACKENNA’S GOLD from 1969. David and Robinson are pictured together in a scene below.
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David died way too soon. That, his mother, sister and loved ones had to tragically bear. It occurs to me that Julie (John) lost his mother when he was 7. Julie (daughter) lost her Dad when she was 6 1/2. Julie (John) lost his first born child, Katherine due to an allergic reaction when she was only 6. I hate this for all of them.
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Father Julie and first born, Katherine.
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hufflepuff-nerd · 7 years
Ashling University Chapter 1
There was confetti raining from the ceiling and cheers echoing off the walls of the Great Hall. Small Zonko fireworks danced above the fresh graduates. Another year had come and gone and another class full of graduates were on their way to the big bright world. Everyone was excited and happy about the next step of their lives, that is, all except for Saorise Mackenna.
Saoirse knew two things at that moment; she was going to miss Hogwarts and she wasn't done learning. How could she step away from magic education? Life at Hogwarts had been all that she'd known for the past seven years! The only time she went home was over the summer and even then she just counted down the days until she could go back! Her brother, Ewan, he was the lucky one. He still had another three years left of magic moving castles and learning about the first and second wizarding wars and dragons. She scanned the crowd for him and found his forest green eyes. She swam through the swarm of people and hug him tight.
"You happy to be graduating?" He asked her, a big crooked grin on his face. putting an arm out for her.
"No, this place is too cool to leave. Lucky." She mumbled and took his arm, walking out into the courtyard. Even though he was only fourteen he was a solid foot taller than her.
"So, what's next for you?" He inquired as the sat down.
"I'm not done learning, not by a long shot." Saoirse thought for a long while and looked back at the castle. "I'm coming back here." Her voice was suddenly serious and determined.
"Well you can't graduate from here twice." Ewan joked.
"Remember when all those colleges came through and talked about furthering our magical knowledge?" She looked up at him.
"Yeah like the three schools in America. Are you seriously going to go all the way to the states just to come back here?" He studied her face, he wasn't used to his sister being serious.
"I'm getting a degree in magic education, I want to teach here. I don't want to leave Ewan!" She insisted.
He was quiet for a moment, "What are you hoping to teach?"
"Divination, maybe astronomy. Those are my best and favorite subjects." She smiled.
"Of course." He rolled his eyes. "You know, mom and dad are going to ask you a thousand questions about this, right?"
"I know." She laughed lightly, "You going to hate me if I move to America for a couple years?"
"Hate is a strong word, you're still gonna visit right?" He closed his eyes as he leaned on a pillar.
"Yeah of course! Not going to abandon you guys." She poked his side and he jumped.
"Then it's alright with me I guess." He smiled.
"Thanks Ewan." She hugged him and stood up.
"Mackenna!" A familiar voice called out.
"Eddie!" Saoirse yelled as she ran and pounced the imposing boy.
"Congrats you two!" A girl called out.
"Congrats to you too Frankie, well you and Eddie and Ryan." Saoirse giggled.
"So, what's everyone's plans now that there are no more exams and no more homework in our future?" Frankie asked the crew, yelling over the cheers in the hall
"Well, I'm being trained to take over dad's broom shop." Ryan proudly stated.
"I'm taking up Oliver Wood's offer and joining up with Puddlemere's quidditch team!" Frankie could hardly contain her excitment.
"I'm just going to travel a bit before I settle down." Eddie said as he tied his hair up in a bun.
"What about you Saoirse? What are you doing?" Ryan asked, the others echoing the sentiment.
"Well, I'm going to college." Saoirse nerviously replied.
"College? Really?" Eddie asked, furrowing his brow.
"Yeah really, college. I want to teach magic, I wanna come back here some day and teach here." Saoirse stood her ground.
"There's so many other things you could do though, especially with your grades and test scores." Frankie trailed off looking disappointed.
"Can you two give us a minute?" Eddie asked Ryan and Frankie. They nodded and went to catch up with Ewan.
"Saoirse, I was hoping that after Hogwarts we could be together. It's what we always talked about." He looked in her eyes as he took her hand.
"Eddie, I wish I could but I feel like my place is in a university. I feel like Hogwarts is a part of me now. You can't expect me to just give up my hopes and dreams." Saoirse tried to make him see.
"College is unnessecary when you have worked so hard here. Just forget all that and travel with me." Eddie insisted and went in for a kiss.
Saoirse pulled her hands back and pushed him away. "If you can't support my dreams, you aren't worth dating. I'm going to go to college and no one and certainly no lovesick boy is gonna stop me." Saoirse firmly stated as she turned and walked away, Ewan running after her.
No one was going to keep Saoirse down, she had bigger plans and bigger dreams than being some secretary for the Ministry.
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southboundhqarchive · 5 years
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You’ll never guess who I just saw walking around town…
Adrastos “Ady” King (Elliot Fletcher) played by Kasper
Aisling MacKenna (Kate Siegel) played by Rebecca
Casper Donovan (Jordan Connor) played by Becca
Celeste Tudor (Elizabeth Olsen) played by Ellie
Edward ‘Eddie’ Lachman (Jon Bernthal) played by Ophelia
Gabriel Lockhart (Callum Turner) played by Thatch
Genevieve ‘Neve’ Channing (Adelaide Kane) played by Lucia 
Josephine Ryan (Maika Monroe) played by Lucia
Lennox Holm (Alexander Skarsgard) played by Fen
Mallory Goode (Lucy Boynton) played by Jolie
Mateo Álvarez / Matthew Beckett (Froy Gutierrez) played by Honey
Oliver Weebley (Cody Fern) played by Becca
Ophelia Miller (Elizabeth Gillies) played by Lucky
Rose Crain (Dakota Johnson) played by Ivy
Truman Wake (Ben Barnes) played by Thatch   
Welcome and congratulations, everyone! You now have 24 hours to send in the link to your character’s blog, please adhere to the checklist and follow your fellow townsfolk!
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crapitskizaru · 6 years
Netflix list by X Drake cuz i don’t know what to do with my time
First one: totally Despicable Me
Love Actually
Black Mirror
Dracula Untold
Mackenna’s Gold
Ones he rewatches all the time:
Black Sails
Manitu’s shoe
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
Brooklyn 9-9
Detective Monk
Miss Congeniality
Louis De Funes movies
Journey to the Center Of Earth with Josh Hutcherson
He gets upset about films that make no sense or ones that have an ending without any logical explanation/ending that he has to interpret on his own cause he never knows if he’s doing it right
like Krampus
also not a big fan of films like Sharknado lmao
Doesn’t really enjoy gory or horror movies cause everytime he watches them, his mood drops a shit ton
he wants to chillax while watching pretty much anything so
he’d only watch those if he wanted to brainwash himself and just cut off the real world
otherwise, drakey adores comedies
Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar or Yes, Man
Also German comedies like Manitou’s shoe
or French like all the Asterix and Obelix movies or Serial (Bad) Weddings
Two Weeks Notice
While You Were Sleeping
The Devil Wears Prada
also Jennifer Lopez
adores Monster-in-Law and Shall We Dance?
he cries with laughter during The Money Pit but will never admit to it
Night At The Museum
Home Alone
Spy Hard of course
Chevy Chase films
Shrek (???)
He’d really enjoy tv series with politics involved like The Crown 
all the Indiana Jones movies
all the Morgan Freeman movies
cries so hard everytime he watches Click with Adam Sandler and he’s not even ashamed of it
Rush Hour, cause who doesn’t like that
also all of the cheesy movies
like The Princess Bride
or The Mummy
or Charlie’s Angels
or Spy Agents
or 27 Dresses
orrr Hocus Pocus
Coming To America
Beverly Hills Cop
The Pacifier
would be totally hooked with the 100 or Marvel series like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Police Academy
loves Django Unchained
The Searchers (that old western)
The Wild, Wild West
See no Evil, Hear no Evil
maybe Cargo???
cried on The Hundred-Foot Journey
The Game Plan
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Animated movies he likes the most:
El Dorado
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Sinbad: Legend of The Seven Seas
also, as for TV series, he’s addicted to Drop Dead Diva
and maybe Orange is The New Black
watched Teen Wolf and thought it was pretty okay
guilty pleasure movie: the Twilight Saga
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spookysspoons · 5 months
Started watching Takin' Over The Asylum. Ep. 4 left me bawling my eyes out. Like most in the comments say, came for David Tennant, stayed for the brilliant acting and plotline.
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released on January 19, 1942: A young doctor is kidnapped by an escaped maniac and then charged with his murder. Genre: Drama Duration: 1h 14min Director: Robert Siodmak Actors: Richard Carlson (Doctor Geoffrey Burton), Nancy Kelly (Pat Lindsey), Albert Bassermann (Doctor Storm), Miles Mander (Professor Langner), Edward Gargan (Police Officer Charlie Prescott), Adrian Morris (Police Officer John Prescott), Martin Kosleck (George Taylor), Walter Kingsford (Heydt), Cy Kendall (Dahlig), Nestor Paiva (Grube), Oscar O'Shea (Pa Prescott), Mary Gordon (Ma Prescott), Arthur Loft (Police Inspector Karns), Marion Martin (blonde nurse), Clem Bevans (train station watchman), John Butler (Police Detective Jenks), John Dilson (Police Doctor Tracy), Kate MacKenna (gasoline station cook), Eddie Acuff (garage attendant Sam), Gladys Blake (underwear sales clerk), Stanley Blystone (policeman), Wade Boteler (Police Sergeant O'Brien), Nell Craig (saleswoman), Eddie Dunn (Police Sergeant), Pat Flaherty (taxi driver at train station), J. Anthony Hughes (policeman at garage), Si Jenks (gate guard at sanitarium), Milton Kibbee (hotel clerk), Paul McVey (cop on small town street), Ella Neal (telephone operator), Dick Rich (guard), Harry Tenbrook (truck driver), William Wright (intern) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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tamta24 · 7 years
Βιογραφία | Quincy Jones
Ο Quincy Jones γεννήθηκε στο Σικάγο του Ιλινόις των ΗΠΑ. Θεωρείται μια από τις μεγαλύτερες προσωπικότητες στην ιστορία της μουσικής. Έχει εργαστεί με μεγάλη επιτυχία σαν παραγωγός, ενορχηστρωτής και μαέστρος με μερικά από τα μεγαλύτερα ονόματα της μουσικής βιομηχανίας όπως οι Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Celine Dion κ.α.
Το 1956, περιόδευσε ως τρομπετίστας και μουσικός διοργανωτής των Dizzy Gillespie Band σε μια περιοδεία τους στη Μέση Ανατολή και τη Νότια Αμερική που χρηματοδοτήθηκε από την Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών των ΗΠΑ.
Μετά την επιστροφή του στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, ο Jones υπέγραψε μια σύμβαση με την ABC-Paramount Records και άρχισε τις ηχογραφήσεις του, ως ηγέτης της δικής του μπάντας.
Το 1957, ο Quincy εγκαταστάθηκε στο Παρίσι, όπου σπούδασε σύνθεση και θεωρία με την Nadia Boulanger και τον Olivier Messiaen. Επίσης, πραγματοποίησε εμφανίσεις στο Paris Olympia.
Ο Jones έγινε μουσικός διευθυντής στη Barclay Disques, τον γαλλικό διανομέα για την Mercury Records. Κατά τη διάρκεια της δεκαετίας του 1950, περιόδευσε με επιτυχία σε όλη την Ευρώπη, με μια σειρά από τζαζ ορχήστρες. Ως μουσικός διευθυντής του τζαζ μιούζικαλ Free and Easy του Harold Arlen, ο Quincy Jones ξεκίνησε για άλλη μια φορά περιοδείες. Η ευρωπαϊκή του περιοδεία έκλεισε με την τελευταία του εμφάνιση στο Παρίσι τον Φεβρουάριο του 1960.
Με μουσικούς από την εκπομπή Arlen show, ο Jones δημιούργησε τη δική του μεγάλη μπάντα, που ονομαζόταν The Jones Boys, με 18 καλλιτέχνες- συν τις οικογένειές τους. Η μπάντα περιελάμβανε μεγάλα ονόματα από τον χώρο της τζαζ, όπως τον Eddie Jones και τον συνάδελφο του και τρομπετίστα Reunald Jones, και οργάνωσε μια περιοδεία στη Βόρεια Αμερική και την Ευρώπη.
Αν και οι εμφανίσεις του, κατά τη πολύχρονη περιοδεία του στην Ευρώπη και Αμερική, είχαν μεγάλη επιτυχία και απέσπασαν πολύ καλές κριτικές, τόσο τα κέρδη, όσο και ο κακός προυπολογισμός μιας τέτοιας μεγάλης μπάντας δεν ήταν αρκετά για να την συντηρήσουν, με αποτέλεσμα να καταλήξουν σε μια οικονομική καταστροφή. Η μπάντα διαλύθηκε και άφησε τον Jones με οικονομικές δυσκολίες.
Ο Irving Green, επικε��αλής της Mercury Records, βοήθησε τον Jones να σταθεί και πάλι στα πόδια του με ένα προσωπικό δάνειο και μια νέα θέση εργασίας ως μουσικός διευθυντής της Νέας Υόρκης σε μια εταιρεία, όπου εργάστηκε με τον Doug Moody, με τον οποίο λίγο αργότερα θα σχημάτιζε την Mystic Records.
Το 1964, o Jones προήχθη σε αντιπρόεδρο της εταιρείας, με αποτέλεσμα να γίνει ο πρώτος Αφροαμερικανός σε μια τέτοια εκτελεστική θέση σε δισκογραφική εταιρεία. Το ίδιο έτος, ο Quincy Jones έστρεψε την προσοχή του σε ένα άλλο είδος μουσικής, τη μουσική για τον κινηματογράφο. Μετά από πρόσκληση του σκηνοθέτη Sidney Lumet, συνέθεσε τη μουσική για την ταινί�� The Pawnbroker. Ήταν η πρώτη από τις 33 συνθέσεις του για κινηματογράφο.
Μετά την επιτυχία του The Pawnbroker Jones άφησε τη Mercury Records και μετακόμισε στο Λος Άντζελες. Μετά τη μουσική του σύνθεση για την ταινία The Slender Thread, με πρωταγωνιστή τον Sidney Poitier, έγινε πολύ γνωστός και περιζήτητος ως συνθέτης.
Οι επόμενες ταινίες για τις οποίες συνέθεσε μουσική ήταν οι: Walk, Don’t Run, In Cold Blood, In the Heat of the Night, A Dandy in Aspic, Mackenna’s Gold, The Italian Job, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, The Lost Man, Cactus Flower και The Getaway. Επιπλέον, συνέθεσε τη μουσική για την ταινία “The Streetbeater”, η οποία έγινε γνωστή ως το μουσικό θέμα για την τηλεοπτική κωμική σειρά Sanford and Son, με πρωταγωνιστή τον Redd Foxx.
Στη δεκαετία του 1960, ο Jones εργάστηκε ως ενορχηστρωτής για μερικούς από τους πιο σημαντικούς καλλιτέχνες της εποχής, όπως τον Billy Eckstine, Sarah Vaughn, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee και Dinah Washington. Οι σόλο ηχογραφήσεις του Jones άρχισαν επίσης να γίνονται γνωστές το διάστημα αυτό, με κυριότερες τα τραγούδια Walking in Space, Gula Matari, Smackwater Jack, You’ve Got It Bad, Girl, Body Heat, Mellow Madness, και I Heard That!!.
Είναι ευρύ γνωστός για τη μελωδία που συνέθεσε το 1962 με τίτλο “Soul Bossa Nova”, η οποία προέρχεται από το άλμπουμ Big Band Bossa Nova. Το “Soul Bossa Nova” ήταν το θεματικό τραγούδι για το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 1998, για το τηλεπαιχνίδι Definition της καναδικής τηλεόρασης, για τη ταινία του Woody Allen Take the Money and Run και για τη σειρά ταινιών του Austin Powers.
Ο Jones ήταν επίσης υπεύθυνος για την παραγωγή και τις τέσσερα εκατομμύρια πωλήσεις των singles της Lesley Gore κατά τη διάρκεια της δεκαετίας του 1960. Συνέχισε να είναι ο παραγωγός για την Lesley μέχρι το 1966.
Το 1981 κυκλοφόρησε το άλμπουμ The Dude, το οποίο γέννησε πολλά hit singles, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του “Ai No Corrida” (διασκευή τραγουδιού του Chaz Jankel), “Just Once” και “One Hundred Ways”, με τα δύο τελευταία να μετράνε συμμετοχές του James Ingram στα φωνητικά.
Το 1985, ο Jones συνεργάστηκε με τον Steven Spielberg για την ταινία The Color Purple. Αυτός και ο Jerry Goldsmith (από το Twilight Zone: The Movie) είναι οι μόνοι συνθέτες, εκτός από τον John Williams, που έχουν συνεργαστεί σε θεατρική ταινία με τον Spielberg.
Μετά την αμερικανική τελετή των Music Awards του 1985, ο Jones χρησιμοποίησε την επιρροή του, καταφερνώντας να συνεργαστεί με την πλειοψηφία των πιο διάσημων Αμερικανών καλλιτεχνών σε στούντιο ηχογραφήσεων, για το τραγούδι “We Are the World” με σκοπό να συγκεντρώσει χρήματα για τα θύματα του λιμού της Αιθιοπίας.
Το 1988, η Quincy Jones Productions ένωσε τις δυνάμεις της με την Warner Communications με αποτέλεσμα της δημιουργίας της Quincy Jones Entertainment, και την υπογραφή συμφωνίας με την Warner Bros και την NBC Productions.
Ξεκινώντας στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 1970, ο Jones προσπάθησε να πείσει τον Miles Davis να εκτελέσει εκ νέου τη μουσική που είχε παίξει σε πολλά κλασικά άλμπουμ, υπο την καθηδηγηση του Gil Evans κατά τη δεκαετία του 1960. O
Davis δεν είχε ποτέ δεχτεί την πρόταση του, όμως το 1991, και ενώ ταλαιπωρούνταν από πνευμονία, υποχώρησε και συμφώνησε να εκτελέσει τη μουσική σε μια συναυλία στο Φεστιβάλ Τζαζ του Montreux. Το άλμπουμ που προέκυψε από την ηχογράφηση αυτή, με τίτλο Miles & Quincy Live at Montreux, ήταν το τελευταίο άλμπουμ που κυκλοφόρησε Davis, αφού πέθανε μερικούς μήνες αργότερα.
Το 1993, ο Jones συνεργάστηκε με τον David Salzman για την παραγωγή της συναυλίας που αποτέλεσε υπερθέαμα, με τίτλο An American Reunion, μια γιορτή των εγκαινίων του Bill Clinton ως Προέδρου των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. Την ίδια χρονιά, ο Jones ένωσε τις δυνάμεις του με τον David Salzman και προχώρησε στη μετονομασία της Quincy Jones Entertainment σε Quincy Jones/David Salzman Entertainment (QDE). Η QDE ήταν μια διαφοροποιημένη εταιρεία που παρήγαγε τεχνολογία μέσων ενημέρωσης, κινηματογραφικές ταινίες, τηλεοπτικά προγράμματα (In the House, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air και MADtv), και περιοδικά (Vibe και Spin).
Το 2001, δημοσίευσε την αυτοβιογραφία του, Q: The Autobiography of Quincy Jones.
Στις 31 Ιουλίου 2007, ο Jones συνεργάζεται με την Wizzard Media για την έναρξη του Quincy Jones Video Podcast. Σε κάθε επεισόδιο, ο Jones μοιράζεται τη γνώση και την εμπειρία του πάνω στη μουσική βιομηχανία. Το πρώτο επισόδιο είναι χαρακτηριστικό, με τον Jones στο στούντιο για την παραγωγή και ηχογράφηση του “I Knew I Loved you” της Celine Dion, που περιλαμβάνεται στο άλμπουμ- αφιέρωμα για τον Ennio Morricone, We All Love Ennio Morricone.
Ο Jones βοήθησε επίσης στη κυκλοφορία του CD της Anita Hall, Send Love, που κυκλοφόρησε το 2009.
Υπήρξε παραγωγός στο πρώτο άλμπουμ σε πωλήσεις όλων των εποχών, το “Thriller” του Michael Jackson, με πωλήσεις που ξεπερνούν τα εκατόν δέκα εκατομμύρια αντίτυπα.
Μέχρι σήμερα έχει κερδίσει είκοσι επτά βραβεία Grammy, το 1989 και το 1990 τιμήθηκε με τα βραβεία Trustees Award και Grammy Legend Award αντίστοιχα για την συνολική προσφορά του στην μουσική βιομηχανία.
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