#eddie munson the pansexual god
magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: eddie munson x steve harrington
summary: the munson-harrington friendship gets a tad bit more complicated.
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; st spoilers; ptsd-related nightmares, first kiss, fluffy fluff, smutty smutty, oral, etc.
word count: ~5.7k
support your writer: reblogs for the steddie boys 🤤
note: my dear staffi, your 1k is 1k% well deserved. i could think of nothing better than to honor @seidenbros with a steddie smut fic. this is inspired by my homie @steveshairychest post and miss staffi's thoughts, as well as the nightmares mentioned in her beautiful steddie post. this story is set in a cannon divergent universe post season 4’s events. i hope you like it! also i will say there’s a lot of back and forth so i hope it’s not too too confusing 🥹 there’s also a narrator type of feel in there, idk my adhd brain’s like mad scattered so good luck?
prompts included: (1) scars tell the story of where we’ve been, they are a part of us, and you show that to your loved one with kissing all of their scars, (2) “you taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough,” & (3) “will you stop talking, or do I have to make you shut up?”
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He will never forget that red thundering sky.
The sounds crash above him. His instinct is to look up, but he keeps his eyes focused as the demobats spiral around him. His grip tightens onto his shield. He knows he is going to die. He knew that when he decided against going through the portal in his living room. When he walked away from Dustin’s screaming pleas. He wanted to be a coward no more. He would need to die to ensure the party’s safety - his safety. He is fine with this. He honestly could not think of a better way to go. He just prays it will be quick.
He watches as the bats seem to alter their flying at the sound of each clap of thunder. His mind begins reeling. What can he do to use this information against them? He feels the fear bubble up through his chest. He yells out to give himself the bravery he desperately clings onto. He thrusts his spear into the tornado of bats just to be met with their attack. He holds as much as he can back with his shield but they overwhelm him. He falls.
Once recognizing the floor pressed against his back, he knew it was time. It was his time. He uses the shield to cover as much of his body as possible. He feels hot strikes of pain through his shins and thighs. He cannot help but scream as he grips tighter onto his shield’s handle. They are killing him and it is not quick. He feels every single bite. Each bite plays on repeat in his head.
One wraps it’s tail around his throat. He cannot breathe. He quickly digs his nails against his own skin, struggling to put distance between his neck and the tail. Panic hits him like a train. His entire body is in this confusing mixed state of stillness and desperation. He is moving in slow motion, perpetually stuck in death.
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Steve wakes to a thumping sound. His eyes open widely. His body is startled, but swiftly ready for action. Was it happening again? Was Vecna coming? Or was it the demodogs this time? Did they come back? He raises from his bed and continues to listen. He keeps his eyes on his closet, knowing he has a shotgun waiting for him. A gun he purchased back when he found out the truth about Barbara - how close death was. How was he never meant to feel safe in his home again.
He hears a voice. Eddie’s voice. The mental grog from waking up blurs his mind, but Eddie’s voice pulls him through. He remembers that he invited Eddie to stay with him while they both heal and particularly while he is technically still on the lam. As much as his voice calms him, an interesting reaction he notes, it sounds a bit troubled now. He quietly stands from the bed and walks towards his parents’ room - where Eddie was sleeping.
Steve feels worry as he tip-toes down the hallway. He does not want to scare Eddie, but something is wrong. The altruistic side of him would never be able to ignore that, let alone fall back asleep. He hears mumbling again and suddenly a scream. He bursts in the through the door, quickly scanning the room for any threats. He stands above Eddie who wriggles in his sheets. His brows pressing in and out as he mumbles in his sleep.
Part of Steve is clearly concerned. The other part could not help noticing the sleeping beauty below him. His lips supple. His hair thick and incredible. His shirt cut at the shoulders. His biceps on full display. From far, Munson looks scrawny but from where Steve stands, the boy has muscle. Quickly, he pushes those thoughts from his head. His face scrunches as he struggles to ignore the light hearted feeling of letting in that type of thinking.
Steve has only felt this way towards two people in his life, despite the trail of people he has left behind in his high school career. The feeling of his heart being drawn out of his chest. He felt it with Nancy. He feels it again with Eddie. It caught him off guard. Nothing prepares you for a sudden longing of a guy, especially when you pride yourself as a ladies’ man.
Steve felt a brief attraction to Billy Hargrove when he so aggressively beat him in basketball. It definitely had nothing to do with his personality - how could it? But how he pushed against him, with that sweat-filled bare chest. There was a moment where anger and annoyance subsided, and Steve did not mind being pushed around by Hargrove’s strength. Of course, this thought was pushed down deeper than the pits of hell. Especially after he heard what Billy had done to Max and Lucas.
Once Dustin began high school, Eddie became a prominent person in Steve’s life - whether he liked it or not. Dustin loved this guy, compared this guy to Steve. Anger and jealousy fueled his mind anytime “Eddie Munson” was discussed. Yet, when he finally met the man, he felt a spark. Eddie jumped out of nowhere and pressed Steve against the shack’s wall, hard. A hand on his collarbone and a broken bottle dangerously close to his juggler.
Steve initially thought the spark was the fear and adrenaline pushing through his body. He rose his hands to show he wasn’t a threat. Once Dustin started talking, Eddie began to let his guard down, placing space between them. It gave Steve the opportunity to look into those gentle chocolate eyes and see the genuine sincerity and beauty within them. He knew in that moment that every incredible thing Dustin said about Eddie was true. He had to know more. The spark, he now recognizes, turned into a red hot flush to his cheeks…
As another disturbed mumble falls from Eddie’s lips, Steve is pulled from his thoughts and lightly pats Eddie’s shoulder. “Eddie,” he whispers. “Eddie, it’s just a dream.” He continues to mumble, his movements more jagged. “Eddie,” he says louder. He shakes his shoulder and sits on the edge of the bed. He begins to stress, wanting to remove him from this scary state. He shakes a bit harder.
Eddie’s eyes shoot open. His breathing heavies as he grips onto Steve’s shoulder. “Eddie, it’s okay. It’s okay,” Steve soothes. “Where’s Dustin?” he mumbles on as his brows pull together. Eddie struggles to grip onto reality, but he recognizes the mattress and sheets below him. He realizes it is not the upside down’s floor plastered against his back. He pulls his eyes towards Steve’s. “Steve?” he asks out of breath and still panicked.
“Hey, yeah. I think you had a bad dream,” Steve answers as he places his hand upon Eddie’s chest. “You’re safe.” Eddie watches with confused eyes. He feels comfort from Steve’s warmth but still lost in bouncing thoughts between what is real and what is not. His eyes travel towards Steve’s hairy chest and green pajama pants hanging by a draw string. He immediately pulls away and places all his energy on not staring. Steve’s eyes are focused upon his hand. He’s both shocked and overjoyed with his hand’s placement. Ambiguous thoughts flood his mind.
Where Steve has hidden his attraction, even from himself, Eddie has always been straight forward with those he’s closest to. At first, Eddie was not the biggest fan of Steve. He even told him so. Dustin spoke of him at length. Each conversation that surrounded Harrington just reminded him of every conversation he had in school. Everyone spoke of him and his gorgeous hair.
Yet, when Eddie finally had the opportunity to interact with Steve, all that changed. Through the danger, gore, and fear within the weeks filled of Vecna, Eddie felt a burning inside of him. He recognized immediately that Steve was someone special and that he wanted more. He had no care in the world and openly flirted with him any chance he got. He particularly enjoyed the confused looks of the members of his party. Not to mention a shirtless Steve wearing his denim vest? Eddie was done for. So when all that shit was finally done and Steve asked if he wanted to stay at his house, Eddie did not hesitate.
“Thanks,” Eddie says with a shaken tone as he lifts himself from the bed, resting back on his palms. Steve lightly pulls away as his focus has shifted back to concern. He remembers the last time he saw Eddie like this. It was a horrifying sight. He walked up on Dustin cradling Eddie in the darkness of the upside down. Henderson’s tears falling upon Eddie’s lifeless face as blood pooled at the edge of his mouth. They thought he was going to die. But Steve was going to work his damned hardest to make sure that didn’t happen - especially not in front of Dustin.
As gently as he could, Steve flung Eddie over his shoulder and ran into the trailer. He heard a grumble and a wince. Both sounds that burst energy through his body. He was alive. He and Dustin worked together to hoist Eddie through the portal. Nancy and Robin were shortly behind. They both quickly jumped into the roles of doctor as they treated his wounds with bandages and disinfectant. Steve can still hear his screams when they dowsed his injuries with alcohol. Steve wanted nothing more than to run to him in that moment. To comfort him - hold him. Instead, he watched from the corner of the room, gripping tightly onto his chin as he bit his trembling lip.
Eddie’s eyes flick towards Steve. He observes the shift in his face’s expression. His first instinct is to raise his hand to his face, pull him back from whatever thoughts clouded him. He strongly stops the urge, clearing his throat. “Steve,” he says softly. Quickly Steve’s eyes look back into his. “Sorry,” he laughs and pushes his hand through his hair. “It’s okay,” Eddie says softly. “Get lost in your thoughts?” Eddie asks. Steve turns to look at him with a smile. “Something like that,” he replies innocently. “Yeah, that happens to me too,” Eddie nods as he looks down at his hands on his lap.
Steve took that moment to realize that he may have overstayed his welcome. He stands and gestures a goodbye. “Well, I’ll let you get back to bed,” he says as he turns towards the door. Panic rushes through Eddie. He isn’t ready for Steve to leave. “Wait,” he says loudly. “You can stay if you want,” he coyly murmurs.
Steve reaches the door handle and turns back to Eddie. “Are you sure?” he asks. “I’m sure, Harrington,” Eddie reassures with a smile. The devilish smile that Steve has been waiting for. It quickly eases his worry and melts his heart, all at the same time. Most of all, it pulls a big grin upon his face. Eddie has the best smile, whether you would like to admit it or not. And Steve will admit it.
With a failed attempt to not be awkward, Steve sits at the foot of the bed. He rests only a few inches away from Eddie's feet. Eddie stifles a laugh as he watches. "You can sit up here," he chuckles as he pats the bed beside him. Steve laughs at himself. "I wasn't sure what would be weirder," he mutters under his breath. "Hm, I think the sitting at the edge of the bed is weirder," Eddie says with a bit of flare.
Steve shrugs, amused, as he stands and walks over to the other side. Surprisingly, he lays back onto the pillow comfortably and without hesitation. His feet cross in front of him. He intertwines his fingers as they rest upon his stomach. Without looking at him, he gently asks, "Did you wanna talk about it?" Eddie turns towards him and smiles as Steve's eyes remain down. "It's nothing too bad," Eddie tries to downplay. "Just some nightmares after everything that went down."
That was enough to pull Steve's eyes towards Eddie's face. Eddie watched as his sweet honey hazel irises peer into his soul. They were so full of anguish and worry. "But it's okay. It's not that bad, remember?" he tries to reassure. Steve's brows continue to furrow as he watches in sadness. There is a certain twinkle to his eye that Eddie doesn't recognize.
Steve pulls his eyes from Eddie once more. "When I first got dragged into all this, I had nightmares every night for at least 2 months straight," Steve says solemnly. Eddie listens intently, now his turn to worry. "I had a few months of life going back to normal, which - I knew wouldn't last. But then the demodogs showed up-" he shares. "Demodogs?" Eddie asks. His mind immediately screams at him for interrupting. Steve turns back towards him with a small smile. "Yeah, they're like smaller versions of Demogorgens," he answers. "You know about Demogorgens?" Eddie scoffs. "It's what the kids call it - I don't know," he laughs. "Just talk to Henderson. He'll give you the whole run down."
Eddie smiles as his eyes fall upon Steve's. "I'm sorry I interrupted," he murmurs. "What were you saying?" Steve could swear his heart stopped beating for a second. Those sweet eyes give him all the pleasure and all the comfort he could ever want. "After Vecna, the nightmares came back for good. I haven't had a good night sleep since," he weakly laughs. "I wake up to the slightest of sounds and if I manage to get to sleep, I dream about those bats choking the life out of me." Eddie's heart races as he hears Steve's account. He almost forgot that Steve was attacked by the bats too. That he shares the same wounds - physically and mentally.
"I've been dreaming about them too," Eddie sighs as he plays with the blankets. With a deep breath, he plasters a brave smile on his face. "I'm just happy I made it out alive." He places a hesitant hand upon Steve's. "Thanks to you," he whispers under his breath. Steve could not help but blush. He pulls his eyes from Eddie's touch, as if not to bring attention to it. "You would've done it for me," Steve says. Eddie laughs, "I'm not sure I would've been able to do that." Steve joins him in a nervous chuckle. "What do you mean? You wouldn't have come back for me?"
Eddie pats his hand on Steve before holding it against his own laughing abdomen. "I don't think I'd be able to carry you, dude," he tries to say through bursts of laughter. Steve chuckles as he pulls his head back onto the headboard. He smirks and playfully punches Eddie's bicep. "You wouldn't be able to carry me with these muscles?" he scoffs with an eyebrow raised. Eddie smiles at his touch, but quickly wiggles it away. "Maybe I could," Eddie mumbles under his breath with a shrug. Steve grins as he looks back at those gorgeous eyes of his.
"I would have never left you there. No matter what," Steve murmurs with a shake of his head. Eddie pulls the side of his mouth and nods. "I would do the same for you," he whispers. Steve recognizes the sincerity in Eddie's eyes. Eddie enjoys the warmth in Steve's smile. They sit there for a few seconds, which feels like hours. But for the two of them, hours are not enough.
Steve's heart races. He can feel his pulse in his ears. Nerves rush through his extremities. Happiness fills his chest. Eddie feels a pit in his stomach. His muscles tighten as he struggles to remain calm. He is caught off guard by this reaction. He usually only feels this when he's nervous before a show. Luckily for him, the usual adrenaline that follows shortly rides throughout his body. Without a second thought, Eddie slowly leans closer towards Steve. His eyes focus on his supple lips, hoping that this isn't a mistake. Before Steve could even think, he places his hands on Eddie's cheeks and pulls him into a kiss.
Now, this is not your typical first kiss. There is no sweet peck and pulling away to look into each other’s eyes. No. There is a huge fire burning deep within Steve and Eddie. It’s been building for months. And it finally has a way out.
Steve’s hand travels towards Eddie’s ear. He intertwines his fingers within his brunette curls. Eddie bites into the kiss. His neck extended as his body slowly follows. He notes that Steve’s lips are supple and sweet - sweeter than expected. His ringed hand feels cool against Steve’s cheek. The painful longing they both felt now turned into an aggressive match of love.
Eddie’s fingers grasp harshly against Steve’s skin. Steve’s body scoots closer to his, eventually toppling over him. The ends of his soft hair tickling Eddie’s face. The two struggle to gasp for breaths as they crash their tongues against each other. Eddie spreads his legs as Steve leans between them. Steve’s hand rests upon his waist as Eddie ruts his hips up. Steve could feel that bulge against his crotch. He wants nothing more than to…
Steve pulls away with a gasping breath. His eyes dragged from Eddie’s as he slowly begins to lean up from the embrace. Eddie rests frozen in place, completely confused. “I’m sorry,” Steve mutters as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand. He crashes back onto his side of the bed. His head leaning onto the headboard as he tracks his hands down his face. “It’s alright,” Eddie says as he watches Steve out of his peripherals.
“I haven’t done anything like this before,” Steve says as he places his hands on his legs out in front of him. His body language screaming “uncomfortable.” “We don’t have to do anything-” Eddie starts. “But I want to, Eddie, that’s the thing,” Steve says with distress, finally turning to look at the chocolate eyed boy. Eddie sighs as the sides of his mouth curl into a smile.
Steve puts his hands to his own face. “Have you done this before?” he asks, peering out curiously from behind his fingers. Eddie softly laughs at the sight. “Yeah, once or twice,” he murmurs. “Oh god,” Steve says as he drags his hands down his face. “Harrington, it’s okay,” Eddie soothes. “Let’s just take this slow.” Steve sighs in relief as he shakes his head. “I can do slow,” he whispers. “Yeah,” Eddie says as he places a hand to his shoulder. “That way we’ll have a better story to tell our grandkids.”
Steve’s head shoots up, “Hey! That’s not slow!” Eddie bursts into laughter. To the point where his knees are at his chest. His hand at his stomach. Steve can’t help but chuckle alongside him. “I’m kidding, Harrington,” he manages to mumble between laughs. “You are too easy.” Steve smiles as he rolls his eyes.
“Eddie?” Steve asks with a softened tone. Eddie smiles as he directs his attention torwards the god of beauty in front of him. “Do you mind if I sleep here, with you, tonight?” he asks. A tightness balls in his chest. Eddie can’t help but smile larger at his request. “Yes,” he says. Steve immediately beams. “But only if I get one more kiss,” he adds.
Steve bites his lip as he leans in towards Eddie. They both close their eyes as their lips meet in a gentler embrace. Steve pulls back and whispers onto Eddie’s lips. “Good night, Munson.” He turns over and gets under the blankets. The two begin their sleep with their backs to each other. Only to wake up to Eddie resting his head upon Steve’s chest, and Steve’s arm caressing Eddie’s back - pulling him closer.
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Not much has changed for the Harrington-Munson friendship. One month later and a handful of heavy make out sessions to show for it. The biggest change was that neither of them slept alone anymore. Since that first night, they have slept in the same bed. They have slept better than they ever have. They both had no intention of sleeping without each other again.
After a long night of Eddie trying to teach Steve how to play dungeons and dragons, Steve finally was able to suggest saying goodbye to the group. “I’m not at all surprised that you chose a Paladin,” Dustin says with a sheepish laugh as he packs up the dnd game. Eddie smirks from across the table. “Yeah, I still have no idea what that means,” Steve says as he grabs another chip from the designated snack bowl.
“I would’ve thought he’d been a Cleric,” Will shares with a shrug of his shoulders. “Big boy’s got the energy for both. Don’tcha, Harrington?” Eddie says with a tilt of his head. Steve watches his taunting smile with hunger in his eyes. “Still got nothing,” Steve says with his hands thrown up. “We’ll be back next week,” Mike says as he waves for Lucas to stand up. They clearly have somewhere to be.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Steve says as the boys rush to the front door. “Next week?” His face full of confusion. His face squished together in worry. “I thought this was a one time thing?” Eddie smiles, biting on one of his rings, as he softly laughs. He adores the man. “Yeah, we made our characters and next week we play,” Lucas says dumbfounded. “What did you think we were doing here, Steve?” Dustin asks with a chuckle. “I thought we were just making characters. Isn’t that what you guys do?” Steve asks, pushing a hand through his hair and raising his other hand. “Yeah, and then we bring our characters into battle,” Will says sarcastically as he shares an annoyed glance with Mike.
“Okay, okay. Whatever next week,” Steve says, shooing the gang away. Eddie immediately stands and begins to clap his hands. “Let’s go boys,” he yells. “We were just leaving-” Mike whines. “Up-up-up,” Eddie interrupts. Steve smiles as he watches him from the side of his eye. “That doesn’t sound like leaving, Wheeler.” Will laughs and quickly grabs his die. “Quick feet, Beyers. Let’s go!” Eddie claps closely at Will’s back, enough to make him hop and skip to the door.
With confused faces and devilish laughter, Eddie got the boys out without much of a hassle. He closes the Harrington’s front door and flicks the lock. He turns with his arms held high and bows before Steve. Steve watches amused but with teetering brows. "You're welcome," he says with that demon smile. "Thank you," Steve scoffs as he crosses his arms against his chest. Eddie walks over to the couch and flings back with dramatic intent. “Alright, Harrington. Come ravish me,” he says with a deep breath and closing his eyes. Steve laughs as he walks to the other end of the couch. He picks up Eddie’s crossed legs and places them onto his lap as he sits upon the cushion.
“Or … I could ravish you,” Eddie says as he raises his torso closer to Steve’s. His hand is placed against Steve’s chin, pulling his eyes towards him. “Ravish me?” Steve laughs. Eddie leans in with a bit lip. Steve’s lips meet him half way for a short, simple kiss. He pulls back with a sweet grin. “We wouldn’t be doing anything you haven’t done before, Harrington,” Eddie says as his finger travels down his chin to his adam’s apple and to his collarbone. Steve’s eyes light up. “This has all been pretty new, Munson,” he scoffs.
“Oh what, you think because it’s two guys it’s different?” Eddie says with a smirk as his finger tracks down his chest. “It’s still just two people who enjoy each other’s company and making each other feel good.” Steve chuckles as his finger twirls a curl in Eddie’s brunette locks. “That’s one way to simplify it,” he says under his breath.
Eddie plays with Steve’s happy trail and finally hooks his finger beneath his waistline. Steve’s eyes are pulled quickly towards him. The two have spoken of moving forward before but no one has initiated, until now. Nerves send shock waves out to Steve’s body. His touch hesitant and thought out. Eddie smiles as he crawls onto the living room floor and plants himself between Steve’s legs.
Steve watches as Eddie looks up at him with those “fuck me” eyes. God, did Steve want to but he is so nervous. He is more nervous now than his first time with Lacy Pickett. Eddie slowly spreads his legs as his hands smooth out the denim of his inner thighs’ jeans. Sharp breaths leave Steve’s nostrils as his chest tightens and he feels the blood leave his head.
“You can always tell me to stop, Steve,” Eddie says as he licks his bottom lip. “I promise it will be okay. We can try again another day.” He squeezes his hands against his inner thigh, massaging as he playfully taunts his groin. “I-I don’t want to wait another day,” Steve mutters softly. He could feel how hard he was for Eddie. He would not be able to leave without releasing some form of pressure. Eddie blushes as he bites his lip. “We’ll go slow,” he says with a nod.
Steve returns the nod as he reaches for his shirt, pulling it off rapidly. He then gently reaches for Eddie’s, but is met with hesitation. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he says as his worried eyes make another appearance. Eddie takes a deep breath as he sits back onto his knees. “I just-,” he laughs, trying to brush off his feelings. “I just haven’t gotten used to the scars yet.” Steve slightly smiles as he completely understands.
“I love your scars,” Steve says as he holds Eddie’s hand. Eddie scoffs as he keeps his eyes down. “They show how strong you are. How much you’ve been through. They are a part of you now,” he murmurs. “They’re disgusting,” Eddie adds with a sheepish smile. Steve shakes his head. “Not to me. To me, they scream bravery and strength. You saved us, you saved me. I love them, Eddie,” he says with all sincerity.
Eddie’s eyes finally make their way back to his. Steve slowly raises Eddie’s shirt, watching him for any sign of discomfort. Bites rest on the sides of his torso. One broke through his spider tattoo. Steve joins Eddie on the ground. He places a kiss onto each scar softly. Eddie jumps at ticklish spots, making them both laugh. “I love them,” he says as he places a kiss on Eddie’s lips. “I love yours,” Eddie adds.
Steve smirks. “So what the hell is a Paladin?” he asks. Eddie quickly shakes his finger no as he returns back on his knees. “No seriously. Can we go over that part again because-” “Will you stop talking, or do I have to make you shut up?” Eddie asks with a daring look. Steve scoffs as a grin sprawls across his face. “You might need to make me,” he jokes. Eddie smirks. “Shut up, and get your ass back on the couch,” he instructs with his finger pointed. Steve laughs with his hands up. He stands and follows Eddie’s demands. “Yes, sir,” he mutters. He sits with his legs spread and a growing mass at his groin. He leans back into the couch in excitement.
Eddie carefully unbuckles Steve’s belt. He lightly pulls it around his waist. Their eyes remain on each other. He then unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down. Steve lifts himself up so that his pants could pile at his ankles. Eddie glances at the thickly lined cock hidden under Steve’s boxers. Eddie could feel himself hardening at the thought of it. His tongue presses against the roof of his mouth as excitement hits him like a wave.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Eddie mutters under his breath as he tugs onto his boxers. Steve quickly leans forward to place a sweet hand to Eddie’s cheek. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since we met in that shack,” he says with all sincerity. Eddie is speechless, completely frozen in shock. Not once did he imagine Steve returning the level of attraction and affection that Eddie had for him.
Without any more words being said, the two knew in that moment that they are not just a fling. They are not a curious experiment. They are not a frivolous mistake. There is something real between them. Something special, something they have never had before.
Eddie’s smile grows as he pulls down Steve’s waist line. Steve’s hand now behind his curled locks as his eyes remain on Eddie’s. A small gasp escapes Eddie’s mouth as he catches a full glance at the thick, girthy cock in front of him. The blood rushes quickly down to his groin, but he tries his best to stay on task.
Eddie lightly wraps his hand around its staff as Steve lets out shaky breaths. Eddie slowly makes his way up and rubs his thumb against the bead of pre-cum falling from its slit. He uses it as lube as he begins to strengthen his grasp. His eyes flick up towards Steve, just to see Steve struggling to maintain his slow breaths.
As he quickens his strokes, Eddie’s tongue dances against the back of his front teeth. He struggles to keep it in. Steve’s eyes begin to close as he rests his head back. Eddie can feel Steve's hips grinding against his forearms. He could feel the slight thrusts into his grasp. Eddie’s other hand lays flat and tight against Steve’s upper thigh.
Steve lets out slow, low-toned moans as he wriggles under Eddie. “Oh fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. His grip behind Eddie’s head becomes tighter. “Steve,” Eddie says, breaking Steve’s concentration. “Hold my hair up,” he demands. Steve quickly raises to gather as much of his thick hair as he could.
Eddie lowers his mouth onto the tip of his cock. Steve’s mouth opens widely and quickly shuts with a bit lip at the sight and sensation. Eddie’s tongue wraps around the head as his grasp tightens at its bottom. He lets out a sweet moan as he takes another inch in. Steve’s grasp of Eddie's hair tightens even harder as he watches Eddie take more of him in. “Shit, shit,” he whines as he begins to slowly thrust into his sweet mouth.
“Eddie, fuck,” Steve moans as his hips wiggle. Eddie takes in more as he squeezes Steve’s thigh. He grinds his own cock against the couch’s side. Eddie loves feeling Steve's thick cock in his mouth. It’s grooves and veins excite him, making him salivate. He rubs against it as it lightly rides down the center of his tongue. “C-can you take it all?” Steve softly blurts out, struggling to keep his breath. Eddie smiles at the request and takes in a deep breath from his nostrils. He takes as much as he can, with Steve’s hand guiding him down.
Steve releases a moan that Eddie will remember for the rest of his life. It was sweet, yet dominant. He loves it. He wants to hear it again and again. He lifts off Steve’s cock with drool seeping from the side of his mouth. Steve is still breathing heavily, now with a hand in his hair. Eddie goes back in taking a little bit more. “Shit, Eddie. Oh my god,” he says as he thrusts further into his mouth. Eddie lightly gags but fights to stay enthralled with Steve. He could feel his curls at the tip of his nose.
With a gentle movement, Eddie begins to play with Steve’s balls. Steve quickly and instinctually pulls back as to not overstimulate himself. Eddie begins to circle his tongue around his head once again. His thumb plays with the thick vein underneath his shaft.
Steve feels a familiar pit in his stomach. Without thinking, he begins to thrust into Eddie’s mouth lightly. Eddie encourages him by quickening his movements and licks. Steve thrusts quicker, harder into Eddie’s throat. His mind reeling as he feels his muscles tighten. “Oh fuck, Eddie. Oh god,” he moans breathlessly. Eddie can’t help but smile at the beautiful sounds. He knows he must be close.
The pit in Steve's stomach is growing in size. His toes tighten and straighten out. He feels tingles at the top of his head. “I’m cumming, Eddie. I-I’m cumming,” he yells. Eddie begins to feel the shots of salt within his mouth. The taste that brings an incredible rush of happiness through his body. Steve’s muscles tense and relax as he thrusts into Eddie’s mouth. He releases more than he would have expected.
With a final groan, Steve goes limp. His chest heaving. Sweat building at his collarbones. Eddie swallows and wipes off the drool from his chin. He slowly rises with a smile and sits next to Steve with his arm resting behind his head. “That was different,” Steve murmurs with his eyes slightly opening. Eddie’s brow peaks in curiosity. “It was better,” he adds with a light laugh. Eddie rolls his eyes and playfully bumps against his shoulder.
“Come here and kiss me,” Steve says, barely able to move. “Let me brush my teeth first,” Eddie answers with a smile as he attempts to stand. Steve quickly grabs his pants to pull him back down. “No, kiss me,” he whispers. Eddie’s smile pulls to its side. He gently pushes back strands of hair from Steve’s sweaty face. He places a soft kiss upon his lips. “You taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough,” Steve whispers between kisses. Eddie smiles until his cheeks hurt.
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note: i think my perspective has slowly shifted to eddie the pansexual god and steve the bisexual hoe. and i love that. please let me know what you think! shall there be more? who knows. i hope you like it staffi! check her out @seidenbros (you won't regret it)
✨don’t forget to reblog and/or comment lovelies!✨
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steddietogo · 2 years
Steddie grammys au part 2
Part 1
Steve is texting Eddie Munson via the private message function on instagram. Because that's just the kinda shit that happens to him now. One day he's at the Grammys doing his job and the next, the lead guitarist/lyricist of a famous rock band is following his instagram account (Dustin and Robin had lost their collective minds) which is full of dorky pictures of him with a group of high schoolers, his cat and Robin. And that one picture of Robin and him at pride, posing with a lesbian and pansexual pride flag respectively.
His follower count has also gone up by couple extra thousands and there are a couple DMs from people he's never heard of, saying some unsavoury things about him. It's all very intense and dramatic. Needless to say, his account is private now.
The thing is, Steve has been flirted with during interviews before, he's a good looking guy and he knows it. It's just never happened with an international rockstar before—then immediately went viral for the entire world to see.
Didn't peg you as a cat person Stevie
Then there is the other thing. Eddie Munson flirting with him in his DMs. Which kinda sorta makes him forget how to be a person. Steve Harrington is nothing if not a people person, always knows the right thing to say. But with Eddie he barely just manages, no sign of the alleged lover boy he had been in his high school years. Eighteen year old Steve would cry if he could see the bland ass conversation he's having about his cat of all things.
I'm not
He just barged into my house one day and refused to leave
Eddie is hot, and rich and famous. Did he mention hot, because he is. Painfully so. Steve will never forget his all black ensemble at the Grammys where he had been standing a foot away from Steve in his bejewelled suit jacket with nothing underneath it.
Point is, Eddie is intimidating. He seems so far away with his rockstar status and the hoards of fans worshipping him like he's their god. What could Eddie Munson possibly want from Steve Harrington?
Would you like to get dinner sometime?
Eddie's latest text is staring up at him like its going to jump out of his phone and attack him. Its too late to ditch and run, Eddie knows Steve has seen it so he needs to come up with a response. Soon. So Steve does the only reasonable thing and barges into Robin's room at ass o'clock in the morning.
"Say yes Dingus!" Robin says, after kicking him in the shin for waking her up.
"But—" she silences him with another well placed kick.
"Listen, no one who just wants to bang you asks you about the shitty retail job you had in high school, Steven. Even if he only wants to sleep with you, you're gonna get a fun night out of it and like bragging rights or something," He supposes she’s right. Eddie did seem very interested in Steve’s personal life. He really did hope it is a date though. If only he has the balls to actually ask him.
"I'd be so jealous of you right now if I liked men, so get out of your head and go have some fun. Now get the fuck out and let me sleep,"
Eddie picks an upscale rooftop bar with private seating and a breathtaking view. He's there sitting at the booth half an hour before their scheduled meet up time out of nerves.
Eddie sometimes hates that his public image takes precedence when people meet him. The truth is that he is a little bit of a loner. Never got the point of physical intimacy without a connection no matter how much people tend to think he's the type of person to have a different person warming his bed each night.
It makes dating so hard when the perception of Eddie the rockstar doesn't line up with who Eddie the person really is. Eddie rarely even takes the first step anymore. It took the combined ragging of his entire band for him to even gather the courage to message Steve.
"Hey," a voice greets him from behind.
Steve is here. And Steve is an enigma. An ex high school jock who used to babysit a bunch of middle schoolers. He's so full of delicious contradictions and dry humor and it's impossible not to like him the more he learns about him.
But there’s still the question of what Steve expects of him that Eddie dreads a little. Above all, Eddie just wants Steve to like Eddie the person so badly.
“A fire extinguisher,” Eddie’s eyebrows are somewhere up in his bangs.
“Against an armed robber,”
“I swear I had grey hairs at seventeen because of those kids,” Steve knows how sappy and fond his voice sounds when he talks about the kids. It’s never been something he could help.
The night’s been going a lot better that Steve had expected. Eddie is funny, and dramatic and it’s hard not to feel giddy from the attention he utterly devotes to Steve. They have a nice dinner, and exchange stores over drinks and it’s feels like a real date. Steve can practically hear Robin in his head telling him to stop being such a dingus and overthinking everything.
They go quite for a second, Eddie suspiciously focused on his drink when Steve feels his boot nudge against his shoe. Steve nudges back and soon instigates a game of footsie neither of them acknowledge above the table. It ends with Eddie’s foot trapped between Steve’s ankles and a faint rise of colour in his cheeks as he takes a comically large gulp from his drink. It’s just adorable.
"Can I kiss you?" The words are out of Steve’s mouth before he even realises it. Before he could beat himself up about it, Eddie turns a slightly worrying shade of crimson but he's nodding and thats all Steve needs before he is leaning over the table.
It's nice, it's really fucking sweet and not at all how he had expected Eddie to kiss, but Steve is quickly learning that nothing about Eddie is what it seems like. The kiss is all soft presses of their lips, wet, languid slides of tongue at the seams of his mouth. Steve feels a little dizzy when he pulls away and drops back into his seat, happy grins mirrored in both their faces.
Its a couple months after that when Eddie starts trending again. He posts a picture taken by Gareth, post show as he lays on top of Steve on the couch. Steve has his arms around him, lips pressed to his gross, sweaty hair.
Caption says: Happy birthday to my sweetheart <3
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Happy Birthday
Eddie Munson x Reader (Smut)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: This year, Eddie Munson may have finally outdid you when it comes to birthday gifts.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Author Note: Afab Reader, they/them pronouns (if any). Rockstar!Eddie x Hotwife!Reader. Rock Star AU. Reader is bi or pan (not specified in story). My Pansexual!Reader concept has grown into a Hotwife!Reader. This is pure, unadulterated, shameless smut. Absolute filth ahead. *sorrynotsorry*
CW: Foursome (three f, one m); oral (f receiving); fingering; masturbation (m); face sitting; squirting; voyeurism; sex (p in v); praise; nipple play.
Word Count: 2,094
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Ever since the two of you had known each other, you and Eddie always tried to one up each other when it came to birthday gifts.
This only escalated once Corroded Coffin took off and the two of you had the money to get really ridiculous with it, going to outrageous, but thoughtful, lengths to top the other’s gift from their previous birthday.
While you always looked forward to seeing what Eddie was going to do on your birthday, he had really outdone himself this year. The night wasn’t even over yet and you had no idea how you were going to top this one.
“O-Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my god, fuck, fuuuuck!”
You were nearly screaming, your entire body trembling as your second orgasm rushed through your body, prompted by the rapid flicking of a pierced tongue directly over your clit.
“Look at her legs shake, Eddie!” came a giggly voice from slightly above you. “That was a good one!”
There was a soft “mm” sound from between your legs as you felt the tongue slide down from your clit to start softly licking at your entrance.
A rush of air escaped your throat in a gasp. Lifting yourself up on your elbows, you opened your eyes to watch what was happening.
You found yourself looking into the big green eyes of the woman devouring you, her gaze locked onto your face, watching your expressions with rapt interest.
She stopped probing you with her tongue for a moment to grin up at you.
“Feel good, ?” she asked, before placing a soft kiss right above your clit.
“F-fuck yes,” you said, nodding rapidly.
“Mmm, I’m glad,” she said, then began dipping her tongue in and out of your dripping pussy.
“Gonna be down there awhile, you think?” said the giggling voice next to you.
This voice brought your attention back to the third woman here with you on the bed, a curvy, brown eyed blonde. You would have been hard pressed to say who was hotter, her or the redhead between your legs.
“Oh yeah,” said the redhead, whose name was Vicky, then she propped herself up on one elbow to lean up towards Betty, the blonde, and puckered her lips towards her. “Here. Have a taste.”
Betty leaned over from where she was kneeling next to you to kiss her friend intensely.
“Mmm,” said Betty, licking her lips as she pulled away from the kiss before grinning down to you. “You do taste amazing. Can’t wait to get my own tongue in there.”
“I told you both that you were in for a treat,” came Eddie’s voice from across the room.
Your gaze swiveled at the sound of his voice, locking onto him where he was sitting in an armchair next to the bed.
Just the sight of him made you groan softly.
Eddie was stripped to the waist and at some point had changed from his jeans to a pair of loose gray sweats. Between that and his reclined pose, you could see how hard he was from watching you three on the bed.
You started to stretch your free hand out to him, your other one holding onto the back of Vicky's head. A gasp left your lips soon as Betty’s mouth came back down around one of your nipples.
“C’mere, baby,” you whined to Eddie. “Lemme suck your cock.”
While Eddie palmed himself through his sweats and groaned at your words, he shook his head at you.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he said with a smile, his voice that low tone it always was when he was severely turned on. “Vicky and Betty here were eye fucking you at the after party, not me.”
A loud moan left your lips then as Vicky stopped licking your entrance in favor of going back to your clit. But she didn’t leave your dripping hole unattended for too long before she sank a finger into you.
“Then Eddie approached us and said it’s your birthday,” giggled Betty against your chest before she kissed and licked her way up to your mouth. “That was an offer we definitely couldn’t refuse.”
Vicky hummed against your clit in agreement as she began sliding her finger in and out of you. Soon she added a second, causing your eyes to close again as you moaned loudly.
“Now, enjoy yourself, sweetheart,” you heard Eddie say. “These fine ladies are going to take good care of you.”
Betty’s lips captured yours then in a deep kiss right as Vicky curved her fingers inside you. You opened your mouth against hers in a moan, which Betty took full advantage of. Her tongue slipped into your mouth as she used two fingers on each hand to tease and flick both of your nipples.
As Betty went to work on your mouth and tits, Vicky’s movements became slower. It was almost lazy the way she ran the tip of her tongue around your clit. After a couple of passes, she placed a soft kiss directly on it, then lifted her head to look at Betty.
“Maybe Y/N just needs something to keep their mouth busy,” she said, then lightly licked a stripe up your slit, making you gasp.
Vicky pulled back just a bit to look in your eyes.
“Is it that, pretty girl?” she asked. “You just want anything to lick and suck, don’t you?”
Words were a bit beyond you at this point, you just nodded your head rapidly, looking up at Betty with wide eyes.
She grinned down at you, then leaned back on her knees.
“What would you like, these?” she asked, bringing her hands up to squeeze her own bare tits. “Or…”
She trailed one hand down her body, your eyes following it the whole way, to start lightly rubbing her pussy through the lace g string she still wore.
Your eyes followed Betty’s movements with rapt attention as her fingers worked over the flimsy black lace. It was a very loose weave of lace, letting you see her slit through it. You couldn’t help but lick your lips, then your gaze traveled up her body back to her eyes.
“P-please sit on my face,” you whimpered softly, then moaned as Vicky pumped her fingers into you harder before slowing back down.
Betty grinned down at you.
“Now how could I say no to that?”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you lay back on the bed, watching her shed the g string.
As she was shifting around to the bed to get into position, you took one last look over at Eddie. Now he had his cock free of his sweats and one hand wrapped around it. He was stroking himself slowly, lazily, not a pace that would make him cum anytime soon.
His eyes locked onto yours and he grinned playfully.
“Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” he said. “I love you.”
There wasn’t any time for you to reply. Betty moved just then so one knee was on either side of your head. Now all you could see was her pillowy thighs and her beautiful pussy just a few inches above her face.
Just the sight alone made you moan.
“Ready?” Betty giggled down at you as she took ahold of the headboard for balance.
“Mmhmm,” you said, nodding eagerly as your hands came up to rub the backs of her thighs. “Wanna taste you, beautiful.”
Without another word, she lowered herself down on your eager mouth, where you wasted no time before running your tongue through her wet folds. As Vicky continued to slowly fuck you with her fingers, you slid your tongue as far into Betty’s pussy as it could go, wiggling it and earning a gasp from above you.
You opened your eyes and looked up at her, meeting her gaze as she leaned over against the headboard to watch you eat her pussy. Winking at her, you trailed your tongue back up to her clit at the same time you wrapped your arms around her thighs. You then pulled her down even further into your mouth and you eagerly latched onto her, sucking on her sensitive bud with enthusiasm.
It didn’t take long before the bedroom was filled with Betty’s moans and gasp.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, breaking eye contact finally to throw her head back, arching back forward.
“Did I forget to mention how absolutely sinful Y/N is with their mouth?” you could hear Eddie say under Betty’s moans.
To empathize his words, you let go of her clit with your lips to start working it over with your tongue instead.
“God, fuck!” Betty cried, holding onto the headboard and starting to grind her pussy down against your mouth.
At that time, Vicky started fingering you harder, making you gasp and moan around Betty’s clit, which made her moan even more.
“Make her cum, sweetheart,” you heard Eddie say to you. “Show Betty here what that mouth can do.”
Not in a teasing mood, you did what you were told, your tongue working her clit with rapid fire speed, circling and flicking over it with skilled precision. It didn’t take long before her thighs were trembling on either side of your head as her hips rocked forward. You softly nipped at the hood of her clit, making her gasp loudly, before going back to work with her tongue.
It didn’t take much longer before Betty was coming undone. Your face became even more messy with her wetness as she humped your mouth through her orgasm. Then you eagerly switched from her clit to her dripping pussy, your hands gripping her thighs just under her ass to spread her open wider. She moaned and whimpered as your tongue swirled around her entrance before diving back in.
“F-fuck, pretty girl, your tongue is magic,” she moaned loudly.
At that moment, Vicky wrapped her lips around your clit and started sucking on it hard as she pumped her fingers in and out of you.
You moaned loudly into Betty’s folds as you felt the coil in you start to build for the third time tonight, but now you wanted Betty to cum with you this time. You slid one hand fully between her legs to push your fingers into her, your tongue lapping up her wetness as it dripped out of her before going back to flick over her clit. Keeping the same pace with Vicky, soon you and Betty both were moaning loudly in unison.
The vibrations of your mouth around her clit had Betty cumming again. As her cum and wetness ran down from your fingers, you kept the same pace to fuck her through her orgasm. When the coil finally snapped and you let out a carnal moan against Betty’s clit, her body started trembling.
“G-gonna c-c-“ Betty panted, trying to grind herself on both your mouth and fingers at the same time, before she suddenly cried out and clenched tight around you in a surprise orgasm.
And what a surprise it was.
A stream of liquid suddenly drenched your chin and neck as Betty squirted on your face. You eagerly lapped your tongue through her dripping slit, moaning softly at her taste.
Your body was trembling now, the motions of your tongue growing erratic as Vicky continued to work her fingers in and out of you the way you were still finger fucking Betty. It was only seconds before you were crying out as your own pussy gushed around Vicky’s fingers.
“Holy shit,” you heard Eddie say from his chair, sounding awestruck.
Soon, you, Betty and Vicky were laying in each other’s arms, two of you trembling and giggling in your post orgasm bliss, the third holding and stroking you both soothingly.
After a while, you felt two strong hands grasp your ankles, and soon your body was pulled down to the edge on the bed, where you found yourself looking up into Eddie’s grinning face.
“Don’t tell me you’re all tapped out now,” he said playfully, capturing one of your legs to place it over his shoulder. “I haven’t had a turn with you yet.”
Without giving you time to reply, Eddie lined the head of his cock up with your entrance and slid his hard length into you in one smooth motion.
As your eyes rolled up into the back of your head, you had just a moment to wonder how on earth you were going to top this birthday before he started pounding himself into you and you lost all capacity for rational thought.
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Eddie Munson Taglist: @eddie-swhore @bmunson86 @tayhar811
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tartarusknight · 1 year
Let's say for fun that Eddie Munson isn't just gay or just straight. If he's not one of them, I believe he'd be pansexual. Yes, bi exists, but I feel like it isn't Eddie. I can just imagine young Eddie not knowing that people don't just fall in love with everyone who's kind to them. He tells his dad how much he wants to marry the neighbor's son, and that's when he has a wake-up call.
He learns that everyone, in fact, does not, not care about what is in someone's pants. And when he moves in with Wayne, he tries to ignore that part of himself that likes boys.
But throughout school, Eddie learns he has a type. Pretty jocks who have hearts of gold. Chrissy Cunningham, who was head cheerleader and played volleyball. But she was soft and sweet. She was kind to Eddie, and Eddie fell for her.
The man he fell for, though, he was a harder read. At first, he couldn't stand him. The boy was always looking a million miles away, like he was better than everyone else. But then... then Eddie had seen him at the store, talking with Joyce Byers. He had been kind to her, and when he noticed the young Will Byers, he hadn't been prickly. No, Steve Harrington had oohed and ahhed over one of his drawings.
And well, Eddie knew that in school, Steve and his friends didn't deal with Jonathan. Jonathan was a year younger, and Steve hadn't given him a second glance. But he had been kind to these two like it was God-given right.
When Joyce had asked Steve about his parents, well, Steve hadn't gotten bitch, just awkward. He explained they had a big trip so Steve just took the bus. 15 years old and already being independent. After that, the distant looks, bored stares... well they didn't look so bored, so high and mighty. They just looked lonely.
Eddie had been instantly hooked on watching him. And when you watched, you saw the heart of gold leak through. So throughout school, Eddie nursed his two crushes, and when Chrissy asked him for drugs, he couldn't say no. Not even when he didn't want to see her mess up her life. He brought her back to the trailer and experienced one of the worst nights of his life. Just when he thought that maybe there was a chance he'd at least become friends with her.
He didn't think that watching her die would bring him Steve, though. And with his shitty week, he couldn't even tell himself to hold back. He flirted, got in his face, and called him pet names. Whatever he could think of, he did. He didn't think of any backlash when it felt like he'd be thrown in jail or killed by freaky supernatural shit.
Eddie fell even further, getting to watch Steve rip a bat apart. It was so fucking Ozzy. And then, as Eddie had laid in Dustin's arms, never expecting to get up again, Steve was there. Like a goddamm angel. He told the man as much.
Sure, he wouldn't remember when he woke up. But that was later Eddie's problem. Not that it was a problem. No, because when Eddie wakes up, Steve will be there, and he'll tell Eddie that it's okay to pick the hard choice. To love the option that would make it so much harder when the person you love is right next to you.
Yes, Eddie Munson might not have been gay or straight. He might have loved Chrissy or not. But he did fall for Steve and well... Steve, I imagine that Steve will find himself learning to love someone new in Eddie. That Nancy didn't have to be he only option. That he could be happy with Eddie.
That when Eddie was better and Vecna was dead, they could start a life together. One where the kids were still a big part of it, and Robin was their roommate. One where love wasn't easy, but it was worth it.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 11 months
turning and returning
by rogersharringtons
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Future, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Pansexual Eddie Munson, Implied Sexual Content Words: 4,912 Chapters: 1/1
Steve took a quick drag off his cigarette, harsh and strong, huffing out the smoke through his nose. “You thought I was using you?” “I used you back, so it’s fine.” “You know, you can be real fucking cruel sometimes,” Steve said after a moment. His voice wobbled, small enough that if Eddie hadn’t been paying attention he would have missed it, before hardening back to its normal ferocity. “I didn’t use-” “I said it’s fine.” Eddie cut Steve off quickly, not wanting to hear him try to backpedal over things that were in the past. “You don’t have to try and make me feel better or lie or whatever.” Steve laughed, a bark of a laugh that was harsh and bitter. “God, you’re awful at this whole ‘communication’ thing.” or; Steve and Eddie reunite after years of miscommunication at Wayne and Claudia's wedding only to realize they really should have just talked all those years ago.
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nanlanmoarchived · 1 year
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Name: Jessica Ann Marie Hamby
Alias: jess
Gender: female
Age: 18
Species: human
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: drawing, painting, singing, piano, clarinet (she will kill anyone who finds out about the clarinet, though)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: doesn't celebrate
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: english
Family: jordan hamby (father), ellen hamby (mother), duncan richardson (uncle & adoptive father), eden hamby (pain in the ass little sister)
Friends: eddie munson, steve harrington, alex richie, elie henderson, robin buckley, the younger party, chrissy cunningham
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: on her back
Tattoos: none yet, but that could change
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
tagged: stolen from @theolderhenderson tagging: You!
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hello, i hope you're having a good day. i was wondering if i could request a match up, hopefully that's not too much trouble.
fandoms: marvel, chronicles of narnia, stranger things
level complete: level 3
intro ig??: my pronouns are he/they, and i'm pansexual. i've always said my type is sad, strong (it doesn't have to be physically) and maybe stupid (like an emotional himbo), if that helps out any.
i'm black, but my skin is kinda light. i currently have my hair in locs and the ends are dyed blonde on one half (the rest is black), it's quite long now, a little past my shoulders. i'm also about 5'10. i have dark brown eyes.
personality summery: introvert, intellectual, cagey w new people, menace/dumb w friends, compassionate about world issues, artistic, poetic, maybe even dramatic, probably socially challenged, indecisive, escapist, vulgar, usually pretty burnt out
interests: music (i listen to those medieval remixes of modern songs a lot,,, and abba), writing, fantasy, mythology, night (i am nocturnal), singing, baking, cooking, painting, ceramics, superheros, history, video games, animated media, shiny things (even if they're worthless), cryptids, animals
what else?: i hate the sound of styrofoam, i have ptsd, i'm dyslexic (who decides they like writing while being unable to read? i don't really know), i just have a lot going on mentally in general, i speak a good amount of spanish and french, i like lots of foods people would consider to be gross, i wear glasses, i paint my nails, i'm very clumsy, i injured my left knee permanently
last but not least, i am a pisces sun, aquarius moon and taurus rising.
okay, that's all. hope you're taking care of yourself. thank you so much!
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Eddie Munson! The man, the myth, the legend. He would be such a lovely boyfriend, oh my god how he would dote on you. Always buying you things, and you would have to tell him to stop because he doesn't have a lot of money.
・You guys would spend a lot of time either in the trailer or his van. He would love if you read to him, not only does he enjoy the sound of your voice, but it gives him inspiration for his campaigns.
・He would die if you spoke to him in spanish. I mean literally, he would be putty in your hands
・He would love it when you wore his clothes, especially the Hellfire shirts, and sometimes you even take his leather jacket
・Would definitely teach you guitar!!!!
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You and Peter would be the cutest couple. He'd love to pick your brain and get to know you. Your personality kinda reminds me of MJ a bit, so I know that you would get along because your dynamics would most definitely fit.
・You weren't surprised to figure out he was Spiderman, and you brought it up so nonchalantly that Peter choked on the sandwich he was eating.
・He always brings you little gifts; a knick knack of his travels, a part of Tony's suit. But your favourite gifts are the stories that he brings back for you.
・You make him blush a lot with the things that you say, even if they aren't a compliment or anything to do with him. Sometimes you're just so honest that he's taken aback
・Peter likes to wrap his arms around your waist while standing behind you
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I think you and Edmund would fit together so well. He understands you in a way that other people don't. Even when you feel like the villain, he will remind you that the world isn't black and white, and even if you make a mistake, you can try again.
・He takes you down to the lake and rolls up his pants. He'll wade in the water, beckoning you to join him
・Ed gives great advice, he's gone through a lot and has become very wise
・Would definitely teach you how to defend yourself, and I have a feeling that you would be great with a bow and arrow
・You make him snort with laughter whenever you make commentary
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Hello I am here for one(1) mashup and I'm sure you know who I'd love to be matched with looool 😏😏
1. Tricia(Trish for short)
2. They/them, pansexual
3. 31
4. I'm 5'9", blonde(mostly bleached but four inch dirty blonde roots), I have abooout 20 tattoos(one on my left calf, one on each thigh, right upper arm piece, left forearm covered, back piece, etc.), Curvy but fit. Legs for days.
5. I'm an idiot sandwich, I'm a protective mom friend, I'm a teasing asshole. I love little nicknames
6. Taurus sun, Sagittarius moon, Cancer rising. 😉
7. I play guitar, I read tarot cards, I play DND and video games, I work out, I roller skate on old school style quad skates, I love to cook and to eat.
8. I like kind people, laughing, clothes, I love animals but especially dogs. I don't like bigots or mansplainers looool
9. My love language to others is gift giving and feeding them. What I like receiving is words of affirmation, touch, praise and pride.
I love you! Congratulations on 2k!
Trish!!! @lem0nb0iii Thankyou for your patience my love, I hope you enjoy what I have created for you! 🖤😏
I think your match would be.....
Eddie Munson (of course 😏)
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Eddie was in absolute awe when he first saw you at the hideout, curled up on a bar stool with your long legs stretched out in front of you, giving him the perfect view, your wild hair flowing around you. (He’d never known he’d had a thing for blondes until right then.)
He’d sworn he’d died and gone to heaven when he watched you cross that stage to play your guitar (even better than he could, though he’d never admit it to you.)
He’d rushed to buy you a drink as soon as you were back at the bar before anyone else could. But you knew far too much about Eddie the freak Munson, having snapped at anyone that muttered that word in ear shot of you (of course you did, your protective mode slipped out.) 
But when Eddie had finally built up the courage to approach you, you’d teased him about it “Eds, (your habit of nick naming people was effortless) “Come back when you’ve graduated high school kid.” You’d shot him a teasing smile to ease the burn, the small age difference might have bothered you a little, but God did Eddie find it hot. 
That of course, was the only motivation Eddie needed to finally pass senior year. He’d been relentless every time he’d run into you at the Hideout, and when you’d slipped up with a DnD reference mid teasing him, Eddie’s eyes had lighted up and there was no going back. 
Your song of course Bathroom Bitch - HolyChild
Was practically written for you as he used his tongue to explore the tattoos on those long legs of yours in the small bathroom in the bar. You couldn’t refuse those pretty big brown eyes of his when he’d begged you to teach him everything an experienced women like you could teach a younger man 😉.
Your domesticated life consists of always somehow able to make the best meal out of Eddie’s bare fridge (he likes to watch your curves as you stir 😏), teaching Eddie how to roller skate (he looks like a spider on a hotplate) and after taking out the neighbour’s mailbox, he decides to leave it up to you. He does shamelessly and loudly cheer you on from the sidelines though. 
Eddie is obsesssssed with your tattoos and pays them special attention during sexy time. Especially the ones on your thighs. (If you know, you know 😏)
Eddie wasn’t like other assholes you’d dealt with, he didn’t mansplain things to you like you were stupid, he’d listen to you patiently when you’d lose yourself passionately explaining how tarot worked (and smacking his hand away when he tried to touch your cards) he was kind and would laugh at you when you’d try to adopt every stray dog at the trailer park, smiling at you while you talked to them like they could understand you. 
The only time he got mad was when you’d steal his vest, to the point that he interrupted a long night of planning his next DnD campaign together (when he watched you slyly try and stuff it into your bag – you couldn’t help yourself. You loved cool individual pieces, especially ones that smelled like him), to teach you how to make your own. 
Hellfire didn’t dare say anything when they saw the both of you wearing your very similar vests, (although you were their protector – Mother Hen, as Dustin calls you – they were also playfully scared of you) – Kinda 😅. It’s your Taurus stubborn and protective nature coming out.  
Eddie was really the only one who you’d allow to see that sensitive cancer rising of yours, breaking down your walls with one cheeky smirk at a time, so much so that you let him start practicing stick and pokes on you. 
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“Ow Eddie that hurts.” You gripped the pillows beside you as he dug into the top of your leg, pinning you to the couch with his weight. 
“Stay still then Trish.” As he gripped your thigh tighter. It was the first time he’d called you by your nick name, his tongue sitting between his plump lips as he narrowed his brows in concertation. His eyes did flick up to meet yours though as you went silent, softening slightly as he watched your face blush. 
You had a soft spot for nicknames, constantly finding one for everyone else because you loved yours so much. 
His mistook your pleasure for pain, massaging the inside of your thighs while he muttered praises as he softened his hand holding the needle. 
“You’re doing really well.” He smiled up at you through his lashes, sending a wave of warmth over you at the compliment. 
“I’m so proud of you.” You’d nearly fell to pieces at that, your legs shaking as you clamped them shut, trying to push the growing need away that built with each light brush of his warm hands and comforting words in his gravelly voice. You were grateful it was almost over as he wiped the excess ink away 
“You look great.” He smiled widely as you limped over to the cracked full-length mirror, turning your leg each way to get a good look at your new piece, an imitation of your favourite tarot card, with a DnD inspired vibe. 
You caught Eddie’s smile slip in the reflection, almost unknowingly as something calm settled in his face. 
“I am so glad I met you, I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
And you did melt at that, falling into his welcoming arms as he laughed, saying that if he knew how loving you got at his sweet words than he would make sure to tell you every day. 
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"Three Thousand Miles Don't Help" by JudyPoovey
After surviving Vecna and, more importantly, graduating high school, Eddie moves in with Steve and Robin. Needing a source of income, he and Steve decide to drive to California to buy weed from Argyle to bring back to Hawkins.
It's a perfectly good scheme, but things might not be all good in Hawkins by the time they get back.
Tags under the cut:
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers & Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson
Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley/Vickie
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Dustin Henderson
Jonathan Byers
Argyle (Stranger Things)
Wayne Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Vickie (Stranger Things)
Additional Tags:
Post-Season 4
Oh god they were roommates... on a roadtrip
Bisexual Steve Harrington
Belligerent Sexual Tension
Pansexual Eddie Munson
Recreational Drug Use
Medium Burn
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Note: The tropes/Tags/Kinks in these fics do not always represent my personal likes/dislikes. I will post fics that are Friendly/Neutral or Critically Positive to this site regardless of my own opinion of the fic.
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x-littlemoth · 2 years
Writing Requests Are Open!
Currently accepting requests of the following genres:
– Headcanons
– One-shots
– Self-inserts (your OC or yourself, be sure to be specific when requesting this)
– Crack fics
– Preferably gay stuff, but I will try to write straight stuff.
The following is the current characters/franchises I'm writing for:
– Slashers (Jeepers Creepers or other slashers with problematic creators not included, as are real life killers)
– Marvel
– DC
– Stranger Things; for adult themes, adult characters only. If you request the younger characters, they will automatically be aged up. Eddie Munson will be type-casted as pansexual with a male preference due to the Hankerchief Code of the 80s and the hankerchief he has. This does NOT mean I won't write him in a straight relationship, HOWEVER! I will not write him in a relationship with Chrissy, solely because it is my personal headcanon that their relationship would be sibling-like and not romantic.
– Anime; Please be specific about what anime. This category is time-based on whether or not I've seen the anime. This means if you request anything anime-related about an anime I haven't seen, it might take awhile for me to actually write your request while I actually see the anime.
– Thrillers/Suspense; Basically psychological horror shows/movies. Nothing that's problematic (like that one movie about Serbia or whatever it was).
– Twilight Saga
– Cyberpunk 2077 (the game, I've never seen the show)
– Skyrim
– Fallout
– Mass Effect; this is conditional. I've tried to play the games, but couldn't get through them playing them myself. I do however, enjoy the idea of the games themselves.
– Outlast; Perferably the first game, but not against writing for the second game.
– If Markiplier or Jacksepticeye have played it and it has a viable storyline ripe with fanfiction potential, then I'll write about it.
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
Stranger Things Writing Masterlist.
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Author’s Note updated as of 8/4/24: Hello loves! God this is my first update for a note for a year and a half. I'm sorry I haven't been active in writing, even though I've been active on my blog. I may be more active now for a little while since having left my old job. But as I've stated multiple times even though I am 23, I have three small kids. They take up most of my time, no matter how much I have always loved writing, they have to come first.
But for now I am a stay at home mom till I find something new, and I do have about 20 WIP that are either nearly or close to being done from when I was publishing often. I PRAY to get them to you guys as soon as I can, whenever I get free time.
As always I love you all, and I will FOREVER BE thankful to anyone who has supported my work. Literally everyone on of you that hearts or reblogs my work, even just reads it, will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. Thank you everyone.
Eddie Munson Writes:
You’ll Always Have Me: Fic Masterlist (18+)
Eddie Munson Imagines: 
"Want to do something wild?"(18+)
“No one Wanted Her” (Gender neutral)
“I’d Get You Anything Sweetheart.” (Plus size reader.)
“How About We Get You Cleaned Up?” (18+)
“You'll Always Be Freaks" (Plus size reader)
“Care to Remake One of Those Scenes?” (18+)
“Girls Talk Boys.” (18+)
“I Never Hated You.” (18+)
“Thank You For Still Playing.”
"Wish I Could Be Your Man." (18+)
Eddie Munson Headcanons: 
Eddie fingering you (18+)
Drunk Eddie
Drunk Eddie Pt.2
Drunk Eddie Pt. 3
Drunk Eddie Pt. 4
Boyfriend Eddie While You study
Living with Eddie
Living with Eddie Pt. 2
Stoned Eddie
Stoned Eddie Pt.2
Dating Eddie Would Include
Modern Eddie On Social Media
Eddie Giving Gifts
Other Eddie Munson:
On Tumblr
Pansexual Eddie
Steve Harrington Writes:
Very First Date.
Steve x Plus size Female (first time) 18+
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starrystevie · 2 years
steve took a quick drag off his cigarette, harsh and strong, huffing out the smoke through his nose. “you thought i was using you?” “i used you back, so it’s fine.” “you know, you can be real fucking cruel sometimes,” steve said after a moment. his voice wobbled, small enough that if eddie hadn’t been paying attention he would have missed it, before hardening back to it’s normal ferocity. “i didn’t use-” “i said it’s fine.” eddie cut steve off quickly, not wanting to hear him try to backpedal over things that were in the past. “you don’t have to try and make me feel better or lie or whatever.” steve laughed, a bark of a laugh that was harsh and bitter. “god, you’re awful at this whole ‘communication’ thing.”
~5k words | one shot | mature
tags: everybody lives/nobody dies, angst with a happy ending, implied sexual content, bisexual steve harrington, pansexual eddie munson
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44cowboycryptid44 · 2 years
you’re not coming back (and i can’t say it out loud)
Fandom: Stranger Things Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler (mentioned) Characters: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson(referenced), Dustin Henderson(referenced), Mike Wheeler(referenced), Will Byers(referenced), Jonathan Byers(referenced) Argyle(referenced), Steve’s Parents Warnings: Spoilers for Season 4 Volume 2, content warnings for death, grief, mourning, and a panic attack/mental breakdown, USE OF THE F SLUR (written by a queer(pansexual) man), Steve’s parents are assholes  Length: 2k words Synopsis: Steve knew it was a possibility, of course he did. He just hadn’t wrapped his mind around the fact that he could lose Eddie before he even truly had him. He hasn’t wrapped his mind around the fact that Eddie is dead. So he stays at Rick’s cabin sometimes, and spends his days looking for Eddie. 
Steve still goes over to Reefer Rick’s cabin sometimes. 
It’s illogical, he knows, but part of him just can’t accept that he’s gone. 
Like, gone. He’s not coming back. And Steve doesn’t know how to deal with that. 
So he doesn’t. He doesn’t. He just packs a bag, cuts all communication, and stays in Rick’s cabin for a few days every month. 
He’s pretty sure Robin has figured him out- Dustin too. He scared the shit out of them the first time he left without saying anything, so he always makes sure they know now. Takes a few days off from work, shows up to Family Video before he goes, bag on his shoulder, and teases Robin for a bit before heading out. 
She doesn’t understand. At least not fully. She doesn’t know. 
He and Eddie were- well, they weren’t dating. But they were going to try, when they all got out of it alive. When. 
He knew it was a possibility, of course he did. He just hadn’t wrapped his mind around the fact that he could lose Eddie before he even truly had him. 
He hasn’t wrapped his mind around the fact that Eddie is- 
Well. He hasn’t wrapped his mind around some other things either. 
So he stays at Rick’s cabin sometimes, and spends his days looking for Eddie. 
On the day it all goes to shit, Steve wakes up in his house. His parents are home for once, and when Steve trudges downstairs in his pajamas, they’re sitting at the dining room table, Eddie’s vest between them. That wakes Steve up very fast. 
“Mom? Dad?”
“Ah. Steven,” his dad says. 
“Come sit down,” his mother says, patting the chair in between the two of them. 
He does, hesitantly. 
“Um.” Steve frowns. “What’s this?”
“Steven,” his mother says, gently. Oh, he’s in deep shit. “Where did you get this vest?”
“Um, one of my friends gave it to me.”
“Which one,” his father grunts out gruffly. 
“Does it matter?”
That was, apparently, the wrong thing to say. 
“Yes it matters!” his dad exclaims, slamming his hand down on the table. “This is a- a Satanic vest! Look at this! Dio?” He pronounces it die-o. 
“Dio,” Steve corrects quietly. “It’s a band.” 
His father is gearing up to yell again, but his mom reaches over Steve and lays a hand on the older man’s forearm. 
“We’re not angry, honey, are we?” She says, pointedly, then looks back at Steve. “But we heard about that Satanic devil worshipper who murdered those poor children. We heard he- he was a queer.” She whispers out the last word, like even daring to acknowledge that gay people exist out loud would send her straight to hell. Steve cringes. He remembers when he was like that. Stupid fucking closeted King Steve was such a goddamn asshole. 
“And what if he was?” Will Steve ever learn to keep his mouth shut? Jesus.
This, apparently was too much for Steve’s dad to handle, and he exploded. 
“How dare you say that? I thought I raised you better than that! Thank God that bastard died, if he was turning my son into a faggot.” He spits out the word like it’s a curse.
“He’s not fucking dead!” Steve screams back. “He’s not dead!” Oh shit. 
He feels the tears coming on, and he feels like a stupid, immature child, but he needs to get out of there before he fucking loses it in front of these dicks. 
He grabs Eddie’s vest and storms out of the house, flipping his parents off as he slams the front door. He gets into his car and speeds off, barely able to see the road through his tears.
By the time he gets to Reefer Rick’s cabin, Steve doesn’t realize that he’s made a mistake not telling anyone where he was going. He just gets out of the car, still clutching the vest in his shaking fist, slams the door to the car, and storms into the cabin. 
He’s stayed here enough that it’s started to shift into something… nicer. Homey. Steve can imagine Eddie here with him, hanging his stupid metal posters over the mattress Steve dragged in and shoved into the corner of the room, coming in one day with an amp and a guitar stand, setting it down in the opposite corner without a word, just a wink in Steve’s direction. He can imagine Eddie, Eddie everywhere, sitting on the kitchen counter in a pair of Steve’s boxers and a Metallica shirt, Steve by the stove singing along to the radio and flipping pancakes. He sees it so clearly it could be a memory, reaching out his hand and pulling Eddie down off the counter into a twirl, dancing terribly with him around the kitchen, Eddie laughing and whipping his bandana out to fan the smoke detector when the pancakes inevitably burn. 
He sees it, and he mourns what never was, and he feels insane, because he didn’t even know this guy that well. Or maybe he did. Shared trauma gets you well acquainted with near strangers very well. But Steve is here on the floor of a drug dealer’s cabin, knees pulled up to his chest as he leans against a wall, tears streaming down his face, and he’s imagining a whole life with someone he knew for a week. 
Steve can’t decide, he thinks that night as he lays in bed, if the fact that Eddie wanted him too made it better or worse. If knowing that they could have tried, if Eddie had just done what he was supposed to, knowing he wouldn’t be alone under the covers right now. He wants to say he’s not angry at Eddie, but he can’t, not really. He knows it’s wrong to be angry at someone who died protecting you, but Steve told him not to. Eddie died for a town that hated him, and he left him. He left Steve before Steve even got a chance to have a life with him. 
Sure, they had kissed that day in the field. They had a moment alone, before they all went into battle, Steve and Eddie in the camper while everyone else was outside manufacturing weapons. Steve was pacing, going over the battle plans and Eddie just reached out and touched him, and it was so gentle. Steve doesn’t remember the last time someone touched him kindly. But Eddie did, and Steve knew he was going to have an identity crisis in like five seconds, but he didn’t care. He just turned around and looked at Eddie, and then they were kissing, and it was perfect. 
Steve had begged him, after the fact, to stay safe. Not for the first time. Not for the last. He held Eddie against his chest and pressed his face into Eddie’s hair, and he whispered against his forehead: 
“Please don’t leave me.”
And Eddie looked up slightly, eyes turned up to Steve, smile on his lips that had been pressed against Steve’s only a minute ago. 
He wakes up the next morning to the sound of the phone ringing. He’d installed it so that Robin could call to check on him. He doesn’t feel like talking anymore. 
He opts to ignore the harsh trill, instead throwing the vest over his shoulder and heading out of the cabin to look for Eddie, hope bubbling in his chest. 
Today, he decided, was the day he was going to find him.
Today, he realized six hours later, trudging through the woods and shaking from hunger, was not the day he was going to find Eddie. Not for lack of trying, but he really needed food, so he would go back to his cabin, get something to eat, and keep going. But after six hours of searching up and down the woods, over by Lover’s Lake, it was starting to look like today wasn’t the day. 
That’s okay though, because Eddie is out there, Steve tells himself. He is because he can’t be gone and he isn’t gone and Steve honest to god doesn’t know what he’s going to do if Eddie is gone forever and he’s never going to see him again and it’s over before it even began, but he doesn’t have to worry about that, because Eddie Is Alive. 
When he gets back to his cabin he’s so sick with worry for Eddie that he can’t bring himself to eat, passing out on the floor before he can even hear the phone ring. 
He wakes up to someone frantically shaking his shoulder and shouting his name.
He flinches into a sitting position, hands shaking, grasping at Eddie. He breathes out his name like a prayer, over and over, checking his body, because he’s alive, and Jesus he’s needed this for so long, holy shit. And he’s holding on to Eddie’s arms and breathing out his name and his ears are ringing and then they clear and he can see and-
It’s Robin. 
It’s Robin, and she looks terrified, and she’s staring at him wide eyed. 
“Thank god, you’re back, you scared me half to death there, you thought I was Eddie, which wouldn’t make sense, unless you were dead and-”
“Robin.” He cuts off her rambling and she takes a deep breath. “Eddie’s not dead.”
“Wait, you saw him?” 
Steve shakes his head. “N-no,” and why is he stuttering, there’s nothing to be nervous about, Eddie is alive he knows it. “Um, no. I haven’t seen him. But I know he’s not dead. He can’t be.”
Robin’s frantic face drops gently into one of sad concern and understanding. Which Steve doesn’t understand. There’s nothing to be sad about. Eddie is alive. Steve just needs to find him. 
“Steve, honey,” she whispers, and pulls him against his chest, brushing his hair out of his face, and oh, he’s crying, why is he crying?
“Baby, he’s gone. He’s gone. And I’m not trying to be dismissive, but… why- why are you struggling to accept that?”
“Because he’s not dead,” Steve chokes out. “We were going to try, when we all got out of it alive. We were going to try, and he promised me he would never leave me and he wouldn’t break a promise, I know it!”
“Oh,” Robin breathes out, soft and sad.
He’s crying harder now, the tears are coming faster, and somewhere in the back of his mind Steve knows he’s hysterical, but he can’t be dead, he can’t be, because he promised he would live for him, he promised they would get to try and they never got to try and-
“Honey.” Robin’s gentle but firm voice cuts off his hyperventilating. “He’s gone.”
And Steve breaks. 
He only remembers it later in a haze, the frantic wailing into Robin’s chest as the hard rock of acceptance settled into his stomach. 
He’s heard of the five stages of grief, of course he has, but they must have been lying, Steve thinks. Acceptance was portrayed as the end of the experience of grief, but it just started the whole cycle of anger and depression all over for Steve. 
It was a hard few months. That breakdown was far from his last. 
But he’s home now. He’s in his home, the cabin that used to belong to Rick, and now it’s his, and maybe, there’s a little bit of Eddie there too. There’s Eddie in the metal posters Steve hung up in his bedroom, the electric guitar he’s learning to play. Eddie is in the small painting Robin made for him, framed by his bed. He’s in Friday night D&D games hosted at Steve’s, in Mike’s long black hair, in the way Will leans into Mike ay the end of a movie night and Mike kisses his forehead. Eddie is in Dustin’s newfound love of metal, in the way Robin makes an effort to touch him kindly every day, even in the way Steve and Jonathan and Argyle have become Saturday evening pot buddies. Steve can see him sometimes in the smoke, smiling at Steve, telling him he’s proud of him, and Steve is. Well. It’s hard. But Steve is happy. 
He still lays awake at night sometimes, wondering what could have been. He still goes down to Hawkins every morning to drive the kids to school, and sometimes he’ll stop by Eddie’s grave and leave him flowers from his garden. 
He sees his mom at his dad’s grave sometimes, and she’ll acknowledge him, and they’ll go their separate ways without saying a word. There’s nothing that can be said. Nothing that needs speaking out loud. And that’s okay. 
Steve has made peace with what he has. With morning pancakes, dancing around the kitchen with Eddie’s memory, black handkerchief flying around in his back right pocket. He’s made peace with the rainbows hand-stitched onto Eddie’s Dio vest that has become theirs. He’s made peace with quiet mornings by the lake with his coffee, with a bouquet of anemone and baby’s breath flowers from his garden floating out on the lake. He’s made peace with the fact that Eddie is dead. Because he’s not gone, not really. Eddie is everywhere, all the time, and maybe Steve never got a real chance with him. 
But this is enough. 
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itsbitmxdinhere · 2 years
In celebration of pride month I’m dropping all my muses sexualities, genders and all that 
Also this way you don’t need to check their bios constantly to figure out, also some of my canon muses and OOCs still need a Bio page so yeh at least you have this alkjlksdfnslakdnmf
Spoiler alert, none of them are straight
Original Characters
Shang Wu ( Dragon Shifter ) :  - He/Him - Cis - Demisexual, Biromantic Rei Takahashi ( Ghoul ): He/Him - Cis - Gay Alec Cold ( Leviathan ) : He/They/She - GenderFluid - Pansexual Dolores Lawgod ( Witch ) : She/They - Genderfluid - Pansexual Dal Jae-Sung (Superhuman) : He/They - Genderfluid - Demisexual, Panromantic Toshiro Hirai ( Kitsune ) : He/They - Genderfluid - Bisexual Luna Williams ( Dragon Shifter ) : She/Her - Cis - Asexual, Demiromantic Hel/Hela ( Godess of the Death (Norse myth) : She/They - Genderfluid  - Pansexual Morpheus ( God of Dreams (Greek myth) : He/She/They - Genderfluid - Pansexual
“Canon” Muses
Will Byers: He/Him - Cis - Gay Eddie Munson: He/They - Queer Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/001 : He/They - Genderfluid - Pansexual Steve harrington: He/Him - Bisexual A.J.Crowley : They/Them He/Him She/Her - Genderfluid - Demisexual, Panromantic Peter hale: He/HIm - Cis - Bisexual Cora Hale: She/Her - Cis - Lesbian Stiles Stilinski: He/HIm - Cis - Bisexual Jackson Whittemore: He/They - Genderfluid - Bisexual Laurits Seier: He/Him They/Them She/Her -  Genderfluid - Pansexual Will Turner: He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Jeferson ( Mad Hatter ): He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Robert Alexander III (Moose) : They/Them - Agender - Pansexual Jaskier: He/Him - Cis - Pansexual Ahkmenrah: He/They - Genderfluid - Bisexual Jedediah: He/HIm - Cis - Bisexual Sam Winchester : He/They - Genderfluid - Demisexual, Biromantic Jack Kline: They/Them - Agender - Asexual Crowley: He/They - Genderfluid - Pansexual Amara: She/They - Genderfluid -Pansexual Phil J. Coulson: He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Sam Wilson: He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Joaquin Torres: He/They - Genderfluid - Bisexual Loki Laufeyson (KID): He/Him They/Them She/Her - Genderfluid- Pansexual Mobius M. Mobius: He/Him - Cis - Pansexual Thena: They/Them - Pansexual Phastos : He/They - Gay Kingo: He/Him - Bisexual Theodora Crane: She/They - Trans - Lesbian Luke Crane: He/Him - Cis - Demisexual Jamie: She/Her - Cis - Lesbian Miles Wingrave: He/Him - Cis - ??? Owen Sharma: He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Jim JImenez : They/Them - Genderfluid - Bisexual Stede Bonnet : He/HIm - Cis - Gay Blackbeard (Edward Teach) : He/They - Genderfluid - Bisexual Obi-Wan Kenobi: He/Him - Cis - Demisexual Boba Fett: He/Him - Bisexual Fennec Shand: She/They - Genderfluid - Pansexual Din Djarin: He/They - Genderfluid - Asexual , panromantic Number Five: He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Ben Hargreeves: He/Him - Cis - Bisexual Klaus Hargreeves: He/They - Genderfluid - Gay
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doodleybugg · 2 years
🍔 - send a character and i'll tell you some headcanons i have of them
eddie munson
also congrats!!
okay okay so i think i might have mentioned this but him belting the lyrics to photograph by ed sheeran thinking of chrissy>>>>
he'd tune his guitar more than he played it, which is saying a lot since he played it often
when he was a kid he helped his uncle make a little tree house (by help i mean he asked for one with huge, dark, puppy dog eyes and watched as his uncle made it) in his backyard before they moved into the trailer, and that was basically his safe place
the only people he invited up there EVER were chrissy and dustin
i stole this one but he refers to his partner as the wife/husband (i.e. if he's asked to hang out late he'll go "gotta ask the wife/husband")
refers to EVERYBODY by petnames, enough to make you wonder if he actually remembers anyone's name at all
pansexual god
always wanted a large group of friends, like practically half a classroom, but finds big groups of people overwhelming so he loves his small group
has tried to adopt dustin, numerous times
him and steve are competing for custody
prefers dogs over cats, but cats over small dogs (insists they're evil)
prefers heavy metal music but is not afraid to listen to heartbreaking, wrenching music that makes you wanna cry so hard you vomit
he can't do it with a straight face though
he can't do anything with a straight face
will not hesitate to pop a pimple if he sees one (ik that's a lil gross but he'd totally want too, even on other people)
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