greetingsfromuranus · 2 months
Unpopular opinion: Hetero ships from Double D are great, especially with Marie and May Kanker. I prefer yaoi with him, but Double D is such a nice guy that I would like girls to have a chance with him too! :3
Very true!! Not a big Marie fan myself, but I quite like shipping him with May and Nazz :3 I think him and Nazz are really cute because she's TOTALLY into him but he's just too nervous to make a move, and too busy dealing with that to see that she likes him lol. Adorably tragic!
You can see it best in the school dance ep when she's TOTALLY trying to invite him to dance and he's just not getting it, it's so so cute...
And of course I've posted some MayEdd before, that one's def one of my favorite Edd ships! I can imagine after the valentines day episode they start looking at eachother quite differently, and maybe as time goes on they start sneaking off to see eachother more, they're both rlly shy about it cuz yknow that's not her official designated Ed-boy, and she's a KANKER which would not go over well for Edd lmao. Oh my goodness imagine if they kissed all shy and nervous that would be so cuttteee eauaug g rrrrrrr augh!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhh now imagine if Nazz asked out Edd I think he would faint on the spot hehehehehehehhhhh
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itspkuwu · 12 days
I've gotten EEnE all wrong lol
Alright fellas
I've been pretty pushy with my posts lately. And I'm really sorry about that. I do still think that shipping two Eds and leaving one out completely destroys the purpose of the show... but now I've realized that I enjoy the show a lot more when I few it from a canon perspective. What do I mean by that you ask?
Well, it's pretty obvious that almost all the boys in Peach Creek have a crush on Nazz, but now... I think that Double D deserves her the most. They do have rather sweet interactions. Poor Double D gets stressed out way too much. And since Nazz is usually petty chill, she could help calm him down, as well as offering him some much needed kindness. And Double D's little blushing face when he's around her is way too cute.
And I noticed that Eddy didn't have much of a reaction when Nazz kissed his cheek in Big Picture Show. Probably because he, and Kevin for that matter, don't find her so attractive anymore without her hair... that's just how guys are sometimes... but since Double D is so insecure about what's under his hat, he must know what it’s like to have a not so good looking head too… he could be there for Nazz when she feels saddened by her looks. Double D, being the smart lil sweetie that he is, could teach Nazz that looks aren’t important, and all that matters is who you are on the inside. And Nazz would, finally, feel like she doesn’t have to be perfect model just to be loved. :3 Also Ed gets “married” to Wilfred and Eddy remains a single loser lololololol
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lovelyroseghost · 1 year
Dreaming of you✨
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All my wishes, all my dreams
Could becoming true,
If only you, my darling..
You’d say “I love you..”
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kevin-fanpage · 2 years
How do you feel about Edd/Nazz?
I’m not a very avid shipper of EddNazz, only because I don’t feel they could work out. But, I do like the Nerd x Popular kid type thing so, it’s not completely off the table
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doubledyke · 2 months
Heyy 7 for Edd, 13, 17 for Eddy!
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [character] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
i always picture edd in quarter zip sweaters. no idea why. i don't think i've posted a drawing where he's wearing one, but it's my go-to for him in my head. that and cargo/carpenter's pants.
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to some day?
i'd like to write for ed! i've written a few lines of dialogue/action for him before but as many of us know, it can be hard to capture his exact brand of randomness. his timing and delivery in the show is very hard for me to replicate or build upon i guess idk.
a ship i'd like to write for is..... eddnazz 👀 not necessarily a dedicated fic, but i find their dynamic to be really cute and i'd like to play around with it at some point. it's important to me that edd is bi, and not just in theory. BI VISIBILITY BABY!!! also i'm so adamant that he has more game than you might expect. i love their scene in boo haw haw and the way he gazes at her lovingly when she says the candy's gonna go straight to her thighs lmfao.
i'd also like to write/draw keveddy
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [character] would like?
i was gonna include this little headcanon in dissociatED but since that's kinda fallen by the wayside, i love the idea of eddy growing up watching designing women with his mom. it sums up their relationship pretty succinctly in my mind. she's not supposed to have that frilly stuff on tv when eddy's around but she's not about to miss an episode. and eddy loves the bright colors of their clothes and that it makes his mom smile and laugh a lot. it's a rare, pleasant childhood memory for eddy. cuz when dad's home he has to watch reruns of like... alf and matlock. alf scares eddy and matlock is so boring it hurts.
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owmylasagna-blog · 9 months
Edd for 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. Thanks for attention.
Thanks for dropping into my ask!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Edd because he complicates the “smart kid” trope. He’s a pompous arrogant know-it-all but is shown to be genuinely sensitive and emotionally attuned almost to a fault. I like that he pretends to be morally righteous while also being accomplice to the most heinous fleecing of his peers because that's what is on the agenda for the day. I like that he is a socially awkward lizard kid who studies human psychology and behavior modification as a hobby.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
One of my favorite things about Edd is the way he is written and voiced. I could really say this for all the characters but major major kudos to the eene crew for writing him the way they do. It’s not only the expansive and heightened vocabulary, it's his way of phrasing things. It’s his acerbic off-handed sass. Sam Vincent shows off such an impressive range of weird sounds, awkward mumbling, screaming (so much hilarious screaming), emotional delivery, expressiveness with Edd’s character.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Probably his outfit haha. I’ll be honest, I think Eddy and Ed have such solid looks but Edd’s is horrendous. The colors make no sense. The fact that he wears knee high socks with shorts makes no sense. His hat is the only thing that makes sense.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I don’t have a good answer for this other than I think he’d make a great host for like myth busters.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Sure! The question is, would he want to be best friends with me? I think we’d probably take on an Ed-Edd dynamic.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Done this one (:
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
eddeddy 100% all day every day
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Broedd. Fuck no.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
edded, eddnazz, eddmay
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fish-bowl-2 · 10 months
1, 3, 9, 16, 24 😁
1.List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s) Oh boy :D I'd say that in regards to the current eene fandom on here, I love how friendly everyone is, how creative everyone is (both in their headcanons and the fanwork they create), and how generally a lot of you are very open-minded regarding other people's interpretations and headcanons for characters/events etc. <3
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate Probably Rolf...I mean I kind of already enjoy all the characters in their own unique ways, but seeing some of the things people have written about him is really interesting. Especially in regards to his friendship with Nazz and Kevin and family history. Lots of food for thought.
9. A ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy KevRolf is cute!! I already like their friendship and interactions in the show, so the fanwork and writing people do on it is always fun. EddNazz is cute too. I can definitely see them trying a relationship at some point, even if it doesn't work out long-term.
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate Double Dee's wonky resting face where a single eyelid droops. I love that shit. It is so silly. The super specific and nuanced elements of Ed's writing and acting. I mean, I don't know. I think a lot of fans already pay attention to this, but whenever I rewatch clips I ALWAYS notice something new that he says. I just think that writing is so clever. He is truly unique when it comes to the trope of "comedic relief/slow-witted" characters. ANOTHER detail I am fascinated with is Edd's scrupulosity, but talking about that will take way too long and I'm already working on a whole post about that.
24. How has fandom positively impacted your life? Speaking somewhat generally, I've been somewhat lucky in my experiences within fandoms to have not had absolutely horrendous events, interactions, and/or drama take place. Even when it did it was small and within a more contained circle. I've made lots of good friends in fandom (many that I've been talking to for like five years now!) As for specifically the eene fandom, I love interacting with all the lovely stuff people post and create. It is very small and intimate here, which I really like when it comes to fan spaces : ) I always enjoy checking the tag after a day of work/class, and you guys in my notifications.
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mysticbeaver · 9 months
Hello; 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 23 for Double D.
My first impression of them
In my vague memories of seeing the italian dub as a kid, the thing that stuck the most in my memory is his voice is constantly cracking! So awkward and so goofy. And the scene in Fa-La-La-La-Ed where he's in the closet with Ed and Eddy and he talks about the ancestral fruitcake is the one scene that stuck in my head somehow.
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
My first brief period of getting into the fandom (about 10 years ago at this point lol) I was into eddmarie, and I guess any ship makes you really focus on those particular characters and appreciate them.
4. How many people I ship them with
Nowadays only one character, and it's...
5. My favorite ship of them
Eddy 😅 I wasn't interested in it for quite some time until I forced myself to focus on it some more, and it slowly grew into one of my favs.
6. My least favorite ship of them
I'm waving at the elephant in the room haha... all I'm gonna say about that ship is, the 5% that is IN-character and treats Eddy with R-E-S-P-E-E-K is ok as a cute crackship in my book. On another note, one ship I've seen that I just don't seem to get is eddnazz, but to each their own.
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
His beanie acting as eyebrows haha. And his running animation - elbows sticking out, feet flapping wildly.
13. Your favorite friendship they have
The other two Eds! Sorry boring answer lol. As for the other kids I'd say his friendly moments with Nazz are sweet (assuming his knees aren't trembling too much at the sight lol)
14. Best storyline they had
Because I'm thinking of his interactions with Nazz, right now I'll say Cleanliness is Next to Edness. He just snaps in that one... pushed over the brink of insanity.
15. Worst storyline they had
Maybe Sorry Wrong Ed? He gets insufferable there, it's definitely one of his most tedious moments.
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
The flashback scene shows him as happy little boy :) and yet there's the scrapped dodgeball-incident-trauma to think about...
23. Future headcanon
I can't think too clearly of future headcanons for any of the characters, all I can think of atm is Edd learning to be a bit more laid-back? I'm so sorry my mind's blank right now😵‍💫 Thanks for the ask anyway lol
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gettingfrilly · 10 months
4 9 n 11
if you're only doin one at a time then just 11
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
hm... KevRolf has a lot of cute moments in the show.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
EddNazz! Nazz deserves better than Kevin (sorry Kevin, I do like you, you just don't deserve Nazz) and I think she'd enjoy being with a smart and sensitive boy like Double D. He's a good egg and he'd worship her like a queen.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Make up your Ed for sure. I don't write smut often and I think it turned out really well. and it shows I've improved at setting a scene, I think, which is hard for me because I wanna skip to the dialogue. The non fanfic writing I'm most proud of is the short horror story I wrote for my creative writing class in undergrad. I wish I could find it. I also wish I could find that one poem I wrote for a community college assignment... ah well.
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elaboratejellyfish · 2 years
Hes having a bisexual moment
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Don't mind me spam posting on my blog
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eene-fangirl · 7 years
“Did you just cough– blood?” With Edd and Nazz? ( I think that ship is really cute. But if you don't wanna do it thats fine! )
“Did you just cough- blood?” Nazz practically dropped a plate when she saw Edd hunched over.
Edd shook his hand trying to make her look away. “I-It’s nothing.” He slowly learned leaned back up. Edd stumbled against the table trying to find his drink which was right in front of him.
Nazz snatched the drink away as soon as he had it in his hands.
“Give it!”
“Stop!” Nazz yelled at him.
“Give it to me! I need it!”
“What you need is help!”
Edd grabbed her by the wrist so tightly that Nazz screamed letting go of the glass. It smashed to the floor.
“Listen, here, y-you can’t tell me what to do. I am fr-free to…”
Edd looked to his feet. He looked at the spilled liquor seeping around the cracks of the floor. The blood that dripped out from his mouth. And how he was gripping his girlfriend’s arm so tightly that was already bruising.
Fear swept over Edd’s eyes. The tears immediately came. Edd covered his face. His whole body shook. Nazz held him closely rubbing a comforting hand down his back.
“It’s okay. We’re going to find help.”
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eenefangirlanalysis · 8 years
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dustbunny105 · 8 years
Title: Ed Over Heels Fandom: Ed, Edd n Eddy Pairing: EdEdd, background EdEddEddy, minor EddNazz Rating: G Word count: 1188 Summary: Edd’s new workout regimen gets him into an awkward position. A/N: I was originally going to do something that was purely EdEdd, but as much as I enjoy their leg of the Eds’ friendship, I can’t settle my thoughts around them as a couple on their own. Much as I don’t need to think something will last to ship it, it just felt more natural to me to present them as one part of a whole. Plus, y’know, I love me some poly Eds.
Eddward had known when Nazz had suggested becoming his personal trainer that it was a bad idea, yet he'd still let her talk him into a one-month trial of a beginner's regime. She had been decked out in her own workout clothes at the time, hardly more outerwear than underwear, sheen of sweat making her seem to glow under the light of the midday sun. Eddward had, in retrospect, only his own hormones to blame for the situation he found himself in now.
That situation being: He was set to drown in his own sweat in Ed’s bedroom, Nazz not even present-- she’d had a family obligation to attend to over the weekend and charged him with carrying on in her absence. He had given her his word that he would maintain the schedule she’d set up for him-- and he couldn’t trust that Ed and Eddy, who she’d asked to supervise him, wouldn’t rat him out if he skived. His cheek was pressed to his sweat-covered exercise mat, posterior high in the air and the limp noodles that had once been his arms sprawled on the floor between his legs, which were still dutifully shoulder-width apart. The smell of his own overtaxed body, unaccustomed and ill-suited to athletic pursuits, was offensive enough in its own right and now magnified the more familiar stench of Ed’s personal domain.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Eddward was becoming increasingly convinced that his mat had been set down on top of a sandwich. A very old sandwich. The thought would ordinarily have plastered him to the ceiling-- easily the cleanest part of the room-- but he found himself quite unable to move just then. Even the thought of moving enough to let himself the rest of the way down was torturous. Oh, why couldn't he have at least gotten stuck in a comfortable position?
At least, he tried half-heartedly to comfort himself, only one of his friends-- a simplified term for what they were becoming, perhaps, but still accurate-- was paying witness to his humiliation. It was a sorry excuse for reassurance indeed considering how his humiliation was being witnessed. While Ed’s attention had held only as far as laying out the mat for him before being arrested by his comic books, Eddy had parked himself in Ed’s recliner with a bag of chips, ready to be entertained by Eddward’s efforts. Whenever Eddward protested Eddy’s undivided attention-- and the unnecessary commentary that accompanied it-- Eddy reminded him that he was sworn to look after Eddward’s safety on Nazz’s behalf.
So very concerned over Eddward’s safety was he, that he was currently snickering into the collar of his t-shirt. Eddward could see him from the very edge of his peripheral and could hear him plenty well besides.
“Don't strain anything on account of my pride, Eddy, by all means, “ Eddward managed through his labored breathing.
Eddy promptly burst out into full-belly laughter, the springs of the chair squawking protest as he rocked with the force. It was the loudest he’d laughed over Eddward’s exercise misfortune since he’d let himself be coaxed under Nazz’s wing, and that was saying something. Over in his own corner, eyes still glued to his comic, Ed began chuckling along.
“You know,” Eddward raised his voice to be heard over the both of them, “I don’t know that Nazz would be pleased to hear of the two of you-- what is the term-- gymtimidating me like this.”
“I know she wouldn’t be too happy with that poor form you’ve got going on there,” Eddy shot right back, not at all phased. He popped another chip into his mouth. He’d denied it when confronted, but Eddward suspected that Eddy was holding this entire venture against him. “You’ll pull one of those stringy muscles of yours like that, y’know.”
Grinning, Ed looked up from his comic for the first time since opening it. His gaze caught on Eddward’s and he froze, wide-eyed. Before Eddward had much time to wonder what was the matter, Ed had sprung up. He hopped about from foot to foot amidst a chorus of, “oh, oh, oh!”
“Ed,” Eddward started, but Ed had already rushed into his attached bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. With some difficulty and a new crick in his neck, Eddward shared a glance with Eddy, who had stopped laughing in favor of staring in bewilderment after Ed. Hardly had their eyes met that Ed was rushing back out of the bathroom and going pell mell for the stairs. Eddward tried again, “Ed!” and made a token effort toward moving.
The sound of footsteps pounding up the stairs was soon echoed by that of footsteps pounding down the stairs and Ed popped his head back into the room just long enough to insist, “Don’t move a muscle, Double Dee!”
He hustled back up the stairs and out the door onto the main floor.
Eddward shared another look with Eddy, who shrugged and upended his chip bag to catch the crumbs. He suggested, “Maybe he took the pulled muscle comment seriously and went to get you some ice.”
“I supposed that’s--”
Eddward was cut off by the noise of Ed already returning, audibly tripping on several steps in his haste but never falling.
“About time you got back,” Eddy snarked as Ed bound back into the room. “Did you bring me any more chips?”
“Check under the dresser, Eddy!”
Before Eddward could get in a proper chuckle of his own at his friends’ antics, Ed had rushed by and past his line of sight, stopping right in front Eddward’s head. Mental alarm bells blared to life at once at this development and blared even louder when Ed stretched over him to grab his lax hands where they lay on the mat.
“Ed, what on Earth ar--rrgh!”
The room flipped and tumbled as Ed pulled Eddward by the hands as though he weighed nothing at all, dragging his face through a puddle of his own sweat and sending his legs flailing. When the world was put to rights once more, Eddward found himself with his legs hooked over Ed’s hips, his hands caught in Ed’s to hold him upright and steady. He was face to kissy-face with Ed.
Eddy laughed again, whooping and jumping on the abused chair. He cheered, “Attaboy, Ed!”
“Ed, please,” Eddward implored, leaning away from the puckered lips, “I’m quite filthy enough as it-- Ed.” He paused and leaned just slightly in again. Tentative, he sniffed. “Ed, did you... brush your teeth…?”
As if the minty scent mingling with Ed’s ever-present body odor wasn’t clue enough, Ed gave a full-body shudder as he nodded. His face was very nearly grim as he explained, “I had to find the right stuff upstairs since I don’t keep it down here.”
“But-- but then whose toothbrush did you-- you know what?” Eddward sighed, dredging up his first smile, however wan, since beginning his workout. “Never mind that just now.”
He leaned in and placed a kiss upon Ed’s re-puckered and winterfresh lips, Eddy’s cheering ringing in his ears.
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book-o-scams · 6 years
Am I the only one who think Kevin and Marie could make a good couple? It's an unorthodox ship but I tend to prefer it above KevNazz, KevEdd, MarieEdd or EddNazz. They are both pseudo-rebels who like to act tough and share a lot of hobbies such a shared love of speed, mechanics, vehicles and perhaps taste in music? I'd have loved to see some kind of interaction between them.
You are not alone, my friend, I too dream of pipes!  I’ve suggested before that, if HPH insists KevLee is a dead end, then KevMarie is probably the most eye-to-eye relationship possible for either character.  I also wish they had any real interactions to speak of, it’d be really funny with them sharing Kathleen Barr as a voice actor…
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daliakoen · 8 years
Which character do you ship Edd with and why? Are there any ships that you truly dislike?
I ship mostly everything, but I have some dislikes, like the ship EddMarie, EddNazz and EddSarah. I dislike them because those girls are kind of "empty" as characters. Even if Edd tries a love interaction, I think he will eventually lost interest.On the other hand, I like the ship Edd and Eddy. Through the series I love how their personalities changed and showed more confidence and feelings from each other.I love the ship Kevedd too. I know most of the fandom hate this ship and is fine, I mean, we can ship whatever we want and love. What I really like of them is exactly the interaction "bully/nerd" In past posts, I have said that Kevin has a hate just for Eddy. He has a better interaction and act sometimes without so much hostility against Edd and Ed. I think Edd and Kevin will get along if they have a chance. And finally, I like the ship Edd with Bro, mostly for @solangeamiratennyson fic. I love the idea about "falling in love with the bad guy" 
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doubledyke · 10 months
9, 14, 20 :3
ship that's not my otp but that i enjoy: edmay! i will write more stuff about them eventually bc i really do think they're such an adorable couple. keveddy is fun for the novelty and i do very much think eddy has a big, confused crush on kevin in the show. eddnazz isnt something i really ship but there's something satisfying about edd dating the most popular girl in school and still ending up with the locally hated eddy mcgee.
the ship that always makes me smile: well, you know.
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my first fandom! oh god it's so embarrassing but it was the queen fandom. ive been a mega queen fan since i was like 12 so when i discovered tumblr at age like, 14, it was all over.
thank you friend <33
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