#eddsworld vlog
isaackitty · 1 year
Hello again for the idk 5th time now I think but anyway I’m curious about the eddsworld furry Au thingy basically does paul & patryck exist in that Au if so can they adopt me pls cause I don’t have very good parents sadly or if not 
Then If you want can I give Eduardo a hug maybe?
(Btw if you don’t want to answer this you can ignore it or delete it)
Paul is half brown bear and half polar bear. And Patryck is a deer ^^ and them will love to be parents one day.
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Eduardo acting like he doesn't like affection but he love affection :3.
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And here bonus updated of Mark! HE A HORSE NOW >:0!!
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thecrazygamingzombie · 11 months
How Viviziepop kickstarted the third wave of indie animation.
Okay, I've been seeing a lot of people talk about the tweet below and how Viv doesn't deserve to take credit for the success of other indie animation projects online but the fact of the matter is...she does, in an indirect way at least.
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First, let's start off with a brief history of indie animation:
everything started out on a site called newgrounds, I'm sure you've all heard of it. Created by Tom Fulp in the 90s to show case some of his half baked game ideas. Which eventually evolved into a place where indie creators could post anything they wanted without fear of censorship; the rating system that automatically removed any posts that dropped too low being the only source of quality control.
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This gave indie animation it's initial foothold online but without any way of obtaining a revenue stream it never really moved beyond a fun hobby done to practice one's art/coding skills or just screw around with friends online.
This problem got more significant as time went on and many of the teenage artists that gave newgrounds it's inital success, such as RicePirate and Tom Fulp, grew into young adults who needed a revenue stream. Luckily they found one in the form of youtube.
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With these monetization policies, many indie animators were actually able to go into animation practically full time. Their pre-existing income bolstered by that of youtube and what followed was a golden era of animation, just an explosion of content across the board. You had stuff like Eddsworld, Salad Fingers, ASDF movie, and tons of other creators bursting onto the scene.
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all putting their content out there on Youtube for the world to see. All bolstered by revenue coming in from Youtube...but the good times never last
See, back then youtube's monetization policies were pretty simple: the more views your channel got, the more money you'd make. Great for short form animators and also great for clickbait youtubers who abused the system with deceiving thumbnails and titles!
To combat this, Youtube changed it's monetization policies in March of 2012: instead of being rewarded on view count, monetization would instead reward the time watched during a video. Which created a system where longer videos with frequent uploads were rewarded
In theory this was supposed to stop clickbait videos as people would just watch for a few seconds and leave. But in practice? It meant that animators were put at a heavy disadvantage as now they'd have to put in significantly more work for the same result.
This caused a complete and total crash of indie animation online. Between an unfair algorithm and the rise of gaming channels, most indie animators couldn't gather the same level of funding they could before and had to either quit or scale back.
Only the big name animators who could coast by on brand recognition such as Harry Partridge and TomSka among several others, or larger channels with dedicated teams similar to tv studios such as Mondo Media and Rooster Teeth. Were able to keep going.
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This started a brief dark age for online animation until the advent of story time animators. People like Jaiden Animations, Swoozie, and TheOdd1sOut who relied on simplistic art styles with minimalist animation that focused on content reminiscent of old vlogs where the animators simply share stories from their everyday lives that allowed them to put out longer videos faster; thus working around the monetization system that had put so many animators out in the cold.
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While they didn't solve the problem, in some ways they made it worse by starting a trend that attracted countless copycats, they did help sustain an interest in indie animation online and ensure there was a consistent audience for such a medium.
Now it wasn't a total wasteland mind you, as I said there were still plenty of animators who survived the purge. There were even a few channels such as Shut Up Cartoons and Mondo Media, again, that helped produce dozens of animated series from indie creators.
But even at it's best, these series were still very amateurish. The passion was obviously there but these were still very simplistic flash or stop motion animations with low budgets and small teams, focusing more on episodic skits than any sort of overarching plot
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This environment of amateur passion projects, where animated series were usually very small scale and never really escaped from the limited sphere of youtube, went on for several years and kept the animation community alive. Until Viv posted Hazbin Hotel and brought about the third wave of indie animation.
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Unlike the previous examples, Hazbin Hotel was a VERY different beast from most indie animation. Not only did it have an extremely distinct visual style but the animation was so fluid, so professionally made, it felt like something you'd see out of a mainstream studio. It felt leagues above the average indie project in terms of quality.
Now Viv had already a decent audience from her Zoophobia webcomic, her speed draws, and the die young video. So it wasn't like she was starting from nothing. But there was no denying that this new form of animation caught people's attention and caught it FAST.
You all can probably recall the explosion of discussion that surrounded the original pilot and how it was all the internet was talking about for awhile. Viv road that wave and used the momentum to launch 'Helluva Boss' another indie production with a similar style.
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This made her even more popular, especially when she started cranking out new episodes of the latter series with the same high quality as before, and soon her fanbase swelled to millions. A fanbase that was more than happy to crowdfund Viv's work through patreon and merch sales. Then other animators saw this and realized that there was a sizable audience for animated content; one that could not only sustain professional level animation, but was desperate for more content of this scale. Soon several other series started cropping up like MurderDrones, Lackadaisy, Monkey Wrench, and the Amazing Digital Circus. All of which followed Viv's lead of producing high quality, fluid animation with overarching plots that drew funding entirely from legions of online fans.
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For the first time in a long time, indie animation was breaking out of it's original platform and reaching far more mainstream audiences than it ever has in the past on a scale never before seen and it's all because Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss kicked off this new animation renaissance!
Now I'm not gonna say Viv was solely responsible, the series we enjoy now have thrived primarily on their own merits and the creative minds behind them.
But as it stands, her work played a big role in setting the stage for other indie animation projects and creating the perfect conditions for them to thrive amidst the current digital landscape. Like it or not, Viv is the catalyst for modern indie animation. To deny Viv her rightful place in history out of spite is nothing short of historical revisionism.
Give the gal her due, she's done some amazing things for this crazy world we live in.
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Here's the videos I got most of my info from, it's important to cite one's sources after all!
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keytivitiesworld · 11 months
elloooo! Welcome to my uhh.... Vlog!
I make fanart for Touhou, Undertale, TADC, Eddsworld, and SuperBook!
I'll soon be making my own yt channel!
Ask questions to ma ocs! (no asking sussy stuff.)
I'm 15.
Check out my ai bots in C. Ai! (my most popular bot is Akyou Nogard. Go check him out!)
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theboxfort · 2 years
Y, U, and S :)
:) !!
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Can't think of much since I end up joining it eventually 💀💀 (COUGH TMC and TMA COUGH)
Pico's School, Tankmen (these are just your fandoms 😭😭), ROTMNT, Pokemon Masters? UHHH I can't think of anymore 💀💀💀
Edit: I was going to say hfone too but I am. Watching it. <-- Weak to animatics of The Mind Electric
Also by "tangentially familiar", I mean that I've already or will read through the wikis of each fandom
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Tomatoredd - Eddsworld (Obviously.)
Jonah Marshall - The Mandela Catalogue (the joner)
Michael Shelley/The Distortion - The Magnus Archives (as seen an hour ago where I went feral for him. It is so gender...)
Oscar Pine - RWBY (he deserves to beat the shit out of people)
Roxy Lalonde - Homestuck
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
..."An" example huh. Well, one headcanon for Matt and every (canon) Matt clone (I've told you all of this on Discord already but laksjfalsdf)
Matt - Writes diaries and makes vlogs after he lost his memories just in case if he ever loses his memories again, he would have something to go off of
Matthew (Realistic Matt) - Staring at his face for too long will give you migraines. It looks too detailed, too... Defined. Sometimes you see details that weren't there before. Sometimes his freckles moves around if you stare at them for too long, but once you blink, it's back at the same place. The shadows on his face looks softer compared to the rest of his body. He knows this. He wears a face mask when he goes outside for this reason
Matthias (Blue Matt) - He's a prick. Got even more egotistical after the OG Matt lost his memories. Claims to be the "perfect" Matt
Wally (Where's Waldo Matt) - Travels around the world and makes a travel vlog :)
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partyba-blog · 7 years
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lil college dood
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alaskatalks · 3 years
Abuse in the Youtube Vlogging Community — My Experiences
Note 07/07/2021: My original posting was removed by unknown so this will now live here. Please be aware of the content warnings.
Apr 26·14 min read
CW Mention of; Suicide, Assault, Blood, Rape, Deceased Person(s)/‘Suicide Forest Video’
I’m writing this statement to not only provide background on the toxic and abusive culture of the community at the time but to support the multiple other people who have recently come forward detailing abuse from within the UK vlogging Youtube community, and to finally talk about these incidents publicly after carrying them for so long alone.
As I am writing this, one of those mentioned has contacted several mutual acquaintances to stop me from sharing my own story to those people privately,then when they and I didn’t, this person quickly began to smear my name. Because of this I want to begin with some basic background and thoughts which will be most likely be used/twisted in the coming days/weeks by those I mention.
I will only be discussing physically abusive events I was personally privy to but to keep this specific I will be omitting the many micro and macro-aggressions I experienced as usually the only black mixed/non-white and working-class individual in the room/group. It was clear to me quickly that if you were an “other” in certain ways, you’d be open to mockery, namely also if you were working class or lacking financially, I’d heard Chris repeatedly make remarks and mean comments behind the backs of his own guests/friends at various events and parties in his own home in addition to others making similar comments. Because I appeared white passing that time especially; I made my heritage/ethnicity explicitly clear when it first began as a failed attempt to minimize racial remarks around me and then from then on, kept my private life private from many in the group. I learned quickly to ignore a lot directed at me — as I was younger and possessed no media industry contacts or clout/followers at the time, I had to accept my place in this kind of mostly elitist clique/working environment as the only way to continue working with the people I looked up to.
I met everyone personally and got into the community when I was 16/17 after being a fan for many years, contacting CB via post and then emailing him, I wanted to get into television eventually and thought working with YouTube vloggers I looked up to would be a great first step in that direction. Everything detailed below I had previously tried to discuss with those involved privately, but was unsupported and thrown away both professionally and personally.
I want to talk briefly about Rachel as I was around just before she joined the general group so was witness to a lot of things. I have spoken to Rachel privately but want to share the frustration and bitterness I feel and felt publicly. Please read her statement via twitter for their story. (In addition to addressing the dangerously hypercritical individuals I have seen crawling out of the woodwork to send her empty public displays of ‘support’ whilst in the past they contributed heavily to the environment which fostered abuse or carried it out themselves.)
The first few times I met Rachel it was at different pubs, and so I had always assumed that she was at least 18 on joining the general group, I was also told (unprompted) about her familial connections within the media/television industry — something that I now believe contributed to many of the youtubers mentioned overlooking basic welfare issues and red flags, and instead thinking of furthering their careers. I spent close to a year trying to help as I could see certain red flags in her ‘relationship’ with JSL, him struggling very heavily and publicly with alcoholism at the time, and Rachel seemingly struggling also. I made my concerns known repeatedly because I was worried, having myself suffered from various abuse from a young age I instinctively wanted to help.
However, close friends of Rachel herself and others, namely Bown, sent me the repeated and clear message that I was “in the way”, this was a message Bown kept telling me once he was living with JSL, who I had begun seeing months prior to Rachel meeting him. I was told by them that my concern was only jealousy and experienced an abundance of side eyes, verbal abuse, bad mouthing, and gossip — I was just a ‘jealous bitch’ in many eyes. (This all despite me being polyamorous with my primary partner from before dating JSL to this current day) I continued to help Rachel whenever I saw her in person before ending things with JSL and distancing myself because not only was I incredibly uncomfortable dating someone who was in a unhealthy situation, but I was very selfishly fed up receiving so much hate when I did speak my mind on the subject. In hindsight, especially after finding out recently that Bown was aware of Rachel’s age, I wish I’d have stuck around.
Rachel is incredible and I hope the following can contribute in some way to validating all those who were victimized by these same people in addition to others with similar stories. For Rachel’s full statement please read it on her Twitter in its entirety @rachelkiki_
Beginning with MT, I had been a huge fan of The Man Time Podcast and The Fratocrats for years before so on meeting him at a party for the first time at C.B’s place, I was excited to talk to him, however, as soon as he found out I had a partner (literally the first thing he asked/said to me after hello) he walked away from me and didn’t interact with me in any way for the rest of the party. A few months later when I was single we slept together for the first time, halfway through he held my wrists down suddenly and just as I thought he was going to kiss me he instead spat in my mouth. I did not ask for, nor want this and reacted as negatively as you’d expect, then feeling incredibly uncomfortable made some excuses and tried to stop things physically.
It was a little while later I found out that he had spoken to a group of very popular youtubers, one of whom was Tom. I found out that not only did MT “report back” to these youtubers detailing a story about how we had had sex and I was in fact, horrendous at it, but hearing about it from C.B. in the form of the question whilst he smiled jokingly “Is this true?” was not only super inappropriate but humiliating.
These were people I had looked up to for years and really wanted to work within the future, but now that seemed like it wouldn’t happen, especially if I ‘made a fuss’. MT wanted to meet up with me at a later point (once I’d confronted him repeatedly afterwards) though when we met it was clear he just wanted to have more sex and the half assed ‘apology’ was more tokenistic. He was sorry “If” anything he did upset me. Because of my own previous trauma (and low self-esteem admittedly) I thought the only way to redeem my reputation would be to continue to see him — I thought if others knew or saw us flirting casually even, it would negate his rumors. This obviously didn’t help and the damage had been done.
Shortly after that, whilst on a work trip with CB and others, Tom approached me at a bar and asked me for a photo, I thought it was odd but perhaps he was just being friendly. I was a big fan of Eddsworld so I was okay with it, he took a photo of us both, making sure I smiled and then sent it to MT who was sitting a few tables away in our group as a further way to humiliate me. I spoke about it with some of the others privately after being laughed at, who seemed used to that kind of behavior. I just needed to get used to it and/or “lighten up” so I tried to remain professional and focused, though it seemed more and more like certain people viewed me as disposable entertainment almost, rather than a person.
*I do want to note, as of writing this today, Tom is the only person to reach out to genuinely apologise, which I highly appreciate.
I could fill multiple pages with the amount of racial charged, sexist and abusive things Bown has done and/or said to me, for example, he berated me the day I got my first big television job, calling me stupid, useless and implying I was only hired because of my ethnicity. He almost always sent his hate via text or instant messaging, I mention that because he commonly expressed all his negativity behind a screen, then in person, he would do a lot of gaslighting. When drunk at his worst, his understanding of the word no became non-existent when I would repeatedly ask not to be touched or requested space.
On one occasion when I had made clear it was a platonic hang, we were watching a film when he suddenly reached over and pressed his fingers into my breasts. I felt instantly violated, I froze for a few seconds and then pulled my shirt up to cover more of my chest/create a visual barrier. I said don’t/stop and continued watching the film. In shock — we weren’t even touching or hugging before- that but he nonetheless did it again and laughed as if it was some kind of game. I made it very clear I was not interested and did not like what he had done. This repeated when he was drunk and said he wanted to apologise, it was at a party which wasn’t the time nor place for that kind of conversation, then, with me saying so then no multiple times, he kept grabbing my waist, then arms and shoulders, refusing to give me the space I was requesting.
There was a lot of disrespect and ugliness I experienced from my first experience ‘working’ (unpaid at first and then at or under minimum wage afterwards) to present but again, I’m only discussing the physical stuff. The first physical time he hurt me was when on tour sharing a room (due to a lack of space as we were out of London) I was sharing with JSL on the floor and Bing had the bed alone. I was awoken in the early hours of the morning to a small piece of metal (which turned out to be a zip as I recall) from a pillow, hitting me hard. I was confused and so thought it was an accident — I assumed the pillow had fallen off the bed by mistake so reached over and put it back on Bing’s bed before going back to sleep. I was then awoken repeatedly by Bing’s hand hitting me in my face hard and repeatedly, though I tried to turn around with my back to him, I then experienced the same but on the back of my head, and my hair being pulled. He had thought the very loud snoring which was waking him up was me, but it was in fact JSL (most who have lived with him or slept in close corners knows he can be a snorer) the next morning I woke having a panic attack which I dealt with before asking him why he did that as it really hurt, he replied that I was snoring but when I told him of the mistake he just looked at me funnily and that was that. No apology ever appeared.
The worst experience I had with him was at his house during a party; it was winding down and I could sense him rushing people out the room in a hushed tone; I was looking at his bookcase, filled with cd’s at the time. On hearing the hushed tones I could sense something was wrong/odd and looked around to find myself suddenly alone in his room. I said a quick sorry, that I didn’t realise and will go join everyone else upstairs if he wants to sleep, he said it was no problem and I should have a drink before bed with him. I was content looking at the cds and before I could answer he brought me a cup and poured out a drink for me (clearly over pouring). I had just eyed a specific CD from my all-time favourite band (they were very niche at the time) and exclaimed in joy before showing it to him, he responded that a fan had sent it to him, I laughed because I was that fan, I had included the CD in a fan letter I sent to him years back. He was giving me a really odd look and then as I said ‘anyway,’ laughing in that british ‘I should get going’ kind of way.
He grabbed the CD before putting it on and pulling me towards the bed. We were sitting side by side and as soon as he grabbed me towards the bed I gave a nervous laugh saying something along the lines of ‘no, I don’t’ when he interrupted me to say it’s all fine, just one song and I need to drink, pushing my cup up which I’d been holding with both hands motionlessly since he gave it to me. As soon as I took a sip, he put his hand on my waist, I kept protesting as he pushed more towards then against me and repeated things like “It’s no big deal” and “It will be fast” ignoring my physical resistance and me audibly saying I did not want to. He placed his hand on mine and pulled it towards his groin area — this was when I finally stopped freezing and pulled away forcibly, I then sat up off the bed and made a beeline for the door — apologizing as I went. As soon as I was on the other side of the door I burst out crying and having a severe panic attack, I muffled the noise and went upstairs where I knew others were sleeping before I couldn’t keep quiet. I cannot remember who else was upstairs but there were multiple people (at least 5) sleeping in various places, I woke up quite a few before being calmed down and going to sleep. He hired me one last time after that as a producer.
H.H.S is the long time editor of the Paul brothers, he’s worked with many large youtubers and was one of (if not the main) editor of now notorious Logan Paul’s “Suicide Forest Video”,– the following happened around that time for context and is one of the biggest catalysts in my completely giving up on working within the YouTube vlogging sphere. H.H.S had been lightly dragged on his Facebook by friends on a post where he apologized for the Logan Paul video he responded with a fundraiser event post (both this, and the fundraiser have since been deleted) the fundraiser itself was to a suicide prevention charity, although he created it, he hadn’t and didn’t invite anyone directly to it — in hindsight, it’s clear it was just lazy personal pr. I had my own mental health and neurological episode and had attempted to take my own life a little before, so I had created an event with friends to celebrate being alive and beginning new/better things. Not many could come on short notice, though H.H.S was the first (and only) person to click ‘attending’ on the event page, which he did very quickly once I sent out invites.
He never was overly kind or supportive emotionally, so I thought that because of the amount of mutual colleagues, close friends and vloggers invited he would look very crass not to come. I was upset that many couldn’t make it and drank far too much, though I could Just about walk by the time we left the bar — the last 4 of us decided to head back to H.H.S to drink and hang out more as a group. I was meant to text my friend and her partner the address whilst they went home quickly to grab a coat as they lived nearish. H.H.S helped me into the cab and we made our way to his place, it’s then he put his hand behind the seat and began touching my leg. I thought he had a partner at the time and so was confused as he mentioned her earlier in the night, I asked him about this roughly over drinks at his house (which he poured himself) and he said it was fine, I accepted this as I was very drunk by this time and being ethically non-monogamous at the time; I assumed naively that they talked before this. I don’t remember what happened after this until later, I know that I was so drunk I completely forgot to ask H.H.S again for the address, let alone that I had to contact my friend at all.
I remember roughly that things seemed to me above board, but then I experienced a huge amount of pain as he had pushed me onto my front and put his entire weight onto me, I started to say stop, and no as he put more weight onto me and was trying to enter me anally. I told him to stop and that it hurt (he had done this before to me but stopped after a few seconds of me saying no and we discussed how it wasn’t okay with me especially without prior consent so I didn’t expect this). He then put his weight further on me so I was prone and continued for several minutes, I managed to move my body so it wouldn’t hurt as much, though by this point I was stuck under his weight and could barely breathe. Once he had “finished” he got off of me and said something about how this was a good “purge” for him but he loves his girlfriend and so should sleep in the living room. I was in total shock as he just exited the room.
I had no way of getting home by myself and triggered , drunk and confused I went to sleep. I woke up to H.H.S typing away on his computer next to my bed and I shouted “bucket” multiple times so he ran and got me one which I then projectile vomited into. I apologized and went to the bathroom to continue throwing up before heading back to his bedroom to find my things and get home. As I was doing this I asked about the video, he wasn’t talking otherwise and I was extremely uncomfortable trying to hold back a panic attack and further barfing. I waited for my taxi to come as he confirmed everything about the video that I had expected, he boasted about being the main editor of that video, how it was his idea to blur the body, how they wanted more views and they (him and Logan Paul) obviously didn’t care genuinely for anything to do with suicide prevention — this was after excusing various racist acts and remarks made by Logan.
H.H.S didn’t contact me for a full week after this incident, when I got home I discovered I was bleeding from his forced entry, and went into another panic attack. I tried to contact Bing, who had introduced me to him in the first place, when I was met with a barrage of blame. He told me a lot of things like ‘What did you expect?’, ‘That’s on you’ and on me beginning to cry and get emotional, he quickly started to distance himself saying that we aren’t “really friends” anymore, and further slut shaming. I wanted help and was rejected, not only by him but the few others also who I contacted. I figured if my friends would not help me, why would the Police believe me?
I reached out to H.H.S privately but was ignored, he read my messages but did not respond, though remained friends with me on facebook. He now has his own channel with 134k subscribers and won a Streamy Award for his editing work with Logan Paul. If you’ve read all of this, thank you sincerely. I’ve carried this for far too long alone, every time I heard of the people involved and even the Paul brothers names, things just came rushing back violently. After being rejected by so many I believed to be my friends, I decided I shouldn’t come out publicly at the time as I thought no one would believe me, that in addition to the fact that I valued the content they created to such a vast degree that I thought it more important to keep quiet.
Thanks to a sadly long list of brave people, I now know that I matter and so does my voice. I hope that with this, I can finally begin to let all these incidents go and know I appreciate every single person who has been an ally and/or spoke their own truths.
#MeToo #BlackLivesMatter #StopAisanHate
Alaska Harrison
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dooshbeeg2 · 5 years
Speculations on Red Leader
Okay so uh. This is probably gonna be a long post but I’ve been looking up a LOT about Tord/Red Leader lately and I just wanna know y’all’s thoughs since I have absolutely no idea how Eddsworld is gonna go on when it comes to Tord being RL, I guess.
So, in one of TomSka’s Last Week vlogs, he mentioned a show him and Edd were going to work on, but for obvious reasons it got put on hold. The show is called Super Average, which is basically about two irresponsible teenage heros.
So why am I mentioning this? Because Super Average’s original main antagonist was going to be Red Leader. But, he scratched out the idea because he wanted to respect Tord and simply cut off any connection with Eddsworld entirely. Honestly, if Tom kept the idea, which would mean connecting the Eddsworld and Super Average universe, there would be MANY possibilities and great parts of the plot. This would add to the character arc about Tord becoming evil.
Speaking of that, there have been some backlash since The End was aired about suddenly making Tord a villain. But, Tom had talked about the fact (not well known) that Edd and Tom had planned this for years before Edd passed away and the Legacy season began. It mainly wasn’t even Tom’s idea, which is pretty shocking considering that Tom and Tord don’t like each other.
But going back to Super Average, I believe that the Red Leader arc would have added so much to both shows. But, I respect Tom’s decision about leaving Tord/RL out of it since Tord wanted to be completely cut off from the show when he left in 2008. But, since Eddsworld IS set to come back, there are still many different directions to take when it comes to RL, and even Pau and Pat.
So, will RL be a character in Super Average? There is a slight chance, but perhaps Red Leader won’t actually be Tord. But there is a high chance that RL will return in Eddsworld.
[ Most of this info comes from TomSka and the Eddsworld Wiki. ]
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** Disclaimer: When I do reviews, I make it my mission to point out both the good and the bad in whatever I'm reviewing. And I want to make it clear that me doing so is in no way meant to be taken as disrespect to anybody who worked on the show, especially the late Monty Oum. He was a visionary animator and it's a tragedy that he was taken from this world so soon. Anyway, with all that out of the way, let the regular review commence. **
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**  **Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt, and I've always had a particular fondness for web series. There's just a certain charm to online content that I don't think can be repudiated with other more conventional mediums. Unlike other mediums, web series have the most creative freedom to do whatever the heck they want. They don't have to adhere to studio notes, focus groups, or censorship guidelines. It's just a group of people, or sometimes even just one person, deciding to put something out there into the world. Simply because they want to see said thing exist. And I think that the freedom that can comes from that can result in some very unique and creative piece of entertainment that may not have been approved if they had been pitched to a more "main stream" outlets. Not to mention the fact that web series, when compared to film and television, are definitely the underdog. And who doesn't love a good underdog story?
 I've talked about several web series before, (like _Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared _and _Camp Camp) _and I'm defiantly going to talk about more in the future. However, today I wanna talk about a certain web series that managed to do something that very little other web original series have done. And that's break into main stream through sheer force of will. And that series is RWBY.
 RWBY, created by the late Monty Oum and produced by Rooster Teeth, is an anime inspired online series that premiered in 2013. Now in the middle of it's sixth season (Oh, I'm sorry. Not seasons. Volumes? Cause we have to be all different all of a sudden.) it is still going stronger than ever. Now Rooster Teeth had always been one of the biggest companies out there for online content, and have had plenty of success with their very popular Red vs Blue machinima series, along with other projects. So RWBY doesn't exactly have the same underdog story as most other web series out there. It was made by a studio, and had a decent budget behind it from the start. However, the thing that I find noticeable about the series, and the thing that drew me into the series in the first place, was just how different it looked compared to so many other web series out there.
 Animated web series as a genre is very much a dying breed. Sure, they were all the rage back in the early 2000's on sites like Newgrounds, and with shows like Homestar Runner and Eddsworld. But ever since the rise of Youtube and the algorithm shift they've become a bit of a dying art. (Outside of the "Animated Storytime Video" genre but that's kinda it's own separate thing.) Why spends weeks or even months on a three to five minute animation when you could just record a let's play or vlog in a fraction of the time, and get way more views in the process? And if you do decide to devote yourself to web animation than you gotta find a way to make it cost effect. This usually means short, comedic, easy to animate sketches. Often with some kind of parody element included to help get the viewers in. That way the series would (hopefully) become financially viable enough that more animations could be made. (Like How It Should of Ended as an example.) And this isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with the shows that follow this formula. But I bring this up to show how much of a contrast RWBY is by comparison.
 A fully original action anime inspired series, not based on any pre-established i.p, where the animation was the main focus. Rather than being animated in flash it was animated with motion captured CG. And despite all of that the series had new episodes coming out on regular basis and getting millions of views with every released. This series broke every rule in the book, and somehow ended up becoming insanely popular in the process. There wasn't very many web series like it. Now, I've brought up this series several times in other reviews. Sometimes I praised it, other times I made fun of it. Which is why I think it's time to finally put the jokes aside, and give my honest on RWBY.
 Now there is a lot to go over with this series. Like, I said earlier, there are six sea-VOLUMES out as of the writing of this review. And given that this is a story based show with a changing status quo, it makes reviewing the show a bit tricky. And since I wanna have this review act somewhat as a introduction to the series for people who are on the fence about watching it or not, I'm going to try to keep spoilers somewhat light. But there will be some things I'll have to talk about, so if you want to go into the series COMPLETELY BLIND without knowing anything, you should probably drop off now. And if there's enough support in the comments (or if I just decide to at some point) I may come back to this series at a later date and do a more spoiler heavy review focused on events of the newer volumes. But with all that said, let's dive right in.
The plot of RWBY is actually pretty simple. (GASP!-)
 The series follows a young teenager names Ruby Rose. She's a protege when it comes to the art of combat and dreams of being a huntress. What a huntress you may ask? Well hunters and huntresses are warriors who's job is to protect humanity from the Grimm? What are Grimm you may ask? Well Grimm are monsters that are manifestations of humanities negative emotions. Try to keep up. Anyway, Ruby, along with everyone else in this world, has aura. aura is used to channel there semblances. _WHAT ARE SEMBLANCES you may ask?! _Well there basically superpowers powered by aura used by hunters to fight Grimm. But then there's also Dust, which is not the same thing as a semblance or aura and is DEFINITELY not magic. Magic is a whole separate can of worms that comes up later. Dust is energy (not aura though) that hunters put into there weapons to fight Grimm. RWBY semblance is super speed and her weapon is Crescent Rose, which is a scythe that's also a gun. Understand that? Good, cause that's just the first three minutes. Don't worry, it's all very well explained, and not convoluted in the slightest. Anyway-
 Basically, the world functions like an JRPG. That's all you really need to know. There are random monsters everywhere, everyone has weapons and abilities, and they can equip the weapons with special elemental attributes attributes. After a chance encounter with some mysterious villains Ruby, despite only being fifteen, is selected to attend the worlds top school for hunters and training. Weapon Meister Academy, I mean Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, I mean UA Academy, I mean Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, I mean Beacon Academy! Yeah, that's the one!
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 Ruby ends up getting sorted into her house-err, I mean-sorted into her team, Team RWBY. (convent, I know.) where she is joined by her half-sister Yang Xiao-Long, and her new teammates Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna. _Can these rag-tad team of huntresses in training learn to harness there abilities, and just maybe learn friendship along the way?! _Well if you've ever seen a piece of fiction before, you probably know the answer.
 Now, I know I just got done taking a ton of jabs at the shows premise for having so many similarities to so many other popular piece of media. But all jokes aside, I don't think that any of that is actually a problem. As they say, there are no original ideas. So taking some inspiration from other works isn't really an issue as long as you have your own unique execution and spin to it, which RWBY thankfully does. RWBY has this unique style and flair to it that's all it's own. And it really does help it stand out as it's own thing. Also, since it borrows from so many different genres and franchise, the series ends up being this really bizarre melting pot of concepts that I haven't really seen done in tandem before. There's elements of action, drama, fantasy, magical girl, superpowers, coming of age stories, giant robots on at least one occasion...and THAT'S pretty original.
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 It's like the people at Rooster Teeth decided they wanted to make an anime, but couldn't decide on what kind of anime they wanted to make. So they just said, "Screw it!" and decided to do them all, And while that might sound like a criticism, it really isn't. I love how over the top and crazy this show can get. It's kinda part of the charm.
Now let's talk about the characters. I've seen a lot of people (mostly hard core anime fans) argue that the characters in this series are cliche and uninspired. And in my opinion at least, there both kinda right and kinda wrong. It's true that a lot of the cast do fall into the somewhat standard "anime" tropes. Ruby is the typical wide eyed genki girl who's greatest skill is her kindness and optimism. Weiss is the stuck up snob tsundere from an upper class family who has to learn the power of friendship. Blake is the quite bookish girl with a dark and mysterious past who learns to open up. and Yang is the hot blooded action girl slash cool older sister archetype. Basically, there's a waifu for every flavor.
 But like the series itself, the series makes up for some of these more cliche elements by adding more elements to the characters as the series goes on. These developments start fairly basic with things like "Oh, Ruby has to learn responsibility and leadership" or _"Oh, Weiss has to learn to stop being a fu*king BITCH for like the fifteenth time this week." _But as the series goes on we get much more complex and serious themes. From Ruby's history with her dead mom, Yang's struggles with PTSD, Weiss' broken family, or Blake' history of racial predigests. These are all themes that are tackled, and they are tackled well...for the most part. For a show that starts out pretty light it ends up in some dark places. But despite this it never deviates so much that it loses it's root, and becomes unrecognizable from where the series started. The series ages with the audience and the characters.
 In addition to Team RWBY we also have Team JNRP (Juniper). They're kinda like the "B-Team" of the series. However, they become more important as the series goes on, and are basically main characters in their own right too. They're's Pyrrha, a prodigy huntress, gifted with natural talent. She's smart, kind, popular, and a skillful leader, and is literally selected as the objective best student by the school's headmaster in volume three. But she's not a Mary-Sue or anything...she has problems! Like how people are intimidated by her because she's so perfect and...she's not a Mary-Sue I swear! We also have Jaune, the leader of the team. He's a pathetic loser who has no skill, no semblance, and literally had to lie his way into the school. So of course he's the one who Pyrrha has the hots for. Because wish fulfillment. There's Ren, a stoic but sensitive ninja warrior who, judging from his hair and season four redesign, really seems to like the color pink despite being...y'know, a ninja. And Nora, a hyperactive genki girl who's job is to hyperactive and generally genki when Ruby's not around. Also, there all named after cross-dressers for literally no reason.
 Like Team RWBY, while they all start kinda cliche they become more and more interesting as the series develops and we get more into there development. From Jaune's arc (Heh, get it?) of becoming a competent warrior to protect the people he cares for. To Ren and Nora connected tragic upbringing. To Pyrrah...being too perfect. Y'know, all good character arcs that really helps develop the cast.
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 I don't know why I keep making fun of Pyrrha. I really do like her as a character, and her arc with Jaune is very captivating...She is a Mary-Sue though. 
 These arcs end up being just as interesting as the arcs the members of Team RWBY go through, an help make these "side characters" all the more interesting and human. Even if there not the stars of the show, I ended up finding this team just as interesting as our main protagonist, if not more so on certain occasions.
 And sure, the characters may rely a bit on common tropes, but it's all about the execution of these tropes that determine the quality. I'm not going to act like their the most complex characters ever made or anything, and a lot of the darker themes I talked about before have been explored better in other series. But that doesn't mean the cast is bad, by any sense. I was still invested in there stories, and felt suspense for them when I was suppose to. There's a real comradely with the teammates, and they good chemistry with each other. They feel like real friends, and that's what matters the most.
 Let's talk about the animation. I've seen a lot of people either really love or really hate the animation of the series, and I noticed that the difference seems to often be based on what standard it is being judged by. People who judge RWBY as a web series seem to be really impressed with the visuals and action scenes. While people who judge it as an "anime" seem to think that the show looks cheap and uninspired. And while I can understand the later viewpoint I do tend to find agreeing more with the viewpoint of the former. RWBY isn't an anime...
 _-**YES IT IS! SHUT UP! **_
 ...And while Rooster Teeth is a big company, but it's still not as large as other major anime productions. They obviously were on a budget, especially early on. And they were taking on a project on a scale much larger than anything they had done before. It's an all CG motion capture web series, featuring entirely new and original assets that had to build from the ground up from scratch. So yeah, or course it's not going to look as good as other animes. But I don't think that should be held against it to much, given the circumstances. Plus honestly, it's still probably one of, it not the, best looking web series I've ever seen. It's definitely one of the most ambitious.
 That being said though, I'm not going to be one hundred percent nice here. Looking back at early episodes, yeah, they look kinda rough. They still look good, especially by the standard of web series. But you can definitely see the budget show in some parts. It's clear they were biting off a bit more than they could chew in some respects. That being said though it is remarkable to see how much the shows animation has improved overtime. By the time we get to volume four, where a new animation engine was introduced, the show goes from "looking good by web animation standards." to "looking genuinely good by animation standards in general." I honestly really like the shows visuals a lot.
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 And don't forget the action scenes! This is the part of the show that you can tell the most amount of effort was put into, and the part that the shows original creator, Monty Oum, was the most personally involved in. From the animation to the choreography, the action scenes are what gives the series it's sense of style. The action scenes are over the top, flashy, stylish, and such an array of pure insanity, and it's hard not to be blown away by them. And in a time where so many western cartoons are so comedy oriented, it's really a breath of fresh air to see an american action show with fight scenes as hype as the ones this show presents.
 The voice acting is also pretty good. Starting out with a cast mostly reusing actions known from Rooster Teeth's other works. I admit that there were some growing pains early on with the cast, but they really did grow into there roles pretty fast. And as they series goes on they get a lot more "high profile" actors. From the likes of Vic Mignogna, Aaron Dismuke, Chris Sabat, Yuri Lowenthal, and Cherami Leigh among others. All the actors do really good jobs preforming there characters, for the most part. If I had to nitpick any performances though, and these are nitpicks mind you, would be the performances of Ruby and Pyrrah. Maybe it's just me, but I never felt like either characters sounded like the ages they were suppose to be. Regardless, these are nitpicks, There more of just an observation rather than a "fault" in the series.
 So the show has good animation, good characters, amazing action scenes, and a pretty all star voice cast. Sounds like the show is pretty awesome show, right? Sure they've been some nitpicks and complaints here and there, but it's mostly been over all pretty minor stuff. Nothing that would impact the show that much.
 So, Let's talk about the shows writing.
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 So remember when I said that this show was convoluted? This is a serious problem. Things in this show are often not explained very well. For example, in most stories where a character has a special powers, there powers would be shown off or explained right when the characters are introduced. We'd learn how they work, and what there limits are. There are several characters in RWBY who's semblances I still don't fully understand. Like Ruby's super speed. Does Ruby turns into roses peddles when she uses her super speed or is that just an artistic license thing? And there are some characters who we don't even figure out what there semblances do until WAY late into the series. Ren for example, who's introduced in volume one, semblance isn't shown until volume four! And it's not like he only unlocks his powers in volume four or something, he's always had them. It's just never mentioned or came up before, and you'd think it would be. Things like "How are characters powers work." are things that should be established early on!
 The show is also REALLY bad at set up. (Don't @ me!) They'll have these moments where a "big twist" is suppose to happen that's suppose to catch the audience off guard. And they do, but only the twist are set up in such minute ways, there's no way the audience can realistically be expected to see it coming. I know the idea is to help make these twist surprising, but they don't give the audience enough hints to piece things together. They'll be a minor, one off line in one episode, that'll be a major plot point volumes down the road, with nothing to imply that said line was significant. And since these twist aren't set up very well, a lot of these twist just end up feeling like, "um, okay. This is a thing now." I know it's probably all planned out from the beginning, but it's not properly set up. It sometimes feels like the people behind the show are just like "Hey, you know what would be cool?" and just throw things at the wall until they stick. This can work sometimes but other times it just feels random. The shows acts like "They got us." when really it's a problem with their own writing.
 The show also has a major problem with focus. I listed Team RWBY and Team JNPR as the main characters. That's EIGHT different characters to divide focus between, which is already a lot when you only have twelve to fourteen episodes per volume to work with. And while those eight character are the closest thing the show has to "definitive main characters" there are so many other side characters who  that I didn't mention in order to keep this review spoiler free/not ten thousand words long. addition to Team RWBY and JNPR, there's also _(Slight Spoiler Warning) _Team SUNN, Ozpin's circle, Cinder's group, Salem's group, the White Fang, Raven's tribe, the various teachers at the school, the characters extended families, That useless rabbit girl that the fandom likes for some reason. etcetera. (Spoilers Over) There's just too many characters to keep track of! And while there's nothing wrong with having a large cast, (personally I tend to gravitate more to shows that do.) it can defiantly be hard to juggle all that screen time. Sure these side characters are often interesting, but they end up distracting focus and taking time away from the main cast, and side characters shouldn't do that.
 Often, characters will only have a few moments per volume to really shine, due to just how much screen time they have to share. And sometimes it can make big character moments feel a bit undeserved, as there just isn't enough build up to make the moments feel as powerful as they should. And this is a problem that has gotten more and more prevalent overtime as the series has become more ensemble. But I'm hopeful that, given the series extending it's length from twelve episodes per volume to fourteen, as well as the episodes getting genuinely longer, this problem may be able to be fixed in the future. Maybe. Please...
 So to sum up, is RWBY a perfect series? No. It is a very flawed show. VERY FLAWED. Particularly in the writing and the story department. However, I do not think that the show is as bad as a lot of the more vocal hatedom seems to think it is. Just because a series is flawed, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the elements that do work. Even when the flaws are extremely glaring. And that's how I feel about this show. Sure it has problems, but in my opinion the positives out-way the negatives. The action is still done very well, the characters are all pretty fun to be around. The world, while a bit overly complicated at times is interesting. And more importantly, the series never feels like it's being lazy. You can feel the passion that went into the series, and the show can be a lot of fun. There are just some parts where you might need to turn your brain off for a bit. There are plenty of worse series out there that don't try as hard and provide a lot less. But overall, the element I think I enjoy the most about RWBY is what the show represents.
 What RWBY shows is that it is possible for a web animated series to hit the main stream. You can get RWBY T-shirts and merch easily, not just online, but in actual retail stores without much effort. The series can be watched on Netflix and Cruchyroll._ _There are not one, but TWO tie in manga's. There's a spin-off comedy series that's on it's third season. It's one of the four franchises represented in _Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle! _And most importantly it is partially responsible for transforming Rooster Teeth from a fairly successful internet company known for video game parodies, to a studio that is seen in the same light as the likes of more main stream television outlets! Never in my life had I seen a web animated series see this level of success. And sure, you could say that all that just means that the show is just good at selling out or whatever, but I like to have a more positive perspective. I think the show deserves to be respected for it's accomplished.
 And to me, that's inspiring. It's like the weeb equivalent to the American dream! And that's why I have a RWBY poster hung over my work desk. As a reminder that there is no limitations to how far an online content can go. With just some hard work, determination, a studio of about three hundred employees, a stellar marketing team, a close connection to the anime dubbing industry, and a ton of money, you too can make your dreams a reality. And that's motivational...I think...maybe. And if they can make it, maybe I can make my own weeaboo dreams a reality...
**_  So that's my review of RWBY. What do you think of the series, and would you like me to do another review of the series in the future? Maybe on volume six or something, kinda like what I do with my Dragon Ball Super reviews? Tell me all this in the comments down bellow. I'd love to start a conversation, even if you disagree with my points I made here. Please fav, follow, and comment if you liked the review and have a great day.
(I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/RWBY-REVW-775726477 DA Link
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welcometomy20s · 7 years
May 1, 2017
Last Week
First Year watched
Thomas ‘TomSka’ Ridgewell is a provocateur to most people. His anger and passion got him to the top and also to his bottom, so him stooping down to daily vlogs feel like a step back. Strange defeat of normality.
But Tom is not strange, but he’s not entirely normal. He’s a man who has a business and can’t help but think but see the doom in his eyes, as he carries his sins and wrongs around him. Quite depressing... that’s the point.
Last time I follow TomSka was when anyone followed TomSka, it was around 2012... if you need a deep look, then look no further than Bing’s PBFB series. TomSka is in a very, very different position from then. He was never in the top of the world, and he always was... you see the enigma here? He was the ultimate insider, but also the ultimate outsider. He’s the vagabond, the impresario, who gets along with everybody and nobody. 
So, how does the series work? Like scripted series and in life, there is a point of stasis in Tom’s life, and that’s the office and his buddies Eddie and Elliott. Elliott was an interesting person before and now as the lackey in Tom’s world, he’s more grounded and personal, kind of like Michael Aranda before and after settling in Missoula. Eddie, I knew but much less, but he brings a unique charm in the mix... it’s hard to write hoe Eddie works, but it works, nevertheless.
It’s strange... when you follow someone who is making a company like Casey Neistat’s first year or Phillip DeFranco or even Michael Aranda, that point of stasis grows as the character grows. In the beginning, Beme had few members; at the end of the first year, it had about 30 or so. But Tom’s office never gets bigger. It’s still this low-brow operation of three people, and it’s very strange to not have that expansion, that change in view.
It really is weird to see the life of a person whose glory days are behind somehow, and yet, obviously he wants to continue, Tom’s not even thirty and he’s trying to make every offer count, like he’s a scrappy, but then he gets invited to all these events and all these people knew Tom, but it’s not like they know Tom... they knew him, like an old memory lingering and lumbering.
Yeah, this has the trappings of Casey Neistat style vlog, but it’s just the complete opposite. It’s the dark parody of Casey Neistat, a deconstruction. Like Casey, Tom is trying to build up his brand after finishing Eddsworld, and that leads to building of the tropes that’s present in these vlogs. Like Casey, Tom has prior fame in the internet, but unlike how’s Casey’s prior projects soars him, Tom’s past actively brings him down. It’s so strange.
Casey has his enthusiasm and he wants to do all the things and same thing is true for Tom, but it’s almost like Tom thinks he doesn’t deserve to do the things... Casey’s struggle is something to be obliterated, Tom’s struggle is something to be recognized and remembered.
Tom also has a girlfriend, Charlie, and you might think I should compare her to Candace, with her quirky nature and artistic occupation, but Charlie really reminds me of Chyna. When a normal person becomes romantically involved with a vlogger, it’s generally seen as hard to maintain that relationship. So when such an arrangement occurs, I almost get scared of the prospect because you know how they will be so cute and loving together, but there’s a strong chance that relationship would break apart, meaning those videos you are seeing right now will turn more painful than nostalgic. 
But somehow Chyna broke that trend, and I always wonder what’s their success of building a good relationship under the views of the mass was, and I haven’t been close to figuring it out, mostly because I’m inexperienced. But whatever that is, I garner few clues... and that applies to Charlie as well.
Both Charlie and Chyna is a short-haired tattooed lady with an artistic bent and also some familiarity with YouTube and web culture. There’s also an hidden manic nature to them, which can be surprising. I mean, they usually play the straight woman to the vlogger’s child-like nature, least that’s how they are introduced, but in a close examination, they are shown to be childish as the vlogger themselves, which is a delightful reveal almost, but then the vloggers can be the serious ones, and both Craig and Tom is known for making great ‘serious’ content without losing the romp their videos usually contain. 
In the end, they could provide a foil to the already complex and loud characters of the vloggers, and therefore create a relaxing atmosphere. 
It’s also important to note how the editing is done by Elliott, so there’s a distinct break in the personal nature of the vlogs. Increasingly, I think editing is where the story actually comes from and considering there’s no writing involved in vlogs, usually, editing is KEY. Most people edit the vlog like a log, kind of dull chronicle of what interesting thing happened. Casey broke away in the opposite direction, trying to conjure a narrative within the footage he captured from his life, kind of sensationalizing them, hence the the clickbait-y titles... but having that editing delegate to someone else, and the fact that the person is a secondary character himself, create a distinct middle path, where chronicle is cleaned up to provide a narrative, but not one that’s compelling... or designed to be seen as a narrative... it’s very weird and, again, strange.
Then there’s the weekly aspect. Weekly vlog was always there, but daily vlogs provides an sense of constant update, living life with the person vlogging, while the monthly vlog provides a concise summary of what the life of the vlogger was about, since a month is enough to go through a cycle of emotions. A week, however, is squarely in the middle. It’s quick enough to feel like an update, but it’s long enough to feel like there’s an complete narrative. A busy shoot would last a week, most long trips would last a week, there’s a sense of summary. A conclusion. And that adds to the weird nature as well.
Most people won’t feel weird about this. It’s a vlog, like any other vlog, and Tom is funny and interesting and people around him are compelling people, but the nature of the person and the people around him with the factor of the production and schedule creates something different than your typical vlog.
It was fun to look at Tom’s year. Actually narrative is also strange. Casey’s vlog is certainly going up in its first year. He started a company and the company is expanding, but there’s a sense of uncertainly to how the company will develop in the future. Casey has a baby and there’s his son and he tries to juggle his work, his family, and the vlog and perhaps there’s a sense of achievement in the end. Vlog becomes fuller and more complete. There’s famous people and so on, but Tom’s story doesn’t quite go like this. Tom starts the same way, he’s making sketches, he’s going to events, he’s going on a diet, but then around the later half, it all gets muddied and then we have a month of so in depression mode, where nothing seems to happen, then we start up again in the final months of the first year. It’s very strange. But it’s not like that kind of narrative never was written before, it’s just interesting to realize it in this form.
So, going back to the conclusion, Last Week is definitely worth watching and Tom is someone to look out... and not in a bad way. 
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scrawnydutchman · 8 years
4 Female Animators You Should Check Out.
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Happy Women’s HIstory Month everyone! It’s a time to celebrate the members of the finer sex whom we don’t celebrate often enough. There are so many influential women in every field who do what they can to propel our society forward in the sciences, in the trades and, of course, in the arts. Being such an occasion, I thought it would be fun to bring attention to some of my favorite woman animators from online! I love the work of these women for their slickness, amazing color, satisfying movement and overall just good vibes coming from their animation. I’ll of course leave links to their social media and websites for every entry so you can go out and find them and give them the love they deserve, as well as links to my favorite work of theirs respectively. Without further ado, here are my 4 favorite woman animators from online!
1. Joanna Davidovich
Joanna’s animation style is oozing with charm. Bouncy, curvy, colorful, beautiful in it’s simplicity with great color and design choices, it always puts me in a good mood to watch her stuff. I’ve watched her above video, “Monkey Rag” at least 50 times at this point. It compliments the song it accompanies perfectly and gives off an uplifting Betty Boop kind of vibe. It’s adorable and sweet and is one of the most frequently played things I put on to get in the mood to animate. Her animation livestreams are pretty entertaining too IMO. It’s always interesting for me to see an animators work flow and to see what makes them tick. Joanna has a very curvy linework sort of art style that rarely has any sharp edges and it creates a great inviting effect. Plus her backgrounds are great too, they sort of remind me of a happier Samurai Jack. Other notable works of hers include, but certainly not limited to: Ads for Adventure Time,Ads for Looney Tunes, Creation Museum, pencil animation for Trix and Coco Puffs cereal commercials.
Here are her social media links: go subscribe and follow her!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMEixvInUOkzc_5c55sD4Jg
Twitter: @jothezette
Tumblr:  http://jothezette.tumblr.com/
Website :http://www.cupojo.net/
2. Vivienne “Vivsiepop” Medrano
So if you’re any fan of online animation, chances are you’re already well aware of Vivsiepop, as you very much should be. Her most popular video is her fan made music video of Ke$ha’s “Die Young”, and while I 100% agree that video is SPECTACULAR and a GREAT example of Vivienne’s talent, I’m personally more keen on her SVA thesis film “Timber”. It’s a bit simpler then the previously mentioned music video in it’s movement and character design but is still a great demonstration of Vivienne’s profound knack for color choice and WONDERFUL character design with dynamic and wildly expressive characters that sort of make me think of a mixture of Tim Burton, Dr. Seuss and Steven Universe all at once (anyone else see it? No? Just me? Okay.). Not to mention this short is also a great demonstration of Vivienne’s skill at visual storytelling with nice contrasting colors between protagonists and antagonists and a great gag I won’t give away. Other great works of hers include: Her fan made music video for Owl City’s “Silhouette”, The short “The Son of 666″, and her music video of “Most Wonderful Time (Of The Year)” in case you’re in a christmasy mood. Plus she has TONS of speed draw videos you can watch on her youtube channel and an online webcomic series called “Zoophobia” (Not to be confused with Zootopia) 
Here are links to her stuff! Go Subscribe and Follow her!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpindleHorse
Twitter: @VivsiePop
Zoophobia webcomic: http://zoophobiacomic.com/
3. Imogen Scoppie, a.k.a “Iscoppie”
Anybody who’s a regular follower of the activities of Game Grumps will likely recognize this animator instantly. Known for her MANY phenomenal Game Grumps Animateds both in the Jon era AND Danny era, Iscoppie has delighted her viewers time and time again with her slick movement, bright and happy colors, lovely pastel-like textures and color blended linework. You’ll never see a black outlined character in her work, which really makes the contrast all the more distinct. My personal favorite work of hers is the Alien parody you see above, creating a hilarious contrast between the dark intimidating tone of the franchise and Iscoppie’s carefree atmosphere in her repertoire. Not to mention the cutaways and line delivery in this short is awesome. Her other notable works include: UNDERTALE ANNIVERSARY, Game Grumps Animated: Appropriate Story, and Game Grumps Animated: TOKE-Mon. Side note: she also has incredibly charming cooking vlogs and whatnot on her youtube channel.
Check out her stuff!:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/awesomedinosaur
Twitter: @iscoppie
4. Sandra D. Rivas
We wrap up our list with an animator you may have seen the works of ALL over the internet. She’s known for her work on many of the Starbomb music videos like The Hero of Rhyme and The Simple Plot of Metal Gear Solid, on which she worked with the rest of Studio Yotta, And she also worked on other widely popular internet series like Eddsworld and the pilot for the series Obitruary. I love Sandra’s style for it’s simple yet defined expression, easy to remember character design, and once again use of color (have I said that enough times yet?). You can definitely see her influence all across the board.
Check her stuff out, yo!
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/sandradrivas
Twitter: @SandraDrivas 
Tumblr: @sandrarivasart
Newgrounds: http://sandradrivas.newgrounds.com/
So that concludes my 4 favorite female animators from the web! They all have phenomenal work that always deserves more attention, and on a month in which we celebrate the feats and accomplishments of women what better time then now? Please subscribe to these ladies, follow them and give them some love! Consider donating to their Patreons as well!
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colorinmyribbon · 7 years
🎶sola, doña solitaria, no tengo a nadie con quien hablar🎶
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isaackitty · 2 years
Okay now I’m really curious about this one like since this Au like doesn’t have any humans what would happen if they saw a human for the first time :,D
Also creator I’m very sorry If I  keep bothering you with these questions :,(
Like that lmao
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itwasatuesday-blog1 · 7 years
February Fifth, 2018
Dear S
Today I watched Tomska's Last Week vlog, and he talked about Eddsworld. It just made me think about all the fics I wrote and showed you, and all the OCs you made for Eddsworld. By the way, I always thought your OCs were really unoriginal. Come on, one of them is a recolored Tord with a missing eye and pink hoodie! Also, what's up with all your 'art'? You printed out art you liked, then used your markers and made it your binder cover. I only saw six original, non-traced pieces from you in the two years I knew you, and two of them were copied from other art. Maybe the reason I'm a better artist than you is because I practice. Lastly for today, I saw your new binder cover, and I'm honestly kinda creeped out. I know you like Bendy and the Ink Machine, but why did you color a Bendy with human proportions and muscles? It's really strange.
From your former Tom
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ilgincseyler15 · 7 years
Merhaba arkadaşlar ben nygma, yaşam sandığınız aksine hızla akıp gidiyor ve ölüm bir gerçek. Tıpkı birazdan göstereceğim daha dün yaşamakta olan fakat artık sadece hatıraları kalan youtuberlar gibi. EDD GOULD Kendi dünyası yani edd's world un yaratıcısı olan Edd gould Youtube için Komik Flash animasyonlar yapmaktaydı. Eğlenceli işler yaptığı bu videolarına yardım eden 2 de arkadaşı vardı.thomas ve matthew. 18 yaşında daha youtube yeniyken yayınladıkları videolarla 50.000 aboneyi geçtiler. Aynı yıl Edd goulda akut lösemi teşhisi kondu. Hastalığı iyi gitti ve 3 yıl içerisinde tamamen atlattı. Fakat 2012 yılında tekrar ortaya çıktı. Edd, kemoterapi seansları sırasında bile çalışmaya devam etti ve daha fazla Eddsworlds animasyonu tamamlandı ve yayınlandı. Fakat kanser ilerledi ve 25 Mart 2012 Pazar günü, Edd henüz 23 yaşındayken hastalığına yenildi. Arkadaşları Thomas ve Matthew edd gould'un ölümünden 2 gün sonra özel bir video ile öldüğünü ilan ettiler. 2016 yılında Eddsworld - The End isimli video ile faaliyetleri son buldu. Caleb Logan Leblanc Henüz 13 yaşında olan caleb youtube da eğlenceli vlog videoları yapmaktaydı. Genellikle ailesiyle çektiği eğlenceli videolardı bunlar. Videoları birden kesildi ve takipçileri merak içindeydi ne olduğu hakkında. Caleb Logan Leblanc hipertrofi olarak adlandırılan kalp yetmezliği sonucu ölmüştü. Genellikle zor tespit edilen bu hastalık kalbin daha az kan pompalaması sonucu oluşur ve ani heyecanlanmalar yada korkular kötü sonuçlar doğurabilir. Tıpkı Logan'a olduğu gibi. Esther Grace Earl 1994 doğumlu Esther'e henüz 12 yaşındayken troid kanseri teşhisi konuldu ve ciğerinde geniş kapsamlı tümörler oluşmuştu. Esther inanılmaz işler yapan muhteşem bir kızdı. Bu hastalıkla savaştı ve savaşanlara güç vermek için nerdfighter adı altında bir topluluk kurdu , bağışlar topladı. Fakat ciğerlerinde ilerleyen hastalık nedeniyle 2010 yılında öldü. Ölümünden sonra Star Will Not Go Vakfı, ailesi tarafından onuruna, kanserle mücadele eden diğer gençlere maddi yardımda bulunmak için kuruldu.2012 yılında aynı yıldızın altında isimli kitap Estherin hayatından esinlenerek oluşturuldu. Her yıl Esther'in doğum günü olan 3 Ağustos'ta dünyadaki insanlar Esther gününe katılırlar. Esther günü, Esther'in hayatının bir kutlaması ve Esther'in isteği gibi, sevgi ve aile. Jam Sebastian Jjam 1986 yılında filipinlerde doğdu. YouTube'da Jam ve Michelle'nin birleşimi olan Jamich kanalını kurdu. Bu kanal ile ünlendiler. Videolarında farklı aşk hikayeleri anlatıyorlardı ve kendilerine ait anılardan bahsediyorlardı. tutkulu bir izleyici buldular daha sonralarda. Jam Sebastiana 2014 yılında akciğer kanseri teşhisi konuldu. jam günden güne erimekteydi. Ailesi ve nişanlısı sürekli onun yanındaydılar. Henüz 28 yaşında olan jamich in ölümünü annesi şu şekilde duyurdu' savaş bitti, savaşı kaybettik oğlum Jam Sebastian 4 mart sabahı 10:30 da öldü. nişanlısı 10:20 de facebooktan Jam'i yaşam desteğinden çekeceklerini duyurdu ve sevgilisini sonsuzluğa uğurladı. Natron Onur ismiyle bildiğimiz bu youtuber bir süredir gündemde. Bunun sebebi kanalındaki videoların bir anda kesilmesi ve hiçbir açıklamama yapılmaması. Hakkında öldü haberleri bile çıkan bu youtuber, kanalında yayınlanan yeni bir video ile ölmediğini açıklamıştır ve bu listeler arasında yer almamıştır. Umarım hiçbir zaman da yer almaz. Sizi en etkileyen kişi kimdi yorumlarda yazabilirsiniz. Kanalıma abone olmayı ve videoyu beğenmeyi unutmayın. Diğer videolarım şimdi ekranda olacak. Görüşmek üzere SUBSCRİBE DİĞER VİDEOLARIMI İZLEMEYİ UNUTMAYIN ►POPPY İFŞA VE MANYAK ARKADAŞI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqxBZvxxenY&t=135s ►KAMERAYA YAKALANAN MELEKLER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MHplXdKnwM&t=3s ►LUNAPARKTAKİ İNANILMAZ ANLAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM1S2SKxFSw ►EVLİLİK PROGRAMLARININ REZİLLİKLERİ VE İFŞA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZvluNfjgEs&t=25s ►NOVA PROSPEKT İFŞA VİDEOSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYs4ATXdBtw ►ESRARENGİZ ÖLÜM VE SES KAYDI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkA1xfHM_b4 ►SORU-CEVAP VİDEOSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNPTMkcWHOk ►PSİKOLOJİMİ BOZAN KOMİK VİDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlsYtvtl1oo&t=7s OYNATMA LİSTEMDEKİ TÜM VİDEOLAR ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZy-oRYb_LGwW9MwqPz47Rg/playlists SOSYAL MEDYA HESAPLARIM ►https://www.instagram.com/nygmayoutube ►https://twitter.com/nygmayoutube ►https://www.facebook.com/Nygmayoutube ►Kanalıma ABONE olmak için : https://goo.gl/xfPwjv ►Kanalımdaki diğer videolar için :https://goo.gl/e4Xgq6 ilginç bilgiler ilginç olaylar ifşa videoları türk ifşa paranormal olaylar paranormal görüntüler sıradışı olaylar tüm gerçekler bilinmeyenler gerçek yüzü kanıtlar ve yalanlar
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