#eden shiva
haunted-xander · 9 months
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Girls when they are irreperably shaped by their circumstances
+ the sketch bc I liked it :3
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reksigh · 2 years
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reveriecorridor · 4 months
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azraneir · 9 months
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"Eyes wet with tears, Her song in my ears"
A quick Ryne and Ysayle from earlier today! Return to Oblivion has been haunting my brain
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golbiey · 2 years
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ryne and ysayle print from february 2020
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estinininininen · 4 months
shitpost warning. i wonder if there hasn't been a lot of ffxiv dragon-human romance since shiva and hraesvelgr because hraesvelgr managed to convince everyone the ultimate expression of dragon-human love is ~sacred vore.~ there were good times had by many pairs before but life is life, mortals gonna die, everyone knows this, the dragons kept things technically casual by dragon standards in that they don't take a lifelong mate but who's to say they feel less love? now whenever a human starts flirting with a dragon the dragon has to quietly think "are they into me for me or is this a little pervert that heard about grandpa's fetish?" (ysayle sneezing in the aetherial sea) and the human has to ask "is that really the relationship endgame for a dragon and human? it's not - it wasn't a metaphor?" and the dragon has to mumble something but it's awkward because word will get back to hraesvelgr if they say "actually eating you seems completely unecessary, i have a perfect memory and will remember you long after you're gone" and hraes will be pissy about it undermining his and shiva's consensual but weird, um, lifestyle (deathstyle?) choice, and it also sounds like they're trying to avoid commitment when it's really they're just not into eating people, yikes
way to ruin it for everyone, vore fetish broodfather
*hits post and crawls back under a rock*
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sefirots · 2 months
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uxieu · 10 months
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Return to Oblivion
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sonzies · 5 months
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bits from my newest video, go check it out here!!!!
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autumnslance · 1 year
You ever think that technically Shiva and by proxy Ysayle blessed Ryne/Gaia with a small present of a shard of eternal ice? Which was turned into a pendant that helped Gaia remember. When you remember that it was implied that Ysayle was manipulated onto her doomed path by Ascians this feels like more than coincidence? Shiva or Ysayle helping to save Gaia from a Ascian…
I tend to think that because Eden Shiva, like the others, is spun from WoL's memories, that perhaps that thought, consciously or subconsciously, of Ysayle's manipulation by the Ascians, of her life and story being cut short when she had just learned the truth and her friends having nothing left of her when she was lost, might have had an influence WoL didn't even realize, manifesting in ways that ended up saving Gaia. Hedging our own bets without realizing it, just doing something, anything, to prevent repeated tragedy and have something to recall this time.
Ysayle's story and how she affected WoL being the catalyst, so less direct but still extremely important in the end, even before we were aware of what was actually happening with Eden.
Also makes for an interesting link, from the story of original Shiva, to primal Shiva and Ysayle, and having to summon those aspects based on very painful memories around the Dragonsong War and being the culmination of our elemental summonings, why the lyrics and singing of "Return to Oblivion" are so desperate; we didn't get it in the actual dialogue like so many wanted, but there's a lot of Refulgence rooted in WoL's grief and fear of history repeating again with a new Shiva.
Which is why I ended up writing an entire story on why summoning the aspect of ice was so hard for my WoL.
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cosmicseashanty · 10 months
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Turn the light on And let her in, won't you,
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jlinebeck · 7 months
FFXIV Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) E8S Synced MiNE Clear: Sage (SGE) PoV (Game Audio Only)
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halybs · 2 years
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a memory of a raid
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pen-the-second · 8 months
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dragoon-mid-jump · 9 months
FFXIVWrite 2023 Prompt #26: Last
last (adj.): coming after all others in time or order; final; the lowest in importance or rank. last (v.): manage to continue in a job or course of action; survive or endure
Rating: T
Word Count: 851
"Come to me...Ifrit!"
Alisaie watched as wicked red-orange flames erupted out of Kouh'to's grimoire and engulfed him, putting her hand up to shield from the blast of heat. Black horns grew atop his head resembling the Primal's, and his hair changed color to match, spiking up and back, with flaming streaks coursing though them both. His clothes changed to resemble dark red and black armor; charred black spikes sprouted from his arms and legs, glowing like coals. From his grimoire, he pulled out a flaming sword resembling a gunblade, with a flourish, and the book itself vanished into the aether that comprised it. When she saw his eyes again, they, too, glowed that same fiery orange. He readied the blade.
With a battle cry, she charged, and wordlessly, he responded in kind, parrying her first strike with his own. The heat radiating off of him was already intense watching him from several yalms away. Being up close clashing blades magnified that, but she endured both it and his attacks.
Kouh'to made the flames on his blade burn brighter, driving Alisaie to break their blade lock with a few quick swings and backflip away. She summoned six aetheric blades and, with a swing of her sword, fired them at Kouh'to. They flew at him from multiple directions, making him block what he could with a shield of fire, while others struck him in open places.
Focus floating in her other hand, Alisaie swung her sword and white light swirled around her. Her blade began to shine with a ruby aura, and she charged at him again as he lunged after her. Each of her shimmering swings clashed with his vicious explosive strikes, blow for blow, sending red sparks of aether and cinders into the air. Dodging his next attack, she put her focus on top of her hilt and channeled her aether into a spell. A pearl of light appeared above Kouh'to and immediately descended down, enveloping him in a searing, blinding white light.
When the light and dust cleared, she called out to him. "You called yourself 'the least of your siblings' when it came to swordplay, but you're doing just fine keeping up with me!" Kouh'to slowly shook his head as he turned to completely face her.
"You're still standing after this long." He said plainly, pointing at her feet with his own blade. "Had I been my sister, you'd barely be able to get up off the ground after being swept around by now. Think about it."
It was true. Sparring with Y'dehlya always quickly left her winded, especially when she could convince the older woman to go as all-out as she could. The measure and method built resilience; it was how the Rhiktas themselves were trained later in life. But she was always left barely standing, if not flat on her back, and battered, with a blade pointed at her head, sometimes her throat for added effect, and its owner showing no signs of breaking a sweat; "coldly" demanding she stand once more to fight and patiently waiting like a hunter awaiting prey's movements. And Alisaie always did until she could no more, but even then. If it was anything, Y'dehlya found her tenacity admirable.
That was the strength of a warrior the world too often had to rely on for saving; the strength that earned targets on her back from their enemies. That was the strength she so wished to match, just so she could be there by her side, able to fight alongside her without getting swept away or overwhelmed, and to defend her when needed. Not to discredit the younger of the famous/infamous duo and just-as-dear friend, but U'reksh, they had all learned, was the more approachable in terms of his power and felt the same as they did in regards to Y'dehlya. Alisaie grit her teeth and clenched her fists, gripping her sword tighter.
"I...know how you feel." Kouh'to admitted, dispelling his Ifrit Trance. He crossed his arms and looked away. "I'm not...good...at these talks."
"No, I get siblings." She said before he could continue, giving him a small wry smile. "You know how I can be," she frowned and shook her head, "but I can only imagine what must go through your head whenever something massive happens to Dehlya. If Alphinaud were in her place, I wager I wouldn't be much different from you."
"Yeah, I'll bet."
"But, enough of our wallowing. If we're to match them--match her--then we must get stronger!" She raised her sword at him.
He smirked. "Let me up the ante, then."
"What do you have in mind?" A thought dawned on her, and she widened her eyes, concerned. "You're not thinking of channeling Shiva, are you? Then this wouldn't be fair; you can't hold on for very long without losing your control!"
"No, I can train with Shiva another time. Just watch."
Alisaie readied her rapier once more and Kouh'to flipped open his grimoire. It first glowed red-orange, but then a light green aura began to emit from half the book.
"Now come...O Heritor of Fury!"
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liketheinferno2 · 2 years
I was listening to FFXIV music in my HEAD by which I mean I was just thinking about it and almost started irl crying lol
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