#My WoL Adjacents
dragoon-mid-jump · 15 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 Day 4: Reticent
reticent (adj.): not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
Rating: G
Word Count: 189
As Tataru showed the newest Scions around the Rising Stones and introduced them to everyone, Krile could not help but detect a prickling sensation in the back of her mind, and the eyes boring into her back certainly weren't helping. She turned to address the Miqo'te boy behind her.
"Kouh'to, was it?"
His eyes were narrowed as if scrutinizing every little detail about everything he looked at. "What?"
"No need to be a stranger. We're all working towards the same goal."
"Hmph." He looked ahead and Krile turned around. In front of them, as Tataru continued to chatter while she lead them, Alisaie was looking at them with an eyebrow raised, eyeing primarily Kouh'to, then turned back forward. Krile looked between them and sighed.
That heavy reticence is masking a deep concern for his older sister, Y'dehlya and her involvement with us. Despite agreeing to join after Alphinaud's little speech, he still doesn't trust the Scions, and very likely only joined to keep an eye on both her and us. I should talk to him later in private; hopefully I can help put him at ease before something happens...
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ofdragonsdeep · 14 days
5: Stamp
To provide with a distinctive character
Riennaut takes up the lance.
(mentions of general Gridanian racism)
Moving through Gridania was, in a word, exhausting.
Not that Riennaut was a stranger to moving through Gridania. Indeed, he had lived most of his life within the embrace of the Shroud, even if he claimed Gelmorra as his heritage before he would Gridania. He was more than used to the typical attitude.
This was different.
It had been some days since he had last heard from any of his Adventurer's Guild contacts, and longer still since they had heard from him. He had not anticipated becoming an honest-to-gods White Mage, complete with the capital letters, when he had last spoken to them, but he did not imagine they would be all that concerned so long as his healing still functioned fine enough. But Gridania at large did not approve.
He was a duskwight. Even the padjal were only tolerated as users of white magic, the idea that a duskwight might take up the staff was nonsensical. He had been accused of a great many crimes, since he had walked among the public. Theft, primarily. Blasphemy against the Elementals, which included theft. Lying, although that one wasn't new. Typical duskwight behaviour.
What was not typical was the assurances of the Padjal. Your average thief was not protected by all three Seedseers, and certainly not tolerated by the Elementals. E-Sumi-Yan had also spoken out on his behalf, though that, at least, did not surprise Riennaut.
It irked him that it was necessary at all. But it was more effort to hide the horns, and he was tired of humouring the thoughts of terrified reactionaries.
Life moved on, no matter what they thought.
His newfound position, as it turned out, was far from the least of his problems.
It had been a distressingly long time since he had last heard word from Ar'telan. He had, of course, heard the news of Titan's defeat, and had thus assumed that he was fine - it would have been at least mentioned if their hero had died in the act. But there was nothing. Not a word.
He was not concerned that he would need to stop adventuring, or whatever passed for helping Ar'telan with the many chores a variety of ungrateful heads of state threw at his feet, despite his status as a newly-minted padjal. A-Towa-Cant had been famous as the only travelling Padjal, and while he could not quite understand the whispers of the Elementals, they did not seem to be binding him to forest service like the more regular Padjali. What he did know, however, was that Ar'telan had been involved in research that had led to the healing arts of Nym. Indeed, Ar'telan had spoken to Riennaut a great deal about conjury, and even learned from E-Sumi-Yan in the hopes of deepening his arts. It was not, therefore, a poor plan for Riennaut to diversify his own portfolio.
As tempting as it was to leave the city to learn another trade, he did not much fancy the idea of being stranded somewhere like Thanalan should there be a development, either with his own powers or the situation that had led him to having them. The archer's guild did not much interest him, and that left him with but one option: the lance.
He received no fewer than ten suspicious glances on his walk from Stillglade Fen to the Lancer's Guild, and upon his arrival, a group of lancers were shouting down a harrowed-looking duskwight. It was not a good omen, but he doubted the archers would fare any better, so he strode past behind them and into the building.
He was greeted at the door by an incredibly puzzled receptionist, who was clearly unsure if he should even have been there, and was only saved from having to leave with naught for his efforts by the timely arrival of the Guildmaster.
"Ah, I've heard the stories. An adventurer, aren't you?" he greeted. "I'm Ywain, the guildmaster here."
"Charmed," Riennaut responded, and did not reach out to shake his hand. To his credit, the man seemed unperturbed by the snub. "I am an adventurer by trade, yes. You may call me Riennaut."
"An adventurer? But…" the receptionist began, but stopped when Ywain held up a hand.
"That's all the credentials he needs. Sign him up," he said. "If that is, in fact, what you're here for?"
"Yes," Riennaut replied, keeping 'against my better judgement' behind his teeth. They both heard it, though, and the receptionist looked nervous as she took his details.
An auspicious beginning, and not of the fortuitous kind, but he had weathered worse.
The first clash was, perhaps, inevitable.
It had been but a sennight at the guild when it happened. He was doing the same drills as all the others, despite the glances they shot his way, and the same trials that many of them undertook. It was on one such trial, a fairly by the books test of nerve in the central Shroud, that they first met.
Foulques was an angry man. Many duskwights were, if they spent too long near the heart of Gridania, but Foulques had turned it into an art form. Not a particularly engaging one, but there were points to be had for intensity.
"They'll sell you out," he growled. "Those horns don't make you special. They'll have done with you, and the Elementals-" He spat as he said the name "-will use you up and hang you to dry."
"A fascinating theory," Riennaut remarked. "I have some critiques." Foulques growled.
"You can critique the end of my lance," he snarled, lips turning up like a riled dog. "Keep your staff when I can see it and use a real weapon." Riennaut raised an eyebrow at the tirade, and drew his lance as requested.
"If you insist."
Foulques was dogged. He dragged recruits into helpless situations, and Riennaut dragged them out. It was clear there was something driving the man - some source to his rage beyond the background tarring brush all duskwights dealt with, something that led to him baiting Riennaut over and over again. Riennaut did not have time for childish shouting matches, and even less for endangering the lives of others, no matter how distasteful he found the other recruits.
Foulques was many things, but he was not, Riennaut thought, a murderer. Certainly his reckless behaviour could make one of him, but it would not be him that dealt the blow. He ranted about the treatment of their people, and acted just like everyone expected him to.
Wild. Uncivilised. Brutish. A danger to the good folks of Gridania.
He did not see the irony.
Trying to get the man to sit still for long enough did not produce results, however. Riennaut played by his rules only enough to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, but even outwardly respecting the rules o fhis ridiculous engagement did not give him opportunities for anything other than listening to a lecture. He had enough of those from the Padjals, and more coherant besides.
He went to Ywain. Stated his thoughts, and his case. That Foulques was a danger, and mostly to himself. That he wanted to prevent the inecitable self-destruction his path was taking him down. Ywain listened, to his credit. It was more than most of those at the guild did.
"…Foulques is angry, yes," he said, which was quite the understatement, but it made the point fine enough. "It is not… entirely without reason, however." Riennaut folded his arms and waited. There was a story, and Ywain knew it - Foulques was clearly a lancer with guild training. He was not leaving until he heard it. "Though you may not like the history."
"With respect, Guildmaster, every time I walk into this hall I have stepped past at least three people convinced I stole the crystal that gave me these horns, and one other convinced the Elementals are but days from striking me down for my heresy. There is little you could say that would surprise me."
Ywain sighed at that, his face falling. He was a tired man at the best of times, but the lines in his face seemed haggard now.
"There was a theft from the Guild," he said. Riennaut thought he did not need to hear the rest of the story. "Foulques was involved, aye, but so too were some other men. Not that I learned that until too late." He folded his arms. "They'd made an agreement to confess to the crime. Foulques was first. The others did not follow."
"I'm surprised he was fool enough to give them the chance," Riennaut remarked. Ywain shook his head.
"Before the incident, things were… not good, but they were better. In the wake of it, it feels like the recruits have only doubled down on the blame, despite my best efforts." There was a saddened look on his face at that, though Riennaut doubted it had ever been good enough to be notable. "I only found out after Foulques had been disciplined and ejected from the Guild, and the Wood Wailers considered the matter closed. If I'd known it would lead to this…"
"No man is perfect," Riennaut replied. "While I understand the… concern this must have caused him, and the hurt, it does not excuse his actions now." He shrugged. "I will attempt to talk him down, though I think him deaf to most reason. We shall see."
"I can only hope you are successful," Ywain said, and his tone did not bespeak confidence.
Their final encounter, too, seemed inevitable.
It was a foggy day in the North Shroud as Riennaut answered his challenge - his walk through the woods to the location of what Foulques doubtless intended to be a final challenge blessedly unmolested. The Elementals whispered in his mind, as they always did, and though the words were incomprehensible, there was a notable undercurrent of concern.
Foulques was angry. Seething. More rage than man, like the beasts driven to madness by the spirits. Riennaut would not have been surprised if he began frothing at the mouth.
"What makes you so special?" he demanded. "Why do you get to-"
"Get to?" Riennaut cut him off. "Do you not have eyes in your skull?" That made Foulques pause.
"They wouldn't just let-"
"I did not ask for this," Riennaut snapped. "Indeed, when I got it none where more surprised than I was. E-Sumi-Yan had to assure me three times that I would not be executed on the spot for providing the assistance he requested of me, and he has had to earn that promise since. Do you think they trust me?" He scoffed at the idea. "I am a blasphemer. A heretic. A thief and a blemish. I cannot walk two steps in the city without some slur being screamed after me, and I am chosen by the Elementals. It changes nothing, Foulques. I am not specieal."
"Then why the hell are you allowed to-"
"Because I am not stupid enough to keep friends," Riennaut said, curling his nose in distaste. "Because I have been taught the hard way that the only one I can rely on is myself. And your desperate grasping for revenge has not helped with that, by the way."
Foulques paused. Put his lance up. Scowled like the devil had crawled out of a void fissure in front of him.
"They deserve it."
"Yes, I'm sure those helpless recruits you tried to feed to raptors were personally involved in your struggles."
"They were all complicit. All of them! Even the Guildmaster teaches of courage, and he didn't even have the stones to-"
"Foulques." Riennaut held up his hand. "You have treated me with nothing less than disdain, but I will offer you this regardless. Gridania is a poor fit for you - yes, you were guilty of the crime, but not alone. There is no work for you here, and no redemption, and so you have flung yourself into this mess in some vain hope of feeling… what, fulfilment? Reparation? It matters not." He shrugged. "I may have a Padjal's horns, but I am an adventurer by trade. For reasons that may be obvious to you, I prefer to spend my time outside of Gridania. So. My terms. I will duel you, and I will win, and you will join my adventuring party."
"And what if I win, you arrogant sack of bird shite?" Foulques replied, which was incredibly rich coming from him. Another shrug.
"Then you can do whatever it is you were planning to doKill me, and add murder to your growing list of felonies? Stage a righteous assault on the lancer's guild?" He took his lance from his back. "I do not intend to lose, so I had not paid it much thought." Foulques growled.
"Then you can shove it up your elemental-blessed backside," he said. Riennaut rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure."
It was not a quick fight, and it was not pretty.
Rage made of Foulques a man far stronger than most would be. He was rash, and reckless, and threw everything he had into the fray - and he would pay for it in the aftermath, though Riennaut had no time to think of it. The fog had made the ground slippery, and it soon churned into mud under their feet. But Riennaut had not spent the month training to lose to an angry whelp of a man.
Foulques hit the floor, lance clattering from his hands. He slid through the mud, up against the face of the cliff, and spat out a tooth.
"I will remind you of my terms," Riennaut said, the tip of his lance against Foulques' throat. "Come with me, or prove them right. The choice is yours."
"Fuck your choices," Foulques said, and kicked him in the shins. Riennaut saw him stagger backwards, scrabbling in the dirt for his lance - and the cliff rise to meet him.
"No!" he exclaimed, lurching forward, but he was but a second too late.
He would not even be given a grave. Marked a remorseless criminal, vilified by the Gridanians with nothing to stand against it, another notch on the tally chart of useless, criminal duskwights.
The earth moved.
There was a sound like cracking, snapping twigs, and the trees bent to meet Foulques' fall. The edge he had fallen from collapsed beneath him, and the earth reformed to shield him from the chasm below. With a yelp, the duskwight found himself enmeshed - a leafy net to catch him, and not the cold, unfeeling ground.
"What in the hells?" he managed. There was terror on his face, a hypocritical mask of the bravado-led villain he had tried so hard to play. He knew he had made a mistake. He knew death would have, should have been the answer. But it was not.
There were whispers in Riennaut's head. Soft, insensible, gentle. The spirit of A-Towa, resting inside the crystal that hung from his staff, seemed to chuckle.
Your worry. They felt it. Sometimes they answer.
Riennaut huffed, walking fowards towards his downed opponent.
"My terms," he repeated, holding out a hand. "Though if you wish to traipse home through the mud on your own, you are welcome to refuse me a third time."
"Fuck you," Foulques spat. "I thought you didn't have friends?" Riennaut shrugged.
"I have associates," he responded, "and acquaintances. You are welcome to pick which."
Foulques hesitated just long enough to hear the branch of the tree crack beneath his weight. He threw out his hand, not in thoughtful acceptance but in desperation, and let Riennaut pull him back onto solid ground.
"I shall consider that a yes," Riennaut remarked. Foulques glowered in response. "Now, if you don't mind, I've an appointment in Coerthas. You are welcome to come along."
Surely he couldn't meet worse, after all.
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heirbane · 7 months
Love imagining that in both my WOL ship and in an Estinien ship, Gaius is, in fact, not the space heater in bed: they are.
(Gaius absolutely snores and sleeps deeper than he has in decades when he gets to share a bed with either one of them. Their pure radiating warmth reminds him of times curled aside a ceruleum heater.)
0 notes
livingshadowss · 1 year
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 months
Kou's AO3 ffxiv fic rec list
I am so insane and I literally have only been reading FFXIV fanfics for like the past four or so months so here r some of my favorites
I will split it up into three categories: reader inserts, WoL OCs, and then yk fics with only the characters.
WARNING: I read lots of unsavory shit so please heed the tags in the links as I will not be going over those in this list.
*length of fics will be rounded to nearest thousand
Reader insert's
The Rise of Emperor Solus zos Galvus by amandaterasu
(Emet Selch x reader) Length: 25k Status: Complete (one shot) Review: You don't understand I think about this fic at least once a day oh my fucking LORD. 25k words just GONE in an instant I read this in like under an hour. Actually gigging and kicking my feet this shit bro liiiiiike the way this author writes Emet Selch... ouuuuughhh. I love it when a man is just so insane for his woman that he finds her in another life and immediately starts courting her. Honestly, this shit is just so good it reads almost like a historical drama in the best ways possible. Yeah it's romance (and smut) but it's also politics (kinda) and idk about you but those are my two favorite things. I now need a full length novel about Emet Selch's rise to emperor of Garlemald but yk what this shit is just as good. Bonus points for this author for introducing me to fanfic reading extensions to replace certain terms I will be using this from now on.
Tremble, Duck, & Weave by OwlEspresso
(Estinien, Aymeric, Haurchefant, Urianger x reader) Length: 31k Status: Incomplete Review: This inspired my current big project, Hellbound and yeah idk something about Ishgardian politics man. I'm gonna warn you right now a lot of these reader insert recs WILL be yandere/yandere-adjacent with a lot of unhealthy themes, general debauchery, and doves ranging from beaten to dead so uh... yeah. That aside, this is just a really fun time. Seeing everyone interact with the reader insert and all the different ways they show (or think about) their twisted affections... hnnnng it makes me a little insane okay. Also, shout out to pervert Haurchefant you will always be near and dear to my heart. We were ROBBED in the English translation
Captivate by samsaur
(Aymeric and Estinien x reader) Length: 41k Status: Incomplete Review: Remember what I said about doves ranging from being beaten up to dead? Well, the dove is definitely dead here, but it's rlly juicy because this shit really does feel like a horror story. I am not qualified to speak on it, but I think this is a great portrayal of Stockholm syndrome and the way it's written really puts you into the shoes of the reader insert and you kind of feel that hot and silent shame of being held captive like this. Also, one of my favorite niches of FFXIV fanfics is apparently villain Aymeric. Idk why but he is so good as a villain probably because he had every single reason to turn out one, and he would be a far more terrifying villain than Thordan. If Aymeric wasn't our ally during Heavensward, he would undoubtedly be a huge threat to us and this fic kinda takes that and dangles it over your head. Because, yes, Aymeric is holding the reader captive but he is also helping Alphinaud and Tataru out. It's this balancing act where we know Aymeric is capable of really fucked up things but he is still playing at the perfect image of our noble ally. You find yourself yelling at everyone else not to trust him because you, the reader and his captive, know that he is a piece of shit in this AU and I think it's glorious. Uhhh Estinien is there too ig. It's no fault on the author's part but I just don't really vibe with Estinien as a love interest. Though, his dynamic with Aymeric and the reader is extremely interesting to me. I can't say too much without spoiling all the fun, but I think in a way Aymeric has him trapped under this thumb too.
I'd Ask For Your Soul, But It's Already Mine by Dotharl
(Zenos x reader) Length: 29k Status: Incomplete Review: Guys it's fucking Zenos PLEASE read the tags on this one. Anyways I love my porn kjakjfjkjakhshjfjhk. Okay but genuinely I always say this, but Zenos is surprisingly genuine as a love interest because he doesn't put WoL up on a pedestal and just loves them for all of their worst bits and THAT is the appeal of enemies to lovers. This fic plays with that, especially with the reader insert being a Dark Knight WoL where Fray talks some sense into them and helps them recognize their self worth. I won't lie to you, this fic starts out with VERY fucked up Yandere fuckboy Zenos energy with all of the dubcon included, but I kinda don't care + it's just genuinely well written at times. The dynamic between WoL and Zenos is very nice here, bc yeah it starts out... like that and then it evolves into mutual respect when the reader realizes that Zenos would treat them well and not yk use them as a weapon. Albeit, it does go kind of quick but eh, it's like 4 chapters so I can't fault the author THAT much. Besides, not to diminish the fic, but it IS pretty clearly just kind of a pornfest and that is A-Okay with me! This shit was also last updated in like 2022 so I'm pretty sure it's abandoned.
Not a Champion, Just a Knight by Kei_Cordelle
(Haurchefant x reader)
Length: 23k Status: Incomplete Review: This one is in kind of a weird position because this is an AU where WoL dies at the Vault instead of Haurchefant, so there isn't exactly any HaurcheWoL action to speak of. But, WoL definitely haunts the characters' actions. Bro, when I tell you, the worst part of this fic is actually Alphinaud being very NOT OKAY bc WoL is dead. He is just a baby what the fuck do you mean he watched his friend, confidant, and hero die in front of him???? Yeah sorry I love Alphinaud a normal amount. (that is my SON) Anyways, this is written in first person which is weirdly a turn off for some people? I don't get the hate tbh, because first person just opens up so many fun opportunities! You can break the fourth wall much easier and directly address the reader, and you can also have the vibe that this is a retrospective of what the character saw. The later is definitely the vibe this fic gives. It's like, if the Heavensward memoir was written from Haurche's perspective in this AU. To me, I like to think that this fic is Haurchefant telling the tale of his greatest love and regret in writing. I feel like the action scenes could use some work but they're not terrible. It's just that they're literally one to one recounting of the Heavensward trials and it's just not the best. I think there's also the issue of the cast becoming slightly bloated so it is a bit rough to account for everyone's actions during fight sequences. I really do love this fic though because I think it's really interesting to see how everyone is unraveling. Obviously, we as the WoL take on a lot of things that are almost impossible for everyone else so to see them take on the monumental burden of the hero is very interesting. How would our companions react to certain things? Since during most trials in canon we take it on alone, how does everyone else fit in? Are they all doing the mechanics correctly? All in all, solid fic and I am holding out hope for that fated final fifth chapter since the last time it was updated was back in January and it was started back in 2022 so one day I hope that this will be complete and I get to see the final mental breakdown as the squad completes Heavensward with the legacy of WoL looming over them ✨
WoL OC Inserts
Coerthan Traitor by Cascanora (@cascanora here on Tumblr)
(Zenos x OC, a bit of typical Emet Selch and Azem reincarnation messiness) Length: 190k (GOD DAMN-) Status: Ongoing Review: The author of this fic is highkey like a celebrity to me bc I gobble up their art like it's fucking Christmas morning. Imagine being God's favorite and being blessed with the ability to draw AND WRITE??? Fucking insanity bro. Also, their OC, Crow is fine as hell like one chance ma'am pleeeeeeaaaaaseeee goddddddd- Anyways onto the actual fic, I am admittedly only on the first arc which is kind of like the childhood arc ig. But I really love it so far because I've just never seen anyone really write Zenos being kind of young and vulnerable and playful? That's a lie, I think I've read like one Zenos fluff that I'll have to dig through my AO3 history to find again (bc you'd best believe none of my bookmarks are fluffly...) so I just really like the change of pace. Zenos is obviously always put in more enemies to lovers type scenarios so I kinda like this different angle because yeah maybe he was something resembling normal at one point. Obviously he's very fucked up for a reason, but he was a kid too. He didn't always go off about biting jugulars and drinking blood or something, he got fucked up. I am so far absolutely living for a lot of the political stuff bc as I've said before, romance with a side of politics (or vice versa) is my cup of tea and nobody pulls this shit off better than fanfic authors. I'm really interested to see where the political stuff goes but it's like 2am (sheesh) as I'm writing this so I will have to delve further into this fic later. Anyways can I take a moment to talk about Crow and Zenos? Because they're so fucking cute I love themmmmm. I feel like I'm coming at this as someone who has seen a lot of Cascanora's art so I see when Crow and Zenos' relationship develop into when they're adults, so seeing the early stages of it is really cool to me. I don't quite know how to explain it? But anyways I am raving about this fic bc I think it just builds them both up so well and again, I don't see Zenos written to be playful and yk act his age the way he does around Crow. They just work together so well and while at the point of the story I'm at they're definitely just friends, I think that's the beautiful thing about friends to lovers. Regardless if it's romantic or platonic love, Zenos and Crow are a package deal. Also, Emet Selch/Solus in this fic is perfect. I LOVE my geriatric old man telling stories about his past. I would go off about how I am very captivated by the whole Galvus family dynamic but I will save that for the other fics bc this review section is already super fucking long and you had BEST BELIEVE I'm scouring the internet for Galvus family fics. I lied I will talk about this a little more because this strikes an odd chord with me as someone who wrote a lot of my own longform OC x Canon growing up. I kinda shamed myself off doing that kinda stuff as I got older, but diving into FFXIV where everyone becomes fucking Shakespear with their WoLs has made me let go of my fears of being a cringefailure and embrace the OC x Canon. To see really well written and thought out OC insert stuff is very comforting to me bc I often worry abt my own OCs being shitty and not really fitting in but fics like this assure me that hey, maybe I can make cool shit and that really is the most beautiful part of fanfiction and fandom in general. Fandom is this incredible loop of finding amazing shit and thinking "wow, I wanna do that too" and it's just really rewarding.
Save the Last Dance For Me by lalahganaja
(Alphinaud x WoL OC) Length: 11k Status: Complete (yatta!!!!) Review: ALPHINAUD MY BEAUTIFUL SONNNNN AAAAAAAARRRGGHHHSJGFKJGSGKHJHJF. This fic is so delightful bc it feels like I'm cheering on my children to kiss. A'tahja is so fucking precious and her and Alphinaud just bounce off each other so well. This fic also has the other Scions making an appearance and I fucking love it so much. Found family will never NOT make me absolutely batshit insane. Like yes, Y'shtola mamma cat <3 anyways *chews on Alphinaud and A'tahja* This is just so insanely fluffy and it made me slam my desk every few minutes bc cute teenage love story!!!! How can I not!!!! Alphinaud just acts like an adult a lot of the time and gets put in a lot of adult situations, but in this fic he just gets to be a little guy. A'tahja too, obviously as the WoL she's often off doing insane shit that no teenager should ever have to do and bearing burdens that are too much for a little skrunkly such as herself. But here they just get to be silly little kiddies who are very down bad for each other and it's adorable. I think another thing I really liked was A'tahja getting more in touch with her femininity? Idk how to put. But basically she had really short hair for most of her life bc she pretended to be a boy while in poverty, so to see her be A) pampered and B) learn to take care of herself and be more girly was super cute to see. Also, I am just always really surprised whenever I remember that Alphinaud can drink lmao. Like no, you are a baby (I was the same age as Alphinaud when I started playing this game) put the beer down and go sip on a capri sun or smth. God. Kids these days...
Canon character fics (?)
and i'm your clone, your strange creation by egg(strwpup)
(Fortemps familial angst from Artoirel's pov) Length: 6k Status: Complete (oneshot) Listen to me, I love this fic beyond words, but for the sake of my mental health I will NEVER read this shit again. My daddy issues go fucking DEEP like this is utter insanity. Don't get me wrong it is beautifully written and I love complicated family dynamics- but by god this fucked me up so bad. See, I like to personally believe that Edmont was a good, albeit flawed father but his sons know that he loves them and they love him in turn. But I know deep down in my heart of hearts that it is so much more complicated than that because you know, we can't have nice things here at Square Enix. It just personally fucks me up because I too, like Artoirel in this fic, am a momma's boy at heart and I... kinda hate my dad lmao. Basically, I kin Artoirel in this fic. Oldest child who has it out for my father + hates that I'm kinda like him. He loves his mother but holds contempt for his father, perhaps unfairly but can you blame him? (yeah I'm not only describing Artoirel here...) Edmont is a less than stellar father in this fic but you can tell he loves his kids and aaaaaaaaa I'm tearing up again. The complicated family dynamics + the drama of what happened in Heavensward is just so fucking delicious bro. 10/10 this fic destroyed me in every sense of the word and I do not want to go through that emotional reckoning again. However, I will be writing Edmont as a shitty dad in my fics now. Sorry but I am always just so insane for that sweet sweet eldest child and father dynamic because it's always so disastrous. Having parents is just so strange.
mon corps, le mien; mon coeur, le tien by steelthighsvoideyes
(Aymeric x Haurchefant x Estinien with a side of angst + Haurchefant survives the Vault AU) Length: 43k Status: Incomplete Review: I also started tearing up while writing this review because Haurchefant just does that to me okay? I feel like with a lot of Ishgard trio ship fics Haurche is always kind of left out? Or, he feels a bit tacked on to the Estimeric dynamic. That, or he's just sitting there with unrequited love bc clearly this man has not suffered enough. With this fic however, it definitely feels a lot more balanced. Like yeah a majority of the fic is just Haurchefant and Estinien bonding in the hospital, but Aymeric still feels present because of their shared past and how it's constantly being brought up. (in a good way) All three of them get the spotlight so you don't really lean towards one pairing. Romance aside, I really like the Ishgard trio's established dynamic in this fic because they're just guys being dudes. Besties who were in the military together. Like, Aymeric balances the trio out, Haurchefant is the sort of boisterous youngest member and Estinien is gruff and sarcastic and the banter between the three of them just flows so naturally. It's an actual friendship dynamic that serves as a solid foundation for what will hopefully be a romantic dynamic later on. Once again, friends to lovers is so good for this reason because the foundation is already there. You appreciate them as a person and you are aware of their flaws from the get-go, so when it turns romantic you skip a lot of the awkward exploration phase and can just be comfortable with each other. Anyways as for the crying part- the Fortemps familial drama follows Haurche throughout this fic and it does make me a little, tiny bit crazy. Not gonna spoil it, but the way Haurchefant feels about his family in this fic is just so real and visceral because of course it's super complicated. Once again, I like Edmont being a good dad, but realistically, it's shades of gray. Another thing about Haurchefant that not only this fic does but a lot of other people also head canon, is that his selflessness and willing to give can be self destructive at times. Once again, not gonna spoil, but it's just super heartbreaking to read Haurchefant be almost hypocritical, telling his friends to take care of themselves only for him to almost completely disregard himself. That's kind of what he does at the Vault in the first place, like that man died knowing that he did the right thing and protected his friend and oh god I'm gonna cry again I should stop talking... (I am not even kidding when I say that I will eventually write a Haurchefant character essay...)
Unicorn's Favor by Neyasochi
(Aymeric x Haurchefant x Estinien, yet another Haurche survives the Vault AU) Length: 34k Status: Complete Review: So, this is one of those fics where I feel Haurchefant is kinda just taped onto the Estimeric dynamic, and that's fine, it's whatever, I'm here for the porn and the banter. The premise of this fic is that Haurche helps get Estinien and Aymeric together and then smutty gay things happen. And that's all well and good BUT I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE FORTEMPS BROTHERS IN THIS FIC!!! *holds them gentle* For me, the best part of this fic was Haurchefant's relationship with his family which for a change, is NOT super angsty and complicated. It's all very heartwarming to see how in this fic the brothers get along very well (contrary to canon where unfortunately we know they were never very close) and to see Haurchefant really appreciate that he's still alive and gets to be around the people he loves more. It's just super cute and fluffy and now I just need fics like this in general. Yeah whatever it's not canon that the Fortemps bros actually like each other this much BUT IDC!!!! YOU NEVER SEPERATE TRIOS!!!! Speaking of trios, the Ishgard trio dynamic in this is yk it's fine it's whatever. In this particular fic, I find it quite cute that Haurche had a crush on Aymeric as a kid, so even if they aren't all buddy buddy in this fic there's still that lingering admiration and it's cute. I also completely swear by pansexual Haurchefant bc that man does NOT discriminate. Okay enough abt the French I will talk about the Italians (Romans) now.
Far colder on the earth than in the heavens by Altimas_Bane
(Galvus family things) Length: 7k Status: Complete Review: I told you I love my familial angst. No, I'm NOT okay. It DOES make me absolutely rabid that Emet Selch as Solus couldn't help but have some hope for the sundered because of Lucius because can you fucking imagine that??? Your son who gave you a little bit of hope for the broken, shattered people who replaced your brethren dies and that is the nail in the coffin. That is what makes you fully believe that they are unworthy. It was briefly mentioned in the short story "Through his Eyes", but Emet Selch had a little bit of hope for Lucius, and he was probably distraught when his son died. This fic goes over that agonizing feeling of watching someone slowly waste away from sickness. It is slow, it is painful, and it is gut wrenching. Idk man, just read it.
Son, Father, Emperor by January Blue
(Varis reflecting on his life and especially his relationship with Zenos)
Length: 12k Status: Complete Review: Heyyyyyy do you bitches remember when I said that Varis probably loved Zenos when he was younger but eventually held contempt for the monster he created? You all probably thought I was crazy for reading them like this BUT I'M NOT!!!!! Anyways fatherly angst strikes again (I am in shambles and this fic goes onto the list of fics that I will never read again for the sake of my mental health) LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN WELL; Varis and Zenos' relationship isn't so black and white. No I'm not defending Varis- but come on the entire Galvus family is fucking crazy man. Anyways, to quote the comment I left on this fic because I do not want to repeat and retype it myself: "Varis, in a lineage of men that are strong, born into the arena that is politics, is WEAK because he is EMOTIONAL. Solus/Emet Selch calls him emotional in the cutscene he was introduced in (unless I'm hallucinating) and that SENT me because I was forced to rethink all of the information we had been shown of Varis until then. I wrote him off as a shallow villain but I did some digging and Varis is surprisingly the most empathetic in the Galvus household and it SHOWS whenever Solus berated him in cutscenes." Varis had emotions, he had morals he had a line that he would not cross. He has been shown to be merciful (when we parlayed with him in the Ghimlyt Dark) and it's known that he at least cared for his late wife, Zenos' mother. Obviously, he would extend that to his son at one point, right? Perhaps when he was still young and unmarked by the world- right???? See, I really like this fic because it frames Varis' absence from Zenos' life as unintentional, but at the same time, it does not absolve him of the fact that he is a terrible father. I don't want to say too much because I would very much like it if YOU, my dearest reader, took as much emotional damage reading this as I did- but I digress. Varis and Zenos' relationship is not as simple as "Varis hates Zenos" there's obviously some shades of gray here. I personally believed that there's no way Varis hated Zenos because Zenos' mother died in childbirth, and clearly, other people think the same. Listen, you don't just hate your own flesh and blood, at least, not from the very beginning. It's a slow process, and I know it in my heart of hearts that Varis regretted what he let happen to Zenos This fic is just so wonderfully written and I was actually kinda bouncing around my room reading this. Once again, major daddy issues, so maybe that's why I like believing that Varis loved Zenos once upon a time. Something, something, father's love their kids until they grow a mind of their own.
And that's my list! In the future as I make my way through fanfics I have marked for later due to spoilers, I might make another one of these because I think people need to read this shit!!!!
If one of your fics is on here please send me an ask so that I might go back and edit this to tag you!
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
I know shippy stuff and canon-adjacent stuff is popular and I'm certainly not dissing those. I like them too, they're a lot of fun! And AUs are great, I have so many!
But man, I wish there was more... idk, emphasis and exploration of the FFXIV lore, and those moments that have to have happened but aren't shown on screen - talked about and written about and illustrated here on tumblr.
That's usually been my favorite part of fandoms, discussing the lore with other fans in-depth and sharing theories, and seeing how everyone's characters would handle those big or quiet moments from the story itself. Exploring how a game mechanic/boss fight would feel from a story perspective, and what it would mean to the characters.
It's not entirely absent from here, but even when I make my own meta posts, even if they get lots of notes, I tend to see very little discussion added compared to what I'm used to from other fandoms. And when new patches come out, there's not a lot of deep talk about the story itself circulating. Maybe I've just been lucky in my previous spaces!
But... I want to know how the WoL and Graha bonded during the Crystal Tower raids. Did they sit around the campfire at night and talk? Did they drink and sing and laugh and argue?
What was it like, recovering from Ultima Thule? How did it feel to set out on the road again, leaving the title of Scion behind? Did they give their friends a tour of Ishgard? Did they visit Edmont? What was it like in the trenches of Ghimlyt Dark, for these characters who have never seen war before, versus the ones who have? Did the WoL help stabilize Lakeland, and tend wounded after the sin eater attacks?
I want late night study sessions with the twins, bittersweet work in the hot sun rebuilding Ala Mhigo, learning to fight on dragonback, Hraesvelgr's brood visiting Ishgard on diplomatic forways. I want snarking with Emet Selch while you help people with "side quests" in Norvrandt. I want gentle moments with Ryne on the road because if anyone understands the suffocating feeling of immense responsibility Hydaelyn and Minfilia have dropped on that child, it's the WoL.
What was it like for the WoL to fight the pirates in Sastasha? To see the women taken captive there? To see the Drowned mutilated by Leviathan's tempering? How did they handle the narrow tunnels and rickety elevators in Copperbell, and the giants angry after centuries of unjust imprisonment? Did they step in Aurum Vale's goldbile and have a shoe burnt off? Did they bring a pet korpokkur home from the Arboretum? Do they carry scars?
Do they take the manacutter out for joyrides? Did Grani recognize the color of their soul, and choose them over the tempered twist of Emet Selchs, or did Emet charge his familiar with looking after them? Have they ever been robbed in Limsa Lominsa? Did they ever buy loinfruit?
Does that goobbue sproutling grow up? The coerl kitten become a battle steed? The wolf pup a guardian? Do the sylphs play games with the WoL when they visit the Shroud? Do they carry a polished shell to remind them of their Clutchfather? Do they stop by the guild to check on the Deftarm whenever they're in Dravania?
What was it like trekking the spindly mountains of Othard, riding a Yol for the first time, seeing the endless plains of green, and the dead white of the Burn?
Do they still have nightmares about Haurchefant, or are they good dreams remembering his smile? Did he teach them to make hot chocolate? Did they stay up all night when the Scions lost their souls, waiting by the bedsides with a candle and feeling helpless?
Do they visit Amaurot, even after Emet Selch is gone? Are they still trying to remember? Did they look up at the night sky in Elpis and feel an indescribable sense of loss?
Was there ever a moment in Endwalker where they almost became a Blasphemy themselves? Did they ever answer Venat's question? Do they know that the love their friends had for them, saved them?
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thelittlestancient · 2 months
give me your thoughts on wol!elidibus. like, say he's not Zodiark's heart; maybe Emet is instead? he can be still one of the unsundered or a sundered reincarnation who gets his memories back or whatever, i'm intrigued by what you might come up with....and i don't think this is one we've talked about already
Oh wow, I have so many thoughts about Elidibus as WoL-adjacent or WoL/Azem companion, but I haven't really thought about this one in depth, and the reason why will be my first point! I usually let Loghrif be the Heart of Zodiark, here.
In spite of his earnestness, he's not actually that good at being Azem, and Elidibus' Seat gifts lend themselves to a very different style of WoL than canon affords us. He yearns for it, but he's no adventurer really: he'd be better suited to be a travelling magistrate.
That doesn't stop him from taking up the blade, the axe, the staff, the cane, the bow. He leaves the imprint of his knowledge on every job stone, and imbues his fighting styles with the memories of his Convocation brethren. Lahabrea, the Summoner. Emet-Selch, the Dark Knight. Nabriales, the Viper. Loghrif, the White Mage. Hythlodaeus, the Bard. Azem, the seeker of the new, the Machinist.
(The Heart forgets, but Elidibus remembers. There is none of Hades' mournful, yearning sentiment here: the memories of Elidibus are reflections in colorless pure crystal. What was and what will be are indistinct from each other. Elidibus lies between at what is, in his own mind less a hero than an arbiter of fate.)
The Black Shroud is a strange place for the Warrior of Light to make his home, but he swears the woods sing to him, and it's far enough out from the bustle of the city that the emotions of others encroach little on his mind, leaving him free to contemplate the state of the star when he is not otherwise required, a pale, white-robed figure standing alone in the misty forest, where even the sylphs do not go.
Above all, the Warrior of Light is hope, and hope is not merely what Elidibus knows how to be.
It is what he is.
Thanks for the ask! I prefer to think of him here as Zodiark's Chosen, rather than Hydaelyn's. Maybe a role-swap of Ascians and Scions? I read a wonderfully delicious AU of that once...
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fisherrprince · 1 year
So how was stormblood? I know it's very hit or miss for people, so what're your thoughts?
I understand why it’s hit or miss! It — to get to the point i would be straight up lying if I said I was an unbiased consumer because I’m not, I’m a coastal American mid 20s rando with a Lot of very current cultural baggage around concepts like patriotism and freedom. And Hamilton references. It all has a sweet and strong and very anti-occupation message (along with themes I very much enjoy dissecting like the constant assertion that it Doesn’t Have To Be This Way, or the expansion into You may not understand this person but you must be able to accept them,) but when combined with Stormblood’s shakier coherence in writing and dialogue and pacing, it comes off as A Bit Off. to me. And I think it missed ever so slightly just due to how it was all structured and set up with the characters we have and motivations we have because the stuff OUTSIDE or Adjacent to the main story, despite how out of place it could feel, was structured great!! Like the Kojin and the Ananta trial and the Kugane mishaps and trying to murder Zenos twice and the ghost ship. Could the main structure have come across very well yes absolutely! It does it on and off it succeeds in there often! But sometimes it doesn’t. I can see a lot of where concepts were promised and not fully delivered, pacing was a bit off, things just happened without really belonging there (despite how much I loved Susano, he could have been better structured. same with many instances and also I feel like the unethical science should have been MORE IMPORTANT THAN IT — maybe it comes back. Who is that scientist.), sometimes dialogue felt somewhat canned. I feel like in a consequences-heavy expansion, many things just didn’t have important consequences, which was very strange
HOWEVER! I cannot give the new gameplay features abd dungeons any crap they are all SO GOOD. And so PRETTYYYYY. And there were so many solo duties that ruled! Every dungeon in this expansion was like whoa this is a PLACE im in you know what I mean??? I’m in a place that’s big and there’s people and there’s NEW MECHANICS and active time maneuvers (??!!!!!!!) and unique fights! I can jump on the roofs in Kugane! And, mind you, when the dialogue was good, it was good. Lyse has a fantastic voice actor. Alisaie is my favorite girl elf creature in thw world. Estinien is like the best p- the guy ever. also m’naago is my new friend. The tower was a great part of sb to me despite my singular gripe. I think Zenos’— I know it’s controversial to some people because he does assume your wol to be a bit more murderous than some people would prefer their characters be and doesn’t take no for an answer, but his um speech did something to my brain a little bit
ON that note the ending was very fast?????? Or like — not FAST, but I wasn’t expecting Zenos or Shinryu to go down in one fight. Two co-op fights, right next to each other. I kind of wanted to beat him up myself. And when Zenos was so impossible to beat before. I was expecting both of them to be WAY harder. Though Shinryu is a COOL fight I’d do the royal menagerie again in a second. I was kind of expecting a three stage trial? Like Nidhogg? I love going into space hiiii big dragon where were you this whole time… u were shafted… but u could not be suffered to live so. Maybe if we’d gotten an instance of fighting the dragon alone after beating the trial?? Could have been Themes. I don’t know
anyways no I can’t quite pin it down, but I’ve said it before I think they had the outline for the story and then built it and went oh this is too much and not enough at the same time and got stuck writing the whole thing after getting stuck in the story they already had. A COMMENDABLE job for getting turned around like that, way better than a lot of video games stories out there, good gameplay and areas that didn’t feel too empty. glances at coerthas falcons nest area. I think the ways they did the exploration thing was good, having us venture further into occupied territory etc, but so much exploration stuff felt oneoff and not there to do much for someone who has been skipping almost all of the side content except stuff I’ve been told is good. It almost felt like they were Trying New Stuff a lot, and some of it succeeded some of it failed. Such is trying stuff!! Such is trying to imitate what you had while making something new and exciting! And I can’t fault them for that
so like — putting aside the fact that I haven’t done post-sb which is like missing 40% of the Thing according to past expansions and my thoughts very well might change, i would 100% do the fights again, maybe watch some cutscenes, but I don’t think I’d NG+ this one. where is that lady selling buuz it is a CRIME i did not get to have any buuz let me buy one yoshi p
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finalay-niwurr-xiv · 2 months
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Public Release TBD
Author: Niwurr ▫️ Affects: Irises (iri a mat) ▫️ Races & Genders: All are accounted for! ▫️ Tags: Vanilla Adjacent, Eyes, Iris, Hand Paint, ▫️ Comments:
Ever wish the vanilla eyes were not 128px large and carried a little more definition? then maybe this works for you! hand drawn with feeling, mix and match the different textures to bring new life to your WoL!
This set includes (As standalone textures):
9 Diffuses (one for each unique Vanilla Diffuse)
6 Normals (one for each pupil shape and size)
2 Masks (for Iris sizes, Hrothgar is vanilla compatible); NOT emissive ready.
Note for Usage:
Natively, most races in the game use Shared normal 1 (eye_01_norm) so please take care to adjust pathing accordingly before weird eye things happen. (e.g. Male Au Ra uses shared normal 1 but unique diffuse. Since my normals take into account pupil size, it’s best to adjust this to both be unique.) In case you don’t want the pupil rim thing, use Dunesfolk Normal, this one is most like vanilla!
If you don't want to bald over path insanity, we recommend utilising LooseTextureCompiler!
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dragoon-mid-jump · 4 months
What does your soul smell like?
Tagged by: @sylaurin
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Kouh'to and Byron:
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Tagging: You if you see this, if you wanna.
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 2 months
📻📻📻 for my beloved Tritchet plssss but also val has such an aesthetic I'm 📻📻 to learn ones that are on hers aswell
I can always count on you to indulge my love for my silly little dragon girl!! 🥰
📻 Giants by Bear Attack!
is pride of place on Tritchet's playlist because it's my Pock Siblings Song. It's Tritchet's love, belief in and absolute loyalty to her sisters, told from her perspective. It reads like a triumphant climax song because that's kind of what it is for her! It highlights her private wants and desires as well as her pride in being a part of the WoL's entourage in a way that feels actually tangible. (And maybe the last line highlights some of her long-held anxieties too, who knows. :>)
📻 Don't Freak by the Aces
And SPEAKING of anxieties! This song got slapped onto Tritchet's playlist because contrary to popular belief, she had a LOT of insecurities, especially pre- and mid-ARR. This song, to me, highlights Tritchet's earliest feelings of not being good enough, and the self-talk she kept up of, "Bury it, you'll deal with it later, no one wants to see you freak out, just DO what you've gotta DO!!!" Which worked out really well for her until Stormblood. 😂
📻 Swim Naked by Betcha
This song, on the other hand, is pure Tritchet Pock Advice Time. Miss "Feel Your Feelings 100%" was especially keen to advise Certain Other People to really indulge in the good things in life, whether that's cutting loose or traveling the world or just existing without being beholden to anyone. Heavensward-era Tritchet was especially keen on this, and hadn't added some of the caveats that came with her later experiences. I also really like this song because it blends a somewhat guitar-heavy verse with a very synth-y, chill vibe chorus, which feels about correct for Tritchet's overall Deal.
And now, for Val!!
📻 Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence + The Machine
AH YES, the song that I slapped onto Val's playlist with enough force to break the sound barrier. Funny thing about my soft-hearted traveling gal: she has (had?) a self-sacrificial streak a mile wide. And the funny part about becoming very attached to your adventuring party - so much that you would literally die defending them - is that you grow to have some very conflicted feelings about dying to defend them. I mean, the song is called Too Much Is Never Enough; i.e., giving too much, giving it ALL, still isn't quite enough for the depth of attachment she has to her fellow idiots. And it's such a sweeping, triumphant-sounding song by the end, with so much of the knight-devotion-to-their-sworn imagery, and Val is SUCH a paladin, GOD -
Also, the line, "And who cares if I'm coming back alive? So what? 'Least I've got the strength to fight." UGH. Florence, just come kill me in my sleep why don't you
📻 Ditchdigger by Tyler Lyle
You mentioned Val's aesthetic so I would be remiss in not putting this song down. I have a few very laid-back, folk/country-adjacent songs on her playlist, but this is the one that I always think of when I think of encapsulating the things that Val really wants in life. Despite the sailor's swagger and the holy sword, despite the world-saving and the tendency to make herself a shield above all else, Val's REAL simple when you get right down to it. Her goal, when the aforementioned world saving is over, is to get a little place somewhere quiet out in the middle of nowhere and spend the rest of her days traveling to and from it. (...with Rona. And probably a handful of dogs. But she hasn't found the courage enough to pop THAT question yet.)
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FFxivWrite2024 Entries
Oh boy, the first FFxivWrite prompt is out and already I am torn. Do I go for completely new and self-contained stories for these, or do I say “screw it” and just write random scenes from the middle of the very elaborate AUs that only exist in my head?
…Well, apparently the latter is what my muse has latched onto for the first prompt, which means I should probably make a guide to keep these AUs straight! I’ll pin this post and use it as my prompts master post, adding new AU explanations when relevant.
TL;DR: Lots of Fordola/Lyse, with a scattering of other NPC/NPC yuri too!
#1 - Who wants to steer the Reaper? (TCaFS AU - M’naago, Fordola, Lyse)
#2 - Narrow Horizons (TCaFS AU - Fordola/Lyse)
#3 - Visitors to the Tempest (Canon-adjacent - Ryne/Gaia, Hythlodaeus)
#4 - Uncharacteristically Reticent (8th Umbral Calamity - Fordola/Lyse, M'naago, Raubahn)
#5 - Stamps from across the Star (Canon-adjacent - Arenvald/Alphinaud)
#6 - Those Fleeting Halcyon Moments (TCaFS AU - Fordola/Lyse, Fordola/Yda)
#7 - For a Morsel of Acceptance (TCaFS AU - Fordola/Lyse, Charlet)
#8 - Wicked Hearts Aligned (The Empire won :( - Yotsuyu/Fordola)
#9 - Field Notes on Misija, Part III [Lend an ear] (WoL was out fishing - Misija, Fordola)
#10 - A Stable to Hubris (Canon-adjacent - Sadu/Cirina)
#11 - Surrogate Hero (Canon-adjacent - Alisaie/Tesleen)
#12 - Take our quarry alive! (TCaFS AU - Fordola/Lyse)
#13 - Butterflies atop the Butte (Canon-adjacent - M'naago/Lyse)
#14 - A Telling Emotion (TCaFS AU - Fordola/Lyse)
#15 - A Nostalgic Adventure (WoL!Fordola AU - Krile (Azem))
#16 - Third-rate Azem (WoL!Fordola AU - Krile (Azem), Fordola, Krile/Tataru)
#17 - Sally forth, to endings unwritten (TCaFS AU - Fordola/Lyse)
#18 - Not hackneyed if it's from you (Canon-adjacent - Krile/Tataru)
#19 - The Girl Whose Hand Was Taken (Fairytale - Yotsuyu/Yugiri)
AU Explanations:
To Catch a Falling Star AU:  Instead of traveling to Doma, Lyse spends Stormblood infiltrating the Skulls, with the ultimate goal of convincing Fordola to defect to the Resistance. When your own army gets decimated, just steal the other guy’s one, you know?
Ends in Fordola/Lyse, with a complicated enemies-to-lovers arc.
Since the entries involving this AU are not being written in the order they happen in the timeline, here's another list that's actually chronological:
Take our quarry alive!
Narrow Horizons
For a Morsel of Acceptance
Who wants to steer the Reaper?
Those Fleeting Halcyon Moments
A Telling Emotion
Sally forth, to endings unwritten
WoL!Fordola AU: Not WoLFordola like the ship, WoL!Fordola as in the original WoL, the Meteor Survivor who fought at Carteneau, who destroyed the Ultima Weapon, who ended the Dragonsong War… he died to Zenos at the end of StB. Oops!
Now Fordola is the only one left who has the fighting skill needed to even have a chance of filling his shoes.
This is the timeline I’m writing in my head as I take my alt through the MSQ. It starts out as a continuation of TCaFS (so technically TCaFS is one of my WoL’s backstories in a roundabout way haha). But canon gets even more broken from there. Fordola might be the replacement WoL, for example, but it’s Krile who is the shard of Azem!
8th Umbral Calamity: Shadowbringers never specifies whether Lyse and Fordola are killed by Black Rose in the bad timeline. What if they weren’t? Lots of fun (and by fun I mean tragic) ways that could play out…
WoL was out fishing, Fordola did the sidequests instead: Not an AU so much as a common premise I use. Fics in this series assume that some unspecified WoL exists who follows the canonical MSQ, they’re just busy offscreen somewhere and Fordola was forced to pick up the slack. My first FFXIV fic (Sympathetic Resonance aka “why is Fordola in Eureka”) would be part of this series, as would my upcoming Sorrows of Werlyt fic.
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heirbane · 5 months
i was talking to Bree about possible stand-in codenames for the WOL prior to the empire knowing of their true name. i can see there being a sort of insider title given to the WOL as they quickly became a problem - both to be more specific when speaking about the adventurer among high-ranking military officials, but to obscure their target should anyone manage to get into their comm system (re: Cid's Garlean tech knowledge).
for Alta, she was preemptively dubbed Drakaina - a persistent presence in old Garlean folklore that depicted a human woman with draconic or snake-like features. given Garlemald's emigration into colder climates, where snakes and lizards became extremely uncommon, such a title befits the Au Ra: few were seen in Garlemald at all, let alone those from the Steppe. (eventually, it is shortened to Kaina out of brevity's sake.)
for Arye, Gaius sees the man first as the creature often butchered for easy meals while out in the snowy wilderness. Nivea calceamentum is the closest term that Garleans have for ice-furred hare, as there is no native word for such a creature that didn't exist much in their ancestral land. (hares, most assuredly, did. those that stayed persistently white and with such comically sized feet did not.) he never did truly call them by the full Garlean-adjacent term: Arye had always been Nivea, simply a term for snow.
(and, for funsies, since i learned this doing my research: there are multiple, multiple named meteor shower events, one of which is named after a heroic figure in Greek myth... and is also a constellation made up of many other stars. given how well that falls into place with Meteor and the WOL's shards, as well as him being part of a larger company - the scions - i can see Gaius temporarily dubbing him Perseus.)
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sangul1ne · 1 month
my favorite thing about vahn is he is the most morally grey adjacent wol i have. initially i had the headcanon for him not to even being the wol but i think his conflicting view on the world & people in general vs the way helping people avoid the grief he knows all too well is so interesting. after arr i think he fully planned on leaving and going back to being a bounty hunter but then being forced to ishg.ard is what kinda spirals into him taking up the mantle of the wol , no matter his feelings on hyd.aelyn or being seen as a hero when all he feels like is a monster
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twinkle-art · 1 year
i know this isn't the website where you posted it but your wol andromeda seems really cool. you mind saying a bit more about her
i would be THRILLED to tell you all about my beloved daughter. pics and exhaustive description below the cut
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andromeda elo (or andromeda viator caecus) is, as you could probably sus out, my mixed garlean/roegadyn girlprince wol💗
she's very into the whole "embodying a super idealized image of The Hero" thing. some would say to her detriment. her decision to run away from her upbringing in garlemald and throw herself headlong into life as an adventurer was, initially, a pretty childish and impulsive one. then some stuff happened and now she's eorzea's champion so. that's pretty irreversible at this point
she's quite cagey about her past- despite hardly being the only garlean defector among them, she has it in her head that the truth of her identity would get in the way of being a perfect, uncomplicated symbol. and for reasons she's not yet willing to self-reflect on, the thought of losing that (totally definitely attainable) status is unbearable to her.
that said, if you spend enough time with her, you'll probably notice that her various stories don't quite add up or that the way she talks can be a bit strange at times. she was raised to be a proper lady, and even though she's rejected that box her whole life, it's not something she's truly free of, even as Thee warrior of light
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she (by which i mean me, but i'm doing it for immersion) spent arr/hw as a paladin (it has the aesthetic she likes and isn't magic heavy- she grew up taking for granted that this was out of reach for her. but it's not.) then switched to red mage early on in sb after getting her shit rocked by zenos and having a full-on crisis of identity
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the deeper Lore to her backstory is that her mother, lucretia eir caecus, was once an idealistic adventurer in her own right- in her time outside of the empire, she had a passionate affair with a man that she no longer speaks of. despite this, she ultimately found herself becoming the second wife of the head of a particularly stifling military family.
already bearing the mark of being an illegitimate child (and one othered by being visibly not-garlean among what i imagine was a pretty damn hostile environment, at that), lucretia raised her daughter strictly, believing that her keeping her head down and playing a more demure role was the only route she had to a comfortable life in their environment. naturally this didn't go over well with teen andromeda, who was just old enough to remember a time before her mother was so embittered and resigned to their fate, and resents her for it.
as for her father, i still haven't figured that part out andromeda knows next to nothing about him. she's not even sure if he's alive or not. her only keepsake from him was signed e. loetwilfsyn which, due to her not knowing a word of roegadyn, became bastardized into elo, the name she adopted in eorzea.
uhh this has gotten really long so here's some lightning round notes on relationships
she's a lesbian but i'm not sure she's properly sorted that one out yet despite a very long string of intense female friendships because her weird sense of identity keeps getting in the way
in ARR, she had a little crush on minfilia that had absolutely nothing to do with her as a person and everything to do with liking feeling like a dutiful little knight who answered to a woman who was authoritative.. but still gave her ample opportunity to feel like the big hero saving the princess. she thought this was normal
in HW, she was utterly taken by ysayle for slightly adjacent reasons. this went just as poorly as the first one. maybe worse.
has a DEEPLY personal vendetta against zenos for. you know. being both an embodiment of her homeland and being a real prince. except her animosity crumbles into primal, bone-deep fear in his actual presence
(i haven't actually finished sb yet so i'm jumping the gun with this last one but i'm too obsessed with it not to share)
emet-selch reminds her of her mom. it's going to be exactly as psychologically harrowing as that sentence suggests. please look forward to that it's gonna get really weird over here in about a month
i'm.. definitely forgetting stuff because she's been in the slow cooker of my mind for about. three months of playing this now and i feel like i'm starting to lose it. all of this is subject to be fleshed out further in the coming months. you're welcome, or i'm sorry
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last-flight-of-fancy · 6 months
Four times Scions assume the nature of Hallima's relationships, and one time they are completely wrong.
Wol: Hallima, Au Ra he/they. Occasional vague references to other WoL's
Timeline: ARR to vaguely mid-EW. Explicit spoilers for ShB and Dark Knight HW quests.
rating: T (swearing, references to sex)
Pairings run the gamut from traditionally romantic to found family to queerplatonic to friends with benefits, inlcuding but not limited to:
WoL/Aymeric, Aymeric/Estinian, WoL/G'raha, WoL/Leofard (physical only), WoL/Estinian (estinian insists its companionably physical only but lbr he's Attached)
To say the entrance of what remained of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn into Ishgard had been a cold and miserable affair would be nothing short of an impressive understatement. Still reeling from the loss of their friends and on the run, even once they start to get their feet under them, ending the Dragonsong War and earning the respect of much of Ishgard’s historically xenophobic population, they generally had greater things on their minds than something as petty as romantic entanglements.
It was a missed opportunity of unfortunate timing, looking back. Haurchefaunt could not have been more obvious in his intent, but the recipient of them simply did not have the attention to spare for them. Something which Haurchefaunt seemed to understand at least, even if that does not quite soften the sting of grief and lost potential. All present were aware of them though, even if there wasn’t space to act on it, and it is generally quietly agreed upon to let such matters lie for a time.
Which is why Alphinaud is rendered entirely at a loss for words when Emmanellain takes him aside to inquire after exactly that.
“I beg your pardon?” He has to make sure he’s heard right.
“Our dear old boy has made quite a name for himself you know, it would be passing strange if no one at all has made any advances on him.” Emmanellain nods with confidence, as if this makes perfect sense. Perhaps to him it does. “And as House de Fortemps leading gossip monger t’would be remiss of me not get my news direct from the source. Or direct adjacent to it at least.”
“I rather think we have more important things to worry about, don’t you?” Alphinaud holds himself steady, despite desperately wishing there were a nearby window he could throw himself out of.
“Not at all!” Emmanellain says cheerfully. “The dalliances of the nobility have ever been the subject of much gossip and scrutiny, t’would not be an exaggeration to say it is an entire realm of politics within itself! And our dear mutual friend most certainly counts after all he has accomplished.”
Something niggles at the base of Alphinaud’s ear, and he’s learned to listen to his instincts in matters such as these.
“How much gil do you have riding on the answer?” He asks. Emmanellain ducks his head slightly at having been caught out, but barrels on despite the flush dusting his eartips.
“That’s of no matter, old boy, truly. Even if I did not I would be curious as a dear friend!” Emmanellain pauses then, lowering his voice. “There are rather more nasty rumours attached to those one’s too, of course.”
“Is that a threat?” Alphinaud glares, posture tensing sharply with the implication. He hadn’t expected such a thing from the youngest Fortemps son, but then he hadn’t expected it from the Crystal Braves either.
“What?” Emmanellain blinks, surprised. “No, not at all. I merely wished to hear the truth from the chocobo’s mouth. Second-hand. Mostly because our dear Warrior of Light is surprisingly difficult to get a hold of.”
This is not Alphinaud’s experience, who hardly has to utter a word before Hallima would be there ready to offer advice or support. He rather suspects this is on purpose.
“Fine.” Alphinaud heaves a heavy sigh. “What rumours?”
“Oh a great many, but most recent are some sightings of him in the Brume. It’s all a touch confused, but there’s something about other dragon men and a lovers quarrel.”
“Well there definitely wasn’t a lovers quarrel.” Alphinaud snorts. Such a thing would require a lover, first of all. “But he has been spending a lot of time in the Brume and Forgotten Knight, that much is true. I believe he has taken up a mentor in knighthood there.”
“Oh?” Emmanellain seems delighted by this. “Perhaps this does explain some of the rumours, and the rest are simply exaggerations for a salacious crowd. Is he truly taking up sword and shield like Haurchefaunt?”
Emmanellain seems so hopeful at the prospect of the Warrior following in his departed half-brother’s footsteps that Alphinaud hesitates to answer.
“I do not know for certain. I know only that he has taken up the sword and meets with his mentor whenever he has a spare moment.”
“I see, I see.” Emmanellain nods solemnly. “Perhaps that is where the tales of lover’s quarrels arise then. T’would not be the first nor the last coupling that sprung from the heightened passions of battle and the tight bond between mentor and disciple.”
“I sincerely doubt it.”
The truth was this.
Meeting Sidurgu is…. strange. Amongst other things.
Past the obvious fact that they share a heritage and beyond the fact that Hallima is resolutely ignoring that first fact for his own peace of mind, there is something about Sid that feels familiar in a way he can’t quite pinpoint.
Sid is rough and blunt and not always quick to catch on, but who cares deeply at heart beneath all the carefully crafted spikes and scales of his past. Rielle is small and quiet and still learning to unearth the firebrand wit and bullheaded stubbornness that her past tried so hard to bury. She reminds Hallima of Minfillia, were Minfillia an elezen girl of barely twelve summers and a parental unit who does not deserve a title so kind as ‘mother’.
But Sid reminds him of… someone. No one. He’s not sure.
It’s not Haurchefaunt. In fact Sidurgu couldn’t be more different from Haurchefaunt if he tried.
Maybe that’s it.
(It won't be for months yet that Hallima will meet another Auri adventurer, and weeks after that before they find their way to the Azim Steppe. Both of these things will bring answers and questions more in equal measure)
It’s obvious when they first meet that Sid and Rielle are both still grieving their lost friend, a friend that Hallima’s subconscious had stolen and appropriated in a way that thoroughly blurred the line between where Hallima began and Fray ended. Esteem slumbers now, curled deep within the Abyss unless needed, but to deny his existence is to deny simple reality. Many would have found that reality difficult to grapple with, but thankfully Sid is no stranger to the unorthodox ways the powers of a Dark Knight can manifest, and bears him no grudge for it.
Perhaps that’s why, despite Sidurgu by all rights being everything Hallima tends to gravitate to in a partner aesthetically- tall, elegantly beautiful, undeniably masculine- nothing ever quite arises between them. Perhaps he simply feels like he’s trodden upon Fray’s grave enough already.
Which in the end suits all of them just fine. Hallima doesn’t need that sort of attachment to swing by the Forgotten Knight just to share a drink and talk, or to be pulled outside by Rielle in order to engage in an impromptu snowball fight. They are brothers in arms, in the truest, purest sense of the phrase, united in the darkness of the Abyss.
Pain brought them together, and love makes them return.
(“Did you see the way he reacted?” Rielle asks, after Hallima has left and it is just her and Sid left in the Forgotten Knight.
“To what?” Sid glances at her, curious.
“Your story about the Orl.”
“What about it?”
“I’m not sure exactly… Almost like he was remembering it. Do you think something similar happened to him?”
Sid hums to himself, almost a growl in his throat, but not quite so menacing. It’s possible, no one seems to know much of the vaunted Warrior of Light’s past after all.
But there are certain things that… The warrior’s purely Gridanian accent, his obvious lack of knowledge for their shared history, the age wear on his scales that any Au Ra would have long since put a traditional balm on… Sid himself has lost much and more of his cultural identity since the family of his birth was torn so brutally from him, but he retains what scraps he can. Hallima on the other hand seems to know almost nothing. It wasn’t far fetched at all to think another tribe fleeing the Steppe may have met a fate similar to his own.
“Maybe…” Rielle bites her lip, unsure if she should continue. “Maybe you’re not the last Orl.”
“Don’t be stupid.” Sid snorts. “He’s not Xaela.”
But even to him the excuse is weak. He remembers there being at least two Raen amongst the Orl, either married or adopted into the family in the course of their escape from the Empire. There may have been more, but the memories are too fuzzy and distant now to be sure.
He does remember the day a new babe had been born into the family, though mostly for how he couldn’t ride in the cart that day and the next as a result, and his feet had hurt terribly by the end of it. His father had carried him when he could, but at ten summers Sid was quickly getting too big for such extended exertion, and could only do so for short periods.
He remembers sneaking into the cart in the dead of night to stick his tongue out at the sleeping babe and mother, childishly upset at being put out and wanting to vent his frustration. Both had slept on entirely unaware of him, and he’d left feeling foolish but calmed. He doesn’t remember what either of them looked like, shrouded by memory and darkness.
“I guess it must’ve just been that Echo that people talk about then.” Rielle says, and Sid doubts she’s completely bought his deflection but she lets him have it anyway.)
It was no secret amongst the Scions that Aymeric was courting the Warrior of Light, or at the very least attempting to. If the many letters and gifts did not give it away, then Alphinaud’s tales of the utterly besotted looks that Aymeric would give said Warrior certainly would.
The question was not whether Aymeric was attempting to court the Au Ra. It was whether his affections were reciprocated.
“Hallima is a bit… inscrutable in these matters.” Alphinaud admits as the group sits around a table in the Rising Stones.
“Mayhap he simply has no interest in them.” Y’shtola says, paying full attention to the conversation despite initial protestations at its silliness. “Some do not, after all.”
“Minfillia was like that, wasn’t she?” Alisaie asks, and Y’shtola nods.
“Aye, oft did she tell me that she could not imagine an individual love eclipsing her love for Eorzea as a whole.”
The pang of loss stings still, but there is comfort in discussing their lost leader in this casually fond way.
“Hallima’s not though.” Thancred shakes his head, arms crossed.
“How do you know?” Alphinaud tilts his head, genuinely confused. Thancred shrugs.
“I just do. I’ve got a sense for these things.”
“For all save thineself.” Urianger says just evenly enough to give lie to the dry humour beneath. Thancred flicks his fingers at him, but the action lacks any true annoyance.
“You better not have slept with him.” Alisaie warns, pointing a finger at him like a sword. Thancred puts his hands up defensively.
“Come now, what do you take me for? He’s not my type. You know, the feminine kind.”
Alphinaud fiddles with his cup intently, while Alisaie stares flatly at Thancred, and Urianger coughs under his breath. Y’shtola hides her expression in her tea.
“None of this tells us if Hallima is aware of Aymeric’s advances.” Alphinaud taps his fingers to his cheek thoughtfully. “It’s possible he may have interest but simply does not know the intent behind the gestures.” This is a silly use of his intellect, but it’s nice to use it for something less serious once in a while. Like having a sweet after weeks of nothing but Archon Loaf.
He doesn’t actually mind Archon Loaf all that much, at least not compared to many, but he could still enjoy the sweet all the same.
“Well, if you ask me, and you should,” Tataru speaks up as she approaches the table, arms full of a large platter replete with snacks, “I don’t know if Hal knows the more noble courting gestures, but he definitely knows the language of longing looks and lingering touches.”
“And how do YOU know that?” Alisaie says, scandal in her tone. Alphinaud raises an eyebrow at her, surprised at her reactions. Usually he was the prudish one (in her words).
“I pay attention.” Tataru winks, passing the tray up to the table for all to reach.
“Well, we know he is not of any noble house.” Alphinaud says.
“Obviously.” Alisaie snorts. “If there was a noble house full of horned dragon people anywhere on this continent I think we would know about it.”
“Indeed.” Y’shtola idly rubs a finger along the rim of her cup. “It does make one wonder how he came to be in this part of the world. His kind are not a common sight beyond the far East.”
“Forsooth,” Urianger says quietly, unheard by all aside Y’shtola when the snack platter is nudged the wrong way and clatters loudly to the floor to the dismay of all. “I believe he dost not know.”
The truth was this.
Hallima has had less and few opportunities to explore things like relations and relationships in his largely brief time of being properly aware of them as a concept. Which is to say this is why he entirely missed Haurchefaunt’s intent until he lay dying in his arms, by which point it was, of course, much too late.
This event did prompt Hallima to pay more attention to these things however, and thus did in fact catch on to Aymeric’s gesture’s fairly quickly, with only a few stumbling blocks in the form of how Aymeric is also simply just… Like that. Particularly with Estinian. A fact which neither of them bring up until months later when Hallima stumbles into Ishgard looking more than a little haggard and exhausted besides.
“I feel as if it’s been an age and more since we had the chance to talk.” Aymeric says as he fills a pair of cups with a wine he has been saving for just such an occasion. “Even by letter, you are a difficult man to send mail to.”
An understatement if there ever was one. Hallima snorts and takes the offered cup, drinking long and deep before relaxing back into the too-plush chair with a sigh.
“Though by your countenance I surmise that your tales of late have not been entirely joyful.”
“You could say that.” Another understatement. Hallima doesn’t really want to talk about the way the Scions appear to be dropping like flies to some mysterious malady, or how much sleep they’ve been losing worrying about Alphinaud and his self-imposed mission to Garlemald. “Tell me about Ishgard. How the changes are coming.”
“As you wish.” Aymeric nods, and so he does. It’s nothing Hallima doesn’t already know really, having seen the fruits of his labours whilst travelling through the Brume and during his visits to Sid and Rielle. They let Aymeric’s voice wash over them, soft and smooth and a balm against so many other worries.
They don’t even realize they’ve dozed off until what must be much later, still sitting in the plush chair but now with a crick in their neck and a blanket draped carefully across them. Candlelight flickers beyond closed eyelids and the sound of a quill on parchment the only noise. They are still in Aymeric’s study, and apparently the man had no issue with a sleeping Au Ra occupying his spare furniture while he worked.
They rub the crust from their eyes with a wince, trying to gauge the time but all they can really gather is that it’s dark as pitch through the windows, which tells them only that it is somewhere between dinner and breakfast.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Aymeric looks up from his parchment with a smile. “Forgive my leaving you to your rest, but I thought you might need it.”
Hallima nods, but does not elaborate. They still don’t really want to talk about it.
“Sorry about that.” They say instead, attempting and failing to smother a jaw-cracking yawn.
“No need for that. If my friend needs to recoup his rest in my study then that is what he shall receive.”
“Is that what we are?”
Hallima blames their sleep addled state for the blunt slip of the tongue, but thankfully Aymeric seems neither surprised nor offended by it.
“First and foremost, yes, of course.” He says carefully, setting his quill down to give Hallima his full attention. “But if you mean in regard to the possibility of us being something else… Well, perhaps that is a conversation long overdue.”
Perhaps it is. It doesn’t still the nervous beat of Hallima’s heart. They nod.
“First before all else I must ask you; Hallima, is a relationship something you want?”
“… I don’t know if that’s something I can give.” They admit, wincing at the necessary honesty. “Even if I weren’t always pulled hither and yon I’ve never felt the call to stay in a single place for long.”
Aymeric’s smile is soft and he shakes his head.
“Nor would I expect you to, but that isn’t what I asked, my friend.”
“I…” There are so many things, so many reasons, they bottleneck in Hallima’s throat. “I’ve never…”
“Would it help, perhaps, if I made clear what it is I would beget from such a connection?”
Hallima nods. Aymeric stands then, moving around his desk and kneeling in front of them, his expression serious but not hard.
“I would have your company when you have time to give it. The chance to lavish you with affection and gifts and whatever you should wish for that you cannot attain yourself. I wish to give you a place you may always return to, whensoever you may want or need.”
Aymeric takes a breath, but he’s clearly not finished, and Hallima waits, heartbeat pounding in their ears.
“By that token I do not require what some may consider part and parcel of such a relationship, though I would welcome most all the same. I would not tie you down like a bird within a gilded cage, either physically or emotionally, nor do I require what most would consider the… consummation part of things.”
“You can just say sex.” Hallima says, feeling a touch light headed. Aymeric gives a small chuckle.
“Indelicately, yes. I would most certainly welcome it, but only at your own comfort. Which brings me to an important… Consideration, if we were to go through with such a partnership.”
Somehow this grounds Hallima, and they start to feel steady again. They are used to things being asked of them, but more than that they need this clarity.
“Which is?”
Aymeric takes a deep breath, for the first time looking a touch nervous himself, worrying a strip of fabric between two fingers in a subtle tell that Hallima only sees because they know to look for it.
“You are aware that Estinian and I are… close, yes?”
“Yes…?” Hallima tilts their head before realization hits them with the force of stampeding chocobo’s. “Oh.”
Aymeric’s smile becomes thin in the face of Hallima’s apparent shock, and it makes Hallima wonder how many of these conversations Aymeric has had where this was the point where things turned south.
“Indeed. To put it bluntly, Estinian and I have had our arrangement for a great many years now, and I will not abide jealousy or possessiveness where he is concerned. If this is not something you believe you can do I ask that you say so now, I will judge you not for it.”
Several things click into place in Hallima’s head and heart at once.
“You’ve been scorned for this before, haven’t you?” Is out of their mouth before they can think better of it, followed quickly by a wince and, “Wait, that’s- you don’t have to answer that. Sorry.”
“’Tis a natural curiosity.” Aymeric’s chuckle is sincere at least. “Aye, I have. Not all are suited to an arrangement like this, and many simply cannot fathom splitting romantic commitment twixt multiple partners. As stated, I judge them not for their natural inclinations, only regret in their poor reaction to anything different from their own.”
They’ve seen enough of Ishgard to know how rigidly the state adheres to the familiar, both for survival and comfort. Hallima can only imagine how carefully Aymeric had to tread with something that would have so easily invited scandal at best and accusations of heresy at worst.
Hallima may not have known such a thing was even possible a bell ago, but already it feels as natural as breathing to them.
“Doesn’t seem that strange to me.”
“Full glad am I for that, then.” Aymeric’s smile loses much of its tenseness. “I take it you are not opposed..?”
“Consider me fully in favour.”
Aymeric doesn’t get much more work done that night.
All things considered Tataru Taru manages to establish a solid network of gossip and information from her seat within the Forgotten Knight with astonishing speed. Such was the talent that she had recently discovered in herself, and one she was determined to put to full use. For the good of Eorzea of course.
Being as how the bulk of her experience lay in being tender to the Scion’s collective coinpurse, it thus made sense that she grew to know who was of like inclination in the area as well. So it was that when a hyur woman took her seat next to Tataru, Tataru was not at all surprised by it.
“Stacia.” She greets, barely looking up from her mug (watered down, but alcoholic enough to keep an appearance).
“Taru.” The Red Bill Pirate greets in turn, motioning to the bartender for a drink.
“I hear you’ve picked up an adventurer to help with your recent troubles.”
Tataru expects her to play coy, make her guess, but instead Stacia grins.
“That we did. And you’ll never guess who.”
Tataru feels like she can, actually.
“The bleeding’ saviour of Ishgard himself!”
Got it in one.
“Well well, lucky for you.” Tataru means that sincerely. “I’d say your problems are all but solved now.”
“Well, not quite yet, but it’s looking a damn sight better than it was before. Not to mention the Captain has taken such a shine to him, it’s right nice to see.”
Tataru squints up the pirate skeptically.
“We are talking about Leofard, right? The incorrigible flirt?”
“Oh he’ll flirt up one side and down the other, make no mistake.” Stacia nods. “But he don’t often mean it past a little fun. Wouldn’t surprise me none if he tried to talk Hallima into joining the crew full time.”
“He’s welcome to try.” Tataru snorts, taking a sip of her watered down beverage. Stacia chuckles.
“Aye, tis clear the Warrior’s heart is elsewhere, but even still. Even just making the offer means much from Leo.”
Tataru may not know the man herself, but she can imagine it well enough. Too bad for him, she rather doubted Hallima was the sort to be swayed by a pretty face.
The truth was this.
Hallima could definitely be swayed by a pretty face at least once.
(They part ways sated and on good terms with no strings attached. A night less about passion than about the feeling of safety without the burden of unresolved emotional baggage. Hallima has a standing invitation to come back anytime.)
It’s not that surprising when it’s Alisaie who confronts Estinian. Nor is it surprising that she does so alone, which tells Estinian that he is about to get an earful and a half from a child who stands less than half his height.
A bizarrely common occurrence since he had joined up with the scions, all told.
That said however, he has no intention of playing into whatever her hand is, so when she stands imperiously over him with arms crossed and glaring he responds by leaning back in his chair and staring right back.
She, predictably, hates this, and it’s not long before she cracks.
“What are your intentions with Hallima?”
Estinian blinks. Of all the things for her to take him to task for, he honestly hadn’t expected that one.
“What. Are your intentions. With Hallima.” She repeats, as if he is a particularly slow and impetuous child.
“In what regard?” He waves a hand. “As a fellow scion? As Azure Dragoon? As brothers in arms against the end of all on this star?”
“As a-“ Alisaie flushes as red as her coat. “As a. Partner. Romantically.”
“None.” He answers frankly. Alisaie glares again.
“You had better not be lying to me. We’ve all seen you coming in and out of their room at all hours.”
“I am many things but I am not a liar.” Estinian huffs. “And what I, or the Warrior of Light for that matter, do on our own time is our own business I should think.”
“It is.” Alisaie admits, though it seems to cause her great pain to do so. “I just… Want to make sure they’re treated right. We all know how they tend to put all others above themself.”
Estinian feels himself smile a touch. This much is a fact, and he more than understands the protective instinct for a loved one; there are at least two bodies buried in the snows of Coerthas of some particularly unsavoury souls who had attempted to take advantage of Aymeric’s good nature and unorthodox relationship for blackmail purposes.
Aymeric doesn’t know of course, and Estinian is inclined to keep it that way.
He reaches out to put a hand atop Alisaie’s head gently.
“A noble cause.” He says. “And one I would likewise pledge myself to.”
Alisaie bats his hand away, trying and failing not to pout adorably at being treated like a child, but she seems mollified by his reaction at least.
“Well. Good then. Right.”
The truth was this.
Estinian and Hallima are assuredly not courting, though they do often commiserate on their mutual connection through Aymeric. This much was accurate.
They are also, and this Estinian entirely failed to mention to Alisaie, definitely fucking when time and energy permits.
Which isn’t that often all told, but such is the reality of being the hero’s of a star.
The truth is this.
Hallima has a type.
Tall, pretty, undeniably masculine.
G’raha Tia, by his own measure, fits none of these things particularly well. All things being a matter of perspective of course, he has long forced himself to be realistic where his personal hero was concerned.
Unfortunately he was not wrong to either. G’raha was masculine enough to be sure, but his is a boyish sort of charm, quite apart from the more measured and confident types he has seen Hallima drawn to time and again. The same could be said for his looks as well, G’raha considers himself to be rather middle of the road as far as aesthetic went, and while that did not bother him overmuch it did much to dampen his chances.
As for tall, well….
Every time he has to crane his head up to look the seven fulm Auri in their vibrant magenta eyes, G’raha knows he never really stood a chance.
Of course that would imply that he ever thought he had a chance before such preferences became clear, and that is nearly as laughable as said chances, but still. At a certain point it does feel a bit like the universe is laughing at his fool stubborn heart.
Not that any of this really matters of course. Even if G’raha had any plan for surviving past the hero’s return to the Source (he does not), all he truly wanted was to just.. Be there. By the Warrior’s side, adventuring and laughing and telling stories. What cruel irony of his own making it was that he cannot have even that, hidden beneath the Exarch’s mantle as he is.
But the Warrior will live. Hallima will live. And that is all that matters.
For both the star…
And for him.
(Hallima calls his name, and several hundred years of resigned determination crumbles like dust.)
The truth is actually this.
Hallima had a pretty good idea that he knew who the Exarch was from about…. week two. The only reason it took that long was because G’raha had glamoured himself quite thoroughly to hide his mi’quote traits, and obviously spent many years training himself to hide whatever other tells he could. Unfortunately for G’raha, Hallima had an uncanny ability to remember people, even amongst beast tribes that many had difficulty telling apart. It is probable that nothing short of a full fantasia transformation would have thrown them off for long, and the body dysphoria as a result of a transformation not fully wanted- as well as the rarity of the substance- just wasn’t worth it in the long run.
So yes, Hallima knew, and held their tongue about it. They didn’t know why G’raha was so intent on hiding his identity, whether to throw off some pursuer or perhaps had lost his memory or some other strange effect of Syrcus Tower, but Hallima had every intent of figuring it out before they went blabbing to all and sundry about it. Unfortunately whatever investigating they could do had to take place in between everything else, so it’s no surprise when they never really get anywhere with it.
In the end they run out of time, and as the Exarch steps forward in a blatantly fake attempt to play the villain, Hallima knows it’s now or never.
They call his name, his hood and glamours falling away, revealing his expression to them for the first time since the doors of the Crystal Tower had closed between them so very long ago.
He looks heartbroken.
Looking back, Hallima will realize this as a turning point, if a small one of many, but a significant one nonetheless. It starts to become clear just the kind of depth of emotion that G’raha harbours for them, and it’s… Intimidating. Something which almost rings absurd when it becomes clear that G’raha fully believes that he is far beneath the Warrior’s time or attention.
And yes, Hallima will be the first to admit that he has a Type. This much is most certainly true.
However, and this the perpetually self-doubting mi’quote had failed to take into account, it is not the only factor.
Did it mean that it took a bit longer for Hallima to notice said affections? Yes. Did it mean that Hallima had to spend a non-zero amount of time trying to figure out what they felt beyond pure physical inclination? Also yes. There was also the small matter of how G’raha had essentially been lying to them for months on end, and regardless of his understandable reasoning, that still stung a bit. Not enough to sour them, but it did add to the pile of complications Hallima needed to work through before their feelings could go anywhere.
All this was of course significantly stalled by the ever present threat of the Final Days and all that surrounded them, so it’s not until much, much later that Hallima finally gets to walk into Sharlyan and offer G’raha the one thing he wanted most of all.
“An adventure?” Red ears perk in surprise and excitement as Hallima talks various details with Krile. There is a long pause as he wrestles with his desire and his responsibilities, and then-
“Ohhh, go on, Raha.” Krile says with a laugh. “I can handle things here for a bit. Bring me back a good story, alright?”
Hallima finds himself grinning at the sheer, animated joy G’raha springs into with her permission, barely waiting long enough to put his books down before he’s out the door with a spring in his step and a shine in his eyes.
It’s this moment that Hallima wonders why they didn’t find him attractive before.
They wait a few days, taking the opportunity to finally spend some more low-stakes time together and get in some of that adventuring that G’raha has longed for. It’s the least he deserves after everything he’s given and sacrificed really. Hopping from place to place, solving mysteries and fighting monsters. It rings of a simpler time to both of them really.
It’s a beautiful night, the moon hanging full and bright in the sky, partial cloud cover and a lack of wind rendering the night temperate enough to make the campside fire almost unnecessary but for the kettle simmering just above the low flame.
G’raha pokes at the embers with a stick, sending a shiver of sparks into the air, a small smile on his face.
“A few more minutes, I should think.” He says.
“For your legendary hot chocolate recipe?”
“Did Lyna tell you that? Well, she may have over sold it a touch, and I am no culinarian, but I will admit that this one thing I can make to standard.”
“As long as it’s not sludge then it’s probably better than anything I could make.” Hallima says. “Seriously though, I’m sure it’ll be great, give yourself some credit.”
G’raha’s ear flicks, a pleased tell.
“I must thank you again, my friend. This trip has been nothing short of everything I had hoped for.”
“Good, I’m glad.” Hallima grins. “But we’re not done yet. We have at least another week or two before Krile will start expecting us back.”
“We had best make the most of it then.” G’raha meets Hallima’s gaze, relaxed and content in a way he rarely got to be, brilliant red hair lit to glowing in the dim firelight.
“That’s the plan.” Hallima leans back and closes his eyes, basking in the fire’s warmth and considering his next move.
And he would have to make the next move. Raha certainly wasn’t going to.
”Ah, I do believe it’s ready!” G’raha announces proudly as he lifts the kettle from its hook. Hallima waits patiently as G’raha sets about pouring the warmed milk into a pair of cups, adding a precise mix of chocolate and spices to them and stirring carefully.
“Thank you.” Hallima says when he’s offered his share, and the two sit quietly as they sip carefully on the drink.
“I was right. It’s delicious.” Hallima grins teasingly at G’raha, who tries to cover his flush with a cough, though the tilt of his ears betray him anyway.
“Very good. I wasn’t sure if it would be quite the same, as Aldgoat milk and what we used on the First is of a slightly different consistency and- ah. Anyway. I digress. I’m glad you like it.”
“Don’t stop yourself on my account.” Hallima chuckles. “I like listening to you ramble.”
“You say that now, but you’ll regret it by hour five.” G’raha warns, but his lips are turned upwards. “Even Krile tires of me after a long enough.”
“I suppose I will simply have to take a break by getting you some water. You must be parched after that long.”
“You tease, but truly there have been times where I could have kissed such a person for bringing such refreshments in the midst of a long lecture.”
“I’ll have to keep that in mind.” Hallima’s smirk does not lessen, and he rests his chin on the palm of his hand.
It takes G’raha a second to process that the intent of the tease is exactly what it sounds like, and from there he flusters adorably, ears flicking and eyes darting to and from Hallima several times in quick succession. His tail swishes wildly behind him.
“Ah, pray do not tease me so, I beg.”
“Hmm, I will try but the urge to make a dirty joke about begging is strong.”
G’raha groans and buries his face in his hands, embarrassed but not truly upset as far as Hallima can tell.
“Seriously though, G’raha.” Hallima leans forward. “I’m not blind, and even Y’shtola can see it. You’re one of the most stubbornly determined people I have ever met and that’s saying something, and yet…”
“What do you…?” G’raha lifts his head to look up at Hallima, confused. Hallima leans down until their noses are nearly touching.
“I know what you want.” He whispers. “Consider this your invitation to take it.”
G’raha stares wide-eyed up at Hallima, frozen.
“I- you-“
“Have I misread?” Hallima tilts his head just slightly, taking care not to accidentally catch G’raha with the tips of his horns with the movement. G’raha swallows audibly.
“No.” He finally finds his voice. “No, you have not. Forgive me, I did not expect…”
“That’s my own fault, probably.” Hallima leans back again, sensing they will have to do some serious talking before getting anywhere. Fair enough. “In the First I wasn’t really… In the right mindset for that, and then the whole star was set to be wiped out and. Well. Needless to say I only just managed to spare Aymeric a visit last week, there just hasn’t been time.” And even in the brief moments there technically had been, such matters had been by necessity pushed far from the forefront of his mind.
“Speaking of Aymeric, are not you and he…?” G’raha fiddles with the bracers on his arms nervously. Hallima tilts his head again.
“You don’t know? I figured it would be common knowledge by now. To make a boring contract short and sweet, yes he knows and we are both free to bed and court who we will. Which is something you would have to be okay with.”
Hallima takes a sip of their rapidly cooling hot cocoa as he waits for G’raha to finish processing what he is being offered. It can be a lot to take in at once, he knows, but thankfully Hallima is nothing if not patient.
“You- Really?” G’raha seems to still be struggling.
“Am I really in an open relationship that you would have to be okay with being a part of if you and I were to court? Yes. Am I really open to the idea of courting you? Also Yes. Enthusiastically.”
G’raha laughs a little then, a surprised sort of sound.
“Forgive me, my friend, I have made a poor showing of myself and been nothing but tongue-tied. But if you truly do mean it-“
“And I do.”
“-Then I would accept.”
Hallima grins so hard his cheeks hurt.
“May I kiss you?”
“Ameliance have I mentioned lately that if you had even an shred of masculinity to you I would climb you like a tree?”
“T’would be a short climb for someone of your height, I’m afraid.” A laugh.
“Seriously though are you sure I can’t talk you into-“
“I am afraid not. Fourchenault may have his faults, but I do love him.”
“Okay but I have this mi’quote friend who would jump at the chance to court you properly. I’m just saying.”
“I shall take it under advisement.”
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